
Author Topic: Double Braced  (Read 93915 times)

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #135 on: 14. May 2024, 04:02:39 AM »
I’ve gotta agree with mr_90proof. That is a hell of a laundry list of things that need to be dealt with, way more than any one person should deal with. Hell, that is more than ten people should share. I also agree that the brace pattern is really cute. I hope you have a great vacation and that things get exponentially better as soon as possible.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #136 on: 14. May 2024, 05:37:51 AM »
I sure hope things get better sooner rather than later! It's all so much all at once.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #137 on: 22. May 2024, 18:17:46 PM »
How have you been doing the last week?   

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #138 on: 23. May 2024, 06:52:40 AM »
Life has been crazy. Last Thursday I had my 2nd follow up following my sinus procedure. I let my doctor know that I was feeling like I was getting another sinus infection, so he gave me antibiotics and the dreaded steroids to take only if absolutely necessary once my boogers turned green. It became absolutely necessary Saturday night when I could feel it moving into my chest. Unfortunately, I had to start the steroids which is a huge complication with my stress fracture- as they cause delayed bone healing. Fortunately, today I am finally starting to feel better. Sigh. So even though I got my cast off on Friday and could start walking as long as there was no pain, I have to be super cautious. I have decided to continue using my boot most of the time and still rely on my knee scooter for any lengthy periods of standing or walking to play it safe. This means both will join us on vacation. I had another follow up with the VA regarding my elbow. The plan is to continue occupational therapy then refer me to orthopedics for treatment. This pushes any decision making on my elbow out until at least August/September. I was supposed to get my new back brace tomorrow after it’s final adjustment, but received a text from my doctor today saying a new brace was coming on June 7th after Scolibrace reviewed the images sent to them of how it fit. I won’t be home when it comes in, go figure. With all this going on, I finally finished writing my speech. There are a couple of things I want to make changes to, but overall, I’m happy with the final product. I just finished sending it off to the committee for review. It runs about 9 1/2 minutes long. I would rather it be a little short than bore people to death as they swelter in the sun listening. And lastly, our vacation plans are just about firmed up. Will be packing in the next few days. Kids have had lots of school activities, performances and ceremonies. My daughter was awarded the female athlete rookie of the year! I have another sinus appointment tomorrow and my orthodontic braces appointment next week. I really can’t wait to go on vacation and have a break from all my doctors.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #139 on: 23. May 2024, 15:33:17 PM »
I hope you can enjoy your vacation despite all that is going on. Good luck with your Memorial Day speech.

Offline anton08

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #140 on: 08. June 2024, 10:27:38 AM »
I really hope your orthodontic braces appointment went well and you can enjoy your vacation.

And may the new brace really be helping you better than the old one.

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #141 on: 13. June 2024, 05:48:57 AM »
I’m on vacation! Let me back track a little. Memorial Day was better than expected. Several of my friends came to support me, and others who didn’t know I was speaking were also there. I continued to make changes until I got up on the stage. There were no empty seats in the crowd and many people standing behind. I was a little nervous when I first went up to the podium, but realized that everyone was there for the same reason as me- to remember our fallen service members, and it instantly gave me composure. I’m not sure that I deserved it, but I got a standing ovation when I was done. The weirdest part was the number of people who approached me after the ceremony from all walks of life. Some to compliment me on the speech. Another asked if I would consider doing a podcast. I was also asked if I would provide a copy of my speech for a nearby museum. It was overwhelming considering how much I prefer my anonymity. I have a good friend who is rather well known and I’ve seen how gracious he is when people recognize him and go up to him while he is out and about. I don’t know how he has done it all these years. 
I had my sinus follow up. My antibiotic was changed and it finally worked! I won’t go into any unpleasant details, but I am finally breathing easy and sinus pain free. I don’t need to see him again unless I develop another infection. He does want me to follow up with an allergist/immunologist to make sure there’s nothing to be done on that end.
I also had an orthodontist appointment. I had gone in the prior Friday to have my power chain color changed to something a bit more professional. After talking to the assistant, I took her suggestion and went with silver metallic. It does camouflage the braces a little, but gives a bit of sparkle to my teeth from a distance. Since the underlying purpose of our vacation involves a wedding, I kept the silver metallic for my vacation as well. I had some interproximal reduction done on my lower front teeth and my elastic pattern changed. Now I wear a class 2 pattern on the left to help align my midline, and the box pattern still on the right side. It feels weird being uneven. My ortho decided my next appointment would be for my preop, though I have no idea what that will entail.
We left on vacation just about 2 weeks ago. My kids have fallen in love with the south. Part of our trip included going to the base where I was once stationed. They got a personal tour of the Golden Knights’ museum by my friend’s son. I showed them where I used to work, even though they couldn’t go inside. Then I took them to the Airborne and Special Operations Museum. I was shocked that they were totally interested in it. From there we went to the wedding which was beautiful, then to DC. We had a great tour of the Capitol, visited multiple monuments, and made it through 5 museums. My foot has held up pretty well. I’ve been wearing my ankle braces on both feet and not had any pain where my stress fracture was. I have had some ankle joint pain, not sure if it’s an alignment thing from the high ankle ligament replacements or just stiffness from the stress fracture immobilization. It eases once I’m off my feet, so I’m not too concerned. I don’t think I’ll be doing as much walking in the coming days. If you’re familiar with this part of the country, you know how humid it gets. Fortunately, it hasn’t been terrible, though I’ve gotten back to our hotel each evening, and my brace undershirt has been soaked each time. I have to peel it off my skin, shower and put on a clean undershirt for the night. Here’s a picture of me at the National Art Gallery triple braced- even though you can’t see my feet.

Offline anton08

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #142 on: 13. June 2024, 07:27:56 AM »
Never did I have any doubts your speech at the Memorial Day would be a great success.

And the rest of your development seem to be positive as well, this is very nice.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #143 on: 13. June 2024, 14:22:35 PM »
That sounds like a great update.  Glad you are getting some time off.  I ran into a family on Monday from Minnesota who was down here for vacation.  I asked them how they liked it and their immediate response was “it is so hot.”  I agreed it was.  I didn’t want to be rude and tell them it gets hotter in July and August.

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #144 on: 13. June 2024, 15:46:11 PM »
That sounds good that everything is going well. I’m not surprised that people liked the Airborne and Special Operations museum. It is REALLY cool. I went with my husband’s family because his brother was in the Army years ago, and I really enjoyed it.

Offline anton08

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #145 on: 04. July 2024, 08:26:03 AM »
Maybe your vacation is over now.

I am wishing you all the best. ;)

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #146 on: 14. July 2024, 01:28:11 AM »
I’m back! What a crazy couple of months. Our vacation was amazing and our God daughter’s wedding was beautiful. We spent close to 4 weeks traveling the country. We visited 20 states and Washington DC. We also went to several National Parks. It even snowed while we were at one of them. The weather was pretty mild for summer for the rest of the time except for one very rainy day in Tennessee. It took us a few days to recover upon getting home. It felt so nice to sleep in my own bed too. We had a great 4th of July and celebrated with our family and friends- even though our air conditioning went out. Fortunately, our upstairs is on a different compressor and we were able to strategically position a couple of fans to blow the cool air to the downstairs. Last weekend I left with my daughter’s troop for summer camp. We spent a great week camping on the beach and doing water activities everyday. I kayaked 2 1/2 miles and swam an entire mile yesterday. We even went on a nighttime canoe outing. It was so beautiful and peaceful. There were bioluminescent jellyfish in the water that glowed green in the dark. There was a lot of walking around camp, so my ankle was pretty sore for most of the time, but thankfully my stress fracture hasn’t returned. Because we were next to the ocean, it was really humid and hot. I had the hardest time with my Scolibrace chafing my skin. I took a spray bottle of alcohol, but the salty air was so irritating. I even messaged my doctor for advice.  He gave me an alternate wear schedule that was 2 hours at a time, except when in or on the water. It worked out much better and I was still able to wear it every night. I even took chafing cream with me thinking it would help. It’s going to take a few days to heal and get back to my normal routine now that I’m home.
I have several appointments this week, including my orthodontist appointment which should be for my surgical wires to be placed even though I’m still waiting for a date. That’s about all for now. I’m tuckered out and need a nap. I’ll let you know how next week goes.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #147 on: 14. July 2024, 03:29:59 AM »
Sounds like your vacation was a lot of fun! With all that is going on, I'm glad you had a good time.

Offline anton08

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #148 on: 14. July 2024, 14:41:17 PM »
Let´s hope the vacation gave you all the power you will need for your appointements coming!  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Double Braced
« Reply #149 on: 15. July 2024, 22:21:28 PM »
You have had a heck of a summer.  I hope the chafing is better.  The new brace sounds like it is even more corrective than the last one, so I am sure it is working.  Hang in there and good luck with your appointments.  I always look forward to your updates.