
Author Topic: TMJ and a chipped tooth  (Read 3040 times)

Offline Bracesx3

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TMJ and a chipped tooth
« on: 02. September 2023, 01:19:57 AM »
So I’ve had braces for about a year, but recently changed orthodontists to get help with my TMJ. At my last appointment, my ortho had me start wearing very light elastics, but only at night as tolerated. The elastics were a blessing and a curse. They pulled my lower jaw slightly forward relieving some of my TMJ pain, but the downward pull on my teeth made me clench and caused jaw muscle pain (which is much better than joint pain). Anyway after a month of this, my bite was moving in the right direction, so much so that I chipped my upper canine on my lower canine while eating. An urgent visit later and I had my own set of very high biteblocks. With my tongue thrust, there’s no hiding the gap now made. I had my scheduled orthodontist appointment this week to find out that the bit locks worked as a TMJ deprogrammer, and I now am the proud owner of a cross bite. My orthodontist is trying to widen my upper jaw with arch wires. I’m hoping they aren’t successful so that maybe I’ll finally be a candidate for an MSE - which my ortho did not want to attempt to help me with sleep apnea because of the TMJ. I’m still sporting my bright blue bite blocks without elastics. Fingers crossed! Maybe someday I’ll get a tongue crib too now that the bite blocks make my tongue thrust worse. What would you do?

Offline Bryce

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Re: TMJ and a chipped tooth
« Reply #1 on: 03. September 2023, 23:50:19 PM »
The chipped tooth sounds terrible but getting fitted with an mse sounds fun!  And a tongue crib would be an easy addition I’d think.  When I had my expander back in the day it was the office standard to install it with a tongue crib.  I don’t think they even gave me an option.