Chapter 15.
That afternoon back home, as Jen was making the several trips to and from her car to unload her pillows and groceries and still wearing her brace, she felt like a champion. She was winning this battle. She had managed a whole afternoon in public in her brace, and she decided she was going to treat herself by foregoing the cervical extension that evening, at least until bedtime, and enjoy a nice dinner. Without it on, she cooked herself a nice dinner of pork chops and brussel sprouts along with a side salad. After she ate and cleaned up she sent Melissa a text.
J: Hey love, how is your mouth feeling?
M: It feels like it got hit by a baseball bat then run over by a dump truck.
J. Aww, I am sorry.

What plans do you have for tomorrow night?
M: Nothing, wear my facemask and watch TV like usual I guess.
J: Well, you have new plans for you and your facemask. I am going to make you dinner and try to cheer you up. I will not take no for an answer because I have already been to the grocery store. And I am not going to even ask what you like, cause I got everything soft in the store. Whatever we don't eat, you can take home with you so you don't have to fool with cooking or ordering out for a few nights. What time do you like to eat dinner?
M: I usually try to eat around 6, as soon as I get home from work, and be done by 7.
J: Well then, you are going to have to come straight over here after work then. And don’t forget your facemask, I don’t want you to have to rush off like the other evening. I was hoping we could eat, and then watch a movie and have a girls night in.
M: Aww, you are so sweet. I will warn you I might not be the best company until my mouth stops hurting so much.
J: Remember when you scolded me for apologizing for my lisp? Well, now it is my turn. Stop it. You will be wonderful company.
M: In that case, I would absolutely love too.
J: YAY! YAY! HAPPY DANCE!!! On a less happy note, I am going to try to sleep in my full brace again tonight. I hope it goes better than last night.
M: Take the ambian, if should work. I am about to take one myself so it will knock me out and I can quit thinking about my mouth.
J: In that case, I will leave you alone so you can go to bed. I look so forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
With that, Jen put her phone down. She had a huge smile on her face. She was happy and looking so forward to the next night. She looked at the clock and saw it was already 8 pm. She sat down on the couch with her new pillows and spent the next hour googling recipes on her phone for the soft foods she had gotten, saving the ones that looked good to her favorites. At around 9, she took an Ambian and headed to the bedroom. She went through the same process she had the night before, the only difference being she had a few new pillows to try out. She got comfy, or as comfy as she could, after about 5 minutes, turned off the lamp and slipped down her eye mask. She braced herself for the panic to hit, but it didn’t. She wasn’t exactly comfortable, but after about 20 minutes she fell asleep.
The next morning she awoke at 6:15 to the sound of her alarm, and out of habit tried to sit up. She had a jolt of panic run through her when she couldn’t, then she remembered she was wearing her brace. She processed that in her head again, I am wearing my brace… and it is the next morning. YAY! She slipped off her eye mask, then her cpap mask, and managed to sit up. She rubbed her eyes, and again looked at the clock to make sure it really was 6:15. It was. She got up and took her brace off and hopped in the shower. She showered, did her hair and makeup, then emerged to get dressed. When she entered the bedroom she looked over at her back brace and thought, what the heck. She put it on, got dressed up, and headed for the office.
About 9, she text Melissa.
J: Good morning, I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Were you able to sleep ok? And how does your mouth feel?
It was about 15 minutes before she got a response.
M: Good morning to you too! Sorry for the delay, it is brace fitting day and I was with a patient. My mouth is still sore, but I think it is better. At least I am telling myself that. And yes I was able to sleep, that Ambian is for real. How about you?
J: I was able to sleep through the night! Wearing my complete brace! And I feel pretty good today. So good, I decided to wear my back brace to work. And so far, so good.
With that, Jen looked up to make sure her door was closed, pulled up her sweater to expose her brace, and took a selfie. She sent it to Melissa.


I am so, so proud of you. I would love to talk with you all day, but I have to run. I have more patients to lock into their torture devices.

J: Haha! Have a great day! And I will see you tonight!
Right before lunch time, she stopped by her bosses Pete’s office. She went in and sat. She thanked him so much for her new desk and chair, and for getting maintenance to put it together so fast. She said she loved it, it was perfect, and again thanked him. He said it was his pleasure and asked how the brace acclimation was going. With that she looked at him and said “what do you think?” Pete responded “I have no idea, that is why I asked you”. With that she stood up and did a spin in front of him, then bent over like she was trying to touch her toes, her whole torso as stiff as a board. He asked “Are you wearing it right now”. “Yep” she said, “and to answer how it is going, it is going much better than I was afraid it would.” Pete said “That is great, I can’t see it at all. It wasn’t till you bent over did I have a clue. And by the way, you have killer posture. I slouch so bad, I might have to get me one of those” and laughed. He continued smiling and said “and this isn’t sexual harassment but you really do look great. And remember what I said, anything I can do let me know.” Jennifer said “well, I was hoping I could leave a little early today, I brought my lunch with me so I can spend it at my desk”. He looked at her, “Seriously Jennifer, what ever you need to do, you do. You don’t have to ask me to leave early, unless it is the day of our annual shareholders meeting” and laughed again.
Jen thanked him and headed back to her desk. As she walked, she thought about what a great guy and boss Pete was and she felt fortunate to work for him. The next 3 hours went smoothly, the desk and chair were lifesavers. Jen marveled at how much of a nothing burger her first day at work with the brace had really been. She had worked it up in her mind that it was going to be horrible. Maybe Melissa was right, this wasn’t the end of the world. As she was getting ready to finish up for the day around 3, her phone buzzed.
M: Hey girl, how’s your day been?
J: It has been great, I can’t believe it.
M: It is because you are rockstar. I meant to mention earlier, we knock off at 4 here on Fridays. I guess you will still be at work, so I will go home and then see you at 6.
J: Actually, I am leaving here in a few minutes. My plan was to have dinner cooked and ready when you got over. But, it might be even more fun if we cooked together. How about when you get off, you just come on over. I have a couple of bottles of wine. And a fresh new pack of straws.

We can cook, drink, and just have us a big time.
M: That sounds awesome. Do you need me to bring anything?
J: Nope, just yourself. And I guess your facemask


Jen had a huge smile on her face as she finished tidying up her desk. As she got up and left, she didn’t notice that she had knocked the trifold pamphlet from Dr. Cooper’s office off her desk and onto the floor. She turned off the lights and closed her door for the weekend.
After she left, her assistant Jasmine opened her door and flipped on the lights. She was carrying some financial reports she needed to leave on Ms. Collins desk. As she turned to leave, she noticed the pamphlet on the floor. She picked it up, saw what it was, and carried it back to her own desk.