
Author Topic: Powerchains on fakes  (Read 18427 times)

Offline Thelog

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Powerchains on fakes
« on: 23. August 2023, 15:04:05 PM »
Has anyone ever tried prestretching powerchains to allow them to be easily fitted to bonded essix fakes with risk of popping brackets off?

I notice powerchains removed from patients have lost their elasticity and maintain the shape they were in on the braces

I was reasoning to take some measurements from the fakes, then make a scale copy on plywood with nails to loop the powerchains over. I figured leaving them for a month or so

Offline MikeB

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #1 on: 23. August 2023, 17:23:41 PM »
I only added pain chains to Carrie's original Essix fakes, but never popped a bracket off. There are "short" and "long" PCs. I used the "long" versions and they didn't exert enough force to pop off a bracket.

Obviously your mileage may vary, and your stretching idea seems like a good one.

Offline Thelog

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #2 on: 23. August 2023, 18:38:22 PM »
Yeah, I'm aware of the 3 different chain types - the short lengths I have at home are all the ones with no joining strip - i.e. short/strongest

I particularly like that type of chain, there's something particularly nice about seeing it stretched like that, though I may invest in some of the 'long' variety!

The bonding seems very good on these fakes, I'm sure they'd take the tension I just don't want to risk it

Hope all's well with you Mike, thanks for the advice!

Offline MikeB

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #3 on: 23. August 2023, 19:26:45 PM »
Anytime, old buddy!

All's well here. I finally caved and invested in a new, non-potato vidcam. Looks like we'll be going back into braces-video production soon. >:D

Offline Thelog

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #4 on: 23. August 2023, 19:54:05 PM »
Nice! For me, the more detail the better so hi res is the way to go!

Making home movies and doing photo shoots is great, I've got like 50 colours of ligs so having fun with that

Offline MikeB

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #5 on: 23. August 2023, 20:30:30 PM »
Agreed. I mainly got it for some unrelated YouTube/Rumble stuff I want to do, but it'll also be good for braces vids. After many years of the Potato Cam, this is a nice upgrade!

Offline Thelog

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #6 on: 24. October 2023, 16:25:03 PM »
The powerchains worked out well - I stretched them for 3 weeks or so. They were really stretched and easy to work with, though I found as I handled and manipulated them, they tightened up

Offline bracessd

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #7 on: 24. October 2023, 16:58:23 PM »
@thelog Wow, those look awesome! Do you have a pic with them on?

Offline Thelog

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #8 on: 02. November 2023, 11:48:38 AM »
@thelog Wow, those look awesome! Do you have a pic with them on?
they're my wife's fakes, rather than mine

Offline bracessd

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Re: Powerchains on fakes
« Reply #9 on: 02. November 2023, 16:19:17 PM »
Ah, very nice