
Author Topic: The Split  (Read 57670 times)

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Re: The Split
« Reply #75 on: 26. August 2023, 18:00:35 PM »
Wonderful story!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #76 on: 26. August 2023, 18:30:45 PM »
Episode 39.

As they pulled out, Sarah looked over at Peter and asked “a surprise?  What kind of surprise?”

Peter smiled and said “well if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise”.

Sarah said “so, I don’t even get a hint?”

Peter said “sure, it involves orthodontics”.

Sarah laughed and said “thanks Capt. Obvious.  I mean, I figured it did since we are headed to the orthodontist.  But seriously, changing lanes, thank you.  For picking me up and taking me to my appointment.  For this past weekend.  I had so much fun.  I hope the boys did too.  I miss them so much.  It was so good to see them.  I can’t wait until I am back home.”

Peter said “they had a blast.  They loved seeing you.  And they miss you too.  But I truly think this is all happening tor a reason.  And for the best. You know, you aren’t having headaches every day now.  I don’t know if it is because of your expanders.  Or because you are getting a little break to relax and focus on yourself.  Or if it is some combination.  But whatever it is, I am so happy about it.  And in just a week I will get to pick you up again.  To go home.”

Sarah responded “I can not wait.  But you know, I am going to miss some of the people here.  Amelia, Dr. Higgins, Julia, especially Izzy.  It is so cute seeing how excited she gets every time she turns my expander for me now.  Yeah, it is a little strange.  She is just so enamored by all this metal I have in my mouth.  She can’t quit asking me about them.  I think she really wants braces herself.”

Peter replied “I know.  I guess I will let part of the surprise out of the bag.  I have talked with Dr. Higgins.  And I have talked with Dr. Parker on the phone.  By the way, her speech has gotten better.  But she still has a severe lisp.  Which you don’t by the way.  I am so proud of you.  But anyway I, no we, are going to schedule Izzy a consultation today.  It took a little persuasion on my part with Dr. Higgins; she is worried about Izzy possibly having braces AND her Milwaukee brace at the same time; but she did admit that Izzy really does seem to want braces.  Unlike her scoliosis brace.  So, she did at least allow that getting Izzy a consultation wouldn’t hurt.  And I reminded her it would give her a chance to take Izzy out.  I suggested they play a little hooky afterwards and go shopping and have lunch.  She loved that idea.  So, we are going to schedule an appointment for Izzy while we are here.  And then surprise her at dinner.  Do you think she will like that?”

Sarah reached over and put her hand on Peter’s arm.  She said “you are the most thoughtful man in the world.  She will be so excited.”

They went quiet for a few minutes.  Sarah yawned and said “wow, I should have had a cup of coffee.” 

Peter said “well, take a little nap. I will wake you up when we get there.”

Sarah shook her head and said “no, I want to enjoy my time with you.”   With his right hand, Peter reached over and took Sarah’s hand in his.

Despite what she had said, a few minutes later Peter looked her to see Sarah’s head lolled to the side sleeping.

As they pulled into the parking lot, Peter gently shook Sarah.  As she opened her eyes he told her “wake up sleepy head, we are here.” 

As Peter looked for a parking spot, he noticed a blond police officer in her blue uniform walking across the parking lot in front of them. She was carrying a pouch in her hands.   Peter said “uh oh!  Maybe she isn’t here to get me.” 

Sarah rolled her eyes and said “whatever.  If they are here for anyone, it is me.”

Peter said “that would make more sense.  You have stolen my heart.”  Sarah let out a little “aww..”

After parking, Peter opened his door.  Sarah looked over and asked “you aren’t going to take off your headgear?”

Peter replied “why?  It isn’t like the girls inside haven’t already seen me in it.  Heck, they put it on me.  And plus, maybe wearing it will score a few brownie points with Dr. Parker.”  He closed his door, walked around the back of the vehicle, and opened Sarah’s door.  He took her hand and helped her out of the vehicle.  After she had grabbed her purse he closed the door and locked the vehicle.  He took her hand and asked “ready?  Let’s go see what Dr. Parker has in store for you.  And for me.”

After entering the office and signing in, Peter and Sarah took a seat.  There were two other patients already there, the officer they had seen earlier a few seats down from them and a 40ish year old brunette woman dressed in a business suit mostly hidden behind the day’s Wall Street Journal. She was sitting in the corner facing them.  Peter could not see the brunette woman’s face, just the top of her head, behind the newspaper she was holding.  Peter noticed the blonde officer from earlier had her head turned, staring at them intently.  After a few moments, Peter turned and made brief eye contact with her as she quickly tried to avert her eyes.   He said “good morning.  Can I help you with something?”

The officer, she was blond and athletically built, bordering on voluptuous, blushed a little.  She stammered and said “I, er, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to, um, stare.  It’s just… well, it is great you two are wearing your headgear.  I, well, I wish I was as brave as you two.”  She went quiet.  She then sheepishly held up the pouch she had been carrying earlier and had hidden behind her as she sat.  She said “I have to wear headgear too.  Or I am supposed to.  But gosh, it is just so hard.  I know I am going to get in so much trouble this morning.  For not wearing it.”

Peter smiled at her and said “it is a bit of an adjustment for sure.  But, it doesn’t really hurt too much.  Or at least mine doesn’t.  Does yours?”

The blond answered “no, it really doesn’t hurt too much.  Well, just my pride.”

Peter said “well, in that case, why don’t you go ahead and put it on?  You certainly won’t be the only one.” 

She said “here?  In public?”

Peter said “it IS an orthodontic office.”  He was interrupted by the door to the treatment area opening. Dr. Parker’s assistant Cassie stepped into the reception area.  Peter was surprised to see she was wearing a pink Petit facemask behind her cloth mask.  She looked over at the woman reading the paper and said “Mrs. Evans?  Dr. Parker is ready for you.”  As she stood up and folded the paper the refined looking woman’s face came into view.  And on her face she too was wearing a Petit facemask. Her’s was blue and matched Sarah’s.  She looked over at Sarah and said “well, at least I am not the only one that hash to wear thish ridiculous thing”.  She smiled and then followed along behind Cassie into the treatment area.

After the door closed, Peter looked over at the officer.  He said “sure, why not.  You seem to be the only one here NOT wearing headgear.  And maybe you won’t get in as much trouble with Dr. Parker if you have it on when you go back.”

The officer said “oh gosh.  I just don’t… ugh”. She unzipped the pouch she was holding and removed a silver facebow.  It took her a few clumsy tries, but she eventually got the facebow into both molar tubes.  She then pulled out a blue cervical strap and placed it around her neck.  She next pulled out a blue high pull strap.  It took her a second to decide which side was up, then placed it over her head.  As she did, Peter thought it appeared identical to what Julia had been wearing earlier. 

After attaching the strap she looked up at Peter.  She said “it looks horrible doesn’t it?”

Peter smiled at her and replied “no, not at all.  It does not look horrible.  It just looks like you have braces. In fact, you aren’t even the first person I have seen this morning wearing that exact same headgear.”

A confused look came onto the officers face as she asked “wait; what?”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #77 on: 27. August 2023, 20:55:14 PM »
Episode 40.

Peter smiled at the officer and said “you aren’t the first person I have seen wearing a headgear exactly like that this morning.  One of Sarah’s friends…”. Peter stopped and said “how rude of me.  We haven’t even made introductions.  Hello, I am Peter”. Gesturing to Sarah he added “and this is my beautiful wife Sarah.”  Sarah nodded her head and said “hello.”

The officer, her name badge said Milton, stuck her hand out and said “hello, I am Emily.”  She then got an amused look on her face and laughed.  She quickly apologized “I’m sorry, I am not laughing at you.  I am just laughing at this” as she gestured around the office with her hand.  “If someone had told me when I woke up that I would be sitting in public; introducing myself and having a conversation; all while wearing my headgear I would have called them crazy”.

Peter laughed and replied “yes, it is a little strange.  If someone had told me two months ago I would be sitting here doing the same, I too would have told them they were crazy as… very crazy.  But really, is it that crazy?  It is just normal people working on improving their smiles.  Their bites.  Their overall health.  That isn’t so crazy”.

Emily pondered that thought and responded “well, put that way, it doesn’t seem THAT crazy.  But this headgear…”

Sarah interrupted and said “looks good on you.  That is exactly what I told Julia this morning too.  It certainly looks better than this” as she dug in her purse.  Pulling out her high pull strap she said “now this?  This is crazy.”  She quickly placed the strap over her head and attached it to her chincup.  She continued “at least you don’t have to deal with this.”

Emily asked “but you don’t have to wear it in public do you?  I mean other than here obviously.  Dr. Parker wants me to wear mine in public.  Or at least she has told me to wear it so many hours, 16 hours a day, that I would have to wear it in public to get that kind of time in.  I just can’t.  I will not.  I don’t care, I just won’t do it.”

Sarah said “well, at least Dr. Parker sounds consistent.  She also told me 12-16 hours.  I wear it 16 hours.  So yes, I have worn it in public.  It was a shock the first day.  Actually the first few days.  But I found that once people saw me in it a few times, they sort of got used to it.  There were a lot of looks and questions at first.  And my friend Julia, she is a nurse, she is going to be wearing hers a few hours a day while on duty.  I am NOT telling you to wear yours.  But, I am saying it is possible.  Fun?  No.  Doable?  Absolutely.”

Emily said “wow… wow… that just sounds terrifying.”  She was interrupted by Cassie, whom none of the three had notice come into the waiting area.  She looked over and said “Emily, would you come on back?”  As Emily stood and grabbed her headgear pouch Cassie gave a little wave.  She said “Sarah, Peter, it should be about 5 more minutes.”  As Emily approached, Cassie held the door open for her.  As Emily walked through it Peter heard Cassie say “it is great you are wearing your headgear, Dr. Parker will really like that”.

Now alone in the treatment area, Peter looked at Sarah and said “well, this has certainly been an interesting morning already.”  Lowering his voice he said “and I guess for someone that has a little thing for braces, this has to be nirvana.” 

Sarah responded “I don’t have a thing for girls.  You know that.  Even if they are wearing braces.  I don’t know, it is weird, I am weird.  I am rambling.  But I like my braces.  And I REALLY like your braces.”  Cuddling up against him she added “it is just a shame yours are so discreet.  God, metal braces would be so hot…”

Peter wrapped his arm around Sarah’s shoulder and asked “so you wouldn’t be embarrassed to have a metalmouthed husband?  To be seen in public with me?  Even it I had to wear headgear?”

Sarah squirmed closer into him and cooed “that would be so hot.”  She went quiet and her left hand absently wandered down towards her crotch. 

Peter asked “whatcha thinking about?”

Sarah replied “you.  Imagining you with metal braces.  And a headgear like Julia has.”  Their conversation was interrupted by the bell on the door and a man in his twenties entering the lobby.  As he headed to the reception desk, Sarah said “you need to stop.  Stop teasing me.  Or I will… you just need to stop.  At least right here, right now.” 

Peter squeezed her and asked “but maybe later?  I know I would like that.  And I am glad you would still find me sexy if I had metal braces.  I would hate for you to hate your surprise.”

Sarah pushed herself away from Peter and turned to face him.  She asked “what are you talking about?”

Peter smiled at her and said “gosh, I am just so bad at surprises aren’t I?  But I am glad to hear that you would be ok with it if I somehow ended up in full metal braces.”

Sarah was staring at Peter with a surprised look on her face.  She asked “wait, are you getting metal braces?  Is that what your little surprise is?”

Sarah then heard Cassie’s voice behind her.  Cassie announced “Sarah, Peter, we are ready for you”.

As Peter stood he smiled down at Sarah and said “why don’t we go back there and find out what Dr. Parker has in store for me.”  As Sarah stood Peter grabbed her purse, and then took her hand.  He turned and winked at her, adding “I just hope it makes you happy.  I think it will.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #78 on: 28. August 2023, 07:04:56 AM »
Episode 41.

Cassie led the pair over to an open treatment chair.  The one beside them was occupied by Emily, who was reclined back laying flat, mouth wide open.  Dr. Parker’s back was to them, leaned over examining Emily’s mouth.  One chair down from there was Mrs. Evans.  She too was layed back flat.  She was not wearing her facemask any longer.  Instead, she also had her mouth open as an assistant, Peter remembered her name was Maria, changed out the ligatures on her brackets.

Peter turned his attention towards Cassie when she said “so, this is both of your’s first adjustment.  The first thing you will need to do is brush.  Then return over here and I will check your hygiene and check to see if anything is broken, or any other obvious issues.  By then, Dr. Sanders should be close to done and ready to see you.  Then, depending on what we need to do, most likely Maria or I will finish up your appointment.  Changing wires, ligatures, that sort of thing.  So, first things first.”  Gesturing towards a row of sinks she continued “we have toothbrushes and toothpaste ready.  When you are done, just drop it all in that trash can. Leave your extraoral devices off, but bring them with you and meet me back over here.  And ladies first around here, so I will take a look at you first Sarah.  And then you two can swap places.  All clear?”

Peter had been watching her intently as she spoke.  About half way through her explanation and instructions Peter noticed something was different about Cassie’s facemask.  As she had been speaking, the forehead pad had remained anchored in place on her forehead, unlike Sarah’s which moved up and down when she spoke.  Peter thought it looked like it had to be more comfortable.  He made a note to ask about it later.  But for now, he simply smiled at Cassie and replied “nope, I got it.”  Looking at Sarah he said “like she said, ladies first” as he gestured towards the sinks.

A few minutes later Sarah was reclined in the chair, Cassie bent over her intently studying her mouth.  Peter was seated on a stool.  Peter’s eyes were focused on Sarah.  But as neither she nor Cassie were speaking, he couldn’t help but overhear Dr. Parker.

She said “Emily, I am disappointed.  We have gotten no improvement of your class II bite.  Honestly, how many hours have you been wearing your headgear per day?” 

There was a moment of silence before he heard Emily softly answer “10 hours.  Ok, maybe 8.  When I sleep.  I just can’t do more.  Really, I can’t wear it outside, and I am just not home that much.”

Dr. Parker replied “well, I hate you feel that way.  I know you can wear it out in public.  I am.  I am wearing mine 22 hours a day.  Anytime I am not eating, showering, or performing hygiene.  So I know it can be done.  But, I also DO understand your hesitancy.  You are a police officer.  And I know you explained you just can’t wear it on duty.  But, you could wear it the rest of the time.  But, it doesn’t sound like you will.  So, we will try plan B.  Because we have to correct your bite.  Otherwise, you will never get your braces off.  So today, we will be installing forsus springs and a lower lip bumper.  And I will scale your headgear wear back to 10 hours a day.  But, if you will wear the headgear more, we will be finished with the springs AND the headgear even sooner.  Any questions?”

Emily asked “there are no other options?  Those springs just look horrible. Please, is there no other way?”

Dr. Parker answered “yes, there are two other options.  One, we go ahead and schedule you for jaw surgery.  You will be out of work for a month and wired shut for two.  And like any surgery there are risks.  Possible nerve damage is the biggest long term risk with jaw surgery.  You said you did not want jaw surgery.  That you could not and would not do it.  The second option is the herbst appliance we discussed before you started treatment.  But, it will impact your speech with it’s integrated palate expander and lower lingual arch.  And I know you were adamant with your job that you couldn’t have a speech impediment.  Nonetheless, I will let you take a close look at Maria’s and hear her speech.  But you don’t want it.  So that leaves us with one option.  The forsus springs and lipbumper.  The best option would have been for you to wear your headgear as instructed, but we have found that just isn’t going to happen haven’t we.”

Emily sounded on the verge of tears when she said “please?  I will do better.”

Dr. Parker responded “Emily, I think we both know you aren’t going to double your headgear wear overnight.  And I need 16 hours from you.  Seven days a week.  I don’t think that is going to happen.  So I will install the springs today.  They aren’t that bad.  And if you do wear your headgear more, we may be able to take them off as soon as your next appointment.  Ok?”  Peter didn’t hear a reply but heard Dr. Parker reply “perfect, let me go get your new springs and lip bumper.  Maria will get you all fixed up.  And she can tell you all about her herbst appliance. Now it really is a mouthful.  I promise you, you will like the springs more.”

As Dr. Parker stood, he snuck a look over towards Emily.  She looked upset.  Peter snapped back to attention when he heard Cassie say “well Sarah, everything looks spic and span.  Your hygiene looks great.  Nothing is broken.  And I can already see a little movement in your maxilla.  It looks like you are really wearing your protraction gear.  Now, I don’t see any sign of your suture splitting yet.  But it is still early in the process so that isn’t a concern yet.  So, would you hop up and swap places with Peter?”

After Cassie was done examining Peter she said “well, you get a gold star too.  Everything looks great.”

Once he was raised back up, he noticed that Mrs. Evans was gone.  He assumed her appointment was finished.  In the chair beside him, both Dr. Parker and Maria were bent over Emily.  Cassie stood and took a few steps over towards Dr. Parker.  They quickly conferred, and Cassie came back over and sat back down.

She looked at Peter and said “well, Dr. Parker said she would be a few more minutes.  And since you are ditching invisalign and switching to metal brackets; a great move by the way, just so much more effective and efficient; she said to go ahead and remove your current brackets.  Everything but the molar bands, we will still need them for headgear.  Sorry.”

Peter said “you don’t have to apologize.  I have gotten used to it, and I know it is just part of it.”

Cassie cheerily said “that is a GREAT attitude.  I wish all our patients shared it.”

But that was not the real reason he had said that no apology was needed.  The real reason was the look on Sarah’s face.  As Cassie had been talking about switching to metal braces, Peter had been looking into Sarah’s face.  He had seen the change in the expression on it.  He had seen the lust that had arisen in her eyes.

As Peter was reclined back, he knew that whatever pain and embarrassment he might feel from being a 40 something year old highly regarded architect with metal braces and headgear would be more than made up for by that look on Sarah’s face.  And by what he knew lay behind it.  Fully reclined back he felt like he was in an amusement park ride seat.  Because he knew he was about to be in for one hell of a ride.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #79 on: 28. August 2023, 23:12:28 PM »
Episode 42.

Cassie placed the cheek retractors in Peter’s mouth and then a pair of safety glasses over his eyes.  Without even removing the archwire and ligatures she began popping his brackets off his lower teeth.  It surprised Peter how quickly she finished.  She pulled the braces out of his mouth, showing them to him.  She placed them on a tray then asked “that wasn’t so bad was it?”  Peter shook his head no.  She continued “you really will like the metal brackets.  They are smaller and more comfortable than ceramic brackets.  And less hassle too.  I will finish up by polishing your teeth, making  sure we get all the glue off.” 

Once finished, she raised Peter back up to a sitting position.  Cassie pulled her cloth mask down, showing off her pink Petit facemask and the 4 elastics emerging from the corners of her mouth.  She smiled and said “and there you go!  All free.  For the moment.  Why don’t you go and floss?  It is so much easier to floss normally, without all the brackets and wires.  This will be your last chance for a while.  You may have already seen it when you brushed, but there is floss over there by the sinks too.” 

As Peter stood, Sarah looked at Cassie and asked “can I go with him?  Maybe help?”  Cassie smiled and said “of course!  And take your time. I need to gather up a few things.”

Once at the sink, Sarah picked up the box of floss.  With a gleam in her eye she asked Peter “can I floss for you?”  Peter obediently opened his mouth without saying a word.  Sarah meticulously flossed between each of his teeth.  As she finished his upper arch and transitioned to his lower, she leaned in and whispered in his ear “I am so horny right now.  I don’t know how I will even make it through seeing you get your new brackets installed.”  She then softly bit his ear and resumed flossing.

Once she was finished she stepped back and admired her work.  She said “you have such a sexy smile.  But not nearly as sexy as it is going to be very soon.”  She grabbed his hand and said “let’s go get you some braces stud.”

Back in the chair, reclined and with the cheek retractors and safety glasses in place, Cassie said “since Dr. Parker isn’t done yet, let’s go ahead and get started.  I will etch your teeth first, and then install your brackets, lowers first then upper.  Are you ready?”  Peter looked over at Sarah.  He then turned towards Cassie with a smile on his face and said “I think we are.  I just hope my wife still finds me attractive.”

Cassie had no idea what had already transpired between the two.  As she began etching his teeth, she said “oh no, I am sure that won’t be the case.”  Glancing at Sarah she asked “right?”

Sarah said “oh no, I am sure he will just be the cutest with braces.”

Cassie affirmed “that is right.  Me and my husband are both in treatment together.  I had to twist his arm.  But he did it.  And now he is so glad he did.  And I can tell you, I find him just as attractive as ever.  Even more actually.  You will both be so glad about this.  And I promise you, going through treatment with a spouse is just the best.”  Glancing at Sarah and then back down she said “Sarah, it might take a few days to get used to his new sparkly smile.  But I bet you will grow to love it.” 

Sarah smiled broadly and said “I think I will be just fine with it.  I might even miss them when they are gone.”

Cassie said “that wouldn’t be unusual.  We have a lot of patients that do miss their braces.  Now, they are glad they got them off.  But they also miss them.  It sounds strange.  But it is true.”

Sarah responded “I get it.  I hate my braces.  And I love my braces.  Already.” 

Cassie gave a little laugh and said “and that is completely normal too!  I think all of us feel that way at times.  Even Dr. Parker.  Now, we are done with the etching.”  She looked into Peter’s face and added “let’s get you some braces!  You can join the club!”

As Cassie placed the individual brackets on his lower teeth, Peter cut his eyes over to Sarah.  She was watching him intently.  There was a look of hunger in her eyes.  He could not help but be turned on seeing his wife so excited.  He sat there looking at her while Cassie worked in his mouth.

Cassie leaned back and said “and there is your bottom arch!  I will get it cured, and then we can get your upper.”  After curing his bottom brackets, she started on his upper.  Again, Peter was looking into Sarah’s face. 

Sarah did not notice Dr. Parker walk up behind her.  Nor did she hear her say “Sarah, it looks like Peter is in good hands.  Why don’t you come with me?”  Sarah did not respond.  Dr. Parker placed her hand on Sarah’s shoulder.  She was startled and jumped in her seat.   She turned and looked up towards Dr. Parker.  It was the first time they had come face to face since their initial appointment, before Dr. Parker had braces herself.  Sarah could see she was wearing a Petit facemask.  She also saw a highpull headgear strap over the top of her head, disappearing behind the cloth medical mask she had covering her chin, mouth and nose.  It looked like the same set up she herself had to wear.  Dr. Parker said “I am shorry.  I didn’t mean to scare you.  You were really focushed on that weren’t you” as she pointed towards Peter. 

Sarah blushed and said “yes, I am sorry.  I just love him.  And hope he isn’t uncomfortable.”

Dr. Parker replied “that is shweet.  And banding ishn’t the most fun activity in the world, but Casshie ish very gentle.”  Dr. Parker raised her voice slightly and asked “Peter, you doing good down there?”  Peter raised his thumb.

Dr. Parker said “Casshie ish taking great care of him.  And they are over halfway done.  Why don’t you come with me over to thish other chair” gesturing towards the one Mrs. Evans had been in earlier.  “I want to check your expander.  And I want to talk about shome new optionsh for protraction gear.  Improvements.”

Sarah was hesitant to get up.  She was enjoying it so much.  But she also didn’t think it would seem normal to put up a fight.  Plus, she knew she was going to be enjoying the braces in Peter’s mouth for a long time to come.  At least two years.  Maybe more if she had her way. 

After she stood, Sarah couldn’t resist.  She went over to Peter and leaned down.  Cassie quit what she was doing and leaned back.  Sarah kissed Peter on the cheek.  She said “you are doing so good baby.  And they look so cute on you.”

As Sarah followed Dr. Parker away Cassie said “see, I told you she would like them.”  Peter put his thumb up again.

With Sarah gone, Peter was at a loss where to look.  He tried looking into Cassie’s face.  It felt awkward.  So, he cut his eyes over towards the chair beside him. 

There, he noticed Maria inserting a facebow into Emily’s mouth.  Maria then attached the cervical strap and then high pull strap to it, firmly securing Emily’s bridle.  It looked as if Emily was on the verge of tears.  Maria must have picked up on this Peter thought, because with the straps attached Maria placed her hand on Emily’s.  Maria said “really, they look good.  You look good.  Beautiful.  Now open and close for me?  Does anything hurt?” 

Emily opened and closed her mouth a few times.  And then her eyes welled up.  She shrieked “oh God, they squeak.  They squeak so loud!”  Maria began running her fingertips across the top of Emily’s hand.  Peter noticed the fine blond hairs on Emily’s hand stand straight up.

Maria consoled her “they shound louder to you than anyone else.  But yesh, they are going to squeak some.  The rods on my herbst do the same.”  She leaned in towards Emily and came face to face with her.   She opened and closed her own mouth a few times.  Looking into Emily’s eyes, Maria said “see, mine do it too.  You will get ushed to it.  And I promish you, the springs are better than the herbst.  You don’t have all this metal behind your teeth” as she opened wide and leaned her head back.  She continued “you will get used to them in no time. And you look so good.”  Picking up a mirror she held it in front of Emily and said “here, see for yourself”. 

Emily’s hand shot up over her mouth.  She said “oh God!  It looks like I have two big pimples in each corner of my mouth and a dip in my lower lip.”  She then tried to smile, the forsus springs sticking out of her mouth when she did.  She shrieked “it is so bad.  I look like a robot.” 

Maria put her finger up towards Emily’s mouth.  She placed it on her lower lip where her lip bumper was and said “it does not look horrible.  It makes your lips look fuller.  Plumper.  They look wonderful.  Your braces look wonderful.  And remember, they are only temporary.”  She had been stroking Emily’s hand the entire time. 

Emily said “oh, you are just saying that.  I know you are.  Get the distraught patient out of the chair and out the door before they have a break down and cry everywhere.  I get it.”

Maria leaned in closer to Emily.  Peter noticed their gazes lock together.  He thought it seemed to be a very strange orthodontic appointment.  There seemed to be more going on than just an appliance installation.  Maria said “no, I am not just saying it.  You look amazing.  And if you want to cry, I will be here to cry on.”  After she finished speaking the two remained locked eye to eye.  Maria then leaned in and whispered something in Emily’s ear.  Peter could not hear what was said, but he did see a small smile come to Emily’s face.  As she got up, Maria ran her fingertips up Emily’s arm, and then patted her shoulder as she walked away.

Peter turned his attention back to Cassie.  She noticed him looking at her and she said “two more teeth.”  As she was curing his upper brackets he noticed Maria return to Emily.  She handed Emily a bag and said “you’re done! I put your care instructions in there.  Along with my card. With my personal cell number.  Please call me.  To let me know how you are doing.  I can always make house calls.”  Taking Emily’s hand she said “let me help you up, and I will escort you up front to make your next appointment.”  As the two walked out hand in hand, Peter wondered what he had just witnessed.

Cassie then announced excitedly “VOILA!  You have new braces!”  She held a mirror up so he could see all the new silver covering his teeth.  She continued “All we have left to do is put your wires on.  What color ligatures do you want?”

Peter smiled at her and said “I was hoping Sarah could pick.  Could we wait for her?”

Cassie pulled her mask back down and said “of course!  I need a little break anyway.  I am going to grab a drink.  I will grab you a water.”

As she stood Peter asked “would it be ok if I go wait with Sarah?”

Cassie replied “of course!  I should have thought of that.  I am a dodo sometimes.  I will meet you there.”

Peter stood and began to walk towards Sarah.  As he did, he saw Dr. Parker pick up an even larger and more conspicuous facemask than Sarah had been wearing previously and place it against Sarah’s face.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #80 on: 29. August 2023, 18:04:38 PM »
Episode 43.

Peter stopped beside the chair and looked down at Sarah.  She had seen him approach and had cut her eyes in his direction as Dr. Sanders worked on her facemask with an allen wrench.  Peter asked "how you doing babe?"  She said "I am fine. How..."

Dr. Parker scolded her "Sarah, keep your mouth closed please, I am almost done fitting your new mask".  Peter looked down as Dr. Parker finished tightening the screw that held the forehead pad of the new mask in place and then pulled it away from Sarah's face.  Dr. Parker said "sorry, but now you can talk."

Sarah said "I am good baby.  Dr. Parker is giving me a new facemask to wear, she says it will be more comfortable.  But, how are you?  Can I see your new braces?"  Peter gave her a big smile and saw the hairs on Sarah's arm stand up.  Sarah said "they look sooo good baby.  You are just the cutest."  Staring at his smile she then said "but where are your wires?"

Peter responded "that is why I came over.  I want to let you pick my colors.  When you get done of course."  Turning his attention to Dr. Parker he asked "but first, what did you have in store for my lovely wife today?"

Dr. Parker replied "I am fitting her for a new model facshmask." She pulled her cloth mask down.  She continued "shince I have been wearing one, I have a lot more empathy for my patientsh.  So, I experimented with a few to find the best one.  This is the best I have found so far.  I have been thinking about designing one myself, but that is a whole other ball of wax.  The model I wash using with patients was uncomfortable, at least at first, and especially on the chin.  I knew it was, all facemasks are.  But, I honestly didn't realized how much.  Especially with the addition of the high pull strap.  So, I am now ushing a new model, the one I am wearing, for all patients.  As you can shee it has a much larger chincup.  Yes, it is a little more noticeable.  But, it isn't like the old one wasn't.  Thish larger chincup spreads the force out over a larger area, so it is more comfortable.  It alsho has tabs on the forehead pad to attach a strap around the head.  For night time wear while sleeping, to keep it secured in place.  You can see I am not wearing mine right now.  Also, with this new model, the chincup is not fixed in place on the main vertical bar.  It slides up and down.  Notice as I talk, it slides.  This means the forehead pad staysh anchored in place.  It is an upgrade.  It is more comfortable and makes talking easier.  So, this is the new facemask I want Sarah to wear.  We are still going to do 16 hours per day.  And I want you to wear the additional highpull strap 12 hours a day.  And use the facemask headstrap at night while sleeping.  Here, let me demonstrate."

Dr. Parker picked up a pack of elastics and shook a few into her hand.  She placed the mask against Sarah's face and then attached four elastics, two on each hook, onto the horizontal bar of the mask that sat in front of and slightly below Sarah's mouth.  Dr. Parker said "I want you to keep wearing the four elastics, two on each side.  Two will come straight out, and two will cross."  She held up a mirror so that Sarah could see.  She then picked up the highpull strap and said "I am not changing what hole you are on, yet.  So, you won't feel any additonal tension."  She quickly placed the strap over Sarah's head and attached it to the mask.  She looked at Sarah and asked "so, how does that feel?  Better?"

Sarah replied "yes, it does.  And wow, it is easier to talk with the sliding chincup.  Thank you!"

Dr. Parker laughed and responded "well, that may be a first.  A patient thanking me for fitting them with a facemask.  But thank you.  And it ish an improvement.  There is one more part."   She picked up another strap with two metal triangle shaped buckles at each end.  She placed a buckle on one of the tabs on the forehead pad, wrapped it around Sarah's head, and attached it to the other side.  She continued "before you tuck into bed each night, just put this strap on too, over your high pull strap.  It isn't uncomfortable.  You will hardly know it is there.  And after a few days, you won't notice it at all.  It will keep your mask from getting knocked askew during the night.  I am sure that has happened to you.  It is annoying I know to wake up with the facemask laying on your ear and cheek, and having to fix it during the middle of the night.  This will largely eliminate that.  As for Sarah's braces, no changes.  No new wire, no new ligatures.  I do want her to call the office when her suture splits.  And if it doesn't in a week, I also want you to call.  If we don't have a split in two weeks, we may need to perform a corticotomy."

Sarah asked "what is a corticotomy?"

Dr. Parker said "I will use a little drill to drill along your mid palatal suture line.  To encourage it to split.  It sounds horrible, but it really isn't.  I had it done when I started treatment, just because of my bone density.  And I did it to my mom as well when she started.  Genetically, we are similar and both have very dense palates.  And obviously, she is a little older.  And the older one is, the more difficult it is to get the bones to split.  But, based on your CBCT we took, I didn't think it was necessary for you.  But, if it is, it really is not a big deal. So, Sarah, I think we have you all fixed up."  Dr. Parker looked at Peter and said "now how about we get you fixed up too?  Why don't you two swap?"

Sarah hopped up still wearing her new facemask and straps.  Peter hugged her and said "your new facemask is cute.  I like the pink too."  She squeezed him and said "thank you babe.  But it isn't nearly as cute as your new braces."  She released her hold on him and swatted him on the butt and said "now, get in the chair so you can get the rest of them."

Peter smiled and said "yes ma'am".  As he turned, he noticed that Dr. Parker was smiling at what she had just seen. 

As Peter got comfortable, Dr. Parker told Sarah "if you want to, you can take off the straps of your facemask.  Or, if you want to leave them on, I would love that too.  The more you wear it the better."

Sarah looked at Peter while replying to Dr. Sanders "I will just keep them on for now.  It is the least I can do since my poor baby is getting braces today.  And I assume he will still have to wear his headgear."

Dr. Parker responded "yes, he will have to still wear headgear.  In fact, I am going to fit him for a new headgear for night time wear as soon as we finish up with his wires.  An interlandi headgear, it will give me a lot more control over the forces on his bite."

She looked at Peter and asked "so, what colors are we doing?" 

Peter looked at Sarah and asked "baby, what color braces do you want me to have?"

Sarah smiled behind her facemask and said "I was thinking hot pink.  That would look so cute on you.  And we could match, you with hot pink braces and me with a hot pink facemask.  Barbie is so in right now after all."

Peter didn't say anything, but his face went a little pale.  If his wife wanted him to have pink braces, he would have pink braces.  Sarah noticed the look on Peter's face and giggled.

Dr. Parker asked "are you sure?  They will be very noticeable?"

Sarah laughed and said "I was kidding."  She looked at Dr. Parker's and asked "what is the least noticeable color?"

Dr. Parker said "light grey".

Sarah replied "then let's go with light grey.  At least for now." 

Smiling at Sarah Peter said "you are a mean woman."  Cutting his eyes to Dr. Parker he said "see what I have to deal with?"  Turning back to Sarah he added "but I would have done it, for you."

Sarah put her hand on Peter's and said "I know you would have baby.  But I wouldn't have done it to you."

Dr. Parker interrupted and said "well grey it is, let's get you some wires.  Braces work better that way.  Since Cassie isn't back yet, I will get started."

Dr. Parker quickly got Peter's lower wire in the slots of his brackets and was about half way done applying ligatures when Cassie came back.  She apologized "I'm sorry, I had to go to the ladies room.  Peter, I brought you a water.  But it looks like you are indisposed of at the moment.  Dr. Parker, do you want me to finish up his ligatures?" 

Dr. Parker said "that is ok Cassie, but yes, I would like you to finish up.  I will go get Peter's new headgear."

The two swapped places, and Cassie continued applying ligatures.  She quickly finished the bottom, then installed the upper wire.  Sarah noticed that Cassie was actually much quicker than Dr. Parker at applying the ligatures. 

As Cassie worked, Sarah said "wow, you are fast."

Cassie said "well, when you do something all day everyday you are bound to get good at it.  I think I could change ligatures in my sleep."  She worked a minute longer and exclaimed "all done!  Peter, you have braces!"  She held up a mirror and asked "what do you think?"

Peter smiled broadly in the mirror.  At first he just said "wow..."  He then added "it's a change, will definitely take some getting used to.  Baby, what do you think?" 

Sarah looked on at him breathlessly and said "I don't think I have ever seen anything as beautiful."  Cassie cocked her head but didn't say a word. 

At this time Dr. Parker arrived back with a mass of straps in her hand.  She handed them to Cassie and said "so Cassie, you remember the elastic pattern we want to use?"

Cassie nodded her head and said "yes ma'am".

Dr. Parker replied "well in that case, why don't you get Peter fitted for his new headgear, and I will go check on Jimmy and Maria."  Peter cut his eyes in the direction Dr. Parker was looking and noticed the young man they had seen in the waiting room was now reclined back in the chair they initially started in, Maria bent over him removing ligatures.

Cassie said "Peter, your braces really do look good.  I get that they are a change, but you will get used to them in no time.  Now, this new headgear will also be a change.  But, you will only have to wear it at night when you sleep.  During the day, when you are getting in those couple of additional hours, you will still just have to wear the cervical headgear.  Unless you just want to wear the Interlandi.  And I have never met anyone that wanted that.  So, let's get started."

It only took Cassie about 5 minutes to get the facebow inserted, the straps sized to Peter's head, and the elastics hooked from the C-plate of the headgear to his facebow.  Once it was all fitted she leaned from side to side examining it.  She announced "that's it!  Did you understand everything?  About the elastic configuration?  About wear time?"

Peter nodded his head up and down and said "Yes, I think so."  As he moved his head, he could feel the headgear straps rubbing on his head.  He had noticed how huge the headgear had looked when it was in Cassie's hand.  On his head, it felt even bigger, the C-plates resting on the sides of his face.

She looked at him and said "so, let's take a look" as she reached again for the mirror. 

As she did Peter asked "do we have to?  Maybe just put a bag over my head?"

Cassie laughed and said "you're funny.  Remember, it is just to be worn at night while you sleep." 

As she held the mirror up Peter gasped.  He said "wow, it is huge."

Cassie said "it is, but again, only at night.  And it is actually kind of cute on you.  Don't you think Sarah?"

Sarah replied "just the cutest."

Cassie said "well, that wraps it up for today.  Unless you have any questions, go on up front and make your follow up appointments and I will see you next time.  You can both take your headgears off if you would like, though Dr. Parker REALLY likes it when patients wear it out of the office.  Even if you take it off the minute your feet hit the sidewalk."

Peter said "well, actually I was hoping I could talk with Dr. Parker for a minute before we leave.  Would that be ok?" 

Cassie said "absolutely, if you don't mind waiting in reception a few minutes.  When she gets a break, someone can come and get you.  Would that work?" 

Peter said "absolutely.  And thank you for being so gentle."  Smiling he said "I'm not even that mad at you that you put this monstrosity on my head" as he gestured to the Interlandi headgear. 

Cassie laughed and said "thank you for that.  And really, it isn't that bad.  Look around, all the cool kids wear headgear.  But, if you want, you can take it off while you wait." 

Peter said "no, that is ok.  I might as well get used to it.  As long as my beautiful wife here will wears her too.  Will you babe?"  She simply nodded her head up and down.  She was completely focused on Peter and his new braces and headgear.

As the two walked towards the door to the waiting area, hand in hand, both wearing their headgears, Sarah stopped Peter.  She leaned in and whispered "I said you were the cutest earlier.  That was a white lie.  You are the sexiest.  The sexiest thing I have ever seen.  And you ARE going to take me home before we return to VistaView.  But, it shouldn't take long, I am about to burst." 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #81 on: 29. August 2023, 18:34:56 PM »
Someone just pointed out that I have been interchanging Dr. Sanders (the ortho from the last story) and Dr. Parker (the ortho in this story) the last few chapters.  Thanks!  I have gone back and tried to correct it.  But, if I missed one/some, just let me know what chapter/s and where and I will change it.

ETA:  And I went and changed them all to the wrong one.  I have completely confused myself.  I am going to fix it, or try.  For those confused about this story.

Dr. Anderson - Sarah's psychiatrist
Dr. Higgins - VistaView's head honcho/administrator
Dr. Parker - Sarah and Peter's ortho

Now, back to trying to fix it.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #82 on: 29. August 2023, 18:51:20 PM »
I will add, it is good to know at least one person is reading this mess.

Offline anton08

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Re: The Split
« Reply #83 on: 29. August 2023, 20:09:44 PM »
There is no mess. And for sure there is not only one person reading this story.

Faults only happen to exist for those who do work.

Keep writing this interesting story! ;)

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #84 on: 30. August 2023, 03:22:44 AM »
I am loving the story! Please keep writing. I'm curious what the ladies wearing casts is all about.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: The Split
« Reply #85 on: 31. August 2023, 05:58:11 AM »
I am finally getting caught up with my reading again.

If you weren't making mistakes, you wouldn't be writing.

As for people not reading your story, there are many people reading the stories in the forum, they just aren't saying anything. Write the story you want to tell us and we will enjoy it. I figure there is about a 2% comment-to-reader ratio, so you must be doing very well so far. ;)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #86 on: 01. September 2023, 05:39:08 AM »
Thanks y’all.  I appreciate you giving me the space to do a little writing.  And for reading.  And giving me props when you liked it, and calling me out when you didn’t or I made just ridiculous mistakes.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #87 on: 01. September 2023, 19:21:23 PM »
Episode 44.

Peter and Sarah walked hand in hand into the waiting area.  As they entered, Peter noticed there were several new people sitting and waiting.  Most were looking down at their phones.  Or they were until Sarah and Peter's arrival.  Peter sensed as much as saw all eyes in the room turn and look at them.  Most averted their eyes quickly.  All but one young boy that was sitting beside an older lady that Peter assumed was his mom.  Sitting on the other side of the older lady was a teenage girl that appeared to be his sister.  The boy pointed and said "mommy, what are those people wearing?"

Peter watched as the woman said "Braxton, do not be rude.  Do not point. Do not talk about other people."  She looked at Sarah and Peter and said "I am sorry."  She then continued talking to her son "that is headgear.  Two different types of headgear.  And your mommy will be getting some herself.  So, do not be rude.  Now, let's go apologize to them."

Peter and Sarah stopped walking as the woman stood and drug the boy over.  She smiled at Peter and Sarah and said "hello!  I am Pamela Smith.  You can call me Pam".  Both Sarah and Peter said hello and introduced themselves.  Pam pointed over to the blond teen girl still sitting and said "that is my daughter Kendra.  And this is my son Braxton.  And he owes you two an apology.  Braxton?"

Braxton was looking down at the floor.  He briefly raised his head but avoided eye contact and said "I am sowry."

Sarah was the first to respond when she said "thank you Braxton.  But no apology is necessary.  The headgear we are wearing is eye catching.  And very hard to miss.  And don't worry young man, you are not the first person to point or say something about it."

Pamela said "well, that may be.  But he still needed to apologize.  And I do too.  I am sorry."  The woman turned away and drug Braxton back to their original seats.  Peter and Sarah found two unoccupied seats in the corner and sat.  Sarah said quietly to Peter "he was just so cute.  And now I am missing the boys even more." 

Peter patted her hand and said "baby, it won't be long.  And in two weeks, after they have run you ragged, spilled milk everywhere, jumped in a mud puddle, drawn on the walls with a marker, and gotten in an argument, you might be begging me to take you back to VistaView.

Sarah laughed and said "you aren't right."

Peter pulled out his phone and began scrolling through emails, seeing what fires needed to be put out first.  He didn't notice the woman approach, but he heard "I am sorry to bother you.  But I was hoping I could ask you two some questions.  About having braces as adults." 

Peter looked up to find Pam standing in front of them nervously.  Sarah responded "sure!  I am glad to answer any questions.  And I am sure hubs here will too.  Right boo boo?"

Peter tried to smile and replied "of course!  And let me go ahead and apologize if that was a snarl.  These new braces and headgear are going to take some getting used to."

Pamela sat in the seat beside Sarah and said "so, I take it that's new?" 

Peter responded "yep, brand new.  I literally just got it and these shiny new braces right before we walked out here.  I had cervical headgear before with invisalign and ceramic braces on bottom.  But, I decided to just switch to traditonal braces.  And now Dr. Parker wants me to wear this one at night.  It makes my cervical headgear look like a toy."

Pamela asked "so, you just have to wear it at night?  But, then, why are you wearing it out here?  And if you already had your appointment, why are you still waiting?  And sorry in advance if I ask too many questions."

Peter said "nope, no apology needed.  We are waiting to speak with Dr. Parker.  To talk to her about setting up a consultation for a friend of ours.  She was busy with a patient so Cassie asked us to wait out here.  Sarah and I actually both just got new, bigger, better headgears today.  Her's is a forward pull.  Mine is retractive.  But that would make sense, we are pretty opposite on everything else.  But you know what they say, opposites attract."

Pam laughed and said "I get that.  Me and my husband Marc are oil and water.  But it works for us too.  Anyway, the reason I came over is I am starting treatment today.  Or at least getting my appliances installed, I already got spacers.  Actually, me and my daughter Kendra both are.  She is getting braces and something called a quad helix expander.  And she will have to wear rubberbands to fix her bite.  I looked it all up online, watched some youtube videos and such, and it seems pretty standard for a teen.  But me?  And my treatment?  Oh boy.  Because I am older and my bite is messed up, I have to get a MARPE expander.  It will be drilled into the roof of my mouth with six screws.  It looks terrifying.  The idea is terrifying.  And I will have to wear a reverse pull headgear like your's Sarah.  Dr. Parker didn't mention anything about a strap like that, but she did show me the mask."  She put her hand up and held her thumb and index finger about a half inch apart and said "seeing the headgear and an example of the expander just about made me abandon the thought of getting braces.  I was this close to saying no.  But, my breathing is horrible, I don’t sleep well, I am tired all the time, my jaw causes me headaches and Dr. Parker said if I didn't get it fixed now it would just get worse.  I would lose teeth, all kinds of horrible things.  And, with me making Kendra start treatment, I felt like I was stuck.  I couldn't really back out.  But now, sitting here waiting to be called back to have it installed, I want to run out the front door.  And I can't imagine what it is going to be like navigating life with all the metal in my mouth.  Plus a lisp.  Dr. Parker warned me that at least at first I would have a substantial lisp.  So, please, tell me it isn't that bad."

Sarah smiled and said "well, that story sounds pretty familiar to me.  I also have a MARPE.  And an expander on bottom too.  Plus the headgear that no one can miss.  I am not going to tell you it isn't bad.  The first week is rough.  But, it gets better.  I am still early on, this is our first adjustment, but I think it is worth it.  But, the jury may still be deliberating.  But this babe beside me has made it so much better.  Just the fact he is doing it with me makes it worth it.  Is there anything you want to add babe?"

Peter said "I will just say give it a week Pam.  And then take it day by day.  Dr. Parker and Cassie assured us before we even started treatment that once we got used to everything, the time would fly by.  Definitely get a water flosser.  And extra wax.  And if you can get someone to turn your expander for you, either your husband or your daughter, it will make life easier.  And I bet your daughter would love doing it.  Inflicting a little revenge on her mom for making her get braces."

Pam said "actually, strangely enough, she is excited about getting braces.  I wish I could say the same.  I mean, I was excited when we first came in.  Until I found out what all it would entail.  But you two seem to be surviving.  And, my husband is already teasing me about being a braceface.  And all I have are these annoying spacers.  I am sure he will just love prodding around in my mouth."

Sarah said "I am sure he loves you.  Me and Peter tease each other all the time.  I think it is part of a healthy relationship.  But, I bet when you are really hurting, and I won't sugarcoat it you will be the next few days, I bet he will take care of you."  She took Peter's hand and continued "as Peter was nursing me back to health that first week, I just fell even more madly in love with him, if that was even possible."  She then said "you should talk your hubby into getting braces!  Then you could tease him right back."

Pam said "well, I don't see that happening.  I have already brought it up a few times and he completely rejected the idea.  He said he couldn't get braces.  Not at his age."

Peter responded "I get that.  I was terrified of the idea.  Of what coworkers and clients would think.  And I still am I guess, especially now that I have these metal braces.  But, you know what, most people just don't really care.  They are so self centered and worried about their own problems, they don't pay attention to other people's mouths.  And so far, when they have said anything, it has been supportive.  I have found out that a lot of adults have thought about or are thinking about getting braces.  As soon as I got mine, I was astounded by the people that, like you are now, asked me about it.  And it was almost always because they said they had thought about it but were too scared.  I bet the same will happen with you.  I bet you will learn a lot of the people you come in contact with in day to day life will tell you they have thought about it."  Peter pulled his wallet out and pulled out one of his business cards out and handed it to Pam.  He continued "if you have any questions, for Sarah or I, you can shoot me a text or email.  And if you are serious about wanting to get your husband to join you in treatment, I would even be glad to talk to him."

Pam looked from Peter to Sarah and said "thank you both so much.  And Peter, I might just take you up on that.  Now, let me get back over there before Braxton is swinging from a light fixture."

As she stood Sarah said "and by the way, he is adorable.  We have two little boys ourselves.  And they are both a handful.  Pam, you will do just fine.  And like Peter said, reach out if you need to.  Even if just for motivational support.  I am lucky, I have my Peter here to lean into when things are rough.  And because he is going through treatment with me, he gets it.  I realize most people are not that lucky."

Standing, Pam looked down and said "thank both again so much."

She had just made it to her seat when the door to the treatment area opened.  Cassie stepped out and announced "Pam?  We are ready for you and Kendra now."

Pam looked over at Sarah and Peter.  The fear and dread were evident on her face.  Sarah said loudly enough so she could hear "Pam, you are both going to do just great."

Peter added "and Cassie is just the best.  The most gentle touch in the world."  Peter looked at Cassie.  With her cloth mask pulled down, he could see a smile come to her face.  She looked over at Peter and responded "aww, thank you.  And Dr. Parker is just finishing up, she will be out in a minute to get you."

By now, Pam had gotten to her feet.  She slung her purse over her shoulder and grabbed Braxton's hand.  She began to walk towards Cassie with Kendra following behind.  Peter couldn't help but think she looked like someone walking down death row.  He was about to offer another word of encouragement when Cassie beat him to it.

As Pam approached the open door, Cassie smiled at her and said "it is going to be just fine.  I have an expander just like you are getting.  And obviously a facemask too.  It is so worth it.  And I am so glad I am doing it.  You will too".  Pam forced a half smile and said "I hope you are right."

After the door was closed, Sarah looked at Peter and said "thank you."

He asked "for what?"

Sarah said "for being you.  For offering that woman, a complete stranger, support and encouragement.  For giving her our contact information.  For offering to help.  In other words, for being you.  I am so lucky.  I have you to go through this journey with.  Both this orthodontic marathon and the journey of life.  I realize a lot of people don't have that.  I am so lucky.  And grateful."  She snuggled up against Peter and said "that, what just happened, was so sweet."  She then turned her face up towards Peter and with a devilish grin on her face softly said "but don't think it has made me forget what I am going to do to you and that sexy mouth of yours as soon as we get out of here."

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Re: The Split
« Reply #88 on: 02. September 2023, 01:27:15 AM »
Episode 45.

Several minutes later the treatment room door opened.  Dr. Parker emerged and called over to Peter and Sarah "hey you two, come with me".  As they got to the door, Dr. Parker turned and said "follow me" as she quickly marched away from them.  They went through the treatment area towards a hallway.  As they walked through Peter noticed Pam and her daughter Kendra at the sinks while Cassie kept little Braxton occupied.  Peter nudged Sarah and gestured in the direction.  Sarah said "aww, I want to take him home with me.  And Pam might let me.  I don't envy her getting her expander and having to keep up with two kids at the same time."  They didn't have long to look though as Dr. Parker was hurrying through the area.

They followed her down a short hall to an office with her name on the door.  Entering the office she went over to a mini-fridge and got a diet Coke out.  While squatted down she turned and asked Peter and Sarah if they wanted anything.  Sarah said "if you don't mind, I wouldn't mind a diet coke too."  Peter responded "thank you, but I don't have a clue how I would drink with this headgear on."  Nonetheless, when Dr. Parker straightened up she had two diet Cokes in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.  From the top of the refrigerator she also grabbed three straws from a box of them.  She sat the water and one of the Coke cans down on her desk.  The other she popped opened and stuck a straw in.  She handed it to Sarah saying "you shouldn't drink soda.  It is horrible for you.  So, I don't have any idea where you got this.  And you surely are not about to see me drink one myself.  No, that is just your imagination."  She chuckled at her little joke then picked the water up and handed it and a straw to Peter.  She said "and you might want to wash some of the funk out of your mouth after your banding.  Plus, here's a little tip, your wires are heat activated.  Drinking something cold will reduce the force on them if you are hurting."

As he took the bottle and straw from her he said "thank you very much.  I might need that little trick for later.  I can already start to feel these things working." 

As Dr. Parker sat she picked up her Coke, opened it and slid the straw in.  She said "you will likely be a little sore the next few daysh.  But I am confident your mouth will adjust to everything pretty quickly.  Not to be rude, but what do you have for me?  I jusht have a few minutes."

Sarah said "I believe Peter has discussed scheduling a consultation for a friend of ours?"

Dr. Parker said "yesh, he did.  Sounds standard.  Caitlin at the front desk can handle that."

Sarah continued "well, I wanted to talk about my friend.  And make sure you think she would be suitable."

Dr. Parker asked "what do you mean suitable?"

Sarah said "my friend, her name is Izzy, is on the spectrum.  Her guardian is worried she won't handle the braces well at all.  The poor girl already has to wear a scoliosis brace.  Before we go to the trouble or waste your time, we wanted to ask if you thought it was feasible."

Dr. Parker said "sure, I have several patients that wear scoliosis braces.  They do fine.  It is amazing how resilient kids are.   And we have several patients that are on the spectrum as well.  But I am familiar with autism on a much more personal level.  My daughter has autism.  So, I am well versed in it.  And I assure you I will do everything I can to make it as painless and pleasant as possible for Izzy.  Is she verbal?"

Sarah asked "Well, Izzy is not a child.  She is in her early 20's.  Her scoliosis brace is a whole sad story.  But I guess worse case she could always just take it off for her appointment.  That actually might be the best idea now that I talk it through.  And verbal?  What do you mean?"

Dr. Parker responded "does she talk, communicate?  Where is she on the spectrum?"

Sarah said "well, I don't really know.  But yes, she talks and communicates.  Oh boy does she talk.  She is smart as a whip too.  But sometimes she can obsess over things.  And if you do get her started talking about something, she might still be talking about it next week.  Or next year I suspect.  She can be socially awkward.  And she sometimes will miss little non-verbal ques.  And she takes everything she hears very literal.  I just wanted to, I guess, make sure we are making the right decision for her to come in.  She really wants to by the way.  She is enamored by my orthodontia.  Her parents were killed when she was younger, she grew up in the foster care system, and never had a chance to have them as a teen.  But now, and I blame myself, she is obsessed with getting them.  But I hate the idea of her mouth hurting.  And how she would handle that."

Dr. Parker replied "she sounds like she is very mild.  I am sure she will have no problem.  And again, I am VERY familiar with autism.  My daughter Naomi is non verbal.  She has a severe form.  So, I know more about it than I ever thought possible.  If it looks like things are going badly with Izzy, I promise you I will notice quickly.  And we will do what we need to do for her.  Even if it means stopping the appointment.  Is that assurance enough".

Sarah said "yes, thank you."

Dr. Parker responded "great, anything else?"

Peter looked at Sarah who nodded her head back and forth.  Peter said "no, I think that answers our questions.  We will talk to Caitlin up front on our way out and schedule our appointments.  For us and for Izzy.  Oh, I do have a couple of questions.  Just out of personal curiosity.  One, do you make all your employees get braces?  It seems like they all have them.  And two, what did you mean about wearing your headgear all the time?  Are you really doing that?"

Dr. Parker laughed and then responded "NO!  I don't make them get braces.  How could I even do such a thing?  Threaten to fire them?  No, I would never do that.  But I do offer all employees a one-year employment anniversary gift.  Full treatment for them at no cost, and spouses and direct family members at a 50% discount.  So, you are talking about a $4000-7000 gift for one person.  It could be well over $10,000 if a spouse and/or child joins them.  So far, even employees that balked at the idea when they started have jumped in the chair after a year.  Caitlin up front, who I know you have talked to before and will when you leave, doesn't have braces.  She has only been with me 9 months now.  And she was horrified at the idea of getting braces as an adult when she started here.  This is her first job in the dental field by the way.  But now, after 9 months, she is asking me if I can make an exception and let her start early.  I think being immersed in it, and seeing the amazing transformations that take place here, really changes people's outlook and perception on orthodontic treatment and braces.  Now, if you don't mind, let's walk and talk.  I need to get back at it."

As they stood, Dr. Parker continued talking.  She said "yes, I am wearing my headgear fulltime.  I plan to for three months."  She then began walking, with Peter and Sarah following along behind.  As they walked she said "we know that the more a patient wears their headgear the better.  Obviously.  But I have seen that with adults, 12 hours is the absolute minimum to get any movement whatsoever.  Anything less is just a waste of time.  And 16 hours is even better.  And I suspect that 22 hours would be even better.  But, I can't ask a patient to do that without knowing.  So, I am the test subject.  I am wearing mine for 22 hours a day for three months.  Cassie is wearing hers for 16 hours a day.  I have actually told her not to wear hers any more than that."  Dr. Parker laughed and added "she is probably the first patient I have told not to try to sneak in a little extra time whenever they can.  So, yes, I am.  It is hard, I will admit.  But I think at the end of the three months, we will find I got a hair bit more forward movement that Cassie.  Which may mean I need to wear mine for a shorter period of time.  We will see."

As they arrived back in the treatment area Dr. Parker stopped and said "now, let me thank you two.  For being model patients.  And for choosing me to be your orthodontist.  I feel honored.  I look forward to seeing you at your next appointment." 

She turned and marched over towards Cassie.  Peter and Sarah turned to watch.  Kendra was already reclined back in the chair with Pam sitting in a chair beside her, her son fidgeting in her lap.  Cassie was already working on etching the teens teeth.  Pam had a look of dread on her face.

Sarah patted Peter and said "hang on."  Sarah walked over to Pam and asked "you look like you have your hands full.  Would you like me to help babysit while you are in the chair?"

Pam looked up at her and said "that is so sweet.  Thank you.  But Kendra can.  She is great at babysitting this little Tasmanian devil.  But, again, thank you.  And thank you for earlier."

Sarah said "absolutely.  It was my pleasure.  No, it was our pleasure.  It is funny, now that we both have braces we are an open book and actually like talking about them.  Or at least I do.  I do have one thing to ask of you.  A payback of sorts.  Please, text us and let us know how you two are doing later.  I will be worrying about you if you don't.  I am sure Peter will too.  Will you do that for us?"

As she bounced the boy on her knee Pam replied "absolutely.  That is the least I can do.  You two are just the kindest people."

Sarah laughed and said "thank you.  But you haven't met my other side.  But Peter, yes, he is an angel.  Pam, it was such a pleasure to meet you and talk.  And you are going to do just fine.  I promise."

After making their follow up appointments with Caitlin, they also made a consultation appointment for Izzy in two weeks.  Sarah was sure to schedule it early in the morning.  Because she was planning on talking with Dr. Higgins.  And convincing her to let her attend with Izzy as well for additional moral support.

As they walked to the car, Sarah squeezed Peter's hand and said "you need to go ahead and call VistaView and tell them we are going to be running late.  Because our appointment isn't over yet.  Mr. Jackson, there is one more procedure that we need to perform.  At home, in our bedroom.  And don't you dare take that sexy headgear off until the procedure is complete."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #89 on: 02. September 2023, 19:45:58 PM »
Episode 46.

Peter pulled up in front of the doors of VistaView shortly before noon.  He stopped the vehicle and turned it off.  He said "we have arrived.  And what impecable timing, just in time for lunch.  I wish I could stay, but I have to get back to the office.  We have one very irate client."

Sarah reached her hand over and ran her finger along Peter's jaw line.  He was no longer wearing his headgear and neither was she.  Sarah responded "I understand baby.  You spend way too much time on me as it is.  But you know I will miss you.  Thank you so much for today.  Who knew that an orthodontic appointment could be so exciting.  And sexy."  She winked at him.

Standing outside the car, Sarah craned her head up towards Peter.  He leaned down and Sarah kissed him, flicking her tongue in and out of his mouth. She leaned back for air, then kissed him again.  This time she let her tongue explore, feeling around the sharp brackets in his mouth.  She pulled back and stared into his face.  As Peter went to speak she put her finger up to his lips and said "shhh, just smile for me."

He asked "huh?"

Sarah said "don't ruin this baby, smile for me.   Since they won't let me have my phone, I need to take a mental picture of you."

Peter obliged, smiling widely.

After several moments Sarah hugged him.  She said "thank you.  I guess that will get me through the rest of the day.  But, and this is your fault, I am not going to be able to concentrate at all the rest of the day.  I am going to be thinking about you."

Peter squeezed her and said "and I the same.  Thinking of you.  But I will be back for dinner as always.  Now, let's get you going. You have to be famished.  You just burned a lot of calories earlier." 

Sarah smiled slyly and said "you pervert.  Pervert is my job."

Peter laughed and said "come on dirty girl, let's get you some lunch."

Entering the front doors Peter noticed Lakyn was already at the reception desk.  She looked at them and gave a closed mouth smile.  Or Peter thought it was a smile.  It could have been interpreted as a grimance.  With a big smile on his own face, showing off his newly acquired orthodontia, he walked towards her with Sarah.  He said to Lakyn "good morning, or maybe I should say afternoon, Miss Lakyn!  Were your ears burning this morning?  If so, it is because Julia was talking about you.  She said you started your treatment yesterday.  How exciting!  But she said you were hurting.  How are now?"

Lakyn didn't speak immediately.  Instead, her gaze remained fixed on Peter's mouth.  She said "are thosh new?  You didn't have braces on your top teeth lasht time I shaw you did you?" 

Peter gave her a big smile and said "they are brand spanking new.  I just got them this morning.  I ditched that silly invisalign and got me some real braces.  I was feeling jealous of all of you.  And I also got a new headgear.  It is mammoth.  It is called an Interlandi headgear.  But, enough about me, how are you?"

She said "I am hurting.  This expander, theshe schrews, they hurt so much.  And the brackets on bottom are rubbing my lipsh raw.  And the hooksh on top keep digging into me.  And the headgear they gave me hurtsh my chin.  Eating is out of the question.  And I can't talk.  I got called on in clash thish morning and almosht broke down.  I think I made a mishtake."

Sarah rushed over and wrapped her arms around her.  Sarah said "you poor baby.  I promise, it gets better.  And it might not help ease the pain.  But you aren't alone.  We met another lady today that was getting the same things installed that we have.  And I look at Dr. Parker; did you know she is wearing her headgear all the time?  All the time, except when eating and showering.  And Cassie, she seemed to be oblivious to her expander and headgear today.   And I think to myself if they can do it, so can I.  And so can you.  Your speech is not as bad as you think.  I promise.  I am able to understand you clearly.  And it will get better.  And I am here.  Please, let me help.  If there are any questions, ask.  This first week will be a bit of an adjustment.  Just get through the next few days."

Lakyn said "thank you.  I guessh it does help knowing I am not the only one.  How do you manage the headgear?  There is jusht no way I can see me getting in 16 hours a day."

Sarah released Lakyn and said "well, VistaView and Dr. Higgins make it easy on me.  They monitor my wear time.  I have no choice.  That means that I get the pleasure of wearing it out in the facility some.  The first few days people looked at me like I had a third eye or something.  But now, almost a week in, everyone seems pretty used to seeing me in it.  They barely give me looks anymore and pretty much ignore it.  That is how I am doing it.  You know, you could wear your's here.  I am absolutely certain that Dr. Higgins would be in complete support."

Lakyn shook her head and said "ewww, I don't think I could do that.  I would die from embarrasshment."

Peter now spoke "why Lakyn?  You are a beautiful, smart and charming young woman.  Period, end of story.  Who cares what others think?  If they are so shallow and superficial to focus on headgear and not the person underneath, does their opinion even matter?  No, no it does not.  So, if you need to wear it here, then wear it here.  And like Sarah said, you won't be the only one.  Sarah wears her some.  Julia was wearing her's this morning.  You would not be the only one."

Lakyn said "well, I don't know.  I will think about it."

Sarah said "do you have it with you?  Did you get the kind with the larger chincup that slides?  I got a new one today.  It is better, more comfortable, than my first one."   She unzipped her purse and pulled her new hot pink facemask out and asked "does it look like this?"

Lakyn responded "wow, you went with the hot pink.  That is certainly bold.  And yesh, mine is like that.  But not the hot pink.  I didn't bring it, it ish sitting by my shink at home."

Sarah said "it isn't like anyone is going to miss it regardless of color.  So I figured why not go with pink?  I am a bit of a girlie girl.  What color did you pick?"

Lakyn said "I went with white.  I was hoping it would be less visible and obvious.  It really isn't."

Sarah said "I am sure it looks adorable on you.   Lakyn, I am certain all of this seems like a lot.  I know.  I totally understand.  But like bae said, just get through this week.  Once you do, it is all downhill.  Deal?"

Lakyn smiled the best she could and responded "deal.  And thank you."

Peter said "Sarah is right as always.  Lakyn, I will see you again this afternoon."

He turned to Sarah and said "baby, I have to go.  I don't want to, but I have to."  He leaned in and kissed her. 

At the door he stopped and turned.  Sarah was still standing there.  He loudly said "baby, I love you so much.  And I know you will, but please take care of Miss Lakyn."