
Author Topic: Just commited to 3 years - 3 and 1/2 Years  (Read 4937 times)

Offline bracesfan9988

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Just commited to 3 years - 3 and 1/2 Years
« on: 15. December 2017, 00:39:42 AM »
 I'm a male young adult, been slightly annoyed by my fang teeth since multiple years and lurking some braces forum.
Unfortunately my parents when I was young didn't have the money to send me for braces. When I finished university, I stacked up quite a good pile of money working at a well paying job.

I thought it was a good idea and see what they can do for me and my vampire teeth.
Turns out I had a overjet and overbite (class 2 malocclusion) but the way the teeth were it didn't show a lot.

I had 3 options presented to me :

- Braces during 3 years and jaw surgery (bsso or lefort 1)
- Braces during 2 years and 4 teeth extracted
- Braces only during 2 years and live with the fact that I have a gap between my teeth.

Initially and still a bit scared for the surgery but I decided to take this route !

I'm getting metal braces put on in February and then in a year or two will go for the surgery get the jaw at the good position. I hope it won't be too painful. The orthodontist said she will put me on the top and bottom brackets at the same time.

Offline bracessd

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Re: Just commited to 3 years - 3 and 1/2 Years
« Reply #1 on: 15. December 2017, 17:57:38 PM »
Congrats on taking the big will be worth it in the end! Look forward to the updates!