
Author Topic: How did your kink begin??  (Read 14664 times)

Offline MikeB

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #30 on: 12. May 2023, 19:35:40 PM »
We have a bit of a history with fakes.

Her first set (way back in 2011) were Essix style from a Washington company that's now out of business. These were great. Very convincing unless you were like a foot away and extremely durable. She used these up until she got real braces in 2017.

After her real braces came off, we obviously needed new fakes since her teeth had been moved (and changed shape, her ortho did a fantastic job). I was a cheapskate and found a prop company in Belgium to do more Essix fakes. But these were rather poor quality and the brackets on the lower arch kept popping off.

I found a woman on Etsy who was making Essix fakes in the upper midwest of the US. These were very nice and lasted for a year or so, then the brackets started popping off, just like the Belgian fakes. I got tired of repairing them and kind of gave up for a while.

Then I hit the dollar vs euro lottery, and the exchange rate became good enough that even my frugal ass couldn't pass up ordering from the Braces Shop (sister of this forum). I ordered Hawley types this time and couldn't be happier. They look totally realistic and seem extremely sturdy. I even added headgear tubes, since we play with that occasionally. I kick myself for not ordering from the Shop sooner.

The big test of the new fakes starts today. We're heading out to Nevada for a long weekend in Laughlin, and she plans to stay "in character" with the fakes basically the whole time (except eating). But on a river cruise, in bars, bowling, shooting pool, dancing, and of course in our hotel room. We're both excited.

Offline Velteau

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #31 on: 18. September 2023, 00:12:46 AM »
For me it was being in middle school and getting to see (or stare in wonder, rather) an older girl in highschool who had her jaws wired shut after an orthognathic surgery. I was already into bondage and normal braces, but the sight of a mess of elastics tied all around her dull grey braces, which stuck out of her mouth so far that she had to consciously wrap her lips around them to close her mouth generated a deep fascination within me. I don't think I've seen anything so extreme and humiliating ever since.
Pulchritudo ex machina

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #32 on: 09. November 2023, 05:52:59 AM »
Mine started when I was seven, when I got my expander. It was similar to Cassandra’s, where it was a I’m different because I like my braces and you don’t sort thing! It kind of went away, or just wasn’t in my life or thoughts very much, for like twenty five years until I got told this year I needed braces by my dentist. It was totally random, and I ended up getting them. And then it came back in full force, and it has only gotten bigger. I think at seven, I am not old enough to have those thoughts of arousal or crushes or anything, so it kind of went away as it had no impact on my life. There weren’t that many people with braces around from when I was seven to nine-ish, which was when I didn’t have to wear my retainers anymore, so it just kind of faded. At that point, it was a weird, geeky, dorky interest, not a fetish in any sense, and really it still isn’t, at least it isn’t a large one. Looking back, I do know I noticed boys with braces more than boys without, but it really wasn’t enough that I noticed. So yeah, it kind of started twice.

Offline DemBones

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #33 on: 29. November 2023, 17:28:43 PM »
The first thing I need to say is I’ve always been a kink.  Since I can remember I’ve been into bondage scenarios.  This is not a “pubescent” discovery, but from when I was a very small boy.  My favourite toys as a kid were police sets, because they had handcuffs in them!

But I also had an overbite as big as Musk’s bank account.  I always knew I was going to get braces, it was never a surprise for me.  That finally happened when I was 12.  Got a massive set of full bands along with a cervical headgear, and hated every frigging second of it. 

At least, at first.  As I grew older, and I could start thinking for myself, things gradually started changing.  I stopped seeing my braces as “medical device” and started seeing it as “bondage device”.    What’s the difference between unable to remove a set of handcuffs and unable to remove your braces?  Emotionally: none! 

But it wasn’t really “special” – lots of kids at school had them.  I was just one of several dozen. 

The headgear, however, was special, and it brought in an interesting dynamic.  Can I remove the headgear?  Yes.  Its not permanently attached like my braces.  Do I want to remove the headgear?  Absolutely.  It’s a crappy thing to have to wear.  I was not friends with the headgear.  At all.  I got into a lot of trouble for not wearing it nearly enough as I should. 

But I had this aunt, you see, and she was rather… interesting.  Can I remove it? Yes.  Do I want to remove it?  Yes.  Am I ALLOWED to remove it?  ‘Over my dead body’.  She got hold of me and read me the riot act.  This brought in an aspect of “Discipline” that wasn’t there before, and I quite enjoyed that part of things.   It takes a lot of guts to keep that thing strapped to one’s face when you do not want to.  And to do so all day, every day.  I liked that – it felt like I was doing something worthwhile.  I liked the obedience, and the threats of punishments and rewards.  The accountability.  To sit through the pain and humiliation and deal with it simply because if I remove it without permission, there would be hell to pay.

When I got my second – and third – set of braces later in life and they told me headgear would not be needed, I was quite disappointed. 

But as a kink, I prefer my bondage on others, not (necessarily) on myself.  I don’t mind being the one bound, but much prefer it on others.  I’d much rather have a pretty girl in handcuffs or ropes than be the one in it.  And that extends to my braces kink, too. 
I won’t mind a headgear session if I could have it the way when I was 16, but that’s a fantasy now.  But I’d frigging LOVE it if I can experience that headgear fantasy on someone else.