
Author Topic: It's really happening--braces in two weeks  (Read 4584 times)

Offline ineedbraces25

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It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« on: 13. April 2023, 00:37:53 AM »
I think I haven't even fully let it sink in yet, but holy shit, I'm scheduled to have braces put on in like two weeks.

I was not expecting it to happen this soon. Im looking into jaw surgery as my bite can't be camouflaged (already failed) and so my options are now either braces plus jaw surgery or nothing. I'm 24, in college now and for one more year , and soo now is like the best and possibly only time to go through the whole process. It would benefit my TMD, be able to eat better, more space in mouth, better breathing, plus aesthetics and a really nice smile (amazing confidence boost). I'd be full of regret if I didn't do this for myself, but have been largely hesitant because of not wanting to be seen in braces for a whole year (I know, its vain but also because im embarrassed having this kink)

Anyways, the orthodontist said she had availability in two weeks on a Friday morning and I said yes without thinking. I kinda can't believe I did that. Clear braces are 450 more, I was told, so it's also a no brainer that I'm gonna get metal.

I'm full of emotions. Turned on, excited, nervous about the relatively commitment of it and how others will react. I can't believe Ill have real metal braces on my teeth in two weeks time...its insane. I'm gonna die of excitement/nerves the day of...going in for that appointment, the whole process getting them, leaving as a metal mouth. Feeling them for the first time. 

I'm gonna be posting here a lot more thinking about them and obviously during the process. Down the line I'll probably have elastics, and because I'm getting surgery I'll have other a fixed expander device for upper jaw, etc.

I can't stop thinking about getting braces now that it's not gonna just be fantasy. So excited, but nervous how ill look, scared for my social life but excited for the new experience at the same time? I have no idea what will happen haha. I keep feeling my teeth and thinking this is the last time I'm feeling them smooth without any metal for the next foreseeable year and more.

Offline FantaBrace

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #1 on: 13. April 2023, 00:39:15 AM »
Awesome good luck

Online TrainTrack

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #2 on: 13. April 2023, 01:04:07 AM »
Congratulations. You’ll not regret it. If you have to have surgery, be glad you’re doing this now and not when you’re like 40 something with kids. Also, about the social life thing, people you know will be like, “Oh, you got braces? Cool.” And then move onto other things. People who don’t know generally don’t ask about them. The only people who care are us as a group who think it’s really cool.

Do me a favor- take some Tylenol or something before you get them on. I didn’t, and an hour later I really regretted not.

Offline kevinbf

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #3 on: 13. April 2023, 02:23:22 AM »
This was exactly me when I was scheduled to get braces .. I was 20 then

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #4 on: 13. April 2023, 06:04:40 AM »
Congratulations. You’ll not regret it. If you have to have surgery, be glad you’re doing this now and not when you’re like 40 something with kids. Also, about the social life thing, people you know will be like, “Oh, you got braces? Cool.” And then move onto other things. People who don’t know generally don’t ask about them. The only people who care are us as a group who think it’s really cool.

Do me a favor- take some Tylenol or something before you get them on. I didn’t, and an hour later I really regretted not.

Thanks for the comment! Yeah I'm sure people don't care as much as I think they will..its a huge deal to me (especially with this kink and extra embarrassment about it) so I assume it'll be big to others. People might not even notice--especially since my teeth don't show much when talking unless I'm being animated. Did some people genuinely not even notice yours at all?

How did your friends react about them when you got them? Did you tell them beforehand you're getting them or just show up with them? I'm a little more nervous about some people I know's reactions.

Also do you recommend getting a waterpik or anything else beforehand? This is all very new to me.

Online TrainTrack

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #5 on: 13. April 2023, 06:34:41 AM »
Thanks for the comment! Yeah I'm sure people don't care as much as I think they will..its a huge deal to me (especially with this kink and extra embarrassment about it) so I assume it'll be big to others. People might not even notice--especially since my teeth don't show much when talking unless I'm being animated. Did some people genuinely not even notice yours at all?

How did your friends react about them when you got them? Did you tell them beforehand you're getting them or just show up with them? I'm a little more nervous about some people I know's reactions.

Also do you recommend getting a waterpik or anything else beforehand? This is all very new to me.

Yeah, some people genuinely didn’t notice them at all, I’m still getting questions from colleagues at work like did you just get braces? even though I’ve had them on for more than 7 months at this point. My friends made a comment or two and dropped it, but one of my old best friends I recently met up with talked about them for a bit and she said “didn’t you have something that cracked the bone in your jaw?” She was referring to my expander I had as a kid. That is the one time I had anything other than one or two sentences about them. I just showed up with them, the only person that knew was my husband. After I got them I texted some of my friends a picture of me and they reacted a bit and asked a couple of questions. I really wouldn’t be worried about people’s reactions, they don’t care at all and are just trying to be nice/are curious. I would definitely recommend you getting a Waterpik, it is invaluable for getting food out of braces, and it helps clean your teeth quite a bit better than regular floss, which is a pain with braces. I use an electric toothbrush and a Waterpik afterwards and it really gets everything well. My orthodontist gave me a little goody bag with a couple of Proxy brushes, a couple of Platypus flossers ( they are really easy to use and you don’t have to worry about using floss threaders), and some wax. Be warned, wax is a pain to get to stay onto brackets. It just kind of fell off when I tried when I first got them and decided it was more of a pain than it was worth. If you are having issues with sores, a braces comfort cover helps.

If you have any more questions feel free to pm me.

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #6 on: 13. April 2023, 07:31:55 AM »
Well done for having the courage to go for it!

Smile -- before and after you get them.  First, the less insecure you appear to be, the less attention you will attract from other people.  Most people are 150% preoccupied with their own issues, so unless you appear out of the ordinary, I'll bet you run into people you know who don't even notice.  Second, the more light gets to your teeth when you smile, the less dark your smile will appear and the less attention it will attract.

And try some bright lipstick.  It fits both of these ideas.

Let us know how you get on, and what reactions you do get, if any.

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #7 on: 13. April 2023, 23:13:43 PM »
Congratulations!!! I'm super excited for you!
It's a wonderful thing for peeps like us to get to experience such a meaningful transformation into a metal mouth! No doubt the wait and anticipation are adding to the excitement! I'm sure you've already been bombarded with tips, so here come a few more!

1. The first 2 days are a bit of an adjustment, but trust me, you'll be used to them in time! You may even end up uncontrolably drooling a bit (I had a few spills myself) but once your mouth gets accustomed to all that metal you get some better control over the drool. First few nights brushing with a toothbrush (highly reccomend a good quality electric one) you'll be bent over the sink with the constant spills as it's really hard to keep the toothpaste and spit from flying out, but again, you'll get used to it fast!

2. SMILE! One of the things I wished I did when I first got my braces was smile more! Like yourself, i was juggling the excitement and euphoria with a whole lot of embarrassment and inner feelings of the kink, and it took the people around me a few months to realize I had braces cause talking with them alone wasnt enough to make them obvious. So smile! Smile as much as you can and where them proudly!

I'm super happy you get to have this experience! I really hope the surgery goes well, and hope your time as a metal mouth is everything you want it to be!  ;D

Offline somerandomfella

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #8 on: 14. April 2023, 16:22:49 PM »
Congratulations! I wish I had the courage to do it. Please be sure to enjoy it, embarrassment included!

Offline bracessd

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #9 on: 14. April 2023, 17:51:38 PM »
Congrats! Looking forward to seeing pics of your journey!

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #10 on: 14. April 2023, 21:35:01 PM »
I’m feeling more excited and positive about it now! I’m definitely gonna be really turned on before during and after. I’m gonna try take advantage of this kink and enjoy it the most I can. I feel like I’ll look hot and rock the braces too now….I just think they look attractive and cool and it’s only fear of the perception of others that makes me think otherwise. Braces are hot!! (Metal ones especially) I also will like how they’ll puff up my upper lip (which is a little smaller than lower) so that’s a nice bonus.

I’m feeling really good about it now and even like I’ll want to show them off instead of being all nervous. I people pleased all of my life, which is why I fell for Invisalign who scammed me and caused me severe TMD issues and made my jaw lock and messed up my bite even more. It was mostly because I cared a]what others would think and didn’t want metal braces and my bite to look worse before surgery. So I went the fast easy route and was scammed.

Now I’m like taking back my power by doing something totally for myself and future self and not caring what others think. The people I care about pleasing aren’t living in my body/my life, aren’t dealing with the issues that braces+surgery will solve. And I honestly can’t wait to actually have a big beautiful smile I like and the confidence from that. I’ve never smiled in a photo before, despite having straight white teeth, because my upper jaw isn’t forward or wide enough with much tooth show. I will legit never stop smiling after this process. Honestly, I’m gonna be smiling in braces knowing I’m doing this and on the way to that amazing smile and better health.

So forget people pleasing and being all insecure and trying to look attractive to others. I’’m getting braces for myself and I think they’re hot and I’m gonna look hot and love how they feel. I’m gonna get fun colors too and not take myself so seriously. I’m so excited.

Also it’s only a week away now! Next Friday morning! Thinking about driving there to get them installed has me beyond excited. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Can’t believe I’m gonna have real metal braces on in less than a week, woah!! ????

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: It's really happening--braces in two weeks
« Reply #11 on: 14. April 2023, 21:41:33 PM »
Also I cannot wait for the first moment where they take off the retractors or whatever and I run my tongue across my teeth and feel the metal brackets and wire for the first time. I’m getting insanely turned on thinking about.

I wonder if they’ll give me a mirror to see the braces on there? Or if I’ll have to wait until I go back to my car to get my first look. I’m so excited ahh.