
Author Topic: Double feed plate  (Read 14789 times)

Offline Louis03M

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Re: Double feed plate
« Reply #15 on: 01. September 2020, 18:56:38 PM »
The orthodontic appliance is very thick and occupies the entire palate.
This thing causes a lot of saliva and creates heat in the mouth and alters the taste in the mouth a little.
The two metal fins with the closed mouth are felt under the tongue and it is felt that they touch the area near the frenum nerve. This thing makes you feel annoyed.
The metal fins prevent the movement of the tongue and touch the lower appliance when i close my mouth.
The metal fins are inclined with respect to the lower device to make sure that the mouth closes in a specific position.
The upper and lower braces also having the bite reach up to the tip of the teeth and you feel a bit of pain because the bite presses behind the incisors.
When you close your mouth you feel that the two appliances touch on the front side due to the thick bite.
The lower braces often put pressure behind the teeth and in the lower part of the mouth and after a while they start to feel uncomfortable.
The upper appliance being thick and having the bite makes the tongue lower in position.
I also inserted the mustache into the tubes and attached the highpull headgear together with the cervical headgear keeping them in traction as much as possible.
You feel the pull on the jaw.
With the mustache attached it is very difficult to drink from the glass, you creampie everything.
I tried to eat with the braces in my mouth along with the mustache.
Pasta can be eaten more or less.
Eating with braces is however difficult because the bite reaches the tip of the teeth and you cannot bite well.

In general, this device with the modifications made to make it thicken makes your mouth feel even more blocked and it is very annoying to wear together with the mustache if inserted and the two non-removable metal fins

When you try to speak, it is difficult to make a speech. The tongue has little movement.
It is difficult to pronounce letters such as T, S, R and others.
It is difficult for those in front of you to understand what you are saying even if you speak softly

Offline Louis03M

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Re: Double feed plate
« Reply #16 on: 01. September 2020, 19:23:54 PM »
I am attaching here the images of the device worn without the mustache* c e n s o r e d */gallery/htxKKrC
Other images* c e n s o r e d */gallery/Rzhn0hD

Offline joerider

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Re: Double feed plate
« Reply #17 on: 01. September 2020, 19:50:37 PM »
My question is: Are the braces from the shop working and moving the lower jaw to front or is it like 0-level?

Offline Louis03M

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Re: Double feed plate
« Reply #18 on: 01. September 2020, 20:43:52 PM »
The orthodontic appliances purchased on Bracesshop are real appliances.
This orthodontic appliance moving the lower jaw to front

The Sander  Bite Jumping Appliance (This is the real correct name , NOT Double feed plate) can effectively correct class II malocclusions by a combination of dentoalveolar and skeletal effects.

The Sander Bite Jumping Appliance is a functional orthodontic device, consisting of two resin plates. The upper plate has a median expansion screw and two sturdy steel extensions (clamps) that form a 60 ° angle with the occlusal plane.
The lower plate instead has an inclined plane parallel to the clamps. Both plates are anchored to the sixths by two Adams hooks and anteriorly have a vestibular arch that reaches the canines. The lower plate also has an incisal resin covering which has the purpose of reducing the vestibularization of the lower frontal group.

Offline joerider

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Re: Double feed plate
« Reply #19 on: 02. September 2020, 14:18:38 PM »
i asked that, because i heard that the herbst appliance from the shop does not move the lower jaw.

Offline Jock1

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Re: Double feed plate
« Reply #20 on: 06. January 2021, 18:16:09 PM »
Can they make it so that It moves you lower jaw forward. Are they expanders as well.

Offline Pfu12

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Re: Double feed plate
« Reply #21 on: 14. July 2023, 12:38:29 PM »
How does it feel to wear?