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Videos (English or German) / Re: Fixed braces videos #12
« Last post by acornjohn2001 on Today at 07:55:13 »
I am leaving on vacations tomorrow and I will be away for a week. I hoped yesterday but nobody found anything, only Marty.   teenie     teenie   late teen   adult   late teen    teenie    teenie   adult ceramics adult getting off   late teen    adult elastics     teenie   male   teenie   adult getting off teenie  adult  adult glasses  adult   adult glasses, long videos    adult   adult teenie     adult  adult  adult  adult  two late teens late teen   she got them off :(  adult   adult  adult adult  adult adult adult glasses  adult  adult singer    adult more updates  adult adult  adult  adult, more updates late teen  adult  deaf family  adult !!!  adult adult glasses  adult   adult    adult glasses    teenie, only bottom  teenie
General / Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Last post by napacaster on Today at 04:07:02 »
Ch. 166 -  Blake's Breakdown
"So, what's it like to wear your new braces, Blake? Billy said I'll be wearing a Kuehnegger brace when I'm done with halo traction. Then, once my spine is more stable, I can wear a Milwaukee brace. It will be wonderful to be able to turn my head; I've only looked straight ahead for almost a year now.," Lori states.
"It's really difficult, Lori, but I practiced by wearing that CTLSO," Blake replied. "I'm totally rigid from hips to my head, and there are pads pushing on my sides, back, and shoulders. At least my leg braces don't impair me; they don't lock at the knee and ankle like yours does." Blake jokingly continues, "At least you only have to wear one leg brace."
"That's because I only have one leg, you silly thing," replied Lori with a laugh, "and I can put on my prosthetic leg single-handedly, too." Referring to her amputated left hand.
The laughter greatly lightened the mood. Lori and Blake talked about her new braces while Billy got things ready to make some adjustments to Lori's halo traction brace. Billy was soon ready to explain to Lori what he would be doing for her today.
"OK, Lori. Since you are tolerating your traction quite well and your spine has already straightened a bit, I'm going to increase the amount of force applied." 
Billy takes a moment to look at some marks on the uprights of Lori's brace and says, "You're almost an inch taller now than when I put you in your brace last week. Ben thought things would go quickly since your muscles are weak from being immobilized for so long; they don't fight against your brace. I can either attach your halo ring to the traction frame or someone can hold you head up while I work—your choice since your fractures have long since healed."
Lori asks Blake, "Would you be so kind as to support my head and neck while Billy works on my brace?"
"Oh, can I, Lori?" replied Blake. "It would be my pleasure; I'll be very careful."
Billy had Lori take a seat as the rest of us looked on, with Scotty having a broad smile on his face. Billy told Blake not to let Lori's head move at all while he was working, as it would be very painful for her; she has not moved her neck in almost a year. Blake stood behind Lori, carefully and nervously grasping her halo ring with both hands. She wanted to watch what Billy was doing but couldn't; her Kuehnegger brace made her look straight ahead and slightly up.
Billy quickly removed part of the uprights and headblocks from Lori's halo ring and soon had the heavier spring in place. The parts were then replaced, and Billy made some adjustments to the traction mechanism, which he had designed and crafted himself. Finally, he said, "OK, Blake, Lori's spine is once again fully supported. You can let go, and I'll increase the forces on her spine." Billy looked at Lori and asked, "Are you ready? These springs are twice as strong as the previous ones." Lori simply gave a thumbs up with her MyoHand since Scotty was holding her right hand.
Billy slowly increased the force applied to Lori's spine and then said, "OK, that's it, Lori. How do you feel? Is it too much?"
With a smile, Lori replied, "I'll be fine, Billy. I can really feel it where my curves are the worst. Despite how painful it was to get the additional pins in my halo ring, I'm glad they are there; the force is spread more evenly around my head."
Billy asked how her orthodontic component was working out, and Lori replied, "It's great, Billy, so much more comfortable than those lip bumper things that made me look like I was pouting. I can really feel the forces being applied to my teeth, and that means progress. Other than my pins hurting for a few days, I really have no discomfort from all this, just the feeling of pressure from my pins and on my teeth and a dull ache in my back from the traction. I'm really happy with how things are going."
Billy was pleased to hear that Lori was doing so well, and he seemed to have a real sense of pride in the braces he made for her. He then took a look at her prosthetic leg, checked the fit of the socket, and said, "If you have time this afternoon, Lori, I would like to recast your residual limb and make you a new socket that will fit a bit better." Lori replied, "Sounds good, Billy, but please call it my stump; that's what I call it."
It was getting near noon, and Lori asked if we would like to join her and Scott for lunch. The girls and I accepted, but Collie and Billy needed to tend the shop, so we decided on delivery. The wait would be long, and Lori asked Blake if she wanted to go for a walk in the nearby park to talk. The rest of us tagged along for the fresh air but gave the ladies their privacy to chat. When we returned to the shop, our lunch was being delivered.
As Lori carefully removed her elastics and facebows to eat, I had to remind Blake to remove her splint and tandem bow appliance before eating. She was so distracted by her spinal and leg braces that she had completely forgotten about her orthodontic appliances. Our hamburgers and milkshakes were great, and Judy enjoyed a tube of beef stew with her wired jaw. After lunch, Blake and Lori helped each other get their orthodontic appliances back in place, and it was amazing the dexterity Lori has with her prosthetic hand. We left Scott and Lori to get a new cast made of her stump, and we made our way to the orthodontist for Blake's orthodontic component to be fitted to her Kuehnegger brace.
As we arrived, Sally was just returning from lunch, wearing her Minerva CTLSO. Sally told Blake that she would be fitting her new appliance, and then Dr. Joe would check that everything was OK. She led us to a procedure room, with Blake taking a seat in the chair, which Sally adjusted to comfortably support Blake's rigid spine. Sally then left the room, saying, "I'll be right back."
Sally came back with a shiny metal appliance in her hand and said, "Blake, this is the device that Joe and Billy designed for your protraction treatment. This flat bar fits into the socket under your chin rest, and the "T"-shaped part with hooks lines up with your upper teeth. Elastics will be placed between the hooks on this appliance and the hooks that are protruding from your mouth, which are connected to your upper expander. It replaces your tandem bow when you're wearing this style of spinal brace, but when you are wearing another type of brace, you'll need to wear your tandem bow appliance or your facemask. Are you ready to try it out, Blake?"
Blake looked nervously at the piece of stainless steel in Sally's hand and solemnly said, "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Sally put on a pair of gloves, sat down in front of Blake, removed the elastics from Blake's tandem bow, and removed her lower facebow. The new appliance was then slipped into the socket on Blake's chin rest, where it snapped in place with a click. Sally then removed the device and said, "Let me hold this mirror for you, and you can try inserting it into your brace."
Blake tentatively took the device from Sally's hand and carefully slipped it in place with a slight click. Sally said, "Good job, Blake. Now use these elastics and place them between the hooks so the necessary forces are applied to your teeth." Blake did as requested and said, "These seem stronger than my other elastics; they really pull hard on my teeth." Sally replied, "They are much stronger than your previous elastics; Joe will explain everything to you; let me go get him."
Sally soon returned with Joe, and he asked how Blake was doing, not only with her orthodontics but with her orthopedics, too. She explained that she was having a very difficult time accepting everything but realized that she must wear all these devices to relieve her pain, correct her terrible bite, and prevent injury to her knees and ankles.
"Sally said that you expressed concern about how much force these elastics exert on your teeth," Joe said sympathetically. "I hate to tell you this, but in the time you have been undergoing orthodontic treatment, expansion is going well, but protraction is not. Your upper teeth have not moved forward at all, so I need to apply more force. Your spinal brace gives me the perfect opportunity to do so. I want to try and avoid using a more extreme method, but it might be necessary in the future."
Blake had a look of absolute terror on her face when Joe said 'more extreme method' and, with a quivering voice, asked what that meant. Joe simply replied, "We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there, Blake. Let's focus on your current treatment and see how it goes."
Joe then told Blake that whenever she is wearing her Kuehnegger brace, which he reminded her is twenty-three hours a day on non-work days and no less than fourteen hours on work days, she should be using the protraction attachment. When in her Milwaukee brace, she should wear her tandem bow appliance, but it cannot exert as much force or it will cause issues with her bottom teeth. He told her to change her elastics every six hours, too.
After having everything explained to her, Blake was overwhelmed, and tears welled up in her eyes. Billy had explained her brace-wearing schedule earlier, but it didn't sink in at the time. When Joe explained everything again, the reality of her situation hit her. Blake realized that, for the foreseeable future, she would be wearing a highly immobilizing spinal brace the majority of the time with a very conspicuous orthodontic appliance. Joe asked if she had any questions, and with tears in her eyes, Blake quietly said no.
Sally then gave me several bags of elastics for Blake and asked me to have her schedule a checkup in no more than six weeks, but to call if she had any issues. Judy crutched over to Blake, gave her a hug, and said, "Everything will be fine, Blake. We are all here for you and care about you very much." Blake began to cry hysterically and said, "I'm so ugly now; I look like a freak. What will Chris think? He'll dump me before we even start dating again. This is so much worse than when I just had braces on my teeth; my entire body is in braces now."
None of us knew what to do, so I simply thanked Joe and Sally, who were in a bit of a state of shock. Adult patients don't usually react this way; however, Blake's situation is rather extreme. Judy texted Collie and told her that Blake was having a meltdown and we were coming back to the shop; she hoped that Collie's psychology training would be able to help Blake. We got Blake gathered up and headed back to the orthotics shop.
When we got back to the shop, Rita and Gary had arrived. Rita took Blake to Gary's office, where Collene was waiting, saying, "I know it's hard, dear, and you are not alone. Many clients have an extremely difficult time wearing their new braces. Let's talk it out like we did when I first met you." Rita hugged Blake, then they went to Gary's office and closed the door.
"What the hell is going on?" Gary said, looking confused and concerned. We went into the cast room, where Billy was just finishing up with Lori, and explained everything. I then decided to call Blake's friend Stevie to let him know about Blake's situation and what was going on.
I wheeled outside, called Stevie, and informed him of Blake's diagnosis and situation. He was extremely concerned and asked if he needed to come be with Blake. I said no, not right now, but that I wanted to get in touch with her old boyfriend, Chris Jones, and asked Stevie if he happened to know him.
Stevie said, "There's a Chris Jones with the highway department here. He has his crew plow our driveway in the winter for emergency access."
"That's the same Chris Jones," I exclaimed. "Can you call him and let him know what is going on? Blake is terrified that he will reject her because of her situation."
"I will, Leigh. Thanks for the update, and tell Blake I'm thinking of her," replied Stevie.
I wheeled back inside, where Lori had gotten her stump cleaned up and her leg back on. We all just sat around the workshop, hearing occasional outbursts from Gary's office. Gary and Billy tried to work but were too distracted, and none of us were in the mood for conversation. We heard the door to Gary's office open, and Rita entered the workshop and said, "We're going to spend some time with Blake at her place. Gary, can you go home and pack my overnight bag, and Billy, please do the same for Collie? Drop them at Blake's later, and please check the horses, too." Then Rita returned to the office.
A little while later, the three ladies entered the workshop, with Blake holding back tears but still wearing all her braces. Collie said, "We're going to be on our way and will check in later." Then Blake quietly said, "Can you come, too, Lori? You're so strong and inspirational." With a slight smile on her face, Blake continued, "Maybe it will rub off on me?"
"Of course I'll come along, Blake," replied Lori. "I would love to spend time with you. Maybe you can introduce me to your horses; I would like to try riding again someday." Blake smiled and said, "That would be great, Lori. I didn't know you liked horses, too." Lori asked Scott to pack a bag for her, and the four ladies were on their way. Blake was once again crying as she walked out the door, braced from head to toe, holding Lori's prosthetic hand.
Judy didn't feel like driving; she was damn near in tears herself. Gary drove us in the bus, stopping to pack Rita's bag. Scott went to pack Lori's bag, too. I texted Joel to let him know what was going on, then I'll go to Rebekah's place to await updates on Blake.
General / Re: Husband's fantasy
« Last post by metalfoxy on Today at 00:13:20 »
When I went back 4 weeks later, I was feeling very smug. I had cheated Matt and he had no idea.
As we pulled up, he handed me the headgear. I shook my head but he shrugged “it’s the rules…”
I sighed, pushing it into the molar tubes and pulling the straps on. Immediately I blushed as we walked in and checked in. Other patients all stared at me  as I sat down. I kept my head down, mortified by this but Matt kept talking to me – keeping attention on me. It felt like we were sat there forever – every patient went in before us and a new crowd appeared while we were there – it began to feel like they had done it on purpose so the most people would see me.
Finally we were called back – he had me laying there with my headgear in and although he undid the straps, he left the facebow in. He went over to his computer “Now Rosie – I didn’t tell you this, but there is a little chip in your headgear strap that detects pressure so I can tell if you hit the required wear time”
I gulped slightly “I tried”
He ignored me and tutted “HMM, I needed 396 wear time hours, that’s 14 hours a day for the 4 weeks you have had it, you have barely hit 350…”
I began to protest but he silenced me immediately “this is now the 2nd time you have been caught lying. I told you there would be no warnings. Today I am going to use the wire ligatures to wire it in. You will wear it full time for 1 month, which will make up for lost time…”
I shook my head but he refused to listen “Rosie – you are on the compliance plan. We can do what we want!”
As he replaced the wire then tied the headgear in, he had me open and close “hmmm time for rubber bands I think”
I groaned but he looked at me sternly “trust me – if you don’t wear these, it will be hell”
I nodded and he added a triangle on bands to both sides of my jaw. When I went to talk I could barely open my mouth.
“They are 24/7 – even when eating. Only time they should be out is for 4 minutes a day while you brush your teeth”
As he sat me up I reached and touched the facebow “what about this when I shower?”
He shrugged “disconnect the straps, shower and then reconnect it after. You will have it for 23 hours a day. The facebow will not come out so you may as well have the straps connected to be doing something”
Matt grinned “at least you know she will have it on in the office again!”
They both laughed lightly and I nearly cried as I felt they were mocking me.
The orthodontist checked everything one last time “see me in 4 weeks, if you have made good progress to make up for the lost time, we should be able to unwire it”
I nodded, blinking back my tears – I felt SO humiliated.

Over the next 4 weeks, I made sure the straps were connected at least 23 hours a day – desperate to get the headgear out. I also kept up with the rubber bands, wearing them constantly – too scared not to.
When I attended for my follow up the orthodontist was very pleased “you finally listened to us! I will take the facebow out and you can now go down to nightly wear only” I grinned widely but when he checked my bite he was unhappy “you haven’t been wearing the bands…”
I protested immediately and Matt agreed he had never seen me without them, the orthodontist hummed “well maybe it’s the other forces are too strong. We need to step it up. I am going to add a forsus appliance – a spring instead of the bands. It will help to position your jaws properly”
As he connected it, I flinched at the pressure on my lower jaw and when I tried to open my mouth – it felt locked. He saw me panic “don’t worry – it’s just much stronger than you are used to. You can open slowly”
I nodded and tried to open slowly, cringing as I heard it squeak as I moved. He gave me a mirror and I cringed more – the springs held my jaw in an awkward position like the twin blocks had but they also poked my cheeks out even more – making me look like a chipmunk.
I glanced at him but he smiled widely “expansion done, bite plate is helping those molars, full bands, headgear and now springs. This is the final hurdle for you!”
Hearing those words brought me comfort and I knew I needed to just suck it up.

Luckily over the next few weeks I didn’t have to think about elastics and the 8 hours of headgear seemed like nothing in comparison. I felt like I was really making progress. My teeth were lining up nicely.
When I went back for the check up, the orthodontist was very happy and agreed I could stop wearing the headgear now my molars were in the right position.
The following months went smoothly and I had no more nasty surprises.
After 6 months my palate expanders came out but the bite plate stayed. I went for 3 weekly tightenings and although the bite plate still affected my speech eventually the orthodontist agreed my molars had come down enough so they took it out.
My jaw was in the right position finally so the springs came out – leaving me with just full bands. It took two years of 3 weekly appointments to get my teeth lined up.

Just when I thought the process was over, he reviewed my teeth “right – the bands can come off but we will need to use brackets and power chains to close the gaps they have created. Unfortunately because you have undergone SUCH extensive work, we will use the brackets as retention for a year.
I grumbled “Another year?! I have already done 3 years of braces”
He nodded seriously “yes – another year, I need to know they’re not going to relapse”
I sighed but he shrugged “you will have 3 monthly check ups – your contract has an automatic return to braces clause if at any time your teeth shift or you’re not wearing retainers. It’ll be straight back to bands for you so it really is in your best interest to make sure they’re ready to come off.”
I sighed and nodded – what’s one more year when I’ve already done all of this anyway?!
General / Re: CJDL on tour
« Last post by Sparky on Yesterday at 18:22:09 »

Chapter 8

Over the last few months, the four girls in CJDL (and Northern Girls for that matter) have been pretty busy... maybe a quick list of some of the things might be useful:

- wrote, rehearsed then recorded, songs for a new album, now released

- wrote, recorded and released (last week) a new single: "Friends" - went into the UU chart at #7

- co-wrote several songs with Northern Girls, that they can play together on stage. A live recording of the songs will be released as an album.

- signed an advertising / sponsorship deal with a cereal brand, for their new range of 'super-healthy' cereals. Spent a day recording TV ads. Planning something for the show too.

- worked out what they would be doing in the stage show

- rehearsed with dancers

- provided input for the graphic design for all the stuff on the back-screen

- with Eleanor now working for them full-time, their fan website had been re-vamped, allowing members of the fan club to gain easy access to tickets. They had also run a few competitions, to give many of the fans 'something special'. For most, that was special seating at the venue.

- Northern Girls had organised something similar for THEIR fans too.

For a very special group of fans who would be attending the penultimate concert of the tour - a Saturday afternoon gig at Wembley Arena in London - they had been promised 'something very special' for a couple of hours after the gig. No details were given, they would discover what it was on the day, with a promise that it would be 'something to remember'.

There were actually several reasons for that performance being in the afternoon, one was to specifically allow disabled and younger fans to come along with their carers or parents: not only had they arranged special separate seating areas, they had given them some very special ticket prices to make it more affordable. But the main reason for it being in the afternoon... well, I can't tell you that yet, I've been asked to keep it a secret!

While they were doing all of the above, the team responsible for putting together the stage, lighting, PA kit etc had been setting things up in a warehouse. A week before their first concert at the O2, they moved and set up the kit at a 'venue' they had rented, so they could do a full 'dress rehearsal'. Rather than just playing to the 'staff', they had organised another 'undefined pre-tour evening event' for about 50 or so fans who lived in South London - they would be the very select audience for that dress rehearsal.

Whilst not quite everything was ready: for example, they were still working on some of the graphics, it was all good enough for a dress-rehearsal.


The stage lights were already on when Paige and Eleanor walked on, each holding a microphone. "Good evening everyone! I'm Paige, and this is Eleanor - she now runs the fan-club full time for us."

"Yes, it's been an exciting job change, and it's been me that's been organising getting you here for this evening. So what *IS* this evening?" said Eleanor.

"Tonight is a dress-rehearsal of the upcoming CJDL and Northern Girls joint tour." explained Paige to a large cheer. "So what does that mean? Well, for all the guys running the PA, lights and AV stuff, it's a chance to check that they have everything ready, technically, for the tour, and have their timings right for the girls. For the two bands, it's a chance to check out that what THEY will be doing will be ready. This evening will NOT be the full set-list for the tour: several of the songs that the bands will do alone will be skipped, simply because the show is most of three and a half hours long. But where they do something special, or perform together, THAT will happen!"

There was a huge cheer as the group of fans realised what they were about to see.

"Ok, I think one of the girls wants to come out and say hello to you....." said Paige, walking to the side of the stage.

"Hi everyone!" said Jenny, as she walked out onto the stage with Ben. "Say 'hi!' to Ben!". The small crowd called out. "So, yeah, we're going to do a run-through of our songs. Where we don't actually play a song, we'll just tell you, so you have an idea of what the full performance would be like. And that is important because, at the end, we want you to spend some time answering a load of questions, about what you thought, what you liked, what you didn't like, any suggestions and so on. Don't hold back, we want you to be as brutally honest as you like! We don't just want our tour to be 'good', we want it to be 'great'!"

"Of course, Jenny forgot the important thing: while you do that, there'll be pizza and drinks available to keep you going!" explained Ben. "Oh, and I suspect all the girls will want to come out and meet you all too! Talking of which, before the rehearsal starts, I think we should let everyone introduce themselves...."

Taylor, Kate, Meg and Erin walked on stage. "So, these ladies are 'Northern Girls'" said Jenny, "so maybe you should say hello to our select audience for tonight.

"Hi everyone, I'm Taylor, I am the group's lead vocalist and guitarist."

"Hey there, I'm Kate, I play bass, and sing as well."

"Hi, I'm Meg, I play guitar, and do a bit of singing too."

".. and I'm Erin, I play drums, but I'm usually too knackered to be able to sing!"

Taylor spent a minute or two explaining the background behind how the tour came to be. "We weren't quite sure back then what we would actually be doing.. like would we just play our own songs. In fact, we've discovered that we all enjoy playing together, so we're hoping you like what we've put together. Anyway, enough from me, how about we get the other three girls on to say hello?"

With that, Carol, Dianne and Linda came out.

"Hey everyone!" said Carol, "I'm Carol, of course, and I really hope you like what we've got planned..."

"Yeah, I'll guarantee that it's not like anything we've ever done before..." added Dianne. "Oh, yeah, I'm Dianne!"

"Hey everyone... I'm Linda, and this will be my first proper tour as 'one of the band' and I'm SOOO excited!" said Linda. "Plus I'm looking forward to chatting with you guys afterwards!" The small crowd cheered.

"So, there's a few things we won't be doing tonight, as we want to keep them as a surprise for our first night" explained Jenny. "For example, we're going to have a few special guests on the actual tour, but we don't have any for you tonight."

Paige walked back on the stage again. "Well, are you eight all ready?" asked Paige of the girls.

"Yes" was the common reply, and they left the stage to get ready.

"Ok, rules for you guys for this evening. No trying to let friends in via the emergency exits, it wont work!". There was a small giggle from the crowd. "However, take as many videos and pictures as you want of the girls performance, but do remind people when you post that this is a dress-rehearsal, and NOT the final full performance! And it's quite possible, depending on your feedback, a few things might change. Afterwards, when the girls come out and chat, please be polite and ask before you do videos or pictures of them. And FINALLY: have a GREAT evening!!"

There was a big cheer, as the lights started to dim.


The four members of CJDL came onto the stage, and started to play 'Only Jesus': as per Dianne's dream, they played it fairly gently. As they got to the end of the first verse, the 4 members of Northern Girls also came onto the stage, and joined in the playing, with the tempo going up a notch, and the song becoming noticeably 'rockier'.

As the song ended, their small audience applauded, and all 8 girls came to the front of the stage.

"Hi, I'm Carol, and we four are CJDL!" (all four girls said the 'CJDL' together, as they took a brief step forwards). There was a cheer.

"Hi, I'm Taylor, and we are Northern Girls!". Another cheer as they briefly stepped forwards.

"But we're not just two bands, we're now one band, and we need a name..." said Jenny.

"And we need to introduce ourselves properly!" added Taylor. The camera, which was being shown on the the side screens, zoomed in onto Erin.

Erin was to the left (as seen by the audience): "Hi, I'm Erin!" As Erin said her name, a large picture of her appeared behind them: she was smiling widely, her braces very visible. The picture, along with her name, then reduced in size, parking on the left of the screen.

The camera moved along to Carol. "Hi, I'm Carol!". The same happened with her picture, joining Erin's.

"I'm Kate!"

"I'm Jenny"

"I'm Meg!"

"I'm Dianne!" Dianne's picture came up: it was a bit different, because it showed her with her facebow in place. There was a small cheer from the small crowd, and - as rehearsed - Dianne turned around to see her picture. "Oy! What's with the facebow? Am I WEARING my facebow?" she said in an angry voice. The word 'oops' popped up on the back screen, followed by 'sorry!', and a different picture - without the facebow - came up on the screen. "That's better!". The small crowd were suitable amused.

The camera move over to Taylor. "I'm Taylor!"

"And I'm the new girl, Linda!"

Together they said "Together we are.... 'Eight Girls with Braces'", and that name came up on the rear display, above their eight pictures.

As the small crowd cheered, the eight girls started to walk back towards their instruments and started to play.

They played 2 songs together, then the four CJDL girls left the Northern Girls to play some of their own music. After playing a couple of their own songs, and mentioning in between them that they would be playing 4 other songs at the actual performances, they started to play one of CJDL's songs. After the first verse, our 4 girls came on stage, with 6 dancers and took over the singing. After a bit of banter, where Jenny persuaded the Northern Girls to be their backing band, they sang - plus did some simple dancing with the dancers - a couple more of their older original CJD songs.

Northern Girls then left CJDL to sing some of their newer songs, songs that the fans knew from their previous album and tour - again, they told the crowd that they would be playing a few more songs too.

"So, now we're going to have a bit of fun!" explained Carol. As she continued, the Northern Girls came back onto the stage.

"Yes" said Taylor, "We're calling this Crew Karaoke. One of us eight will sing with one of three crew members: can the 3 crew members please join us?" 2 guys and a girl came onto the stage, and Taylor went over to them with a handheld mic. "Hi, who are you, and what do you do?"

"I'm Jake, I'm stage crew, and I look after Erin's drums." As he introduced himself, his picture and name came up on the rear screen.

"Hi, I'm Sonia, I do your makeup and hair!"

"Hi, I'm Will, I'm part of the stage crew." All three names were on the rear screen.

"Hi everyone!" said Linda. "So, we need to select one of you guys... ". Taylor held up a small fabric bag, and Dianne showed everyone 3 coloured balls: one red, one green, one blue. The rear screen now showed which colour had been associated with each 'contestant'. With the 3 balls placed in the bag, Taylor did her best to mix them up.

"Come on Meg, want to choose one?" asked Taylor. Meg came over, put her hand in the bag, and pulled out the red ball. "Red is Will, so thank you Sonia and Jake, you'll get another chance next time. So, Will, what are you going to sing, and who is going to sing it with you?"

"Well, we decided to start with something simple: Elton John's 'Don't go breaking my heart'. And I'll be singing it with either you or Jenny!"

"In that case, I'll take over for the moment" explained Linda. As she took the bag from her, Taylor and Jenny's names came up on the screens: Jenny was red, Taylor was green. "Dianne, want to do the honours?". Dianne put her hand in the bag, and pulled out the red ball. "So, it looks like Will and Jenny are going to sing, and we'll be their backing band!"

Both Taylor and Jenny had actually rehearsed the song with Will several times, so the actual performance worked very well: for a non-pro singer, Will did pretty ok, and certainly didn't make a fool of himself.

"Well done there, Will" said Jenny, "Come on, give him another round of applause!"

After that, Northern Girls played a couple of their songs, missing out a few others. With CJDL joining them on stage again, they sang two more of their new joint songs. It was then CJDL's turn to sing (or not sing) another 5 songs - this time they were new songs, from the album they had just released.

The two bands played together, and played by themselves. Played their own music, and played a couple of each others songs too. They did a 'Solo Spot' where one of the girls - tonight it was Carol - sang a solo and played on acoustic guitar. Later on, they did 'Linda's Bass Riffs', where Linda started playing along on bass, and a couple of others joined her. Tonight she was joined by just Erin on the drums, and they played a version of 'Seven Nation Army' by the White Stripes.

The elapsed time so far was just over 2 hours, but if you were to add in the songs they missed out, it would be just over 3. The dancers had danced with both CJDL and Northern Girls, and added a pleasant element to the show.

For their last song alone, CJDL did their version of 'Nut Rocker', where they all played the different instruments: it was pretty much as they had done when they had played at South London College. The small crowd seemed to enjoy the fun.

"Let's welcome Northern Girls back again, for our last song together!" said Jenny. With their last, joint, song done, they walked off stage, all grinning widely. The stage lights remained on, to indicate that, if their fans shouted enough, they might come and do an encore or two.

Backstage, the girls wiped themselves down, and took a drink.

For the encore, Northern Girls started by playing their latest single, then all 8 of them sang a song together.

"Thank you all very much!" said Taylor. So, we're going to let these four girls sing you one last song..." and the Northern Girls left the stage. Carol, Jenny, Dianne and Linda left their instruments, and walked to the front of the stage, and held hands, with the dancers coming onto the stage behind the four girls.

"Dear lord, we'd like to sing that certain song to finish this evening, but as ever, we need to ask for your help - so please be with us as we sing it!", and they then did a perfect rendition of their acapella song (the one Jenny had written on the plane to Korea), as the 6 dancers danced gently and slowly in the background. As they bowed at the end, the Northern Girls joined them. The crowd was small, but they did their best to show that they had appreciated the performance.

"Ok, we're going to take a break now, and cool off and change. In the meantime, I believe you guys are going to be filling in some feedback forms, and eating pizza! See you all soon!"

All the way through this 'test performance' our two cameramen from BD Productions, Paula and Simon, were taking the opportunity of getting some great images of the girls as they prepared to go on-stage, and as they came off-stage, and as they chatted together... great stuff for a future documentary. The girls had got to know these two well by now, and would often do things like grab one of them, and lead them onstage when Northern Girls were playing, getting them to take some video that they'd be very unlikely to get during a proper live show.

General / Re: Husband's fantasy
« Last post by aktivator82 on Yesterday at 17:38:50 »
So the orthodontist knows at the next appointment that Rosie didn't wear it 14 hours and she will wear the Headgear wired in 24/7. What an extreme but awesome treatment
General / Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Last post by napacaster on Yesterday at 17:23:15 »
This is great!
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