
Author Topic: Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween  (Read 2257 times)

Offline napacaster

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Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween
« on: 30. October 2024, 02:38:00 AM »
Brace Yourself for Halloween (part 1 of 2)

By: NapaCaster
Brittany and Lindsey are a married lesbian couple in their late 20s. They have been best friends since middle school, with their relationship turning romantic during their senior year in high school. The girls went their separate ways to pursue their educations but remained faithful to each other. Once Lindsey finished her orthodontic technician training, she moved to the city where Brittany was attending college. With their combined finances, they purchased a small fixer-upper to renovate. Soon after Brittany graduated college as an environmental engineer, the ladies got married. Now, both young women have successful careers, with Lindsey working her way up to manager at a large orthodontic clinic and Brittany a successful sales engineer for a pollution control device manufacturer.
After a long day at the office, Brittany arrives home rather late. As she enters the house carrying her briefcase in one hand and her high heels in the other—heels that proved to be a little too high today—she is greeted by the aroma of ham and freshly baked bread along with the sound of Lindsey's voice. "Hey babe, I'm in the kitchen."
Brittany sets down her briefcase, tosses her heels aside, and walks to the kitchen, where Lindsey looks her up and down, taking in the rather sexy yet dignified outfit that Brittany wore to work. Then she begins to laugh when her eyes reach her wife's feet, clad in black nylons and hot pink Teva sandals.
"I told you that you wouldn't make it all day in those six inchers, Britt."
"Aw, shut up, Linny," Brittany says with a laugh. "I could handle them; it's just that I spent the entire afternoon alone in my office making sales calls and wanted to be comfortable, so I got my sandals from my gym bag." 
"Whatever, Britt. It doesn't matter, and I think it looks kind of cute. Pair the nylons and sandals with a short denim skirt and t-shirt, and you would look great for a casual day out," Lindsey says with a loving smile. "Oh, I got off a bit early and made us a pot of ham and beans and baked some sourdough bread."
Brittany gives her wife a hug and a kiss then says, "I love you, Linny, and dinner smells great. Let me go take a shower and get changed; I'm hungry!"
Lindsey samples one of the beans and says, "They need a little bit longer, Britt. I'll join you in the shower. It's been a long day, and my back is hurting a bit." Lindsey puts her arm around Brittany, and they walk to their bedroom. 
The ladies take a shower, something they enjoy doing together. Under the right circumstances, even the most routine and mundane things can and sometimes do become romantic and sensual. Each woman finds her mate to be a perfected example of the female form. Lindsey stands almost six feet tall and is slender and lean. Her brown hair flows down her back, but she often keeps it up in a neat bun at work or a ponytail at home. With big brown eyes, a hearty laugh, and an  infectious smile, she brightens any room she enters. Lindsey's only flaw is the slight curve in her spine, a relic of her battle with scoliosis that lasted from 7th grade until her college years—a battle that still causes her occasional pain.
Brittany is a contrast when it comes to height, standing only five feet tall, which explains her love of high heels. Britt's frizzy, naturally red hair is difficult to style but always looks cute. Her green eyes and small nose make her wide smile stand out. Her petite body is well proportioned, and she makes no special effort when it comes to diet or exercise to maintain her figure; Brittany is one of the lucky few where health and beauty come naturally and without effort.
After the ladies shower together, they dress casually in sweats and slippers for their quiet Friday night together. Then they sit down to enjoy the meal that Lindsey prepared and talk about their day.
"How was your day, Britt? Did your sales calls go well this afternoon?"
"The meetings this morning went well, and I got two contacts signed for exhaust scrubber systems," Brittany says with a smile, which turned to a frown after she takes a sip of wine. "However, the calls this afternoon didn't go so well. Those Texas boys are hard nuts to crack. We have the best system for the upcoming  new regulations, but I'll be damned if I can get them to sign contracts. My two previous trips and all my calls have been in vain."
"Aw, don't worry about it, Britt. You're the best sales engineer your company has. If you can't make a deal, then no one can." Lindsey says reassuringly.
"I know, babe, but it bothers me. I think it is because I'm an intelligent woman and a good-looking one at that; maybe I intimidate them. Jones wants me to go on another trip to Texas to make one final presentation to the prospects there, and I'm not looking forward to it." Brittany says with a hint of resignation in her voice.
With a warm smile, Lindsey says, "I know you don't like to travel, and those Texas trips are tough on you... and me. We'll be apart for a week, and I know you hate all the driving when you get there, especially in a rental car."
"It's just part of the job, Linny." Then a smile comes to Brittany's face, and she asks, "Do you still want to go to the big Halloween party at the Hotel Marley?"
A big smile comes to Lindsey's face. "Of course I do, Britt! We always have so much fun. The theme this year is 'Halloween over the Decades'. What decade should we choose?"
"How about the decade of our birth, the 1990s, Linny? We could go as high school girls. It will be easy to find stuff to wear and remember all the pictures of our mothers back from those days. The crazy outfits and even crazier hair styles." Brittany soon forgets about the business trip that she dreads.
"Oh, we can borrow my uncle Tom's Plymouth Prowler to drive to the event. They are having a car show along with the party this year. I'm sure he'll let us take it, and we'll arrive in true 1990's style." Lindsey is excited to kick things up a notch.
"That sounds like a lot of fun, and it will definitely get us noticed." Brittany smiles as she remembers taking that car on their honeymoon to Las Vegas.
The rest of the evening, the girls get their photo albums and take a look at family photos from those days, which provides for quite a bit of laughter. Then they look online at the styles from that time and visit eBay and other sites to begin making purchases.
Over the next few weeks, their purchases trickle in with almost daily visits from FedEx, UPS, and of course their trusty letter carrier, Al. They tried everything on, and with only a few slight alterations, their outfits were perfect fits. The Friday before Brittany's trip to Texas, the girls are getting ready for work—well, at least Brittany is.
"Hurry up, Linny, you will be late for work." Brittany says with worry as she buckles the straps on her six-inch heels that she now wears with confidence.
"I'm working from home today, Britt. Dr. Nelson wants me to scan and retouch a bunch of photos for the clinic website and take pictures of some orthodontic models. It's a page called 'Orthodontics—Then and Now'." Lindsey replies, still in her PJ's.
"Oh, OK, well, I expect you to have dinner ready when I get home." Brittany says with a laugh. "You'll have time, and I'm married to the best chef in the world." Brittany hugs and kisses her wife. "So what's this 'Orthodontics-Then and Now' thing all about, hon?"
"Well, you know Dr. Nelson is the third generation in his family to practice orthodontics. He has a lot of photos of his and his father's and grandfather's clients along with his own that he wants me to scan and retouch. We're going to have a page on our website that highlights the evolution of orthodontic treatment." Lindsey is proud that her skills with the computer and camera are recognized by her employer, and she will enjoy a day working from home.
"Oh, sounds cool. I guess it will show people how much easier treatment is these days as compared to the past. You'll have to show me the pictures tonight after dinner." Brittany strides towards the door, briefcase in hand, and looks back to Lindsey. "See you tonight; have a great day, honey!"
"You too, sweetheart." Lindsey blows Brittany a kiss.
That evening, when Brittany arrives home, she is greeted by the aroma of roast beef and fresh baked bread—Lindsey's specialties. After a bit of conversation about their day over a glass of red wine, the ladies sit down to dinner. Over dinner, they discuss Brittany's business trip on Monday and the work that Lindsey did today for the clinic's website. After washing dishes, Brittany hugs and kisses Lindsey and says, "Why don't you show me what you have been working on all day, those pictures you were scanning for Dr. Nelson?"
The couple goes into the spare bedroom that is their home office. Lindsey had setup the photo scanner and a light box for taking photos. There are models of teeth with various orthodontic appliances on them, along with trays of brackets and other appliances sitting on the table. Lindsey offers Brittany a chair and sits down herself as Brittany checks of the various items on the table; Lindsey turns on the computer and brings up the photos.
"This orthodontics stuff is kind of cool, Linny. I was always jealous of the girls in high school and college who wore braces; their sparkling smiles looked so cute." Brittany recalls her younger days.
"Orthodontics is fascinating, Britt. I really enjoy my career and almost wish I had become an orthodontist myself, but I like what I'm doing. I really enjoy managing the office but I sort of miss the hands on stuff, you know, putting people in braces."
"So show me these pictures you scanned and the photos you took today." Brittany is excited to see people in braces, something she wishes she had the chance to wear.
Lindsey brings up the pictures, starting with the ones from the 1950s, with Brittany commenting on how brutal the methods looked. As each picture comes up on the screen, Lindsey explains the appliances worn by the patient, what they accomplish, and how modern appliances do the same job, often using the various models to explain things. Brittany listens intently and asks a lot of good questions, which Lindsey enjoys answering. 
"Oh, look at her, Linny; she's wearing a Milwaukee brace like you used to wear, but look at her braces. What is going on with that piece of plastic between her teeth?" Brittany looks at Lindsey with a quizzical look.
"She is in full bands, the typical setup in those days, and the thing tied to her upper braces with elastics is an occlusal splint. It's to cushion her jaw from the forces applied to her chin by her Milwaukee brace." Lindsey matter of factly explains.
"Why didn't you have to wear one of those splints when you were in your Milwaukee brace, Linny?" Brittany pictures Lindsey wearing her Milwaukee brace with a splint between her teeth.
"Look at the position her Milwaukee brace holds her head and the large chin cup her chin is resting in. Her neck is held in a much more severe position than mine ever was—I don't know how she could see where she is going when walking with her head tilted back like that. My brace had a throat mold, so I had a bit more freedom, and there wasn't much force applied to my chin." Lindsey replied, answering Brittany's question. 
As Lindsey scrolled through the pictures, the progression of time is obvious by the changing hairstyles and clothing of the patients, along with the transition from full bands to early brackets. A lot of the pictures are similar, so Lindsey moves through them a bit more quickly, with people of various ages undergoing basic treatments involving simply brackets or bands and headgear. Lindsey is anxious to show Brittany some of the newer styles of clear brackets and aligners, so she moves quickly through these pictures, but all of a sudden Brittany says with excitement in her voice, "Linny, go back! I want to take a closer look at that last one."
Lindsey brings up the previous picture, and Brittany intently scrutinizes it and says, "She looks a lot like me, and it looks like she has a lot going on, too. Tell me about her brackets—they look huge—and that's Interlandi headgear, right?"
"Oh, she does look a lot like you, the same frizzy red hair; what a cute thing she is." Lindsey takes a close look at the young woman's brackets and says, "Those are early Roth brackets, Britt. They are that size to provide more surface area for bonding to the teeth; the cements then were not as good as they are now, and modern brackets have an etched surface to promote bonding, too. Oh, and yes, she is wearing Interlandi headgear, too. We don't use that style too much anymore, and it is very rare for adults to need to wear it."
Lindsey looks at the various trays of brackets and bands on the table and picks one up, handing it to Brittany, "Here, these are the brackets she is wearing." Now rummaging in a box, Lindsey pulls out an Interlandi headgear and facebow, handing those to Brittany too. 
Brittany examines the orthodontic brackets and headgear in silence for a minute with Lindsey looking on. Brittany seems entranced by the brackets and headgear, looking at the devices, then back to the computer screen several times. Finally, Lindsay says, "Let me get a picture of you from the same angle and so some Photoshop work, so you can see what you would look like wearing those."
Without saying a word, Brittany strikes a pose similar to the woman in the photo, and Lindsey takes a picture and loads it into Photoshop, along with the picture of the pretty, braced young woman. In a few minutes, there is an image of Brittany wearing large metal brackets on her teeth with the complicated headgear wrapped around her head. Upon seeing the picture, Brittany's face turns a deep red, and one hand reaches between her legs; she is clearly aroused by the image of herself in braces and headgear.
Knowing of Brittany's longstanding desire to wear braces, Lindsey says, "Since we have the brackets, bands, and headgear, I could put you in braces for the Halloween party. You could find out what it's like to be a brace face, and it would go great with our 90s high school girl theme."
These words immediately snapped Brittany out of her dream-like state, and she looks at Lindsey and asks, "You could really do that for me? I've always wanted to see what it's like to have braces and headgear, but my teeth were too straight. You're not shitting me, are you, Lindsey?"
"No, not at all, Britt. I can fit you with braces and use dead soft wires and very light elastics on the Interlandi headgear so your teeth don't move. I know you have always wanted braces, or at least to see what they are like." Lindsey replies with a smile, excited to see her wife in braces and headgear, something she has often fantasized about.

"But what about the logistics of it, Linny? I won't get home until late on Friday, and we are leaving first thing on Saturday for the party. There's not time, and I know it takes time to apply braces." Brittany doesn't want to miss this opportunity but doesn't see how it's possible for her to get braces before the party.
"Well, we could get you braced up tomorrow. The clinic is closed, and we could go through the whole process, you know, x-rays, 3D scans, the examination, and of course 'Dr. Lindsey' telling you that unfortunately you will need to wear braces and headgear." Lindsey laughs as does Brittany.
"Well, 'Dr. Lindsey', what about my trip to Texas?" Brittany asks with concern.
"You'll never see those people again, right, so it doesn't matter if you have braces on your trip. No one will know they are not real, and you will get to experience living life with braces and headgear while on your trip. I know you will enjoy it." Lindsey's plan makes good sense.
"You're right, Linny. I'll never see those people again, and I think it would be fun to experience the braced life." Brittany says with a smile, "Let's do it!"
"Sounds like a lot of fun, and you will look so cute, babe. It will also be a great finishing touch for our Halloween costumes, too. Lots of high school girls in the 90s had braces and headgear." Not only is Brittany's dream of wearing braces coming true, Lindsey's dream of seeing Brittany in braces is also being realized.
"Speaking of our Halloween getups, is your old Milwaukee brace still around?" Brittany inquires with a mischievous smile. "We could both be braced teenagers for the party."
"Hey, that would be fun. I haven't worn my Milwaukee brace in years. I bet it still fits me pretty well, too. Maybe it will help with the pain I've been having on occasion, too." Lindsey's excitement is evident. 
The ladies go to the garage, and Lindsey pulls her Audi roadster out on the driveway to give them some space to work. After emptying several cabinets looking for Lindsey's old brace, they finally find it. It's in great condition, albeit a little dusty and dirty. Using some of the leather treatment and metal polish Brittany has for her car, Lindsey's old brace looks like new, with the leather once again soft and supple and the metal shining bright. The ladies rush inside, leaving a mess behind in the garage and Brittany's car outside for the night.
Once inside, the ladies take a quick shower together, and when they finish, Brittany helps Lindsey into her Milwaukee brace—something she had done many times in the past—buckling the straps firmly and tightening the thumbscrew at the back of the neck ring. Once in her restrictive yet supportive  brace, Brittany helps Lindsey into her nightgown.
"How does it feel, Linny?" Brittany inquires.
"It's so restrictive, more so than I remember, but it's comfortable and still fits perfect." Lindsey squirms around in her brace, trying to get used to the device that she wore 23 hours a day for many years.
"You look as cute in it as I remember, Linny. Seeing you in your brace always.... um... excited me for some reason." Brittany admits her long-held secret.
Lindsey blushes and replies quietly, "I always knew you had a thing for this thing, Britt; I don't mind, and I think it's kind of cute." Lindsey chuckles, and it's Brittany's turn to blush. 
The ladies spend the rest of the evening drinking wine and discussing orthodontics, with Lindsey telling Brittany how to take care of her braces, despite the fact she will only be wearing them for a week. As the minutes turned to hours, Lindsey seemed to get more and more comfortable in her Milwaukee brace, with wearing it becoming almost second nature as it was for her in the past. Lindsey also took a quick look in Brittany's mouth to see if the bands would fit, and there is enough space—in fact, maybe a little too much space between some of Brittany's teeth. Lindsey had noticed this in the past, along with her slight overbite, when cleaning and polishing Brittany's teeth, but didn't say anything, nor did she say anything now. However, she will broach the topic of actual orthodontic treatment later on if Brittany enjoys her week in braces and headgear. 
"Britt, remember the first time we made love?" Lindsey asked with a smile. 
"I do, Linny. It was when you had your final growth spurt our senior year. Over spring break, they put you in that really massive brace with the pads pushing your shoulders back and that big pad in the middle of your back, along with that strap around your right side. You were miserable and in so much pain when you showed up at my hours crying. I remember packing us a picnic lunch, and we wandered off into the woods behind my house, with you crying in pain the entire time. You hardly ate your lunch, and I felt so bad for you that when you laid down to rest... well... I took the initiative and took your mind off your discomfort." Brittany turns red and laughs as she recalls the day both of them lost their virginity.
Laughing, Lindsey replies, "You definitely took my mind off my troubles that afternoon, Britt. Oh, don't forget the machinations I had to go through to be able to get in a position to please you, hon."
And with that, the ladies headed to the bedroom to relive that event, but with Lindsey in a much more comfortable and less restrictive brace this time.
The next morning, both ladies awaken early and are very excited; dreams will be coming true today. Lindsey had slept in her Milwaukee brace, and her usual morning back pain was not evident. After coffee and a quick breakfast, the ladies got dressed. Instead of casual attire, Lindsey put on scrubs and clogs, tying her hair up, leaving the neck ring of her Milwaukee brace visible from the back. Brittany dressed casually in the style that Lindsey suggested a few weeks ago—black pantyhose, a short, tight denim skirt, and a black t-shirt with her hot pink Teva sandals on her feet. Both ladies were excited by each others appearances, especially Brittany seeing Lindsey in her Milwaukee brace and scrubs. They got into Lindsey's Jeep with Brittany carrying the small bag with the brackets and headgear she had examined the evening before which she will soon be wearing. Lindsey was extremely careful with her driving—it had been years since she drove while wearing her Milwaukee brace. On the way, there was no conversation, yet the excitement was palpable. 
Once at the clinic, Lindsey takes Brittany to the x-ray room for a few pictures of her teeth along with an 3D scan of her dentition. It was nothing unusual, as this happens every other time Lindsey cleans and polishes Brittany's teeth—something she was due for anyway. Then the ladies go to an exam room where Lindsey examines Brittany's teeth, then cleans and polishes them. 
"Ms. Brittany, I have some bad news for you." Lindsey plays the role of orthodontist.
"What's that, Dr. Lindsey? Do I have a cavity? I hope not, as I take really good care of my teeth—my wife works in an orthodontic clinic, you know." Brittany continues the role playing.
"No, no cavities, ma'am, but you have some malocclusion and a slight overbite—you need to get braces and headgear, Ms. Brittany." Lindsey continues the charade, but it is actually true that Brittany needs braces, but Lindsey will cross that bridge later.
"Oh no, braces??? Headgear??? At my age? I don't know, Dr. Lindsey—I don't want to wear braces and headgear." Brittany begins to shed crocodile tears.
"We should begin treatment immediately, ma'am. It is essential that your bite is corrected as soon as possible." Lindsey is having a hard time holding back her laughter; the act is getting difficult to keep up with the knowledge that Brittany has a thing for braces.
Still shedding crocodile tears yet hardly able to hold back a smile, "Very well, Dr. Lindsey. I guess what must be done must be done."
With Lindsey finding that working in someone's mouth while wearing her Milwaukee brace is very difficult, she stands up and makes a show of taking off her scrubs and removing her brace, teasing Brittany. Once her top is back on, Lindsey gets to work once again in Brittany's mouth, beginning with placing her molar bands. It is the usual procedure that we all know with her teeth being etched, cement applied, the tool bitten down on to seat each band, and finally the blue light to set the cement. The etching and bonding of Brittany's brackets is done, with the large brackets almost covering the full width of her small teeth. Finally, dead soft archwires are placed and secured with wire ligatures, adding a bit more metal to Brittany's smile. The deed is done, and now Brittany has a mouthful of metal braces. Lindsey removes the cheek retractor and suction, then raises the chair. No longer role playing, Lindsey asks, "How do they feel, Britt? Is it what you dreamed of?"
Brittany takes a moment to explore her brackets and bands with her tongue, then feels them with her right index finger. She smiles wide, which makes Lindsey's heart flutter, and says, "They feel wonderful, Linny. They are so rough against my cheeks, but nothing hurts or is uncomfortable. How do I look, honey?"
Smiling from ear to ear, looking at her freshly braced wife, Lindsey replies, "You look so damned hot, Britt. Like a dream come true. You look better than I ever imagined you would look with braces. Here, take a look for yourself."
Brittany looks into the mirror that Lindsey holds before her. Her large brackets on her small teeth leave only a slight margin of white on each side, making it look like she has full bands. In her eyes, she has never looked so beautiful in her entire life and says, "Oh, this is amazing, Linny. I just love how I look with braces. Thank you so much!" With that, Brittany hugs and kisses Lindsey, their first braced kiss, with Lindsey checking her work with her tongue. Once the kiss breaks off, Lindsey says, "There is one last thing, Britt—your headgear!"
Brittany had almost forgotten about her headgear and sits back down in the chair. Lindsey fits the facebow so it slips easily in place and shows Brittany how the locking mechanism works to ensure her facebow stays securely in place. Then Lindsey fits Brittany's Interlandi headgear straps, which is a bit difficult with Brittany's frizzy red hair, but she accomplishes her goal by threading her hair between the straps, making for a very interesting hair style. She instructs Brittany on where to attach the three elastics on each side between her facebow and the hooks on her headgear. Brittany gets up and walks over a large mirror to take a good look at herself and begins to cry with joy. A deep-seated desire—even fetish—has been satisfied. Lindsey stands behind Brittany, towering over her, and leans over and gives her a kiss on the top of the head while holding her tightly. The exciting event is now over; Brittany is now a brace face with headgear, and both ladies couldn't be happier.
Lindsey then picks up her Milwaukee brace, which she had removed earlier, and Brittany follows her to her office. There, Lindsey takes off her scrubs, and Brittany helps her back into her Milwaukee brace. Then Lindsey gets a long flowing dress from her coat closet; she keeps some casual outfits to wear after work handy. Once Lindsey had changed, she said, "Come on, girl, let's go have lunch, and you can find out what it's like to eat with braces on." 
The ladies decide to walk the few blocks to a nearby diner, with several people giving them odd looks or smiles. Once at the diner, Brittany struggles with removing her headgear to eat and once again struggles to put it back on after her meal. Lindsey enjoys the show both times, as do several other patrons in the diner. The ladies then return home and just spend a quiet afternoon sitting outside on their patio, enjoying the pleasant weather, wine, and their orthopedic and orthodontic hardware. After preparing and eating dinner, the ladies take a shower together, with Brittany having much less difficulty with her headgear. After bathing and brushing their teeth, it is back in headgear for Brittany and Milwaukee brace for Lindsey, and the ladies retire to the bedroom for a romantic, braced evening.
On Sunday, the ladies spend the day at home, as neither one wants to be seen wearing their braces at this point. However, Lindsey has something on her mind; she looks at Brittany and says, "You know that in the few days that I have been wearing my Milwaukee brace again, my back pain is completely gone. I'm thinking of seeing the spine specialist in the complex where the clinic is to see about getting a new brace of some sort."
"If your brace is helping you feel better and you can deal with living life wearing it, I think it's a good idea." Brittany says with her metallic smile. "I know you have been having an increasing amount of back pain lately, and you lived a normal life in your Milwaukee brace for so many years. Go for it, Linny; you know the magical effect that brace has on me." Brittany's face flushes with embarrassment.
"I think I will, Britt. With what my job entails these days, a brace would be no hindrance. Thanks for being supportive, even if it's a bit for your own pleasure," Lindsey says with a laugh.
After Brittany gets her suitcase packed for her trip, the ladies once again have a very romantic evening, their braces really spicing things up. However, they manage to get to sleep early since Brittany has a long day of travel ahead of her.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween
« Reply #1 on: 31. October 2024, 02:55:09 AM »
On Monday morning, the ladies arose early. Brittany had been enjoying the full headgear experience by wearing it all the time except for when she ate, bathed, brushed her teeth, or made love to Lindsey. Same with Lindsey and her Milwaukee brace—she only removed it to bathe or exercise, and her back was feeling so much better, too. Brittany brushed her teeth and took a hot shower alone to relax herself for the day's journey. She got dressed in a very nice yet comfortable outfit for her travels, choosing to wear only three-inch-heeled Mary Janes for comfort. After getting dressed, Lindsey helped Brittany with her headgear and tried to style her hair, which was an impossible job with the Interlandi headgear straps. Finally, Brittany was ready, and the couple embraced. Lindsey placed a small bag for Brittany's headgear along with a packet of elastics in her suitcase and carried it and Brittany's briefcase to the car. They embraced once again knowing it was going to be a long 5 days apart.
That evening, Lindsey gets a text from Brittany:
"I'm here and settled in, Linny. It was the flight from hell with turbulence and delays. When I got to Houston, the car rental agency didn't have the Lincoln that I had reserved, and they wanted to give me an econobox. A little charm, a flash of my braced smile, along with a little nervous fiddling with my headgear, seemed to make a Lincoln appear out of thin air. Everything was in order at the hotel, and I just had a few drinks at the hotel bar. It seemed like everyone was looking at me, and there were some hushed comments about my braces and headgear—I really enjoyed it for some reason. Oh, room service is here with my dinner. I'm going to eat then turn in early since I'm driving to Beaumont tomorrow. I already miss you, Linny. Love, Britt."
Lindsey replies:
"It sounds like you had a hell of a day, Britt, and I'm glad you are settled in for the evening. I made an appointment to get my spine checked out tomorrow. I'll let you eat dinner and get some rest. Please call me tomorrow night; no texting; I need to hear your sweet voice. I hope all goes well in Beaumont tomorrow and that you are really enjoying your braces and headgear and having fun with them. Love always, Linny."
A very happy Brittany just finished dinner at her hotel after having a few drinks at the bar. She is settled in her room after taking a hot shower and is wearing her PJ's and, of course, her headgear. She picks up her phone and dials Lindsey's number. It only rings once before Lindsey picks up.
"Hi Britt, How was your day, honey?"
"It was great, Linny. The drive to Beaumont was actually pleasant, and you won't believe it, but I got a contract signed with Tex-East refining. The last time I was there, the environmental compliance officer refused to even see me. I sat in the waiting room for hours, and he walked past several times, ignoring me, and I finally left. This time it was completely different. He saw me in the parking lot, and I smiled at him, my braces and headgear sparkling in the morning light, and I poured on my usual charm. He carried my briefcase for me, and we went immediately to his office."
"OK, then what happened, Britt? Why the big change?"
"Well, I made my presentation to him, and he didn't seem to really be paying attention. His eyes were on me the entire time, specifically on my braces and headgear. When I offered to take him to lunch, he jumped at the opportunity and just started at me in silence when I took off my headgear to eat and I played with my hair. After we ate, I excused myself to brush my teeth and to put my headgear back on. When I returned to the table, my hair was a mess, and I could tell he wanted to straighten it out for me, but he checked himself. Once we returned to his office, he signed a contract for a complete scrubber system for the refinery—the $90 million contract we had been hoping to get but had given up on! The entire time he couldn't take his eyes off my smile."
"Shit! That is wonderful, Britt. You cracked one of those hard Texas nuts; good for you! My day wasn't as exciting, but I did see Dr. Wilcox about my spine."
"Oh, what did she say, Linny?"
"Well, I wore my Milwaukee brace to work since my appointment was during lunch hour. She examined my spine and my brace, to which she made a few adjustments. I was told that bracing would benefit me, and it was suggested that I wear a Scolibrace, which looked rather uncomfortable since it's made of plastic and would cover so much of my torso. Years ago I had a Milwaukee brace with a plastic girdle, and it was really uncomfortable in the summer heat. I asked if I could get a new Milwaukee brace, and she said I could, but it would have outriggers for my shoulders since I have a bit of kyphosis now. I was put in traction, and a 3D scan of my body was made. My new braces will be ready on Friday since they are made by CNC machines now.
"Wow, that's great, Linny. Braces, plural, you said?"
"Yes, I'm getting two at first. One will be brown leather, and the other tan plus outriggers will be added to my current brace since it's still in good shape."
"I can't wait to see you in them, especially with those kyphosis outriggers whatever they are; I'll look it up online after we hang up, Linny."
"OK, you sound tired, Britt, so I'll let you go. Sleep well and good luck tomorrow. You're going to Galveston, right?"
"That's right, Linny. You take care, and we'll talk tomorrow. Goodnight baby"
"Sleep well, Britt, nite-nite."
Once again, Brittany is relaxing in her hotel room and calls Lindsey:
"Hey Linny, how was your day?"
"Oh, let me tell you what happened. I wore my Milwaukee brace to work again today, and Dr. Nelson asked me about it. I told him that I was having back troubles again and would be wearing a Milwaukee brace. He said he has concerns about how the brace could affect my bite and suggested some options to prevent trouble in the future. Dr. Nelson took x-rays and made 3D scans of my teeth, too. He even put spacers between my molars, but I don't know what for yet."
"An appliance, Linny? What sort of appliance?"
"He said it will be some sort of removable splint to cushion my jaw and maybe some other stuff. He hasn't had to treat a client in a Milwaukee brace for some time and is contemplating the best course of treatment."
"Oh, I see. Well, he is a good doctor, and I know you trust and respect him; I'm sure everything will be fine, Linny."
"Oh, I know it will be, Britt. So how was your day? Did you crack another tough Texas nut?"
"I sure as hell did, Linny. It was the same as yesterday; I plied my usual charm and smiled my metallic smile and got results. I think these little bits of metal you glued to my teeth are worth a thousand times their weight in rhodium. This guy couldn't keep his eyes off my smile. Ended up with a $15 million contract for his oil transfer facility."
"Wow, that's great, Britt. You really think it's the braces and headgear?"
"I don't think it is; I know it is! I always thought my personality, knowledge, looks, and sexy yet professional outfits brought me success, but it seems that braces and headgear have really upped the ante."
"Whatever it is, it's working for you, Britt. Jones will be amazed with your success this trip, even if you don't get any more contracts."
Oh, I know he will, Linny, and I haven't given him any updates yet either. Well, I'm tired and need to get some rest. I have two more prospects to see tomorrow, braced up and in headgear as I have been all week."
"Sleep well and good luck tomorrow. I love you, Britt."
"I love you too, Linny. Goodnight."
Brittany, very tired from her taxing day, decided to simply text Lindsey this evening:
"Hey Linny. It was a hectic day here in Houston. My first call was not a success; the company is being taken over, and no contacts will be let until after the takeover. The gentleman I saw was like all the others and was infatuated with my smile. He said that if he is still there after the takeover, he would be calling me. So maybe it wasn't a complete strikeout."
"The second prospect did sign a contract for $35 million for his small specialty refinery. Let me tell you, it was the strangest thing. After meeting with him and getting the contract signed, I offered to take him out for a late lunch, but he insisted on dinner and that his wife join us, too. She was about his age, early 50s, and in orthodontic braces and combination headgear with some large metal thing across the roof of her mouth and something hanging down behind her upper front teeth. There was also something on her molars preventing her from fully closing her mouth; she could hardly speak and could only eat soup. I felt so bad for her, and it was almost like he was showing her off. She seemed to enjoy it, especially struggling to speak, and she was very talkative, but I couldn't understand much of what she said. They were a very strange, but seemingly very happy couple."
"Anyway, I'm excited to be heading home tomorrow and can't wait to give you a hug and a kiss. Sleep well, Linny, and I love you so much."
Lindsey reads the text, but her mouth hurts from her powerful spacers, and she is still wrapping her head around what Dr. Nelson told her today—something she will surprise Brittany with when she gets home:
"Great job, Britt, and we'll talk about that lady's appliances when you get home. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I picked up the Plymouth Prowler from my uncle Tom yesterday. I'm really tired and have had a few drinks, so I'm ready for bed. See you tomorrow, honey."
Friday morning, as Brittany is driving to the airport, Lindsey is sitting in the chair at Nelson Orthodontics; today is her day to be the patient. Dr. Nelson is polishing Lindsey's teeth in preparation for her to get braces—modern, metal, self-ligating braces that are not at all like what Brittany is wearing. The procedure that Lindsey performed in her wife's mouth is now happening in hers. Soon the bands and brackets are in place, and her active archwires are being slipped in place and the brackets locked shut. Then four surgical hooks are crimped to her upper archwire, and the soft, clear plastic splint is slipped between Lindsey's teeth and secured in place by time elastics between her surgical hooks and the ball-headed hooks protruding from the sides of her splint. Lindsey's mouth feels very full, and she has difficulty speaking; however, it feels good to have the spacers out—they were worse than her bands and her teeth rest comfortably in her splint, almost interlocking her lower jaw with her upper.
Brittany's plane is landing as Lindsey enters the office of Dr. Wilcox to be fitted with her new Milwaukee braces. The braces fit well but are extremely restrictive and uncomfortable with the shoulder outriggers for her kyphosis. Lindsey knows she will grow to love her new spinal brace and her new smile, and she knows that Brittany will love it all, too. Lindsey leaves her old brace behind to have outriggers added and heads back to the clinic wearing one brace and carrying the other.
Upon returning to the office, Dr. Nelson sees Lindsey's discomfort and tells her to take the afternoon off and to go home and relax. 
Once Lindsey is home, she gets settled in and begins to become one with her new spinal brace and the invaders in her mouth. Her splint positions her jaw comfortably, but speaking is a challenge, so she practices as she packs for the trip to the party tomorrow. One bag has her and Brittany's clothes and the other their special outfits and shoes for the party. Lindsey hears Brittany's car pull up outside and the front door open; it's time to surprise Brittany with her new smile and Milwaukee brace.
As Brittany enters the house, she sees Lindsey and takes off her headgear so they can kiss and casts it aside on the table, letting the elastics go flying. Lindsey smiles but doesn't let her splint and braces be seen. Not a word is said as Brittany rushes to Lindsey and hugs her, and she feels the large outriggers on Lindsey's brace press against her body. The ladies kiss, with Brittany slipping her tongue into Lindsey's mouth. She is shocked by what she feels and hesitates for a moment. The embrace and kiss continue with Brittany exploring what is in now Lindsey's mouth, then she allows Lindsey to explore her own braces. The kiss breaks off, and Brittany looks at Lindsey, who is now smiling, and says, "I don't know what you have going on in your mouth, babe, but I love it. I hope it doesn't hurt."
With a strong lisp, Lindsey says, "I had to get braces and this splint, too. I have to wear it whenever I'm in my Milwaukee brace, and boy, is my new brace something. I'm still getting used to it all, and I'm a little sore, but I'll be OK, Britt."
Brittany looks up at Lindsey with wonderment in her eyes and says, "You look so beautiful, Linny. The back brace, the brackets, and the splint. You look amazing, honey!" 
Laughing, Lindsey replies, "Well, I don't feel amazing yet; it will take a little time for me to get used to it all. At least you get your braces off after the party; mine will be with me for a very long time."
Brittany puts her headgear back on, using fresh elastics from her handbag, and goes to get a bottle of wine and glasses as Lindsey sits down on the couch. Brittany pours the wine and takes a sip using a straw and says to Lindsey, "Linny, about my braces... I don't want them removed for a long time. I really like them, and they seem to be good for business, too. I want to wear my braces and headgear for as long as you have to wear your braces. If you have to be in braces, then I want to be too." Both ladies laugh and take another sip of wine.
"Well, I wanted to talk to you about that, Britt. You really do need braces and headgear, from what I can tell. I'm no expert, but I did have Dr. Nelson look at the x-rays and scans I took of your teeth, and he agrees, but I didn't tell him I already put you in braces that are inactive."
Brittany's face lights up, and she says, "I really need braces and headgear... That's so cool! I want to begin active treatment, but how can we pull it off since you already put me in braces?"
Lindsey smiles and replies, "I already figured it out, Britt. You can work remotely on Monday, right?" 
"Yes, I can, Linny. So what is the plan?" Brittany inquires.
"I'll fill you in on our trip. Let's go finish packing and then have dinner; something soft for me, of course." Lindsey smiles at Brittany with her new metal and plastic-adorned smile. After they packed, Lindsey's new Milwaukee brace was causing her quite a bit of discomfort, so Brittany eased this discomfort as she did back in high school on that first day Lindsey had to wear an even more immobilizing and uncomfortable brace.


Lindsey was able to sleep fairly well in her new Milwaukee brace and awoke well rested. She rolled onto her side and saw Brittany, just waking up, running her finger along her facebow. As Brittany awoke, she was not only excited about the party but also about the fact that both she and her wife will be in orthodontic braces for some time and how beautiful Lindsey looks in her new Milwaukee brace. After taking a shower together, with Lindsey enjoying a few moments without her splint and Milwaukee brace, the girls got dressed casually for their trip. With their bags loaded in the Prowler, Brittany drove since Lindsey wasn't comfortable driving in her new, more restrictive brace, and they made the trip to the Hotel Marley.
Once they arrived and got the car safely parked, Brittany got the couple checked in, and they had an early lunch. Both ladies were challenged by their elastics: Brittany with the ones securing her facebow to her Interlandi headgear and Lindsey with the ones securing her splint to her upper teeth. After lunch, they returned to their room and brushed their teeth, then began to put on their party outfits. At this point, Lindsey was feeling a lot more comfortable in her new Milwaukee brace and the braces and splint in her mouth.
Brittany's outfit for the party was simple: a white blouse, stone wash Guess jeans, a matching jacket with the collar popped, white socks, and white Keds. Her hair was a frizzy, wavy mess because of the straps of her Interlandi headgear, making any attempt at styling it impossible. However, it was a hot mess, and Brittany looked quite attractive by any standard.
Lindsey's outfit consisted of a rather short skirt—almost short enough to get a girl sent home from school to change short—and a tight-fitting, black, short-sleeved knitted top. Her Milwaukee brace stretched the collar a bit, and her shoulder outriggers were clearly outlined, as was the rest of her brace. On her feet, she wore black wedge slides that were all the rage in those years, with her hair teased up in loose curls.
"You look great in that outfit, Britt. It really suits you—it's so cute!" Lindsey says as she admires her headgear-wearing wife.
"You look great, too, Linny, but between my tennies and your wedges, you are a foot taller than me! Oh, I like your hair done up like that, and your Milwaukee and orthodontic braces really make you look like a kid again—a very tall kid." Brittany says with a smile, looking up at the love of her life.
"Your braces and headgear really make you look young, too; I'm glad you want to keep them. Come on, let's get the car entered in the show and hand out some candy to the kids." Lindsey leans over at the hips and kisses Brittany on the forehead.
Now in costume and feeling very youthful and energetic, the ladies went to get their car and enter it in the show. Brittany had to put up the display board that Lindsey's uncle sent with them with the details about the car since Lindsey was still getting used to her new found immobilization. Every time she reached for something, her kyphosis outriggers checked her movements. Then the ladies handed out candy to the passing kids, often getting curious looks and overhearing hushed comments about their braces, especially Brittany's headgear and Lindsey's Milwaukee brace. After a few hours, the ladies wandered the show, but cars are not really their thing, and they were getting hungry. 

"Let's go get an early dinner, Britt. We need a good meal before a night of partying."

"Sounds good, Linny. I'm getting hungry. Want to go to our room so you can take off your splint?"

"No, I think I can do it without causing too much of a scene at the restaurant," Lindsey begins to laugh. "But I think we should go to our room after dinner to brush and put our appliances back in."

As the ladies were walking back to the hotel entrance, they were stopped by a woman with a camera.

"Hi ladies, I'm Joan Smith, one of the organizers of tonight's event. I've been on the lookout for those of you in unique costumes. It's obvious you are 90s high school girls, but the braces on your teeth, headgear, and whatever that is you are wearing...." Joan looks at Lindsey and continues, "Tell me all about it."

Lindsey replies, "Well, it's a long story, Joan. My wife Brittany and I were wanting to do something to make us stand out in the crowd—to get attention. I'm an orthodontic assistant and put Brittany in inactive braces and headgear for a real high schooler look. But when I did so, I saw some issues with her bite, so she will begin active treatment next week with the same appliances she is wearing now." 

"Oh, I see. Very interesting." Joan replies, taking notes as if this is an interview. She looks at Lindsey and asks, "So what about you, your braces and other thing in your mouth, and that, what is it, a neck brace of some sort?"

Brittany pipes up and answers for Lindsey, "After Lindsey agreed to put me in orthodontic braces and headgear for the party, I asked if she still had the Milwaukee brace she wore in college for her scoliosis, and we went out to the garage to look for it. Sure enough, we found it, and it was in great shape and still fit well. Lindsey started wearing it and found it relieved some back pain she was having and decided to get her back checked out. Sure enough, she really needs to wear a brace again and got this new ones made. The orthodontist she works for was worried that the pressure on her chin from her back brace would cause orthodontic issues, and he put her in braces and a splint to prevent these issues." 

Joan writes down a few things in her notebook and replies, "Wow, so what started out as something just for the party to enhance your outfits has turned into real medical treatment. How do you two feel about that?"

"I don't mind at all, Joan," Lindsey replies. "It's for my health, and I think it in some strange way enhances my appearance. How about you, Brittany?"

Shyly Brittany replies, "I actually went on a business trip wearing all this, and well, I think it helped me get some contracts signed. I like my braces and headgear and can't wait for my active treatment to begin. I feel special and unique wearing these things, and they really turn heads."
"Very interesting, ladies. Thanks for taking the time to chat with me. Mind if I get a few pictures of you two beautiful girls?" Joan takes down a few more notes.

In unison, they reply with metallic smiles, "Not at all!"

Joan snaps a few pictures, and the ladies go enjoy an early dinner. After dinner they go to their room to brush their teeth, and Brittany places Lindsey's splint in her mouth and secures it with four elastic bands. Then Lindsey helps Brittany with her headgear and teases her hair out from between the straps. Like their showers together, assisting each other with their orthodontics made the ordinary and mundane into something romantic and sensual—both ladies were highly aroused as they headed downstairs to the party.
Once at the party and after having a few drinks, both girls were very relaxed and in a fun-loving mood. Lindsey soon became extremely comfortable in her new brace, no longer fighting the outriggers pushing against her shoulders, giving her perfect posture. She was also becoming more comfortable with her orthodontic splint and braces, too, no longer lisping as badly as she had been before. Of course, Brittany was loving all the looks the large brackets on her teeth and her headgear were attracting. The girls enjoyed the conversations and curious looks from other party goers, receiving many compliments for their appearances and the braces that enhanced their high school girl vibe. 
Brittany and Lindsey took note of the other party goers and their costumes. US presidents and world leaders were well represented, and it was strange seeing Obama, Lincoln, and Washington sitting down having a beer with Stalin and Mao. Many movie characters were there, along with the usual Halloween assortment of witches, wizards, goblins, ghosts, and ghouls. 
The dance floor was hopping with the DJ playing music from all decades, bringing back memories for many and letting those like Lindsey and Brittany enjoy a time they never knew. After a few songs, Lindsey's Milwaukee brace was no longer a hindrance to her dancing, and our ladies enjoyed dancing to the point of exhaustion. As the evening was winding down, it was time for awards to be given, so people took to their seats and settled down for the ceremony and one last cocktail.
Lindsey and Brittany had no hopes of winning anything—they were just there for the fun of it and not wearing fancy costumes like most of the other party goers. Simply looking like a couple of girls from 30 years prior certainly wouldn't win any award.

Awards for the best of each decade were given out, with the recipients asked to come on stage to receive them. Then the second place for best costume was awarded to a man dressed as Franklin Roosevelt sitting in a vintage wheelchair, with the emcee telling the man's story of actually being paralyzed from a childhood injury. 

Finally, the grand prize was to be given, and the emcee announced, "The grand prize this evening will be going to two young ladies, not for their costumes, but for the story behind them. They chose to do something unique that actually ended up being a life-changing decision for them."

Lindsey and Brittany simply looked at each other and blushed, knowing that they are the two young ladies. The emcee then tells the story that the ladies related to Joan, with many oohs and awes, along with a few gasps heard from the gathered crowd as their picture appeared on the overhead monitor. Then the emcee called them up on stage to receive their prize, a week-long stay in the presidential suite with all meals included. Luckily the crowd erupted in cheers, so neither lady had to say anything; they simply waved to the crowd.

After things settled down, everyone left the stage, and the girls were mobbed by the crowd with many questions being asked—they felt like rock stars. Words of encouragement and admiration were received, and the ladies encouraged those with orthodontic and other issues to get them treated as soon as possible. Upon retiring to their room, the ladies simply got undressed and into bed, too tired for any romance.


On Monday morning, after a good night's sleep, Brittany realized that they had not discussed the condition of Lindsey's spine nor her plan to get Brittany into active orthodontic treatment. As they were enjoying a cup of coffee, reminiscing about their exciting weekend, Brittany asks, "Linny, so what's the plan for today? You know, to get Dr. Nelson to put me in active treatment."

Smiling her metallic and plastic-clad smile, sitting stiffly yet comfortably in her Milwaukee brace, Lindsey replies, "Well, he has looked at your scans and x-rays and agrees you need orthodontic treatment. My plan is to tell Dr. Nelson that you'll come while everyone is at lunch, and I'll place your bands and brackets then, but what I'll really do is remove your archwires. When he returns from lunch, I'll have him confirm bracket placement and have him fit your active archwires and headgear; then you will be on your way." 

"Wow, great plan, Linny. So I need to show up a little after twelve?"

Yes, that will be perfect. Wait in the car without your headgear on, but bring it with you; I'll come out and get you."


After working from home for a few hours, Brittany arrives right on time at Nelson Orthodontics and finds Lindsey outside waiting for her. They go inside, and Brittany's ligatures and archwires are removed and disposed of, and her Interlandi headgear is placed on the counter.  Soon, Dr. Nelson arrives and greets Brittany, whom he knows well from office parties.

"I see Lindsey got your bands and brackets placed."

"Yes, Dr. Nelson. She is so gentle and explains everything she's doing."

Dr. Nelson sits down and closely examines the work he thinks Lindsey just did, then turns to her and says, "Nice job, Lindsey, but why didn't you use more modern brackets? These are so large and noticeable." Dr. Nelson has no idea that this is exactly what Brittany and Lindsey desire.

"I found them when taking pictures for the website, and Brittany liked how they looked, so I thought we might as well use them since this is complimentary treatment; the same goes for her headgear. I know Interlandi is overkill for her malocclusion, but she doesn't mind, do you, honey?"

"No, not at all, Lindsey. I like what you have chosen for my treatment. You know what's best for me."

"Very well, ladies. My only desire is a good outcome and a happy client, and if this makes you happy and does the job, who am I to argue? I trust your judgment, Lindsey, especially when it comes to your wife's treatment."

Dr. Nelson gets up and goes to a supply cabinet and returns with two archwires and a packet of elastics. "Everything looks good. Go ahead and fit these, Lindsey, and use wire ligatures, too. Two elastics on each side of Brittany's headgear for the first week, and then add a third one. You will need to wear your headgear for at least twenty hours a day, Brittany. Change your elastics every time you brush your teeth, and I'll see you in six weeks. Lindsey will instruct you on how to care for your teeth and braces."

Brittany thanks Dr. Nelson, and he wishes her well and leaves Lindsey to complete the job. After Lindsey fits Brittany's archwires, which now exert gentle pressure on her teeth, the ladies kiss passionately. Lindsey then fits Brittany's headgear with the new, stronger elastics that put quite a bit of pressure on her upper arch; it's uncomfortable but not painful.

"There you go, Britt. All braced up, but for real this time. Does it all feel OK?"

"There is some pressure and discomfort, but it's not bad. Thank you, honey; it's a dream come true for me."

"It's my pleasure, Britt, and you look so beautiful with your hardware."

"As do you, Linny, with your wonderful Milwaukee brace and your cute little brackets and splint."


After getting her real braces, Brittany decides to visit the office and see her boss, Ray Jones, or simply Jones as he prefers, to tell him about her successful trip to Texas. Jones is shocked when Brittany walks into his office wearing braces and her very complicated headgear.

"What the hell did you do to yourself, Brittany?"

"Oh, there is nothing different about me, Jones." Brittany says with a laugh and wide smile, her large brackets sparkling in the light.

"The hell there isn't! You got braces and those straps on your head."

"Oh, you mean my headgear? I got all this before I left for Texas."

"You looked like that when you made your sales calls? Shit!" Jones begins to laugh.

"Well, you got my email with the dope on the contracts this morning. It was my braced smile and headgear that cracked those tough Texas nuts to get those contracts. I know my new appearance is what did the trick." Brittany smiles, revealing her teeth that are almost entirely covered with metal. "Those guys couldn't take their eyes off my smile."

"Well, I don't know what to say, Brittany. Your new look is rather unique unless you were a high school girl in the 90s." Jones laughs, "Don't take this the wrong way, but you do look kind of cute with all that hardware."

"I think so, too, and so does Lindsey, and it definitely doesn't have a negative impact on my work either; I actually think it's a benefit."

"Well, you did make the sales that no one else could. Hey, take the rest of the week off and get used to your You earned it and a hell of a bonus at the end of the year."

"Thanks, Jones. I'll see you next week!"


That evening after dinner, Brittany tells Lindsey about her conversation at the office with Jones, and they both have a good laugh. Then, thinking of the events of the past week, Brittany has a couple of questions for Lindsey.

"Linny, the other day I asked you about what happens when my treatment is over, you know, to make my braces inactive like they were at first so I can keep wearing them. I want to wear them for at least as long as you need to wear yours."

"Yes, I remember, Britt, and that is no problem. It's a request that Dr. Nelson has had from couples in the past. It's rare but not unheard of."

"That is what I wanted to hear, Linny." A broad smile comes to Brittany's face. "So with the party and stuff, we never really got to talk about your new Milwaukee brace and your orthodontic work. How long will you need to be in braces?"

"I'll be wearing braces and my splint for as long as I'm in my Milwaukee brace, Britt. Dr. Nelson said it's important to protect my teeth and jaw from the pressure from my brace."

"I see. So how long did Dr. Wilcox say you will need your Milwaukee brace this time? I know you wore your old one for two years after you stopped growing."

"Well, it's different this time, Britt. The only thing that can be done now is for me to wear a brace or have spinal surgery, and you know my thoughts about surgery."

"I know your thoughts, Linny. So if surgery is out of the question, that means you will be in both orthodontic braces and a back brace forever."

"That is exactly what it means, Britt." Lindsey says with a smile.

Brittany looks at Lindsey, and they embrace. The silence is broken with Brittany saying, "You... Me... Us... Braces forever?"

To which Lindsey replies, "Yes, Britt, our dreams have come true!"


Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween
« Reply #2 on: 31. October 2024, 06:59:06 AM »
A nice quick little story.

I enjoyed it.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween
« Reply #3 on: 31. October 2024, 14:24:15 PM »
A nice quick little story.

I enjoyed it.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I have not been writing for a while, only posting my backlog of my other story. I think this helped me get back into it.

Offline Some Dude

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Re: Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween
« Reply #4 on: 31. October 2024, 20:09:33 PM »
A nice quick little story.

I enjoyed it.
I'll second the above.  Nice job, Napacaster.

Offline anton08

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Re: Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween
« Reply #5 on: 01. November 2024, 08:01:28 AM »
Very nice and well written story with potential of even going on.

It was a pleasure to read and switch on phantasy.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween
« Reply #6 on: 01. November 2024, 15:49:27 PM »
Very nice and well written story with potential of even going on.

It was a pleasure to read and switch on phantasy.

Thank you!

I was thinking of visiting these ladies again for another holiday special, maybe Christmas. It's a nice break from the ongoing story I'm doing, both for me and you all. I'm open to any and all suggestions for their next holiday adventure.

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: Story: Brace Yourself for Halloween
« Reply #7 on: 01. November 2024, 17:56:20 PM »
Great work!