
Author Topic: Jess  (Read 60378 times)

Offline Braces1234

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Re: Jess
« Reply #30 on: 15. March 2023, 05:12:30 AM »
The lisp makes it hard to read but great start.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Jess
« Reply #31 on: 15. March 2023, 05:42:53 AM »
For those that appreciate the lisp, this is a very nice story. For those that don't, the author has provided a translation in Italics.

It is impossible to please everyone, but the author is doing a very good job of trying to.

Offline anton08

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Re: Jess
« Reply #32 on: 15. March 2023, 07:45:16 AM »
It is really a luxury that we have both versions here, great service, thank you very much! ;D

Offline s399140

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Re: Jess
« Reply #33 on: 15. March 2023, 11:06:01 AM »
Part 6

After breakfast both Jess and I left for work, but not before we had some nice kissing. The week went by very quickly and during the week I thought about what I should do. I couldn’t let all the initiatives with Jess, could I?

Friday afternoon, I took the plunge and while Jess and I did some chitchatting via Whatsapp, and asked if she had anything to do tonight and if not, if she wanted to have dinner together.

A little too quick I got a reply: “Love to… X Jess”

A few hours later I was sitting in a nice and cozy bar, when I saw Jess entering. Of course she was wearing her headgear and again she was dressed to impress and to show off her magnificent body.

“Hi ssweety,” she said: “Thankss fow assking me fow dinnew tonight. I wass weally looking fowwawd to ssee you again.”

As usual, not familiar with these kind of words, I didn’t know what to say and stammered: “Ehh… Hi  ehh  Jess. Thanks for joining me. I ehh, I ehhh, actually I’m  ehh a little nervous and ehhh you want something to drink?”

“I would like a dwaft beew pleasse. Thankss. And ehh thewe’ss no need to be newvouss. Jusst enjoy being togethew, jusst ass when you awe with youw fwiendss.” Jess said to comfort me.

The drinks came fast and I said: “Cheers, to a lovely evening, and by the way, your lisp has improved enormously.”

Thankss, Yess, my lissp did get much bettew duwing the week, ass iss quite nowmal. You have to get ussed to the new objectss in youw mouth. I only can’t get ussed to the tongue cwib. It pweventss me from putting my tongue in the wight possition to fowm an “Aw”, but the ss-ess awe quite good actually. I am a little wowwied that the aw won’t get any bettew. Thiss tongue cwib iss sso much biggew than they usse nowmally, sso it iss taking a lot of sspace.”

“Thanks, Yes, my lisp did get much better during the week, as is quite normal. You have to get used to the new objects in your mouth. I only can’t get used to the tongue crib. It prevents me from putting my tongue in the right position to form an “R”, but the ss-es are quite good actually. I am a little worried that the R won’t get any better. This tongue crib is so much bigger than they use normally, so it is taking a lot of space.”

Then she continued: “Ass a thank you fow tonight, I bwought you a little pressent,” while she handed me a small flat package.

After I opened it, I saw a picture of Jess inside. Of course she was wearing her headgear, but she had also that magical and mysterious look on her face. In her mouth, you saw just some tiny silver bits, adding more mystery about what was going on in her mouth. On the bottom of the picture it said: “For your eyes only”, just like the James Bond movie.

I gave Jess a big thank-you kiss and said: “I still can’t imagine that someone is so nice to me.”

Now Jess didn’t know how to react and said: “You mentioned it befowe, that thiss whole ssituation is new fow you. But awe you ssewiouss that a nice guy like you hass nevew been involved in a ssewiouss welation?”

“It’s true, of course I had some flirts, but up to now I only have had bad experiences. A few years ago it seemed to get serious with a girl, but it appeared that she was only after my money and on our third date it seemed that somebody else had more money, as she was already kissing someone else in the pub.

Next I had some online dating and one woman that I got in contact with, appeared to be lying. She said she was about my age, but when we met in real life she appeared to be almost 40 years old and had two children.

Finally last year there was Patricia, from your hockey team. In the end she used me to make another guy jealous, so she could jump into him.
So, yeah, I didn’t have many relations and they never became serious actually.”

Hearing this, Jess said: “I’m ssowwy to heaw youw bad exspewiencess, but pleasse believe me and have twusst in me. Look at it thiss way: why sshould ssomeone buy hew gwocsewiess in a sshop fifteen minutess fwom hew home, while thewe iss a ssimilaw sshop within one minute of hew home?”

“I’m sorry to hear your bad experiences, but please believe me and have trust in me. Look at it this way: why should someone buy her groceries in a shop fifteen minutes from her home, while there is a similar shop within one minute of her home?”

Then she came closer and whispered into my ear: “Being thiss unexspewiencsed.. doess it alsso mean that you nevew have been … ehh… intimate with a giwl?”

“Being this unexperienced.. does it also mean that you never have been … ehh… intimate with a girl?”

I just nodded and Jess said: “Don’t wowwy, take youw time. I will wait until you’we weady. Of couwsse ssometimess I will challenge you, but don’t be afwaid to tell me to wait. I want you to be completely at easse befowe we go any fuwther.”

“Don’t worry, take your time. I will wait until you’re ready. Of course sometimes I will challenge you, but don’t be afraid to tell me to wait. I want you to be completely at ease before we go any further.”

After this conversation we had a wonderful evening. We had a nice dinner and afterwards we decided to take a walk home, to be not disturbed by any crowds. As the evening went on, we were close to Jess’s house. We decided to sleep by ourselves tonight as Jess had to be at the hockeyclub quite early, but we agreed on meeting in the afternoon.

Offline castleg

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Re: Jess
« Reply #34 on: 15. March 2023, 11:33:01 AM »
great, waiting you to get the same braces

Offline bracessd

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Re: Jess
« Reply #35 on: 15. March 2023, 16:45:46 PM »
Great job

Online acornjohn2001

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Re: Jess
« Reply #36 on: 16. March 2023, 07:32:59 AM »
I love the story!!!!

Offline s399140

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Re: Jess
« Reply #37 on: 16. March 2023, 15:48:34 PM »
Part 7

The next day, after our matches, we saw each other again and unlike last week, we left together before all our friends left, so we could have some time together.
We went of to the beach to have some quality time. We were walking hand in hand along the boulevard when Jess said:

“Did you ssee that cweep ovew thewe? He iss taking pictuwess of me.”

Having said that Jess sprinted off to the guy. I followed her and when I was closer I heard her say: “Why awe you making pictuwess of me. Let me ssee them.”

The guy was probably somewhat overwhelmed and intimidated by the directness of Jess, that he showed hiss phone without hesitation. Jess scrolled through the pictures and said:
“SSo… ass it lookss, my headgeaw iss the weasson that you awe photogwaphing me. What you’we going to do with thosse pictuwess? Possting them online? Wathew bwutal to posst pictuwess of ssome one without pewmissssion, issn’t it? Do you think ssomeone iss weawing bwacess fow fun, huh? SSo you’we taking advantagess of ssomeone elsse’ss missewy. You look ssome kind of pewvewt, ow awe you tuwned on by women with headgeaw?”
“So… as it looks, my headgear is the reason that you are photographing me. What you’re going to do with those pictures? Posting them online? Rather brutal to post pictures of some one without permission, isn’t it? Do you think someone is wearing braces for fun, huh? So you’re taking advantages of someone else’s misery. You look some kind of pervert, or are you turned on by women with headgear?”

The guy got red and obviously didn’t know what to say, so Jess continued:
”Okay, hewe’ss the deal. I am going to delete all the pictuwess you’ve taken fwom me up to now, becausse the quality iss vewy poow. The you can take thwee pictuwess while I posse fow you, sso you have good quality picss. You will ssend thosse pictuwess to me wight away. If I ssee one of thesse picss online, I’m coming aftew you to ssue you. You can usse the fow youw own, pwobably pewvewt, bussinessss, though. Doess that ssound weassonable?”

”Okay, here’s the deal. I am going to delete all the pictures you’ve taken from me up to now, because the quality is very poor. The you can take three pictures while I pose for you, so you have good quality pics. You will send those pictures to me right away. If I see one of these pics online, I’m coming after you to sue you. You can use the for your own, probably pervert, business, though. Does that sound reasonable?”

The guy quickly agreed and Jess handed me her bag and stepped over to the side of the boulevard, so she was in front of a nice background. The pictures were taken rather quick, and Jess took the phone again to check if it were only three pics and to send them over to her own phone.

Shortly after this intermezzo, we found a nice loungebar with a view on the sea and upcoming sunset. After we sat down, Jess took off her headgear. I must have had a questioned face, because Jess explained:
“I jusst want to be a little bit lessss notable. I jusst want to be with you, while no one iss paying attention to uss. Obvioussly my headgeaw iss attwacting attention fwom guyss that I’m not intewessted in. Wight now, I’m only intewessted in you and don’t want to be disstuwbed ow disstwacted by non impowtant issssuess.”

“I just want to be a little bit less notable. I just want to be with you, while no one is paying attention to us. Obviously my headgear is attracting attention from guys that I’m not interested in. Right now, I’m only interested in you and don’t want to be disturbed or distracted by non important issues.”

We ordered some drinks and we were just chitchatting about our matches and so on. It gave me a good opportunity to look at Jess. Of course I had seen her without headgear before we  got interested in each other, but since we got interested in each other, she almost always wore her headgear. Without her headgear her braces were so neat and so discrete. Sometimes you saw something glimmer in her mouth. Just enough to keep you wandering to know what’s going on there. Of course Jess’s lisp was still there.

Online Charlie0186

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Re: Jess
« Reply #38 on: 23. March 2023, 09:11:19 AM »
I love this story!

Offline s399140

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Re: Jess
« Reply #39 on: 28. March 2023, 15:27:52 PM »
Part 8

Jess and I had a wonderful time at the beach eating and drinking. I couldn’t help it, but my eyes kept looking for Jess, scanning her marvelous body, but again and again I stopped at her mouth, looking for a glimmer of her braces.

“You awe weally intwigued by my brassess, awen’t you?” Jess asked suddenly.

I kindy felt caught and may be because of the beers, I said: “Yeah, I think I am. I really think they look so good on you.”

Jess smiled and said: “Did you evew had bwassess youwsself? Youw teeth look nisse, you know?”

“Yes, I had braces while I was younger, why?”

“Well, I am cuwiouss whewe youw intewesst fow my bwassess comess fwom. Wewe you attwacted ow cuwiouss to youw bwassess then alsso?

“Hmmm, not that I remember. My memories to my braces weren’t that great, actually.”

“How come? What kind of bwassess did you weaw?”

“I was rather old when I got my braces. I think about sixteen or so and most of my friends were already done with theirs. When I got my braces, I got some twin blocks. Twin blocks are hard to wear when you are a young kid, but when you are in the phase of your life that you are getting interested in girls and you have to ‘prove’ yourself to your friends, they are a disaster.

Instead of wearing them full time, as I was told, I wore them about eight to ten hours per day. As you can expect the braces didn’t work and after a few months the orthodontist warned me that I got one last chance to start wearing my twin blocks full time, or that he would take alternative measures, as he called it.

At my next appointment I was rather anxious, because of course I hadn’t worn my twin blocks enough. Instead of getting mad, the orthodontist started the dialog, asking why I wasn’t wearing my braces as described. I explained him how the braces affected that particular phase of my life. He seemed very understanding and explained that he could change my treatment. It would involve fixed appliances, but they would affect my talking much less and I would be able to close my mouth much better, because there won’t be any plastic between my jaws.

For me that sounded like a good plan, because the plastic of the twin block between my jaws hindered my talking and in my opinion I looked rather dumb with my jaws apart and not being able to close my lips over the braces.

 I was lead back to the dentist chair and was told to open my mouth. Then they put in spacers for a week or so and - my gosh - they hurt. I had spacers on my top and bottom jaw and three on each side. The good news was that I didn’t have to wear my twin blocks anymore.

When I came back the next week for the installation of my new braces, they installed rather big brackets, much bigger then yours. On each side of my upper  and lower jaw, four molars were covered completely with metal and on my top jaw there was a connecting bar over my palette and on my lower jaw, a curved bar was behind my front teeth. When they showed me my braces, I saw almost only metal and very little white enamel, but hey… no more twin block. Then they told me to open my mouth again and added some things in the back of my mouth. When I tried to close my mouth again, I had to push my lower jaw forward, just like I had to do with the twin blocks, but it was less present. They told me that they installed what’s called a Mara-appliance. That was a weird experience, because when you open your mouth, sideways movement of your lower jaw is possible, but not when you’re closing your mouth and it hurts when you close your mouth and the triangles hit your molars. You had to position your jaw very precisely. It was weird and annoying, but much better to handle than the twin blocks.

Of course I got remarks and comments, because I looked like jaws and my mouth moved very mechanically, but it was so much better than the twin blocks. The rest of my treatment was okay, but I was glad that the came of after more than two years.

After my braces were removed I got the kind of retainers with a wire over your teeth and as I recall now, that was the moment I started to get interested in braces, because you saw the metal not always, but just now and then. I guess it’s the fact that you don’t get a clear picture of what is going on at once.
So, now that I’ve told you my braces story. What’s your story? Did you wear braces before and / or, why now?”

Online Charlie0186

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Re: Jess
« Reply #40 on: 28. March 2023, 16:56:59 PM »
I'm enjoying reading this story, and can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Offline YBNO

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Re: Jess
« Reply #41 on: 28. March 2023, 17:11:01 PM »
Great story, keep up the good work

Offline anton08

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Re: Jess
« Reply #42 on: 29. March 2023, 15:09:28 PM »
What a nice story, well written, I can´t wait for the next part.  8)

Offline m1090y

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Re: Jess
« Reply #43 on: 02. April 2023, 12:49:21 PM »
Enjoying the story -- I like the Jess character.

Offline s399140

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Re: Jess
« Reply #44 on: 03. April 2023, 14:10:48 PM »
Part 9

As Jess is going to tell a story by herself, I decided to leave the lisp for this part. I bet you can imagine how she sounded  :)


“Well, I had braces when I was younger, when all my friends had braces as well, However my mom didn’t like braces at all. It was that my dentist explicitly mentioned that if my deep bite wasn’t corrected, it would cause problems when I was older.

I was taken to an orthodontist and after all the examinations, moulds, X-rays and so on, we were taken into his office to discuss the treatment plan. My treatment would contain braces on my top and bottom jaw, a bite plate behind my front teeth and several elastics.

As my mother really disliked the idea that her daughter was fitted with those ugly metal braces, she decided that I should get the clear brackets. The orthodontist wasn’t too enthusiastic, because he thought those brackets shouldn’t be strong enough for the movement that he needed, but he agreed and said that he would at least give it a try. At that moment I didn’t really care, but I felt sorry that I didn’t get the same as my friends.

I was allowed to choose a color for the biteplate and my mother agreed with blue, because she thought nobody could see it as it was supposed to be behind my front teeth. Before I left the office I got some spacers around my top molars.

After about a week I was fitted with braces and when I was allowed to rinse my mouth after gluing the brackets in place, I had a quick peek in the mirror. I didn’t like what I saw. They looked like big chunks on my teeth, making my lips to stand out. It looked much worse than what I had seen with my friends.

Back in the chair they fitted the biteplate. It was fixed in my mouth with some molar bands. When I closed my mouth, my bottom teeth hit the plastic and my molars didn’t touch anymore. I felt around with my tongue and I really liked the feeling of the smooth plastic.

Next they gave me a mirror, so I could see the end result and to see how to connect the elastics. The biteplate wasn’t completely behind my front teeth, but showed about 1  or 2 millimeters below them. Because of the extra height and the massive brackets, it was hard to close my lips, making the blue plastic of the biteplate visible at all times. I liked what I saw, but at the same moment I was worried about the reaction of my mother. I was sure, she wouldn’t like it at all.

You can imagine that the bite plate gave me a lisp, but it wasn’t as bad as with the tonguecrib I have now.

As expected my mother didn’t like the image of my braces, but she lived with it. I really liked the biteplate and the challenge it gave me with talking and eating. I guess my mom was more embarrassed by my braces than I was and she really felt sorry for the obvious biteplate, that I just liked. But the more I liked my biteplate, the more I hated the clear brackets. They were bulky and sharp and in my opinion, they caused my lips to act unnatural, drawing even more attention to them then metal braces. On top of that, no one my age had clear braces.

It was after a month or so when I had my first check up. The orthodontist mumbled something about less progress than he expected and again mention that the clear brackets might not be suitable for my case.

Back home I started searching the internet about clear brackets and soon I found cases where the clear braces weren’t strong enough and broke because of the pressure. In most of the cases, the braces were replaced with metal braces. I took a good look at my braces and saw that the wire was bent quit strong to follow the position of the brackets and my teeth.

Because of the image of that heavy bent wire, I understood why the orthodontist was worried about the strength of the brackets. Before I really realized what I was doing, I took a scissor from my make-up-table and put it into the slot of a bracket. A very gentle twist caused one of the stuts on the bracket to brake, just at the point where the wire was pushing on the bracket.

First I shocked what I saw, but I quickly realized that I just found a way to get rid of the clear brackets. I took the scissors again and modified another bracket at the other side of my mouth.

I took the small bits that had come of and went to my mom. She was shocked and immediately called the orthodontist for an emergency appointment.
They replaced the broken brackets, but he also warned me and my mom that as more brackets would break, we might have to consider metal brackets. It took me a few months with modifying my brackets. Sometimes the same brackets, sometimes other locations and not to much at one time. Then after about three months, when again I had two broken brackets, he called my mom to discuss metal brackets. My mom knew she had no choice but to agree in the use of metal brackets. In the same appointment my clear brackets were taken off and I got some nice small metal brackets. I kinda flew out of the office. I was so happy that I now had the same kind of braces as my friends and the were so much more comfortable than the bulky clear ones. I could even better close my lips around them.”

“Wow, so you sabotaged your discrete braces to get braces that stood out much more,” I said: “Did you ever told your mom what you did?”

"No, I didn’t.” Jess said: “Actually you are the first I’ve ever told.”