
Author Topic: Story:Alecja's need of orthodontics- Ch. 13 To the second appointment  (Read 34517 times)

Offline bracessd

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Re: Story:Alecja's need of orthodontics -Ch. 8 D-day
« Reply #30 on: 03. June 2021, 17:11:18 PM »
What a treatment! Looking forward to what else gets added.

Offline acornjohn2001

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Re: Story:Alecja's need of orthodontics -Ch. 8 D-day
« Reply #31 on: 03. June 2021, 18:11:31 PM »
Awesome story, I love it!

Offline cancelledDSD

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Re: Story:Alecja's need of orthodontics -Ch. 8 D-day
« Reply #32 on: 06. June 2021, 08:19:56 AM »
Wow this is fantastic, really enjoying what’s there so far!

Offline agarionoob

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Re: Story:Alecja's need of orthodontics -Ch. 8 D-day
« Reply #33 on: 06. June 2021, 20:53:17 PM »
Great story! I like the effort you put into the detailed descriptions.

Offline radian

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Thanks a lot guys. I'm glad you enjoy the story.

Here is the following, proofread by Braceface2015

Chapter 9 Back home with braces on

After a few steps outside, it started to rain a lot and I had left my umbrella in the office, so I turned around to go back to the office. Inside, when I was taking back my umbrella, I met a handsome man in his 40’s who was going out. He gave me a nice smile with a perfect white smile while he held the door for me. I smiled briefly, keeping my mouth shut in return, without any chance to let him see the ‘stuff’ inside my mouth. I went out behind him with my umbrella and he went into a beautiful red sports car and left in it.

At this time, I had no car to hide myself and I started walking back to my home. During my return path, I could not stop exploring what there was inside my mouth, with my tongue touching the top and bottom appliances, the tongue crib and the brackets, except those I could not touch because of the tongue crib, and my lips, passing down and up the front brackets every thirty seconds.

The sensation was uncomfortable and weird but not that unpleasant or painful. Nevertheless, I said to myself I needed to avoid doing that too often, especially with my lips, to avoid mouth ulcers.

When I arrived at home, my umbrella was completely wet because of the rain, so were my feet. It was definitely not the day to wear open-toe shoes. I left my umbrella outside my flat, entered into it, closed the entrance door behind me, threw my keys on the side table, took off my sandals which were be-ginning to hurt my feet because of the walk and fell apart crying on the couch in the living room. I could not stop saying to myself, "why is this happening to me? Please tell me this is a nightmare." I suddenly felt like a stupid teenager being forced into orthodontic appliances that are very visible and bulky. "Shame on me!"

Then plenty of questions came : ‘how will I talk correctly with all that stuff in my mouth, especially at work where I often use the phone or host people?, ‘what my family, friends, colleagues and clients will think seeing me with my metal mouth and an impairment to talk properly?’, ‘Is there any risk to get fired for that?’.

My phone rang suddenly. I took it and saw it is Claire. I so wanted to take that call and talk to her but I was clearly not able to speak. I chose not to take it, so Claire left me a vocal message: “Hello my bestie, I was just calling you like we planned to ask how was your orthodontist’s appointment and if everything was okay. Feel free to call me back. It’s Friday night and I should be awake, probably in my comfy bed, at least until midnight. Kisses.”

I sent her a text message: “Please forgive me but I won’t be able to call you tonight. I’m not very well because of what happened at the orthodontist’s office but I can’t complain to you.”

-   "I hope you know you'll never bother me and I'm still able to hear some complaints, whatever my condition is. My doctor said it's good for my health and it could help me to walk again. Please don't take my chance away!" saying that while laughing in her vocal rapid message. She prefers using vocal messages because typing a text message is not easy for her with the poor mobility of her fingers.

-   “Oh, you’re really the best person I know Claire. I’m so grateful to have you as my best friend. The problem is I am not able to speak correctly because of my braces. Plenty of appliances in my mouth,” I texted her.

-   “Oh, please let’s try. My ears work well too and I can stay concentrated a little more than 2 minutes on trying to understand you at best. What do you think?” (vocal from Claire)

-   “I assure you, it sounds really bad.” (text from me)

-   “I bet you £50 I won’t make you repeat any word.” (vocal from Claire)

She was just so sweet that I could not resist her insistence and was okay to call her back. And I really wanted to talk to her, at least I could try. I sent her a text message to give me one hour to get ready. That meant "eat" my "usual after a visit to the orthodontist" vegetable soup and apple compote, shower myself, brush my teeth, get night clothes (large grey T-shirt, underpants and socks – I always wear socks for the night) on, which took me a little less than 10 minutes and was some kind of weird, go to the bathroom and finally lie down into my bed, ready for the night.

I looked carefully at the inside of my mouth: The brackets in the center of my teeth were bulky enough, covering about half of the teeth. They seemed to be the same that Dr. Gipsen used for herself. I could compare because she did not hide her braces at all when she talked, even if she never smiled. Ten teeth are entirely covered by full-banded braces, covering almost all the surface of the teeth, 4 on top and 6 on the bottom. I could see some kind of numerous wires connected to two of the upper full-banded brackets: one wire is placed along the inside of my teeth and the second part, with a wire making several rounds, is under the palate. Swallowing was very complicated because of these, preventing my tongue from touching my palate. Another wire is shaped like a grid coming just be-hind my upper front teeth and going down about 1 cm under them. The grid comes behind my lower teeth when I close my mouth, touching a little bit the pretty massive metal plate placed under my tongue in the lower jaw, connected to each of my full-banded braces: the thing I had to turn once a day. This and the grid are the worst part of my appliances. I noticed there are tiny tubes to the outer side on the bands of the last molars in my upper and lower jaw. I did not know if it was supposed to be normal but it hurt the inside of my cheeks.

A quick research on the Internet allowed me to identify what the quad helix, the tongue crib and the lower expander were.

I called Claire then.

-   “Hello my dear, do you feel better? This is so bad?” Claire said on the phone.

-   “Hi Claire, no, I don’dh,” I replied with my strange voice, starting to cry.

-   "Ohh no no no! Don't do that or you'll make me cry too."

When I heard these words, I got over it and I stopped crying, just telling myself I could not complain about my situation compared to her. I took a deep breath and came back to the discussion. I noticed I could not stop slurping loudly because of the excess of saliva in my mouth caused by the appliances.

-   “Shorry sweed’hie, I did nod’h wand’h d’ho do szhad’h, slhslhslhslh,” I said. My “t” sounded like a “d” with a slight whistle.

-   “No problem my dear, so what’s happened so terrible at the ortho’s?” she said.

-   “Shhee insd’halled nod’h only braschesh bud’h bulky applianschesh  d’hoo. I cand’h d‘halk properly with szheezhe on, slhslhslhslh,” I said.

-   “Of course you can talk, I can understand you perfectly!” she said.

-   “You’re so nische bud’h id’hsh nod’h d‘hrue, I am really worried aboud’h szhe red’hurn d‘ho work on Monday, slhslhslh. Everyone will find me ridiculoush wiszh szhish ****ing lishp. Slhslhslhslh,” I said.

-   “No they don’t. You stay beautiful and so sexy and remember you do that for your own health, to get rid of your toothaches,” Claire said.

-   “You’re righd’h my dear, and wiszh all szhad’h stuff, I’m nod’h feeling my inishial tooszhachesh, slhslhslh, for szhe momend’h, d‘hoo muschh presshhure on my teeszh for now and imposshhible to bid’he in anyszhing, slhslhslhslh,” I said.

-   “You see that you can find some positive things about what is happening: Always try to see the positive in each situation because nothing is only black or only white, it’s just a matter of perspective,” she said.

-   "You impresshh me, Claire. I'm sho glad d'ho hear you and sho proud d'ho be your friend, slhslhslhslh. And, shorry, I wazh so focushed on my shid'huashion szhad'h I, slhslhslhslh, did nod'h ask you how you are and how wazh your day, slhslhslhslh," I said.

-   "Don't be sorry sweety, my day was fine. We're going to launch definitely our projects next week, I am so happy with that. And I met a man named Walter online with whom I've been chatting regularly for a week. He seems so kind and is pretty handsome in his photos," she said.

-   "Oh, shuschh good news! You're sho lucky in szhad'h momend'h, slhslhslhslh," I said.

-   “Yes, I am! Maybe I should try to walk, it may work,” she said laughingly.

-   “Shorry, szhish ish nod’h whad’h I meand’h, slhslhslhslh,” I said.

-   "Alecja, relax! I was just joking! Do you want to go out for a drink this weekend?" she said.

-   "Hell, no! Imposshhible for me d'ho go oud'h anywhere szhish weekend, slhslhslh. I dond'h wand'h d'ho be sheen and heard for now, slhslhslhslh," I said.

-   “Maybe you should. Let me remind you that you will have to do it on Monday!” she said.

-   “I’d raszher shd’hay ad’h home, slhslhslh. Bud’h do you wand’h to come to shtay in my plasche, slhslhslh, d‘homorrow for szhe week-end. Why nod’h spend shome d’hime d’hogeszher, between girlzh ?, slhslhslhslh,” I asked.

-   “Such a good idea, but it’s only if you accept playing my caregiver role for that time, to avoid co-ming with Paula or Tamiya (her other caregiver) to stay between us,” she said.

-   “Of courshe I do, I know your needzh and I did id’h easchh d‘hime you came here, slhslhslh. Pleazh come for d‘homorrow lunschh, slhslhslhslh,” I said.

-   “Ok, I’m bringing wine and vodka. I think you need it and I always love that,” she said.

-   “Gread’h. Claire, I’m sho shorry but I, slhslhslh, am really d‘hired d‘ho shpeak, slhslhslh, I cand’h shd’hop shlurping, slhslhslh, and Id’hsh becoming painful for my d‘hongue, slhslhslh. I have d‘ho go d‘ho shleep now,” I said. I was exhausted.

-   “Well, I understand perfectly and I should do the same soon. I'll see you tomorrow and I will go on chatting with Walter a little bit tonight. Have a good night sweetheart! And don’t forget to take a painkiller before going to bed. The pain will grow after visits to the ortho’s,” she said kindly.

-   "Shzanksh for szhe advische, slhslhslh. Have a good nighd'h d'hoo, my dear. Cand'h waid'h d'ho shee you, slhslhslhslh! kisshhesh!" I said.

I thought, ‘God damn slurping.’ I really cannot stand to suck my saliva every 3 seconds when I talk. I hoped this will be temporary but I have some doubts when I thought of Suzan and Stacey who were still slurping each time I saw them.

Then I took a painkiller for the night and went back to bed, thinking of the weekend to come with Claire. I realized she was really good to cheer me up. She is amazing. I fell quickly asleep after a few minutes exploring my braces appliances with my tongue again. It was around 10 PM.

Offline silver-moon-2000

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Thanks for keeping us updated. I really enjoy the read.

Offline acornjohn2001

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I like your story so much! Finally someone who likes lisp just like me and put it in his/her story! Thank you so much!

Offline franci

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Hi, my name is Francesca and I am an Italian woman.
I don't often write posts.
But this story is truly compelling.
It reminds me a little of mine.
Who knows if it will turn out like in my life.
I'm also waiting for the next episode.
Thank you very much and have a nice day
'm love braces

Offline Bryce

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Great story! Very fun to read. Keep up the great work!

Offline radian

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Thanks for all your positive feedbacks.

Hi, my name is Francesca and I am an Italian woman.
I don't often write posts.
But this story is truly compelling.
It reminds me a little of mine.
Who knows if it will turn out like in my life.
I'm also waiting for the next episode.
Thank you very much and have a nice day

Hi, I'd like to know what are the common parts between my fictional story and yours. Feel free to tell me.

By the way, here is the tenth chapter, always proofread by Braceface2015.

Chapter 10 The weekend after with Claire (part 1)

The next day, my cellphone alarm clock rang at 6:45 AM, the hour I get up to go to work. I forgot to change it last night.

My mouth was hurting a lot: general pressure, high sensitivity when opposite teeth simply touch a little, irritations of the interior of the cheeks and the tongue, especially underneath because of the lower expander.

I got up immediately to take painkillers. I tried to lie back down on my bed after but it was impossible to sleep again because of the pain, so I got up at 7:15 AM. ‘Too early for a non-work day,’ I thought.

After a liquid breakfast - it was too painful to eat anything solid - I decided to do all the housework. If my teeth hurt, my body did not.

I also adapted my apartment for Claire and to let her feel free to go everywhere with her wheelchair, especially in the toilets, the kitchen or the bathroom. I made for her a comfy bed in the guest room.

I finished these tasks at 10:30 AM and I decided to cook Bolognese spaghetti for lunch. I thought it was not very hard to cook, nor to eat with braces. But I had no Emmental to put on the pasta. ‘Sh**’, I had to go to the small supermarket around the corner to buy some.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, with the same time as I did last night, and got dressed. It was a sunny day, 25°C forecasted. Even if I was not planning to go out during the weekend, I would still pay attention to my clothes because Claire is a pure beauty, always very well dressed.

So, I decided to wear a light green skinny sleeveless short dress, with a nice low-cut, under an adjusted black jacket over it, with sheer quite shiny flesh-colored tights and black 14 cm heeled peep-toe pumps, with a 4 cm platform and uncovered heel. They were new and I could not wait to show them to Claire, who loves high heels as much as I do. I pulled my hair back and made a bun, unconsciously looking like Dr. Gipsen, and put my glasses on.

I went down to the supermarket, trying to be as natural as possible but without opening my mouth at all. I bought the Emmental, a cheesecake for the dessert and some soft fruits and white bread. Then, I went to the supermarket cashier. I come here regularly, so I know the cashier, Mike, a 30 years old black guy, not my type but really nice, who said, "Hi, how are you today." A little embarrassed to reply, I answered with my mouth as tight as possible: "Hi, fine and you?" and held back as much as possible from the slurping I made regularly all morning. I was hoping he did not notice my strange voice also. He replied, "I'm ok. It's a nice day today. You look stunning!" Beginning to blush, I nodded with a closed-mouth smile and gave him my basket.

-   “You’re not chatty today, anything wrong?” he said.

-   “No, I’m fine, slhslhslh,” I replied, with nothing to do this time to avoid slurping.

-   “Well, are you sure? You seem a little concerned about something…” he asked.

-   “No no, I’m ok,” I said, smiling with my closed lips.

I paid for my purchases with my credit card, without saying anything other than, "Goodbye Mike," with my weird voice, and I left, feeling embarrassed.

Back at home, I prepared the meal for lunch and took another painkiller just before noon.

Everything was ready when Claire called me by phone to tell me she was in her car, parked in the disabled spot in front of my building, and asked if I could come down to help her because she had a lot to carry around. Despite her disability, Claire is as independent as she can and asks for help only if she really needs it. She is able to transfer from her wheelchair to her adapted car alone, even if it takes some time. She can drive it alone too with hand control. But I thought she could not bring her bag for the night with her. I told her I was coming.

She often wears corsets for style but also to relieve her back, allowing her to stay fairly straight despite her total lack of abs. Her long straight red hair fell on her shoulders.

She also seemed very happy to see me. It had been 6 weeks since we had seen each other. "Wow, you look gorgeous Alecja!! What such beautiful shoes," she started. I did not dare to talk at all. I knew I would have too but I was embarrassed because we were in the street with people around. She added, "Well, I understand you don't want to speak in the street." I nodded, smiling with my mouth closed. "Okay, I don't insist for the moment, but I'm going to help you to be more confident with that this weekend." I nodded again. I helped her get her manual wheelchair out of the car and assemble the wheels on it. She transferred alone with her sliding board, not wanting my help to do that. Then, she asked me to take her bags in the trunk, one with her things for the weekend and the other with 4 bottles of alcohol and packets of cocktail snacks. I did it and we went up to my apartment, on the 4th floor with the elevator. I slurped several times on the way, without saying anything.

As soon as I locked my entrance door, she turned her wheelchair toward me and asked me to smile with all my teeth. At this moment, we were alone so I did it with a lot of embarrassment.

-   “Well okay, it’s not that bad…really!” she said.

-   “Be honeshd’h pleazh, slhslhslhslh,” I said.

-   “I’ll be honest with you. We can see a lot of metal of course but it’s clean and not unsightly. In a certain way, you look younger and a little vulnerable, which gives you a sexy side,” she said.

-   “Are you sherioush? slhslhslhslh,” I asked.

-    “Yes, always with you my dear. Maybe the most annoying thing is the noise of slurping you do, but it’s not so gross. Anyway, I’m here for you to have a good time,” she said.

-   “Szhanks my beaud’hy. You look gordjshoush d‘hoo, slhslhslh, and your outfid’h ish shd’hunning d‘hoo by szhe way, slhslhslhslh.”

She thanked me and we hugged warmly one more time.

We went to the living room. Claire transferred herself onto the couch with her sliding board while I prepared the aperitif. I brought some snacks and two glasses of red wine and sat down next to her. I spent a very good moment with her, chatting about everything and almost forgetting my braces, except the discomfort of the lisping and slurping and the pain when I bite something too hard (I took another painkiller just before her arrival so as not to suffer too much during the meal). I felt fully confident with her.

After the aperitif, we went to the dining table after Claire transferred back to her wheelchair. She really appreciated all the accommodations I had made for her and thanked me a lot for my attention.

Then, we ate the meal. Claire used her adapted cutlery to eat by herself, only asking me to cut the spaghetti to make it easier to get them with her adapted fork.

My Bolognese spaghetti with Emmental was very good, like the cheesecake. However, eating was not a good time. Even if I took small bites, food got stuck constantly in the braces and wires, forcing me to clean it as much as I could with my tongue or a sip of water. Despite the painkiller, biting was often painful because of the sensitivity of my teeth. I did not eat a lot.

After eating, I got rid of the dishes that I put in the dishwasher, washed Claire’s cutlery for tonight and made the coffees. We went back to the living room to drink them.

While I was brushing my teeth and putting some wax on a lot of brackets to relieve the irritations of my cheeks, Claire went to the bathroom and came back 20 minutes later. So simple things like that take so much time with her disability. I could not stop telling myself she was so brave and how ridiculous my teeth problems were compared to what she had to endure every day.

We spent the first part of the afternoon shopping on the web. She bought a pair of double strap 11.5 cm thin heeled sandals and I bought a pair of hollow out ankle buckled slingback 14.5 cm wedge heeled sandals, with a 4 cm platform. They were beautiful.

Claire convinced me to go for a walk then, around the neighborhood. I felt so confident with her that I accepted it. We “walked” together, me pushing her from time to time to relieve her, even if it was not easy to walk bent over. I regretted that I chose such high heels. During the conversation, I sometimes smiled widely with all my teeth showing in the street, letting anyone see my braces. There was a teenage boy with braces too and a woman of my age who seemed a little bit surprised, but not mocking. No one cared about my silver smile. We had a very good moment sharing that time together.

After staying two hours outside, we went back to the apartment. It was time to have an aperitif. Claire went back to the bathroom and I prepared during this time the same things as before lunch: a few snacks and two glasses of wine. I took the bottle this time to fill up the glasses. We had the aperitif in the living room, still chatting with a background of pop/rock music.

Claire proposed to eat Chinese food but I preferred to choose sushi, which is easier to eat. She accepted and we ordered our sushi.

We ate them after the delivery guy delivered the order, with more glasses of wine. I sometimes put maki directly into Claire’s mouth with the chopsticks because she had a hard time picking sushi up with her adapted fork and could not use chopsticks at all with her paralyzed fingers. If the sushi were soft, I did not realize that rice grains were small and went everywhere between the wires and the brackets in my mouth. After dinner, I apologized to Claire and immediately went to brush my teeth to remove the many grains stuck in my appliances.

I then cleared the table, put the dishes in the dishwasher, washed Claire’s cutlery for tomorrow morning, and came back with her in the living room, bringing another bottle of wine to replace the empty one.

I filled her glass before mine and we could not stop chatting together about plenty of things: work, friends, family.... We discussed my treatment and how it was annoying to get braces. She asked me to show a closer view of my appliances, which I accepted. She was impressed by all the metal in my mouth and touched delicately with a lot of interest my lips, my brackets and my tongue crib with her fingers several times, approaching her eyes to a few centimeters to get a better view.

She also let me have a closer view of her teeth, which were, despite her long orthodontic treatment when she was 15, slightly shifted at some places but her teeth were globally straight and her smile still stayed beautiful. She told me once again she could consider braces back to correct her minor imperfections. Even though I told her her smile was great, I jokingly told her to call Dr. Gipsen to arrange an appointment, so that we could be braces buddies. She laughed and said she would do it first thing on Monday.

We also talked about Walter, the guy she met online. She seemed happy to have met him and said she was looking forward to meeting him in person. The conversation naturally shifted to French kissing. I told her that I was going to have to stop French kisses as long as I had my stuff in my mouth. She replied, "Are you sure you can't French kiss?" with a naughty smile. I said, "I szhink id'hsh imposshhible for now, slhslhslh." She suddenly started touching my left thigh and caressing it with long back and forth movements from knee to the waist with her right hand (if she can't move her fingers, she can move her wrists), passing sometimes under my dress and toward my crotch and trying to maintain her stability with her left arm. I was so surprised and it was so pleasant that I didn't even try to push her away, without trying to understand what was happening. I could not resist doing the same with my left hand on her thin thighs also covered by tights. They were so soft and tender. I felt a lot of pleasure doing it. Then she started moving her head towards mine. Her lips touched mine very gently and we started kissing each other tenderly for long minutes. I felt her tongue coming into my mouth and starting exploring the inside of it, passing very slowly over my front brackets and the tongue crib. My tongue was blocked by the tongue crib but could touch hers through the remaining spaces. I felt very aroused by what we were doing and could not stop myself. She placed her right hand on the back of my head and kept on kissing me tenderly while I grabbed her by her corset with my hands and began to touch her breast gently. We were perfectly connected at this time. I fully enjoyed the moment, without asking any questions.

After about 10 minutes of kissing and touching, she delicately removed her tongue and lips from mine and looked at me, whispering, “You see, you can French kiss,” biting her lower lip. I could not reply with anything. After a few long seconds of looking into each other’s eyes, she burst out laughing.

Was she drunk or did she do this voluntarily? I did not know. I knew she was very open-minded about plenty of things but I had known her for 10 years and she never said anything about being attracted to women or me. Me neither. We had already kissed quickly on the mouth while we were drunk at some parties before but nothing like this.

-   “What do you think my dear?” she said, with a large smile after laughing.

-   “… you’re sho shurprizhing, slhslhslh, Whad’h a kisshh!,” I said.

-   “Yeah, I loved it too. I’ve always supposed you were a good kisser. I know now and the discomfort caused by braces provided excitement for both of us, didn’t it?” she said.

-   “You’re righd’h. I shd’hill have schhills Shweed’hie, slhslhslh,” I said.

-   “It’s your turn now, kiss me now!” she said directly.

I was drawn like a magnet to her when she said this and started kissing her like we did before, trying to touch her tongue with mine through the tongue crib. I especially appreciated when her tongue touched my braced teeth. I could not imagine braces could provide that kind of sensation.

-   “Bud’h Claire, whad’h are we doing exacd’hly?” I said, during a short break.

-   “Nothing wrong Alecja. We both are attractive women and we are right now attracted to each other, what’s the matter?” she said.

-   “Bud’h we boszh are hed’heroshecshhual? Have you ever done szhad’h before?” I said.

-   “What? To kiss another woman ? Yes I have, of course. Straight, gay, this means absolutely nothing. I love men but now it’s time to take advantage of what we can bring to each other at this precise moment, without asking any questions.”

She pushed me backward to make me lie on the couch and pulled her paralyzed body on me. She gave me several sensual kisses to the uncovered part of my breast while I was slowly caressing her hair and upper body. She went down to raise my dress up to my stomach and kissed my belly, my waist and thighs above my tights.

We spent the rest of the evening kissing, caressing, touching and licking each other, on and under our clothes, and doing other things for an hour or so. This moment was intense.

It was around midnight and we both wanted to go to bed. Claire asked me if she could sleep with me in my bed, so that we could keep on spending some time together. Of course, I said yes, even if I had prepared the guest room for her.

Both of us were still a little drunk. I helped her to transfer to her wheelchair and to brush her teeth, remove her make-up, and take off her shoes, her corset (which took very long to unlace), her dress and her tights to put on a nightie. Because she was too drunk to do it on her own, she asked for help to catheterize her and to install the catheter and the collection bag around her thigh for the night, so I did it. We tenderly French kissed each other several times during that period. Then I helped her to go to my bed and I finally prepared myself for the night doing the same for me. I added wax on my brackets and wires to relieve the pain and avoid ulcers because my mouth was very active in the last hour. I took another painkiller for the night.

When I came back to my bedroom, Claire was waiting for me with her naughty look, her body out of the sheets in a sensual position. Her left leg was bent on the other and she was biting one of her fingers. I went to the bed next to her and we started kissing tenderly on the mouth and making love again for a long time. After that, we looked at each other without saying anything and fell asleep, me thinking of this precious time we shared together that will remain etched in my memory. I could not imagine such a thing to happen with my best friend, much less just after my braces were put on.

Offline eddiestobbart

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Well I didn't see that coming! Great story, radian!

Offline bracessd

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Pleasant surprise, nice work!

Offline ksmooth

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Outstanding story!  Thanks for writing!  Looking forward to more

Offline franci

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Thanks for all your positive feedbacks.

Hi, I'd like to know what are the common parts between my fictional story and yours. Feel free to tell me.

By the way, here is the tenth chapter, always proofread by Braceface2015.

Chapter 10 The weekend after with Claire (part 1)

The next day, my cellphone alarm clock rang at 6:45 AM, the hour I get up to go to work. I forgot to change it last night.

My mouth was hurting a lot: general pressure, high sensitivity when opposite teeth simply touch a little, irritations of the interior of the cheeks and the tongue, especially underneath because of the lower expander.

I got up immediately to take painkillers. I tried to lie back down on my bed after but it was impossible to sleep again because of the pain, so I got up at 7:15 AM. ‘Too early for a non-work day,’ I thought.

After a liquid breakfast - it was too painful to eat anything solid - I decided to do all the housework. If my teeth hurt, my body did not.

I also adapted my apartment for Claire and to let her feel free to go everywhere with her wheelchair, especially in the toilets, the kitchen or the bathroom. I made for her a comfy bed in the guest room.

I finished these tasks at 10:30 AM and I decided to cook Bolognese spaghetti for lunch. I thought it was not very hard to cook, nor to eat with braces. But I had no Emmental to put on the pasta. ‘Sh**’, I had to go to the small supermarket around the corner to buy some.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, with the same time as I did last night, and got dressed. It was a sunny day, 25°C forecasted. Even if I was not planning to go out during the weekend, I would still pay attention to my clothes because Claire is a pure beauty, always very well dressed.

So, I decided to wear a light green skinny sleeveless short dress, with a nice low-cut, under an adjusted black jacket over it, with sheer quite shiny flesh-colored tights and black 14 cm heeled peep-toe pumps, with a 4 cm platform and uncovered heel. They were new and I could not wait to show them to Claire, who loves high heels as much as I do. I pulled my hair back and made a bun, unconsciously looking like Dr. Gipsen, and put my glasses on.

I went down to the supermarket, trying to be as natural as possible but without opening my mouth at all. I bought the Emmental, a cheesecake for the dessert and some soft fruits and white bread. Then, I went to the supermarket cashier. I come here regularly, so I know the cashier, Mike, a 30 years old black guy, not my type but really nice, who said, "Hi, how are you today." A little embarrassed to reply, I answered with my mouth as tight as possible: "Hi, fine and you?" and held back as much as possible from the slurping I made regularly all morning. I was hoping he did not notice my strange voice also. He replied, "I'm ok. It's a nice day today. You look stunning!" Beginning to blush, I nodded with a closed-mouth smile and gave him my basket.

-   “You’re not chatty today, anything wrong?” he said.

-   “No, I’m fine, slhslhslh,” I replied, with nothing to do this time to avoid slurping.

-   “Well, are you sure? You seem a little concerned about something…” he asked.

-   “No no, I’m ok,” I said, smiling with my closed lips.

I paid for my purchases with my credit card, without saying anything other than, "Goodbye Mike," with my weird voice, and I left, feeling embarrassed.

Back at home, I prepared the meal for lunch and took another painkiller just before noon.

Everything was ready when Claire called me by phone to tell me she was in her car, parked in the disabled spot in front of my building, and asked if I could come down to help her because she had a lot to carry around. Despite her disability, Claire is as independent as she can and asks for help only if she really needs it. She is able to transfer from her wheelchair to her adapted car alone, even if it takes some time. She can drive it alone too with hand control. But I thought she could not bring her bag for the night with her. I told her I was coming.

She often wears corsets for style but also to relieve her back, allowing her to stay fairly straight despite her total lack of abs. Her long straight red hair fell on her shoulders.

She also seemed very happy to see me. It had been 6 weeks since we had seen each other. "Wow, you look gorgeous Alecja!! What such beautiful shoes," she started. I did not dare to talk at all. I knew I would have too but I was embarrassed because we were in the street with people around. She added, "Well, I understand you don't want to speak in the street." I nodded, smiling with my mouth closed. "Okay, I don't insist for the moment, but I'm going to help you to be more confident with that this weekend." I nodded again. I helped her get her manual wheelchair out of the car and assemble the wheels on it. She transferred alone with her sliding board, not wanting my help to do that. Then, she asked me to take her bags in the trunk, one with her things for the weekend and the other with 4 bottles of alcohol and packets of cocktail snacks. I did it and we went up to my apartment, on the 4th floor with the elevator. I slurped several times on the way, without saying anything.

As soon as I locked my entrance door, she turned her wheelchair toward me and asked me to smile with all my teeth. At this moment, we were alone so I did it with a lot of embarrassment.

-   “Well okay, it’s not that bad…really!” she said.

-   “Be honeshd’h pleazh, slhslhslhslh,” I said.

-   “I’ll be honest with you. We can see a lot of metal of course but it’s clean and not unsightly. In a certain way, you look younger and a little vulnerable, which gives you a sexy side,” she said.

-   “Are you sherioush? slhslhslhslh,” I asked.

-    “Yes, always with you my dear. Maybe the most annoying thing is the noise of slurping you do, but it’s not so gross. Anyway, I’m here for you to have a good time,” she said.

-   “Szhanks my beaud’hy. You look gordjshoush d‘hoo, slhslhslh, and your outfid’h ish shd’hunning d‘hoo by szhe way, slhslhslhslh.”

She thanked me and we hugged warmly one more time.

We went to the living room. Claire transferred herself onto the couch with her sliding board while I prepared the aperitif. I brought some snacks and two glasses of red wine and sat down next to her. I spent a very good moment with her, chatting about everything and almost forgetting my braces, except the discomfort of the lisping and slurping and the pain when I bite something too hard (I took another painkiller just before her arrival so as not to suffer too much during the meal). I felt fully confident with her.

After the aperitif, we went to the dining table after Claire transferred back to her wheelchair. She really appreciated all the accommodations I had made for her and thanked me a lot for my attention.

Then, we ate the meal. Claire used her adapted cutlery to eat by herself, only asking me to cut the spaghetti to make it easier to get them with her adapted fork.

My Bolognese spaghetti with Emmental was very good, like the cheesecake. However, eating was not a good time. Even if I took small bites, food got stuck constantly in the braces and wires, forcing me to clean it as much as I could with my tongue or a sip of water. Despite the painkiller, biting was often painful because of the sensitivity of my teeth. I did not eat a lot.

After eating, I got rid of the dishes that I put in the dishwasher, washed Claire’s cutlery for tonight and made the coffees. We went back to the living room to drink them.

While I was brushing my teeth and putting some wax on a lot of brackets to relieve the irritations of my cheeks, Claire went to the bathroom and came back 20 minutes later. So simple things like that take so much time with her disability. I could not stop telling myself she was so brave and how ridiculous my teeth problems were compared to what she had to endure every day.

We spent the first part of the afternoon shopping on the web. She bought a pair of double strap 11.5 cm thin heeled sandals and I bought a pair of hollow out ankle buckled slingback 14.5 cm wedge heeled sandals, with a 4 cm platform. They were beautiful.

Claire convinced me to go for a walk then, around the neighborhood. I felt so confident with her that I accepted it. We “walked” together, me pushing her from time to time to relieve her, even if it was not easy to walk bent over. I regretted that I chose such high heels. During the conversation, I sometimes smiled widely with all my teeth showing in the street, letting anyone see my braces. There was a teenage boy with braces too and a woman of my age who seemed a little bit surprised, but not mocking. No one cared about my silver smile. We had a very good moment sharing that time together.

After staying two hours outside, we went back to the apartment. It was time to have an aperitif. Claire went back to the bathroom and I prepared during this time the same things as before lunch: a few snacks and two glasses of wine. I took the bottle this time to fill up the glasses. We had the aperitif in the living room, still chatting with a background of pop/rock music.

Claire proposed to eat Chinese food but I preferred to choose sushi, which is easier to eat. She accepted and we ordered our sushi.

We ate them after the delivery guy delivered the order, with more glasses of wine. I sometimes put maki directly into Claire’s mouth with the chopsticks because she had a hard time picking sushi up with her adapted fork and could not use chopsticks at all with her paralyzed fingers. If the sushi were soft, I did not realize that rice grains were small and went everywhere between the wires and the brackets in my mouth. After dinner, I apologized to Claire and immediately went to brush my teeth to remove the many grains stuck in my appliances.

I then cleared the table, put the dishes in the dishwasher, washed Claire’s cutlery for tomorrow morning, and came back with her in the living room, bringing another bottle of wine to replace the empty one.

I filled her glass before mine and we could not stop chatting together about plenty of things: work, friends, family.... We discussed my treatment and how it was annoying to get braces. She asked me to show a closer view of my appliances, which I accepted. She was impressed by all the metal in my mouth and touched delicately with a lot of interest my lips, my brackets and my tongue crib with her fingers several times, approaching her eyes to a few centimeters to get a better view.

She also let me have a closer view of her teeth, which were, despite her long orthodontic treatment when she was 15, slightly shifted at some places but her teeth were globally straight and her smile still stayed beautiful. She told me once again she could consider braces back to correct her minor imperfections. Even though I told her her smile was great, I jokingly told her to call Dr. Gipsen to arrange an appointment, so that we could be braces buddies. She laughed and said she would do it first thing on Monday.

We also talked about Walter, the guy she met online. She seemed happy to have met him and said she was looking forward to meeting him in person. The conversation naturally shifted to French kissing. I told her that I was going to have to stop French kisses as long as I had my stuff in my mouth. She replied, "Are you sure you can't French kiss?" with a naughty smile. I said, "I szhink id'hsh imposshhible for now, slhslhslh." She suddenly started touching my left thigh and caressing it with long back and forth movements from knee to the waist with her right hand (if she can't move her fingers, she can move her wrists), passing sometimes under my dress and toward my crotch and trying to maintain her stability with her left arm. I was so surprised and it was so pleasant that I didn't even try to push her away, without trying to understand what was happening. I could not resist doing the same with my left hand on her thin thighs also covered by tights. They were so soft and tender. I felt a lot of pleasure doing it. Then she started moving her head towards mine. Her lips touched mine very gently and we started kissing each other tenderly for long minutes. I felt her tongue coming into my mouth and starting exploring the inside of it, passing very slowly over my front brackets and the tongue crib. My tongue was blocked by the tongue crib but could touch hers through the remaining spaces. I felt very aroused by what we were doing and could not stop myself. She placed her right hand on the back of my head and kept on kissing me tenderly while I grabbed her by her corset with my hands and began to touch her breast gently. We were perfectly connected at this time. I fully enjoyed the moment, without asking any questions.

After about 10 minutes of kissing and touching, she delicately removed her tongue and lips from mine and looked at me, whispering, “You see, you can French kiss,” biting her lower lip. I could not reply with anything. After a few long seconds of looking into each other’s eyes, she burst out laughing.

Was she drunk or did she do this voluntarily? I did not know. I knew she was very open-minded about plenty of things but I had known her for 10 years and she never said anything about being attracted to women or me. Me neither. We had already kissed quickly on the mouth while we were drunk at some parties before but nothing like this.

-   “What do you think my dear?” she said, with a large smile after laughing.

-   “… you’re sho shurprizhing, slhslhslh, Whad’h a kisshh!,” I said.

-   “Yeah, I loved it too. I’ve always supposed you were a good kisser. I know now and the discomfort caused by braces provided excitement for both of us, didn’t it?” she said.

-   “You’re righd’h. I shd’hill have schhills Shweed’hie, slhslhslh,” I said.

-   “It’s your turn now, kiss me now!” she said directly.

I was drawn like a magnet to her when she said this and started kissing her like we did before, trying to touch her tongue with mine through the tongue crib. I especially appreciated when her tongue touched my braced teeth. I could not imagine braces could provide that kind of sensation.

-   “Bud’h Claire, whad’h are we doing exacd’hly?” I said, during a short break.

-   “Nothing wrong Alecja. We both are attractive women and we are right now attracted to each other, what’s the matter?” she said.

-   “Bud’h we boszh are hed’heroshecshhual? Have you ever done szhad’h before?” I said.

-   “What? To kiss another woman ? Yes I have, of course. Straight, gay, this means absolutely nothing. I love men but now it’s time to take advantage of what we can bring to each other at this precise moment, without asking any questions.”

She pushed me backward to make me lie on the couch and pulled her paralyzed body on me. She gave me several sensual kisses to the uncovered part of my breast while I was slowly caressing her hair and upper body. She went down to raise my dress up to my stomach and kissed my belly, my waist and thighs above my tights.

We spent the rest of the evening kissing, caressing, touching and licking each other, on and under our clothes, and doing other things for an hour or so. This moment was intense.

It was around midnight and we both wanted to go to bed. Claire asked me if she could sleep with me in my bed, so that we could keep on spending some time together. Of course, I said yes, even if I had prepared the guest room for her.

Both of us were still a little drunk. I helped her to transfer to her wheelchair and to brush her teeth, remove her make-up, and take off her shoes, her corset (which took very long to unlace), her dress and her tights to put on a nightie. Because she was too drunk to do it on her own, she asked for help to catheterize her and to install the catheter and the collection bag around her thigh for the night, so I did it. We tenderly French kissed each other several times during that period. Then I helped her to go to my bed and I finally prepared myself for the night doing the same for me. I added wax on my brackets and wires to relieve the pain and avoid ulcers because my mouth was very active in the last hour. I took another painkiller for the night.

When I came back to my bedroom, Claire was waiting for me with her naughty look, her body out of the sheets in a sensual position. Her left leg was bent on the other and she was biting one of her fingers. I went to the bed next to her and we started kissing tenderly on the mouth and making love again for a long time. After that, we looked at each other without saying anything and fell asleep, me thinking of this precious time we shared together that will remain etched in my memory. I could not imagine such a thing to happen with my best friend, much less just after my braces were put on.
Good morning,
The points in common are many and I must say simple to list.
I am a 41 year old woman I live abroad for work I am single.
She is now back with the fixed braces for the same problems as the protagonist of this story.
As I said in the previous post, I don't write much but I always read.
I can confidently tell you that this is a story that women like too!
Good day

'm love braces

Offline Michellemon

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I love where this is going!! Great writing!