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General / Re: Best Functional device for the Wife
« Last post by Stefan on Today at 10:01:46 »
The classic Activator may be right for you.
With the classic Activator, the bite can also be blocked further so that a significant impairment is achieved.
Ja, mäßig interessant und vorhersehbar.
Diese Art von investigativem Journalismus kommt immer aus der Ecke Madsen/Spassov.

Zum besseren Verständnis:
Henning Madsen hat damals seine Kassenzulassung abgegeben, um eben keine Kassenpatienten mehr behandeln zu müssen.
Er behandelt ausschließlich privat. Weshalb er sich nun über außervertragliche Leistungen echauffiert, muss jeder für sich entscheiden.
Manche sagen, es könnte einfach eine clevere Marketingstrategie sein.

Alexander Spassov flog seinerseits aus der Uni Greifswald und scheint einen Hass auf Kollegen zu haben. Ist aber alles nur Vermutung.

Teilweise nachvollziehbar ist die Sache mit den Damon-Brackets. Natürlich gibt es günstigere Varianten. Allerdings: Wenn man Leistungen privat wünscht, hat man das Recht, die Qualität der Ausführungen selbst zu bestimmtn. Die Krankenkasse hat da gar nichts zu sagen.

Fazit: So what? In einem Jahr kommt die nächste Kampagne. Und dann die übernächste....
Bei 1 Stunde 10  ein Bericht über die " Verdienste " bei Sonderleistungen.
Videos (English or German) / Re: Fixed braces videos #12
« Last post by acornjohn2001 on Today at 08:17:06 »     adult, MARPE    late teen     late teen       male glasses    adult glasses     adult    adult    close look     teenie   adult, must wait    adult getting on    adult  adult  male  adult glasses   adult getting off, clear retainers male   adult  various   adult   adult live  teenie   adult    adult   adult glasses, long videos   adult glasses     adult once more   close getting herbst  teenie  adult   adult  adult   adult  adult  adult  adult teenie once more
on todays edition a girl mit Brackets gives a big smile leading to the Main story about the additional costs some doctors add towards the costs taken by the german MediCare (Paywall)
General / Re: Linda Jacobson: her story continues
« Last post by Sparky on Yesterday at 19:16:10 »
Chapter 18

"So, any plans for dinner?" asked Linda.

"Not really."

"In that case, would you like to come back to my place for dinner?"

"What, a take-away?"

"Not at all, I have a load of food in my fridge and freezer, I can cook us something."

"I didn't realise that pop stars ever did their own cooking."

"I wasn't always a pop star, so I needed to learn to live on a tight budget, which meant that cooking for myself was a must. I actually enjoy cooking too... I mean, I'm not a big cooking fanatic, but cooking can be quite relaxing, it's not something that you can hurry. So, want to risk it? You're welcome to tweet about it.... although probably best wait till the world knows about you, if you don't want a big backlash."

"Yeah, ok..."

"Now, Zac... just because I'm inviting you back to mine is NOT an invitation to examine my bedroom, if you know what I mean! You gonna be ok with that?"

"In that case, can we just have a nice snog in the kitchen?" said Zac with a big smile.

Linda and Zac had a very pleasant and relaxing evening together: Zac seemed to like Linda's cooking, then they watched a couple of programs on Notflux.

"You doing anything tomorrow? Fancy going out together for lunch?" suggested Linda.

"You gonna be ok doing that? Won't people recognise you?"

"I have a feeling it's going to be a LOT harder after our tour, but I haven't had too many issues so far. I think loads of people KNOW about me, but not so many are familiar with how I look. Yeah, they've maybe seen the 'on-stage', but less likely they've seen me when I'm normal."

"You? Normal? Is that possible?" joked Zac. "So, yeah, this tour... you looking forward to it? Or does it fill you with dread? Three months you said - that's a long time to be away from home!"

"At the moment I'm quite looking forward to it. Northern Girls arrive on Tuesday, and that's when the hard work starts. We did our album, and specifically took a short break, so hopefully we'll be suitably refreshed. We need to not only work out the details of what the tour's gonna be like, but we'll be playing some stuff with the Northern Girls, so that all needs to be written, which I think is going to be either great fun, or stupidly stressful. I'm kinda hoping that we'll all be suitably chilled about the whole thing... if we start having 'power struggles' now, it will be hell on tour!"

"So what's it like touring? You did a tour with the band last year..."

"It's a mix of fun and boredom, and luckily that was just a short tour. This one is a bit longer, but we have made sure to build in a few 'days off', not just for us, the crew will need some down-time too."

"Hey, you gonna be playing at that new place up in Manchester?"

"Oh, the Co-op Live Arena? Yeah, there's a rumour that we could end up being the opening act!"

"No way, your tour is still months away!"

"And the place is still not open: as I said....". Zac laughed as he realised that Linda was joking.

"Doesn't a tour start to send you a bit... well... 'crazy'?"

"A lot of it's about including some normality. Jenny can get quite stressed: last tour she was struggling towards the end, but then Ben came and joined her, and that gave her back her 'normality'. He'll be with us the whole of this tour... he's going to be working as part of our management team, helping Brian and Lisa."

"I'm guessing you must have quite a big team around you when you go on tour? I'm thinking that you must need people to do your hair and all that?"

"Hairdressers, makeup, people to help us put on our costumes... and that's before we think about the stage crew or our dancers."

"Can't you put your own clothes on then?"

"It's not so bad at the start of the show, but during the show we'll have costume changes, so we need someone to make sure we each have the correct dress, and then hang up the old ones afterward. Anyway, back to tomorrow lunch... fancy a Sunday Roast?"

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