
Author Topic: The Play  (Read 3732 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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The Play
« on: 04. November 2023, 19:36:34 PM »
I am going to try to keep this one somewhat short.  We will see how that works.

Chapter One.

At the crack of the bat, he got a great jump on the ball.  As soon as it was hit he realized it was struck well.  The park might not even hold it.  But he was going to find out.  He had to catch it.  It was game seven of the American League division series.  Win and go to the World Series.  Lose and go home.  And while his team, the Twins, were up by one with two outs in the top of the ninth, the Blue Jays had the bases loaded.  That is why he had been playing so shallow.  To at least have a chance of throwing a runner out if there was a hard hit single to him.  As he tracked the ball, racing towards the spot he knew he needed to get to before the ball got there, he didn’t know if he could do it.  But his adrenaline gave him another gear.

It was all happening incredibly fast for the fans watching in the Metrodome and on televisions all over.  But for Lance Wilson, it seemed to be happening in slow motion.  He heard nothing after the crack of the bat.  His entire world was just him and the ball that he was racing to intercept.  He was oblivious to everything but that ball.  His brain registered his left foot hitting the warning track.  But he didn’t care.  His sole thought was catching the ball, the ball that was getting so close.  He launched himself, pushing himself harder than he had ever pushed himself.  As he flew through the air he felt the ball land in his glove just milliseconds before his world went momentarily black.

The hometown fans in the dome went wild when they saw him catch the ball and crash into the wall.  However, it went silent just as quickly when they saw him lay motionless on the dirt warning track for several seconds, his jersey becoming red.  The cameras showing the game on television had quickly cut from him.

As Lance came to, his first thought was the ball.  He reached over and grabbed it out of his glove and held it up triumphantly.  He had caught the ball.  He had won the game.  As he lay there he wondered why weren’t the fans cheering?  He lifted his head up and saw his centerfielder racing towards him.  That makes sense Lance thought.  It is time to celebrate.  But why does he have that look of horror on his face?  As he went to try to stand up Kirby screamed at him “stop, trainers on way.”   He ignored him and got to a knee.  He felt dizzy.  He took a breathe.  Then he looked over at Kirby who was now leaning beside him, his arm over his shoulder.

Lance needed to know what was going on.  He went to open his mouth to talk and felt blinding hot pain.  It made him light headed.  He croaked “wha happa”. As he said this he realized something was wrong, very wrong.  His jaw didn’t work right.  It made a horrible grating sound.  He reached up and felt it.  What is that warm wet stuff?  And why is my jaw crooked?  He looked down at his jersey.  He thought “oh, that is my blood.  But what is that on the dirt?  Is that a tooth?  Is that two of them?”  He got off his knee and sat down, leaning against the wall.

Kirby said “you did it.  I don’t know how, but you did it. You caught it.  We are headed to the World Series.  Because of you.  Now just stay calm, they are almost here.”
The trainers arrived, wrapping a towel around his mouth, and helped him onto the cart.  The crowd cheered, giving him a huge ovation as they took him off the field.  He raised his glove to them in response.  He would have tried to smile to them, maybe mouth “thank you”, if one of the trainers hadn’t had the towel wrapped around his face.  And if he had been able to smile.  Even though his brain was very foggy, he knew he couldn’t smile.  No, something was wrong with his jaw.

As he rode in the ambulance, he was in a pharmaceutical haze.  He was hooked up to an IV.  At least he thought to himself “it doesn’t hurt now”.  He tried to listen to the EMTs, but his brain was having trouble putting it all together.  He did catch bits of their conversation.  And certain words and phrases jumped out at him.  He heard “concussion”, “lost teeth”, “dislocated jaw”, “broken”.  As he laid there he felt very tired, he closed his eyes.  The EMT shook him and said “stay awake, stay with us.”  He still wasn’t sure what was going on.  He wondered “did I catch it?”  After a few seconds of thinking he remembered holding up the ball.  He thought to himself “I don’t know what happened, but I did catch it.  And we won the game.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Play
« Reply #1 on: 04. November 2023, 20:47:46 PM »
Chapter Two.

The next four days were a blur.  Lance had been visited by his team mates.  They had brought him the ball.  The one he had caught.  Someone had written the score and date on it, and then it had been signed by all of them.  It was in a plexiglass box on a counter in his room.  A room which now resembled a botanical garden from all the flowers and plants from well wishing fans.  It had gotten to the point that the staff had begun taking the still arriving plants to other less fortunate patients in the hospital.  His girlfriend was not able to see him, she was in Australia filming a movie.  But she had also sent flowers.  She had been emailing him periodically to check on him and to keep his spirits up.  She had even called him a few times, though he was largely unable to talk with all the swelling, his jaws wired shut and wrapped up.  He knew he faced surgery once the swelling subsided.  And he was still dealing with lingering affects from the concussion.

He was laying there watching Sportscenter talk about his Twins.  They were discussing what impact his absence would have on the Twins in their upcoming series with the Braves when some new faces entered his room.  There was an older gentlemen in a white coat, a dark haired woman he would have put at around fifty years old also in a white coat, and a very cute, girl next door type dirty blonde dressed in pink scrubs that appeared around his age, late twenties to early thirties.  They stopped at the foot of his bed.  He flipped the TV off.

The older gentleman was the first to speak.  He looked down and said “Mr. Wilson, I am Dr. Olin.  I am an orthognathic surgeon, and I will be your surgeon.  We will be doing surgery in the morning.  I believe it has all been explained to you.  This is Dr. Miller, she will be your orthodontist.  And this young lady is Megan, she will be your hygienist.”

Dr. Miller, the middle aged woman in the coat and apparently his orthodontist, said “Mr. Wilson, it is a pleasure to meet you, even if under these circumstances.  And while we will have a lot of time to get to know each other, I want to say what a fan I am.  And wow what a catch.  Just unreal.  Just know, we will take the best care of you.  You are in great hands.  And we will get you fixed up and good as new.”  As the trio left, Lance watched Megan.  He realized she had not been given a chance to speak.  He wished she had, he was curious what her voice sounded like.  He bet she sounded sexy.

The next day he woke up groggily from the anesthesia.  He looked around and realized he was in a private recovery room. He saw the younger woman from the previous day sitting in a chair reading a magazine.  He remembered her name was Megan.  Megan whose voice he wanted to hear.  He then remembered he had just had jaw surgery.  His lips felt dry.  He needed something to drink.  He looked over and saw a glass of water with a straw in it beside his bed.  He took the straw out, he hated straws.  He put the glass up to his mouth, where it hit something hard before it got to his lips.  He spilled water all over himself.

Suddenly, there was Megan beside his bed reaching for the glass.  She said “Mr. Wilson!  You are awake.  You surprised me!  Here let me help you.  But you will need a straw.”  She sat the glass down and picked up a towel and dabbed around his mouth and his chest where he spilled the water.  As she dabbed, he cut his eyes down.  What is that sticking out of my mouth he thought?  He looked at Megan confused.  She gave him a big smile, displaying a full set of metal braces.  She said “Mr. Wilson, with your headgear you can’t drink like normal. You will need to use a straw.  Here, let me help you” as she stuck the straw in the glass.  She guided the straw into his mouth and he sucked down the welcome wet liquid.  Once he got a drink she smiled at him sunnily and asked “better?”  He was still confused.  He put his hand up to his mouth and felt a facebow coming out of his mouth.  He felt around more.  He felt a second facebow coming out of his mouth.  He felt the top of his head and felt straps.  He then felt the side of his face and felt some weird plastic contraption with a bunch of elastics coming off it running to the facebows.  He felt the other side of his face and felt the same.  He looked at the woman, whose voice sounded as seductive as he had imagined, and asked “heageah?”

She smiled at him and said “yes!  Headgear.  It is attached to your surgical braces.  To help your jaw heal.”  She read the shock on his face.  She said “it really is for your own good.  And it will only be for 6-8 weeks.  You will forget it is even there eventually.  I know I did!  And I know you will too.  How do you feel?”

Lance looked at her and repeated through his wired jaw “heageah?”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Play
« Reply #2 on: 05. November 2023, 16:55:10 PM »
Chapter Three.

Megan gently placed her hand on Lance's arm and said "the doctors will be in shortly to explain everything.  But, spoiler alert, everything went great.  There were no complications.  But I will let them go over that with you. How are you feeling?  Are you in any pain?"

Lance shook his head back and forth.  When he did, he could feel something pulling and rubbing against his neck.  "What is that?" he wondered.  As his head cleared from the anesthesia he looked at Megan.  Even in the current situation, he couldn't help but notice how pretty she was.  A natural, wholesome type of beauty.  Not painted on, like so many of the girls he saw.  He looked her in the face as she smiled at him.  He thought to himself "even with braces she is still a knockout.  Actually, the braces make her even cuter."  She noticed him studying her.  She said "what?  Do I have a boog or something?"  The comment seemed so out of left field that Lance couldn't help but laugh.  And he immediately regretted it as pain shot through his jaw.  As he winced Megan stroked his arm and said "oh no!  Don't try to laugh.  I am sorry."

He tried to speak for the first time.  He said "ish ok."  He looked at her and said "thah ya."

She continued to rub his arm.  As he did, he was aware of the involuntary reaction his body was having due to her caress.  On one hand he hoped she didn't notice.  On the other, he hoped she did.  She said "is there anything I can get you?  A juice maybe?"  He shook his head again, once again noticing the feeling on his neck.  "What is that?" he again thought.  Then, he stopped nodding.  He asked "a mirrah?  She what ah loo like?"

She stopped rubbing his arm.  She patted it and responded "oh, sure.  Let me go find one.  Just stay right here.  Don't try to mess with anything.  Especially not your new appliances.  I will be right back!"  She gave him one more big metallic smile and disappeared out of the room. 

She returned a minute or two later holding a mirror and sat down on the side of his bed.  She held the mirror up.  Seeing himself was a shock.  His face was swollen and bruised.  His lips looked way too big for his face.  Like he had gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson.  Or run into a wall.  But what really shocked him was the headgear.  He had two silver facebows protruding from his mouth.  They were attached to a maze of elastics, which in turn were attached to two white C shaped pieces of plastic on each side of his face, arching in front of each ear.  Each of these plastic plates as he thought of them were then attached to an intricate and complicated collection of straps that wrapped all around his head and neck.  He tried to open his mouth, or at least part his lips, as he knew his jaw was wired shut.  It was hard, and it hurt, and he barely got them apart.  But it was enough to see that it looked like his mouth was an erector set constructed of nothing but metal wires, nuts, and bolts.  He sighed.

Megan noticed the visible distress on his face.  She laid the mirror face down beside the bed.  She then began to stroke his arm again.  She smiled at him sympathetically.  He thought to himself "how does she look so sexy with those braces?  It doesn't make sense."  She said "it is a shock.  I know.  I remember when I woke up from surgery and saw myself for the first time.  Wow!  But I promise you it isn't as bad as it seems right this second.  Over the next few weeks the swelling will go down.  Your face will quite hurting.  And you will get used to the braces in your mouth.  Even the headgear.  You will see."

Lance looked at her and asked "ya hah braces.  Di you hah surgery too?  And heageah?"

She again gave him a brilliant, sparkling smile.  He noticed for the first time she also had elastics in her mouth, two on each side.  As she said "Yes!  I did!" he couldn't help but watch the elastics stretch back and forth.  She continued "I had double jaw surgery 8 months ago, to correct my overbite.  I wore headgear like you have for six weeks while I was wired shut.  Was it fun?  No.  Was I so glad to get the headgear removed and my jaw unwired?  Yes.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely."  She was interrupted by a voice coming from the doorway.

He looked up to see Dr. Olin and Dr. Miller entering the room.  Dr. Olin warmly announced "Mr. Wilson, as expected you were a champ during surgery.  There were absolutely no complications.  Other than monitoring your healing, my job is done.  Now it is Dr. Miller's show."

Dr. Miller smiled at him.  For the first time, Lance noticed she too had braces.  Her's were ceramic.  And like Megan, she was wearing elastics.  She said "Mr. Wilson, I know everything probably feels strange and foreign right now.  But you will get used to it.  It looks like Megan is already taking good care of you.  Our focus over the next six weeks will be to get your jaw healed.  I will say it is a miracle we were able to save the teeth you lost.  It looks like your body has accepted them back.  This is great.  Implants would just make things so much more complicated.  So for the next 6 to 8 weeks we are going to simply keep you all wired up.  You will obviously be on a liquid diet.  But I have some awesome smoothie and shake recipes.  We are going to keep you overnight just as a precaution.  But tomorrow, you are getting discharged.  You get to go home!  Your agent has already made all the arrangements.  You did great!  You are doing great!  Do you have any questions for either of us?"

Lance looked at her and asked "how many hoursh da I have to wear thish heageah?  When can I tah eh off?"

Dr. Miller cocked her head in confusion.  She then asked "how many hours?"  She looked at him seriously and continued "All of them.  It doesn't come off.  It is wired into your braces.  It can't come out.  At least not until your jaw is completely healed."

He turned his head towards Megan, panic in his eyes.  She read the look and comforted him "it is ok.  It will be ok.  I promise.  I will make sure of that.  I know exactly what it is like."  She gave him another big smile.  For whatever reason seeing her big metallic smile calmed him.  She said "I have been exactly where you are.  That is why I was the lucky girl that Dr. Miller picked to be on your team."  She rubbed his arm and gave him a wink.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Play
« Reply #3 on: 05. November 2023, 21:21:12 PM »
Chapter Four.

The next evening Lance was dozing on his couch in his apartment.  He hadn’t really planned on it, but the prescription painkillers he was on made him drowsy.  And it had been a long day for him.  Getting discharged was humiliating.  Being wheeled out of the hospital in a wheelchair to his agent’s waiting SUV, he had not expected the large crowd that met him at the exit.  There was a huge cheering crowd assembled.  Obviously someone had tipped off someone.  Many had cameras, snapping photos.  He had felt mortified and vulnerable.  He was so self-conscious and embarrassed by the headgear he had to wear.  He had tried to jump into the back of the SUV and the protection it’s darkly tinted windows offered as quickly as possible.

Back at the apartment he kept during the season, his agent Mark had helped him get settled in.  After he had left, Lance was met with a silent emptiness.  It was 1991, before the time of smart phones and social media.  He did have a computer with dial up internet, but he didn’t feel like jumping on there.  And he didn’t feel like trying to hold a conversation on the phone.  Instead, he had simply flipped on the TV.  He had it on ESPN when his own bruised, battered face popped up on it.  But all he could see was the massive headgear he had strapped around his head. Someone had been there filming as the “Hero of the ALDS” was discharged from the hospital to the adulation of his fans.  Cringing, he quickly changed the channel.  He felt like anything but a hero.  He felt like an awkward middle schooler clumsily asking a girl on a first date.  Feeling defeated, he turned the TV off and stretched out on the couch and fell into a fitful sleep.  He was awoken by the ringing of the doorbell and a knocking on his door.

He tried to shake the cobwebs from his head.  He ran his hand down his face, stopping suddenly when he felt the headgear.  “Shit, that’s right, I have headgear.  Stupid, embarrassing headgear.” he thought.  He made his way to the door and looked through the peep.  He saw Megan standing there, her arms full with a box, her purse slung over her shoulder, smiling towards the door.  “God she is cute.  And sexy.” he thought.  And then he remembered she was scheduled to check in on him this evening.  He quickly opened the door.  Despite the condition of his mouth, and the infernal headgear he was wearing, he tried to smile at her.  He tried to sound cheery when he asked “hehoh, can ah hep wi tha?”  She gave him a big shiny smile and said “No!  I’ve got it.  But if you could hold the door for a lady I would appreciate it.”

She took a step forward and suddenly stopped.  She half turned towards him and sheepishly said “I am so sorry.  How rude of me.  Is it ok if I come in?  I have some hygiene products for you.  And some snacks.  Er, shakes.  May I come in?”  He smiled the best he could and joked “doh threatahn me wif a goo time, pleash come in.”

As he followed her in he said “shorry, it’s nothing fanchy.  I jus keep thish place here during the seashon.  Heh, we ah gone on roh haf da time anywah.”  She smiled and said “it’s nice.  Where do you want this?” motioning with her head towards the box.  He pointed towards the little dining nook and said “tahba ish fine.”

After she set the box down, she surprised him by giving him a quick hug.  It was a friend hug, but it was still a hug.  She gave him another smile. God he loved her little bracefaced smile for some reason.  She surprised him again when she asked “so, I guess you spend the off season back home in Arkansas?”  If his jaw had not been wired shut it would have dropped open.  He regained his composure and replied “yesh.  Buh how you know?”  She said “I have been a fan of yours since you played at Arkansas.  Heck, I even tried to model my swing after you.  Even if you did tend to dip your front shoulder on sliders down in the zone.”  Seeing the confused look on his face made her smile even more broadly.  She continued “I was a softball player.  All through high school, and then when I was at Florida, I kept up with your career.  And now, you are here!  In Minneapolis!  Playing for my hometown Twins!  But enough about me.  How about we take a look at that mouth of yours.”  She looked around and asked “how about here at the table?”

After snapping on a pair of latex gloves she looked in his mouth, pulling and prodding somewhat uncomfortably.   He felt like a science experiment.  Or a piece of livestock being judged at the fair.  She had apologized several times when she had noticed him wince.  Once she was done she said “everything looks good.  I imagine you are sore.  And those poor lips of yours.”  She pulled a jar out of the box and unscrewed the lid.   She dipped her fingers in it and said “this will help.”  As she gently applied the salve, it felt like medicated vaseline to Lance, he felt a tingle in his loins.  This was all so intimate.  And she was so adorable.  And she smelled good.  But, he knew she was just doing her job. 

Once she had put the ointment on his lips she asked “better?”  He had simply nodded his head up and down, feeling the hated headgear straps pulling on his hair.  She said “good!  Now, put this on when you wake up in the morning, at lunch, and before bed for the next two weeks.  Now, let me go over what I brought.”

After she was done going through everything, she asked “any questions?”  He shook his head back and forth.  She smiled and said “I knew you would be a quick study!  Now, how about we go to the bathroom?  I will help show you how to brush.  I will do it for you.  So you can see.”  She gathered up several things from the table and said “lead the way sir!”

As he led her through his bedroom towards the bath she squeeled “is that it?  Is that the bat?”  He looked at her confused.  With her free hand she pointed to the aluminum Easton bat that hung on the wall of his bedroom.  She asked “is that the bat you used to beat Texas to win the College World Series?”  He smiled and said “it ish.”  She looked at him, beaming, and said “that is so cool.”  As he led her the rest of the way to the bathroom, he was even more intrigued by this woman.  She was gorgeous.  Adorable.  Sexy.  And she apparently knew baseball.

Once in the bathroom Megan sat her collection of brushes, toothpaste and mouthwash down on the counter.  She looked at him apologetically and said “I am going to go ahead and apologize, but this might be a little uncomfortable, at least as first.  But ya’ got to do it.  Each morning and each evening.  But I will be along with you on the journey to help.  So, let’s get to it.”  As she worked in his mouth, explaining what she was doing, and thus what he would need to do, he felt the earlier stirring in his loins.  And at times, it did hurt.  But for a reason he didn’t understand, he liked it.  Or he liked the fact that Megan was the one who was doing it.  After about ten minutes he looked down at the mess they had made in the sink.  She noticed him looking and said “you are doing SO good.  Just incredible.  And it is a bit of a mess.  And there!  Done.  If you want I can clean this up.”  He gently took her hand and said “I wi hep.”  She turned and looked him in the eyes, her gaze lingering for a moment he noticed, before she said “thank you!  That is sweet.”  Once done, she said “so, that’s it.  Let’s move back to the dining table.  Or the couch.  And I will answer any questions you have.”

Sitting a responsible, professional distance away from Lance, Megan turned her body towards him and said “you are doing SO good.  So much better than I did after my surgery.  Do you have any questions?”

He thought a second.  He was embarrassed to even mention it, despite the fact he was wearing it.  And even worse, video of him wearing it had been broadcast around the world.  But he bit the bullet so to speak and asked “hah do I deal wi thish heageah.  Ish sho embarrashing.  There is no way I can leave this apartment.  How am I supposhed to deal wi thish?”

She looked at him and answered “you are silly.  It is not embarrassing.  No, it is just a medical aid.  If you had knee surgery and had to wear a knee brace, would you refuse to leave your apartment?”  She didn’t give him a chance to answer, instead answering for him “no, of course you wouldn’t.  Thish is no different.  And it is only for six or eight weeks.  When I tore my ACL and had to wear a knee brace for 4 months, 16 weeks, I didn’t hide away. I couldn’t.  And when I had my jaw surgery last year and had to wear headgear for 8 weeks, full time, I didn’t hide away.  I couldn’t.  And you don’t either.”

He looked at her and said “buh thish is different” pointing towards the facebows and straps encircling his head.

She shook her head and said “Lance, every single woman, and half the married ones, in this town would crawl through broken glass just to say hello to you.  Headgear or no headgear.”  She went silent a moment.  She said “hang on, do you mind if I use your bathroom?”  He shook his head and said “nah, go rah ahea.”  She smiled and said “be right back.”  He noticed she grabbed her purse as she went by the dining nook and disappeared into his bedroom.

She returned a few minutes later.  He was shocked when he looked up at her.  Coming out of her mouth were two facebows.  Like he wore.  And wrapped around her head and hugging her pretty face was an Interlandi headgear.  Also like he wore.  Despite her words from earlier, about it being no big deal, he could tell she was a bit self-conscious and embarrassed.  But strangely, it didn’t repulse him.  Instead, the adorable look on her face made him want her more.

She sat back down where she had been sitting earlier.  He could see her force a look of confidence to her face.  Looking at him she said “I had to wear my headgear full time for 8 weeks after my double jaw surgery.  Now, I just have to wear it 12 hours a day.  I wear it at home, I get a lot of my time in when I sleep.  I don’t wear it out in public.  Except I am now.  I am going to wear mine home.  To prove to you that it isn’t the end of the world.  No big deal.”

He scooted over beside her.  He said “thah ish sho shweet.  But pleash doh.  Pleash take it off.”  He could see that this last statement had hurt her feelings.  He said “no, I didn mean it like thah.  You loo incredible.  Sho cute.  I jus doh wah you doin it on my account.”

The hurt look on her face faded and a slight smile came to it.  She said “thank you.  I thought you were saying I was ugly.  I mean, despite talking a good game, I am dying here.  Wearing my headgear in front of Lance Wilson.”  She looked down towards the floor and then back up to him and asked “so you don’t think I look ugly?”

He reached over and put his hand on her arm.  He was in a daze, time had slowed down again.  He shook his head back and forth and said “no, nah ugly.  You are the prettiest, sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

This flustered Megan.  She said “oh…. Goodness…. Thank you… oh gosh…. I need to leave…. Really…. I need to be professional…”. Despite saying this she did not get up.  Instead she remained firmly seated, looking into his eyes.  Feeling the touch of his rough, calloused fingers on her forearm.

He said “no, ya doh have to leave.  I hope ya won’t.  Ya have showed me how to brush.  But I have no idea how to kish wearing thish… thing.  Ish it even possible?”

She softly said “I only know one way to find out” as he leaned in and she closed her eyes.

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Re: The Play
« Reply #4 on: 06. November 2023, 00:59:14 AM »
"And, shortly afterwards they realize in horror, they had gotten stuck together."

Heheh, in all seriousness, loving this so far.~

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: The Play
« Reply #5 on: 06. November 2023, 01:18:57 AM »
I second TimeandBrace, really liking it so far.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Play
« Reply #6 on: 06. November 2023, 02:59:33 AM »
Thank you both for the kind words!  I am glad you are enjoying.  I feel a little extra motivation to write this one, trying to provide a little distraction for someone who I hope isn’t going too stir crazy.  Hopefully this story will provide a little ray of sunshine amongst the clouds.

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Re: The Play
« Reply #7 on: 06. November 2023, 04:38:35 AM »
Chapter Five.

The next day was a hard one for Lance.  He was going stir crazy shut up inside his 3 bedroom apartment.  In addition, despite the pain medication he was on, he had  been dealing with a dull pain through out his whole head the entire day.  Looking at himself in the mirror he realized the swelling was even worse than the day before.  The surgeon had warned him of this, but it was still disconcerting.  He realized the next six weeks were going to be a long six weeks.  And he was hungry, so hungry.  He knew he was getting the nutrients he needed.  But he wanted to bite into a big cheeseburger so badly.  To make things worse, he had spoken with his girlfriend on the phone.  Despite his condition, and his inability to enunciate words, the call had devolved into an argument.  While both had eventually calmed, the call had not ended well.  “What the hell” he thought “today is just a shitty day all the way around.”  The only bright spot in his day had been thinking about Megan.  He didn’t understand it, but there was just something about her he found irresistible.  For the first time that day, he smiled when he heard the doorbell ring at 6 pm.

He didn’t even look through the peep before opening the door.  He found Megan standing there.  She was not wearing scrubs.  Instead, she was wearing an incredibly sexy black dress.  Glancing quickly down at her killer, fit legs he saw she was wearing heels which raised her up a couple of inches from her normal 5’ 6” height, just a little closer to his 6’ 3” eye level.  Her hair was up and she had done her make up.  She was wearing gold earrings and a simple matching gold necklace.  She had a small matching purse slung over her right shoulder.  He thought she looked incredible.  Except for the expression on her face.  She had a very serious, almost dour look on her face.  She looked at him, not speaking or smiling.  A pit formed in his stomach.  He tried to smile and said “you look incredible.”  He then thought about it and realized it was Friday evening.  He thought she probably had plans that he was interfering with.  That was probably why she did not look happy he thought.  He apologized “I am shorry .  I didn’t even think.  It’sh Friday.  And I am pooping your party.  Pleash, go.  I am fine.”

She said “no, that’s not it”. She seemed hesitant to look at him.  He asked earnestly “ish everything ok?”

This broke the flood gate.  She said “Lance, I am so sorry about last night.  So sorry.  It was so unprofessional of me.  You are my patient.  I should have never kissed you.  Well tried to kiss you. The headgear really gets in the way.  Anyway, I know you have a girlfriend.  That actress Kim Daniels.  I am so sorry.  I promise, I will be professional from here on out.  It’s just… well… I am sorry.”

He looked at her, trying to make eye contact with her.  He said “Megan, I am the one that needsh to apologize to you.  I am the one that initiated it.  I put you in that position.  It was wrong of me.  I apologize.  I should not have done it.  Even if it was the best thing that has happened to me.  Even better than winning the American League.”  He watched her face as her expression.changed.

She got a slight closed mouth smile on her face.  She finally looked him in the eyes.  She asked “really?”

He nodded his head and responded “really.”

She asked “but what about your girlfriend?  Kim?  I am not a home wrecker.”

Lance smiled best he could and said “my ex-girlfriend Kim.  We agreed today that our lives are just incompatible.”  He noticed the shocked look on her face.  He said “it isn’t your fault.  And it is ok.  Thish was a long time coming.  I almost feel a sensh of relief.”   He then added “it ish not your fault at all.  But you know, this morning when I was curled up in bed hurting so bad, it wasn’t her that I wished was here to baby me.  This might be out of placsh for me to shay.  And way too early.  But I was thinking of you.”  He stopped and tried to gauge her reaction.  He couldn’t read her.  He continued “You are obviously dressed up to go out.  Again you look shtunning.  And you won’t offend me if you want to leave and go do whatever you have planned.  But, it would make me really happy if you would come in for a few minutes.  To talk.  I am going stir crazy cooped up in here.”

She looked at him and asked again “really?”

He replied “really” as he extended his hand to her.  She took it and followed him into his apartment.

They sat on the couch, sitting close together talking.  Actually, Megan did much of the talking.  He learned a lot about her.  About her childhood, her playing career, her plan and dream of going to dental school.  But what she seemed to avoid was her social or love life.  He finally just asked “so, what about your boyfriend.  What is he like?”

She looked at him confused and blurted out “my boyfriend?  I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Lance feigned shock and asked “what?  How in the world doesh a woman as gorgeoush, charming, funny” he hesitated before adding “and sexy not have a boyfriend.  It doesn’t seem possible.  Are you lying to me?” 

He found her seriousness so cute as she replied “no, really, I don’t!  I am not good at it.  And I am so busy!  Focused on my job.”  She then realized what he had said.  She looked at him and asked “you think I am sexy?”

He smiled best he could.  He looked her in the eyes and said “the sexiest thing I have ever seen.”  He then said “but I don’t want to again put you in an uncomfortable or awkward position.  Even though we are both completely shingle.  And even if all I want, more than I have ever wanted anything, ish to try to kish you again.  Maybe I can redeem myself from lasht night?  But I don’t want to put you in that position.  And you obviously have plans.  You should probably go.  That is if you want to.  Even though I don’t want you to.”

She looked at him.  She said “it just isn’t fair.”

He cocked his head and asked “what ishn’t fair?”

She answered “it just isn’t fair.  Just two days after having surgery.  And still being so swollen.  You are still the hottest man I have ever seen.  And completely irresistible.”  She placed her hand on his arm.  He noticed how soft her hand was.  She said “I want to stay.  But only if things won’t be weird between us.  And please don’t tell my boss Dr. Miller.”  She looked at him questioningly.

He said “I promise thingsh won’t be weird.  And our businesh is our businesh. Not Dr. Miller’sh.”

She said “ok.  But I want to be upfront with you.  I am a pretty traditional and conservative girl.  Just in case you are thinking, um.”

He cut her off and said “good!  Because despite what people might think, I am a pretty traditional guy.  I am not saying I am saving myself for marriage.  But I always want to romance a beautiful woman before… I mean, I am not assuming anything, it’s just that anything worth..”. He realized he was completely butchering this when she gave a little giggle and then gave him a big bracefaced smile.

She gently placed her index finger on his facebows.  She said “you are so adorable.  But shut up, let me say something.”  She removed her finger from his mouth, puckered up her lips and slowly leaned in.

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Re: The Play
« Reply #8 on: 06. November 2023, 16:58:26 PM »
Chapter Six.

After a long, slow and very careful kiss Megan leaned back.  She smiled and said "it's a little easier with only one of us wearing headgear.  Did that hurt you?"

Lance looked at her and said "not enough to make me not want to keep doing it."  He leaned in awkwardly.  Megan, being the dental professional she was, took the lead.

After a while of kissing and touching on the couch, Megan sat back flush.  She said "I can't even imagine how good a kisser you would be without the swelling.  And the headgear.  This has been the best night ever.  But really, I need to go.  And I completely forgot to call my girlfriends.  They are probably worried sick about me."

Lance said "pleash, use my phone.  And you don't have to leave.  I wish you wouldn't."

After making the phone call and quickly explaining that everything was fine, she just didn't really feel like going out, Megan returned to the couch.  She nestled in beside Lance and said "I'm sorry, I do need to leave.  I need to go put on my headgear.  And I have a bite splint I wear at night too, for my clenching and grinding.  I didn't bring them.  I mean, I had just planned to drop by here to check on you.  And then go have a few drinks with my friends and be back home by 10.  I really don't need to go a night without it.  I do cheat some, and try to make it up, but not a whole night."

He gave an exaggerated pout that made Megan shiver.  He said "I undershtand.  I don't like it, but I undershtand.  And I know I am not the besht company right now.  I can't kissh right.  I can't talk right.  And I look like I got run over by a bus."

She put her hand gently on the side of his face, on top of the facebows, elastics and interlandi plate, and said "that is so wrong.  You are great company.  The best company.  And you are a great kisser.  And I can understand you fine.  And you don't look like you got hit by a bus."  She closed her mouth and simply looked him in the eyes.  She said "I could stay a few more minutes.  To help my patient.  He looks tired   And his mouth has to be hurting.  And it is time for his evening dose of pain medication.  Which I know causes drowsiness.  Maybe I could administer my patient his medication?  And then help him to bed?  And just hold him until he falls asleep?  Maybe that would be best.  For the patient."

Lance said "the patient would like that."

The next morning, Lance woke and instinctively reached over for Megan.  She was gone.  The last thing he remembered from the night before was falling asleep, her holding him and gently stroking his chest.  He remembered, for the first time in almost a week, he had been relaxed and happy.  He lay in bed for close to half an hour, just thinking of her.

Around noon, he was sitting on the couch bored out of his mind.  But, with the medication he was on he couldn't drive.  They had told him absolutely no operating vehicles while he was on the pain meds.  And he was still afraid to be seen in public wearing his bridle of shame.  He knew he might be imposing, but he didn't care.  He picked up the phone and dialed Megan. It rang for a long while.  He was disappointed, he really wanted to hear her voice.  He was just about to hang up when he heard "hello" on the other end.  Immediately Lance recognized her voice, and that she sounded out of breath.

He said "hello beautiful.  How are you?   I am sorry for bothering you, but I wanted to hear your voice.  And thank you for last night."

He could hear heavy breathing on the other end of the line.  She said "sorry, I was on the treadmill.  I am still catching my breath."  He then heard a "clink" on the other end and heard her mutter "ouch, shit."  He asked "are you ok?"

She said "yes, I'm fine.  A sweaty mess.  And I just banged the phone on my headgear.  You would think after a year with it I could do something as simple as talk on the phone with it.  But apparently not."  Lance was sitting there, thinking about how sexy she must look.  Dressed up in work out gear, her damp, messy hair held down by the straps of her interlandi headgear, the sweat glowing on her soft skin.  He didn't understand why he found her braces so cute.  Or why he was so turned on picturing her in his mind at this very moment wearing her headgear.  He knew he shouldn't.  But he did.  She noticed the long silence and asked "is everything ok?  Are you ok?"

He replied "I am doing so much better now that I am talking with you.  And I know this may be an imposition.  But I am going crazy stuck here in this apartment.  I really need a change of scenery. But I'm not supposed to drive right now.  I was, um, hoping I could ask a huge favor of you.  I was hoping you might could pick me up and drive me.  Maybe we could go to the park or something?  I really need some fresh air.  Headgear or no headgear." He ended by saying "plus, I would just really like to see you."  He could hear her say "awww..." on the other end of the line.  He wondered if she had even realized she did it.

She said "oh baby, of course I will give you a ride.  I mean, I only want the best for my patient.  Give me about 45 minutes?  I need to get cleaned up and changed.  And let me warn you, my car is a piece of shit.  I have to get a new one.   Or a new used one.  Mine is just falling apart.  I just hate to spend that money.  Money I could put towards dental school.  So, I apologize in advance for that."

Lance smiled listening to her.  It was so refreshing to be talking to a real woman.  Not a fake, painted woman like he always seemed to find himself with.  He said "Megan, you don't need to apologize for your car.  I am not infatuated with your car.  I am infatuated with you.  So, as long as you are in it, I will think it is a beautiful car."  There was silence on the other end.

She said "ok, I will be there as soon as I can."

Forty minutes later his doorbell rang.  He opened the door to find Megan standing there smiling at him.  She was dressed much as he had pictured her in his mind earlier, wearing short workout shorts which showed off her fit tan legs, white tennis shoes, and a form fitting blue long sleeve workout top that accentuated her fit torso, her slim waist and C size breasts proudly on display.   Her hair was still damp he noticed, she must have showered, her sandy curls falling down naturally framing her face.   And gosh she was so cute with her braces.   He noticed the elastics she had in the corners of her mouth were lime green today. 

He had actually pictured her in his mind without the braces.  And for whatever reason, he found her cuter with them.  She said "sir, your driver has arrived."  He leaned in and hugged her and said "thank you Megan.  And you are so much more than my driver."  As he hugged her, he noticed how good she smelled.

They walked down the hallway, Lance's apartment was a top floor corner apartment, to the elevators for the parking deck.  When they got there he punched 3.  She said "oh, I am on level 4."  He said "well, I was hoping we could take my ride.  I figure it needs to be driven.  I haven't cranked my car in a few weeks.  Is that ok?" 

She smiled at him and said "sure!  What do you drive?"

He smiled and said self-deprecatingly "apparently nothing for at least two more weeks.  Itsh a good think I have such a good... friend to help me out." 

As they got to the 3rd floor, the elevator door dinged and opened.  As she followed him towards the corner of the deck, she saw a candy apple red Corvette and a shiny black Tahoe with a lift kit and oversized tires parked side by side.  They looked brand new.  Beside them was an older, scuffed up forest green CJ7 Jeep with a dented black winch guard and patched black soft top.  As he walked he said "I have an advertising deal with Chevrolet.  Part of it is thish" he said gesturing towards the shiny new vehicles.  He added "and I can never get rid of my Jeep.  It knows too many secrets.  I hold it here hostage so it can't escape and tell everyone all the stupid things I did in high school and college."

This caused Megan to laugh.  She looked at him and said "I bet you were a choir boy" and winked at him.  She then said looking at the Corvette and Tahoe "oh my God, they are so nice.  They look brand new."

He said "they are, I get new onesh every year.  Chevy can't have one of their people showing up to the stadium in some old clunker.  Kirby and Jack just dropped the Tahoe off yesterday.  It was still at the stadium, ya know, because of my little accshident.  And I bet they left a mess in it on purpose."  He looked at her and pulled a key ring out of his pocket.  He asked "have you ever driven a Corvette?"   Her eyes got big and she shook her head back and forth.  He handed her the keys and said "well, now you are."

Two hours later Megan pulled back into the parking space.  Lance looked at her and said "thank you.  That was so much fun.  I needed that so much.  Even if those kids did look at me like I was an alien."

She looked over at him and said "they were just star struck is all.  You know, a lot of people get that way."

He said "no, I think that they were trying to figure out if I could talk to outer space with this huge antenna on my head.  But it is ok.  It was worth it.  To spend some time with you."

She looked at him hungrily and said "awww, that is so sweet.  And the feeling is mutual."  She turned the car off and pulled the key out of the ignition.  She handed it over to Lance.  He did not reach his hand up to take it.

He said "you keep that.  I certainly won't need it for a while.  Plus, I am more of a truck guy anyway.  And you look SO much cuter behind the wheel of this thing than I do."

Megan got an incredulous look on her face and argued "no, absolutely not.  I can NOT drive this car.  It is way too nice.  And way too expensive.  I could never afford to fix it if something happened."  She shook her head back and forth and said "NO, I will not take your car."

He put his hand up and took the keys.  He then reached down to the floor board between his feet and picked up her purse.  Before she could protest he quickly unzipped it and dropped the keys in it.  She said "no, absolutely not."

He looked at her and smiled.  He asked "is thish our first fight?"  A smile came to Megan's face.  Gosh he thought, I love to see her smile.  He continued "look, it's not even my car.  It's Chevy's.  And they have insurance on it.  I promise.  And I never drive it.  And you don't need to spend money on a car when there is one just sitting here.  And I can't drive it anyway.  And finally, I insist."

She gave up and said "I'm not going to win this one am I?" 

He shook his head back and forth smiling and said "nope."

She said "ok, but I WILL get you back for this.  I am a pretty vindictive woman."

He laughed and said "well, before you do, would you maybe help me back to my apartment?  I am injured after all."

Outside the vehicle she took her purse from him and looped her arm through his.  She said "this way Mr. Wilson, let's get you to bed.  You look tired.  And it is time for your medication."

As he walked with her through the deck he asked "did you bring your headgear and mouthpiece?"

She squeezed his arm in her's and looked up at him smiling.  She said "I made sure not to forget them this evening."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Play
« Reply #9 on: 07. November 2023, 00:10:42 AM »
Chapter 7.

Lance woke up to a light snoring in his ear the next morning.  He glanced over at the clock and saw it was 6 am.  He turned carefully, trying not disturb Megan.  She looked beautiful lying there, her messy hair sticking out from under the headgear straps encircling her pretty head, the two shiny facebows protruding from her slightly open mouth.  There was a little drool running out of her mouth, clinging to her lower facebow.  He didn’t know why, but he found even that sexy about her.  Looking at her he was a bit surprised something so angelic looking snored though.  He tried to get out of bed without waking her.  He was propped up on an elbow when he felt her move.  He froze, hoping she would keep sleeping

However, it was too late.  She opened her eyes.  As she rubbed the sleep from them “he said good morning gorgeous.”  She noticed the blinds were still dark.  She squinted at the clock, then asked “wah time ish it?”  As she reached over towards the bedside table he said “it ish 6, I was hoping I could slip out of bed and fix you breakfasht.”

She slipped her bitesplint out of her mouth and put it in the plastic box on the table.  She then picked her glasses up and slipped them on her face, carefully sliding the arms underneath her headgear straps, then asked “what are you doing up so early?  It ish Sunday.”

He smiled at her and answered “early to bed, early to rise, makes a makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.  Isn’t that how it goesh?”

She reached up and felt her lips and felt a little crust on them.  She got a horrified look on her face and asked “I was snoring wasn’t I?  Oh God, I am so sorry.  It’s so embarrassing.  I am so embarrassed.”

He said “no sweetie, I just get up early.”

She looked at him and said “don’t lie.  I was snoring wasn’t I?”

He answered “just a little.  It was cute.”

She looked humiliated and said “I am so sorry.  I have to do something about it.”

He noticed she looked truly hurt.  He scooted over and wrapped his arms around her.  He said “really, it’s not a big deal.  I needed to get up.  And what you were doing wasn’t even snoring.  It was more of a purr.  I have heard shnoring.  That wash not shnoring.  No, if you want to hear snoring, and farting, ride around the country one summer on a minor league bus.”  He tried to lighten the mood “hey, at least you weren’t farting!  Even though I bet your farts are just the cutest.” 

It seemed to work, she gave a little laugh then said “you are gross.”  She nestled up beside him and said “thank you.  But I am sorry.”  She turned her head and gave him a kiss, or tried to, putting her facebows up against his.  She made an exaggerated “muh!” sound and said “sorry I am not too good at kissing with this on.”

He squeezed her and said “no, you are perfect.”

She said “you were really going to get up and fix me breakfast?”

He said “I sure was.  Maybe we could do it together?”

She looked him in he eyes and said “you are so sweet.  I will be honest, you’re not like I thought you would be like, or was afraid you would be like, when I found out I would be working with you.”

He asked “and what did you think I would be like?”

She said “well, I mean, I had no idea.  But I was afraid you would be haughty.  Arrogant.  I mean, you are a huge star.  You can be arrogant.  No one could blame you if you were.  But you’re not.  You are kind.  And sweet.  And down to earth.  Just a regular guy.”  She caught her self and said “no, that came out wrong.  You are not just a regular guy.  I mean, you aren’t an as**ole.  Gosh I am so bad at this.  I mean, I can talk to you like a normal person, not a Major League All-Star.  Even though you are.”  She went quiet a moment and said “I am just going to shut up.  I told you I am so bad at this.”

When he laughed he noticed her body tensed up, almost involuntarily.  He rubbed her back and said “I don’t think you are bad at this at all.  So far, everything you have said has made me like and want you more.  And you know, and I think I have proven it, I am willing to let you do more than just talk to me.  How is that for haughty and arrogant?”

She got a smile on her face and she exclaimed “you are gross and you are dirty Lance Wilson, but haughty and arrogant you are not.  Even if you try to be.”  She then said “and I like it. All of it.  You are just so sweet.  You were going to go in there and fix me breakfast, even though you can’t eat it.  That is selfless.  I can’t do anything about you not being able to eat.  Other than try to take your mind off it.”  She leaned in and bit his nipple.  The feeling of her teeth combined with her warm, wet lips and the cool, hard facebows combined for a feeling that he had never felt before.  And his body reacted in kind.

She let go of him and looked him in the face.  She placed her hand gently up on his face.  She said “and I don’t know if I can do anything about this swelling.”  She then pulled her hand down from his face and placed it under the covers.  She groped until she found what she was searching for. She gave a squeeze and a seductive smile and said “but this, I might can help with the swelling of this.” 

She ran her lips along her upper facebow seductively.  She said softly “I have a nance appliancsh along my upper palate.  But I will be careful.  I need to make up for my snoring.  To show you I can use my mouth for other things than just snoring.”

Afterwards, after Megan had cleaned herself up in the bathroom, she came back to bed.  She had removed her headgear to clean it and had not put it back on.  She crawled into bed beside Lance and draped her arm over him so they were face to face.  She said “I hope that made up for waking you up.”

Lance got a sly grin and said “baby, you can wake me up anytime you want if that is what it means.  Megan, that was… I can’t even…. Never…. The facebows and…”. She cut him off and said “so you liked it.  Good.  And I am sorry I don’t want to go faster.  It’sh just that I am fuddy.  I don’t want to rush into anything.  For either of us.  And I don’t want to get hurt, either of us to get hurt.  And I am still your health care provider.”

He said “and you want it to be perfect.  And so far it has been.  And it will be.  Megan, don’t apologize for anything.”  He changed gears and said “and you are still my health care provider.  The best health care provider anyone has ever had in the whole history of health care.  And I am going to leave you the absolute best review.” 

Megan laughed and said “gross, dirty, and a dork.”  She grinned at him a moment before leaning over and kissing him.  She said “no, you are nothing like I thought you would be.  In the best way.”  She laid her head on his chest and asked “can we just stay here like this forever?”

As he stroked her head he said “I would like that.”  A few minutes later he added “but eventually I might have to poop.”  She raised her head up and scolded him “Lance Wilson!  Don’t you ruin this for me.  For us.”  As she laid her head back down he laughed.  He softly told her “this really is perfect.  I should have run into a wall months ago.”  She lightly pinched him and said “you are incorrigible.  What am I going to do with you?”  As he continued to pet her he softly responded “apparently, anything you want to.”

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Re: The Play
« Reply #10 on: 07. November 2023, 05:40:02 AM »
Thanks for another great story!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Play
« Reply #11 on: 07. November 2023, 21:35:52 PM »
Chapter Eight.

Lance sat on the closed toilet lid as Megan dried his hair with a towel.  He had his eyes closed enjoying the sensation, and the feeling of being free from his headgear straps, when he said “baby, that feels SO good.  Thank you so much, I needed to wash my hair so badly.  It feels like heaven.”  She smiled as she finished up and draped the damp towel over the shower curtain rod.  Lance opened his eyes and said “over so soon?”.  He pouted at her.  She smiled at him and extended her hand to him and shook her head back and forth.

Lance was now seated on the edge of the couch, Megan sitting behind him with her legs wrapped around him massaging his scalp.  The only sound was an occasional moan of pleasure from Lance.  After 10 minutes, she stopped and gently bit his ear.  A shiver ran through him as he felt her rough brackets combined with her warm, wet lips.  She let go of the ear and whispered “come on stud, we have to get ready.  We have a ball game to go to.  Come with me.”

In the bathroom she picked up his Interlandi headgear straps, his two facebows still securely anchored in his mouth.  He again pouted at Megan.  She thought he was just the cutest thing she had ever seen when he did that.  He said “do I have to?”  She gave him a sympathetic look and said “I’m sorry baby”.  Before she placed the straps over his head she leaned in and kissed him.

Dressed, the two sat cuddling on the couch, waiting for Lance’s agent to arrive.  He would be chauffeuring the pair to and from the game.  Lance said “I really don’t want to go.  You know, we could just watch it on TV.”

Megan wrapped her arms around him and said “you have to go.  You are the reason there is a Twins game tonight.  And you have a suite, the owner’s suite at that, to sit in.”

Lance knew he was going.  If for no other reason than he knew how excited Megan was.  He would not rob her of it.  Since he had asked her Sunday on a “date”, to attend game one of the World Series, that is all she had talked about.  Regardless, he protested “I just feel so self-conscious baby.  Embarrassed.”  She petted him and said “well first of all, headgear or no headgear, you are the sexiest man in the whole world.  But two, I know how you feel.  The first week when I had to wear mine was hard.  Mentally.  Psychologically.  But I made it through.  And look at me now.  I am the luckiest girl in the world.  And three, your teammates need you there.  They want you there.  You are a part of the team.  And they still need you.  The Twins need you.”

He said “I know you are right.  But it just doesn’t feel like it.  And I haven’t told you this, but it is going to be hard for me to watch.  Because I want to be out there so bad.  Every kid that has ever picked up a baseball has dreamed of playing in the World Series.  And I finally have the opportunity.  But I can’t.  Because I am injured.  Because my stupid ass ran into a wall.”

Megan squeezed him.  She said “I am so sorry.  I can’t even imagine how disappointing it is.”  She then suddenly let go of him and scooted around in front of him.  She gave him a big smile.  Just seeing her big, beautiful metallic smile cheered him some.  She said “but it just means next year, when you take us back to the World Series, it will be even more special.”  They heard the doorbell ring.

Lance looked through the peep to see his agent standing there.  His arms were filled with a big cardboard box.  From the look on Mark’s face, the box was heavy.  Lance opened the door and stepped out, saying “hand me that.  What is it?”  Mark said “letters, fanmail, all kinds of little trinkets and gifts.  You mentioned you were bored.  Well, now you have something to do.  There are two more boxes like this in the truck.  For the past week, and despite having other clients, just being the head of the Lance Wilson fan club has been a full time job.”  He followed Lance into the apartment.  He stopped when he saw Megan.  He smiled and said “and you must be Megan.  Hello, I am Mark Rosen, I am Lance’s agent.”

Megan stepped over and gave him a big smile and extended her hand.  She said “Hi!  I am Megan.  Megan Lavoie.  But how did you know?”

Mark smiled and said “well, Lance might have mentioned you.  Or he might have talked my ear off about you.”  This made Megan blush a little.  Lance stepped back over and said “well, I guess it is time to go.”  He looked at Mark and said “hey, maybe we can pick up a few extra stations with my new antennae.”  Mark shook his head and said “I knew you had a concussion, but they didn’t tell me there was permanent brain damage.”

Lance had noticed the shock on Megan’s face, that his agent just made such a crack.  As he locked the door, he said “Mark is my agent.  But we go back a little further than that.  Mark used to be a baseball player and I use that term very loosely.  We played together a year in Wilmington.  Before Mark realized how much he sucked and decided to try something new.  To be honest, he isn’t much better as an agent.  But, at least I don’t have to watch him walk people anymore.”

Mark said “Well, at least I always had enough sense to not run headlong into the outfield wall.  And Megan, he is somewhat correct.  I was never as talented as Lance.  But, I was hardheaded.  And I would have kept on plugging along, trying to make the show. Until I blew out my elbow.  I was devastated.  But now, looking back, it is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Megan was trying to figure out how to respond when she felt Lance wrap his arm around her shoulder.  He said “it is funny how things work out isn’t it.  Who would have thought me being dumb enough to run into that wall would turn out to be the best thing that has yet happened to me.”  He turned and looked down at Megan and softly said “and you make that Twins jersey sexier than any jersey I have ever seen.”

After about 30 minutes, 10 minutes of it caught in gridlocked traffic around the Metrodome, Mark stopped the SUV by a largely overlooked side entrance not open to the public.  As Lance opened the door and helped Megan out of the vehicle, Mark leaned over from the front seat and said “I will get parked and see you up in the suite.”

As they entered the stadium, the security guard nodded at the two and said simply “Mr. Wilson, welcome.”  Megan noticed his gaze seemed to linger a moment on Lance’s face, and the prominent orthodontia on display.  But, the security guard did not say anything and quickly turned his attention away from them.  Megan didn’t know if Lance had even noticed.  But still, she squeezed his hand and said “you are doing so good baby.”  As she followed along behind him down a dimly lit tunnel, she asked “is this the way to the luxury suites?  It seems kind of out of the way.”

Lance said “we aren’t going to the suite yet.  We are going to the clubhouse.  I thought you would like to meet some of the guys.  Maybe give them some words of encouragement.”  She stopped dead in her tracks.  Lance turned to look at her.  Her jaw had dropped open.  He said “plus, I want to wish them good luck too.  Tell them I wish I could be out there with them.  But I want to have my smoking hot girlfriend by my side, so maybe they won’t give me as much shit about this bear trap on my face.”  He looked at her standing there breathlessly.  He continued “come on, they will love you.  Well, everyone but Jack.  We will leave him alone.  He is starting tonight and he is a grumpy as**ole to everyone on his starts.  Great guy, just focused.  What do you say babe?”  Megan was still in a shocked silence, but she slowly nodded her head up and down.  Lance leaned in and gave her a facebowed kiss.  He said “they are just regular dudes.  And while you will just be meeting them for the first time tonight, you will get to know them well.  At least if I have anything to do with it and don’t screw this up and run you off.”  He looked at her and asked “is everything ok?”

She jumped into his arms and kissed him.  She said “it is perfect.  No, it’s more than perfect.”

Thirty minutes later they made their way into the suite.  Megan was still on cloud nine.  Walking into the suite Mark asked “so how’d it go?”

Before Lance could even answer Megan squealed “it was incredible!  The coolest thing ever.  And look…” she turned showing the back of her jersey “Kirby, and Kent, and Chuck, and Chili… all of them, they autographed my jersey.  I didn’t even have to ask.”

Mark eyed Lance as he said “oh, that is awesome.  And you didn’t even have to ask.”  Standing behind Megan and out of her view Lance gave Mark a discreet wink.  Mark said “wow, they must really like you.  But who in their right mind wouldn’t.”  He continued “Lance, how was the mood?”

Lance said “Jack is locked in.  I could tell that.  I think he might could start a fire with his glare right now.  And the rest of the guys were loose.  Joking, cutting up, making fun of me.  We will win tonight.”

Mark asked “and how are you?”

Lance shrugged his shoulders and said “I’m ok.  I wish I was about to run out there.  And they gave me just a ration of shit about my headgear.  But not as much as I figured they would.  Hey, at least I contributed something tonight, I provided a few laughs.  But I am so lucky.  I know I am.  I am here in a luxury suite at the World Series with my friend and the most beautiful woman in the world”. He stepped up so he was pressing against Megan’s back and put his hands on her waist.  He continued “but I guess since I’m not playing and I’m not driving, and it’s been hours since I took a pain pill, I can drink a beer or three.”  He went silent a second and then exclaimed “shit, I didn’t bring a straw.”

Megan turned in his arms so she was facing him.  She unzipped her purse and pulled out a straw, holding it up triumphantly in front of him.  “I’ve got you baby.  Isn’t that what couples do for each other?”

Lance looked down at her smiling back at him.  He could tell how happy and excited she was.  And not just because she had remembered a straw.  He moved his hands up from her waist and laid them on her shoulders.  He was so glad that he had done this.  Not for himself, but for Megan.  He smiled back at her the best he could and said “yesh, that is exactly what couples do for each other”.

Offline bugbathe43

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Re: The Play
« Reply #12 on: 07. November 2023, 21:46:50 PM »
Sounds like someone is from Minnesota.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Play
« Reply #13 on: 07. November 2023, 21:56:28 PM »
Someone is, but not the writer of this story.  He is far away from Minnesota, the very opposite of Minnesota.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: The Play
« Reply #14 on: 08. November 2023, 03:11:01 AM »
Chapter Nine.

During the game, Lance watched Megan as much as he watched the game.  He enjoyed watching her.  She was so animated, hooting and hollering, cheering on her Twins. The Twins got an early lead behind the dominate pitching of Jack Morris and went into the top of the 6th up 4-0.  The Braves scored a run in the top of the inning.  But Kent Hrbek got it right back in the bottom of the inning with a solo homerun for the Twins.  Lance had asked Megan through out the game if she wanted anything.  A hotdog, a pretzel, nachos, peanuts, anything.  Other than stealing a few sips from his beers, she had declined.  She had told him she could not eat in front of him.  Since he couldn’t partake.  He told her that was silly, but she held firm. 

During the seventh inning stretch Lance got up to use the rest room.  He was gone longer than Megan expected and she started to worry.   She was turned towards Mark just about to ask him to go check on him when she saw Lance use his butt to push the door open.  He had both hands full with brown cardboard trays.  One was designed for drinks and held 4 Coors Lights.  The other was full of food.  Megan jumped up and rushed to him to help.  She asked “what have you done?”

Lance smiled at her and said “it’sh not a proper baseball game without a beer, a hotdog, and a soft pretzel.  And if you don’t eat them, you will hurt my feelings so bad.”

Megan looked at him and said “oh baby…. you are so sweet.  Thank you.”  She took the tray with the food from him.  She looked at it and then back up towards Lance.  She said “I know this will be the best hotdog ever.  Because it came from you.  And you are so thoughtful.  You brought me a hotdog and pretzal.  Not chips or nachos, which are off limits for me and my braces.  Just so sweet and thoughtful.”  With her free arm she wrapped it around him and gave him a squeeze.

Back in their seats, Lance continued to watch Megan.  She first started on the hotdog.  He could tell despite her earlier protests she loved it.  After a few sips from her beer, she next devoured the pretzel.  She washed it down with another swig of beer and then gave him a treat.  She turned towards him and asked “do I have anything stuck in my braces?” before leaning in and baring her teeth to him.  He looked in and saw a little piece of mustard covered pretzel stuck in the bracket on her left canine.  He stuck his finger carefully into her mouth and gently knocked it loose with his index finger.  He gave her braces one more look and announced “everything looks good.”  Her lips formed into a big smile and she said “thank you baby!” and leaned over and gave him a quick kiss.  She then turned her attention back to the game.

The Braves added another run in the 8th, but the Twins went into the 9th up 5-2.  As the Twins closer Rick Aguilera took the mound, Lance leaned in towards Megan and said “Rick will shut them down here.”  He was surprised by Megan’s response.

She leaned in and whispered into his ear “good, because I can’t wait to get home.  You really know how to push my buttons.  You have earned yourself a treat.  Most girls might not melt at the thought of a gamedog.  But I’m not most girls.”  She kissed him on the cheek, facebows and all, then wrapped her arms through his and laid against his shoulder.

As predicted, Aguilera shut the Braves down in the top of the 9th.  The Twins won game one 5-2.  There were shouts, applause, whistles and high-fives all throughout the suite.  Once things had calmed, Lance slid over beside Mark and said “hey bud, I am pretty beat.  Can we get on out of here?  Try to beat the worst of the crowd?”

Mark said “sure.  But you don’t want to go to the clubhouse and celebrate?”

Lance shook his head and said “no, and they better not be celebrating too much.  This is game one.  There is a lot of work left to be done.”

They did get caught in post game traffic.  It took 45 minutes to get back to the parking deck of Lance’s apartment.  Once parked Mark said “why don’t we take these other two boxes of fan mail up?”

Mark and Lance each carried a box as Megan got the elevator and doors for them.  After Megan unlocked and opened the door of Lance’s apartment, Mark went into the apartment and stopped.  He asked “where you want this?”

Lance responded “just put it anywhere.”  Mark bent over and put the box down on the floor where he stood.  Lance cut him a look. 

Mark raised his arms up and said “what?  You said anywhere.  This looks like anywhere.”  He then gave him a big shit eating grin.

Lance sat his box on the dining room table and loudly said “babe, do you still have the phone number for that other agent I was talking with?”  Lance turned and grinned at Mark as best he could with all the orthodontia in his mouth.

Mark said “ok, ok.”  He picked the box back up and carried it over to the table and placed it beside the other.  He said “better?  Hey, you two want to go get a celebratory drink?  My treat?”

Lance said “no bud, I’m beat.  I think I will go through some of this mail and hit the hay. We will take a raincheck.  In oh, about 6-8 weeks.”

Mark said “I gotcha.  Well, it was a blast as always.  And Go Twins!  You two kids have fun.  I will check in with you tomorrow.”

As soon as Mark had left and closed the door, Megan went and locked the door.  As she walked back she locked eyes with Lance and said “we aren’t looking at that fan mail.  Not tonight.”

Lance asked “no?”

Stepping up close in front of Lance, Megan placed her hand on his chest.  She ran her tongue along her upper lip seductively and said “no, we aren’t.  But I am going to do that thing you like.  I think it is the best treatment for the patient.  He has been such a good patient.”

In the bedroom, Megan kissed Lance and then pushed him down on the bed.  She leaned down and kissed him again.  When she was done she looked into his face.  She thought something seemed to be bothering him.  It was not the reaction she had expected.  She asked “what is it baby?  Is this not good?”

Mark said “no baby, it ish.  It’sh just, this sounds weird, I can’t believe I am about to say this…”

She ran her finger down his cheek, tracing his upper facebow, and asked “what is it baby?”

He looked embarrassed as he asked “would you put your headgear on first?”

She cocked her head at him, surprised, but replied “sure baby.  Of course.  Hang on a sec.”

When she returned, trussed up in her own Interlandi and double facebows, she could immediately see that her headgear had not cooled his passion.  In fact, based on what she saw it looked like it had the exact opposite reaction.  She thought how strange it was.  She would have never expected a man to react to seeing her in her headgear like this.  But, she realized as unexpected as it was, it turned her on too.  As she dropped down to her knees she looked up at him.  She could see the lust in his eyes.  She ran her tongue along her facebow and seductively asked “is the patient ready for his treatment?”