
Author Topic: The Split  (Read 48552 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #165 on: 17. November 2023, 01:15:29 AM »
Episode 83.

Sarah had to search for Dr. Higgins Thursday afternoon. She finally found her in the library, talking with one of Vista Views new guests.  Upon seeing Sarah, Dr. Higgins motioned her over.  As she got to within easy earshot Dr. Higgins said “Sarah, what opportune timing.  I was just chatting with Ashley here.  She is new here, feeling a little homesick, missing her husband and two little girls.  You know a little something about that don’t you?  Maybe you could talk with Ashley?”  Sarah noticed that Dr. Higgins was not wearing her appliance.

Sarah stuck her hand out and said “so nice to meet you Ashley.  And yes, I know all about it.  Before I was an employee, I was a guest.  For over a month.  And I too have a husband and two kiddos, boys instead of girls.  So I understand completely.  And I would love to chat.  Maybe we could do lunch tomorrow?  I would talk now, but I have an appointment I have to get to. That is why I came and found Dr. Higgins, to remind her that I will be gone the rest of the day.”  As she was talking, she noticed that Ashley was hyper-focused on her mouth.

Before Ashley could respond Dr. Higgins exclaimed “that’s right!  You are getting your brace and cast off today.  Izzy is so excited for you!”

Sarah said “I hope that is the case.”  Turning her attention back to the new guest, Sarah said “Ashley, it was so nice to meet you.  And lunch tomorrow?  I can answer any questions you have.  Tell you about my experience here.  And explain all this crazy metal I have in my mouth.”

Ashley shifted her eyes from Sarah’s mouth to her eyes, a look of embarrassment on her face, and replied “it is nice to meet you.  And yes on lunch.”  She then added “and I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.  I guess I wasn’t too subtle.  It’s just unusual is all, I never seen anything like it. It kinda reminds me of the headgear I had to wear in high school.  But different.”  She smiled at Sarah and Sarah noticed right away that while she might have had braces when she was a teen, her teeth had shifted.  They were crowded, with one canine being especially obvious.

Sarah smiled back, giving Ashley a good look at her metal brackets, tandem bow, and the elastics that ran from it to the hooks in her mouth.  She said “yay!  That will be fun.  Now, I have to make like a tree.”

As she turned to walk out Dr. Higgins said “text me!  Let me know how it went.”

At her appointment, Sarah waited for the verdict on her back.  She had already gotten one bit of good news.  They had removed the cast from her wrist and replaced it with a removable wrist brace.  She was supposed to wear it for the next two weeks, but could remove it for showering.  She looked up as the doctor and nurse reentered the room.  The doctor smiled and said “great news Mrs. Jackson!  The fracture in your back looks all healed.  We can get you out of that clamshell brace!  We will schedule physical therapy, two sessions a week, for the next month.  I want you to come in person for the first two.  After that, we can do them remotely.  Now, I do have something else I want to bring up.  Have you ever been diagnosed with scoliosis?  I notice you have a little curvature in your spine showing up on the x-rays.  I went and looked at your initial x-rays from the accident and it looks a little more severe now than it was then.  Have you ever been diagnosed with scoliosis?  Maybe had to wear a brace when you were younger?”

Sarah shook her head and said “no, none of that.”  Concerned she asked “is it bad?”

The doctor said “no, it’s not severe.  We just want to keep an eye on it.  I do want you to come back in a month as a follow up.  Don’t worry about any of this though, it is fairly common.  Just part of aging.  It isn’t a problem.  We just don’t want it to become a problem.  And while it may seem counterintuitive, it may just look a little worse now than normal because of your clamshell brace and your muscles weakening.  Exercise will help the most for now.  But don’t worry, we will get everything straightened out.”

That evening after dinner and getting the boys put to bed, Peter walked up and hugged Sarah around her waist.  He said “it is so good to hold you baby and not your back brace.  I am so happy for you.”  He puckered his lips around his facebow and gave Sarah a kiss since she had removed her tandem bow for dinner and hadn’t yet put her facemask on for bed.

Sarah looked at him and said “thank you babes.  I am happy.”  She then gave him a sly smile and added “and now with my new found flexibility, I think you are going to be happy too.  You have been such a good boy about wearing your headgear, you have earned a treat. And they told me I need to exercise.  We are about to give each other a workout I hope.”

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #166 on: 17. November 2023, 02:49:43 AM »
Glad to see you back at this story. Things just keep getting more interesting as the story moves along. You' re an excellent writer, always leaving us with many possibilities to think about at the end of each chapter. Something like a Milwaukee brace might help keep Kim at bay???

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #167 on: 17. November 2023, 17:35:35 PM »
Thank you.  I don't know if Sarah deserves to have to wear a facemask and a Milwaukee brace.  Is life really that cruel?

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #168 on: 17. November 2023, 20:58:42 PM »
Episode 84.

Sarah found Dr. Higgins waiting for her inside the employee entrance on Monday morning.  Dr. Higgins physically grabbed her by the arm and said "hurry up, you're going to miss it."  Sarah noticed that Dr. Higgins was not wearing her appliance.  In fact over the past week she didn't remember seeing her wearing it one time.

Sarah asked "what are we going to miss?"

Dr. Higgins asked "did you already forget my text from Friday?  Meredith Simmons and Dr. Parker are going to be on the morning show.  Discussing airway orthodontics, braces, expanders and Meredith Simmons' treatment.  We have to watch!"

As Sarah hurried along behind Dr. Higgins she apologized "I did forget.  I am sorry."  In truth, Sarah was not that interested in watching it.  She in fact was living exactly what they were going to be discussing.  But Dr. Higgins seemed excited so she humored her.

As Sarah entered Dr. Higgins den, she saw the TV was already tuned into the local morning show.  They were talking about a new greenway project the city was working on.  After an interview, the feed cut back to the host, Cindy McCollum.  She gave the camera a big smile and said "and welcome back!  Now, we have a couple of very special guests.  We have our own Meredith Simmons and her orthodontist Dr. Parker here with us to discuss and explain Meredith's ongoing orthodontic treatment.  There was such a response from viewers, so many questions, that they have been gracious enough to visit with us.  Thank you Meredith for being with us and talking about what must be a very personal journey."

The camera zoomed out and showed Meredith Simmons sitting beside Dr. Parker.  Dr. Higgins exclaimed "oh my gosh!  Dr. Parker is wearing her facemask on television.  I mean I know she said she wears it all the time.  But on TV?  I can't imagine."

Meredith turned her head towards Cindy so that the right side of her face was showing and smiled, displaying the silver hook on that side of her mouth.  She said "Cindy, it ish my pleasure to be here".  Turning back towards the camera she continued "so many of you had questions about what is going on in my mouth, I thought I could address it here.  And maybe help someone else who also suffers from TMJ and sleep apnea like me."

For the next three minutes, Meredith explained her issues, popping and pain in her jaw joints, headache, and general fatigue.  She explained she had learned to live with it.  But it was two years ago, when she was prescribed a CPAP for sleep apnea, that she started looking for alternatives.  Which led her to Dr. Parker.  She then turned it over to Dr. Parker.

Dr. Parker turned and smiled at Cindy and said "thank you for having me.  This is an issue that is very dear to my heart.  While I love all orthodontics, airway orthodontics is my passion.  In fact, sleep apnea is an epidemic in this country.  And it is something that I too suffer from.  As you can easily tell, I too am undergoing treatment myself."  She reached up and tapped her facemask.

Sarah said "hey, look, she is wearing hot pink elastics.  They match her facemask and her nails.  How cute."

The host of the show Cindy replied "yes, that mask you have on your face is hard to miss.  What does it do, and do all patients have to wear one of those?"

Dr. Parker answered "not all orthodontic cases require the use of a protraction device such as this.  And there are a few different appliances we use.  But almost all airway cases do require some type of protraction.   With expanders we widen the airway.  And with protraction devices such as this, we can also pull the maxilla forward some, opening up the airway even more.  It is a process for sure.  But the benefits, a lifetime of better health, far out way the costs."

Cindy asked "so, could you tell us about these expanders?  My son has one now.  Are the expanders used for adults the same as for children?"

Dr. Parker picked up a model and explained "they are similar in that they achieve the same goal.  But adults are literally hardheaded.  Once a patient has matured and their sutures have fused, we have to use a different approach.  Ten years ago the only option would have been surgery.  But now, with the development of the MARPE appliance; that stands for Mini-Screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander; we can accomplish this without surgery.  So, what your son has is an RPE.  Because he is younger the screws aren't necessary.  But in older patients, starting in the mid-teens depending on development, we have to use a mini-screw assisted expander."

As Dr. Parker held up an example of a MARPE with one hand and a mini-screw in the other, the camera zoomed in on it, Cindy asked "wow, so you and Meredith each have expanders literally screwed into your mouth?   Does that not hurt?"

Dr. Parker answered "there will usually be some discomfort the first few days for sure.  Installation is actually painless, we make sure and number the patient.  But there can be some discomfort in the first few days afterwards.  There is afterall a foreign object now implanted in the body.  And turning the expander certainly creates pressure.  And speaking and eating are an adjustment.  But most patients adaprt very well over the first week.  Why don't we let a patient discuss it?"

Meredith smiled and said "certainly.  The first week ish and adjustment.  A big adjustment.  I did feel pain for the first three days, but I was able to manage it with a combination of Tylenol and Advil.  And eating was a challenge.  It still is.  But that is pretty common with all orthodontic treatment I believe.  The biggest issue for me, because of my job, was speaking.  I had a severe lishp the first week.  And some words, such as lishp, I still have problems with.  That is why I took a little vacation, not so much to relax but to practice speaking.  But I think for the most part, I have gotten the hang of it."

Cindy said "you sound great Meredith.  In fact, I would never even know you had an appliance in the top of your mouth if it weren't for those hooks I see.  What are they for?"

Meredith picked up the Petit facemask and two elastics off the coffee table in front of her and responded "they are to hook my facemask to.  This is my facemask."  She held it up for the camera to see.  She continued "I am supposed to wear this 14 hours a day."  Without a mirror, she attached the elastics to the hooks in her mouth, placed the mask on her face, and then attached the elastics to her mask.  Wearing her blue Petit facemask she smiled and said "so, it isn't the most fashionable piece of evening wear I own. Or the most comfortable, and that is saying something considering the corsets I own and wear daily.  But it might be the most important for my health.  When I am wearing it, I can feel it working."

Cindy asked "does it hurt?"

Meredith said "I wouldn't say it hurts.  It is just uncomfortable after a while.  My chin was really sore in the mornings the first few days.  But I am getting more and more used to it.  Now my pride, it does hurt it a little bit.  But again, I know it is worth it."

Cindy asked "so, what does turning the expander entail?"

Dr. Parker again picked up the model expander and the wrench. She held the expander so the camera could zoom in and put the wrench on the screw.  She explained "it is fairly straightforward.  You simply place the wrench we provide on the screw, and make a turn, like this.  For most patients, I prescribe two turns a day until the suture splits and then one a day afterwards. Meredith's suture as not split yet, so she is making two turns a day."  Dr. Parker looked over at Meredith and raised her eyebrows.  Dr. Parker asked "Meredith, would you care to demonstrate for the audience?  Would you be up for turning your expander?"

Meredith laughed and said "why not.  Since we are being so personal and all."

Meredith removed her facemask and placed it on the table.  Dr. Parker moved in beside her holding the wrench and pulled it through a disinfecting wipe.  Meredith leaned her head back and opened wide, the camera zooming in on her mouth.  Dr. Parker expertly inserted the wrench into her mouth, seating it on the screw, and gave it one turn.  As she finished the turn Meredith squeezed her eyes shut, her face taking on an uncomfortable expression for a split second.   Dr. Parker repositioned the wrench and made a second turn.  Meredith face scrunched up even more.  Once done, Dr. Parker quickly removed the wrench and said "and that is all there is to it.  It's not too bad is it Meredith?"

Meredith breathed deeply and said "no, it isn't too bad.  There is a lot of pressure, but it quickly subsides.  It doesn't hurt, it is just a completely foreign feeling.  But I swear I can feel my airway is even more open after just those additional turns."  She did not pick her facemask back up and she settled back into her seat.

Cindy said "so Dr. Parker, would you recommend this for anyone who suffers from TMJ or sleep apnea?"

Dr. Parker answered "I would recommend anyone that is suffering from TMJ or sleep apnea to consult with an orthodontic professional who is versed in airway orthodontics.  Not every patient is a candidate for this.  But most are.  Orthodontics is definitely evolving.  Airway is king now.  It's not just about straightening teeth."

Cindy asked "so, you can really get people off their CPAP machines?"

Dr. Parker replied "absolutely.  This is a process.  Sometimes not the most fun I will admit.  But ask yourself what is better.  A lifetime with a CPAP?  Or two years with orthodontics?  To me, the answer is clear."

Cindy said "wow, this is all so fascinating.  So cutting edge.  Thank you both so much for your time here today.  It has certainly been eye opening.  And very personal.  Thank you both for sharing.  And Dr. Parker, if a viewer is interested in discussing this treatment, how would they go about contacting you?"

After Dr. Parker had told the camera her website address and phone number, Cindy turned back to the camera and said "when we get back from break, we will tell you all about the upcoming Taylor Swift concert happening next weekend."

Once they cut to commercial, Dr. Parker quickly gathered up what she had brought.  As she did, Cindy stood and took a few steps towards her.  She said "thank you again, it really was informative.  And you really can get a person off their CPAP?"

Dr. Parker looked up at her and smiled.  She replied "I haven't met a patient yet that I couldn't."

Cindy shook her head and said "interesting.  Both I and my husband sleep with CPAPs.  I sure wish I didn't have to."

Meredith overheard and exclaimed "set up an appointment with Dr. Parker.  That way I won't be the only one here rocking adult braces."

Dr. Parker said "I would absolutely love to consult with both you and your husband.  I offer free consults.  Why don't I schedule you both for an appointment?  And if you do decide to go through treatment, you will be so glad."

Cindy thought for a moment and said "sure, why not?  How bad can it be?"

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #169 on: 18. November 2023, 04:31:06 AM »
Thank you.  I don't know if Sarah deserves to have to wear a facemask and a Milwaukee brace.  Is life really that cruel?

Who knows; we'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for another great chapter, too!

Offline acornjohn2001

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Re: The Split
« Reply #170 on: 18. November 2023, 07:58:15 AM »
I love this story!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #171 on: 18. November 2023, 22:21:43 PM »
Episode 85.

Three days later, Dr. Higgins pulled into the lot of Fair Oaks.  She noticed the lot seemed more crowded than usual.  She found a parking space eventually and turned the car off.  She looked over at Izzy, who was sitting up stiffly, smiling in the passenger seat.  She was wearing her facemask.  But what was most noticeable to Dr. Higgins was the conspicuous absence of her Milwaukee brace.  The silver and white ring that Dr. Higgins had become so accustomed to seeing wrapped around Izzy’s delicate neck was gone.  They had come directly to Fair Oaks from Izzy’s orthopedic appointment where she had received her new Scolibrace which she had on underneath het clothes.

Dr. Higgins asked “how are you doing baby?  If you want to take it off for your appointment I won’t say anything.”

Izzy instinctively began to turn her whole body towards her and stopped.  She laughed and said “I can turn my head!  Gramma, it is fine.  I need to get used to my new brace.  It feels so different.  And is a little uncomfortable.  But I know I will get used to it.  But only if I wear it.  And I want to show Cassie!  Now we really can be brace buddies.”

Dr. Higgins looked at Izzy, pride swelling inside her, and said “baby, you are just so incredible.  So strong.  I am so proud of you.  I love you so much.”  She leaned over and hugged Izzy.

Izzy hugged her back and said “I love you too Gramma.”

After both had gotten out of the car, Dr. Higgins looked at Izzy and said “ok, you have your facemask.  What about your lower appliance?”

Izzy patted her purse and replied “it is in here.  In it’s plastic case, where it should be whenever it is not in my mouth.  Gramma what about your appliance?  Shouldn’t you be wearing it?  Aren’t you supposed to be wearing it all the time?”

Dr. Higgins “oh Izzy, I should.  It’s just so hard.  I have so much trouble speaking with it.  And I just feel so self-conscious of it.”

Izzy asked “will Dr. Parker not get mad if you aren’t wearing it?  Would you put it in?  I thought we were doing this together?”

Dr. Higgins said “oh baby, I will.  For you.”

She dug the oversized plastic box out of her purse and popped it open, pulling the massive appliance out.  She struggled to get it in her mouth.  Eventually she did get it in and smiled at Izzy, her mouth a maze of acrylic and wire.  She asked “betta?”

Izzy looked at her and said “I have the prettiest Gramma in the whole world.  And she is so cute with her appliance!”

After getting signed in and swapping some pleasantries with Missy, who was wearing her customary twin blocks and Crane appliance, Izzy and Dr. Higgins turned to find seats.  They noticed the waiting room was more crowded than usual, and it was mostly adults.  Izzy was the only person wearing an extraoral appliance and it drew the attention of several in the room.

They had to wait about 15 minutes.  Despite being mortified by her speech, Dr. Higgins tried to practice talking softly with Izzy.  Finally they heard a familiar voice call “Izzy, Susan, we are ready for you.”

Izzy looked up to see Cassie standing in the doorway of the treatment area.  She was wearing her pink facemask once again.  Izzy jumped up and rushed over to Cassie.  As she did, Izzy noticed there was something causing her scrubs to stick out unnaturally up around her collarbones.  She had not noticed that before.  Coming to a stop in front of Cassie, Izzy squealed “notice anything different?”

Cassie looked at Izzy for several seconds before exclaiming “your Milwaukee brace, it’s gone!”

Izzy said excitedly “gone forever.  I just got my new Sciolibrace!  We really are brace buddies!”

Cassie said “I am so excited for you.  It will take a little time to get used to.  But I know you will.  And guess what?  I got my new brace on Monday.”  She reached a hand up and pointed to her collarbones.  She continued “this new one has these outriggers.  I am not a fan.  They chafe my armpits.  And they are so noticeable.  I have an appointment Friday afternoon to see if they can make some modifications.  Some improvements.  They say they can. I hope so.  But I do have to admit I have killer posture.  And I don’t slouch when working on patients.”

Dr. Higgins had arrived by then and overheard Cassie’s comments.  She said “Cashie  you absholutely hah greah posture.  An you two are sho cute in your bracesh.  Facemasksh and Scolibracesh.  You might start a trend.”

Cassie replied “I doubt that.  But Dr. Parker might have.  Since she went on TV we have been slammed with new patient consults.  So, let’s get you two back in a chair.”

After having them brush and floss, Cassie got the pair seated in separate treatment chairs.  Dr. Higgins noticed every treatment chair was full.  Cassie started off working with Izzy.  She lay there waiting for Dr. Parker, who was still with another patient. As she waited, she could overhear Izzy and Cassie chatting.  Izzy had asked Cassie about the wedding she had attended, and now Cassie was telling her all about it as she worked in Izzy’s mouth.

Dr. Parker walked up.  She had a medical mask on, but her pink facemask and highpull strap were visible on her head.  Dr. Higgins also noticed she was wearing glasses today.  She couldn’t help but feel sympathy for her; there was just so much on her face; despite the fact she seemed so enthusiastic about orthodontics.  Dr. Parker said “Dr. Higgins!  Wonderful to see you!  How have you been doing with your FR and facemask?  You did bring your facemask didn’t you?”

Dr. Higgins responded “yesh, in my pursh.  And i will be honesht, I have struggled.”

Sitting down Dr. Parker said “that is understandable.  How about you remove your appliance and I will take a look.”

After examining her mouth she raised Dr. Higgins back to a sitting position.  She said “I am not seeing any progress.  Could you put your appliance in and put your facemask on for me please.”

Once again, Dr. Higgins struggled to get the appliance in her mouth.  Then, after failing three times to get her elastics hooked over the hooks in her molars, she asked for a mirror.  Dr. Parker held a mirror up in front of her as Dr. Higgins finally got her facemask on.

Dr. Parker placed the mirror down and solemnly looked at Dr. Higgins.  She said “I expect patients to be able to do that without a mirror by now.  You are not wearing your FR and facemask as prescribed are you?”

Dr. Higgins looked at her sheepishly and admitted “no.  I am shorry.  It ish jusht sho hard.”

Dr. Parker said “I know it is.  I know all too well.  But you need to.  But, it is ok.  I can help you with compliance.  Let me go get a few things and we will get you all fixed up.  Starting today, we will make sure you can’t forget to wear it.  You will want to wear it.  Hang tight for just a moment.”

As she watched Dr. Parker open a cabinet, Dr. Higgins was terrified.  How was she going to want to wear the monstrosity in her mouth and strapped to her face?  As Dr. Parker turned back in her direction, her hands full, Dr. Higgins involuntarily shuddered.

Offline anton08

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Re: The Split
« Reply #172 on: 19. November 2023, 05:19:03 AM »
Of course there had to be a break after this sentence!  ;D

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #173 on: 21. November 2023, 22:19:36 PM »
Episode 86.

After she removed the facemask and FR from Dr. Higgins’ mouth, Dr. Parker reclined her back.  As Dr. Parker was installing a cheek retractor and suction nozzle into her mouth, Dr. Higgins’ stomach was churning.  She hadn’t even asked what Dr. Parker was about to do.  Or try to protest against it as she thought it was inevitable.  Plus, she realized it was ultimately her own fault.

Once Dr. Parker had everything prepped she leaned over, looked down and said “Susan, I am going to make compliance so much easier for you.”  Dr. Higgins noticed that she had addressed her by her first name and not as doctor.  Dr. Higgins wondered if this was intentional, a show of dominance.  She didn't have long to wonder as Dr. Parker held up a little piece of jagged looking metal and continued “I am going to install a few of these tongue tamers in your mouth on the lingual side of your front teeth. Four on top, six on bottom.  You notice these two prongs?  They will serve as an acute reminder to wear your appliance.  It won’t take too long.”

After etching her teeth and bonding the spikes Dr. Parker cured them with a blue light.  She looked down triumphantly and said “great job Susan.  That part is done.  Now part two.  Hang on a minute while I prep your brackets.”  Dr. Higgins watched as Dr. Parker picked up what looked like a standard metal bracket with a hook on it.  She watched Dr. Parker take a pair of pliers and bend the hook outward, perpendicular to the brackets face.  Dr. Higgins realized the little hook would be digging right into her cheek.  Her hurt sank even further as she watched Dr. Parker take a tool that looked and sounded like a Dremel tool and grind the little ball off the end of the hook, forming it into a point.  She repeated this process for three more brackets.

Leaning back over Dr. Higgins, Dr. Parker said “I will get these installed.  Easy peasy.”

Once she was done installing the four brackets on the teeth directly in front of the hooks already in Dr. Higgins mouth, Dr. Parker cured them.  She then removed the suction nozzle and cheek retractor and raised her back up to a seated position.  As soon as the cheek retractor was removed, Dr. Higgins could feel the new brackets digging into her cheeks uncomfortably.  Dr. Parker said “why don’t you go rinse over at the sink while I make a couple of modifications to your FR?”

At the sink, Dr. Higgins noticed her hand was shaking as she filled a small paper cup halfway with water.  She managed to get the cup to her mouth without spilling.  She rinsed and spit it into the sink.  Her mouth was almost immediately dry, so she filled the cup up and took another sip.  This time she swallowed.  And when she did she felt the tongue tamers brutally stab her tongue.  She stuck her tongue out.  She was surprised to see she wasn’t bleeding.  Putting her tongue back in her mouth, she explored her teeth and mouth.  She felt like she had a cactus, or maybe a porcupine, in her mouth.  She was in a daze wondering what she had gotten herself into when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned to see Dr. Parker standing there.  She had pulled down her cloth mask and had a sad grin on her face.  She said “I am sorry, but this really is for your own good.  These new brackets and spurs will serve as an acute and continual reminder to wear your appliance.  I have modified it to nest over the brackets.  When you are wearing your appliance it will cover them and protect your cheeks.  And the lower inside acrylic pads and tongue crib of your appliance will protect your tongue from the spurs.  When you are wearing it.  If it makes you feel better, I too have spurs.”  Dr. Parker opened her mouth and tilted her head forward.  Looking past the facemask and elastics, Dr. Higgins could see four of them bonded to the inside of Dr. Parker’s front four lower teeth.  Closing her mouth, Dr. Parker looked back into Dr. Higgins face and said “eating will be a challenge for the next week until your tongue learns how to navigate the new obstacle course.  Until then, I recommend soft foods; soups, pudding, applesauce, mashed potatoes, yogurt; that sort of thing.  How is your speech?”

Dr. Higgins replied “my shpeesch?”  Her eyes got big.  She continued “A lishp.  I have a lishp.  Oh Gawd.  Thish ish terrible.  And it hurtsh.  Pleash?  Ish there another way?”

Dr. Parker said “it’s ok.  It will get better.  This is the best way.  It will be worth it.  I promise.  Why don’t you come back over and see how much better it feels with your FR in your mouth?”

Dr. Higgins sat in the chair wearing her FR.  Dr. Parker could tell she was on the verge of a breakdown.  Dr. Parker looked over at Izzy and said “I am so proud of Izzy.  She is doing so well with all of this.  You must be proud of her too.”

Dr. Higgins replied “I am.  She is sho brave.  Sho musch braver than me.  I am sho proud of her.”  And Dr. Higgins then realized what Dr. Parker had done.  By bringing up Izzy, she had reminded her of why she was doing this.  She said “you are a pretty good therapisht yourshelf.  Maybe I need to hire you to come work at Vishta View?”

Dr. Parker smiled and said “coming from you, that is a real compliment.  But I have my girls here and all my patients to take care of.   But speaking of coming to work, do you think Izzy might be interested in maybe pitching in here?  I am looking to hire someone part time.  To help with sterilization, prep work, maybe help some in the lab?  We can teach her everything she needs to know.  I know she is detail oriented.  I already know she is enthusiastic.  And Cassie seems to love her.  I think she would be perfect.  Is that something that you think she would be interested in?  Something that you would be interested in?  I promise I am a good boss.  I can be stern.  But I am not as stern with my girls as I am with my adult patients.”  She gave Dr. Higgins a big smile, showing off her metallic smile.  “But you do have to admit, I don’t just talk the talk.”

Dr. Higgins actually laughed.  He said “no, you shcertainly walk the walk.  I shtill can’t believe your wore your fashmask on TV.”

Dr. Parker responded “ha, you saw that.  I will admit I was so nervous.  I mean, it was live TV.  And I was wearing this” as she pointed to her face.  She added “but look!  I lived. And so will you.  Speaking of which, why don’t you go ahead and put your facemask on?  Without a mirror.  And would you do something for me?  Would you go ahead and wear it the rest of the day?  You have some catching up to do.  And I think you want to do right.  I do have a way to improve facemask compliance.  But I don’t like doing it.  And patients really don’t like it.  So let’s not do it.  Will you wear your facemask the prescribed amount?  I think we should go ahead and bump it up to 14 hours a day to make up for lost time.  I know you can do it.  Will you do it?”

Dr. Higgins said “yesh, I will.  And ash for Ishhy working here I think it would be good for her.  Why don’t you ashk her while I wrestle to get my new besht friend strapped to my face?”

As she stood Dr. Parker said “the more you wear it the easier it gets.  And by the way, you are speaking great with your FR.  Even clearer than without it since we added all the ouchies.  But please, wear your facemask.  I need you too.  I don’t want to have to use my mask compliance protocol on you Susan.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #174 on: 22. November 2023, 17:54:50 PM »
Episode 87.

Dr. Higgins had just managed to get her facemask attached to her face when she heard Izzy squeal.  She looked over at her.  The excitement on Izzy's face would have been evident from a mile away.  Dr. Higgins heard her say "oh my gosh, I would LOVE that!  Thank you so much!"  She looked over at Dr. Higgins and practically shouted "Gramma!  Dr. Parker said she wants me to come work for her!  Can I?  Please?"

Dr. Higgins stood up from the chair and made her way over beside Izzy's treatment chair.  Even with everything going on in her mouth, and even with her facemask strapped to her face and everyone else in the treatment room looking her direction due to Izzy, she smiled.  She looked at Izzy and said "baby, that ish your decision.  You are a grown up.  But if you want to do thish, eh guessh that meansh we better get you that driversh' licensh we have been talking about.  That you been practicshing for.  And if you do that, I guessh that meansh you will need a vehicle too."

Izzy's face lit up even more.  Dr. Higgins didn't know how it was physically possible, but it did.   Izzy said "really?  Oh wow.  This is so cool!  Thank you Gramma!  And thank you Dr. Parker!   And thank you Cassie!.  I promise, you won't regret it!"

Dr. Parker smiled at Izzy and said "I know I won't Izzy.  You have been so incredibly attentive and compliant with your treatment so far, I know you will do the same here.  But there is no huge rush.  So, take the time you need to get everything done you need to.  And of course, there is some paperwork we will need to do to get you all set up on payroll.  What do you say we set an anticipated start date for the Monday two weeks from now.  We will need to get you some scrubs too before then."  She looked at Cassie and asked "maybe you could help her with that?"

Cassie said "of course!  I love to shop.  Especially when it is someone else's money!"

Dr. Parker said "excellent!  I will let you girls figure all that out.  Izzy, you are doing so good with your treatment.  Maybe you could offer your Grandmomma some encouragement?  Help her to do better with her treatment?  She needs to wear her FR all the time and her facemask for 14 hours a day now."

Dr. Higgins hung her head a bit as Izzy responded "Oh, I will!  You hear that Gramma?  We are doing this together.   And I know you can do it!  I will help you!"

Dr. Parker said enthusiastically "I know you will Izzy."  Turning to face Dr. Higgins she added "and I know you will too.  Because the REDD frame is not something I like to install on patients.  And they certainly do not like wearing it.  But anyway, Izzy everything looks great with your treatment!  Cassie has you all fixed up.  Just keep doing what you are doing.  And Susan, I think our appointment was very valuable too.  I know you will do better."

Dr. Higgins felt so self-conscious as she stepped into the waiting room wearing her facemask.  She felt every eye had to be looking at her.  She scanned the room.  To her surprise she noticed only a couple of people looking in her direction.  In the corner though something caught her eye.  There was a man, he appeared to be in his late thirties to early forties, wearing some kind of purple anodized metal frame on his face.  Dr. Higgins was trying to see how it was attached to his face when she realized with horror that it was screwed into his head above his ears near his temples.  From his mouth protruded two thick silver wires that bent up and attached to the frame with heavy duty looking threaded rods that were hex shaped at the end.  She tried not to stare but could not help it.  She was interrupted by Missy asking "Dr. Higgins?  Can I make you and Izzy's next appointments?"

Startled she turned.  She said "yes, of course."  Dr. Higgins quickly agreed to the time and date suggested by Missy.  She then quietly asked "Missy, what is that man in the corner wearing?"

Missy said "That is a REDD frame.  That stands for rigid external distraction device.  It is used in severe class III craniofacial cases.  And in cases where patients won't wear their facemask as needed.  I always hate to see a patient emerge from the treatment area wearing one.  I know it has to be so hard.  And several of our patients have told me how much they hurt, especially the first few weeks.  But they work.  The results are always fantastic.  And they work faster than facemask therapy.  Because the forces are heavier and it is worn 24/7, most patients only have to wear them for a few months.  So, I guess there is at least that.  We actually have a pair of patients, twin brothers, who volunteered for it from the start.  They said they just wanted to get it over with as fast as possible.  But I don't want to have to wear one.  I am told that tightening the screws to pull the maxilla forward daily is no fun.  Just the whole experience is not fun.  So, I am very compliant with my protraction.  We have one patient now that is on the verge of getting one.  Just a lovely young lady, she is in college.  Just so sweet.  But she just won't wear her facemask."

Dr. Higgins turned subtlety and took another glance at the man.  It did look tough.  Then she had a thought flash through her head.  A lovely young lady, in college, so sweet.  She spun around towards Missy and asked "Laikyn?  Don't tell me that patient is named Laikyn."

Missy pursed her lips around the elastics protruding from her mouth.  She looked at Dr. Higgins and replied "I can't say.  Patient confidentiality.  Do you know Laikyn?"

Dr. Higgins said "yes, Laikyn works for me."

Missy said "again, I can't answer your question.  But since you do know Laikyn, please implore her to do a better job wearing her facemask.  Please?  Again, I hate seeing patients walk out of here with a REDD frame bolted onto their face."


Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #175 on: 23. November 2023, 02:57:59 AM »
Poor Laikyn might be getting herself into a bit of a situation by not wearing facemask.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #176 on: 25. November 2023, 17:24:02 PM »
Episode 88.

Having arrived back to Vista View, Dr. Higgins felt so self-conscious walking across the employee parking lot wearing her facemask.  On the drive back, she had felt particularly mortified stopped at one traffic light as the driver of the car beside her practically broke his neck to turn and stare at the pair in the car beside him, Izzy and Dr. Higgins both wearing their facemasks.  Dr. Higgins had to make a concerted effort to concentrate on driving, the last thing she wanted was to get into an accident, more for Izzy's sake than her own.  Now, even back in a much more comfortable and familiar environment, she was still terrified.  What would everyone think?  The boss having to wear an orthodontic appliance that most people thought of as relegated to children and teens.  Add to that her speech impediment and she was dreading the rest of the day.  Actually, she was dreading all of the days to come while she was in treatment.  Nonetheless, part of her brain was thinking about Laikyn and what Missy had told her.

After hugging Izzy and telling her how proud she was of her, Dr. Higgins retreated into her office.  She tossed her purse on a chair and checked her emails.  There did not appear to be any emergencies.  She planned to check in with several people, her head nurse and Sarah being at the top of the list.  But she procrastinated.  She wondered what it would be like to walk the halls of Vista View wearing her facemask?  She knew Sarah had done it.  Everyone had just seemed to get used to seeing her in it.  And poor Julia still had her headgear wired in.  But she thought, that was different.  And lately, she had even caught a few glimpses of a couple of her guests wearing their extraoral appliances in public.  Dr. Higgins attributed this to Sarah.  She thought it was great these guests were apparently so unashamed and compliant with their treatment.  But that was them, not her.  First she thought "I need to speak with someone.  I can't stay locked in here forever."

She knew it was irrational.  She was a trained psychiatrist after all.  But she also knew that knowing something and feeling something are often completely foreign from each other.  Perception IS reality she thought as she walked down the hall.  Because while she logically knew this was no big deal, she felt like she was walking towards the gallows.  Still, she put one foot in front of the other and made her way to the reception area.  She was so grateful she didn't bump into anyone in the hallway.

As Dr. Higgins walked up to the reception desk, Laikyn looked up from her conversation with Izzy, who was still wearing her facemask proudly.  Dr. Higgins noticed a startled look on her face.  She wasn't sure if it was because she hadn't realized anyone was there.  Or if it was shock from seeing her wearing her facemask.  The startled expression was almost instantly replaced by a smile and then Laikyn saying "Dr. Higgins, you are wearing your facemask.  Good for you.  And Izzy says you need to speak with me?  She's going to man reception I understand.  I hope I'm not in trouble."

Dr. Higgins said "No, you aren't in trouble.  But I want your help.  To ahsk a favor.  And yesh, I am wearing my faschmashk and appliancesh.  I have to.  I got in trouble today.  But I admit I feel so self-conscioush.  That ish why I want to shpeak with you."

Before Laikyn could respond, Izzy exclaimed "you look wonderful in your facemask.  Just so pretty.  You have no reason feel self-conscious."

Dr. Higgins smiled and said "it sheems the roles are reversed doeshn't it.  But thank you sweetheart."  Turning her attention back to Laikyn she asked "care to walk with me to my offish?"

Once seated Dr. Higgins noticed Laikyn seemed a little nervous.  She said "Laikyn, you aren't in trouble with me.  I promish.  But I do want to chat.  About thish."  She pointed up to her facemask.  She continued "I am going to have to wear thish some around here during the day.  Not all the time, but several hoursh a day.  And I am going to have to wear my appliansh all the time.  So pleash bear with me ash I learn to shpeak."

Laikyn said "it will get better Dr. Higgins.  I had so much trouble speaking at first.  But it got better.  Now this gap I have between my teeth now makesh me just a touch lishpy.  And it is embarrassing, the gap.  But nothing like the facemask.  It is so awesome you can wear yours though."

Dr. Higgins replied "well, I don't have much choice unlessh I just quit treatment.  And I won't do that.  It would break Izshy's heart.  And I don't want the alternative.  It ish brutal looking.  Have you heard of a REDD frame?  It stands for rigid external distraction device.  I saw a patient, an adult man, wearing one in the waiting room when we left.  It was literally screwed into his head, attached to his expander with these wires and bolts that have to be turned.  THAT is what the alternative to not wearing my facemask would be.  And I don't want that.  Has Dr. Parker mentioned anything to you about it?"

Dr. Higgins noticed Laikyn's face had turned white as she described the REDD frame.  Laikyn said "she said I need to do better about wearing my facemask.  And she did mention something red.  But she didn't explain what it was.  I took it was just some other kind of mask.  That I wouldn't wear.  Surely, she wouldn't do that would she?  Screw one onto a patient?"

Dr. Higgins said "well, from what I saw, it is clear she will.  Laikyn, I am so self-conscious about wearing this.  I mean, I am the bossh here.  And old.  But I am going to do it.  Sharah did it for so long.  Izshy doesh it.  But it would make me feel better if you would too.  Will you?  For me?  To make me feel less self-conscioush.  Would you wear yours while manning the reception desk?  I won't make you, but it would mean a lot to me."

Laikyn swallowed before replying "yes... I will.  But you might want to make sure we have lots of tissues up front in case I break down and cry."

Dr. Higgins said "Laikyn, you will do fine.  We will both do fine.  I know we will.  And hey, if we can just recruit a few more employees to join us in treatment, we will be in the majority.  Those without facemasks will then be jealous of all of us cool kids that have them.  Right?"

Laikyn shook her head back and forth but laughed.  She said "I seriously doubt that.  But ya' know, I have had two people here ask me about my treatment in the past couple of weeks.  Both Paige and Mitzi seemed pretty intrigued by it.  In fact, Mitzi went so far as to say she has really been wanting to fix her smile.  I think she has really been considering getting braces."  She thought and then added "and you know Melanie has a facemask too.  Maybe I could talk her into wearing her's here too.  Make it one big facemask party."

Dr. Higgins smiled.  She responded "see, all the cool kids want a facemask.  Why don't you work on Paige and Mitzi then?  And I will have a little chat with Melanie."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #177 on: 26. November 2023, 03:00:41 AM »
I always love feedback. 

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #178 on: 26. November 2023, 06:00:00 AM »
This is such a great story with so much going on and each chapter leaves me wondering what will happen next. Excellent work!

Offline acornjohn2001

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Re: The Split
« Reply #179 on: 26. November 2023, 07:00:36 AM »
You are very good and I like your fantasy. Not so hard to start the story but very hard to go on. You do it very well. Thank you!