
Author Topic: teeth reverted to jaunty angle in my 60s  (Read 3403 times)

Offline Michael19651968

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teeth reverted to jaunty angle in my 60s
« on: 30. June 2023, 23:58:13 PM »
I had a lot of teeth taken out when I was 8 and wore a plate from age 10 to 13.

Since I've been in my 60s my top front teeth have reverted to their former jaunty angle.

I was not led to expect this.

(I have also inferred I have other minor skull characteristics, which weren't drawn to my attention.)

Any more people have their teeth angle change in later life?

Offline Embracer

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Re: teeth reverted to jaunty angle in my 60s
« Reply #1 on: 01. July 2023, 13:35:20 PM »
I understand that teeth can move throughout our lives.

If you are unhappy with how your teeth are you can still get braces in your 60s. I got them at 57 ( having had a removable brace as an adolescent and subsequent relapse) and was happy with the outcome. But my teeth did shift a little bit again and I wore a modified hawley ten years later to nudge them back into place.

Offline Michael19651968

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Re: teeth reverted to jaunty angle in my 60s
« Reply #2 on: 30. July 2023, 13:45:09 PM »
In fact I think I had one row too many teeth pulled out when I was 8 (in preparation).

I think my skull needed to deepen and the treatment prevented that, causing (and worsening) a great many disabilities and ailments through life.

I was told my looks were bad and needed improving (this was not so).

You have used a very strange phrase, "If you are unhappy with how your teeth are you can still get braces".  Why would you use such a phrase.

Didn't you realise braces are about more than teeth and that happiness is about more than pleasing other people's false opinions?

I think any malocclusion issue was exaggerated.

Offline Michael19651968

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Re: teeth reverted to jaunty angle in my 60s
« Reply #3 on: 13. August 2023, 13:45:48 PM »
I was gassed when I was 8.
I had eight good teeth taken out.  (It should have been maximum four, if any, and probably later on and not then.  Perhaps a few old ones were slow falling out?  Perhaps that was Nature's way of helping my skull grow?)
My chewing muscles got weakened.
I had to wear a foul contraption and it distorted my skull growth when I was far too young.
I got told there was something wrong with my looks (prior to then I thought my looks were good).
Since my front ones went back to sticking out I have felt more normal at last.
Any supposed malocclusion issues were nigh on spurious.
They should watch what they do to the young.

Offline Sparky

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Re: teeth reverted to jaunty angle in my 60s
« Reply #4 on: 13. August 2023, 14:20:50 PM »
I had eight good teeth taken out.

At the age of 8, then the only adult teeth you would have had by then were your incisors, all the rest would have been your primary / baby teeth. Your primary first molars would have just come through, and your premolars would be thinking about coming through, so it sounds to me that they took out your baby teeth, to let your adult teeth grow through, no big deal there...