

What would you choose if you have to get an orthodontic treatment IN YOUR REAL LIFE ?

fixed metal braces
189 (69.5%)
clear braces
14 (5.1%)
clear on top / metal on bottom
26 (9.6%)
lingual braces
11 (4%)
13 (4.8%)
15 (5.5%)
do not know
4 (1.5%)

Total Members Voted: 265

Author Topic: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult  (Read 50256 times)

Offline radian

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Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« on: 26. January 2018, 00:14:37 AM »
I do not know how to make a poll but I simply ask the question.

You have to get a real orthodontic treatment tomorrow in your everyday life.

Honestly, considering advantage and disadvantage of all type of braces, what would you choose ?
- metal fixed braces
- clear fixed braces
- lingual braces
- Invisalign

Please, the question is not to know what would you prefer as a fantasy but in your real life, with your wife, children, family friends, colleagues, work etc.

I ask the question because I am not sure for the answer for myself (After a very long reflection, I will start an orthodontic treatment this year).

For plenty of reason (probably most of us share), I would really like fixed metal braces but despite a good amount of self confidence, I am not sure I could assume them in my everyday life, in front of my wife, my family (I have teen nieces with metal braces) and my friends. Furthermore, my job requires to speak in front of a public and everyone would see the metal braces.

That's why I would probably choose clear braces on top and metal on bottom. Lingual braces and invisalign are too expensive.

What would you do or what did you choose if you were in a similar situation ?

EDIT : I could make a poll but still very interested in your comments !

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #1 on: 26. January 2018, 01:09:28 AM »
If your choice is because of how it will look, think about why you are getting braces. Is it because to want and/or like braces? People will see the braces even if they are clear/ceramic. Ceramic is more costly. I have been told that ceramic is thicker because of the materials used. You will have metal archwires which will show anyways. Even the white archwires do show because they are coated and can flake off over time.

Right from the start of my treatment, I have always gone with colored powerchains and ligatures. They last few times I have told the assistants to surprise me with what colors to put on. I have told them that I do like bright colors and that I have had every color that they have during my treatment. I haven't had white or clear, but I have had all the others. I have said that it is unfortunate that they don't have rainbow powerchains 8)

My advice is you are going to have braces, make them a part of who you are. Enjoy them for as long as you have them. If you go around trying to hide them, you will just make it more obvious that you have them. The only person it will matter to is you.

If you feel that you need to keep your look professional, go with silver, grey,white or clear ligatures and powerchains. Otherwise have fun with it, go with the colors.

Your teen family members would probably enjoy the colors on the metal brackets. Ask your wife what she thinks you should do, after all she is the one who is going to be seeing them the most. You will only see them in the mirror.


Offline c214

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #2 on: 26. January 2018, 02:41:59 AM »
Despite my love of braces, when it came down to getting them I went with clear. Many of the reasons highlighted pushed me to make the decision - work (frequently speaking in front of clients etc), personal (wife would not have been into metal) etc.

For me, personally it was more about the sensations and feeling of braces. And I got that.

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #3 on: 26. January 2018, 04:52:23 AM »
I wanted metal all the way. I lucked out because my ortho didn’t think clear would work for me, which gave me a good excuse

Offline thrownaway

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #4 on: 26. January 2018, 05:53:20 AM »
Definitely Invisalign. I'm too old and too self conscious to have the metal or even the clear -_-

Offline surfreak

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #5 on: 26. January 2018, 09:36:07 AM »
I had clear braces when I was young. They were fare away from invisible.
So, when I will get braces next time, I will definetly take metal ones.
And I hopefully will also need some additional devices - at least a headgear.

My braces from the shop are great, but not beeing able to take them off in the morning
And not beeing able to hide them.... - oh what a dream ;-)

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #6 on: 26. January 2018, 17:05:10 PM »
I can answer this one with certainty, since I am currently wearing metal fixed braces, upper and lower.

Like a few posters mentioned, I am doing this for myself. I like braces and decided to go all out with full metal. I've enjoyed choosing various colors on my ligatures.  Sometimes, depending on my mood, I've gotten bright, very visible colors. Other times, gray or white.  I've had braces for almost a year and a half in a professional job where I speak to the public all day.  I've had exactly zero negative comments about my braces, which I know people see because I am not shy about smiling with them.

Offline jay82

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #7 on: 26. January 2018, 17:53:51 PM »
Traditional metal braces, if I was doing it.  I've never really liked the look of ceramic or invisible braces.  As others have said, they're not really invisible.  To me, they've always kind of looked like the person had food or something stuck to their teeth.  With metal braces, people see them and right away they know they're braces.

As an adult, I've known other adults who have gotten braces, and there are usually some comments from others for the first day or two, then everyone just sort of forgets about them.  No one really treats braces as a big deal.

Offline heiko1975

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #8 on: 26. January 2018, 20:27:03 PM »
Definitely metal brackets.
In the case of metal braces, everyone can simple see, that I have braces. Ceramic braces are not so easy visible, but if I see somebody with them, I first think that there is something wrong with the teeth.

Offline Thelog

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #9 on: 27. January 2018, 00:51:14 AM »
It's tough - I'd love to get metal braces, hopefully with appliances and elastics. However, I'd be incredibly apprehensive about it and I have no interest - sometimes a dislike (maybe as I see orthodontia as an intrinsically sexy feminine thing) in braces on males.
I feel rather than the full cop out of invisalign (hate it) I'd get removable appliances, my teeth need orthodontic treatment so I'd get some interesting appliances which would be exciting for fun with my wife.
Either way, it'd be a crazy decision to make, just going to an orthodontist would be wild

Offline bracedb4

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #10 on: 27. January 2018, 17:20:33 PM »
I had metal braces as a teenager and invisalign about 6 years ago.  In hindsight, I should have gone with metal braces the second time for a better outcome.  I was self conscious and worried about my professional job plus it was a good deal through my dentist so I chickened out and went invisalign.  My permanent retainer broke off on my bottom teeth and they have moved along with a diastema on top.  I should probably work up the nerve and seek out an orthodontist and try again with metal braces.
To achieve greater success, lower your expectations.

Offline bugbathe43

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #11 on: 27. January 2018, 18:32:16 PM »
Metal all the way!!!! Better full bands would be the ultimate dream come true!

Offline Chris-Fan

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #12 on: 27. January 2018, 19:16:16 PM »
I want to get only fixed metal braces. The idea of full bands is nice.

Offline Wired_hg

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #13 on: 28. January 2018, 00:27:43 AM »
Fantasy pushed aside, I would choose clear brackets.  I don't think I'd want to deal with Invisalign, remembering to wear them, keeping them extra clean, possible speech impediment.  Furthermore I'm sure brackets are able to make more fine tune adjustments than Invisalign is.

Offline erin_wires

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #14 on: 28. January 2018, 22:26:16 PM »
Metal for sure! That's what i'm getting

Offline Jonny 12

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #15 on: 28. January 2018, 22:56:18 PM »
I had removables at school,although they were in 24/7as my parents made sure the teachers checked ,and my parents made sure I wore them all the time as I've posted elsewhere on this forum.ive now come to the conclusion that if I had them again I would definitely go for fixed metal top bottom with maybe expanders and tongue crib as well.

Offline MikeB

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #16 on: 29. January 2018, 18:31:59 PM »
I'd do Invisalign. I don't have any bite issues, and only have some relatively minor alignment correction to make. I do a lot of public speaking and on-camera stuff in my job, so clear aligners would be better from a company-image point of view, in the sense that I wouldn't want to take any attention away from the products I'm paid to promote.

I'm not "into" braces on myself, just women, so that part wouldn't affect my decision.

Offline page2949

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #17 on: 01. February 2018, 20:51:00 PM »
I started with invisalign, then switched to clear fastbraces.  I wish I would have started with the clear fast braces, or lingual.  hindsight is always 20/20

Offline bradhov

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #18 on: 02. February 2018, 02:33:37 AM »
i am in process of getting braces -I wanted Invisalign, but the amount of correction prevented that,  so, getting clear on top and metal on bottom.

Offline tsk

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #19 on: 02. February 2018, 18:50:51 PM »
I'm going for a consultation on Monday so will find out what's advised! I went for one 7 years ago and was told that only metal braces would work, wish I hadn't chickened out! These days things have come a long way...

Offline ortho218

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #20 on: 10. February 2018, 15:38:54 PM »
I'm going for a consultation on Monday so will find out what's advised! I went for one 7 years ago and was told that only metal braces would work, wish I hadn't chickened out! These days things have come a long way...

be brave! haha I guess you only get one shot :)

I'd want something faily minimal for myself like regular braces but I  would also want to know what it's like to wear headgear or a Herbst....just not permanently!

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #21 on: 10. February 2018, 17:03:40 PM »
I wanted hg too but my bands don’t have the tubes. I would have ordered a set if so. I will order a facemask though

Offline tsk

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #22 on: 24. April 2018, 19:15:39 PM »
I'm going for a consultation on Monday so will find out what's advised! I went for one 7 years ago and was told that only metal braces would work, wish I hadn't chickened out! These days things have come a long way...

To update, whilst I do apparently have an underbite (front teeth meet) and malocclusion the ortho said my bite was okay and wouldn't do braces. Shame as it would have been great to get the underbite fixed.

Offline mrmajestic723

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #23 on: 24. April 2018, 20:43:40 PM »
If you want to go for it, go to a different ortho. It is not as if they will report you to each other. Someone will take you business. 

Offline ortho218

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #24 on: 06. June 2018, 18:18:29 PM »
another interesting option is a device like those 'orthotropics' ones you see on youtube sometimes... anyone got any thoughts on those?

Offline Hops

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #25 on: 11. June 2018, 12:09:42 PM »
If I had the chance to be braced again it would be all metal for sure!

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #26 on: 25. September 2018, 14:31:09 PM »
I’d want to wear metal for sure. I don’t know if I could ever bring myself to do it though.

Offline brace_ace

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #27 on: 06. November 2018, 06:55:51 AM »
I only got the choice of fixed metal braces bc of my situation, which is fine with me because they were the cheapest choice...not that any of this is cheap  :-\

Offline radian

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #28 on: 13. November 2018, 10:45:36 AM »
Thanks for all the answers !

I am in the final straight line. After almost a year between the decision and all I had to do, the appointment to put the braces on is scheduled on the start of december.

I am still hesitating between clear on top/metal on bottom and 100 % metal.

I think the second option is the best because I do not want the braces (the elastics arround exactly) become yellow but I am not sure to assume 100 % metal smile, mainly because of my age (36) and my job (I talk regularly in front of foreign people).

Please give me some advice to help me to make the good choice. Without talking about a thing for braces, would you really assume metal braces in your situations ?

Offline surfreak

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #29 on: 13. November 2018, 15:39:09 PM »
Hi Radian!

I had clear braces on top and metal ones on my lowers when I was in my teens.
You can see them anyway, does not matter if clear or metal. Only the clear ones tend to look dirty very fast. So I would recommend a full metal installation.
Good luck and lots of fun with your braces.

Offline radian

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #30 on: 16. November 2018, 17:45:32 PM »
Thanks for your advice.

Any other opinion ?

Offline domreuter

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #31 on: 16. November 2018, 18:29:11 PM »
Hi Radian,

just to add - from distances where you don't recognise clear braces as braces, clear braces often look like dirty or damaged teeth. If you come close enough to the braces wearer to see that's it's not damaged teeth, you see that it's clear braces. So you only have to decide - if you want to hide your braces, forget it and choose all metal. If you're goal is that you prefer the look of clear braces over the look of metal braces to be seen on you, then choose clear upper braces. My personal opinion - I would choose full metal.

Good luck for your braces journey ;-)


Offline Braceletta

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #32 on: 14. February 2019, 21:34:56 PM »
Old-fashioned Hawley style active hawleys if possible. Everything else is visible (even invisalign attachments with the aligners out), and lingual give you a lisp - so want something I can take out for meetings with clients and have nobody be the wiser, and then put back in.

Offline Neverbeenbraced81

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #33 on: 02. May 2019, 17:04:41 PM »
I'm in the same situation.

I'll start treatment next week.

I have been thinking about the type of braces I want since November 2017.
I have considered my life every day, what my girlfriend, who also wear braces, would say, what the kids would say, and not least the job. I have daily contact with many people in my job, so I'm not really sure.
But after a brief with ortho, he told me it was just the usual metal braces was the only option for my treatment. He asked if it was a problem for me.

Since then, until February of this year, I have thought, considered and asked my girlfriend about her treatment and how she has dealt with it.
She already has metal brackets.
Since I was a teenager, I have liked braces , all different kind of types.
Particularly metal brackets..

Shiny metal on a man of 38?
LOL ????????

On the following Monday, it happens.
I really not sure, what kind of feeling i have..

But I'm bit scary.

Offline libtech

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #34 on: 03. May 2019, 12:44:45 PM »
Best of luck to you buddy and im sure you will not regret your decision in regards to that deep passionate feeling of which we all share on this forum! Fulfill that moment and emBRACE it to the fullest... ; )

Offline radian

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #35 on: 03. May 2019, 16:50:33 PM »

Good luck for the metal. As you do not have the choice, it is really easier to accept it.

Offline Neverbeenbraced81

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #36 on: 04. May 2019, 02:08:01 AM »
Thanks guys.
I'am really sure that i need that  :) :)

This week has been serious nervously.
For now, it is just three days to monday.

I'm surely not ready for this, but at same time, it would be great to fix the teeth as well.

I have thought more about the clear braces.
I asked my girlfriend, about her braces.. If she could make a choice of wich kind of braces she would have.

She got clear brackets and metal brackets to choose about.
She didnt think about it. For her, it was just metal brackets in mind.

Why, i thought?

I've asked her. Why not choose the clear braces?

She had spoke to a friend of her about braces, and the upcoming treatment. The friend had told her to not choose the clear brackets, of two reasons.

One of the reason was the price. It cost a while more here in Norway.

The second reason, was that clear brackets could be dirty, like a yellowed thing, that was not possible to clean, the only option was to change brackets at next wisit??

Does anybody here know something about that? Is that true, or is it just a story?

I can't choose, so for me it is just a question, that i wondering?

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #37 on: 04. May 2019, 02:33:53 AM »
Clear brackets don't actually stain, it is the clear ligatures that stain, unless you eat something that is going to change the colour of your teeth as well. The ligatures get changed every appointment.

As for the visual look, The clear brackets are less visible than metal, and in a lot of cases aren't really that noticeable until a person is close to you. The thing with that is people are more likely to take a much longer look at your mouth while they try to figure out what is 'wrong' with your mouth. With metal brackets, people are able to see that you have braces and just not bother taking a closer look, unless they happen to like the look of braces.

The archwire for both types of braces is the same, although many times the orthodontist will use a white coated wire with clear brackets. Either way the wire will be one of the more noticeable parts of the braces.

In my opinion, if you have braces, they are for the purpose of correcting the bite and it doesn't matter if people see them. Most people won't care and they only person it will really matter to is you. Treat it like jewelry and show it off. It is probably the single most expensive piece of jewelry you will ever buy.

For me, part of the braces experience was being able to change the colour of the ligatures and power chains each visit. If you are worried about maintaining a professional appearance, just stick to plain colours such as silver, grey, white and clear. Even black and dark blue are fine although they do stand out a bit more.

Offline Neverbeenbraced81

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #38 on: 04. May 2019, 02:51:08 AM »
Thanks for the outfilling information.  :D

As i wrote, i wont be able to choose what kind of braces i would get.

I'm definately not ready for this, so far.
But, the days count slowly down.

Thanks for support as well ;)

Offline radian

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #39 on: 07. May 2019, 21:41:24 PM »
My braces has been put on recently and I chose ceramic on top and metal on bottom (for now, I Just have top ones). I could not assume the fact of having a silver smile for 1 year or more, especially beacuse of my job.

I nearly immediately regretted this choice because ceramic braces are big and uncomfortables. They clearly are very discrete, invisible from far distance, very difficult to see closer for someone who is not paying attention but they are quite visible for observant people.

And after all, I think most of people don't care if you have braces or not so no matter if they are visible or not.

Offline Neverbeenbraced81

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #40 on: 09. May 2019, 09:56:10 AM »
I,ve got my braces at monday.

The ortho,showed me the ceramic brackets. They was very big.
So, i can imagine that would be uncomfortable to wear.

I've got my silver smile, on both upper and lower jaws.

That is the fact for the next year or so, maybe one and a half year, so i just have to got used to it, even thoug the job.

I'm totally agree with you.
Most people dont care. Both if you got braces, and the visibility of the braces.

Offline stinkfut

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #41 on: 02. November 2019, 02:44:10 AM »
So I'm late to this thread but I'm faced with this same decision.  I'm 42 and landed myself a new job with excellent health coverage that covers most of the cost of braces.

As a kid I had braces, headgear and tongue crib, and I hated it.  When it was over I didn't wear my retainers like I should have and now my teeth have slid halfway back.  Now when I bite my front four teeth touch before my molars do.  And it's continuing to push my top front teeth back forward.  My lower canines are especially pushed forward and crowded.  I have some consult appointments next week to at least get fitted for new retainers to stop more movement.  But I'm also seriously considering full braces again.   I've secretly wanted them for the longest time and couldn't afford them until now.  Like OP my concerns are social.  My wife and kids don't even know I'm thinking about braces again, I can't imagine how they will react.  And my new job requires me to speak regularly.  At first I was thinking Invisalign, or metal on the bottom and ceramic on top like OP.  Radian now that you've had them for 6 months, what are your thoughts?  Ceramic doesn't seem much different than metal.  When I see clear braces on someone I'm never fooled.  I'm leaning toward full metal, especially after reading this thread. 

Offline libtech

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #42 on: 03. November 2019, 04:21:35 AM »
To be honest with you 'stinkfut', talk with your wife and kids even though I dont have kids and have never been married with exception of a very long term beautiful relationship with an ex girlfriend who dealt with me having to get full metal ones for an extensive jaw surgery, but im sure she will most likely be okay with it as the kiddos most likely will and if so definately get the full metal ones. I say this because during certain moments while having them they will bug you ovcasionally but there are those other moments which make up for the prodominant time of /y'ct hr treatment where you will enjoy them VERY VERY much and these moments I am pretty sure your wife will highly enjoy whether or not you exploit your affinity you have for braces toward her or not. You wont regret getting full metal I guess is what I am saying!!!

Offline Saskia

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #43 on: 22. November 2019, 17:42:58 PM »
Hi there,

I'm still in doubt if I will choose for the ceramic brackets on the top. I'm 42 and I'm having a bonded rpe in my upper jaw because of a severe posterior crossbite . In 1 - 2 months I will get fixed braces on the top and later on on the bottom as well as elastics. The ceramic braces aren't that visible from a distance but they are bigger. Hmmm I guess I need some advise...

Offline bugbathe43

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #44 on: 23. November 2019, 22:18:35 PM »
I’ve had braces twice, the first was over 25 years ago and my orthodontist used full metal bands and the second time I had metal on top and bottom. I prefer metal the orthodontist I go to would rather use metal on adults. Because our teeth are harder to move.

Offline Hops

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #45 on: 24. November 2019, 13:18:20 PM »
I had braces twice also. Fullbands first time an second time ceramic on top and metal bottom. If I could do it again I would go all metal. They are smaller and people can see you have braces either way.

Offline glutexo

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #46 on: 27. November 2019, 11:27:39 AM »
I would prefer normal removeable devices (no invisaligns) for light crooked teeth.

if a fixed device is neccessary i´d choose normal brakets. with ceramical brakets there is alwas a light difference between teeh colour and the ceramic, so it looks like you didn´t clean your theeth proper. 

Offline Headgear-compliance

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #47 on: 20. July 2020, 10:40:37 AM »
Fixed.metal braced and headgear. I would hate it, but later I would love it.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #48 on: 29. July 2020, 04:59:22 AM »
I would definitely choose full metal. I don't like the way clear braces look (particularly from a distance), and I didn't like wearing my essix retainer, so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like wearing invisalign.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #49 on: 17. August 2020, 23:29:09 PM »
Depends on my age and treatment duration... rn I'm in my early 20s so I'd go for metal, but in my 30s I'd probably go for clear.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #50 on: 18. February 2021, 21:17:50 PM »
I just got back from my orthodontist and I am getting braces put on April 6. I had my records today and the Assistant measured me for a headgear. I am looking forward to wearing one also I am getting molar bands and premolar bands because of prior dental work.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #51 on: 19. February 2021, 17:23:21 PM »
Congrats. What kind of brackets are you getting? Hopefully you'll be sharing your journey!

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #52 on: 24. February 2021, 13:41:58 PM »
i have just got braces put on - metal brackets top and bottom, quad helix expander and elastics. Look like such a metal mouth and love it!

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #53 on: 24. February 2021, 17:01:27 PM »
@bracey_stacey Congrats on starting your journey. How is it so far? The quad helix must be a bit to get used to...

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #54 on: 11. March 2021, 07:40:34 AM »
I'm getting metal next week.  ;D

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #55 on: 19. March 2021, 00:25:02 AM »
I have chosen clear in top and Metal on bottom, and i‘m very happy with this decision

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #56 on: 14. December 2021, 02:03:42 AM »
I have received for the second time (I have been for 14 years). In this case .. full metal again!

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #57 on: 25. December 2021, 14:39:13 PM »
I would choose metal. I expect they would be cheaper than the other options, and I don't care for the look of clear brackets.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #58 on: 07. January 2022, 16:48:12 PM »
A new Hawley retainer :'(

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #59 on: 09. January 2022, 18:21:50 PM »
Considering I'm currently undergoing treatment using removable active plates, I'm voting "other".

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #60 on: 20. January 2022, 13:39:03 PM »
I have been considering a treatment on and off for the last few years.
The initial quotes I got were way too high for me and most suggested Invisalign therapy, which I do not want (obviously).

Now I found a new dentist and orthodontist and decided to give it a go.
Treatment plan will be discussed soon  ;D In the back of my mind I’m still in doubt, but I think I’ll go with it this time.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #61 on: 20. January 2022, 17:30:06 PM »
Metal braces all the way! Ceramic and clear brackets somehow don’t look right on most people. I’ve been told metal brackets are stronger and more versatile. Personally I like the metal mouth look. It is strangely alluring!

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #62 on: 09. May 2022, 17:52:54 PM »
I personally believe that if I had to put braces on my teeth I would prefer the metal one. It is true that you can see clearly, but the transparent ones often end up being yellowed and it seems to have stained teeth. In addition, the transparent one then ends up having elastic, thick thread and in the end it is even more noticeable in my opinion.

Of course, invisalign is a nice solution but in reality now you notice the same ... I say: if you wear the braces, patience, you will see and it is better not to try to hide it, because you will notice more the strange expressions that braces

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #63 on: 28. May 2022, 01:11:21 AM »
Quote from: henkbyblos link=topic=11626.msg136665#msg136665 date=1642678743
I have been considering a treatment on and off for the last few years.
The initial quotes I got were way too high for me and most suggested Invisalign therapy, which I do not want (obviously).

Now I found a new dentist and orthodontist and decided to give it a go.
Treatment plan will be discussed soon  ;D In the back of my mind I’m still in doubt, but I think I’ll go with it this time.

So I went through with it. Metal brackets it is  ;D

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #64 on: 22. August 2022, 11:41:55 AM »
Honestly, besides any "fantasy", I think I would coose either invisalign or metal fixed braces.

Invisalign I have heard they are pretty good, and really barely noticeable.

Clear braces are less noticeable, but you can see them anyway, so they are almost useless, and lingual... well, they are probably a pain for myself, so I would not change my personal discomfort with braces in full sight. After all, why shoud I be shy?


I do not know how to make a poll but I simply ask the question.

You have to get a real orthodontic treatment tomorrow in your everyday life.

Honestly, considering advantage and disadvantage of all type of braces, what would you choose ?
- metal fixed braces
- clear fixed braces
- lingual braces
- Invisalign

Please, the question is not to know what would you prefer as a fantasy but in your real life, with your wife, children, family friends, colleagues, work etc.

I ask the question because I am not sure for the answer for myself (After a very long reflection, I will start an orthodontic treatment this year).

For plenty of reason (probably most of us share), I would really like fixed metal braces but despite a good amount of self confidence, I am not sure I could assume them in my everyday life, in front of my wife, my family (I have teen nieces with metal braces) and my friends. Furthermore, my job requires to speak in front of a public and everyone would see the metal braces.

That's why I would probably choose clear braces on top and metal on bottom. Lingual braces and invisalign are too expensive.

What would you do or what did you choose if you were in a similar situation ?

EDIT : I could make a poll but still very interested in your comments !

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #65 on: 03. January 2023, 19:12:30 PM »
I am actually wearing braces myself as an adult I choose clear damon on top and metal damon on bottom
I appreciate wearing them

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #66 on: 16. January 2023, 17:17:56 PM »
I'd like to say I'd do full metal braces, but I'd probably chicken out and get Invisalign

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #67 on: 17. January 2023, 00:10:17 AM »
I’d love to say full metal. The more gear in my mouth the better! But I’d probably chicken out. I had the option of getting braces as a kid to correct a slight overbite and never went though with it. Even though I love the idea of big bulky braces as an adult, I’m in no rush to tell my dentist.  :-[
Braces, bare feet, ball gags and bondage!

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #68 on: 17. January 2023, 05:42:07 AM »
I mean, I have full metal, but there are reasons other than looks that went into the decision. To rule out Invisalign, which I think would have been my choice, is my ortho said I am a “borderline case”, which means that I would probably work with Invisalign, but it’s not a guarantee and I may need braces afterwards. At least, that is what my ortho says. According to the reviews, she says that to everyone. I don’t really like the look of ceramics, and my ortho only does the top arch with an additional charge of 300 USD. That is essentially $22 for a tooth, which isn’t worth it for me. Lingual seems like it would cut up the tongue, so that wasn’t even in the question.

If you do end up doing metal, do colored ligatures. Everyone can see that you have them, so you might as well embrace the look!

Just for reference, I have an edge-to-edge bite and my teeth are wearing away at my molars, which is the main reason for treatment. There is also some minor crookedness, but it isn’t that bad.  I didn’t even have to press or go to a different ortho!

I know this is a really detailed reason, but that is what happened in real life, and that’s what this question was about.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #69 on: 19. February 2023, 10:57:52 AM »
I’m getting fixed metal braces for a 2nd time on Tuesday. Can’t wait

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #70 on: 20. February 2023, 18:55:41 PM »
@Sniffer9 Congrats! What did your first treatment consist of? Did you not wear your retainers?

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #71 on: 21. February 2023, 18:29:22 PM »
Hi. I had my fixed metal upper arch fitted today and 2 bite blocks or turbos. Bit disappointed I didn’t get the lower one done today and was close to cancelling it altogether. Got to wait another 2 months to get my lowers. Don’t know what they will think of me at work tomorrow. It feels strang not being able to bite my teeth together. Had to make do with a milkshake for lunch and same again for tea tonight.

I had fixed metal uppers and lowers last time. Had problems with my retainers and the orthodontist I used previously were unable to help. I was left without my fixed retainer and my hawley retainer for about 6 months so went ahead for a second time. Tried a face mask with elastics earlier but my teeth are still a bit too sore to leave it in more than a few minutes & I don’t think I have the right elastics.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #72 on: 24. February 2023, 17:59:23 PM »
@sniffer9 Right on. Hopefully you'll share pics of your treatment and progress...

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #73 on: 31. March 2023, 00:50:11 AM »
Without a doubt fixed metal all the way.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #74 on: 24. April 2023, 04:14:50 AM »
The current discussion on the "Last two days before braces!!!" thread started by ineedbraces25 refers too.

We "see" with our brains.  I think that most people would agree that vision is an active process, involving a huge amount of information processing.  Fewer people think about the implications.

I suggest for discussion that one of those implications may be that our obviously overwhelming preference for fixed metal bracket appliances may be because there's little real-world cosmetic benefit in the other options.  This seems paradoxical.  On the one hand, we see all the marketing hype about discreet or "practically invisible" assistive devices such as orthodontic appliances, hearing aids and, until recently, eyeglasses.  Photographic images would seem to make a compelling argument in favour of the aesthetic option.  On the other hand, we see orthodontic patients requesting colourful ligatures on ceramic brackets, we see hearing aid wearers decorating behind-the-ear instruments or requesting black in-the-ear instruments, and bold eyewear has become a fashion statement.

Some of this almost certainly relates to stigma.  I argue that it also has to do with visual information processing.

We "see" what our brains are predisposed to seeing, what we've built the neuronal mechanism for seeing, and what attracts our attention.  We sometimes hunt for objects that were right in front of us all the time.  A police officer will see something dodgy long before anyone else.  The baseball star will read the movement of the ball in what most people will see as a blur.  The nature guide in the safari vehicle will spot the camouflaged animal long before anyone else.  And we spot braces that most people wouldn't.  Case in point:

I honestly think that most people have become "blind" to orthodontic appliances in much the same way that we've become "blind" to eyeglasses.

Your thoughts?

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #75 on: 24. April 2023, 05:47:54 AM »
This is an interesting concept that requires a lot of thinking to figure out.

I would agree with you in our obviously overwhelming preference for fixed metal bracket appliances may be because there's little real-world cosmetic benefit compared with the other options. I believe that we as a group think there’s little cosmetic difference, but if I were a normy, I would assume that ceramics are pretty much invisible, exactly because of the point Charlie1086 made, they don’t look for them but we do.

I am thinking that people choosing colorful and bulky glasses or colorful ceramic braces has something to do with the fact that they only realize after they get them that they are very much visible, not pretty much invisible as they once believed.

The social stigma that has come with having braces has came down a long way than the 70s, at least from stories I’ve heard (I wasn’t around back then) which has definitely helped with more metal braces and freakishly large glasses.

Alternatively, I would argue with the fact that we’ve become “blind” to other things. At least for me, I don’t actively look for glasses, or hearing aids, but I see them anyway even if they aren’t Iris Apfel glasses. I would agree though that we see things that we are used to seeing, such as the baseball or police officer examples you gave. Pretty much what I’m saying is I don’t believe we go entirely blind to stuff, but we aren’t as perceptive to it as we are to braces.

These are just my thoughts on the matter, but I have no scientific evidence that these are correct. Feel free to contradict me.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #76 on: 24. April 2023, 07:38:38 AM »
Interesting thread. I definitely am now trained to notice braces, invisalign, and in general, other peoples teeths/bites from my interest in it all and own treatment. So it's quite surprising when an overwhelming majority of comments on reddit posts about "I'm insecure what people will think about my braces" are this: most didn't notice them at all. How could people not notice braces?? The shiny glint of metal in someones mouth? I suppose how visible your teeth are may affect it slightly. But its interesting to think about braces becoming 'blind' to the public like glasses're right, I never think about peoples glasses unless theyre unusual. I honestly can't remember who that I know does or doesn't wear them sometimes.

I kinda want to test how many people even notice I have braces when I get them....just like don't mention them, and talk normally, and see if anyone notices. Would be interesting to see...since in my head I assume people will notice right away and comment/care.

Wouldn't the advance of invisalign start to make metal braces stand out a little more, though, as less adults chose to get full metal braces now? That I am a bit confused on.

I'm too tired to think of anything else to add, but yeah, this is an interesting subject.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #77 on: 24. April 2023, 07:43:03 AM »
This is an interesting concept that requires a lot of thinking to figure out.

I would agree with you in our obviously overwhelming preference for fixed metal bracket appliances may be because there's little real-world cosmetic benefit compared with the other options. I believe that we as a group think there’s little cosmetic difference, but if I were a normy, I would assume that ceramics are pretty much invisible, exactly because of the point Charlie1086 made, they don’t look for them but we do.

I am thinking that people choosing colorful and bulky glasses or colorful ceramic braces has something to do with the fact that they only realize after they get them that they are very much visible, not pretty much invisible as they once believed.

The social stigma that has come with having braces has came down a long way than the 70s, at least from stories I’ve heard (I wasn’t around back then) which has definitely helped with more metal braces and freakishly large glasses.

Alternatively, I would argue with the fact that we’ve become “blind” to other things. At least for me, I don’t actively look for glasses, or hearing aids, but I see them anyway even if they aren’t Iris Apfel glasses. I would agree though that we see things that we are used to seeing, such as the baseball or police officer examples you gave. Pretty much what I’m saying is I don’t believe we go entirely blind to stuff, but we aren’t as perceptive to it as we are to braces.

These are just my thoughts on the matter, but I have no scientific evidence that these are correct. Feel free to contradict me.

So do you think ceramics actually ARE pretty discreet/unnoticeable to the untrained general eye, but only look pretty visible to us who are interested in braces/have them ourselves because we look for them?


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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #78 on: 25. April 2023, 04:54:43 AM »
Yes, I do, but only in some cases. If people use colored ligatures or metal wires they are clearly visible. It’s the same if they stain them. But I have had a couple of experiences where I was having troubles distinguishing what the heck was wrong with these people’s teeth. I wasn’t sure if it was tooth discoloration or what. I only realized it was braces after they got elastics! I would also say if a person has larger teeth they are more discreet than a person with tiny teeth.

What I’m saying is in some instances they’re discreet and in others they aren’t, even to the untrained public eye.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #79 on: 25. April 2023, 08:40:25 AM »
I think that ceramic brackets and Invisalign attachments attract attention because there's something odd about them.  It might be that they make the teeth look discoloured.  Whatever it is, I think it's the same as someone behaving strangely because of new braces.  I think that's why metal braces go unnoticed when people smile and go about their day confidently.

I'm looking forward to hearing your experiences after you get yours fitted, ineedbraces25.  Maybe you'll prove me entirely wrong  ::)

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #80 on: 25. April 2023, 17:34:20 PM »
Yes, I do, but only in some cases. If people use colored ligatures or metal wires they are clearly visible. It’s the same if they stain them. But I have had a couple of experiences where I was having troubles distinguishing what the heck was wrong with these people’s teeth. I wasn’t sure if it was tooth discoloration or what. I only realized it was braces after they got elastics! I would also say if a person has larger teeth they are more discreet than a person with tiny teeth.

What I’m saying is in some instances they’re discreet and in others they aren’t, even to the untrained public eye.

would that apply to metal braces too? Like depending on ligature color and the persons teeth size/tooth show?

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #81 on: 25. April 2023, 18:01:44 PM »
I think that ceramic brackets and Invisalign attachments attract attention because there's something odd about them.  It might be that they make the teeth look discoloured.  Whatever it is, I think it's the same as someone behaving strangely because of new braces.  I think that's why metal braces go unnoticed when people smile and go about their day confidently.

I'm looking forward to hearing your experiences after you get yours fitted, ineedbraces25.  Maybe you'll prove me entirely wrong  ::)

Interesting. Yeah, I feel like theres something about trying to make something discreet that might make it more obvious. I mean some with ceramics get colors and smile boldly and dont care about them being seen, but perhaps others try to hide them a bit/want them to be unnoticeable? Same with invisalign. I guess it can look weird then because something different about their teeth but its not obvious its braces/invisalign (most dont know invisalign has all these attachments) then it draws more attention as people try to figure out whats wrong.

But maybe metal, especially if you act confident like you said, are just registered as braces quickly and then ignored after since no one really cares?

I wonder if how obvious they are impacts it. Like when I talk, my upper teeth almost barely show at all unless I was talking super animatedly/smiling with teeth...but if relaxed, my lower show a little more (has to do with my bite..after surgery upper will show much more though). But yeah, because of my lack of tooth show, I wouldnt be surprised if some dont even notice them at all...especially if I dont act like I have something im trying to hide or talk funny.

But I feel like if I smile or talk more animated/make expressions, it will be pretty noticeable? Any friend of mine would probably definitely notice, but we'll see I guess.

The hardest part would be acting like its totally normal/not being embarassed or trying to hide them for me lol. I'll see how confident I feel after they're on I guess...have the weekend to adjust before I see anyone again.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #82 on: 26. April 2023, 01:47:18 AM »
would that apply to metal braces too? Like depending on ligature color and the persons teeth size/tooth show?

For me, no. They are definitely more obvious and I look for them. Ceramics are generally pretty easy to spot, but there are always those cases where they just aren’t. If they have little to no tooth show I think it would be harder to spot, but as soon as they lifted their lip it would be obvious. Again though, they are less obvious depending on if they have huge teeth and for metal braces, where they are placed on the teeth.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #83 on: 26. April 2023, 11:37:32 AM »
interesting. I guess I'll see how many notice mine when I get them. I have little tooth show when I talk (bottom is kinda more visible than upper row) but if I make expressions or anything they'll definitely show.

I kinda dread anyone pointing them out though lol. I think since its a kink for me and was this huge embarrassing thing all my life, having someone casually go 'you got braces?" and draw attention to them is kinda embarassing. If I meet new people with braces, it won't be a big deal at all. But I dont like the idea of some that I know just noticing I got them....

Who knows how I'll feel though. I might be embarassed and wanna hide them at first, or I might just gain confidence and act like they're no big deal. We'll see. Either way, I am getting them haha. No ones opinions and even my own insecurity won't stop me from doing this for my future self!

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #84 on: 29. July 2023, 19:21:58 PM »
I have a unique perspective for this survey. The first time I had braces in my teens, they were metal. The second time I had braces in my 30s they were ceramic. The third time I started braces it was supposed to be Invisalign, but I ended up having a miserable allergic reaction to them. I was then given the choice of ceramic or metal braces. I choice metal because I found ceramic braces to be bulkier and they stained. Worst of all, when it’s time to have them removed, the brackets don’t come off easily in one piece. This requires them to be ground off and can (did) cause damage to the enamel. Even if I was allergic to Invisalign, I would not choose it again. The attachments felt uncomfortable like bad nail polish that can’t be picked off soon enough, and the trays very squeaky against each other. Further, my kids and some friends have Invisalign. They have all had trouble getting their teeth in a good finishing alignment. Invisalign did great for the large movements of teeth, but fine detail does not work great. A few of my friends gave up. My daughter is very frustrated with the process. I asked her orthodontist if fixed braces would be easier to take care of the alignment, but she doesn’t want the hassle of restarting with brackets that would “need to be perfectly aligned on the teeth” to straighten them. Sigh.
In the meantime, I’m chugging along with my metal braces with at least a year to year and a half left with the possibility of jaw surgery.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #85 on: 31. July 2023, 23:19:56 PM »
I think that ceramic brackets and Invisalign attachments attract attention because there's something odd about them.  It might be that they make the teeth look discoloured.  Whatever it is, I think it's the same as someone behaving strangely because of new braces.  I think that's why metal braces go unnoticed when people smile and go about their day confidently.

I'm looking forward to hearing your experiences after you get yours fitted, ineedbraces25.  Maybe you'll prove me entirely wrong  ::)

I agree with you 100%, that’s why metal was my choice as well.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #86 on: 04. August 2023, 03:02:30 AM »
Having had braces in middle school and vaguely actually remembering having them, I didn’t obviously wear  my retainer and my teeth began to shift. Once college ended the desire to fix them was extremely strong but couldn’t swallow the thought of actually having braces. Fresh out of college hoping to explore my twenties I figured this would hinder this completely so I ultimately went to a dentist who failed to truly explain everything that came with Invisalign. As far as I was concerned it was basically what the commercials made it seem to be. I remember the day I went to get them fitted and figured just get them clicked in and I’d be on my way. I remember laying back as the tech said we’re gonna add the attachments. I asked what they were and she explained little bumps on your teeth to help anchor the trays. Again no idea what these were I asked if there were a lot and she kinda smirked and said it’s definitely on the higher side but again you can hardly notice them. I get them on and finally get sat up. She handed me a mirror and to my surprise they actually were hard to see. Now she puts the trays in and feel tight pressure and the attachments were massive. Giant rectangles on basically every tooth. It looked exactly like ceramic brackets. Needless to say I finished treatment after 44 trays and elastics halfway through and seeing how noticeable and non-invisible I’d certainly go with ceramic braces in todays world if I had to go through the process all over again

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #87 on: 13. September 2023, 01:27:35 AM »
I did get braces as an adult. I did have them when i was in high school but i didnt wear my retainer all that often and they moved back fast. Not to where they were before but still pretty annoying. I got metal braces 3 months ago. This time im enjoying them a little bit more. I could have gotten some that weren’t all that noticeable but i went for metal braces and so far so good.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #88 on: 13. September 2023, 16:55:54 PM »
@alicebisa Good for you for taking the dive again! How long is your treatment?

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #89 on: 13. September 2023, 17:37:43 PM »
Estimated about 17-18 months

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #90 on: 12. February 2024, 20:51:00 PM »
I also got braces as an adult. I have chosen clear ceramic braces. Only the lower teeth in the back were metal braces.

If I have to chose again, I would pick metal braces on all teeth, because they are smaller and easier to take off. My orthodontist told me exactly that in the consultation.

After all the ceramic braces are not as invisible as you think. People can mix up with dirty teeth.

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #91 on: 15. February 2024, 05:39:15 AM »
Since my first post in this thread, the idea getting real braces again, is becoming stronger and stronger.
I already hat a first consultation with an orthodontist during corona. Due to the masks I thought, this could help me hiding them in the beginning.
But the orthodontist said that I don`t need them :(
Thanks to my fake braces, I started to turn the expander a bit, I have got some annoying gaps between some of my teeth.
So I will give it another try in the next weeks and hopefully will get my jaws metalized.
Hopefully full set of brackets on top and bottom, with some bands on the molars.
Headgear, Herbst and/or an expander would be heaven one earth for me…

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #92 on: 24. September 2024, 21:08:39 PM »
ceramic for myself, traditional for the wife ;)

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #93 on: 03. October 2024, 16:53:35 PM »
An update to my post from february this year.
On October 21st my dream will come true and I will get braces again.
As promised in February, I rejected the offered treatment with Invisalign and chose metal brackets instead. As the ortho said, bands should bot be necessary, but still brackets on top and bottom for 1.5 to 2 years. Can’t wait to get them on ????

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Re: Your choice if you have to get braces as an adult
« Reply #94 on: 22. October 2024, 20:57:40 PM »
Yesterday my dream came true. I got my braces installed.
Damon SL metal brackets with hooks on 3-4-5 and tubes with hooks on the first molars in both jaws.
I am super happy with them and love my new smile.