
Author Topic: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)  (Read 12532 times)

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #15 on: 28. October 2022, 14:25:26 PM »
'Tongue Posture' is a concept I only ran into in the last year.  It's quite significant.  It is one of the things that meant that cave-men didn't need orthodontics as much as we do.  The pressure of the tongue back then pushed quite hard on the front of the palate and avoided a lot of crowding.  I have learned to feel the difference in my bite waking up after mouth breathing, compared to nose breathing, as the tongue has two completely different postures in these cases.  Tongue posture can also help an appliance be more active and effective.  I was told this as a youngster:  The mono-block was more effective when one was awake than when one slept.

That's it my friend! It is so important.

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #16 on: 28. October 2022, 14:47:42 PM »
Congratulations!    You should not be in any pain with modern braces, but may well feel some pressure on your teeth. Please post some pictures.

Good luck with your treatment.

Well, it's the next morning and my teeth and whole face are in fucking agony lol

It's enjoyable and super painful the same time.

I should be be able to post some pics soon.

Offline bracessd

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #17 on: 28. October 2022, 17:49:53 PM »

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #18 on: 29. October 2022, 23:22:19 PM »
One picture. My skin looks aweful right now lol* c e n s o r e d */R0g2sgd

Edit: oh, the host is blocked? Where can I host?

Offline Embracer

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #19 on: 30. October 2022, 10:01:40 AM »
I wonder why it was blocked?

Sorry to hear you are in pain. I never had any from my Damon brace. I'm sure the pain will resolve quickly. What painkillers are you taking?

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #20 on: 30. October 2022, 19:49:04 PM »
I've taken painkillers that greatly reduce it. Wow I don't know how you had any pain. It feels like my teeth are being crushed. Constant strong pressure.

It's oddly satisfying and painful at the same time

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #21 on: 31. October 2022, 19:29:35 PM »
Congratulations OP!!

I also got real metal braces as an adult and it has been an amazing experience for me as well. The first few weeks were the most amazing for me as I had the constant pressure and pleasure as I was staring at them in the mirror all the time.

And then each adjustment feels really nice too, reminds me of the beginning. I highly recommend everyone on this site that can afford braces to get them! It really is a surreal experience.

Here’s my thread, If you’re interested:

Enjoy your braces OP!!

Offline Embracer

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #22 on: 01. November 2022, 11:17:36 AM »
Has your pain eased yet?

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #23 on: 02. November 2022, 04:09:20 AM »
Congratulations OP!!

I also got real metal braces as an adult and it has been an amazing experience for me as well. The first few weeks were the most amazing for me as I had the constant pressure and pleasure as I was staring at them in the mirror all the time.

And then each adjustment feels really nice too, reminds me of the beginning. I highly recommend everyone on this site that can afford braces to get them! It really is a surreal experience.

Here’s my thread, If you’re interested:

Enjoy your braces OP!!

Brother, your post (along with many many other factors) was one of the things that helped me to go along ahead! I felt like you really captured how the experience would go in my head. And the reality has been no different. You are right, it's surreal and amazing.

I am extra pleased because I had SO much fear about what people would think, especially as I am a professional consultant. I literally thought my business might collapse because people would take me less seriously. Well it's only been a week and I have no idea about the long term but so far, most people are treating me BETTER. People are being nicer and friendlier since I have braces, which is amazing. Not only do I get to have my dream come true, but contrary to me thinking it would be awkward, most people seem to like it! They complement me on my self care and courage.

Braces are amazing. I can't believe I spent TWO DECADES not going ahead because of reasons in my head that are not reality! Don't be me! Do it now!

And yes the pain is a little better but these fuckers are still SO tight lol.

Offline nyar

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #24 on: 03. November 2022, 11:58:02 AM »
I hope you manage to get a palatal expander eventually. Brackets provide a great sensation, but nothing beats your tongue touching metal on the roof of your mouth 24/7! It was my favorite part of my treatment.

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #25 on: 03. November 2022, 21:30:07 PM »
Ha yeah I would still love an expander but right now I'm just dealing with the braces! I'm exactly one week in and they are still very tight. It's pretty crazy living with this constant pressure in your mouth. Does it ever lesson? Can you always feel the pressure of braces even long after fitting or tightening?

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #26 on: 03. November 2022, 23:56:55 PM »
Brother, your post (along with many many other factors) was one of the things that helped me to go along ahead! I felt like you really captured how the experience would go in my head. And the reality has been no different. You are right, it's surreal and amazing.

I am extra pleased because I had SO much fear about what people would think, especially as I am a professional consultant. I literally thought my business might collapse because people would take me less seriously. Well it's only been a week and I have no idea about the long term but so far, most people are treating me BETTER. People are being nicer and friendlier since I have braces, which is amazing. Not only do I get to have my dream come true, but contrary to me thinking it would be awkward, most people seem to like it! They complement me on my self care and courage.

Braces are amazing. I can't believe I spent TWO DECADES not going ahead because of reasons in my head that are not reality! Don't be me! Do it now!

And yes the pain is a little better but these fuckers are still SO tight lol.

Wow!! I’m honestly SO glad that my post encouraged you to go ahead and get braces. To be honest I was so scared to do it as an adult but I never regretted my decision. Since I got braces, I’ve gone to big social events and work networking events and I’ve been a bit insecure about my braces but honestly it’s made zero impact on anything. My friends are all very supportive (a lot of them even say it’s something they might do in the future). Work colleagues haven’t made a big deal of it either.

I’m about a half a year ahead of schedule than you. It has been an amazing time for me and I’m sure it will be for you too :). I’m excited for you! The adjustments feel really amazing. When they put in a new wire it feels nice and tight and oddly pleasureable.

For me one of the best feelings was getting a power chain since it REALLY feels tight and looks amazing in my opinion. It didn’t really hurt for me. Just a nice amount of pressure. When the ortho was weaving the chain over each tooth it felt so nice and tight I couldn’t stop smiling haha. Hopefully you get to experience it!

Something I worried about in the beginning was if I would get “used” to the braces and forget about them, and not feel pleasurable anymore. But for me personally, I still “feel” the braces all the time and think about them.  So the sensation never really goes away, which is nice. One super random thing I noticed is if I eat salty foods, my mouth gets a bit dry, and then I feel the brackets more. It’s a random tip but if you ever get used to your braces and want to feel them more, eat some salty foods!

Good luck and keep us updated! This is coming from a random internet stranger but I’m so happy for you and proud that you went through with your decision. Cheers

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #27 on: 05. November 2022, 02:27:53 AM »
Wow!! I’m honestly SO glad that my post encouraged you to go ahead and get braces. To be honest I was so scared to do it as an adult but I never regretted my decision. Since I got braces, I’ve gone to big social events and work networking events and I’ve been a bit insecure about my braces but honestly it’s made zero impact on anything. My friends are all very supportive (a lot of them even say it’s something they might do in the future). Work colleagues haven’t made a big deal of it either.

I’m about a half a year ahead of schedule than you. It has been an amazing time for me and I’m sure it will be for you too :). I’m excited for you! The adjustments feel really amazing. When they put in a new wire it feels nice and tight and oddly pleasureable.

For me one of the best feelings was getting a power chain since it REALLY feels tight and looks amazing in my opinion. It didn’t really hurt for me. Just a nice amount of pressure. When the ortho was weaving the chain over each tooth it felt so nice and tight I couldn’t stop smiling haha. Hopefully you get to experience it!

Something I worried about in the beginning was if I would get “used” to the braces and forget about them, and not feel pleasurable anymore. But for me personally, I still “feel” the braces all the time and think about them.  So the sensation never really goes away, which is nice. One super random thing I noticed is if I eat salty foods, my mouth gets a bit dry, and then I feel the brackets more. It’s a random tip but if you ever get used to your braces and want to feel them more, eat some salty foods!

Good luck and keep us updated! This is coming from a random internet stranger but I’m so happy for you and proud that you went through with your decision. Cheers

It helped a lot brother!

So far most people have been treating me BETTER with braces, and often seem to be MORE interested in me and friendlier. i don't think this is in my head. My ex girlfriend reported the same when she got braces. Like people maybe thought she was more "endearing", but I didn't know if it would work out the same with men.

There is one person (who I have a connection with) who didn't seem that happy for me and I could sense was a bit jealous. She said to me before she would sort her (very crooked) teeth but doesn't want to go through the pain.

I feel like it's making me more confident over time, because I have a narrow arch shape, it's going to look better and better as it widens and my smile fills out. I've known for a while that a proper sized, forward upper jaw and wide smile is what humans find attractive (just look at almost all models), and so as mine gets closer to that I look and feel more attractive.

As well as liking braces, I'm also deeply interested in the results for health and aesthetic reasons. I've gone from "I don't really need this and it'll be so embarrassing having people wonder why i'm doing it."... to "Holy shit I've needed this for decades and it's going to make sense to everyone why I did it."

Not that is has to make sense to anyone else. But it's nice knowing I finally have the courage to give myself what I want and need with no fucks given

Oh and I really hope I get a power chain!!

Offline Rkg

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #28 on: 03. January 2023, 19:20:28 PM »
Very happy for you enjoying the process I feel the same and powerchain I am wearing on both arches since 6months now I tried different colors even with ceramics on top and I like it

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #29 on: 18. March 2023, 23:51:37 PM »
Congratulations! Your story makes me think about pulling the trigger!