
Author Topic: Using Mistral AI to help write stories  (Read 3785 times)

Offline facemask2

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Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« on: 06. August 2024, 23:27:04 PM »
For those of you struggling to write stories, like other chatgpt like tools can help. All you have to do is write a couple of bullets on what you and want and it gives you a fully story!

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #1 on: 07. August 2024, 00:15:45 AM »
I much prefer when people use the AI programs to generate the outline for a story. It makes the story so much better when somebody adds their personal thoughts and ideas to what the AI program has given them and turns it into a much better story.

I realize AI is here to stay, and even though I consider what AI does to be theft of what authors and artists have created, I can accept the idea of using the results to create better creations.

If people are going to use AI, they should state the works are AI-generated and not claim it as an original creation.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #2 on: 07. August 2024, 02:57:18 AM »
I only use AI for copy editing since I am not good with grammar and punctuation when typing quickly. It might rearrange the words, but they are my words. Quillbot is the site that I use, just the basic free service. It had made my work much more readable.

Offline Applesmooth

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #3 on: 16. August 2024, 13:13:14 PM »
I didnt know and have zero experience towards other ai.
I tested this site and for small stories or to set a frame it is a good alternative.

Offline Applesmooth

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #4 on: 16. August 2024, 13:13:59 PM »
The following story is for example written by

It was a warm summer evening when Max met a woman named Laura in a small, cozy bar in the city. Laura was an impressive sight: beautiful, with a great figure, and a radiant smile that revealed slightly crooked teeth. She often wore seductive outfits and tight leather pants that perfectly accentuated her curves. Max was immediately captivated by her, not just because of her appearance, but also because of her confident demeanor and infectious laughter.

Max, however, had a little secret: he had a particular fascination with braces. This fascination was deeply rooted within him and had developed during his youth when he himself wore braces. He had never shared this preference with anyone, fearing it might be misunderstood or ridiculed.

As Laura and Max grew closer, he noticed that she was sometimes insecure about her crooked teeth, although she hid it well. She occasionally talked about how she wished her teeth were straighter, and Max listened attentively without revealing his own fascination.

One day, Laura surprised Max with some news: she had decided to get fixed braces. Max was surprised and thrilled at the same time. He admired her courage and determination to change something about herself that caused her discomfort. Laura explained that she had long wanted braces to correct her teeth and feel even more comfortable in her own skin.

Max accompanied Laura to her first orthodontist appointment. He sat in the waiting room, barely able to contain his excitement as Laura finally emerged with her new braces. She smiled at him, and the silver metal gleamed in her mouth. Max found her even more attractive in that moment than ever before.

Over time, the braces were continually adjusted. Laura regularly visited her orthodontist, who installed new brackets and wires to optimize the correction of her teeth. Max often accompanied her to these appointments and was fascinated by the changes he observed in Laura's teeth. He found the braces on her incredibly appealing and could hardly hide his enthusiasm.

One day, Laura even received a headgear, a special device worn outside the mouth that applies additional pressure to the teeth. Max was impressed by Laura's determination and courage to undergo this additional treatment. He admired her strength and confidence.

Over time, Laura began to love her braces. She noticed that Max always looked at her admiringly when she wore her braces, and she enjoyed the attention and the feeling they gave her. Max also developed a deeper connection to his fascination with braces. He found it exciting to see Laura with her braces, and they often shared intimate moments discussing their shared passion.

One evening, as they sat together on the sofa watching a movie, Laura took Max's hand and guided it to her mouth. She let him feel the cool metal brackets and the wire arch, and Max felt a wave of excitement course through his body. Laura smiled at him and whispered, "I know you like this." Max was surprised and relieved that she had recognized and accepted his preference.

Their relationship deepened, and both developed a fetish for braces. They enjoyed going to orthodontic appointments together and observing the progress of Laura's treatment. Laura felt more confident and attractive with her braces, and Max found in her a partner who not only accepted but also shared his secret passion.

They began to integrate their shared preference into their love life. Laura wore her braces even during intimate moments, and Max found it incredibly exciting to feel the cool metal against his skin. They experimented with different types of braces and accessories that made their experiences even more intense.

In the end, the braces became not just a medical aid but a symbol of their love and shared fetish. Laura and Max had found a unique connection based on mutual acceptance and admiration. Their story showed that even the most unusual preferences can enrich and strengthen a relationship.

Laura and Max lived their lives with a deep bond and a smile on their faces. Their love for each other and their shared passion for braces had shown them that true acceptance and understanding are the foundation for a fulfilling and happy relationship.

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #5 on: 17. August 2024, 04:37:33 AM »
For what it is worth, I think that using AI to write stories is totally pointless. If you want to write a story, write a story.
Ok, so if your spelling is not so good then let the computer point out the spelling mistakes. At least you then see what is wrong and you stand some chance of learning the correct spelling.
If your grammar is not so good, that is a failing of the education system (or your use of it) more, learn what is correct.  Teach your kids what is correct, and make sure they learn when they are at school.
Actually write a story. Let people suggest improvements if you like, but at least have a go at doing it yourself, otherwise whats the point in doing it ?
Surely it is totally obvious that if you rely on AI to do it, then you stand no chance of learning to do it yourself. If you cant do it, what chance have you of teaching your kids.
As soon as one generation has passed through, all skills will have gone and the whole of civilisation will be completely incapable of any independent thought !

Just imagine the next step on....
Kids at school are asked to write a story....... They use AI.....AI writes the dont learn how to do now have no idea what they need to teach their own kids.....skill gone !  AI then writes total crap and no one knows the diference.

Doesnt some of this scenario also apply to discipline and learning social skills ?
One generation gets it wrong and doesnt teach kids right from run grow up into undisciplined adults who dont know how to teach their own kids right from wrong......skill lost !
Ok, let AI take charge of discipline perhaps ?

I think I prefer to learn and use my own skills and retain some degree of human thought. Perhaps you prefer to be fed information from sources which may or may not actually exist ?

Sorry, rant over.

Perhaps AI could have explained that better !

Offline anonymousllama5

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #6 on: 18. August 2024, 02:10:47 AM »
I find when asking AI to write things, no matter what the subject matter it always finds a way to turn a positive spin on it, saying that the person(s) involved learned from the experience, or people admired their courage etc. etc. and it gets extremely dull

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #7 on: 19. August 2024, 02:16:01 AM »
You have only to see the ridiculous way it handles descriptions of items on Ebay to see how pointless it is.
Why would anyone want to read something that is so fake.
In fact I wonder already if it comes down to the shallowness of thinking of the reader that they are prepared to read and accept it.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #8 on: 19. August 2024, 04:31:13 AM »
As a writer, I consider them using my stories to be a theft of my work.

I also find the stuff created using AI to be repetitive. AI can give you an outline to work with, and as you write your story, it can help to improve your spelling and grammar. Do the work to write a story yourself, and if you do use AI while you are writing, say that you used AI and don't claim it as completely written by you.

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: Using Mistral AI to help write stories
« Reply #9 on: 27. August 2024, 02:21:09 AM »
If I mite be allowed to be a bit more positive, that story was obviously not written by a human the way it describes things and the way its laid out looks a little odd but it's OK in its own way was a pleasant  read as long as we remember its AI generated then where the harm? To be completley fare it was said at the beginning that it wasn't human generated so really just enjoy it