
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 25210 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« on: 18. December 2023, 21:08:31 PM »
Chapter One.

Tara sat nervously tapping her foot as she filled out the paperwork stacked on the little table in front of her.  As she filled out and signed form after form, she couldn’t help but think about the smile of the perky blond receptionist, Becky, who she had obtained the stack of new patient forms from.  There was just SO much metal in the poor girl’s mouth.  And her lisp was so severe.  Tara hoped she didn’t have the same in store for herself.  But, Tara was desperate.

Tara was a tall, athletically built 31 year old accountant employed by a large multinational firm.  Despite her good looks, she had always been introverted and somewhat socially awkward.  In fact, Tara had always considered herself a nerd.  But not in a negative connotation.  She took pride in her ability with numbers.  She had been a star student in school and now she was a rising star in the firm she worked at.  Or had been at least until recently, when she began having to take so much medical leave. 

And while she was attracted to men, very attracted to them in fact, and they were attracted to her looks, she found relationships difficult.  No, she understood numbers much better than men. And while she knew she was athletic, she had never been drawn to sports.  Even in high school, she had rejected the idea of playing volleyball or basketball, despite the coaches at her small high school practically begging her to.  All except running.  She loved to run.  Never competitively; beyond one annual local half marathon and a couple of charity fun runs; but it was something she loved.  Until recently, which is one of the reasons she now found herself sitting in the waiting area of “TMJ and Sleep Plus”.

She was here because of a referral from the second ENT she had seen.  Her symptoms had begun a little over a year earlier.  At first it had just been some occasional popping in her jaw, stuffiness in one of her ears and the occasional headache.  But things had deteriorated.  After six months, she found herself having headaches more days than not.  She self treated with over the counter pain killers.  But the headaches got worse, more frequent and more intense so that Advil and Tylenol didn’t touch them.  At times they were debilitating.  And then two months ago, the vertigo began.  She finally made an appointment with her general practitioner.  He had run a battery of tests and could find nothing wrong.  He had prescribed her a pair of blue light glasses to wear while at her computer, suspecting this might help.  They hadn’t.  So he had then referred her to see an ENT.  He gave her two offices to contact, her choice.

She had made an appointment with the one closest to her.  But, she zoned out halfway through the appointment.  The man had just been so pompous and arrogant.  His tone and demeanor were condescending.  Tara thought he was just a nasty human being.  She had gotten out of there as quickly as possible and she had set up an appointment with the second on her list

She had found this ENT, Dr. Alicia as she asked to be called, warm and caring.  And with an infectious smile covered in metal braces.  Tara realized how young the braces made Dr. Alicia look.  Dr. Alicia had examined Tara and administered a battery of tests.  Dr. Alicia had noted after the hearing text that Tara did have some issues with hearing high frequency noises and picking out noises amongst background noise. 

At the end of the appointment, Dr. Alicia had sat down with Tara and delivered her assessment.  She had recommended Tara schedule a follow up to get fitted for hearing aids, an idea that terrified Tara.  She was only 31.  And she already wore glasses, she just hated contacts.  Glasses AND hearing aids Tara thought. Nonetheless, Tara had agreed to schedule the followup appointment.

Dr. Alicia next brought up the subject of TMJ.  She explained she herself suffered from TMJ and completely understood what Tara was going through.  She explained that is why she had braces herself.  She explained that while they were an adjustment getting used to, they had helped her so much.  She recommended Tara schedule an appointment with her orthodontist who specialized in TMJ and sleep medicine.  Tara was in a daze.  Hearing aids?  Maybe braces?  How had things gotten so sideways?  But she was desperate.  She couldn’t live like this.  So she reluctantly agreed.  Dr. Alicia lit up enthusiastically and told her that she would have her receptionist schedule the appointment.  When she had stood to leave, Dr. Alicia had hugged Tara and told her she would be so glad she did this.  Which had brought Tara to sitting here.

The hearing aids she had gotten the week before had been an adjustment.  Not because they were uncomfortable.  Or really even noticeable.  But because she was now inundated with so many more sounds than she was used to.  She had just finished signing the last piece of paperwork when she heard the jingle of the bell on the front door.  As Tara turned her head, she realized she would have never noticed the door opening just a week earlier.  She watched as a woman she pegged at around 40 years old entered the office.  But what caused Tara’s jaw to drop open, audibly popping as it did, was the complicated looking plastic and metal mask the woman wore on her face.

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #1 on: 18. December 2023, 21:52:41 PM »
Good start  I look forward to another chapter

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #2 on: 18. December 2023, 23:06:19 PM »
I really like what you did with the title, the little orthodontic pun. I also like the first chapter and can see this going a number of different ways. I’m looking forwards to what is next.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #3 on: 19. December 2023, 03:10:36 AM »
Great start!!! Looking forward to another of your stories.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #4 on: 19. December 2023, 07:09:50 AM »
Chapter Two.

Tara tried to be discreet as she watched the woman, dressed professionally in a black pants suit with white blouse, a matching bag slung over her shoulder, confidently marching towards the reception desk, her heels clicking on the tile.  To Tara, it appeared she was oblivious to the device she wore on her face.  As Tara snuck another look at her face, she took a snap shot in her head.  On the woman’s face was a clear plexiglas or acrylic mask.  On each side of the mask were two stainless steel looking rods that appeared molded into the mask.  Out of the woman’s mouth several white elastics protruded, attached to two small silver posts that angled up and out about an inch from just below the woman’s mouth.  She noticed there was an oval hole in the mask so that it didn’t cover her eyes, nose or mouth.  Instead it circled around her face, covering the sides of her face and prominent sculpted cheekbones, her forehead, and her lower cheeks and chin.  It appeared molded to her face.  She wondered if she could even take it off or if it was permanent.  The thought of wearing something like that herself made Tara involuntarily shiver.

Tara watched as the woman stopped at the reception desk and smiled broadly.  With her newly enhanced hearing Tara was able to hear the woman say “Good Afternoon Becky!  You look nice!  I am here to get signed in and see how Dr. Brad plans to torture me today” and then gave a laugh.  As Tara had been watching, she had noticed that the mask seemed to move independently, the portion that ran across her forehead and wrapped around her face covering her cheekbones did not move as she spoke.  However, the bottom portion that covered her lower cheeks and chin moved up and down.  Tara realized that must be what the steel rods molded into the mask were for, they allowed for the lower portion of the mask to slide up and down as she spoke.

She couldn’t hear Becky’s reply, there was still a plexiglass divider up.  Tara guessed this was a holdover from Covid.  But she heard the woman’s response.  She said “well, I was in court all day arguing a case.  By the time we recessed at 3, my jaw was just killing me.  I rushed straight to my car and put it on.  I hate the way it looks, but I love the way it feels.  But you know this first hand I know.”  She could hear a long murmur from behind the glass but again couldn’t hear what Becky was saying.  But once she was finished the woman shook her head up and down and said “oh, it is definitely worth it.  I don’t know what I would have done if I had not found you all.”  Another murmur from behind the glass was met by the woman saying “wonderful!  That is great news.  Hey, put in a good word with Dr. Brad and tell him to go easy on me.”  She again laughed and turned towards the reception area.

There were a handful of other patients in the room, and the woman seemed to be headed to an unoccupied corner.  Her path was going to take her in front of Tara, who didn’t even realize she was staring.  As the woman approached she turned her head and made eye contact with Tara.  Embarrassed, Tara quickly averted her eyes down towards the table.  Despite trying to shrink and completely ignore the woman, she couldn’t help but hear the clicking of the woman’s heels approach.  A pit formed in her stomach when she heard the clicking stop directly in front of her.

Tara sheepishly looked up, avoiding the woman’s face.  She was embarrassed and was trying to figure out what to say, how to apologize, when the woman said “Good Afternoon!  I am Beverly Willingham.  That looks like a whole stack of paperwork, are you a new patient?”

Tara responded “yes, and I am so sorry.  I didn’t…”

Beverly cut her off and said “no need to apologize.  I know I look like a cyborg.  And you aren’t the first, and won’t be the last, who’s eyes have lingered.  Heck, I find myself staring at it in the mirror, and I wear it every night and some every day.  But while I look like a cyborg wearing it, I am not a hurting cyborg.”  She noticed Tara’s leg nervously bouncing up and down.  She gestured to the row of seats and asked “are these seats taken?”

Tara shook her head back and forth and said simply “no.”

Beverly said “would you mind a little company?  I just hate waiting in doctor’s offices.  Time just seems to stand still.  And you look nervous.  I totally get that.”

Beverly sat down, leaving a seat between them where she sat her purse, and said “I was so nervous at my first appointment.  The whole idea of getting braces.  At 42. As an active attorney.  I didn’t think I could do it.  But I had such agonizing headaches most days.  And they were getting worse.  I knew if I didn’t do something, I wouldn’t be an active anything for much longer.  It was so nerve wracking.  But coming here, it has been one of the best decisions of my life.  I am mostly pain free now, cyborg mask and all.  And Dr. Brad and his whole staff here are just amazing.”

As she had been talking, Tara had slowly turned her eyes to face her.  She had noticed that this woman Beverly had clear braces on her top and bottom teeth.  Tara realized she even had a clear wire running through the brackets.  There was a little silver visible in the corners of her mouth, but from a distance, and without the obvious mask on, Tara would have never realized she had braces.

Despite her introverted nature, Tara realized how rude it would be to not respond.  Beverly obviously wanted to chat.  Tara replied “I am terrified.  But I am in so much pain too.  The headaches.  And now vertigo.  I was referred here by my ENT.  I hope they can help.  But I don’t know if I can wear braces.  I don’t know if I am brave enough.”

Beverly laughed.  She cheerily responded “honey, I totally get it.  My gosh, the first time I opened my mouth in the courtroom after getting my expander and lower braces I thought I might die.  But I didn’t.  You won’t either.  If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do?”

Tara responded by saying “I am an accountant.  I specialize in corporate accounting, specifically auditing, at Wise-Pricehouse.”

Beverly excitedly said “Hello Miss Client!  Nice to meet you!  I have actually been involved in a few cases with your firm.  Don’t worry, you weren’t the bad guys.”  When she laughed she titled her head back and opened widely.  Tara could see something silver in the top of her mouth reflect light back.  Beverly stuck her hand out and said “it is a pleasure to officially meet you.  Again, I am Beverly Willingham.  And you are?”

Tara said “oh, I’m sorry.”  She stuck her hand out and meekly shook Beverly’s hand, noticing how firm Beverly’s grip was, and replied “It is a pleasure to meet you.  I am Tara Reynolds.  And I am terrified.”

Offline bracessd

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #5 on: 19. December 2023, 17:36:52 PM »
Great job @mr_90proof

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #6 on: 19. December 2023, 19:54:00 PM »
What a good start and what potential!

Maybe Tara´s glasses a myopic and will need a stronger prescription soon?

And some lisp will be possible as well.

We will wait and see...

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #7 on: 19. December 2023, 23:09:13 PM »
I agree this storys coming on well I like that Tara has hearing aids and glasses  as well as braces gives all sorts of interesting possibilities

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #8 on: 20. December 2023, 03:53:18 AM »
Chapter Three.

Beverly gestured towards the paperwork and said “you may want to get those to Becky.  She will have to get you all set up in the system before they can see you.”

Tara said “oh, yeah, sorry.  I’m a little out of sorts.”  After returning the stack of paperwork to Becky and answering a few questions, some she could barely make out through Becky’s heavy lisp, she turned back to her seat.  As she walked, she wondered what that was in Becky’s mouth.  It looked like a bunch of steel bars hanging down behind her top front teeth.  Or, maybe a fence or a gate she thought as she sat back down.  Whatever it was, it seemed to cause the poor young woman a lot of issues speaking.

Beverly smiled at Tara and “really, there is no reason to be terrified.  I know, easier said then done.  But really, don’t be scared of Dr. Brad.  He is wonderful.  Don’t even be scared of braces.  Really.”  She reached up and deftly removed the elastics attached to her futuristic facemask.  She unzipped her purse and gently slid the mask in it.  She removed an empty clear plastic baggie from her purse.  Beverly said “sorry for being rude, but left me get these little boogers out of my mouth.”  Tara watched as Beverly removed the four elastics from her mouth one by one, dropping them in the baggie as she went.  Tara felt a mix of fear and fascination as she watched Beverly detach the elastics from somewhere in the back of the mouth.  From the ease with which she did it, Tara could tell Beverly was very practiced at it.

Once she was done, Beverly gave Tara a big wide smile.  She then said “see not too scary.  The ceramic brackets and clear wires and ligatures really are discreet.  Now, they didn’t feel too discrete at first, but I am completely used to them now.  I have to be careful about what I eat, not just because I have braces but because I have clear ligatures that stain, but Dr. Brad has been so understanding.  He gave me some spare clear ligatures.  He had Alex, she is one of his assistants, show me how to change them out and Dr. Brad gave me the green light to change them out on my top front six teeth.  He calls them the ‘social six’ and they are most prominent when someone smiles or speaks.  He really has worked with me.  He has tried to be as flexible as possible with my treatment as he can be to address social and professional concerns I have had.  And I know he will be with you too.  Now the mask?  There is no way to hide it.  But I love it.  It truly has changed my life.  For the better.  It has been a lifesaver despite some of the looks I get on the rare occasion someone sees me in it.”

Tara was still nervous.  But her trepidation was now mixed with curiosity.  She asked “how long have you been in treatment?  How much longer do you have?   How long have you had to wear the mask?  And how much do you have to wear it?  Has it all been worth it?”

Beverly grinned back and said “whoa counselor, one question at a time.  I will start with the last one.  It is easy.  Yes, it has absolutely been worth it.  Now, how long have I been in treatment and how long do I have to go?  My TMJ treatment, at least according to Dr. Brad, has been his standard severe TMJ protocol.  He has tweaked it for my needs, but I think I am a pretty standard case.  I am two and a half years into what was originally a three and a half year sentence.  But Dr. Brad has told me I might get let out a couple months early for good behavior.  I hope so.  It really is motivation to wear everything as directed.  Or even more.  Like me wearing my mask in here this afternoon.  Every little bit helps. 

So, what is standard severe TMJ treatment you may be asking?  I was in splint therapy for 18 months.  Then I got my upper expander installed along with my lower braces and a new lower splint.  After six months of active expansion, Dr. Brad locked the upper expander in place and covered the evil little screws with acrylic.  I also got my top braces then and a new lower splint.  I popped it out before I came in here, I still can’t speak with it in.  But it feels so good, like a little pillow for my jaw.  So I wear it whenever I don’t have to speak.  I still have my upper expander, she is just holding everything in place now.  But since I quit turning her we have finally become friends.  Or at least I don’t hate her anymore.  It is the same with my mask.  She has been in my life, every day and every night, since day one.  At first I hated her.  Absolutely hated her with a capital H.  But I have come to love her.  Or how she makes me feel, the tension she relieves.  I actually look forward to putting her on every evening.  Or like today, I put her on as soon as I got in my car.  I was really sore.  As soon as I put her on I could feel my jaw relax.  Now I won’t lie to you and say it has all been fun.  Or that there haven’t been a few tears along the way.  But has it been worth it?  Absolutely.”

Tara’s head was now spinning.  It sounded like so much.  But this woman was obviously happy she had done it.  Was doing it.  It made Tara think of her own situation.  Of how many times she had told herself ‘I would do anything to fix this.’  She looked at Beverly and said “wow, that is a LOT.  But it cured your TMJ”

Beverly replied “it has cured the root problem.  Dr. Brad was up front and told me short of a joint transplant my joints will never be perfectly healed.  But they are repaired enough that I have my life back.”

Tara asked “how bad is the initial consultation?”

Beverly replied “well, I just know what mine was like.  It was long.  Over an hour.  Poking, prodding, x-rays, bite down, do this, do that. Never painful, just uncomfortable a time or two.  Dr. Brad will then sit down with you and go over treatment options.  And then if you decide to move forward with treatment, and if you are as miserable as I was, you will, then  you will meet with the treatment coordinator and financial coordinator.  It is a process for sure.  But I was willing to try anything.   I was that desperate for relief.  If he had told me wearing a trashcan on my head would have helped, I would have at least tried it for a while.”  Tara laughed.  Beverly replied “I am joking.  But also serious.  I was that miserable.”

Tara said “I can’t tell you how many times over the past few months I have thought that.”

Beverly said “here” as she dug in her purse.  She pulled out a business card and handed it towards Tara.  Tara took it as Beverly said “seriously, TMJ is just the worst.  Way worse than braces. They are a piece of cake.   Or even the facemask.  The expander is rough, but not as rough as the migraines.  If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please let me know.  No, strike that.  Please text or call me after your appointment.  Please?”

Tara glanced down at the card and saw at the top ‘Willingham, Roberts and Bounds’. Underneath in smaller print was ‘Attorneys at Law’.  Underneath that, in larger raised silver lettering was “Beverly L. Willingham, Esq.’.  Tara glanced up at Beverly then down at the card again.  She had heard of Willingham, Roberts, and Bounds.  They were a powerhouse law firm in the city.  They had a reputation for being ruthless take no prisoner savages.  At least in the courtroom.  They had a reputation for crushing their opponents, just grinding them into submission.  She looked back up at Beverly, who seemed nothing like that at all, and asked wide eyed “you are the Willingham in Willingham, Roberts, and Bounds?”

Beverly gave a half smile and answered “guilty as charged your honor.”

Tara was momentarily shocked, speechless.  She had heard of Beverly Willingham.  She was a bit of a legend in the local legal field, talk about her prowess, and especially her ruthlessness, had even reached Tara’s ears during one particular nasty audit that had led to litigation that her firm had been involved in. 

Beverly sat watching Tara, who’s face belayed the thoughts that were running through her head.  Beverly gave Tara a big smile, really showing off her braces, and said “I’m not the monster they make me out to be.  Well, unless you are my opponent.”

Tara didn’t know what to say.  She stammered “no, I, I wasn’t thinking you are a monster.  Just… well you have such a reputation.  You are a legend.  A hero even to some.”

Beverly added “and a villain to others, I know.”

Tara sat there looking at Beverly.  She once again was smiling broadly.  Tara realized that she was a beautiful, elegant and refined looking woman.  Braces and all.

As if reading Tara’s mind Beverly added “and none of that has changed since I started treatment.  No, if anything I am even more ferocious because I am not distracted by the pain and fatigue from not being able to sleep.   I was terrified of having braces.  Petrified.  But it hasn’t slowed me down a lick.  Well, except for my brushing and flossing.  Ugh what a nightmare.”

Tara looked at Beverly ernestly and asked “but why are you being so nice to me, a total stranger?”

Beverly said “good question.  I am a talker by nature.  But that’s not why I stopped.  I sensed your fear.  It looked like you could use a friend.  And maybe a pep talk.  And I have been in your shoes.  So I…”

She was interrupted by a voice calling “Miss Reynolds?  Miss Tara Reynolds?”  Both Tara and Beverly turned their heads.  As Tara stood up on shaking legs, Beverly exclaimed “that’s Alex!  You will love her!”  Beverly gave a wave towards her and said “hey girl!  Take good care of my new friend here.”  As Tara took an uneasy step in that direction, Beverly reached out and physically grabbed her hand, stopping her.  Looking into Tara’s face she said “really, it is going to be fine.  Better than fine.  Let Dr. Brad help you.”

Tara said “thank you.  For everything.”

Beverly said “no, thank you for letting me ramble.  But if I did help, you are welcome.”  She gave Tara a big smile and then said “now giddy up, go get you some braces!”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #9 on: 20. December 2023, 16:45:15 PM »
Chapter Four.

As Tara walked up to the young woman wearing scrubs, a blue cloth mask covering the lower half of her face, the woman cheerfully said “Miss Reynolds?”

Tara replied “yes, Tara Reynolds.”

The woman responded “wonderful!  Nice to meet you!  I am Alex and I will be assisting you today.  Would you please follow me?”

After Tara had finished brushing as directed, she followed Alex over to a treatment chair.  Alex said “Dr. Brad will be here in just a second.  Just hang tight while I go take care of a few things.”

It was less than a minute later before a tall, broad shouldered man in a white coat approached.  He looked to be in his forties with fashionable shaggy sandy blonde hair.  The white coat he was wearing was embroidered Dr. Brad.  Despite the apparent age difference between them, Tara was immediately physically attracted to him.  She instinctively looked at his hand and saw the gold wedding ring, thinking to herself ‘all the good ones are already taken.’  The man stopped in front of Tara and gave her a big smile.  Tara thought it might be the whitest, straightest smile she had ever seen.  He stuck out his hand and said “Miss Reynolds, I am Dr. Brad Miller.  It is a pleasure to meet you!  And thank you for coming in.  Looking at your file, I see that Dr. Alicia referred you.  Isn’t she just the best?  She probably told you she is a patient here.  And she is a great patient.  But she might not have told you before she was a patient here, I was her patient.  Still am, my whole family sees her.  As good as she is as a patient, she might be an even better doctor.  So, what brings you in to see us today?”

Tara described her symptoms and how her quality of life had been steadily declining.  Dr. Brad smiled sympathetically at her and said “well, let’s take a look see.  I bet I can help you” and pulled his mask up over his face.

After a few minutes of poking and prodding her joints and having her bite this way and that, he reclined the chair back horizontally.  He gently placed a pair of lip retractors into Tara’s mouth and began probing and examining the inside of her mouth.  Tara guessed she had been there about 10 minutes, though it felt much longer, when she caught the sight of Beverly walking by in her peripheral vision.  Beverly gave her a big smile and a wave.  Tara realized that from the distance they were, she really couldn’t tell that Beverly had braces.  Tara raised her hand up off the arm rest and gave a little wave back.  Dr. Brad noticed this and followed her gaze, turning his head in the direction she was looking.

Seeing Beverly, he exclaimed “Beverly!  So good to see you as always!  And Becky told me you wore your mask into the office today.  Gold star!  No, double gold star!  Maggie will get you started and I will be over in just a few!”

Beverly stopped and said “do those gold stars mean you are going to take it easy on me today?” she said with a smile.

Dr. Brad said “I always take it easy on all my patients.”

Beverly cocked her head to the side and gave him an incredulous look which caused him to laugh.  He said “ok, ok.  But, it is always for the patient’s own good.  And you know I have been through it all myself.”

Beverly smiled and said “I know.  And I hope you know I think the world of you, of all of you, I am just giving you a hard time.”  With that she turned and began following after the assistant once again.

Turning his attention back to Tara he said “she is just the most impressive lady.  And just the most compliant patient.”

With the lip retractor in Tara struggled to say “sha is.  Ah meh her in ah waitin era.  She was so swee ta me.  She reale calmed ma nerves.”

Dr. Brad resumed his examination as he said “well good.  I know dental anxiety is common.  But, I really want you to know I am here for you, not the other way around.  I understand you are not just the patient, and certainly not just a number, you are also the customer.”

After a few more minutes he leaned Tara back up to a sitting position.  Tara looked at him expectantly.  He said “you poor dear, I can see why you are having headaches.  You do most certainly have pretty advanced disfunction in both your temporal mandibular joints, though your right seems a little worse than the left.  The good news is you came in when you did.  Waiting would have just made it worse.  But the good news is I can help you.  I can give you your life back.  I do want to have Alex take some x-rays and images.  When you get back I will finish up our exam and we can have a little powwow about next steps.”

He stood and walked away, returning with Alex just moments later.  He said “Alex will take good care of you.  I will see you when you get back.”  Tara watched as he turned and headed towards Beverly, who was reclined back with her mouth wide open as assistant Maggie worked on her.  Maggie withdrew her hands for a moment and Tara got a good look at the roof of Beverly’s mouth.  It looked completely silver.

The process of taking images and x-rays took about 20 minutes.  Tara followed along behind Alex back towards the treatment area.  As she turned the corner, she saw Beverly loitering beside the chair Tara had been in earlier.  As they approached Beverly exclaimed “Alex!  I missed you torturing my poor teeth today.  But I hope you are taking good care of my new friend Tara.  Wait, that’s a dumb question, or course you are.”

As she had been speaking, Tara noticed something new in her mouth that hadn’t been there before.  She had multiple elastics on each side of her mouth stretching from her upper arch to her lower arch, with one very obvious box elastic right in the front of her mouth.  Alex noticed this too and squealed “you got your settling elastics!  Yay!  You are making such great progress.  You know what comes next right?  Finishing elastics!  And then freedom.  How about the mask?  Are you still in facemask jail?”

Beverly responded “well, I am glad someone is excited about these little bastards.  I can already tell they are going to be a pain.  Literally and figuratively.  And yes, still in facemask jail.  But really, I like wearing it.  Maybe it is just a placebo now, but just putting it on makes the tension drain out of my face.  But hey, I guess the good news is I can now have a rubberband war with you.”

Alex replied “no, not anymore.  At least not for awhile.  At my adjustment last week, Dr. Brad fit me with some heavy duty off road suspension.  The elastics just weren’t cutting it.”  She pulled down her mask and smiled at Beverly.  It was the first time that Tara had seen Alex’s mouth, and she realized she too had braces, all metal.  She exaggeratedly opened and closed her mouth a few times, the pistons running from her upper back molars to her canines expanding and compressing as she did.

Beverly said “oh, wow, that looks hardcore.  What are those?  Do they hurt?”

Alex smiled and said “they are twin force bite correctors.  Dr. Brad overcorrected me a little bit with my facemask, which I am still in by the way, so he is now perfecting my bite.  Surprisingly, they don’t hurt too bad.  Not really any worse than the elastics I had.  Except when they pinch my cheeks.  But they are pretty bulky.  And a magnet for food.  But I am getting used to them.  And hey, I can’t forget to put them on like I sometimes did with my elastics.  So, wear your elastics.  I know you will.  Now, while I am getting used to these I am not at all getting used to my other new accessory.  Dr. Brad also fit me with a tongue crib.  I absolutely can not talk with it in.”  She pulled a pink plastic retainer box out of her scrub pocket and pulled a massive pink acrylic and stainless steel appliance out and held it up towards Beverly.  Alex said “because it has to accommodate the expander still in my mouth, it really sits low in my mouth.  And the crib is so aggressive.  There is just nowhere for my tongue.  But I guess that is the point.  At least it is removable unlike poor Becky.  Here, take a listen.”

Tara watched on in amazement as the two woman bantered back and forth about their orthodontic accessories, almost as if they were comparing new shoes.  They didn’t seem embarrassed or self-conscious of it at all.  Until Alex popped her tongue crib in.

She smiled at Beverly and said “ah cah holly tah, na un cah unnerstah wah I sah.  Tha wah eh nah wehin it wi payshen.  Buh ah nah Dah. Bra ah wahin me, sa eh pa eh in wahever eh cah.”  She removed it, and put it back in the box and said “see, it is just horrible.  I bet you had no idea what I even said.  But it was that I am wearing it as much as I can because I know Dr. Brad is watching.  It is so embarrassing. And I spit like a camel.  But I wear it as much as I can.  Because if I don’t I know I won’t have a choice, Dr. Brad will fit me with a fixed one.  I don’t plan on making the same mistake Becky did.   But you know Dr. Brad.  He includes an expander, facemask, and tongue crib in everyone’s treatment.”

Beverly looked at her and said “shush your mouth girl.  Dr. Brad has not said one thing about.a tongue crib for me.”

Alex raised her eyebrows and corrected her “Dr. Brad has not said one thing about a tongue crib for you… yet.”

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #10 on: 20. December 2023, 22:21:40 PM »

What a promissing end of the sentence!

I can´t wait for the next episode.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #11 on: 20. December 2023, 23:16:53 PM »
Thank you.  And I know it may seem like the Beverly story right now, but she is just about to leave the office and we can focus on Tara’s plight a little more.  And we will get to meet a few new characters soon.  Who are Dr. Brad’s treatment coordinator and financial coordinator?  What about Dr. Brad’s wife? And do any of them have some orthodontia too?  Plus, I just like being in the office and having all the characters interact with each other, to see how they each react and deal with their own treatments, and how they react to others’ as well.  I was a little unsure of this story to begin with, but I am liking it and enjoying it so far.  I hope everyone else is as well.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #12 on: 21. December 2023, 00:11:17 AM »
I know I certainly am enjoying this so far. There is such a wide spectrum of topics you can cover with the beginning of this story, and where you ended off makes me really want to keep reading. Plus, I always enjoy your stories.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #13 on: 21. December 2023, 01:08:09 AM »
I've enjoyed every one of your stories so far.

I usually fall behind in reading the stories and then catch up when I have the time to add them to TheArchive.

Each one of your stories has been different and definitely entertaining, and this one promises to be another one worth reading.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #14 on: 21. December 2023, 02:51:51 AM »
You are off to a good start! Tara will likely need to undergo rather extensive treatment, but she has new new friend Beverly to help her along.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #15 on: 21. December 2023, 15:45:28 PM »
Chapter Five.

Beverly looked at Alex, a shocked look on her face, and replied agitatedly "well, Dr. Brad better not try to fit me with a tongue crib like Becky has.  I can't wear one of those.  I am way too old to have to find a new career.   They'd hold me in contempt if I showed up in court talking like that."

Alex tried to defuse Beverly by saying "Dr. Brad knows you can't have a fixed tongue crib.  He would never do that.  Even if he wants to.  And you are probably right, if he hasn't mentioned it to you than you may be one of the lucky ones.  I just know he does like to incorporate them into most patient's treatment plan at some point.  He really does believe in a holistic approach to treating the airway.  And that includes the tongue.  But don't worry.  Certainly don't stress over it.  If you ever do have to get one, I am sure it will be removable.  And it isn't as bad as I make it out to be.  I actually don't mind it that much at night.  It's just here where I feel so self-conscious about it.  But you don't work for your orthodontist, so you would just have to wear it at bedtime.  I am sorry I even brought it up."

Beverly smiled and said "no Alex, I am glad you did.  I appreciate that about you, you don't try and sugarcoat things or bullshit me.  Anyway, I have taken enough of your time.  I've got to run, I have to get back to the office.  If I hurry I can miss the worst of the 5 o'clock rush hour.  There is a brush fire raging at work.  Just like every day.  And I have a long evening ahead of me.  Just like almost every evening.  I will be locked away in my office.  But I will be wearing my lower splint, my mask, and these new horrid elastics like a good girl."

Beverly then turned to face Tara and said "Tara, it was such a pleasure to meet you.  And know that you are in the best of hands here.  I know you are nervous.  The whole idea of going through treatment as an adult is scary.  But you will be so glad you did it.  And please promise me?  Promise me you will text me afterwards and let me know what you decided.  Do you promise?"

Tara looked at her.  She was still in a bit of shock, this afternoon had just been so much to digest, but she nodded her head up and down.  She then said "yes, I promise I will.  And thank you so much.  You have really made this easier."

Beverly smiled broadly at her and exclaimed "yay!  I am so glad.  And if, no when, you decide to start treatment I will offer any advice I can.  I know how lonely and scary it is starting out treatment.  I wish there had been someone I could have leaned on when I first started treatment.  And when I got my expander.  It was a lonely and scary feeling.  I felt like I was going through it alone.  There were several nights when I didn't think I could do it.  And some ugly cries.  But you won't have to do that.  So, please, PLEASE text me this evening."  She then turned and marched out towards the reception desk.

As Tara watched her leave, Alex slid in beside her and whispered "I don't know if you know who she is.  But she is a legal big shot in this city.  Heck, this whole state.  I have heard rumors that people are pushing her to run for governor.  People respect and fear her.  She is a real mover and a shaker.  But you would never know that talking with her.  She is just as sweet and down to Earth as anyone I have ever met.  And despite being in her position, she has managed her treatment so well.  And she must really like you.  That is the first time I have ever heard her admit to having any troubles with her treatment.  Certainly the first time I have ever heard her admit to crying.  I didn't think Beverly Willingham knew how to cry."

Alex then stepped back and turned to face Tara and raised her voice to a normal level and said "and we are all done.  Dr. Brad and Maggie are finishing up with our last patient of the day.  Why don't you follow me to the lounge?  Dr. Brad likes to do initial consults there, it is a more relaxed atmosphere."  As she had been talking, Tara had not been able to take her eyes off her twin forces sliding in and out.  Alex noticed and said "yeah, they have been an adjustment.  For me and my patients.  But really, they aren't THAT bad."  She stopped and gave her a big smile and then excitedly said "come on, follow me."

Entering what Alex had called the lounge, Tara noticed two matching couches positioned facing each other with a glass topped coffee table between them.  To the side there were two chairs that Tara thought were massage chairs.  Along one wall was a long counter with a double sink at one end, with cabinets above and below the counter.  Half of the counter opposite of the sinks was covered in white plaster models of teeth fitted with appliances, along with several extraoral types of gear.  Tara recognized one of them as a high pull headgear, one of her friends in 6th grade had worn one to a sleepover once.  Alex noticed Tara studying the appliances and said "we will go through those when Dr. Brad and Mandy get here."  Tara broke her gaze from the array of appliances and noticed in the corner was a bistro table surrounded by four chairs, with a full-size refrigerator against the wall.  Once Alex had gotten Tara comfortably seated on one of the couches she said "let me get us each a water!"

Tara watched as Alex opened the fridge and withdrew two bottles of water.  She then stepped over and opened one of the cabinets above the sink and got a straw out.  Returning to the couch, Alex handed Tara a bottle of water and said "here you go!  You probably want to wash your mouth out, you probably still have some of the residue from impressions in your mouth."

Tara took the bottle of water and smiled at Alex adding "thank you.  And yes, I can still taste the paste in my mouth."  She watched as Alex removed the cap from her bottle of water and dropped the straw in it.  Alex smiled and said "I won't be much good for conversation, but I better put my appliances in.  Dr. Brad likes for us to wear them here in the office when we aren't actively working on patients.  Do you mind?"

Tara responded "no, of course not."

Alex said "thank you.  Just hang tight."  She turned towards the sink but then stopped and turned back around towards Tara.  Alex asked "would you like to see what I have to wear?  Get a closer look at everything?  I can give you the grand tour" and then giggled.  Tara didn't understand why she wanted to, but she realized she really did want to see everything.  She felt conflicting emotions.  On one hand she had been horrified seeing the braces and plethora of appliances that Alex and Beverly wore.  But, on the other hand she really wondered what it felt like to wear them.  She didn't want to have to wear them for years like these two, but she did want to experience the feeling.  Alex was looking at her expectantly.

Tara said "would you mind?"

Alex exclaimed "no!  Of course not.  I am an open book about my treatment.  And I love it when patients take an interest in it."  She gestured with her head towards the bistro table and said "follow me!"

Alex had Tara sit in one of the bistro chairs and then opened one of the cabinets.  She withdrew a small zippered bag emblazoned "TMJ and Sleep Plus".  She unzipped it and placed  it on the table.  For the next five minutes, Alex showed Tara her mouth and the appliances she had to wear.  Tara had been particularly fascinated by the expander, and it's six screws, that was embedded in the roof of Alex's mouth.  Alex had even handed Tara her mask and let her take a closer look at it.  She then said "and now, I won't be able to talk very well.  But don't think I am being rude."

First, she popped her tongue crib in.  She opened her mouth and leaned in towards Alex.  Alex could see the huge metal grate that hung down behind Alex's top teeth.  Alex then attached elastics to the hooks on each of her upper molars and took the mask from Tara.  Quickly and without difficulty, Alex attached the elastics to her mask and smiled at Tara.  Or Tara thought, maybe it is a grimace.  Tara looked at her closely, then said "wow".  She asked "can I take a closer look?  Do you mind?"  Alex simply shook her head back and forth.  Tara stood and slid around the table. Alex opened her mouth as Tara peered into it.  Again, she felt the mix of fear and fascination.  With her new hearing aids, Tara was able to hear the door knob turn and the door opened.  As it did, Tara took a step back and turned towards the door.

She saw Dr. Brad enter the room.  When he noticed the pair at the bistro table he turned towards them and gave them a big smile.  He said "Alex, are you wearing all of your appliances for me?"  She simply nodded her head affirmatively.  Dr. Brad then asked "and were you showing our patient Miss Reynolds?"  Again, Alex simply nodded.  Tara realized with everything in her mouth, Alex was effectively mute, relegated to having to communicate with grunts and body language.

Tara could see the pride in Dr. Brad's face as he said "oh Alex, I am so proud of you.  You are such a good role model and inspiration to our patients and even our other team members here.  And I know it is a mouth full.  But you are doing so good.  And you know it could be worse. So much worse. At least the tongue crib is removable and I'm not asking you to wear your mask 24/7.  I don't want to have to do that, so I am so proud you are wearing your appliances.  The very last thing I want to have to do is have to fit you with the appliance my dear, sweet Megan will be getting as soon as she has the baby.  Speaking of which, would you be a dear and go grab Janice and Mandy?  And also, would you get Megan's appliance from my office? Please?  I want to show it to Miss Reynolds and see if she would be a candidate for one as well."

Tara watched as Alex stood without a word and walked towards the door.  Dr. Brad walked over and stood beside the bistro table.  He explained to Tara "Megan is my incredible wife.  She is pregnant with our second child right now.  She is in need of some expansion and forward growth, but I didn't want to overload her during the pregnancy.  But as soon as she has the baby I am putting her into treatment.   I have been working on developing a new appliance that can address all of our patient's needs, even the most complex cases, with just one appliance.  Actually, there are some ideas I have come up with and incorporated into it that will have a wide range of applications in orthodontic treatment. 

Megan will be the first to get one.  While all the girls here in the office have seen it, no one else has.  Not even Megan.  You are the first patient I am showing it to.  I caution that it is a pretty intense appliance.  And it will be hard to live with I know.  But I know my Megan.  She will just do great with it.  And it will be so good for her in the end."  Tara's stomach sank when he added "and it would also be perfect for you."

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #16 on: 21. December 2023, 21:30:39 PM »
Ooh this is getting good can't wait to see what Tara gets now

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #17 on: 22. December 2023, 17:09:48 PM »
Chapter Six.

Dr. Brad smiled warmly at Tara and said “first Miss Reynolds, let me say thank you for coming in to see us.  Thank you for coming in when you did and not waiting like so many patients do.  Thank you for not waiting until it is too late for anything but jaw surgery. What do you say we move over to the couches?”

Dr. Brad directed Tara to the couch against the wall and then he sat on the couch across from her.  He said “since it is late, I am going to do this a little different than normal.  Instead of having you meet Mandy, my treatment coordinator, and then Janice, my financial coordinator and office manager, let’s all meet together.  It will be quicker.  I know you are probably ready to leave.  I normally don’t do consults at the end of the day.  And at the moment I am not looking to add new patients.  But when I saw Dr. Alicia referred you we squeezed you in.

While we wait, let me tell you a little about my practice.  I specialize in adult airway and TMJ cases.  There are so many people that suffer.  But I didn’t start out that way.  My father started this practice 41 years ago doing general orthodontics.  He was very old school.  His approach was ‘my way or the highway’.  If a patient refused to wear their elastics as prescribed, he would fit them with headgear.  And if they wouldn’t wear their headgear as prescribed, he would wire it in.  He was a huge proponent of bands over brackets, and he was still treating many cases with full bands up until his retirement in 2008.  It was very effective.  But also very hard on patients.  I know, because I was one of them.

Once I graduated dental school and finished my residency, I joined my father’s practice here.  At the time he was working on developing a new type of expander with two other colleagues.  While a professor is largely credited with inventing it, my father was instrumental in developing the bone borne, mini-screw supported maxillary skeletal expander, or what we call an MSE.  I was one of the first cases.  He was still figuring things out, and it was rough on me.  I had a severe lisp from the expander and full bands he put me in.  But what was especially hard was the fixed tongue crib i had for the duration of my 28 month treatment, and having to wear a Delaire facemask 24/7 for 14 of those months.  It was very hard on me as a brand new orthodontist trying to get my feet under me.  Very hard.  But it made me a better orthodontist.

Once he retired, thank goodness I was done by treatment then, I began to reinvent the practice.  And I have a different philosophy than my father.  His focus was always on treatment goals.  Patient experience never entered into his thinking.  I am the opposite.  I try, whenever possible, to put patient wishes over the treatment.  Now, that is not to say I am not forced to use some very invasive appliances and techniques at times.  And I know sometimes the patient hates it.  But I do at least try to consider my patients’ emotional well being.  Because I know that having braces as an adult is very emotional.  But making the decision to start is often the hardest step.”

As Dr. Brad had been speaking, Tara noticed Alex come back in the room, accompanied by a brunette who appeared to be in her early to mid thirties and a gray haired grandmotherly woman who appeared to be in her late fifties if not sixties.  They had stood in respectful silence near the door.  Dr. Brad had been so focused on Tara he didn’t notice their arrival until the brunette piped in “it was a very hard decision to make.  But it was the best decision I have ever made.”

Dr. Brad jumped a little, obviously startled, and turned in his seat.  He said “Miss Reynolds, you have already met Alex.  Let me also introduce you to Janice and Mandy.”

The older lady was in the lead as the trio approached.  As Tara went to stand she said “no dear, please keep your seat.”  She extended her hand and said “I am Janice, I am Dr. Brad’s financial coordinator.  Just like I was his father Gerald’s financial coordinator.  It is such a pleasure to meet you.” 

Tara shook her hand and replied “it is a pleasure to meet you.”  As she was shaking, she couldn’t help but notice the blindingly white perfect smile that Janice displayed.  It looked too perfect to Tara.  She wondered if Janice wore dentures.

Janice moved out of the way as the brunette, Mandy, took her place.  Mandy gave Tara a big smile and stuck out her hand.  Tara noticed immediately that she had metal braces on her lower teeth and clear braces, like Beverly’s, on her top teeth.  But unlike Beverly, Mandy had hot pink ligatures on both her upper and lower arches and matching elastics stretching from her canines to her lower molars.  Mandy said “it is such a pleasure.  And I meant what I said.  In fact, I was a patient here before I worked here.  But I loved it so much, I made Dr. Brad give me a job.”

She gave a quick laugh, giving Tara a view at the inside of her mouth.  Tara notice a flash of silver from both behind Mandy’s lower teeth and further back in the roof of her mouth.  As the three got situated on the couch, Mandy took a seat beside Tara while Janice and Alex sat with Dr. Brad.  As they got comfortable Dr. Brad looked at Tara and said “I really do have the best staff.  They, not me, are the true backbone of this practice.  And you may have noticed, most of my team is in treatment currently.  And those that aren’t have finished.”

Janice then exclaimed “I loved having braces and expansion treatment with Dr. Brad.  It was SO much easier than the full bands and wired in headgear I had with his father.  I LOVED my braces and I miss them.  I looked so cute!  And it took at least ten years off.  But Dr. Brad won’t let me get them again.”  She looked at Dr. Brad and pouted.

Dr. Brad said “Janice, I’ve told you, your teeth and bite are perfect.  You don’t need braces.”  Janice continued to pout at him.  He appeared to be in thought as he reached over towards Alex.  She handed him a white plaster model of an upper and lower arch.  As he held it Tara saw the largest, most complicated orthodontic appliance she had ever seen.  Dr. Brad studied the appliance a few seconds before softly saying, as almost to himself, “but, I bet Megan would like to have a little company.”

Tara noticed the pout immediately disappear from Janice’s face, replaced by a startled, wide eyed look of concern.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #18 on: 22. December 2023, 17:39:22 PM »
Dr. Brad sounds like my kind of ortho! Looking forward to hearing about Tara's treatment.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #19 on: 22. December 2023, 21:59:18 PM »
Chapter Seven.

Dr. Brad looked up from the massive appliance he held towards Janice and said “Janice, if you really want to go back into treatment we can discuss it in private.”

Janice replied “Dr. Brad, I just want a cute little set of braces.  I don’t want to go through a second round of airway treatment.”

Dr. Brad replied “I understand that Janice.  But I won’t put braces on purely because you want braces.  But everyone can always benefit from an expanded airway.  Let’s discuss in private later.  Right now we need to discuss treatment options for Miss Reynolds.” 

Dr. Brad handed the appliance in his hands back to Alex, then turned his attention to Tara.  He began “first Miss Reynolds, please don’t take anything I am about to tell you as criticism.  You didn’t do anything wrong.  But your assessment did point out a number of issues.  You are suffering from the following: condylar reabsorption, insufficient intermolar width, a mild class III occlusion, a crossbite, a mild open bite, canting, and a gummy smile.  But I can help you.  The good news is your hygiene looks excellent, your x-rays show no cavities.”  As he was talking Alex had stood and walked over to the counter.  She returned holding a file folder which she handed to Dr. Brad.  He withdrew an x-ray and held it up.

As soon as Tara saw it, her face went red with embarrassment.  With his attention focused on the x-ray, he didn’t notice.  But the three ladies did.  With a pen Dr. Brad began pointing at the x-ray saying “here you can see the canting.  And here, you can see how your joints look different.”  He put the x-ray back in the folder and withdrew another one, this one showing Tara’s profile.  Dr. Brad continued “and here you can see the class three occlusion and open bite.”

Alex realized Tara was not focusing at all on where Dr. Brad was pointing.  Or listening to what he was saying.  Instead Tara’s gaze was focused on the two white triangles on the x-ray.  The white triangles where her ears would have been.  With her hair down, no one could know that Tara wore hearing aids.  But on the x-rays they glowed.  Alex gently nudged Dr. Brad.  He looked at Alex questioningly.  She simply gestured with her head towards Tara.  Dr. Brad turned his head and looked at Tara.  He saw the embarrassment in her face.  He didn’t understand why until he followed her gaze to the x-ray he was holding.  He realized her attention was completely focused on those white triangles.  Her hearing aids.  And he remembered she was a referral from Dr. Alicia.  He put the x-ray back into the folder.

Looking at the mortified woman across from him he said “Dr. Alicia is amazing.  I know I mentioned that earlier.  She changed my life with these.”  He reached up and pulled his shaggy hair back from his left ear and cocked his ear towards Tara, giving her a good look inside his ear canal.  The expression on Tara’s face changed from one of embarrassment to one of confusion when she realized he was wearing a hearing aid identical to her own.  He continued “the hearing aids she fit me with have been life changing.  Now, I can hear my girls here in the office whispering behind my back.  Or cussing me after their adjustments.”  He laughed and continued “she has also changed my son’s and Megan’s lives.  William, my son, suffered from constant ear infections and fluid in his ears.  It was hereditary, because Megan has also suffered from that her whole life.  Or did.  Both William and Megan have tubes in both their ears courtesy of Dr. Alicia.  I feel so fortunate to have found her.  But I did so only because of one person.”

Dr. Brad looked at Alex and asked “do you mind if I tell her?”

Alex emphatically shook her head back and forth “no”.

Dr. Brad said “the reason I was able to find Dr. Alicia is this amazing young woman sitting beside me.  I had already been asking people here in the office to repeat themselves.  Because I was having trouble hearing them.  But when I mentioned William had another ear infection, Alex recommended I contact her doctor, Dr. Alicia.”

Dr. Brad paused while Alex pulled her straight blond hair back, revealing her ear.  Tara was further surprised when Alex turned the side of her head towards her.  There, perched behind her delicate ear, was a very obvious hearing aid, it’s thin clear tube snaking over and into her ear canal.  Alex let go of her hair and let it fall, again hiding her ear.  And her hearing aid.

Alex reached into her mouth and removed her tongue crib.  Tara was surprised she was able to remove it while still wearing her mask.  After she had securely stowed her crib in it’s pink case, Alex looked at Tara and smiled.  She said “I have been wearing hearing aids for 20 years, since I was six years old.  They are just a part of my life.  They are a part of me.  I am not ashamed of them.  They are part of what made me who I am.  There is nothing embarrassing about self-improvement.”

Everyone was surprised when Tara broke into tears. 

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #20 on: 23. December 2023, 18:14:12 PM »
Chapter Eight.

It was like Janice was launched out of her seat as she rushed towards Tara.  Janice practically ripped Mandy to her feet, barking “get her some tissues.”  As soon as Mandy was up, Janice sat on the couch and wrapped Tara in a hug, pulling Tara’s sobbing face into her ample bussom.  Janice cooed “it’s ok sweetie mama’s got you.” As she began to rock Tara back and forth she asked “what is it honey?  What can I do to make it make it better?”  Dr. Brad watched on in sympathetic silence. 

After a few sobs, Tara croaked “it’s just, I’m falling apart.”  Janice reached over and took a tissue from Mandy and dabbed Tara’s face.  Tara continued “my eyes don’t work, my ears don’t work, my mouth doesn’t work.  Nothing works.  Everything hurts. My life is falling apart.”  She broke back into tears.

Janice softly said “it’s ok sweetheart.  That’s why you are here.  I promise we will make it better.”  After dabbing her face again, Tara quit crying.  But she let Janice continue to hold her. 

As all of this had been happening, Alex had removed her facemask. She walked around the back of the couch and squatted down beside Tara.  She looked over at Tara and said “she is right.  I know it is scary.  I work in orthodontics and am around it every day.  And even for me it is scary.  But Janice is right.  Please let us help you.  I promise you I know exactly what you are going through.  But I will be by your side the whole time.  We all will.”  Dr. Brad looked on with paternal like pride as Alex counseled the potential new patient.

Tara quit crying.  She squirmed out from Janice’s hug.  There was a look of embarrassment on her face.  She took the wad of tissues that Janice was holding out to her and wiped her face.  She looked around and said “oh God, I am so sorry.  I am such a big baby.”  Janice put her hand on Tara’s arm and said “you absolutely are NOT!  This is all scary.”

Alex added “Tara, you have nothing to apologize for.  Nothing to feel ashamed of.  Can I tell you something?  When I was younger, I shed so many tears because of my hearing aids.  And no one knows this except my fiancé who was there to see it.  But the day I got my expander?  That night at home, I cried myself to sleep in his arms.  You have nothing to apologize for.  And I can only imagine how miserable the last months have been for you with TMJ pain.  But we can fix that.  Let Dr. Brad tell you how.  Will you do that?”

Tara composed herself.  She looked at Alex in silence for several moments.  She then weakly nodded her head and said “yes.  I will do whatever you tell me to do if it will stop the pain.”

Dr. Brad, sitting on the couch across from her, smiled.  He loved it when he heard a patient say they would do anything he told them to do.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #21 on: 23. December 2023, 22:56:55 PM »
Very nice episodes, can´t wait for more!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #22 on: 24. December 2023, 19:16:05 PM »
Chapter Nine.

Dr. Brad gave Tara a reassuring smile and said “Miss Reynolds, are we ok to continue?  We can do this another time if this is all too much at once.  But, the sooner we start the sooner you can get relief.”

Tara pursed her lips and said “please go on.  And again, I am so sorry for my outburst.”

Dr. Brad said “please don’t apologize.  You did nothing wrong.  And thank you for trusting us here.  We do want to help you.  We have a couple of options.  The first is surgical.”

It took about five minutes for him to explain the benefits of SARPE surgery, braces, and a lefort surgery combined with a bilateral joint replacement.  She was shocked to hear that if she chose this route she would be wired shut for 4-6 months, on a complete liquid diet, and then be on a very restricted soft food diet for another 6-8 months.  The whole process sounded horrible.  It got even worse when Janice went over the financial numbers.  The total cost of the treatment would be approximately $60,000, and even with her insurance she would be looking at around $20,000 out of pocket.

Dr. Brad could see in Tara’s face she didn’t like the idea.  Once Janice was done, he looked at Tara and said “we have another option.  A much better option.  And the one I would recommend.”  He glanced at Mandy who went over to the counter.  She returned with her arms full of assorted orthodontic appliances.  After she had placed them on the table Janice stood from her seat beside Tara and Mandy took her place.

Dr.  Brad said “I know you had a chance to meet and speak with Mrs. Willingham.  I am not sure if she explained much about her treatment plan with you or not, but your’s would be very similar.  I want to start you out in splint therapy for 12 to 18 months.  This will stabilize and decompress your joints.  Splint therapy will not fix the root issues, but it will get you out of pain and get to were we can treat the real problem.  We will do this with expansion.  We will widen your upper palate by eight to ten millimeters.  And with aggressive protraction we will be able to get four to five millimeters of forward growth.  Once we have achieved the necessary expansion, we will use braces to align everything.  The process of expansion will take 6-12 months followed by 18 or so months of braces.  The treatment will be all about function.  We will fix your jaw and your bite.  And since form follows function, you will have a beautiful, wide, straight smile.  I provide complimentary whitening to all patients when they complete treatment. As a thank you of sorts.  And my hygienist Lisa is VERY good at it.  I think Janice’s smile is a good example of that.  And speaking of Janice’s smile, she can tell you the financials.”

Janice gave Tara a big smile and said “so, the cost of splint therapy would be $1500, the custom marpe treatment would be $4500, and braces would be $5500.  But, if you do all three Dr. Brad will knock $1,500 off.  Essentially you will get splint therapy for free.  Total cost will be $10,000.  But, I have good news.  I have already spoken with your insurance provider.  And while your plan does not cover elective cosmetic procedures, they do cover sleep apnea treatment, which your case would fall into.  Your out of pocket expense will only be $1,500.  For $1,500, Dr. Brad will give you your life back.  Honey, you are entirely too young to go through the rest of your life in pain.”

Tara sat there in silence looking at the table and the assortment of appliances.  Dr. Brad asked “what do you think?  Do you have any questions?”

With her eyes still studying the table, she said “I know I need to do.  I should do it.  But it just sounds like so much.  And braces at my age?  I just don’t know.  Could we do invisalign?”

Dr. Brad responded “unfortunately, invisalign can not address all your needs.  Braces will be necessary for at least a few months, though I could transition you to Invisalign to finish your case.  It would add $5,000 to the cost of treatment.  I have had several patients that planned on transitioning to invisalign. But not a single one has.  Because every single one has realized having braces is a big nothing burger. Every single one has just elected to keep their brackets for the duration of their treatment.  You met one of those people today.  But, like Beverly, I can fit you with clear ceramic brackets and wires, and for the same price as metal.  These modern ceramic Lightforce brackets are almost as discreet as invisalign and all the attachments that come with it.”

Tara asked “will I need that big appliance?  The one you said your wife is getting?”

Dr. Brad said “let’s not worry about it now.  That would be down the road.  But you would be a candidate for it and it would shave at least a few months off your total treatment time.  But, we could also get the same results from a series of different appliances, it just wouldn’t be as efficient.”

Tara didn’t understand why, but again she felt the same mix of fear and fascination as earlier.  She asked “can I see it again?”

Dr. Brad took the appliance from Alex once again.  He held it up, gazing at it like a proud papa, and said “it really is amazing if I do say so myself.  I am quite proud of it.”  Tara had looked at the other appliances on the table as Dr. Brad had explained her treatment.  Mandy had held them up and demonstrated them as Dr. Brad had been talking.  But this appliance was in another league.

Dr. Brad explained as he hinged the orthodontic model “you see here we have an expander top and bottom.  The top expander is an eight screw custom marpe, or miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expander.  The bottom is a standard hyrax expander.  Both of these appliances by themselves are very common.  But unlike standard expanders, to attach them I am utilizing bands for all but the front six teeth.  This will provide much more strength and symmetry during expansion.  So that is a little different.  But what really makes this appliance stand out are those two Herbst arms you see connecting the two expanders.  This will allow me to adjust Megan’s bite precisely.  In addition, I have come up with a very ingenious feature.

Now, I would never discuss another patient’s case with another patient like I am doing now.  Except my dear, sweet wife’s.  Megan mouth breaths when she sleeps.  Mouth breathing is horrible. I have been having her wear a chincup appliance at night.  It is big, bulky and not the most comfortable thing in the world.  But it is worth it.  Megan does it cheerfully because wearing it, at least after the first few nights of adapting to it, leaves her feeling more rested and refreshed.  But many patients will not wear a chin cup appliance.  I have solved that issue with this.”

He held the appliance up close to Tara’s face and said “see how the bottom of each herbst telescope is a little thicker?  This is to accommodate this tiny torx screw that is threaded into each arm.”  He pivoted the appliance open and closed.  “Now it is unlocked and the jaw is free to open and close.”  He picked up a small screw driver, and with the model closed he made several turns on each screw.  Then he demonstrated as he said “and voila, now it is locked close.  A much less invasive solution to eliminate mouth breathing.  The screws are very accessible for the patient, in this case Megan, so they will be able to lock the jaw closed at night and unlock it the next morning.  This also has a myriad of other applications.  Children that thumb suck?  Solved.  Post surgery patients that have always needed bulky, uncomfortable wiring in the past? Solved.  Hey, it could even be the newest fad diet aid.”  He laughed and said “just kidding on that last part.  I am currently in the patent process for this, along with the Sleep Well mask like Alex is wearing.  And Mandy should be wearing.”  He gave a look over at Mandy, who silently stood and made her way out the door.

He continued “and also this invention.”  He pointed at a rear molar band and said “you notice this hook?  It is pretty standard for protraction cases.  But this” as he pointed to a rounded piece of metal that ran along the outside of it “is not”.  He took an elastic and placed it over the hook.  He then took the same screwdriver from earlier and made a few turns on the torx screw that held the shield shaped piece of metal to the appliance.  As he did, it tightened down covering the hook.  There was a small slot in it from which the elastic protruded through.  He continued “and now the elastic is locked in place.  It can’t be removed without opening the shield.  Or a spring can be used in place of an elastic on the rare occasion we need maximum force.  This really is aimed at younger patients.  But it can also be of use in adult cases too.  I have had a few patients note that they sometimes take their masks off in their sleep without even realizing it.  This will solve that.”

Tara looked on at the appliance.  It was huge.  Terrifying.  And she really wanted to know what it would feel like in her mouth.  Her focus was broken when she heard Mandy exclaim “look who I found!”

Tara looked up to see Mandy walking into the room.  She was now sporting a facemask herself.  Waddling along behind her was a very pregnant but very beautiful soft redhead with sculpted, model like features.  Dr. Brad’s face lit up as he stood.  He seemed to forget he was even holding the appliance in his hand.  As he rushed over he said “hi baby, what a great surprise!  What are you doing out and about?  And where is William?”  Before she could answer he gave her a peck on the lips.

She kissed him back and said “I need to run to the grocery store.  And I thought I would just stop by to see if you needed anything.  William is out front, Maggie is playing with him.”  She glanced down at what he was holding and said “wow, what is that?  It looks super complicated.”

Dr. Brad said “baby, this is your appliance.  The one I have been telling you about.  It just came in from the lab this week. I was just showing it to our new patient.”  He gestured over towards the couch and said “Miss Reynolds, I would like to introduce you to my incredible wife Megan.”

Tara said “hi, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Megan just stared at the appliance.  She then shook her head and muttered “whatever.”  She looked over at Tara and made her way over to the couch.  She extended her hand and said “it is a pleasure to meet you.  So, are you starting treatment with my hubby?”

Tara said “well, I don’t know, we were just talking about it.”

Megan smiled and said “you really should.  I have never talked to anyone here who says that they regret it.  We could be braces buddies.  Or whatever that monstrosity is he is holding.  I am going to be starting treatment soon obviously.  Apparently that gargantuan hunk of metal he is holding is mine and will soon be in my mouth.  But I know it will be so worth it in the long run.”

Dr. Brad had made his way over beside Megan.  He put his arm around her shoulders and said “it will be so worth it.  You are going to do so great with it honey.”  He gave her a peck on the cheek.

He turned back to face Tara and asked “So, what do you think Miss Reynolds?  Are you ready to be free of TMJ pain?”

Tara looked at Alex, who despite having her tongue crib back in her mouth and her mask strapped to her face, was smiling.  She looked over at Mandy, who now was sporting a matching facemask, also smiling.  She glanced at the appliance in Dr. Brad’s hand and then at Megan, who was smiling despite knowing she would soon be getting it installed in her mouth.  Tara couldn’t believe she was doing this.  But she looked at Dr. Brad and said “yes, I want to be free of TMJ pain. When do we start?”

Dr. Brad looked at her and said “right now.” 

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #23 on: 25. December 2023, 03:53:34 AM »
Fascinating appliance Brad has designed for Megan. Excellent story!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #24 on: 25. December 2023, 06:26:24 AM »
Chapter Ten.

Late that evening, Tara was lying in her bed.  She had read a few pages of the book she had been reading, but her thoughts were racing. She placed the book on the bedside table and replayed the events of the day.  There was so much to process.  And she realized this would be the last night for a very long time she would not have something in her mouth and on her face when she went to sleep.  She then remembered her promise to text Beverly.  She looked at the bedside clock and saw it was 10:15.  She was unsure if she should text her so late.  But, she had made a promise.  She picked her phone up and typed a message.

T: I apologize for texting so late.  I have had so much on my mind.  I apologize.  But I wanted to let you know I survived my consultation.  I am going to start treatment with Dr. Brad.  I go back tomorrow to pick up my temporary splint and Delaire facemask.  My permanent splints and Sleep Well mask will be ready next Friday.  I am so nervous.  But also excited.

She looked at her phone in anticipation.  When she did not get a reply she assumed that Beverly was probably done for the day and not checking her phone.  She placed the phone down on the table, got comfortable, removed her glasses and placed them beside her phone and finally switched the bed side light off.  She then heard her phone ding.  She reached over and grabbed her glasses.  After slipping them on her face she picked up her phone and looked at it.  She saw a reply from Beverly.

B: Yay!  That is so exciting.  You will be SO glad you are doing this.  And don’t worry about texting me so late, I am still at the office.  And thank you for texting, I can’t really talk with my lower splint in.  So, what did Dr. Brad tell you about your treatment plan?

T: It sounds like my plan is almost identical to yours.  And for sure I am going with the clear braces like you have.  They really look good on you. You can barely see them.  I just hope I can pull them off as well as you do.  But that will be a year or more down the road.  What I am really nervous about is wearing the daytime splint at work.  Of how I will sound.  And the night time splint and facemask. The night time splint, or splints, look so big.  And then the facemask on top of it?  I wonder how I will be able to fall asleep.

B:  You will do fine.  I promise.  You will get the hang of talking with the day time splint in no time.  After a week you will forget it is there.  And it will take a few nights to get used to the night splint and mask.  But it will just become routine.  You won’t offend me if you say no.  But would you want to get together for lunch next week, my treat.  Or the firms’ treat miss client.  I am free next Friday.  Would you like to meet me at noon at Monty’s?  I will pass along all my splint and mask hacks.

T:  Oh goodness.  I would love that.  Thank you SO much.  For everything.

B:  You are so welcome.  Remember, I know exactly what you are going through.  Now, I need to run if I hope to get out of here by midnight.  But do not be nervous.  You are doing the right thing.  And you are going to do great with this.  Will you let me know how your appointment tomorrow goes?

T:  Of course.  Again, thank you so much.

B: Again, congratulations!  Your life is about to change for the better.

The next afternoon Tara lay reclined in the treatment chair.  The appliance currently in her mouth felt like a foreign invader.  While the smaller daytime appliance hadn’t been that bad, this big nightguard splint with it’s invasive hooks felt huge.  She realized speech would be impossible.  But as strange as it felt, it didn’t feel as strange as the blue Delaire facemask that Alex was just finishing strapping around the back of her head. She heard the buckle snap shut just before Alex squealed “ah tha ish it.”  With her tongue crib in, Alex was tough to understand.  Alex raised Tara back to a sitting position and said  “fahah me.”

Tara followed along, head down, behind Alex.  She felt every eye in the room had to be on her and her new facemask.  She lifted her head and discreetly looked around the room.  To her surprise neither of the other patients nor any of the staff were paying her any attention.  She realized they seemed to be focused on their own plight.  In one of the chairs was a man around her own age.  It appeared Dr. Brad was using a ratchet to tighten something in his mouth.  And from the grimace on the man’s face it looked painful.  She hadn’t even realized she had stopped walking to watch until Alex tugged on her sleeve.

Tara began walking, again following along behind Alex.  As they entered the lounge Alex slipped the tongue crib out of her mouth and said “I want you to wait here about 15 minutes.  Just to make sure everything feels ok.  Why don’t you get in one of the massage chairs?  They are amazing.”

As Tara leaned back in the chair, Alex turned it on.  Tara realized it did feel amazing.  She asked “what was Dr. Brad doing with that ratchet?  That man looked like he was in a lot of pain.”

Alex smiled and said “Jim is having his marpe installed.  I don’t want to scare you, but getting a marpe installed results in a LOT of pressure.  With the anesthetic it isn’t exactly painful.  But there is a lot of pressure.  And it is just a foreign sensation.  Uncomfortable.  Dr. Brad was hand tightening the screws.  I know it may seem barbaric.  But doing it by hand is so much more comfortable and gentle than using the power driver like some other orthos.  I know that for a fact. Because while Dr. Brad installed four of mine by hand, he did install two with the driver.  Just so I could experience it and be better able to explain it to patients.  No, hand tightening is the way to go.”  She went over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.  She unscrewed the cap and dropped a straw from the cabinet into it.  She walked over and handed it to Tara.  Alex told her “you will want to stock up on straws.  I will include some in your goodie bag.  But you will want to keep a few in your purse along with your travel hygiene pouch with your brush, toothpaste, wax, floss threaders, proxy brushes, all the goodies.  You won’t really need all of it until you get your expanders and braces, but it won’t hurt to go ahead and get in the habit of carrying it all around.  You may also want to keep a kit at work and one in your car.”

Tara watched as Alex began getting things from various drawers and cabinets and placing them in a small zippered “TMJ and Sleep Plus” duffle bag.  The splint and facemask felt so foreign to Tara.  But the massage chair felt so relaxing.  She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the chair’s vibrations..

She opened her eyes when she heard Alex say “Beehee, ha ah ya?”  Alex had obviously put her tongue crib back in.  Tara looked over to see she had also put her mask on and had turned towards Becky, who was getting a water out of the fridge.  Tara watched as Becky, the perky young 20 year old receptionist, smiled at Alex and excitedly said “ah am goo.  Di ya hear tha goo newsh?”  Dah. Brah ish removeh ma crib.  As a Chrishma preshent.  Ah will geh ta enjoy Chrishmash ah ma birfday neh month.”

Alex rushed over and hugged Becky and said “YAY!  I ah sho exshiteh fa ya.  Ya deh nee to shelebrah ya twenrr fahst birfday weh a tahng crih.  Show happy fah ya.”  Becky hugged her back and say “thah ya.  An you betta come to mah partee.”

Alex smiled and said “woonet mish eh.”

As Becky let go of Alex she noticed Tara in the massage chair.  Becky said “ha Mish Reynal.  I lahk ya mashk.  Tha blue reahee comolimentsh ya eyesh.”

Tara attempted to reply but all that came out was “tha ya.”  Her first instinct was to cry.  But she resisted.  And instead just started laughing.  Alex looked at her questioningly.  Tara asked “cah ehone he spee?” Alex smiled and replied “we definely hah isshues wah thah roun hah.”  She then gave a laugh herself before adding “but ish all temprary.  Ah hope.”

Becky left and Tara once again closed her eyes and focused on the calming vibrations.  Until she heard Maggie’s voice say “this way Mr. Simpson.  There is a massage chair waiting for you.  You have earned it.”  Tara snapped her eyes open and saw the man from the treatment room entering.  Looking at him, she realized he was a really attractive looking man.  He was looking at her as he approached the adjacent massage chair.  She felt embarrassed he was seeing her in her new facemask.  He gave her a pained smile, or tried to..  Because out of his mouth protruded two silver springs attached to the clear acrylic mask Sleep Well mask covering his face. 

As he sat down he looked at Tara and quipped “thish ish the worsht, mosht painful mashgurade pahty I have ever been too.”  It was stupid and corny.  But Tara looked over at him and felt a quiver course through her.  She laughed and said “teh me abah it.”  She tried her best to smile at him.  She felt another quiver when he replied “while the party sucksh shome of the other party goers are awfully cute.”  He then gave her a wink.  He noticed Tara’s face turn rosy and thought ‘she actually is really cute underneath that mask’. He looked over at Tara and said  “Hi, I am Jim.  And I wash jusht thinking a few minutesh ago that today wash the worsht day ever.  But I think I wash wrong.”

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #25 on: 25. December 2023, 14:34:46 PM »
This phantastic story for sure neede some love story elements! Welcome Jim!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #26 on: 25. December 2023, 19:51:46 PM »
Chapter Eleven.

Tara’s face turned even more red.  And the tingles she felt intensified.  She knew it wasn’t just the vibrations from the chair she was feeling.  She said “hehoo Im.  I am Tahah.”  She tried again, really concentrating and going slowly, “I ah Tar rah.”  Jim smiled at her, sat up, leaned over and reached his hand over.  He said “hello Tarah, it ish a pleashure to meet you.”  Tara tentatively reached over and shook his hand.  She immediately felt a jolt of excitement hit her.  She didn’t want to try to speak again.  Jim sensed her reluctance to speak.  He said “they make it hard to talk around here don’t they.  They warned me I might have a lishp with my new exshpander.  They shaid I should practish reading out loud.  But maybe speaking with shomeone would be even better.”  He stopped and made eye contact with Tara.  She felt moisture.  He continued “maybe I could get your phone number?  And we could practish speaking together.  I would really like that.  Would that be ok?”

Tara didn’t even realize she was nodding her head up and down when she said “yesh, eh woo lah thah.”

They were interrupted by Alex, who had been busy across the room and didn’t even realize what was happening.  Alex had heard the murmuring though and turned her head in their direction.  She slipped her tongue crib out.  She asked “so, is everything ok?  How is every thing feeling Tara?  Any actual pain?”  She dropped the last item in the bag and started walking over towards the pair.  Seeing the two release their hands from each other, as if they had been simply shaking hands, Alex said “oh, you two have met. Jim, how is that marpe and facemask feeling?  Are you two both ok?”

Tara simply smiled and nodded her head up and down.  Truth be told, for just a second she had forgotten all about the facemask.  Her entire universe had been the man in the chair beside her.  He was sexy.  But also so cute and vulnerable.  She wanted him.

Jim smiled at Alex and said “exshpander feelsh huge.  But it’s not really hurting.  Just weird.  Sho weird.”

Alex smiled and said “they do feel so weird at first.  But you will get used to it.  And you are speaking so well with it considering you just got it.  Now, the pain will increase some as the drugs wear off.  Be sure and stay on top of it with Tylenol and Advil like Dr. Brad explained.  Any pain from the mask?”

He reached up and touched his now plastic face.  He said “no pain, just a lot of pressure.  But no pressure points like Dr. Brad told me to pay attention for.  But I am sure I look like a huge dork.  I have been too scared to even look in a mirror.  I may avoid them for the nexsht 12 months.”

Tara looked over and said “nah a duhk, nah eh ahh.  Ish cuht.”

Alex squinted at the two and wondered what was going on.  She said “well Tara, if everything feels ok, I will get you back out front and explain a few things.  Dr. Brad will want to speak with you.  And then you will be done.”  Alex turned the chair off.  As Tara stood, Jim said “Tara, it wash sho nicesh to meet you.  And that number?”

Alex realized that her first instinct had been right.  She said “somebody needs a pen I think.”  She walked over to the counter to get a pen and pad of post it notes.  Tara followed her.  Tara felt like she had been caught doing something naughty.  But she didn’t care.  She wrote her name and cell phone number on a post it, pulled it off, and walked over towards Jim.  He reached his hand out.  She ignored it and stuck the post it on his facemask and giggled.  She leaned over close to him and whispered “cah me. Sho we cah practish usin our mous.  Tahgetha”  Jim’s eyes got big as she gave him a wink and turned towards Alex.

Alex watched as Tara walked towards her, Jim visible in the background watching Tara. 

Walking down the hall towards the treatment area, Alex slowed her pace and slid in beside Tara.  She whispered “Jim really seemed to like you.  And he would be a catch.  I don’t know what you told him, but it had quite the effect on him.  Quite the visible effect.”

Tara turned her facemask endowed face towards her and asked “wha ya mean?”

Alex said “even from halfway across the room I could see that he liked what you said to him.”

Tara was confused.  She asked “wha?”

Alex said “think about it for a second.  How could I have known he was excited?  What could I have possibly seen that would have tipped me off?   That you wouldn’t have seen with your back to him.”

Tara took a few more steps and stopped in her tracks.  She turned her face towards Alex, eyes wide.

Alex said “yes, I think Jim fancies you quite a bit.  You certainly had his undivided attention.  Or maybe I should say you stood him to attention.”  She gave Tara a sly, naughty smile as she arched her eyebrows.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #27 on: 26. December 2023, 00:55:52 AM »
Chapter Twelve.

Tara walked into Monty’s, an upper end steak and seafood house downtown. at 12:04.  Beverly had text her that she had already arrived and had a table.  Tara told the hostess who she with with and the hostess walked her towards the back.  Most tables were with filled with bankers, lawyers, business men, and one prominent politician she noticed.  As she turned the corner Tara spotted Beverly at a table chatting with a man in a pinstripe suit.  When Beverly laughed, she caught a glimpse of Tara.

Beverly gave a wave and practically shouted “yay, you made it!”  She stood up out of her seat and took a few steps towards Tara as the hostess pulled out her chair.  But before Tara could sit, Beverly gave her a hug and kissed each of her cheeks.  Bev said “ok, now sit.  I want to hear all about your week.  And especially all the juicy details with you and Jim.  But first, I’d like to introduce you to my husband Tim.”

The well groomed salt and pepper haired man, Tara thought he was in his late 40s or maybe even early 50s, stood and said “it is a pleasure to meet you Tara.  Bev has told me about you.  She says you just started TMJ treatment like her.  I hope that is going well.  It has helped Bev so much.”   As had become habit over the past week, she checked out his smile discreetly as he spoke.  He didn’t sport any apparent orthodontia like his wife.

After getting seated and having her drink order taken, unsweetened tea, Tara placed her napkin in her lap.  Beverly was looking at her expectantly.  Bev asked “so, how was your first week?”

Tara talked for about 5 minutes describing her first week.  She told Bev about how hard the facemask was to get used to.  How she was still struggling a bit.

Bev said “but you have your appointment this afternoon right?  You will get your new mask right?  It will be so much more comfortable.  You’ll see.”  She then studied Tara’s mouth and said “tsk, tsk, you aren’t wearing your splint.”

Tara said “they told me not to wear my temp while eating. I took it out in the parking lot.  I thought that would be more polite than doing it at the table.”  Beverly just stared at her.  Tara said “no, really, I have been wearing it like they told me.”  She unzipped her purse and pulled a pink retainer case out and popped it open.  She held it so Bev could see it and said “see, still got the slobber on it” and laughed.  She continued “but, I guess this will be my last meal for quite a while without something in my mouth.  So I plan to enjoy it.”

Beverly said “well, everything here is amazing.  And order anything and everything you want.  This is a celebration.  I will say the shrimp and crab salad is to die for.  Now, tell me about him.”

Tara launched into telling Bev how she had met Jim.  She explained how bizarre and happenstance their meeting had been.  And how that so far, they had just been talking on the phone.  Tara explained they had talked on the phone for probably eight hours in the past week.  But she also mentioned how easy and natural it was to talk with him and smiled.

Bev asked “so, when are you going to see him again?”

Tara beamed and said “tomorrow!  He asked me on a date.  He asked me to go to a painting and wine tasting class.  It is kind of quirky and different.  But I like that.  I like that he didn’t just ask me to a movie.”

Beverly looked over at her husband and said “hear that honey?  Variety is the spice of life.  Just saying.”

He replied “honey, if you want to go to a painting class just tell me.”

Beverly put her hand on his and said “thank you.  But, maybe I would like it if you asked me to a painting class, or a cooking class, or to some quirky art exhibit, without me asking.”  Her husband Tim was smart enough to simply nod and say “that would be fun.  Let me put my thinking cap on.”

Bev said “so, you said he is into real estate and developing?  Like what kind of stuff?”

Tara said “well, he doesn’t seem to like to talk about himself and his work.  But I know he is into some commercial and residential building.”

Bev’s husband Tim asked “I work with a few developers.  What is his name?”

Tara replied “Jim Simpson.”

Tim said “wow, Jim banks with us.  I approved a revolving line of credit for him.  He is a super impressive, and super cool, guy.  He is also very successful by the way.”  Tim went silent a moment and then said “wait, Jim Simpson got braces?  Wow.  That is crazy.”

Beverly glared at her husband and said “Tim!  It is not crazy.  Self improvement is never crazy.  Getting healthier is never crazier.  Jim is doing it for his health.  And the way you snore, it may be time you do the same.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #28 on: 26. December 2023, 02:24:50 AM »
So, I care not one bit about having guys in my story, braces or not.  I would be just fine describing how the entire Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad was made to get full metal braces and wired in headgear.  By a female orthodontist with metal braces and headgear herself.  But, hopefully having some male characters with braces and what not appeals to some readers.  And it is actually an important part of of this story.  Even so, I can’t wait till Megan has the baby and has to start treatment.  That will be fun.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #29 on: 26. December 2023, 04:25:37 AM »
I like where you are taking things in this story. Most girls like guys, so guys need to be part of the story, braces or no braces. Don't worry about what people think; write what you enjoy and enjoy writing it. However, I just hope this story doesn't end with thermonuclear war.

Keep up the great work. You are an excellent story teller.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #30 on: 26. December 2023, 18:32:51 PM »
Chapter Thirteen.

The trio chatted in between bites of food.  Bev had ordered the shrimp and crab salad she had earlier raved about.  She had just swallowed a bite when she looked over at Tara and asked "so, how's that lobster tail?"

Tara looked down at it and said "it may be the most delicious thing I have ever tasted.  You shouldn't have ordered it for me, it is way too much.  But thank you."

Bev smiled and said "like I said, this is a celebration."  With a smile on her own face, Tara looked up and into Bev's smiling face.  Tara's smile faded.  Bev had a huge piece of spinach from her salad stuck in the bracket on her left canine.  Tara didn't know what to do. She didn't want to embarrass her new friend.  She looked at Bev and said "um, Bev..." and pointed towards her own canine.

Bev asked "what?" as her husband turned his head and looked at his wife.

He said "turn your head towards me baby."  As Bev turned her head she said "I've got something in my braces don't I?"  Tim reached up and plucked the piece of spinach from her teeth.  Instead of being embarrassed though, Beverly just laughed and turned towards Tara.  She gave Tara a big smile and said "and, welcome to braces.  One thing Dr. Brad didn't tell me is that not only are these braces straightening my teeth, they are like a lunch box for snacks."  She laughed and said "but the good news is, I am now SO good at brushing and flossing.  Lot's of practice."

After they had finished with lunch, Bev and Tim escorted Tara out to her car.  As they wrapped things up, Bev leaned in and hugged Tara.  She said "this afternoon is going to go great.  I just know it.  But just the same, please let me know how you are doing this evening.  Please?"

Tara smiled and said "of course."  She then remembered something.  She unzipped her purse and pulled out her pink retainer case.  She popped it open and pulled her day splint out and stuck it in her mouth.  Bev said "good girl!  Now, get going.  You don't want to be late for your appointment."

As Tara walked across the parking lot, she felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach.  She entered the waiting area and walked over to the reception area.  As Tara sat her purse with her night splint and facemask inside it on the counter, Becky looked up at her and smiled.  Becky said "good afternoon Miss Reynolds!  Here to check in for your appointment?"

Tara realized it was the first time she had ever heard Becky talk clearly.  She said "Becky!  You got your tongue crib out!  Congratulations!"

Becky replied "it is such a relief.  After six months, I was so ready to get rid of it.  So, how has your first week been?  Any bumps in the road?  You haven't come in for any emergency appointments so that is a good sign."

Tara was just about to answer when she heard "seeing you is just like turning my palate expander, it takes my breath away."  Tara was startled, but she recognized the voice and turned.  To her amazement, there stood Jim.

She said "wha.. wait... What are you doing here?"

Jim smiled at her.  He said "I wanted to be here for your appointment.  For moral support.  I hope it is ok I surprised you."  As he smiled at her, Tara studied his face.  She looked at his smile, the little silver hooks just visible in the corners of his mouth.  She was so attracted to him.  She would have been regardless.   But the fact he was going through treatment too made him that much more desirable to her.  She had no idea why she felt this way.  But she knew that she did.  She said "it is a surprise.  The sweetest surprise ever."  The pair continued to make eye contact.  Becky interjected "Miss Reynolds, I've got you all signed in.  We will call you when it is your turn."

As they walked over towards a pair of empty seats, Jim whispered "I really hope I wasn't wrong for surprising you.  But I have just been dying to see you.  I don't know if I could have made it until tomorrow."  Tara reached down and took his hand and whispered back "you did perfect."

Tara was reclined back in the chair, Dr. Brad leaned over her with Alex assisting, as Jim sat on a stool beside Tara.  Dr. Brad had just finished seating Tara's new day time splint over her lower teeth when he asked "how does that feel?"

Tara felt around with her tongue inside her mouth, then opened and closed her mouth a few times.  She said "it feels good.  It seems smaller than the other one.  And I don't have a lisp like I did with the other one."  Then she realized something.  She exclaimed "and my jaw isn't popping."

She could tell Dr. Brad was smiling behind his cloth mask.  He said "excellent.  This new appliance is smaller.  And a lot more durable than your temporary appliance.  Now, I do need you to wear this one all the time, anytime you aren't wearing your night time appliance.  You need to have one or the other in your mouth at all times except when performing oral hygiene.  Even eating.  It will feel a little strange at first.  And it will be a bit of an adjustment for you as your front teeth won't completely close now.  But, you will get the hang of it in no time.  Now, let's see your night appliance and new Sleep Well mask."  As Alex handed over a pink plastic retainer box, Tara noticed it was twice as big as the ones her previous appliances came in.  He popped the box open and withdrew a huge acrylic and metal appliance.  It didn't look like what he had showed her during their consultation.

He held the appliance up in front of Tara and explained "so, this is your new night time appliance.  I have incorporated the locking herbst telescopes I showed you.  I can tell you mouth breath at night.  This will alleviate that and train you not to do it.  Also, I mentioned you have an open bite.  This is caused by your tongue thrusting.  This tongue crib that I have integrated into the top plate will fix that.  And it is almost anti-climactic, but these hooks here on top are where you will attach your protraction elastics.  Are you claustrophobic at all?"

Tara's head was spinning as she looked at the appliance.  It was so much bigger than she expected. Dr. Brad asked "Miss Reynolds?"  She looked at him, pleading in her eyes.  She said "it is so big.  And yes, I am claustrophobic."

Dr. Brad reassured her "you will only need to wear it in the privacy of your own home.  No one will need to see you in it." 

Tara thought 'that's not true. Well, I hope not.'  She looked over at Jim.  Despite being in treatment himself, she expected to see a look of revulsion on his face.  Instead, she found him looking at her with a warm, relaxed smile on his face.   As if reading her mind he said "it's ok."  He reached over and gently placed his hand on hers.

Dr. Brad said "he is right.  And guess what, you won't be the only one with the herbst telescopes.  Isn't that right Alex?"

Alex pulled her mask down and smiled at Tara.  Alex said "nope Dr. Brad.  Thanks to you, my mouth is now on lockdown."  She giggled and then added "it really isn't that bad Tara.  I promise.  These are actually more comfortable than the springs I had.  At least these don't pinch my cheeks."

Despite the reassurances, Tara's heart rate was through the roof as Dr. Brad instructed "open wide for me please Miss Reynolds."  He worked the huge appliance into her mouth, first one side and then the other, then pushed down on it to seat it on her lower teeth.  He instructed her to bite down, which she did.  She was on the verge of a panic attack.  She felt her tongue was locked in place, there was just nowhere for it to go.  Dr. Brad examined her mouth, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Tara was on the edge of a breakdown, poking and prodding.  He said "incredible, it fits like a glove." 

Jim looked on with concern.  He could see the panic in Tara's eyes.  He stroked her hand and said "just breathe.  Deep breaths.  You are doing so good."  Tara was so embarrassed he was seeing her like this.  But at the same time, his tenderness and concern was making her fall for him even harder.  She made eye contact with him as her nostrils flared.  She wanted to say something.  But she knew it would come out a mangled mess if she tried.  Jim stood from his seat on the rolling stool and knelt beside her, his face less than a foot from her own, and said "focus on me."  She looked in his face and felt her heart rate slow just a bit.  It was still racing, but having him by her side was calming her.  He smiled at her.  He then leaned in and whispered in her ear "you are so beautiful."  He leaned back and smiled at her again, maintaining eye contact the whole time.

Dr. Brad said "are you ok Miss Reynolds?"  She broke eye contact with Jim and looked up at him.  She gave him a very subtle nod.  He said "you are doing good.  Again, this is just for home.  You will get comfortable wearing it in no time.  In fact, I predict eventually you will look forward to wearing it, for the relief it provides.  Now, let's see how your masks fit."

Tara tried to relax, then realized he said 'masks'.  As in plural.  She didn't have long to dwell on it as Alex handed Dr. Brad a Sleep Well mask.  Tara thought it looked identical to the ones she had seen Alex, Mandy and Jim wearing.  Her thoughts went back to him and she turned her face towards him again.  She remembered how cute he had been the week before wearing his.  She knew he felt embarrassment wearing it.  He had told her that during one of their long phone conversations.  About how embarrassed he had felt wearing it when they had met.  But regardless of the mask, he had told her he just couldn't help himself from flirting with her.   He had told her how, even alone in bed, he felt embarrassed wearing the mask.  Yet he did it anyway, because he knew he should.  Tara didn't understand why, but that really turned her on.  She was snapped out of her thoughts as she felt Dr. Brad place the mask on her face.  He studied it and said "perfect fit.  Now, let me get these elastics on."  He quickly hooked a pair of elastics to the hooks in her mouth and then the posts on her facemask.  He looked at her and said "the fit looks perfect Miss Reynolds.  Is this more comfortable than the Delaire mask?" 

Tara lay there feeling the mask on her face and realized it was more comfortable than her previous mask.  This one did not hurt her chin.  She nodded her headed up and down.  She then thought of what Jim must feel seeing her in this contraption.  She looked over at him once again.  She expected him to be repulsed.  But instead, he just bit his lip and subltly winked at her.  No one else had even noticed.

Dr. Brad said "so far, so good.  So, this is what I want you to wear at home in your free time.  In the evenings, weekends, that sort of thing.  But, I have another mask for night time wear.  I have studied your x-rays further, and you do have some cervical instability associated with your TMD.  I think this is one of the reasons you are waking up with headaches every morning.   This will address that."

Tara watched as Alex stood and walked across the room.  Tara watched her open a cabinet and get something big out of there.  As she turned and walked back in her direction, Tara was confused.  Why was Alex holding a neck brace?

Dr. Brad explained "so, your cervical instability is all tied to your temporal mandibular joint instability."  Alex handed the brace to Dr. Brad.  He continued this "is a modified CTO brace.  I had the lab integrate a Sleep Well mask into the neck brace component of the brace.  At night, before you go to bed, I want you to change into this.  It will take a few nights to get used to.  But, eventually you will come to love it I predict.  Let me sit you up so we can fit it to you." 

Alex removed the mask from Tara's face.  Alex could see the concern in her face.  Alex said "it wil be ok.  Nothing to worry about."

Tara felt humiliated and terrified as she felt Dr. Brad and Alex hold the brace up to her for the first time.  The facemask that was attached to the chinrest of the brace fit flush against her face.  They then wrapped the brace around her.  She immediately felt immobilized from her hips up.  They made adjustments to the straps that went over her shoulders and the ones that wrapped around her torso.  There was ten minutes of tugging, pushing and adjusting before Dr. Brad announced "that looks good.  Just a couple last things."  He first wrapped a strap around her forehead and the top of the facemask.  Now, Tara truly was unable to move her head.  He next attached a pair of elastics from her mouth to the facemask.  And for the final indignation, he asked her to keep her mouth closed while parting her lips.  He reached in, first one side and then the other, and tightened the locking screws of her herbst telescopes.  Dr. Brad said "so, since you can't mouth breath and must breath through your nose, the final thing you will need are these nasal dilators.  They will ensure that your nostrils don't collapse at night."  He gently slid the white plastic cones, attached via a looping piece of plastic, into her nose.  It now looked like she had a white plastic septum piercing

Dr. Brad looked at her with a huge smile on his face and said "it looks perfect, just perfect.  You look like you are ready for a good night's sleep Miss Reynolds."  Tara felt anything but perfect.  And she had no idea how she, or anyone, could ever fall asleep wearing all of this.  She so wanted to look towards Jim for reassurance, but she couldn't turn her head.  Dr. Brad cheerfully said "Alex, why don't you show Miss Reynolds how to remove and apply her appliances in the mirror?  I need to go check on another patient." 

Alex helped Tara up to a standing position.  Tara wanted to melt into the floor and hide from the world.  She felt Jim wrap his arm around her waist.  He leaned in and said "it is ok.  And wow, you have the most incredible posture."  She realized he was trying to lighten the mood.  But she just wanted to die.  Alex helped guide her over towards the mirror.  Upon seeing her reflection in the mirror, Tara burst out in tears.  Big, ugly alligator tears.  Jim wrapped her in a gentle bear hug.  He whispered "it is ok.  You are ok.  We are ok.  We will get through this."  Tara's tears slowed and came to a stop.  She thought 'we'?  She looked into the mirror.  Jim's back was to her in the reflection, his head laying against the ghastly brace now wrapped around her neck, his arms wrapping her in a protective embrace.  She thought she looked like a hideous Transformer.  But she liked the feeling of Jim's arms around her, his warm breath on her ear.  Maybe she thought, just maybe, this WILL be ok.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #31 on: 27. December 2023, 04:10:38 AM »
Wonderful chapter! Tara's brace sound amazing and Jim is so sweet.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #32 on: 27. December 2023, 18:58:19 PM »
Chapter Fourteen.

With his head on her shoulder, Jim said softly "I am so sorry you have to wear this.  I am sure it feels so strange.  But it is just temporary.  And it doesn't change how sweet, funny, or gorgeous you are."  Tara felt herself melt into him.

Alex looked on, surprised by the whole thing.  She thought to herself 'didn't they just meet a week ago?'  But then she remembered meeting her fiancé.  And how sometimes the heart just knows things that the head can't fathom.  She was so grateful that Jim was here to help console Tara.  Looking at her, Alex felt sympathy for her.  What Dr. Brad had prescribed for her was so much.  In fact, Alex had never seen such a contraption before, and surely never seen a patient get fitted with it.  She imagined how upsetting it would be to be surprised with it like Tara had been.  Despite that, Alex had a job to do.  And she knew there were more patients to be seen.  She let the two, were they a couple?, continue their embrace for a moment before she said "Tara, how about we get you out of all of that?  Then, you can practice putting it back on."

Alex stepped up to them as Jim reluctantly let go of Tara.  It surprised him how strongly he felt compelled to protect Tara.  Alex smiled at Tara and said "I have never seen anyone rock a brace as well as you do.  But let's get you out of it.  Here, watch what I do."

Tara watched herself in the mirror as Alex began by gently pulling the nasal cones out and wrapping them in tissue.  She placed them in their own plastic case.  She then detached the elastics from Tara's facemask and removed them from her mouth.  She then began working on loosening and unhooking the straps and buckles that held Tara's upper body firmly immobile.  As she watched, Tara felt like she was being disassembled.  With her CTO brace and facemask removed, Tara felt a sudden wave of relief.  She managed a half smile towards Alex and said "aye ya".

Alex smiled at her and replied "you are welcome.  Now, let me show you how to unlock your Herbst."  Alex grabbed the torx screwdriver and had an idea.  She said "here, watch me do it myself."  Using the mirror, she seated the screwdriver on the herbst telescope in the left side of her mouth and made several turns.  She then repeated the process on the other side.  She smiled at Tara and said through her clenched jaw "piece ah cake.  Jus turn it till it stopsh, dah force it.  An now to unlock eh."  She repeated the process in reverse.  She explained "when you unlock it, again just turn it until it stops, don't force it.  It could break it.  Now, you try it."

Tara took the screwdriver.  She bared her teeth in the mirror and attempted to get the screwdriver seated on the tiny screw.  After her third unsuccessful attempt she let out a long, frustrated sigh.  Jim placed his hand over Tara's hand.  He took the screwdriver from her.  He smiled and asked "can I help?"  Tara nodded her head up and down.  Jim easily placed the screwdriver on the screw head and gave it three turns, until it offered resistance.  He did the same on the other side.  He looked into her eyes and asked "better?"  Tara slowly opened her mouth.  She nodded her head, then wrapped her arms around him and said "aye ya".

Alex interrupted and said "let's get that nighttime appliance out of your mouth."  Tara let go of Jim.  She turned towards Alex and opened her mouth.  Alex gently popped the appliance's clasps free from Tara's teeth.  As she removed it from her mouth, a little string of saliva followed it.  Alex reached up with her other hand, and with a tissue, wiped it away.  She looked at Tara and said "and now you're free!  After wearing your night appliance, you won't even realize you have the daytime appliance in your mouth."

Tara said simply "thank you."  She looked at Jim and said "thank you both.  I might need some help getting this all back on though."  She looked at Jim nervously.  Jim smiled and said "I can never turn down a damsel in distress.  I would feel honored if you would let me help."

Tara took the appliance from Alex and after a little struggle managed to get it seated in her mouth.  She then picked up the CTO brace.  She placed it up to her chest, the chest piece running between her breasts and the facemask resting on her face, and attempted to get the first of the shoulder straps attached.  She struggled until Jim stopped her.  He said "just hold it in place.  Let me help you."

As Jim attached the straps, Tara realized how much wearing this was going to suck.  But she also felt tingles in her body.  Despite hating the brace, she loved the way it felt as Jim was cinching her into it.  Once the brace was in place he took two elastics and attached them from the hooks in her mouth to her mask.  Finally, he took the screwdriver and locked her jaw closed.  Once he was done he took a step back and looked at her.  Tara felt like some kind of grotesque side show freak.  Until Jim said "she is such a beautiful shield maiden in all her armor."  Tara made eye contact with Jim.  He gazed back into her eyes and said "nothing can hide how beautiful you are though."

They were interrupted by the always upbeat Dr. Brad exclaiming "wow, it looks like you have gotten the hang of it in no time.  In a few days, you will be able to do it blindfolded.  Tara, why don't you keep that on until you leave, just to make sure nothing needs adjusting.  If you want, you can go wait in the lounge."  He turned to Jim and said "since you are here, why don't we take a look at your expander Mr. Simpson?  It looks like your suture has yet to split.  Maybe we can do something about that."

Jim looked at Tara then back at Dr. Brad.  Jim asked "is it ok if Tara stays?" 

Dr. Brad said "of course.  I just thought she might be more comfortable in the lounge.  But you know what, it would be great if she gets a look at what is going on with your expander since she will be getting one eventually." 

Tara sat stiffly and uncomfortably on a rolling stool beside Jim.  Their roles were now reversed as it was Jim who was reclined in the treatment chair.  Dr. Brad said "open wide for me please Mr. Simpson."  Dr. Brad leaned over him, the light on his loupes illuminating the inside of Jim's mouth.  It was hard for Tara to see, but she leaned her body and cut her eyes.  She was stunned by what she saw.  The roof of his mouth was completely covered by a huge stainless steel and acrylic expander, eight screws sticking out shockingly far.  It looked so uncomfortable.  She had no idea how he was able to speak as clearly as he did.  She instinctively reached her hand out and placed it over his.  He smiled at her.

Dr. Brad said "I am going to make some turns on your expander Mr. Simpson.  I really want to get that suture opened up.  Once we do, we can reduce the number of turns to one every other day.  If it gets too uncomfortable just hold your hand up."

Tara watched Dr. Brad insert a wrench into Jim's mouth, seating it over the large screw in the middle of his expander.  He made one turn.  He wiggled the wrench free and placed it on the screw again and made another turn.  Each time, Jim's face contorted in one of pain.  It hurt Tara to see it, but he took it stoically and didn't make a sound.  Until the sixth turn of his expander, when he made a pained "mmmm" sound and held his hand up.  Dr. Brad said "that one hurt?"  Jim nodded his head.  Dr. Brad said "let me get two more and we will call it a day."  He reached in and made two more turns.  Tara could see the agony etched in Jim's face.

Once Dr. Brad removed the wrench from his mouth, Jim reached up with his free hand and ran it over his face.  He said "holy cow, that will wake you up."

Dr. Brad said "you handled it like a champ.  Go ahead and keep making your two turns a night, including tonight, and I bet we get the diastema we want by the end of the weekend.  The good news is we are making progress.  Both of you are.  And unless you have any questions, you two are both done.  Why don't you head to the lounge, you know the way.  Tara you can take your night brace off there if you want before you leave.  Just see Becky when you leave to make your follow ups.  And as always, thank you for trusting me with your care."  He looked at Alex and asked "Alex, could you come with me?  Maggie is fitting Mrs. Jones with a set of herbst telescopes.  She is not very enthused about it.  Maybe you could show her yours and explain they aren't a big deal?" 

Alex said "of course Dr. Brad, I will be right over.  Let me just finish up here."  As he walked away, Alex said "duty calls.  But you did great, especially you Tara."  She leaned over and gave her a hug.  She continued "the next few nights will be an adjustment I know.  But if you need anything, let me know.  You should have an 'emergency' card in your goodie bag, if not grab one from Becky on the way out.  It has my cell phone number on it.  Please do not hesitate to call if you need anything.  Anything at all.  Now, I've got to run.  But again you are doing great."

Later that day in a rare moment of calm, Alex asked "Dr. Brad, why didn't you tell Mrs. Reynolds about the CTO brace ahead of time?  It was a shock to her.  Heck, it was a shock to me when you showed it to me this morning."

Dr. Brad said "well, my intention wasn't to shock her.  But, I also did not want to scare her away from treatment.  She will do fine with it.  I know she will."

Alex said "I hope so, it just looked so imposing.  And I imagine it can't be all that easy to get used to wearing."

Dr. Brad said "no, but she will manage."  He then looked Alex up and down.  He said "you do make a good point though.  None of us here know what it feels like to wear one.  I would like you and Mandy to stay after we are done with patients.  I think it would be good for my lead assistant and treatment coordinator to have experience with one.  It would be a good addition to each of your treatment plans.  I will get you and Mandy each fitted for your very own.  I wouldn't anticipate either of you will need to wear it for more than 12 months."  He looked at Alex.  He noticed the look of shock on her face.  He smiled at her and said "with the full support of the CTO and Sleep Well mask, I can also move you into springs to really get some horsepower behind your protraction."

He then looked over at Maggie, who was slumped over working on a patient.  He said "and I know you girls are always saying your backs are hurting after working on patients all day.  While I am getting the lab to fabricate your and Mandy's CTO braces, I will also get them to fabricate something for you and Maggie to wear here in the office.  It should really help with your back pain and slouching."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #33 on: 28. December 2023, 04:10:13 AM »
So, I care not one bit about having guys in my story, braces or not.  I would be just fine describing how the entire Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad was made to get full metal braces and wired in headgear.  By a female orthodontist with metal braces and headgear herself.  But, hopefully having some male characters with braces and what not appeals to some readers.  And it is actually an important part of of this story.  Even so, I can’t wait till Megan has the baby and has to start treatment.  That will be fun.

I love the sound of that idea with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleading Squad having to get braces, but looking forward to seeing where this story goes.~

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #34 on: 28. December 2023, 05:28:38 AM »
What would happen if Jerry Jones sold the Cowboys to a new owner?  A new owner who had made his billions selling dental equipment.  And who, now that he owns the Cowboys, thinks it would be great marketing for his primary business to get all the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, America’s Sweethearts, into his company’s brackets and archwires.  The ladies would accept it.  But then, his orthodontic division’s launch of a new extraoral device,  that he had sunk tens of millions into, failed.  No patient would wear it.  No orthodontist would prescribe it.  It was just to big.  But he had an idea. 

It failed because it was so massive, obtrusive and uncomfortable to wear.  It just looked nerdy.  But it could be used for both retractive and protractive cases.  What orthodontist wouldn’t want one appliance that could do it all?  Apparently all of them because it was SO big that no patient would wear it.  The product launch failed horribly.

But what if America’s Sweethearts showed up wearing it at games?  And promotional events.  Heck all the time, even when they were going grocery shopping or going to the gym. To generate a buzz about the product?  To get people asking ‘what is that’?  To turn this new… helmet for lack of a better word… into a fashion statement.  Maybe that would revive the product he thought would be so successful.  After all, he had already lost $27 million on it.  And he did own the Cowboys….

Just an idea that ran through my head.

Offline TimeandBrace

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #35 on: 28. December 2023, 05:41:57 AM »
What would happen if Jerry Jones sold the Cowboys to a new owner?  A new owner who had made his billions selling dental equipment.  And who, now that he owns the Cowboys, thinks it would be great marketing for his primary business to get all the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, America’s Sweethearts, into his company’s brackets and archwires.  The ladies would accept it.  But then, his orthodontic division’s launch of a new extraoral device,  that he had sunk tens of millions into, failed.  No patient would wear it.  No orthodontist would prescribe it.  It was just to big.  But he had an idea. 

It failed because it was so massive, obtrusive and uncomfortable to wear.  It just looked nerdy.  But it could be used for both retractive and protractive cases.  What orthodontist wouldn’t want one appliance that could do it all?  Apparently all of them because it was SO big that no patient would wear it.  The product launch failed horribly.

But what if America’s Sweethearts showed up wearing it at games?  And promotional events.  Heck all the time, even when they were going grocery shopping or going to the gym. To generate a buzz about the product?  To get people asking ‘what is that’?  To turn this new… helmet for lack of a better word… into a fashion statement.  Maybe that would revive the product he thought would be so successful.  After all, he had already lost $27 million on it.  And he did own the Cowboys….

Just an idea that ran through my head.

Ohhh, i Would love to see that developed into a full story.~ Perhaps one day.~~

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #36 on: 28. December 2023, 21:13:42 PM »
Chapter Fifteen.

Tara finally gave up.  She felt defeated.  She had been wrestling with her CTO brace for almost half an hour and still could not manage to get all the buckles and straps in place.  She looked in the mirror and let out a sigh of frustration.  She didn't know if she could really do this or not.  Feeling deflated and sad, she decided she would try her best.  She took the screwdriver that Dr. Brad and Alex provided and bared her teeth in the mirror.  She did eventually get the torx driver seated into the screw.  She gave it three turns until it stopped.  She removed the screwdriver, and with just a little less struggle, managed to get the other side locked.  She used the little plastic tool she was given to attach an elastic to each of the two hooks in her mouth and then picked up her Sleep Well mask.  As Tara was right handed, she held the mask to her face with her left hand while she attached the elastics to the posts of her mask with her right hand.  She stepped back and squinted into the mirror.  As she looked at the blurry reflection she thought she might be better off not putting her glasses back on.  But, out of habit, she did.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she removed each of her hearing aids and placed them in their charging cradle which she kept by her bed.  She then crawled under the covers.  She lay there thinking about her appointment and her new CTO.  She thought of Jim, and of how tender and sweet he had been.  She thought he was a patient, caring man.  And while he was still a man after all, and Tara was on guard as she would be with any man, she rolled over and looked at the empty bed beside her.  She thought of him.  Of how confident he seemed to be when it came to business.  But about how shy he seemed to be with her.  She thought of that afternoon.  Of how he had walked her to her car after her appointment.  He had insisted he carry the drawstring bag in which her CTO brace rested.  And he insisted on getting the car door for her.  At the car, despite the fact that his mouth must be hurting Tara thought, all he cared about was her.  About how she felt.  She thought he had wanted to ask her something.  And she thought he had wanted to try to kiss her.  But he seemed shy and unsure of himself.  Tara thought he was being a gentleman.  Tara found this intoxicating.  But, she made up her mind that the next time he showed hesitation, when he was being too much of a gentleman, that she would take the lead.  Because she wanted to feel his lips against hers.  Among other things.  As she looked at the empty bed beside her, she wished Jim was in it with her.

That next evening, as Tara sat leaning against Jim on a well lit park bench over looking the city, she thought it had been the perfect date.  The painting and wine tasting had been so much fun.  And while Tara realized that Jim might not be the world's best painter, he realized it too.  And he reveled in it, making funny, self-deprecating jokes about his painting, or as he called it, "insult to art".  All the while he had been nothing but complimentary of her's.  Afterwards, they had exchanged their paintings.  Tara didn't admit how much it meant to her as they each stowed their new "artwork" in their vehicles.  Jim had asked Tara, saying as it was such a nice night and he wasn't ready for it to end, if Tara would like to take a walk.  They had ducked into a few of the shops that were still open and just enjoyed each other's company.  The one thing they had not talked about all evening was orthodontics.

As Tara leaned into Jim, enjoying the feeling of his arm around her and his warmth as the night air began to turn just a little chilly, she tried to figure out how this had happened and what to do next.  Despite being alone with a man she really didn't know, she somehow knew she was safe.  Tara realized what a nice feeling it was.  She was lost in her thoughts when Jim said "I have had the most wonderful time with you tonight.  But, they probably don't want us squatting on this park bench all night.  How about I escort you to your car before I manage to mess this evening up?"

Tara nuzzled up against him a little harder and said "just a few more minutes?  It is still early.  And this is so nice.  And I don't think you could mess this up if you tried."  Jim had caressed her and said "it is nice.  But I do need to get home soon."

Tara leaned away from Jim and turned to look at him.  She realized he could in fact mess this up, by saying what he just said.  She asked "what is it?  Do I not make good company?  What, have you got another hot date lined up?"

Jim looked at her.  He realized what he had said hurt her.  He shook his head back and forth and said "No!  That's not it at all.  It's not you.  It's me."  Tara thought to herself 'oh no, it's the "it's not you it's me" line.  And I thought there was something here.  Between us'.

Jim sat there in silence looking at Tara, who had wilted where she sat.  He said "I have had the most incredible night.  And I so hope we can do it again."  He went silent a moment before continuing "It's so embarrassing.  I am such a dork.  But Tara, I need to go home so I can put on my facemask."

Tara looked at him and was able to breath again.  She said "that's it?  That's why you want to leave?"  She looked him in the eyes and said "you are so silly.  That's no reason for the night to end."  She leaned over and kissed him.  It caught Jim by surprise, but after a moment he responded, gently kissing her back.  And just as soon as soon as it started, Tara pulled back and gave him a big smile, her small daytime appliance just visible.  She said "that is absolutely no reason to kick me to the curb.  Nope, you'll have to come up with a better excuse than that."

Jim looked at her and said "the last thing I want to do is kick you to the curb.  Is it too forward of me to ask if you would come back to my place?  Maybe we could watch a movie.  And continue our wine tasting?"

She snuggled up beside him and said softly "no, it is not too forward.  It will save me from having to ask you back to my apartment."

Jim wrapped his arm around her and asked "do you promise not to laugh too hard at me?"

Tara replied "sweetie, you picked me up wearing it, why would it be any different tonight?  Plus, you have seen the monstrosity I got yesterday and am supposed to wear.  Supposed to being the key word there.  So, no.  And can I tell you a little secret?  I found your embarrassment when we met the sexiest thing ever.  You were just the cutest.  I am not sure I would have fallen for all of your obvious charms if you hadn't been wearing it in fact."

Jim stroked her shoulder as he said "well, I certainly would have never expected that.  So, how does this work since we drove separately?"

Tara said "it's simple.  I run home and get my night appliance and CTO, and I then drive to your house.  Where you are waiting for me with a glass of wine."

As Tara pulled into the driveway of Jim's home, she was blown away.  It was huge.  She knew that Bev's husband had mentioned he was successful.  She had thought he meant he had a good job, a nice home, and wasn't broke.  She didn't realize he had meant he had a starter estate.  Standing at the door after ringing the bell, she wondered if a butler would answer the door.

Finally the door opened.  It was not a butler.  Instead, there stood Jim.  He was not wearing his facemask.  For some reason this disappointed Tara.  But she decided to make the most of it by leaning in towards him.  This time he took the hint and leaned in and kissed her.  After coming up for a breath of air, Tara smiled at him and joked "Hi! I am here to talk to you about your vehicle's extended warranty."

Jim gave a big laugh.  He looked at her and said "how is anyone as beautiful AND as funny as you?  It just isn't fair.  How could anybody resist you?  Please, come in.  I already have the wine poured."

The two were on the couch in his spacious den as a movie played in the background.  But neither was paying any attention to the television.  Instead, they sat kissing, cuddling and feeling each other.  Eventually, Tara pushed away from him gently.  She said "Jim, stop honey."

He looked at her and asked "what?"

Tara said "I really like you.  I mean, a lot.  But I don't want to move too fast.  It's not that I don't want to.  I do.  But more than that I think there is something here.  Between us.  But I don't want to rush into something.  To do something in the throes of passion that could jeopardize something bigger."

Jim looked at her earnestly and said "I understand.  I am nervous too.  Scared even.  Scared of losing control of some part of my life.  Because I feel there may be something here too.  Oh gosh, the fact we are even talking like this now is crazy.  Insane.  This whole thing is crazy.  But I don't want to rush you.  And I won't."

She sat there looking at him.  The mass of emotions she was feeling was overwhelming.  She wondered if this was a mistake.  If she was pushing him away.  She felt so unsure of herself.

She said "it's just, I'm sorry, I don't know what I am doing."

He leaned over and said "that's ok, there isn't an instruction manual for this.  I don't know what to do either."  He thought for a moment before saying "but I know what I am supposed to do.  I was actually supposed to do it three hours ago.  I will go put my muzzle on.  That will surely cool the passion."

He returned a few minutes later to the den wearing his facemask.  As he approached he said "you promised not to laugh.  And a promise is a promise."  As he sat down she wiggled in beside him.  She said "why would I laugh?  You are just the cutest.  And sexiest."

Despite her compliment, she could tell he felt very self-conscious.  She said "you know, I need to put my armor on too.  I wasn't able to get it on last night.  Would you help a lady in distress?" 

In Jim's bathroom, Tara stood in front of him wearing just her bra and panties, her glasses lay on the sink counter.  He looked at her and said "you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  I want you so badly.  But I know anything worth having is worth waiting for.  It will be so hard to concentrate but let me see if I remember how I did it yesterday."

With Tara holding the front of the brace up to her chest, the facemask resting on her face, Jim began snapping and velcroing the brace securely on her.  She watched him in the mirror.  He was so sexy.  The facemask just made him sexier she thought.  With every strap, the brace became tighter and more restrictive.  And it was turning Tara on so much.  As Jim finished wrapping the final strap around her head he looked down at her chest.  If he didn't know any better, he would have thought that this was turning her on.  He looked at her and said "and the maiden is now adorned in her armor, ready to slay dragons.  And count sheep."

Tara looked at him longingly.  With the huge night-time appliance in her mouth, she couldn't talk.  But Jim could read her eyes.  And her body.  He wanted her so badly.  And he thought she wanted the same.  But he didn't want to pressure her.  Jim said "almost done.  I need to attach your elastics and lock your splint."

After gently attaching her elastics, he used the screwdriver to lock her jaw closed.  It should be horrible Tara thought.  The whole idea of having to do this every night.  Of having someone else do it for her in this case.  But it wasn't horrible.  In fact Tara thought it might be the most erotic thing she had ever experienced.  It was so intimate.  And then it was over, he was done locking her mouth.  She stood there erect and locked in her orthodontic prison.  He looked at her and said "I have some extra pillows, I think we can get comfortable on the couch." 

As she followed him out of the bathroom and across his bedroom, she grabbed his sleeve.  He stopped and turned to look at her.  She turned and walked over to his bed.  She could tell he was confused.  And rightfully so, she had just told him no.  But the flesh is weak.  She extended her right arm and beckoned him over with her index finger.  As he stepped in front of her, she managed "Im, ey nee ya. Rah na."  Jim smiled at her and said "I need you too."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #37 on: 29. December 2023, 20:15:10 PM »
Chapter Sixteen.

The next few weeks were magical for Tara.  She was amazed at how easy and comfortable her new relationship with Jim had become.  In just two weeks, they had fallen even harder for each other.  They were a couple.  They seemed natural for each other.  After that first night, they had agreed not to rush things, but instead to let things just come naturally.  And what felt natural to Tara was to spend as much time with him as she could.  Their orthodontic treatment was always there in the background, and especially Tara's CTO brace, but Jim was so patient, gentle and understanding with her.  She had become more used to wearing it, though she was definitely not a fan of it.  But she had finally figured out how to put it on herself by lying in bed so she could use both hands.  She did have to admit though that she was suffering from less frequent headaches and her jaw pain had largely gone away, so she soldiered on wearing it.

At "TMJ and Sleep Plus", the staff was not as happy.  On the Monday after Dr. Brad had announced that Alex and Mandy would each be getting their own 'CTO masks' as he called them, he reminded the staff that they had a continuing education day coming up that Friday.  It was time for their annual CPR and first aid recertification and he had a trainer coming in that morning.  He also said he had a staff member coming in from "Optimal Orthopedics" and asked that all the ladies wear a white close-fitting undershirt that day.  He would not elaborate when pressed on why, he just said it was a surprise.

That Friday morning had gone smoothly.  All the staff, including Dr. Brad, had completed their CPR and first aid certification successfully.  Alex and Becky had some issues getting a good seal to perform mouth to mouth on the dummy due to their braces, but they managed.  It did leave both of them with sore lips and inner cheeks but they did not complain.  After the class was finished, Dr. Brad announced he was treating the group to lunch, his treat.  Lunch was fun even if Alex, Mandy and Becky couldn't eat the chips and salsa the rest of the group enjoyed.

Back at the office after lunch, Dr. Brad welcomed Dr. Olivia Morales into the lounge and introduced her to the staff.   Out of habit Alex noted that Dr. Morales, who looked to be in her mid to late 40's with a dark olive complexion and jet-black hair, had some crowding in her lower arch and her upper canines were too prominent.  She also noticed that even wearing scrubs topped by a white coat that Dr Morales had an hour-glass figure, a ridiculously small waist, and incredibly erect posture.  Alex was a little jealous.  Dr. Morales introduced herself and said how happy she was to be there and how she looked forward to getting to know them all over the next few years.  She surprised everyone but Dr. Brad when she said she was so excited that her and Dr. Brad were trading services.  She said she was looking so forward to straightening out her smile.  After introducing herself, she explained that she had trained as an orthopedic surgeon, but after 10 years and too many negative complications that were so common in spinal surgeries, she now entirely focused on bracing and physical therapy.  She said she had a LOT of items to bring in, and asked for any volunteers to help her carry it in.  Everyone pitched in by carrying a plastic tote while Dr. Brad and Dr. Morales carried a folding treatment table.

As Dr. Morales set up everything, Dr. Brad explained to the group why he had asked her to come in.  He looked at his staff; Alex, Maggie, Lisa, Becky, Mandy and Janice who were all assembled on the couches; and said "So, I already told Alex and Mandy that I will be incorporating a CTO mask into their treatment.  They will become very familiar with it.  But I want you all to familiarize yourself with the device.  I have been speaking with Dr. Morales, and she treats a lot of patients with Ehlers-Danlos.  If you aren't familiar with Ehlers, it is a disorder that effects connective tissues.  This leads to dislocations.  One of the primary treatment options for these patients is bracing.  Dr. Morales is an expert on it.  She told me that she is seeing more and more cases, she isn't sure if it is due to an actual increase in patients or just better diagnosis.  For years she said it was often misdiagnosed.  She told me that so many of her patients also complain of jaw issues.  When she asked me how many Ehlers-Danlos patients I was currently treating, I told her none.   Well, that will change.  Dr. Morales is going to begin referring patients that complain of jaw pain or jaw dislocations to us.  Many of these patients are already in mobility aids, a less imposing way to say orthopedic braces, of one sort or another.  Many of them have to wear CTO braces just to function in their day to day life.  So, soon I expect we will see more of them in this office.  And many of these patients will receive new CTO braces with a Sleep Well mask integrated into it.  So, I want to make sure everyone is familiar with it.

Dr. Morales will refer her patients to us.  In return, I will refer patients that complain of cervical or shoulder tension or exhibit poor posture or other obvious orthopedic issues to her.  I suspect we already have a few patients that suffer from Ehlers-Danlos, I just didn't know what to look for to identify it.  Dr. Morales mentioned that we are trading services.  We are going to be providing her and her staff orthodontic care at no charge.  In exchange, she is going to provide my staff, all of you, treatment at no charge.

Alex and Mandy, you will get fitted for your CTO masks today.  Lisa, when you start treatment after the first of the year, I will also incorporate it into your treatment plan."  Alex looked over at their hygienist who now had a look of shock on her face.  Dr. Brad continued "Megan will also be getting one when she begins treatment.  So in a way I will become very familiar with it as well on a day to day basis. 

So, what about the rest of you and how does this impact you?  Well, Dr. Morales has also told me she has seen a huge increase in what she calls 'tech neck', poor forward head posture caused by all of us staring into computer and phone screens too much.  It usually eventually leads to cervical issues and pain at some point.  To combat that, she developed a new posture brace for patients to wear.  It fits invisibly under clothing for day time wear and has a cervical component for screen time.  I want everyone here to get fitted for one, and we will today.  I want you all to wear it here at work.  It will just become a part of our uniforms."  There were several murmurs and gasps from the group.   

They had been paying attention to Dr. Brad and had not noticed that Dr. Morales had finished setting everything up.  She said "ladies, if you would, please come over here and assemble around the treatment table."  She was holding a CTO brace with attached Sleep Well mask.  On the counter behind her was another and a row of 6 additional braces.  These braces looked similar to a corset, just all white with a little more plastic and metal showing.  Each had shoulder straps incorporated into them.  In front of each was a white foam and cloth cervical collar. The group hesitantly approached the table as Dr. Brad smiled.  Dr. Morales said "Alex, as lead assistant, I think it is only fitting that you take the lead and go first."  She laughed at her little joke.  None of the other women did.

Dr. Morales had Alex sit on the edge of the table and remove her scrub top.  She quickly and efficiently placed the brace on Alex, tightening and adjusting straps and explaining what she was doing as she went, and then stepped back.   She said "and that is it.  That is all there is to fitting it on a patient for the first time."

Dr. Brad interjected "you make it look a LOT easier than it really is.  Me and Alex struggled on the only one we have fit so far."

Dr. Morales smiled and said "well, practice makes perfect."

While all of the ladies had heard what they were saying, none had looked over at them.  All of them had their eyes focused on Alex.  She looked to be in shock, miserable and on the verge of tears.  Janice stepped over and placed her hand on her thigh and asked "you ok?"

Alex said stoically "yes."

Dr. Morales had noticed this and said "it is an adjustment getting used to wearing a CTO brace.  The initial sensation can be unsettling.  But I promise you, while patients may never love it, they will adapt to it.  Alex, you will too.  Now, let me coach you on how to take it off and reapply it yourself."

She coached Alex in what order to unhook the straps, and just like that she was free again.  She stretched her neck in a circular motion.  Dr. Morales than instructed Alex to lay the brace open on the table, the back of it face down, and lay back onto it.  She then helped coach her on how to put it back on.  Once Alex was securely strapped into her brace once again, she tried to sit up like she normally would.  She couldn't.  Dr. Morales said "notice how you can't just sit up normally.  Alex, try rolling over on your side, legs hanging off the table, and push up with your arms."  She complied and once again found herself rigidly sitting on the edge of the table.  Dr. Morales said "this is how patients have to get out of bed.  I would recommend you instruct them, but if you forget they will figure it out.  Now, Alex, I am not the orthodontic expert.  But Dr. Brad told me you would also be wearing elastics hooked from your mouth to the mask portion of your brace.  I will leave that to you the expert.  My job is done.  Would you please leave the brace on until we finish at least?"  She looked over at Mandy and asked "ready?"  Alex stood and walked over to get her elastics while Mandy took her place sitting on the edge of the table.

Dr. Morales went through the same process with Mandy.  Afterwards, she also asked Mandy to keep her brace on.  Mandy went over and stood beside Alex, who handed her a bag of elastics.  Both of them stood there, elastics stretched taught out of their mouths, trying to come to terms with the restrictive braces they now wore.  Dr. Morales said "and now for my Posture Plus support.  How about we do this as a group?  I will coach you through it as we go.  If you have ever worn a corset, this will be somewhat familiar to you.  The braces are adjustable for most body shapes, there is a S/M, a L/XL and a 2X+.  Dr. Brad told me your approximate sizes, and each posture support is tagged with your name.  Will you each strip down to your undershirts and then grab your support?"

It took a few moments, but finally each woman was aligned in a row in front of Dr. Morales holding their support.  She looked over at Alex and Mandy and said "just watch what they do.  It is easy, and you will find putting on this device a piece of cake compared to the CTO braces you are wearing."  She turned back towards the other four women and instructed.  I am going to call it a corset just for simplicity, but it is so much more than that really.  Take your corset and wrap it around your waist, laces in the back, and attach each of the clasps in the front."  Each woman did as instructed.  "She continued "now, notice that each corset has three straps on each side.  Each strap has a series of metal grommet enforced holes.  I want you to suck in, grab the lower straps, and pull evenly.  Pull as tightly as you can, and then hook the grommets over the same clasp that you attached the front of the corset together with."  The ladies did as instructed.  Dr. Morales said "one down, two to go.  Now, repeat that with the top strap and finally the middle strap."  Each of the ladies did, and all immediately felt like they were standing up straighter.  And all but Lisa noticed that breathing was going to be more difficult as well.

Dr. Morales said "now, let me check the fit.  She checked Maggie's and said "good."  Then Janice's, who she also approved.  When she got to Lisa, she said "just a little tighter."  She unhooked the three straps, then reattached them. This time though it was two notches tighter than before.

Lisa grunted as the straps were tightened.  Once they were attached she looked at Dr. Morales and said "this feels too tight.  I can't breathe."

Dr. Morales gave her a compassionate smile and said "it needs to be this tight to work.  You will get used to it."

She then moved to Becky and said "good." 

She said "now for the shoulder straps.  I will attach them.  They are very similar in design to the other straps.  You probably didn't notice the little flap of material under each arm, but there is another small post under each of those.  You will hook each shoulder strap to those.  I will do it for you the first time to size it.  She went down the line.  As she tightened the straps, each woman immediately felt themselves standing straighter.  Slouching was no longer an option.  Once she had everyone's shoulder straps attached she then turned back to the group and said “there are just two more things."  She walked over to the counter and picked up a pair of scissors.  She explained "I will now trim each of your straps, the waist cinching straps and shoulder straps.  This will do two things.  One, it will make it much smoother and streamlined under your clothing.  Two, there will be no confusion on where you need to hook your straps."  She went down the line trimming the straps as she went.  Once she was finished she turned and said "wear these at all times during the day.  It will just become a routine part of your wardrobe.  When at the computer, also wear this."   She reached over and picked up one of the soft neck braces.  She started with Becky, who was closest to the counter, and secured it around her neck.  She then attached a brace to each of the three other women.  She said "I will not prescribe night time wear at this time.  It is a challenge to get used to sleeping in.  But it can be done.  I wear mine 23 hours a day."  She pulled back her white coat and scrub top and showed the ladies a peak of hers.  She continued "however, if you want to try it won't do anything but help."

She looked at the group and said "that is it for the Posture Plus support.  I would like all of you to continue wearing everything until we wrap up.  That will give you time to get a little acclimated and come up with any questions you have.  Speaking of questions, does anyone have any?"  She looked around the room at all the faces.  She noticed a lot of shocked looks.  She said "none?  Well in that case" she looked at Dr. Brad with a big smile on her face "why don't you all get me my spacers!  And Dr. Brad, maybe you can show me this new appliance you developed that you say can fix all my issues.  With just one appliance too!"  She looked around the room.  Dr. Brad was the only one smiling.  She exclaimed "Come on girls, smile!  This is all so exciting!"


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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #38 on: 30. December 2023, 05:44:48 AM »
Love this! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #39 on: 01. January 2024, 16:43:12 PM »
Chapter Seventeen.

Dr. Brad looked at his staff and said "you heard the lady.  Let's get her some spacers."

Alex said "um, Dr. Brad, I don't think I can assist wearing this" as she pointed up to her new brace.

Dr. Brad said "Alex, I know you can.  At least try.  If there is anyone that will be understanding, it is Dr. Morales.  Maggie will be there to help too.  Right Maggie?  Now, the rest of you ladies know the routine on Friday afternoons, so the quicker we get done the quicker the weekend will get here.  I do want to huddle up before we leave though."

The fitting of Dr. Morales' spacers went quickly despite the fact she was getting so many.  Alex did the best she could, but after placing two she let Maggie take over.  When they finished, Dr. Morales had a spacer between every tooth but her front six on top and bottom.  Dr. Brad had then shown her the appliance she would be getting, Megan's appliance.  Dr. Morales had been shocked and concerned when she saw how big and complex it was.  He had counselled her that it would be an adjustment for sure, but it was the best option for her case.  He then said "I will also be incorporating a CTO mask into your treatment.  It just doesn't seem right not too.  But, I know you will do great with it.  Now, as for the spacers, avoid any crunchy or sticking foods for the next week.  And if one comes out, let us know.  Be forewarned, some people find spacers uncomfortable, so take Advil or Tylenol as needed.  And, that wraps it up.  I am so excited this is happening.  Get with us next week to schedule appointments for the rest of your staff.  I and the ladies will help get everything loaded back up for you.  Hey, at least it will be a lighter load, my girls are now wearing most of what you brought."

After bidding Dr. Morales adieu, Dr. Brad gathered his staff back in the lounge.  He looked at them with pride and said "I am SO proud of all of you.  This is so exciting.  Especially you Alex, and you Mandy.  With it being the weekend, I would ask that all of you wear your new posture supports as much as possible to become acclimated to them.  Including at the Christmas party tomorrow night.  Now, I do have a surprise for you all.  As a show of thanks for the being the best staff in the business.  Who here would like to go to Disney World in July?"

The staff looked around at each other confused.  He continued "so, the Association of American Orthodontics has their annual summit and tradeshow in Orlando in July.  And we are attending.  I don't know what I am doing exactly, but I have reserved a booth.  I am going to go to market with our new devices.  And I need help.  So, we are going to spend the week in Orlando, all expenses paid by me of course.  We will have several days to play and a couple of days of work.  It will be so much fun.  So, by a show of hands, who is in?"  They all raised their hands.  Dr. Brad smiled and exclaimed "great!  It will be a great team building opportunity.  Speaking of which, tomorrow night at the Boat House, 7 pm.  Now, go enjoy your weekend!"

Tara woke up Sunday morning needing to use the restroom.  She rolled over on her side and tried to carefully push herself up to a sitting position without disturbing Jim.  Being a Sunday. they hadn't set an alarm and planned to sleep in a little before spending a lazy day together.  They had spent the day before doing some last minute shopping and that evening they had gone and looked at Christmas lights.  Once they got back home, they had done what just seemed natural to them.  Twice. 

With Christmas coming up, and Tara leaving town to go see her parents, she wanted to spend as much time together as possible before then.  But she didn't want to wake him.

She tried to gently push herself up without disturbing him.  It didn't work, so she turned as best she could and used both arms.  As she got to a sitting position, she felt Jim stir.  As she reached for her glasses, he asked softly and groggily "what ish it baby?"  Without her hearing aids, Tara asked "whah?"  He asked, louder this time, "what ish it baby, ish everything ok?  It's early, I thought we were sleeping in.  Or at least staying in bed a while this morning." 

Tara said "affroom."  By now she had settled her glasses onto her face and was placing the first of her two hearing aids into her ears.  She felt the bed move, it sounded and felt like he was getting up.  She would have turned to look at him, but her brace prevented this.  Out of her peripheral vision she saw him walking around the end of the bed.  He leaned down and helped her to a standing position.  Tara pulled her glasses back off her face and removed her elastics and then her head strap as Jim worked on unfastening the rest of the straps that held her body so rigidly.  This had become their routine in the morning.  Once the CTO was removed, Jim gently laid it on the bed.  He smiled at her from behind his facemask and said "I will be waiting for you here."  He gave her a smile and raised his eyebrows.

After relieving herself, Tara returned to Jim's bed where she found him propped up on an elbow.  He looked at her and said "God you are so beautiful in the morning." 

She smiled and said "thank you baby.  You aren't too bad yourself."  Snuggling up next to him under the covers she leaned her and kissed him.  It wasn't a proper kiss as he was still wearing his facemask, but Tara had learned how to kiss him around the two posts that stuck up in front of and below his mouth.  After she was done, he reached up to remove the elastics from his mouth. She stopped him and said "no, keep it on.  I am going to do the work.  To make up for waking you up."

As Tara freshened up in the bathroom, Jim made his way to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.  With the coffee started he returned to his bathroom.  He slid in behind Tara, who was brushing her teeth, and wrapped his arms gently around her waist.  He said "that was amazing.  You are amazing."  With a mouth full of toothpaste she said "oh baby, you are too."  After finishing brushing and rinsing her mouth out, she turned in his arms.

She looked at him and said "I am going to miss you so much next weekend.  But I told my parents I would come see them for Christmas.  So I plan to get as much Jim as I can this weekend."  She looked at him and smiled.

He gently swatted her on the bottom and smiled at her.  He said "let me the funk out of my mouth too.  Coffee is brewing.  I realized something in the kitchen.  I forgot to turn my expander last night.  That's your fault by the way, you had me all kinds of distracted."  He smiled at her and raised his eyebrows.

She gave a naughty smiled back and replied "oh, I am sorry baby.  That was my fault.  If only there were someway I could make it up to you?  But first, do we need to make up those turns?"

Jim said "ugh, I guess so.  I hate doing it in the mornings.  But it needs to be done."  She reached up and gently removed his elastics and facemask.  He then opened his mouth as wide as he could and tilted his head back as Tara got the wrench off the bathroom counter.  After seating it on his expander, she asked "ready baby?"  He uttered "uh huh."  As she made the first turn, he closed his eyes and squinched his face up.  She knew it was uncomfortable for him.  She removed the wrench and said "I am sorry baby." 

He opened his eyes and grunted "ummm, that one was the worst one yet.  Did you hear something pop?  I felt something pop."

Tara shook her head back and forth and said "no. Oh gosh baby, I hope I didn't break it.  Let me take a look."  He opened his mouth again as she peered into it.  She said "it looks fine."  Then she noticed what was just inches in front of her face.  She hugged him and said "baby, you've got a little gap.  I bet that is what it was."  He looked around Tara's head into the mirror and smiled.

He said "oh goodness.  I mean, I knew it was supposed to happen.  So, why am I so surprised it did happen?"  He thought for a second and then said excitedly "hey, I guess this means I don't have to do a second turn.  And I can slow down to one turn every two days."

Tara hugged him and said "I am so happy for you.  But also a little sad, I won't get to turn your expander as much."

Jim hugged her back and said "my beautiful, adorable little masochist."  He laughed.

Tara said "it's just that it is so intimate baby.  You trusting me to do it.  Something we do together."  She then added "but yes, it does turn me on."

Jim said "well, speaking of turning you on, I guess I need to schedule an appointment to have it looked at this week.  Ugh, I hope they don't add anything or tighten anything up right before Christmas."

Tara sat across from Jim at the dining room table. He was on his phone making an appointment on the TMJ and Sleep Plus website while Tara scrolled on Facebook.  Alex had mentioned to her that Becky was responsible for their Facebook page and that she was very active with updates.  She went to their page and uttered "oh, wow!  So exciting!"

Jim looked up at her and asked "what's so exciting?" 

She looked down and read the post to him.  She said "The TMJ and Sleep Plus Christmas party was one for the books.  All of our employees and their families showed up and had a great time, even if one had to leave early.  We even had a new family member make his appearance too.  We would all like to congratulate Dr. Brad and Megan on the birth of their son Chance Michael Miller at 3:37 am this morning.  Mom and baby are healthy and resting.  Dad not as much.  Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences this may cause over the next week.  If you have an appointment scheduled for the upcoming week, we will be in contact to reschedule as Dad will be spending the next few days out of the office helping Megan and Chance get settled in."

Jim smiled and said "wow, that is awesome.  A Christmas baby.  I am sure they are so excited.  I am excited for them.  And I am excited I have an excuse not to schedule my appointment until after Christmas."

Tara though wondered if Megan wasn't feeling just a little conflicted having seen the monstrous appliance she would soon be wearing.  She wondered how long Dr. Brad would let her recuperate before starting her treatment.

Her question was answered on Tuesday evening.  She was looking at the TMJ and Sleep Plus facebook page when she saw an update.  It said "Baby Chance and Mom Megan made it home this morning.  They are getting settled in nicely.  Dr. Brad and Megan appreciate all of the support and well wishes.  Merry Christmas!"  Megan scrolled through the handful of pictures.  The last one was of Megan, obviously back home and holding the baby.  Tara zoomed in on her face.  And she saw little specks of blue between most of Megan's teeth.  Tara realized that Dr. Brad had already installed her spacers.


Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #40 on: 03. January 2024, 17:41:48 PM »
Chapter Eighteen.

The afternoon after Christmas, Tara rode the escalator down towards baggage claim.  As she did, she scanned the faces down there.  She then saw Jim.  He was holding flowers and smiling at her.  As soon as she got to the bottom, she rushed towards him and gave him a big hug and kiss.  She said "I have missed you!"

Jim smiled and said "I have missed you too.  I brought you a little something" as he handed her the flowers.

She said "aww, they are so pretty.  And you are sweet."

Jim said "they aren't as pretty or as sweet as you."  Tara hugged him again and laid her head on his chest.  He said "your bag is supposed to be at four."

As they drove, Tara asked "is this the way to your house?"

Jim reached over with one hand and took hers.  He said "no, I wanted to surprise you with a dinner date.  I have missed you.  Plus, I did schedule my appointment in two days.  I am hoping that I won't feel like I did after getting my expander and not be able to eat, but just in case I want to enjoy some food.  With you."

She looked at him and said "aww... thank you.  Can I come?"

Jim said "I was hoping you would.  To hold my hand."

Tara responded "I would feel so honored.  Of course I will.  So, how was your Christmas?  How was your family."

He told her it was nice, everyone was well.  And then he said "next year, it will be more complicated.  We will have to coordinate how we see my family and yours, together.  So, how was your Christmas?  How was the fam?"

Tara was thinking about Christmas together as she said "it was good.  I hate I got delayed getting back and made you wait.  I do have one funny story though.  Well maybe not funny, but kind of embarrassing for me."

He said "well, you can't leave me hanging."

Tara said "well, as you know I was a good compliant patient and took my CTO with me.  I did not wear it out of my old bedroom.  But, yesterday morning, my younger sister Elise came in my room to wake me up to open presents.  She saw me wearing it and freaked out a little.  After her shock, and making fun of me, she did help me out of it.  And then of course, it become one of the topics of conversation at lunch.  My parents were so concerned if I was ok.  My sister thought it was just the funniest thing ever.  She egged me on to put it on and model it for everyone.  I wouldn't.  But later that evening, my sister in law Mackenzie, she is my older brother's wife, cornered me about my TMJ.  It seems she suffers from it too and had a million questions.  So, I did show her my appliances and explained how much they seemed to be helping, even if they are so obtrusive.  So who knows, maybe I won't be the only one in my extended family undergoing orthodontic treatment."

Jim said "oh baby, I am sorry she made fun of you.  But my expander was also the topic of conversation at Christmas."

Tara said "really it is ok.  I picked on Elise a little when we were kids.  Maybe this is karmic payback.  But it was ok.  It was good naturedly picking.  So, what did your family say about your expander?  Did you wear your mask in front of them?"

Jim said "goodness no I didn't wear it in front of them.  But I had it easier since they are local.  I just went to visit with them on Christmas eve and Christmas day.  But I didn't stay over.  There is only one person I trust enough to wear it in front of.  Because I know how sweet and understanding she is.  No, my sister asked me about my treatment.  She asked if I would be getting braces.  It seems she has been thinking about getting them herself.  She has a couple of teeth that are bothering her.  I gave her the contact info for our ortho.  I don't know if anything will come of it.  But it was interesting to learn she had been thinking about it.  You know, after starting treatment, I have had several people mention they have been thinking about it.  And I notice how many more adults actually have braces."

Tara giggled and said "braces are the new black".

Two afternoons later, two days before New Years, Tara and Jim sat waiting to be called.  While Tara did not have an official appointment, just to be safe she had brought her CTO and night-time appliance in it's plastic case.  Both were hidden in the draw string bag she had brought.  It was sitting in the chair beside her while Jim held a zippered bag hiding his mask and elastics.  As they spoke, they looked around the waiting area.  It was more sparsely occupied than normal.  There was only a mother with her teenage daughter and a black haired woman in a white medical coat waiting.  The mother and daughter were called back by Maggie soon after Tara and Jim sat down.  Tara glanced at the woman across from them.  She noticed her coat was embroidered 'Dr. Morales'.  She looked nervous and fidgety.

After about 10 minutes, Tara saw Alex emerge through the treatment room door.  She didn't even pay attention to the mother and daughter that followed behind her.  Nor did she pay attention as they walked over to Becky.  Tara couldn't take her eyes off of Alex.  She was wearing a CTO mask like her own. She had her blond hair pulled up into a bun on top of her head, her hearing aids very visible.  Not only that, she was wearing tortoise shell rimmed glasses.  The lenses were incredibly thick.  As Tara examined her face in profile, she saw one other thing. Instead of elastics she appeared to have thick metal springs emerging from her mouth.  Alex looked over and said "Dr. Morales, Dr. Brad is about to begin Megan's installation.  He asked if you would come on back.  I can start prepping you for your installation." 

Alex turned her whole body so she was facing towards the couple and said "Hi you two.  We will get you back shortly."

Jim quickly responded.  Tara was still shocked.  Alex registered the look on Tara’s face, she thought it was one of trepidation.  Alex said "yes, it is certainly a look isn't it?  But don't worry, I am sure Dr. Brad would never ask anyone but an employee to wear their CTO outside of the privacy of their own home.  Surely he wouldn't."

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #41 on: 03. January 2024, 18:51:07 PM »
Sorry, there is a little detail I do not understand:

"Alex registered the look on Alex´s face, ..."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #42 on: 08. January 2024, 17:05:28 PM »
Chapter 19.

Tara and Jim continued to wait.  Jim remarked that he had never had to wait this long and went to speak briefly with Becky.  Returning beside Tara, he said "Becky said it shouldn't be too much longer.  She apologized, she said that had fallen a bit behind."

Ten minutes later, the treatment room door finally opened.  Alex said "Jim?  Tara?  Would you come on back."

As Tara followed along behind Alex and Jim, she noticed the dark haired woman from the reception area, Dr. Morales, was reclined back.  Dr. Brad was using the ratchet looking device, the one she had first seen used on Jim, to tighten something in the woman's mouth.  Maggie was sitting beside him watching intently. 

Alex got Jim seated in the treatment chair beside her and wheeled over a stool for Tara.  After sitting, from her close vantage point Tara briefly studied Dr. Morales' face.  Her eyes were wide open staring at the ceiling.  They were very red, like she had been crying.   Tara thought she looked like she was in a lot of discomfort.  Dr. Brad said "Olivia, you are doing great.  Just four more to go.  Are you ok?  Did those last couple hurt?"  Olivia just shook her head no.

Dr. Brad noticed Tara watching.  He turned to look at her and said "Dr. Morales is getting the second ever Miller Appliance installed.  The one I showed you at your consult.  I already got Megan all fitted into hers.  She is back in the lounge resting."  He turned to look at Dr. Morales and asked "Olivia, Miss Reynolds here is going to be getting an expander of her own in the future.  Would you mind if she looked on?"  Dr. Morales again nodded her head no.  Dr. Brad said "thank you Olivia."  He then turned to Tara and asked "would you like to wheel over a little closer?  Jim is in great hands with Alex.  Once we finish up here I will take a look at his progress.  It sounds like his suture split.  That is great news."  He then noticed the bag she was carrying.  He asked "did you bring your CTO?  Even though you don't have an appointment?  That is so thoughtful of you.  Once we get done with Jim and Olivia, I will make sure everything is on track with you too.  But first, why don't you take a look at a mini-screw assisted expander getting installed."

Dr. Brad turned and picked up a tiny screw from the metal tray beside the treatment chair.  He held it up to Tara and said "this is one of the screws.  Since everyone's mouth is a little different, and all our expanders are custom made, the screw length can vary between patients.  But this is a pretty standard one.  I am going to install it through one of the holes in Olivia's expander to anchor it into the bone of her hard palate.  I start at the back and work my way to the front.  She already has the four back ones placed, now all that is left are the four front ones."  After getting the screw started, Dr. Brad began tightening it with the ratchet.  As he did he explained "the anesthesia didn't completely numb Olivia on the first go around.  That is one reason we are running a little behind.  She felt the first one go in and we can't have that.  But now she is numbed up.  It doesn't hurt does it Olivia?"

She replied back "oh".  Tara thought she was trying to say no.

Dr. Brad continued "in addition to having to wait for the second round of anesthesia to take effect, both Megan and Olivia have eight screws.  That is the max number we use.  And as you can imagine, it takes a little longer to install 16 screws than it would 8 or 12.  Plus, the tongue cribs integrated into each of their appliances make it a little more awkward for me to install them.  I say all of that to tell you that this afternoon has taken longer than I expected.  I apologize you both had to wait so long.  But you guys are our last patients of the day, so I won't feel rushed to get either of you out of the chair.  And there, that is screw number 5.  Three more to go."  As Dr. Brad worked on installing the sixth screw, Tara looked at the appliance in the woman's mouth.  She felt sympathy for her.  There was so much metal on display Tara didn't know how she could manage it.  On the roof of Olivia's mouth was a huge expander.  It looked very similar to Jim's.  But, in addition to the top expander, there was also a huge tongue crib that hung down in front of it.  Tara could see it hung down past the bottom of her front teeth.  Along her lower palate was a hyrax expander that rested behind her front teeth.  Tara could tell it stuck up above her bottom teeth.  In addition, all of her teeth from her molars to her canines were fully banded, and several of the bands had cleats on the lingual side of them.  Tara thought that they would feel horrible on the tongue.  And finally, connecting Olivia's top and bottom arches was a set of locking twin-force telescopes like Alex wore.  It was more metal that Tara had ever seen in a person's mouth.  Tara was amazed that anyone would voluntarily elect to have something so large and obtrusive installed in their mouth.  Finally, Dr. Brad finished installing the eighth screw.  He excitedly announced to both Olivia and Tara "and that is all there is too it.  It was a piece of cake.  We are done with your installation Olivia.  I will let Maggie take you back to the lounge to relax a few minutes.  And then we can fit you and Megan with your CTO masks."  Tara watched as Maggie removed the lip retractor and blocks that had kept Olivia's mouth blocked wide open.  Tara noticed Olivia moving her mouth around, feeling everything.  She could also see her tongue feeling around, or trying to, trapped behind the fence now in her mouth.  Dr. Brad noticed this and said "it will take a few days to get acclimated to everything Olivia.  But, I know you will.  And speech will be a challenge, but you will adapt.  Now, let Maggie take you back to one of the massage chairs.  See how everything feels.  Let me know if you feel any sharp pains."  He gave her a big smile and then turned towards the treatment chair Jim occupied.

Dr. Brad rolled himself over and asked Alex, who was perched stiffly and awkwardly on the edge of her stool in her brace, "so, how does everything look?  Do we have a suture split?"

Alex replied "yes sir.  Jim's suture has definitely split.  And his hygiene looks good for the most part."

Dr. Brad said "wonderful, let me take a look."  After 30 seconds or so, using a pick to check a couple of spots, he leaned back and looked at Jim.  Dr. Brad said "Jim, you have done great.  It looks like you have been following the treatment plan to a T.  We have achieved the first part of the process.  Your suture is split.  To minimize the risk of assymetrical expansion, I believe slow and steady wins the race.  Really back off on your turning schedule if you have not already.  Just make one turn a day now, skipping Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  That will only be four turns a week, at least until your next appointment.  Now that we have the lateral expansion underway and your suture is open, we need to really focus on protraction.  The next three to four months, before your sutures have refused, are critical for forward movement.  So, I would like to fit you with a CTO mask with springs, like Alex is wearing right now, for wear at home and while you sleep.  I really need you to be in protraction for at least 16 hours a day, with at least 12 of those in the CTO with the springs.  I don't like to give estimates on how long, but for at least the next four months."

Tara noticed Jim's face turn white.  She reached over and grabbed his hand.  She smiled at him and said "baby, it will be ok.  Now we will match."

Jim looked at Dr. Brad and said "but... sixteen hours a day."  Tara could see him doing the math in his head.  He continued "that only leaves 8 hours a day.  I work more than that most days.  And I CAN NOT wear that at work" as he pointed at Alex.  Jim immediately noticed the hurt look on Alex's face.  He said "no, I mean, I didn't mean it like that.  I am sorry Alex.  It's just... no, I can't do it."

Dr. Brad said "I understand work is a priority for our adult patients.  But Jim, the success of this whole process depends on the forward movement.  And the only way to get it is by wearing the needed appliances the needed amount of time.  How about this?  Wear it as much as you can during the week.  And then try to catch up on the weekends.  Would that work?  And you actually could wear it at work, at least in the office.  Look at Alex here.  She is wearing hers.  All while actively treating patients.  She is managing 20 hours a day now.  So is Mandy.  My sweet Megan needs to wear hers full time, 24 hours a day.  I know you can get in at least 16 on average."

Jim looked into Tara's face silently.  Tara knew he had a thousand thoughts running through his mind.   She patted him on the hand and said "just try it sweetie?  For me?  For us?  We can do this together."

Defeated Jim replied, looking at Tara and not Dr. Brad, "I will try."

Dr. Brad excitedly exclaimed "AWESOME!  I knew you would say that!  Because you are a great patient.  And I know you want this treatment to be a success too.  I mean, why go through all this time, money and discomfort not to get the best results.  Right?  Well, why don't you hop up and let me take a look at Tara since she is here." 

After swapping places, Dr. Brad briefly examined Tara's mouth with her daytime splint in.  He said "Tara, everything looks great with the daytime splint.  How are you feeling?  Less jaw pain?  Less headaches."

Tara said "actually, yes.  I am already feeling better.  That is one reason I am so dutiful about wearing my night time appliance.  That and the fact that Jim has been so sweet and understanding about it."

Dr. Brad said "that is great.  Having an understanding and supportive partner is important.  I didn't even realize you and Jim were a couple.  Is he who encouraged you to come see us?"

Tara said "we weren't a couple then.  We met here."

Dr. Brad's eyes lit up and he exclaimed "Really?!!  Oh wow, that IS exciting.  Bonding over bonding!"  He gave an uproarious laugh and said "sorry, orthodontic humor is a niche segment.  Anyway, congratulations you two.  I guess we are doing more than just fixing your bites and improving your health.  But, enough of me rambling.  Alex mentioned how hard it is to put on the CTO solo.  Have you figured that out?  Could you put in your nighttime appliance and put on your CTO for me?"

It took Tara a few minutes, but finally she got her nighttime appliance in her mouth and was all strapped into her CTO.  She asked "sho da ya wah me ta lah ma schopes ah puh eh ma bands?"

Dr. Brad said "no, no need for that.  But I would like you to keep your CTO on.  Can we go back to the lounge?  I need to fit Jim for his own CTO.  I can fit his current mask to it.  And I know Megan and Olivia are eager to get fitted into theirs as well, even though they are both nervous about it.  Seeing you and Alex so comfortable in them might help.  And Mandy.  Alex, will you grab her and a box of protraction springs please and meet us in the lounge?  Four sets of springs please?  I am going to move Tara into springs as well.  And go ahead and bump her wear time up to 16 hours a day too.  Her and Jim will be on the same wear time schedule then.  That should make it easier for the both of them."

After getting everyone fitted into their new CTO braces, shiny steel springs protruding from their mouths, Dr. Brad looked at them with pride.  Tara could already feel the added pressure from the springs and realized her mouth was going to be sore soon.  She turned her body towards the others and realized all of their mouths would soon be sore.  Especially poor Olivia's and Megan's she thought. 

Dr. Brad said "you all look incredible.  Fit, healthy, and working on getting even healthier.  This is so exciting.  The first day of your new lives!"  The looks on everyone's face but Dr. Brad's showed anything but excitement.  Instead there were looks of resigned discomfort or embarrassment.  He continued, upbeat, and said "Alex, Maggie, would you two please take Olivia back into a treatment chair and go over do's and don'ts, hygiene, all that stuff.  I think she will be able to manage getting her brace on and off just fine though, she is the expert."

He looked at Olivia and said "I know it seems like a lot Olivia.  But you will manage 20 hours a day no problem.  I mean, what more normal place to see an orthopedic brace than in a bracing clinic right?  Just like seeing staff in an orthodontic clinic with braces.  It just seems natural.  What do you say?"

This was the first time that Olivia had attempted to speak since getting her new appliance.  She struggled with "ah eh trah... Ow gah, I ke eun eek.  Ow gah." 

Dr. Brad looked at her and said "you sound great Olivia!  Really, I can understand you just fine.  And so will your patients.  I promise.  And look on the bright side, soon you won't be the only one in your office with a Miller Appliance and CTO Mask.  You are going to do great.  You all are.  I promise.  Now, go on with Alex and Maggie.  They will finish up your appointment."

He looked over at Tara and Jim.  He said "thank you both for being such great patients.  Please see Becky on the way out to make your follow up appointments.   You can take your braces off there in the waiting area.  Again, thank you."  He turned back towards Alex and Maggie and said "Alex, go ahead and get Olivia started with her hygiene, and Maggie go ahead and put together her care package.  I want to speak with my wife for a moment."

After everyone had departed the lounge, Dr. Brad walked over to his wife.  He said "I am proud of you kitten.  You look so sexy in your new outfit.  Your corset holding you tight?  Underneath your new CTO mask holding you upright?  All complimenting your new shiny mouth?  Well, I have never seen anything more incredible.  I know you aren't in love with it.  But I know you are a good girl and will wear everything like you should.  To make sure though, I am going to go ahead and lock your scopes shut and lock your springs on every morning.  That way you won't be tempted to cheat, even when you are at home with the kids and I am here at work.  Oh, just the thought of that...  And your new appliances and corset will be a constant reminder that I am right there with you.  And I have one more surprise for you when we get home."

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #43 on: 08. January 2024, 17:28:43 PM »
What a nice point for a surprise! ;D

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #44 on: 09. January 2024, 02:22:24 AM »
Chapter 20.

That evening, Tara and Jim helped each other to clean the table and do dishes from their dinner.  After depositing the last plate into the dish washer and turning it on, Jim slid in behind Tara, who was still at the sink, and put his hands on her hips.  He said “thank you for being so supportive about this whole thing.  It is going to be an adjustment.  If it weren’t for you, I would have just stood up today and said no.  Even though I know I need to, I couldn’t have done it by myself.”

Tara turned towards him and gave him a quick kiss.  She laid both her hands on his chest and said “sweetie, I don’t think I could have done this without you.  If I had I would have been miserable about the whole thing.  But you, you have made this a good thing.  I can’t say it is exactly fun.  But I am glad I am doing it.  But only because of you.  Only because you have made me still feel beautiful and desirable, even when I look like a cyborg.”

Jim looked into her eyes and said “baby, you don’t look like a cyborg.  But if you did, you would be the sexiest cyborg ever.  Now me?  I look like a broken down robot ready for the scrap yard.”

Tara pursed her lips, a serious look on her face, and shook her head back and forth.  She said “you are not a robot.  And you are definitely not ready for the scrap yard.  We will figure this out.  Together.”  She kissed him, a long slow kiss.  She pulled back and smiled at him.  She said “we are going to have to definitely plan for a few breaks though.  Going 16 hours at a time without kissing is just not going to work for me.  But there are other things we can still do.  Come on love.  We both need to put on our braces.  I will help you.  And then we can figure out how this is going to work.”  She stepped towards their bedroom.  He stood firmly in place not moving.

Tara reached out and took his hand.  She said “come on baby, we need to put on our braces and springs.  I know you don’t want to.  I don’t want to.  But we need to.  I promise I will try to make you forget all about it.”  She gave him a mischievous smile and said “your little cyborg girl is feeling a little squeaky.  She needs you to check her oil with your big dipstick.  Come on baby.”

Jim managed a smile and said “you know me too well.  I am a sucker for a girl in distress.  Even a little cyborg girl.  Or maybe especially my little cyborg girl.”

She stepped over and playfully swatted him on the arm.  She said “you are mean.”  She was smiling as she said it.

He looked at her “I don’t know how this will work.  But let’s find out.”

Tara turned, his hand in hers, and headed towards the bathroom.  She said “we will figure it out.  Maybe you can fix this squeak I am feeling.”

The dynamic was a little different at the Millers.  After getting their oldest to bed and nursing their newborn and putting him in his crib, Megan followed Dr. Brad into their bedroom.  Dr. Brad instructed Megan to sit on the bed.  He stood over her and stared down at her.  She sat looking down at the floor.  Dr. Brad instructed her “look at me kitten.”  Megan looked up at him.  He said “I know it is hard kitten.  I know eating was so difficult for you tonight.  Your mouth hurts.  And speaking is a challenge for you too.  But it will get easier for you.  I know this is all an adjustment for you.  That is why I have given you a break this evening.  A break from the CTO.  I will continue this for a few nights.  But eventually, we will work you up to 24 hour wear.” 

He reached down and put his hands on her waist.  He said “you look so incredible in your new corset.  Just stunning.  Even though I know it is an adjustment as well.  But you are such a good kitten.  Now, what do you say we go get your appliances cleaned up, your expanders turned and get you into your CTO.  Then I will show you your other new present.  Come on kitten.”

As Megan stood she replied “ye shu.”

In the bathroom, Dr. Brad guided Megan in front of the mirror.  He said “you need to remove your contacts.  It will be easier now than after we put your CTO on.  So, go ahead and get your contacts out and we will turn your lovely expanders.”

Megan involuntarily whimpered as Dr. Brad turned her expanders.  After he was done he stroked her cheek.  He looked at her and consoled her “I am sorry kitten.  But it is crucial to your training.”  He smiled and said “I mean treatment.  And it will get easier.  Now, let’s get your CTO on.”

Dr. Brad stood looking, marveling really, at this beautiful creature in front of him.  He thought she looked amazing, her tight overbust corset, CTO brace and facemask transforming her into the woman of his dreams.  He caressed her upper arm and said “I am such a lucky man.”

Megan said “eh ah so luee too shu.”  The truth is, there was a large part of her that hated the pain she was feeling in her mouth and the restriction the corset and brace had on her body.  But another part of her, a very important part of her, loved it.  It was a dream come true.  She really did feel lucky to have found Brad.  They were both different.  But they fit together perfectly.  He was stern with her.  If others had known what their relationship dynamic really was, some might have thought him cruel at times.  But Megan knew at it’s core it was driven by love.  She knew he did it out of love for her.  She loved him too.  Even though he had fitted her with these intrusive devices.  In fact, she might love him even more because of it.  Because she knew, deep down, she needed this.

Her thoughts were broken by Dr. Brad saying “just a couple of more things.  Open for me kitten.”  It took a few minutes, but Dr. Brad got the springs locked onto her expander hooks and then hooked them onto her protraction mask.  He finished up by turning the screws on the scopes on each side of her mouth, firmly locking it shut.  He said “you are so beautiful and sexy.  And you know I want to protect that which is dearest to me.  To keep it locked up safe and sound.  You are my most prized possession.  Please, stay here a minute.”

He returned with her sleep mask from the bedside table.  He gently placed it over her face.  He said “I want to surprise you with your new gift.”  She sensed him return a few moments later.  He didn’t speak as she felt him wrap something around her waist.  When she felt him pull it up between her legs she knew what it was.  They had talked about it in the past.  It was something that she had wanted, but Dr. Brad had not seemed enthused by.  But as she felt him pull hard to mate it together she knew what it was.  The click of the lock was further proof.  He said “it is beautiful.  A perfect fit for a perfect kitten.”

He pulled her sleep mask up.  She looked at her reflection in the mirror.  Her eyes were focused on the shiny stainless steel chastity belt wrapped around her.  Dr. Brad asked “what does kitten think?  I know she has been wanting one.”

Megan turned.  She was so overcome she forgot about the rules they had.  She stiffly wrapped him in a hug, squeezing him tight.  She said “eh ish sa itty.  Sa booful.  Eh lu eh.  Tha ya shu.”

Dr. Brad was so happy with her reaction he didn’t even say anything about her breaking their rules. Instead, he just hugged her back, running his hand over the back of her head and base of her neck brace.  He said “I am so glad you are happy.”

Megan whispered “eh yu pramsh ta tay cah uh yu itten.  Weh yu leh huh ou ta ay eh sha ish eh a goo gah?”

Dr. Brad squeezed her tight and replied “I will always take care of you kitten.  I would lay down my life for you.  And of course I will let you out when you are a good girl.  And you have been such a good girl today.  Come with me and I will show you.”

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #45 on: 09. January 2024, 03:07:17 AM »
Great story! Thanks!

Offline m1090y

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #46 on: 09. January 2024, 10:37:34 AM »
I was off grid for much of December but am starting to get caught up on the stories here and I have to say about this one that you had a great way to get more than the normal number of characters in a story getting braces and I liked the reason it was so many of them.  I've often challenged myself to have a disproportionately large percentage of characters in a story in braces without it seeming outside the realms of reality.  This was a great concept.  There are a lot of very interesting characters in this story and I like how you developed them.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #47 on: 09. January 2024, 18:40:23 PM »
Chapter Twenty One.

Tara woke up on New Year's morning and immediately felt something was wrong.  It wasn't her pounding head.  As she went to roll over as she had become accustomed she realized she wasn't wearing her CTO.  She sat up and squinted at the bedside clock.  She could just make out it's oversized numbers saying 10:26.  As she instinctively reached for her glasses, she vaguely remembered the previous night and morning.  With her glasses on, she turned and looked at Jim.  He was flat on his back, mouth open, snoring.  Tara remembered the New Year's Eve party they had gone to.  It had been fun she remembered.  They had kissed passionately when the clock hit midnight.  Her memory was hazing, but she did remember them staggering in around 3 a.m. this morning after taking an Uber back home.  They had both obviously had too much to drink.  Her mouth was dry, so dry.  And her head hurt.  She made her way into the kitchen and grabbed a Pedialyte out of the fridge and washed down two Excedrin.  She made her way back to the bathroom, passing by their bed where Jim still lay snoring.  As she went to brush her teeth she realized she still had her daytime appliance in.  She popped it out and began brushing her teeth, hoping to get the taste out of her mouth.  After gargling with Therabreath she looked at herself in the mirror.  She looked rough.  And she felt rough.  And she felt guilty.  She hadn't worn her nighttime appliance or CTO.  Obviously neither had Jim.  She realized she had a whole night to make up, so she inserted her nighttime splint and applied her CTO and springs.  She then went and tried to carefully crawl back into bed without waking Jim.  It didn't work.

Tara lay stiff on her side looking at him when he stirred.  He shook his head and rubbed his eyes before looking in her direction.  He said "good morning baby.  Oh my head."  Tara giggled and said through her clenched jaw "ee too.  Buh we ad fun."  Jim reached up and felt his face and said "I'm not wearing my brace.  Am I in trouble?"  Tara said "nah, ah itten ere mah either.  Jus puh eh on.  Leh me hep you.  Oh bruh ya teef ah I weh geh ya shome tin ta dink."

Returning to the bathroom with two bottles of Pedialyte, her partially finished bottle from earlier with a straw in it and a fresh unopened bottle, along with the bottle of Excedrin, Tara found Jim brushing his teeth.  After he was done, she handed him a bottle of Pedialyte and three Excedrin.  She said "ere aby, tah thee."

After swallowing them and taking a long drink, he put his arm around her and said "you are so sweet.  Thank you."

Tara said "ank ya for getta these.  So thoughful ah ya." 

He leaned down and kissed her on the top of her facemask and then said "anything for you baby.  Ugh, I feel like hell.  But we had fun didn't we?"

Tara snuggled up against him and said "duh bes tahm."

He wrapped his arm around her and smiled at her.  He said "in addition to 'forgetting' to put my brace on, we forget to turn my expander.  Would you like to start our New Year by torturing me a little?"

Tara giggled and said "wuh mah me so appy."

After getting his expander turned and getting him into his brace, they snuggled up on the couch.  Jim was watching a football game.  Tara was glancing at it, but she wasn't a huge fanatic like he was.  Instead, she was scrolling on her phone, looking at all the pictures and stories of her Facebook friend's New Years Eves.  She was staring at her screen when she saw a text pop up from Beverly.  It said:

B:  Happy New Year!  I hope you had a great Holiday.  We need to catch up!  How are you doing?  How is your TMJ?

T:  Happy New Year to you too.  I am wonderful.  A little hungover.  But my jaw is feeling better.  So much better.  And yes, I do have a bit of a headache.  But I think that is from the champagne and not my jaw.

B:  Hahaha!  Oh to be young again.  So how are you managing with the sleep well mask?  Are you actually managing to sleep well now?  Hahaha!

T:  I am.  Well, not last night, I was bad last night.  Me and Jim both were.  But we are catching up now.  And I don't just have a face mask now.  No, I have a full body mask now too.  But it is ok.  Jim has been so sweet about it.  So understanding.  He even got one himself a couple days ago.  I think he was jealous.  Haha!

B:  Oh wow.  What do you mean a full body mask?

Tara swiped to her home screen and tapped the camera icon on her phone.  She flipped the camera around and squeezed up against Jim.  He asked "what are you doing baby.  Please, don't take a picture of me in this." 

Tara said "eezz baby.  I jus wah to sen eh to Bev.  She ah curus abou ou CTOs." 

Jim sat there a moment thinking and said "ok baby.  But please ask her not to show anyone.  Really.  I am pretty self-conscious about it."

Tara replied "ah ill baby.  An ya shouln be embarrsed.   Ya ah sho cute."   She pinched him.

After taking the picture, she sent it to Bev.

T:  Take a look.  A CTO brace with our masks integrated into it.  I looked it up, CTO stands for Cervical Thoracic Orthosis.  And not only that, check out our springs.  They are so much stronger than the elastics.  They really pull.  They were uncomfortable at first, but I think we are getting used to them.  And please, please do not show this to anyone.  Jim is still so embarrassed by his.  But, I just think he is the cutest thing in the world.

B:  OMG!   You two are both just the cutest.  And that is quite the contraption.  I am so glad you are doing well with it.  But just the same, I hope Dr. Brad doesn't give me one.  And tell Jim he soon won't be the only manly man that is getting treated by Dr. Brad.  I finally broke down the wall.  My hubby Tim has an appointment with him in two weeks to see about getting an appliance so he will quite freaking snoring in my ear.  But, if he has to get some braces and an expander, I can't say that momma wouldn't love it.

Tara noticed the little devil emoji she added at the end.

T:  That is exciting.  Well, you sound excited.  And good for you.  Both of you.

B:  Thank you!  And yes, I am the only one excited about it.  But he is doing it for me.  So I am happy.  I will leave you to alone to nurse each other back to health.  But seriously, let's catch up soon.  I would love to do another lunch.  You up for it?

T:  I would love that.  How about you shoot me some time/dates?

B:  Will do!  And again, Happy New Year!

T:  Thank you.  And give Tim my best.

Nine days later, Tara walked into Monty's to meet Bev for lunch.  After telling the hostess who she was meeting, she was lead back into the restaurant.  As she approached the table, Tara could see Beverly was alone.  Upon noticing her, Tara saw Bev look in her direction and give her a smile.  Something seemed odd about it to Tara.  Beverly had her mouth clamped shut, hiding her teeth.  Tara thought this unusual.  Bev always had a big, bright smile on her face; braces and all. 

Bev stood and hugged Tara as the hostess pulled out Tara's seat.  Bev stepped back and gave Tara a big smile.  Tara squeeled "You got them off!!!  Oh Bev, they look incredible!  Congratulations!  When?  When did you get them off?"

Bev beamed as she said "just now, like 30 minutes ago.  It feels so weird.  Good, but weird.  You are the first person outside of Dr. Brad's to see me sans braces.  What do you think?  Do they look good?"

Tara said "Bev, they look incredible.  And I am not just saying that.  They look so good!"  Bev began to seat herself so Tara followed.  Tara asked "so, did it hurt?  Getting them off?  And you're finished now?"

Bev said "I wouldn't say it hurt, but there was a little discomfort getting my expander out.  The braces though were a piece of cake.  But my mouth feels huge without the braces and expander.  And my teeth feel so slimy.  And I know it sounds weird, but I kind of miss them.  But I am not completely done.  I go back to pick my retainers up this afternoon.  And I will have a nighttime appliance I wear that will let me still wear my facemask at night.  Dr. Brad actually gave me the option of not wearing it for a few weeks just to see if my bite remains stable.  But, and I know this is weird, I told him I would rather just keep wearing it.  Better safe than sorry ya know?"

Tara couldn't take her eyes off of Bev's mouth.  Her smile really was that amazing.  Tara said "oh Bev, this is so exciting.  And no, that's not weird.  I mean, you have come this far, what is a little further?  I am so excited for you.  I am so excited for me.  I can only hope mine turn out half as well as yours."

Bev said "I know they will.  And thank you for the compliment.  I don't want to sound to vane.   But I think my teeth look amazing.  I finally have the smile I have always wanted.  Is that narcissistic?"

Tara shook her head and said "no, not at all."

Bev smiled again and responded "good.  But I will be honest, even if it is I don't care.  I am just so happy with my smile.  And I finally get to have chips again!  Which I have already ordered by the way."

As they wrapped up lunch, Bev looked over at Tara and asked "do you like your job?"

Tara finished swallowing her bite of salad and said "I do.  I enjoy my job.  Most of the time.  But... I mean it does have it's moments."

Bev said "I completely understand that.  Completely.  Would you ever consider changing jobs?  If the opportunity seemed right and the compensation was fair?"

Tara was unsure where this was leading.  She answered truthfully "nothing is ever carved in stone.  I would consider a change if it made sense.  Why do you ask?"

Bev said "I have been working on something.  Strike that, I am working on something.  I can't tell you what right this second.  But I am going to need a good team.  I think you would be perfect."

Tara said "ok, so what would this team do?"

Bev said "I can't tell you.  Not right this second.  But watch the 10 pm local news tonight.  Please?"

As Tara drove back to her job, she replayed the end of her lunch with Bev in her head.  It was all so strange.

That evening, Jim and Tara sat snuggling together on the couch, each wearing their CTO braces.  Tara held the remote as she clicked over to channel 6 at 9:55.  Jim asked "so, what is it that we are supposed to be watching for?  And what does this have to do with your cryptic conversation with Beverly?"

Tara said "eh doh no xactlee.  Bev ashed me to wash.  Mayee eh will mah sense."

Jim said "well, it certainly was strange."

About 10 minutes into the news, one of the anchors said "and if the race for Governor was not crowded enough, this afternoon someone else threw their hat into the ring."

The screen cut to a video.  On Jim's TV there was the image of Beverly Willingham, dressed in a very conservative navy blue ladies business suit, standing behind a podium.  She said "ladies and gentlemen of this great state, my name if Beverly Willingham.  And today, I am officially announcing my candidacy for governor of this incredible state we live in".  She then gave the camera a wide, straight, stunning smile.

If Tara's jaw had not been locked shut it would have dropped open in surprise.

Jim squeezed Tara tight and said "I think it makes sense now.  Beverly Willingham wants to hire you to help her become governor." 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #48 on: 10. January 2024, 18:49:17 PM »
Chapter Twenty Two.

That evening also marked a change in Megan's life.  Not because of Beverly Willingham's announcement that she was running for governor; Dr. Brad and Megan had not even watched the news that night and were unaware of it at the time; but for another reason.  After getting the children settled, Megan performed her oral hygiene in preparation for bed.  She was still wearing her corset, but Dr. Brad had removed her CTO.  Dr. Brad came in and wrapped his arms around her as she used her Waterpik on her expander and whispered "I am so proud of you kitten.  You have been doing so good getting adjusted to everything.  You are speaking so much better.  And I am so proud of how well you have adapted to eating in your CTO.  I want to reward you just as soon as we get done with your turns."

After Brad had finished turning her expanders, Megan stood up straight so that Brad could reapply her CTO brace and lock her jaw for the night.  He surprised her when he said "not tonight kitten, tonight you get a reward.  Because I think you are ready.  Tomorrow, I will have you start wearing your CTO full time.  But not tonight.  I want you to enjoy one last night without it.  Without any of it."  He reached down and unlocked her belt and gently removed it from her.  He took her by the hand and led her into their bedroom.  Entering the bedroom, she could see that while the lights were off, he had lit several candles on each nightstand. He had placed fresh flowers in a vase on her side of the bed.  Megan thought it so thoughtful.  And sexy.  He stopped her at the foot of the bed.  Standing behind her he untied the knot on her corset and loosened the laces.  He whispered "you are so sexy.  The most beautiful kitten.  And unlacing you is like opening the most wonderful present in the whole world."

Being so soon after birth, the two simply cuddled in bed, Brad caressing and touching her.  Megan did not speak much per their rules, only replying to Brad's inquiries.  He again told her "you are so amazing kitten.  I hope you have enjoyed tonight."

She looked at him and said "thahnk you shir.  I have enjoyed it."

He leaned in and kissed her.  He said "I am just amazed how well you are speaking.  You have worked so hard.  Reading out loud, practicing.  I really am proud of you.  And I know you hate the tongue crib.  But it is necessary.  Have you come to terms with your CTO?  I think you have.  But either way, tomorrow you will have to."

Megan realized while it had been an adjustment getting used to, she was actually missing the feeling of her corset and neck brace.  She answered "yesh shir.  I have come to termsh with it.  I actually mish not wearing it."

Brad cocked his head on his pillow and asked "really kitten?"

Megan answered "yesh shir.  The constriction and immobolization are hard to get ushed to.  But I am ushed to it now.  Now it jusht reminds me of you.  It ish like you have me wrapped in a tight embrace, even when I am not with you.  But sir, your kitten still needsh to run errands, go grocery shopping, pay billsh.  How will she do that wearing her CTO full time and not being able to drive?"

Brad said "you are so thoughtful.  But I have thought of that.  I am always thinking of you and your needs above everything else.  I have a solution.  On Mondays and Fridays I will give you a break from your CTO during the day.  I have had a sleep well mask made for you.  I will have you wear this on these days.  You will be able to drive and do all of your household duties while wearing it."

Megan looked at him and said "thank you shir.  Shir, I hope I am not out of line, but will kitten have to wear her mashk in public?  Your kitten ish scared people will shtare and make fun of her."

Brad petted her intimately and said "yes kitten.  But you will be fine.  You are the most incredible creature in the whole world.  Who cares what lesser people think?  Let them stare.  It will only be because you are the most beautiful and seductive woman in the world.  Your sleep well mask will just make you that much more seductive.  But kitten, don't worry about that tonight.  Enjoy this last night of freedom."

The next morning, both Brad and Megan got dressed for the day.  Megan donned her corset out of habit. They had already attended to their children, and there was just one last thing to do before Brad left for the day.
Brad looked at Megan and asked "is kitten ready?"

Megan smiled at him and then answered "yesh shir."

Brad first locked her belt on, pocketing the key.  He then gently applied her CTO brace, caressing her body as he did.  One she was strapped in, he attached the springs from the hooks in her mouth to the posts on her mask.  He picked up a pair of needle nose pliers and squeezed the ends of the springs where they attached to the mask.  He said "kitten's springs are now secured permanently to her mask."  He then took the little torx driver and tightened down the covers integrated into her appliance.  As Megan felt the screw bottom out, she felt a shiver run through her body.  Brad smiled at her and said "and now kitten's springs are secured in her mouth until I remove them."  Finally, he tightened the screws on the scopes on her mouth.  He wrapped her in a hug and kissed her on the cheek.  He felt the tremor run through Megan's body.  He asked "does kitten like that?"

Megan looked at him and said "yesh shir, thank you.  Your kitten is happy."

Brad squeezed her and said "I love you so much."

That Friday afternoon, at the end of the day after they were done seeing patients, Becky looked up with a big smile on her face as Megan approached the reception desk.  Becky practically shouted "Megan!  Oh look at him, he is just the cutest thing ever."  Megan stood there smiling, the metal springs protruding from her mouth connected to her mask, with one arm wrapped under her newborn resting in the papoose sling she had on and her other hand holding onto the hand of her oldest.  Becky said "you have your hands full!"

Megan smiled and said "if you only knew."

Becky laughed, oblivious to what Megan was really talking about.  Becky said "Come on back, I know all the girls can't wait to meet Chance.  And I just know Maggie will want to play with William."

When Dr. Brad saw Megan trailing behind Becky, he gave her a big smile and said "honey!  Thank you for coming.  The girls have just been dying to meet Chance.  How about we all head back to the lounge?"  By now, Maggie and Alex had noticed Megan.

Alex rushed over and bent over stiffly at the waist, cooing over the newborn, while Maggie knelt down and hugged William.  Dr. Brad said "why don't you girls head on back to the lounge.  I will let Lisa, Mandy and Janice know.  I know they can't wait to meet him.  But first..."  He walked over and gave Megan a peck on the cheek.

In the lounge, Dr. Brad stood beside Megan watching on as the ladies cooed over the newborn, taking turns holding him, all the time saying how beautiful, handsome, and perfect he was.  They both looked on with pride.  Dr. Brad looked on with pride over his son.  But also the fact that three of his girls; Alex, Mandy and Lisa; were all wearing their CTO braces.  As they fussed over the baby, it looked like they had forgotten they were even wearing them.  At least for the moment.  Megan also looked on with pride.  She too was proud of her son.  But she also was proud of what a good kitten she was.  Dr. Brad wrapped his arm around Megans waist. The loose fitting dress she wore underneath the bulky papoose sling hid the silhouette of her body and hid from view what was underneath her outerwear.  When he felt the belt, he turned his head towards her and said, loud enough for everyone to hear, "I love you so much honey.  You are just the best wife and best mother."   Then he leaned in and whispered in her ear so that only she could hear "and the best kitten."  She swelled with pride even further.

Across town, Tara sat in the passenger seat of Jim's SUV as he pulled up the long tree lined drive of Beverly and Tim Willingham's home.  They had a 5 pm meet and greet for Beverly's new campaign team, followed by dinner.  After parking behind another vehicle, Jim turned the SUV off.  Tara looked at him and asked "am I doing the right thing baby?  I am so scared.  It is such a change."

Jim grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.  He said "I can't predict the future.  But it sounds like an incredible opportunity Tara."

Tara said "but what if she doesn't win?"

Jim said "remember, you didn't just sign on for Bev's campaign.  You are employed by Willingham, Roberts and Bounds.  Bev has assured you that whatever happens, you have a place there.  And frankly, even if Bev hadn't decided to run, the position at Bounds sounds so much more interesting than your current job.  Or I guess next Friday it will be your old job.  But whatever, this is so exciting."

Tara said "it is exciting.  But it is scary.  There is one other thing that I am nervous about."

Jim asked "what is that sweetie?"

Tara said "most likely I will be getting my fixed appliances towards the end of the campaign.  I am so afraid I will get the Miller Appliance.  From looking at Facebook, it looks like Dr. Brad is using it on just about everyone now.  And prescribing a CTO for 20 hours a day.  Did you see the picture they posted earlier this week?  The picture of Alex, Mandy and Lisa from Dr. Brad's office along with Dr. Morales and her four staff members?  All wearing Miller appliances and CTO braces?  And did you not see the caption?  That they were all wearing them 20 hours a day?  How will I manage being somewhat in the public spotlight, having to talk with so many people, with that... monstrosity." 

Jim replied "he doesn't use it on everyone."  He smiled at her and said "see? No lower expander, no hydraulics, no tongue crib.  I am sure he will work with you.  And if you do need it, so what?  No one will think less of you.  I know I won't.  And if anyone will understand it will be Bev."  He patted her hand before taking it in his.  He said "let's go in and meet everyone.  Tonight will be fun.  This is exciting."

Tara walked hand in hand with Jim towards the front door.  She knew she should be excited.  But she wasn't.  She instead felt a sense of dread.  Because despite the pep talk Jim had given her, she just knew she was going to be getting a Miller appliance.  And she wondered, how in the world will I manage to be Beverly Willingham's campaign finance coordinator if I can't even talk?  Or worse she thought, can't talk AND have to wear a CTO brace for 20 or more hours a day.  A shudder ran through her, but it was very different from the one that had earlier run through Megan.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #49 on: 10. January 2024, 19:15:33 PM »
Hopefully those last two don't have too many errors and mistakes.  It was pretty complicated.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #50 on: 10. January 2024, 19:59:36 PM »
You are doing very well  with your phantasy story becoming more and more complex.

Can´t wait for the next chapter.  ;D

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #51 on: 11. January 2024, 19:30:57 PM »
Chapter Twenty Three.

Back at Jim's, Tara had her arm draped over Jim's chest.  She smiled at him and said "well, that is one way to make me forget about my anxiety."

Jim laughed and said "well, anything for a damsel in distress.  I have one more thing.  A surprise.  I know you are about to be really busy working for Bev.  And you will be working some crazy hours.  Before you really get to grinding, I want us to get away.  A little vacation.  We can get out of the cold.  Maybe I should have asked you.  But I wanted to surprise you.  I am hoping you will say yes, because I have already bought the airline tickets and put a non-refundable deposit down on the house.  Weekend after next, I want us to fly down to Key West.  A little fun, a little sun.  And I have already run it by Bev, she is all for it, so you can't use work as an excuse.  What do you say?"

Tara was surprised.  But she realized this was so Jim.  She snuggled up closer and kissed him.  She said "I would LOVE that so much."  She kissed him again.

As they packed, Tara asked "baby, how are you packing your CTO?  It just is so bulky, it takes up so much room in my suitcase." 

Jim said "I'm not.  This is a vacation.  I am not wearing that horrid thing.  I need a break from it anyway."

Tara said "but baby, aren't you supposed to?  Come on, please?"

Jim said "I am digging my heels in on this one.  I am sorry, but I am not bringing it.  And I won't tell if you don't either."

Tara stood looking at him.  There had been a few minor spats between them, but never a full-blown fight.  And she didn't want to get into one right before their vacation.  She said "ok sweetie, you are a big boy.  But I am going to bring mine."

Two weeks later, they walked into Dr. Brad's office for their appointment.  Both were still a little sunburned.  It had made wearing their masks uncomfortable since they returned, but they had done the best they could.  However, both had fallen short of their prescribed wear time.

Their appointment seemed to go smoothly.  Tara had gotten in the chair first, followed by Jim.  They thought they were finished.  They expected to hear 'you are doing great, keep it up' just like they had at every other appointment.  Instead Dr. Brad looked first at Tara, seated on a stool, and then at Jim who was still seated in the treatment chair, and said "I am disappointed in the two of you.  Would you come with me to my office please?"

As they followed along behind him Tara looked up at Jim, a look of concern on her face.  He mouthed "it will be ok".  After getting seated across from Dr. Brad, Jim reached down and grasped Tara's hand.  Jim could tell she was very nervous.  Dr. Brad looked at the pair and said "you two had been doing so good.  But, over the last two weeks the wear time of your protraction devices has plummeted.  Jim, there was a four day period where you didn't wear it at all.  During that same time period Tara, you only averaged 8.5 hours a day.  And since then neither of you has done much better."

Jim and Tara were flabbergasted.  Jim asked "wait... how do you know?"

Dr. Brad said "that is another feature integrated into my new appliances.  I won't tell you exactly how, but I can track wear time down to the half hour.  Patients can't cheat.  They can't lie to me about their wear time.  Tara, for you it is not as critical.  But for you Jim, this stage of treatment is crucial.  I thought I explained this clearly enough to you, but obviously I did not.  That is my fault.  So, what happened?  Why have you been so lax in your treatment lately?"

Jim explained about their vacation.  And about their resulting sunburns.  He said it was his fault that neither he nor Tara had been getting their wear time in recently.  He promised they would do better.

Dr. Brad looked at him and said "I appreciate you being forthcoming and honest.  And I do hope you had a wonderful time.  But vacation or no vacation you should have worn your appliances as prescribed.  I am sorry, I don't have much sympathy.  I hope you both now realize the importance of getting the prescribed time in.  You have some catching up to do.  Let me ask you two questions.  Do each of you care about your treatment at all?  And if so, do you want to get back on track?"

Tara immediately answered "Yes, we do care.  And yes we want to get back on track.  We are both sorry, so sorry."

Jim looked at her and said "baby, it is my fault.  I apologize to you."  Jim turned to Dr. Brad and answered "and I apologize to you.  And yes, of course we care about our treatment and want to continue.  Why else would we be here?"

Dr. Brad said "wonderful, I am glad to hear you both have that attitude.  I want each of you to schedule a follow up appointment with Becky for the end of next week.  In the meantime, let's go on back out to the treatment area."

Jim was seated in the treatment chair while Tara sat beside him on a stool.  They watched while Dr. Brad used a screwdriver to remove Jim's facemask from his neck brace.  Once done, Dr. Brad held it out and demonstrated how only two screws held the mask to the neck brace.  Then Dr. Brad said "let's get you reclined back."

Tara watched as Dr. Brad placed the mask onto Jim's face.  After attaching the springs in Jim's mouth, Dr. Brad used a pair of pliers to work on them.  After he had placed the pliers on the tray beside him, he attached the springs to Jim's mask.  He raised Jim back to a seated position.  He said "Jim, like I said, wear of your protraction device is crucial during this phase of treatment.  To help you, I have bent the hooks on each of your molars.  Now, you can't be tempted to take the springs off.  So, for the next week, you will wear your mask full time.  Eating, showering, brushing, all the time.  This will make up for the lost time.  At night, you are to still wear your CTO.  Use the screws to attach the mask to your brace.  It may be easier if someone else does it for you.  Perhaps Tara?  Now Tara, for you I need you to get back to wearing your CTO as prescribed.  Again, right now is not as crucial for you so I am not asking you to make up time.   The good news is, next week we will both get you into some new appliances that will make compliance easier for the both of you."

Jim glared at Dr. Brad.  In a raised, agitated voice Jim said "NO.  Take this off right now."

Dr. Brad looked at him and said "I can do that Mr. Simpson.  But, if I do, we are done.  Your treatment is over.  It was all there in the contract you signed.  I will do that if you want, though you will still be liable for the full cost of the treatment.  That was also in the contract.  Look, this sucks.  I know it does.  But ultimately it is your fault.  If you had asked me beforehand I would have ok'd each of you wearing your protraction aids for only eight hours a night on your vacation.  But since you decided to disregard my treatment plan and chart your own course, this is your new treatment plan.  It is only for a week.   You will be fine.  You will be glad you made up the time."

Jim glared at the doctor as Tara leaned in and hugged him.  She softly said "baby, I am sorry.  But please, please don't quit.  I can't do this by myself.  Please?  I promise, we will get through the next week."

With Tara on the verge of tears, Jim shifted his focus to her.  He said "don't cry.  Please.  If you want me to do this, I will."  He then turned his glare back to Dr. Brad and said "but I am not happy about this."

Dr. Brad said "I completely understand that.  If it makes you feel better, at least know you are not the only one.  In addition to my Megan, we also started two of our referring professionals into treatment last week.  Dr. Zan, she is a pediatric dentist here in town, and her hygienist Amara both were fitted with Miller's and protraction gear.  They volunteered for full-time wear.  So, you won't be alone.  Now, let's get both of you some spacers."

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #52 on: 12. January 2024, 23:58:36 PM »
Who knew Dr. Brad was such a sadist? How far will he go?

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #53 on: 14. January 2024, 17:41:55 PM »
Chapter Twenty Four.

While Jim had driven them to their appointment, Tara got behind the wheel to drive home.  Jim sat in the passenger seat, reclining it back as far as it would go.  Tara realized he was trying to hide from any unwelcome stares from other vehicles.  She knew he was upset.  They drove in silence until Tara said "baby, it is going to be ok.  It doesn't look bad at all.  We will get through this.  It is only a week."

Jim snapped back "that is easy for you to say, you don't have a damn muzzle strapped to your face."

Tara didn't respond.

After a few second she heard him exhale deeply.  She glanced over and saw he had his eyes closed.  She had turned her attention back to the road when she heard him say "I am sorry baby.  Forgive me, please.  It isn't your fault.  I promise I will try not to take it out on you.  Please forgive me."

Tara reached over with her right hand and took his.  She replied "oh baby, of course I do."

That evening Jim was still sullen and moody.  Dinner had been a disaster as Jim tried to maneuver around the springs in his mouth.  He finally gave up and retreated to the bedroom to take a sleep aid and try to just go to sleep. 

Tara lay with him, her head on his chest, trying to simply comfort him.  From the sound of his breathing, she could tell when he nodded off.  Thinking of what had happened because he hadn't worn his protraction gear, she gently shook him.  She said "sweetie, let me help you into your CTO."

After he had fallen back asleep, Tara gently crawled out of bed.  It was only 9:20 pm and she couldn't sleep. She was too worried about Jim.  She tried to figure out how to make this better for him.  She drew a blank until she remembered that she had Alex's card with her cell phone number.  She picked up her phone and sent a text.

T:  Alex, I am sorry to bother you so late.  But can you please text me back at your convenience?  I need advice. 

She got an almost instantaneous reply back.

A:  You aren't bothering me.  What can I try to help you with?

T:  Jim.  He is so upset.  I am afraid he will stop treatment over this whole mask deal.  I don't want him to.  What should I do?

There was a long pause.

A:  Tara, there isn't a whole lot you can do.  Just be there for him.  Be supportive.  He will have to come to terms with it on his own.

T:  Alex, that is not a good answer.  Please, there has to be another way.  He can't wear this all the time. 

A:  I understand.  But it isn't my call.  It is Dr. Brad's.  How about this?  I will contact Dr. Brad tomorrow and explain the situation.  And I will be in touch with you afterwards.  Will that work?

The next day Jim hid at home.  Tara was at the grocery store looking to buy some protein shakes when her phone dinged.  She saw a text from Alex.

A:  So I talked with Dr. Brad.  He wants Jim to come in first thing Monday morning, 7:30 am.  Will that work for him?

T:  I am sure it will.  What is Dr. Brad planning to do?

A:  He didn't say.  He just said he would work with Jim to figure out something that would work for him.  He did remind me of how important this phase of protraction is for Jim's treatment.  I am sorry I don't have more info.  Just ask Jim to get through the weekend.

T:  Thank you.  I wish you had a more definitive answer, but I know your hands are tied.

A:  I don't know if this will help.  But maybe remind Jim that he isn't that only one that has had to wear his mask in public.  It is terrifying at first.  I know firsthand.  But it does get a little easier over time.

T:  Thank you.  I will.

Jim rushed across the parking lot of TMJ and Sleep Plus, head down trying to not be seen, at 7:15 on Monday morning.  It was the first time he had ventured out of the house since he had the mask installed.  He found the door locked so he knocked loudly.  After a minute of no response, he knocked again.  The door opened a few moments later.  Alex smiled at him and said "Jim, please come in."  Jim noticed she was not wearing her CTO or facemask.

He stepped inside as she closed the door and locked it back.  He said "thank you."

Alex turned and gave him a big smile and said "you are most welcome.  You are a few minutes early, but come on back."

As he followed along behind her he asked "are you done with your CTO and facemask?"

She said "I wish.  No, I can't drive wearing the CTO.  So, I take it off before I leave the house, and then put it back on here before we officially open at 8:30 a.m.  The same as Mandy and Lisa."

Turning the corner into the treatment area, Jim saw Dr. Brad standing beside a treatment chair.  As Jim approached, Dr. Brad stuck out his hand and smiled like everything was just fine.  Dr. Brad said "Mr. Simpson, good morning.  Wonderful to see you."  Jim was hesitant to shake, he was not very happy with Dr. Brad, but stuck out his hand and shook.  As he did Dr. Brad said "so, Alex says you have some issues with the facemask therapy.  What seems to be the issue?"

Jim said "the issue is this facemask.  That I can't take off.  I have a very successful business.  While I do want to continue treatment, I will not have it negatively impact my company.  If that means quitting treatment, then so be it.  But I will not wear this mask out of this office this morning when I leave."

Dr. Brad said "whoa now, no need for that.  Let's have a little talk.  Can we go to my office please?"

Jim did not say a word but instead simply nodded.

After both were seated Dr. Brad asked "Mr. Simpson, you are a builder and developer correct?  I know we have talked about it a little."

Jim nodded his head and curtly said "yes."

Dr. Brad continued "and do you think the quality of your work reflects on you?  That your reputation rides on the quality of your work?"

Jim wondered where this was going as he again replied "yes."

Dr. Brad said "I feel the same way.  My reputation rides on the quality of my work.  I am not a builder, so excuse me if I get some things wrong, but do you feel that the foundation of a home is more important to its structural integrity than the cabinets and trim?"

Jim replied "yes, of course."

Dr. Brad said "so, as a builder, you think that getting the foundation laid correctly is imperative.  Would you continue on with a build if you felt the foundation was substandard and would fail sometime down the road?"

Jim shook his head and said "no."

Dr. Brad said "so, like a concrete foundation is key to any home, so is correct occlusion key to a healthy bite.  And just like you only have so long to work with wet cement before it sets up, so it is the same with the maxilla.  There is a window we have to work with.  Right now, we are working on your foundation.  And we only have three to four months to get it right.  If we miss, everything else will be compromised.  So, even if I give you straight white teeth, the build won't be correct.   Just like installing the finest marble countertops can't fix a warped and cracked foundation, neither can I fix your smile if we don't get the forward growth we need now.

That is why I am so adamant about you wearing your appliances as prescribed.  I admit, I was a little angry you didn't communicate with me before you decided to just come up with your own treatment plan.  As I stated up front, if you had asked before hand I would have worked with you.  As I will work with you now.

But there was more to this than just you.  I wanted to make a point to you of how important this is.  But I also wanted to make a point to Tara.  You two seem to be in this together.  I didn't want her to also fall into bad habits.  For you, this is about your airway and snoring.  If you don't do this, you will be able to function.  But for her?  If she doesn't fix her TMJ, it will progress steadily until she is not able to function.  So you see, it wasn't just your treatment I was thinking about when I installed your springs, but hers as well.  I don't want you to stop treatment.  So, let's come up with a compromise.  Will that work?"

Jim thought of Tara.  He asked "what do you have in mind?"

Dr. Brad said "well, for starters, let's go out to the treatment area so we can take those springs off."

As Jim lay back in the treatment chair, he noticed that Alex was wearing her CTO as she stiffly bent over him.  As she worked in his mouth, Dr. Brad explained "so, you can't wear your mask at work in meetings, on job sites, and what not.  I get it.  So, let's do this.  I told you to wear your mask 16 hours a day on average, with the CTO incorporated in for at least 12 of those.  For the next two months, I am going to ask you to get 17 hours in a day with the mask on average.  Surely you can find one extra hour a day.  Even if that means wearing it some extra over the weekends.  Again, this time frame is critical to your success.  I am also going to integrate class III elastics into your treatment.  I will want you to wear them full time.  They will not be that visible.  And if you take them out for an hour here and there for an important meeting that is fine.  Will this work for you?"

With Alex working in his mouth, Jim mumbled out "oh aye".

As Alex lifted the mask off his face Jim took a breath and said "that feels so good."

Dr. Brad smiled and said "I bet it is a relief.  But you wearing it like you did has already made up for one of the four days you missed.  One down, three to go.  I know you will do it.  So, are we good?"

Jim said "yes, we are good."  He sat in silence a moment before asking "so what are these spacers for?  The ones Tara and I both have.  They suck by the way.  We are both nervous.  Tara is just convinced she is going to be getting a Miller appliance.  And she can't do that, not with her job.  And neither can I."

Dr. Brad chuckled and said "but the Miller appliance is the greatest thing ever.  But I hear you.  No, I am not fitting Tara for a Miller appliance this Friday.  I will be installing a TPA appliance with integrated hooks.  This way she will be able to wear her protraction gear without having to wear her nighttime appliance.  This will be easier on her.  And for you, I am going to install some bands on your premolars along with some TADS in your lower jaw.  This will be for your class three elastics.  I will be honest, I was already planning for this somewhat.  I didn't know if you could or would be willing to wear the mask 24/7, so I went ahead and had a plan B in my back pocket.  So, I think we are back on track. 

Thank you for coming in.  Just please, in the future if there are concerns communicate them to me ahead of time.  And also, please reassure Tara that the Miller appliance is not that bad."  He gestured over to a treatment chair that Maggie was standing beside, holding a Miller appliance and examining it carefully.  It looked huge in her petit hands.  Jim noticed there was also a CTO brace with integrated mask laying in the treatment chair.  Dr. Brad continued "really, if Tara's treatment does call for a Miller, she will do fine with it.  See that appliance in Maggie's hands?  That is her appliance.  As soon as we get you out of here, I am going to install it for her.  I know she has to be excited."

As Jim studied her face, he thought that she didn't look excited.  No, she looked scared.


Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #54 on: 31. January 2024, 08:18:01 AM »
I've updated my file in TheArchive to include the latest chapter, and hope there is going to be more to read.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #55 on: 09. February 2024, 01:14:44 AM »
Chapter Twenty Five.

Tara sat beside Jim in the waiting room of TMJ and Sleep Plus.  They had already checked in with Becky and sat chatting as they waited.  As they did, Tara took a discreet look around the room.  For some reason she felt disappointed that there appeared to be no adults in braces waiting with them, instead there was just a mother with her twin tweenaged daughters.  Jim and Tara had been there about five minutes when the treatment door opened.  Maggie escorted a middle-aged couple to the reception desk.  Tara knew that Maggie had gotten a Miller appliance, Jim had told her about it after his appointment on Monday.  To Tara's disappointment she saw Maggie was not wearing a CTO brace.  The woman she was holding onto and guiding to the front desk, the man holding onto her other arm, most definitely was however.  Tara noticed there was even more to her brace.  Attached to the CTO were two hip and leg braces.  As Tara watched the woman struggle to walk to the reception desk she felt pity for her.  She wondered what had happened to leave her needing such a conspicuous full body brace.

Once Maggie had gotten the couple to the desk, she turned and said "Margareh, ya ah thah gulls cah come on back.  Ah sowry fah mah speesch."  As the trio stood, Maggie looked over at Tara and Jim and said "hi ya two.  We ah a lil short haned today.  Alexsh ish out.  It may be ah few minutsh."  As she spoke, even from across the room, Tara could see the silver tongue crib hanging down behind Maggie's teeth.

Tara said "that is ok Maggie.  How are you doing with your new appliance?  Jim told me you were getting it after his appointment on Monday."

She said "ish an ahjushtment fa sho.  I wah teh ya abou it when we get ya back.  Jush be patient pleash."

It was about twenty minutes before the treatment door opened again.  Maggie popped back out and gave the couple a big smile.  She said "come on bah you two." 

As they followed behind her into the treatment area Tara asked "so, do you not have to wear a facemask or CTO?  Lucky you."

Maggie replied "I do.  I jusht doh have to wear eh full time yet.  Until my suture splitsh.  I am wearing it at home while I shleep.  Or try to shleep.  Alexsh saysh it getsh easier.  I sure hope sho  I am shtill wearing ma back bracsh, exchush me posture brace, here at work.  And the CTO ish not compatible with it.  I think Dr. Morales and Dr. Miller are working on that though."

Tara said "it does get easier."  She squeezed Jim's arm and said "but I am lucky I have had someone help me through the process that understands.  Speaking of Alex, where is she today?"

As they stopped beside an empty treatment chair, Maggie said "Alex twishted her ankle again.  She ish at Dr. Morales' getting it checked out.  Sho why don't you two go ahead and brush.  Then meet me back over here."

As they walked over to the sink, Tara noticed one of the tweenaged twins from earlier reclined back in a chair as Dr. Brad fit her with a bright pink Petit facemask.  Her twin sister was sitting in a chair pouting around the rubberbands that protruded from her mouth that were hooked to the matching pink facemask she was wearing.  Her mom had her arm around her consoling her. 

After brushing, Tara and Jim made their way back over to Maggie.  Once there, Maggie said "Jim, why doh ya shtart."  After getting comfortable in the chair, Maggie said "Dr. Miller ish almosht finished."

Tara looked back over to the treatment chair where the twin girls were.  To Tara's surprise, mom was now in the chair.  Dr. Brad was fitting her with her own bright pink facemask as her two daughters looked on smiling and giggling.  After a few minutes, Dr. Brad raised her back up and announced triumphantly "you three did AWESOME!  And you LOOK awesome in your matching pink masks.  So, like we discussed earlier, 14 hours a day during the week and 22 hours on the weekends. I know you can do it!" 

The look on mom's face didn't look confident.  She replied "I promish Dr. Brad, we will do our best."

One of the girls exclaimed "Dr. Brad, we will make sure mama wears hers!"

Dr. Brad laughed and said "that is right.  It is important that all of you wear your protraction masks as prescribed.  It is a vital part of your treatment.  And remember, I can tell how much you are each wearing it.  But I know you will.  So, that is it.  And congratulations!"

As the trio made their way out towards the reception area, all three still wearing their facemasks, Dr. Brad walked over and sat on a stool beside Jim.  He said "Jim, Tara, wonderful to see you!  How have you two been getting along with your protraction wear?  Getting the required time in?"

Jim said "it has been rather horrible, but yes, I have.  Tara has too.  And she is so much cuter in her CTO than I am."

Dr. Brad laughed and said "I totally understand that sentiment.  Well, how about we do something to make it a little easier for both of you?  Jim, I am going to install some hooks for you to wear class three elastics full time.  As long as you wear them as prescribed, I think we might can cut your CTO wear time back to 14 hours a day in a few weeks.  Does that sound like a deal?  And Tara, I am going to install some hooks for you so you can wear your's without having to wear your big bulky night brace.  You will still need to wear it while you sleep of course, but just around the house, or around town, you can just wear your daytime splint but still wear your CTO.  That should be an improvement right?  So, let's get started."

Tara squeezed Jim's hand as Dr. Brad administered a couple of injections into his mouth, Jim's face contorting slightly in pain with each shot.  Once done Dr. Brad exclaimed "great job!  All done with the needle.  Now Maggie will get those pesky spacers out.  I know that will be a relief.  And then, we will get Tara into the chair."

As Dr. Brad reclined Tara back she asked "so, what do you have in store for me?"

Dr. Brad reached over and picked up a stainless and acrylic device from the tray.  He held it up and said "just this little old Nance appliance with hooks for protraction.  We will anchor it to your molars with these bands.  You will hardly notice it is even there after a couple of days.  And it will be a lot less intrusive than your nighttime appliance, which you will still be able to wear with this when you sleep."

Maggie quickly got Tara's spacers removed and Dr. Brad fitted the appliance onto Tara's top back molars.  He had her bite down several times to seat it, then said "looks perfect.  How does it feel?"

Tara felt around it with her tongue, then noticed the sensation of the hooks on the inside of her lips.  She said "it feelsh like I...  oh wow, I have a lishp."

Dr. Brad said "you will adapt in no time.  I promise.  The lisp will be gone in a day or two.  Just practice talking.   How does it feel?  Any pain?"

Tara said "no pain.  It jusht feelsh like I have a wad of gum shtuck in the roof of my mouth." 

Dr. Brad said "totally normal at first.  By Monday it will feel like it has been there forever.  Now, let me get it bonded."

After removing it from her mouth he dabbed cement inside the molar bands and put it back in her mouth.  He again had her bite down to seat it fully and announced "there you go!  Your new Nance appliance!  Let's go ahead and get you into your CTO so I can show you how to install your elastics."

After getting her CTO brace on, Dr. Brad nor Maggie had assisted her, he said "good job.  The ease with which you put it on now tells me you are wearing it.  Even without the timer integrated into it."  He held up a pack of elastics and said "I want you to wear these now.  They are a little stronger than before.  And I want you to wear four.  Like this."  He quickly attached two elastics to each hook, then attached them to hooks on her CTO mask.  He said "all done.  Please, go ahead and wear it for the duration of your appointment.  Just to make sure everything feels ok.  And I want you to wear your CTO for 14 hours per day.  Now Jim, let's get you taken care of."

As Jim lay in the chair, Dr. Brad held up a little hook with two eyeholes in it.  He explained "Jim, I am going to install one of these on each side of your mouth, below and behind each lower canine.  They won't be visible when you smile or speak.  And the elastics you wear won't be readily visible either.  So, let's get these installed."

As he poked Jim's gums he asked "feel that?"  Jim shook his head back and forth.  Dr. Brad said "ok, you will feel it as I screw them in, much like your expander.  But, if you do feel acute pain, raise your hand."

Tara sat stiffly beside Jim holding his hand.  It sounded horrible as the ratchet clicked back and forth, the screws being driven deeper into Jim's gum.  But to Tara's surprise, it went rather quickly and Jim never exhibited any discomfort nor did he raise his hand.  With the fourth and final screw seated, Dr. Brad exclaimed "all done!  You did great!  Maggie, why don't you hold up a mirror.  Jim, smile for me."  As Jim smiled Dr. Brad said "see, can't even see them.  Now, they will be sore for a few days after the anesthesia wears off, but you can manage that will Tylenol and ipuprophen.  Now, let me get your elastics hooked up."

Maggie continued to hold the mirror as Dr. Brad hooked an elastic to the back right hook in Jim's mouth.  Dr. Brad said "it is simple.  Hook an elastic to your rear back hook, then attach it to the matching front lower hook.  Like this."  He continued "and you just repeat on the other side.  Like this."  Dr. Brad quickly and easily attached the other elastic.  "And all done.  I am going to have you and Tara in the same elastics.  That will make things simpler.  And you can steal each other's elastics.  I want you to wear these full-time except while eating or performing hygiene.  Change them out in the morning, at lunch, and before bed in the evenings.  I still want you to wear your CTO 17 hours a day for the next two weeks.  Just to catch up.  Then we can drop the wear time back to 14 hours a day, the same as Tara.  Speaking of which, why don't you go ahead and put it on."

Once Jim was all strapped in, Dr. Brad said "excellent.  You too had no problems putting it on.  Just like Tara.  And just like Tara, I now want you to wear four elastics on your mask, for a total of six."  Dr. Brad attached the elastics and said "and we are done!  You two are just doing incredible.  I think all couples should go through treatment together.  Any questions?"

Tara and Jim cut their eyes and made eye contact.  Jim said "I guess not." 

Tara said "oh, I have one.  That woman earlier?  Was that brace she was wearing part of her orthodontic treatment?  Please tell me it wasn't."

Dr. Brad said "well, I can't talk about other patient's treatment in depth.  Obviously her facemask is a part of her orthodontic treatment.  But the rest?  I will just say that we are now seeing more Ehlers Danlos patients.  And many of them need mobility aids.  But Ellen, that is who you saw, is doing great.  Dr. Morales is taking great care of her.  As she does all her patients.  Dr. Morales is a wizard at bracing.  She gives people back mobility that they have lost.  We are collaborating a lot.  In fact, that is where Alex is today.  Trying to figure out why she keeps having instability in her ankles.  But I know that Dr. Morales will figure it out and come up with a solution for Alex."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #56 on: 16. February 2024, 20:51:23 PM »
Chapter Twenty Six.

Being a Saturday, Tara and Jim had planned on a leisurely day.  Tara awoke to find the bed beside her empty.  She stiffly got out of bed and made her way to the kitchen still wearing her CTO, noticing that Jim's was laying on the floor beside the nightstand.  She found him sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper, a spread of untouched breakfast lay out in front of him.  As she approached Jim turned his head towards her and gave her a pained smile.  He said "good morning baby.  I made us breakfast.  Although I'm not sure I can eat."

Tara came and sat in his lap.  With her nighttime appliance in talking was still difficult for her.  She asked "wah ish eh bae?  Mouf hurtin?"

Jim replied "I try not to complain too much, but yes my mouth is killing me.  These new screws are so sore.  My mouth is on fire.  And those six elastics I wore last night pulled my head inside out."  She shifted her body against him and whispered "thah ya fa breafash, but there ish sumpin elsh I'd rather have firsht."  She arched her eyebrows and gave him a sly smile.  Despite everything she was wearing, Jim still found her so beautiful and sexy.  He lifted her up, swatted her on the bottom and said "be careful what you wish for young lady or you just might get it."

That evening as the two waited to be seated at Bellini's, an Italian restaurant they both loved, Tara excused herself to use the restroom.  As she returned, she was surprised to see a familiar face.  Alex was sitting across from a man whom Tara assumed to be her husband.  She didn't want to intrude on their dinner, but neither did she want to be rude.  She turned so she would walk by their table.  As she approached, Alex noticed her.  A big metallic smile broke out on her face.  Tara watched as Alex struggled to get out of the booth.  She wondered why until she caught the flash of stainless steel and white plastic around her ankles that was largely hidden by the elegant black dress that Alex was wearing.  Finally getting to her feet, Alex took a few stiff, clumsy steps towards Tara and said "Hi!  Small world!  How are you?"

Tara gave her a big smile back, her daytime splint just visible behind her lower teeth and her new hooks visible on her upper arch.  She said "I am wonderful!  So good to see you.  How are you?"

By now the man with Alex had stood and had his arm wrapped around her waist protectively.  Alex said "You got you some new hooks!  Congratulations.  Making progress.  As for me, I am ok.  I am having to relearn how to walk thanks to Dr. Morales.  But that is a whole other story.  Let me introduce you to my husband."  After they had made their introductions, Alex said "are you here with Jim?"  Tara answered affirmatively.  Alex asked "how is he?  Even though I was out yesterday, I know he was supposed to get some more tads placed.  How is he feeling?"

Tara looked over Alex's shoulder and said "speak of the devil.  Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Jim walked up and said "Hey babe, I was worried you got lost.  Oh, Alex, hi!"

Alex turned and said "we were just talking about you.  How are you feeling?"

Jim said "honestly?  Pretty sore today.  But it is better this evening than last night or this morning."

Alex said "You are wearing your elastics!  Yay!  Good job!  I promise it will get easier.  Anytime you get tads installed they will be sore for a few days.  Plus what is that now, a total of ten in your mouth?  That is a lot.  But again, it is just part of the process."

Tara asked "so Maggie and Dr. Brad mentioned you hurt your ankle?  How are you?"

Alex pulled her dress up slightly showing one of the hinged ankle braces she was wearing and said "well, I just have more hardware.  I am turning into a robot it seems.  I have some pretty bad instability in both my ankles, so Dr. Morales fit me with a couple of ankle braces.  She is having some custom ones made for me that she says will be more comfortable and less obtrusive, but for now I have these two clunkers."   She wrapped her arm around her husband and said "baby, I am sorry you married a lemon."

He replied "you are anything but that.  I know I way outkicked my coverage with you. I like you AND your hardware.  Now it will be harder for you to run away from me" and laughed.

The hostess walked up and interrupted, saying "Mr. Simpson? Your table is ready."

Alex said "oh poo.  I wish we had known we were both going to be here.  We could have doubled.  Maybe another time?"

Tara smiled at her and said "absolutely!  That would be fun."

Alex said "well you have my number.  Hey it was so good to see you two!  And you are both doing so good.  Enjoy your evening!  The special 7 cheese lasagna they have tonight is to die for by the way.  Even if it is going to take me all night to clean it out of my expander.  Seriously, give me a call."

Tara leaned in and gave Alex a hug.  She said "thank you.  Thank you for everything.  And I will.  A double date sounds like fun.  I don't think I have been on one since college."

As Tara followed Jim and the hostess away, she turned and watched as Alex's husband helped her back into the booth.  She wondered what it would be like to have to wear ankle braces all the time.  She thought it surely couldn't be fun.  But Alex seemed to be taking it in stride.  And it could always be worse.  Tara thought of Ellen, the woman they had seen the day before fully braced from head to toe.  Tara then thought about her own right knee, it had been bothering her off and on for the last year.  She had been wearing a compression sleeve over it when she ran, but it seemed to be slowly becoming more painful.  She thought she might should schedule an appointment with Dr Morales herself.  Just to see what she said.  What is the worst that could happen she thought?

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #57 on: 17. February 2024, 03:10:45 AM »
I can think of many things that could happen if Tara visits Dr. Morales...

Great story!

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #58 on: 18. February 2024, 06:16:46 AM »
The intrigue! As long as the worst thing that could happen isn’t the same fate as Jennifer, Mel, Sarah, and Peter, I’m all in. I don’t know if I can take any more tragedies with characters I get so invested in. 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #59 on: 18. February 2024, 07:10:53 AM »
Sorry….  ;D

Not all of my characters have tragic outcomes.  Some have very happy endings.  Maybe these will too?

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #60 on: 18. February 2024, 07:17:27 AM »
The special 7 cheese lasagna they have tonight is to die for by the way.

This is troubling though.

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #61 on: 18. February 2024, 08:38:54 AM »

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #62 on: 18. February 2024, 10:58:03 AM »
What is the worst that may happen?

The best might be a kafo!  ;)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #63 on: 20. February 2024, 23:44:20 PM »
Chapter Twenty Seven:

The following week Tara was at work one morning when her phone dinged.  She looked down to see a text from Alex.

A:  I hope I am not bothering you.  But I wanted to follow up on scheduling a double date.  Along with a couple of other things.

T:  What other things?

A:  Nothing bad, maybe it would be easier to talk about in person?  Could I treat you to lunch today?  Could you meet me at the office at noon?  Dr. Brad wants to talk to you a second too.  Again, nothing bad.  But Janice is leaving us soon.  She is retiring.  Dr. Brad is looking for a new financial coordinator and office manager and he thought you might know someone or be able to offer a lead or two.  Lunch would be our treat.

Tara didn't think she had anything scheduled, but she looked at her calendar anyway.  It was open.

T:  Sure!  Sounds like fun.  I will see you at noon.

At 11:55 Tara walked through the front door of "TMJ and Sleep Plus".  As she walked in she saw the waiting area was empty, which made sense as they closed for lunch from noon to 1:30 each weekday.  She walked up to Becky and gave her a smile and said "Hi Becky!  I am here to see Dr. Brad and Alex."

Becky looked up and smiled.  Tara immediately noticed the maze of hot pink elastics in her mouth when she spoke.  Becky said "Dr. Brad and the girls are with our last patient before lunch.  Why don't we go on back to the lounge?" 

Tara smiled and said "Looks like you have some new elastics."

Becky smiled and said "sure do.  They are a pain.  But they mean I am almost done.  I am pretty excited.  I have to wear these full time the next two months, but then I might be able to get them off.  Cross your fingers for me."

Tara said "that is awesome!  Congratulations!  My fingers are crossed."

As Tara followed behind Becky she saw Dr. Brad being assisted by Alex and Maggie, both of whom where wearing CTO braces.  In the chair was a young woman who appeared to be about Becky's age.  Dr. Brad was fitting some kind of cap on her.  The young woman did not look happy. 

Entering the lounge, Becky turned as she walked and said "Alex said you two are going out for lunch.  Will it offend you if I go ahead and start on my lunch?  We usually eat here.  Every Friday Dr. Brad actually has it catered in for us.  I don't want to be rude, but my mouth finally feels like eating after getting these new elastics and I am starving."

Tara shook her head and said "no, not at all.  Please, eat." 

As Becky walked to the refrigerator she asked "would you at least like a water?  And sit wherever you like."

Tara answered "I would love a water.  Where are you sitting?"

As Becky dug in the fridge she said "at the bistro."

Tara had already taken a seat at the table when Becky returned with two waters and a plastic snap top food container.  Handing one of the waters to Tara Becky asked "so, how have you been?  How goes it with your treatment?"

Tara noticed that Becky had removed her elastics as she replied "really good.  I have mostly come to terms with the CTO.  And my headaches and jaw pain are so much better."

Becky smiled and said "that is great.  That is what we like to hear."

At that moment, Mandy entered the lounge.  She was wearing her CTO.  She saw the two at the table and she said "Hi!"  Tara watched as she walked over beside the counter along the wall and removed her CTO, laying it carefully onto the counter.  She walked over and said "Mrs. Reynolds.  How are you?  No emergency I hope?"

Tara shook her head and said "no, thank goodness, no emergency."

Mandy smiled and said "that is always a good thing.  Do you mind if I join you?"

Sitting down in one of the open chairs, placing the salad in her hands on the table, Mandy asked "would you like anything?  We have some snacks."

Tara said "no, I am good.  But thank you."

As she watched Mandy start to eat she asked "so I take it Dr. Brad doesn't ask you to eat wearing your CTO's?"

Mandy answered "I am sure he would love it, but no.  I did actually try it once.  And only once."

Tara said "Jim had to wear his mask all weekend and it looked so hard.  He barely ate.  I felt so bad for him."

Becky said "oh wow, I remember that.  He was NOT happy.  How is he doing now?"

Tara replied "he is good.  He isn't super enthused about any of this.  But he does it.  I think one of the reasons he does is for me."

Mandy said "awww, how sweet.   And I can concur, trying to eat around the mask is no fun.  Have you tried it?"

Tara shook her head and said "no."

Mandy continued "it can be done with a little practice.  But we don't normally ask patients to try."

They were interrupted by Dr. Brad's booming voice saying "you better be talking good about me."  The trio turned their heads to see Dr. Brad entering the lounge followed by Maggie and Alex, both held erect by their CTO braces.  As they walked, Tara noticed that Alex was walking very stiffly and awkwardly.

Dr. Brad asked "Miss Reynolds thank you so much for coming in to see me.  Would you join me in my office a minute?  I want to pick your brain."

As she stood, Tara watched as Maggie and Alex removed their CTOs.  She wondered why Alex was so stiff legged.  She brushed the thought from her mind for the moment and replied "of course not."

In his office, Dr. Brad explained he was looking for a new financial coordinator and office manager.  He had thrown out a ballpark salary, but then added with a laugh that it also included complimentary orthodontic treatment.  Since Alex's text Tara had wracked her brain of people that might be appropriate for the position but also interested.  And she thought she had come up with someone who would be perfect.  Aubrey was her co-worker at her previous job at Price-Waterhouse.  She was junior to Tara in both years and position, but they were friends.  And Tara knew that Aubrey was not happy with her current job.  In fact, Aubrey had jokingly asked Tara to take her with her when she had left.  She relayed all of this information to Dr. Brad.

Dr. Brad shook his head up and down as she spoke.  Once Tara was done speaking, Dr. Brad said "it sounds like she would be perfect.  I would love to interview her.  Could I get all of her contact info from you?  Or would you put her in touch with me?"

Tara said "how about I give her a call and explain things?  I am sure she would at least be interested in discussing it with you.  I can then have her contact you directly and schedule an interview."

Dr. Brad smiled and said "that is incredible.  And if it works out I will certainly owe you.  One more question, and you may not know the answer to it, but do you think your friend would be open to starting orthodontic treatment herself?"

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #64 on: 22. February 2024, 01:01:37 AM »
Chapter Twenty Eight:

Tara made her way back to the lounge.  She noticed Maggie and Mandy still at the bistro, chatting away with Lisa and Janice, who had apparently joined them while Tara was with Dr. Brad.  They were so engrossed with their lunches and their conversation they didn't even pay attention to Tara.  Tara turned her head to see Alex sitting in one of the massage chairs, her eyes closed.

Tara made her way over to the chair.  As she looked down she noticed something peculiar.  Underneath Alex's scrubs, around her quads and her knees, there was something angular printing against her pants.  Tara said "hey!  I am ready when you are."

Alex jumped a little as she snapped her eyes open and said "oh, you schared me."  Tara could see and hear she had her tongue crib in.

Tara smiled and said "sorry."  She watched as Alex reached over and turned the chair off.  Then, she attempted to stand up.  After two unsuccessful tries, she rose up and fell back both times, Tara noticed her face becoming red and upset.  Tara still didn't know what exactly was going on, but remembering Ellen she thought she might know.  Alex was wearing leg braces under her scrubs.  Tara didn't say anything about them but instead stepped in front of Alex and held her arms out.  Alex took them and pulled herself up to a standing position.  Tara simply smiled at her, unsure of what to say.

Alex said "thank you.  It ish sho embarrassing.  Mortifying."

Tara cocked her head and asked "what is?"

Alex knocked on her thigh with her knuckle, the hollow sound very audible.  She said "my new KAFOSh.  I picked them up on Friday.  They are sho musch bigger than I wash expecting.  Come on, I will tell you about them at lunsch."

Alex walked stiffly over to the counter and opened up one of the cabinets.  She pulled her purse out and placed it on the counter.  She unzipped it and removed her retainer case and deftly removed her tongue crib from her mouth, placing it into the case.  When she went to place it in her purse, it slipped from her hand, bounced off her purse, and landed on the floor.  She attempted to bend over.  She couldn't reach it.  She tried squatting down, which didn't work either.  Tara bent over and said "here, I've got it" as she picked it up off the floor.

Straightening back up, Tara looked into Alex's face.  It looked like she was on the verge of tears.  Tara handed the case to Alex with her right hand and placed her left hand on Alex's upper arm.  Tara said "it's ok, this is what friends are for.  Come on, I am starving."  She noticed Alex blink a couple of times then reach up and wipe the excess moisture from her eyes.  Tara said "come on, I will drive."

Out at her car, Tara helped Alex into the passenger seat.  She still hadn't gotten a look at the braces Alex was wearing.  But from the way she moved, it was obvious they were very restrictive.  And it was very obvious Alex was not used to them.  Once she was in the driver's seat, she looked over at Alex who had her head turned, looking vacantly out the passenger window.  Tara asked "so where is a good place to eat around here?  You choose since you are buying."

Alex said simply "I don't really care.  I'm not even hungry."

Tara reached over and placed her hand on top of Alex's.  She said "ok.  Do you want to talk?"  Alex just looked at her.  Tara continued "I don't know if you remember, but I had a little cry of my own right inside the office.  You helped me so much.  You have continued to help.  Is there anything I can do?"

Alex said "I am so depressed about this."

Tara looked at her and asked "your leg braces?"

This seemed to break the dam for Alex.  She animatedly said "YES!  These stupid leg braces.  See, I knew you could see them through my scrubs.  And even if you couldn't, I know you couldn't help but notice how I am tottering around like a new born.  I was expecting a petit little pair of ankle braces.  No big deal right?  But no!  Dr. Morales said my blood work came back and I have mild ehlers danlos myself.  That is why I kept twisting my ankles.  She said if she just braced my ankles, she was afraid that it would put the stress on my knees, and I would have problems with hyperextension and dislocations in them.  So, she fit me with this huge pair of plastic and steel braces.  They start under my foot and go all the way up to my pelvis with hinges at the ankles and knees.  They look horrible.  They feel horrible.  I can't move right.  It is just horrible.  On top of that, Dr. Brad still wants me to wear my CTO 20 hours a day."  She finally broke into tears.

Tara leaned over and wrapped her arms around her.  She cooed "Alex, I am so sorry.  I can't imagine what they are like.  But, I most definitely know what the CTO is like.  I know it isn't fun.  I am sorry, what can I do?"

Alex quit crying.  She whimpered "nothing, there isn't anything anybody can do.  I am broken.  I just know Marc is going to break off the engagement.  My whole life is in tatters."

Tara rubbed her hand on Alex's back and responded "no, that isn't true.  I know he loves you.  I could see that just from the little time at the restaurant the other night.  In fact, I thought he was your husband the way you two acted with each other.  Has he said anything about this?  Been mean?"

Alex said "no, he has been so sweet and understanding.  But I know deep down he doesn't want to be with me, with anybody that has as many problems as me."

Tara responded "you mean problems like being beautiful, smart, funny, a hardworker, and obviously in love with him?  You mean problems like that?"

Alex said "no, you know what I mean."

Tara said "I don't know what you mean.  Tell me why you think he doesn't want to be with you?  What has he done or said that indicated that?"

Alex said "nothing.  He has been so sweet.  So understanding.  So gentle.  But how could anyone want this?"  Alex pushed away from Tara and gestured to herself.

Tara said "that is an easy one, I thought you might have some tough questions.  He wants you because of you.  He knows you.  He loves you.  He doesn't care about some silly brace, he simply loves the woman that is wearing it.  That is how."

Alex looked at her and wiped her eyes in silence. 

Tara said "I know you said you aren't hungry, but let's get something anyway."

Pulling back into the parking lot an hour later, Alex said "thank you.  Thank you so much.  For listening.  And for lunch.  I feel so much better.  I guess maybe I was hangry."  She gave Tara a little smile, the first one Tara had seen from her.  She continued "and I am sorry if I ambushed you today.  Dr. Brad did want to talk to you.  But I did too.  I wanted to vent to someone.  I didn't want to do it to one of the girls in the office.  And I sure couldn't talk to Marc about, well, Marc.  Not like this.  Thank you.  So much.  Are you really going to make me?"

As she turned the car off, Tara smiled back and said "absolutely I am.  This Friday.  Marc, Jim, me, you.  And your cute KAFOS.  It is a date.  And you cannot back out.  And I will let you in on a little secret. I had a really good time today.  And it is me who should be thanking you.  You bought."

Alex smiled back at Tara.   Tara was glad to see her friend smiling.  Alex said "thank Dr. Brad, he paid for it.  Hey I have to run."  Alex laughed and said "ok, maybe not run.  I have to waddle.  But thank you so much."

Tara patted her hand and said "you will get the hang of it.  It will get easier.  You will have it down in no time.  But until then, do you want me to help you out?"

Alex shook her head, a determined look on her face, and said "no, absolutely not.  I need to do this myself."  To Tara's surprise, Alex got out of the car on the first try with relative ease.  Tara shouted "see, nothing to it" as Alex closed the door.  Tara then got out of the car.  As Alex walked around the back of the vehicle, Tara met her at the back bumper.  Tara stuck her arms out and said "come here."  She gave Alex a hug.

Alex pulled away and said "again, thank you so much.  Is there anything I can do for you?"

Tara shook her head and said "nope, you just better not try and back out of our date." 

Alex leaned back in and gave Tara the hug this time.  She said "I won't.  I promise.  And I owe you."

After Alex had released her, Tara said "you owe me nothing.  This is what friends do for each other."  Then a thought popped into her head.  She looked at Alex as she pulled her retainer case with her tongue crib out of her purse.  Tara said "I do have a question.  What was that thing that Dr. Brad was fitting on that patient?  You and Maggie were having to help her.  Or were you having to hold her?  Anyway, it looked terrifying."

Alex hesitated putting in her tongue crib.  She said "Dr. Brad needs to quit inventing things.  That is a new headgear he just invented.  It can be used for both retractive headgear, you know the silver facebow and straps around the head and or neck, or reverse pull headgear, like we wear.  It is like an interlandi headcap, facemask, and chincup mated with a motorcycle helmet .  Like his Miller appliance, one appliance that can do it all.  But like the Miller it is so big.  And it is just so obtrusive.  And that is saying something since we both wear his CTO.  I felt bad fitting it on her.  But she only has to wear it at home.  I don't think Dr. Brad remembers what it is like.  Or he thinks anyone will just wear anything as long as it is only at home.  But this new device?  I really hope he doesn't start using it on many patients."  She went quiet a second and added "please don't tell him I said that.  I mean, it's just..."

Tara said "I understand, I won't.  Now, run along.  And yes, I mean run along."

Alex gave a laugh and then added "well, our definitions of running apparently are different.  I am really nervous about this Friday.  But really excited."

Tara squeeled "we will have fun.  I promise.  Leg braces or no leg braces."

Dr. Brad had been watching the pair through the blinds in his office.  He thought it a shame that neither of the women were wearing their CTO braces.  He also watched Alex's gate in her new KAFOs as she made her way to the door.  He felt sympathy for her.  He knew she hated them and her first few days back at work with them had been tough on her.  But he thought, they are for her own good, to protect her ankles and knees.  So while she doesn't like them, she needs them.  He then thought of his beautiful wife Megan.  While she did have "off days" from her CTO, today was not one of them.  He thought of her managing all of her day to day stay at home mom duties while wearing her corset, belt and CTO; her mouth filled and locked shut by her Miller appliance.  Thinking about it made him want to get home to her.  He thought further.  While she had never had issues with joint instability, you can never be too careful he thought.  Especially with two kids.  No, he would hate for his Megan to ever twist her ankle or knee.  He walked over to his desk and dialed Dr. Morales' office.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #65 on: 22. February 2024, 04:45:42 AM »
Poor Megan!

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #66 on: 22. February 2024, 06:47:49 AM »
What would happen if Jerry Jones sold the Cowboys to a new owner?  A new owner who had made his billions selling dental equipment.  And who, now that he owns the Cowboys, thinks it would be great marketing for his primary business to get all the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, America’s Sweethearts, into his company’s brackets and archwires.  The ladies would accept it.  But then, his orthodontic division’s launch of a new extraoral device,  that he had sunk tens of millions into, failed.  No patient would wear it.  No orthodontist would prescribe it.  It was just to big.  But he had an idea. 

It failed because it was so massive, obtrusive and uncomfortable to wear.  It just looked nerdy.  But it could be used for both retractive and protractive cases.  What orthodontist wouldn’t want one appliance that could do it all?  Apparently all of them because it was SO big that no patient would wear it.  The product launch failed horribly.

But what if America’s Sweethearts showed up wearing it at games?  And promotional events.  Heck all the time, even when they were going grocery shopping or going to the gym. To generate a buzz about the product?  To get people asking ‘what is that’?  To turn this new… helmet for lack of a better word… into a fashion statement.  Maybe that would revive the product he thought would be so successful.  After all, he had already lost $27 million on it.  And he did own the Cowboys….

Just an idea that ran through my head.
Alex hesitated putting in her tongue crib.  She said "Dr. Brad needs to quit inventing things.  That is a new headgear he just invented.  It can be used for both retractive headgear, you know the silver facebow and straps around the head and or neck, or reverse pull headgear, like we wear.  It is like an interlandi headcap, facemask, and chincup mated with a motorcycle helmet .  Like his Miller appliance, one appliance that can do it all.  But like the Miller it is so big.  And it is just so obtrusive.  And that is saying something since we both wear his CTO.  I felt bad fitting it on her.  But she only has to wear it at home.  I don't think Dr. Brad remembers what it is like.  Or he thinks anyone will just wear anything as long as it is only at home.  But this new device?  I really hope he doesn't start using it on many patients."  She went quiet a second and added "please don't tell him I said that.  I mean, it's just..."

Hmmm, the ideas seem connected.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #67 on: 22. February 2024, 08:41:04 AM »
With two kafos and locked hinges at the knees Alex will not be able to walk stable, for sure not outside the office on bumpy ways. So she will need crutches to not fall down.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #68 on: 23. February 2024, 00:06:29 AM »
I’m enjoying all the twists and turns this story keeps taking. I can’t wait to see where it goes next! Thanks mr_90proof!

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #69 on: 23. February 2024, 05:14:14 AM »
The next chapter may have another little surprise.  Or not.  It will be a surprise.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #70 on: 23. February 2024, 07:49:19 AM »
Thank you for already quiet a lot of surprises.  :)

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #71 on: 23. February 2024, 18:14:15 PM »
Chapter Twenty Nine:

Dr. Brad was still on the phone when he heard the knock on his door.  He walked over as he listened to Dr. Morales speaking and opened the door to find Janice standing there.  Dr. Brad held up a finger as he said "Olivia, that is wonderful.  I knew you all would adjust to your appliances.  And no, your speech is wonderful.  In fact, listening to you speak, I would never know you have an appliance in your mouth."  This last part was a lie.  Dr. Morales in fact had a severe speech impediment caused by her appliance.  It was impossible to miss.

Dr. Brad listened to the garbled voice on the other end of the line.  He replied "I know the tongue crib is an inconvenience.  Remember, I had one too when I was in treatment.  But it does get easier.  I promise.  You are doing great.  You all are.  I look so forward to seeing you next week.  Megan and I both look forward to seeing you."  Again, this last part was partially a lie.  At the moment Megan had no idea she had an appointment with Dr. Morales.  And if she had known about the appointment, and what it would entail, she would not have been looking forward to it.  Finally, Dr. Brad said "exactly Olivia, that is a great attitude.  Some short term inconvenience can lead to a lifetime of better health.  Again, you all are doing incredible.  I will see you next week.  Bye!"

As he hung up the phone he looked up at Janice and smiled.  He said "uh oh, you didn't already break a bracket did you?"

Janice smiled at him, her metal braces with their teal ligatures sparkling under the fluorescent lighting, and said "no Brad, of course not.  You know this isn't my first rodeo.  Nope, it is my fourth.  I know the routine."

As Dr. Brad gestured for her to come into his office he said "wait, you aren't getting buyer's remorse are you?  I know you said how much you wanted them.  I hope this isn't a case of 'be careful what you wish for because you just might get it'."  As Janice entered the office she closed the door behind her.

As Janice took a seat she responded "absolutely not.  I love them.  Now, my lips and cheeks aren't loving them.  But they will get used to their new companions.  I love the way they look.  And I know it is strange, but I like the tightness of them."

Dr. Brad said "Wonderful.  Jewelry is a popular retirement present.  You just got yours on your teeth.  Plus, with you in treatment I know I will get to see you at least every six weeks.  You won't be able to just leave us all in the sunset forever."

Janice laughed and said "well I wouldn't do that anyway.  You know this is home for me and you are family.  I am going to have to make a conscious effort not to drive here every morning.  I have been coming here almost every day since I started working for your father at 19.  After over 40 years, it is just habit.  No, I love my new braces and I love all of you.  Brad, I have watched you grow up since you were knee high.  You know this, but you are like a son to me."

Dr. Brad asked "Janice... thank you.  I hope you know how special you are to me too.  And I might be spoiling the surprise, but braces might not be your only retirement gift.  But you will have to wait and see.  So, changing gears, if it isn't braces, what do we need to talk about?"

Janice said "actually we do need to talk about braces.  But not my braces.  Now Brad, please do not take this as criticism.  Or if you do, consider it constructive criticism.  Plus, what are you going to do, fire me?"  She gave a laugh as she watched Brad tense up.

She continued "Brad, I am so proud of you.  You are such a great orthodontist.  And I think it is wonderful how you have reinvented this practice.  You tell patients that you want to consider their needs, emotional as well as physical, when undergoing treatment.  You don't want to be like your father, who was focused solely on the appliances and mechanics of it all.  And you have always done that.  Until recently.  Like your father after he helped invent the maxillary skeletal expander, you seem to be focused solely on your wonderful new appliances and all they can do.  You seem to be overlooking the emotional state of patients.  Especially your employees.  Brad, you are becoming your father.  And I know you have always said you never wanted to practice like he did.  Again, this is not criticism.  You are a wonderful orthodontist.  The best.  But I wanted to point out something to you that maybe you don't see.  And something no one else might be willing to tell you."

Dr. Brad sat there in stunned silence looking at Janice.  He stammered "but...  But I just want what is best for the patient.  These new appliances mean a much more efficient and speedy treatment.  And the new CTO is treating something we were never even able to treat before.  My newest invention, Miller headgear, can do so much, everything."  He went silent as he did some introspection.

Janice said "I know Brad.  I understand how incredible they are.  But have you considered what it is like for a patient to wear them?  Have you looked at your girls lately?  Have you not seen how much they struggle performing their jobs; especially Alex, Maggie and Lisa; wearing their CTOs?  The KAFOs were my breaking point Brad.  Alex has been on the verge of a breakdown all week having to adapt to them, all while wearing her CTO and trying her best to treat patients.  In fact, I just saw her in the lounge putting on her CTO.  Brad, the look on her face broke my heart.  I told her not to put it on.  Of course she is hardheaded and a people pleaser so she told me she needed to, it was part of her treatment plan.  So she put it on anyway.  Well, you are going to change her treatment plan.  At least until she gets used to those horrible leg braces.  You are going to do it for her.   You are also going to do it for me.  And I do think you need to think about all your patient's treatment plans.  I know we want the fastest treatment times possible.  It is good for the patient and it is good for our bottom line.  Faster treatments equate to more patients.  But not if it breaks them emotionally.  And there is something else Brad.  Some of our patients are horrified seeing all the girls in Millers and CTOs.  It is very intimidating.  I am afraid we are going to run off patients Brad.  Patients that you can help.  I know we are not accepting many new patients currently.  But Mandy can tell you, our new patients are terrified of treatment now.  Have you not noticed that recently several have declined treatment after their initial consults?  That used to almost never happen with you Brad.   Again, this is not criticism.  But it is something that is bothering me and something you need to hear."

Brad sat there looking at her trying to process everything he had just heard.  After a moment he said "I didn't even put it together."  He went silent again before he said "but I am only doing it because it is for their own good."

Janice corrected him saying "Brad, it may be good for their orthodontic health.  But it isn't good for their mental health.  And I don't think it is good for business."

Brad looked at Janice and asked "what should I do?"

Janice smiled and said "first, don't tell anyone we had this conversation.  You are the boss here.  Second, you need to go out there and tell Alex to take off her CTO.  You need to tell her not to wear it at work the rest of this week.  Maybe you need to tell Mandy, Maggie, and Lisa the same.  Or maybe you give them a little more discretion on how much they wear it.  You know they feel so much pressure to wear everything as you prescribe.  And they have.  But frankly, I think that may be hurting their performance.  It may be hurting our patient's treatments.  Lisa has admitted to me how frustrating it is trying to perform her myofunctional lessons wearing it.  What do you need to do?  I think you need to take a step back and reevaluate your practice philosophy.  Just like you did when you took over the practice.  I think there is a place for all of your new appliances.  Look, there isn't much of a stigma about adult braces now days.  In fact, they may even be a little in vogue.  But extraoral appliances certainly aren't.  And even more so for adults.  I don't see that ever changing.  I can't see how it could ever become a fashion trend.  Brad, I just think you need to step back and look at the treatment as a whole once again and not focus solely on the appliances and mechanics."

Brad replied "but that will mean longer treatment times for patients.  And you know with some of our treatments we have a window to get results.  Whether that is with our younger patients or our adult patients.  I just want to obtain the best treatment outcomes for them."

Janice replied "I totally understand.  There has to be a middle ground though.  What good does treatment do if we scare off a patient before they even start?  A 90% effective treatment is much better than one that never happened.  A 90% treatment is better than a 50% treatment, like almost happened recently.  Brad, you almost had a patient abandon treatment half way through the process.  I thought that might have been a wakeup call.  I don't think it was.  I understand you have to be stern with some patients.  But there needs to be some give and take.  Do you agree?"

Brad sat there in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time.  He finally said "yes, I agree."

Janice said "thank you.  I know you are so proud of your devices.  And they are technological marvels.  And you want to show them off to the world.  But maybe the best way isn't to have Maggie, Alex and Lisa wearing them full time.  They have to actively work with patients every day.  I mentioned there needs to be some give and take.  Give the girls a break from their CTOs.  Give them more discretion in how they wear them.  Remember, they are all orthodontic professionals and understand the importance of wearing them.  Maybe give them the option of wearing a sleep well mask here.  Or even the more petit Petit Mask."  She gave a little chuckle and said "get it?  Anyway, Alex wore her mask some here in the office and seemed to have no problem with it.  It was just with the introduction of the CTO that it became an issue.  I know you want to show off your inventions.  But the girls have to work with patients every day.  I on the other hand?  I mainly sit at my desk, shuffling paper, typing on the computer, talking on the phone.  Fit me with a CTO.  Fit me with a Miller headgear.  I will be your model.  What do you say?"


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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #72 on: 24. February 2024, 17:20:31 PM »
Chapter Thirty:

Dr. Brad stared at Janice silently.  After a moment, Janice said "I hope you aren't upset."

Dr. Brad snapped out of thought and replied "I am upset.  But I am not upset with you Janice.  I have a lot to think about.  And do you really want me to fit you with a CTO and headgear?  They aren't compatible at this time.  You wouldn't be able to wear them at the same time.  But... I would like to have someone in the office wearing them.  I mean, like you said, I am proud of them.  And I do want to show them off.  If you want to, I will."

Janice gave an exaggerated smile and said "well, I do have braces now.  So it wouldn't seem that unusual to have some extraoral components.  I won't say that I really want to or relish the idea of it.  I know it will be an adjustment.  But I am willing to do it.  For you.  Like I said, you are like a son to me."

Dr. Brad said "let me think about it Janice.  I have a lot to think about."  He glanced at the clock on the wall.  He said "we have about 10 minutes until we open back up, but we already have one patient in the waiting room.  Would you do me a favor and gather up everyone but Becky in the lounge?  I want to have a quick word."

A few minutes later, Dr. Brad entered the lounge to find the group.  Mandy, Maggie, Lisa and Alex were all being good compliant patients and were wearing their CTO masks.  They were talking amongst themselves as Dr. Brad walked in.  As he walked over he could hear Mandy ask "I wonder what this is about?"  Dr. Brad announced "my goodness what a good looking group.  You all look stunning in your CTOs."

The group quit talking and stiffly turned their bodies in his direction.  Dr. Brad said "I am so proud of all of you.  You really are just the best staff ever.  And you all look so good in your CTOs.  But I have been doing a little thinking.  At least for the rest of today and tomorrow, I think you have earned a break from them here at work.  If you want of course.  I am not making you take them off.  But if you want to please do.  Tomorrow afternoon we will talk about new wear schedules for everyone.  I think we need to adjust them to account for the work week versus the weekend."

The group didn't move or speak.  They cut their eyes in each other's direction seeing what the others would do. 

After a moment, Janice walked over in front of Alex.  She began unbuckling Alex's CTO as she said "Alex, you first."

As Janice helped Alex out of her brace, Mandy and Maggie also began removing theirs.  Lisa did not.  Dr. Brad looked at her and asked "Lisa, really, if you want to take yours off you can."

Lisa said "thank you Dr. Brad.   I will later today for my myofunctional appointments.  I will keep it on until then.  I know the more I wear it the better."

Without a word, Janice cut her eyes over towards Dr. Brad and gave him a knowing look.

Dr. Brad said "Lisa, you are amazing." 

As soon as Janice had removed Alex's CTO, Alex gave her a big hug.  She said "thank you sho, sho musch."

Janice patted her on the back and said "don't thank me, thank Brad.  Dr. Brad made this decision, not me."  Alex released her hold of Janice and looked at her.  Janice saw the look on Alex's face.  Once again, it looked like she might cry.  Janice said "baby girl, don't cry.  But if you do I hope they are happy tears."

Alex composed herself and gave Janice a smile.  Alex apologized "I am shorry.  It hash jusht been an emotional week.  And yesh, they would have been happy tearsh."  Dr. Brad looked on surprised.  He had no idea that Alex had been having such an emotional time.  But knowing they had a patient already waiting, he said enthusiastically "ok, let's snap to it.  We have patients to see."

He stood there as Janice, Maggie and Mandy all stepped over and placed the braces on the counter.  As they did so, Lisa walked by in front of him.  Dr. Brad said "Lisa, thank you." 

She gave him a thumbs up and replied "hey, the more I wear it the quicker I am done.  Right?"

Dr. Brad said "that is exactly right."

Alex followed along stiffly behind Lisa.  When she got to Dr. Brad she stopped and gave him a suffocating hug.  She said "thank you Dr. Brad.  THANK YOU!"

Dr. Brad said "there is no reason to thank me Alex.  I am just trying to do what is best for my patients.  I do wish you had said something to me earlier this week.  Will you promise to do so in the future?  If something is bothering you?  I won't be mad."

As she continued hugging him she said "yesh, I will.  Again, thank you."

Dr. Brad said "you are so welcome.  And don't thank me too much.  You aren't off the hook wearing it at home.  Or really anytime you aren't working with patients."

Alex stepped back and said "oh poo!  That ish no fun."  Despite what she was saying, the huge metallic smile on her face really said it all.

Dr. Brad "I am glad to see you smiling Alex."  He then said to the rest of the group "come on now gang, saddle up.  We have patients waiting."

Friday evening Tara sent Alex a text that they had arrived at the restaurant.  She got an immediate response that she and Marc were about 10 minutes away, there had encountered a wreck that slowed them down.  Tara had asked her if she wanted them to wait for them.  Alex had shot back a reply to go ahead and get a table.

Upon being seated Tara had text Alex where their table was located and Tara had positioned herself and Jim so they could see in the direction from where they would be coming.  They had been seated only a few minutes when Tara saw Alex and Marc emerge around the corner, Tara shot her hand up and started waving.  Alex gave her a big smile and a little wave.  The pair made their way over to the table hand in hand.  But Tara didn't think it was to steady Alex.  No, Alex seemed to be walking so much better than just two days before.  With the dress she was wearing, Tara couldn't tell whether she was wearing her leg braces or not.  For some reason, she hoped she was.  She cut over eyes down towards Alex's ankles.  She saw white plastic and stainless steel emerging from the tennis shoes she was wearing.

As Alex and Marc arrived at the table, Tara and Jim stood.  Tara made her way around the corner of the table and gave Alex a big hug.  She excitedly said "yay!  You made it!"

They had gotten settled into their seats and made small talk.  Alex and Tara were glad to see that Marc and Jim seemed to hit it off, even if Tara did notice Marc looking at Jim's mouth some as Jim spoke.  Tara hoped that Jim didn't notice this knowing how self-conscious Jim was about his appliances and elastics which he was dutifully wearing.

After about 10 minutes, the server arrived with their drinks and their appetizer sampler platter.  As the server placed the platter down, Tara announced "we ordered it before you arrived.  And I asked them to sub out the crunchy taco bites for some extra shrimp."

Alex said "oh girl, you are so thoughtful.  Thank you.  You are going to do so good when you get your braces."  Tara noticed the expression change on the server's face, a pretty young woman who had yet to smile and had seemed to try to hide her teeth when she spoke.  Tara thought the server wanted to say something as she stared at Alex's mouth.  Instead, she just said "I hope you enjoy, and are you ready to order?"

After everyone had given her their orders and she had left, Tara said "Alex, I think that young woman wants to ask you about your braces."

Alex replied "really?  Why do you say that?"

Tara said "I don't know, just call it intuition.  That and she couldn't stop staring at your mouth.  And not to be mean, it looks like she could use some."

Alex said "interesting.  I didn't even notice. Huh."

Jim piped in "well, speaking of braces, would any of you be offended if I remove my elastics at the table?  It isn't exactly great etiquette I know."

Alex gave a chuckle and said "Jim, do you think we are going to mind?  Really?"

Jim smiled and said "no, but I had to ask."

Tara saw Marc watching Jim.  After Jim had removed the pair of elastics, wrapping them in a tissue and depositing them in his shirt pocket, Marc asked "what's it like having braces as an adult?  An adult guy?  Someone, and I won't say who, keeps twisting my arm to come see her and get a consult."  As he said this last part he gestured with his head towards Alex.  Alex gave him a look.

Jim replied "it sucks.  But, I keep telling myself it will be worth it."

Tara playfully punched Jim in the arm and said "baby, it does not suck."

Jim said "says the one without her expander yet.  Marc, it sucks.  But it is worth it.  And it is so much better going through it with someone you care about who is going through the same thing.  I am glad I am doing it.  If for no other reason than I met Tara because of it."

Tara leaned over against Jim and said "oh baby.  That is so sweet.  So sweet I am even going to let that first comment slide."  She sat back up and smiled at Marc.  She said "Marc you should totally do it.  You would be cute with braces.  And let me just say from a woman's perspective it is such a turn on to see a man that actually takes care of himself."

He said "really?"  He turned his head towards Alex and asked "do you feel the same?"

Alex smiled back at him seductively and replied "yes.  It might blow your mind just how much."

Marc "hmm....  well, maybe...."

He was interrupted by the server who stepped up and asked "everyone doing good over here?  Your food will be out shortly."

Alex turned and gave her a big smile, her braces reflecting the flickering light from the candle on the table.   She said "I could use another glass of wine.  And can I ask your opinion on something?"

The server, Tiffany, said "of course" as she used her lip to hide her upper teeth.

Alex said "what would you think if your partner got braces?  Would you be supportive?  And my fiance Marc here, smile for her baby, wouldn't he just be the cutest with braces?"

Tara could see the questions caught the young woman by surprise.  She stammered "umm... yes I would totally be supportive.  And, uhh, yes, I think he would be cute."

Alex beamed at Marc as she said "see, the ayes have it.  You are coming to see me."

The young woman just looked on wide eyed.  Alex turned and said "sorry, this is weird.  But I am an orthodontic assistant.  I have been trying for months to get him to come see me."

The young woman said "really?  I need braces so bad.  I want them so much.  Me and Kara both want them.  They are just so expensive."

Alex said "they are.  But it is an investment for life.  We do payment plans.  And we even do interest free financing with just a $100 down payment."

The young woman asked "really?"

Alex said "really.  You should totally come see us if you are interested in braces.  You and your friend should come in.  Consultations are completely free. Here."  Alex dug into her purse and pulled out a card and handed it to her.  As the young woman looked at it Alex said "you should totally give us a call and schedule an appointment.  And if you can get your friend to come in, we offer a $500 credit for referrals."

The young woman looked up at Alex.  She said "thank you.  I need to go check on your food.  But would it be ok if I talked with you some more about it later?"

Alex said "absolutely."

The server Tiffany smiled for the first time, her crooked and crowded teeth obvious.  She said "thank you."

As she walked away Alex said "that was fun.  Wasn't it fun baby?"

Marc shook his head and said "no, that was not fun.  But if you really want me to come in, I will."

Alex practically shouted "yay!" as she hugged him.  As she squeezed him she said "I love you so much."  Releasing her hold on him she came face to face with him and said "and I will take such good care of you.  In the office.  And at home." She gave him a wink.

Turning back to Tara, Alex said "I hope Tiffany and her friend will come see us too.  I don't know about her friend, but Tiffany could benefit so much."

Tara said "she could.  But I am not sure if Kara is her friend."

Alex gave Tara a confused look and asked "what do you mean?"

Tara said "I don't know if Kara is just her friend.  Maybe it is just intuition.  But the way she said 'me and Kara'.  And the look on her face as she said it.  And that pink triangle tattoo that Tiffany has on her arm.  I think Kara might be a little more than just her friend."

Later that evening after they were done with their entrees, Tiffany stopped back by the table.  She asked if anyone was interested in dessert as she went through the choices.  The group eyed each other. 

Jim said "I am stuffed."  Marc agreed.

Tara said "speak for yourself.  That chocolate cheesecake sounds incredible.  Would you share it with me Alex?  It should be easy on all of our appliances."

Alex said "twist my arm and throw me in the brier patch.  Yum!"

Tara turned back to Tiffany who was examining her mouth.  Tara said "I am in treatment  too."  She pulled back the corner of her mouth to expose one of her molar bands and hooks.  "Jim and I both are.  It has been so incredible going through the process together.  Plus Alex and Dr. Brad, the whole staff, they are just the best.  And not only do they have that referral benefit Alex mentioned, they have even better discounts available for family plans.  Even if it is just a couple.  You should absolutely make an appointment with them."

She looked at Tara and then over at Alex.  She asked "so what do I need to do?"

Alex smiled and said "two things.  One, call the office number on my card on Monday and make an appointment.  Two, make sure you bring us the biggest piece of cheesecake they have" and laughed.

When Tiffany returned, she had a plate in each hand, a piece of cheesecake on each.  She sat one down in front of each of the ladies as she said "instead of one big piece, how about two pieces.  It is the least I can do."

Alex and Tara almost simultaneously said "thank you." 

Tiffany said "No, thank you.  I do have one more question.  Um, how do I say this?  You mentioned a family discount.  That applies to couples.  Does that apply even if you aren't officially married?  Just like common law?  I really want to come in and see you.  I don't know if I can afford it, but I am going to schedule a consultation.  I want to make an appointment for Kara too.  I want to surprise her with it.  Because she is embarrassed of her smile and hides it.  Which I hate.  Because I love to see my wife smile."


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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #73 on: 24. February 2024, 17:21:52 PM »
It may be superfluous.  But I just had to throw in this latest couple.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #74 on: 26. February 2024, 20:02:43 PM »
Chapter Thirty One:

The following Friday afternoon, Dr. Brad knocked on Janice's door.  From the other side he heard "come in".

He opened the door to find Janice looking at him, her hair poofing out around the edges of her headgear.  He said "I wanted to speak with you a second before the staff meeting."

He sat down across the desk from her and asked "first off, thank you.  How is it feeling?  Are you getting a little more used to it?  Is it causing you any pain?"

Janice said "no, not too much pain.  The elastics still rub on my lips some.  And the facebow?  It is just feels weird. But the facebow actually keeps my lips and cheeks from rubbing on the brackets.  It's just, well, it's just so big.  I am still not used to feeling it wrapped around my head.  And I am definitely not used to how it looks."

Dr. Brad smiled at her and said "it looks wonderful Janice.  And since we are incorporating equal parts protraction and retraction, we aren't moving teeth or bone.  So, you shouldn't have discomfort like you would if we were actively moving things around.  Again, I appreciate it so much.  I do think we need to show our patients that we walk the walk too."

Janice smiled and said "well you know Brad, there is only one of us in the office who isn't."

Dr. Brad laughed and said "I did my time.  And you girls make much better models that I would.  Again, thank you.  Just remember, I am giving you latitude as to how you wear it."

Janice said "I know Brad.  Can I share a little secret with you?  I hate it.  But I love it.  And I am happy that you are happy."

Dr. Brad said "that I am.  Also, again, thank you so much for calling me to the carpet last week.   You were completely correct.  The girls have done such a good job taking the initiative on their own.  Speaking of which, let's go have our meeting.   I have some big surprises to announce."

Dr. Brad followed behind Janice as they entered the lounge.  He saw all of the girls sitting on the couches.  Mandy, Maggie, Alex and Lisa were all sitting stiffly on the edges of their seats, all dutifully wearing their CTO braces.  From the lisp he heard, he could tell Alex was wearing her tongue crib as well.  He looked at Maggie and Lisa, thinking about the fixed cribs in their mouths.  He realized they seemed to have much less of a speech impediment than Alex.  He wondered if that was because they were forced to live with theirs 24 hours a day.  He filed that away as something to think about later.

He waited until there was a lull in the conversation and cleared his throat loudly.  The girls shifted in his direction.  He said "today's meeting is going to be fairly quick.  But important.  But before we start, I want to thank you all.  And say how proud I am of all of you.  You really are the best in the business.  The only problem we have is that we can only treat so many patients.  Well, that is going to change.  Because we are growing."  He looked at Janice, who left the room.  Dr. Brad continued "I am about to introduce you to Dr. Andrea Bender.  I think you will love her.  She is young and energetic, and has a passion for orthodontics and helping patients.  Twice the orthodontists, twice the fun!  She will be starting with us on Monday.  We will also be adding a couple of new assistants.  We will begin interviewing for them next week as well.  I want you to know that I am going to have candidates meet and chat with all of you as well.  I want your input as well.  Because we are a family here."  At that time Janice reentered the lounge, followed by a fit brunette who was about 5' 6" and appeared to be around thirty years old.  She was wearing a knee length skirt, a white blouse, and sensible 2" pumps.  She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and on her face sat a pair of tortoise shell framed glasses.  She was pretty in a librarian type of way.  She smiled at the group as she entered, her white teeth unadorned by any apparent orthodontia.

Janice led her over beside Dr. Brad.  Dr. Brad smiled at her and then looked back at the group.  He said "I am honored to introduce Dr. Andrea Bender.  Dr. Bender, would you like to say a word?"

Dr. Bender smiled before she said "thank you all so much.  I am so excited to be joining you.  But first, before we go any further, Dr. Bender is my father.  I am Andi or Dr. Andi."  For the next few minutes she explained her background, where she was from, her family, her schooling, and her experience.  When she was done, she went around the room, shaking hands with each of the ladies.  Once she was done, she stepped back beside Dr. Brad and said "again, I am so excited to be joining you.  What you and Dr. Brad are doing for patients is amazing.  Cutting edge.  And I want to compliment all of on jumping into treatment yourself.  I will be joining you soon.  I am excited about that as well."

Dr. Brad said "ladies, this is a big day.  An exciting day.  And I couldn't be happier.  Monday we will begin interviewing assistants and getting Dr. Andi settled in.  Until then, all of you have the best weekend.  And remember, weekends are a great time to get in a little extra appliance wear.  Thank you all, I love each and every one of you.  And I will see you all on Monday morning!"

That evening, after getting their children in bed, Dr. Brad stood in front of Megan in their bathroom turning her expander.  Once he was done, he leaned in and kissed her, his tongue running along her tongue crib.  Pulling back he said "you are amazing."

She said "thank you shir."

He said "please come with me." 

She asked "shir, what about my CTO?"

He said "kitten, you have earned a break from your CTO.  Would you like it if you could sleep without your corset and CTO for a few nights?  Tell me the truth."

Megan said "shir, I am conflicted.  I love the way my corshet maksh me look.  And I know my CTO ish helping me.  But yesh shir, I would l like a break."

Dr. Brad said "good.  Because this weekend you are getting one.  Next week will be an adjustment for you, you will be adapting to your new leg braces.  I want you to have a weekend of freedom."  He watched her face as he mentioned her upcoming leg braces to see if there was any reaction in her face.  He was almost disappointed there wasn't.  He continued "I know they will be an adjustment for you.  But I will take care of you."

She nuzzled up against him.  He thought she was purring.

He squeezed her and said "I love you so much."

The next morning as Dr. Brad woke he felt something digging into his shoulder.  He turned his head to find Megan curled up around him, her arm over him and her head laying on his shoulder.  One of the prongs from her mask was what he was feeling.  He gently shook her.  As she awoke he whispered "good morning."  She replied "goo morneh."  He smiled at her and said "you are so beautiful in the morning.  And I have another surprise for you today."

Dr. Brad had removed her mask, unlocked her mouth, and made the turns on her expander when she reached down to pick up the mask.  He put his hand over hers.  He said "kitten, no sleep well mask today."  She looked at him, surprise on her face.  She said "thank you."  He smiled and said "but you are at a very important point in your treatment.  I have something else for you."  He opened a drawer and pulled out a bright red petit facemask.  He held it up to her face as he adjusted it to fit with an allen wrench.  He said "perfect.  I want you to wear this during the day this weekend.  But not all day.  I will let you take it off at the zoo.  You have earned it.  And we won't be locking your scopes either."

After leaving the house, they stopped by the Starbucks around the corner.  It was late in the morning and the crowd was sparse.  Megan held the baby while Brad held their older son's hand as they walked in.  The barista had taken a long look at Megan wearing her facemask before she noticed the baby.  After cooing at him a moment, she asked if she could help them.  After ordering and paying for their drinks, the barista, her name tag said Emily, looked at Megan and said quietly "I have to wear one of those too.  Mine is purple.  You are so brave for wearing it in public."

Megan smiled at her and replied "It ishn't sho scary after the first few times.  Plus, I am married to my orthodontist, sho it ish hard for me to cheat." 

The barista looked at Brad then back at Megan and asked "oh, wow, I guess not.  How much are you supposed to wear it."

Megan said "pretty musch full time." 

The barista swallowed and said "wow, I thought fourteen hours was bad.  I'm always getting in trouble because I can't even get that in." 

Brad said "the more you wear it, the better it works.  And the quicker you will be done."

Megan chimed in "he ish right.  You should wear it here at work.  At leasht you don't have a tongue crib and exshpander."

The barista smiled and replied "I do have an expander.  But my facemask, here, oh no.  Everyone would make fun of me." 

Megan said "you speak sho well!  I am jealoush.  And no they won't.  Do you have it with you, your facemashk?"

Emily said "yes."

Megan said "well then?"

Emily "oh no, I could never."

Brad glanced over his shoulder to make sure there were no customers waiting behind them.  Seeing none, he looked back at Emily and asked "who is your orthodontist?"

Emily said "Dr. Blakeney."

Brad replied "great guy, great orthodontist.  I speak with him every once in a while.  You know, if you did put it on I would be sure to tell him I saw you wearing it at work.  That might get him off your back a little."

Emily looked from Brad to Megan, a confused look on her face.

Megan added "if it ish important to your treatment, you should do it.  Who cares what anyone thinksh.  You are doing thish for you right?"

Emily looked trapped.  She said "yes, I am."  After a second she said "oh my God, I can't believe I am even thinking about this."

Megan said "if you won't do it for you, will you do it for me?  So I won't be the only one in here wearing one?  Please."

Emily put up one last defense.  She said "nobody wears them in public."

Brad said "not true.  You are looking at someone doing it.  The most beautiful woman in the whole world is standing right in front of you wearing hers proudly.  And most of my staff is in treatment, many of them wear masks.  And they wear them in public occasionally.  Instead of not getting their time in.  Because they know how important it is."

Emily looked at them a moment.  She stepped over and tapped another young woman on the shoulder and said "man the register a second?" as she disappeared in the back.

About 20 seconds later Emily reemerged from the back.  On her face was a purple petit facemask, bright pink elastics emerging from the corners of her mouth.  Stepping back up to the register she said "happy?  God I feel mortified.  I can't believe I am doing this."

Megan said "you are so cute Emily!   I love the glitter in your mask!  And those bright pink elastics are so fun".

Emily said "this is not fun."  She looked at Brad and said "oh God....  now you will be able to tell on me to Dr. Blakeney."

Brad looked at her and said "snitches get stitches.  I won't tell on you for not wearing it.  That is between you and Lawrence, er Dr. Blakeney.  But I will tell him about you wearing it."  He pulled out his phone and held it up. 

Emily asked "what are you doing?"

Brad said "I am about to send Dr. Blakeney a picture of his patient doing such a good job of wearing her facemask."

Emily said "no, it's bad enough I am wearing it."

Megan said "how is that supposed to make me feel?  Come on."  She turned, her back to the counter, the baby in her right arm as she reached her left arm out.  She continued "come on, let's get a picture together." 

Emily hesitantly leaned in.  Brad said "you ladies look incredible.  Say cheese."  Megan gave a big, eager smile.  Emily's was much more subdued.

Brad held the phone up so the two ladies could see the picture.  Megan squeeled "how cute!"  At that time a younger girl brought three drinks to the counter and placed them in front of Emily.  As she turned, the girl's gaze lingered on Emily.

Emily noticed and said "see?  Staring?  I can't do this."

Megan said "do you think I don't understand.  Most people are just curious.  Maybe she wants to ask you about it?  Maybe she had one?  Or maybe she is thinking about getting braces herself?  Who knows?  But mainly, who cares?  Would you at least wear it until I leave?  For me?  We will be right over in that corner.  I will keep an eye on you.  You will be fine."

Emily reluctantly said "Kayleigh already has braces so that isn't it.  But yes, I will wear it.  At least while my orthodontist's friend is here."  She looked at Brad and asked "so does this mean you are going be checking in on me?  Spying for Dr. Blakeney?"

Brad said "absolutely not.  But I promise you, when you are all done with treatment, you will be glad you did.  I have yet to meet a patient who wasn't.  You get out what you put in.  And I have a lot of patients that tell me they wish they had done a better job wearing their appliances.  I have yet to have one tell me they wish they had done a worse job."

Megan stuck the straw in her iced latte and took a drink.  She said "delicious.  Thank you Emily.  And we will be right over there."

Megan had kept a close eye on Emily.   While it was obvious she was very self-conscious, Megan was happy to see she seemed to be managing.  Several of the customers had given long stares.  She couldn't hear what was said, but nothing said had seemed to visibly upset Emily.  The girl from earlier had come up to Emily during a lull.  Megan could tell from the way that Emily was pointing to her facemask, elastics and mouth that she was explaining it.  The other girl had then gestured animatedly around her own head as she spoke.

Once they were done with their drinks, Brad and Megan stood.  Brad made his way over and deposited the empty cups in a trash can.  Emily was with a customer, but after he departed she made her way back up to the counter.  Megan said "see?  You haven't died.  And it looked like there for a second you even forgot you were wearing it.  What do you say you try to leave it on a little longer?  It will help me knowing someone else is wearing one too."

Emily said "I will.  I didn't know that Kayleigh, that's my co-worker," as she gestured in the direction of the younger girl "wears headgear.  High pull headgear.  She was complaining to me about having to wear it in high school.  She is a junior this year.  I told her to wear it now, wear it as much as she could.  So she doesn't end up wearing headgear in college like me."

Megan said "you are right.  She should wear it as much as she can.  Just like you should.  And just like I should."  She leaned over, she still had the baby in one arm, and said "here."  Emily leaned over as Megan gave her a little hug.   She said "and now I have a reason to stop by more often.  To check on how my new friend is doing.  Maybe she will even be wearing her facemask?"

Emily gave her a smile and replied "we will see.  Maybe I can talk Kayleigh into wearing hers too?"

Megan smiled and said "that would be fun!  You should try.  Remind her that it's not just kids that have to wear it.  Emily, you have made my day.  Thank you so much.  Now, off to the zoo we go.  Facemask and all."

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #75 on: 26. February 2024, 22:42:06 PM »
Again two nice surprises. Thank you!  ;)

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #76 on: 27. February 2024, 05:59:00 AM »
You have so many interesting things happening in the story.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #77 on: 27. February 2024, 18:10:04 PM »
Chapter Thirty Two:

The following Wednesday Dr. Brad sat on a stool watching intently as Dr. Morales and her assistant Mona fastened and adjusted the straps on Megan's new KAFOS.  It was amazing to watch he thought, all three women held securely and stiffly by their CTO braces.  Dr. Morales asked Megan "sho you she how we tightened those strapsh?  Make a note of how musch each ish tightened.  After awhile you will be able to do it by feel.  I want you to wear these all the time except while showering.  Swimming is also allowed, obvioushly remove them for that ash well.  It will take a couple of weeksh for them to feel normal, but most patientsh don't find them too musch of an inconveniencsh by the end of the firsht month." 

The assistant squatted down in front of Megan with one of Megan's tennis shoes in her hand.  She had already loosened the laces as much as she could and opened the shoe as wide as she could get it.  She slid it over Megan's foot and the attached plate the ran along the underside of her foot.  She quickly tied the laces and began to fit the other shoe.  As she did, Dr. Morales said "it ish best to stick to tennis shoes.  Especially at firsht.  I don't recommend heels at all.  There, it looks like Mona has you ready to take your first steps."

Mona stood and put her arm around Megan and helped her to a standing position.  As Megan stood Dr. Brad could see her mind spinning, comprehending all the new sensations.  Dr. Morales asked "do they fell ok?  Ish anything poking"?

Megan said through her locked jaw "tha ah show tight.  Ah they spose ta be thish tight?"

Dr. Morales replied "yesh, they need to be.  You will get ushed to the tightnessh.  Walk acrossh the room and back for me pleash."

Dr. Brad watched as Megan took her first uneasy, mechanical step.  Mona walked along beside her.  Mona said "ya are doin fine."  Dr. Brad noticed her mouth didn't open as she spoke.  Once back at the treatment table, Mona said "ya did sho well.  Sho musch better than mosht patientsh."

Dr. Brad added "baby, you did so good.  I am so proud of you." 

Out of habit, Megan replied "thank you shir."

Dr. Brad cocked his head at her as she realized her mistake.  She had broken one of their rules.  She said "thank you, shure feel resthrective."

Dr. Morales said "they do at firsht.  But in a week or two wearing them will feel completely normal.  So, any questionsh from either of you?"

Dr. Brad shook his head and said "no, not about the KAFOS.  You both did a wonderful job explaining them.  Mona, I do have a question for you.  Do you have your scopes locked?"

Mona said "yesh shir.  You toll me to keep them locked ash musch as posshible.  Sho I do."

Dr. Brad responded "oh my goodness Mona.  That is so incredible.  You are doing so well.  Maybe your dedication will rub off on Dr. Morales."

Dr. Morales eyed him as she responded "maybe Dr. Brad needs to be fitted for his own pair of KAFOS?"

Dr. Brad laughed before he said "touche!  Dr. Morales you are doing great too.  I am so happy to see you all taking such an active part in your treatments and wearing your appliances as instructed.  You will be in braces and then out of braces before you know it."  He looked at Megan and asked "baby, are you good?  Any questions?"

Megan said "no".

Dr. Morales said "than in that case, we are done.  You know how to find me."

Arriving back home, Dr. Brad helped Megan inside.  Dr. Brad's mother had volunteered to keep the baby for them, and as soon as they entered the house she rushed to Megan and gave her a hug.  She said "honey, how are you doing?"

Megan said "I am ok."

Brad's mother, Wanda, replied "I am so sorry this is all happening at once.  But I know between Brad and Dr. Morales, they will have you fixed up as good as new in no time.  I am going to stay with you the rest of the afternoon.  I insist."

Megan responded "thah ya.  How wash Chancsh?"

Wanda beamed as she said "he is an angel.  He didn't cry one time."

Dr. Brad said "I hate to run, but lunch is about over.  I have to get back to the office.  Mom, thank you so much."  He then hugged Megan.  Feeling the laces of her corset underneath her CTO would never grow old to him.  He said "baby, I am so proud of you.  You are such a trooper.  You are my inspiration and my rock."  By now, his mother had walked away to check on the baby.  Dr. Brad whispered "I will put your belt back on you this evening when I get home.  I know kitten must miss it.  I hope she is a good girl while I am away this afternoon."

Megan said "kitten will be a good girl.  Ish she in trouble for saying shir today?"

Dr. Brad said "no, she is not.  I know she had so much running through her mind.  And she recovered so well.  I am proud of you.  You are a good kitten.  And good kittens get treats."

Dr. Brad let go of her as his demeanor changed.  He was making eye contact with her as he said "I do love you more than life itself.  And thank you.  Now, I've got to run."

Megan watched as the door closed before she turned to make her way to the baby's nursery.  As she took her first step, she wondered if she could really do this.  She loved Brad.  And she loved their relationship dynamic.  But this?  It was so much.  She tried to brush it from her mind.  For some reason, she thought of Emily.  She wondered if she had been wearing her facemask at work.  She thought 'if she only knew what some people had to wear'. 

Later that afternoon, Megan got thirsty.  She walked into the kitchen.  Looking in the refrigerator, she didn't see anything she really wanted.  She made a rash decision.  She walked stiffly into the nursery to find Wanda reading a book, sitting beside Chance who was napping.  Megan said "Mrsh. Miller, could I trouble you to go to Starbucksh?  I would love an iced vanilla latte."

Wanda looked up at Megan and said "of course honey.  I will be glad to go get you one if you think you are ok by yourself."

Megan said "thank you.  But I wash hoping we could go together.  I am going to have to face the world with my leg bracesh shome time."

Wanda looked at her uncertainly and asked "are you sure honey?  You just got them?  And you are wearing your CTO.  Do you want to  take it off?"

Megan said "I am shure.  I can do it.  And I don't want to take my CTO off".  She didn't mention to Wanda that she actually couldn't remove it with the hook covers closed.  She asked "Can you help me into my sling?"

Wanda said "are you sure you can manage the baby?  I will be more than happy to."

Megan said "yesh, I am.  And you have to drive."

Wanda looked at her.  She was clearly not convinced.  Finally she relented and said "ok.  It is just around the corner.  Here, let me help you."

Wanda walked closely beside Megan as they walked across the parking lot.  She said "you are doing so good honey.  And you are so brave.  I am so proud of you for facing this head on."

As she approached the register, she didn't see Emily.  She wondered if she was even working that day.  She did see the younger girl from her previous visit, Megan remembered her name was Kayleigh.  She had her back to them working on some drinks.  As she stepped to the counter stiffly, Emily emerged from around the corner.  Seeing Megan, her eyes grew huge. Emily stepped to the counter and said "welcome to Starbucks, can I take your order."  She thought for a moment and said "Megan." 

Megan said "you remembered my name Emily.  I would like a grande iced vanilla latte."  Wanda piped in "make that two."

After ringing it up, Wanda dug in her purse.  Emily looked at Megan and asked "are you ok?  Were you in an accident?"

Megan said "no, I have joint inshability.  This neck bracsh is part of my treatment.  Ash are my new leg bracesh.  This clear mask is for my protraction.  I wear it mosht of the time.  Not that daintly little mask I was wearing the other day.  Speaking of which, I wash hoping you would be wearing yoursh."

Wanda paid for their drinks with a card.  Emily seemed to not even notice.  She seemed stunned.  Unsure what to say.  She couldn't help but stare at the CTO that Megan was wearing.  She finally said "wow, you are so brave."

Megan said "you are too.  Going through treatment in college and all.  I sure do wish I had a little company in here though."

Emily said "ok."  She stepped away and said a word to Kayleigh.  When Kayleigh turned, she saw Megan.  Kayleigh's eyes got huge.

Shortly after, Emily emerged wearing her purple facemask.  Megan watched as Emily stopped and spoke with Kayleigh a few moments.  She couldn't hear what was said, but Kayleigh disappeared into the back.  Stepping back up to the counter, Emily said "your drinks will be ready in a moment.  We will bring them to you."

Megan smiled the best she could and said "thank you Emily."

Emily said "I can't believe I am doing this.  Again."

Megan said "you look so cute.  Again, thank you."

It had only been a minute or so, Megan was still trying to get comfortable in her seat as Wanda held Chance, when Megan heard Emily's voice say "here are your drinks."  Megan looked up.  She felt surprised.  In front was Emily holding an iced latte.  What surprised Megan though was Kayleigh who trailed along behind her, also holding an iced latte.  Megan's surprise wasn't simply that Kayleigh had brought one of the drinks out.  It was the fact that she was wearing headgear.  And not just a high pull headgear.  Instead, she had an intricate collection of blue straps running around her head, two white plastic c-shaped pieces running along in front of her ears, and a maze of elastics connecting the silver facebow emerging from her mouth.  Megan recognized it as an Interlandi headgear.

Megan smiled and said "oh wow!  You girlsh look great!  Sho cute!  Thank you.  I don't feel like the only one.  Seriously Kayleigh, it ish cute."

Kayleigh laughed and said "huh, whatever.  I just got it this week.  It is horrible.  I thought my old one was bad.  This is worse.  But Emily said I should put it on."

Megan looked at Emily and said "Emily is correct.  You should put it on if you need it.  Just like Emily should wear hers.  Kayleigh, how much do you have to wear yours?  I am supposed to wear mine all the time."

Kayleigh animatedly replied "that is the worst part.  I am supposed to wear this 18 hours a day.  Dr. Blakeney wants me to wear it to school.  Never, I won't do it."

Megan said "Kayleigh, look at me.  Would you rather wear it now?   And fix everything?  Or have to do it when you are grown?  Like me.  I can tell you it is better to do it now."

Kayleigh said "I'd rather not have to wear it ever."  She went quiet a moment before adding "but I guess now is better."

Emily added "it is better than wearing it in college too."

Megan said "well, I guess that settles it.  You two are just going to have to wear them here at work."

Emily looked at Megan and asked "why do you care?  Really?"

Megan laughed and said "because mishery lovesh company?  No seriously, it ish because my hushband is an orthodontist.  He treatsh sho many adult patientsh.  It ish sho much harder on adultsh.  I mean, you two are, but you are still sho young.  The younger you are the eashier it ish.  I just don't want you to have to go through what I and so many other adult patientsh have to.  So, just wear it now.  Like you are supposhed to.  Will you?"

Emily looked at her silently.  Finally she said "I will try."  She turned to Kayleigh and asked "will you do it with me?  I know you were saying that if you don't, your ortho was going to move you to a non-compliance plan.  Whatever that is."

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #78 on: 04. March 2024, 06:20:39 AM »
This keeps getting better. Can’t wait for Tara’s update!

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #79 on: 04. March 2024, 23:13:06 PM »
I can´t wait either. This is for sure a very nice story.  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #80 on: 05. March 2024, 17:40:37 PM »
Chapter Thirty Three:

That Friday afternoon at the weekly staff meeting, Dr. Brad looked around at all the ladies.  As always, he was so proud of them.  Proud of how well they treated their patients, and also proud that they were all so good about wearing their appliances.  He gave them a big smile and announced "great week everyone.  Thank you all.  Dr. Bender, how was your week?  Getting settled in?"

Dr. Bender said "It was an amazing week."  She looked around the room and continued "I want to compliment you all on running such a tight ship.  I have never been in an office where everything runs so smoothly.  And thank you all for welcoming me with such open arms.  I am so excited to start seeing patients.  And I am excited to start my own treatment.  I had forgotten how much spacers suck though."  She gave a laugh as the ladies looked on smiling.  They could all relate.

Dr. Brad said "speaking of which, I want all of your input on the potential assistants we interviewed this week.  Today is election day.  Janice is going to pass around a ballot to each of you with all of their names on there.  Please rank them as to how you think they would fit in here.  Number one is your first choice and so on to number five.  Don't put your name on it, I want this to be anonymous.  And I can't guarantee that we will hire your top two choices, but I am going to consider them all.  Thank you."

Janice began handing out the ballots and pens.  She was about half-way done when Maggie said "remind me again who Katie was."

Alex chimed in "she wash the one who ish jusht about to graduate from dental asshisting school, the blond with bracesh."

Mandy laughed and replied "she would certainly fit in here.  All she needs is a CTO of her own" as Mandy tapped the brace she was wearing.

Becky responded "hey, we don't all wear CTOs here."

Mandy said "rub it in."

Dr. Brad looked at Becky and said "well Bec, we could certainly make that happen if you want."

Becky looked up and said "Nooo...  Please, I am so ready to get them off."  As she spoke the collection of elastics in her mouth stretched back and forth.

Dr. Brad smiled and said "just keep on wearing those elastics full-time like you are supposed to and you will."

Mandy asked "so how is it that the youngest person in the office is getting her braces off first?"  The comment drew a couple of laughs from the ladies.

After all the ladies had filled out the ballots in front of them, Janice collected them back up and handed them to Dr. Brad.

He said "thank you all.  Dr. Bender and I are going to review all this and make decisions over the weekend on who we hire.  We will let everyone know on Monday.  Also, Monday will be the first day for Janice's replacement Aubrey.  Welcome her with open arms.  I know you will.  Janice, thank you so much for staying on an extra month to show her the ropes.  I just don't know what we will do without you."

Janice tried to smile.  But the two pairs of elastics and the new facebow she had gotten that morning made it difficult and unnatural.  She said "it is my pleasure.  And you know I can't be a stranger" as she pointed up to her mouth and the complicated headgear that encircled her head.

Dr. Bender piped in "your headgear is amazing Janice.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  And in a week, you will have a little company.  Me!"

Dr. Brad looked at Dr. Bender and said "You are going to be such an inspiration to your patients."  He looked around the room.  Becky and Dr. Bender were the only ladies not wearing an extraoral appliance.  He smiled and said "Again everyone, great week.  As always. Enjoy your weekends.  And I will see you all bright and early on Monday."

Janice slid in beside Alex, Maggie, Mandy and Lisa at the counter.  They were all removing their CTO braces for the drive home.  Janice opened up one of the cabinets and grabbed her purse.  As she turned to leave, Alex asked "you aren't going to take off your headgear Janice?"

Janice turned and gave Alex her new, awkward smile.  She replied "no, I can drive fine with it.  It is so complicated to put on and take off, I might be here an extra thirty minutes.  Plus, this new facebow is going to take a little practice putting in and taking out.  I will practice a little at home this weekend."

By now Alex had removed her CTO.  She said "you are hardcore Janice."

Janice laughed before she replied "no, Alex, that is you.  This headgear really isn't that bad.  It doesn't hurt, and it isn't restrictive at all.  Well, except for eating and smiling.  No honey, you are the trooper with your CTO and leg braces.  But do you know something?  The way you are walking now, you can't even tell you are wearing them."  Janice stepped over and gave her a hug.  As she released her she said "have a great weekend!  I hope you and Marc have just the best adventures."

As Janice walked away, Alex wondered what it would be like to wear the new Miller headgear.

That night at Jim's, Tara slid in stiffly beside him on the couch.  Jim had cooked dinner for them and they had finished cleaning the table and kitchen before each put on their CTO braces.  They were now settling in to watch a movie they had both decided on.  As they watched Tara said "this is an exciting evening baby, this is the last night you are supposed to wear your CTO for 17 hours a day.  You have done so good.  I am so proud of you."

Jim replied "I did it for you baby.  Seriously." 

Tara ran her hand up and down Jim's thigh as she said "I know you did.  And it is the sweetest thing.  Is it weird that I am looking a little forward to our appointments next week?  Maybe you will be done turning your expander and can get your braces?  And maybe I am close to being able to get my expander?  It terrifies me.  But I am also eager to just get it over with.  Plus, I want to be able to go through it with you.  Together.  Is that weird?"

Jim put his arm around Tara's shoulders and squeezed her "no, it is sweet.  We both seem to have committed to this."

Tara wondered what he meant by 'this'.  Was he referring to orthodontic treatment?  Or to them as a couple?

That following Friday, Tara and Jim walked in for their appointments.  After checking in with Becky, Tara and Jim took a seat.  A few minutes later the door to the treatment area opened.  Tara's friend Aubrey walked over to them with a big smile on her face.  Tara stood and gave her a hug as she said "my appointments here just keep getting better!  How was your first week?"

Aubrey sat in the chair beside Tara describing her first week.  It had been quite a change from the world of accounting, but Aubrey said it was so much more interesting than just staring at spreadsheets all day.  After they had caught up, Aubrey said "well, I guess I better get back to work.  There is so much to learn.  But Janice is so wonderful."  As she stood Tara asked "so, when are you getting braces?"

Aubrey looked down at Tara and replied "haha, real funny.  Thanks, but no thanks."

Tara smiled, the silver hooks just visible in the corners of her mouth, and said "hey, why don't we get together this weekend and catch up?  This wasn't long enough."

As Aubrey smiled at her, Tara noticed how narrow her friend's upper arch really was and how she had some crowding on bottom.  Aubrey said "that would be fun.  Lunch tomorrow?"

Tara smiled and said "and maybe a little shopping.  Jim has an open house for his new residential development the next few weekends.  And I would just be a third wheel.  So let's do it.  I will call you tonight."

As Aubrey walked away Tara realized two things.  One, she checked out everyone's teeth since she had begun treatment herself.  And two, she thought it looked like Aubrey could actually benefit from braces herself.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #81 on: 05. March 2024, 22:02:30 PM »
Welcome Aubrey to the braces team.  ;)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #82 on: 06. March 2024, 01:28:52 AM »
Who knows?  Dr. Bender is going to start seeing patients of her own soon.  She seems very enthusiastic about all of Dr. Miller’s inventions.  And it sounds like she will be getting to learn all about them first hand.  I wonder who her first patient will be?  And what his or her treatment will involve?

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #83 on: 06. March 2024, 09:51:55 AM »
Who knows?

You know!  :)

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #84 on: 06. March 2024, 19:30:24 PM »
Chapter Thirty Four:

After a five minute wait, the treatment door opened.  Alex called out "Tara, Jim, you can come on back."  Tara turned her head and looked at Alex.  The first thing she noticed is that Alex did not have anything on her face.

When Tara got within easy earshot of her, she excitedly asked "are you done with your CTO?"

Alex replied "no.  But, I am done with it while working with patients.  It might add a little time to my treatment, but it is worth it.  You can't even imagine how difficult it was leaning over working on patients when you can't bend over.  I do have to admit though, my back pain is better though since I started wearing it.  Come on back!  I have someone for you two to meet."

As Tara followed along behind Alex, she noticed how effortlessly she was walking.  She could tell she had her leg braces on, they did print against her scrubs every once in awhile.  Nonetheless Tara asked "are you not wearing your KAFOs either?"

Alex stopped and turned.  She pulled up the leg of her scrubs and showed the steel and white plastic that encased her legs.  Alex said "sadly I am.  I am not sure if these won't be with me a while.  Maybe forever."  She had a frown on her face.

Tara said "well, I couldn't even tell you were wearing them.  And I am sure it won't be forever."  Tara was glad that Alex' frowned turned into a smile.

Approaching one end of the row of treatment chairs, Tara saw the same mother with her two daughters from her previous appointment.  The two girls were sitting side by side, each wearing their pink facemasks, as they watched Maggie work on mom's braces.

She was watching Maggie, who like Alex was not wearing any type of extraoral appliance, install a power chain on the woman's brackets when Dr. Brad's voice startled her.  She turned in his direction when she heard him boom "Mrs. Reynolds!  Mr. Phillips!  Wonderful to see you."  Tara looked at him and saw the woman standing to his side and slightly behind him.  Tara saw she was wearing a white coat with 'Dr. Bender' embroidered on it.  Dr. Brad said "we are growing!  I want to introduce you to Dr. Andrea Bender."  As Dr. Bender shook Jim and Tara's hand, Dr. Brad continued "Dr. Bender, or Dr. Andi as she likes to go by, has been with us a couple of weeks.  She will sit in and observe your appointments.  And then on Monday, she will start seeing new patients herself."

Dr. Andi said "it is a pleasure to meet you.  Dr. Brad will still be your ortho, but I will be available to help in any way possible.  Maybe Dr. Brad can finally take a vacation.  And thank you for letting me sit in on your appointment.  I am so eager to start with my first patient on Monday morning."  She looked up at Alex as she said this.  Tara saw that Alex was silently clapping.  Tara wondered what this was all about.

As if reading her mind Alex looked at Tara and excitedly said "my momma is going to be Dr. Andi's first patient.  I get to put braces on my momma!"

Dr. Andi added "it is exciting Alex.  You can show her the ropes.  Maybe even turn her expander for her."  Turning her head to towards Tara and Jim she said "but she won't be the only one getting a Miller.  I am getting my own set of appliances this afternoon at the end of the day.  I am excited.  But hey, you can't work in ortho and not go into treatment right?  Or I guess in my case, three times.  Once as a teen, once in dental school, and now once again.  But this time it is so exciting.  What Dr. Brad is doing is amazing.  The Miller appliance and his new extraoral devices are just amazing.  I can't wait to get my own.  Anyway, enough of me babbling.  You can tell I am excited.  It was a pleasure to meet you."

Dr. Brad just smiled as he listened to Dr. Andi ramble.  Once she was done he added "and we are all excited for you Dr. Andi.  Now, how about we get you in the chair first Jim."  Looking at the bags Tara and Jim each were holding, he said "I see you both brought your appliances.  Good job.  And I assume you have been wearing them as prescribed?"

Jim handed the bag with his CTO in it to Alex.  As he sat down in the chair he replied "yes, I have.  We both have.  I am so glad I am only having to wear it 14 hours now.  Three hours doesn't seem like much.  But those were the longest three hours of every day."

Dr. Brad said "I am so glad you were so dedicated.  And I am sure it paid off.  Let's take a look and confirm that."

As Dr. Brad examined Jim's mouth, Tara heard laughter coming from the other end of the room.  She looked down there to see the two teens leaning on each other laughing.  Tara noticed that the mom was now sitting up in the treatment chair and was wearing her matching pink facemask.  Tara hoped the girls weren't laughing at their mom.  When Tara saw mom give a slight smile and then laugh herself, she felt relief.  Somebody must have just said something funny she thought.

She was splitting her attention between Jim and the trio when they all stood.  After Maggie shook mom's hand, the three turned and began walking in her direction, all three wearing their matching pink facemasks.  As they approached, Tara stood and took a few steps towards them.  She didn't know why, maybe it is because she had worried they had been making fun of mom, but Tara said to the trio "you three are just the cutest.  You all match!  I wish my CTO brace was pink.  I am so jealous."

Mom stopped.  The look on her face was a mix of confusion and embarrassment.  But not wanting to be rude, she replied "thank you.  The girls are cute in them.  Me?  Awful."

Tara said "no, not at all.  I know you have seen a CTO brace."  She held up her bag.  Tara continued "me and my boyfriend each have to wear one.  Now they really are huge.  Your facemasks are cute.  Really."

The mom said "well... thank you.  The girls here have taken to them like a fish to water.  It has been a real struggle for me.  The weekends especially.  We are supposed to wear them pretty much full time then.  It intrudes on life so much.  But the girls stay on me about it.  It's funny, I thought I would be the one that had to stay after them.  But they are doing so well.  I'm the cheater.  But I just can't bring myself to wear it in public like these two.  And it hurts my chin after four or five hours."  She went quiet a second and said "how rude of me."  She stuck out her hand and said "hi, I am Margaret.  These are my two girls Savannah and Elise."  She pointed to each one as she said their names to identify them.  "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Tara shook her hand and responded "Margaret, I am Tara Reynolds.  And my boyfriend over there is Jim."  Tara turned her head to the girls and said "and it is a pleasure to meet you two as well.  And I mean it that you both look adorable.  And you wear them in public?  Go girls!"

Both girls said hello.  Then the taller one, Savannah, said "it really isn't that bad.  I mean, we don't wear them to school.  But I am not going to stay locked inside all weekend either.  I wish mama wouldn't lock herself away either.  I even wear it in front of my boyfriend."

The shorter, younger of the two Elise pouted before she replied "rub it in."  She looked at Margaret as she said "mom won't let me date until next year when I turn 15." 

Margaret said "Elise, that is not true.  I just won't let you date unsupervised."

Savannah said "you will be fine Elise.  And at least you are doing this now.  Maybe we will be done with these by then.  Do you know how weird it is to be in high school and have to wear this?"

Tara couldn't help but laugh.  She replied "try wearing it in your thirties.  Right Margaret?"

Margaret smiled a real smile.  It was the first time Tara had seen one from her.  Tara saw that she had metal braces top and bottom with lavender power chains on both arches.  Margaret answered "absolutely.  And I wish I were still in my thirties.  Thank you Tara."

Tara said "you are welcome.  And I would never have guessed.  But seriously, Savannah is right.  You shouldn't let orthodontics slow you down."

Margaret asked "so you wear yours in public?"

Tara cocked her head and replied "no, I haven't.  But I totally would.  Especially if it were just the facemask and not a whole upper body brace."

Margaret looked at her with sympathy.  She said "you poor dear.  I guess I don't have it that bad."

Tara replied "really, the CTO isn't that bad.  We have both kind of gotten used to it.  Well, it was wonderful to meet you and chat.  And I guess we are on the same schedule."  Tara saw the confused look on Margaret's face.  Tara added "we were both here at the same time at our last appointments."

Margaret responded "oh, wow.  I am sorry.  I was in such daze getting this."  She pointed up at her facemask.  She continued "all I could really focus on was the silver bar running in front of my face.  But you know what, I really don't even notice it now."

Tara smiled and said "nothing to apologize about.  I just hope maybe I will see you at our next appointments.  So you can tell me how everything is going."

Margaret said "well, how about I just give you my cell phone number.  It would be nice to be able to talk to another adult going through this.  Would that be ok?"

Tara smiled and said "absolutely!  I would love that.  And are you on Facebook?  I will look you up and send you a friend request."

Margaret smiled and said "I am.  And I will totally friend you."  She smiled at Tara after saying this.  She then gave Tara her phone number and last name as Tara entered it into her phone.  Tara shot her back a text.  Margaret said "got it!  Tara thank you so, so much.  You have made me feel so much better about this whole thing.  I hope your appointment goes great.  Maybe shoot me a text and let me know how it goes?"

Tara smiled and said "I totally will."

Before she departed Margaret said "again, thank you.  And you know what?  I just decided I am going to wear my facemask all the way home.  Why not?"

Tara smiled.  She replied "yay!  Why not?"  She watched as Margaret led the two girls out of the treatment area.  Unlike the previous appointment, Tara noticed that Margaret was holding her head up proudly, facemask and all.

Tara stepped back over beside Jim and took her seat.  She whispered to Alex "does everything look good?"  Alex shook her head up and down.  After a few seconds, Dr. Brad leaned back.  He looked at Tara and said "everything looks great."  He turned his attention back to Jim and said " you really have done a great job.  And your dedication has paid off.  I want to have Alex do some imaging to make sure.  But, I think you are done turning your expander Jim.  Not only that, I think it is time to cut the arms off your expander and get you into some braces."

Tara squelled "oh baby, that is so exciting!"

Jim didn't look as excited as he asked "today?  Right now?" 

Dr. Brad said "maybe.  I do want to take a look at your CBCT scan first.  If it looks good, and I am pretty certain it will, I can do metal or ceramic brackets today.  You would be a candidate for Invisalign.  I personally hate Invisalign, but if that is what you want we can go that route.  If we do though, it will take a couple of weeks to get your aligners in.  In that case, I won't remove the arms from your expander until then.  And it will be several thousand more dollars."

Jim looked at Tara and said "I'm not worried about the money.  What do you want sweetie?"

Tara said "I want whatever you want.  But you would look so cute and handsome with brackets."

Jim looked at Dr. Brad and asked "Tara isn't a candidate for invisalign is she?  She will have to get brackets won't she?"

Dr. Brad replied "that is correct.  Tara has some occlusion issues that Invisalign just can't address.  She will need braces."

Jim looked at Tara and smiled at her.  He said "well, I am not crazy about the idea of having braces.  But we are in this together.  I guess I am getting braces today."

Tara couldn't contain herself.  She hopped over and gave Jim a big hug.  She said "thank you baby.  You are the best."  She whispered "and you are going to be so sexy with braces."  She then kissed him.  She said "next time we kiss, you will have braces!  I am sure we will need to practice.  A lot.  I know I sure plan to."

Jim thought to himself 'maybe having braces won't be too bad afterall.'

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #85 on: 07. March 2024, 19:00:36 PM »
Chapter Thirty Five:

Dr. Miller looked at Tara and said "why don't you go ahead and hop in the chair?"  He looked at Alex and asked "Alex, will you take Mr. Phillips back and get those images made?  By the time you get back, we should be wrapping up here."

Once she was seated, Dr. Brad quizzed Tara on how things were going and if there were any issues with her appliances.  Tara told him everything had been going well.  He leaned her back and said "let's take a look".

After he had examined her mouth with her daytime appliance in, he asked her to swap to her nighttime appliance.  He gave a thorough evaluation of it in her mouth, taking a few measurements and feeling her TMJ joints as she opened and closed her mouth, and said "everything looks great.  I am not even going to ask you to put on your CTO.  I can tell you are doing a good job wearing it."  As he raised Tara back to a sitting position he asked "do you have any questions or concerns?  How is your pain? Any headaches?"

Tara went to speak "ahm nah havin..."  She had forgotten she was wearing her nighttime appliance.  She quickly pulled it out, a string of saliva stretching from it to her lip.  She put it in its case, and she popped her daytime appliance in.  She said again "I am not having any headaches.  And very little pain.  I get a little achy if I talk a lot.  But unlike before it is manageable.  Thank you.  So, when do you think I will done with my splints?  When will I get my expander?"

Dr. Brad said "you are making great progress.  You are progressing so fast.  But I still want to give your TMJs more time to heal and decompress.  I'm not sure if you can tell, but your bite is shifting.  The way we want it to.  You are not ready for your next appliance yet however.  But I do think you will be ready sooner than my original projection.  Keep doing what you are doing and we will see how things look at your next appointment."

Tara's mind was focused on the word appliance.  She looked at him and asked "Dr. Brad, what appliance will I be getting?  Will I be getting a Miller appliance?"

Dr. Brad smiled at her and said "that would be the best, most efficient way to treat your case.  So yes."

Tara's heart sank a bit even if that is what she expected to hear.  She asked "will it have a tongue crib?  With my new job, I talk to a lot of people.  I am not sure if having a tongue crib will work for me."

Dr. Brad said "I do want to incorporate a tongue crib in your treatment plan.  It will be beneficial for you.  I find that when we make craniofacial adjustments, some patients actually develop a tongue thrust during treatment that they didn't have before.  And it is harder to break a bad habit than it is to prevent it from ever becoming a habit in the first place.  So yes, you will need a tongue crib if you want the best treatment outcome.  Do you want the best treatment outcome?"

Tara said "of course, of course I do.  But a tongue crib?  I am not sure I can do it."

Dr. Brad tried to calm her saying "how about this?  We try it.  If you can't tolerate it, I can remove it and fit you with a removable one.  It will extend your treatment time a bit, but you will be able to take it out for important meetings.  But as well as you have done with this phase of treatment, I think you will do great with phase two.  I don't like to talk about my patients.  But, you know both Lisa and Maggie have Miller appliances with tongue cribs.  Have you spoken with them recently?  They are speaking so well.  Now it is different for different patients, but most adapt.  And I find that patients with a fixed tongue crib tend to speak much better than patients with a removable tongue crib.  That I think is because of the extra acrylic of the removeable.  I know you are friends with Alex.  I am sure you have noticed she still has trouble saying certain words when she is wearing hers.  And she always will.  By now, her speech has improved as much as it will while she is wearing it.  So, why don't we try the fixed crib first?  See how it goes."  Tara sat silently thinking.  Dr. Brad looked over at Dr. Andi.

Dr. Andi said "Tara, I completely concur with Dr. Brad.  If you have anxiety about getting the appliance, I bet that Maggie and Lisa would be happy to talk to you about it.  And I know I will.  I am getting mine this afternoon before we close up shop.  Mine will have a fixed tongue crib on top.  And just to be sure my tongue behaves, I will have tongue spurs on my lower arch.  I know this weekend will be an adjustment.  But I plan on practicing my speech a lot.  I am sure that I will be just fine by Monday morning.  I will be sure to tell you the good, the bad and the ugly.  But I think it will be mostly good!  So when the time comes, why not just try it?"

Tara meekly said "ok, we will try it."

Dr. Brad said "that is a great attitude.  Let's try it.  If it doesn't work for you, we can find a solution.  But I know it will work."  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Alex.  He turned his head towards her and Jim who was following along behind her.  Alex was holding the images she had taken.  Dr. Brad said "speaking of trying it, let's see how that CBCT looks."

Alex handed Dr. Brad the images.  He held them up one by one and examined them.  Handing them back to Alex he looked at Jim with a smile and said "Mr. Phillips, everything looks great.  You are ready for braces.  Have you decided what kind?"

Jim said "I spoke with Alex about it.  And I have actually spoken with some people outside of work who have Invisalign.  If I go with Invisalign, will I need a mouth full of attachments on my teeth?"

Dr. Brad nodded his head as he said "yes, you would need a number of attachments on your teeth, at least while we are really moving things around."

Jim said "ok, so they really wouldn't be invisible.  One of the agents I work with has a mouth full of attachments, and they are pretty noticeable."  He looked at Tara.  He said "I think I will do clear brackets on top and metal on bottom.  That is what Alex recommended.  Would that be a good choice?"

Tara and Dr. Brad went to speak at the same time.  Tara stopped and said "you first." 

Dr. Brad said "I think that would be an excellent choice.  Probably the very best choice."

Tara then said "sweetheart I am so proud of you.  And you are going to look so cute.  Such a manly hunk."  She winked at him.

Dr. Brad said "well then, let's get to work."

It took about ten minutes to remove the arms from his expander.  Dr. Brad even removed his molar bands with their hooks.  He and Dr. Andi stepped away to meet with another patient as Alex applied the brackets to each of Jim's teeth.  Tara sat beside him holding his hand.  After she had placed his new molar bands and all his brackets she cured the adhesive with UV light.  She asked "ok, time for your wires.  What color ligatures do you want?"

Jim asked "what is the least noticeable?"

Alex replied "I think shmoke ish.  You would think clear would be, but they get dishcolored sho quickly.  White ish a good choice, but it shtains too.  Jusht not ash bad ash clear.  Smoke ish the answer if you ashk me."

Jim replied "smoke". 

Tara gave him a smile and asked "no fun colors baby?"

Jim said simply "no".

Alex quickly placed his wires and ligatures, first the bottom then the top, and pulled her mask down.  She gave him a big smile, showing off her own metal brackets with their teal ligatures, and said "all done!  You did great.  And now you have braces.  All the cool kidsh do."

As she raised him back to a sitting position, Tara watched as he maneuvered his lips around his new braces.  She also watched him stick his tongue out and run it along the front of his top teeth feeling the rough ceramic brackets.  She thought it was one of the sexiest things she had ever seen.  She was so occupied watching him, she didn't notice Dr. Brad and Dr. Andi had come back over until she heard Dr. Brad ask "so, what ya' think, how do they feel?"

Jim looked at him and said "they feel strange.  But they don't really hurt."  Alex thought to herself 'they don't hurt, yet.'

Dr. Brad smiled and said "excellent.  They will feel strange for a few days.  But you will get used to them in no time.  You may feel a little discomfort over the next few days.  But regular Tylenol should handle it."  He looked at Tara and asked "what do you think about them?"

Tara said "I love them.  I would love them even more if he would give me a smile."  Jim looked over and tried to smile.  His lip got caught on one of the hooks on a bracket.  He tried again, this time pushing his lips out away from his teeth.  Tara made eye contact with him.  She seemed to have forgotten she was in the middle of an orthodontic office amongst others as she said "God you are so hot."

Jim's smile turned a little sheepish.  He said "I am glad you are ok having a boyfriend with braces."

Tara didn't say a word before you leaned in and kissed him.  She leaned back, then kissed him again.  Finally she said "I think I can deal with it" and gave him a big smile.  She added "but we are definitely going to need to practice kissing."  She looked up at Dr. Brad and asked pleadingly "are we done?"

Dr. Brad laughed and said "I think we are, whether I was ready or not.  I was going to have Alex show you how to brush, but we have a video on our youtube channel that will show you how.  Before you run though, Tara keep doing what you are doing.  Jim, I want you to continue to wear your CTO.  But you only need to wear it for 10-12 hours a day now.  Mostly while you sleep.  You have new molar bands, the old ones may have had sharp edges where I cut off the arms of your expander, but they have little hooks on them too.  Hook your elastics there.  They are a little further back in your mouth than before, but you will get the hang of it in no time."

Jim said "How long do you think I will have these?"

Dr. Brad said "I think we can have you out of these in 12-14 months."  He noticed what he thought was a look of disappointment come over Tara's face.  He added "but if you really want to be sure that things don't relapse, we should probably keep them on a few extra months."  He noticed a smile came back to Tara's face.

Tara snatched her bag up off the floor.  She looked at Dr. Brad and asked again "are we done?"  Dr. Brad laughed and said "we are done.  You are dismissed."  Dr. Andi laughed. 

As Tara drug Jim by the hand out of the treatment area, Alex saw the bag sitting on the floor beside the treatment chair.  She looked up and shouted "hey, aren't you forgetting something?"  Alex picked the bag up and ran over to the couple.  As she handed Jim the bag with his CTO in it, Alex said "you might need this."

Jim replied "thank you."

Tara echoed this.  She then added "and look at you running.  What leg braces?"

Alex seemed surprised.  She replied "wow, I forgot I was even wearing them.  Finally."

Tara reached over and gave her a one armed hug and said "see, I told you.  Now I have to run.  I need to get my poor baby here home and make sure his mouth isn't hurting."

As Jim and Tara walked away hand in hand, Maggie slid in beside Alex and asked "what was that all about?"

Alex turned and gave her a mischievous smile.  She said quietly "Jim almost forgot his CTO.  Which would have been no good.  Because his braces seem to have had quite an effect on Tara.  I am worried that after what Tara is about to put him through, he may need a neck brace."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #86 on: 08. March 2024, 02:42:06 AM »
Thanks for not leaving us hanging too long between chapters this week. Still intrigued to see what extremes will be experienced by everyone.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #87 on: 08. March 2024, 03:18:19 AM »
Well, I may disappoint you.  I am going to be slammed tomorrow, and I hope I am not in front of a computer this weekend.  But I will eventually get the next chapter typed.  It may be a long tough weekend for Dr. Andi though.  She may not be as enthusiastic about everything on Monday as she is today.  And Alex's mom probably doesn't really understand what her treatment really entails.  She decided to do it because she does have a few teeth that bother her a little, but mainly because it made Alex so excited.  But she just had a little tune up in mind, not a full overhaul.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #88 on: 08. March 2024, 04:34:35 AM »
This sounds very promising! Hope you get to enjoy some of your weekend and not work too hard.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #89 on: 08. March 2024, 09:57:09 AM »
Take all the time you need for recreation!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #90 on: 12. March 2024, 19:01:07 PM »
Chapter Thirty Six:

It was still almost an hour before they officially opened Monday morning when Dr. Brad heard a knock on his office door.  Before he could reply, the door swung inward and Dr. Andi entered the office.  Dr. Brad gave her a big smile and exclaimed "good morning!  You look wonderful this morning!  Excited for your first patient?"

Dr. Andi didn't even try to smile.  Behind the Miller headgear she was wearing a look of exhausted misery was etched on her face.  Without a word she walked over and sat down in one of the chairs facing Dr. Brad.  She said "ish eh ok eh I take ma heaggeh off thish morning?  It ish sho distracting.  I wah tah make sure my firsht inshtall goesh smoothly.  I am nervoush.  Could you sit over mah shoulder thish morning?"

Dr. Brad looked at her and replied "of course, you are an orthodontist after all.  If you think you need to take your headgear off, then certainly do.  Patient care is our absolute top priority here.  But you of all people know how important it is to get the necessary wear time in.  And I think you know what kind of message that might send to our patients.  But by all means, if you need to take it off, then take it off."

Andi looked at him as she weighed what he said.  Finally she answered "I know.  And I will wear it more ash I get more ushed to it.  If I get ushed to it.  But for my firsht inshtall, I am going to remove it.  Will you obsherve and help me?"

Dr. Brad responded "of course I will.  I was actually planning on it.  I just didn't want you to think I was looking over your shoulder.  Mrs. Grisham, er Alex's mom, is your patient."

Dr. Brad looked on as Dr. Andi worked at unhooking her headgear.  She pulled her glasses off and sat them on the desk in front of her. She next removed the four elastics that stretched from the hooks on her chincup to the hooks on her upper molars.  Next she unhooked the plastic modules that were attached to the facebow that was inserted in the tubes of her lower molar bands.  Once it was loose, she slid the facebow from her mouth and sat it beside her glasses.  With that done, she began loosening the wide black nylon strap that ran around the base of her skull and neck.  Each end of this strap was permanently secured to the plastic face frame that began at the curve in her jawline and followed upwards along the outside of her face, up and over her forehead, and then down the other side of her face.  The face frame was shaped somewhat like an upside down horseshoe, though wider than a horseshoe and it was made of white thermoplastic custom molded to her face.  The face frame was the core of the headgear, and what all modules and straps attached to.  This main strap she was working on held the frame securely to her face.  In addition to this main strap with it’s buckle, the face frame had several other black nylon straps that looped over the top and around the back of her head.  She didn’t need to loosen these, they had already been sized to hold the frame securely in place.  But until the main buckle strap was loosened, a patient could simply not remove the headgear.  Once Dr. Andi had the main strap free, she reached up and unclipped one of the plastic modules coming off the frame that held the oversized chincup firmly in place on her chin.  With everything free, she pulled the whole assembly up and off her head.  She let out an unconscious sigh of relief as she did.

With her headgear removed, Dr. Brad got a better look at Dr. Andi.  He noted the dark circles under her eyes and the haggard look on her face.  He asked "Did you have too much fun last night?  Go out partying?"

Dr. Andi gave a snort.  She replied "not funny.  I am misherable.  I have barely gotten a wink of shleep since Friday.  My mouth ish killing me.  I can't shleep with my CTO.  The headgear ish pushing and pulling at the shame time when I am not in bed.  And my tongue ish shredded."

Dr. Brad said "it will get easier.  I promise.  All the girls here have gotten used to sleeping with their CTOs.  Megan has too.  She wears hers almost full time now.  Maybe that would be a good way for you to get more used to it?  Wear it more during the day.  And I don't know why I haven't thought of this before.  Maybe I can consolidate everything and integrate the headgear into the CTO portion of the brace.  That way you would only have to get used to the one device.  And that gives me another idea.  To protect your tongue.  Let me work it out in my head, but I think it would be a good solution."

Dr. Andi replied snarkily "what, more shit in my mouth?"  She sat a moment and said "I am shorry.  I am jusht tired and hurting.  I thought thish was going to be no big deal.  I wash sho exshited about it.  It ish just a lot.  I know it will get better.  I will put my headgear back on later.  I jusht want to do the besht job I can for any patient.  And I better since thish firsht one is Alexsh mom."

As Alex walked across the waiting room, she had a huge smile on her face.  She was holding her mother's hand as she walked.  Alex' mom did not have a smile on her face.  Alex knew how nervous her mom Barbara was.  Alex said "mom, it will be no big deal.  Piece of cake.  You will be so glad you did it."

Barbara responded "I hope you are right."

The installation of the Miller appliance took almost an hour.  Dr. Andi was tedious and careful to make sure everything was perfect.  Dr. Brad noticed it took her twice as long to install the eight screws in Barb's mouth as he would have done it.  During the procedure, Alex assisted in the installation but also provided constant words of encouragement.  Alex knew having a cheek retractor in for so long couldn't be comfortable.  And as Barb's eyes clamped shut, a pained look on her face during the installation of the eight screws thru her palate and into her sinus cavity, Alex squeezed her hand and told her "you are doing great.  Steady breathing."

Finally, Dr. Andi leaned back, a look of relief on her face.  Her first Miller appliance installation was complete.  She smiled at Barb and said "you did sho good.  And now we match!"  Dr. Andi gave an exaggerated smile, her pistons and hooks visible in the upper corners of her mouth and her metal brackets with their violet ligatures visible on her lower arch as she did.  She repeated "you did sho good.  All that ish left ish for Alex to bond your lower bracketsh and get the archwire on.  Oh, and get your CTO fitted.  She is a pro, you know that.  You have to be sho proud of her.  Firsht though let'sh remove that cheek retractor for a minute and give you a little break."

As Dr. Andi had been talking, Barb had been exploring the huge device in her mouth with her tongue.  The roof of her mouth was completely numb so she didn't feel any pain.  But what she could feel felt completely foreign.  The tongue crib felt huge.  Even the simple lingual arch that ran along the backside of her lower teeth felt cumbersome.  But none of that could compare to the feeling of the huge expander screwed into the roof of her mouth.  She wondered if you could even see any of her palate or if it was just completely covered in metal.  It certainly felt that way.  And then there were the 8 screws.  They weren't sharp, but they were small and they poked her tongue mercilessly.  After Alex removed the cheek retractor, Barb could also feel the device with her cheeks and lips.  The bolts that held the telescoping pistons dug into her lips and cheeks.  The hooks poked her.  She hadn't even registered Dr. Andi's last comment.

Dr. Andi repeated herself "I know you have to be sho proud of Alex.  How cool ish it that your daughter getsh to inshtall your bracesh?"

Barb looked at her and said "ahm sho prou ah huh".  Barb's right hand shot up over her mouth.

Alex squeezed her mom's other hand and lied to her.  She said "you are talking so good mom!  Seriously, many patients have so much more trouble.  You know I still struggle some when I am wearing my crib.  But you sound great.  By tomorrow, you will be talking like normal."

Barb looked into her daughter's eyes.  Barbara was doing everything she could to fight off a panic attack.  She wanted to say something.  But she was afraid to try to speak.  Alex said "why don't we get you over to the sink so you can rinse?  And then I will get your brackets installed?"

As Barbara swished the water around in her mouth, Alex wrapped her in a protective hug.  Alex said "it takes a little getting used to. I know it does.  But I know you will.  And thank you."

After rinsing her mouth and spitting into the sink, Barb turned without speaking and hugged Alex back.  After a moment, Alex asked "can I install your lower braces now?"  Barb allowed Alex to lead her back over to the chair.

Once the brackets, archwire and ligatures were installed, Alex raised Barb back up to a sitting position.  As Alex held up a mirror for her mom, Dr. Andi arrived back.  Barb was smiling, or trying to smile, into the mirror when Dr. Andi excitedly exclaimed "Mrs. Grisham!  They look sho good!  Alex did a wonderful job.  And the blue ligaturesh completely match your eyesh!  Now, let's get you fitted for your CTO!"

It took fifteen minutes to get Barb's CTO sized to her.  With the brace tightly fastened to her, Barb had no choice but to sit up ramrod straight.  With two elastics exiting her mouth hooked to the posts on her mask, Dr. Andi said "that looksh perfect.  Now, you need to wear thish CTO for 14 hours a day.  But, over half of that time will be while you shleep.  And make two turnsh on your expander every day.  Alex will do your firsht two here and show you how everything worksh.  And I bet she even makesh house callsh for VIP patients.  Congratulations!  Do you have any questions for me?"

Barbara sat in silence absorbing everything.  Wondering if she had made a mistake.  She then did think of something.  She asked "how ahm ah gonna weh thish with ma CPAP?"

Dr. Andi looked at Barbara and said "oh goodness.  You wear a CPAP?  Oh dear, thish may be a problem."

Alex was disappointed in herself.  She knew her mom wore a CPAP to sleep.  She was kicking herself for not realizing that the CTO mask that her mom was being asked to wear was not at all compatible with the CPAP mask that she had to wear.  She said "mama, I am sorry.  I didn't even think about that.  Dr. Andi, what should we do?"

Dr. Andi sat in thought.  She finally asked "what kind of CPAP mask do you wear Mrs. Grisham?"

Barb answered "it ish a Philipsh. Ah doh nah exshactly wah model."

Dr. Andi asked "does it cover your nose and mouth?"

Bara replied "yesh".

Dr. Andi dug her phone out of her pocket and typed on it.  After a few seconds, she held the screen up to Barb and asked "ish it like thish one?"

Bara replied "yesh".

Dr. Andi smiled "good!  My husband ushed to wear the shame one.  He ish in a total facemask model now, but I know he shtill has a couple of these laying around.  I will she if I can't figure out how to integrate your CPAP mask into your CTO brace and sleep well mask.  And you know Dr. Brad ish quite the inventor.  I know he can come up with shomething.  But, in the meantime, I don't see many choices."

Dr. Andi sat thinking a moment.  She finally said "there really ish only one option.  Until we can get shomething figured out, you will have to wear your CTO during the day.  If you put it on at 7 am after showering and wear it until 10 pm when you get ready for bed, you will be able to get your time in.  Just think of it like a bra.  You put it on when you get ready for the day, take it off when you get ready for bed.  That is actually fifteen hoursh, so that will give you one hour to take it off for eating and hygiene.  So, that is the plan.  Wear your CTO during the day, wear your CPAP at night!.  Problem solved."

Alex read the look on her mother's face.  Alex hugged her and said "it will be ok mama.  Why don't we go back to the lounge?"

After Alex got her seated in the massage chair and turned it on, Barb closed her eyes and tried to ignore what a nightmare this was.  She was unaware of anything but the buzzing of the chair and the foreign feel of all the orthodontic devices she now was contending with.  She didn't notice Alex walk back beside her until she felt her hand on her arm and Alex' voice saying "look mama." Barb opened her eyes to see Alex standing over her wearing her own CTO brace.

Alex smiled at her and said "you look so cute, I had to put mine on.  I was jealous.  And I am not going to let you out do me.  If you are going to wear yours during the day, I am too!" 

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #91 on: 13. March 2024, 18:03:42 PM »
Chapter Thirty Seven:

Dr. Brad waited until all the ladies were in the lounge at lunch when he said "everyone, I want to put someone in the spotlight."  All eyes turned towards him.  He continued "I want to congratulate Dr. Bender on her first patient.  And her first installation of a Miller appliance.  She did an incredible job.  I think she deserves a round of applause."  After the soft applause died down he added "thank you Dr. Bender."

Dr. Andi, she was not wearing her headgear so her facial expression was evident, looked a little embarrassed as she said "oh gosh guysh, thank you show musch.  But I couldn't have done it without all of you."  She looked at Alex, who was still wearing her CTO, and said "or without an incredible patient.  Alexsh, pleash tell your mom what an honor and privilege it is to treat her."

Alex said she would.  With that said, everyone went back to what they were doing.  Dr. Andi opened the refrigerator and got a yogurt and water out.  As she went to leave, Dr. Brad stepped in beside her.  He said "why don't you stay and eat with us?"

Dr. Andi said "Brad, eating ish susch a nightmare for me right now.  I slurp and drool and it ish just agonizing.  And embarrashing."

Dr. Brad replied "there is no reason to feel embarrassed.  I promise you everyone here understands.  We have all been there.  But I have already put you on the spot enough.  How about we eat in my office?  I want to discuss some ideas I have on integrating a CPAP mask into our Sleep Well mask.  And I know your temporary office is cramped.  But have no fear, the contractors are supposed to arrive next week.  What do you say?"

Andi sat listening to Dr. Brad describe his ideas as she struggled to eat a cup of yogurt.  She really hoped it would get better, she didn't see how she could live like this for the next year.  Dr. Brad noticed her simply staring at the cup of yogurt in her hand.  He said "it will get easier.  So, what do you think of my idea?"

She looked up and said "it shoundsh like it would work.  So, if I understand correctly, you would have the patient use a tandem bow to attach the elasticsh from the hooksh in their mouth for protraction.  Then, to counter the backwards force of the tandem bow on the lower jaw, they next would attach elasticsh through the hole in the mashk to the tandem bow, putting a forward force on it, counterbalancing the force of the upper elasticsh.  How will the patient hook the elastics up though through their mashk?"

Dr. Brad nodded eagerly and said excitedly "yes, exactly.  The key will be the locking mechanism on the tandem bow.   Like some facebows have.  It will keep the tandem bow from being pulled out of the lower molar tubes.  And the patient will use a standard rubberband hook like we give all patients when they start elastics.  So, here will be the steps.  First, the patient would insert their tandem bow and lock it in place.  I will have to have the tandem bow fabricated to fit around the twin force telescopes, like with your lower facebow.  Then, the patient will attach their elastics from the hooks on their upper molars to the tandem bow, either two or four elastics depending on their treatment plan.  Then, the patient will hook two elastics to hooks that are fabricated on the outside of the tandem bow, spaced roughly as far a part as the hole in their cpap mask.  I will have them fabricated so they loop upwards and will hold the elastics.  That is what I would consider step one.  Then they would don their Sleep Well mask or CTO brace.  The CPAP mask will be attached to it via the forehead support of the mask to the top of our Sleep Well mask.  I think to avoid screws that would dig into the patient's forehead, we will be able to simply epoxy the CPAP mask to the forehead portion of the Sleep Well mask.  Once they have that on, they will reach through the hole in the mask with their tool and hook one of the elastics that is hanging on the front of the tandem bow.  They will attach it to one of the posts that I have placed in the air hole of CPAP mask.  There will be one on of each side.  Once they have the first elastic in place, they will simply repeat the process with the other.  That is step two.  Step three is the easiest one yet.  The patient will get comfortable in bed, attach the air hose to their mask, and turn their machine on."

Dr. Andi said "it soundsh like it should work.  I think I have a picture of it in my head.  But knowing you, you will have a prototype of it for me to see in no time.  But who ish going to test it out?"

Dr. Brad smiled before replying "I have a very willing and eager patient at home.  I have already called one of the sleep centers here in town and explained to the doctor there what I am looking to do.  He was very intrigued by the way.  I have scheduled Megan for a sleep study.  In fact, he is so intrigued he squeezed us in for this Thursday.  Regardless of the test results, Dr. Bovenizer understands what we are doing here.  He will fit Megan with a mask even before her study.  Then, while she is snoozing, we will burn the midnight oil to fit make the necessary modifications to the CPAP mask and attach it to a CTO brace.  Obviously I won't be able to fit it to the one Megan has been wearing as she will be wearing it.  But if this works, she will need two anyway.  One with an integrated CPAP mask for nighttime wear and one without for daytime wear.  Friday night, we are going to have her perform a second sleep test wearing the CPAP.  Just to see how her results compare with it and without it."

Dr. Andi asked "and she is onboard with thish?"

Dr. Brad smiled and said "oh yes, she is onboard with it."

That Thursday afternoon after work, Dr. Brad looked at Megan and said "this is so exciting kitten.  Aren't you excited?"

Megan demurely said "yesh sir."

Dr. Brad smiled.  He said "let's go ahead and get your expander turned.  And I am going to take your belt off.  You get to sleep without it the next two nights.  That is a nice little surprise isn't it?"

Megan replied "yesh sir."

After turning her expander twice, Dr. Brad locked Megans twin force telescopes.  He then applied her CTO brace and hooked her elastics in place.  He admired her for a moment before exclaiming "I will grab your overnight bag!"

Sitting on the edge of the bed in one of the sleep center bedrooms, Megan stared straight ahead in her brace as the sleep tech began hooking up the wires and straps needed for her sleep study.  Dr. Brad and Dr. Bovenizer stared at one of the screens in the monitoring room watching.

Megan had already changed into her pajamas.  The sleep tech, Darlene, stepped back and said "hmm, how am I going to do this."  She leaned in and examined the Sleep Well mask that covered much of Megan's face.  The tech said "well, we will do the best we can" as she began attaching the last few sensors to Megan's head and face.  Once done, the tech said "I am going to pull your top up ok?"  When she did she said "oh, wow.  You wear a corset to sleep?"

Megan replied "yesh.  I jusht had a baby.  I am trying to get my figure back."

The tech replied "well it is certainly working.  Wow, look at your waist.  And you just had a baby?  Dang, I am going to have to get me one of those things."

After wrapping the last of the straps around Megan torso, the tech helped her lay down in the bed, carefully lowering Megan's stiff torso down onto the pillow and lifting her KAFO wrapped legs into the bed.  She attached a monitor to Megan's index finger and then pulled the covers over her. She asked "does everything feel ok?"

Megan said "yesh.  Thank you.  And thank you for not making a big deal about my brasches.  I hope I can fall asleep, I am nervoush.  I really hope I don't have shleep apnea.  That would jusht be one more thing to deal with." 

The tech said "of course.  I understand about the brace.  I was in a pretty bad car accident in high school.  I graduated with a halo brace bolted onto my head.  I get it.  I understand you will be with us tomorrow night as well.  Maybe then you can tell me about your accident?  And do not worry about sleep apnea.  That is why we are here.  That is why we already fit you with a mask.  They aren't bad to wear.  I wear one myself.  I am not sure how it would work with the mask you are wearing.  But Dr. Bovenizer said there was a way.   But don't think about any of that.  Now it is bedtime.  Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!"  Darlene gave her a toothy, crooked smile as she flipped off the bedside lamp.

As Darlene entered the monitoring room, Dr. Bovenizer said "excellent job as always Darlene.  Thank you."

Darlene looked at the two and said "my pleasure.  I just feel so bad for her.  That has to be hard enough to sleep in without all the extra wires.  What kind of accident was your wife in sir?"

Dr. Brad replied "she was not in an accident.  Unfortunately, Megan suffers from joint instability.  The KAFOS, those are the leg braces, are to keep her ankles from dislocating.  And the CTO brace she is wearing is for cervical instability in conjunction with her orthodontic treatment.  Her facemask is solely for her orthodontic treatment."

Darlene stepped over and looked at the monitor as she responded "oh poor dear.  But as long as it helps her, good for her.  I have never seen anything like that mask she is wearing though.  Who is her orthodontist?  I have been thinking about getting braces myself.  I know I need them.  I want to know who to avoid."

Dr. Brad replied to the cutting remark with "actually, I am her husband AND her orthodontist.  And that mask is my invention."

Darlene looked up with a deer in the headlights look.  She turned and nervously said "I didn't mean, I just, it is just, I have never seen anything like it before.  I didn't mean anything.  Oh goodness...  I am sorry."

Dr. Brad laughed.  He responded "it's ok.  It is different.  But it works amazingly well.  Most patients don't like it at first.  But many actually come to, if not love it, at least be grateful for it.  Airway and tmj orthodontics is such a game changer for so many.  Yes, the treatment can be inconvenient at times.  I get it.  But long-term investments sometimes require short term sacrifices."

Darlene said "that is right. Again, I am sorry.  I am not sure what I can do to make up for that comment though."  She could feel her boss looking on judgmentally.  She added "really, I am sorry.  It was unprofessional.  And if there is anything I can do other than take the best care of your wife to make up for it, please let me know."

Dr. Brad replied "there is something you can do to make up for it.  You say you are considering braces?  Well, come see us.  We have an incredible new orthodontist in our practice.  She is great.  Dr. Andi Bender is young, enthusiastic, and most importantly a great orthodontist.  And she is accepting new patients.  Why don't you call and at least schedule a consultation with her?  Consults are free and there is no commitment.  What do you say?  And let me remind you that you did ask what you could do to make up for the comment."

Darlene felt trapped.  She said "umm, I guess I could do that."

Dr. Brad said "wonderful!  I will let Maggie, she is our scheduling coordinator, know to be expecting a call from you.  And we do offer a discount to those in health care as a professional courtesy."

Dr. Bovenizer said "there you go Darlene, no excuses now.  You have been talking about it for a while.  Sounds like it is time to bite the bullet and do it."  He looked up at Dr. Brad and said "Darlene doesn't need us here, why don't we go and work on mating a CPAP mask to a Sleep Well mask?"

As they walked down the hallway, Dr. Bovenizer asked "so you guys are accepting new patients?"

Dr. Brad replied "absolutely.  Heck, we aren't just accepting new patients, I am actively recruiting them for Dr. Bender."

Dr. Bovenizer said "when our girls were in braces, my wife mentioned she would like to fix a few things with her own smile.  She wears a mouthguard at night for her bruxism and our girls' ortho told her he could fix her bite so she didn't have to rely on it anymore.  But she never went through with it and the girls are done now."  They took a few more steps and he asked "You mentioned a discount?  What kind of discount?"

Dr. Brad answered "our standard health care discount is 15%.  But I have been known to work out trades before.  I am sure we could work out the details.  You should call and schedule an appointment for her.  We even have cute little gift cards.  You wouldn't be the first person to give orthodontic treatment as a present.  Surprise her!  I am sure she would love it if she was considering it before."

Dr. Bovenizer took a few more steps thinking before he replied "sure.  That would be fun.  Definitely a different type of gift.  Plus I bet she would look super cute with braces."

Dr. Brad said "I am sure she would.  Just look at how stunning my Megan is with hers."

Dr. Bovenizer said "I think Tricia, that's my wife, would be up for braces.  But do many patients have to wear something like the brace your wife wears?  I am not sure she would be willing to do that."

Dr. Brad said "a lot of patients do require some type of extraoral device.  But they adapt quickly.  No different that wearing a CPAP mask at night right?"

Dr. Bovenizer said "Hmm, I guess not.  And I already have Tricia in one of those.  I tell you what, I will call and make the appointment.  What's the worst that happens?  She says no?"

Dr. Brad replied "that's right.  Do you want your wife to receive treatment?"

Dr. Bovenizer said "well, if it would help her grinding.  And she would end up with a gorgeous smile too.  So that would be a win/win.  So yes, I guess I do want her to get treatment."

Dr. Brad smiled and said "well then, call and make the appointment.  And tell her you want her to do this, for herself.  If she knows you want her to do it, I am sure she will.  Spouses will do a lot for their partners.  I am sure she will be onboard.  Even if she does need to wear an extraoral appliance for a few years, or longer, like my Megan."

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #92 on: 13. March 2024, 19:42:37 PM »
Welcome Darlene and Tricia as future patients to this very nice story!  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #93 on: 18. March 2024, 17:38:39 PM »
Chapter Thirty Eight:

Dr. Brad and Dr. Bovenizer were successful in fitting a full-face CPAP mask to the CTO brace Dr. Brad had brought with him.  After the epoxy had cured, Dr. Bovenizer, or Dr. B as Darlene called him, and Dr. Brad had returned to the monitoring and fitting room.  Dr. Brad adjusted the CTO to fit Darlene.  While the facemask portion of the mask was molded to Megan and not Darlene, it was close enough to test it out.  Once Darlene was all strapped in, all she could mutter was "oh wow, oh wow".  Her voice was muffled through the CPAP mask.  They sized the straps from the CPAP mask around her head and hooked up the air hose.  Dr. B turned the machine on and it whirred to life.  As Darlene sat there, Dr. B checked the edges of the mask for air leaks.  After a minute he looked up at Dr. Brad and smiled.  He said "well I'll be, it seems to work.  No leaks.  I will be honest, when we started working on this, I didn't think there was any way it would work.  But no leaks.  You are a mad scientist indeed.  And quite the salesman too if you can get your patients to be compliant wearing one of these.  I struggle getting some of my patients just to wear their CPAP masks."

Dr. B turned off the machine and unhooked the air hose as Dr. Brad worked unhooking the CTO from Darlene.  As he worked on that Dr. Brad replied "well, most of my patients are pretty motivated.  Plus, a lot of my TMJ cases are in such pain they are willing to try just about anything.  And my poor, sweet Megan knows this is all for her own good.  She is such a good girl about it."

After placing the brace back onto the table, Dr. Brad looked at Darlene and asked "so, what'd you think?"

Darlene replied "oh my goodness, that thing is intense.  It is so restrictive."  She looked at the monitor.  While Megan had the covers pulled up to her chin, the facemask portion of her brace was visible.  Darlene continued "I don't know how she sleeps in it.  I could never get used to it."

Dr. Brad smiled and said "it is amazing what a person can get used to, almost anything.  I have a number of patients now wearing my Sleep Well orthosis.  Most adjust adequately after a week or so and have no trouble falling asleep in it.  Speaking of sleeping, I need to run and catch a little myself.  Please take care of my wife."

Dr. Brad was back at The Sleep Center before the crack of dawn the next morning.  He had been dividing his attention from watching his beautiful wife peacefully sleeping on the monitor and answering Darlene's questions about orthodontics.  It seemed she was even more intrigued at the prospect of possibly getting braces herself this morning.  She said she had spent much of her night googling adult orthodontics, airway orthodontics, sleep dentistry and Dr. Brad's website and Facebook page.  She had a lot of questions.  He had answered her questions honestly while also trying not to scare her away from the idea.  She had been especially interested in the CTO brace that lay on the table.

At 6 a.m. Darlene quit talking about orthodontics and said "it's time to go wake her.  I assume you want to come with me?"

Dr. Brad replied enthusiastically "absolutely."

Dr. Brad gently shook Megan's shoulder.  She stirred and opened her eyes.  They had a look of confusion in them.  He said "good morning sunshine.  You are at the sleep center.  You did so good.  I am so proud of you."  He leaned in and gave her a peck on her facemask and gave her a hug.  He helped her up to a sitting position and helped swing her braced legs off the bed. 

Once she was sitting, Darlene smiled at her and said "good morning Mrs. Miller.  You did do well.  You slept through the night.  You hardly stirred."

Megan said through her clenched jaw "eh cah nah really tosh an turn musch."  She gestured with her hand from her face down towards her legs.  She gave a little grunt that Darlene thought was an attempt at a laugh.

Darlene was surprised that she could laugh about her situation.  Darlene couldn't imagine how anyone could have such a positive outlook when they were wearing leg braces, a corset, and a CTO brace with the integrated facemask.  Add to that the obvious mouth full of metal the poor woman was dealing with and Darlene wondered how anyone could do it.  But here Megan was doing just that.  And laughing about it.  Darlene thought back to Dr. Brad's comment that people can get used to almost anything.  Darlene said "I will leave you to get ready.  You are free to shower here or you can do that at home.  Most people want to get out of here as quickly as possible.  Please see me when you are ready to leave and I can let you out."

In about ten minutes, Dr. Brad walked back into the monitoring room with Megan in tow.  Looking at Megan, Darlene could see she had not showered.  But the other thing she noticed was that Megan was not wearing the CTO orthosis she had shown up wearing and had worn through the night.  Instead on her face was her bright red petit facemask.  Darlene smiled, her crooked crowded teeth on display, and said "I see you two are eager to get home.  I don't blame you.  I am too.  Just 45 more minutes and I can leave myself.  I can go home and crawl into my coffin."

Megan gave her a funny look.  Darlene said "I work night shift.  Like a vampire.  I joke that I sleep in a coffin.  I don't.  I have a regular bed and everything."

Megan gave her a polite laugh.  Megan said "ah, I get it."  When she spoke Darlene could see that her mouth was free to open.  And her lisp was much less noticeable.  Darlene knew Megan had a Miller appliance in her mouth.  She had watched Dr. Brad's Youtube video on it, Megan was his model, the previous night after he had left.  It had left her terrified.  But also very curious.  But she had forgotten to ask one question about it earlier.  She asked "so Megan, do you just have to lock your appliance at night?  I imagine it would be tough during the day.  And I assume you just wear your CTO at night too?"

Megan replied "actually, I keep my scopesh locked mosht days.  And I wear my CTO orthosis twenty two hours or more mosht daysh. Mondays and Fridays I have off though.  I just wear this petit mask."

Darlene seemed stunned.  She asked "so you wear it in public and everything?"

Megan said "of course.  It ish part of my treatment plan that my hubby has come up with.  I can't safely drive wearing my CTO.  But I am a stay at home mom, so I don't have to every day.  That is why I get Mondays and Fridays off, so I can do my running around.  But yesh, I wear the facemask in public.  I have to."  She looked at Dr. Brad, who's eyes were locked on her.  Megan continued "I need protraction full time for my case.  It is very important.  So, I do.  You get some looks, but so what.  I even met a young woman that works at our neighborhood Starbucks who wears a facemask.  And her co-worker wears an Interlandi headgear.  I even got them to wear them at work.  At least when I was there.  Speaking of which, I need to stop by and see if they are working today to check on them.  We have formed an orthodontic alliance."  Megan gave another laugh.

Darlene just looked at her.  Again, she was amazed that Megan just laughed it off.  Darlene couldn't even imagine how mortifying it would be to go out in public wearing the bright red facemask that Megan currently had on her face.  Yet Darlene realized that Megan seemed completely unfazed by it.

Megan said "so whatsh the verdict?"  She was looking at the CTO orthosis with integrated CPAP mask when she asked "is that in my future?"

Darlene replied "I don't diagnose.  Dr. B will go over your results this afternoon.  I understand either way you will be staying with us another night to test it out.  Correct?"

Megan smiled and said "that ish correct.  I hope it ish just one night.  But the way my luck has been lately I bet I end up having to wear it every night."  She gave Brad a sly, seductive grin.

Dr. Brad placed the overnight bag, the CTO orthosis sticking out slightly, onto the floor.  He stepped over and gave Megan a hug.  He then kissed her facemask.  He released her and said "if you do sweetie, it will be the sexiest CPAP mask in the world."  Picking the bag back up, he looked at Darlene.  He said "Darlene, thank you so much.  You have been incredible.  I owe you so much for taking such great care of this amazing woman.  And we will see you again this evening.  I will leave our modified CTO cpap mask in your care until then.  But in the meantime, please call the office and schedule a consult?  Please?"

Darlene didn't speak for a moment.  Megan smiled and said "seriously, do it.  You can be part of our orthodontic alliance too."

Darlene finally relented "ok, I will.  I promise.  I just won't make any promises on whether I will start treatment."

Dr. Brad said "well that is all I ask.  Just come see us.  I bet Dr. Andi and my staff will make the decision easy for you.  They are all wonderful."

As Darlene watched the pair walk hand in hand in the gray morning light towards their vehicle, she ruminated on what an unusual night it had been.  She still couldn't get over everything Megan wore.  But more than that, she was amazed at how she didn't seem to let it control her life.  Darlene didn't think she would be able to do the same.  Walking back into her workspace, she looked at the CTO mask sitting on the table.  She really didn't have anything to do until her shift ended.  She didn't know why, but she walked over and picked it up.  She held the front of it up to her chest and face.  She nestled her chin into the brace as the plastic mask pressed on her face.  No she thought to herself, I could never wear one of these every night.  She would soon find out that was not true. 

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #94 on: 19. March 2024, 00:28:31 AM »
Chapter Thirty Nine:

Mid-morning Megan dropped the boys off with Brad's mother Wanda.  Megan's first stop was for her hair appointment.  After signing in, she sat and scrolled on her phone.  She noticed the woman sitting across from her, she appeared to me in her mid fifties, looking at her uncomfortably.  Megan looked up at her and smiled.  Megan said "good morning."  The older woman said "good morning" and put her head back down into her magazine.  A few minutes later, Megan felt herself being watched again.  She looked up to find the older woman quickly averting her eyes.  Megan said "I know, it's not every day you see someone wearing one of these."

The women's face turned red.  She looked up sheepishly and said "I'm sorry."  After a moment she said "my daughter had to wear one when she had braces.  She was twelve when she got her expander and facemask.  It looked exactly like yours.  Well, except hers was blue.  She got braces about six months later but had to keep wearing the mask.  Altogether she wore the facemask for almost two years.  She hated it. But it worked and she is so glad she did it.  We both are.  She is 27 now and still has a gorgeous smile.  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare.  It just reminded me of her."

Megan gave her a big smile and replied "aww, that ish sweet.  I am so glad it worked for her.  I am hoping thish worksh for me.  I know it will.  It is easier for kids though that is for sure."

The woman said "I am sorry, I'm Liza.  And you are?"

Megan said "I am Megan!  Pleasure to meet you."

Liza said "I guess adult braces are in now.  I notice more and more adults have them.  Even people my age.  Mal has them too.  At my last appointment her and Kari were talking back and forth about them.  Kari was quizzing her on them, what it was like.  It sounded like she was considering getting them herself."

Megan said "that is how I met Mal!  It is why I started coming here.  My husband is her orthodontist.  Well, all of ours.  I was in the office one day and she overheard me complaining to Maggie, that's his scheduling coordinator and front desk boss, about my hair.  Mal was in the waiting room and overheard.  She introduced herself and gave me her card.  That is how we met.  And I am glad we did meet.  Isn't she just the best?"

Liza said "both of them are.  Kari is my girl, but when she is out Mal has done fantastic."

Megan said "yep, both of them are great.  And Kari was considering braces.  Was."

Liza gave her a puzzled look before she heard "Lishza dear!  Sho good to she you!"

Liza turned towards the familiar yet slurred voice.  There in the doorway stood Kari.  She had a big metallic smile on her face.  Kari said "shorry about my shpeech, I just got these lasht week.  I am just now feeling human again.  And I am shtill learning to speak around thish scaffolding."  She looked over and saw Megan and said playfully "thish is all your husbandsh fault.  At least he said no headgear until my next appointment.  But I will let Mal know you are wearing yoursh.  And that a spy is amongsth us."  She let out a hardy laugh giving a good view of the metallic framework on the roof of her mouth.  She said "Lishza dear, why don't we go on back." As she turned she said "Mal is jusht finishing up a color and curl.  I will let her know you are here."

As the older woman stood she said "it was a pleasure to meet you sweetie, I will see you in the back I guess."  Megan smiled and said "absolutely!"

About five minutes later a college aged woman emerged from the back, her fresh blonde curls bouncing with each step.  The young woman was exiting the salon door as Mallory, or Mal as everyone called her, entered the waiting area.  She was in her mid-thirties, curvy with a very pretty face framed by short bob cut black hair with blue highlights.  But what really stood out was the silver facebow coming out of her mouth, hooked to a black high pull headgear strap with dark blue modules that blended in well with the color of her hair.  As she made her way over, Megan noticed that the blue highlights in her hair exactly matched the shade of the headgear modules. As Megan stood she thought this was surely intentional.

Before she said anything Mal gave Megan a big hug.  When she did, she felt the corset Megan was wearing.  Stepping back Mal said "it is so good to see you.  It has been too long.  Congratulations on the baby.  Chance is just adorable.  So, let me see."

Megan quickly removed the facemask from her face, tilted her head back, and opened wide.  Mal examined everything in Megan's mouth and said "wow.  I thought I had it rough with my nance and the headgear.  So, how goes it with everything?  And is that a corset you are wearing?"

Megan said "and that is not all."  She pulled up her dress briefly and let it fall back.  As Megan put her facemask and elastics back on she said "I even got the matching leg braces to go with it."

Mal squatted down and with no shame pulled up the hem of Megan's dress.  She said "oh wow babe, what did you do?"

Megan said "apparently I have a faulty flux capacitor, because everything seems to be breaking down.  But the leg braces are to help stabilize my ankles.  Plus, between me and you, Brad likes them because I can't run away as easily."  Mal laughed at what she thought was just a joke as Megan continued "and yep, I am wearing a corset.  You may have even felt the matching belt".  Megan omitted exactly what the belt was for.  She continued "I am working on the baby weight.  But just between me and you, I really like wearing it.  The support it provides.  And let me guess, you just put your headgear on?"

Mal grinned sheepishly and said "guilty as charged.  Kari told me you were here wearing yours.  Come on, let's get you in a chair.  We have so much catching up to do."

Mal and Megan bantered back and forth while Liza and Kari did the same.  Much of the time the two conversations intertwined.  As could be expected, much of the talk was about Megan's baby and orthodontics.  All during the appointment, Megan noticed that Liza kept looking at her and Mal in the mirror.  At one point in a lull, Megan locked eyes with Liza in the mirror and said "It isn't too bad wearing it.  Especially when you are around other people who understand.  Isn't that right Mal?"

Mal laughed and said "I don't know about that.  It is pretty awful.  Why do you think I chopped off my hair?  Because of this stupid headgear."  Megan swatted her arm and said "it is not that bad.  And your hair looks amazing now.  You even colored it to match the headgear.  How glam.  And I promise it could be worse."

Kari said "she ish right.  At leasht you don't have six schrews drilled into your mouth Mal.  You can shpeak.  And eat.  And I am getting a new, bigger, better headgear than you have.  Lucky me.  But Dr. Miller says I only have to wear it at home."

Mal laughed and said "ha, at home.  I have heard that.  Just wear it at home.  For 14 to 16 hours a day."

Kari said defensively "well that is what he said.  And didn't you say that he mentioned you getting a Miller headgear at your next appointment if there wasn't more progress?  Hey Megan, you are the expert on this, how crappy is it to wear?"

Megan said "well, I haven't worn it.  It does look imposing.  But a couple of the women in the office wear it.  They seem to be ok with it.
 At least Brad says they are.  I know he is pretty proud of it."

Kari said "well, I will find out in two weeks.  I will make the best of it.  Whatever, as long as I don't have any more headaches."  After a minute she said "and of course my headgear will be bigger, I can't let Mal out do me."

Mal laughed and said "well, if I don't do a better job the next few weeks wearing mine, we might be matching.  Even if I know who will wear theirs with more flare."

Kari said "no way bish.  It is on."

Mal said "oh, so now you think you are a better stylist and will do a better job wearing your headgear than me?"

Kari said "I don't think so, I know so."  While the mood was light, Megan knew the two women were super competitive.

Mal said "oh no, NOW it is on."

Liza said "wait, what?  Are you two going to, well for lack of a better word, try to out headgear the other?"

This drew laughter from all three of the women.  Kari said "well, since you put it that way...  Yesh, that ish exactly what I am going to do."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #95 on: 19. March 2024, 18:50:39 PM »
Chapter Forty:

As Kari unwrapped Liza's hair, almost done with her appointment, Liza asked her "so, why did you decide to go with the metal braces?"

Kari replied "a couple of reashons.  One, Dr. Miller said I already have preexisting assymetry."  Liza examined Kari's face in the mirror.  Kari said "oh, you can't really see it looking it me.  But it wash evident in the scansh.  He said the metal brackets are shtronger and easier to work with.  Plush he shaid they are smaller and actually more comfortable.  He said it is unusual for him to install the upper bracesh at the same time as the MARPE, that'sh the exshpander, but he wants to use the bracesh to help regulate my expansion.  We are going to be turning more slowly than he normally doesh.  So it will take me a little longer, but I won't get a big gap.  I haven't even shtarted turning it yet.  I will when I go in for my next appointment.  Right now we are jusht letting my mouth get ushed to everything."

Mal chimed in "I plan on turning it just so you know."

Kari looked at Liza in the mirror and said "Mal wants to torture my poor mouth.  She is twisted."  Mal just started laughing.  Kari continued "so, that is the clinical reason.  But the truth is, I think the metal looks better.  I think I look cute with them.  Like jewelry on my teeth.  Plus, I was going to have show musch metal in there already showing with the expander and bands and hooks, I just thought the metal made more sense.  I can't say I love the exsphander.  But I like my braces.  They are cute."  She smiled into the mirror.

Mal jumped in and said "they are cute Kari.  I think mine are too.  Well minus this headgear"  She turned and gave Liza a smile.

Liza said "they look good on both of you."  She stopped herself and said "excuse me, all three of you.  Even the headgear.  I guess they might make some people think you are younger too."  Liza laughed and said "let me know if that is the case.  I might have to get some."

Kari said "actually, I have already gotten that comment.  From several.  Go check out my Facebook page.  I posted about them the day I got them.  I got a ton of responses.  Every single one positive."

Liza said "I was joking.  It would be silly for an old woman like me to get them."

Megan replied "nonsense.  My husband has patients of all ages.  It is not silly if you want to improve your smile.  Or your sleep.  Or your TMJ.  Or if you just want to get braces.  It isn't silly at all.  Call him."

Liza quickly backtracked "no, no.  I was just kidding.  They are expensive aren't they?  And they hurt too.  I remember that from forty years ago."

Kari said "pain is beauty.  But it is going to be worth it.  Speaking of beauty, let's look at this beauty's hair."  Liza looked in the mirror as Kari fluffed her hair.  Kari asked "so, do you like?"

Liza said "Kari, as always you amaze me.  Thank you.  Let me get you paid up."  As the two wandered away Megan could hear them talking but couldn't hear what they were saying. 

A minute later, Kari returned and said to Megan "you will never believe what she ashked me for."

Megan replied "what'sh that?"

Kari smiled and said "your husbands phone number.  Wait, that sounded bad.  She ashked for the number to the office.  I think she really is considering getting braces."

Megan said "the more the merrier."

Kari said "now you know you owe me and Mal a referral fee right?"

Mal chimed in and said "and a weekend trip to the beach house our braces are paying for."

Megan said "I wish.  But I will offer thish.  How about I treat you both to lunch?"

Mal said "I am on a diet.  But thank you."

Kari snickered and said "and I am on a diet too.  A liquid diet.  Not by choice."  She bared her metal bound teeth in Megan's direction.

Megan said "the first week is hard.  But it getsh sho musch easier.  At least you don't have to navigate food around a tongue crib.  Now that doesh take some practice."

Kari said "not yet.  I hope not ever.  But your husband did mention it.  Ugh."

Megan said "it will be ok.  If you do, I will share all the tricks I have.  Since you two are being rude and turning down my offer of lunch, how about I treat you to coffee at least?"

Kari looked at Mal and shrugged.  Mal said "sure, you are our last appointment before our brunch break.  But we have to be back before noon. Normal lunch times are some of our most coveted appointment slots and busiest time."

Megan replied excitedly "yay!  There is a Starbucks I like.  They have the sweetest barista there.  Here name is Emily.  And guess what?  She has braces and wears a facemask too!  I fit right in!"

Mal asked "so she wears her headgear at work?"

Megan said "not exactly.  But I have been trying to convince her too.  Her and her coworker."

Mal replied "well, they are making me look bad."

Kari cackled and said "they aren't the only one."  Kari laughed as Mal glared at her.  Kari added "I mean by wearing their headgear.  You better believe I will wear mine here if I need to.  I won't be a big baby about it like you."

Mal gave a snort before replying "we will see how you feel about that once you get it."  She turned to look at Megan in the mirror and said "so, I went ahead and took a few liberties with your color.  I hope you aren't mad."

As Mal began removing foil from her hair Megan responded "uh oh.  What did you do?  I mean, I told you to do your thing.  But you didn't do anything crazy did you?"

Mal finished removing the last piece of foil and said "no, but you complimented the blue in my hair.  So, I did something similar.  Instead of just the highlights we normally do.  Let me get you rinsed and we will see."

After rinsing, drying and fluffing Megan's hair, Mal said "close your eyes."  Megan's back was to the mirror and she couldn't see what it looked like, but she obeyed and closed her eyes.  She felt Mal spin her in the chair.  Mal said "open up, see what you think."

Megan took in the sight of her mane.  In addition to the normal blondish highlights she normally sported, there were also some brighter red highlights.  Megan responded with her first impression "I love it Mal."  Then she realized something.  She said "wait, you matched the red to my facemask.  Like you did to your headgear.  Oh my gosh, it is so cute.  Not the headgear, my hair."

Mal placed her hand on Megan's shoulder and said "I am glad you like it.  And for the record, your headgear is cute.  So, how about those coffees you owe us?"

Megan placed her hand up on Mal's and said "absolutely.  I will drive.  And I promise I will have you back on time."

As Megan paid Mal, Kari disappeared to the back.  She returned shortly with both her and Mal's purses.  She handed Mal her purse.  Mal promptly turned and headed towards the front door.  Kari sang out "you aren't going to take off your headgear?"

Mal turned and said "no, absolutely not.  Not after your comment about me being a big baby.  Come on weinie."

Walking across the parking lot, Kari was in the rear.  As she watched Megan and Mal walk, she realized what an odd sight it was to see two people wearing headgear in public.  And not just youngsters, but grown thirty something year old women.  She thought of her own upcoming appointment and headgear fitting.  She wondered if Mal was right, whether she would have the courage to do it herself.  She brushed it from her mind, she would worry about it in two weeks.  She was just entering the door that Mal was holding open for her when she heard Megan exclaim "yay!  Emily!  You are wearing it!"  She watched as Megan dashed over to the front counter.  There stood a young woman wearing a blue cloth facemask.  But emerging up from behind it was a silver bar that ended in a purple plastic pad anchored on her forehead.

Megan's excitement was evident as she said "Emily, I am so proud of you.  I don't know why this makes me so happy, but it does."

No one could see the sheepish smile on Emily's face as she replied "well, I did some thinking.  And you are right ya know."  She lowered her voice and said "plus, I met a boy last week.  We have been spending a lot of time together." 

Megan said "oh my gosh, that is sho exciting.  Good for you.  Ish he cute?  I'm sure he ish if a knockout like you is interested in him."

As Mal and Kari made their way up behind Megan, Emily noticed them.  She did a double take when she realized Mal was wearing headgear herself.  Emily laughed and said "I didn't realize headgear was so in right now.  I wish Kayleigh was here to see; she is at school.  She still won't wear hers like she is supposed to."

Megan said "Emily, I want you to meet two of my friends and the best stylists in the world; Mallory and Kari."

Mal stuck out her hand and said "everyone calls me Mal.  Nice to meet you."

Next, Kari stuck out her hand and opened her mouth for the first time.  She smiled at Emily, her new braces and hardware on display.  Kari said "Hi, I am Kari.  And headgear is sho in right now I am getting shome myself soon.  To go with theesh new bracesh and thish awesome lishp."

Emily laughed and asked "expander?"  Kari just nodded her head affirmatively.  Emily reached up and pulled down the mask covering the lower half of her face.  She tilted her head back and opened up, point to the roof of her mouth and the hyrax expander lodged there.  Emily looked back down and said "I get it.  But it does get better.  Get you a waterpik."

Kari said "already done.  Actually Mal got it for me."

Emily looked at Megan and asked "so, can I take your orders?  Or did you just come to check up on me?"

Megan said "no, we absolutely want to order.  And I am paying.  Unfortunately we are in a bit of a hurry.  Which sucks because I want to hear all about thish new boy."

Emily blushed and said "well, to answer your earlier question he is cute.  But since you are in a hurry, what can I get you all?  We are slow, I may can visit a minute when your drinks are ready."

Megan and Mal both ordered from the menu as Emily punched it in.  When it was time for Kari to order she said "I don't see tequila on the menu."  This drew a laugh from Mal and a confused look from Emily.

Mal looked at Emily and explained "Kari has been whining nonstop about her braces since she got them last week.  And self-medicating with margaritas for the pain."  Mal looked at Kari and said "but not at work.  I will fix you one though as soon as you get done with your last client.  I promise honey."

Megan looked at the two.  Kari had an exaggerated pout on her face while Mal looked at her... lovingly?  She knew how playful and feisty they were with each other.  And she had noticed in the past that sometimes their gazes lingered, or that sometimes they would just happen to rub up against one or the other or lay a hand intimately on the other.  But she had never considered...  Her thoughts were interrupted by Kari saying "well boo.  In that case I will take a pineapple passionfruit refresher.  Maybe the cold will help."

As Emily entered the order, Megan watched Mal lean over and hug Kari protectively.  Mal said "I am sorry my baby's mouth is hurting."  Megan had an epiphany.  Mal and Kari were not just partners in their little hair salon.   Mal released her grip on Kari as she added "but I bet a little passionfruit will help."  Megan noticed Mal discreetly wink at Kari.  Kari was not as discreet.  She leaned in and gave Mal a gentle peck around her facebow.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #96 on: 19. March 2024, 18:52:43 PM »
Sorry, I had to do it.  And I started to call them Mal and Jen, in honor of our two prior tragic figures.  I went back and changed Jen to Kari in the last chapter, but if I missed one that is why.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #97 on: 20. March 2024, 01:08:28 AM »
As long as no more characters suffer an untimely demise, you can name your characters however you want. ;)

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #98 on: 20. March 2024, 06:08:20 AM »
I won’t make any promises. ;D

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #99 on: 23. March 2024, 15:58:45 PM »
Chapter Forty One:

The trio had not been settled at a table long before Emily brought them their beverages.  As she handed them out, Megan asked "so, will you tell me about the boy?"

Emily smiled and said "his name his Braxton.  I met him in bio lab.  We got teamed up as partners.  He is so good looking.  And so sweet.  And we have been doing a lot of studying together lately."

Megan smiled and asked "studying?"

Emily smiled coyly said "and maybe a little kissing."

Megan said "I am so excited for you.  What does he think about your braces and facemask?"

Emily pursed her lips and replied "well, I am never going to wear this" as she pointed to her facemask "in front of him.  I have done my best to hide my braces from him.  But he did tell me I have a pretty smile.  I made a comment about hating my braces, and he told me they were cute and they suited me.  So I don't really know what he really thinks."

Kari chimed in and said "well, you should take him at facsh value.  They are cute and they do suit you."

Mal added "that is right.  And some people even find braces really cute on others.  Especially people they are already attracted to".  She smiled and made eye contact with Kari.

Megan noticed but didn't stare.  Instead, she looked at Emily and said "Emily, there is no reason to be embarrassed by your braces.  Or your facemask.  If Braxton is worthy of you, he will be fine with it.  It sounds like he is totally fine with your braces already.  You really shouldn't try to hide it from him.  If your relationship does blossom, you will have to tell him eventually won't you?  I mean, and I am not advocating you do this, but what if you stay with him overnight?"

Emily's face turned a little rosy as she said "I just didn't wear it that night."

Megan said "so that is what you meant about wearing it here.  So you don't have to wear it in front of him.  I am not going to tell you what to do.  But don't let a silly little piece of metal and plastic dictate your life."

As Megan had been talking, a couple had entered the store.  Emily looked at Megan and said "I gotta run."

After finishing their drinks and tossing them in the trash, Megan swung by the register and told Emily "Emily, if it is meant to be it will be.  But again, don't let anxiety get in the way of your treatment.  I am certain he will be fine with it.  I don't know how I know, but I do."

Emily had pulled her cloth facemask back up to cover her Petit mask the best she could.  She simply said "ok."

Megan decided not to push it, and instead said "thank you for wearing your mask here.  It really does make me feel better."

Emily said "it was terrifying, is terrifying.  But I guess the more I wear it the sooner I will be done with it?  And the better my results will be?  That is what they tell me at least."

Megan smiled and said "that is exactly right.  And I will totally be back to hear all the juicy gossip about you and Braxton."

Megan pulled into a spot in from of Divas Hair Salon.  She looked over and said "and with 10 minutes to spare."

After Mal and Kari had exited the vehicle, Mal leaned in through the open passenger window while Kari pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her purse.  This was something else that Megan did not know about the pair.  Mal said "thanks for the pick me up.  And I hope you like your hair."

Megan said "I love it.  Absolutely love it.  Hey, I realized something.  I have liked Diva's facebook page.  But we aren't friends on facebook.  Are you guys on it personally?  If so, I would love to send you both friend requests."

Mal said "absolutely.  I am certain Kari will be ok with it."

Hearing her name, Kari exhaled a plume of smoke and stepped over beside the window.  She asked "Kari will be ok with what?"

Mal said "being friends with Megan on facebook.  And I have told you that we have to quit.  But since you haven't."  Mal reached over and took the cigarette from Kari and took a drag.  Megan thought it looked like Mal had some practice smoking with her facebow in.  As she blew smoke out, Mal said "just shoot us both requests.  And we will see you in a couple weeks?  I hope you aren't a stranger like you have been.  But I guess having a baby is a good enough excuse."

Megan said "absolutely.  Kari, congratulations on starting treatment.  They really do look cute on you."

Kari gave her a big metallic smile before answering "thank you!  I was worried whether someone would like them, but she seems ok with them."  She looked at Mal.

Back across town at Dr. Miller's, Becky came to Dr. Brad after they closed for lunch.  Becky asked "Dr. Brad, how long until I can get my braces off?"

Dr. Brad looked at her and replied "well, you know I don't like to make promises.  There is a small chance we could have them off in two months.  Three months is more likely.  You are so close to being done."

Becky asked "is there any way I could get them off in six weeks?  My sister is getting married and I am in the wedding.  I really would love to have them off by then.  Is there anything we can do to make that happen?"

Dr. Brad rubbed his chin as he thought for a moment.  He said "yes, there is.  But I am not sure you will want to do it.  We are trying to settle your bite now.  That is the reason for the elastics.  If you let me put springs on in their place it will speed things up.  And I would fit you with headgear.  If we do that, I promise you we can get you out of braces in six weeks.  Would that be something you would consider?"

Becky said "could you not just take them off temporarily for the wedding?"

Dr. Brad said "I really, really don't think that is a good idea.  Just removing them for a week would extend your treatment time by months.  It would be a little different if we weren't so close to the finish line.  And what kind of message would that send to our patients.  No, I don't want to do that."

Becky asked "how many hours a day would I need to wear the headgear?"

Dr. Brad answered "unfortunately, with the time crunch you are asking for, it would be fulltime wear.  I would need you to wear it twenty-four hours a day to make this happen, even eating and drinking.  Obviously you could take it off for bathing or showering.  But that is it."

Becky took a gulp before asking "and how long would I need to wear it?"  She thought she already knew the answer.

Dr. Brad said "the full six weeks.  If you want to do this, we need to start immediately.  Today."

Becky went silent thinking. 

Dr. Brad looked at her and said "I will not try to influence you either way.  It is completely up to you.  Headgear and springs for six weeks or your current treatment plan for twelve weeks.  You just need to let me know before we leave today."

Becky made a rash decision.  She said "I will do it."

Dr. Brad looked at her and asked "are you sure?"

Becky said "yes, at this point I don't even care if I have headgear.  I just want to be done." 

Dr. Brad said "well ok then.  Let's get you back in the chair.  I will handle the installation, I don't want to interrupt everyone else's lunch."

It took fifteen minutes to get Becky's springs installed and the facebow fit.  Dr. Brad raised her back up to a sitting position as he explained "so, it takes a little time to fabricate the face frame of the Miller headgear.  Time that we don't have.  I will have one made, but it won't be ready until next week.  Until then, I will fit you with standard combination headgear.  As I am transitioning over to the Miller, we don't have too many choices in straps.  All we have currently is hot pink and lime green.  Which do you want?"

Becky asked "we don't have anything less obvious?"  As she spoke, she could feel the tension of the springs on her jaw.

Dr. Brad said "no dear, I am sorry."

Becky said "I don't care, just whatever." 

Dr. Brad said "pink is so cliche, let's do green."

After fitting the straps, he said "all done.  You look great."  He held up a mirror.

Upon seeing her reflection, Becky's face dropped.  The lime green straps were so bright and obvious.  Dr. Brad read the change in her expression.  He comforted her "really Becky, you are doing the right thing.  It looks great.  And we are only talking six weeks.  And you are setting such a good example.  Why don't we go back to the lounge?  I know the girls will be so excited.  And what better place to have your first meal in it than right here.  I will grab you a straw."

As she followed along behind Dr. Brad they walked by a mirror.  Becky caught her reflection in it.  She stopped and looked at herself.  She thought 'what have I done?'   

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #100 on: 25. March 2024, 19:34:48 PM »
Chapter Forty Two:

Dr. Brad inserted the tandem bow into Megan's locked mouth as he explained "so, this is a modified tandem bow.  It slides into tubes on Megan's lower molars.  And it has locks on it to keep it from sliding out."  Darlene looked on feeling sympathy for the woman.  Dr. Bovenizer seemed utterly intrigued as he asked "so I am still not sure how this is supposed to work".

Dr. Brad looked at him and said "it will make sense soon my good man.  So, now that I have the tandem bow inserted, I will reach in and lock it in place.  Like this.  The patient will be able to do this easily with just a little practice.  Now for the elastics."  He pulled back Megan's lip and said "see these hooks here?  This is where Megan attaches her elastics.  Would you show them how easy it is for you to attach them sweetie?"  Megan obediently attached an elastic to each hook.  Dr. Brad continued as he attached the elastics to the tandem bow "normally, she attaches them to her CTO or the facemask she was wearing earlier. But this tandem bow will take the place of that.  So, we attach the elastics to the tandem bow.  Like this.  And finally, I will place two additional elastics to these outside center hooks on the tandem bow.  We will use them in just a minute.  But now we are ready for the CTO orthosis with the integrated CPAP mask.  Honey, would you put on your CTO for us please?  Darlene, would you help her with the straps for her CPAP mask?  They are new for her."

After Megan had donned her CTO brace Darlene wrapped the straps from the CPAP mask around the back of Megan's head and clicked the buckles in place.  She then checked the fit of the mask on Megan's face.  She gave a thumbs up and moved out of the way.  Dr. Brad said "so, this will be the part that will take a little practice."  He held up a plastic tool and said "using this little tool, we give them to all patients when they start elastics, I will snag one of the elastics hanging on the tandem bow.  Like this."  He reached in through the hole where the air hose would go and grabbed one of the elastics.  He pulled it taught and hooked it onto a post he had installed inside the hole, far enough back that it would not interfere with the hose once it was attached.  He looked up proudly and said "first try.  Now, I will do the second."  Again, he succeeded in grabbing the elastic and getting it attached to the corresponding post.  He said "and now Megan is back in protraction.  The elastics running from her upper molars to her tandem bow are slowly and methodically pulling her upper arch forward.  But, since every force has an equal and opposite force, that is pulling her lower arch backwards retracting it.  We don't want that.  The elastics running from the outside of the tandem bow to the CPAP mask counter act this.  Thus, we are pulling Megan's jaw forward to increase the size of her airway and heal her TMJ joints.  All that is left is to attach the air hose."
Darlene checked the fit of the CPAP mask covering Megan's mouth and nose again as Dr. Brad and Dr. Bovenizer looked on.  Megan was seated on the edge of the bed, held stiffly upright by her CTO brace.  Once Darlene had checked the fit of the straps from the CPAP mask that wrapped around Megan's head, Darlene asked "does that feel ok?"  Through the plastic mask, her mouth locked shut by her twin force scopes, Megan gave a muffled "yesh".  Darlene explained "I am now going to hook up the air hose and get you comfortable".  Once Megan was in bed, Darlene helped pull the covers over the stiff body laying in front of her.  Darlene smiled and said "and now, I am going to turn the machine on.  You will feel the air pressure.  It is normal."

As the machine whirred to life, Dr. Brad looked down with pride at his wife.  He leaned over and kissed the plastic that covered her forehead.  He whispered "I am so proud of you.  You look so amazing, the most beautiful woman who has ever lived.  Sweet dreams kitten.  I will miss you beside me tonight so much.  I love you and I will see you bright and early in the morning."

As the trio departed the room, Darlene turned the light off and softly closed the door behind them.  Back in the monitoring and fitting room, Dr. Bovenizer said "Darlene will take good care of her.  As I explained earlier, Megan does have mild sleep apnea.  I am glad she seems to have accepted the idea of wearing this new mask so readily.  I will admit it has me very intrigued.  I wonder if it would have some applications for some of my other patients?"

Dr. Brad said "I am certain it would.  And Megan knows it is for her own health.  I am just so glad I was able to find you so that you could help her.  Speaking of health" he looked at Darlene, "Maggie said you didn't call today.  That is ok.  I went ahead and made you an appointment for a consultation.  This upcoming Wednesday at 9 a.m.  That is right after Tricia's 8:30 consult.  But if you two want to do it together, that would work too!  That is why I scheduled them consecutively like that.  I will let you all work that out.  Here is your reminder card.  I promise you will be so glad you came in.  You will love all the ladies.  Now, I have to run, I have to pick the boys up from Mom's.  But again, thank you all so much!  I will see you in the morning!"

The next morning, Dr. Brad greeted Darlene with a big smile and a cup of coffee.  He asked "how is my favorite sleep tech?  And how did my amazing wife sleep?" 

Darlene said "thank you.  I am good."  The truth is, she had spent much of the night staring at Megan in the monitor, wondering how on Earth she was able to sleep so peacefully.  The rest of the time she had surfed the internet about adult braces, expanders, and protraction; her anxiety growing by the minute.  Darlene remembered how much of a struggle she had when she first got her CPAP.  It had taken her over a week to feel comfortable with it.  Yet, Megan had not seemed to notice the new device at all.  Darlene said "Megan slept like a princess all night.  Let's go wake her, I am sure she is ready to get home."

Dr. Brad bent over and gently nudged his wife.  As she stirred he gave her a big smile and said "good morning sunshine.  I missed you so much."  He bent over and hugged her.  He then helped her to sit up.  Darlene stepped over and turned the machine off and then removed the air hose from the mask on Megan's face.  As she did Darlene asked "how did you sleep?   How do you feel this morning?"
Megan's muffled response was hard to understand, but Darlene repeated back "your face is sore?  The mask will take a little getting used to.  I will loosen the straps a little for you.  I didn't think about the elastics pulling the mask against your face."  As she unclipped the buckles she said "let me warn you, the mask usually does leave some red marks.  Mine does too.  But they quickly fade."  She looked at Dr. Brad and said "um, can we take off her CTO?"

Dr. Brad smiled and said "of course! Do you remember how Megan put it on?  It comes off the exact opposite.  Maybe you would like to do it for Megan?  It might be good practice."  He handed her the little elastic tool.

Megan fumbled getting the first elastic off, it snapped and hit Megan's lip.  She let out an "oooff".  Darlene apologized "I am so sorry. I will be more careful."  She managed to get the second elastic off without it snapping.  Once the mask was free from the tandem bow, Darlene unbuckled the straps holding the brace onto Megan.  Once everything was loose, she carefully removed the huge monstrosity and laid it on the bed.  There was a visible red mark on Megan's face where the mask had been.

Dr. Brad reached in and said "honey, I will take your tandem bow off for you."  Darlene looked on as he first removed her elastics, then unclipped the metal bow and slid it from her mouth.  He leaned in and kissed her.  He then said "how was your first night in your new brace?"

Megan said "mah facsch feelsh puffy.  And my mouf ish sore." 

Dr. Brad hugged her and said "I am sorry kitten.  But anything new often takes a little while to get used to.  But you look so beautiful and refreshed this morning.  Let's get you in the bathroom so we can get you unlocked and brush.  That will make you feel better." As he stood and helped Megan up he looked at Darlene.  He asked "perhaps you would like to join us?  To see how her scopes work?  And how she hooks up her facemask."

After unlocking the scopes that held her mouth close, Megan began the time-consuming process of brushing and flossing.  As she did, Dr. Brad picked up her red petit facemask from the counter and explained to Darlene "this is Megan's facemask.  She wears it anytime she isn't brushing or wearing her CTO.  Protraction is hard to achieve in adults and does require quite a commitment from the patient.  But my Megan is just the most committed patient."  He held the facemask up to Darlene's face as he continued "to get the best results, patients really need to wear their protraction devices fulltime.  Most won't, so we do the best we can.  But the success of the treatment is as much in the patient's hands as it is mine." 

Darlene had not focused on this last part.  Instead, her attention was completely on her reflection in the mirror.  She blurted out "Dr. Miller, I don't think I can do a consultation."

Dr. Brad lowered the facemask and said "why in the world not?  It is just a consultation.  There is no commitment up front."

Darlene responded "I just, it is just so much.  I don't think I could wear one of those."

Though he knew otherwise, he replied "an extraoral appliance might not even be in your treatment plan.  We might can fix everything in just a few months with invisible aligners.  At least come in.  Please?"

Megan had overheard and after she rinsed in the sink she said "do it.  Come in.  I promise you that you will be glad."  She reached over and took the facemask from Dr. Brad.  She turned towards Darlene.  Without even needing the mirror she quickly attached her facemask with fresh elastics.  Megan said "Adult braces are cool now days."

Darlene looked at Megan who was smiling at her.  Darlene softly replied "ok, I will."

Megan hugged her and said "yay!  You go girl.  It will be the best decision you ever made."

As they walked to the car, Dr. Brad carrying Megan's new CTO CPAP, Megan said "she doesn't look like she would be a candidate for clear aligners.  From what I can see she could definitely benefit from protraction herself.  She is clearly class III, has a narrow upper maxilla, and an obvious crossbite.  She will need expansion and protraction won't she?"

Dr. Brad said "that will be Dr. Andi's call.  But yes, you are correct."

Megan said "good.  And it would be a shame for her to go through the process alone.  Maybe Dr. Bovenizer's wife will need extensive treatment too?  It would probably be a good idea for them to see Dr. Morales as well.  Poor Darlene is awfully pigeon toed.  I bet Dr. Morales could fix her right up.  And I am sure that Tricia could benefit from some orthopedic bracing as well."

Dr. Brad wrapped his arm around Megan's waist, her stiff corset obvious to the touch, and said "it sounds like that would make my kitten happy.  And I will do anything to keep my kitten happy."

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #101 on: 25. March 2024, 21:38:27 PM »

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #102 on: 25. March 2024, 22:12:07 PM »
Hmm, I wonder if Dr. Brad’s apparent goal of fitting as much orthodontia in patient’s mouths as possible isn’t to satisfy his own desires, but to satisfy his wife’s?  That would be an interesting twist.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #103 on: 26. March 2024, 04:25:09 AM »
Hmm, I wonder if Dr. Brad’s apparent goal of fitting as much orthodontia in patient’s mouths as possible isn’t to satisfy his own desires, but to satisfy his wife’s?  That would be an interesting twist.
:o :o :o :o :o

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #104 on: 26. March 2024, 08:39:45 AM »
Or maybe it is to satisfy the desires of them both?  :)

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #105 on: 26. March 2024, 16:16:06 PM »
It seems to me he is getting lost in the technical aspects of designing the best treatment options for his patients. He is failing to take into account how his patients feel about what he designing for them.

For her, it seems to be more of an emotional issue dealing with pleasuring herself and pleasing her husband. It isn't necessarily sexual as much as emotional.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #106 on: 26. March 2024, 17:45:33 PM »
Chapter Forty Three:

Dr. Miller held onto William's hand as he unlocked the front door of "TMJ and Sleep Plus" bright and early Monday morning.  It was well over an hour before they opened, so he was surprised to see Dr. Andi's vehicle in the parking lot.  Standing behind him was Megan, holding baby Chance.  After everyone had made it inside, Dr. Brad locked the door back behind him.  As he entered the treatment area, he let out a loud "Hello Dr. Andi!"  He heard a reply come from down the hall.

He made his way down the hallway and stuck his head inside the tiny, cramped office that had previously been simply a storage closet.  Dr. Andi was looking up at them with a smile on her face behind her Miller headgear.  She said "good morning!"  She noticed William and said "good morning big guy!  Did you come in to keep your Dad inline?" 

Megan stuck her head around the door, wearing her red facemask, and said "nope, that is my job!". 

Dr. Andi gave a little laugh before she said "the gang is all here.  What is the special occasion?"

Megan smiled and said "my Miller headgear is ready!  I really like my facemask because I know it is helping me.  But even now after wearing it so much it still hurts my chin.  I am looking forward to my new headgear.  I think it will be so much more comfortable."  She looked at Dr. Brad and said "you know, you should come up with some kind of fashionable pads that attach to a Petit facemask.  I know there have to be a lot of patients out there that would buy them." 

Dr. Brad raised his eyebrows and asked "why didn't I think of that?  That is a great idea baby."

Megan turned to look back at Dr. Andi and asked "so how goes it with your headgear?  Have you gotten used to it?  Are you wearing it full time now?  Is it as comfortable as I think it is?"

Dr. Andi laughed before she said "well, I don't know how comfortable any headgear is.  Especially the looks I get.  But yes, I have gotten used to it.  And it does spread the force out so it actually is comfortable.  Once you get used to the claustrophobic feel of it and all the straps wrapping around your head.  I am trying my best to wear it 22 hours a day.  I will admit, I do cheat sometimes.  And I plan to take it off when meeting new patients.  Which is why I am here so early."  She held up a chart and said "I am going over the records of all my new patient consults this week.  Brad, I want to thank you so much.  I can't get over how many I have in such a short time.  I have a whole stack of new patients here.  This is so much fun!"

Megan asked "is there a Liza there?"

Dr. Andi said "yes, actually there is.  Do you know her?"

Megan smiled and said "I met her at my hair appointment on Friday morning.  I did my best to convince her to call.  I am glad she did."

Dr. Andi smiled and said "well, I need to thank you as well then.  She certainly did call.  And her regular dentist emailed me over her records that same afternoon.  And Alex finally talked her fiance Marc into coming in.  That will be fun.  So how about I help get you fitted with your own Miller headgear?"

Megan smiled and said "yay!  You can even give me little hacks on wearing it."

Megan continued to hold Chance as she lay back in the treatment chair while William played in the corner with some toys.  Dr. Brad had a little corner of the treatment area set aside as a play area just for adult patients that brought their children with them to their appointment.  Dr. Andi cooed at Chance before she looked at Megan and said "he is just the cutest.  And best behaved.  You are so lucky.  And I am so jealous.  We have been putting off having children until we get better established and financially stable."  She looked at Dr. Brad and said "but I do plan on it."

Dr. Brad smiled and said "I hope you do.  I can tell you it will be the most incredible moment of your life when you hold your child for the first time."

Dr. Andi let out an "awwww."

Dr. Brad said "ok baby, are you ready?"

Megan looked up with excitement on her face as she said "yes!"

Dr. Brad said "Dr. Andi, since she has her hands full, will you remove her Petit while I get her new headgear?"  He stood and walked over to the cabinets along the wall.  When he returned holding a cloth drawstring bag, Megan's red petit facemask was laying to the side.  Dr. Brad looked at Megan and said "remember I said I had a surprise for you?"  He pulled the Miller headgear from the bag.  He said "I had the lab hydrodip it.  So it matches your old one."

Megan looked at the candy apple red plastic frame of the headgear and shrieked "oh baby, I love it.  You are so thoughtful.  I was going to miss my little red facemask.  It looked cute and matched my hair.  My new one does too!  Thank you baby."

Dr. Andi smiled and said "goodness, I wish all our patients were as enthusiastic as you."

Megan said "well, they should be.  Receiving orthodontic treatment is such a blessing.  I am trying to do my part to see that people overcome their fears and insecurities and do it.  Plus, don't you think I looked cute with my red facemask?"

Dr. Andi cocked her head and said "well yes actually.  You did look cute.  And you will in this new one.  Speaking of looking cute, I didn't even realize color was an option.  This gives me some ideas for my own."

Dr. Brad said "well, the plastic face frame is still the same white plastic as your own.  But I wondered why the lab couldn't dip it?  I knew they could dip plastic orthopedic braces, they do that for a lot of scoliosis braces, so I asked them if they could do the same with a Miller face frame.  They said it would be no problem.  They emailed me a chart of all the different colors and patterns that were available.  The number is actually staggering.  Hey, I need to email it to you.  If you prescribe a Miller for any of your cases, you could give your patients options.  Really let them personalize their headgear to match their personality."

Dr. Andi replied "absolutely.  But first, I want to look at it so I can figure out what I am going to do to mine."

Dr. Brad said "that would be fun."  He looked at Megan and said "ok baby, let's see how this fits."  He gently placed the frame on her face.  He examined it and said "it fits perfectly.  Now, let me get the straps sized for you."  It took him a few minutes to make the adjustments on the straps that wrapped around the top and back of her head.  He asked "does that feel too tight?"  Megan smiled and said "no."  He said "next, I will attach the neck strap.  Dr. Andi, would you hold her hair up?"  As Dr. Andi held Megan's hair, Dr. Brad threaded the black strap through the tongue buckle, the same type of buckle found on most belts only smaller, and pushed the post through a hole, cinching the mask tightly in place.  He then threaded the excess strap through a loop designed to hold it flat.  Once done, Dr. Andi let her hair fall down.

Dr. Brad looked lovingly at his wife, the bright red frame with it's black straps tightly bound to her face, and asked "how does that feel baby?  Too tight?"

Megan looked at him and responded "it is tight.  But I like the way it feels.  Like a corset for my face." 

Dr. Brad cocked his head at her.  He thought once again how lucky he was to have found Megan.  He said "we will try it like this.  I do want you to be honest with me though and tell me if it is bothering you by the end of the day.  Do you promise me?"

Megan said "yes sir, I promise."

Dr. Brad said "ok, but I mean it.  I want this to be more comfortable for you, not less.  Let me fit the chin cup."  He quickly attached the oversized chincup to the headgear frame.  The straps from the modules flexed, holding the cup tightly against her chin.  He instructed her "open and close your mouth please.  Too tight?" 

Megan said "no."

Dr. Brad looked at her seriously and said "again, if it is bothering you, tell me.  I am serious.  Now, since we are using the Miller with its larger face frame, I am going to put you back into springs like we started your treatment.  I know they exerted too much force with the Petit mask, but I think they will be tolerable with this new headgear.  But again..."

Megan cut him off and said "tell you if it is hurting too much.  I will."

Dr. Brad said "exactly.  Since you can't wear the springs with your new CTO mask, I want to try to make up for it when you are in your Miller."  He picked up the springs and hooked them onto the hooks in the back of her mouth.  He then used the torx drive to close the cover, locking them in place.  He then reached up and hooked each spring to the corresponding post sticking up from the chincup.  He looked at Megan and asked "so, how does that feel?"

Megan said "it feels tight.  Like it is working.  I like it."

Dr. Brad said "I am afraid that the increased tension from the springs may cause you discomfort.  I want you to take some ibuprofen now.  It is safe for nursing mom's, I already checked.  And since I do want you to wear the springs as much as possible, I am changing your treatment plan.  I want you to wear this headgear during the day and only wear your CTO at night now.  First though, do you want to see what it looks like?"

As Dr. Andi handed Dr. Brad a mirror, she said "Megan, it looks so cute.  The frame matches the highlights in your hair.  I am so jealous. I am totally going to do something with mine now."  She looked at Dr. Brad and said "so, I guess we are done?  I need to get back to my cases.  Again, this is all so exciting."  She leaned over and hugged Megan and said "you look amazing with your headgear.  Maybe you will stay a few minutes too?  I know the girls would love to see your babies.  And you."

As she walked away Megan said "I really like her.  And I am so glad she has gotten over her fear of wearing her headgear."

Dr. Brad said "She isn't like you.  She is like most patients.  She still hates it.  But she wears it.  So..."  He held up the mirror in front of Megan.

Megan took in her reflection in the mirror as Dr. Brad watched her reaction.  After looking at herself for several moments, she cut her eyes towards Brad.  She said "I love it.  Thank you.  I hope other patients are as lucky as me."

Dr. Brad shook his head and smiled at her.  He leaned in and whispered "you are such a good kitten.  And we truly are perfect together." 

Megan smiled "your kitten has a surprise too."  Dr. Brad raised his eyebrows.  Megan said "perhaps we can go to your office so I can show you?"

Dr. Brad stuck his head back in Dr. Andi's cramped office and asked "Dr. Andi, would you mind keeping an eye on William and holding Chance for a minute?  I want to have Megan put on and take off her headgear on her own."

Dr. Andi said "I would love that!"  She was beaming as she took Chance from Megan.  She said "oh goodness, aren't you just the cutest."  She looked up at Megan and said "I will take the best care of him."

Megan smiled and said "I know you will."

Brad followed Megan into his office and closed the door behind him.  He said "you know this is my place of work.  I don't know what kind of surprise you have, but Dr. Andi is just through that wall."

Megan said "oh, you aren't getting that lucky.  No, I have my belt on anyway.  I am a good girl."  She pulled a small luggage lock and two keys from her pocket.

Dr. Brad looked on confused.  He asked "and what is that for?"

Megan smiled and said "to lock my headgear.  So I won't be tempted to cheat."

Dr. Brad said "wait, no.  I won't lock your headgear on.  That just would not be ethical." 

Megan said "I am not asking you as a patient.  I'm not asking you at all."  She quickly reached up with both hands.  By feel she managed to get the small lock through the hole closest to the buckle of her headgear's neck strap.  The lock made an audible click when she shut it.  Megan said "now only you can take it off." 

Dr. Brad said "no.  Turn around and let me unlock you."

Megan said "yes sir.  But, look, my hair covers it.  No one but us will even know it is there.  And this lock came in a two pack, keyed alike.  These are both the keys.  If you take it off, I will just put the other one on when I get in the car.  And maybe I will just throw the keys away in a drain.  I would rather give them to you though."

Dr. Brad looked at her.  He said "baby, no.  Please?"

Megan replied, with a grin on her face, "baby, yes."  She held the keys out to him.  He took them.  She said "all your patients should be as lucky as me."


Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #107 on: 27. March 2024, 00:36:46 AM »
Megan's getting into the kinky aspects of having braces. With everything she has going on, it seems as if she is enjoying the 'bondage' part the most.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #108 on: 27. March 2024, 02:54:59 AM »
People are strange.  All people are strange in one way or another.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #109 on: 28. March 2024, 18:57:27 PM »
Chapter Forty Four:

Tara took Jim's hand as they walked across the parking lot towards Fuji Hibachi Grill.  It was Friday night and they had a double date planned with Marc and Alex.  As they walked Tara said "Alex said she had a surprise for us.  She seemed super excited about it, like she was about to burst.  I wonder what it could be?" 

Jim squeezed her hand and said "I have no idea, but we shall soon find out.  Maybe she is bringing a prize to see who can get the most rice stuck in their braces.  I am sure I will win."

Tara released his hand and pinched his rearend as she said "well, I hope you do.  You know how much I like helping you clean them."  She stopped him and leaned in to kiss him.  As they kissed, she ran her tongue into his mouth, and then ran them along his brackets.  When she pulled back she smiled and said "they feel clean.  But I better check later."

As they rounded the corner of the building, they saw Alex and Marc standing out in front of the restaurant's entrance.  It was that time of year that can't decide whether it wants to be winter or spring.  This particular night it wanted to be spring and Alex was wearing a floral print summer dress that ended just below her knees, her leg braces on display.  When Alex saw Tara, she gave a big wave and tugged Marc over in their direction.  Alex gave Tara a hug and said "oh look at you!  So pretty!"  She let go of Tara and looked at Jim and said "so handsome, as always."  Jim gave her a smile, his clear brackets visible.  Alex said "your braces look so good on you.  Somebody did a good job installing them."  Alex said "and I get it now Tara.  Why you acted like you did when I installed them."  She pulled Marc front and center.  Tara then realized Marc had not said a word nor opened his mouth.  Alex said "having a boyfriend, or in my case a fiancé, with braces is just the best.  Baby?"

Marc gave an embarrassed half smile, showing clear ceramic brackets on his upper teeth.  Tara shrieked "you got braces!  Good for you!  I am jealous."

Marc's smile grew a little wider, the metal brackets on his lower teeth just visible.  He said "don't be.  These little bastards hurt."

Jim asked "at least it sounds like you didn't have to get an expander.  How about an extraoral appliance?"

Marc replied "no, thank goodness.  I'm not sure I could handle anything else in my mouth." 

Alex leaned into Marc as she gave Tara a smile and said "my poor baby.  Instead of headgear, Dr. Andi fixed him up with a Mara appliance to fix his bite.  It has buildups, so he can't bite down all the way.  His jaw has been aching, his teeth sore, and eating has been hard for him.  But I have been doing my best to nurse him back to health.  Isn't he so handsome though?"

Tara made eye contact with Jim as she responded "he is.  Braces make a guy just that much sexier.  I feel out of place.  I have the most messed up mouth of anyone, yet I am the only one who doesn't have braces."

Alex said "you are making great progress.  You will be ready for phase 2 soon I know.  So, what do you say we go smell like a hibachi?"

The foursome was seated at one end of the Hibachi station while a family of four, mom and dad and their son and daughter were seated at the other.  The daughter appeared to be 8-10 years old, while the son appeared to be a couple of years older.  When they made their introduction, Alex noticed the boy had metal braces.  When she introduced herself to him, she finished by saying "I like your braces.  They are cool!"  She gave him a big smile displaying her metal brackets and telescopes. 

The mom, Lindsay, blurted out "you have braces too!  How cute."

Alex turned her head towards her and said "I am not the only one!  We all do!  I work in ortho.   So, you know I just had to get them.  And I finally convinced my fiance to join me.  His are brand new and so cute.  The office is how I met these two, Tara and Jim.  And how they met each other.  Braces are in.  And apparently, they are lucky.  At least they were for these two."  They were interrupted by the hibachi chef lighting an onion volcano on fire on the griddle.

After introductions, each group kept to themselves.  The meal was wrapping up when mom Lindsay asked "Alex, where do you work? We have been shopping for an orthodontist for Kylie here.  We aren't super impressed with Matthew's current orthodontist."

Alex said "sure thing!"  She dug into her purse that hung on the back of her chair and pulled out a card.  She handed it over to Lindsay and said "we have a new orthodontist too who is taking new patients.  Her name is Dr. Andrea Bender and she is great.  We would love to have you come in and take a look at Kylie.  Consults are free."

Lindsay looked at the card before asking "and, um, do you also accept adult patients."  She seemed embarrassed as she said "I have been thinking about seeing if I could get invisalign.  I know it is silly and vane but still..."

Her husband cut her off and said "it is not silly and vane.  I have told you if you want to do it then do it, I am completely onboard."

Alex said "well, I don't think it is silly and vane either.  And we actually specialize in adult patients.  You should absolutely bring Kylie in for a consult.  And you should get one yourself."

Lindsay looked at her husband and then back at Alex and asked "would I be a candidate for invisalign?  And how big of a hassle is it?"

Alex said "I don't know if you would be or not.  That would be the reason for a consult.  And I have not personally had clear aligners.  But I do know they take a lot of commitment and discipline.  Plus, in a lot of cases they just don't work as well as traditional braces.  Aligners definitely have limitations.  Almost everyone in our office has traditional braces, that is what we prefer.  And we all work in ortho."

Lindsay said "I don't know if I could do that, get regular braces."

Her husband said "why not?  It seems like half the moms at school have them.  Even some of the teachers.  Hun, your smile is amazing.  I love it.  But, if you want to give it a tune-up, you really should just go ahead and do it.  Plus, I know how much apprehension Kylie has about it."  He turned and said to the group "Matthew's orthodontist has traumatized her some, heck all of us, about getting braces."  He turned his attention back to his wife "why don't you call and schedule a consult for the both of you?  If you don't, I will."

Lindsay hesitantly said "um, okay."  She looked back to Alex and said "thank you.  I guess we will see you soon."

After they had paid their bill, Jim and Marc had fought over it before Jim had simply handed over his credit card, they stood out in front of the restaurant.  Alex said "this was so much fun!  I don't want to just go home though.  How about a couple of drinks?"

Jim said "that would be good.  But, so we don't have to drive, why don't we just go to my house?  I have a full bar.  And if you have a few too many, I have guest rooms."

Tara grabbed Alex' arm and said "say yes!  It will be fun."

Alex said "yes" and laughed.  She added "but we need to swing by the apartment to get my CTO.  Marc honey, would that be ok with you?"

Marc replied "not really.  First he paid the bill and now we are going to drink up his booze."

Jim laughed and said "I have plenty.  And it is my pleasure.  Let's go drink and tell lies."

Thirty minutes later Tara opened the front door of Jim's estate.  Standing there were Alex and Marc.  Marc was holding a duffle bag.  Alex was wearing her CTO brace.  Alex said "yay, you are wearing your's too!  I won't feel out of place."  She leaned over and hugged Tara, their plastic masks audibly banging together.

Jim stood behind Tara.  He was not wearing his CTO.  Jim looked at Alex and said "I may get in trouble with you, but I am not putting mine on until we go to bed."

Alex said "I won't scold you.  We are here to have a good time.  And don't tell Dr. Brad or Dr. Andi this, but you are fine to skip a night here or there.  Now that you are done expanding and your bone is regrowing, you aren't really getting any more active protraction, you are just keeping what you got during expansion.  Kind of like a retainer when you get your braces off.  I am NOT telling you to quit wearing it.  Not at all.  But it won't hurt if you don't put it on right this second."

Marc said "Jim, your home is stunning."

Jim replied "thank you very much.  Speaking of which, why don't you come on in?"

At the bar, Marc sat the duffle bag down and said "I went ahead and brought a change of clothes and towels.  And I brought this."  He unzipped the bag and pulled out a fifth of Patron followed by a bottle of Johnny Walker Black.  He said "you already got me by paying for dinner.  So, these are gifts.  I have no idea what you drink, so hopefully this suffices."

Jim said "well, you didn't have to. But thank you.  And they are perfect.  You must can read minds, because Tara loves Patron."  He took the bottle of tequila and asked "babe, a shot or a margarita?"

Tara said "yes please."

He asked "which one?"

She smiled and said "yes please."

Jim laughed and said "yes ma'am, one shot and one margarita coming up.  What about you Alex?"

She said "yes please!"

Jim laughed and said "ok then, two shots and two margaritas coming right up.  What about you Marc?"

He replied "a glass with some ice in it.  And I can pour my own."

Two hours later, everyone was tipsy, especially the girls.  Tara said "Alex, what are your leg braces like?  You seem to not even notice them anymore."

Alex said "I still hate I have to wear them.  But I am used to them."  She stiffly stood up from the couch and grabbed Tara's hand.  She pulled Tara up to a standing position.  Alex said "we are pretty close to the same size."  Alex then reached down and began unfastening the velcro straps that held them to her legs. 

A few minutes later, Alex exclaimed "what do you think?"

As Tara walked back across the room she said "wow, I feel like I need to relearn how to walk."

Alex said "yes, exactly.  I had to relearn how to walk.  But I haven't had any more sprains since I started wearing them."

Tara said "so, do you want to help me get them off?"

Alex said "no, why don't you wear them awhile.  So you can really see what it is like."

After another hour, Tara was drunk and had nodded off on the couch cuddled up against Jim.  He looked over at Marc and Alex, who despite Alex wearing her CTO were kissing.  Or trying to.  He cleared his throat and said "um, I think someone is ready for bed.  You need to get your braces back." 

Alex said "she isn't the only one ready for bed.  Taking them off will wake her up too much.  Why don't you just leave them on her.  I will be fine.  We can find our way to the guest bed.  And thank you."

Jim said quietly "you are welcome.  It won't hurt her to wear them?"

Alex said "no, get her to bed."

The next morning, Tara woke up with a pounding head.  She knew it was late in the morning by how bright the blinds were.  She could sense Jim was not beside her, she was alone in the bed.  As she had become accustomed to with her CTO, she rolled over on her side to push herself up to a sitting position.  When she did she felt her legs clang together and then noticed the feeling of the leg braces.  She pulled the covers back and cut her eyes down.  She stuck her leg out and saw through her peripheral vision she was wearing Alex' leg braces.  She thought 'what the hell?'  Then she remembered putting them on the night before.  Things got a little blurry after that.

She managed to sit up.  When she bent over to try to unfasten the first velcro strap, her head felt like it might explode.  She leaned back up to a sitting position.  She realized she wanted some help.   It took two tries before she could get to a standing position.  Once she was standing, she saw Jim's CTO brace lying on the bed in his normal sleeping spot.  For some reason, the idea that he had worn it to sleep brightened her mood.  She stiffly walked down the hall and into the kitchen.  There she saw Alex, Marc and Jim sitting at the bistro drinking coffee.  She noticed there was a fourth cup sitting out.  When Jim noticed Tara he said "good morning sunshine!  Let me help you."

He dashed over and put his arm around her waist and helped her over to the table.  Alex said "good morning!  So, did you get all of the leg brace experience you wanted?"

Tara said "yes.  And all the tequila experience I can handle.  My head.  Can you help me get these off?"

After Jim had poured Tara a cup of coffee and Alex and had put her leg braces back on, they all sat around the table.  Alex asked "so what do you think?  Are your legs stiff?  Mine usually are after I take them off."

She flexed her left knee and then her right.  Tara said "not too bad.  My right knee is usually stiff and sore in the morning until I get it stretched out.  But it isn't hurting this morning.  When you first got your leg braces, I thought about calling Dr. Morales.  But I have been putting it off.  To be honest, I was scared when I saw your braces."

Alex said "you were scared?  Think about me.  But if your right knee is bothering you, you should call her.  Wait, even better."  Alex pulled out her phone and started tapping on it.

Tara asked "what are you doing?"

Alex said "texting Dr. Morales.  Telling her I have a good friend who's knee is bothering her."

Tara said "wait, don't do that."

Alex looked up at Tara and smiled and said "too late."  Her phone dinged back at her.  She cut her eyes down at it and then back up at Tara.  Alex said "you have an appointment at 2 pm this Thursday."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #110 on: 02. April 2024, 22:55:56 PM »
Chapter Forty Five:

Alex could sense Tara's anxiety.  Alex said "it will be good.  Dr. Morales and her staff will take great care of you.  At least go and see what is going on.  Maybe it will help you feel better knowing that Dr. Morales and almost all of her staff are in treatment with us.  I promise you, it will be ok."

Tara turned stiffly towards her and said "I will do it.  Just so you don't think I'm chicken.  But I don't know if I can handle another brace" as she reached up and placed her hand on her CTO. 

Alex laughed and said "leg braces are cool.  Haven't you heard?  Hey, speaking of cool, what are you doing this afternoon?"

Tara shifted in Jim's direction and raised her eyebrows.  Jim said "baby, you know I have an open house.  As the developer, I hate not to be there.  To answer questions, to sell the development.  You are welcome to come of course.  But don't feel like you have to."

Tara turned back to Alex and said "I guess I don't have anything planned.  Did you have something in mind?"

Alex said "yes, a huge favor to ask.  My poor mama.  I feel so guilty.  She has just been miserable since she began treatment.  It's my fault.  Her appliance has been hurting her, she has been fighting an infection from one of the tads since you got it placed.  But even worse is that she has to wear her CTO all day every day.  It limits her so much.  I am going over to her house this afternoon.  I wanted to take her shopping.  But I want to wear my CTO too.  So she isn't the only one.  I was hoping maybe you could be our driver?  And maybe you could bring yours with you just so she knows there are other people going through the same thing?  That there are other people who understand?  I know it may sound like a lot to ask, but would you be up for it?  I would owe you."

Tara said "you won't owe me thing.  I would love to."

Alex screeched "yay!"  She hopped up and excitedly hugged Tara, their CTOs clanging together as she did.  Alex said "so, let us run home and get cleaned up and changed.  Could I give you our address and you just swing by and pick me up?"

Alex stepped over to Jim and gave him a serious look and said "you take good care of her.  Or else."  She gave him a mean mug before she couldn't hold it any longer and laughed.  She said "thank you SO much for last night!  We had so much fun.  Even if you did have to put up with two squatters."

Jim laughed and said "it was my pleasure.  You were the most well-mannered squatters.  We should do it again."

Tara pulled up to the gate of the sprawling upper end apartment complex and entered the code.  As the gate began to roll open, she again looked at her phone; first the text from Alex and then her map app.  She parked in front of bulding C and walked up the stairs to the second level landing.  As she did, she thought about Alex having to navigate these after she had first gotten her leg braces.  She thought it would have been tough.  She knocked on the door, and it opened momentarily to a smiling Alex.  While she had obviously bathed and changed, she was wearing her CTO.  But in addition, she was also wearing the imposingly thick glasses she had only seen her wear once before.  Alex gave Tara a big metallic smile and squealed "you made it!  I hope you didn't have too much trouble finding it.  Please, come in!"

It was the first time Tara had been to Alex'.  As she entered the apartment, Tara said "it's so cute!"

Alex said "ha, it is nothing compared to your crib.  But we are saving."  As she was talking, Tara was mesmerized by the thick glasses that Alex was wearing.

Tara said "it is Jim's.  I have an apartment too.  And like you, saving."

Alex smiled and said "I know, they are so thick.  I am so blind.  But I slept in my contacts.  Someone had the idea of tequila shots.  I won't mention names.  So I figure I better give my eyes a rest.  Plus, who will even notice them when I am wearing this gigantic thing.  But anyway, you might get to put that money towards something else."

Tara responded "I am sorry, I am just not used to seeing you wearing glasses.  They are cute.  And what do you mean about the money?"

Alex said "Jim is crazy about you.  And you two seem perfect together.  That's all.  Hey, do you want anything to drink?  A snack?  Use the restroom?  Anything?"

Tara shook her head and replied "thank you, but I am good."

Alex said "then in that case, how about we hit the road?"

As they walked down the stairs, they met a brunette woman around their age.  Alex said "howdy Mandy!  How are you?"

The woman stopped and said "I am good.  You?"

Alex responded "I am good!  This is my friend Tara.  Tara, Mandy.  Mandy, Tara."  After the pair had said hello, Alex continued "we are going to see my mama.  But I will be back this evening.  Marc is working this evening.  I will give you a shout later."

Tara drove as Alex navigated.  As they made the fifteen minute drive, the two friends talked.  About Marc working and going back to school.  About them waiting to get married until Marc was done with school and Alex was out of braces.  Of them wanting to buy a house together.  About Mandy and her perpetual bad luck with men.  And about Alex's mom and her treatment.

Tara parked in the shady driveway.  As they walked to the door, Alex explained "my mom and dad got divorced when I was little.  My mom got remarried to my stepdad a few years later, that is why our last names are different.  He died three years ago."

Tara said "oh Alex, I am so sorry."

Alex said "it is ok.  He had cancer and he was in so much pain there at the end.  My mom does really miss him though.  I have been trying to get her to date but no luck.  Anyway, it is ok.  I just wanted you to know before you met."

Alex rung the front doorbell and knocked.  A few moments later the door opened.  And there stood an older version of Alex.  The resemblance was uncanny as Tara looked at the blonde woman standing in front of her.  She looked just like Alex, just in her fifties.  And just like Alex, she was wearing a CTO orthosis with it's integrated Sleep Well mask, four elastics stretched tight from it to her mouth.  Alex shrieked "mama!" and wrapped her in a hug.

Tara looked on as mother and daughter hugged.  Finally Alex released her mom and said "mama, I want you to meet my friend Tara!  She was gracious enough to offer to drive us."

The older woman looked embarrassed as she said "baby, I wish you had told me shomeone wash coming over.  Sho I could have taken thish brasch off." 

Alex said "mama, it is ok.  Isn't that right Tara?"  Alex spun and gave Tara a look.

Tara said "yes, it is completely ok.  I totally get it."  She gave an exaggerated smile and pointed at the silver hooks in the corners of her mouth.  Tara said "I have my own.  I wear it every night and have, for what now, almost three months.  Wow, time flies."  Tara stuck her hand out and continued "I am Tara Reynolds, and I totally understand."

The woman hesitantly stuck her hand out and replied "hello, I am Barbara Bean.  It ish a pleashure to meet you.  Shorry about my shpeech.  Thish shtupid appliancsh ish rough."

Tara smiled and said "no need to apologize.  I have a night-time appliance I have to wear.  And I don't even try to speak in it.  And I will be getting a Miller appliance when I progress a little more."

Barbara said "oh you poor dear.  Maybe you will handle it like my Alesh here.  She makesh it look sho eashy."

Alex hugged her mom again and said "it will get better.  I promise.  That is why I am taking you shopping.  We are going buy you some clothes, and then we are going to go buy some plants, and then we are going to come back here and have some fun."

Barbara looked at her and said "oh baby, I don't feel like it."

Alex grabbed her hand and pleaded "please?  You don't need to stay cooped up forever.  Please?"

Barbara looked at her a long time.  She finally said "ok, I will do it for you."

Three hours later as they stood beside Tara's little SUV to get the last box, Alex said "thank you so much.  And I promise you I am going to pay to have your car washed and detailed.  I didn't even think about dirt from the plants."

Tara said "shush your mouth, it is no big deal.  That is why there is a rubber mat in the back.  I am just glad I could help."

Alex said "thank you so much.  I think for a few minutes, mama even forget about her appliance and brace."

Tara said "I hope so.  Since this was your idea though you have to carry the last box.  I will have my hands full".  Tara pulled her own CTO brace from the back seat.

As Tara stepped through the plastic entrance flap, Barbara's back was to her.  Tara said "I just love your greenhouse."  Barbara turned. 

Barbara said "oh honey, you don't have to wear that on my account.  Didn't you shay you jusht have to wear it at night?"

Tara replied "I am supposed to wear as much as I can whenever I can.  Isn't that right Alex?"

Alex said "that is right."

Tara said "and the more I wear it, the faster I will be done.  Isn't that right Alex?"

Alex said "again, that is right."

Tara said "so, let's pot some plants."

An hour later, Barbara stood back and said "they are beautiful.  Thank you girlsh for your hard work.  And for dragging me out of the housh.  I had a good time.  Even with all the shtares.  I guessh I better get used to them though if I don't want to be a shut in."

Alex said "mama, they were only staring because you are the prettiest mama in the whole world.  And I have a surprise for you.  Dr. Brad is having a new brace made for you so you can wear it with your CPAP.  At night.  It should be ready in a week or two.  So, you won't have to wear this all day every day."

Barbara closed her eyes and exhaled.  She stepped over and gave Alex a hug and said "oh thank you baby.  Thank you so much."  Tara saw a tear roll down her face.  Tara realized what an impact the appliance was having on Barbara.  Then Tara realized she faced the same thing.  Suddenly, she wasn't as eager to move on to phase two of her own treatment.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #111 on: 04. April 2024, 18:18:31 PM »
Chapter Forty Six:

Tara looked down at the text message on her phone.  It was from Alex and said "EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE!!!"

Tara shot back a quick reply "I am sure it will be."  The truth is, she didn't believe this.  All week, her and Alex had been exchanging messages about Tara's appointment with Dr. Morales.  Tara felt fear and dread.  In response, Alex had been sending her a constant stream of upbeat encouragement. 

A new message popped up on Tara's phone from Alex.  It asked "have you made it there?"

Tara shot back "I just parked." 

Alex said "yay!  Let me know how it goes!"

Tara replied back "I will."  She then took a deep breath and opened her door.

As she walked across the large parking lot, Dr. Morales' office was in a large medical complex, her legs felt shaky.  Visions of Alex' leg braces were at the tip of her brain.  And while Tara realized that Alex acted like they were no big deal, she knew they were.  Or at least had been at first.  And Tara dreaded the idea that the same fate might lie in store for her.

The automatic glass door opened and she entered the large atrium of the complex.  She looked at the list of providers on the wall and the accompanying map and found Dr. Morales' office.  It was near the main entrance.  A short walk brought her to the glass door emblazoned simply "Dr. Morales."  Once again, Tara took a deep breath and opened the door.

Entering the office, she saw a waiting area was to the right and the reception desk straight in front of her.  She used closing the door as an excuse to scan the waiting area.  There were only three other people there.  One was a man wearing a shoulder immobilizer.  He was sitting by himself.  Across the small room were a middle-aged man and woman holding hands.  The woman was seated erectly looking straight ahead.  She had no choice.  She was wearing a CTO brace and facemask, one of Dr. Miller's, that disappeared under the summer dress she was wearing.  And from the hem of her dress emerged two stainless steel and white plastic leg braces like Alex had to wear.  Tara forced herself not to stare and turned towards the reception desk.  As she made the few steps across the lobby she thought the pair looked familiar.  That thought was fleeting however.  Because as she reached the reception desk, she noticed the receptionist, her name tag said Kylie, was also wearing a CTO Sleep Well brace too.

As Tara stopped at the counter, the receptionist leaned back some and gave Tara a big metallic smile.  She then said "hello!  Are you Mrs. Reynolds?"

As Kylie spoke, Tara couldn't help but notice the silver tongue crib that hung down behind her front teeth.  Tara was surprised she had no lisp.  Tara replied nervously "yes, I am Tara Reynolds."

Kylie said "welcome Tara!  We are so glad you are here.  As a new referral, I do have a little paperwork for you.  But not too much, Dr. Miller's office sent over your medical records and I was able to enter a lot of the information from there."  Tara realized Kylie was in a wheelchair when she quickly spun and rolled herself over a few feet and reached for a folder.  As she did, Tara noticed a ridge running across her back under her blouse just below her shoulders.  As Kylie placed the file in her lap Tara noticed a lump beneath her blouse above her right breast at her collar bone.  When Kylie turned and wheeled herself back over Tara noticed a matching bump over her left collar bone.

Arriving back at the reception desk, Kylie stiffly stood and handed the folder to Tara and said "here you go.  Fill these out and get them back to me.  And let me again say how wonderful it is you are here.  We love getting referrals from Dr. Miller.  As you might have guessed, I am a patient there too."  Kylie gave her a big metallic smile and said "I will be right here when you get done with the paperwork."

As Tara made her way to a desk, she was confused.  Her first thought was 'poor girl'.  But her second thought was 'why is she in a wheelchair, she stood up.'  These thoughts were on her mind as she flipped through the paperwork, signing what needed to be signed and filling out any blanks.  It only took Tara a few minutes to complete the paperwork.  She stood and made her way back to reception. 

Kylie said "you are quick!  Thank you!  I will get this entered and we will call you back shortly.  Again, thank you for coming in.  Dr. Morales will take the best care of you, she does all patients.  And I should know."

Tara studied her, the question of the wheelchair still in her mind, and asked "so, you are a patient and an employee of Dr. Morales?" 

Kylie said "yes, she has been a godsend for me.  I have battled crippling Ehlers Danlos since I was a teen.  I went through a whole list of practitioners, yet I just kept getting worse.  Until I found Dr. Morales.  She literally saved my life, or at least gave me a life back.  Before, I was hardly able to leave the house.  College or a job were out of the question.  But thanks to Dr. Morales, I have this job and I am taking online classes."  As if reading Tara's mind Kylie added "obviously, I am not paralyzed.  I just use the wheelchair here as a convenience.  I have a pair of HKAFOs I wear outside of the office.  But the chair lets me get a break from them."

Tara said "well Kylie, I am so happy to hear that.  I just came in because my knee is bothering me.  Well, actually I came in because Alex made me."

Kylie's face lit up and said "Alex from Dr. Millers?  Isn't she just the sweetest and funniest?  And she has the most gentle hands.  She almost makes my ortho appointments fun."  She studied Tara's mouth before asking "so, where are you in treatment?  Are you done?  I don't see a mass of metal in your mouth?"

Tara said "ha, I wish.  I am only at the beginning.  I have a little daytime splint I wear.  And a gigantic nighttime appliance I wear".  She bared her lips so her hooks were visible and continued "and I have these hooks.  That I use with my own CTO."

Kylie said "oh wow, you have one too.  Good for you!  All of us here are in treatment with Dr. Miller and we all have one.  I think it is helping me.  Are you getting a Miller appliance?  It is a beast.  Four of us her have one; me, Mona, Dr. Morales and Peggy."

Tara said "please don't tell me that.  I was excited about moving on to the next phase.  But every day I get more nervous about it."

Kylie smiled and said "I won't lie and tell you it doesn't take some getting used to.  But my TMJ is so much better.  And I am breathing and sleeping so much better since I got it.  And I know it will get even better.  Plus I will finally have a smile to be proud of.  It is tough, but I would totally do it again.  It doesn't hurt that I have the other gals here to lean on when my mouth is hurting.  My treatment is even a little more involved than theirs.  Because of my kyphoscoliosis, my brace is a little bit more restrictive than the standard CTO.  Mine is a full-blown scoliosis brace with clavicle outriggers.  And it attaches to my HKAFOS when I am wearing them.  But again, it is worth it.  Dr. Morales AND Dr. Miller have helped me so much.  If not for them, I would be at my parents home now lying in bed.  Probably crying."

This made Tara think back to the man and woman sitting behind her.  For whatever reason Tara had an epiphany.  Tara realized they were the same husband and wife she had seen in Dr. Miller's office.  Tara even remembered her name was Ellen.  She asked "do you have a lot of patients that also are in treatment with Dr. Miller?"

Kylie said "well, currently us employees are in the majority.  But the number is growing.  You would be number four I believe.  There really does seem to be a huge connection between TMJ and connective tissue disorders."  She gave a laugh and asked "get it?  A connection between connective tissues?"  Tara gave her a polite smile.  Kylie said "maybe EDS jokes aren't too funny.  But sometimes all I can do is laugh about it.  Anyway, again, we are so happy you are here.  Mona, she is Dr. Morales lead, will be out to get you soon."

Before she could turn and leave, the door beside the reception area opened.  Tara watched as a nurse in scrubs wearing a CTO brace stepped into the room.  She said "Mr. Jonesh, would you come on back?  Let'sh shee if we can get you out of the sling."  As he stood, the nurse looked at the couple and said "Ellen, Tim, Dr. Moralesh herself will be out in jusht a minute."

Tara stood out of the way as the man passed by in front of the reception desk and disappeared into the back following the nurse.  Kylie said "that was Mona!  Anyway, get comfortable, it won't be long.  And again, we will take the best care of you."

As Tara made her way to an open seat, she looked in the direction of Tim and Ellen and gave a polite smile and nod.

The man smiled back and gave a slight nod in return.  The woman was unable to move her head and just gave a little smile.  Tara didn't think it was one of actual happiness, simply one of politeness.  Tara sat down and pulled out her phone.  She was checking emails when she heard "Ellen!  Tim!  Hello!"

Tara looked up with see an olive complected woman in a white coat standing in the doorway.  She was wearing a CTO Sleep Well orthosis as well.  Again, Tara recognized her.  Tara realized this was Dr. Morales, the same woman she had seen getting her Miller appliance installed at Dr. Millers.  Until now, she had not put the two together.

Dr. Morales walked across the waiting area, her focus on the couple.  Tim stood and helped Ellen to a standing position.  He then picked up a small pack from the seat beside him and wrapped his arm around Ellen's waist.  Dr. Morales stopped on the other side of the woman and gently placed her hand on her arm.  Dr. Morales saw the look on Ellen's face.  It was one of trepidation.   Tara overheard as Dr. Morales said "Ellen, it will be just fine.  A halo installation is not bad.  It will provide even better cervical support than a CTO.  Between it and your Crane appliance, your cervical region will be completely stabilized.  So no more pain. Plus, no more facemask!"  Dr. Morales reached up and placed her hand on the clear plastic mask she was wearing and said "I know how tiresome it can get wearing it all the time.  Heck, a halo brace for a facemask seems like a pretty good trade off doesn't it?"

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #112 on: 04. April 2024, 19:14:53 PM »
So Tara might get some kafos.

Kylie may be friend with her soon and both may need some crutches to spent some time together.

Ellen will not need crutches, but a halo is hard to wear too.

Phantasy, phantasy...  :)

What a nice story!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #113 on: 04. April 2024, 23:37:11 PM »
Thank you.

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #114 on: 05. April 2024, 04:38:03 AM »
The wait has been so worth it. These chapters were great! I don’t know how long I can wait for the next one.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #115 on: 05. April 2024, 05:07:41 AM »
I am glad you are enjoying it.  One thing that is missing in this story is music. I didn’t want to impose on the other music story. 

But it is spring time; in life and in the story; and Alex and Tara, both with their legbraces and their fiancé's, might go to a concert.

And that might be a spoiler.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #116 on: 05. April 2024, 05:25:18 AM »
I like where everything is going. Excellent work!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #117 on: 05. April 2024, 05:31:24 AM »
Thank you.

Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #118 on: 05. April 2024, 11:19:36 AM »
I'm really enjoying this story! Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #119 on: 06. April 2024, 11:43:11 AM »
Love this story!

What I'm still wondering about is whether Alex's knees are locked in her KAFOs? Would like to read more about the KAFO fitting and options that might be available, carbon, colors, patterns ...

And also if their wrists are hurting, requiring some casts or permanent wrist braces.

The halo will be hard especially if she's having troubles walking already. But it can also act as a nice tool if patients aren't complient with facemask or CTO weartime.

So many paths to go...

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #120 on: 07. April 2024, 17:05:51 PM »
Chapter Forty Seven:

An hour later, Tara sat alone in a treatment room nervously fidgeting.  She had just undergone a rigorous examination coupled with imaging.  Mona had administered most of it.  Tara thought it amazing that she was able to be so active while wearing a CTO Sleep Well brace.  Seeing how at ease she was wearing it Tara had asked how much she wore the brace.  Mona had replied that she wore it all the time.  Tara had also had a number of questions about her own knee, possible maladies, and treatments.  Mona had been very non-committal and had repeatedly told her that Dr. Morales would explain everything.

Finally, the door to the treatment room swung open.  Dr. Morales entered the treatment room, followed by Mona.  Tara couldn't take her eyes off the knee brace that Mona was carrying.

Dr. Morales did her best to smile through the extensive orthodontia in her mouth and the brace strapped around her head, neck and upper body.  Tara had already noticed that Dr. Morales had a much more severe lisp, especially on her S's, than Mona and Kylie, though they all had Miller appliances.  Tara wondered why. 

Dr. Morales made her way over and sat before she said "Mrsh. Reynoldsh, I hope you were comfortable during your exam and that Mona took great care of you."

Tara replied "she did."  She pulled her eyes off the brace in Mona's hands and made eye contact with Mona as she said "thank you."  Mona gave her a metallic smile back.

Dr. Morales continued "wonderful.  So, I guessh you are anxious to hear what we found.  I will get right to it.  First, you have a torn miniscuoush in your knee.  It ish no wonder it hurtsh.  So, what ish the treatment?  The bad newsh ish it will require shurgery.  The good newsh ish that it ish a rather minor outpatient procedure and it ish not urgent.  I would recommend you have the procedure performed in the next shix months, but we can schedule it around your life.  I am prescribing you thish Breg knee brace.  You don't need to shleep in it, but anytime you are out of bed and not in the shower you need to have it on.  Shwimming is acceptable.  Mona will fit you with it when I conclude.  So, why did thish happen?  Well, that is a little more complicated.  Mrsh. Reynoldsh, have you ever noticed how flexible you are?"

Tara replied "I guess, I just thought it was normal."

Dr. Morales continued "flexibilty is healthy.  To a point.  Yoursh however ish not in the normal range.  That ish why we did the blood work.  You show markersh for Ehlersh Danlosh Shyndrome.  Have you ever heard of Ehlersh Danlosh Shyndrome, or EDSh for short?"

Tara's felt her world crumble.  She thought of Alex.  She thought of the receptionist Kylee in her wheelchair.  She didn't respond as her mind spun with a thousand thoughts, all of them bad.

Dr. Morales saw Tara's expression change and said "this is not a death sentence.  Ehlersh Danlosh Shyndrome ish a connective tissue disorder.  It ish not uncommon, though it is widely undiagnosed.  It is much more common in femalesh than malesh.  And there ish a wide range of severity.  Fortunately, yoursh is mild.  So, are you familiar with it?  Or have at least heard of it?"

Tara responded weakly "yes.  I am friends with Alex from Dr. Millers.  She has told me all about it.  And I spoke with Kylee out front about hers earlier."

Dr. Morales said "you are friendsh with Alex?  Excellent.  So you are familiar with the KAFO bracesh I prescribed her?  They are a modern version of a knee ankle foot orthosish.  Originally developed to treat polio, they are now primarily used to treat EDSh and spinal cord injuriesh, though they differ some depending on application.  The bracesh ushed for spinal cord injuriesh are designed to be locked, holding the legsh straight.  We also integrate a hip brace, thus making it a HKAFO.  For EDSh cases though, we jusht need to provide shupport.  We DON'T want to immobolize the knee and ankle jointsh, we just want to provide support.  To prevent hyperextension and lateral instability.  They are much sleeker, smaller and lighter than old timey bracesh.  I believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so I am going to prescribe you a pair.  Before fitting you with your temporary Breg knee brace, Mona will cast you for your KAFOsh.  They should be ready in about two weeksh.  I have left a folder up front with Kylee with a lisht of instructions and a referral for your meniscush procedure.  Dr. Weaver, the surgeon, can provide more detail on that procedure and rehabilitation process.  You will be on crutches for 6-8 weeksh, so again plan it around a time that ish besht for you.   Do you have any questionsh?"

Tara looked at Dr. Morales in shock.  She had so many questions.  But didn't have any idea where to even start.  Instead, she broke down in tears.

Dr. Morales got up and sat beside Tara on the treatment table she was sitting on and wrapped her arm around her shoulder.  Mona brought some tissues over.  Dr. Morales consoled her "Mrsh. Reynoldsh, it will be ok.  It ish good that you came in now instead of waiting until thingsh got worse, and treatment would be more invasive.  Yesh, this will be a minor inconvenience.  But that ish all it will be.  You will shtill be able to live your life ash you have been.  I promise.  Look on the bright side.  You have a friend who can help you along the journey.  And we will alwaysh be here too.  It ish a lot to take in, I understand.  But your EDSh is minor.  Some patientsh are not as lucky."

As Dr. Morales squeezed her shoulders, Tara quit crying and blotted her eyes.  After a moment she said "thank you.  It just... I never imagined...  I am scared."

Dr. Morales replied "I understand.  But all of us here will do whatever we can to make it lessh shcary.  What do you say we let Mona get the moldsh of your legsh?  And then she can fit you with your knee brace.  I promise it will help with your pain and discomfort."

Tara resigned herself to her fate and said softly "ok."

Forty-five minutes later, Tara sat alone in her car.  She looked at her phone again and saw the texts from Alex.  She ignored them. She didn't have the energy or courage to reply.  Mainly she thought about Jim and her relationship with him.  It was one thing to date a woman undergoing orthodontic treatment.  But what about one with braces, headgear, leg braces, hearing aids and glasses?  Tara was heartbroken.  She realized she loved Jim.  But she didn't see any way he could love her back considering all of that.  While Dr. Morales had told her that her EDS diagnose was not a death sentence, she felt certain it was a death sentence for her and Jim's relationship.  Again, she broke down into tears.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #121 on: 07. April 2024, 17:48:12 PM »
Poor Tara. I hope Jim is secretly like many of us readers and will accept Tara's situation.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #122 on: 07. April 2024, 20:38:52 PM »
If the situation is the death sentence for the relation to Jim, he simply will not be worth the relation.

But I think he will be better than she fears him to be.  ;)

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #123 on: 08. April 2024, 05:50:26 AM »
How devastating for poor Tara. At least she doesn’t seem to have a very athletic lifestyle…things could be so much worse for her. I’m sure Jim will be very supportive. Too bad nothing was written about his reaction to Alex’s KAFOs, perhaps intentionally? A pleasant read, and as lways a cliffhanger.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #124 on: 08. April 2024, 17:25:40 PM »
Chapter Forty Eight:

After crying herself out, Tara dabbed at her eyes.  She looked at herself in the rearview mirror and saw she was a disheveled mess.  She knew she couldn't hide in her vehicle forever and had to get back to work.  She needed to speak with Beverly her boss and break the bad news.  Not only did Tara feel her diagnosis would be the end of her relationship with Jim, she also felt like it would surely derail her new job. 

Tara saw no choice but to face the music though.  She tried her best to touch up her makeup to make herself look presentable.  Once done, she looked down at her right leg.  The black hinged knee brace started mid-calf and ended mid-thigh.  Tara thought to herself 'of course it is my right leg, the one I use to drive.'  Fearing the worst but seeing no other option, she cranked her vehicle and headed towards the offices of Willingham, Roberts, and Bounds.

An hour later, Tara walked to her vehicle.  After they met, Beverly had told her to take the rest of the afternoon off. 

As Tara drove to Jim's, she replayed the meeting with her boss.  It had gone so much better than she expected.  She had expected Beverly to be appalled that she had made the mistake of hiring her, someone who was obviously broken and did not present the image a powerhouse law firm, not to mention a candidate for governor, would want representing them.  Instead, Beverly had been nothing but sympathetic and supportive.  Beverly had told Tara to take care of herself.  That she knew if Tara did that, Tara would take care of her job.  When Tara had explained the leg braces she would have to wear, again Beverly had been nothing but sympathetic and supportive.  Beverly had told Tara what an important member of their team she was.  Tara again explained how embarrassing it would be for Beverly, the firm, and her candidacy to have a little crippled girl working for them.  This had drawn Beverly's ire.

Tara replayed in her head Beverly looking at her sternly and saying "stop that bullshit right this minute.  Stop it.  You are not a little crippled girl.  You are a smart, driven, beautiful young woman.   One who is loved deeply.  And one who has so much more to do with her life.  I am sorry you got this bad news.  But it changes none of that.  Quit feeling sorry for yourself.  Life is sometimes not fair.  We are dealt cards we don't want sometimes.  Yet we have to play them.  Do you think I wanted to have to get braces?  No.  But I did.  And you know what?  It was the best decision I ever made.  Sometimes what we think of as a curse turns out to be a blessing.  I want you to take the rest of the day off.  I want you to go home and relax.  And I want you to show up ready to work tomorrow.  Now go."  As Tara stood, Beverly got up and made her way around her desk.  Beverly said "but before you do" and gave her a gentle hug.  Beverly said "this is all just a bump in the road of life.  I, no we, will all be here to support you.  As I am certain Jim will.  Now, go home and relax.  You have had a stressful day.  And I need you.  So, go home and rest.  And I will see you in the morning.  But if you need anything, I am only a phone call away."

As Tara drove, she counted her blessings she had such an understanding boss.  And one that was nothing like her image at all.  No, Beverly was one of the kindest and most understanding people she had ever met.  Demanding and driven?  Yes, she was.  But understanding.  Tara felt fortunate that she had met her.  Then she thought of what Beverly had said about curses sometimes being blessings.  She realized if not for the issues with her jaw and TMJ, she would have never met Beverly.  Nor would she have met Jim.

But then she told herself this was different.  She was going to have to wear leg braces.  And while her new friend Alex seemed to have adapted to them, Tara doubted that she could.

After parking in Jim's driveway, she looked at the text messages on her phone.  She had a whole string of them from both Alex and Jim.  She had ignored them, unable to figure out how to break the bad news to them.  She didn't want to give Jim the opportunity to break up with her via a text.  No, she wanted him to have to do it to her face.  But his last text read "CALL ME!!!!  I am worried sick about you."

The SUV was still running and her phone was connected, so she said "call Jim."  After a few rings it was answered.

Jim exclaimed, concern if not outright panic in his voice, "baby, are you ok?"

Tara replied "yes, I am ok."

Jim responded "why have you been ignoring my texts?  I have been worried sick.  Are you sure everything is ok?  How did your appointment go?"

Tara replied "I have bad news.  I have a torn meniscus.  I need surgery on it and am now sporting a huge, ugly knee brace."

Jim sighed and responded "oh baby, I am so sorry.  But it will be ok.  I promise.  I tore my ACL and MCL in high school.  So, I know all about knee surgery.  And isn't a meniscus tear a relatively simple procedure?  I am just so glad you got it checked out.  I am so, so sorry.  But I was fearing the worst.  And this is not it.  Where are you?  At work?"

Tara responded "I just pulled into your drive.  Beverly sent me home for the day."

Jim replied "I am on my way.  I will be there in fifteen minutes."

Tara responded "no, you don't have to.  I am sure you have things you need to do.  You don't need to drop what you are doing and come home."

Jim replied "I do need to.  And I am.  Bye."

As Tara heard the line go dead, the pit in her stomach formed.  How was she going to handle this?  She had intentionally not mentioned her Ehlers Danlos diagnosis.  What should she do?  Hide it from him until she just showed up one day wearing her leg braces?  To prolong the inevitable?  No she thought, that was not fair to him.  She made up her mind she would tell him now.  So that he could let her down easy.  In the meantime, she sent Alex a curt text, "I will call you later."  With that done, Tara opened her vehicle door and awkwardly swung her braced leg out of the vehicle.  At least she thought to herself she was able to drive currently, though it felt awkward.  She realized once she had surgery, she wouldn't even be able to drive.  Once again feeling sorry for herself, she made her way inside and started packing her belongings.

Twenty minutes later she was in their bedroom with most of her clothing laid out on what she now considered his bed, not their bed.  She hadn't heard Jim pull up, but she did hear him bellow "honey, I'm home. Where are you at?"  She responded "in here."

Moments later Jim wrapped Tara in a protective hug and said "baby, I am so sorry."

He held her a moment before he let go of her and said "we will get through this.  Really, I have already done some research on meniscus tears, and the procedure and recovery now days is simple and straight forward.  This will just be an inconvenience.  Nothing more."  He then saw all the clothing laid out on the bed.  He asked "what are you doing?  Reorganizing your wardrobe?"

Tara looked at him heartbroken.  This was it.  This was when he was going to let her down easy.  She swallowed and said "I have a torn meniscus.  But that is not all.  I was also diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos syndrome.  Like Alex.  And like her, I was prescribed a pair of leg braces.  I am packing.  I know this won't work.  I know you deserve better."

Jim stepped back, a look of disgust on his face.  Tara's heart sank even further.

He looked at her in silence, Tara wilting by the second.  Finally he spoke.  He looked at her sternly and said "you are right, this won't work."  He stepped back and wrapped her in another hug.  He said softly "I love you.  I love you too much for you to get rid of me this easily."  Tara realized it was the first time either of them had told the other they loved them.  He continued "I am so sorry baby.  But this doesn't change a thing.  You are the most amazing person in the world.  And the best thing that has ever happened to me.  We will get through this together."

As he held her, she said softly "I love you too."  She then began to cry.  He stroked the back of her head as her tears darkened his shirt.  He simply held her and petted her before he said "it is ok baby.  I will make sure it is.  Please don't cry."

She sniffled a few times and stopped crying.  She said "I am sorry."

Jim continued to hold her as he said "you have nothing to apologize for."  The truth is, he was turned on by her vulnerability.  And his body responded in kind. 

Hugged up against her so closely, Tara felt it.  She unwrapped herself from him and took a step back.  She looked down below his beltline and saw what she had felt.  She looked up into his eyes confused.

He smiled sheepishly and said "see what you do to me?"

She asked "so your aren't turned off?  You aren't repulsed by the fact I am so broken?"

Jim looked at her seriously and said "don't say that.  You aren't broken.  You are the furthest thing from broken.  And I think the answer as to whether I am turned off is pretty obvious."

She snuggled back up against him, placing her hand on the bulge below his beltline.  She said "this is not how I expected this to go.  So the other night when I was wearing Alex leg braces you didn't find me hideous?"

He leaned in and nibbled her ear, the feeling of his rough brackets brushing against her ear making her want him so badly.   He whispered "no, you were the sexiest thing I have ever seen."  He let go of her and swept her clothes off the bed.  He stepped back over to her and roughly ripped her blouse off and said "and if that surprises you, what is about to happen will blow your mind."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #125 on: 10. April 2024, 21:08:29 PM »
Chapter Forty Nine:

Spooned up against him afterwards, Tara softy said "thank you.  Thank you for being so wonderful about this.  I was heartbroken when I got my diagnosis today.  Because I just knew it would be the end of us.  And that is what hurt me the most."

Jim turned and looked her in the eyes and said "baby, the fact that you think I could be so shallow hurts me.  I would never let something like this come between us."  He really wasn't sure what else to say so he just wrapped her in a hug.  After a bit he said "I am starving."  He gave her a sly smile and said "I burned some calories today.  What do you say we get cleaned up and I take you out for dinner."

Tara inched into him and replied "you are so sweet.  But could we just stay in tonight?  Fixing dinner with you is one of my favorite things in the whole world.  It is so much more intimate than going out.  Would that be ok?"

Jim looked at her and said "of course."  He looked at her a moment before he added "and I meant what I said earlier.  I love you."  Before Tara could respond, Jim changed the mood by playfully pinching her and exclaiming "last one in the shower is a rotten egg!"

After they had showered and dressed, Tara put her new knee brace back on and then picked up her CTO.  Jim looked over at her and asked "maybe with everything you went through today you have earned a break from that until bed time when you put in your nighttime splint?" 

Tara looked at him with a hurt expression and asked "do you not want me to put it on?"

Jim responded "no baby, not at all.  I just want you to be happy and comfortable.  I know you need it as part of your treatment.  And I know it is helping.  But maybe you have earned a break."

Tara looked at her CTO and then looked back at Jim.  She thought in silence a minute before saying "I really should be wearing it.  How about I put it on now and I take a little break when we eat?  Would that be ok?"

Jim looked at her and said "baby, of course. If that is what you want, that is what I want."

Tara looked at him and asked "would you help me put it on?"

As Jim strapped Tara into her CTO he noticed the hairs on her arms standing up.  For whatever reason, he knew she was stimulated.  Once he had her CTO on, she picked up a bag of elastics and handed them to him.  He didn't say a word, instead he simply stretched the elastics from the hooks in her mouth to the posts on her brace.  Once done, she smiled at him and said "thank you baby."

He looked at her and said "you are welcome."  He thought a moment before he added "I hate you have to wear this so much.  But you are doing such a good job."

She looked at him a moment before she said "I hate it.  But when you put it on me, it does something to me.  I don't understand it.  All I understand is that I want you.  Again.  Right this minute."  She pushed him across the room and down onto the bed.  As he looked up at her, he realized something that he couldn't explain.  He wanted this woman, wearing nothing but a huge bulky CTO brace that immobilized her from the hips up and her new knee brace that was digging into his pelvis, more than he had ever wanted anything in his whole life.  He didn't understand why, but at the moment he didn't care.  He simply went with it.

The next morning as she readied herself for work, Tara heard her phone ring.  She stepped away from the sink and picked it up.  She saw it was Alex.  Tara answered "I am so sorry Alex.  I totally meant to call you back last night.  I got sidetracked."

With an edge to her voice Alex said "what is going on?  Is everything all right?  You have been ignoring my texts and calls for damn near 24 hours.  I am worried.  What is going on?  Are you ok?  Or are we not friends anymore?"

Tara responded "oh no, that's not it at all.  I am so sorry.  I didn't mean to worry you.  Yesterday was just so crazy.  I didn't even know what to say."  With that she launched into telling Alex all about her day.

Once she was done, Alex said "oh wow.  Ok, I get it.  I am not mad at you anymore.  I am really sorry."

Tara said "it is ok.  I mean it has to be right?  I don't really have a choice."

Alex responded "it will be ok.  And can I tell you the truth?  I hate you are getting leg braces like me.  But part of me is happy.  So I won't feel so alone.  Hey, what color are you going to get?  I regret just getting the plain white.  But like you, I was so shell shocked when I got my diagnosis I was in a daze.  You should totally get something fun.  Maybe the cosmo pattern?  Or the tie dye?"

Tara replied "I haven't even really thought about it.  I just told them white, like yours."

Alex said "no way."  She went silent a minute before she asked "what are you doing tonight?"

Tara answered "I don't have any plans.  I guess I need to check with Jim, he already left for work."

Alex said enthusiastically "well when you talk to Jim tell him you have a girls night out planned with me.  Hey, you and Aubrey are friends too!  I will recruit her.  We will have a big time.  And I will prove to you that KAFOs aren't the end of the world."

It was just before 7 pm when Tara heard the bell ring and a loud knock on her apartment door.  She had already finished getting ready for the evening. As she picked up her purse, she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror.  She thought the sexy little black dress with matching strappy heels she had on looked good.  She made a note that she needed to wear this more often.  For Jim.  With that thought, she went to the door.  She opened it to find Alex and Aubrey standing there.  Alex was dressed in a sexy red dress that showed some cleavage.  The hem of the dress was at her knees, which showed off her toned tan legs encased in their stainless and white KAFOs.  She looked great.  Behind her stood Aubrey.  She was wearing a tight black skirt that ended above her knees paired with black knee high boots with a white top and a stylish denim jacket.  She also looked great.  But what really caught Tara's eye was Aubrey's smile.  Running across her straight pearly white teeth was a stainless wire.

After they had all hugged and said their hellos, Tara looked at Aubrey and said "so, did you finally break down and start treatment?"

Aubrey responded "no, thish is just my new retainer.  I hadn't worn my retainer in years, but since I am working at an orthodontisht office, I figured I better start.  But my old one wouldn't fit.  Sho Dr. Andi made me a new one.  She said a few of my teeth have shifted, so she made me thish one to push a few teeth back and line everything back up.  She wantsh me to wear it 24/7 the next six weeksh at least. But thish lishp sucksh.  I will be cheating tonight."  Alex turned and eyed Aubrey.  Aubrey replied to her "skipping a few hoursh won't hurt."

They had been driving only a few minutes, Aubrey in the backseat and Tara in the front passenger seat, when Tara asked "where are we going?"

Alex said "we are going to my place.  To drop my car off.  And then ubering.  I am guessing there is no way any of us will need to be driving later."  She then said "shit, I should have had you grab your CTO brace in case you don't make it home tonight.  Welp, we aren't on a schedule" as she pulled over into the left turn lane and then made a u-turn.

After retrieving her brace, Tara put it in the backseat beside Aubrey.  Once again they began to make their way towards Alex'.  Aubrey eyed the CTO brace and said "I know a lot of people have to wear these, including you two, but I don't see how.  I could never wear one."

As they staggered into Alex' apartment 5 hours later leaning on each other, giggling and chattering about their night, they found Marc was still up waiting for them.  Seeing the three women he laughed and sang "Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine" and laughed again.  He said "looks like you had fun.  I am glad, I will get you each a water and then get the sofa sleeper pulled out in the office.  And let you fight over who sleeps where."  As Marc made his way to the kitchen, the three women all crowded onto the couch.

After each had taken big swigs from their bottles of water, Alex stood and wrapped Marc in a hug and gave him a drunken sloppy kiss.  She slurred "baby, you are juss the best.  I love you so musch."  She then disappeared down their hall.  Tara looked at Marc and said "I guess I better get home.  If I can get an uber."

Marc looked at her and said "just stay here.  It is after midnight.  I don't think it is a good idea for either of you to be ubering by yourself.  I can take everyone home in the morning. Wait, it already is morning.  If you really want to go home, I will take you right now.  But, I think it would be better to do it after you have gotten a little sleep.

Tara looked at him before she said "no absolutely not."  She looked at Aubrey to see what she thought, and found Aubrey was already nodding off.  Tara argued "no, I need to get home.  Jim will be worried." 

She looked up when she heard Alex say "no he won't.  I already tesht him and toll him we had another shtraight tequila night and you were shtaying here.  He toll me to take care of you and to tell you how musch he lovesh you.  And that he ish glad we had fun."  Alex made her way over and roughly shook Aubrey. 

Aubrey woke with a start and said "huh, what, huh?"

Alex said "you need to get to a bed.  Marc pulled out our sofa sleeper and made it.  Ish your headgear in your purse?"

Even in her inebriated state, the look on Aubrey's face turned to embarrassment.  She said "no!  That was supposed to be a secret."

Alex said "you are silly."  She shifted her body towards Marc and said "sweetie, would you run to my car and get Tara's CTO?  We forgot to grab it.  And would you hand me Aubrey's purse."

Marc said "sure babe" before he grabbed Alex keys and and Aubrey's purse.  After he handed Alex the purse, he headed towards the door and disappeared outside. 

Alex turned her body back towards Aubrey as she unzipped her purse.  She chided Aubrey "I told you to bring it just in case."  As she cut her eyes down to see into the purse she said "and good girl, you did."  Tara watched as Alex withdrew a retainer case and handed it to Aubrey.  Aubrey popped it open and withdrew her appliance.  It was the first time that Tara had gotten a close look at it outside of her mouth as Aubrey had placed it in the case earlier when she was riding in the back seat.  Tara realized it looked much bigger and more complicated that any Hawley retainer she had ever seen.  The pink acrylic that ran along the roof of her mouth was split into a Y pattern with three separate expander screws.  In addition there were wires that wrapped around the back of her molars and ended in little hooks.  Tara recognized it as a removable expander.  With a pout on her face, Aubrey inserted the appliance and seated it on her upper arch.  She then withdrew another appliance that Tara had missed earlier.  It only had one split in it, with an expander screw that would be behind Aubrey's front teeth.  But this lower appliance also had two wires with acrylic pads that ran down in front of it, and where it would rest over her molars was solid built-up acrylic.  Tara watched as Aubrey struggled to get it seated over her lower teeth.  Once she did, Tara realized she had not been wearing it earlier when she showed up at her apartment.  Because now unlike then Aubrey's lower lip bulged outward like she had a dip in her mouth and she was unable to completely close her mouth, a gap between her upper and lower arch.

Alex said "good girl" before she pulled a Miller headgear out of Aubrey's purse.

Aubrey said "plea, I doh wah to wear ah in fruh of anon.  Plea?"  Tara realized then how much of a speech impediment it caused her friend.

Alex brushed aside her objection as she untwisted the straps and said "you are among friends here.  And we all have to wear some type of extraoral device ourselves.  So, you don't get off that easy.  At least you and Marc don't have the neck brace component to deal with."

Aubrey gave up, a look of defeat mixed with embarrassment on her face, as Alex placed the plain white face frame against her face and attached the straps around her neck and head.  She then attached the oversized chincup and attached 4 elastics from it to the hooks on her upper appliance.  Aubrey simply studied her lap, the embarrassment apparent.  Alex said "quit being so dorky about this.  You look cute in it."

Aubrey looked up at her and said "I luh awlf eh it."

Tara said "no you don't.  It just looks like you are a patient of Dr. Miller and Bender" and gave her a smile.  The front door opened and Marc reappeared holding Tara's CTO.  Tara said "I am going to put my CTO on now.  Oh crap!  I forgot my night-time appliance."  She looked at Alex and asked "what should I do?"

Alex said "skipping one night without it isn't the end of the world.  Just keep your day splint in and put your CTO on."  She added loudly so that Marc was sure to hear "and my baby Marc is just about to put his brand new headgear on too.  Isn't he?"

As Marc handed Tara her brace he replied "of course, it is pretty hard to cheat with you sleeping beside me" as he started down the hall towards their bedroom.

Alex giggled before she shouted behind him "sleeping...and other things..."  He stopped, turned and looked at Alex.  She simply winked at him.  She then turned her attention back to Aubrey and said "Aubs my dear, pain is beauty.  Shpeaking of beauty, letsh get you to your bed."

Alex and Tara stiffly helped Aubrey onto the pullout couch and had just gotten her tucked in when Marc appeared in the doorway.  He asked "you got it under control?"  Tara turned her body and looked at him.  On his face was a Miller headgear with not one but two facebows attached to it.  With his mouth closed there was about a half inch gap between them where they disappeared into his mouth.  Making it stand out even more, the face frame was blue, white and black.  Tara realized it was a water and wave pattern.

She asked "Marc, is that new?  I thought you said you didn't have to wear headgear."

He smiled and said "well, I didn't.  But now I do.  Boy do I."

Alex said "and you are the cutest thing in the world in it."  She walked over and wrapped her arm around him.  She looked over at the bed and asked "Aubs, you good?"  Alex saw she had already passed out.

Alex said "I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind the couch.  We will grab you some pillows and covers." 

After helping Tara get tucked in best she could, Alex leaned over awkwardly and gave Tara a hug.  She said "we had fun tonight!  Leg bracesh and all!"  Up close like this, Tara could see why Alex had been lisping since they got back to the apartment, she had put her removable tongue crib in.  Marc was standing across the room watching as Alex whispered "and ignore any noises you hear coming from the bedroom.  He really doesn't like his headgear.  But I plan to make him forget about it."  She gave Tara a wink and straightened up.  As she made her way to Marc, Tara heard her say "come on shtud."

The next morning, everyone was up but Aubrey.  Marc was as energetic and happy as Tara had ever seen him.  He was still wearing his headgear as he worked on cooking some eggs and toast.  Tara and Alex sat stiffly looking straight ahead at the small dining nook sipping their iced coffees through a straw.  Both were still wearing their CTOs.  They were unaware that Aubrey was awake until they heard Marc cheerfully say "good morning sunshine.  I already made you something to drink."  Alex and Tara shifted in the chairs to see that Aubrey had taken off her headgear.  She took the coffee from Marc and thanked him before she made her way over to the other ladies.  As she sat down, Alex asked "how ya feeling princessh?"

Aubrey said "I feel pretty good actually."  Tara could see from the silver wire running across her upper teeth she was wearing her upper appliance.  But from her speech she could tell she had removed her lower.

Alex said "good.  But did you lose something?"

Aubrey retorted "I can't talk with the lower.  And the headgear was hurting when I woke up.  I will put on later."

Alex eyed her warily before she said "seriously Aubs, you need to do better.  Dr. Bender and Dr. Miller will know.  You are so, so lucky that Dr. Bender is letting you do removable expanders.  But you have to wear them.  You know what will happen if you don't."

Aubrey frowned before she said "I know.  But it's so hard.  And embarrassing."

Alex said "it getsh easier.  You have got to wear your expanders, or retainers as you described them to Tara, 24/7 and get your 16 hoursh in with the headgear.  Or I know what will happen.  You will end up in a Miller appliance and a CTO brace.  Or even worsh, that new device Dr. Miller ish collaborating on with Dr. Moralesh.  I know he wants to try it on some patients so badly."

Tara didn't know what Alex was talking about, but Aubrey obviously did as her eyes went wide.  She stood and went back towards the guest room.

With her gone, Alex said "Aubs is so mortified by her expanders.  Obviously they aren't just simple retainers.  They are removable Schwarz expansion appliances.  Dr. Bender gave her the option to try them instead of a fixed Miller appliance.  Dr. Miller pushed for the Miller, but she overruled him.  Good for her." 

A few minutes later she returned.  She was wearing her headgear and from the bulge in her lower lip it was obvious she was also wearing her lower appliance.

Tara asked "what new device is he working on now?"

Alex said "it was actually Dr. Moralesh' idea.  Are you familiar with a halo brace?" 

Tara said "yes, the neck brace that is screwed into the skull.  They look barbaric."

Alex reached up, removed her tongue crib, and said "I agree.  I understand they are a medical necessity sometimes.  But Dr. Morales' idea was to somehow integrate a Crane appliance, it is a protraction device that utilizes an Aspen collar neck brace, into a halo brace.  We have a patient who is wearing both now and they have come up with a prototype that combines the two.  Can you imagine?  A protraction brace that is screwed into your skull?  He already announced that his poor wife Megan would be going into one as soon as they are satisfied with the final design.  That poor, poor woman.  She has been through so much.  And all while raising two children.  But he wants to test it out before he starts using it on patients and I understand she volunteered.  He has already asked if any of us would be willing to try it.  Of course we all said no.  But I think he and Dr. Morales are just itching for an excuse to prescribe one."  She then shifted in her chair and said "Aubs, you better wear your current devices like you are supposed to.  Or else."

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #126 on: 11. April 2024, 06:19:13 AM »
Did you hack my computer and read some of the upcoming chapters from the story I have been writing? If not, we think alike.

Nice work. This is a great story with something for everyone.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #127 on: 11. April 2024, 11:15:05 AM »
This really is a wonderful story!  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #128 on: 12. April 2024, 17:21:20 PM »
Chapter Fifty:

What Alex didn't know as she was describing this new halo protraction device was that across town Dr. Miller was with Dr. Morales at her clinic finishing up the very first prototype.  Dr. Miller stepped back to admire it before exclaiming "it is amazing Olivia.  And such a great idea.  I bet this will prove to be the most efficient and effective protraction device ever invented.  And it will have the dual benefit of providing the utmost in cervical stabilization.  I think the red wool is just the cutest touch too.  Red is her color, this was so thoughtful of you.  Megan will look amazing in it."

Dr. Morales turned her body towards Dr. Miller as she was of course wearing her CTO and said "I think you are correct.  So how ish she doing with the idea?  I wash shurprised she volunteered to be our firsht trial patient."

Dr. Miller smiled at her and responded "well, she was actually excited at first.  She is just the best patient, always wanting what is best for her treatment.  But the last few days she has become increasingly nervous.  She is worried about how much it will hurt.  And honestly I can't blame her.  It is one thing to have little screws drilled into one's mouth.  But having these big bolts drilled into the skull?  That seems like a whole other level."

Dr. Morales said "well, I can tell you from experience that it ish the exact opposite.  I doubt you know thish about me, but I wore a halo brace when I was 13 years old.  I fractured my neck in a diving accident.  That experience is why I became so intrigued with orthopedic medicine and went to medical school.  And I can assure you a miniscrew assisted palatal expander ish much more intense and painful.  The mouth ish so much more shensitive.  And we are constantly using it.  Megan will feel a lot of pressure during the installation of her halo.  And she will likely have soreness around the pin sightsh for one to three days.  But afterwardsh, assuming you two both do your job with pin hygiene and avoid infection, she won't even feel them.  That ish very different that thish palate expander.  I am aware of it every waking moment.  And at leasht a halo brace doeshn't make a patient talk like a toddler."

Dr. Miller looked at Dr. Morales and replied "hogwash Olivia, you are speaking wonderfully.  I wouldn't even know you have an expander in your mouth if I hadn't placed it there."

Dr. Morales rolled her eyes and said "yeah, shure.  Between thish lishp, this huge gap between my teeth, and thish tongue crib hanging down in the middle of my mouth whenever I open my mouth it ish impossible to missh.  Sho many patients comment or ashk me about it.  And the harder I try to shpeak clearly, the worsh I do.  Like now."

Dr. Miller said "it is a process Olivia.  And you are doing great.  At your next appointment we will assess how much progress we have made correcting your tongue thrust habit.  Maybe we can switch you over to a removable crib so you can remove it when talking with patients.  Maybe.  Again, this looks great and it was an incredible idea.  Let me run home, I am going to try to spoil Megan a little today.  We will be back here at 3 pm.  Thank you so much for agreeing to install it on a Saturday."

Dr Morales replied "of course, it ish my pleasure.  I am sho excited to shee how effective it ish too.  And I think it ish a good idea to install it on a Shaturday, that way you can be by her side for the first 36 hoursh.  That is alwaysh the toughest for the patient."

Dr. Miller smiled "Megan is a trooper.  I know she will adjust to it in no time.  Again, thank you, I will see you later today."

At 2:45 that afternoon, Dr. Miller and Megan pulled in and parked in the lot of the medical complex where Dr. Morales' office was located.  Being a Saturday, they were able to get a space close to the main entrance.  Turning off the vehicle, Dr. Miller turned towards Megan and took her hand.  He asked "how is my kitten doing?  I hope she enjoyed today."

Megan turned her head and looked at him, giving a forced smile.  For once, it was not obscured by any type of protraction device.  She said "yes sir, I had a wonderful time.  Thank you.  Lunch was incredible."

Dr. Miller smiled and said "good!  And do you like your new corset?  You will be able to wear it with your halo."

Megan said "yes sir, I do love it.  I look forward to wearing it for you."  She went silent a moment before she said "but I am scared.  I am scared this will hurt.  And I won't be able to drive.  Kitten will miss being able to go out on her own.  She will miss seeing her friends."

Dr. Miller stroked her hand as he replied "kitten, once you get used to your new brace, there is no reason not to go out.  Uber is just a few clicks away.  And you know I will always do whatever I can to make my kitten happy and healthy.  This is for your own good.  Do you remember what Dr. Morales said?  Wearing this halo for as little as three months might completely cure your cervical posture issues?  And you could then wean yourself off your CTO, just wearing it at night for six to twelve months until you are completely free of it?  That is exciting."

Megan said "yes sir, that is exciting."  The look on her face betrayed her true feelings though.

Dr. Miller read the fear and trepidation on her face and assured her "kitten, you are an angel.  And every angel has a halo.  I love you so much and am so proud of you.  Let's go get my angel her halo."

After letting the pair in through the locked main front doors, Dr. Morales led the pair into her office and into a treatment room.  Upon entering the room, Megan's eyes instantly locked onto the white plastic brace with its red wool padding.  It looked like it had red trim.  Beside the plastic body brace was a black halo and an assortment of matching black bars, bolts and screws.  Megan asked softly "is that it?"

Dr. Morales replied "yes Megan, that is your brace.  Please get comfortable on the table.  The first step is to administer some local anesthesia.  The shots will sting a little.  While the anesthesia takes effect I will go over care, dos and don'ts, and little tricks and tips other patients have shared with me."

Megan's eyes were shut as Dr. Morales administered the shots.  Dr. Miller was holding her hand.  From the way Megan's hand clamped down on his during every shot he could tell they hurt her.  He cooed "it is ok baby.  You are doing so good.  Only a few more."

Thirty minutes later, Dr. Morales slipped around the back of Megan and reached up and touched the back of her head.  Megan did not respond.  Dr. Morales asked "Megan, did you feel that?" 

Megan responded "no."

Dr. Morales then placed her fingers on Megan's forehead and asked "how about that?"

Megan again responded "no."

Dr. Morales gave her a smile and said "we are ready to begin your installation.  Did you wear a sports bra with a clasp closure?"

Megan responded "yes."

Dr. Morales instructed "Megan, please take your top off and strip down to your bra.  I think since you are nursing, that will make the mosht sense for you.  However, you can wear a liner.  We have already gone over the proceduresh and compatible garments.  Or you can not wear anything under it.  I have added extra wool padding underneath the brace though if you do want to wear it against your body.  It ish completely up to you.  Find what ish most comfortable for you.  You will have a lot of time to experiment."

Dr. Miller looked on as Dr. Morales first placed the white and red body brace over Megan's head, settling it on her shoulders.  Dr. Morales adjusted the shoulder straps, and then tightened the side straps.  Next, using a ratcheting screwdriver Dr. Morales installed the four vertical bars that would connect the halo ring to the body brace.  Once that was done, she affixed the halo to the rods.  After a few adjustments, Dr. Morales walked around Megan examining her from all angles.  Dr. Morales proclaimed "that looks good.  Now Megan, I will shave two patches on the back of your head where your rear pins will be placed."

Megan turned her head at looked at her husband.  She said "my hair?  No, not my hair."  She looked to be on the verge of tears.

Dr. Miller scooted over beside her and took her hand.  He looked her in the eyes as he said "it will be ok kitten.  You don't want your hair to get wrapped up in the screws.  And it will be easier to keep it clean while the skin heals.  It will be ok baby, your hair will still be the most beautiful hair in the world."  He wrapped her in a hug, immediately realizing how much more awkward intimate contact would be between them with Megan in the brace.  Releasing her, he stood.

Dr. Morales instructed "Megan, carefully lean your head forward as far as it will go.  Obviously this is different than how I would approach a spinal cord injury, I would have already shaved them.  But your case is a little different."  As Megan leaned her head forward until it contacted the halo ring, Dr. Morales continued "Dr. Miller, will you please hold Megan's hair as instructed?"  Dr. Miller stepped over and gently placed his hand under the back of Megan's head and lifted her hair.  Dr. Morales said "excellent, now both of you don't move until I am finished."  A few minutes later, Dr. Morales was done.  Megan looked down sadly at a few tufts of her red hair that had fallen on the floor in front of her.

Dr. Morales walked over and returned with four pointed bolts with lock nuts on them.  She said "so, now I will install the pins.  Megan first I will tighten them until they all contact your skin.  Then, I will tighten them two turns each until they are seated at the appropriate depth.  You will feel pressure."

Megan couldn't feel the pins when they first contacted her skin.  But as Dr. Morales used a beefy T-handled driver to drive them into her skull, she began to feel the pressure.  As Dr. Morales methodically worked around her alternately tightening them as she went, the pressure became pain.  Dr. Miller was studying his wife's face intently during the procedure.  He said "Dr. Morales, can we take a break?  I think Megan is in pain."

Dr. Morales looked down at her and said "she will be ok" as she continued tightening a bolt into Megan's forehead, a thin line of blood seeping out around it.  Dr. Morales moved around and began tightening one of the bolts inserted into the back of Megan's head.

Dr. Miller could see Megan's eyes clamped shut, her face pinched up and her lip quivering, before a tear ran down her face.  Dr. Miller commanded "STOP!  Give her a minute."

Dr. Morales turned in surprise and surveyed Dr. Miller with a cold glare.  She said "Dr. Miller, I am the expert here.  We will finish up tightening her pins and then we will take a break.  It will hurt less overall if I do it this way, like ripping a bandaid off.  Ok?"

Dr. Miller made eye contact back with her but didn't say a word.

Dr. Morales again said "ok."  It was not a question.

Dr. Miler looked at his wife, who seemed to have calmed some, and then back at Dr. Morales.  He said "ok."

As Dr. Morales continued tightening the pins, Dr. Miller talked to Megan.  He said "you are doing so good.  She is almost done.  Just a few more.  Just think about Jamaica.  Think about the boys.  Think about how much I love you.  Baby, I wish I could take some of the pain.  But you are so strong.  So brave.  You are doing so good.  I am so proud of you.  It will be over here in just a minute.  Oh baby, you are so beautiful.  I promise..."

He was interrupted by Dr. Morales announcing "all done.  All I need to do is lock these lock nuts.  How are you doing Megan?"

She opened her eyes and sniffled before saying "they hurt.  It hurts."  She sounded wounded, and it tore Brad up.  He wondered if he had made the right decision letting Dr. Morales install what looked like a medieval torture device on his wife.

Dr. Morales stated flatly "that is normal.  Pin installation can be a little traumatic.  But we are done.  It will be smooth sailing from here.  I am going to phone in an antibiotic and pain prescription for you.  So, Dr. Miller, I will let you be in charge of installing the protraction module.  You know what angle it should be set at."

Dr. Miller didn't move.  He simply looked into Megan's eyes.  He was hurting too.  He said "I am so sorry baby.  But that is over."  Almost as if trying to convince himself he said "we will be so glad we are doing this when it is all over.  Now let me fit your protraction bar.  I will be so gentle.  I promise."

As Dr. Miller walked over to the counter, Dr. Morales finished locking the pins in place.  Arriving back, Dr. Brad held up the protraction bar.  It was stainless steel, which was in contrast to the black halo supports and ring.  He explained "baby, I am going to attach this to the front bars of your halo.  I can adjust it up and down until it is the perfect angle.  I am so proud of you."

Taking an allen wrench, Dr. Miller loosened the clamps on either end of the \_/ shaped bar.  He slipped one and then the other over the front vertical supports of the brace so that the bar was oriented closer to Megan's face.  In the middle of it were several vertical posts.  Once he had it attached to the vertical supports but still loose enough to slide up and down, he positioned it where he wanted, slightly below Megan's mouth.  Once satisfied he tightened the bolts until it was held securely in place.  He explained "Megan baby, I have positioned the bar inward to start.  This will mean less pressure and discomfort for you.  Depending on our progress, I may flip it around later to increase the force.  But not now."  He looked at his wife.  She looked pained and sad.  He said "oh baby, I know this is hard.  But it will be worth it.  I promise you I will make it worth it."

He turned and looked at Dr. Morales and asked "do you need to do anything else?  Are you done with the installation?"

Dr. Morales replied "yesh, I am all done except for a few followup instructions.  But I don't think you are done.  That protraction bar isn't going to do her any good without some elastics hooked up to it."

Dr. Miller looked at his poor Megan and then back at Dr. Morales.  He said "maybe tomorrow.  This is a lot for her."

Dr. Morales said "well that isn't a very good example to set is it?  But you are the orthodontist."

Dr. Miller was a bit taken back by the comment.  And Dr. Morales overall harshness during the appointment.  He responded "yes, I am."  He walked over in front of Dr. Morales and said softly, hoping Megan wouldn't hear, "is this pay back for making you wear a tongue crib?  I know you hate it but you need it.  If you are mad it me though, take it out on me.  Not her."

Dr. Morales softly said in return "no, this is not some kind of payback.  This is just me as a medical professional thinking you should not play favorites because she is your wife.  Let me ask you something?  If that was my Kylie, she is going to be getting one of these by the way, sitting over there instead of Megan, would you have the same attitude?  Or would you install her elastics and tell her it was for the best?"

Dr. Miller looked at Dr. Morales silently in thought.  He simply nodded his head and turned back towards Megan.  As he sat down beside her she blindly groped with her hand unable to turn her head in his direction.  He took it.  Once he did she said "it is ok.  I know it is part of my treatment.  And for my own good."  Dr. Brad wrapped her in a hug.  Letting go of her, he said "ok baby."

After he had installed a pair of elastics running from the hooks in her mouth to the posts on the protraction bar attached to her halo, he examined the brace.  After a moment he said "it actually is amazing.  The angle and amount of force will be exact and constant."

Dr. Morales added "and she will have zero movement of the cervical spinal region.  Zero.  So, this is a win/win.  Megan, you did great.  What do you say Dr. Miller gets you home?  You can stop on the way home and pick up your prescriptions.  I will see you out and help you into your vehicle.  It will be an adjustment getting in and out of a vehicle with your new halo."

As Dr. Miller followed along behind Dr. Morales, his arm wrapped protectively around Megan, he wondered again about Dr. Morales.  He wondered about the callousness she had displayed earlier.  He had never seen that side of her.  He wondered if she was really telling the truth about this not being some kind of payback towards him, through his innocent wife, for the discomfort his orthodontic treatment was causing her.  Dr. Miller thought to himself 'well if so, two can play that game.'  He smiled as he thought about Dr. Morales upcoming orthodontic adjustment.  He thought to himself 'if she thinks her current tongue crib and expander are bad, she is really going to hate what is coming'.


Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #129 on: 12. April 2024, 18:45:04 PM »
Dentists sometimes have not only a little sadistic attitude, and so do orthodontists...  ;)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #130 on: 15. April 2024, 20:54:43 PM »
Chapter Fifty One:

Dr. Miller lovingly helped Megan into the front seat of the vehicle, he had driven their BMW SUV thinking it would be easier for Megan to get in and out of than their Tahoe or Lexus ES, being very careful that she avoided hitting her head or her halo brace against anything.  Dr. Morales had already explained to both that Megan would be very sensitive to anything hitting against the halo or any of the vertical bars.  Once she was seated, both realized that riding in a vehicle with a halo brace would be an adjustment.  He raised the seat up so that she wasn't leaned back looking at the headliner of the vehicle.  Dr. Miller asked her if she was ok.  She replied "yes sir, thank you."  He patted her hand and once again told her how proud he was of her before buckling her seat belt.  After closing the door, he turned and looked at Dr. Morales.

Before he could speak, she said "she will adapt quickly.  She ish a tough cookie.  But if there are any issues, please call or text.  I will give you a call tomorrow to check on her.  Thank you.  And tell Megan thank you as well.  I will see you next week at my appointment.  Maybe we can take thish awful tongue crib out?"  She gave him a big hopeful smile.

Dr. Miller looked at her and said "we will certainly take a look and see how you are doing.  I look forward to our appointment.  You are making progress.  And doing so well wearing your CTO.  But I would expect that from you.  Now, let me get my wife home.  I know this has been hard on her.'  As Dr. Miller walked around the vehicle to get in the driver's seat, he thought to himself 'well Olivia, I promise you won't be getting your tongue crib off.  Oh no.  We are going to have to get aggressive to break your habit.'

Pulling into the parking lot of the pharmacy, Dr. Miller said "I will be as quick as possible.  They should have the prescriptions filled so it shouldn't take long.  I will leave the car running for you."

Megan asked "sir, can I go in with you?"

Dr. Miller finished pulling into the parking spot and put the vehicle in park.  He looked over at her and said "of course kitten.  But do you really want to?  I know this will take some getting used to."

Megan, having no choice but to stare straight ahead, said "yes sir, I would like to.  I know there will be stares.  But I need to get used to life in my new brace."

Dr. Miller said "of course baby.  You are just the most amazing person in the world."

After opening the passenger side door, he gently helped Megan get her KAFO encased legs out of the vehicle.  Then he gently wrapped his arms around her torso and helped her lean forward and scoot forward on the seat.  Once her head was clear of the door frame, he helped her to a standing position.  He looked at her and said "you are the most beautiful woman in the world.  An angel."

He closed the car door, hit lock, and took her hand.  He walked with her hand in hand into the pharmacy and made their way to the back.  Approaching the back counter glass he could see his patient Margaret filling a prescription.  Once she had dropped the orange bottle into the envelope, she sealed it and placed it in a tray with others.  She then looked up and saw Dr. Miller looking at her.  She momentarily got a deer in the headlights look.  She was not wearing her facemask.  She regained her composure and waved.  She finished filling one more prescription, placing it alongside the others, and made her way to the counter.

She said "Dr. Miller, what a surprise.  Are you here to pick up a prescription?  I didn't see your name on anything."  She then noticed Megan, who was standing behind Dr. Miller.  As if trying to hide.

Dr. Miller said "no Margaret, the prescriptions would be under my wife's name, Megan Miller."  He turned to his wife and said "baby, I would like you to meet one of our patients, Margaret Stone.  She and her two daughters are all in treatment with us."  He turned back towards Margaret and said "Margaret, I would like to introduce you to my amazing wife Megan.  She just had a halo brace installed.  The prescriptions are for her.  There should be four; an antibiotic, a pain pill, a sleep aid and a steroid." 

Megan shyly stepped closer.  She would have had her head down if she had the option.  But she didn't.  She demurely stuck her hand out.  As the two gently shook hands, Margaret said "oh Megan, it ish such a pleasure to meet you.  I hate we are meeting under these circumstances though.  I hope you aren't in any pain.  But if you are, the percocet should take care of that.  You poor thing.  Were you in an accident?"  She then noticed the protraction bar and the elastics stretching from it into her mouth.  Margaret asked "is it hooked up to your mouth too?"  The look on her face was a mix of horror and confusion.

Megan replied "it is a pleasure to meet you.  No, I was not in an accident.  It is to treat my Ehlers Danlos.  And it is a part of my orthodontic treatment.  I have to wear a protraction device full time as part of my treatment.  Brad devised a way to use my halo so I don't have to wear an additional protraction brace.  I was in CTO brace and facemask. This is taking the place of that.  And yes, I am sore.  But at least I don't have anything on my face."

Dr. Miller said "that is right baby.  You won't have to wear your facemask or CTO while you are in your halo.  You know a lot of my patients wear headgear or facemasks.  Or at least they are supposed to."  He turned and looked at Margaret.

Margaret had a guilty look on her face.  She was busted, she was supposed to be wearing hers fulltime on the weekends.  And she obviously wasn't.  She looked at Megan and said "I know, it is really hard.  So hard.  I wear a facemask too.  I just can't bring myself to wear it in public.  Even though I am supposed to wear it all the time on the weekends.  But I work every other Saturday, we alternate.  I just can't wear it here.  What would everyone think?  And say?"

Megan said "I wore my facemask out.  It was red.  I thought it was cute.  I got a lot of looks.  And some questions.  But I liked wearing it.  But this halo brace is a whole other animal."

Dr. Brad said "we can talk about it at your next appointment Margaret.  Maybe I can come up with something to make compliance easier for you.  But for now, my darling needs to get home."

Margaret said "of course.  Let me grab your scrips."

She returned a few minutes later.  While she explained the prescriptions; dosages and schedule; one of the younger girls working at the pharmacy rang up the purchase.  Dr. Brad inserted his debit card and entered his pin number.  As the transaction went through, Margaret said "I will do a better job.  I promise.  I will put it on as soon as I get home." 

Dr. Miller said "well, if you have it with you, you could put it on right now."

Margaret replied "I don't, it is laying on my bedside table.  But really, I will do better."

The younger girl handed Dr. Brad his receipt and a bag with all the prescription in it.  He took them and said "I know you will Margaret.  I know you will.  We can discuss how to make it easier for you at your next appointment."

As she watched the couple depart, Margaret had anxiety gnawing at her.  What did he mean he would make it easier for her?

At bedtime, Dr. Miller and his mother got the boys to bed.  Dr. Miller looked at his mother and said "thank you so much for staying with us a few days to help Megan with the boys.  You really are life saver."

His mother said "of course dear.  I will be here to help as long as I am able.  Now, go in there and be with her.  I have the baby monitor.  Do not worry about a thing tonight.  Mama's got it.  Go, take care of her."

Entering their bedroom, he found Megan sleeping.  He went beside the bed and stood over her.  He knew she was zonked out on the pain medication.  But, he really wanted to talk to her.  But first he took in the sight of his beautiful wife.  She had the covers pulled up, covering most of her.  But her head and all of the metal of the halo was visible.  As was the new nasal pillow CPAP mask she was wearing.  It was a recent change due to the halo.  It would allow her to sleep with the needed CPAP while still utilizing the protraction bar of the halo.  Her mouth was half open, a thin line of drool was running from it.  He had purposely decided not to turn her expander or lock her mouth, wanting her to be as comfortable as possible.  The only sound was the whirring of the CPAP machine.  He didn't want to wake her.  He bent down and said softly "I love you so much baby."

He was surprised when she opened her eyes.  She cut them in his direction.  He said "oh baby, I didn't mean to wake you."

She drowsily said "the cpap is so loud.  I can't sleep."
This surprised Brad, it had never been a problem before.  But he knew this was all so different.  He didn't know what to do.  He asked "the Ambien isn't working?"

She said "I feel like I am asleep.  But not asleep.  It is so strange."  She said "and the light from the streetlights is bothering me too."

He turned his head towards the blinds.  There was just one thin line of light around the edges, not enough to even matter.  But it was bothering Megan so it bothered him.  He went over and adjusted them the best he could.  Returning he asked "better."

She replied "nah really.  And my tongue ish hurting.  It is pressing against my crib."

He thought a moment.  He said "baby, I have something that might help.  From when you had your lasik.  Let me see if I can find them.
 And I have a new appliance I had made for you, but you haven't needed it so far.  Let me see if it will help."

He returned a few minutes later and said "I found them baby.  The dry eye goggles from when you had the infection in your eye after surgery.  Maybe we can see if they help?  And I brought you some ear plugs."  He then held up a pink acrylic appliance.  He continued "I came up with this for Dr. Andi when she first got her appliance.  To protect her tongue while she slept.  You never seemed to need it, but I went ahead and had one made for you just in case.  Can we try it?  It will protect your tongue.  But you really won't be able to talk.  Let's see how it feels though."

He pulled over a couple of extra pillows, the bed was a sea of pillows, and helped Megan to sit up.  As he did he asked "are the pillows helping?  Can you get comfortable?"

She said "not really, this is so hard."

He stopped what he was doing and hugged her.  He said "I know it is baby.  But I am so proud of you."  He could tell, even with all the drugs in her system, Megan needed to hear it.

She said "I want to make you proud sir."

He squeezed her tighter and said "you do kitten.  Every day.  And especially right now."

He let go of her and helped her up so she was leaned up against the headboard.  He said "open up for me baby.  I am going to slide this new appliance in.  It will cover your crib and expander with smooth acrylic.  It will feel big.  But let's see if it helps."  He carefully slid it into her mouth, it was a little more difficult with the protraction bar and elastics in the way, but he managed to get it seated in her mouth.  He instructed her "gently bite down for me."  He then took the torx driver and locked her scopes shut.  He said "there, that way it will stay in place.  And you won't mouth breath like you were when I came in to check on you.  Better?"

She replied "aggghh gooo".

Dr. Brad thought she was trying to say "all good", but just to make sure he took her hand.  He couldn't ask her to nod, so instead he said "if you are ok, squeeze my hand."  She squeezed his hand.   He said "if this is better squeeze my hand."  Again, she squeezed his hand.  He said "you are such a good kitten."  She squeezed his hand again.  He let go and said "now, I am going to put on the dry eye goggles.  They will block out all this pesky light."  After he strapped the black goggles on her face, he took her hand again.  He said "squeeze my hand if this is better."  She squeezed his hand.  He said "I am going to put the ear plugs in.  You won't be able to hear me.  So again, squeeze my hand to let me know you are ok."  After he inserted the ear plugs, he realized she was effectively blind, deaf and mute.  He could not imagine what must be running through her head unable to see anything.  Unable to hear anything.  Unable to say anything.  And largely unable to move.  He knew he would have been terrified.  He would have been having a panic attack.  But not Megan.  She squeezed his hand tight.  After a moment, she took her other hand and flipped the covers off of her and pulled the hem of her nightgown up slightly.  She took his hand and slid it down her body.  He saw the dark spot on her nightgown.  Dr. Brad recognized what she wanted.  No, Megan did not seem distressed. No, this seemed to be having the opposite effect on her.

He slid into bed beside her.



Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #131 on: 15. April 2024, 21:11:38 PM »
The Millers are one rich family. I’d love to have a Tahoe, or a BMW SUV, or a Lexus ES, let alone all three!

Once again, a great chapter.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #132 on: 15. April 2024, 22:32:28 PM »
Well, some orthodontists simply make some money!  ;)

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #133 on: 16. April 2024, 06:21:34 AM »
Dr. Morales and Margaret are both in for a world of hurt. I love all the twists and turns this story has taken!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #134 on: 18. April 2024, 18:23:45 PM »
Chapter Fifty Two:

Dr. Miller was truly amazed by his wife Megan.  He had awoken well before her on Sunday morning.  This was on purpose, he wanted to be sure he was awake when she woke.  To comfort her, to help her.  He watched her for nearly an hour, all the while she slept peacefully.  Dr. Miller marveled that anyone could sleep wearing everything she had on.  But she did.  Finally she stirred.  With the goggles on he couldn't see if she had opened her eyes.  And she couldn't hear him.  So instead, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it while he used his other hand to remove the ear plug in her ear closest to him.  He whispered "good morning angel.  I know you can't speak.  I will help you remove your other ear plug and your goggles.  I will then remove your CPAP and unlock your mouth and remove your appliance."  She squeezed his hand back.  He realized this would now be an important method of communication between them.

After Megan's mouth was free, she said "thank you sir."

Dr. Miller smiled at her and replied "no baby, thank you.  Let me help you up."  He helped slide her up into a sitting position against the headboard, rearranging the pillows to help provide her cushion and support.  Once she was sitting up he asked her "how do you feel this morning angel?  Did you sleep well?"

She replied "yes sir, I slept well.  Because of you."

Dr. Miller asked "so the goggles, the ear plugs and appliance helped?"

She replied "yes sir.  And that other thing did too.  I have never experienced anything like it.  My whole world was just that sensation."  She went silent a moment. 

Dr. Miller wasn't sure how to respond so he simply said "I am glad I was able to help my angel."

Her eyes were cut in his direction when she said "maybe being in a halo brace won't be that bad if you will do that for me again.  Will you sir?  Please?"

Dr. Miller stroked her arm and said "yes angel, I promise I will."  He thought she meant that night when they went back to bed.  But when she reached over and groped for the acrylic appliance he had laid on the bedside table he realized she meant right then.  He reached over and grabbed her searching hand and said "ok baby."  Once he had her appliance locked back in place and her hearing and sight were eliminated, he repeated what he had done the night before.  From the reaction he got from Megan, it was even more intense than the evening before.

As the day progressed, Brad was in even more awe of his wife.  After helping her with a light sponge bath, showering was not allowed in her halo, he helped her get dressed.  She had fallen straight into her normal routine of caring for the boys.  Despite his mother still being there to help, Megan had insisted on doing most everything herself.

That afternoon, Dr. Miller's cell phone rang.  He looked down to see it was Dr. Morales calling.  He answered "good afternoon Olivia.  How are you today?"

Dr. Morales responded "I am ok.  But more importantly how ish Megan?  How ish she managing?"

Dr. Miller replied "she has absolutely amazed me.  She is doing so well.  She was able to sleep last night.  And she is doing so well today.  I am so proud of her."

Dr. Morales responded "wonderful.  That ish great newsh.  Some patientsh struggle mightily with a halo.  Othersh seem to become adjusted to it quickly.  I am glad  Megan is adjusting quickly.  Ish there anything I can do to help?"

Dr. Miller thought a moment before answering "I don't think so.  But thank you."

Dr. Morales replied "well, I am one phone call away.  While I have you, I have a question, or maybe a problem.  When I turned my expander thish morning I couldn't get a full turn in.  I certainly could not get two.  I am afraid I may have broken my expander.  Do I need to come in tomorrow?"

Dr. Miller said "Olivia, you were very close to maxing out your current expander at your last appointment.  I suspect you may have turned it as much as it will turn.  I bet that is what happened.  But if you want to come in tomorrow I will be sure to squeeze you in.  To at least make sure everything looks ok."

Dr. Morales replied "I am pretty jammed up tomorrow with patientsh.  And I hate to reschedule.  But I would like for you to at leasht take a look.  Could I come in at the end of the day?  Right before you close?"

Dr. Miller responded "of course.  How about you come in after we close?  How does 5:30 sound?  I certainly don't mind staying a few minutes to help you out.  It is the least I can do since you came in yesterday on a Saturday for Megan.  The girls will be gone, so just call me when you arrive and I will let you in."

Dr. Brad was sitting at his desk looking down at Olivia's new treatment plan when his phone rang.  He had lost track of the time in his excitement and didn't even realize that Olivia was running late.  It was 5:42 when his phone rang.  He answered "hello Olivia, are you here?"

She breathlessly said "yesh, I am literally running to the door now.  I am shorry I am late, traffic was horrible."

Dr. Miller laughed before he said "it is ok Olivia.  Stop running.  We are in no hurry here.  I will meet you at the front door."

As they walked down the hall to the treatment area, Dr. Morales stated "I didn't bring my CTO.  But it is in my car.  Do I need to get it?"

Dr. Miller said "no, not for this.  I know you are wearing it.  And it looked fine yesterday.  So no need to make an extra trip.  I know you will put it back on when you get home.  Let's just get you in the chair and take a look."

After getting her reclined back in a chair, Dr. Miller made a quick examination of her mouth and her appliance.  As he raised her back up to a sitting position he said "nope, you didn't break your expander.  It is just maxed out."

Sitting back upright, Dr. Olivia asked "so what does that mean?  Does that mean I can get it out soon?"  She had an excited look on her face.

Dr. Brad smiled at her and said "actually yes.  This means we can remove this appliance in a few weeks."  He watched her face light up.  He smiled at her.  He knew what he was about to tell her would bring her back to Earth.  He continued "so, the good news is you did not break the expander in this appliance.  The bad news is that you need more expansion.  As we discussed initially, there was always the possibility that you would need two expanders.  You do.  We will remove this one when your new one arrives from the lab.  Probably two weeks or so.  The good news is your new appliance will not have an upper tongue crib integrated into it."

Dr. Olivia's face lit up again.  She squealed "no more tongue crib?  Oh thank you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Dr. Miller smiled back at her.  He was enjoying this.  He said "don't thank me yet.  You still have a tongue thrust habit we need to correct.  But your new upper expander will be a tandem maxillary expander.  There will be two screws instead of one.  You wouldn't be able to turn the front screw with an upper tongue crib in place.  So, instead of an upper tongue crib, we will utilize tongue tamers, also called tongue spurs, on your upper teeth.  Your lower teeth have begun to tilt in.  We don't want this.  So, your new appliance will also have a lower hyrax expander to upright your teeth.  Along with a lower tongue rake.  A tongue rake will still allow you to turn the lower expander while also providing an acute reminder to your tongue to stay where it should.  And of course the upper and lower expanders will be connected by locking scopes like your current appliance.  I will warn you that many patients find a tongue rake to be uncomfortable at first, so I will also have an acrylic appliance made that will cover it while you adjust to it.  It will greatly inhibit your speech.  Finally, I need to address why your lower teeth are tilting in.  Lip tension is pushing them inward.  To address this, I will utilize a fixed lower lip bumper.  It won't be uncomfortable after a few days, but it will make your lower lip protrude out the whole time you have it in.  Finally, I want to go ahead and get you in braces on top.  We won't install an archwire yet, but it will help you to get used to them.  Unfortunately, because of your previous dental work, I don't feel confident using bonded brackets like you have on your lowers currently.  I will utilize bands on your upper teeth.  I will keep your lower brackets on.  For now at least.  But I will remove their archwire too while we are expanding your lower arch.  Today, I will go ahead and get you spacers installed to make room for your new appliance and bands.  Any questions?"

Dr. Miller looked at Olivia.  Her face had turned white.  She didn't speak so he asked again "so no questions?"

She said "that sounds like so much.  Is there no other way?"

Dr. Miller said "no, not without performing jaw surgery.  And we don't want that do we?"

Dr. Morales shook her head and said "no."  She looked devastated. 

Dr. Miller said "it will be ok Olivia.  If my angel Megan can adapt so quickly to her halo, I am sure you will be able to adjust to your new appliance."

The mention of the halo elicited a question from Dr. Morales.  She asked "so will I need to still wear the CTO with this new appliance?  And what does a tandem expander look like?"

Dr. Miller pulled out his phone and said "I will show you a picture of a tandem expander.  Now keep in mind this picture is just of the upper expander.  Yours will be attached to your lower expander and rake with a pair of scopes, and the lower lip bumper will be attached to that.  But this will give you an idea of what the tandem expander looks like.  It really is amazing though.  We will be able to more precisely continue opening your suture.  Right now, your suture is more open in the back than in the front.  With this, we will be able to make more turns on the front expander until it catches up with the rear.  It will make your gap bigger for a few months, but that is just part of process."  He showed her the picture and she gasped.

He continued "and yes, of course you will need to wear your CTO full time.  Once you get adjusted to the new appliance, it will seem like a lot, we will talk about halo protraction for your case."

He gave her a big smile, excitement on his face, and said "Olivia, this will all be worth it.  All the girls here will be jealous of your incredible appliance."  He gave a chuckle before he said "and good news, you shouldn't need to wear this new appliance more than 24-30 months.  So let's get you some spacers!"

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #135 on: 20. April 2024, 02:17:14 AM »
Great chapter. Can't wait to read the next one!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #136 on: 20. April 2024, 07:06:01 AM »
Thank you!  And I was wondering if anyone had even read the last chapter.  And that tandem expander I linked/posted is actually in the roof of someone’s mouth now.  It just looks brutal.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #137 on: 20. April 2024, 07:08:20 AM »
That entire treatment for Dr. Morales sounds brutal, to be honest. Holy shit. I genuinely don’t know how that all would fit into somebody’s mouth with a regular RPE, but that double expander thing looks even worse. And “only” 24-30 months? Geez.

The malpractice is returning again, and I’m all for it.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #138 on: 20. April 2024, 08:31:45 AM »
Dr. Morales was callous towards Megan.  That is a bad thing to do with Dr. Miller. 

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #139 on: 20. April 2024, 12:34:36 PM »
You just keep writing chapters and we will keep reading them. You have the best reader response rate of any of the current writers here.

Offline acornjohn2001

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #140 on: 21. April 2024, 07:30:44 AM »
I absolutely love this story!!!!!!!!!

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #141 on: 21. April 2024, 13:31:45 PM »
So do I!  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #142 on: 21. April 2024, 18:09:30 PM »
Chapter Fifty Three:

Dr. Miller excitedly tore the box open.  He just had to see it with his own two eyes to believe it.  He had asked the lab to push Dr. Morales' appliance to the top of the list.  And while they told him they had trimmed their normal lead time to less than a week and could have it to him by the end of the week if they overnighted it, he hadn't really believed them.  Yet that Friday he held in his hands a brown cardboard box from Specialty Orthodontics Lab.

After ripping the flap off the box like a kid at Christmas, he peered inside.  He saw there were 11 smaller individual white boxes inside.  They were unmarked, but he knew each one represented a patient.  He knew that Dr. Andi had been busy with new patients, but seeing so many appliances made him realize just how busy she had been.  Dr. Miller was only awaiting appliances for two patients.  He realized the other 9 must be for Dr. Andi's new patients.  Using the little knife he kept at his desk just for opening letters and packages, he carefully opened the first of the smaller boxes.  Inside was a folded packing slip with the description of the appliance and the patient's name.  But he didn't even need to look at it, he could see the appliance in the box was just a simple fixed bite plate seated on a mold of the patients teeth and mouth.  This was not the one he was looking for.  When he opened the seventh box he found what he was looking for.

He carefully withdrew the huge appliance from the box and pried it from the molds. Holding the appliance he thought it was amazing.  And horrifying.  It had some weight to it he realized.  It was by far the largest and heaviest orthodontic appliance he had ever handled.   He smiled seeing that they had welded the lower tongue crib into the buccal tubes on the lower molar bands as he had requested.  This was different than normal.  Normally, he would have inserted the tongue crib into the tubes after installation and slightly bent the ends to hold it in place.  But he knew that it was possible for a patient to straighten it and remove it if they really wanted to.  But by welding it in place, he knew there was no chance of that.  He had also requested they weld the telescopes in place instead of using the normal screws.  They had done this as well.

He held the appliance up and admired it from all directions.  It was truly a work of art.  He pushed his thumb against the spikes of the tongue rake.  He could see they had sharpened them to a point as he had requested.  Feeling them though, he realized just how sharp they had gotten them.  Like a row of ten fishhooks.  He smiled thinking about Olivia feeling them with her tongue for the first time.  He placed the appliance back onto the molds and carefully laid it on his desk so that it was open.  He then pulled out the pink acrylic plate that was also in the box.  It was not on a mold, instead simply in a little plastic bag.  He removed it from the bag and inspected it.  It looked exactly as he had ordered.  He gently mated it onto the steel Miller appliance.  When he carefully closed the appliance, like would happen when Olivia bit down, he saw that it fit like a glove.  A huge glove that would give Olivia's tongue no room to probe.  Or speak.  He pulled out his phone and sent the text.

He was working with a patient fifteen minutes later when he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.  He was eager to finish with the patient, it was just a routine wire change, so he could check his phone.  Five minutes later he looked down at his phone.  He saw the text reply from Olivia.  She said she could come in tomorrow, a Saturday, to have the appliance installed.  He replied simply with "YAY!"  He had added a smiley face emoji.  He thought that last little part was a bit ironic, maybe even cruel, as he doubted that Dr. Morales would be doing much smiling for quite a while.

That afternoon during their routine Friday afternoon staff meeting, he had announced that they would begin offering limited Saturday appointments.  He apologized, he said he knew how important weekends were.  But he said with so many adult patients who had fulltime jobs, he wanted to offer them the option.  Just another service to offer to their patients and a way to differentiate themselves from other providers.  But he explained they would only do it two Saturdays a month.  He looked at Dr. Bender as he said "Dr. Andi and I have discussed it, we will alternate.  So that means each of us will only have to work one Saturday a month."  He then looked at Maggie, Alex and the new assistant Katie and said "and you girls can alternate too.  Only one of you will need to come in on Saturdays, we won't be stacking patients on top of each other like we do during the week.  And we won't see new patients on Saturday, only existing patients.  So, there are three of you and only two Saturdays a month we will be working.  So each of you won't even have to work 10 Saturdays a year.  Unless you want to.  But here is the kicker, we will be offering Holiday pay on Saturdays.  And we will be offering a full 8 hours of pay even if we only work a half day.  I want to make it worth your time.  And show you how much Dr. Bender and I both appreciate you giving up a Saturday.  I know it is short notice, but we have our first Saturday patient tomorrow.  A real VIP, Dr. Morales.  Who wants to volunteer to come in for a half day tomorrow morning?"  All three girls eagerly raised their hands.  Dr. Miller laughed and exclaimed "I love your enthusiasm!  But I will only need one of you.  We will set up a calendar this afternoon and you can work out who is working what days.  And you can swap out too if something comes up.  But for tomorrow, and please don't be mad Maggie or Katie, I am going to go by seniority.  Alex, will you please come in at 8 tomorrow morning?  Dr. Morales is scheduled to come in at 9.  Her appointment will be extensive, much longer than normal.  But I hope we can get out of here by noon."  Alex smiled and said she could.

The next morning Dr. Miller helped Megan out of the BMW and walked with her into their office.  They had dropped the boys off with his mother again.  He had explained to Megan the night before that he would be working some Saturdays.  But that he did not want that to cut into their time together.  He had also explained he thought it would be a good idea for her to start working in the office a couple of days a week.  The contractors had finished up Dr. Andi's office and she had moved into it, thus freeing up her previous workspace.  Dr. Miller said he had a surprise he wanted to show Megan where her previous office had been.  He asked her if she would come to work with him the next day.  He knew she would say yes, because she knew that if she didn't he would not like it.  And Megan did not want to disappoint her husband.  Dr. Miller thought she was genuinely excited about the idea by how eagerly she said she would love to.

He walked with Megan down the hall, stopping at the closed door of Dr. Andi's old office.  He opened the door and asked "so, what do you think?"

A huge smile broke out on her face.  She awkwardly hugged him, there was no other way for her to hug while wearing her halo brace, and said "I love it.  Thank you sir." 

Dr. Brad kissed her on the top of the head and turned his head back towards the office.  Only it was no longer a small cramped office.  He had turned it into a nursery and playroom.  He said "I miss you and the boys so much when I am here.  Now we can spend more time together."  He squeezed her before letting go of her and joking "and I am going to put you to work."  He laughed and then said "I have one more surprise too.  Do you know who today's patient is?"

Megan looked at him.  How could she know who the patient was.  She responded "no sir.  Should I?"

Dr. Miller said "it is Dr. Olivia.  She is getting her new appliance today.  Come and take a look at it."

Sitting stiffly across the desk from Dr. Miller, Megan looked at the appliances on his desk.  She gasped "oh goodness, that is big."

He picked it up and slid around the desk so that he was beside her and held it out towards her.  He said "you can hold it if you want."

She carefully took it from him.  She flexed the telescopes open and closed and asked "do these lock like mine?"  He assured her they did.  She then did as he had done when he first handled the appliance and felt the tongue rake.  She pulled her finger back in shock as she squealed "ouch!!  Those are so sharp."  She thought a moment before she said "they will make her tongue bleed."

Dr. Brad reached over and picked up the acrylic appliance from his desk and replied "not if she wears this.  She just won't be able to speak very well.  Maybe not at all."  He then looked at Megan seriously and said "and if she bleeds, she bleeds.  She made you bleed last week angel."  There was more he thought about saying but decided to just leave it at that.  Instead he finished by saying "her case is very complex, and complex problems sometimes require complex solutions."  At that moment Alex stuck her head in his office door.

When she saw Megan she was momentarily caught off guard.  She didn't expect to see her in the office this morning.  But more than that, the halo brace and protraction bar were jolting.   She knew that Dr. Miller and Dr. Olivia had fitted her with the brace.  But seeing it in person for the first time was a shock.  She recovered quickly though and exclaimed "Megan!  Good morning!  So good to see you!  You look gorgeous this morning.  But you always do!"  Dr. Miller stepped back as Alex took a few steps over.  She leaned down and gave Megan a little hug.  Alex then asked "so how are you doing with the new brace?"

Megan replied "I am doing well.  The first few days were a little painful.  But that is over now.  It is an adjustment not being able to move my head at all.  There are some things I just can't do.  And a lot of things I have to do a little differently.  But you wear a CTO, so you know about that.  Not being able to drive sucks.  But probably the worst thing is not being able shower.  Brad has been so sweet and helps me with a sponge bath every day.  But I haven't washed my hair since I got it."

Megan said "well, I would never know.  Your hair looks incredible."

Dr. Miller had an idea and said "baby, I am afraid to wash your hair.  But I just had an idea.  I will take you to the little hair salon you like so much.  Mal and Kari will be able to do a much better job than I can.  Plus, I need to check on how they are doing.  Kari just had her appointment this week.  She got her Miller headgear set up for protraction.  And she started turning her expander.  And Mal came with her.  Mal insisted she get a Miller headgear too, set up for retraction, instead of the high pull she was wearing.  It was really sweet watching them together.  So good to see two friends so supportive of each other."

Megan didn't know if it was her place to say anything.  But she didn't keep secrets from her husband.  She thought about the pictures and posts from Mal and Kari's personal facebook pages.  Megan said "they aren't just friends.  They are married."

Dr. Miller looked at her in surprise and said "oh, wow.  I didn't know that.  But that makes sense.  And it explains how Mal was holding onto Kari after her appointment.  She was a little upset.  But anyway, I don't need to talk about patients."  He changed subjects when he asked "baby, would you like to go help Alex sterilize everything?  I would like for you to learn how."  He looked at Alex and asked "would you mind training Megan a little bit?  She is going to be working her some now."

Alex smiled and said "oh yay Megan!  You can keep him in line for us."  He turned back to see that Dr. Miller was smiling at her comment.  Alex said "of course I don't mind training her."  She turned back towards Megan and excitedly said "you have her appliance in your hand."  It was the first time Alex had really looked at it.  She said "holy cow... that is huge."  She shook her head and continued "ok, put the appliance in the box it came in..."

Brad said "two appliances."

Alex said "ok, put both appliances in the box and come with me.  I will show you how we sterilize everything.  Instruments and appliances."

The two had been gone only a couple of minutes when Dr. Bender stepped into his office.  She was wearing her Miller headgear with its four elastics hooked to her maxilla, pulling it forward, while the facebow was attached to her mandible, distalizing it in place.  She smiled as best she could and cheerfully said "Good Morning!"

Dr. Miller looked up and gave her a big grin and said "Good Morning!  This is a surprise.  To what do I owe the honor?"

Dr. Andi said "I wanted to see the installation.  And how the patient, uh Olivia, handles it.  I don't think she is doing too well though."

Dr. Miller asked "why do you say that?  She seemed ok when we were texting yesterday."

Dr. Andi said "because she is sitting in her car in the parking lot right now bawling." 

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #143 on: 22. April 2024, 18:22:01 PM »
This is getting rather intense; I like it!

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #144 on: 26. April 2024, 19:21:42 PM »
Great chapter, I hope we get a new chapter soon.

Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #145 on: 28. April 2024, 21:27:32 PM »
Genuinely can't wait to read more!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #146 on: 29. April 2024, 05:44:55 AM »
I plan to continue, I have just been too busy and will be for a few more days.  Maybe later this week. 

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #147 on: 01. May 2024, 08:11:20 AM »
Thanks for checking in. Hope your plate is lighter soon. I really want to know which direction Dr. Miller takes with Olivia.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #148 on: 03. May 2024, 21:53:02 PM »
Chapter Fifty Four:

Dr. Brad was surprised to hear this.  And he felt conflicted.  On one hand, Dr. Morales was a patient.  And his natural instinct was to try to comfort her and make her treatment as easy as possible.  But he also remembered how cold she had been towards Megan a week earlier.  He told Dr. Andi "that is surprising.  Olivia is always so clinical.  She certainly doesn't let emotion dictate her treatment of patients."  He thought a moment before he asked "would you do me a huge favor?  Would you go and speak with her?  Try to calm her down.  Maybe it will help that you have a similar appliance and are going through the process yourself?  She at least came to her appointment.  Maybe you can help get her to come inside?"

Dr. Andi cheerfully replied "of course.  It would be my pleasure.  I will be back in a few.  With Dr. Morales.  Do you want me to take her directly to the treatment area?"

Dr. Brad responded "no, would you please bring her back here to my office please?  I would like to sit and talk with her.  And I would like it if you would join us.  Would that be ok with you?"

Dr. Andi smiled as best she could manage and said "of course.  I will be back shortly I hope."

Five minutes later Dr. Andi strode into Dr. Brad's office holding a TMJ and Sleep Plus drawstring bag.  Dr. Brad knew it was Dr. Morales' CTO brace.  A few steps behind her was a red-eyed disheveled looking Olivia.  Upon seeing his patient, Dr. Brad stood.  As he took a few steps towards her he said "Good Morning Olivia!  Thank you so much for coming in on a Saturday."  Before she could respond he offered instead of a handshake a hug.  She accepted it.  He briefly hugged her and then let go.  She had still not spoken.  Dr. Brad said "this is an exciting day!  A good day!  You are making so much progress.  Please don't be upset, be excited.  You are getting closer and closer to the finish line.  But you look upset.  Would you like to talk?"

Dr. Morales hesitantly made eye contact with Dr. Brad.  Dr. Brad realized he had never seen Olivia like this, so vulnerable and scared.  Dr. Morales said "yesh..."

Dr. Andi gestured towards the far chair in front of Dr. Brad's desk and said "Olivia, please take a seat.  I know we talked some outside."  Looking at Dr. Brad she said "Olivia is most worried about her speech and how she will interact with her patients."  Dr. Andi guided Olivia over to the chair and helped get her seated and then took a seat herself in the chair beside her.  Dr. Brad made his way back around his desk and took a seat as well.

He looked at Olivia and stated "Olivia, I understand your concern.  And it is the main concern Andi had as well.  Isn't that right?"

Dr. Andi said "yes, that ish correct.  And while I still struggle with a few shounds, S's and K's primarily, you can hear I communicate just fine.  You will too with a little practice.  The fact that you already have a tongue crib will help tremendously."

Dr. Brad agreed "she is right.  Olivia, let's be honest, you have had a fairly significant speech impediment since you got your current appliance.  You have soldiered on though and not let it impact your practice or your treatment of patients.  And remember, Dr. Andi here has both a tongue crib and a lower tongue rake.  It was tough on her the first few weeks.  But she adjusted.  You will be able to do the same with this new appliance as well.  In fact, if you can train your tongue to stay off of the tongue rake, you will likely find that you actually are able to speak better with this new appliance than your current appliance.  The acrylic appliance I want you to wear at first will interfere greatly with your speech.  Dr. Andi has one as well and she can confirm that.  But, without it she speaks just fine.  You will just need to learn to keep your tongue from pressing up against the back of your teeth.  If you can do that, the tongue rake will actually be less intrusive than an upper tongue crib.  It will just be less comfortable if you do press against it."  He went silent and looked at Dr. Morales.

She processed what Dr. Brad had just told her.  She replied "you said I would need to wear it for yearsh though."

Dr. Brad replied "your total treatment time will take a few more years.  But your active expansion will not take that long, though I do like to leave the expander in during treatment as a kind of retainer.   To ensure we don't lose any of the expansion that you worked so hard to achieve.  But, and this is a maybe, depending on how you progress with your tongue thrust habit we may be able to get you out of a fixed appliance sooner than that and transition to a removable part time appliance.  And the same goes for the lower lip bumper.  Look Olivia, this will be an intrusive appliance.  I won't lie.  But I think you would agree your current appliance is pretty intrusive as is.  This new appliance will be more effective and efficient.  And haven't I heard you say yourself that the most important consideration in orthopedic treatment is effectiveness?  Why would it be any different with orthodontic treatment?"

Dr. Morales looked at Dr. Brad.  She didn't say anything but did nod her head up and down in agreement.

Dr. Brad smiled at Olivia.  He said "the sooner we get you in your new appliance, the sooner you can start getting acclimated to it.  What do you say we go on out to the treatment area?"

After getting Olivia seated in the number one treatment chair, Dr. Brad looked at Dr. Andi and asked "would you please go and see how they are coming with sterilization?"  As Dr. Andi departed, he looked at Olivia and said "there are three incredible people that will be helping us this morning.  In addition to Dr. Andi and Alex, Megan is also here.  I thought maybe that would help.  You know how much she has gone through and how grueling her treatment is.  And how she has tackled it head on."  The real truth was that Dr. Brad wanted Megan there to see him inflict a little payback against Dr. Morales.

Dr. Brad looked at Olivia and gave her a reassuring smile.  Her nerves were evident on her face.  Dr. Brad said "first, we need to go ahead and remove your current appliance.  I will numb up your TAD sites so you won't even feel me removing them.  And I am excellent at injections, you will barely feel the shots.  Just like last time."

When Dr. Andi returned to the treatment room with Alex and Megan in tow, Dr. Brad had Olivia reclined back.  He was hunched over her administering the third of six injections.  True to his word, Olivia barely felt the needle go in.  All she really felt was the burning of the anesthesia as the plunger was depressed, injecting the burning liquid into her delicate palate.  He was so focused on the task at hand, he didn't notice the trio arrive. 

Dr. Andi waited until he was done administering the shot.  Dr. Brad raised himself and was reaching for the stainless tray lined up with hypodermic needles when she said "Alex says Megan is a natural."

A bit startled he looked over in the direction of Dr. Andi's voice.  He saw Alex and Megan standing behind her.  He noticed that Megan had a smile on her face.  He looked at her and said "I knew she would be.  She is amazing at everything she does."  He noticed that Alex was holding a tray full of instruments and appliances.  He added "I am certain those are the most sterile appliances in the history of orthodontics.  Let me finish up with Olivia's shots.  We are halfway there.  Are you doing ok Olivia?"

Olivia had a lip retractor inserted in her mouth with blocks holding her jaw open, showing off the extensive amount of metal already in her mouth.  She croaked "ahh haah".

Dr. Brad picked up a full needle from the stainless tray as Alex sat the tray she was holding down beside it.  Dr. Andi rolled a pair of stools over and helped Megan get seated on one.  Afterwards Andi took a seat on the stool beside Megan.  Alex rolled a stool over beside Olivia but continued to stand beside the trays.  It only took a few minutes for Dr. Brad to finish administering the shots into Olivia's mouth.  Once done, he sat up and gave her a big smile.  He had a celebratory tone in his voice as he announced "that will be the worst part of today's appointment Olivia.  You did GREAT!  Let's give the anesthesia a few minutes to take full effect.  But, while we wait, Alex can go ahead and start removing all those pesky upper spacers.  I know you will be glad to see them go."

Alex took a seat.  With a dental pick she quickly began removing the blue rubber spacers from between Olivia's upper teeth.  Megan realized watching her just how practiced she was by how quickly she went.  She seemed to be done almost as quickly as she started.  After she placed the last blue rubber o-ring onto the tray with the empty needles she looked at Olivia.  She gave her a metallic smile and said "I bet that is a relief."  Alex looked at Dr. Brad and asked "do you want to go ahead and try to remove her tads or wait a few more minutes?"

Dr. Brad said "no, I think we can begin.  But I don't want to remove them.  I want you to do it."  He handed her the ratchet.  He could see the nerves in Alex' eyes.  Dr. Brad said quietly "you will do great.  You are more gentle than I am."

Alex took the ratchet as Dr. Brad stood and wheeled his stool out of the way over beside Megan.  He sat and wrapped his arm gently around Megan's lower back, being careful to avoid jarring her halo.  He would have liked to have wrapped his arm around her shoulders, but her brace prevented it.  He looked over at Alex who was sitting where he had been, positioned to work on Olivia's mouth.  Dr. Brad saw Alex was looking at him.  This would be Alex first time removing a tad in an expander.  Dr. Brad said "Alex, it is just a tad.  And you have inserted and removed a ton.  This is no different."  With the words of encouragement, Alex turned her attention towards Olivia.

Alex said "Olivia, I am going to start removing your tads.  You will feel pressure.  This is normal.  If you feel acute pain though, raise your hand up off the arm rest."  Nervously, she inserted the ratchet into Olivia's mouth and seated it over the head of the first TAD.  She began to remove it, keeping a close eye on Olivia's face for signs of distress.  She finished removing the first tad and placed it on the tray beside the spacers.  She asked Olivia is she was ok.  Olivia gave her a thumbs up.  With a little added confidence, Alex worked a little faster on the remaining tads.  After fifteen minutes she had removed all of Olivia's tads.

Dr. Brad stood and took a few steps over beside Alex and Olivia.  He looked down and said "you BOTH did incredible.  Alex, why don't you go ahead and remove Olivia's scopes and lower bands.  We will leave her lower brackets in place.  Then we can remove her upper appliance and that dreaded tongue crib.  I will assist you Alex."

Alex quickly unscrewed and removed the scopes from Olivia's mouth.  She then pried the bands from Olivia's lower arch.  When she went to remove the expander she glanced at Dr. Brad.  He said "with the TADS removed, it is just like removing a standard RPE."  Using the band removing pliers in her hand, she quickly had the expander loosened and carefully removed from Olivia's mouth.  Dr. Brad said "great job Alex.  And great job Olivia.  Alex, why don't you remove the blocks and lip retractor from Olivia's mouth.  I am sure she would love to feel her mouth free from appliances and have a chance to brush and floss without navigating around so much metal."

Alex quickly obeyed and raised Olivia up to a seated position.  Dr. Brad looked at her and said "not so bad was it?"

Olivia looked at him and said "no, but I know the installation will be worse."  She then got a funny look on her face.

Dr. Brad chuckled and replied "your mouth feels huge doesn't it?"

Olivia ran her tongue around her mouth and the outside of her upper teeth.  She responded "yes, it does.  And no lisp.  And no pokies."

Dr. Brad said "Olivia, just imagine how great it will feel when you finish treatment.  If you think this feels wonderful, just imagine how it will feel when you are completely done.  Keep your thoughts on that.  Why don't you go ahead and go brush and floss."

As Olivia brushed and flossed at the sink with Alex and Andi by her side, Brad sat down beside Megan.  He quietly said "I am so proud of you angel.  I knew you would do great.  Did you enjoy it?  Getting to help Alex with sterilization.  And did you enjoy getting to watch us work on Olivia's mouth?"

Megan said "I did.  It is fascinating.  The fact I was holding and sterilizing an appliance that would soon be in someone's mouth for months if not years.  I don't know how to explain it, but it was amazing.  And yes, I did enjoy getting to watch you.  I can't wait to see you install her new appliance.  That will be even better."

Dr. Brad leaned over and kissed Megan on top of the head.  He said "good kitten.  I know how much you want to please me.  But know that all I want to do is please you.  Olivia may have a tough time with her new appliance.  And the fact that I am going to tell her that I am prescribing a halo protraction brace for her.  I mentioned it but didn't tell her it was definite.  Will you talk with her?"  Upon the mention of Olivia getting a halo brace, Dr. Brad had seen the excitement in Megan's face.

She said "sir, oh yes sir.  I would love that.  I would love to talk to Olivia about my halo brace.  And her new halo brace.  That makes me so happy.  That I won't be the only person wearing a halo protraction brace."  As she had been speaking, the volume of her voice had been rising excitedly.  The trio at the sink had heard the last sentence.  Olivia had turned and looked in Megan's direction.  Her face was flush.

As the trio made there way back to the treatment chair from the sink, Dr. Brad noticed that Olivia was walking with her head down, as if studying her shoes.  As she got back to the chair, she raised her head and looked in Dr. Brad's direction, but avoided eye contact.  Dr. Brad had certainly never seen this side of Olivia.  And he was relishing it.  Olivia quietly asked "so you do want me to go into a halo brace?"

Dr. Brad said "Olivia, I just think it makes sense.  Walk the walk.  We have installed one on our patient Ellen.  And my incredible wife.  And your receptionist Kylie is scheduled for one.  I think it only makes sense that the inventor of it, you, would proudly wear one as well.  Especially as it would be beneficial to your treatment."  Dr. Brad was braced for a fight.

He was surprised when Olivia simply slumped her shoulders and said softly "ok.  When do you want me to get it?"

For the first time Brad felt sympathy for her.  She looked broken and defeated.  He said "how about we get your appliance installed today and then we can discuss that.  Not right this second.  I want to give you some time to get acclimated and adjusted to your new appliance.  Maybe in a few weeks.  But we can talk about it."

Olivia said "ok, let's get this over with" as she sat down in the treatment chair.

Before reclining her back, Dr. Brad said "do you want to see your appliance before we install it?"

Olivia said angrily "no.  Just put the damn thing in.  I will have plenty of time to look at it won't I?"

Dr. Brad said "Olivia, it will be ok.  You are doing the right thing.  You will be so glad when this is all over."

Olivia repeated "just install the damn thing Brad."

After Alex had gotten Olivia's teeth prepped, Dr. Brad began the installation.  Because of the welded on telescopes, they had to insert both upper and lower appliances at the same time.  It had taken both Dr. Brad and Alex to get it positioned and seated in her mouth.  Dr. Andi and Megan had looked on enthusiastically.  Once he had tested the fit of the appliance, they had removed it from Olivia's mouth.  With the addition of cement to all of the molar bands, Dr. Brad had placed it back, firmly seating and cementing it in place.  After Alex had cured the cement with the UV light, Dr. Brad had inserted the lower lip bumper into the lower bucal tubes of the appliance.   Satisfied with the fit, he again used cement to afix it permanently.  For added security, he had also bent the ends of the wire at a 90 degree angle so it could not be removed even if the adhesive failed.  With the appliance installed, he looked at Olivia and said "I will now install your tads.  There will be eight of them."

Forty-five minutes later Dr. Brad sat up.  He was physically tired from installing the eight screws.  He looked down at Olivia.  She was simply facing straight ahead, eyes closed behind the safety glasses on her face.  He said "Olivia, you are doing wonderful.  We are almost done."  He looked at Alex and said "why don't you go ahead and remove the suction hose, retractor and blocks, and sit her back up.  Let's all take a little break."

Once done, Olivia was seated back upright.  Everyone looked on as she felt around her new mouth with her tongue.  With her new lip bumper, her lower lip was plumped out.  It looked like she had something between her gums and lips, which she did.  And which she would until Dr. Brad removed the appliance.  After a minute, Dr. Brad asked "so Olivia, we are all done except for installing your bands and checking the fit of your new acrylic plate.  Is anything poking or digging in?"

She said "thish tongue rake ish.. ahh...  itsh sho.. shit... sharp.  How can I... fuck... talk?  Live? With thish?"  She stuck her tongue out and tried to look down at it.  Everyone could see there were a couple of pinpricks of blood on the tip of her tongue.  Alex instintively held up a mirror for her as Dr. Brad said "see Olivia, you are still tongue thrusting.  But that tongue rake will make your tongue behave in no time.  No pain, no gain.  Right?  But while you get used to it I do have an appliance to cover it."  He picked up the acrylic appliance and showed it to her.  He continued "I was going to install your bands next, but let's see how this feels.  Open wide."

Alex moved out of the way as Olivia obeyed.  With her mouth wide, Dr. Brad inserted the plate and said "gently bite down."  As she closed her mouth, he examined it closely.  He said "a perfect fit.  How does it feel now?"

Olivia said "ah fees behah.  Buh ah cah tahk.  Ha ahm ah sposh to live?  Nah un unnshtan meh."

Dr. Andi jumped in and said "Olivia, it will get better.  I promise.  I have a rake and an acrylic plate too.  Thish weekend, practish speaking without the plate.  Be very conscioush to keep your tongue away from the rake.  It will let you know when you don't.  That is why we have them.  Practicsh, practish, practish.  The last thing you want to do right now is speak.  But the main thing you need to do right now is speak.  At night when you sleep, wear the appliance.  Or if you just find yourself pushing against it during the day.  You WILL figure it out.  Use salt water rinses regularly.  And use the plate as needed to give your tongue a break."

Dr. Brad said "or I could just bond the acrylic appliance in place for a few weeks."

Dr. Andi looked at him and said adamantly "no, she will figure it out."

Dr. Andi was still looking at him when he said "no Olivia, she is correct.  You will adjust.  So, let's get your bands installed."

It took nearly another hour to get bands seated and cemented on all of Olivia's teeth.  Once Alex was done she leaned up and said "whoa, I don't know if they invented brackets to make it more comfortable for patients or to save assistants lives." 

Dr. Brad laughed and said "Alex, you did amazing.  Now Olivia, we will not put on an upper archwire yet.  Not until we are done with expansion.  You may notice that your upper four bands do have tongue tamer's on them.  But you might not.  We just don't want your tongue to push above the rake somehow.  But regardless, we are done except for showing you how to turn your expander.  It will be no different than before really.  You just have two screw mechanisms now."  He noticed Dr. Andi looking at him.  He could feel the judgement in her eyes.   He said "you know what, we have done a lot today.  I don't want you to start turning them yet.  How about we give you a week to get used to everything?  Keep wearing your CTO as you have been.  We will be checking on you this week.  But go ahead and plan on coming in this upcoming Saturday for a quick check of everything."  He glanced at the wall and saw it was a few minutes after noon.  He said "I promise your next appointment will only take a few minutes, not a few hours.  And with that, we are done Olivia."

After seeing Olivia out the front door, they watched her walk towards her vehicle on still shaky legs.  Dr. Andi said "that is a lot for a patient, you know that don't you?"

Dr. Brad said "no doubt it is.  But Olivia has always told me that she believes in the most effective treatment protocols for patients.  She doesn't believe in cutting corners.  Surely she wouldn't want it in her own orthodontic treatment.  So who am I to disappoint her?"

Dr. Brad turned to see Andi looked at him intently.  He said "Olivia is not our normal patient."  He gave her a grin and said "speaking of extraordinary patients, since we are all here, why don't I take a look at you Andi?" 

After he had raised her up to a sitting position, Dr. Brad smiled at Dr. Andi and said "clean as a whistle.  And the patient appears to be 100% compliant.  But that would be expected.  You have earned a treat from the treat box."  Dr. Brad gave out a little laugh.

Dr. Andi eyed Dr. Brad cooly.  She said "I have earned a treat.  But not from the treat box.  Smile wide for me Brad."  He just looked at her, unsure of what was going on.  She repeated "Brad, please smile for me." 

He asked "what is this about?"

Dr. Bender said "please just oblige me and smile."

He gave her a smile.

She said "I thought I had noticed it before.  Your 22 to 26 are beginning to shift and crowd.  Swap places with me Brad.  I don't know when you were last examined by another orthodontist, but you are about to be.  And I can already see you need treatment."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #149 on: 04. May 2024, 01:23:14 AM »
Hopefully this chapter was worth the wait.

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #150 on: 04. May 2024, 01:35:57 AM »
It definitely was. I’m excited to see the development of Brad’s case and maybe some insight into what his old treatment was like.

Offline acornjohn2001

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #151 on: 05. May 2024, 08:22:19 AM »
I love your story, to be honest I love lisp and you are almost only the one who uses it. Thank you very much!!!!!!

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #152 on: 05. May 2024, 17:52:14 PM »
Chapter Fifty Five:

That evening Megan noticed that Brad was more aggressive than she had ever seen him.  Though he had said nothing, she could tell he was upset.  Maybe even angry.  After they had gotten the boys to bed they had gone to their own bedroom.  It was the first time they had been intimate since Megan had given birth.  She had tried to initiate it twice since she received her halo brace.  But up until that night, Brad had repeatedly told Megan he did not want to hurt her.  Despite her insistence he wouldn't hurt her, he had refused intimacy with her.  That night he showed none of that hesitancy.  As they made love, Megan noticed Brad seemed to be taking out his frustrations on her.  Megan loved it.

Afterwards, Brad looked at Megan and asked "kitten, have you finished breaking in your new corset?"

Megan rolled over stiffly so that she was facing towards him.  Truth be told, the thing Megan hated most of all about her CTO and now her halo was her inability to turn her head so she could look at him while in bed.  Instead, she had to awkwardly roll her entire body over to face him.  Facing him, she replied "yes sir, I have."

Brad replied "in that case, I think it is time you started wearing it full time again.  Along with your belt."

Megan was elated, though she tried her best not to show it.  She wanted him to think he was doing it to her, not for her.  She replied "of course sir."

After cleaning up in the bathroom, Brad had retrieved her new underbust corset.  As Brad had laced her up, Megan noticed how forcefully he had cinched the laces down.  She didn't want to tell him how wonderful it felt.  Or that he should pull even harder.  Once she was wearing her corset, he had locked her belt on.  As he did, she watched him in the mirror.  The anger that had been so evident on his features earlier seemed to soften.  Nontheless, once he had clicked the lock closed he smiled at her and said "I will decide when you can be let out of your belt again." 

Megan had responded "yes sir.  Thank you sir.  I am yours."

After helping her back into bed, adjusting pillows so that she was comfortable, Brad had crawled into bed beside her and arranged the covers.  As he went to turn off the lights, Megan asked "sir, is it ok if your kitten asks what is wrong?"  She knew what it was, but she wanted him to talk about it.

He had replied "nothing is wrong."

She had said "sir, it is ok to talk about it to your kitten.  And your wife."

After a long moment, he asked "will my kitten think less of me if I share my feelings?"

Megan reached over and grabbed his hand and responded "no sir.  She will think more of him."  She changed her tone, fell out of character and asked seriously "what is wrong honey?"

Brad exhaled deeply and said "my exam with Dr. Andi today.  I know she is right.  I do have crowding in my lowers.  I have noticed for several months but just tried to ignore it.  She was right to notice my 22 to 26.  It is getting worse.  And it is obvious.  And she was correct that my uppers have tilted in.  I know I need treatment.  But baby, I dread it so much.  I have already undergone a grueling treatment.  Do you remember when we met?  I had the full bands, the expander and the tongue crib.  God I was a wreck.  Thank God I was done wearing my facemask when we met.  I know you would have run the other direction.  I don't want to go through that again.  And I have so much anxiety about what she will come up with for a treatment plan.  About how she reminded me that I had repeatedly told her it was great that she was 'not just talking the talk, but walking the walk'.  And how she reminded me that I had just told Dr. Morales that it was only appropriate that she wear her protraction halo brace as it was her invention.  I am dreading Monday morning.  And what she has to tell me.  I know at the very least I need braces.  But from the way she was looking at me, I think she had more in mind.  I worry what my kitten will think if I am in braces.  Or more.  I worry if she will still respect me, and obey me, if I look like a 14 year old in braces.  That is what worries me most of all.  You.  And what you will think."

Megan looked at him.  She had never been more in love with him than she was at that moment.  She squeezed his hand before she said "baby, can I make a confession?  There is something I have never told you.  Ever.  Do you know why I first noticed you?  And pursued you?  Do you remember it was me who had to throw myself at you?"

Brad looked at her and said "that was stupid of me I know.  How could any man not have flung himself at you?  But I will tell you a truth.  I was so insecure and self-conscious of my braces.  I know it sounds crazy since I was, well still am, an orthodontist.  But I didn't see how any woman could be attracted to me while I was in treatment with a mouth full of metal.  I guess I still harbor those feelings."

Megan said "that is sweet.  But stupid is the wrong word.  I know a lot of people are insecure about having braces.  I know I am different.  You know I am different.  I love the feel of my appliances and the control they exert on me.  Like a tight hug.  Or a security blanket.  And I like the attention I get from them.  That is why I was so agreeable to wearing my extraoral appliances in public.  But I know most people are very different than me.  You are in the majority.  Most people are insecure when they first get braces.  But you were wrong about needing to feel insecure or self-conscious about your braces with me.  Because I found your braces the sexiest thing I had ever seen.  The moment I saw you smile, I knew I had to have you.  At least for a night.  I didn't know at that time what an incredible man you were.  And are.  I had no idea that you would one day be my husband.  My life partner.  The father of our children.  And my sir.  No, that night at that high school football game, all I knew is that I wanted you.  And your braces.  I have never told you any of this, but I was so happy for you when you got your braces off.  You were so excited.  But part of me was sad.  I was totally in love with you by then, so it didn't matter if you had braces or not.  It didn't matter if you had teeth or not.  But I missed your braces when they were gone.  Your adorable little lisp. The way your mouth sometimes made funny little movements.  The way you would push your lips out when you closed your mouth.  The way your mouth would be sore after an adjustment and I could baby you.  The way I sometimes got to help you pick little bits of food out of the them.  I am surprised I never exploded in ecstasy when I got to help you clean out your expander and tongue crib.  I loved the gentle way you kissed me with them.   The way you looked with them.  You were so sexy.  I miss them.  I know I have never told you that.  And here is something else I have never told you.  I have always hoped you would get them again.  But it was not your kittens place to say that."

Brad was shocked to hear this.  He didn't think that after fourteen years of marriage they had any secrets.  But it was clear they had held on to at least a few.  He was so shocked all he could utter incredulously was "really...?"

Megan was back in character when she replied "yes sir, really.  Your kitten would purr so loudly if her sir had to go back into braces.  Even more so if it was with a Miller appliance.  And headgear.  Oh kitten would be so happy.  And hasn't sir always told his kitten that he wants her to be happy?"

Brad was astonished.  Megan wanted him to go back into braces.  But he thought to himself 'a Miller appliance and headgear?'  He didn't know if he could do it, as hypocritical as he knew it was.  He reached over and hugged Megan.  He quietly said "well, I think my kitten will be happy.  I know at the least Dr. Andi will recommend braces.  And I suspect she will recommend a Miller appliance too.  Do you remember when she mentioned it would only be appropriate if we all had Millers when we showed up at this summers AAO convention promoting it?  No, I think she will prescribe me one.  And that will put me in a tight spot.  I only have two options. Refuse her treatment plan and lose her respect.  And my own self-respect, because I do realize how hypocritical it is to recommend treatments for others that I refuse to endure myself.  So the only option is to agree to her treatment plan and go back into orthodontic hell.  Kitten, that is why I was so upset tonight."

Megan squeezed him and said "sir, if that happens, your kitten will take care of you.  Like her sir has taken care of her.  Could kitten come to sir's consultation on Monday?  To hold his hand and provide support?  She would like that."

Brad was conflicted.  On one hand, he did want Megan there for support.  Plus he thought she would enjoy it.  On the other hand he was afraid he would show fear and weakness in front of her.  Especially if Dr. Andi did as he expected and prescribed a Miller appliance.  But looking into Megan's eyes, he realized how much he loved her.  And that they were a team.  And he knew, despite their private dynamic, they were equals in their relationship.  He gave her a slight smile before he responded "of course kitten."   

She maintained eye contact with him.  She said "I belong to my sir.  And he holds the keys to my heart and my belt.  But all of this talk has made kitten very playful.  And she has missed playing so much.  Kitten would love if her sir would play with her again."

Brad saw the hunger in her eyes.  And he realized he had missed it too.  He had just been so scared to hurt her.  But realizing he wouldn't, he looked at her.  Reaching for the keys he said "your sir would love to play some more."

Monday morning, both Dr. Brad and Megan entered Dr. Andi's office.  She looked up and smiled at them through her Miller headgear and extensive metalwork in her mouth.  She said "Good Morning Brad!  Megan!  This is an exciting morning isn't it?"

Megan smiled and said "it is!"

Brad shook his head as he helped Megan get seated and said "excuse me if I don't share in your enthusiasm."  Upon taking his own seat, he looked at Andi and said "so, tell me what you want to do."

After ten minutes of explanation, aided by several images and x-rays, Dr. Andi asked "so, what do you think?"  She was expecting some pushback from Dr. Brad.

She was surprised when he simply said "you are the doctor.  And as much as I dread it, you are right."

Andi was surprised.  She asked "even the headgear?  For 16 hours a day including here in the office.  Like me."

Dr. Brad replied "oh, I hate the idea.  And I know I will hate wearing it even more.  But you are right, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.  I don't see any other option really.  Do you?"

Andi said "well, you could just refuse, but..."

Brad cut her off "what kind of orthodontist would I be then?"

Andi replied "yes, exactly.  Look on the bright side at least.  I am not having a tongue crib or rake fabricated into your appliance.  Your last round of treatment seemed to eliminate your tongue thrusting.  And you only need a tad bit of forward protraction.  Again, we are just reversing what time has done and getting a little bit of improvement from your last round of treatment.  Plus, think about what a good roll model you will be.  Isn't that what you like to tell us?"

Dr. Brad laughed before replying "well, that sounded a lot better when it was someone else and not me.  But yes, I have said that."

Andi was surprised it had been this easy.  She said "well, in that case let's get you some spacers."

Leaned back in the treatment chair, Brad opened wide.  Dr. Andi placed a spacer over the pliers in her hand and stretched it wide.  She had positioned Megan so she could see what was going on.  Andi explained to Megan what she was doing as she inserted the first spacer.  Once done, she placed another spacer on the pliers and handed them to Megan.  Andi said "so, it is simple.  Why don't you do the rest?  I will talk you through it."

Brad could see how much excitement there was in Megan's face.  He asked "so what, now both of you want to torture me?"  Megan said "honey, you are silly.  This is all for your own good."

After getting the eighth spacer inserted, Andi proclaimed "Megan, you are a natural."  Raising Brad back up to a seated position she said "you know the deal Brad, they will be tender and sore.  But no complaining."

Brad said "it still isn't fair you two are teaming up on me like this" before he gave a little chuckle.

Andi said "Brad, men pay lots of money to have two women team up on them."  It was meant as a joke, but Andi looked over at Megan to make sure she didn't think that she was serious or had stepped over a line.  Andi was surprised when Megan looked back at her with a devilish smile and said "yes, it would be incredible if the two of us teamed up on him."

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #153 on: 06. May 2024, 02:18:14 AM »
Epic plot twist! Too bad Brad doesn’t need a tongue crib.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #154 on: 06. May 2024, 04:13:57 AM »
Megan is a very complex and complicated person.  And despite their relationship, it seems it is actually she who has Brad wrapped around her finger, not the other way around.  Who knows what she might end up talking Brad into doing?  She has already talked him into being much more adventurous than he naturally would be.  And I wonder how Tara is doing?  I know she is feeling a lot of anxiety about her upcoming KAFO fitting.  And knee surgery, which she has still avoided scheduling.  And her orthodontic appointment.  And her appointment with Dr. Alicia to check her hearing and hearing aids.  I wonder how all of that will turn out for her?  I also wonder whether Aubrey is wearing her removable expanders and headgear as prescribed.  If not Dr. Andi might have to try something that doesn’t depend on patient compliance.  So I will be excited to see what happens with Brad and Megan.  Maybe Brad AND Megan AND Andi if you pick up on that. But there are a lot of people I am worried about.  And what about Margaret getting busted not wearing her facemask?  And the girls at the hair salon?  And the girls at Starbucks?  And who is this new assistant Katie?  There are a lot of people we need to check in on.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #155 on: 07. May 2024, 03:27:24 AM »
I like the interplay you have created between all the characters. A lot is going on in the story and you are keeping everything together very nicely.

I have added the last few chapters to TheArchive.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #156 on: 07. May 2024, 21:11:38 PM »
Chapter Fifty Six:

Andi was stunned by Megan's comment.  Was she...  no surely not... the three of them... together?  She turned and looked at Brad.  Andi was even more shocked by the thoughts that ran through her head.  She was married she told herself.  Brad is married.  We work together.  But.... he is so sexy and masculine.  And it has been so adorable seeing how, despite trying his best to hide it, he of all people is insecure about going into treatment.  How is this going to even work she wondered.  She didn't know, but she told herself they could figure it out.

Andi's thought train was derailed when Megan said "it would be fun.  But I am not good at sharing.  Sorry Andi, I think I will have to keep him all to myself.  But isn't he just the cutest.  And the sexiest.  And he is just going to get sexier when he gets his appliances."

Andi exhaled in her mind.  She turned and looked at Megan and said "you are a lucky woman.  Brad is a world class orthodontist.  It is only fitting he has a world class smile.  But I agree with you that is it is sexy when a man takes care of himself.  For example fine tuning his smile."  That gave her an idea.  She continued "you know, I might have to talk my hubby Patrick into a consult."

Andi noticed Megan light up when she said "oh, you totally should.  Us women folk are all in treatment together.  It would only be fitting that all the men folk join us.  I mean Alex fiancé joined the party.  Why shouldn't Patrick?"

Andi thought a moment before responded "you are right, why shouldn't he?  We can always improve.  I will work on him."  She glanced over as she caught movement out of her eye and saw Maggie entering the treatment area.

Maggie noticed the three, with Dr. Brad being the one in the chair.  This seemed strange to her.  The trio were all wishing her a good morning as she walked over.  She returned the gesture before asking "so, what have we got going on here?"

Before the ladies could answer Brad replied "well all you ladies looked like you were having so much fun perfecting your airways, your bites, and your smiles I have decided to join you."

Maggie's mouth physically dropped open in surprise.  After a few seconds she asked "so what is the treatment plan?"

Andi replied "a Miller appliance, miller headgear, and then braces.  He will get to experience first-hand what his patients, and us, are experiencing."

Maggie exclaimed "oh wow!  That is great!  You have to let me assist!"

Andi said "I think the line will start over there" as she pointed towards the corner and laughed.

Dr. Brad shook his head and said "wow, you are ALL going to get your licks in on poor old Dr. Brad aren't you?"

That Thursday morning Jim kissed Tara.  He again told her "baby, I wish you would let me come to your appointments today."  They had already had this conversation once this morning, and several times during the week.   Despite Tara's obvious anxiety during the week, her response had been the same every time as it was now.

Tara replied "no sweetie, I am a big girl.  I will be fine.  You are busy.  You don't need to waste a day watching me in doctor's appointments.  Please, go.  I know how much you have going on.  I promise I will call you after each appointment."

Jim relented and said "ok hardhead.  I know you will have a long day with all your appointments, I will take care of dinner.   And some wine.  I understand why you wanted to schedule your audiology, orthopedic, and orthodontic appointments on one day, but I know it will be a lot.  If you need anything, anything at all, please let me know.  Please?"

Tara kissed him and said "you are so sweet.  Now go, you don't need to be late on my account."  As he turned she swatted him on the butt.  He gave her a smile.  She looked at his discreet clear braces and said "I love you."  Jim turned back around and gave her a peck and said "I love you more" before turning and heading out the door.

Once he had gone, Tara looked at her phone to check her emails.  She had tried her best to catch up on everything since she was taking the day off.  She sent Beverly a text.

T:  Just a reminder I will be out today.

She got a response almost instantaneously.

B:  I know, and I have been thinking about you.  Everything will go swimmingly.  I know it.  And if you need anything please let me know.

T:  Thank you so much.  The truth is I am so nervous.

B:  I know you are.  And I can understand.  But you will be fine.  And if you need to take tomorrow off too, I totally understand.

T:  Thank you.  But I have so much to do.  Plus I need to face it head on.  Even if I do look like a baby giraffe learning how to walk.

B:  You will not look like a baby giraffe learning how to walk.  If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

T:  Thank you.

After administering a battery of tests, both with and without her hearing aids, Dr. Alicia had asked Tara to follow her into her office.  As they entered the office, Tara just happened to look at Dr. Alicia's desk.  She was surprised to see a blue Petit facemask laying on the far edge of it.  Tara asked "when did you get a facemask?"

Dr. Alicia abruptly turned towards her and asked "a facemask?"

Tara said "yes, for your braces?"

Dr. Alicia's face took on a reddened embarrassed hue before she turned and looked at her desk.  She saw the facemask laying on top of the desk.  She turned back to Tara and said "I can't believe I left that laying out.  It is so embarrassing.  I always hide it in my desk.  I feel mortified.   That was supposed to be my little secret.  I look so horrible in it.  But since you have seen it, I will tell you.  I got it three months ago.  I am supposed to wear it fourteen to sixteen hours a day.  It is so hard.  I wear it here in my office when I am not seeing patients.  God I hate it.  And I always hide it away in my desk so no one will see it.  Well, I always did until today."

Tara surprised her when she said "I just wish I had a little facemask like that.  I have a Sleep Well mask integrated into a CTO brace that I have to wear.  Now that really is embarrassing."

Dr. Alicia looked surprised.  She said "wait, a CTO brace like Alex and some of the other girls at Dr. Millers wear?  Did you go see him?  I know we talked about it briefly.  Are you in treatment?  But you don't have braces?"

Tara said "yes and yes.  I did go see him.  On your recommendation.  And I am in treatment.  He has helped me tremendously with my headaches and jaw pain.  But I have to wear a CTO at night.  Right now I just have a little daytime splint I wear.  And these hooks."  She bared her teeth and opened her mouth for Alicia.  She continued "and I have a nighttime appliance I wear.  It is a beast.  But I will eventually be getting a Miller appliance.  I want to do this, but I am dreading that.  I hope it will be worth it.  Everyone tells me it will be."

Alicia said "It will totally be worth it.  Why don't we have a seat?"  After getting seated, Alicia continued "I am all too familiar with the Sleep Well mask.  I have one too that I wear at night.  Dr. Brad gave me this to wear whenever I can during the day."  She picked up the facemask.  She said "well, since you have seen it, and you know what it is like, would it be too weird if I went ahead and put it on?  I mean, I figure every minute helps."

Tara said "absolutely not."

She watched as Dr. Alicia opened her desk drawer and pulled out a bag of elastics.  Tara saw they were 1/2" 16 oz elastics, the same as she wore.  In just a few seconds, Dr. Alicia had placed the mask up against her face and attached two elastics from hooks on her brackets to the mask.  As she placed the bag of elastics back in the drawer and closed it, Tara said "wow, that was fast."

Alicia looked up and gave her an embarrassed smile before she said "I should be good at it, I put it on and take it off five or six times a day.  I have always been horrified for any patient to see me in it.  I am afraid they wouldn't respect me or take me seriously.  Some of the other girls here in the office have surprised me and caught me wearing it, and I didn’t even like that.  But that is different."

Tara said "well, I certainly won't think less of you.  In fact, I think it is cool that you have to wear one.  It puts me at ease some.  Because I am really nervous about what you are going to tell me."

Alicia smiled and said "well there is no reason to be nervous.  I just want to talk about your current hearing aids.  Unfortunately, I am not happy with the level of performance your current aids are providing.  You show significant, marked improvement with them versus without them.  I am sure you noticed that.  But we can do better.  I would like to transition you to a pair of behind the ear aids."  She turned her head to the left and pulled her hair back, revealing a pink hearing aid nestled behind her right ear, a clear tube snaking from it into her ear canal.  Tara realized it looked identical to the ones Alex wore.  Alicia dropped her hair and turned back towards Tara as she said "like I wear.  Once you get used to them, you will love them.  And you have long hair, so you will be able to hide them easily.  Though, I expect after a while you won't try to."  Tara thought of Alex, and how she sometimes wore her hair up.  She almost seemed proud to display hers.

Tara took it in stride best she could.  She asked "so, when do you want to fit them?"

Alicia replied "right now."  She lifted her hand up to remove an elastic from her facemask. 

Tara stopped her when she said "would you keep it on?  I know it is weird.  But I am scared about getting even more obvious hearing aids.  It helps knowing that someone else is going through the same things I am going through."

Alicia cocked her head at Tara.  After a moment she said "ok, sure."

The fitting went quickly.  Afterwards Dr. Alicia had Tara go back into the audiology chamber and don headphones again.  As she listened, raising her hand when she heard something, Tara realized she was raising her hand much more than she was during her previous test.  The whole time, she had been watching Dr. Alicia.  She had her head down intently studying the monitor.  It seemed as if she had completely forgotten she was wearing her facemask.  As Tara exited the chamber, Alicia said "you did great.  What did you think?  You heard a lot more little noises didn't you?"

Tara said "yes, goodness yes.  That wasn't the same test as earlier though was it?"

Alicia smiled at her and said "it was the exact same.  All those little noises were there, you just didn't hear them.  Let's go back to my office and I will go over care and maintenance."

Ten minutes later, Dr. Alicia stood from behind her desk.  As she made her way around it, Tara stood too.  Alicia handed Tara a bag with literature on her new aids, a case, and a whole pack of batteries.  Alicia said "so, these aren't rechargeable.  So you won't need to worry about remembering to recharge them every night.  You will though want to keep a few spare batteries stowed where you spend the most of your time; home, car, office and keep a few in your purse.  You will be so happy with these.  I promise.  Any questions?"

Tara shook her head and said "no questions.  But thank you.  Thank you for being so sweet.  And thank you for wearing your facemask.  I don't know why, but it put me at ease.  I actually have an appointment at Dr. Millers this afternoon, I am going to ask him if I can try out a Petit.  Just to get a little break from my other mask.  And I am going to try to get a little time in whenever I have a chance to.  Like you."

Alicia said "first, you are welcome.  Second, thank you.  Thank you for being such a wonderful patient.  So you have an appointment at Dr. Millers today too?  Tell them all I said hello.  And be sure to tell them what a good job I am doing wearing this."  She laughed as she pointed up towards the facemask she still had on.

Tara replied "I certainly will.  And you know what?  You should just wear it.  Even with patients.  Think about how much more time you would get in.  And maybe it would help some patients.  It would humanize you, not make you seem like the big scary doctor."

Alicia laughed before she said "big and scary?  I don't think anyone has ever called me that."

Tara said "maybe not, but a lot of people are terrified being in doctor's offices.  Everything is big and scary.  Thank you for making it less scary."

After she had seen Tara to the front desk to make her follow up appointment, Alicia went back to her office.  She had planned to take her facemask off.  But after thinking about everything that Tara had said, she made a decision.  She left it on and looked at her computer screen to see who her next patient was.

Back in her car, Tara called Jim as she said she would.  She told Jim about the appointment and her new hearing aids.  And she assured him she really wasn't upset about them.  And she did hear much better with them.  Then she mentioned that Dr. Alicia wore a facemask too.  And how she had worn it for her during the second half of their appointment.  Tara said she didn't know why, but it had calmed her.  Jim told her how proud he was of her, told her that her next two appointments would go just as well, and told her how much he loved her.

Tara arrived at Dr. Morales ten minutes early.  She sat in her car several minutes as the butterflies churned in her stomach.  This was the appointment she was really dreading.  She knew that she would walk out of this appointment wearing full leg braces.  Leg braces that she would have to wear for... forever she wondered?  She was so worried.  About living with them.  But mainly about her and Jim.  Despite Jim telling her how sexy he had found her when she had worn Alex' that night, she worried he was just telling her what she wanted to hear.  She believed that he loved her.  She knew she loved him.  But her insecurity made her wonder if his love was strong enough to love a little crippled girl in leg braces.  She was feeling sorry for herself as she got out of the car.  The walk across the parking lot seemed to be the longest walk of her life.  She felt as if she was walking to the gallows.

She entered the foyer of the medical building and headed towards Dr. Morales office.  She stopped at the door and stood for several moments.  She was so scared.  Finally she opened the door.  After stepping through the door she stopped in her tracks.  Her jaw dropped open.  Because sitting side by side in the waiting room, right in front of the entrance, were Jim and Alex.  Both were smiling at her, though their smiles were obscured by the Petit facemasks they wore.  Alex' was pink and Jim's was blue.  They both stood and stepped over towards her.  Tara was oblivious to anyone or anything else.  She was so surprised she couldn't even speak.

Jim wrapped his strong muscular arms around her shoulders and held her.  Alex squeezed in from the side and wrapped her arms around Tara's waist.  Jim said "I hope you aren't upset baby.  But I wanted to be here for you."  Alex chimed in "me too."

A tear ran down Tara's face.  She finally spoke.  She said "no, I am not upset.  This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done.  I love you both so much."   


Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #157 on: 08. May 2024, 00:29:47 AM »
Ahhh, Jim is such a great guy. Megan is full of surprises. I can’t wait for Brad to start his treatment. Hoping you’re not too busy in the near future so the next chapters will come quickly. I’m thoroughly enjoying all the twists and turns in this story. Dare I say, this might be my favorite one yet.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #158 on: 09. May 2024, 10:26:47 AM »
For sure this chapter was worth the wait, as there was the wait for every chapter!  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #159 on: 09. May 2024, 19:26:46 PM »
Chapter Fifty Seven:

Jim released his grip on Tara, followed by Alex.  Tara looked at Jim and then Alex and said "thank you.  Thank you so much.  It is such a surprise.  A good surprise."  She cocked her head and asked simply "the facemasks?"

Alex laughed and replied before Jim "that was Jim's idea. I had already planned on surprising you here.  I know how nervous you have been.  I didn't realize that Jim was planning on the same until he called me right after he got off the phone with you after your last appointment.  He asked me if he could swing by and get a Petit facemask.  I asked him why, and he explained about Dr. Alicia and told me he was going to be here for your appointment.  I told him there was no need for him to come by though as I was just about to head out the door to come here too.  I grabbed him a facemask before I left, mine was already in my purse, and fit it to him in the parking lot.  I know we looked ridiculous, but who cares."

Tara looked at them and said "oh you guys...."

Jim replied "baby, I know you don't want to be here.  But maybe the two of us being here will help."

Tara hugged him as she said "it means so much.  So much.  Thank you.  I love you."

Jim squeezed her back and replied with his usual "not as much as I love you."

Alex said "and we went ahead and signed you in."

The trio followed Mona back to a treatment room.  She was wearing her CTO brace.  As they walked she said "so, this shouldn't take long.  Also, Dr. Morales just got a new appliance over the weekend, so I will do most if not all of the talking.  Her mouth is really bothering her.  But I think you three will understand."  They all agreed.

Then Alex asked "so, how is she doing?  I know the rake is pretty aggressive."

Mona stopped at the door and said "it is a work in progress.  But her tongue is really stubborn.  She has been wearing her acrylic splint most of the time."

Alex said "it will get better."

Mona said "I hope it does.  She is already in the treatment room."  Mona opened the door.

Entering the room, Tara saw Dr. Morales standing beside the treatment table.  She was wearing her CTO.  Beside her on the treatment table was a pair of white and stainless steel KAFO braces.  Tara knew they were hers.   Instead of speaking, Dr. Morales instead just put her hand up and waved.

Mona led Tara over beside the table.  She said "Dr. Morales, I explained to them about your mouth."  Mona picked up the KAFOs, one in each hand, and turned her attention to Tara.  Mona asked "will you please take a seat?  I will fit your new braces."

Mona first removed Tara's Breg knee brace from her leg, laying the brace to the side.  Mona said "you are done with this."  Next she removed Tara's tennis shoes and then started fitting the brace on Tara's right leg, explaining what she was doing as she went.  She repeated the same process with Tara's left leg.  Once Tara was wearing both braces, she put Tara's shoes back on.  With the underfoot plate and hinges on each side of her ankle, Mona had to lace her shoes much looser than normal.  She barely had enough lace to tie a bow.  She said "you may want to get some longer shoelaces for your shoes.  Also, skirts or a dress like you are wearing are a great choice.  Pants and jeans can be a little tricky.  If they are tight, it is no problem.  You can just put your braces on over the top of them.  And if they are extra loose in the legs, you can wear them over your braces.  But most normal pants are too tight to wear over them yet are a little too baggy to wear comfortably underneath.  They bunch up in spots and can be uncomfortable.  Will you please stand up for me?"

As Tara stood she noticed how strange it felt.  Like it had the night she had worn Alex'.  She was glad she had worn them that night though so she had some idea of what it would be like.  As Mona checked the fit, Dr. Morales looked on in silence.  Mona straightened up and said "ok Tara, walk across the room and back for me please."

As Tara took her first steps, it felt strange.  But she noticed she seemed to quickly get the hang of it.  She didn't think she looked like a baby giraffe.  She looked over at Jim and Alex.  Alex put both thumbs up.  Jim said "baby, they look great.  You look great.  You are doing so good."  Tara made it to the corner of the room, turned, and returned back.   As she stopped in front of Mona, Mona told her "you are a natural.  I know it feels different.  But, is anything painful?  Is anything uncomfortable?"

Tara looked down at her legs.  Her dress hid most of the braces, but they were visible between the hem and her shoes.  She did not like the way they looked, but she made her mind up she would have to accept them.  She looked back up at Mona and said "no, they feel good.  They seem to fit much better than Alex' did?"  Mona squinted at her.  Tara said "Alex let me wear hers to see what it would be like."

Mona said "that was sweet of her.  But yes, these are custom made to fit you.  They should be more comfortable.  Now, let me go over wear, care and maintenance."  After ten minutes Mona said "and that is it.  Easy peasy.  You did great.  Any questions?"

Tara shook her head and said "no.  I think I have it.  Now just to get used to wearing them.  I guess running is out of the question?"

Mona turned her head, a look of uncertainty on her face, towards Dr. Morales.  Dr. Morales struggled to open her mouth very wide with the chin pad of her brace pushing her head up, but she managed to reach into her mouth and remove the pink plastic acrylic plate from her mouth.  A string of saliva stretched from her mouth as she did.  She pulled a purple retainer case from the pocket of her white coat and deposited the appliance in it.  Dr. Morales looked at Tara and said "shorry, I know that ish gross.  No, you can run and jog if you want.  I would just advise againsht sprinting.  Starts and stops are rough on your jointsh and the brace."  She then addressed Alex and said "thish tongue rake shucks." 

As she pulled the acrylic appliance back out of the box Alex said "I am sorry Dr. Morales.  But it will get better.  You will soon train your tongue not to push on it.  The less you wear the plate, the faster you will do it too."

Dr. Morales looked at her a moment before she placed the plate back in the box and snapped the lid close.  Dr. Morales said "I know.  But it hursh sho much.  I will try to make it the rest of the day without it.  I will she how that goesh."  She turned towards Tara and said "Tara, you look like a natural in your new KAFOs.   Like you have been wearing them all your life.  Everything looksh wonderful.  I will see you at your followup in one month.  Then, we can do every shix monthsh.  Thank you for coming in.  If you have any questionsh or problemsh, let ush know.  Alex is a pro too, she can probably help."

Alex said "absolutely.  I certainly will."  She glanced at Jim and then at Tara and said "I will start by taking you two to lunch, Dr. Miller's treat."

After lunch, Tara followed along behind Alex as they walked across the parking lot of TMJ and Sleep Plus.  Jim was in the rear, almost as if he were covering Tara's rear from attack.  When they got to the door, Alex reached out and grab the handle.  As she opened the door, she told Tara "it should be a quick appointment.  Dr. Miller will just want to take a look at things and see how you are progressing."

Once they were in the waiting room, Alex said "I will let you get signed in with Becky.  I better get back to work.  But, I will see you when you come back."

Before she could leave, Tara hugged her and said "thank you so much."

Alex hugged her back and said "of course.  This is what friends do."

Alex then turned and went through the door into the treatment area.

Tara and Jim made their way over to the reception desk.  Becky looked up with a big smile on her face and said "hello you two!"

Tara and Jim both said hello in return.  Tara couldn't take her eyes off the Miller headgear Becky was wearing.  She had double facebows sticking out of her mouth which were attached to the frame on her face and the complicated mass of straps encircling her head.  Becky laughed and said "it's newish.  And hard to miss."

Tara said "it looks good.  You look good.  So you weren't able to avoid headgear?"

Becky smiled and said "actually, it was totally elective.  Not that I want to wear headgear.  But I am going to be in a wedding in a few weeks.  And I really want to have my braces off by then.  I asked Dr. Miller what I would have to do to get them off.  And he told me headgear.  Headgear for 23.5 hours a day.  I can only take it off when I shower.  I sometimes question my sanity.  But I know it will be worth it when I get my braces off in a few weeks."

Tara's eyes had gotten big as she spoke.  She said "wow, that is dedication.  You don't mind it?  And you don't cheat?"

Becky said "oh I mind it.  But hey, no pain no gain.  I am so ready to have my new smile it is worth the strange looks I sometimes get.  My boyfriend is ok with it, that was the main thing I was worried about.  And as for cheating, I did the first week.  Until I mentioned it to the girls.  Word got to Megan, that is Dr. Brad's wife, and she told me how she had resisted cheating."  Becky pulled her hair back and to the side.  Tara and Jim could see the little luggage lock that was locked through a hole in the main strap that wrapped around her neck.

As Becky dropped her hair back, Jim asked "is that a lock?"

Becky said "yep, sure is.  Megan said when she first got her Miller, she too cheated some during the day.  And this was her solution.  She said she put the lock on before Brad left for the day, and as he had the key, she couldn't cheat and take it off.  I brought up the idea to my boyfriend."  She lowered her voice as she said "I think he really likes locking it back on me after I take a shower each morning." She raised her voice back to a normal volume and said "yes, it is unusual.  But it works for me.  And only two more weeks!"  She raised her arms as she said "YAYYYY!"

Tara said "that is great Becky.  Two more weeks.  How exciting.  I guess I am looking at two more years.  Or more."

Becky said "it will fly by.  So, I have you all signed in.  You are good to go.  We will call you back shortly."

Tara and Jim turned to find a seat in the cozy waiting area.  It was the first time Tara had paid attention to who else was there.  Immediately she spotted some familiar faces.  Three familiar faces all wearing matching pink Petit facemasks.

Tara smiled and waved.  Margaret smiled and waved back.  Tara made her way over and said "Margaret, girls, we must be on the same schedule.  Do you mind if me and my beau sit?"

Margaret said "by all means, please.  I would love to chat.  I am pretty nervous."

Tara asked "why is that?"

Margaret said "well, you know I told you how much trouble I am having wearing my facemask like I am supposed to?  Well Dr. Miller caught me not wearing it when I was supposed to.  He told me he could help me do a better job wearing it.  And when Becky emailed me our appointment reminder, she said to be sure I bring some chapstick for myself.  I don't know why.  But surely it can't be good."

Before anyone could say more, the treatment door opened.  Maggie stepped out and looked in their direction as she said "Margaret?  Dr. Miller is ready for the three of you." 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #160 on: 12. May 2024, 18:10:27 PM »
Chapter Fifty Eight:

Tara watched Margaret and her two daughters, all in their pink facemasks, follow Maggie back into the treatment area.  Tara then looked around the waiting room.  There were two other adults, apparently not together, who were also waiting.  Neither had any type of extraoral appliances, and with their mouths closed and heads down looking at their phones Tara had no idea if they had braces or appliances.  She turned towards Jim and again told him "thank you." 

Jim replied "baby, you are so welcome."  The two began to talk for the next few minutes.  Jim placed his hand on Tara's thigh, her rigid new legbrace obvious to his touch, and said "I am so proud of you."

Tara looked at him and asked "what do you mean?"

Jim rubbed his hand up and down her leg, his fingers edging towards the inside of her thigh, and said "your new braces.  You have handled it so well.  And unless I am wrong, you seem to have already forgotten you are even wearing them."

Tara looked down at his hand and then her legs.  She was surprised.  She turned her head back towards Jim and said "woah, I had forgotten about them.  Until now."  She gave Jim a smile to let him know she wasn't upset.

They then heard a voice from the door.  They both looked up to see the practice's new assistant Katie saying "Miss Johnson?  Dr. Andi is ready."  As she spoke Jim and Tara both noticed she also wore metal braces on her teeth.  This didn't seem unusual to them, at least not here.  As the blonde twenty something year old woman stood and began to make her way over, Alex appeared beside Katie.  Alex looked over with a big smile on her face.  She was still wearing her pink facemask.  She said "hey you two, come on back."

By the time they got to the doorway, Katie and the blond woman had already gone back.  Alex looked at Jim and said "gold star for still wearing your new facemask.  Dr. Brad will love to see that.  Now, come on back please."

As Tara followed along in the middle once again, Alex in front and Jim in the rear carrying Tara's bag with her CTO and nighttime appliance, she saw Margaret laid back in the treatment chair being examined by Dr. Brad.  Alex led Tara over to the sink where she began to brush.  As she did, she saw Dr. Brad lean up and raise Margaret to a sitting position.  He heard him say to Margaret "Margaret, will you please join me back in my office for a few minutes?  Maggie can go ahead and be replacing Savannah and Elise' ligatures."  Margaret reached for her facemask and put it up to her face.  Dr. Brad said "you don't need to put it on right this second.  But bring it with you."  Tara watched as Margaret nervously stood and followed Dr. Brad around the corner and out of sight.  She wondered why Dr. Brad had asked her to go to his office. 

She didn't have long to wonder as Alex playfully said "come on slow poke, that is good.  You are holding up production."  Tara spit into the sink and rinsed her mouth out.  Alex said "come on, I will take a look and see how things are going."

As Tara was getting comfortable in a treatment chair, Margaret was sitting down across from Dr. Brad in his office.  Dr. Brad looked at her and said "Margaret, we need to talk about your facemask.  It is clear you are not wearing it as much as we need.  And time is of the essence.  We only have a few more months before your sutures fill in and harden.  Once that happens, any chance for transverse skeletal movement is over.  Do you want your treatment to be a success without undergoing jaw surgery?"

Margaret replied "of course I do.  I just struggle with it.  The mask hurts my chin.  And I feel too self-conscious to wear it in public."

Dr. Brad responded "I completely understand that.  But even so, if you don't wear it as prescribed you have two choices.  One is an incomplete and unsuccessful treatment.  Two is jaw surgery and the long recovery associated with it.  What if I told you I could help you to do a better job wearing it?  And I could make it more comfortable for you?  Would you try it?"

Margaret replied "of course.  But how?  I really have tried to wear it, but I just can't make myself do it."

Dr. Brad said "I can help.  First let's make your mask more comfortable to wear.  Would you hand me your mask please?"

As he held the mask up in front of Margaret with one hand, he used his other hand to open a desk drawer and remove two pink pads.  He looked at Margaret and said "my incredible wife deserves total credit for this.  It was her idea to make her own mask, which she had to wear fulltime, more comfortable.  These two pads fit over the chin and forehead supports.  They are a lot more stylish than an old sock or a towel.  I will simply slip them over the two existing plastic supports on the mask.  Like this."  After he had gotten them on, he showed the improved mask to Margaret and explained "the elastic around the pocket will hold them on the mask.  And they are color coordinated to match.  Put it on and see what you think."

Margaret complied and quickly put on her facemask without the use of a mirror.

As soon as she put it on, Dr. Brad said "it is great to see you put it on so effortlessly.  It at least shows me you have been trying to wear it.  So, how does that feel?  Better?"

Margaret said "yes, a lot.  But how does it look?"

Dr. Brad said "it looks great.  Just incredible.  Here".  He handed her a mirror.

As she gazed into the mirror, she said "well, at least it doesn't look worse."  After a moment of examining herself she laid the mirror down on the desk and asked "but how are you going to improve my compliance?"

Dr. Brad said "I am going to remove compliance from the equation.  But only if you tell me you want to."  From the still open desk drawer he removed what looked like a facebow and a box.  He placed the box on the desk while he held the facebow up.  He said "this is a modified facebow.  Like would normally be used in retractive headgear.  But I have modified it.  You may notice the arms are shorter.   And at the end they are bent around into a circle.  Here is what I am proposing Margaret.  First, I will fit you with coil springs on each side of your mouth, connecting your upper and lower arches and pulling your upper arch forward."  He pulled out a spring from the small box he had placed on his desk.  He continued "then let me fit this facebow to your upper arch.  It will be non-removable.  I will attach two more springs, one on each end of your facebow, which will be connected to your facemask.  They also will be non-removable.  This will eliminate the compliance issue.  Wear it for six-weeks until your next appointment and we will see where we are at.  If at any time you want me to remove it, I will.  But that would almost certainly mean you will need to undergo jaw surgery.  Why don't we try it?  Give me six weeks.  That is less than the recovery time for surgery would be.  What do you say?"

Margaret looked at him without speaking as she processed the idea in her mind.  The idea of being unable to take it off was shocking.  And terrifying.  But she did want to avoid jaw surgery.  She asked "but what will people think?  And how will I eat?  Or shower?"

Dr. Brad said "well, anyone who's opinion would matter will just think you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.  And you will eat just fine with a little practice.  And to shower you will just remove the new pads and shower, then you will dry the mask off and put the pads back on.  Margaret, I know it sounds extreme.  But it isn't nearly as extreme as having the bones in your face broken, rearranged, and put back together with metal plates and screws."

She asked "and if I can't handle it, you will remove it whenever I ask?" 

Dr. Brad said "yes, absolutely.  Just keep in mind that doing so will mean surgery."

She exhaled and shook her head.  She made eye contact with him before she said "ok.  The girls will love it I'm sure."

Brad clapped and gave her a big smile.  He said "Margaret, you will be so happy you did this when it is all said and done.  Thank you so much.  I hate to see patients have to undergo jaw surgery.  Let's get you back out front and we can do this."

Alex was telling Tara what a wonderful job she was doing with her hygiene when Tara saw Dr. Brad emerge back into the treatment bay followed by Margaret.  She watched him walk over and place something on the tray beside the treatment chair where Maggie was still working on Elise, Margaret's youngest.  She couldn't hear what he was saying, but she saw him spend a few minutes talking with Maggie.  Dr. Brad then turned and headed in Tara's direction.  As he approached he smiled and said "Miss Reynolds!  Mr. Phillips!  Welcome!  And Jim, let me say attaboy on the facemask."

After a thorough examination of Tara's mouth, he leaned back and said "absolutely wonderful Tara.  You are progressing so quickly.  Much faster than I anticipated.  That is due no doubt to incredible compliance on your part.  I want to see some images first, but I think you are ready to move into phase two."

Tara's stomach dropped.  On one hand, she was happy to be making progress.  On the other, she knew what phase two entailed.  She looked at Dr. Brad and asked "a Miller appliance?"

Dr. Brad said "yes!  This is so exciting!  Let me have Alex take some images to make sure of what I am seeing.  Jim you can go with them if you want.  And I will attend to Mrs. Stone."

He stood and made his way back over to the trio while Alex looked at Tara and said "yay girlie!  I told you that you were doing great.  We will all get to be in braces and expanders together!"  Tara didn't share in Alex' excitement as she followed along behind her.

When the trio returned about 5 minutes later, Tara saw Margaret reclined back in the chair.  She had a pair of stainless steel whiskers emerging from her mouth.  As Tara walked, she saw Dr. Brad stretching a stainless steel spring from one of the whiskers to her facemask.  Tara was paying attention to Margaret and Dr. Brad, who was now placing a second spring on Margaret's other whisker.  Alex turned her head and said "huh, that is new."

Once Dr. Brad was done placing the springs he looked at Margaret and said "almost done.  I just need to squeeze them in place so they won't come off.  Like this."  He quickly used the pliers he picked up to squeeze the ends of each spring.  He said "Margaret, open and close your mouth for me."  As she did, Dr. Brad peered into her mouth.  Satisfied with what he saw, he proclaimed "excellent.  It looks great Margaret.  You look great."  He turned his attention towards Elise and Savannah and asked "doesn't Mom look great?"  The girls both affirmed she did. 

Savannah then added "Mom, it looks cute.  Really."

Tara was surprised when Margaret responded "thank you honey.  But lying is wrong.  But I don't guess it really matters what it looks like now.  I can't take it off."  Dr. Brad finished up quickly and bid them adieu, just asking they stop to see Becky to get their next appointment reminder.  As Margaret made her way, head down towards the ground, by the chair Tara was in Tara stopped her by saying "Margaret!  Looks like you got an upgrade today!"

Margaret turned and said "it's horrible.  It looks horrible doesn't it?"

Tara said "no, you look stunning.  You may start a trend.  And hey, you aren't alone.  It looks like I am about to get my Miller appliance.  And I am going to actually ask if I can get a Petit mask too.  To give my face and underside of my chin a break from my CTO.  Maybe we should all do lunch?  Right Alex?"

Alex said "yes, to all of that.  Pink facemasks are totally in this year."  She gave Margaret a big smile as she pointed towards the pink facemask she herself was wearing.

Margaret said "well I hope so.  And thank you.  I hate to be curt, but I have to get the girls back to school.  And I have to go get made fun of at work.  Well, everywhere I guess."

Alex and Tara both went to speak at the same time.  Alex went quiet as Tara said "no one is going to laugh at you or make fun of you.  I will text you later.  I was serious about lunch."

Alex added "I was too!  And Mrs. Stone, you are doing great with your treatment."

As Margaret left with her daughters, Dr. Brad approached and said "Alex, excellent imaging.  As always."  He looked at Tara and said "and they show exactly what we want.  Young lady, you are ready for your Miller appliance."

As he sat down he said "Tara, Alex will get you some spacers today.  When your appliance is ready, we will call to schedule your installation.  Do you have any questions?"

Tara gulped before she said "well, yes.  First, can I get a pink Petit facemask?  Jim looks so cute in his.  Alex too.  Plus, I want to try to give my face a little break sometimes from my Sleep Well."

Dr. Brad said "absolutely no problem.  Just the opposite.  I love to see enthusiastic and compliant patients.  But is your sleep well mask bothering you?"

Tara responded "a little, it does seem to make me break out just a little.  I have been fighting that for a month now."

Dr. Brad said "gotcha.  I am sorry about that.  I will absolutely have Alex grab you a Petit and have her fit it for you so you can take it with you.  Any other questions?"

Tara said "well, I have been thinking about my knee surgery.  And my Miller appliance.  I am going to be working from home while I recover from my meniscus operation.  Could I schedule it and my Miller installation at the same time?  So I could recover from both at the same time?  Since I will be on pain medication anyway.  Would it hurt to wait a little while for my Miller?  Could I schedule it around my knee surgery?"

Dr. Brad thought a moment.  He then replied "well, it would be a lot for you to manage.  But I don't see why not.  Now it will delay your finish date by however long we wait.  How long are we talking?"

Tara answered "about a month."

Dr. Brad said "well that isn't much delay at all.  It will take a week or two for your appliance to be fabricated.  How about you give Alex your surgery date.  And we will squeeze you in the afternoon before.  Would that work?"

Tara replied "yes, I can do that.  I just hate to have to burn more medical leave than necessary."

Dr. Brad said "that is understandable."  He then thought a moment before he asked "so how long will your recovery be?  How long will you be working from home?"

Tara said "they said six to eight weeks.  I won't be able to drive since it is my right knee.  I will be working from home during that time."

Dr. Brad said "six to eight weeks?"  He thought a moment before saying "Tara you are doing so well with your treatment.  But we can always do better.  I would like to really jumpstart your treatment.  Tara, the decision is yours.  But when we install your Miller appliance, I would like to also have Dr. Morales fit you with a halo brace."

Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #161 on: 13. May 2024, 13:19:06 PM »
will she agree to that?
thanks for writing and sharing!

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #162 on: 13. May 2024, 16:17:39 PM »
Once again, I really like where things are going.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #163 on: 17. May 2024, 12:22:20 PM »
Maybe a halo is even harder to wear than a Milwaukee brace?

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #164 on: 21. May 2024, 17:46:21 PM »
Chapter Fifty Nine:

Tara stared at Dr. Brad, a look of shock on her face.  Her head was spinning.  Before she could gather her thoughts and speak, Dr. Brad said "Tara, I know it sounds like a lot.  But six to eight weeks in a halo with full time protraction would be so beneficial for you.  I think it would shave up to four months off your total treatment time.  Maybe even six.  In addition, and I will defer to Dr. Morales for an official diagnosis, I think it would be very beneficial for your cervical instability and posture.  I know it would provide much more correction than part time wear of your CTO.  Much more.  Is it something you would consider?"

Before speaking, Tara cut her eyes towards Alex.  While Alex was smiling at her, there was a look of sympathy on her face.  Alex said "Tara, I will be by your side to help.  The time will fly by.  I will make sure of it."  Tara saw Alex turn to look at Jim.  Tara followed her gaze.

Tara saw that Jim was looking right at her, a look of concern on his face.  He reached over and took Tara's hand as he said "I will be too baby.  If you want to do this, I will completely support you.  I will take care of you."  Jim looked at Dr. Brad and asked "is there not another way though?"

Dr. Brad turned his head from Tara to Jim and replied "absolutely, Tara can just continue to wear her CTO brace for 14 to 16 hours per day for the next two and a half years.  We will be able to get a satisfactory treatment result that way.  But a halo would be more efficient.  It would provide faster results.  And more importantly, I believe it would provide an even more effective final treatment outcome.  I understand it is frightening.  But it isn't as bad as you might expect.  You may not know it, but my wife Megan is in a halo currently.  I will admit that the first few days were a challenge for her.  But any type of change usually is.  But since then, she has completely adapted to it.  If you would like to speak with her about her experience, I would be eager for you to do so.  In addition, Dr. Morales herself will be going into a halo brace in a few weeks.  And her receptionist is having her installation this week.  She may already be wearing one.  So, you would at least have a support group who understands what it is like."  He turned his eyes towards Tara and asked "what are your thoughts?  It really would be beneficial."

For the first time Tara spoke.  She asked "can I think about it?"

Dr. Brad said "absolutely.  How about this?  You finalize all of the arrangements for the procedure on your knee.  Once you have the date, call and let Becky know.  We will schedule your installation appointment a few days after your surgery and an appointment two weeks before that to install spacers.  If you decide on the halo, I can arrange for Dr. Morales to perform the installation here so you don't have to go to two offices.  If you decide against the halo, we will simply install your new appliance that day.  However Tara, I recommend the halo.  In the end, I know it will be worth it.  But you don't have to make your decision today.  For now just continue to wear your appliances as you have been.  You have been doing great and I know you will continue to do so.  I will walk with you up front and explain to Becky what the plan is.  Any questions?"

A thousand questions were running through Tara's head.  So many that she didn't even know where to start.  She looked at Dr. Brad and asked only "is it really ok if I speak with your wife about her treatment experience?"

Dr. Brad looked at her and responded "absolutely.  I know Megan would be more than happy to talk to you about her halo.  And about your halo."

That evening, Tara sat stiffly beside Jim on their couch.  Both were wearing their CTO braces.  Jim had noticed how quiet and withdrawn Tara had been that evening.  He understood why and wanted to give her space.  But he also wanted her to know how much he cared for her.  He had his arm wrapped around her when he said "I love you so much."

She snuggled closer to him and said "I love you too."  She went silent again.  While there was a movie on the screen, Jim had noticed that Tara had been ignoring it, lost in her thoughts.

He said "if you want to talk about it baby, we can.  If you don't, I understand that too."

Tara asked "did you mean it when you said you would take care of me?"

Jim squeezed her tight and said "yes, of course.  And not just when it comes to a halo brace."

Tara said "it is so scary.  The thought of having a cage bolted to my head."

Jim replied "it would just be temporary."

Tara asked bluntly "do you want me to do it?"

Jim responded "I just want what is best for you baby.  This is your decision.  But I do trust Dr. Brad.  I mean, I wouldn't be doing this myself if I didn't.  But I will not tell you whether to do it or not.  But if he says it is the best treatment, I do think you should at least consider it."

Tara said "I have been.  I know I probably should.  I am just scared."  She went silent a moment before continuing "I am scared of how much it will hurt.  But most of all I am scared of what you will think."

Jim removed his arm from Tara and physically turned her so they were facing each other.  He made eye contact with her and said "it is simple what I will think.  I will love you.  If you get the halo, I will love you more than anything in the world.  Just like I love you now without it.  Nothing in this world makes me happier than you.  It also makes me so happy when I feel like I can take care of you.  Let me take care of you.  Please."

Tara closed her eyes and exhaled.  She opened her eyes and protested "I need to talk with Beverly.  To see what she thinks."

Jim said "I know she will support you.  Baby, you have a whole ring of people that care for you.  None as much as me, but they care deeply.  Beverly is one of them.  Alex is too.  And they understand."

Tara looked at him and asked "I should do it shouldn't I?"

Again he said "I am not going to tell you one way or the other.  But you are the smartest person I have ever met.  You know what you should do."

Again Tara closed her eyes, the image of her in a halo brace in her mind.  It was terrifying.  Despite this, she opened her eyes and looked at Jim.  Quietly she said "ok, I will do it."

Jim hugged her.  He said "I am proud of you baby."  Letting go of her, he asked "how about we go to bed?"

Tara replied "it is only 9 sweetie.  There is no way I can go to sleep this early."

Jim raised one eyebrow and grinned.  Tara still didn't understand it, but seeing the clear brackets on his top teeth turned her on and made her momentarily forget about her appointment.  She forgot about halo braces.  Her only thought was the sexy man beside her.  He said "I said go to bed, not go to sleep."

For the first time since her appointment, Tara smiled.  She looked at him and said "oh don't throw me in the briar patch Mr. Fox."

As she lay in bed afterwards, the warmth of Jim's body beside her, she wondered why that night had been so intense.  And she wondered if they would be able to have such nights if she was bolted into a halo brace.  She reached over blindly and took his hand.  She realized he must have been having similar thoughts as her when he replied "baby, I promise you it will be ok."  He rolled her stiffly and gently placed his arm on her.  He said "I will not let a silly little brace ruin what we have."           


Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #165 on: 23. May 2024, 06:55:13 AM »
Call me surprised! From not wanting the Miller appliance to agreeing to a halo.  Exactly who is Tara becoming?

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #166 on: 23. May 2024, 15:31:03 PM »
Call me surprised! From not wanting the Miller appliance to agreeing to a halo.  Exactly who is Tara becoming?

She is becoming one of girls in my story...

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #167 on: 30. May 2024, 20:06:04 PM »
Can’t wait to read the next chapter. I hope you continue soon.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #168 on: Yesterday at 17:03:37 »
Chapter Sixty:

Dr. Brad opened the passenger door and helped Megan swing her braced legs out of the vehicle and then helped her stand, being careful that she didn't bump her head on the door frame.  He leaned in and maneuvered around the metal bars and gave her a peck on the cheek and said "I will take care of them you know, have fun and don't worry about us." 

Megan smiled at him and said "I know you will.  Thank you sir."  She opened the rear door and stiffly leaned in to make sure again that Chance was properly buckled into the car seat.  She then turned to William and said "be a good boy for daddy.  You boys have fun.  And I love you all so much" before she turned back to Brad. She smiled and said "I will give you a shout when we finish up."

Dr. Brad hugged her and said "have fun."  He watched her as she walked towards the front door of the Starbucks, pride and love in his heart.

Being a Saturday morning, the Starbucks wasn't quite as busy as it would have been during the week.  As she stepped through the door, Megan saw there were only two other customers waiting in line.  But what really made her happy was seeing Emily.  She was wearing her Petit facemask.  Emily did not notice Megan until after she had finished waiting on the customer she was with.  When she looked up to serve the next guest she saw Megan.  And instinctively a smile went on her face.  Followed almost instantaneously by a look of shock.  She made eye contact with Megan and temporarily ignored the customer stepping in front of the register.

Emily said "Megan?   Are you ok?  What happened?" 

Megan smiled and said "I am fine.  I will tell you about it."

Emily's eyes lingered on Megan for a few seconds before she turned her attention to the customer in front of her.  After taking her order and ringing them up, the customer stepped to the side and Megan stepped in front of Emily.  Emily immediately asked "what happened?  Are you ok?"

Megan said "I am perfectly fine.  This is just a little bump in the road."  As she gestured to her halo she continued "this is treating my cervical instability and also providing protraction.  Speaking of which, I am so proud of you.  I want to heare how you are doing.  How you two are doing."

Emily smiled and said "I am good.  And we are wonderful." 

Megan asked "so, have you told him about your facemask?  Have you worn it in front of him?"

Emily blushed sheepishly before she said "yes, I have told him about it.  And I have worn it in front of him."

Megan raised her eyebrows and asked "and?"

Emily lowered her voice as she said "he likes it when I wear it.  I don't understand it.  It is so weird.  But when we are together, alone, he asks me to wear it.  No, he makes me wear it.  If I complain, he puts it on me.  It should be repelling.  And horrible.  But it's, it sounds so weird, it's sexy."

Megan reached over and patted Emily's hand and said "I told you."  She gave her a mischevious grin and said "and I totally understand."  Before she could say anything else she heard "Miss Megan!  What happened?"

Megan shifted her body and looked over to see Kayleigh standing there her mouth agape looking at her.  Protruding from her mouth was her silver facebow, the complicated straps of her Interlandi wrapped around her pretty face and head.  Megan said "I am just straightening some things out.  I guess we all are.  But look at you looking all cute in your headgear."

Kayleigh stepped over and asked "what happened?  Does it hurt?"

Again, Megan explained it was for her cervical instability but also tied to her orthodontic treatment.  She then said "and see, it could be worse.  It is not nearly as cute as your headgear.  Speaking of which, how goes it?"

Kayleigh gave her an exaggerated pout and said "I still hate it.  But I have gotten a little more used to it.  Emily here shames me in to wearing it here at work.  But I guess that is a good thing.  My last appointment was the first one since I got headgear that I didn't get in trouble for not wearing it enough.  I have even worn it to school.  And I didn't die."

Emily looked at Kayleigh and said "you did a little more than just didn't die.  Right?"

Emily looked at Megan and said "Kayleigh has a new boyfriend.  He's a stud.  I think he likes her new headgear" and laughed.  Kayleigh blushed a little as Emily asked "so, the usual Megan?"

Megan smiled and said "yes, and that is why you are going to go so far Emily.  You remember the little details.  I will take my usual.  I am meeting someone here, but I don't know what they want."  She looked at the girls and said "thank you, thank you both."

A few minutes later, Emily brought Megan her drink.  She sat it down on the table and then pulled out a chair across from her and sat.  Emily asked "so what's it like wearing a halo brace?"

Megan took a sip of her drink through the straw and said "delicious.  Give Kayleigh my compliments.  As for my brace, it is an adjustment.  Getting it installed hurt a good bit.  And the first few days were a huge adjustment.  I was sore of course.  But the biggest hassle was just relearning how to do mundane tasks.  It really is restrictive.  But I have gotten used to it now.  And Brad is so, so sweet.  He has helped make it to much better than it would have been otherwise.  Now the biggest inconvenience is having to explain to everyone what happened and what's it for."

Emily said "oh, I am sorry."

Megan again patted her hand and said "no, don't apologize.  I didn't mean it like that.  I mean, people ask because they care.  I get that.  But I have gotten so used to seeing myself in it that it seems normal to me.  I forget what a shock it is for others that haven't seen me in it.  But it is ok.  And I shouldn't have to wear it for more than a few more months.  I know it is helping.  But even so, I will be glad to get it off."

Emily said "I bet.  And I understand.  Kinda like my facemask.  I know it is helping.  But I am ready to be done with it."  She went quiet a moment before she said softly "but I think Braxton may miss me wearing it."

Megan said "so it isn't a turn off for him like you were afraid?"

Emily said "no, it's so weird.  He seems to like it when I wear it.  I don't understand it.  But he is just so sweet.  Maybe that is it."

Megan thought of her and Brad's relationship but only said "that is probably it.  He just wants to take care of you.  Protect you.  Be your knight in shining armor."  She thought about saying more but decided not to.  She said "I am so happy things are going so well for you.  With your treatment.  And with your boyfriend?"

Emily gave a big smile, her metal braces shining in the fluorescent light, and said "yes, my boyfriend."  She lowered her voice and said "my boyfriend that I think has a braces fetish."  She gave Megan as wink before she said "I have to get back to work.  Thank you for coming in.  And thank you for being so supportive.  For being a friend?"

Megan said "yes, absolutely we are friends."   She thought a moment and asked "friend, would you do me a favor?  The woman I am meeting here is a patient of ours.  She wants to talk to me about my halo.  Brad recommended she have one installed as part of her treatment.  But she is really nervous and unsure.  She initially decided to do it but has now changed her mind.  If you have a second, would you maybe talk to her a second.  You don't have to tell her all about Braxton.  But just show her that you are living your best life?  Braces, facemask and all?  Maybe Kayleigh could to?"

Emily smiled and said "absolutely.  I mean, I do owe you."  Megan heard the door jingle and looked in that direction.  She saw Tara enter the shop.  As Megan raised her hand she said "Miss Reynolds, over here." 

Tara turned.  The sight in front of her surprised her.  She expected to see Megan and her terrifying halo brace.  She didn't expect to see a Starbucks barista wearing a blue Petit facemask.  She wondered what was going on.  With this question on her mind, she turned and made her way over towards the pair.

As Tara approached, Megan and Emily stood.  Megan said "Miss Reynolds!  So good to see you!  Let me introduce you to my friend Emily.  She is the finest purveyor of iced coffee in the land.  And she is also undergoing orthodontic treatment like us."

After Emily and Tara had made their introductions, Emily said "so nice to meet you!  Can I get you something?"

Tara said "um, I will just have whatever Mrs. Miller is having." 

Megan said "Megan, it's Megan.  Mrs. Miller is Brad's mom."

Tara said "Ok, I will have whatever Megan is having."  She turned to follow Emily over to the counter.

Emily stopped said "stay here, it is on the house.  I will have Kayleigh bring it out."  She looked over at Megan and said "if you need anything, either of you, just sing out."

Tara watched as Emily walked back over behind the counter.  It was a strange sight she thought to see a young adult wearing a facemask in public.  And not just wearing it, but seeming to do so effortlessly.  She turned and looked at Megan, who was standing there smiling at her.  Tara asked "did you put her up to that?  Wearing a facemask?"

Megan said "well, kind of.  I will explain.  Why don't you take a seat Miss Reynolds."

It was now Tara who said "please, Tara."

Megan continued "Tara, why don't you have a seat.  Alex says you are having misgivings and second thoughts about getting a halo brace.  Let's talk about it."

Thirty minutes later, Tara looked at Megan and said "I may be crazy.  And I may regret it.  But I am going to do it." 

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #169 on: Yesterday at 18:25:56 »
It’s nice to see a new chapter. I really enjoy all aspects of this story. Please, keep writing when you’re able; you are a very talented author.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #170 on: Yesterday at 19:26:53 »
Thank you!