
Author Topic: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)  (Read 12536 times)

Offline tommorowdies

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I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« on: 22. October 2022, 05:29:33 AM »
Just had to say, I am so excited. I finally have the courage to go for real metal braces and finally do it for the first time in my life.

Originally I didn't think I could have them. That my teeth were "too straight" but actually I have a narrow pallet and crossbite so could do with braces.

I have been too nervous to go ahead for years. I've finally got the balls to go ahead and I don't care what people will think anymore.

Braces on next Thursday. This is gonna be fun!

Offline Embracer

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #1 on: 23. October 2022, 01:24:31 AM »
If you have a narrow palate, will you get an expander too?

Enjoy your braces-please post pics.

And enjoy hawley retainers afterwards!

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #2 on: 23. October 2022, 07:49:31 AM »
I tried for an expander but multiple orthos were cagey. I believe most of them are cautious of pushing teeth out of the bone and pretty much think it won't work with adults without surgery. I want to avoid surgery. I think an expander will work in adults without surgery with the correct tongue position. It's been documented. My ortho said we would try regular braces first, and maybe an expander later. I think my arch will expand a little with my tongue posture (also pushing on the pallet with the tongue) with braces. It already has without (I have photo proof). So I think she may get convinced to try an expander with the braces later.

For now she is just pulling the teeth out that are collapsed inward because there is dental room in the arch. Even if only that would be achieved, it'd still look a lot better with a more comfortable mouth.

Also I doubt I will get hawley retainers. they're a bit oldskool. They tend to use vacuum formed trays now.

Offline Embracer

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #3 on: 24. October 2022, 11:40:30 AM »
Agreed hawleys appear to be less used in the UK nowadays, although they seem to be still used extensively elsewhere.

I was given a clear retainer at the end of my fixed brace treatment but paid extra for a hawley which I thought would be more robust-and also more like still having a brace.

My ortho was happy for me to wear either

Offline bracessd

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #4 on: 24. October 2022, 19:12:29 PM »
Congrats @tommorowdies ! What brackets will you be getting? Looking forward to seeing your treatment!

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #5 on: 25. October 2022, 09:04:53 AM »
I think I remember my ortho saying she uses a wire retainer on the bottom and a tray on the top. I'll see what the deal is at the end.

I am getting traditional metal brackets. They're the only ones I like to be honest. I'm happy because she showed me the exact 3M "miniature" brackets that she uses and they're a good shape imo.

She originally said she would put braces on the top first and then the bottom a month later. But I asked her if she could install both at once. I didn't want to have to wait for the bottom, I wanted them both on at once and she agreed!

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #6 on: 25. October 2022, 17:38:16 PM »
Oh nice, glad they aren't self-ligating brackets!

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #7 on: 25. October 2022, 20:12:32 PM »
Ha yes I wouldn't even want those. Traditional braces all the way! I literally can't wait. So excited!

Offline Embracer

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #8 on: 25. October 2022, 22:58:16 PM »
What colour ligs will you choose?

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #9 on: 25. October 2022, 23:02:44 PM »
I think just grey/metallic on the install, so I have something exciting to look forward to on the second appt and choose some colors, maybe red

Offline c214

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #10 on: 27. October 2022, 22:49:39 PM »
how did install go?

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #11 on: 28. October 2022, 06:49:09 AM »
Holy shit they're on. I can't believe I did that. That was an amazing experience.

Now they're on its so obvious how crooked my teeth are. I'm so happy with my decision. Still a little nervous about showing people in my business. I want to stay respected. But it's 2022 and many adults have braces now so, I very much doubt it'll be an issue. People probably won't care or will be mildly curious.

The ortho did a really good job. They're just perfect and I love them. I'm not looking forward to the pain tomorrow but I really love the feeling of pressure on my teeth. It's really pleasurable and satisfying. It feels like something working, doing its job. A kind of support for my mouth that I've wanted for years.

She also told me it would probably be two years. Probably longer considering im going to be traveling for some months of that which will probably cause a delay in adjustments.

I literally can't believe I have braces. I've wanted them for as long as I can remember. It feels unbelievably incredible to have them on.

If you're scared to get braces, but really want them, just fucking do it, now! Who cares what people think? You're doing this for you.

I still have fears about earning less money because people won't take me seriously with braces anymore and not take my services. But let's face it. That's just bullshit in my head. It's 2022 and no one really cares anymore.

Live your dream.

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #12 on: 28. October 2022, 06:54:15 AM »
One more thing. Don't let them extract any teeth for braces. I fucking love braces and at the same time know there is something deeply wrong with the ortho industry. They're ripping teeth out of people's mouths and pushing them back into the face with braces, constructing the airway, and making people less attractive. And don't try to tell me this is a just a conspiracy. It's not. If you "need extractions" you don't, you need expansion. Look up non-extraction orthodontics or airway orthodontics.

I'm not getting expansion right now, but have some leverage from my molars and room in the bone so my braces are gently expanding the dental arch and pulling the teeth out. I declined the last ortho who said I had to have extractions.

Your mouth is not "too small" and you don't have "too many teeth". Your jaw didn't grow fully because of habits and environment. Look up how to correct your tongue posture, keep all you teeth, and get braces to widen the arch and expansion if you can.


Offline Embracer

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #13 on: 28. October 2022, 12:25:52 PM »
Congratulations!    You should not be in any pain with modern braces, but may well feel some pressure on your teeth. Please post some pictures.

Good luck with your treatment.

Offline m1090y

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Re: I am getting real braces in a week! (for the first time!)
« Reply #14 on: 28. October 2022, 12:35:17 PM »
'Tongue Posture' is a concept I only ran into in the last year.  It's quite significant.  It is one of the things that meant that cave-men didn't need orthodontics as much as we do.  The pressure of the tongue back then pushed quite hard on the front of the palate and avoided a lot of crowding.  I have learned to feel the difference in my bite waking up after mouth breathing, compared to nose breathing, as the tongue has two completely different postures in these cases.  Tongue posture can also help an appliance be more active and effective.  I was told this as a youngster:  The mono-block was more effective when one was awake than when one slept.