
Author Topic: The Split  (Read 48451 times)

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Re: The Split
« Reply #150 on: 25. October 2023, 16:32:10 PM »
Really great story - nothing other expected from you :)

Only thing what I'm thinking all the time - what age is Izzy?
As you describe her I think early 20s?

Keep on the good work :)

Offline anton08

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Re: The Split
« Reply #151 on: 25. October 2023, 17:07:33 PM »
This is not weird. It is simply phantasy.  ;D

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #152 on: 25. October 2023, 18:11:19 PM »
Izzy is in her early twenties.  Despite the life she has led, because of her autism and the sheltered life that Dr. Higgins has put around her at Vista View, she has retained a lot of innocence and wonder.  But we might see Izzy grow up and mature some.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: The Split
« Reply #153 on: 25. October 2023, 20:38:24 PM »
Hopefully everyone is still enjoying.  And I hope I have not made things too weird.  But I have definitely steered the story back into the realm of orthodontics.

I enjoy stories that have more to them than just the braces. Knowing a bit about the characters adds to the story and stories don't always have to be sunshine and lollipops. It's nice when a story takes us down a less-travelled path for a while.

You have a story you want to tell us, so do it in the way you want to.

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Re: The Split
« Reply #154 on: 25. October 2023, 22:40:51 PM »
Episode 75.

Cassie rolled a stool for Dr. Higgins over beside the treatment chair as Dr. Parker got Izzy comfortable. She took the same blanket from earlier and placed it over Izzy.  She asked Izzy “does that feel ok?  You might like it.  And I know Baxter will like to lay on it.  Do you want to keep it on?”

Izzy smiled  and replied “yes please!  I have a blanket like this.  I like it.  Thank you!”  Dr. Higgins placed the puppy in Izzy’s lap.  As Izzy began to stroke the dog Dr. Parker announced “Izzy!  Let’s get you some braces!  Now if anything is too uncomfortable just raise your hand and I will stop.  Ok?”

Izzy smiled “I am excited.  But nervous.  But mostly excited.”  She rubbed the puppy behind the ears, causing his tail to wag even faster.  She added “isn’t that right Baxter?”  As if the pup understood, he gave an excited “yip!”

Dr. Parker laughed and said “well Dr. Baxter agrees.  Now Izzy, let’s get those pesky spacers removed.”  Using a pick, Cassie quickly but gently removed her spacers.  Cassie smiled at Izzy when she was done and said “I bet it is a relief to have those gone.”

Izzy nodded and said “oh that feels so good.”

Dr. Parker said “that is great.  It IS a relief to have spacers removed.  Next Cassie is going to install your lower bands and brackets.  But first, I do need to give you a few shots to numb your palate.  They may sting a little.  If you need a break let me know.”

As she filled the syringe she kept Izzy engaged, hoping to take her mind off of the shots.  She asked “so Izzy, how have you been since I last saw you?”

Izzy responded “it has been the BEST week!  Gramma got me an iPhone.  And she started teaching me to drive.  And Jake took me on a date on Friday!  He is so sweet.  And cute.  He is coming to see me tonight.  I think he is excited for me to get braces.  Or at least excited that I am excited.  And he said he wanted to check on me.  In case my mouth is hurting.  He is sweet.  I don’t know why he likes me, but…”

Dr. Parker cut her off “don’t do that.  Izzy you are beautiful.  Charming.  Smart.  You have a heart of gold. I don’t know why any young man wouldn’t like you.”

Izzy said “well… I know I am quirky. Kind of weird.”

Dr. Parker quickly responded “Izzy, everyone is quirky and weird.  Everyone.  It is about finding quirky and weird that works together.  Ok Izzy, here is the first one.” 

Dr. Higgins looked on with worry on her face, evident even with her huge new appliance in her mouth and her facemask covering her face, as Izzy closed her eyes and grimaced.  Dr. Parker said “we are done with that one.  You did so good Izzy.”

Izzy opened her eyes and said “that HURT!”

Dr. Parker said “I am sorry honey.  But we will be done before you know it.  And this is the worst part.  Ready for the next one?”  Izzy simply nodded her head up and down.  Dr. Parker continued “you are doing so good.  So like I was saying, there is no reason I can see that Jake wouldn’t be crazy about you.”

Izzy said “there is one more thing.  I have scoliosis.  I have to wear a brace most of the time.  I haven’t told him.  I am scared to.”

Izzy was surprised when Cassie replied “well that makes sense, only the coolest people get to rock a scoliosis brace.”  Izzy turned her head towards her, a look of confusion on her face.  Cassie rapped her knuckles against her stomach a few times.  It sounded like she was knocking on a door.  Cassie pulled her scrub top up slightly, showing a plastic brace hugging her torso, one of the straps visible adorned ‘Scolibrace’.  Letting her scrub top fall, Cassie said “I have been wanting a brace buddy.  Somebody around my age.  Can we be brace buddies Izzy?”  Izzy was so focused on Cassie that the second shot didn’t hurt as much as the first.

Izzy involuntarily uttered “ouch”.  But she wasn’t focused on her mouth.  She looked at Cassie and asked “you wear a scoliosis brace too?” 

Cassie smiled and said “I sure do.  Only the coolest people have them.  How old are you Izzy?”

Izzy answered “22.”

Cassie excitedly replied “wow, what a coincidence.  I was 22 when i got my first brace.  I am 25 now and on brace number two.  Maybe after your appointment you can tell me about your brace?”  Izzy barely noticed the third shot.  Cassie continued “at my next appointment they are going to fit me for a new brace.  Brace number three.  I hope the third times the charm and it is my last.  It is going to have outriggers that run under my armpits that hold my shoulders back.  It will be an adjustment.  But hey, a small price to pay for health and beauty right?  Plus, it is kind of cool.”  Izzy didn’t even notice the fourth and final shot.

Dr. Parker announced “that’s it Izzy!  You did so good!  How about we get your bottom braces on?”  Izzy’s head was still swimming with the revelation that Cassie wore a scoliosis brace.

Izzy answered Dr. Parker “yes.”  She then asked Cassie “so it isn’t a problem being an orthodontic assistant with a scoliosis brace?  Do you enjoy it?”  Being an assistant?”

Cassie said “let me get these cheek retractors and suction hose in your mouth and I will tell you all about it while I install your bottom braces.”

As she worked in Izzy’s mouth Cassie talked to her.  She said “no, it isn’t a problem.  In fact, I have THE best posture of anyone in the office.  Even when I am bent over working like now, there is no slouching for your girl Cassie.  I can’t. Now I do have to move a little different with my brace on.  But I am sure you know about that.  I got my brace when I was a senior in college.  So I was used to it when I came to work here.  I was already wearing it 22 hours a day, like I still do.  Now, my new brace is going to take some getting used to.  But I know I will.  And I do enjoy my job.  It can get a little tedious at times, but seeing the excitement when patients get their braces off and see their new smiles makes it all worthwhile.  I know it may be small, but I do feel like I make people’s lives better.  Bite down for me.  Again.  A smile is so important I think.  And speaking of smiles, yours is adorable.  But, it will be a work of art by the time we get to the finish line.  And do you know something else?  I met my husband while wearing my brace.  I had just gotten it like a month before and was so self conscious.  I didn’t want to leave my dorm room.  But one night I gave in and some of my friends drug me out.  We were in the bar when someone bumped into my back.  I turned to find a cute guy standing there looking at my waist.  I knew he had felt my brace and was trying to figure out what I was wearing.  I felt mortified.  If I could have sunk into the floor I would have.  He looked up and made eye contact and said ‘I am so sorry.  Are you ok?  Can I please buy you a drink to make up for my clumsiness.  Oh, and I’m Kevin.’  A little over two years later I walked down the aisle, my brace on underneath my wedding dress, and said ‘I do’ to Kevin.  And as we danced at the reception, his arms wrapped around my hard exoskeleton, I was the happiest woman in the world.  And do you know why Kevin had stopped that night in the bar and talked to me?  Because he HAD felt my brace and wanted to make sure I was ok.  How is that for a love story?”  She moved her head side to side and announced “Izzy, you now have just the cutest pink braces.”  She held up the mirror.

Izzy smiled broadly.  She then pulled her lip back and examined the back of her mouth.  She looked from Dr. Parker to Cassie and exclaimed “I love them!  Thank you!”

Dr. Parker smiled and replied “I am so glad you like them.  Now, what do you say we get your expander installed?”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #155 on: 28. October 2023, 00:45:27 AM »
Episode 76.

From a metal tray Dr. Parker picked up a model of Izzy’s upper teeth.  She held it up in front of Izzy and said “Izzy, this is your expander.  Before we install it, I want to check the fit.”

Izzy asked “can I take a picture of it?”

Dr. Parker smiled and replied “of course dear.”

Izzy pulled her new phone out of her pocket and snapped several pictures of it as Dr. Parker held it at different angles.  After reviewing the pictures, Dr. Parker asked “good?”  Izzy nodded her head up and down.  Dr. Parker instructed “open wide for me.”

After getting the appliance seated on Izzy’s molars, she examined it.  Satisfied, she said “it looks perfect.  How does it feel?  Anything poking or hurting?”

Izzy felt around with her tongue and answered “it feelsh big.  Weird.  It’sh scratchy on my cheeksh.”  She went silent a moment and said “and I have a lishp.”

Dr. Parker answered sympathetically “that is normal.”  She smiled and added “but you will get used to it quickly.  Now, I am going to take it out and then we will cement it back on.”

It took a few minutes before Dr. Parker triumphantly announced “Izzy, you have braces and an expander!  How exciting!  And you are doing great.  Now, I am going to install the tads in the expander.  You will feel pressure.  It will feel strange.  But there should not be any sharp pain.  If there is, let me know immediately by holding up your hand.  Ready?” 

Dr. Parker was gentle as she guided the first screw home, being very attentive that Izzy wasn’t in any distress.  Somewhat to her surprise, Izzy simply laid back calmly.  Once the first tad was completely screwed in she said “Izzy, one down, three to go.  You are doing awesome.”  It took about 10 minutes to install the remaining three tads.  It went smoothly and without incident.  Once done she exclaimed “Yay Izzy!  Great job!  We are almost done.  I am now just going to apply a little sealant over the screws so they are more comfortable for you.”  Once this detail was complete Dr. Parker raised Izzy back up to a sitting position.  Dr. Parker excitedly said “Izzy, you are just the best patient.  You did great.  Do you want to see your new appliance in your mouth?”

Cassie held up a mirror as Izzy smiled into it.  When she did, the silver hooks were very visible in her mouth, curving around right behind her canines.  Cassie said “Izzy, you’re so cute!”   Cassie smiled at her and said “and now we match!  We both have scoliosis braces and expanders!”

Izzy said “it feelsh sho weird.  Sho weird.” 

Dr. Parker said “I know it does.  But in a week it will feel normal.  What do you say we get you finished up?  You are probably ready to stretch your legs.  We just have two more things today, check the fit of your lower removable appliance and fit your face mask.”

Dr. Parker picked up the retainer case and removed the appliance from it.  She held it up in front of Izzy and said “this is your lower appliance.  It has dual functions, to act as a bite splint and an expander.  It does have buildups on the molars, so you won’t be able to completely close your mouth.  And it will impact your speech.  But, you only need to wear it during down time and while you sleep.  I want you to go ahead and start wearing it this evening.  And the more you wear it, the quicker you will get acclimated to it.  Open up for me please.”

After seating it, Dr. Parker examined the fit.  She announced “the lab was on the money once again.”  Pulling back away from Izzy she asked “how does that feel?”

Izzy replied “eh feelsh big.  Sho hah ta tahk.”  She opened and closed her mouth a few times and said “sho weird.”

Dr. Parker responded sympathetically “I know it does.  But it won’t soon.  Cassie, how long did it take for you to get used to yours?”

Cassie said “about a week.  Now, my speech is still impacted some.  But Izzy, you don’t have to wear this out and about.  But you can if you want.”

Dr. Parker added “Izzy, I know you will do great with it.  Now, let’s get you fixed up with a facemask.”

It took a few minutes for Dr. Parker to get the mask adjusted like she wanted.  Once she had it sized correctly she said “Izzy, at least starting out, I only want you to wear one set of elastics.  Like this.”  She quickly attached a pair of elastics between the hooks in Izzy’s mouth and the mask pressed up against her face.  Once done, she placed a strap around Izzy’s head, securing the facemask in place.  Cassie had been holding a mirror in front of Izzy so she could see what Dr. Parker was doing.  Dr. Parker said “Izzy, I only want you to wear the strap at night while you sleep.  I do want you to start working on wearing the mask as much as you can.  By next week, I want you to be up to at least 12 hours a day.  And more is always better.”

Cassie cut in and cheered “Yay!  Izzy, you did incredible.  And you look incredible.”

For the first time, Izzy did not look excited.  Instead, she looked a bit shell shocked.  Cassie noticed this and asked “what is it Izzy?”

Izzy replied “ish jus sho musch.”

Cassie said “it is so much.  I completely get it.  But if I can do it, I know you can too.  Hey, what do you say we get a picture together.  You just look so cute!   And now we can be brace buddies and facemask buddies.  What do you say?”

Izzy hesitantly pulled her phone out.  Cassie leaned her head in beside Izzy’s.  As Izzy held her phone up, Cassie started making funny faces.  After taking a few pictures a smile came to Izzy’s face and she started doing the same.  Once they were done, Izzy looked at Cassie earnestly and said “thank you.”  She then turned to Dr. Higgins and said cheerfully “now your turn Gramma!”

Dr. Higgins replied “oh no, pleash Ishy.  Not wearing thish.” 

Izzy got up out of the chair and knelt beside her.  She said “nope, we are in thish together.”  Dr. Higgins rolled her eyes but didn’t resist.  And after a few pics, she even tried to smile.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #156 on: 28. October 2023, 21:47:51 PM »
Episode 77.

Jake approached the main entrance of Vista View a few minutes before 5 with his hands full.  In one he held a bouquet, in the other a small day pack. He was nervous and unsure of himself.  Izzy had told him she lived with her Grandmother at the facility she ran.  He had picked Izzy up here on their first date, but she had simply met him at the front door.  This would be his first time actually going inside.  He was unsure exactly what to make of Vista View as he slung the backpack over his shoulder and rang the buzzer at the main doors.  When he heard the lock click, he opened the door and entered.  He was looking around the lobby when he heard “Hi!  Welcome to Vishta View!  You must be Jake.”

He turned towards the voice.  He saw a pretty young woman standing behind the reception desk smiling at him.  As he approached, she said “Hi!  I am Laikyn!  We were expecting you.  I can get you checked in.”  As she had been talking, Jake noticed some flashes of silver in her mouth.  It seemed she had lower braces and some type of metal appliance on her upper arch as well.  Walking up to her he smiled, showing his own metal braces, and said “hello, I am Jake.” 

Once he arrived at the front desk Laikyn stuck her hand out and said “it is a pleashure to meet you Jake!  Izzy has done nothing but talk about you for the pasht week.  And those flowersh are beautiful.  I am jealoush.  Izzy is a lucky girl.”  As she spoke, Jake noticed she had a lisp and saw the hooks in the corners of her mouth.  They looked exactly like the hooks on Izzy’s expander, which she had text him a picture of earlier.  She had sent him a picture of the expander that she had taken on her model.  But, she had refused to send him a picture of herself after she had her appliances installed.  Instead, she had been coy and typed that he would have to wait to see it in person.

As Laikyn handed him a clipboard and pen she instructed “here, please sign in.  Also, I’m not sure if Izzy told you, but I need to look in your bag.  Sorry, just policy.”

Jake handed over the bag hesitantly.  He said “I didn’t realize that.  Um… well, just be nice please.”

Laikyn looked at him and asked “what do you mean?”

As Jake signed in he said “you will see, just be nice please.  It is pretty embarrassing.”

This did nothing but pique Laikyn’s curiosity.  In the pack she saw a towel and a pair of swim trunks.  Moving that out of the way she saw several books and a notebook.  Shifting the contents again she saw a vinyl pouch embossed ‘Fair Oaks Orthodontics’.  She asked “is this what you are talking about?  Your headgear?”

Jake scrunched his face up and said “yes, it is soooo embarrassing.  I only brought it because of Izzy.  She insisted.”

Laikyn said “yes, it is embarrassing.”  She caught herself and said “I am sorry, so sorry. I didn’t mean your headgear is embarrassing.  I mean headgear is embarrassing.  Oh gosh, I just keep digging the hole deeper.  I mean I completely understand.  I go to Fair Oaks too.  So I know all about having to wear headgear.  Mine is different, but still headgear.  It is like Izzy got today.  I am so embarrassed by it.”

Jake smiled at Laikyn’s awkwardness and asked “so you have to wear headgear too?  What all does your treatment involve?  I have upper and lower braces obviously.  And that infernal headgear.  But, it is my fault.  I didn’t wear my elastics.”

Laikyn smiled wide.  She then opened her mouth and tilted her head back.  Looking back down she said “My treatment is pretty similar to Izzy’s actually.  I have lower braces and this upper expander.  I have a fixed expander on my bottom.  Izzy is lucky, her’s is removable.  And I have to wear reverse pull headgear, a facemask, at night.  I am supposed to wear it at least 12 hours a day actually.  Supposed to.  But I am embarrassed for anyone to see me in it.  I wish I was more like Izzy.  She is proud of her’s.”

Jake said “really?  She seemed pretty embarrassed earlier.  She wouldn’t send me a picture of herself after her appointment.”

Laikyn said “hmm, I don’t know.  She was actually still wearing her facemask when she got back here from her appointment.  We talked about it, and you, when she got back.  She said I should just wear mine and not worry about it.  I just can’t.”

Jake said “weird.  But she is right about that last part.  You do need to wear it.  Dr. Parker will know if you don’t.  And if you don’t she might try something even more extreme.  I am the poster child for that.”  He was so consumed in his conversation, he didn’t notice Izzy sneaking up behind him. 

Izzy had her finger over her mouth and had made eye contact with Laikyn, who played along.  Once Izzy was a few feet behind Jake, she pounced, wrapping him in a hug.  It startled him, causing him to jump.  This caused Izzy to laugh before she exclaimed “Jake, it ish sho good to she you.  I have mished you!”

He turned and said “hello gorgeous!  You got me!”

Izzy smiled at him and said “not before you got me” and winked at him.  She continued “Jakey, my mouth hurtsh.  Maybe you can make it better.”

He held up the flowers and said “well, I don’t know if these will help.  And they aren’t nearly as pretty as you.  But a beautiful woman like you always deserves flowers.”  He then leaned in and whispered “maybe I can kiss it and make it better later.”

She blushed.  She then smiled, giving him a good look at her mouth for the first time and said “you better.”  She looked at Laikyn and asked “is Jakey all signed in?  We are going to the pool.”

Laikyn smiled at the pair, surprised by how different Izzy seemed around Jake, and said “he is good. You two have fun.”

Taking the flowers from Jake, she said “they are beautiful!  Thank you Jakey! You are too shweet.  Let’s go to the pool!  If you aren’t too embarrassed to be seen with your braceface… girlfriend?”  She looked at him questioningly.

He thought she looked so adorable.  And for whatever reason, he was drawn to her quirkiness.  He couldn’t help but laugh.  This caused a look of worry to come to her face.  He just found her even more desirable.  He said “baby, I am not laughing at you.  I am laughing thinking about the first time I ever met you.  The two facebows sticking out of my mouth.  Of course I am not embarrassed to be seen with my adorable, sexy braceface…”. He went silent a long moment, just looking in her eyes.  He finally said “girlfriend.”

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: The Split
« Reply #157 on: 29. October 2023, 02:56:20 AM »
I have added the latest chapters to TheArchive.

I look forward to reading each new chapter. There are so many characters with braces in the story, and it is probably my age showing, but I find a mature woman with braces to be quite fascinating. If my math is correct, Dr. Higgins is in her mid-to-late fifties, and there just aren't that many women in that age group with braces, especially with treatment as complicated as hers.

I'm enjoying the contrast between Izzy's youthful attitude and her grandmother's reluctance to having braces.

Sarah's enthusiasm in contrast to Kim's rejection is also interesting, and Peter's conflicting positive/negative feelings about his treatment are an interesting part of the story.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #158 on: 29. October 2023, 20:27:10 PM »
Episode 78.

After dinner, Jake and Izzy sat across from each other out on the overlook.  Jake said “Izzy, I am so sorry you had trouble eating.  I promise, it does get better.”

Izzy pouted and said “thish is going to be hard ishn’t it?  Having all thish metal in my mouth.  I wash sho excited about it.  Now I am not so sure.”

Jake moved over and sat beside her, wrapping one arm around her shoulders and taking her hand in his other.  He said “I have had my braces over a year.  But I still remember the first week like it was yesterday.  Everything was so hard.  Eating was a nightmare, and I don’t have an expander.  But baby, it will get better.  And it will be worth it.  And do you remember what I told you when we first met?  That if you did have to get braces that they would be the cutest braces in the whole world.  I was right.  I know they are hurting.  But you are just so cute.  And sexy.”

Dr. Higgins was spying on Izzy, watching the pair on one of the security cameras that were scattered all over the facility.  It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Izzy, but she worried about her.  She did not want her to get hurt.  She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she had seen Jake slide in beside her and wrap his arm around her.  She felt conflicting emotions.  On one hand, she was terrified.  But on the other she was happy for Izzy.  Jake seemed like a sweet boy.  She saw Izzy turn her head towards Jake and say a few words.  To Dr. Higgins surprise, she watched as Jake leaned in and gently kissed Izzy.

After they had finished the kiss Izzy leaned her head on Jake’s shoulder and went silent.  After a few minutes Jake asked “penny for your thoughts?”

Izzy sat up and said “I am thinking about you.  And us.”  She went silent again. 

After a prolonged silence Jake asked “what is it sweetie?”

Izzy reluctantly responded “I like you Jake.  I know we jusht met.  But I like you.  And I know I am sho bad at thish.”

Jake squeezed her and said “you aren’t bad at this.  Not at all.  And Izzy, I like you too.”

Izzy got emotional and said “no, I am bad at thish.  I have not been completely honest with you.  About myself.  I don’t want to lead you on.”

Concern in his voice he answered “Izzy, what is it?  Do you have a boyfriend?  What?”

Izzy said “no, I don’t.  I have scoliosis.  I have to wear a scoliosis brace.  It is hideous.  I have been too embarrassed to wear it in front of you.  And I am sure it will scare you off.  But, I want to be honest sho I don’t waste your time.”

Jake laughed and said “you scared me so bad Izzy.  So you have a scoliosis brace.  Big whoop.  That doesn’t define you.  And I bet, just like your braces, you make it the cutest scoliosis brace in the whole world.”

Izzy shook her head and said “no Jake, you don’t understand.  It ish horrible.  I am so ugly in it.”

Jake leaned in to try to kiss Izzy again. She turned her head away and started softly crying.  Jake gently cupped her chin and turned her head towards his.  As he looked her in the eyes he told her “Izzy, there is no way you could be ugly.  No way at all.”  He gently wiped the tears running down her face and then wrapped her in a hug.   He said “sweetie, it is ok.  So how much do you have to wear it?”

Izzy’s crying slowed to a sniffle.  She said “22 hours a day.  I hate it.” 

Jake rubbed her back and said “I am sorry.  But Izzy, you aren’t going to run me off this easy.  If you need to wear it, then you should wear it.  Would you show it to me?  Would you put it on?  For me?  You know, I am supposed to put my headgear on now.  Maybe if I put it on, you could put on your brace?”

Izzy softly said “ok.  But just hold me for a few more minutes.”

Abruptly, Izzy stood up.  She said “come with me.  We aren’t supposed to have guests in our rooms.  But I will take us in through the side door.”

Dr. Higgins watched on the screen as Izzy slipped into her suite, Jake in tow.  She contemplated what she should do.  It was against the rules.  But it was Izzy.  And she saw how happy Izzy had been since she had met this boy.  She hoped she wasn’t making a mistake as she decided to do nothing.  Instead, she turned the monitor off, stood up and headed towards her residence.  She wanted to curl up beside Robert and ask him his thoughts on how to deal with this new relationship. 

She was also battling her own insecurities.  One of the reasons she had retreated to her office was to postpone the inevitable.  She knew she needed to go put her new appliance in.  And strap on her facemask.  But she was so scared.  Scared of what her partner would think.

As Izzy entered her suite she was glad that Julia was already in her bedroom.  Izzy softly opened her own bedroom door and ushered Jake in.  Closing her door, she turned to Jake and said “I am scared.”

Jake said “I understand.  Izzy, I don’t know if you even realize how much I was dying inside the day I got my headgear.  And met you. Sitting there talking to you, the prettiest girl I had ever seen, while wearing headgear?  I thought I was going to die.  But, you made it ok.  And I am going to make this ok for you.  Speaking of my headgear, a promise is a promise.”  He unzipped his backpack and removed his headgear pouch.  Walking over in front of the mirror on the wall he pulled his top facebow out.  Before he could insert it, Izzy grabbed his hand.  She looked into his eyes and asked “can I put it on for you?”  Jake did not say a word, instead he just turned towards Izzy and handed her the facebow.  It took Izzy a couple of tries and some instruction from Jake, but she finally had his upper facebow inserted and hooked to his highpull strap.  She repeated the process with his lower facebow and cervical strap.

Izzy could feel the embarrassment emanating from him.  She smiled at him and said “oh goodness, you are so cute.”  He rolled his eyes.  She continued “just the cutest.”  She leaned in and awkwardly kissed him around his facebows.  She bit her lip and said “we will need to practice that.  But I bet we can figure it out.”

He looked at her and smiled.  She said “Jake, really, my brace is horrible. I completely understand if it, if I, repulse you.”

She was surprised when Jake grabbed her and said “stop that Izzy.  There is no way you could ever repulse me.  If you need to wear it, I insist you wear it.  If you don’t, then I will leave.” 

Izzy opened her closet and picked up her brace.  She turned, fully expecting a look of disgust to come over Jake’s face when he saw it.  Instead he made eye contact with her and smiled.  She froze, terrified of the thought of putting on her brace in front of this boy she liked so much.  Jake said “come on baby, it is ok.”

Izzy laid the brace on her bed.  She disrobed down to her underwear.  Picking up the brace she opened it and slipped her arms through it and wrapped it around her body.  With her two hands she closed the neck ring and quickly tightened the thumb screw.  She then attached the straps, securing it to her body.  She pushed her chin down into the throat mold and cut her eyes down, afraid to see the reaction on Jake’s face.  Eventually she cut her eyes up.  She saw Jake standing there looking at her with a blank look on his face.  He said “baby, I am so sorry you have to wear that.”  Taking a few steps towards her he smiled and said “but you are still the most beautiful woman in the world.”  He put his hands on her shoulders and said “the most beautiful.”

A smile broke out on Izzy’s reddened face.  She wrapped her arms around him and said “thank you.  Thank you so much.”

He stroked her and said “no sweetie, thank you.  Now, what about your facemask?  Will you put it on for me too?  Or maybe I can put it on for you?”

She softly said “only if you will cuddle with me afterwards.”

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Re: The Split
« Reply #159 on: 31. October 2023, 17:01:07 PM »
Jake seems like such a sweet, compassionate  guy. Just the kind of fellow Izzy needs to build her confidence help her develop socially; she has lived such a sheltered life.

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Re: The Split
« Reply #160 on: 31. October 2023, 18:26:44 PM »
Episode 79.

Dr. Higgins opened her door and entered the foyer.  As she passed through the den she saw that Robert was not there.  Neither was he in the dining room or kitchen.  She opened the door to the study and found him with his feet kicked up on the desk, a book in his hands.  He had heard the door open and had turned towards it. Seeing his partner he smiled and said “you were working late honey.  But there is no rest for the weary I guess.”

She walked over and nudged his feet off the desk as he laid the book down.   She sat in his lap, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.  She said “well, it’s Izzy.  And this new boy Jake.  I was hoping I could talk to you about it.  Get your thoughts.  I am unsure what to do.”

Dr. Anderson said “of course babe.  What do you say we get comfortable in the den?”

After about 20 minutes of conversation about Izzy, Dr. Higgins said “thank you sweetie.  I guess I will just keep doing what I am doing.  She is a grown up after all.  And I think you are right, if I try to rule with an iron fist she will likely resent it.  And that would make things worse.  And you are also right that she seems to really be maturing right before our eyes.”

Dr. Anderson said “she is.  And the credit for that goes to you.  Changing gears, how did you and Izzy’s appointment go today?”  Just the mention of it caused visible embarrassment on Dr. Higgins’ face.  Dr. Anderson asked “what is it Susan?  Did it not go well?”

She replied “I guess it did.  I mean, there were no issues.  Well, other than the fact I am going to have a mouth full of appliances and braces for the next four years.  And headgear.  Izzy is excited.  She is handling it much better than I am.”

Robert asked “what is it about undergoing orthodontic treatment that worries you?”

Susan was speechless for a few moments.  She then animatedly replied “what doesn’t worry me about it? I am too old for this.  I know it is going to hurt.  And it is so embarrassing.”

Robert responded “you certainly don’t need to worry about embarrassment in front of me.  Why don’t you show me what we are dealing with?”

Susan said “it is in the bathroom.  Come with me?”

Once in the bathroom, Susan turned and said “I got molar bands with hooks on them.”  She opened her mouth and showed Robert.  She pulled open the drawer and picked up the case for her FR.  Popping the lid open, she showed the appliance to him.  She said “I am supposed to wear this all the time for the next year, except when I am eating and brushing. I can’t talk.  No one is going to be able to understand me.  Or take me seriously.”

Robert looked her in the eyes and said “that is not true.  Susan, everyone here respects the hell out of you. And not just here, throughout the whole community.  That IS big, but that won’t change any of that.  Not one bit.”

She wanted to argue with him.  She said “that is easy for you to say.  You are not the one that has to wear it.”

He looked at her sympathetically and said “I know sweetie.  You are right.  And I don’t want to understate what an adjustment it will be.  But it is just an orthodontic appliance.  I love you.  I only want the best for you.  Will you put it in?”

Susan struggled to get the huge appliance in her mouth.  She finally succeeded and pressed down on it to seat it on her lower teeth.  She smiled at Robert and then said “eh ish hahbul ishn’t eh?  Eh luh sho ugly.”

He looked her in the eyes and said sternly “that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.  You are beautiful.  Breathtaking.  So you have to wear a retainer.  Honey, I know it may seem like a lot.  But I will be here with you.”

She said snarkily “ya muh nah be when ya see mah headgear.”

She picked up the white petit facemask and bag of elastics.  It was hard to get the elastics on the hooks around the large acrylic cheek pads that somewhat blocked them.  It took her several tries to finally get the facemask connected and centered on her face. Once she had it on, she stared down at the floor, her entire world one of humiliation.  Robert moved in and wrapped her in a hug.  He whispered “still the most attractive woman in the world.  Please, come on baby.  Come to the bedroom with me.  So I can show you.”

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Re: The Split
« Reply #161 on: 01. November 2023, 17:15:18 PM »
Episode 80.

As Peter slipped the red shoe onto Sarah's foot, she said "I just LOVE Halloween!  How awesome is it that Dr. Parker is having a Halloween themed movie night?  We get to do Halloween two nights this year."

Peter smiled and said "yes, the girls there are really sweet.  I can't imagine how much it is costing Dr. Parker to rent out a theater.  And I am glad you love Halloween so much.  By the way, you make the best Dorothy.  And I really love how you made me dress up like the dog."

Sarah laughed and said "you are just the cutest Toto."  With the second of her red slippers on, and since she was not currently wearing her facemask, she leaned down and kissed him vigorously.  She stood and said "when we get back and get the boys in bed, I will teach you some tricks."  She turned and went into the bathroom, emerging a few minutes later wearing her facemask.  She said "let's go see how Indiana Jones and Batman are coming with their costumes, we need to be getting a move on here soon."

Walking up to the entrance to the theater, Sarah saw her friends and co-workers from Vista View.  Izzy, dressed as the Tinman, was waving to her.  Beside her, holding her other hand, was Jake dressed as the Scarecrow.  As the two groups met, Peter said "wow, everyone went all out on their costumes." 

Izzy beamed and said "well, I wear half my costume all the time anyway."  Peter noticed she didn't seem self-conscious about her Milwaukee brace, the first time he had ever noticed that.  Izzy continued "and Jakey is just the best Scarecrow too.  I am going to pull his stuffing out later." 

Dr. Higgins got a shocked look on her face and said "Ishy!  Ladylike!  And NO, you will NOT be pulling his stuffing out later."

Peter looked at Dr. Higgins and noticed she was wearing her orthodontic appliance.  Sarah had told him all about it and of how self-conscious she was of it.   He asked "the wicked witch I presume?"

Dr. Higgins laughed, the huge appliance in her mouth becoming even more visible, and replied "could I be anything elshe?"  Dr. Anderson interjected "and I of course had to be the Wizard of Oz.  Again, it just makes sense."

Looking at the rest of the group, Peter said "Julia, or should I say Glinda, you really are the good witch.  I mean that."  She replied "thah ya Peta.  Wash a lil hah to get da coshtume to fit ova thish casht and halo, but Ishy made it work."  Peter then turned to Laikyn and said "RAWRR!.  I love your costume too.  But you most definitely aren't a cowardly lion. Maybe a lion, but not cowardly."  She smiled and said "thank you Peter."  He added "all we are missing is a flying monkey." 

From over his shoulder he heard "someone call for a flying monkey?"  Peter turned to see Melanie walking towards them.  She smiled, displaying a set of metal braces.  She said "flying monkey, reporting for duty".  With a big smile still on her face she curtseyed.  Peter said "you got your braces!  Congratulations!  They look great!"  She awkwardly pushed her lips out and over her teeth, like people with new braces are prone to do, and responded "yep, just got them yesterday.  They are an adjustment for sure.  And ugh, don't even get me started on the night splint and headgear."  Peter laughed and said "oh so much fun.  But you are in good company.  And let me introduce you to our boys, Indiana Jones and Batman."  Melanie leaned down and shook their hands and said "nice to meet you boys."  Peter looked at the group and said "so, have you got your tickets yet?"

Dr. Higgins replied "nope, waiting on you."

Entering the lobby, they saw a registration desk.  It was covered with a "Fair Oaks Orthodontics" table skirt and flanked on either side by "Fair Oaks Orthodontics" flags.  Behind it was the cast from Finding Nemo.

Dr. Parker, dressed in a blue shark costume but still wearing her customary pink facemask, greeted them warmly "hey gang!  I just LOVE everyone's costumes.  You all are just adorable." Looking at Sarah's and Peter's sons she continued "except for you two, you two are most definitely macho.  Just be careful with that bullwhip Indi."

Sarah replied "we can say the same.  You all look incredible.  But did Bruce the Shark wear a facemask?"  Dr. Parker, laughed and said "no, but he should have."  Sarah looked to Maria and asked "what did you have to do to get the honor of being Darla?"  Maria smiled and said "get my headgear wired in.  That's it, that is all it took."  She then laughed and said "a small price to pay for not having to be a clownfish."  Cassie, dressed in an orange and black fish costume, said "huh, speak for yourself.  I make the best clownfish."

Dr. Parker said "so, I have you all written down.  Here are your tickets.  Give them to Pam, excuse me Dory, at the ticket window and go on in.  Since just about everything they normally sell at the concession stand is off limits with braces, we brought in some braces friendly snacks and beverages. Feel free to help yourself on the way in, Missy is there if you have any questions on what we have to choose from.  You have about 10 minutes till the movie starts."

They were just about to turn and leave when Officer Emily Milton rushed up behind them.  Peter turned and said "oh gosh Emily, that is the most realistic police officer's costume I have ever seen.  She smiled, her forsus springs sticking out of her mouth, and said "ha ha, you are a funny guy.  I literally just finished my shift.  I didn't have time to run home and change.  But I wouldn't miss this for the world."  Peter noticed she was holding her Fair Oaks Orthodontics headgear pouch, which he found strange.  He nodded his head and said "well officer, we are finished up.  We will get out of your way."   As they walked away, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Emily go around the table and hug Maria.  He couldn't hear what they were saying.

The opening previews were just finishing when Peter noticed the staff of Fair Oaks walk down the aisle of the theater.  Cassie, Dr. Parker, and Pam made their way down a row of seats in front of them.  Dr. Parker sat down beside a man and a little girl.  Peter assumed it was her husband and daughter.  When he saw Dr. Parker pick up the little girl, she appeared to be 6 or 7 years old, and put her in her lap he felt certain of it.  He noticed Pam and Cassie also sat beside two other men, again he assumed these were their significant others.  Maria and Emily however went down a different row and took two seats against the wall.  As the movie began to play in the darkened theater, it was hard to see much.  But even in the dark, Peter made out the silhouette of Emily handing Maria her headgear pouch, and then giving her a quick kiss.  Peter watched on as Maria deftly inserted the facebow into Emily's mouth, and then attached her cervical and high-pull straps.  Once done, Maria wrapped her arm around Emily's shoulders and pulled her close, Emily's head laying on her shoulder.  Peter thought he understood the feeling the two were sharing.  Peter looked over at his own headgeared wife.  He reached his arm out, wrapped it around her, and pulled her close.


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Re: The Split
« Reply #162 on: 03. November 2023, 17:23:55 PM »
Episode 81.

Several weeks later, Peter was turning Sarah's expanders before bed when the wrench stopped abruptly on the top expander.  Sarah noticed something seemed odd and asked "wha ish eh?"  Peter craned his head and looked into her mouth.  He said "I am not sure.  But it just stopped turning.  I can't turn it all the way.  I don't want to try to force it.  Let me get my hand out of your mouth and take a better look.  Keep your mouth open."  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the light, examining the roof of Sarah's mouth.  He turned off the light and stuck the phone in his pocket as Sarah asked "well?"  He shrugged and said "I am not sure.  But I have an idea.  I think you maxed out your expander.  Didn't Dr. Parker say this would happen?  And then you would have to get a second one?"

Sarah thought back and then replied "ugh, I do remember that.  I don't want to have to go through the process of getting another one."  She pouted back at Peter.  He looked at her and said "baby, it won't be that bad.  You are a pro at it now.  And if you are done with this one, it means you are making progress.  Right?  Does anything feel weird in your mouth?   Does anything hurt?  Because it looks ok."

Sarah felt around with her tongue and said "no, it doesn't feel unusual." 

Peter asked "do you want me to call Dr. Parker's emergency number?"

Sarah thought for a second and replied "no, it is almost 10 pm.  I don't want to bother them this late.  It seems fine, I will call them in the morning.  But thank you baby."  She leaned in and kissed him.  He kissed her back and said "I love you."

The next afternoon Sarah pulled into Fair Oak's parking lot at 4 pm.  She had called earlier that morning and described what had happened.  Missy had told her it sounded exactly like she had described, that she had simply maxed out her first expander.  But, just to be sure, she would squeeze her in.

Walking up to the reception desk, Sarah smiled at Missy.  She smiled back, leaning back in her seat some so she could look her face to face.  Missy said "Sharah!  Alwaysh good to see you.  And alwaysh good to see patientsh being sho proactive in their treatment and wearing their appliancesh." 

Sarah smiled and said "well I try.  And look at you doing the same."

Missy laughed and said "well, I mean, I have a pretty strong motivational team behind me that keeps me in line."

Sarah asked "so really, how are you feeling?  And what is it like to wear that neck brace all the time?" 

Missy said "I feel good.  I am not in pain.  Thish appliance is pretty annoying to be honesht.  I will be ready to be done with it and just get some regular ol' braces.  But it has stopped the pain.  And I don't wear it all the time.  I mean, I can't really wear the Crane while driving.  And people have so much trouble undershtanding me with the twin block.  So I wear it here at the office.  I mean, it ish an orthodontic offish so it isn't that out of place.  And I wear it whenever I am at home.  But I don't wear it out in public.  My hat ish off to you and Dr. Parker for having the courage to do that, wearing your facemasksh all the time."

Thinking of Kim, Sarah said "well, I don't think it is courage that makes me do it.  It is fear of what might happen if I don't."

Missy laughed and said "I mean, Dr. Parker is a stickler for patient compliance.  But it isn't like she is going to waterboard you if you don't wear it exactly as she prescribes.  I think she even expectsh patientsh to cheat.  But you, you don't.  You are special."

Sarah laughed and said "special?  Oh, if you only knew.  But thank you.  Am I checked in?"

Missy said "you are!  You were as soon as I saw you.  But thank you for asking about me.  And chatting!  It helpsh break up the day.  And I still need to practish speaking with thish appliancsh."

Sarah smiled at her and said "you sound great."

After about 10 minutes of reading an out of date gossip magazine that was laying on the table, Sarah looked up as she heard Cassie call "Sarah!  Step right up, you are our next contestant!"  Sarah looked up and saw Cassie looking at her.  Right away, Sarah noticed she wasn't wearing her usual Petit facemask.  Instead, her face appeared free of any extraoral devices.

Sarah stopped in front of Cassie and cocked her head from side to side.  She said "there is something different about you Cassie.  Is it the hair?  No. Hmm, new contact color?  No.  The makeup?  That isn't it."

Cassie started laughing and answered "maybe it is the facemask.  Or lack there of?"

Sarah smiled and asked "you wore a facemask?"

Cassie rolled her eyes and said "I am in a wedding this weekend.  And of course my chin decided to break out right before it.   Because of the chincup of my facemask.  So, Dr. Parker has granted me work release from facemask jail."  She pulled down her cloth mask.  Sarah saw the silver wire that ran out of each corner of her mouth, looping an inch of so in front of it with 4 down turned prongs on it, and an elastic attached to each prong running back into Cassie's mouth.  Cassie said "so no facemask.  But she fit me with this fancy, schmancy tandem bow appliance.  Between me and you, I hope I can keep this for the rest of treatment and not go back to the facemask.  Let's go see what you win today.  Looking at the notes, it looks like you might win another expander."

After taking off her facemask and doing the customary hygiene, Cassie got Sarah seated in a treatment chair and reclined back.  Almost immediately Dr. Parker leaned in over her and cheerily said "TGIF Sarah!  You are our last patient of the week.  So, I understand you couldn't get a complete turn on your expander last night.  Let's take a look."

It didn't take long for Dr. Parker to exclaim "well, good news and bad news.  The good news is that there isn't anything wrong.  You did just max out your first maxillary expander.  Now for the bad news."  Sarah braced herself for hearing about a second expander.  Dr. Parker said "the bad news is, I was wrong in your initial consult.  You won't need two expanders."  It took Sarah a second to process this and asked "what?"  Dr. Parker gave her a huge smile and said "you are done turning!  You, and your suture, did incredible.  We need to leave your top expander in for a while to let the bone grow in, probably 6 to 12 months, but you are done turning.  Both expanders.  We will leave the lower one in until your next appointment.  But I will have the lab fabricate a lower lingual arch to replace it at your next appointment.  And that means something exciting!  You are ready for your top braces.  We can go ahead and start closing those gaps."

Sarah said "so I don't have to get a second expander installed?"  She visibly exhaled.

Dr. Parker said "no, so exciting!"

Sarah said "but I do get braces.  When?"

Dr. Parker smiled and said "right now silly.  Cassie, would you go get Sarah's brackets.  And go ahead and grab a tandem bow too so we can fit her with one.  And finally, a couple bags of elastics for her.  Gray Whale and Sea Lion.  Plain and colored.  Thank you dear."

It took about 20 minutes for Cassie to get Sarah's new metal brackets installed on her top teeth and the tandem bow sized to fit inside the tubes on her lower molar bands.  Once done, she raised her up and held up a mirror.  Dr. Parker exclaimed "Sarah, they look great.  You look great."   Sarah smiled broadly into the mirror.  It was a change, seeing her front top teeth covered in metal, pink ligatures to match her lowers.  But she didn't think they looked horrible.  In fact, she thought they looked kind of cute.  Dr. Parker continued "and you are done with the facemask during the day.  Unless you just prefer it.  Instead, I want you to wear those class three elastics, the sea lions, all the time.  Except when eating and brushing.  And the tandem bow during the day using the whale elastics.  Do continue to wear the facemask and chinstrap at night.  The new elastics may cause some soreness, as will the brackets.  But standard Tylenol should knock it out.  Any questions?"

Sarah shook her head and said "no, I don't think so.  Wait, I do.  How long do you think I will have to wear the facemask at night?"

Thinking of the conversation she had previously had with Dr. Anderson, Dr. Parker replied "well, I can't really say exactly.  It might be a while longer.  But you are doing great!  Don't worry about it."

As Sarah walked away, Dr. Parker thought about that conversation with Dr. Anderson.  She understood why he had made the request.  But Dr. Parker was not sure she had it in her to tell a patient that they had to wear an extraoral appliance at night.  For the rest of their life.

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Re: The Split
« Reply #163 on: 04. November 2023, 05:05:30 AM »
Excellent chapter! I love the use of a rather obscure appliance. The facemask seems to keep Kim at bay and I have to wonder what Sarah will think when she finally finds out she must wear it forever.

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Re: The Split
« Reply #164 on: 04. November 2023, 15:39:27 PM »
Episode 82.

As Sarah walked into the employee entrance at Vista View on Monday morning, she thought about her new job.  And about how seamless the transition had been.  Sarah had felt a lot of anxiety when she started.  About whether she was ready.  Of whether she was capable.  And how the guests she knew there that she had become friends with would view and treat her now that she was a staff member instead of "one of them".  But to her surprise, she had sensed no animosity or jealousy.  Instead everyone, both staff and residents, had been nothing but supportive so far.  She dropped her purse in her office and walked in to meet with Dr. Higgins as she did every morning.

Sarah knocked on Dr. Higgins door and received a "come on in" in response.  Upon opening the door and entering the office Dr. Higgins immediately announced "no facshmask!  Wait, no facshmask?"   Sarah smiled at her, showing her new upper braces.  Dr. Higgins said "hey, you got you shome new bracesh!   And I may be rude for ashking, but what ish that shiny piece of jewelry you have shticking out of your mouth?"

Sarah leaned in and said "this is my new tandem bow appliance.  It takes the place of my facemask.  At least during the day.  I still have to wear the facemask at night.  This tandem bow is still obvious, but not nearly as obvious as the facemask was. You know I had that emergency appointment on Friday afternoon.  I thought my expander was broken.  It wasn't, it was just out of gas. I had turned it as much as it would turn.  I just knew I was going to be told I had to get another one.  But instead, Dr. Parker told me I was done turning.  And no second expander needed.  I have to keep the top one in for another 6-12 months, but no turning.  And I get the lower one out at my next appointment."

Dr. Higgins hopped up out of her chair and came around her desk and gave Sarah a big hug.  She exclaimed "I am sho happy for you! You are making so much progress so fast.  And I mean that orthodontically speaking and in a much larger general sense.   I cannot wait for the day I am done with thish FR and facemashk.  I mean, I know the expandersh will be rough.  But thish FR is just show freaking bulky and awkward.  Every evening I tell myself one more day down.  But how many days are left?  Anyway, enough of my pity party.  Let's talk about all the fun we are going to have today."

After Dr. Higgins had gone over the days schedule, she turned the conversation back to orthodontics.  She said "hey, do you remember when Dr. Parker told me there was a local celebrity that wore an FR and facemask?  I am pretty sure I know who it is."

Sarah arched her eyebrows and asked "and who might that be?"

Dr. Higgins replied "Meredith Simmons."  Sarah's face remained blank, not recognizing the name.  Dr. Higgins added "meteorologist Meredith Simmons, ABC 8?  Ring a bell?"

Sarah did recognize her.  She said "oh wow, yes I know her.  I mean, I know who she is.  I have watched her.  You think she is in treatment with Dr. Parker?"

Dr. Higgins said "I absholutely do.  I wash watching the late newsh on Friday night.  After she got done with her weekend forecasht, she announced she was going to be out thish week, taking a little vacation.  For shome reason it just clicked in my head.  As she was explaining who would be filling in for her, I really started focushing on her mouth.  At one point, she opened it just enough and at the right angle I swore I saw a little silver gleam in the back of her mouth.  Around her molars.  Where molar bands would be.  So, I went to the ABC 8 Facebook page and shtarted watching some of her videosh over the past few months.  And she definitely has molar bandsh with hooks on them.  Come over here, take a gander."

As she watched the video that Dr. Higgins pulled up, Sarah said "wow, so she is going to get a maxillary expander?  That is going to be tough on her I imagine.  I mean, talking is kind of her life.  And braces afterwards?  On air?  That is going to be hard.  Poor thing."

Dr Higgins replied "tell me about it.  And tell me the truth, is it weird I am so invested in a stranger's mouth?  And that I want her to be going through the same thing I am going through?"

Sarah said "no, I don't think it is weird.  I just think it is human nature.  I know you are uncomfortable with your treatment.  Which is completely normal, orthodontics is uncomfortable and embarrassing.  It is natural that you want to know someone else is going through the same thing.  I feel the same way.  I am glad Dr. Parker wears her facemask fulltime.  It made it easier for me when I had to.  Heck, the fact all the girls at Dr. Parker's wear their appliances so fearlessly makes it easier."

Dr. Higgins said "as always, the sage Sarah is right I believe.  Speaking of right, we need to get right to it.  Lots to do today as always.  And you are going to be in charge this afternoon manning the fort, I have to take Izzy to her doctor's appointment."

Sarah said "oh wow, that is right.  I hope Izzy gets some great news.  I know she is so sick of wearing her Milwaukee brace.  I have been praying they let her out of it today."

That afternoon, Izzy came bounding into Sarah's office a little before 4 pm.  Sarah looked up at her and her heart sank, Izzy still had the stainless steel and white plastic neck ring encircling her neck.  Despite this, Izzy had a big smile on her face.  Izzy sat down across from Sarah and asked "how has Sarah's day been?"

Sarah smiled at her and said "Izzy, every day is a great day when I get to see you!"

This caused Izzy to laugh.  She said "no really, how are you?  How has your first day in forever without your facemask been?  Do you miss it?"

Sarah said "no really Izzy, every day I see you IS a great day.  In fact, every day is a great day.  But today has been extra great.  And no, I don't miss wearing my facemask.  Now, I did have to answer a lot of questions today about it being gone.  And about this new tandem bow.  But it is nice to be able to actually let me face breath.  But enough about me.  What about you?"

As she had been talking, Sarah had noticed Izzy was jittery.  Like she had energy inside her that just needed to come out.  Izzy exclaimed "I had the BEST day.  I am getting a new brace Sarah!  A scolibrace!  Like Cassie has.  As soon as they get it made in a couple of weeks, I can ditch this Milwaukee brace!  I will get my neck back!  They said that my growth plates have finally fused.  They want me to continue to wear a brace.  But not this brace.  They showed me an example of the Scolibrace I will be getting.  It is so much cuter than this clunky thing I have been wearing forever.  I am so excited!  And guess what else?"  Without giving Sarah time to guess Izzy continued "Gramma is going to take me and let me take my driving test once I get it.  I am nervous, so nervous.  But so excited.  I haven't told Jake.  I am going to surprise him.  Oh Sarah, I am so happy!"

Sarah got up and went and hugged Izzy.  As she held her she said "oh sweetie, I am so happy for you."

As Sarah let go of her, Izzy asked "what about your back?  How is it?  Any idea when you might get your brace off?"

Sarah said "well, I hope next week.  I have an appointment for them to look at both my hand and my back.  I would just love if I left the appointment without a cast or brace.  I have gotten used to them, but still I want to be rid of them."

Izzy smiled and said "I just know you will Sarah.  Because I miss my swimming partner so much."

Sarah responded "Izzy, you have a new partner, Jake.  You don't need me anymore."

Izzy got a serious look on her face and said "no Sarah, I do need you.  I have always needed you.  If it weren't for you, there would be no Jake in my life.  Sarah, if it weren't for you, there would be no Izzy, at least not this version of Izzy.  Thank you."

Sarah's eyes got moist and she looked at the young woman in front of her.  She said "oh Izzy.  I am so proud of you. I didn't do this, you did."

The serious and introspective Izzy said "every day is a new opportunity to be a better person.  Sarah, I need to run, the pool awaits.  And I have taken enough of your time.  But you will get your cast and brace off next week, I just know it."

The following Monday, Sarah had the ABC 8 morning news on in the kitchen as she made breakfast.  It was just background noise to Sarah until she heard what she had been waiting for.  When she heard "Good Morning, Meredith Shimmons with your morning weather" Sarah turned her attention to the TV.  There on the screen was the most beautiful and elegant meteorologist in the area, as usual dressed impeccably, this morning in a blue dress that accentuated her slim waist and ample chest, her blonde curls falling down and her makeup and jewelry perfectly accenting her sculpted face.  She continued "before I get into the weather, I want to apologize for how I am speaking.  Many of you are probably completely unaware, but for the past 12 months I have been undergoing orthodontic treatment for TMJ and sleep apnea.  I had a removable appliance for the past 12 months which I was able to take out when on air.  But thish past week I received a fixed palatal expander."  She smiled broadly at the camera, the two silver hooks visible in the corners of her mouth.  She continued "I have been practicing speaking, but there are still shome words and soundsh that cause me issues.  Especially S'sh.  So, please, over the next few weeksh please bear with me as I get used to my new mouth.  And with that, letsh see what the weather ish going to be like for your drive in today." 

Sarah remembered her first few weeks with her expanders.  And how tough it had been on her.  And that was with her being able to hide at home as a stay at home mom.  She had no idea how she would have managed if she'd had to face the world during that time.  She wanted to send a word of encouragement.  She picked up her phone.  First, she text Dr. Higgins 'you were right.  Meredith Simmons is in treatment.  She just mentioned it on air.'  Sarah then went to Meredith Simmons ABC 8 Facebook page.  She intended to leave a little note of encouragement, to tell her that it did get better; that there were others going through the same thing that she was who completely understood; and finally that she sounded great.  Once the page loaded she was amazed by what she saw.  She realized she was not the only one.  Because her Facebook page was being flooded with comments about her new orthodontia.  Sarah left her message and then clicked on the ABC 8 main Facebook page.  There too was a string of comments about her treatment.  Some were petty and mean, but most were supportive, many asking for more details.  She noticed there were a number of comments asking about what the little hooks were for.  And she felt horrible for Meredith Simmons.  Because how do you answer that question without telling the world you have to wear a facemask?