
Author Topic: What do you do while you wear your Headgear or Appliances around recreationally?  (Read 3866 times)

Offline libtech

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Just curious about what some of you brace wearers do while you are wearing your braces, retainers, headgear/facemasks and all other appliances around recreationally.

Offline coffeemate

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ooh! Good question. I hope to see a lot of replies.
I have had my fakes for more than a year, but I just finally got the courage to wear them recreationally several months ago.
The first time I wore them out of my house was this August. My husband and I went to a movie. I brought my braces - just the uppers - in my purse and slipped them in as the lights dimmed for the movie.
The sensation of the rough brackets across my lips had me hot and bothered to the point where I was hardly watching the movie! After the movie, I wore them out of the theater.
We decided to stop at a store on our way home from the theater, and I had my fakes the whole time. It was a little difficult because my speech is pretty difficult to understand while I have them in, and my husband isn't crazy about that. We got ice cream cones on the way out of the store and I started in on the cone without taking out my braces!
This was the first time I had eaten anything (even something as soft as ice cream!) with my fakes in and it was such an experience. The cold, creamy ice cream flowed into my mouth and over the plate on my palate. I ran my tongue over the braces over and over, licking the ice cream from the brackets.
I won't tell you I wasn't glad to get home, take them out, and rinse my mouth fully, but it was an intensely exciting, erotic experience.

that outing was the beginning of a long weekend spent with my husband exploring my new braces.

Offline DemBones

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I'm not nearly that exciting - most of the time I just work.  Every now and then I'll wear my retainer out to the shops, but its no big deal.  I had two or three public headgear experiences though.  But for the msot part, i just hang around the house.

Offline retained

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Everything really.
But that's because I like to feel that they are part of me and that they are there for real.
I often forget they are there but I still like the way hot drinks or cold icecream change the tightness and suddenly remind me again.