
Author Topic: The Split  (Read 57671 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #135 on: 20. October 2023, 18:18:20 PM »
Episode 68.

Izzy helped Julia as the group followed Dr. Parker into the treatment area.  As Dr. Parker and Dr. Higgins helped Julia get seated in a treatment chair, Izzy looked over towards the young man she had embarrassed earlier.  She immediately noticed that he had two silver facebows protruding from his mouth.  His face was red and he looked upset.

She could not hear what was being said, but she could see Peter, Sarah at his side, looking down and talking to the young man.  Maria and Cassie were both nodding along as Peter spoke.  As Izzy studied him. she was drawn to the vulnerability that she saw in him.  She didn’t consciously realize she felt this way, but she did.  And she was drawn to it. 

She was nervous as she approached.  She could hear Peter telling him “wearing headgear really isn’t that bad.  You will do fine.  And, only 10-12 hours a day?  No one will even know you have it.”  Cassie interjected “he is right Jake, just 10 hours a day.  I have never heard Dr. Parker prescribe less than 12 hours.  It will be ok.  Heck, look at Maria.  She is absolutely rocking hers.”

There was a moment of silence.  Izzy noticed that Jake did not seem convinced.  Izzy said “Hi!  I am Izzy!”  The young man turned towards her.  His face turned even darker red and he put his hand up over his mouth, as if he was trying to hide the facebows from her view.  Izzy continued “I am sorry if I embarrassed you earlier.  That was not my intention.  It’s just, well, you are cute. And I like your braces.  I just wanted to tell you that.  I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”  The group turned towards Izzy, all but Sarah surprised by her directness.

Jake replied, his voice cracking some, “oh God this is so embarrassing.  I can’t believe this is happening.  It is awkward enough having braces in college.  Now headgear.  I know i look like a freak.”

Maria quickly replied “hmphh, I don’t agree with that.  I do not think wearing headgear makes anyone a freak.  I certainly do not consider myself a freak.  Do you Cassie?  What about you Peter and Sarah?”  They all agreed that they weren’t freaks as Maria continued “Jake, just try it.  It is just at night.  No one will ever need to know you have it.  Will you at least try?”

Jake, defeated, slumped his shoulders and responded softly “yes, I will try.”  He was silent for a moment and cut his eyes towards Maria and said “and I am sorry about the freak comment.  It wasn’t directed at you.  You don’t look like a freak.  Just me.”

Before Maria could say anything Izzy blurted out “you don’t look like a freak.  You look like you have braces.  And that is so cool.  I am so jealous.”

Jake looked at her quizzically and said “now you are just messing with me.”

Izzy shook her head and said “what would I be messing with you about?  I like your braces.  They are cute.”  She went silent a moment then said “I am sorry.  I know I sometimes say things I shouldn’t.  But I am not messing with you.  And I hope I am not embarrassing you more.  But you ARE cute with braces.  I hope I can get some too.  And I hope I am as cute as you are with them.”

Jake’s face softened as he said “well, this is different.  Um, thank you I guess.”  He then turned his head and looked into Izzy’s face and said “and you would be cute with braces.  There is no way you could not be cute.”  It was now Izzy’s turn to blush.

Maria noticed this interaction seemed to be heading in a strange direction, not even realizing that her and Emily had initially bonded in much the same way, and piped in “ok then, that settles it.  Jake, we will leave you with Cassie so she can show you how your straps go.  But Izzy is right.  You do look cute with braces.  Cute AND handsome.”  She looked down the row of chairs, two of which were occupied by Julia and Dr. Higgins and said “we have an empty chair left.”  Turning towards Izzy she continued  “that one is for you Izzy.  What do you say we see about getting you some braces of your own?”

Izzy beamed and said “Yes!  Please!”  Before she left, she turned and looked back at Jake.  She noticed he was looking at her.  And she noticed he actually had a slight smile on his face, despite the facebows.  He said “Izzy, it was nice to meet you.  And thank you.  Maybe I will be lucky enough to see you around here again?”

Izzy smiled and said “I hope so!  Maybe I will have braces too then!”  It looked like Jake had more he wanted to say, but he simply smiled back at her.

Maria said “good job Jake.  You are going to do fine.  Now gang, Izzy, let’s leave these two and get you in a chair.”  Izzy practically skipped as she followed behind Maria towards the empty chair.  Jake watched her as she departed.  He had almost forgotten about the headgear he was being fitted for.  Instead, his focus was on Izzy.  And trying to hide the erection he had.

Offline MikeB

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Re: The Split
« Reply #136 on: 20. October 2023, 19:48:46 PM »
Oh man, now you've gotten me started. These terminally-online, porn-addicted coomers live their entire "lives" on the internet. They have zero social skills and make innocent people totally uncomfortable sharing perfectly normal stuff online.

These guys (it's ALWAYS dudes) treat the hard work of writers as mere "content" that magically appears on the internet, never giving a moment's thought to the actual human beings who labor to write the stories they consoooooooooooom. There's seldom so much as a "thanks man, that was cool" or anything else. Look at the number of views a story here gets versus the number of comments. This kind of ratio is part of what made me quit the Discord servers and why I post so few stories here anymore.

It's even worse with the creepy comments on YouTube, Insta, and apparently now TikTok (I don't use the latter). These guys need to realize that the people posting on social media are ACTUAL PEOPLE and need to be treated with respect as such, not as just some kind of bot that posts purely for the indulgence and pleasure of obsessive coomers with a braces fetish.

But this will never happen, because the terminally-online porn addicts cannot even conceive of something outside themselves. They'll never go outside. They'll never "touch grass." They'll certainly never go to a bar or a gym and talk to a flesh-and-blood woman. They're terrified of actual human interaction and have absolutely no idea how to even speak to another human being. It was my generation who created this, and we deserve to burn in Hell for it.

Rant mode off.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: The Split
« Reply #137 on: 20. October 2023, 20:30:05 PM »

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #138 on: 21. October 2023, 04:56:36 AM »
That is the way you tell it like it is, feelings be damned.

Offline tdella

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Re: The Split
« Reply #139 on: 21. October 2023, 12:37:01 PM »
Enjoying your stories, and your prolific pace.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #140 on: 22. October 2023, 01:43:04 AM »
Episode 69.

Sarah and Peter sat in chairs against the wall as Dr. Parker approached Izzy, who was now seated in a treatment chair.  Dr. Parker smiled at Izzy and asked “how are you Izzy?  Are you comfortable?”

Izzy beamed and exclaimed “yes!  Nervous, but excited.”

Dr. Parker smiled at her enthusiasm.  She asked her “Izzy, someone told me you like animals.  Is that true?”

Izzy lit up “yes!  I love them.  Julia has a kitty cat that lives with us.  His name is Tom.  Get it?  Tom cat.”  Izzy laughed and continued “he was a big scaredy cat at first, but now he will lay in my lap and let me pet him.  I love him.  I love all animals.”

Dr. Parker asked “you like puppies then?”  Izzy nodded her head.  Dr. Parker said “well hold on then, I have someone I would like you to meet.  Maybe you could hold him during your appointment?”  Without waiting for an answer, Dr. Parker walked out of the treatment room.  A few moments later she returned holding a golden retriever puppy.  Izzy’s eyes lit up as Dr. Parker said “Izzy, this is Baxter.  Would you like to hold him?” 

Izzy looked at Dr. Parker and asked “can I?  Please?”

Dr. Parker smiled as she placed the puppy in Izzy’s lap.  She said “of course you can”.  The dog placed his paws on Izzy’s chest and licked her face.”  Izzy squealed and hugged him.  She said “he is soooo cute!”  Dr. Parker said “well, why don’t you hold him in your lap?  I am going to take a look at Julia, and Maria here will get some impressions made for you and Dr. Higgins.”

Sarah and Peter watched as Dr. Parker and Maria worked.  Peter had just reached over to take Sarah’s uninjured hand in his when Jake and Cassie walked in front of them.  Jake stopped, then took a few steps over towards Izzy, who had an impression tray in her mouth.  He was not wearing his headgear, instead holding a pouch in his hand emblazoned ‘Fair Oaks Orthodontics’.  Peter identified it as a headgear pouch, identical to the one he had.  Jake smiled at Izzy and said “Izzy, it was really nice to meet you today.  It was not at all how I would have liked to meet you.  But I am glad I did.”  Maria held her finger up towards Izzy and said “30 more seconds.” 

After the time had elapsed, Maria carefully removed the tray from Izzy’s mouth.  She gave the boy a big smile and said “it was sooo nice to meet you.  I hope I can see you again.”

Jake said “I would like that.  Maybe we could even talk on the phone.  I would like that. But I would need to know what number to call.”

Izzy seemed confused.  She understood that he was asking her for her number.  But the fact a boy, a boy she found really cute, was interested in her is what confused her.  Then she thought of her Milwaukee brace and felt self conscious.  Surely there was no way he would be interested in her if he knew she had to wear such a monstrosity.  Still, she liked him.  She was sitting there in thought when Jake said “or, I could give you my number?  Maybe you could call me?  I would like that too.”

This broke Izzy from her thoughts.  She looked a him and replied “I would like that.”  He looked at Cassie and asked “do you have something to write on?  And with?”

Cassie said “sure, at the front desk.  Let’s get you your next appointment scheduled first though.”  The pair departed as Dr. Higgins stared after him.

Once out of sight Dr. Higgins looked at Izzy and said “Izzy you don’t even know him.  Are you sure this is a good idea.  I do not like it.”

Izzy said “gramma, he seems sweet.  And he is cute.  And you are always telling me to be more outgoing.”

Dr. Higgins shook her head and said “I didn’t mean boys!  Boys lead to trouble.”  She went quiet a moment and then added “but you are a big girl.  If you want to talk to him I won’t and can’t stop you.”

A few minutes later, Jake returned.  He walked over to Izzy and said “Izzy, again, it was so nice to meet you.  Here is my cell phone number.  I would love it if you would call me.  Maybe tell me how your appointment went?” 

Izzy smiled at him and said “of course!  I would like that.”  As she took the slip of paper from him, his fingers brushed against her’s.  This caused the fine blonde hairs on her arm to stand up.

Jake noticed this but didn’t acknowledge it.  Instead he simply said “thank you.  Maybe you won’t have to get braces.”  Then, thinking of her apparent excitement earlier he added “but maybe you will.  But if you do they will be the cutest braces ever.”

Izzy blushed slightly as Cassie stepped in beside Izzy.  Cassie looked at Jake and said “thank you Jake.  We have a lot to get done here though and you are all good to go.” 

Jake took the hint.  He smiled at Izzy and said “Izzy, promise you will call.  And good luck today!”

Izzy beamed back and said “thank you!  I promise I will!”

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: The Split
« Reply #141 on: 22. October 2023, 03:13:08 AM »
Yes. Another episode to enjoy.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #142 on: 22. October 2023, 15:49:03 PM »
Episode 70.

The puppy yipped at Izzy.  She looked down and rubbed his head saying “I haven’t forgotten about you cutie.  You are just the most adorable thing ever.  I want to take you home with me.”

Dr. Parker overheard this while she was looking at the extensive wiring in Julia’s mouth and replied “I’m sorry Izzy.  But Baxter is my daughter Emily’s pup.  I don’t think she would like that.  But, you are free to visit and cuddle with him anytime.”  Finishing up looking at Julia she said “Julia, it looks like they did a good job with the wiring.  I am not going to touch it for now.  It is a good thing we installed that tongue crib when we did though.  Otherwise, I would definitely have to install one now to keep your tongue from pushing on your teeth.  I am going to have Cassie go take some x-rays just so I can be sure.  When you are done, we can finish up.  Sound good?”

Through her clenched teeth Julia grunted “uh huh”.

As Dr. Parker and Cassie helped Julia to her feet, Dr. Parker said “now your turn Dr. Higgins!”  Dr. Higgins’ face went white.

It took about 15 minutes for Dr. Parker to examine first Dr. Higgins and then Izzy, taking notes as she went.  Once, while looking at Izzy, she had to stop and admonish Baxter “be a good boy” as he tried to crawl up Izzy to get to her face.

Once Dr. Parker was finished, she pulled her mask down.  Looking at Dr. Higgins she said “well, I have bad news.”  Turning to face Izzy she said “or I have good news, depending on how you look at it.  You both could use orthodontic treatment.  You have very similar issues, each of you are mildly class III.  And each of you would benefit tremendously from expansion.  I have slightly separate treatment plans in mind for each of you, just because of your age differences.  I will let Pam my treatment coordinator go over it in more detail.  But, at a high level, I would like to fit Izzy with a custom MARPE expander and protraction facemask.  Also, we will install fixed braces on her lower arch, along with a removal bite splint on bottom that has an expansion screw integrated into it for nighttime wear.  Once we have rhe needed expansion, you will go into fixed braces on top as well.  It is all very similar to Cassie’s treatment plan.  And the expander and facemask are like what I and Sarah also need.  I anticipate your total treatment time to be 24-30 months.  And then of course retention for life.”  For the first time some trepidation showed on Izzy’s face.

Sarah noticed this and said “yay Izzy!  That is exciting!  We can match.”  This caused a smile to return to Izzy’s face. 

Dr. Parker then turned to Dr. Higgins.  Anxiety was evident in her features.  Dr. Parker said “for you, we will eventually get to all that as well.  But first, I want to start you with an FR appliance.  That stands for functional regulator.  Also called a Frankel appliance.  There are different models dependent on bite, you will need a Frankel III.  I will integrate hooks into your treatment as well so we can use a protraction mask as well. We will do this with molar bands. While removable, the FR is to be worn full time except when eating.  The protraction mask 14-16 hours a day, though more is always better.  You have a lot of responsibility on you don’t you?  I can tell from your face.  You have a lot of tension.  You will need to wear the FR for 6-12 months.  This will help relax your TMJ joints, as well as your face, which will reduce unwanted movement, or resistance to desired movement, once we really get things moving.  Then, we will also fix a custom MARPE to your upper palate, as well as a fixed lower expander.  And of course we will continue the use of the protraction mask.  I anticipate this will take about 12 months.  Once expansion is complete, you will go into fixed upper and lower braces for probably two years.  I will warn you, the FR is a relatively intrusive appliance.  But, most patients adapt to it after a month or so.  You are lucky though!  Our very own Pam, who you are about to meet with, is in one herself.  She can tell you about her experience.”

Noticing the terror on Dr. Higgins face, she continued “I know it sounds like a lot.  But you will do great.  And you will be so glad you did it.  I promise you, you will feel so much better.  And to top it off you will both have Hollywood smiles.  So, what do you think?”

Izzy said “I am in!”  Dr. Higgins was not as eager.  She shook her head and said “I don’t know if I can.  It is just so much.  What about my job?”

Dr. Parker replied “I have tons of professional patients living their best lives.  In fact, I have one local celebrity that is currently in a FR appliance and protraction mask herself.  You have probably seen her on TV.  For client confidentiality I can’t say who, but if you watch the local news much I guarantee you have seen her.  She is living her best life.  Granted, she doesn’t wear her appliance on air, so her total treatment plan will take a little longer.  But, if a TV personality can do it, I know you can too.  You need this.  What do you say?”

Izzy exclaimed “come on gramma!  This will be fun!  We can do this together!”

Dr. Higgins looked at Izzy nervously.  After some silence she replied “oh sweet Izzy, I think this will be anything but fun.  But, if you want me to, I will do it.”

As Izzy shouted “YAYYYY!” Dr. Higgins looked at Sarah and said “I told you, I am powerless against her charms.”

Dr. Parker said “I promise, it won’t be that bad.  And we do strive to make treatment here as fun as possible.  How about we get you in to meet with Pam?  When you get back, we will go ahead and get you both some spacers.  In the meantime, I will go ahead and fit Julia’s two new facebows and Interlandi.  I will see you two back here shortly.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #143 on: 24. October 2023, 15:44:23 PM »
Episode 71.

As Sarah watched Dr. Parker install first an upper facebow and then a lower facebow in Julia's mouth, she felt overwhelming guilt.  At that moment, the one thing she wanted to do was take back what had happened.  She knew that wasn't possible, so she racked her brain as to how she could somehow make this up to Julia.  She drew a blank.

After Dr. Parker was done fitting the facebows she explained "so Julia, until the fracture in your jaw heals, your active orthodontic treatment is on pause.  We can't exactly be moving teeth around.  Instead, I want to stabilize everything.  That is the reason for this new headgear.  It will help stabilize your occlusion while you heal.  Much like your halo is doing for your spine, this headgear is intended only to hold your jaws immobile.  I will use very light forces, so you should not feel any discomfort from the headgear.  I do want you to wear it full time until your jaw heals.  The one exception is you can remove the facebows for hygiene; once in the morning and once in the evening.  Other than that, you should have them in and attached to your Interlandi cap.  Because of the rear pins of your brace putting it on will be a little more complicated than it would be normally.  How often do you wash your hair now?"

Julia responded "oncsh a week, ish hard with the halo and shoulder shpica."

Dr. Parker nodded and continued "then in that case, please wear the cap all the time except when you wash your hair.  So, let me show you what I mean."  Looking over at Peter she asked "Peter, would you mind being my model?   Would you please go ahead and slip your facebow in?  And please hand me your straps so I can show Julia what she will need to do."

After having slipped his facebow in and being directed to sit in a stool beside Julia, Dr. Parker said "so, because of your rear pins, you can't just slip the cap on.  Instead, you will need to unfasten the top strap, like this".  She slid the straps that went over the top of the head out from the flat plastic buckle on top.   She continued "you will need to attach the cap around the back of your head and neck.  It  would be best if someone helps you.  Like this."  Looking at Sarah she asked "Sarah, would you please hold the cap in place on Peter's head while I attach the elastics."  Sarah held the cap while Dr. Parker explained "for you Julia, I am only going to use one elastic on each facebow on each side.  Again, we are not trying to move anything, just keep it in place.  Like this."  Once she had the elastics in place she said to Sarah "you can let go.  The elastics will hold the cap in place.  Like they do your facemask. Which I might note, you are not wearing."  Sarah took the hint and left the trio for a moment.  When she returned, she was wearing her facemask.  Once she returned Dr. Parker continued "and so, this is where it gets just a little different for you Julia.  Once you have everything on, you will need to thread the straps that go over the top of your head back together."  As she did this she said "you just want it snug, do not over tighten it.  You should just be able to get a finger under it without discomfort.  But you also don't want it to be loose.  Like this."  She placed her hand on the back of Peter's head and bent it down, so that Julia could see the top of his head.  She continued "since you are only washing your hair once a week, you will only need to do it a total of 5 or 6 times; or the number of weeks it takes your jaw to heal."  Looking at Peter she said "Peter, since you have your headgear on, would it not be a good idea to go ahead and add two more additional elastics like your treatment calls for?  Every minute of wear helps."  Without needing a mirror, Peter quickly attached two more elastics.  Dr. Parker said "good boy.  Now, let me go ahead and get Julia strapped in.  I will also mark your top straps with a sharpie marker so you know how much to tighten the top strap." 

As Cassie held Julia's cap around the back of your head, Dr. Parker quickly attached her elastics.  As she looked at the scene, the feeling of guilt returned to Sarah.  There before her were Dr. Parker and Cassie both wearing pink facemasks, as she herself was.  Dr. Parker also had her hot pink headgear strap on, which was like a flashing beacon on top of her head.  In the chair was poor Julia, being fitted with double Interlandi headgear, and beside her still sitting was her husband wearing his own Interlandi headgear.  And she knew back in the treatment coordinator's office Dr. Higgins and Izzy were finalizing the details of their own treatments, which also involved headgear.  It all seemed so ridiculous, and extreme.  And Sarah felt it was all her fault.

Back in the treatment coordinator's office, Pam had finalized all of the financial details with Dr. Higgins.  Ever since she had introduced herself and began explaining everything, Pam couldn't help but notice that Dr. Higgins was focused on her mouth.  Once Pam was finished explaining everything and had them sign all the necessary documents she asked "so, any questions?"

Dr. Higgins responded "I do.  Dr. Parker said you also wear an FR appliance.  Are you wearing it?  She said it was intrusive.  But I don't see anything.  Is it really not visible?"

Pam gave an exaggerated smile and then replied "no, I am not wearing it now.  When meeting with new patients, I take it out.  Only because it does impact my speech a little.  And I don't want there to be any miscommunication.  Plus, it can be a little intimidating to new patients.  I do have these fancy, shiny molar bands all the time though."  She pulled her cheek back on one side, showing molars bands, each with a hook welded on them, on her upper and lower molars.  She continued "now, when we meet again, I will have it in.  And be wearing my facemask.  It is hard to cheat when you work for your orthodontist."  After a quick laugh she asked "would you like to see it?"

Nervously Dr. Higgins said "I guess since I am committed to this, the paperwork is all signed, I can't back out now.  Sure, let's see what is in store for me."

As Pam pulled open a desk drawer she responded "really, you will get acclimated to it.  I won't say used to it, but acclimated."  Pulling out a large pink plastic flip top box she opened it.  From it she removed the largest orthodontic appliance Dr. Higgins had ever seen.  It was a mass of silver wires, purple colored acrylic, and something that looked like a fence in the middle of the appliance.  Pam held it up and explained "so, this is it.  You see the large pads on the side that rest between my teeth and cheeks.  And you might notice the Fair Oaks Orthodontics logo on them.  We can add all kinds of neat designs on them.  There is certainly enough room.  And these two smaller pads here in front rest below my front lower teeth, between my lips and gums.  These two wires are inside my teeth, running along my upper and lower palate, the lower one in front of my tongue.  And speaking of tongue, this jail cell here in the middle is to hold my tongue back.  It is really what impedes my speech the most.  And finally, I have this upper wire that runs along the outside of my top teeth, like a hawley retainer.  Here, let me demonstrate."

Dr. Higgins was shocked.  She was shocked that the appliance was so large.  So large she wondered how Pam even got it in her mouth.  She was also shocked that anyone could tolerate wearing it.

Dr. Higgins watched as Pam opened her mouth and somehow maneuvered the appliance in.  Once in her mouth, Pam seated it in place.  With the appliance in, Dr. Higgins noticed her lower lip and both her cheeks puffed out.  It looked like she had a mouth full of something.  Which she did.  Once the appliance was in place, Pam gave an open mouthed smile.  The large acrylic pads were visible in the corners of her mouth with a shiny wire running across the front of her top teeth.  Then Pam spoke, and Dr. Higgins felt sick to her stomach.

Pam said "sho, thish eh my appliansch.  Ash ya can hear, it doesh affect speech shome.  With the tongue guard training my tongue, it ish hard to shay shome wordsh.  Ssh is one.  Among othersh.  But everyone can shtill undershtand me for the mosht part.  The firstht few weeksh are the hardest.  You really will need to practish shpeaking as musch ash you can.  Now, here is my fashmask."  From the open drawer she removed a white plastic and metal mask.  It did not look like the facemasks which Sarah, Cassie, and Dr. Parker wore.  Instead, it looked like it had a pad for the forehead, and then there were two pads below that on either side.  She was confused until Pam said "sho, thish is my facemashk.  It is ish a Grummonsh style facemashk.  My job ish speaking, and I find the chin pad of the Petit shtyle to be cumbersome.  Sho here at the officsh I wear thish.  Let me show you."  She held the mask up to her face, a pad resting on her forehead and one on each cheek, and deftly attached elastics to the hooks on her upper molars.  She then connected them to the facemask.  But she was not done.  She then attached two more elastics to the hooks on her lower molars and also attached them to the facemask.  Smiling at Dr. Higgins she said "voila, and now we have headgear!"

Dr. Higgins was as white as a ghost.  Pam noticed this and said "really, it isn't THAT bad.  You will get used to it.   And it looks like you don't have to wear the facemashk all the time.  Sho that will make it even eashier.  Trust me, you will see.  I think that wrapsh it up.  Letsh get you two back out to the treatment area sho we can get you two some spacersh.  This really ish an exciting day.  Smile!  It is the first day of your new smile.  And life with a better, healthier bite.  You will see."

Sarah noticed Pam enter the treatment area.  She couldn't help but notice the facemask she was wearing.  Behind her followed Dr. Higgins and Izzy.  They were quite the contrast.  Izzy was smiling wide, practically beaming.  Dr. Higgins on the other hand looked so sad, like she had just suffered a devastating loss of some type.  As Pam approached she announced "Dr. Parker, your two new patientsh are ready to begin treatment."  Pam turned to face Izzy and Dr. Higgins and said "congratulationsh you two!  And it wash shuch a pleashure to meet with you.  I look sho forward to working with you as you proceed on your journey."  With that said she departed.

Dr. Parker said "perfect timing.  I am just finishing up here.  Dr. Higgins, Izzy, why don't you get seated."  Before they could however, Maria led a girl who appeared to be around 10 years old in followed by her mother.  As the little girl passed, she took in the group before her.  Her eyes got big and she turned to face her mother, who's eyes were also huge.  Neither said anything, but Sarah could tell they were horrified.  And she couldn't blame them.  After passing, Cassie and Dr. Parker once again helped Julia up and into a chair along the wall.  Sarah and Peter followed.  Sarah took the seat directly beside Julia, on the opposite side of her casted arm, and wrapped her arm around her.  She softly said "I am so sorry dear." 

Julia said "ish ok, who will even notish thish headgear with everything elsh going on."

Sarah squeezed her and said "I don't know how, but I am going to make this up to you one way or another."

Offline bracessd

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Re: The Split
« Reply #144 on: 24. October 2023, 17:15:48 PM »
Great job

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #145 on: 24. October 2023, 18:54:53 PM »
Thank you.  Since I REALLY don't feel too enthusiastic about work today, I will add another chapter.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #146 on: 24. October 2023, 20:10:55 PM »
Episode 72.

It took Cassie and Dr. Parker little time to insert the blue spacers in Dr. Higgins' and Izzy's mouths.  Once done, Dr. Parker said "this really is exciting.  It is so incredible that you two will get to go through this together."  Looking over at Sarah, Peter and Julia she added "I guess i should say all of you get to go through it together.  It really is easier, and more fun, to have a partner in this.  We have had quite an eventful day!  Missy up front will tell you about our upcoming Halloween costume movie night too.  We would absolutely love to have you all there.  Everyone is welcome, so Sarah and Peter, feel free to bring your boys.  I will let her fill you in though, I know I have patients waiting outside.  To you all, I say thank you.  It is an honor that you are letting me treat you."  Turning to Cassie she instructed her "Cassie, would you escort them out so they can make their follow-ups please?  And call our next patient back?  Thank you dear."

That afternoon before dinner, Sarah was seated beside Julia watching the television.  Izzy had just left to go swimming, something that Sarah had been unable to partake in since the accident as she was casted.  Most days since the "accident" Sarah sat and sunbathed while watching Izzy frolic in the water.  But today, she wanted to spend some time with Julia.

Sarah sat leaning against Julia.  She said "again Julia, I am so sorry for all of this". 

Julia reached over with her good hand.  Unable to turn her head she searched for Sarah's.  Sarah took her hand as Julia said "it ish aright.  I doh blame you.  Itsh jusht a lot to deal with.  I justht feel so lonely and isholated.  But you and Ishy have done all you can I know."

Sarah said "I don't think there is ever anything I can do to make up for this.  But again, I am truly sorry.  I want you to know that Kim is sorry too.  She truly is."  Sitting there in silence, a voice spoke in Sarah's head.  It was not her own, it was Kim's.  Sarah debated with Kim in her head.  After a few minutes she stood up.  She looked down at Julia and said "hang on dear, I will be right back."

Returning a few moments later, Julia noticed Sarah had taken off her facemask.  As she approached, Julia noticed the expression on her face seemed different.  Not only that, her gait was slightly different than she was used to.  Sitting down again, Julia asked "ish erything ok Sharah?"

Wrapping her arm around Julia again, she responded "don't be alarmed.  It's Kim.  And I want to do something for you."

Julia tried to recoil away from her.  Kim let her go and said "I promise, I am not going to hurt you.  As Sarah said, I am so sorry.  And I want to show you how sorry I am, if you will let me."  She took Julia's hand and said "would you please come with me?"

Julia was hesitant.  And scared.  But, looking into Kim's face, she slowly stood.  Kim led her to the bedroom and got her in bed comfortably propped up on some pillows.  Kim said "I have seen the way you look at some women.  I think you will enjoy this.  Please, let me do this for you."

Julia was confused.  While she was bi-sexual, she had never mentioned it around Sarah.  Or Kim.  She asked "buh how di ya know?"

Kim smiled and said "I just do.  And I understand.  I don't like men myself.  Women are much more beautiful and caring creatures.  And I want to care for you."

Julia protested "buh wah about Sarah?  And Peter?  I just don't think I should." 

Kim gently placed her finger against Julia's two facebows and said "shhh.  Sarah is fine with it.  She wants this.  Or else I would not be here.  She will do anything to try to make up for what happened.  And this can be our little secret, even though Peter would be ok with it."  Kim leaned in between the bars of Julia's halo and gently placed her lips over the facebows.  She tenderly kissed Julia.

After completing the kiss, Kim got up and went and closed the bedroom door, locking it behind her.  She returned to the bed and said "just lay back and let me do all the work."

The next morning Sarah was already up, sitting on the already folded up couch, when nurse Melanie softly knocked and entered the suite.  Melanie looked over at Sarah and asked "so, how did everyone's orthodontist appointment go?"

Sarah smiled and said "no changes for me.  But Izzy got her some spacers.  She is getting the braces she wanted.  But last night she was complaining about her spacers hurting.  I don't know if she really knows what is in store for her, but she is still over the moon about it.  Dr. Higgins is also starting treatment.  She is most definitely not as excited as Izzy.  And poor Julia, she got her some new headgear that she has to wear all the time." 

Melanie answered "I saw that in her chart.  The poor dear.  An Interlandi headgear?  I don't even know what that is."

Sarah said "it is BIG.  But I don't think it is too uncomfortable.  Peter has one too.  He doesn't complain too much.  And he just looks so adorable in it.  Especially when he pouts about wearing it."

Melanie said "you two really are perfect together.  Let me get in there and help Julia.  Would you mind helping?  Since you seem to know a lot more about her headgear than me?"

Sarah smiled and replied "of course."

Once Julia was dressed for the day, Melanie escorted her to the sitting area.  Sarah stayed behind and got herself ready.  Once ready to face the day, she entered the common area.  Julia was sitting on the couch beside Izzy.  Sarah noticed that Izzy had a frown on her face.  Sarah asked "what's wrong Izzy girl?  You look unhappy."

Izzy looked up and responded "I'm not unhappy.  But my mouth hurts.  I didn't know spacers would hurt this much."  Sarah lied to her and said "oh Izzy, it will get better." 

Melanie interjected "Sarah, I forgot to mention, Dr. Higgins wants to see you before breakfast.  Can you find your way to her office?  Or do you want me to escort you?"

Sarah felt a pit form in her stomach.  Why did Dr. Higgins want to see her?  Did she know about what had happened between Kim and Julia the day before?  Trying to hide her anxiety, she smiled at Melanie and said "no, thank you, I can manage."

As she walked down the hallway, thoughts raced through her head.  She knew what had happened yesterday would be considered wrong by many.  She was certain that Dr. Higgins would not have approved.  Yet despite this, Sarah was glad it had happened.  That she had let it happen.  Julia seemed to be in such better spirits now than she was before.  Arriving at Dr. Higgins door she knocked nervously. 

It was only a few seconds before the door opened.  Dr. Higgins greeted her with a smile and said "good morning!  Please come on in!"

Entering the office Sarah felt some relief, Dr. Higgins didn't seem upset.  And then Dr. Higgins said "Sarah, please, sit.  I have something important to discuss with you."

As Sarah sat, Dr. Higgins asked "so how is my Izzy girl?  Are her spacers still hurting?  Goodness knows mine are.  I did a little Googling last night, some people say spacers are the worst part.  I sure hope so."

Sarah said "yes, her mouth is still bothering her.  And to be honest with you, both your mouths will be tender the whole time you have spacers.  Even if I did tell Izzy it would get better.  Which isn't a complete lie.  It doesn't really get better, but you will get more used to them.  Which I guess in a way is better.  So, um, what do you need to discuss with me?"

Dr. Higgin smiled and said "I have some exciting news.  I, and most importantly Robert, think it is time for you to go home.  You have done so well.  You are doing so well.  We are going to check you out this Friday.  I wanted to give you a couple of days notice.  So you don't have any stress packing.  And to say your goodbyes.  Izzy is going to be devastated I know.  Which brings me to the second thing I want to discuss with you."

"I need help.  Sarah, I would like to hire you.  You are wonderful with all the guests.  You understand them.  You are empathetic to them.  I want you to be my assistant.  We will work around your schedule.  I know you are a mom and wife first and foremost.  And some of the work can be done remotely.  This is selfish on my part perhaps, but I don't want you to leave.  We can get into the details, but before we get to that, is it something you would be at all interested in?"

Sarah was stunned.  She looked at Dr. Higgins and asked "wait, so you are going to discharge me as a patient, and then turn right around and hire me as staff?"

Dr. Higgins said "no, I am checking out a guest; not discharging a patient.  But yes, that is what I am saying.  Look, every day I get older.  This job wears on a person.  And I don't have a succession plan for Vista View.  Yes, I could hire any number of qualified administrators.  But, I want someone I know.  Someone I can trust.  Someone that understands what our guests here are going through.  I want to hire you to help me.  And depending on how you like it, then... well, let's not get the cart before the horse.  Is it something you would be interested in?"

Sarah thought for a moment.  She looked at Dr. Higgins and said "well, I would need to discuss it with Peter.  And I do want to spend a little time with my boys.  Can I have a little time to think about it?"

Dr. Higgins said "of course you can.  I would ask you not to discuss this with anyone other than Peter though, especially not other guests or staff.  At least at this time.  But Sarah, you would be perfect.  I can tell you it is very rewarding helping others.  I think you know this.  I can sense it comes naturally to you.  And I know Izzy adores you.  Yes, you are her friend.  But I think you are more to her.  I think she looks at you as a surrogate mother.  I have already made it clear that I would do anything for her.  I want you here for me.  I do need the help.  But I also want you here for Izzy.  I am not trying to guilt you into anything.  I am simply laying all my cards on the table for you to see.  So, please, think about it.  I promise you it will be worth it.  From a personal standpoint, but also a financial standpoint.  So, please think about it.  And then say yes." 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #147 on: 25. October 2023, 01:23:02 AM »
Episode 73.

The next evening, Peter and Sarah sat outside on the overlook enjoying the crisp evening.  Peter had joined Sarah for dinner.  Now, they were talking about the offer that Dr. Higgins had tentatively extended to Sarah.  Once Sarah had relayed to Peter what Dr. Higgins had said, Sarah asked “so what do you think?  Should I do it?”

Peter stroked his chin.  He had not worn his headgear, and Sarah had yet to put her facemask back on.  After thinking he said “well, the Devil is always in the details.  But assuming this works for you schedule wise and you want to do this; it sounds like you do; you absolutely should.  I see no downside to it.  Just the opposite.”

Sarah said “thank you baby.  I do want to do it. But, I would never do it without you being onboard.  We are a team.  Speaking of being a team, thank you for agreeing to be with me to break the news to Izzy that I am leaving tomorrow, at least temporarily.  I am afraid she is going to take the news badly.  I guess we just need to rip the bandaid off.  But first…” She stood and took both of Peter’s hands, pulling them towards her.  He stood and she leaned in and gave him a kiss.  She leaned back and took a breath, then leaned back in, their tongues intertwining.  Sarah was flush when she pulled back.  She said “it is so hot feeling your braces.  Just so sexy.  I have a lot of catching up to do with you.  And to you.”  She winked at him and continued “but I need to tell Izzy I am checking out first.”

Back in their suite, Sarah had Izzy sit on the couch.  Sarah smiled at Izzy and said “Izzy, I have been dreading this day.  But tomorrow, I am checking out.”  Izzy looked at her and shrieked “NO!  YOU CAN’T LEAVE!” and burst into tears.  Sarah went to hug Izzy.  Izzy recoiled and spit through her sobs “you’re just like everyone else.  You’re leaving me.”  She jumped up and ran into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Sarah got up and went to the door with Peter behind her.  She tried the door knob and was glad to find it was unlocked.  Entering Izzy’s room, she found Izzy in the fetal position facing away from the door crying loudly.  Sarah crawled into bed and wrapped her arm over Izzy.  She said “Izzy baby, I’m not leaving you.  I promise.  I just won’t be sleeping here.”

Izzy croaked “you will leave and never come back.”

Sarah wrapped Izzy in an embrace.  She said “that is not true.  I promise.”  Turning her head, she said “Peter, would you go and see if Dr. Higgins is available.  I have something I want to tell Izzy.  And Dr. Higgins.”

After Peter had gone, Sarah said “Izzy, I have something exciting I want to tell you.  But I want Dr. Higgins here.  Please darling, quit crying.  This is a happy occasion, not a sad one.”

Izzy sniffled and asked “so you aren’t leaving?  Never to return?”

Sarah let go of Izzy and sat on the edge of the bed.  She said “no sweetie, I promise.  I couldn’t leave my Izzy girl.” 

Izzy wiped her eyes and scooted across the bed and sat up beside Sarah.  She said “promise.  Promise me I will still get to see you.”  Izzy wrapped Sarah in a hug and said “Sarah, I love you.  I can’t bare the thought of not seeing you again.”

Sarah hugged Izzy back and said “Izzy, I love you too sweetie.  I couldn’t just leave.  That is why I asked Peter to go find your grandmom.  While we wait, and speaking of love, how is Jake?  You two sure are talking a lot.”

The mention of Jake caused Izzy to smile.  She replied “Sarah, I don’t love Jake.  But I do like him.  A lot.  Tonight, he asked me out on a date. Tomorrow night. I am so excited.  Gramma doesn’t really like it I don’t think.  But she said I am a grown up.  And guess what?  She told me if I forget to wear my Milwaukee brace she won’t say anything.”

They were interrupted by Dr. Higgins asking “are you two talking about me?”

Izzy twisted her body, stiff in her brace, a guilty look on her face, and said “it wasn’t bad.  I was just telling Sarah about my date.”  A smile broke out on Izzy’s face. 

Dr. Higgins said “it is ok Izzy, I was joking.  So Sarah, Peter said you needed to see me?”

Sarah looked at Dr. Higgins and said “yes Dr. Higgins.  I just told Izzy that I am checking out tomorrow.  But I like it here, and I will miss everyone here so much, I was wondering if I could still come around.  Maybe I could volunteer?  Or maybe even there is a job here I could do?”

Dr. Higgins then noticed Izzy’s face, that she had been crying.  And she realized what Sarah was doing.  She had to fight back a tear of her own when she answered “you know, that sounds like an incredible idea.  Give me a few days to think about it.  Maybe you go home for a few days and catch up with your family.  But absolutely, you will always have a place here.”

Sarah said “yay!  Thank you Dr. Higgins!”  Turning to face Izzy she said “see, I am NOT leaving you for good.”  Sarah wrapped Izzy in her arms.  Seeing this caused the tear she had been holding back to roll down Dr. Higgins cheek, the soreness in her mouth completely forgotten.

Dr. Higgins said “this is a celebration.  I think it calls for some ice cream.  The kitchen is closed, but I know a person.  Sarah, what do you say me and you go steal some ice cream and sneak it back here.  As long as no one will tell on us.”  She had a huge smile on her face.

Sarah followed Dr. Higgins into the hallway.  Dr. Higgins closed the door and turned to Sarah.  She wrapped her arms around Sarah and said “thank you for that.  For doing that for Izzy.”  Releasing her hold on Sarah she continued “and for me.  And this isn’t a good way to negotiate, but I will do what ever you need, whatever you want; within reason of course; to make this happen.  Let’s just try not to let Kim have too much alone time with Julia.”  Dr. Higgins saw the shocked look on Sarah’s face and added “I told you I am in tune with what happens around here.  Based on how much happier Julia has been the last few days, I won’t say another word about it.  But, she is still an employee here.  And you soon will be.”

Sarah stammered “oh no, that was a secret.  I am so sorry.”

Dr. Higgins stopped her “don’t apologize.  It is still a secret.  And I hope it always will be.  And who am I to judge, after all I am sleeping with my psychiatrist.”  She gave Sarah a big smile and said “so, what do you say we get that ice cream?  I have a feeling Izzy and I are going to be eating a lot of it starting next week.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #148 on: 25. October 2023, 15:04:18 PM »
Episode 74.

The following Thursday afternoon, Dr. Higgins held the door of Fair Oaks Orthodontics open for Izzy.  Izzy was excited, she had been babbling the whole ride.  Dr. Higgins was not excited, anxiety causing her stomach to churn.  Dr. Higgins was letting the door close softly, not paying attention to Izzy, when she heard her screech "SARAH!"  She turned to see Izzy run across the room and jump onto Sarah, wrapping her in a hug.  Izzy practically shouted "Sarah, what are you doing here?  Do you have an appointment too?"

Sarah hugged Izzy back and said "no baby girl, but you do.  This is a big day for you.  I wouldn't miss it for the world." 

Walking up to the pair Dr. Higgins said "well, this is quite a surprise.  A good one.  Thank you for coming.  Let me get us signed in.  Izzy, why don't you find us seats?"

As Dr. Higgins approached the reception desk she noticed the receptionist Caitlyn, or Missy as the girls in the office affectionately called her, was wearing a neck brace.  As Dr. Higgins made the last few steps, to the window, Caitlyn leaned her whole body back in her chair so you was facing up towards Dr. Higgins.  Before she could say anything, Dr. Higgins asked "dear, what happened to you?  Were you in an accident?"

Caitlyn smiled, show a mass of clear acrylic in her mouth.  It was then that Dr. Higgins noticed this neck brace had a bar coming off the front of it, running upwards and stopping in front of and above Caitlyn's chin.  At the top there was a T-shaped piece, and on either side thick, heavy duty looking elastics running into each corner of Caitlyn's mouth.  Caitlyn replied "no, thish is part of my orthodontic treatment.  Thish is a crane appliancsh.  My TMJ is show bad, Dr. Parker went and and got me shtarted on treatment with thish removable twin block.  Becaush my TMJ jointsh are so damaged, she didn't want me wearing a fashmask.  Sho, I have this handy dandy neckbracsh.  I wear it her at the officsh and at home.  It ish a bit to get ushed to, I still catch myself trying to turn my head.  But already it is helping.  When I am wearing it my jointsh feel sho much better.  So, no accident.  But thank you for asking!  I will have this for 3 to 6 monthsh, and then I will go into fixed applianscsh."  She leaned forward and looked down at her schedule.  She leaned back and said "today is a big day for you and Izzy!  Congratulations!"  She twisted in her seat and typed a few things into her computer.  Turning back she smiled at Dr. Higgins and said "thatsh it, you are shined in.  One of the girlsh will be out to get you two shortly.  Or I guessh the three of you.  Sarah came to sit with you.  That wash sweet of her."

Despite the onerous looking neck brace and bulky appliance in her mouth, Dr. Higgins noticed that Caitlyn still seemed very bubbly.  And excited about her treatment.  Dr. Higgins wished she felt the same.  She said "Sarah is just the sweetest.  And thank you Caitlyn.  Or is it Missy?"

Caitlyn smiled and joked "you can call me either, jusht don't call me late for dinner."  She laughed and then went serious adding "although, I guessh if there ihs one thing bad about thish" as she gestured to her mouth "is that shnacking is out.  But maybe that ish actually a good thing.  Hey, I have been wanting to loshe a few poundsh.  Thish might be my secret weapon."

Dr. Higgins smiled and replied "dear, you do not need to lose one ounce.  You are completely lovely.  And good luck with your treatment.  I am glad to hear it is helping.  I hope I can manage to keep a smile on my face once I get my appliances."

Caitlyn assured her "oh, I bet you will.  Once you realize how much better you feel, you will want to wear it."

Dr. Higgins doubted this but said nonetheless "I bet you're right.  Let me go check on Izzy girl and make sure she hasn't talked Sarah's ears off."

Sitting down beside Izzy, Dr. Higgins looked across to Sarah, who as usual was wearing her Petit facemask.  Dr Higgins said again "thank you Sarah.  For everything."

A few minutes later, Cassie entered the waiting area and looked at the trio.  She smiled at them and said "Dr. Higgins, Izzy, Dr. Parker is ready.  Would you come on back please?"  As she was talking, Dr. Higgins noticed something new in Cassie's mouth.  In addition to the pink facemask, with hot pink elastics securing it to her face, Cassie also had another pair of hot pink elastics in her mouth.  They ran from her top rear molars to her lower bicuspids.  When she spoke, they were impossible to miss.

As the trio approached Cassie Izzy excitedly said "those are new aren't they?"

Cassie smiled and responded "what, my class three elastics?  Yep, I just got them this week.  I have to wear them 24/7.  They provide a little extra horsepower to move my upper maxilla.  They are working all the time, even when I am not wearing my mask.  But they aren't too bad.  They don't really hurt.  It is just a bit of a hassle to remember to change them out.  But hey, with everything else going on, what are two more elastics.  Right?"

As they began to walk into the treatment room Sarah chimed in "that is right.  Dr. Parker told me they might be in my future too.  So I am glad to hear they aren't too bad."

Turning the corner, they saw Dr. Parker holding Baxter.  Izzy squealed and ran up to them.  Dr. Parker gently handed the puppy to Izzy as she said "hi Izzy!  I see you have not lost your enthusiasm.  Or love of animals.  And Dr. Higgins, it is a pleasure to see you as well.  Izzy, why don't you take Baxter and have a seat against the wall?  I will get your Grandma in first.  And then you.  Does that sound like a good plan?" 

Izzy took her attention away from the puppy and responded "that sounds like a great plan.  And he has grown Dr. Parker.  In just a week, he has grown."  She then gave him a kiss on his head and said "but you are still just the cutest thing ever."

Dr. Parker got Dr. Higgins seated in a treatment chair.  She then reclined her back and stepped away from the chair.  She returned with a blanket and placed it over Dr. Higgins.  When she felt the blanket on her, Dr. Higgins realized it was a weighted blanket.  She looked at Dr. Parker and asked "what is this for?"

Dr. Parker responded "it helps some patients with anxiety.  If you don't want it, I can take it off."

Dr. Higgins sat there in thought for a second.  She looked up and said "no, I think I will keep it."

Dr. Parker said "it really does help.  I even use it when it is my turn in the chair.  So, let's get started.  We will band your molars first, and then we will check the fit of your new FR.  And then we will fit your facemask."

After her bands were installed Dr. Parker sat Dr. Higgins back up.  She asked so "what do you think?"

Dr. Higgins said "they feel rough.  A little pokey."  She then smiled at Dr. Parker and then over at Izzy and Sarah.  She asked "can you see them when I smile?"

Sarah shook her head while Izzy said "no gramma, I can't see them."

Dr. Parker said "most people will never know you have them.  Unless you open your mouth really wide.  Then, they might see a little glint of metal.  And they will feel rough and pokey for a few days.  But your mouth will quickly get used to them.  Now, let's see your new FR."  She picked up a pink plastic flip top box.  She withdrew the huge appliance, with flesh colored acrylic and a mass of silver wires running everywhere, the tongue crib visible in the middle of the appliance, and said "so, this is it."  Dr. Higgins heart sank.  Dr. Parker instructed Dr. Higgins to open wide as she carefully worked the appliance into her mouth.  Once in place she pushed down on it to seat it.  She then instructed Dr. Higgins to open and close her mouth as she examined the fit.  Once satisfied she had Dr. Higgins close her mouth and she said "fit looks perfect.  How does it feel?"

Dr. Higgins sat there a moment in silence.  Her eyes were wide as she felt the foreign object in her mouth.  She tried to feel around the inside of her mouth with her tongue, but she realized there was little place for it to go except where it normally rested.  The appliance felt huge.  Her mouth did not feel like her own.  She hesitantly said "eh feelsh sho beeg."  When she heard herself speak, she threw her hand up over her mouth. 

Dr. Parker consoled her "wow, you are speaking great with it already.  And it will just get easier.  And I am not going to make you wear it full time to start.  I have a break in schedule for you.  But really, good job!"

Dr. Higgins was in a panic as she said "shpeak grea, how eh anyboh gah unershtand me?" 

Dr. Parker said "well, I can understand you just fine."  Turning to face Izzy Dr. Parker asked "how about you Izzy?  Can you understand her?"

Izzy enthusiastically replied "I can!  Grandma, you look so cute with your new appliance!"

Dr. Parker turned her attention back to Dr. Higgins.  She softly asked "so, are you ok?  Can we continue?"

Dr. Higgins took a few deep breaths and said "yesh" as she closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself far away.

She felt but didn't see Dr. Parker fitting the facemask.  She finally felt her remove it from her face and said "would you open your eyes please?  I want to show you how to attach your new mask."

Dr. Higgins reluctantly opened her eyes.  She looked on as Cassie held a mirror and Dr. Parker explained what she was doing as she attached the four elastics to the hooks on her molars to the white Petit facemask.  Once Dr. Parker was satisfied, she smiled at Dr. Higgins and announced "and that is it.  Why don't you keep it on while Izzy has her installation.  That way you can let me know if anything is really bothering you.  You can take it off before you leave.  But I do want you to go ahead and start your initial wear routine this evening.  Any questions?"

Dr. Higgins took a hard swallow and said "it ish sho big. It looksh sho bad."  Izzy shouted "NO, you look SO cute gramma!" as Cassie held a mirror up in front of her.  Seeing herself in the mirror was a shock, the facemask dominating her features.  She smiled and it just made it worse she thought, there was so much silver and acrylic now also showing.  Cassie encouraged her by saying "really Dr. Higgins, it doesn't look bad.  You will get used to it in no time.  And look, you have a whole army of supporters.  You will do fine."

Dr. Higgins sounded unsure as she answered "I guess we will see."

Dr. Parker smiled at her and said "you will do just great.  I know it.  Why don't you go ahead and swap with Izzy?  Maybe help her with Baxter as she gets into the chair?  And you might want to sit beside her.  Her installation will be a little more time consuming."

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Re: The Split
« Reply #149 on: 25. October 2023, 15:06:01 PM »
Hopefully everyone is still enjoying.  And I hope I have not made things too weird.  But I have definitely steered the story back into the realm of orthodontics.