
Author Topic: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)  (Read 5123 times)

Offline agu

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I'm new at this forum. I have been looking around for a while to get some braces. Last week I found the bracesshop website and I decided to order a pair of braces. I'm more into wire-braces (instead of locks on the teeth).
There is such a huge amount of different kinds of braces and now I don't know what to order.

For me it is important the braces stay in place (don't move around) and I prefer to get braces for both the upper and lower jaw. Budget: 300€ - 500€

Could you share some of your thoughts here?


Offline agu

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Re: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)
« Reply #1 on: 08. May 2020, 09:19:37 AM »

In the meantime I had a detailed look at the braces shop and come to the conclusion I'm interested in one of following 3 devices:

1. Hawley-retainer (upper and lower). It is not moving around in the mounth. (I had an upper Hawley when I was 14y but I hated it)
2. Active plate (the modified stretching plate upper and lower). It is not moving around in the mounth. But I guess it is thicker? is that right?
3. The third one is the "Modified Twin-Block with pelottes and Telescope Appliance". But I don't know if it stays in your mouth without moving around. Is it easy still possible to do a normal conversation and can you eat with this device? Is there anyone that has this device? Could you share a picture?

I will order the extra headgear tubes.

What about the lip bumpers? It is possible to add them on each of the devices? Or this in "not done in real-life".

I'm also interested in headgear. But I want to select a device that is also used in real life. I don't want to combine hardware that would never be applied to a person in real life.

Or maybe you suggest another device?

Could you please tell help me finding the answers to my questions.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)
« Reply #2 on: 11. May 2020, 17:33:25 PM »
I first ordered an upper hawley retainer with headgear tubes and liked it. I then ordered the modified twin block with pelottes and telescope appliance ad love it! The upper and lower twin block stay securely to your pallet and you can open and close normally and talk. It would be challenging to eat because your teeth are covered by the plastic other than your front teeth. Here are some photos:* c e n s o r e d */gallery/8CDKFsM

Offline mindinggaps

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Re: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)
« Reply #3 on: 11. May 2020, 17:57:18 PM »
I first ordered an upper hawley retainer with headgear tubes and liked it. I then ordered the modified twin block with pelottes and telescope appliance ad love it! The upper and lower twin block stay securely to your pallet and you can open and close normally and talk. It would be challenging to eat because your teeth are covered by the plastic other than your front teeth. Here are some photos:* c e n s o r e d */gallery/8CDKFsM

This is for sure my dream appliance!!! It must be so amazing to wear.

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Re: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)
« Reply #4 on: 11. May 2020, 18:17:01 PM »
It feels awesome, I highly recommend it!

Offline agu

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Re: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)
« Reply #5 on: 11. May 2020, 18:46:06 PM »
Thanks for your feedback. I'm very interested in the modifued twinblock with pelottes. But i'm wondering how it looks like when you have it in the mouth.

Anyone have a picture?

Are you wearing this device all day long? Or is this not possible?

This is a device that is being used in real-life too? (not only fake)? Correct?


Offline glutexo

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Re: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)
« Reply #6 on: 20. May 2020, 15:24:00 PM »
i´d prefer a removeable expander plate. even if the brace didn´t fit properly, you´d be able to ajust them.

Offline bracessd

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Re: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)
« Reply #7 on: 20. May 2020, 17:12:05 PM »
@agu Here are some pics wearing it:* c e n s o r e d */gallery/jDcL9L3    I only wear it for a few hours at a time but you could wear it longer.

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Re: I would like to buy braces but don't know what to choose :)
« Reply #8 on: 23. May 2020, 05:06:14 AM »
I would love to have a huge retainer like that to add to my one hawley retainer i have so far.   PM me if anyone can help me have some big bulky retainers.