
Author Topic: Forum rules  (Read 24935 times)

Offline Marty

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Forum rules
« on: 09. July 2006, 21:08:49 PM »
Forum rules

1) The following postings are forbidden and will be deleted immediately:
  • 1.01 adult oriented contributions, links or pictures;   
  • 1.02 political or discriminating statements;
  • 1.03 racist expressions;
  • 1.04 any form of advertisement, except if approved by the administrators;
  • 1.05 abusive or derogatory statements;
  • 1.06 links to groups (Yahoo etc.) and file sharing programs or sites;
  • 1.07 messages which are irrelevant to the topic;
  • 1.08 spam postings;
  • 1.09 discussions within the picture or video threads (use 'general' forum or discussion threads for this);
  • 1.10 links to websites which hurt any copyright laws (this is already the case if pictures have been copied to another website without permission);
  • 1.11 (///) Pictures from e.g. school servers if persions clearly too young are shown [after a voting / inquiry in June 2006]
2 ) Please select meaningful titles for your Postings. Under titles as “hello” or “help ”, nobody can imagine what you mean.     

3 ) Particularly with new films it’s desirable to look into the database or to use the search function, so that no unnecessary double-postings develop.   

4 ) Please avoid unnecessary and/or excessive quotes, they make the Topics blurred and boring! If there are no further Postings between, normally a @Nickname is sufficient…   Also it is possible to shorten quotes to the substantial words.

5 ) Please do not use extra large avatars and signatures (avatar max. size 140*140; signature max. 800*130 pixels)

5.1 ) Please do not use animated avatars or signatures. Large animations can be very annoying.     

6 ) Political or religious statements are prohibited.

6.1 ) Pictures showing political or religious symbols are banned.

7 ) Discriminatory statements are prohibited.

8 ) If you post links to pictures use the suitable Main Category (e.g. a Picture with fixed braces belongs to Category fixed braces.) Alternatively everyone could open an own Topic, however this should also be the maintained topic for upcoming posts

9 ) If you plan to post many links at a time, please make one big Posting with all links in it and not many small posts with only a fews links.

10) In the forum “orthodontic treatment” only postings, which have really something to do with an orthodontic treatment are permitted. E.G. the topic “I like to wear braces” belongs into the Section “general”.   

11) Please don’t copy texts or stories from other forums or websites without the permission of the owner/author!

12) If a posting appears offensive  to you and you would prefer this post to be deleted don’t write this in the forum, but write the administrators a private Message. This procedure saves much work for us!

13) The offcial forum languages are English and German. The use of other languages is discouraged, in order to make the contents available to all members and to avoid private conversations. The moderators reserve the right to delete any contributions not written in English or German.

14) Please avoid postings, which address only one user. Such messages can be conveyed by private Message (PM). In each case Annoyances are to be omitted. 


Special thanks for translation, xxxforce

Offline Marty

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Forum rules
« Reply #1 on: 22. December 2006, 16:52:53 PM »
Please do not use our old url (ending with or include */phpbb*) anymore.  :!:
Our official url is

please check your bookmarks  :!:


Offline Marty

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Re: Forum rules
« Reply #2 on: 11. February 2007, 01:24:58 AM »
Rules for storys and realsitings

1. The general rules are also valid here.

2. Do not mention real persons! Even if you would be writing "the orthodontist Andrew K. in the Main Street", it would be unacceptable.

3. Due to the readers of this forum consisting of mostly adults, please write only stories whose main persons are adults, too. Of course it is not necessary to give the person's ages. In this case please choose a setting of adults (for instance use "training school" instead of just "school").

4. In the areas 'Real Sightings' and 'Crucial Experiences' you can also write about younger persons, if you were the same age - but only under this condition!

5. Do not post any stories or experiences dealing with people that were in dependence on you or persons you were any kind of superior to.

6. Adult orientated posts (NC-17, X-rated) are prohibited.

7. Political or discriminating statements are prohibited.

8. A story must not contain any form of violence or coercion. The free will of all persons concerned must be given and clearly stated at any point in time. As all stories will concern adults (confer stories rule 3), it is logically impossible, for example, for parents to agree to any treatment, while the person concerned does not agree. The only exception to this rule is fake coercion in a context like role-play amongst adults, where all persons concerned have agreed to type and extent of the activity.

9. All stories must not contain advertisement or links.

10. It is illegal to copy stories from elsewhere or to elsewhere, especially, if the stories have been modified. Therefore it is not allowed to copy something from elsewhere into the forum or from the forum out to elsewhere.

Should there occur any questions concerning this matter, please ask here or send me a PM.
Some rules have got smooth transitions. In case of doubt please ask me using PM.

Offline Marty

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Re: Forum rules
« Reply #3 on: 04. April 2007, 03:33:20 AM »
As of today, the Location/Ort component of your personal profile will be shown on your contributions again.

I would like to ask all of you to fill in the box Location/Ort in your profile, preferrably with your country. The sole reason for this is to enable people to pick the most appropriate language when talking to you. Should you like to add your town or your state/province/county, I would prefer it if you place such details after the country

e.g. Canada, Ontario

If you would like to do us the favour, you will find the setting as follows:
Profile > Forum Profile Information > Location:

translation by simcaptain

Offline Marty

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Re: Forum rules
« Reply #4 on: 03. March 2008, 14:56:21 PM »
Over the last few days, a new security system was implemented, which is intended to make life a good deal harder for multiple-account (ab)users.  ;D As likely as not we won't be able to find them all. If we do find something, however, all accounts in question will be banned immediately and irrevocably. I trust you all in this respect, but should you have made a mistake and posted something stupid, say so now. Otherwise, you run the risk of irrevocably loosing an account with extended privileges, if you have them. In such cases, there will be no penalty - regardless what you've done with the account. The goal is simply to stop the practise now. People who forgot their password at some stage and simply opened a new account will not be captured by the system, so don't panic.

translation by simcaptain