
Author Topic: The Split  (Read 48416 times)

Offline MikeB

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Re: The Split
« Reply #120 on: 15. September 2023, 19:05:42 PM »
This is true. In 2017-2018, I had four friends and a wife all in braces at the same time: Carrie, Britt, Diana, Samantha and Celeste. What a glorious time to be alive!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #121 on: 15. September 2023, 19:08:41 PM »
Sadly, we all do have to wake up from dreams.  The last woman I know that had them got them off last week.  She was late to the party.  And now, there is no party at all.   :'(

Well, other than that thing I am working on.  Which will be fun.  Even if I know they aren't real.

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Re: The Split
« Reply #122 on: 16. September 2023, 18:05:21 PM »
It's still massive fun, especially with a woman who plays along well. I wish you great success!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #123 on: 25. September 2023, 19:40:57 PM »
Episode 62.

The next afternoon Peter followed along behind Dr. Higgins.  They entered a foyer he had not seen before.  He knew that Dr. Higgins lived on the premises in a private residence of her own.  The design of the area was much different than the more sterile suites that the guests occupied.  He thought this must be her home.

She confirmed this with “so, this is a little unusual Peter.  I try to maintain a strict divide between my work life and my personal life. But, I told you I would do anything to help Sarah.  And Robert thinks our study would be a much more comfortable environment for what he wants to try today.”

As Peter followed along he replied “thank you very much.  And you have a nice home.”

Dr. Higgins replied “thank you.  It is a sanctuary for me.  And I hope it will be a sanctuary for Sarah.  And Kim.”  As she opened another door she announced “and we are here.”

As Peter entered the rich, wood paneled room he saw Sarah sitting stiffly on the edge of a couch speaking with Dr. Anderson.  Upon seeing Peter, Sarah rose from the couch.  Peter rushed to her and wrapped her in a hug.

He said “baby, I did what you told me.  I stayed away.  But it was so hard.  I miss you.”

She nuzzled her facemask encumbered face into his chest and said “I miss you too.  But the girls have been so sweet to me.  They are taking such good care of me.”

After a moment, Peter let go of Sarah and stepped back.  As he gazed at her she asked “what are you doing?”

He smiled and said “enjoying the view.”

She replied “hmph, you are funny.  I look like a malfunctioned lawn chair.”

Peter said “that is so not true. And look at your casts!  They look like works of art.”

Sarah smiled sheepishly and responded “I hate these stupid things.  But, Izzy and the girls have had so much fun decorating them.  I am trying to find any little ray of sunshine in all this.  And I am a big canvas.”  She pulled up the sweatshirt she was wearing.  Her previously white back brace was now a kaleidoscope of color.  She continued “Izzy is quite the artist.”

Peter said to her “I can’t wait until I get a chance to explore it up close” and winked.

Dr. Anderson interrupted and said “Peter, thank you so much for coming.  As we discussed, I want you involved in this.  Especially as I want to speak with Kim.  Peter would you help Sarah remove her headgear and get her comfortable on the couch.”  After removing Sarah’s facemask and elastics he helped her recline on the couch, arranging the pillows that Dr. Higgins had provided.

Peter asked “is that comfy baby?”

Sarah said “I think as comfortable as possible with two long arm casts and a back brace.  Thank you honey.”

As Peter moved over to a chair beside Dr. Higgins, Dr. Anderson stated “Sarah, I am now going to hyponotize you.  I want to speak with Kim.  Are you ok with this?”

Sarah sat in silence. 

Dr. Anderson asked again “Sarah, are you ok with this?”

She weakly nodded and said “if you think it is ok.  I am just nervous.”

Peter went and knelt down beside her and took her left, undamaged hand.  He said sweetly “baby, I will be right here.  Right beside you the whole time.”

It took several minutes before Sarah seemed to attain a hypnotic state.  If appeared as if she was simply sleeping.  Until Dr. Anderson spoke.

Dr. Anderson said “Kim, will you speak with me?”
Sarah’s eyes opened.  With a cold stare she turned her head in Peter’s direction.  He simply smiled back at her.  She then turned her head towards Dr. Anderson and glared at him.

Dr. Anderson asked “Kim, is that you?”

Sarah did not speak.  She continued to glare at Dr. Anderson with a look that could kill.  Dr. Anderson continued “Kim, I am not here to hurt you.  I am here to help you.  And to apologize to you.  Will you speak with me?”

She shrieked “why should I?  I hate you.  You want me dead.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #124 on: 25. September 2023, 19:41:47 PM »
Episode 63.

Dr. Anderson looked into Sarah’s eyes, trying to convey kindness and warmth, and responded “thank you Kim.  And before we continue, I do want to apologize.  It is not true that I want you dead.  I have never wanted that.  But, I did want you to go away, to leave Sarah to live her own life.  But I realize now that you ARE a part of Sarah’s life.  A very important part.  I have been wrong the last ten years.  It was not fair to you.  It was not right.  I want to make amends for that.”

Kim did not speak.  Instead she continued to only glare.

Dr. Anderson continued “Kim, you have every reason to not trust me.  To not trust any man.  So, let’s start with what you do like.  Kim, will you please tell me something you like?  And then tell me something you have always wanted to do?”

The room was silent but for the subdued ticking of a clock.  Kim continued to coldly appraise Dr. Anderson.  She finally responded “I love horses.  I have always wanted to ride a horse.”

Dr. Anderson asked “so it would make you happy to ride a horse?”  This unlocked something inside Kim.  Her facial expression softened.  And then for twenty minutes she spoke with Dr. Anderson.

Near the end of their scheduled time, Kim began to cry.  Peter wrapped her in a hug and stroked her gently, just as he would have Sarah.

After the tears had ended Dr. Anderson asked “Kim what do you think of Sarah’s orthodontic appliances?  Her expanders, braces, and headgear?”

Kim very animatedly answered “I HATE them.  I hate them so much.  They hurt.  And they are embarrassing.  Her orthodontist is mean for making her wear it all.”

Dr.Anderson asked “even though Sarah is doing it voluntarily?  And it is for her own good?”

Kim replied “well, I mean, it’s just so ugly.  Especially the headgear.  I could never wear it.  I could never stand to be seen wearing it.  And it HURTS!”

Dr. Anderson asked “so when Sarah is wearing it, are you not wearing it too?”

Kim seemed confused.  She responded “no, she is wearing it.  No… I am not wearing it.  I can feel it yes.  And how uncomfortable it is.  But I could never wear it.  Never.  No, Sarah wears headgear.  I do not.”

Dr. Anderson simply nodded and said “Kim, thank you so much.  And can we do this again?  In the meantime, I think we need to start working on scheduling some riding lessons for once Sarah is healed up from her little accident.”

Kim’s eyes got wide as she said “really?   No way!  I would love that more than life.  Please?  I promise I will be good.”

As Sarah awakened she had a nervous, fearful look on her face.  She looked around and saw she was still laying on the couch.  She looked at Dr. Anderson and asked “how did it go?  Did Kim try to attack anyone?”

As Peter squeezed Sarah’s hand, Dr. Anderson replied “it went better than I imagined it could.  I learned so much about Kim.   We need to get you healed up so you can go horseback riding.  And also, I need to speak with Dr. Parker again.”

Sarah asked “horseback riding?  What?”

Peter replied “I will explain.”

Sarah then asked “and why do you need to speak with Dr. Parker?”

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #125 on: 26. September 2023, 03:03:09 AM »
Excellent chapters! Now we are getting to know Kim. Very interesting.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #126 on: 26. September 2023, 06:56:39 AM »
Thank you.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #127 on: 03. October 2023, 00:58:53 AM »
Episode 64.

Friday morning, as Melanie slid Sarah’s glasses onto her face, Sarah said “Melanie, if you ever get tired of nursing, you have a future in makeup and nails.  Seriously.  You are so good.  I would have never tried such a bold look, but it really does look amazing.  I am going to have to take some notes on what you do before I leave.”

Melanie smiled and said “thank you.  It is all about accentuating what you want to draw attention to.  Your eyes are amazing, makeup just helps them to pop.  And makeup is good for concealing the flaws. That is why I never wear bright or bold lipsticks.  I don’t want to draw attention to my mouth and my crooked smile.”

Sarah said “hogwash, you have an adorable smile.  But if it bothers you, I do know a person.”

Melanie said “I don’t know.  It just seems like a lot.”

Sarah replied “honestly, it is a little annoying.  And painful.  And embarrassing, at least the headgear is.  And this gap”. She gave a smile and continued “it just keeps growing.  But it is worth it.  I keep telling myself it is.  It is a process though.  But seriously, my headaches have gone away.  I didn’t even do this for aesthetics really.  But, a bonus is going to be straight, pearly whites.”

As Melanie attached Sarah’s facemask, Sarah asked “it may be rude to ask, but how old are you Melanie?  What?  Twenty-five?”

Melanie answered “twenty-eight.”

Sarah replied “oh to be that young again.  Seriously, the younger you are the easier it is.  And the sooner you start the sooner you finish.  Plus, a consultation is just that.  There are no commitments.  Do it, schedule a consult.”

Melanie said “ok, I will.”

Sarah exclaimed “Yay!  Good for you!  You will be so happy”.

As Sarah stood Melanie asked “what if they tell me I need headgear?”

Sarah said “aww, it isn’t that bad.  And I don’t want to tattle on anyone or tell secrets, but you would be surprised at the number of people who have to wear headgear.  Maybe even guests and employees right here at Vista View.  Changing gears, did Dr. Higgins say why she wanted to see me this morning?”

Melanie shook her head back and forth and said “nope, no idea.  But she didn’t seem upset or anything.”

After Melanie had knocked on Dr. Higgins’ door Sarah fidgeted.  She looked at Melanie and asked “why do I feel like I am in trouble?”

Melanie didn’t have a chance to answer.  The door swung inward and Dr. Higgins  said “Good Morning!  Sarah thank you so much for seeing me so early!  And Melanie thank you for bringing her.”

After both had offered a good morning reply, Melanie excused herself to continue her rounds.  As Sarah followed behind Dr. Higgins she asked “I hope I didn’t do something wrong.”

As Dr. Higgins sat behind her desk she said “goodness no, just the opposite.  Please, sit!  You have been doing so good.  So has Kim.  Your second session yesterday was so productive I wanted to surprise you this morning.  You have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon.  To get your casts off.  You will still need a short arm finger spica for your right hand.  But no more long arm casts.” 

Sarah was a bit stunned.  She replied “Wow…. That is great!  And just when I was getting a little used to them.”

Dr. Higgins smiled and said “well, if you want to keep them for another week…”

Sarah said “no, absolutely not.  Thank you!”

Dr. Higgins responded “don’t thank me.  Thank yourself.  And Kim.  But most of all Robert.  Now, for my second order of business.  I have two favors to ask of you.  First, Julia is going to be moving into Vista View this afternoon.  She is being discharged today, and there is no way she can take care of herself.”

Sarah asked “but what about her boyfriend Nathan.  Can he not help her?”

Dr. Higgins replied “ex-boyfriend Nathan.  And no, he won’t.”

Sarah’s mouth dropped open.  She asked “he broke up with her?  With everything else going on?  What an as**ole.”

Dr. Higgins nodded her head and said “yes.  It is a very sore subject for me.  Her physical wounds will all heal.  Right now I am more worried about her emotional wounds.  Will you spend some time with her?”

Sarah responded “absolutely.  This is all my fault.  Just point me in the right direction.”

Dr. Higgins answered “I thought you would say that.  And I don’t think you will need any pointing.  You will instinctively know what to do.  I just want you to tell me if there is anything, anything at all that you or her need.  Agreed?”

Sarah nodded and replied “agreed.”

Dr. Higgins smiled and said “thank you.  Now for favor number two.  You are still planning to go with Izzy and I for her consult on Tuesday aren’t you?”

Sarah replied “absolutely.  I wouldn’t miss it.  She is SO excited.  Plus, Dr. Parker wants to check my gap progress.”

Dr.  Higgins said “wonderful, I want you there for moral support.”

Sarah laughed and said “Izzy will only need moral support if they tell her she doesn’t need braces.”

Dr. Higgins pursed her lips and said “the moral support is for me.  Izzy talked me into it. I am powerless to say no to that girl.  I had our general dentist forward our records over to Fair Oaks.  Dr. Parker called to discuss our files.  She warned me that due to my age and what she saw in my file that my treatment plan might be intensive and time consuming.  No, the moral support is for me.”

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #128 on: 03. October 2023, 04:07:32 AM »
Good to see another chapter. Your work is greatly appreciated!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #129 on: 05. October 2023, 02:15:49 AM »
Episode 65.

Sarah said “of course, of course I will provide any kind of support I can, moral or otherwise.  I completely understand how scary the idea is.  But, I also know if you do decide to do it, you will do just fine.”

Dr. Higgins replied “thank you dear.  I feel conflicted.  On one hand, I know it would make Izzygirl happy.  And I know I could use a bit of a tuneup.  But on the other hand, I am terrified. But enough about that, the more I think about it, the more nervous I get.”

Sarah answered “fair enough.  So, Julia?  Where is she going to stay?  Who is she going to room with?”

Dr. Higgins responded “I have not figured that out yet.  On one hand, I do want her to have a roommate.  She will need help with almost everything.  But, she is still an employee here.  So I am afraid it might be awkward for a guest to become a caretaker.  But, I have to figure it out by 3 pm today.”

Sarah suggested “let her have my room.  Surely there is a pull out couch somewhere here in the building we can move into our common area.  I will sleep on that.  It is the least I can do.  And Izzy is a natural at helping people.  Between me, her, and Melanie; Julia will be doted over.”

Dr. Higgins responded “I don’t know.  With that fracture in your back I just don’t know if that is a good idea. For you to be sleeping on a couch, even if it is a pullout.”

Sarah fired back “Dr. Higgins, this back brace IS my bed.  It really doesn’t matter.  As long as I have my pillows I will be fine.  Plus, every since I started wearing my facemask, I don’t toss and turn.  I can’t really.  A pull out will be fine.  Please, let me do this for Julia.”

Dr. Higgins replied “let me think on it.  Are you allergic to cats?”

Sarah shook her head and said “no, why?”

Dr. Higgins replied “Julia has an inside kitty who will be moving in too.  That makes finding her the right bed even more complex.”

Sarah said “well, I am not allergic to cats.  And I love them.  And we both know that Izzy would go bonkers with a kitty to play with and take care of.”  Sarah noticed this last comment made Dr. Higgins smile.

Dr. Higgins responded “let me think about it.”

That afternoon Sarah walked up to the front desk.  Laikyn looked up and gave her a big smile, clearly showing molar bands and hooks on her top arch.  She shrieked “you got your casts off!  All but that one cute little dainty one!  I am so happy for you!”

Sarah smiled and said “I did!”  Flexing her arms back and forth at the elbows she continued “but it does feel a little weird.  But in a good way.  So, I think Dr. Higgins was going to leave something here for me.”

Laikyn ducked down and disappeared behind the reception desk.  When she stood back up she was holding a huge brown teddy bear with a red ribbon around his neck.  Laikyn said “he is huge!  And adorable. Maybe it will cheer Julia up.  She looked so sad when she came through earlier.  But that cast and halo brace she is wearing have to be miserable.  And to have her jaw wired shut too and have that feeding tube?  Goodness it must have been a tumble.”

Sarah changed the subject and asked “speaking of wired shut, you are speaking completely normal now.  How are you with your expander?”

Laikyn replied “it isn’t hurting like it was.  And I have figured out how to talk around it.  I mean, I can’t forget it is there.  And eating is still a nightmare.  But it is better.  I think I will live.  I wasn’t so sure the first few days.”

Sarah smiled and said “And it will keep getting easier.  I promise.”  She placed her finger up on the chincup of her facemask and asked “and the facemask?  Is it getting easier?”

Laikyn pouted and said “yes and no.  It doesn’t hurt as much now.  But I am not getting my time in.  With work and school I am just too busy.  I am going to try to catch up some this weekend.”

Sarah replied “why not wear it here?  Everyone knows you.  And you won’t be alone.  You didn’t hear this from me, but even Dr. Higgins might start orthodontic treatment soon.  You started a trend.  Did you bring your mask with you?”

Laikyn said “goodness no, it has never seen daylight.  I hide it in a bathroom drawer.”

Sarah said “it is nothing to he embarrassed about.  And I think I am qualified to make that statement.  Would you do me a favor?  Would you at least bring it with you here on Monday?”

Laikyn said “why, I am not going to wear it here.”

Sarah smiled at her and said “I can’t make you.  But you know you should.  And Monday, I want to show you something.  Please?”

Laikyn said “ok.  But I am not wearing it.”

Sarah said “that is all I ask.  Thank you.  Now, let me get Mr. Bear to his new home. And say hello to Julia.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #130 on: 19. October 2023, 20:32:40 PM »
Episode 66.

Sarah was already awake and sitting on the folded up pull out couch with the TV playing softly when the door opened.  Nurse Melanie entered.  She saw Sarah and gave her a big crowded smile and said “Good Morning!  I was hoping you were up so I wouldn’t wake you.  You don’t exactly have much privacy sleeping on the pullout in here.  I didn’t want to wake you.”

Sarah smiled back from behind her every present facemask and responded “Good Morning to you, you are sweet.  But please, never worry about waking me when you need to see Julia.”

As Melanie helped Julia bath and dress in her former bedroom, Sarah continued to watch TV.  Until Izzy opened her door and entered the common area like a whirlwind.  She ran over and jumped on the couch and wrapped Sarah in a big hug and exclaimed “what a GREAT DAY!”

Sarah extricated herself from Izzy and laughed.  She said “you sure are excited for someone who may get told them need braces today.”

Izzy beamed and replied “that is exactly why it is a great day!  I am so excited!  And it is all because of you.”  She hugged Sarah again and said “thank you.”

This time Sarah hugged her back and joked “just remember this when your mouth is hurting.”

Izzy said “that is a small price to pay for a pretty smile!  Plus, I don’t have to wear my Milwaukee brace this morning.  I will trade a sore mouth for a break from it any day.”

Sarah looked at Izzy and said “oh Izzy, it will be over soon.  You have that appointment next month.  I just know they will tell you that you are done with it then.”

Izzy pouted and said “hmpphh, we will see.  I feel like they want to keep me wearing it forever.”

Sarah “nonsense Izzy.  I feel like I am the one that is going to have to be wearing this facemask forever.”

Izzy responded “but Sarah, it is cute on you!  I just wish it was white so I could decorate it like I did your casts and backbrace.”

They were interrupted by Melanie gently guiding Julia into the room.  Sarah looked up at Julia and exclaimed “Oh Julia!  You look gorgeous this morning!”

Julia gave a forced smile through her wired jaw and responded “I doh know abou tha.  But Mewanie did do ma makeup.  Eh feels good to get dressed to go ow, even if ih ish to the orthodontish.””

Sarah smiled and said “well, she is an excellent makeup artist.  But even an artist needs a beautiful canvas.  And you are beautiful.  You three hang on, I will be quick getting ready.”

As Sarah reentered the room, Izzy was again speaking animatedly.  Izzy turned to Sarah and practically shouted “Sarah, guess what?  Melanie told us she made an appointment for a consultation next week.  How awesome would it be if we all had braces together?”

The look on Melanie’s face revealed that she did NOT find the idea awesome.  Sarah noticed this and said “remember Melanie, it is just a consultation.”

Melanie replied “I know. But… Anyway, let’s get you three up to the lobby.  I understand Dr. Higgins is driving you all in the van.  You three are getting the VIP treatment apparently.”

Izzy gleefully replied “we are.  But Dr. Higgins also has a consultation today!  See everybody is doing it!”

Melanie cocked her said and asked “oh, really?”

Izzy beamed and said “she sure is.  And Dr. Parker already told her that her case was complex and intensive.  I wonder what that means?”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #131 on: 20. October 2023, 00:43:49 AM »
Episode 67.

Sarah was sitting in the backseat beside Julia as Dr. Higgins, Izzy in the front passenger seat beside her, pulled in and parked at Fair Oaks Orthodontics.  Sarah noticed that after unhooking her seatbelt Dr. Higgins stared through the windshield at the front doors of the office.  She nervously swallowed before turning and saying “well,  for better or worse, we are here.”

Sarah was the first to enter the office, clearing the way for Julia.  She was so focused on making sure that Julia made it through the door without banging her casted arm that she missed seeing Peter, wearing his Interlandi headgear, smiling in her direction.  She jumped, startled, when she felt two hands on her hips.  She spun, only to find Peter standing there smiling at her.  Her mouth dropped and she said “what are you doing here?”

He smiled and said “I wanted to see you.  And kiss you.”  He puckered up his lips around his facebow and put them on Sarah’s cheek.  He continued “I am also here to offer moral support to all of you.”

As the others entered, Peter exchanged pleasantries and hugs with all.  He told the group he had already signed Sarah and himself in, but not the rest.  Dr. Higgins told Julia to get comfortable and she would get the rest of them signed in.

There was only one other person in the waiting area, a sandy haired young man that appeared to be around Izzy’s age.  His attention was focused on the group.  Dr. Higgins approached the reception desk with Izzy while Sarah and Peter helped Julia to a seat.  As she walked, Sarah noticed the young man staring at them.  She couldn’t really blame him, after all it was not every day you saw a 40ish year old couple each wearing extreme headgear helping another woman in a shoulder spica cast and halo brace.  Nonetheless she didn’t want Julia to notice so Sarah turned her head in his direction, smiled, and made firm eye contact with him.  He lowered his head and looked down at his lap.

After Dr. Higgins had the rest of the group signed in, she and Izzy returned and sat.  As the group chatted, Sarah kept an occasional eye on the young man across the room.  Several times she again caught him looking in their direction.  But she noticed his focus was not on the braces, headgears, or casts; instead his focus was on Izzy.  Sarah realized that he was most definitely checking her out, and doing a very bad job being discreet about it.  To Sarah’s surprise though, she noticed that Izzy also noticed.  And instead of being upset or embarrassed, Izzy was sneaking shy glances and smiles back in his direction.  Dr. Higgins seemed to be oblivious to it, but it was clear to Sarah that the two were flirting.

They were interrupted by Cassie’s voice calling “Jake.”

Instinctively, everyone in the room turned to see Cassie standing in the door way to the reception area, her pink Petit facemask matching the pink scrubs she was wearing.  Her head was turned towards the young man when she said “Jake, we are ready for you.”

Sarah watched as the young man stood up.  Before walking over to Cassie for his appointment, he looked over towards Izzy and gave a sheepish open mouthed smile revealing a mouth full of metal braces.  Izzy gave him a huge smile back.  As he walked across the room, Izzy exclaimed loudly “I like your braces!”  The young man stopped and looked towards Izzy again as his face became rosy.  He tried to hide his teeth as he said “um…. thank you” and followed behind Cassie with his head down.

Dr. Higgins looked aghast and asked “Izzy, what was that about?  I think you embarrassed him.”

Izzy was confused as she replied “he smiled at me.  And he had braces.  I like them.  So I told him.  It was a compliment.”  She smiled back at Dr. Higgins.

Dr. Higgins said “I know it was baby.  But the way you did it?  I think it embarrassed him.  You know, not everyone finds the idea of braces as exciting as you do.  Some people in fact find them embarrassing.  Sometimes baby you have to be more mindful of when and how you give someone a compliment.”

Izzy looked crestfallen as she said “I didn’t mean to.  I’m sorry.”

Dr. Higgins responded “you don’t need to apologize to me.  But maybe you do to that young man.”

There was a voice from the door to the treatment area again saying “hi gang!”  Peter recognized the voice and looked over to see Maria standing in the doorway. But unlike at their previous appointment, Maria too was now wearing headgear.  It was a combination headgear.  It appeared identical to the headgear that her girlfriend, Officer Emily Milton wore, only Maria’s straps were hot pink and impossible to miss. She continued “Peter, Sarah, would you come on back.  It will be quick.  And then, I will be back to get the resht of you.”

Peter helped Sarah up; with her backbrace it was hard for her to get up from some chairs; and they walked over to Maria.  As they got there Maria stuck her hand out and said “Hi!  I haven’t had the pleasure of working with you yet.  I am Maria.  Please come with me.”

Maria had the couple each remove their headgears and then brush and floss.  Peter realized this seemed to be the routine at their appointments.  As Dr. Parker was still busy with the young man, Maria had Peter get in the chair first.  After laying him back she examined his mouth and chatted with him.  Like Cassie, Peter noticed Maria was wearing pink ligatures.  Once Maria was done, she declared “everything looks great.  You get a gold star.”  When she laughed Peter saw she still had her herbst appliance in her mouth.  She continued “your ligatures look good, no staining, but if you want I will change them out.  This is breast cancer awareness month and the office is donating $10 for every patient that goes pink this month.”

Peter said “so that explains the pink headgear.  It looks new.”

Maria smiled “well, it kind of explains it.  It is complicated.  But yes, it is new.  I got it installed on Friday.  So I would have some time to get used to it over the weekend.”

Peter replied “it does take some getting used to.  How many hours do you have to wear it?”

Maria smiled and said “Twenty four hours a day.  I asked Dr. Parker to wire it in.  I can’t take it out.  No cheating for me.  So, how about some pink ligatures?”

Peter said “wow… wired in… she can do that?”

Maria replied “yes, she can.  But she won’t.  But I insisted.  I told her I would do it myself if she didn’t; I am an ortho tech after all; so she did.”

Peter said “wow, that is dedication.  And here I was feeling embarrassed by the thought of pink braces.”  He turned towards Sarah and asked “what do you think baby. Would you be too embarrassed if I had pink braces?”  Looking at Sarah he already knew the answer from the lust radiating from her.

She said “no, nothing is sexier than a man with confidence.  Except maybe a selfless man with confidence.  But I will only let you do it if we match.  Deal.”

Peter smiled at Maria and said “you heard the lady.”

Maria asked “hot pink or light pink?”

Peter said “breast cancer light pink.”

As Maria removed his grey ligatures, Dr. Parker walked over and exclaimed “Yay!  I jusht heard that I am out another twenty dollarsh!  I love it.”  She walked into his view and he saw she was now wearing a hot pink Petit facemask and matching hot pink high pull headgear strap that matched Maria’s.  She stuck her hand out to Peter for a high five, which he returned.  She pulled down her cloth mask and smiled, displaying her own hot pink ligatures.  She said “we are all about pink thish month.  Thank you for contributing.”

Peter replied the best he could with Maria working in his mouth “buh owy eh ya leh me match eh.”

Dr. Parker smiled at him and said “I would love to take your $20 and add it to the pot.  You are a good man.”  She turned towards Sarah and asked “would you hop in the chair here beside him?  I will take a look at your expander and that incredible diastema you are working on.”

After a quick exam, she sat Sarah up and said “it looks absolutely incredible.  I could not ask nor expect any patient to be doing a better job than you.  Because it isn’t possible.  Just keep doing what your doing for another month.  So, and I already think I know the answer, are you breathing better and are the headaches mostly gone?”

Sarah nodded and said “yes and yes.”

Dr. Parker “and things will just get better.  Now, it looks like Peter is finished up.  Maria will get you fixed up with some matching braces.  I will go get your friends, and maybe our new patients, and see you in a sec.  You two will be done once she gets your ligatures changed.  But you are free to stay.  I feel like this is a bit of a team effort.”

As Dr. Parker departed, Peter stepped over beside his wife.  He asked Sarah “so, whatcha think” and smiled broadly.  She looked on silently.  She finally said “Oh, baby…” as he noticed a shiver run through her body.  Peter winked at her and said “maybe you will learn to like them.” 

Maria was about to sit down on the stool beside Sarah when Cassie appeared.  She spoke softly as she spoke to Maria, but Peter couldn’t help but overhear “Maria, will you come help me with this headgear fitting please?  Maybe try to talk him off the ledge, tell him it isn’t that bad and isn’t the end of the world?”

Peter turned and looked at the young man, Jake, from the waiting area earlier.  He was reclined back in the chair.  From his mouth protruded two facebows, one upper and one lower.  The look on his face was one of panic.

Peter volunteered “I am sorry, I really wasn’t trying to eavesdrop.  But I would be glad to talk to him too.  I completely get it, the fear and embarrassment.”

Cassie asked “really?  That would be great.  He might listen to you better than he has listened to me.”

Maria smiled and said “you really are going to get a gold star.”

Sarah was lightly biting her lower lip when she blurted out “that isn’t all he is going to get.”

Offline napacaster

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Re: The Split
« Reply #132 on: 20. October 2023, 02:59:43 AM »
Glad to see a couple more chapters! This story has it all when it comes to what I enjoy. Thanks so much for your work.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Split
« Reply #133 on: 20. October 2023, 04:24:05 AM »
Thank you!  I hope everyone enjoys.

I will add though that I did write part of this for a purpose.  And aimed at some people that may read this. The section when Izzy exclaims “I like your braces” to a stranger in public who feels embarrassment and self consciousness about their orthodontics is completely aimed at the people on Instagram and Tiktok that keep making completely inappropriate comments and requests to complete strangers objectifying them and their braces.  You used to do it on youtube too.  But you killed that.

Stop.  Just stop.  You know who I am talking to.  It doesn’t work.  It just makes people feel weird.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.  Quit, try something different.  Another angle. Go to the bar.  Go to the gym.  Go to the grocery store.  Go to Walmart.   Anything.  Just quit being completely weird to complete strangers on the internet.  There is no need to power vomit “I LOVE YOUR BRACES!!” to everyone that has braces.  And there sure as shit isn’t any reason to ask a stranger that you haven’t paid money to look inside their mouths; get a better close up; see their palates; wear their headgear in public; video themselves wearing their headgear in public; whatever.  It ain’t working. Stop.  And these are the public comments.  I shudder when I think about the private messages that are sent.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: The Split
« Reply #134 on: 20. October 2023, 05:01:04 AM »
I am really enjoying seeing more of your story.

I completely understand your comments about restraining ourselves from making comments to people about their braces. Very few people understand our fascination with braces. I wore fakes in public for quite a while, and a few people didn't realize I didn't really have braces. I did get a few people taking second closer looks, trying to decide if they were real.

I worked nights as a janitor for a year, and I wore them full-time at work. My boss had a girlfriend with braces and I noticed him looking at my fakes a few times, but he never said anything about them.