I told my ex about my "Braces Fetish" . At first, she didn't seem to have a problem with it. She wore full upper dentures. I made the suggestion that she get another set made with brackets and the likes on them for "play time". It would have been ideal. They would have more than "Looked" real.
At first, she was willing, but as time went by, she started suspecting that everyone with braces turned me on. The truth is that I don't have just a braces fetish, but a mouth fetish I suppose. Braces and other silver stuff really grabs my attention, but truthfully, I really have a pretty teeth fetish as well. Anyway, She would constantly ask me what the difference between a 10 year old and a 20 year old with braces was. eventually, she admitted that my fetishes turned her off.
We had a daughter that had horribly crooked teeth. She refused to put braces on her because of her fear of my "thing"... (She actually isn't MY daughter, but I did raise her since she was 11.)
The woman I am married to now is not only receptive, but tells me that whenever I want her to go get braces, she will be more than willing to go get them for me.
She also has a daughter (8 years old) who has horrible teeth and will most definately need braces. When we talk about it, it makes me a bit uncomfortable because somewheree in the back of my mind I am waiting to be accused all over again, but it never seems to be a question.
Honesty is most certainly the best policy. It is better to come clean with your likes now, brfore she finds hundreds of pictures of it on your computer and comes up with her own conclusions.
I, too have been lookiing at braces on the net since '96. Infact, it was the only reason I bought my first computer.
I am a bit more bold now than I used to be. The other day, I saw a woman with braces at a party and told her that I thought she had a really pretty smile. At first, she covered her mouth and hid them from me, but once she realized that I was telling her the truth, she opened right up and told me all about the procedure and how they felt. The more interest I showed, the more she opened her mouth and showed them to me. I would have felt wierd taking pictures tho...
At the end of the night, she thanked me for making her feel "pretty". I was the DJ at that party.
I think that the reality is that more people like braces than will admit it. Let's face it, how many of you will admit it to a friend?
It's like the old "foot fetish" (which I also have)... Most men do infact have a foot fetish. I don't know why... it is really nothing more than an elongated hand with stubby fingers, but there is something about nicely painted toes that is attractive to most guys... How many of them openly admit to it? I don't. Only to my wife, who by the way likes the attention I give her feet.
There... I just admitted a bunch of things to a bunch of people I don't know!