
Author Topic: Story: Rachel  (Read 46994 times)

Offline s399140

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Story: Rachel
« on: 21. January 2021, 17:13:15 PM »
Chapter 1 - Introduction

Rachel and Mike were both working at a large construction firm. Mike was a civil engineer and Rachel was a structural engineer, working for a long term on the same project. When they finished their studies a few years ago, they both started at the same time where they were set together in the same office. They matched very well together, but they weren’t involved in a relationship. After work they rarely met, they had their own social life, friends and dates, but as they worked together for a few years now, they knew each other very well and discussed their social lives.

One Monday morning Rachel seemed nervous, like she wanted to discuss a topic, but didn’t know how or where to start. Of course Mike noticed but just ignored it. He knew Rachel would start herself about what was bothering her and questioning about it would be of nu use.
After a few hours, while Mike was concentrating behind his computer, he heard: “Mike, can I ask you a very personal question?”

“Off course,” said Mike: “What’s on your mind?”

Rachel stood up and closed the door of the office and took the second chair at Mikes desk. While she looked down, she asked: “Mike, is it strange as someone wants to wear braces?”

“You mean braces on teeth? I don’t think it is strange anymore for adults to get brace to fix your teeth,” Mike said.

“That’s not exactly what I mean. I mean is it strange for a woman with nice and straight teeth to get braces, just because she loves the sight and the feeling of braces?”

Mike looked up to Rachel and said: “Can you please explain what you’re meaning?”

“Okay, it’s so embarrassing,” said Rachel: “let’s get it at the beginning. When I was a teenager, I had braces, just like the majority of teenagers. It was a fairly simple treatment with only brackets and some rubber bands, but I was wearing braces. Where most of the teenagers were happy to have their braces removed, I was actually sad. I really liked the rough feeling of the braces. I never complained about pain after tightening my braces or the pull of the rubber bands and so on.
To tell you the truth, I miss my braces since the day they were removed about ten years ago.  Last Saturday I met another woman in the pub, who was in a really needed braces treatment. She told me she had to pay the whole treatment herself. That made me think that an orthodontist might put someone in braces as long as he gets paid. I can’t get that thought out of my head.”

“Okay, I understand partly what you mean,” said Mike: “actually you ask me my opinion about getting braces, although you don’t need them.”

Rachel just nodded, while Mike continued: “Just to understand. You said you liked the feeling of the braces and tightening and so on, but what do you like about the feeling? What is it doing to you? Do you know why you like the feeling of braces?”

Rachel looked down again and got red and hesitated to answer. Mike stood up, walked around his desk and started to massage Rachels shoulders. “You don’t have to be embarrassed for me. You can trust me. I think we know each other for so long, that you can tell me everything. I won’t judge you.”

With a soft voice Rachel said: “It’s so embarrassing, but I get aroused by braces. That’s why I want braces again.”

“Aroused? Like getting hot? That sounds more BDSM-like,” Mike whispered while he winked.

Still ashamed of the privacy of what she was telling Mike, Rachel replied: “Actually you might be right about the BDSM-thing. I never looked it that way, but I guess I even more like the fact that I had no control over the braces.”

“Okay, so as I translate your story, I might call you a braces-fetish. And now you think you found a way to answer to your fetish, but you are ashamed of public reactions.”

“Hmmm wow, I’m really impressed by your analysis, but I think you are right.”

“In that case, I see no reason not to get braces. Adults with braces aren’t unique nowadays and if you don’t want to tell the real reason of your braces, you can always tell you are wearing braces to prevent future problems. In fact you don’t lie, because if you don’t get braces, you’ll get unhappy,” Mike said with a smile on his face.

“But won’t I look ridiculous with braces?” the now smiling Rachel asked: ”And on top of that, if I would get braces again, I would love to have braces that will have impact on my speech. But I’m a professional. What will our colleagues and clients think when there is a lisping engineer in their meeting?”

“I can only speak for myself, but I think you will look very cute with braces, but only if you will have the metal ones. Actually I don’t like the so called clear ones. And don’t worry about lisping or so. I think that lisping makes you even sexier.”

“Thanks. You aren’t bullshitting me, are you?” asked Rachel, while she stood up and walked to her own desk.

“Absolutely not,” Mike said: “when are you getting them?”

Rachel didn’t reply to that question but she continued her work, definitely relieved with Mikes reaction.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #1 on: 21. January 2021, 18:23:16 PM »
Nice story. Hope it keeps going.

Offline TimeandBrace

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #2 on: 22. January 2021, 03:25:09 AM »
Good start, keep it up!

Offline surfreak

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #3 on: 22. January 2021, 04:00:42 AM »
Please, keep writing that amazing story...

Offline s399140

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #4 on: 22. January 2021, 09:08:18 AM »
Chapter 2 - Getting Braces

That evening Rachel started looking for orthodontists and the next days, she contacted a few of them. During the next weeks Rachel visited three of them on her weekly day off. The first orthodontist eventually didn’t want to cooperate as his opinion was that braces should only be used to fix teeth.

The second orthodontist wasn’t very understanding, but saw braces only as moneymaker, so he agreed to install braces, but only as fake braces, that she could take out. That was ad far as he would go.

The third orthodontist acted very understanding. He thought it was no problem to put some brackets on ones teeth without a medical or cosmetic reason, so he didn’t raise questions about reasons why and so on and very quickly they agreed a financial compensation.

During these weeks Rachel never started again on braces to Mike and when Mike hinted to the subject, she just ignored it. Eventually Mike asked her if she was continuing her braces-experience directly. Then Rachel answered him that she was still thinking about the idea, but that she still was afraid of reactions.

One night Mike was fantasizing about Rachel wearing braces. The more he thought about the idea, the more he liked the appearance of a braced Rachel. He really did think that metal braces would complete the picture of the long brown haired woman with her perky B-sized breast. He dreamed about Rachel in the dentist chair while her braces were installed.

Next Friday Rachel wasn’t in the office when Mike came in. It was rather unusual, because normally Rachel was in very early, or she sent Mike a message that she was late. Mike didn’t know that Rachel was lying in a dentist chair, having her mouth spread wide open to have metal brackets installed.

During the fitting Rachel could only imagine how she would look like and how the brackets would feel, because her tongue was held back in her mouth by the lipspreader. The imaginations made Rachel hot, even more when she thought about Mikes reaction when she turned up fully braced. She started to like Mike ever more since their conversation about her braces. She dreamed about how it would be to kiss Mike with her braces.

When the lipspreader was removed and her lips and cheeks felt her braces for the first time, Rachel looked a little disappointed. When the orthodontist asked if she had any problems with the braces, or if she already regretted getting braces, Rachel answered that she had expected more of the braces. She told him that she hardly felt them and they didn’t interfere with her speech, just the reasons why she wanted braces.

The orthodontist frowned, but understood fairly quickly that more braces had to be installed to satisfy Rachel. He called his assistant and instructed her to make molds of Rachels teeth with the braces installed. During the process Rachel heard him call the laboratory.

“Yes, Jason speaking…. I wondered if you could do me a favor…. Can you make me today an expander and tongue crib? …. Thanks … I want the expander with biteblocks creating an open bite of about a quarter of an inch … no, about a quarter inch free from the palette …. Yes, I’m really sure …. Next I want the tongue crib wider then normally, let say five loops instead of three… The thickest one … about half an inch … Thanks again, I will make sure you’ll get the molds asap”.

Then the orthodontist returned to Rachel: “Okay, Rachel, Listen to this. I understand you need braces with a little bit more impact on your daily life. I just called the lab for some add-ons for your braces, that will interfere more than the brackets alone, that we installed now. I want you to be back this afternoon at three o’clock, so we can finish your braces installation.”

Visible relieved Rachel got up from the chair: “Thanks for your effort. I will be back at three.” During the short walk to the office, Rachels couldn’t stop feeling her newly installed braces with her tongue. She was very aware of reactions on her braces, but everyone just seemed to ignore her, or her braces.
When Rachel stepped into the office, Mike sat with his back to the door, so he couldn’t see the bright smiling Rachel.
“He handsome, I got a surprise for you,” Rachel said.

Mike turned slowly around, his eyes still on his computer, expecting a cup of coffee or so, but when he saw the wide smiling Rachel, she immediately got his full attention. “Wow,” was the only thing he could get out of his mouth.

“Shit, you don’t like them,” Rachel exclaimed.

“No Rachel,” Mike said after a brief moment of recuperation: “I just was speechless. You denied the subject of braces since the first time we talked about them, so I didn’t expect you getting them. I certainly didn’t expect you to get braces so soon and without telling me. So I just was surprised.”

Relieved Rachel answered: “I didn’t bring up the subject because I was afraid that I would chicken out and when finally it all came together, I just didn’t tell you anything to surprise you. So, what do you think of them?” and she bared her teeth, so Mike could get a good view.

“Wow,” said Mike: “they look really pretty. If we weren’t in the office, I even might think about giving you a kiss. I think you look sexy with those braces.”

“hmm, that sounds interesting, but not now. They are not finished yet. I’ll have to be back in the office by three. Don’t know what he’s going to do, but probably I’ll have a lisp afterwards".

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #5 on: 22. January 2021, 11:00:36 AM »
great story, can't wait to read more.

Offline GarotaFakeBR

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #6 on: 22. January 2021, 11:55:06 AM »
Great story so far

Offline bracessd

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #7 on: 22. January 2021, 17:11:29 PM »
Nice work!

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #8 on: 22. January 2021, 18:35:59 PM »
Well done!  I love it

Offline s399140

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #9 on: 23. January 2021, 15:08:27 PM »
Chapter 3 – finishing the braces

During the day Mike tried to get a glimpse of Rachels braces. He shortly daydreamed about his remark of kissing Rachel wearing her braces. He wondered what kind of braces would be added. He had the whole weekend to think about it.

At about quarter to three Rachel shut down her computer and wished Mike a good weekend. She gave him a good smile, so Mike got a good view of the metal braces in her mouth and headed towards the orthodontist.

When Rachel arrived, she was taken back immediately. The assistant started to put in the lipspreader, blocking her tongue back in her mouth. Next she took out the wire and removed two brackets on her molars. Then the assistant showed her two bands with little tubes on the inside and outside of her teeth, that would be fitted to her molars. After the bands were fitted, the assistant took another device, that Rachel couldn’t see. Rachel was asked to bite down several times and the device was adjusted several times.

A few moments later the ortho came and poked and fiddled in Rachels mouth. Then he asked her how it felt and if there were any sharp edges.

“It hooks fie, but it would be ice if you hake ou the hipspweade”.

“I just took out the lipspreader. What you feel is an expander that is fitted to your molars”

“But I han’t hlose my mou,” Rachel replied

“Yes, I know. That’s because of the biteblocks on your molars holding the expander. But I see that you push your tongue through your open jaws. I already expected this, so I also made you a tongue crib to prevent tongue thrusting, that might cause some problems in the future. Please open wide.”

As soon as Rachel opened her mouth, the orthodontist took the tongue crib and pushed it in place in the inside tubes on Rachels newly installed molarbands. Then he took some plyers and bent the wire, so it couldn’t come out.

Scared and uncertain Rachel felt around in her mouth and then she asked, while she was carefully forming her words: “How an I ake thethe bwatheth out, tho I can eat?”

“You can’t,” was the simple answer: “They are fixed. You wanted braces that would interfere with your daily life, so I took care of that.”

Hearing that Rachel got scared, but at the same time very hot and felt several bodyparts react.

“I have one last addition,” the orthodontist continued: “Please open up.” Then he cut some metal ties from the brackets on Rachels upper and lower canines. Immediately Rachel felt some sharp bits poking in her lips. Next the orthodontist took two thick orange rubber bands and connected them from the upper canines and adjacent tooth to the lower canines, making little triangles.

“Oke, I fitted you with rubber bands. They are thick to make them very visible, but they are very weak. I think you already noticed the little hooks on your canines that will punch your lips as soon as you take of the rubber bands. Wearing rubber bands will pull in the little hooks. So the choice is yours… wearing rubber bands of having the hooks poking in your lips.”

Rachel opened and closed her mouth a few times. The power of the rubber bands increased her feelings, making Rachel moan softly. Before it got embarrassing Rachel composed herself and got up. She almost drifted out of the chair.

After Rachel left the office, the curiosity took over. She took her small make-up mirror from her purse and started exploring her mouth. The bite blocks got her mouth slightly open and closing her lips took some effort. Though her lips she immediately saw the bright orange rubber bands and the silver metal of her brackets and, when see looked a little bit closer, the thick metal fencing of the tongue crib. She had to open her mouth very wide to get her tongue passed the tongue crib, causing the thick rubber bands to stretch.

When she explored her mouth with her tongue, she felt the sharp, but not painful edges of the expander in the roof of her mouth. She felt a big gap between the expander and her palette, making the expander low in her mouth, giving her tongue even less space. The gap made it very hard to swallow and Rachel had to slur down her saliva.

Thinking how to start her weekend Rachel thought back to Mikes remark this morning about kissing her. Not knowing how things would go further between them, she sent Mike a message: “Curious?”

Mike had almost finished his work for the week when Rachels message came in. Mike indeed got curious immediately, not only by the meaning of the message, but he was also wondering what braces were added. He thought back to his remark this morning about kissing Rachel with her braces and may be this message was her hint to it. Not really knowing how to react, he didn’t want to push his luck, his reply was quite formal: “Sure, but are you coming back to the office then?”

Within a minute he got a reply: “No, want to get a drink, may be you would like to join me….”

This felt for Mike definitely as a hint and he felt his trousers tighten. “Just shutting down…. Where?”

“Oceana, 15 min” was the short reply.

Mike knew what Rachel meant. Oceana was a nice beachclub. Not too crowdy and several seats with some privacy. Best of all it was close to the office, so he would surely met the 15 minutes.

Mike shut down his computer, grabbed his coat and left the office. It was a 5 minute walk and when he arrived, he looked around in the still quiet club, but didn’t see Rachel. He chose a nice seat with some privacy and with a good view on the sea and the upcoming sunset. It was also close to the entrance, so he could see Rachel coming.

Offline dooierick

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #10 on: 23. January 2021, 18:43:14 PM »
Wow! great story.  ;D

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #11 on: 23. January 2021, 19:18:30 PM »
This is great!!!! Thanks!

Offline caster72401

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #12 on: 23. January 2021, 22:28:17 PM »
Great Story! Can’t wait to read more.

Offline Person

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #13 on: 24. January 2021, 07:56:51 AM »
I really like the story so far! Keep writing!

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: Story: Rachel
« Reply #14 on: 24. January 2021, 14:25:02 PM »
Agreed brilliant story so far