
Author Topic: Two encounters  (Read 2934 times)

Offline MikeB

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Two encounters
« on: 09. October 2023, 19:10:28 PM »
I took the wife to Laughlin (Nevada, western USA) for a little weekend jaunt. We had a great time, with Carrie staying "in character" the whole time, wearing her excellent fake braces from the Shop. She also wore "Class II" elastics for most of the time. We had two interesting encounters that revolved around her braces.

We took a Saturday afternoon booze cruise on the Colorado River. We ended up meeting an older woman, probably middle 60s, who noted that Carrie had braces. The lady enthusiastically mentioned how her husband had adult braces when they met, and that she herself had braces in her 40s, getting them off when she was 47 (!!).

The second encounter was during a small R&B concert on the Riverwalk. This VERY pretty young Latina was dancing with a random group Carrie had joined. Between songs, this young woman smiled to reveal her own braces, and told Carrie she's soon be getting elastics for her own treatment. Carrie explained that she'd get used to the elastics quickly, and that taking them on and off would become second nature. We invited the young woman to the bar for a drink, but alas, she told us she was only 19 (underage for drinking in the USA).

We also had fun dancing in the Loser's Lounge club Friday and Saturday night. I always love dancing with Carrie with her braces, the club lights reflecting off her metallic smile. She also enjoys it, teasing with smiles, running her tongue over her braces, etc. We also got some nice pics on the trip, especially on the booze cruise, and even took a special pic for my IRL pal mr_90proof.

All in all, it was a fun weekend!

Offline biteplate

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Re: Two encounters
« Reply #1 on: 10. October 2023, 17:19:35 PM »
Great story! I wondered if the Hawley type fakes would work with elastics. Seems to be the case! Congrats

Offline napacaster

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Re: Two encounters
« Reply #2 on: 10. October 2023, 17:53:13 PM »
It's always a treat to meet someone to talk to when out and about in braces!

Offline MikeB

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Re: Two encounters
« Reply #3 on: 10. October 2023, 21:35:02 PM »
I wondered if the Hawley type fakes would work with elastics. Seems to be the case!

They do, in contrast to the Essix types we had before these. However, they work best when set up in a Classs II-style configuration, with pressure mostly back-to-front. Configuring so that there's more top-to-bottom pressure causes the upper archwire to flex very slightly, moving the upper brackets down on her teeth just a tiny bit (1mm or so). Small difference, but it's still noticeable, at least to me.

Offline MikeB

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Re: Two encounters
« Reply #4 on: 16. October 2023, 03:12:31 AM »
Shortly after our Laughlin trip, we went to Mexico, where adult braces are extremely common. Sadly for me, the best sightings were in a hotel wine bar (El Tapeo), where the male servers were in full metal. Carrie agreed that they were both very handsome, fit young men.

Carrie also struck up a convo with Shorty, our bartender at Boo Bar. Shorty's had her braces for a couple of years now, and is hoping to get them off in December. Carrie reminded her to wear her retainers faithfully.

A young blonde American woman sat at the Tiki Bar a few chairs down from me. She was pretty enough, and had really nice metal braces with dark (maybe black?) ligatures. She and her date stayed for a drink and I got a nice eyeful of her braces. Another quick sighting at Tiki Bar wasn't as exciting, just clear braces on a fairly dumpy American, and she just quickly ordered at the bar and left.

Since we know so many locals in Puerto Penasco, Carrie wasn't able to wear her braces in public very much. But she kept them in whenever we were back in our travel trailer, whether awake or asleep...or doing other things.  >:D