
Author Topic: Getting started  (Read 4744 times)

Offline osiris

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Getting started
« on: 28. December 2015, 00:19:31 AM »
Good evening to everybody, first I soule like to excuse for the English as it si not my mothertongue.
I am on this forum since a few years and convience myself to write.

I am writing because I am going to get my first ortho appointment as an 24 years old mal on the 20 January and I'm a bit scared of it, can you give me some feed back or experience ?

Offline osiris

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Re: Getting started
« Reply #1 on: 29. December 2015, 02:27:22 AM »
A few more infos, I had the first telefon with the ortho and we arranged to get an early appointment when there will be less patient, I am a bit scared of what people will think when they see a grownup with braces.

I ll inform you with the procedure and the treatment

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Re: Getting started
« Reply #2 on: 29. December 2015, 04:09:27 AM »
Good to hear from you. Don't worry about your English, it's fine.
Great that you will be getting braces.
I don't think anyone who does not have a particular interest in braces will take much notice.
Anyone with an interest will enjoy seeing them on you. I think most people who will talk to you about them might have a secret interest.
One of my neighbours suddenly got a mouthful of metal braces a few weeks ago. She is now about 53 years old but looks younger.
I had not talked to her for a time but when we passed and she spoke, they were very noticeable.
Of course I suddenly took an interest but I didn't say anything. But really I prefer to see removables, retainers etc.

Offline osiris

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Re: Getting started
« Reply #3 on: 29. December 2015, 09:16:29 AM »
Hi, thank you for you answer I feel a bit more secure after reading your comment

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Re: Getting started
« Reply #4 on: 08. January 2016, 16:39:06 PM »