English => General => Topic started by: Lithpkith on 18. January 2022, 04:03:05 AM

Title: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 18. January 2022, 04:03:05 AM
Hello, I’ve ordered a ‘modified twin block’ appliance from BracesShop and was notified production was complete. I’ve had a tongue crib added in hopes it will give me a good lithp, along with the standard lip bumpers and telescoping rods. I can’t wait to receive it, I’ll be wearing it 16 hours a day! This is a ‘social experiment’, I want to see people’s reactions to me wearing a retainer and speaking with (hopefully) a lithp! Of course I’ll have to wear a Covid mask for now, but that might help garbling my speech even more! Has anyone tried this retainer, and is there an issue with excessive saliva and drooling? Any feedback is appreciated, thank you.
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: bpenfold83 on 18. January 2022, 08:36:47 AM
I have modified twin blocks appliance lots of drool and you won't need the tongue guard to lisp!
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: bracessd on 18. January 2022, 17:20:19 PM
I also have one and it's definitely bulky and a mouthful! Looking forward to seeing picture of yours!
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 18. January 2022, 21:17:05 PM
Thank you for the feedback! Lithping and drool- just what I was hoping for!!! It will be interesting to see how difficult speech will be with the added tongue crib, and people’s reaction. My appliance is green with glitter for the top jaw, purple with glitter for the lower jaw. I’ll try to post a picture when I receive it. My wife doesn’t know about it yet, I’ll have a ‘dental appointment’ and come home wearing it, and of course I must wear it at least 16 hours a day every day- dentists orders! A mouthful of dental retainer, lithping and drooling- I can hardly wait!
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: franci on 18. January 2022, 22:08:46 PM
Hello but how your wife knows nothing !!!
If my husband didn't tell me anything, I would be very angry.
Well I'd like to know his reaction upon seeing you.
I want to see if he's like me.
Hi francy
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 18. January 2022, 23:48:25 PM
I certainly want to see my wife’s reaction to the retainer that I must wear for 16 hours a day minimum, 7 days a week! A mouthful of retainer, drool and a (hopefully) severe lithp, how will she react? We shall see, as I’ve said, this is a social experiment and I want to see and hear people’s reactions! I will share all in this forum, please feel free to comment, positively or negatively.
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 21. January 2022, 18:15:16 PM
Gweetingth all, jutht got notified my twin block wetainew hath been thipped! I’m ethited itth finally on itth way. Thould be hewe in a couple of weekth! Hath anyone twied eating with it in plathe, ow ith that impothible?
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 18. February 2022, 03:54:34 AM
Gweetingth one and all! Today I got my twin block wetainew,it fitth well with only a minow adjuthtment on the lowew block. Fiwtht, I’ve got a good lithp and altho a faiw amount of thaliva pooling in my mouth! The dwive thwu, owdewing two decafinated coffeeth with two cweam each-a big sluwp of dwool- took thwee twieth befowe the young lady undewthood what I actually wanted- a bit embawwathing to thay the leatht, but fun ath well! My uppew lip occathionally getth cought on my lip bumpew, ethpothing my bwight gween, glittewing applianthe, jutht ath mowe dwool ethcapeth patht my lipth. Tomowwow, my wife’s weaction  when I got home!
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 18. February 2022, 15:59:00 PM
The look on my wife’th fathe wath one of curiothity and puthelment.
Her:does that thing hurt?
Me: no, only when I take it out it huwtth.
Her: how long do you have to wear it?

Me: thithteen houwth a day, evewy day.
Her: for how long?
Me: (slurp) at leatht one yeaw, pwobably longew.
Her: it’s hard to understand you with your lisp and that slurping and drooling. Is that thing really necessary?
Me: yeth, itth to pwewent my teeth fwom getting mowe cwooked, and to align my lowew jaw.
Stwange, but I find weawing thith applianth oddly comfowting, I’ve accthepted that I need to weaw it!

Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: bracessd on 18. February 2022, 17:21:58 PM
Nice, glad you're enjoying it. Share some pics!
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: brackettooth on 19. February 2022, 16:49:03 PM
Hey litpkith,
that sounds intense and definitely requires a lot of discipline and self-confidence to leave the Appliance in your mouth when you have to repeat yourself over and over again and still not be understood.
I'm looking forward to your next testimonials. Especially when you meet friends and acquaintances.
Do you also plan to carry the device when you go out to eat? How, when and where do you want to take them out then?
But I'm surprised how well or positively your wife reacted. I think my wife would be more skeptical about that. At the latest when we would have visitors or would go somewhere, she would ask me to take out the Appliance.
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 21. February 2022, 00:13:10 AM
Hello, I have twouble dwinking fwom a cup ow glathth, ath my lipth bawely touch togetew! Could be my fault; I’ve adjuthted the lip bumpewth to puth my lipth out mowe,  when I relath my jaw it remainth thlightly open, about thith to eight mm. Thith ith altho how I thleep, with my mouth thomewhat open. Itth the motht comfowtable pothithion fow me. It will be fun when ouw Covid wethictionth awe lifted at the end of Febwuawy, and no more mathkth, I’ll be walking awound with my mouth pawtially open! Yethtewday my wife and I went thopping, thhe had no dethiwe to help me owdew at the bakewy, I had to wepeat mythelf thevewal timeth, the young lady helping uth wath vewy patient, if not thomewhat confuthed about my lithp, as thhe helped uth often in the patht. My wife theemed to enjoy my twouble owdewing, and made no attempt to help. It wath embawwathing but enjoyable at the thame time! Ath fow dining out, I’m not thuwe how I’ll deal with my lithp, I’d like to leave the wetainew in to owdew food, but then whewe do I wemove it? Anyone have any thugethionth? Ath faw ath company coming over ow uth going out, the wetainew thtays in. Thatth why I bought it! Peath!
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: brackettooth on 21. February 2022, 19:29:11 PM
Hey lithpkith,
thanks for sharing your experience.

I have a few more questions.
How do you do that at work?
Do you wear your braces there too?
Do you have customer contact?
How do your colleagues react? Or your boss?
I think it's difficult or even embarrassing when the boss, colleagues or customers don't understand you or understand you poorly.

Your wife is now living out a sadistic fable, too. To enjoy your "emergency situation" with a big grin and not even try to help.

Going to your meal: What's the problem with ordering and then going to the toilette to take out your braces. Or maybe it's a special thrill for you to take them out "inconspicuously" at the table and put them in the case?
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 22. February 2022, 04:40:40 AM
Hello , thankth fow youw intewetht in my jouwney with my wetainew! I had not planned on weawing it to wowk, fow ethactly the communication pwoblemth you mentioned! I thee diffewent clientth, tho my lithp would be a big pwoblem! But I only have to weaw the twin block thithteen houwth a day, tho that ith no pwoblem at pwethent. Thewe awe thevewal optionth fow dining out,a) as you thuggetht, uthe the wethauwant wathwoom to wemove the wetainer, but they awe not alwayth the cleanetht. b) leave the weatainew in the caw, but then i loothe the enjoyment of uthing it to owdew mealth. Wemoving it at the table ith not, in my opinion, an option. Thatth jutht poow etiquette! As fow my wife, I believe thhe thinkth thhe’th helping me by not helping me, making me deal with my lithp. Aftew all, thhe won’t alwayth be with me. Thith mowning thhe thaid I looked wediculeth with my mouth alwayth open, I told hew thatth the motht comfowtable pothition fow my jaw. Thhe joked to be caweful thith thummew tho no wathpth fly into my mouth! I thaid maybe thhe could buy me a thcween to weaw in fwont of my lipth! We both laughed! But I wath looking for a name for my twin block, and now I wefew to it ath Venuth, ath in Venuth Fly Twap! My wife alwayth callth it “that thing”. Oh well...
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 16. March 2022, 04:46:49 AM
Gweetingth fwiendth! I’ve been weawing my twin block wetainer faithfully evewy day fow almotht a month now, my bawbew notithed wight away, athking if I’d been to the dentitht. I told him yeth, I have to weaw my wetainew daily, but thpeeth ith difficult. He thaid he’d quit talking, but I told him not to quit, I needed to get uthed to my thpeech impediment, we chatted ath we alwayth do. Only onth did he athk me to wepeat mythelf. Dwinking fwom a cup ow glath ith thtill difficult, uthually wethulting in a bit of embawwathing dwibble ath my lowew lip can’t quite get a good theal due to my lip bumpew. At the deli latht weekend the young woman wath cuwiothly watching my mouth, but didn’t thay anything about the hawdwawe in my mouth. Motht people look when they wealithe I’m lithping, theiw cuwwiothity ith obviouth. I’m geting uthed to weawing my weatainew, it now feelth thtwange when I’m not weawing it! Ithent it iwonic lithp ith thpelled with an eth? ...
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 16. March 2022, 20:23:13 PM
... I’ve twied eating with my wetainew, thoft food only of couwthe, Gweek yoghuwt wath mowe of a challenge than antithipated!! It’th almotht too thick, maketh a nithe meth in my mouth. Will have to wemove the wetainer, even fow thoft food. Oh, almotht fowgot, get lip balm, it weally helpth to keep lipth moitht- mine ith lightly tinted, pewhapth it dwath mowe attention to my mouth? I find even without the twin block wetainew I now have a habit of keeping my mouth thomewhat open(!!!)
 and it’th only been one month! It’th the motht comfowtable fow me now I gueth. Cheewth!
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Embracer on 17. March 2022, 16:29:57 PM
please post some pictures
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 18. March 2022, 02:02:31 AM
Hi! I wath wondewing how to potht pictureth, ath I’ve altho theen pothtth by othew membews wondewing the thame thing. Tuwnth out I can only potht a link to anothew webthite, but I’m not willing to do that! I wondew why thith fowum ith thet up like thith? Maybe they awe conthewend about pictuweth being wepothted to othew thiteth without pewmithion ow to fetith thiteth, ethpethially if fowum membews potht pictuwth of theiw entiwe fathe not jutht theiw mouth or bwatheth? Pwiwathy lawth maybe, ath we have membewth wowld wide? Anyone have any ideath? Jutht wondewing...
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Sparky on 19. March 2022, 21:50:01 PM
One of the simplest ways to share pictures is to get a free dropbox(*) account (link it to a disposable email account), then share the individual pics, or the folder.

(*you can probably do something similar with other cloud storage solutions, it's simply that I know about dropbox)
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Lithpkith on 20. March 2022, 20:42:30 PM
Thankth fow the tip! I will look into thith and then dethide what I will do! I wecently twied eating a banana with my wetainew, it wath thuwpwithingly mowe challenging than ekthpected! I had to bite off vewy thmall pieceth and thuck them in, keep in mind I have a tongue cwib that maketh eating and thpeaking mowe challenging. I don’t eat with my weatainew genewally thpeaking, but I like to ekthpewiment with thoft foodth. The tongue cwib ith gweat fow plugging up with food!! It’th been one month now weawing my twin block daily and I’m loving it! It definitely getth people’th attention, I thee them looking  twying to figuwe out what’th in my mouth! ...
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: brackettooth on 11. April 2022, 18:09:43 PM
Hey lithpkith,
how is it with your appliance?
You've certainly had a lot of new experiences and experienced situations that have pushed you to your limits or are at least worth telling. Please report. I look forward to hearing new things from you.
Title: Re: Twin block retainer
Post by: Milva on 04. July 2022, 11:03:23 AM
You great experience is pushing me to get a modified twin block for me too!

It really looks one of the most severe removable appliances!