It took some time, but after all I think the order I placed will make me very happy.

For the upper jaw I ordered a Y-Plate / 3-Way Schwarz (Upper Jaw) from the shop with these modifications:
1) Upper plate cover the entire palate
2) Upper plate much thick
3) Bite plane added to the upper plate.
4) Upper plate multicolor: blue,red,purple
5) Add design of the soccer ball to the upper plate.
6) Add Headear Tubes to the upper plate.
7) No labial bow to the upper plate.
For the lower jaw I ordered Active Plate (Schwarz) Lower Jaw with these modifications:
1) Add Headear Tubes to the lower jaw.
2) lower plate multicolor: blue and green.
3) No labial bow to the lower jaw.
This is the photo of the completed processing: order has been shipped and will arrive in a few days.
I will wear the braces with the headgear at both the top and bottom.
I'll let you know what it's like to wear these devices, how long I can wear them, if I can talk and much more

In the meantime, you can ask me any questions :-)
What do you think of the chosen orthodontic braces?