
Author Topic: The Split  (Read 46841 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #60 on: 10. August 2023, 23:06:32 PM »
Episode 33.

Peter hugged the edge of the pool exhausted.  It had been a long time since he had done anything so strenuous.  Izzy had worn him out.  He turned so his back was to the edge of the pool.  She was still at it, swimming lap after lap.  Despite being tired, he was happy.  He turned once again and looked up at Sarah, who had a huge smile on her face.  Peter said "she IS part fish."

Sarah giggled and said "I told you. Now you know why I had to take a break."

Pulling himself out of the pool he went and plopped down on the seat beside Sarah.  Sarah said "by the way, you are so hot right now."  She leaned over and kissed him.  She straightened back up and then ran her index finger over his teeth.  She absently said "sooo hot...  I can't wait until Saturday.  There is something I need from you so badly."  They were interrupted by Dr. Higgins approaching them.

Dr. Higgins stopped and looked down at them and said "I hope my Izzy didn't work you too hard.  She is at home in the water."

Peter said "well, you didn't tell me she has gills.  Her long hair must hide them." 

Dr. Higgins laughed and said "why don't you take a closer look" gesturing behind him.  Izzy was out of the pool and walking in their direction.  Izzy stopped a few feet from the group and said "thank you!  That was so much fun.  Maybe next time we can race?"

Peter laughed and said "only if you let me use a speedboat.  Izzy, there is no way either Sarah or I, not in a million years, could beat you in a race."  With that he walked to her and gently lifted her hair up behind her right ear.  She shrank down and looked pleadingly at Dr. Higgins.  Dr. Higgins smiled at her and said "it is ok Izzy.  He isn't going to hurt you." 

Izzy asked Peter "what are you doing?" 

Peter said "I am looking for gills.  I know you must have a pair here somewhere." 

It took her a second to grasp what he meant.  She smiled broadly and swatted his hand and said "you are funny.  I like you.  But I don't have gills.  I just swim a lot."

Peter withdrew his hand and said "and you are excellent at it.  And both Sarah and I would love to join you again.  But just know we are not nearly as fluid in the water as you are.  And I need to thank YOU for letting us in YOUR pool."

With a quizzical look on her face, Izzy said "It's not my pool.  It is Dr. Higgins' pool."

Dr. Higgins said "But Izzy, it is your pool.  Or it will be one day."  She changed subjects and said "But now, it is time to get ready for dinner.  Izzy, you need to go get washed up and put your brace back on." 

Izzy pouted and asked "do I have to?"

Dr. Higgins replied "baby, I know you hate it.  But yes, you have to.  You need to.  You know this.  But remember, your next appointment is just over a month away.  And remember, last appointment they said you might could lose the neck ring at your next appointment.  But until then you need to wear it.  And Izzy, brace or no brace, you are the prettiest young lady in the world.  So, please, do it for me?"

Izzy forced a smile and said "I know.  I will.  It's just hard."

Dr. Higgins walked up and kissed her on the forehead and said "I know it is baby.  But you are doing so good.  And I am so proud of you.  Now hurry up, we are having lasagna.  I know that is one of your favorites."

As Izzy walked away Dr. Higgins visibly exhaled.  She said "every day it is a struggle.  More for me I think that her.  As much as she hates that brace, I think I hate it even more.  I hate making her have to wear it."  She went silent as she watched Izzy open the door and disappear inside.

Dr. Higgins then turned to Sarah and Peter and said "but thank you both so much, from the bottom of my heart, for being so sweet to her.  She has been so happy since you arrived Sarah.  Maybe the happiest I have ever seen her.  And Peter, you have been wonderful too.  I know you have two boys.  No daughters?"

Peter replied "no, just the two boys." 

Dr. Higgins responded "well, if you do ever have any daughters, I can tell you that you are a natural.  Again, thank you for your kindness."

She gestured towards his stack of clothes and shoes and said "why don't you let me escort you both to Sarah's suite so you two can freshen up and change for dinner."

Peter cocked his head and asked "but, I am not allowed in there?"

Dr. Higgins said "no, you are not allowed in there.  Or you aren't supposed to be.  But I can make things happen around here.  And I made sure that Amelia won't be in the suite.  I surprised her earlier by scheduling her cast removal for this afternoon.  She should be getting her casts off right around now.  And she will have physical therapy afterwards."  She looked at her watch and said "so she won't be back to your suite until after dinner.  Why don't you grab those clothes pronto and follow me?"

Unlocking the door to Sarah's suite, Dr. Higgins gestured for the two to enter.  She stepped in behind them and closed the door.  She looked at them and said "again, thank you so much for being so incredible to Izzy.  Now, I will leave you two alone."  She looked at her watch and said "you have twenty-five minutes until dinner starts, but if you are a few minutes late no one will notice.  Just keep it down, don't let me find out one of your neighbors called Lakyn with a noise complaint.  And no, this won't be an every-day occurrence.  Heck, it might not happen again while you are here.  But it is my way of saying thank you.  I made sure none of the nurses or staff will be by until after dinner either.  And oh, I left a little care package for you both on your nightstand."  She winked at the two of them, then turned and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #61 on: 11. August 2023, 03:10:17 AM »
I'm glad to see a couple new chapters. Thanks so much!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #62 on: 11. August 2023, 06:04:07 AM »
Thank you.

I wonder what Dr. Higgins meant when she told Izzy it WAS her pool? Or would be some day.

This story is probably much too complex for me to tell, but I will try.  And it really isn’t even about braces.  But there will be much more of that too.

I do see shore.  But only on radar, many miles away.  Maybe I make it through the pass and get this think docked eventually.  But it will take a while.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #63 on: 20. August 2023, 21:11:20 PM »
Episode 34.

As Sarah and Peter entered the dining room at 6:15, Peter noticed that most everyone was already seated eating dinner.  There were only a handful of people in line still waiting to serve themselves.  As they walked up to get in line, Peter discreetly scanned the room to see if anyone had noticed their late arrival.  He saw only one person that seemed to have noticed, Izzy.  She was staring at them intently.

As Peter and Sarah approached the table with their trays, Izzy exclaimed “You’re late.  You aren’t supposed to be late for dinner.  But I saved you seats.”

As Peter pulled back Sarah’s chair he responded “thank you Izzy.  That was nice of you.  And thoughtful.  It is my fault.  I had to shower and change.  And I am slow to get ready.  I lost track of time.  Again, my fault.”

As he sat down, he noticed Izzy was still staring at him.  She had her head cocked to the side questioningly.  Or cocked as much as her brace would allow.  Peter sensed she didn’t buy his story, so he continued “plus, you wore me out Izzy.  I am moving a little slow.  I am going to be so sore tomorrow.”

Sarah chimed in and added “me too Izzy.  That was quite the workout we just had.”  When she finished she smiled at Peter. 

Peter knew that Sarah was not just referring to their time in the pool.  He tried to steer the conversation further away asking “Izzy, how is the lasagna?  It looks delicious.”

This broke Izzy’s gaze.  She cut her eyes down at her plate and then back up as she said “it is really good!  I love lasagna!”

Peter replied “you know who else loves lasagna?  Garfield.”

Izzy looked back at him silently.  He added “but you may be too young to remember Garfield the Cat.  He was a thing when I was a kid.”

Izzy sat silently.  She then softly said “I loved Garfield.  My parents took me to see the movie when I was a little girl.”  Peter noticed her lip start quivering before she softly started crying.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #64 on: 20. August 2023, 23:46:34 PM »
Episode 35.

Peter felt mortified by what he had done.  He apologetically said “oh Izzy, I am so sorry.  I…”. He stopped speaking when he felt the hand on his arm and Sarah saying “Peter.”  Turning his head towards Sarah, he read the look on his wife’s face and knew he needed to be quiet.

As Sarah stood up she looked at Izzy and said “Izzy, let’s go for a walk.  Would that be ok?”  Izzy did not respond.  Sarah went around the table and wrapped her arms around Izzy.  She whispered “come on, let’s get a little air.  If you need to cry, you can cry on me.”  Izzy stood and Sarah put one arm around her waist.  As she began to guide Izzy towards the door, Peter caught movement out of the corner of his eye.  He turned to see Dr. Higgins marching in his direction.

Instead of chasing after Sarah and Izzy, she stopped across the table from him.  She sternly asked “what happened?  Why is Izzy crying?”

Peter replied “I’m sorry.  I mentioned how Garfield the Cat loves lasagna.  And it dredged up a memory for Izzy.  Of her parents taking her to see a movie.  The Garfield movie.  I am so sorry.”

The look on Dr. Higgins face softened.  She responded “ok, you didn’t do anything wrong.  How could you know?  Let me go check on her.”

As he watched her hurry off towards Izzy and Sarah he mentally kicked himself.  He also began racking his brain as to how to try to make it up.

He continually checked his watch while the three were gone, wavering between staying put and going to check on them.  He had almost convinced himself to go check on them when the trio appeared in the doorway.  As the three approached the table Peter stood.  As Izzy got back to her chair he said “izzy, I am so sorry.”  He noticed Sarah, standing slightly behind Izzy, put her hand up, discreetly telling him to stop.

Izzy sat down stiffly, followed by Sarah and Dr. Higgins on either side of her.  After a moment Izzy replied “it is ok.  I just… I miss them sometimes.”

Dr. Higgins wrapped her in a hug and said “I know you do baby.  I am so sorry.”

Peter sat there trying to figure out what to say.  Or whether to say anything.  Dr. Higgins released Izzy.  It was Izzy who spoke first, saying “I am sorry Dr. Higgins.  I know I need to work on not crying.”  Dr. Higgins patted her hand and said “it is ok Izzy.  I know it is hard.”

Izzy surprised Peter when she looked at him and then Sarah and said “I am sorry.  Don’t let me ruin your dinner.  You need to eat.  So you have energy to go swimming tomorrow.”  She smiled at the two of them as they felt the tension leave the air.

Sensing that Izzy was ok, Dr. Higgins echoed Izzy saying “Izzy is right.  Eat up.  I will leave you three in peace.” 

They had resumed eating when Sarah stopped and put her fork down.  Peter could see Sarah opening and closing her mouth slightly.  He asked her “what is it baby?  What’s wrong?”

She said “I have a hunk of food shtuck in my top exspander.  I think it ish all the cheese.  I can’t get it with my tongue.  Let me excuse myself to the restroom.”

As she stood Peter asked “do you want me to come with you?”

Sarah said “no, I got it.”

As she pushed her chair in Izzy asked “can I come with you?  Maybe I can help?”

Sarah replied “no Izzy, I can get it.”  Noticing the disappointed look on Izzy’s face, Sarah said “no, you know what, I might could use a second set of eyes and hands.  Would you come with me Izzy?”

Izzy hopped up from her seat excitedly.  She said “Yes!  I would love to.  I never got to have braces.  I have always thought they were kind of cool.  Is that weird?”

Sarah smiled at Peter as she replied “no, it isn’t THAT weird.  And they are kind of cool.  And also a major pain.  Come on and let’sh get thish food out of them and I will tell you all about them”.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #65 on: 20. August 2023, 23:48:24 PM »
I will go ahead and apologize in advance for typos and such.  Traffic in Texas has been brutal today.

Offline Some Dude

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Re: The Split
« Reply #66 on: 21. August 2023, 00:14:09 AM »
I will go ahead and apologize in advance for typos and such.  Traffic in Texas has been brutal today.
Not to mention the 100F+ degree temperatures.  My outside thermometer says 109F. 

Someone, please send us some rain.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #67 on: 21. August 2023, 06:27:58 AM »
I love to complain about the weather, or the seas, or the temperature.  I like to complain about it as a brag; I fought nature and won.

But it is hot here.

113 degrees in Fort Worth… while typing a story…while driving west on I-20. 

Do not text and drive.

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #68 on: 21. August 2023, 06:44:48 AM »
I'm not going to complain about a thing since I have this great story to read!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #69 on: 21. August 2023, 07:03:50 AM »
Thank you.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #70 on: 21. August 2023, 08:25:58 AM »
I hope everyone enjoys this story.  These last two chapters made me very sad though.  Sad for Izzy.  Very sad, even though I know they are just made up…. But I don’t have a good imagination.   But in this story I know I can make things right.

Maybe that is why I took so long to type them out.  But maybe I can get back in the groove and start typing more now.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #71 on: 21. August 2023, 11:25:14 AM »
Episode 36.

Peter picked at his food while Sarah and Izzy were gone.  He was hungry.  And the lasagna was delicious.  But his thoughts were on Izzy and Sarah.  For Sarah, specifically how her expanders were causing her more issues.  And about Izzy.  About how he had upset her.  And even more than that, her plight in life.   He was lost in introspection before he even saw them.  But he couldn’t ignore Izzy’s excited squeal.  He snapped out of his thoughts as the two approached the table.  He overheard Izzy say “it’s so cool.  But it is so big.  It is so much metal.”

As Sarah approached the table she made eye contact with Peter.  Here eyes were wide.  Peter knew Sarah.  He could read her body language.  He saw the look on his wife’s face and recognized it  She was pleading for help.  For someone to step in and offer some relief.

As they stopped at the table, Peter asked “so, did you two get the problem solved?  This lasagna is delicious.  But is sure is rude isn’t it Izzy?”  It took Izzy a second to process what Peter said.

Izzy replied “it isn’t rude.  But it is sticky.  Or the cheese is.  It was stuck in Sarah’s expander.”  As Izzy sat back down she asked “do you know about all the stuff in Sarah’s mouth?  It is so big.  And so cool.”

Peter couldn’t help but laugh and then answered “I know Izzy, it so big.  It is so much.  But my Sarah is such a trooper.”  He then told a white lie and said “but she doesn’t complain about it one bit.  Because she wants to fix her bite.  She knows she has to put up with some short term inconvenience for some long term improvement.  It is a lot.  But she handles it so well.  And I know a lot about it.  Before she came here, I turned her expanders for her.  Every day.  They are big.”  Sarah had now seated herself.  Peter reached over and took her hand.  He was talking to Izzy but looking into Sarah’s eyes when he added “I hate having to turn them.  But I am so lucky that I am the man that gets to turn them.”  Sarah wilted into her seat.

Izzy had not noticed this when she excitedly asked “so, who turns them now?  You aren’t here that much Peter.  How do you turn them if you aren’t here?”

Sarah replied “I have been turning them.  Clumsily as I can.  Maybe after dinner we could turn them together? I hate having to turn them myself.  It is so hard.  Maybe you could help me Izzy?”

Izzy’s face lit up.  She excitedly asked “really?  Could I?  That would he so awesome.  Your braces are so cool.  I wish I could get braces”. 

It was now Sarah who laughed.  She patted Izzy’s hand as she said “you are adorable Izzy.  You have a beautiful smile.  And be careful what you wish for.  Braces are no joke. Or at least expanders aren’t.  I know that all too well.  And don’t get me started on headgear.”

Izzy squealed “headgear?  You have to wear headgear too?  Wow!  But that is cool too!”

Peter interjected and said “Sarah isn’t the only one who has to wear headgear Izzy.  I have to wear it too.  But mine isn’t as cool as Sarah’s.  But I am not nearly as pretty as Sarah to start with.”  Sarah sank even deeper into herself.

Izzy looked over at him and asked “really?  You two both have headgear?  Together?  How awesome is that?  You two are so lucky.”

It was at this moment that Peter had an idea for what he could do to make it up to Izzy for upsetting her earlier.  And maybe to make up for something many teens take for granted, but that Izzy had missed out on growing up in foster care.   He just needed to run it by Dr. Higgins first.

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Re: The Split
« Reply #72 on: 21. August 2023, 17:03:07 PM »
I hope everyone enjoys this story.  These last two chapters made me very sad though.  Sad for Izzy.  Very sad, even though I know they are just made up…. But I don’t have a good imagination.   But in this story I know I can make things right.

Maybe that is why I took so long to type them out.  But maybe I can get back in the groove and start typing more now.

I have a very sad chapter in a story I am writing and it was very difficult, but well worth writingt. Exploring a dark time a character's life gives the reader insight into their personality and as writers, we can make things better for them in the end.

Keep up the excellent work. This is a great story!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #73 on: 25. August 2023, 19:59:56 PM »
Episode 37.

Tuesday morning Sarah woke earlier than normal.  Peter was picking her up at 6:30 for her orthodontic appointment.  She had finished showering and dressing, and was just starting to work on her makeup, when she heard a soft knock on her door.  She looked at the clock and saw it was 5:50.  As she made the short walk to the door she wondered who it was, Amelia was not usually stirring this early.

Opening the door, she found nurse Julia standing there.  But what caused the momentary shocked look that passed over her face was what Julia was wearing.  Emerging from her mouth was a bright shiny facebow connected to a mass of blue straps encircling her head.  Sarah hoped that Julia had not noticed the shock she had felt.

Julia said “goo morning.  Ish a lot I know.  But I jush wanted to check on you, make sure you were awake.  And I hate to intrude.  But I wash hoping I could ash you a few questionsh.  And ash a favor.”

As she had been speaking, Sarah had noticed that in addition to the very obvious headgear, Julia was wearing metal brackets on her upper and lower teeth.  She also noticed something else in her mouth. Hanging down behind her front teeth was something that looked like a little fence.

Sarah smiled at Julia and said “Yay!  You got them!  Please, come in!  Let’s chat.  But first, how are you feeling?”

Stepping into the room Julia said “thash what I wanted to talk to you about.  I knew I wash getting the bracshes and headgear.  But Dr. Parker shurprised me with thish tongue crib.”  Julia opened her mouth and tilted her head back.  Sarah could see the massive appliance hanging down in Julia’s mouth.  And she understood why she was having so much trouble speaking.  Julia continued “thish thing ish driving me nutsh.  I know you have expandersh, and they don’t seem to caush you any issuesh.  Pleash tell me a trick to deal with thish thing.”

Sarah said “wow, that is an impressive piece of equipment.  Unfortunately, there are no tricks.  You just have to hope your mouth gets used to everything.  It is certainly a process.  The last thing you want to do I know is talk. I remember the feeling all too well.  But that is exactly what you need to do.  I remember how much the first few days sucked after I got my expanders installed.  But it will get better.  I promise.  Oh, and wax.  Lots of wax.”

Julia awkwardly tried to smile.  She said “thah you.”  She stood there in awkward silence for a moment before saying “and, um, I do have another question.  It may nah be appropriate.  But, how did you handle all thish with your hushband?  I mean, ish Peter ok with it?  My boyfriend wash sho cold lasht night.  I tried to kish him and he seemed so aloof.  He just stared at me, at thish headgear.  I am questioning if I made a mistake.”

Sarah hugged Julia.  Releasing her she said “I am so sorry.  My Peter is just the best.  He has been nothing but supportive.  Heck, he got braces for me. So we could do this together.  If anything, this has brought us closer together.  What is your boyfriend’s name?  How long have you two been together?”

Julia replied “hish name ish Nathan.  We have been dating for around 8 months.”

Sarah replied “he is probably just trying not to hurt you.  It is different kissing with braces.  But, and it might not be my place to say this, if he has a problem because you got braces he might not be the one.”

Julia pursed her lips around her facebow.  She responded “I hope it ish the firsht one.  But I am afraid it ish the latter.  Speaking of getting looks, everyone I have spoken to or passed by thish morning hash broken their necksh gawking at me.  At this” as she gestured to her headgear.  “I feel like so self conscious.  And I feel SO bad I had to make you wear your’s all day lasht week.  I am shorry.”

Sarah smiled and said “you don’t need to apologize.  You were just doing your job.  It does get better.  That first day was rough.  But, most people here seem to have gotten fairly used to seeing me in mine occasionally.  You will get a lot of questions today.  But you will live.”  Giving Julia a big smile she said “I am proof of that. And speaking of headgear…”

Sarah stepped into the bathroom.  She emerged quickly wearing her facemask.

Sarah said “see, we are in this together.  So, did Lakyn have her appointment yesterday too?  I remember you said you two were doing it together.  How is she doing?”

Julia replied “you mush have read my mind.  That wash the favor I mentioned.  She did get her expandersh.  And they went ahead and fit her for a fashmashk like yoursh, jusht without the strap.  She wash hurtin pretty bad and very miserable lasht night.  I wash hoping you could talk to her later when she comesh in.  I think she ish havung second thoughtsh about thish whole thing too.”

Sarah responded “absolutely.  And I am sorry you two are hurting.  But I am glad to have someone else join me.  And remember, adult braces are cool now days.  Hey, do one thing for me please?  Give me a big smile.”

Julia said “well, I haven’t really figured out how to with all this.  But I will try.”  She gave Sarah a big smile.

Sarah said “you look good with braces.  Some people really pull them off.  You are one of those.”

Julia snickered and said “yeah, right.”

Sarah grabbed her hand and said “no, really.  You do.  And it will get easier.  I promise.  And I will talk with Lakyn when she comes in.  And if you ever want to talk about anything, at anytime, I am here.”

It was now Julia who hugged Sarah.  She stepped back and said “thank you.  I better get going.  My shift officially starts at six.  I am sure I will be the star attraction, the nurse with headgear.  I will stop back by and take you up front when your husband arrives.  Well, unlesh I die of embarrashment or shame before then.”

Winking at Julia, Sarah told her “seriously, you are a total babe.  And those braces are cute on you.  You will have guys beating down your door. Maybe a few girls too.  Just you wait and see.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #74 on: 26. August 2023, 06:26:57 AM »
Episode 38.

Sarah finished getting ready, grabbed her purse, and went into the living room.  She sat down and turned the TV on.  She was splitting her attention between the TV morning news program and the clock, waiting for Peter’s arrival.  At 6:15 the door to Amelia’s bedroom opened.  Amelia entered the room and smiled at Sarah.  She said “morning roomie!  You are up and ready early.”

Sarah smiled at her and said “I have an orthodontist appointment this morning.”

As she walked over towards Sarah she responded “that’s right, you told me about that.”  Sitting down she asked “have you taken ibuprofen or Tylenol?  I ALWAYS took Advil before my appointments.  I was always sore afterwards.”

Looking at Amelia, Sarah said “you had braces?  When did you have them?  How long?  And no, I haven’t taken anything.”

Amelia replied “well, let me get you some.  I will be right back.”

Returning with a bottle of Advil, Amelia handed them to Sarah and said “it is so nice to have my arms back.  You don’t even know.  Although, and this sounds weird, I had kind of gotten used to them.  Hang on, let me get you some water.”

Returning with a glass of water, Amelia handed it to Sarah and sat down beside her.  As Sarah washed down a couple of Advil, Amelia said “I had braces in 9th and 10th grade.  Regular old metal braces.  They extracted some teeth.  And I had to wear a sucky cervical headgear at night.  I was so glad to get them off.”  She changed gears and asked “what’s it like having them as an adult?  At my last retainer and night guard appointment last year, he recommended I get them again.  Something about shifting; something about my bite.  I ran out of there as quick as I could.”

Sarah looked at Amelia and asked “you had headgear?  You know Julia got braces yesterday.  She got headgear too.  Maybe you could offer her some tips.  Or at least some empathy.  She actually stopped by about 30 minutes ago.  She was feeling pretty self conscious about the whole thing.  And as far as what it is like having braces as an adult?  Ask me later after my appointment.  But really, the braces aren’t too bad.  It is all this other stuff” as she gestured up to the facemask.  She continued “the headgear strap I have to wear with this at night makes it even worse. And the expanders are an experience.  The whole idea it is screwed into my mouth kind of freaks me out.  But, I guess I am glad I did it.  No, I am glad I am doing it.”

At that time there was a knock on the door.  The door opened and Julia entered the room.  She looked at the two and said “Peter ish here.  And good morning Amelia.  How are you?”

As Sarah stood Amelia looked at Julia and said “good morning to you.  I am good.  I am so much better now that I have my arms back and I don’t have to burden you with unhooking me from bed every morning.  You don’t even know how humiliating that was.  But enough about that.  How are you?”

Julia replied “well, I have shome thingsh going on.  Obvioushly.  Are you not even going to acknowledge thish cage I have strapped to my facsh?  And the fact I can’t shpeak?”

Amelia smiled at her and said “so you got braces.  And headgear. Lots of people people have, you certainly aren’t the first.”  Thinking of what Sarah had said she added “I had headgear.  So I totally get it.  If you want to stop by and talk about it after you get Sarah put on the school bus, I will be glad to talk about it.”

Raising her eyebrows Julia asked “really?”

Amelia responded “really.  Stop back by.” 

Julia replied “thank you Amelia.  That ish schweet.  I may take you up on that.”  Turning to Sarah who was standing beside her with her purse slung over her shoulder Julia asked “ready?  Got everything you need?” 

Sarah patted her bag and said “I think so.  I have my strap and extra elastics in my purse.  Along with my little travel hygiene kit.  I think I am ready.”

Walking side by side down the hall Julia said “that wash really schweet of Amelia.  I hope all the guests here are as understanding as you two have been.”

Sarah said “well, Amelia is a sweet girl.  Actually, she has been a completely different person since she got her casts off.  Just so much more bubbly and outgoing.  But who can blame her.  I can’t even imagine having to live with two huge arms casts like she did.”

Rounding the corner, the two saw Peter standing outside the main entrance looking down at his phone.  He looked up at the sound of the doors being unlocked.  Julia held a door open for Sarah.  As she stepped outside Peter went up and hugged her, saying “good morning babe.  You look ravishing as always.”  The facemask she was wearing didn’t even register in his mind he was so used to seeing her wearing it.  He kissed her on the cheek and asked “ready?”

Peter glanced at Julia as she stepped through the door.  He then did a double take.  While he was used to seeing his Sarah wearing her facemask, the fact Julia was wearing headgear herself surprised him  He quickly composed himself and stuck his hand out.  He said “hello!  You must be Julia.  It is nice to meet you!  And to put a voice with a face.  And thank you for taking such good care of Sarah.  She has spoken glowingly about you.  And I remember she did mention you were getting braces.  Congratulations!”

Julia shook Peter’s hand and said “nicsh to meet you.  I apologize for my garbled speech” as her cheeks reddened slightly.

Peter gave her a big smile, showing a hint of his bottom braces as well as the molar bands on his upper teeth and said “what garbled speech?  Hang on!”

We hurried around the SUV to the driver’s side and opened the door.  Sarah and Julia could not see what he was doing.  He closed the door and came back into view.  He was wearing his cervical headgear.

Smiling broadly as he walked up to the two he said “headgear is all the rage now days isn’t it Sarah?”

Smiling at her husband she replied “oh, it absolutely is.  And doesn’t Julia just look incredible in hers?  And aren’t her braces just so cute?”

Peter said “oh yes.  If I wasn’t the most happily married man in the world… well, I just don’t know what I would do.”

Julia couldn’t help but smile.  She said “you two are laying it on thick. And I know you aren’t serioush. But thank you.”  She went silent for a moment thinking.  She stepped over and hugged Sarah.  Releasing Sarah, she hesitated.  Peter wrapped her in a light hug.  He said “it’s going to be just fine Julia.”

Julia stepped back smiling.  She said “thank you.  Thank you both.  Now you two go, but be safe.  And if you are running late; past 10 am; jusht call and let ush know.”  She turned and headed towards the door.  As she opened it Sarah called out “you are going to do great today.”  Julia turned and smiled at them and gave a little wave, then disappeared inside locking the door behind her.

Peter walked over to the SUV and opened the passenger door for Sarah, saying “your chariot awaits my lady.”  After she got settled into the seat he closed the door.  As he walked around the vehicle she quickly removed her elastics and facemask.  Peter got into the drivers seat, buckled his seat belt, and cranked the vehicle.  Sarah cocked her head and asked “you aren’t going to take off your headgear?”

He looked at her and said “why?  The only person who’s opinion I really care about is sitting here beside me.  And I don’t think she minds too much.  Does she?” as he winked at her.  He leaned over and puckered his lips.  Even if she had wanted to, Sarah was powerless to stop herself.  She planted her mouth on Peter’s.  After a long, passionate kiss Sarah lean backed flush.

She looked Peter in the eyes.  Smiling she said “I think I can get used to it.  And I guess since I shouldn’t be kissing you while you drive, I should put mine back on too.”  After putting her facemask on, Peter patted Sarah on the thigh and said “good girl.  I don’t have a braces fetish like some people.”  Sarah cut him a look.  He continued “but I sure have a Sarah fetish.  I could sit here and make out with my cute little braceface all day.  But we need to get going or we are going to be late.  And I don’t think you want that.  Because I might have a little surprise for you that I think you might just like.”