
Author Topic: How did your kink begin??  (Read 12180 times)

Offline somerandomfella

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #15 on: 10. April 2023, 04:45:25 AM »
you think you'd enjoy getting them again?

I never had them. I often think about what it would be like to get them. At my age and with my career, it would be embarrassing, but that would be part of the fun. One of my biggest fantasies is updating my Tinder profile with "By the way, the most recent picture is the braceface!  ;D "

Offline henkbyblos

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #16 on: 24. April 2023, 01:02:29 AM »
I never had them. I often think about what it would be like to get them. At my age and with my career, it would be embarrassing, but that would be part of the fun. One of my biggest fantasies is updating my Tinder profile with "By the way, the most recent picture is the braceface!  ;D "

I had the same doubts upfront, but it turned out to be all fine. No one cares tbh. Unless they are into it themselves. Hehe

And the Tinder profile thing, literally one of the first things I did  ;D ;D

Offline somerandomfella

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #17 on: 25. April 2023, 19:41:56 PM »
I had the same doubts upfront, but it turned out to be all fine. No one cares tbh. Unless they are into it themselves. Hehe

And the Tinder profile thing, literally one of the first things I did  ;D ;D

Glad to hear it! Has it been an exciting experience? How do people respond on Tinder?

Offline Bracesbrace

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #18 on: 26. April 2023, 05:58:02 AM »
When I was a kid, I didn't think much about braces, it was when I was 13 that I started to like the girls around me who had them, and the possibility of having them only makes me more excited, it's a pity that I have too good teeth for a complicated treatment.

Offline Bruss88

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #19 on: 27. April 2023, 00:06:56 AM »
I first noticed full banded braces on a couple girls in my class when I was around 10. My fascination began, and hasn't ended. I really wondered what they felt like. Maybe a mild bondage thing? I didn't need them growing up, but ended up getting as an adult for cosmetic reasons. I have retainers and got full fakes after my treatment so I could keep "in touch".

Offline Cassandra

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #20 on: 01. May 2023, 23:53:53 PM »
I am not sure how it began, nor am I really sure WHEN it began.

I had braces as a child. Expander when I was seven. Braces on just my front teeth and molar bands when I was eight. Retainers by the time I was nine. Retainers were highly, highly annoying. Braces were a little sore sometimes. But as I recall, I was excited to get them and made a big deal about how much I liked them and I sort of had an attitude of “everybody else hates their braces, but IM DIFFERENT because I LIKE THEM.” I looooved going to the orthodontist office because I could see all the promotional pamphlets and posters they had around, see other appliances they were making and see other people with braces more interesting than mine, all while having a slight feeling of dread that I would end up needing something awful (but I was fairly confident I wouldn’t, because my whole treatment had been explained to me in detail and that is what they stuck to, nothing unexpected came up.)

I was only seven. I was too little to like boys. I was too little to have any concept of attraction or arousal. I was even too little to be embarrassed about my weird interest (although a few years later I changed course and was VERY embarrassed, to the point where I would lock the bathroom door to try on my old retainer IN SECRET) but wow did I have an interest. It was intense. But I mean… my little son is six. I can’t imagine him having these thoughts, about braces or anything really (although he will need braces too because he has the same skeletal abnormalities I do) and it kind of blows my mind that it started so early for me. I’d almost not believe it and think I’m remembering things wrong, but I can see in my old school pictures which year I had braces so that’s definitely my age, and I remember SO CLEARLY how much I liked them and how fascinating I found the whole process.

I guess maybe it wasn’t a kink until I started feeling embarrassed about it? Maybe, MAYBE before that I was just a weird kid who had weird and intense interests, and it took a few more years of maturity for it to evolve further?

Offline RetainedJms

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #21 on: 06. May 2023, 14:52:53 PM »
I think my braces fascination started when as a kid, maybe nine or ten I met a friend of mine’s older sister who wore hawley retainers. She was probably my first crush and I don’t think I knew any other girls with braces or retainers at the time. So perhaps my crush on her, and the fact she wore retainers sorta merged together?.. Ever since then I’ve found them attractive on women. I also have a thing for women in bondage which like a few people have already stated here, has a humiliation and submission side to it. No idea where that started though. It’d be a dream come true to meet a girl in real life who had the same interests! Imagine the fun!
Braces, bare feet, ball gags and bondage!

Offline MikeB

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #22 on: 08. May 2023, 19:58:06 PM »
I haven’t posted here in ages, but I suppose this is as good a topic as any for a return. This is longwinded, though, and I don’t expect everyone to be interested. My feelings won’t be hurt if anyone – or everyone – skips this.
I’m an old geezer, and I’ve had a lengthy history with braces. I was interested in braces from a very early age; basically as long as I can remember. I recall a young girl, Emily, in my second-grade class doing a “show and tell” about her retainer-like orthodontic appliance. I was fascinated, and developed a little school-boy crush on her.

I’d do weird things like look up the definition of the word “braces” in the dictionary, or sketch pictures of braces on teeth. I hid the drawings and was ashamed of my fascination even then. Back then – this was the early 1980s – kids were mostly still embarrassed to wear braces. I had no idea what to make of my peculiar interest, but I kept it to myself.

Puberty eventually hit and I took a serious liking to girls – most especially girls with braces. I was a super nerd back then, though, and had no confidence and zero success with girls. To this day, though, I still remember a lot of those braced girl’s names. This was well before the dawn of the internet, so back then I’d content myself with drawing braces on the women in softcore nudie magazines like Playboy.

I had braces myself from I think 13-15, but it did absolutely nothing for me, beyond straightening my teeth. I was only interested in braces on young women.

I joined the Army out of high school, and that experience gave me a great deal more confidence. The scrawny 138-pound kid came out the other end as a strong, tough, 165-pound paratrooper not afraid of anything. I started frequenting bars and learned I was actually pretty charismatic when I tried.

This led to meeting a variety of women, including Drea, the first woman with braces I bedded. I fully admit I was dumpster diving with her, since she was overweight, but she was pretty enough in the face and her metal braces with elastics were glorious. I regret nothing.

I moved through a series of failed relationships. I was pretty much always a serial monogamist, though I’d sometimes have a short-term side chick. I completely freaked out one woman in a long term relationship by kind of sidling up to the braces obsession. I got her to wear a nightguard occasionally, but the whole idea of kink scared her. That didn’t last, because although she was otherwise awesome and very pretty, she was just too sexually vanilla.

Another one came to an end when the woman declared flatly that “no way” would she ever get braces. Too bad, as she was quite hot and was an absolute BEAST in bed. I wasn’t aware of fake braces at that time. She might have gone for that. Hindsight is 20/20.

I was in my thirties and very casually dating my now-wife. I’d just returned from a year-long combat tour in Afghanistan. That was a tough year, because back then braces weren’t allowed on deployment, so pickings were slim among the female soldiers. There was one female DIA staffer with 24/7 Hawley retainers, but that was it.

Anyway, I was dating Carrie, but had a nice side fling with a young woman named Katie. She was something of a butterface – a bit more dumpster diving, I suppose – but had a fantastic body, a great personality, and full metal braces with elastics. Still, she just wasn’t pretty enough to date long-term, so I zeroed in on Carrie.

Carrie is very open-minded when it comes to, well, just about anything, including sex and kink. I figured, of all women, she’d be open to the braces kink. A bonus was that, while she had a great smile, she’d never had braces and her nice, healthy teeth could use some tweaking. Still, I had to work up to that.

For seven years! But in the interim, I rather awkwardly (and drunkenly) confessed my love of women in braces to her, and she immediately agreed to wear fake braces. In fact, she was very eager to do so. I’d sort of let the subject drop for a couple of months, and out of the blue in a bar outside Fenway Park in Boston (we live in Arizona), she bluntly asked, “So when do I get my braces?” I ordered fakes from a now-defunct company in Washington.

We enjoyed playing with those fakes for several years. I was very grateful we had them, because it was the experience with them that finally led Carrie to decide to get real braces, complete with power chains, elastics and bite stops. That was spectacular, some of the best 22 months of my life. God must have been smiling on me, too, because I was suddenly in the Land of Braces Plenty. Four of my female friends all had braces at that time, in addition to Carrie, and including my beautiful and very close friend Britt. It was an amazing time.

And it was during this time that I started doing some serious introspection about the how and why of my kink. I mean, my 36-year-old wife had just gone into full metal braces, mainly just for me. What I figured out was that the kink is basically a hangover from my teen years, when I was a badly underconfident dork who thought he could never get a pretty girl.

I fixated on the “flawed” girls who maybe had fewer options and fewer boys attracted to them. Girls with glasses or tiny boobs – or braces. Again, this was back when braces were seen as embarrassing or even shameful. I thought maybe those girls were attainable. Turns out they mostly weren’t – I only had one (non-braced) girlfriend in high school – but the attraction to braces stuck with me.

Now I’m in my 50s and it still has a very strong hold on me. I got Carrie post-treatment fakes again. We play with them frequently, including some fun adventures just last night. Next weekend we’re going to Laughlin, Nevada, where she plans to stay “in character” with her fakes the whole time (except eating, of course). She even agreed to “one-week braces” in Mexico, if I can find a Mexican orthodontist willing to put her in real braces for a single week.

I often wish I didn’t have this particular kink. Like, why can’t I just be normal and love giant boobs or something? But here we are and this obsession isn’t going anywhere. I’m just glad I have a woman so willing to accommodate it.

Offline RetainedJms

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #23 on: 08. May 2023, 20:14:51 PM »
Haha I agree on the “can’t I just have a normal kink?!” Thoughts! I’ve never shared my obsession with anyone apart from casually commenting that braces “can look sorta cute” And even though as far as kinks go, it’s not that “weird” it still seems like a big deal admitting it to someone! So congrats @MikeB for actually getting your wife onboard! Sounds great!!
Braces, bare feet, ball gags and bondage!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #24 on: 08. May 2023, 20:25:49 PM »
Glad you shared that Mike.  I will share mine when I have the time, but it is hard to follow that.   Mine is not nearly as cool or fruitful as yours unfortunately.

Offline Bracesbrace

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #25 on: 09. May 2023, 09:35:45 AM »
I haven’t posted here in ages, but I suppose this is as good a topic as any for a return. This is longwinded, though, and I don’t expect everyone to be interested. My feelings won’t be hurt if anyone – or everyone – skips this.
I’m an old geezer, and I’ve had a lengthy history with braces. I was interested in braces from a very early age; basically as long as I can remember. I recall a young girl, Emily, in my second-grade class doing a “show and tell” about her retainer-like orthodontic appliance. I was fascinated, and developed a little school-boy crush on her.

I’d do weird things like look up the definition of the word “braces” in the dictionary, or sketch pictures of braces on teeth. I hid the drawings and was ashamed of my fascination even then. Back then – this was the early 1980s – kids were mostly still embarrassed to wear braces. I had no idea what to make of my peculiar interest, but I kept it to myself.

Puberty eventually hit and I took a serious liking to girls – most especially girls with braces. I was a super nerd back then, though, and had no confidence and zero success with girls. To this day, though, I still remember a lot of those braced girl’s names. This was well before the dawn of the internet, so back then I’d content myself with drawing braces on the women in softcore nudie magazines like Playboy.

I had braces myself from I think 13-15, but it did absolutely nothing for me, beyond straightening my teeth. I was only interested in braces on young women.

I joined the Army out of high school, and that experience gave me a great deal more confidence. The scrawny 138-pound kid came out the other end as a strong, tough, 165-pound paratrooper not afraid of anything. I started frequenting bars and learned I was actually pretty charismatic when I tried.

This led to meeting a variety of women, including Drea, the first woman with braces I bedded. I fully admit I was dumpster diving with her, since she was overweight, but she was pretty enough in the face and her metal braces with elastics were glorious. I regret nothing.

I moved through a series of failed relationships. I was pretty much always a serial monogamist, though I’d sometimes have a short-term side chick. I completely freaked out one woman in a long term relationship by kind of sidling up to the braces obsession. I got her to wear a nightguard occasionally, but the whole idea of kink scared her. That didn’t last, because although she was otherwise awesome and very pretty, she was just too sexually vanilla.

Another one came to an end when the woman declared flatly that “no way” would she ever get braces. Too bad, as she was quite hot and was an absolute BEAST in bed. I wasn’t aware of fake braces at that time. She might have gone for that. Hindsight is 20/20.

I was in my thirties and very casually dating my now-wife. I’d just returned from a year-long combat tour in Afghanistan. That was a tough year, because back then braces weren’t allowed on deployment, so pickings were slim among the female soldiers. There was one female DIA staffer with 24/7 Hawley retainers, but that was it.

Anyway, I was dating Carrie, but had a nice side fling with a young woman named Katie. She was something of a butterface – a bit more dumpster diving, I suppose – but had a fantastic body, a great personality, and full metal braces with elastics. Still, she just wasn’t pretty enough to date long-term, so I zeroed in on Carrie.

Carrie is very open-minded when it comes to, well, just about anything, including sex and kink. I figured, of all women, she’d be open to the braces kink. A bonus was that, while she had a great smile, she’d never had braces and her nice, healthy teeth could use some tweaking. Still, I had to work up to that.

For seven years! But in the interim, I rather awkwardly (and drunkenly) confessed my love of women in braces to her, and she immediately agreed to wear fake braces. In fact, she was very eager to do so. I’d sort of let the subject drop for a couple of months, and out of the blue in a bar outside Fenway Park in Boston (we live in Arizona), she bluntly asked, “So when do I get my braces?” I ordered fakes from a now-defunct company in Washington.

We enjoyed playing with those fakes for several years. I was very grateful we had them, because it was the experience with them that finally led Carrie to decide to get real braces, complete with power chains, elastics and bite stops. That was spectacular, some of the best 22 months of my life. God must have been smiling on me, too, because I was suddenly in the Land of Braces Plenty. Four of my female friends all had braces at that time, in addition to Carrie, and including my beautiful and very close friend Britt. It was an amazing time.

And it was during this time that I started doing some serious introspection about the how and why of my kink. I mean, my 36-year-old wife had just gone into full metal braces, mainly just for me. What I figured out was that the kink is basically a hangover from my teen years, when I was a badly underconfident dork who thought he could never get a pretty girl.

I fixated on the “flawed” girls who maybe had fewer options and fewer boys attracted to them. Girls with glasses or tiny boobs – or braces. Again, this was back when braces were seen as embarrassing or even shameful. I thought maybe those girls were attainable. Turns out they mostly weren’t – I only had one (non-braced) girlfriend in high school – but the attraction to braces stuck with me.

Now I’m in my 50s and it still has a very strong hold on me. I got Carrie post-treatment fakes again. We play with them frequently, including some fun adventures just last night. Next weekend we’re going to Laughlin, Nevada, where she plans to stay “in character” with her fakes the whole time (except eating, of course). She even agreed to “one-week braces” in Mexico, if I can find a Mexican orthodontist willing to put her in real braces for a single week.

I often wish I didn’t have this particular kink. Like, why can’t I just be normal and love giant boobs or something? But here we are and this obsession isn’t going anywhere. I’m just glad I have a woman so willing to accommodate it.

It's the same thing I tell myself, but I tell myself that I'm like that, that this isn't going to go anywhere, and that instead of regretting it, I should enjoy it (and I do).  And what you say about looking for the most "accessible" girls is true, I have wanted nights with women with whom I would never have a serious relationship, just because they have braces, but I don't know, I feel that at times it conditions me a bit, since I say "She's wearing braces, but if she's been in them for a long time, I won't enjoy them", or "She has a smile that requires work, the question is, does she want to do that job?", although I avoid letting it condition me as much as possible possible, I cannot avoid these questions.  And about orthodontics in Mexico, I'm sorry to break your hopes, but most Mexican orthodontists are very professional, I'm not saying that you can't get one, but I'm telling you, it's not going to be easy or cheap, although there is an alternative, there are people (they are not orthodontists, they are common people) who put braces for a much lower amount and they don't care if you need them or not, for a maximum of 50 dollars, these people are not so common in Mexico (they are especially in South America and the Philippines), but they exist, and you have to look for them in Facebook groups, they don't speak English so you have to speak to them in Spanish, let them come to the hotel or the lodging place, never go to their houses, they will tell you I say from other people's experience (it is not that something bad will happen to you, yes or yes, but it is better to be safe than sorry), just be careful, and avoid orthodontists with websites, they will deny you instantly, I'm telling you that from my own experience.

Offline MikeB

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #26 on: 09. May 2023, 17:43:53 PM »
Interesting on the Mexico angle. Carrie and I keep a travel trailer on the beach in Puerto Penasco and visit frequently. Braces are VERY reasonably priced there compared to the US. I assumed Mexican orthos were like their American counterparts - in it primarily for the money - and I might find one who would do it. Maybe not.

It won't be the end of the world if not, of course. The fact that she's willing and eager (she literally jumped for joy when I proposed the idea) is more important that the actual deed. Her newest fakes are actually outstanding and VERY realistic/convincing.

Offline Bracesbrace

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #27 on: 09. May 2023, 19:16:36 PM »
Now that you're talking about Puerto Peñasco, I find it difficult because it's a very small city, maybe in Mexicali or Hermosillo you have more chances, although who knows, maybe and in Puerto Peñasco if you get one. Likewise, I wish you luck, and if you can get it.

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #28 on: 09. May 2023, 21:44:31 PM »
Yeah, Penasco is easy for us since we live in Arizona. There are multiple ortho offices there, despite it being a small town, and I've known a couple of Mexican-American women who had their treatments done there. And like 20% of the adults there have braces haha

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Re: How did your kink begin??
« Reply #29 on: 12. May 2023, 17:55:48 PM »
MikeB are her fakes the Hawley type?