

What would you choose if you have to get an orthodontic treatment IN YOUR REAL LIFE ?

fixed metal braces
189 (69.5%)
clear braces
14 (5.1%)
clear on top / metal on bottom
26 (9.6%)
lingual braces
11 (4%)
13 (4.8%)
15 (5.5%)
do not know
4 (1.5%)

Total Members Voted: 265

Author Topic: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult  (Read 50174 times)

Offline radian

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Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« on: 26. January 2018, 00:14:37 AM »
I do not know how to make a poll but I simply ask the question.

You have to get a real orthodontic treatment tomorrow in your everyday life.

Honestly, considering advantage and disadvantage of all type of braces, what would you choose ?
- metal fixed braces
- clear fixed braces
- lingual braces
- Invisalign

Please, the question is not to know what would you prefer as a fantasy but in your real life, with your wife, children, family friends, colleagues, work etc.

I ask the question because I am not sure for the answer for myself (After a very long reflection, I will start an orthodontic treatment this year).

For plenty of reason (probably most of us share), I would really like fixed metal braces but despite a good amount of self confidence, I am not sure I could assume them in my everyday life, in front of my wife, my family (I have teen nieces with metal braces) and my friends. Furthermore, my job requires to speak in front of a public and everyone would see the metal braces.

That's why I would probably choose clear braces on top and metal on bottom. Lingual braces and invisalign are too expensive.

What would you do or what did you choose if you were in a similar situation ?

EDIT : I could make a poll but still very interested in your comments !

Online Braceface2015

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #1 on: 26. January 2018, 01:09:28 AM »
If your choice is because of how it will look, think about why you are getting braces. Is it because to want and/or like braces? People will see the braces even if they are clear/ceramic. Ceramic is more costly. I have been told that ceramic is thicker because of the materials used. You will have metal archwires which will show anyways. Even the white archwires do show because they are coated and can flake off over time.

Right from the start of my treatment, I have always gone with colored powerchains and ligatures. They last few times I have told the assistants to surprise me with what colors to put on. I have told them that I do like bright colors and that I have had every color that they have during my treatment. I haven't had white or clear, but I have had all the others. I have said that it is unfortunate that they don't have rainbow powerchains 8)

My advice is you are going to have braces, make them a part of who you are. Enjoy them for as long as you have them. If you go around trying to hide them, you will just make it more obvious that you have them. The only person it will matter to is you.

If you feel that you need to keep your look professional, go with silver, grey,white or clear ligatures and powerchains. Otherwise have fun with it, go with the colors.

Your teen family members would probably enjoy the colors on the metal brackets. Ask your wife what she thinks you should do, after all she is the one who is going to be seeing them the most. You will only see them in the mirror.


Offline c214

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #2 on: 26. January 2018, 02:41:59 AM »
Despite my love of braces, when it came down to getting them I went with clear. Many of the reasons highlighted pushed me to make the decision - work (frequently speaking in front of clients etc), personal (wife would not have been into metal) etc.

For me, personally it was more about the sensations and feeling of braces. And I got that.

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #3 on: 26. January 2018, 04:52:23 AM »
I wanted metal all the way. I lucked out because my ortho didn’t think clear would work for me, which gave me a good excuse

Offline thrownaway

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #4 on: 26. January 2018, 05:53:20 AM »
Definitely Invisalign. I'm too old and too self conscious to have the metal or even the clear -_-

Offline surfreak

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #5 on: 26. January 2018, 09:36:07 AM »
I had clear braces when I was young. They were fare away from invisible.
So, when I will get braces next time, I will definetly take metal ones.
And I hopefully will also need some additional devices - at least a headgear.

My braces from the shop are great, but not beeing able to take them off in the morning
And not beeing able to hide them.... - oh what a dream ;-)

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #6 on: 26. January 2018, 17:05:10 PM »
I can answer this one with certainty, since I am currently wearing metal fixed braces, upper and lower.

Like a few posters mentioned, I am doing this for myself. I like braces and decided to go all out with full metal. I've enjoyed choosing various colors on my ligatures.  Sometimes, depending on my mood, I've gotten bright, very visible colors. Other times, gray or white.  I've had braces for almost a year and a half in a professional job where I speak to the public all day.  I've had exactly zero negative comments about my braces, which I know people see because I am not shy about smiling with them.

Offline jay82

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #7 on: 26. January 2018, 17:53:51 PM »
Traditional metal braces, if I was doing it.  I've never really liked the look of ceramic or invisible braces.  As others have said, they're not really invisible.  To me, they've always kind of looked like the person had food or something stuck to their teeth.  With metal braces, people see them and right away they know they're braces.

As an adult, I've known other adults who have gotten braces, and there are usually some comments from others for the first day or two, then everyone just sort of forgets about them.  No one really treats braces as a big deal.

Offline heiko1975

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #8 on: 26. January 2018, 20:27:03 PM »
Definitely metal brackets.
In the case of metal braces, everyone can simple see, that I have braces. Ceramic braces are not so easy visible, but if I see somebody with them, I first think that there is something wrong with the teeth.

Offline Thelog

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #9 on: 27. January 2018, 00:51:14 AM »
It's tough - I'd love to get metal braces, hopefully with appliances and elastics. However, I'd be incredibly apprehensive about it and I have no interest - sometimes a dislike (maybe as I see orthodontia as an intrinsically sexy feminine thing) in braces on males.
I feel rather than the full cop out of invisalign (hate it) I'd get removable appliances, my teeth need orthodontic treatment so I'd get some interesting appliances which would be exciting for fun with my wife.
Either way, it'd be a crazy decision to make, just going to an orthodontist would be wild

Offline bracedb4

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #10 on: 27. January 2018, 17:20:33 PM »
I had metal braces as a teenager and invisalign about 6 years ago.  In hindsight, I should have gone with metal braces the second time for a better outcome.  I was self conscious and worried about my professional job plus it was a good deal through my dentist so I chickened out and went invisalign.  My permanent retainer broke off on my bottom teeth and they have moved along with a diastema on top.  I should probably work up the nerve and seek out an orthodontist and try again with metal braces.
To achieve greater success, lower your expectations.

Offline bugbathe43

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #11 on: 27. January 2018, 18:32:16 PM »
Metal all the way!!!! Better full bands would be the ultimate dream come true!

Offline Chris-Fan

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #12 on: 27. January 2018, 19:16:16 PM »
I want to get only fixed metal braces. The idea of full bands is nice.

Offline Wired_hg

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #13 on: 28. January 2018, 00:27:43 AM »
Fantasy pushed aside, I would choose clear brackets.  I don't think I'd want to deal with Invisalign, remembering to wear them, keeping them extra clean, possible speech impediment.  Furthermore I'm sure brackets are able to make more fine tune adjustments than Invisalign is.

Offline erin_wires

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #14 on: 28. January 2018, 22:26:16 PM »
Metal for sure! That's what i'm getting