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Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?

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My wife never had braces in her life although she does need them.
Yet that are only minor problems and some crooking.

She told me once that her parents suggested braces when she was 17, but she declined, because braces are not cool in that age and while dating.

From time to time we discussed to Go to the ortho, but she never did. If you are over 18, you have to pay yourself for ortho. Thats one reason, why she never pull the trigger.

My wife is fully aware of my interest in braces. She said, that I can order her fake braces, if I want.
Two weeks ago I surprised her with the dental kit.

Now we are waiting for the arrival of her fake metal braces. The shop already emailed the design of the braces.
I cant wait to see her in braces.

The braces for my wife from the Shop arrived.
They look really realistic. Only the speech is a little bit affected.

My husband got an MSE last Friday and will get braces after that. He had fakes before this.


--- Quote from: TrainTrack on 19. March 2024, 02:25:17 AM ---My husband got an MSE last Friday and will get braces after that. He had fakes before this.

--- End quote ---

Really? Nice!

What triggered him getting treatment?

He’s had bruxism for years, but recently it’s gotten really bad and has been keeping me up at night, which he hated.


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