
Author Topic: I got a hawley retainer in my 30s  (Read 32948 times)

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Re: I got a hawley retainer in my 30s
« Reply #75 on: 11. January 2023, 08:48:28 AM »
When i got mine, quite a few years ago now, (through choice, not for treatment), I decided to wear them full time from the minute I got them, just for the experience.
At first, eating was very strange as I could feel nothing in the roof of my mouth due to the coverage of the large top plate. Each time I ate anything, I was very conscious of the appliance, but that was exactly why I wanted to get them.
It was quite a few weeks before, one day I realised that I had eaten a full meal and had completely forgotten that I was wearing the retainer. Again, somehow that was what I had been looking forwards,  it was now part of me.

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Re: I got a hawley retainer in my 30s
« Reply #76 on: 11. January 2023, 20:20:01 PM »
When i got mine, quite a few years ago now, (through choice, not for treatment), I decided to wear them full time from the minute I got them, just for the experience.
At first, eating was very strange as I could feel nothing in the roof of my mouth due to the coverage of the large top plate. Each time I ate anything, I was very conscious of the appliance, but that was exactly why I wanted to get them.
It was quite a few weeks before, one day I realised that I had eaten a full meal and had completely forgotten that I was wearing the retainer. Again, somehow that was what I had been looking forwards,  it was now part of me.
What type is of brace did you have? I’m still not used to eating with mine! Think it’s because of the occlusal coverage as it means I can’t chew molar to molar, I’m chewing acrylic to molar so it makes it harder and feels unnatural! Not a fan. For softer foods it’s ok but for main meaty meals it’s nearly impossible!

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Re: I got a hawley retainer in my 30s
« Reply #77 on: 12. January 2023, 01:06:24 AM »
I have a few !
The most extreme is the activator (my avatar pic), but of course I dont wear that full time. (Cant eat with that but can drink).

The ones I wore continuously for some years were Hawley style. The the first one was extra thick and deep, front to back but then I got one with a thick bite plate which comes to the lower level of my front teeth so all biting and 'chewing' is with my bottom front teeth to the plastic bite plate. It is also slightly longer and very tight.
My molars dont touch. Interesting but fine and almost forgettable once you get used to it.
Same with speech. Speaking with it now is virtually normal and it actually helps with clarity of 's' sounds but its very difficult to speak clearly for some time if I take it out.