I have only ever kissed one person in braces, but I married him, so I got to do it lots

When I first started talking to him I so, so, so wanted to kiss him. He was clearly flirting with me, so I thought... maybe? Maybe I will actually get to feel his braces? He had something else in his mouth that was giving him a lisp, too, and I was always trying to figure out what it was. My initial strategy on that front was to poke him in the ribs where he was ticklish to try to make him laugh and open his mouth wide. If I was laying across his lap when I did this, I thought I could see into the roof of his mouth... but it didn't really work. All I could see was that something was there.
Eventually he just told me. He was telling me how much he hated his braces, how he was embarrassed to still have them (he'd gotten them in high school, after everyone else was done having braces, and we met in our 20s in college) and wasn't anywhere near being done with them, they messed up his speech because he had these metal things glued to the backs of his front teeth to keep him from biting off his bottom brackets. Then he tipped his head back and showed me, and yep, that is exactly what it was. I'd never seen or heard of anything like that (and still haven't) and it was NOT a habit crib. They were not spiky, they were flat. Like a bite plate, but in pieces.
It really made me wonder why his orthodontist did that. Because he wouldn't wear a removable bite plate? He had hooks on his brackets for elastics but didn't usually wear those, so maybe? I never really got a clear answer on that.
Anyway, a few days later he confessed that he was trying to come up with a way to kiss me, but nothing was working because I apparently seemed oblivious, lol. He mentioned again that he was also embarrassed about his braces and they were trashing his confidence, and that was pretty much all he needed to say to get ME to kiss HIM.
I found out that if someone has braces on their teeth you don't really feel them. It's not really a natural thing to do to lick the front of someone's teeth while kissing, and after we'd been together for a little while I did try to do that, but he was really resistant to it. He did let me just put my finger in his mouth and touch his braces pretty much as much as I wanted, though.
Those metal pieces on the backs of his teeth, though, I definitely felt, every time we kissed. They were not sharp, and not that big, but it was SUCH a different feeling when kissing someone. So exciting! When he finally got them off I expressed my disappointment and he said something like, "oh, I guess now I'm boring."
I felt really bad and never brought it up again. But it's fun to remember!