
Author Topic: The Split  (Read 48458 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #15 on: 12. July 2023, 05:38:31 AM »
Episode 9.

It was 8 days before another video appeared.  Once again, it was the same format as all the previous videos.  Kim looked into the camera and smiled.  She then began speaking.

“Sho,  thish video will be short.  I am shtill learning to shpeak.  But I wanted to let you know I am still alive.  Talking ish hard.  Eating ish hard.  Everything ish hard.  Everything hurtsh.  But it hash gotten a little better.  I know I shound ridiculoush.  But you should have heard me the firsht few daysh.  No, better you didn’t.  You wouldn’t have been able to undershtand me.  So, I got everything installed that I described.  And it ish as bad ash I feared.  Here, I will give you a quick look.”

Kim pulled her lower lip down showing the metal brackets on her lower teeth.  They had light grey ligatures on them.  She then pulled the corner of her mouth back, showing her upper and lower molar bands. And the hooks that extended off the upper bands.  She then opened her mouth and angled her head down, showing the arms and screw of her lower expander.  When she had spoken earlier, it had just been visible above her lower teeth. She then leaned her head back.  In the roof of her mouth the arms and large crank of the expander were visible, along with the screws that anchored it to the roof of her mouth.  She looked back into the camera and smiled.  Her lower lip covered most of her brackets, but they were still just visible.  And in the corners of her mouth on top you could see the shiny expander hooks. She relaxed her mouth, though her lower lip appeared a little puffy with the still relatively new braces pushing it out.

“Sho, there it all ish.  Well, almost all of it.  I can’t believe I am about to do thish.”  She reached over and brought a blue Petit facemask into view.  “So, this is my reverse pull headgear.”  She took two elastics and attached it to her face.  She then added two more elastics, this time crossing them across the mask  “Ridiculoush huh?  Well it getsh worshe.”  She pulled a black high pull headgear strap with white plastic perforated strips into view and slid a mirror over.  Staring into the mirror, she placed the strap over the top of her head.  It clashed with her blond hair. She then, first right and then left, attached the perforated plastic strips to the chincup of her facemask.  She looked back into the camera.

“Sho; thish makesh talking even harder.  I can’t really open my mouth.  And it is so hard on my chin.  It hurtsh so bad.  But here I am.  I am alive.  And trying to make the besht of thish.  I don’t know how much more I will update.  But as alwaysh, thank you.”

The next morning she woke up.  She sat up on the edge of the bed.  She first removed the high pull headgear strap from her head and placed it on the nightstand.  She then removed the elastics from her mask and placed the mask down beside the headgear strap.  She picked up her glasses and slid them onto her face.  Able to see once again she picked up her phone and saw she had one text message from Dr. Anderson.  She didn’t open it.

She walked into the kitchen, silently dropping her four used elastics into the trash.  She then tiptoed up behind the man that was busy at the stove.  She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head against his back. He put the spatula down and placed his hand on hers.  She softly asked “Peterbabe, what have I done to desherve breakfasht?”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #16 on: 12. July 2023, 21:20:13 PM »
Episode 10.

Peter turned and responded “Sarah baby, that is not a fair question.  The list of reasons why you deserve breakfast is so long, I don’t even know where to start.  But, I will say I have been doing some introspection, and I don’t do nearly enough to help you around the house.  Or with the kids.  It is time I start.”

Sarah looked him in the eyes and stated “with all due reshpect, that ish poo poo.  You work sho hard, have sacrificshed sho much for ush.  To give ush all a great life.  To allow me to be a shtay at home mom these lasht eight yearsh.  You are a wonderful hushband.  And a wonderful dad.  Shpeaking of the boysh, have you checked on them?”

Peter replied “yep, first thing I did.  They were already up and getting ready. You have trained them well.  I told them I was going to change things up this morning, that I was going to fix them breakfast, help them get ready, and take them to school.  That we were going to let Mom sleep in.  Which you clearly didn’t do, even though I turned off the alarm.”

Sarah said “awww, you are the shweetest.  And since they aren’t here, they won’t mind if I do thish.”  She wrapped her left hand around his neck, on top of the strap that ran around it.  She leaned her head in and and carefully wrapped her lips around the facebow protruding from his mouth.  It was a little awkward, but she ran her tongue out and into his mouth.  After a long passionate kiss she pulled back.  She removed her hand from his neck and placed it on his chest.  As she looked him in the eyes she ran the index finger of her other hand  along the silver facebow.  She said “God you are so sexy in your headgear.”  Peter laughed and replied “well, at least one of us likes it.”  Sarah cuddled up against him and cooed “my poor baby.  I am sho shorry you have to wear headgear.  I am shorry you don’t like it.  And I am shorry I love it sho much.  I am shorry you had to marry a crazy woman with a thing for brasches.  And I am shorry I am sho turned on by this whole thing; you and I both in treatment together.  I don’t think you even realize how much it meansh to me.  Or how musch it turnsh me on.  Even if you did insist on getting invisalign on top.  It ish just sho hot.  You are sho hot.  I am sho turned on right now.”

She leaned back in to him and said “I better go check on the boysh, or else they are liable to come in here and find me on top of you.”  She gave him another quick kiss and said  “sho hot.”  She winked at him, turned, and walked out the kitchen.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: The Split
« Reply #17 on: 13. July 2023, 03:01:47 AM »
I sense there is more going on than you have told us so far.  :o

Offline xxxforce

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Re: The Split
« Reply #18 on: 13. July 2023, 12:40:58 PM »
little bit confused about the last part - Peter suffers from substancial brain-damage and moving back to Germany in last part to be able to talk and behave absolutely normal?  ???

Offline silver-moon-2000

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Re: The Split
« Reply #19 on: 13. July 2023, 14:04:07 PM »
little bit confused about the last part
That might have been a ruse: To invent a sob-story to attract more views.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #20 on: 13. July 2023, 15:11:32 PM »
Episode 11.

Peter sat the table with two glasses of milk, one smoothie in a can, and three plates of soft scrambled eggs.  He then made two bowls of Cap’n Crunch for the boys and a bowl of soft oatmeal for Sarah and sat them in their usual spots.  Peter then walked down the hall.  He stuck his head into the boys’ room and sang out “kiddos, breakfast is ready.”  Sarah led their sons out into the hall.  She looked at Peter and said “boysh, thank Daddy for breakfasht.”  In unison they both said “thanks Dad!”  Peter responded “you are most welcome.  Why don’t the three of you dig in while I get ready.”  As the boys hurried up the hall, Sarah brushed up against Peter and said “thank you.”  She squeezed his butt and followed the boys down the hall towards the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, Peter reentered the kitchen.  He was dressed in his customary khakis, button down dress shirt open at the collar, and a blue sport coat.  He was not wearing the cervical headgear he had been earlier.  Sarah and the boys were done eating, and Sarah was rinsing the dishes in the sink while the boys watched tv.  Peter announced “hey champs, it is about time to head out.  You two grab your bags and I will meet you in the den in about 5 minutes.”  The boys jumped up and headed back to their room.  Sarah looked over and said “are you sure you don’t want me to take them?  Really, I can throw shomething on in jusht a minute and take them.”

Peter shook his head and said “no, I want you to take at least the morning off.  But before we leave, don’t I need to turn your expanders?”  Sarah scrunched her face up and said “do we have to?”  Peter smiled and said “yeah babe, we do.  And I thought you loved your braces?  I mean, you did get us into this mess.”  Sarah smiled and said “I love your bracshes.  And I like mine too.  But I don’t love the pain from turning the expandersh.  But you are right.”

Sarah followed Peter into their bathroom.  She leaned her head back and opened wide while he picked up the wrench.  After he made the two turns of her top expander, and Sarah gently rubbed her mouth, he asked “did you see Dr. Anderson’s text?” Sarah exclaimed “oh crap!  I forgot to open it.  What doesh he want?”  As Peter made the two turns on her lower expander, he explained “he wants to move our Thursday appointment up to 11 am today.  He was apologetic about the short notice, something about a scheduling conflict.”  After once again rubbing her sore mouth, Sarah said “that worksh for me.  But what about you?  You have to work.”  Peter said “babe, you keep forgetting since I made partner last year, I am sort of the boss.  I have already made arrangements.  I am going to go in, extinguish any fires that erupted over night, and then I am going to pick you up here at 10:30.”  Sarah leaned over and kissed him then said “whatever did I do to deserve you.”  He laughed.  She asked “whatsh sho funny?”  He kissed her back and said “I was just thinking the same thing about you.  Let me get you tucked in.  Try to take a little nap this morning since you won’t be able to at lunch like usual.”

Sarah sat down on the edge of their bed.  Before she could swing her legs in, Peter asked “do you think you should go ahead and put on your headgear?  I mean, I know you won’t want to wear it to our appointment.  And you do need to get your hours in.”  Sarah made an adorable pout and replied “I guess I better.  Will you help me?  That seems to make it not hurt as much.”

Peter picked up the mask and an elastic.  He held the mask up to her face and connected an elastic from one of the hooks in her mouth to the horizontal bar on the mask.  Still holding the mask against her face, he placed another elastic on the other side.  With the mask now securely held in place by the force of the elastics, he removed his hand from the mask.  He installed two more elastics, crossing them across her mouth this time. Sarah said “dang thosh two crossh elasticsh pull sho much harder.”  Peter replied “I am sorry baby.  But this will all be over before you know it.  And then, no more headaches.  Keep your mind on that.”  He picked up the headgear strap and placed it over her head.  He looked her in the eyes and asked “ready?”  She steeled herself for the pressure to come and said “yes.”  After he had attached the straps, he used his hands to smooth out the ones covering her head.  He smiled at her and said “only you could make that look sexy.”  She rolled her eyes and said “whatever.  But thank you.  And thank you for thish morning.  Now get, don’t make our boysh late for school.”

At the door Peter stopped and looked back over at Sarah.  He saw she was still watching him.  He said “I love you so much.”  She smiled and replied “no, I love YOU sho musch.  Now go.  And I promise I will be ready to go at 10:30.”  He smile broadly at her and said “yeah right.”  He dodged the pillow she threw at him.  He said “I will see you in just a little bit.”  He flipped the light switch off and gently shut the bedroom door.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #21 on: 13. July 2023, 15:25:54 PM »
And the confusion; or I prefer to say suspense; over what is going on might be intentional.  But there may also be a few clues scattered in throughout the story.  Maybe even in the title.  They might be clearer after the fact, but they are still there.  The idea for this story originally had no braces content, but who wants that?

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #22 on: 13. July 2023, 22:04:34 PM »
Episode 12.

Peter walked through the front door at 10:25.  He shouted out “Hey babe!  I’m home!” as he closed the door behind himself.  He heard Sarah’s voice from their bedroom answer “In here!”  Entering the bedroom, he could see Sarah staring into the mirror working on her makeup.  As she finished up she said “Shee?  I told you I would be ready.”  She turned and walked towards him.  As she did Peter remarked “damn it baby, you look SO good.  I definitely married up.”  She wrapped her arms around him and said “thank you.  And that lasht part ish not true at all.  Ready?”

As they walked out of the bedroom he glanced over at her headgear and facemask laying on the nightstand.  He asked her “were you able to get a little nap?”  She responded “A little.  My chin shtill really bothersh me when I am wearing it.  My brain staysh pretty focushed on it when I have it on.  I guessh I am a little more used to it though.  But I still tossh and turn, as you know.”  Peter squeezed her up against him and said “I will call Dr. Parker’s and see if there is something to make it better.  More padding.  Or a different mask all together.  I did a little research, and there are a couple different kinds.  But, I promise I will do something to make it easier on you.”  She said “you could alwaysh put YOUR headgear on and cuddle up against me.  It doeshn’t make mine any more comfortable.  But it sure takesh my mind off it.”  With a smile he looked over and said “you are so dirty.  I love it.  And after our appointment I will completely make that happen.”

They walked into the nondescript red brick building a few minutes before 11.  There was no sign out front, and no name on the building, just an address.  Peter knew that this was by design.  From the outside, no one would know this was a mental health clinic.

The couple made their way to the reception desk.  As they approached Peter said “good morning Pamela!”  The receptionist looked up and smiled.  She replied “Peter!  Sarah!  Wonderful to see you.  How are things?”  Peter answered “just wonderful.  How could they be anything other with this beautiful woman by my side.”  As he spoke, he thought he noticed Pamela focusing on his mouth.  Pamela turned her attention from his mouth towards Sarah and asked “and Sarah, how are you?”  Sarah responded “I am good.  My mouthsh a little shore.  And I am having to learn how to shpeak all over again.  But I am good.”  Pamela’s eyes lit up as she said “you two both got braces together!  Oh my gosh, that is so cute!.  You too have always been adorable together.  But you might break the meter now.  Let me get you signed in.  But one of these days, I want you to tell me what it is like.  I have been considering it myself.  I had braces back in high school.  But I didn’t wear my retainers.  My dentist has urged me to consider it.  He told me I could use them, that it would make brushing and flossing so much easier.  But anyway, enough about me.  If you want, please just have a seat.  Dr. Anderson should be finishing up with his patient here in just a minute.”

They had barely gotten comfortable in their seats when the rich mahogany door with the brass plate emblazoned ‘Robert J. Anderson, M.D.’ opened.  A man in his early to mid 30’s emerged.  Behind him was an older grey headed, bespectacled man that looked like someone’s kindly grandfather.  Peter could overhear Dr. Anderson say “you are doing great Kevin.  Making wonderful progress.  See Pamela and she will get you set up for your next appointment.”  He then turned his attention to Peter and Sarah. 

He walked in their direction as the two of them stood.  He said “Peter! Sarah!  Wonderful to see you two.  You always brighten my day.  And I apologize so much for changing our appointment on such short notice.  Thank you both for making it work.”  Peter looked at Sarah’s psychiatrist and said “really Dr. Anderson, it was not a problem.  Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.”  Sarah cocked her head at Peter, confused by his last statement.  Her attention was broken by Dr. Anderson, who replied “Peter, for the thousandth time, I am Robert.  We’ve been meeting together for ten years now, I think we are all on a first name basis.  Please, would you two follow me to my office?  I can’t wait to chat and see how things are going.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #23 on: 14. July 2023, 04:53:52 AM »
Episode 13.

After they had made their way into Dr. Anderson's office and had all gotten comfortable, they spent a minute or two exchanging pleasantries.  Then, Dr. Anderson looked at Sarah and asked "Sarah, so how goes it with the orthodontic treatment?  I know when we met last month, you were feeling some trepidation.  But also a lot of excitement.  I know it is something you always wanted to do." 

Sarah responded "well, thish firsht week; well a little over a week; hash been a challenge.  I have sho much going on in my mouth.  I have thish horrible lishp.  I can jusht now barely eat.  My lipsh hurt.  The screwsh in my palate hurt. Turning my expandersh hurtsh.  The headgear hurtsh. Everything hurtsh.  But pain is beauty right?  And I am not even doing thish for beauty really.  I hope thish stopsh my headaches.  So, despite all that, I am still very happy I am doing it."  Dr. Anderson looked at Peter and asked him "and Peter, what about you?  Everything ok?  Happy about your decision?"

Peter said "I have it a lot easier than Sarah.  I only have regular old braces on bottom and invisalign on top.  Now, I do have some headgear I have to wear at home; not a fan by the way; but only at home.  And Sarah likes it.  To be honest, if it weren't for Sarah, I would have never done this on my own.  But, I am glad I did it.  And I am glad it makes her happy."  Dr. Anderson looked over at Sarah and asked "so, you like Peter's braces?"

Sarah turned a little red.  She said "yesh of course.  They are helping him fix a bite issue neither of ush even realized he had.  Fixing it before it becomesh a big deal.  Like with me.  I love hish smile.  I alwaysh have.  But he does have a couple of lower teeth that are kind of doing their own thing.  They are adorable.  But they might even be more adorable if they get in line with their neighborsh.  I am such a lucky woman to have such a wonderful husband.  To not only pay for my treatment, but alsho to join me in hish own.  And I will be the lucky girl that gets to enjoy the new and improved version of hish smile too."  She reached over, patted Peters arm, and smiled at him.  He smile back at her.  Dr. Anderson asked her "so, you just like them because of their functionality?  There isn't something more?  Something deeper?"

Sarah sat there in silence a moment before she asked "why would you think that?"  Dr. Anderson replied "just a hunch.  And it seems like Kim hates them.  Or she would hate them.  And I know you two are complete opposites.  So, I am just wondering if there is something more there.  And remember, I always ask you to be completely honest and open."

Sarah went silent for a minute.  Peter reached over and took her hand.   He looked at her and said "it's nothing to be embarrassed about baby.  It is charming in fact.  Why don't you tell him?"

Sarah sheepishly looked up at Dr. Anderson.  She said "yes, there is more.  I can't explain it.  But I think they are so sexy on him.  I mean, I like my braces.  But, I LOVE his."  Dr. Anderson simply replied "interesting."  He sat thinking for a moment before he asked Peter "so, I take it she has told you about this already.  When did she tell you?"

Peter replied "about 6 months ago, when Sarah started seeing orthodontists for consultations.  She was so insistent I see them too.  I didn't quite understand it.  Honestly, I was almost a little insulted.  I mean, I wondered if she thought my smile was hideous or something.  I questioned her about it, and she told me why.  So, how could I say no?  If something so simple and harmless could make her happy, I had to say yes.  I mean..."   It was at this point that Sarah interrupted Peter.

She looked at Dr. Anderson and asked "why did you bring up Kim?  She ish long gone.  We banished her to partsh unknown, what, nine yearsh ago.  After the, umm... incident.  Why did you bring her up?"

Dr. Anderson probed "so, you have seen no signs of Kim lately?"  Sarah said "no, absolutely not.  I religiously take my medication.  And I do all the exercises you ashk me to do.  The last thing I want ish Kim in our livesh.  She ISH NOT a part of it.  She is not allowed to be a part of it.  I will not let her be.  She ish long gone."

Dr. Anderson said "Sarah, please try not to get upset.  But I want to show you something."  He spun the large computer monitor on his desk around so it was facing Sarah and Peter.  The screen was black, in sleep mode.  He clicked the mouse, and the screen lit up.  On it was a Youtube video; Sarah's pretty face stared back at her.  Dr. Anderson clicked play.  As Sarah heard "Hi, I am Kim.  Welcome to my channel" her jaw dropped open in shocked disbelief.  When she heard the video continue "I got divorced from a really amazing guy today" she burst into hysterical tears.  As Dr. Anderson stopped the video Peter reached over and pulled his wife close, holding her against him as her tears darkened his shirt.  He stroked the back of her head and tried to reassure and calm her.  He told her "it is going to be ok baby.  That is why we are here.  That is why I begged Dr. Anderson to move our appointment up to this morning.  I am so sorry, I feel like this is my fault.  But, I promise you, you are going to be ok.  We are going to be ok.  This is all going to be ok.  And in 40 years, as we sit in our rocking chairs holding hands, we will laugh about it."

Offline silver-moon-2000

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Re: The Split
« Reply #24 on: 14. July 2023, 06:51:34 AM »
They might be clearer after the fact [...]

They indeed just became a bit clearer!  ;D Faszinating story.

Offline xxxforce

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Re: The Split
« Reply #25 on: 14. July 2023, 10:25:49 AM »
jep definitely a bit clearer now - so the "accident" with Peters brain damaged never really happened... just in Sarahs (Kim's) Head i think

Offline Sparky

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Re: The Split
« Reply #26 on: 14. July 2023, 15:04:47 PM »
I had a few thoughts:
- Peter's dreams whilst in the coma
- Peter's dreams after the coma
- VR scenarios?
.. but hadn't thought of where the story is clearly going. Nice one!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #27 on: 14. July 2023, 16:47:20 PM »
Episode 14.

Eventually Sarah cried herself out.  Peter dabbed at her eyes with tissues that Dr. Anderson had handed him.  Once Sarah had somewhat regained her composure Dr. Anderson said “Sarah, Peter is right. This is going to be ok.  I have a plan in my head.  But first, let’s talk a little more.”  Sarah looked up and over at Dr. Anderson and weakly asked “but why did she come back?  I have been doing everything right.  She hash been gone for sho long.  Why did she come back now?  And what all kindsh of horrible things did she say?  Or threaten to do?”

Dr. Anderson responded “Sarah, the human mind is so complex.  There is a saying that goes something like ‘if the brain were simple enough for us to understand, we would be too simple minded to understand it.’  It is a bit of a turtles all the way down argument.  But there is a lot of truth in it. And honestly, there is so much we, the medical profession, still do not understand about multiple personality disorder.

First, as to why I think Kim reappeared.  You have handled the death of your mother last year incredibly well. I have been so proud of you.  I will not speak too much of your childhood.  We have certainly spoken enough about it in the past.  We don’t need to dredge up any memories of him.  But, I think that while you, Sarah, have come to terms with your mother’s death; I think that there is at least a sliver of your subconscious that has not.  And I think Kim found it.  I have used this analogy before, but you are the librarian of your mind.  But, Kim has access to all the books.  I think that the death of your mother caused your subconscious to feel threatened.”

Dr. Anderson continued “and we know why Kim exists.  To protect you Sarah.  From “him”.  Unfortunatley, Kim sees all men as “him”.   And I am so, so sorry that you ever needed Kim.  Life is often times unfair and cruel.  Children should never be hurt.  Especially by one of their parents.  But you are so strong Sarah.  You emerged from that storm.  And have made such a wonderful life.  For yourself.  And for your family.  I promise this is just a minor bump in the road.”

Dr. Anderson continued “so, I think the trauma of losing your mother dredged up some memories and emotions, even if they were subconscious, that caused you to feel threatened.  That is completely understandable.  I think the largest part of you is so grateful your mother risked everything to uproot the two of you and get you out.  But I also think a smaller, much smaller, part blames her for letting it happen in the first place.  I do NOT want you to watch Kim’s videos.  At least not now.  Maybe one day, but not now.  I did watch them all.

The good news is that Kim seems to be a much kinder and gentler Kim than ten years ago.  I did not sense the rage from earlier.  Instead, I sensed conflicted sadness.  Maybe she has simply mellowed with age.  But I do not think that is the case.  I think the reason she seems so much calmer, and introspective I might add, is because of your hard work.”  Sarah interruppted him and asked “what did she say?”

Dr. Anderson responded “Kim posted a series of videos about Peter’s brain injury, his rehabilitation, and eventually his move to Germany and Kim’s divorce from him.”  With a bewildered look Sarah asked “what?  None of that happened.”

Dr. Anderson responded “no, none of that happened.  I think her story represented her Sarah.  While the timeline does not line up exactly, it is very close.  I think in her story Peter was actually her, Kim.  The incident, the brain injury, the long rehabilitation, the eventual banishment to another continent.  I think this was a way for Kim, the part of your brain that is Kim, to explain why you have in effect divorced yourself from her.  I think the rehabilitation that Peter underwent in her story reflected YOUR rehabilitation.  Your improvement.  And you may not believe this, but I sensed something else in Kim’s videos.  I sensed love.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #28 on: 14. July 2023, 19:00:52 PM »
Episode 15.

Sarah looked over at Dr. Anderson and asked “but why did she show back up now?  Why not 3 months ago?  Why not 3 months in the future?”  Dr. Anderson replied “I think because of your orthodontic treatment.  That is one reason I had so many questions when we first started today.  I think the trepidation and fear you felt spurred Kim to appear.  She felt you were threatened and that she needed to protect you.  All but one of her videos where prior to you getting your appliances.  There has only been one video since.  And it was by far the shortest.  And it was after an 8 day break, when previously she had been posting every day or two.”  Dr. Anderson stopped and looked down at his notepad.

He looked up at Sarah and asked “so Sarah, are you still taking a nap everyday around lunch?”  Sarah replied “yesh, I am.  Usually by then I feel a headache coming on.  My little nap getsh me through the rest of the day.”  Dr. Anderson asked “in the past month, do you remember waking up during any of them?  Maybe getting up and moving around?  Filming a video?”  Sarah shook her head and replied “no, why?”  Dr. Anderson answered “because I think Kim has.  All of her videos but one were posted when you usually take a nap.  I think you have been laying down and going to sleep.  But Kim has been waking up, making her videos, and then laying back down.  When you, Sarah, woke up you had no idea.  The only one that was different is the one the night before your banding appointment.  But I still assume you had been sleeping since it was after midnight. I think what is happening is as you sleep, your mind wanders.  You can’t make a conscious effort to keep it focused.  And in this wandering, Kim arrives.  She doesn’t come when you are awake and can focus.  Only when you sleep.” 

Peter interjected “baby, I am so sorry.  You don’t even remember I’m sure since it was actually Kim, but I remember you waking up that night.  I asked you if everything was ok.  You told me you needed to use the bathroom and get a drink.  I had no idea it was Kim.  I should have.  I blame myself for not catching this earlier.”

Sarah took Peter’s hand and said “baby, it isn’t your fault. It ish mine.  How did you realize it now?”

Peter responded “this morning, I went into our home office to reply to an email.  I don’t normally do that from home, but this morning I did.  I needed to send some technical specs from a website I had been looking at.  But I had forgotten to save the site as a favorite.  I went to history to try to find it.  And I saw all the youtube addresses.  Out of curiosity I clicked on the latest.  And I found Kim’s last video, from yesterday at lunch.  I promise baby, I wasn’t trying to snoop or spy.  It was just an accident.”  Sarah rubbed his hand and said “I don’t think that.  And I am sho shorry, thish ish all my fault.”

Dr. Anderson said “it is no one’s fault.  And Peter, I am glad you didn’t realize it was Kim that night.  That you didn’t confront her.  This has worked out as well as I think it could.  Now Sarah, let me ask you something.  Was there anything different about your nap yesterday than any other this past week?”

Sarah sat there a moment thinking.  She scratched her head and said “no, I don’t think sho.”  Dr. Anderson said “I am just trying to figure out why Kim made a video yesterday and not earlier.  Was there anything you can think of?  Maybe something as simple as the bathroom door being opened when it is normally closed. Anything different?”

Sarah continued thinking.  She then said “I didn’t wear my headgear yesterday.  I have been trying sho hard to be good about it, to wear it whenever I am home like Dr. Parker told me to.  Even when I take my napsh.  But yesterday my chin wash hurting so bad.  When I got back home from dropping the boys off, I didn’t put it on like I was shupposed to.  I didn’t put it on until that afternoon, after I had picked the boys up and brought them home.”

Dr. Anderson said “interesting.  Sarah, earlier you said your headgear hurts.  Would you say when you are wearing it your mind is focused on it?”  To his surprise Sarah actually laughed and then said “I actually told Peter almost the exact same thing earlier thish morning.  That when I am wearing it that it ish all I can think about.”

Dr. Anderson said “that is only one data point.  But it supports my theory.  I think allowing your mind to ramble is what has led to Kim returning.  The dilemma for us has always been how to focus your mind on something positive when you sleep Sarah.  I think for the past week, your headgear has focused your mind, even your subconscious sleeping mind, on your orthodontic treatment.  Which you have said already is a positive thing.  Even if uncomfortable at times.  And that all in all, it makes you happy.

Sarah, would it be ok if I contacted your orthodontist to discuss your treatment?”

Offline silver-moon-2000

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Re: The Split
« Reply #29 on: 14. July 2023, 19:51:26 PM »
Normally I try not to comment after every chapter, but right now I cannot stop myself

[...]I think for the past week, your headgear has focused your mind, even your subconscious sleeping mind, on your orthodontic treatment.  [...]
Sarah, would it be ok if I contacted your orthodontist to discuss your treatment?”

Oh oh... will that result in orthodontic devices uncomfortable enough to constantly occupy her mind day and night?  Uff!  ;D  >:D