Posts in English or German => Online Braces-Shop (German or English) => Topic started by: katy_braces on 17. September 2007, 10:52:32 AM

Title: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: katy_braces on 17. September 2007, 10:52:32 AM
I like this design for fakes that was posted by a member on another site, and I was wondering whether the shop would be able to make it as a custom order?

Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: megabucket on 27. September 2007, 11:54:13 AM
I tried emailing them with that pic, it's from the RBC forum isn't it? Haven't got a reply yet though, not sure if they do completely custom jobs.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: MrBrace on 01. October 2007, 23:38:55 PM
Hey Leute, wie siehts aus, besteht Interesse für solch extreme Geräte? Man könnte ja eine Sammelbestellung aufgeben. Dann wirds vielleicht etwas billiger. Natürlich mal vorrausgestzt das das Teil überhaupt machbar ist.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: simonegraf28 on 02. October 2007, 12:15:57 PM


also ich fände so ein Gerät äußerst reizvoll unter der Voraussetzung, dass der Preis stimmt.



Title: Das Spitzenmodell des Braces-Online-Shops?
Post by: Ingo on 02. October 2007, 20:18:36 PM
Also ich finde es, vor allem wegen der Herbstscharniere, wie Simone schon sagte, auch "äußerst reizvoll". Wichtig wäre, dass es eine Befestigungsmöglichkeit für den Hg gibt. Man kann sich da natürlich die Frage stellen, ob man auf normale "Standardgeräte" verzichtet und dann lieber gleich sein Geld in so eine Oberklassespange investiert, die so einiges an "Luxus" aufweist.

Im echten Leben, also bei einer echten Behandlung, wird aber wohl kaum jemand sowas im Mund haben wollen.


Like Simone I would say, "very attractive" (especially due to the Herbst appliance). It should be possible to fix headgear on it. Perhaps you save money by not buying the "every day appliances" but to give it for this luxury appliance joining several parts of fixed braces.

In real life I think, noboby wants to wear such huge braces within a real treatment.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Begge on 05. October 2007, 19:58:42 PM
sieht interessant aus, traumhaft um genau zu sein.

aber bitte noch mit elastic hookes auf den eckzähnen und HG Anschluss, nur für den Fall der Fälle!
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: MrBrace on 08. October 2007, 02:08:50 AM
Hey, schön zu sehen daß hier einige extrem spangler gibt. Jetzt geht die Frage nur noch an unseren Zahntechniker, ob das Teil so oder zumindest so ähnlich machbar ist und zu welchem Preis.
Könnte das einer von den Administratoren weiterleiten?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: xxxforce on 09. October 2007, 01:06:22 AM
würde mich auch mal interessieren, comment seitens shop wäre nett!

gibts das bild auch irgendwo größer?

Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: megabucket on 15. October 2007, 12:26:16 PM
That was the only picture I think, a guy posted it on the RBC forum ages ago.

So, since a few of us are interested, and I haven't gotten a reply to my email. Is it possible? and if so, how much will it cost?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: m_kohrt on 15. October 2007, 13:10:33 PM
Was würde denn das Ganze kosten??

Sieht auf jeden Fall sehr interessant aus. Ist denn die Herstellung überhaupt möglich??
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: polo on 17. October 2007, 04:21:32 AM
I like this design for fakes that was posted by a member on another site, and I was wondering whether the shop would be able to make it as a custom order?

Das ist wahrscheinlich möglich.

Wir bestellen die benötigen Teile einstweilen und werden ein Probegerät anfertigen. Das wird allerdings noch bis Mitte / Ende Dezember dauern.

Zum Preis können wir jetzt noch nichts sagen.

Es wäre übrigens gut, wenn es weitere Bilder dazu gäbe. Falls die jemand hat, bitte per eMail schicken (mail (at) bracesshop (punkt) de)).

// English:
This is probably going to be possible.

We'll order the necessary parts and fabricate a sample model. This will probably take until mid / end of december.

I can tell anything about the price right know.

It would be great if anyone could send us more pictures of that application (mail (-at-) bracesshop (-dot-) de)).

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Ingo on 17. October 2007, 07:16:52 AM
Wäre es möglich, statt des Herbst-Gerätes eine "SUS" einzubauen?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Raoul Duke on 17. October 2007, 17:06:45 PM
Auch super, aber ich fänd den Vorschlag, den starstar heute gemacht hat ("Was haltet ihr von der Apparatur?") noch besser, weil keine Kunststoffteile dabei sind. Dieser Vorschlag hier (mit Kunststoff-Platten) ist aber wahrscheinlich eher umsetzbar.

A great one too, but I'd like the idea which starstar posted today ("Was haltet ihr von der Apparatur?") a bit more, because of the absence of plastic parts. But this idea (with plastic) probably is easier to realize.

edit: Titel des anderen Posts korrigiert / title of the other post corrected
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Raoul Duke on 18. October 2007, 02:31:37 AM
Wozu dienen eigentlich diese Lip Bumper? Und was macht ihren Reiz bei einer solchen Fake-Spange aus?

What are these lip bumpers for? And why you would wish to have some on fake braces?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: megabucket on 31. October 2007, 05:43:33 AM
I like this design for fakes that was posted by a member on another site, and I was wondering whether the shop would be able to make it as a custom order?

Das ist wahrscheinlich möglich.

Wir bestellen die benötigen Teile einstweilen und werden ein Probegerät anfertigen. Das wird allerdings noch bis Mitte / Ende Dezember dauern.

Zum Preis können wir jetzt noch nichts sagen.

Es wäre übrigens gut, wenn es weitere Bilder dazu gäbe. Falls die jemand hat, bitte per eMail schicken (mail (at) bracesshop (punkt) de)).

// English:
This is probably going to be possible.

We'll order the necessary parts and fabricate a sample model. This will probably take until mid / end of december.

I can tell anything about the price right know.

It would be great if anyone could send us more pictures of that application (mail (-at-) bracesshop (-dot-) de)).

Kind regards,

I can't wait!
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: megabucket on 16. December 2007, 20:41:39 PM
Any news so far?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Raoul Duke on 20. December 2007, 17:38:55 PM
Ich glaube ich persönlich fänd's ja klasse, Herbst-Scharniere an normalen Retainer-Platten zu haben. Obwohl das ja wohl bei echten Behandlungen nicht üblich ist, fänd ich das authentischer und v.a. tragbarer. An anderer Stelle wurde ja bereits der Unterschied zwischen "festen" und herausnehmbaren Fakes besprochen. Damit könnte man sich notfalls auch mal von Bekannten entdecken lassen. Ich glaube kaum, dass da jemand Zweifel haben würde. Wer kennt sich schon so aus, dass er weiß, dass es Herbst eigentlich nur festsitzend gibt...

I think, I'd like to have Herbst on normal Retainers. Although that isn't usual in a real treatment, I'd find that more authentic and wearable. In other threads we talked about the difference between "fixed" and removable fakes. With removable ones it's possible to get discovered by friends. No one would doubt that you're really treated. I don't believe that anyone of my friend knows that Herbst is only used on fixed braces...
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: MrBrace on 10. January 2008, 20:59:54 PM
Wäre nett wenn ihr mal über den aktuellen Stand der Dinge berichten würdet. Entweder von der Spange in diesem Thread oder einem andern neuen Projekt, danke im Vorraus.

Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: bracelover on 11. January 2008, 23:59:55 PM
das wäre wirklich nicht schlecht, ich sitze schon auf Kohlen ...  ;D
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: megabucket on 24. May 2008, 03:38:28 AM
so did you ever manage to make a prototype?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Ingo on 29. July 2009, 11:57:35 AM
Warum kann oder möchte sich der Shop dazu nicht äußern? Ich glaube, die Absatzkurve würde stark nach oben schnellen ...

Da offensichtlich mehrere Mitglieder hier im Forum Interesse an diesem Gerät haben, möchte ich noch einmal die Frage stellen: Konntet Ihr einen Prototyp herstellen und besteht eine Chance, so ein Gerät als Maßanfertigung zu erhalten? Einige Mitglieder würden das Gerät sicherlich gern bestellen.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: xxxforce on 31. July 2009, 01:18:53 AM
schließe mich wieder mal an - bitte um Infos
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: birkifreak on 07. August 2009, 16:08:37 PM
Ich möchte mich auch gerne anschließen, an die Liste derer, die sowas gerne hätten!


Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: ami_de_votre on 08. August 2009, 20:18:43 PM
yes, looks very nice. Would be nice if there is more info about costs of this :)
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: bracesolli1990 on 24. August 2009, 18:37:15 PM
auch ich wäre dabei und würde mir diese traumspange gern in den mund stecken.....die hat alles was man braucht hoffe sowas gibt es bald...... ;D
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: MrBrace on 24. August 2009, 20:07:06 PM
Ich habe mal eine direkte Anfrage an den Shop gesendet ob die Spange machbar ist und was der  Spaß kostet. Hoffentlich kommt schnell eine Antwort.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: megabucket on 16. September 2009, 00:57:25 AM
Good stuff, maybe we will finally be able to order this thing.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: xxxforce on 16. September 2009, 15:27:22 PM
Ich habe mal eine direkte Anfrage an den Shop gesendet

und hast du schon eine Antwort bekommen?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: MrBrace on 18. September 2009, 20:29:01 PM
Ich habe bis jetzt noch keine Antwort bekommen. Ich glaube man muß das Teil erst Bestellen um zu erfahren obs wirklich machbar und bezahlbar ist.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: TopDog on 24. January 2010, 15:42:01 PM
Ist das RBC Forum, aus dem das Bild stammt, noch online? Google hat nichts passendes gefunden.


Is the RBC forum still online? Couldn't find it with google.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Ingo on 24. January 2010, 16:02:45 PM
Nach allem, was ich weiß, ist RBC vor Jahren offline gegangen und nie wieder auferstanden.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Pascal1619 on 17. November 2011, 15:34:22 PM
gibt es das schon??
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: rock on 22. November 2011, 00:53:35 AM
sehe ich das richtig? Ist es bei dieser Spange möglich durch den Expander die beiden Spangenteile im Mund zu "verkeilen" und daher z.B Herbstscharniere und für mich VIIEEELLL interessanter Elestics als FAKE zu tragen? Das wäre schon sehr, sehr, g**l.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Gordon on 02. March 2012, 22:13:20 PM
Ist das RBC Forum, aus dem das Bild stammt, noch online? Google hat nichts passendes gefunden.


Is the RBC forum still online? Couldn't find it with google.*/
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: retained on 01. January 2013, 03:31:54 AM
I think these design drawings were produced by a guy from the USA. He was on the RBC forum but I can't remember his name. Was it Frank? Anyway, if it was the same one, he did get his designs made up at RBC and I met him on the day he came over for a vacation. He had them fitted and he wore them for the rest of the day. It was a real challenge for him to talk but he kept them in. I was getting Hawley retainers for the first time  and also wore them for the whole day around the city. Awsome. I wonder if he has found this forum?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: 23BRT on 08. November 2014, 02:02:04 AM
I made that drawing years ago and RBC was able to make them.
If anybody is interested I can post pictures of the finished product, actually the real thing is better the drawings.
They are very nice to wear, even all day long.   Once I went on a cycling tour and wore them everyday!

Sadly one of the welds failed last year and I don't think it's a good idea to wear them while they are damaged.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: jojojojo on 08. November 2014, 22:57:56 PM
Hi 23BRT.
I'm interested. Could you please post some pictures? :)
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: retained on 13. November 2014, 03:04:54 AM
Just wondering, 23BRT....was it you who came over to England to collect them and I gave you a lift?

Also, yes, can you post a picture.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: 23BRT on 29. January 2015, 03:20:41 AM
Okay after all this time I should finally put up a picture.   They are simply amazing to wear, even all day.  It took a little while to learn to speak clearly but eventually it was no problem. 

Just like the plans, it came with removable upper and lower lip bumpers that fit into the buccal tubes.  As well as a nitom locking facebow and high pull headgear. Though I never had the guts to go out in public wearing these attachments. (

Yeah retained, that was me thanks again for the help.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: aktivator82 on 29. January 2015, 17:14:57 PM
That what you describe sounds really interesting, but I couldn´t see any picture. Please reload it again.
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Pascal1619 on 12. August 2015, 12:38:35 PM
Can the online shop make a brace which you can wear over your fixed braces??
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Pascal1619 on 19. August 2015, 00:36:27 AM
Is that possible??
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: mabatt on 30. August 2015, 14:48:30 PM
Is it possible to have fake clear braces ?
Title: Re: Could the online shop make one of these?
Post by: Pascal1619 on 31. August 2015, 14:41:11 PM
Its only a question.