
Author Topic: First Time Home Buyer  (Read 53279 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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First Time Home Buyer
« on: 04. March 2022, 06:37:23 AM »
Part 1.

I was in the market for a house.  It seemed like a strange concept to someone who’s most valuable asset before was a worn out truck worth maybe $6,000.  But I had been saving up over the past 4 years and had about $40.000 in the bank and I was ready to spend it.  If it was what I wanted.  And with first time home owner programs I knew I could buy a house.   I did not really have any idea exactly what this meant, I just knew that I had been renting an apartment for years.  And I knew that financially this made no sense if I wanted to stay put for a few years.  And I did.  I was happy where I was and with what I was doing.  And while I loved my parents, they were not a good source for advice on long term financial stability.  If it had not been for a full financial scholarship in undergrad, and student loans for grad school, I would not be in the market for a home in the neighborhoods I was looking.  As the agent showed me homes, I thought surely they won’t loan me this much money.  But they were, I had been pre-approved for more than I would willingly ever agree to sign my name to.  The real estate agent kept showing me these homes that were much more than I wanted to commit to.  After I told the agent I thought that we were spinning our wheels, she said we could go look at a new development that was going up.  They were super nice and super modern.  Once we pulled in the development I was already out.  They were 1,200-1,600’ houses in shoebox size lots.  I politely told her this was not for me.  I told her again, I was looking for a 2-3 bedroom house on an acre or two on the edge or outside of town.  She said she just didn’t know of anything that met my criteria and would take me back to my truck.  As we drove back, we went through a nice neighborhood.  And there was a for sell by owner sign in the yard of one of them.  As we had driven by I fell in love with what I saw  As we backed up I liked it even more.  It had a large U shaped front with a courtyard.  In the courtyard there was a fountain, and in front there was an oriental themed privacy fence, posts and a covered area.  I fell in love with it, but I knew I couldn’t afford it.  The home beside it was a McMansion, a three story home with a pool in back.  Surely they wouldn’t let me buy and live in this house.  And the real estate agent said this was a for sale by owner, so it was probably better to keep looking.  But this house, I really wanted it. 

Offline Lithpkith

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #1 on: 05. March 2022, 02:28:10 AM »
Thith thtowy hath a lot of potential- maybe a dentitht ow owthodontitht ownth the houthe? I’m intewethed in what happenth netht! Mowe pleathe!

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #2 on: 05. March 2022, 04:38:22 AM »
I'm really enjoying all of your stories.

I do have a bit of advice for you. Don't have too many stories going at one time. Try and focus on one or two stories and complete them, then start more.
If you find that you have a good idea for another story, start writing it in a file somewhere and work on it that way. There are a lot of stories on the internet that start out good, then disappear because of lack of interest in it, or because they became too involved in something else. I have a file that I keep my story ideas and older incomplete stories in.

There are many good on-line places to do that, some of which are Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Docs, OneDrive(Microsoft), etc.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #3 on: 06. March 2022, 04:43:54 AM »
Why don’t you just go ahead and finish this one up, you know how it should go.

Offline Libra

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #4 on: 06. March 2022, 06:17:39 AM »
I'm really enjoying all of your stories.

I do have a bit of advice for you. Don't have too many stories going at one time. Try and focus on one or two stories and complete them, then start more.
If you find that you have a good idea for another story, start writing it in a file somewhere and work on it that way. There are a lot of stories on the internet that start out good, then disappear because of lack of interest in it, or because they became too involved in something else. I have a file that I keep my story ideas and older incomplete stories in.

There are many good on-line places to do that, some of which are Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Docs, OneDrive(Microsoft), etc.

some people just want to write without your unwanted ‘advice’ butting in every single post, lol

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #5 on: 06. March 2022, 06:48:35 AM »
I realize that I have been a bit excessive in my advice lately. Thank you for pointing it out to me. I will try to do better in the future.

I really have been enjoying all the new stories lately.

Offline caster72401

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #6 on: 06. March 2022, 15:50:38 PM »
I for one enjoy having several different stories to read. I appreciate your efforts as well as all the other writers’. I look forward to each new chapter posted. Keep up the good work!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #7 on: 06. March 2022, 17:19:26 PM »
Well, I know what the easiest and simplest solution is.  I will let the experts handle the stories from here on out and not bother ya’ll with any more.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #8 on: 06. March 2022, 19:24:34 PM »
Just ignore us old people, we talk too much. I do hope you continue writing. Your stuff is good.

Offline Libra

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #9 on: 07. March 2022, 05:37:54 AM »
Well, I know what the easiest and simplest solution is.  I will let the experts handle the stories from here on out and not bother ya’ll with any more.

don’t let a bunch of people with nothing better to do but endlessly harangue people over braces fiction get you down
just ignore them

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #10 on: 07. March 2022, 07:59:03 AM »
Fact; I have too thin a skin sometimes.

Offline Nameless

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #11 on: 08. March 2022, 04:29:52 AM »
Honestly, I admire how you are able to keep track of all of your thoughts and details on all of your stories. I know I for one I couldn't do that!

Ultimately you should just do what makes you happy and comfortable with your writing, especially since you are able to keep everything straight, put effort into all of them, and enjoy crafting your stories

Offline m1090y

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #12 on: 09. March 2022, 12:24:32 PM »
Honestly, I admire how you are able to keep track of all of your thoughts and details on all of your stories. I know I for one I couldn't do that!
I certainly can't.  But @mr_90proof, my 'Ideas Reservoir' on my laptop has 95 ideas in queue as of today.  Some are ideas for a scene, while others for a long story.

I used to leave a lot of stories 90% done because I wanted to move on to another one, and would not post it.  Then, when I finally finished it and started posting the story, I found people were commenting on it like I was in the process of writing it.  I really appreciate the comments, and especially right after I have written the story.  That was when I regretted leaving it so long before posting it.  I don't think there is any correct way to do it.  Just have fun and I, for one, certainly enjoy reading what you share with us, whenever you do so.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #13 on: 11. March 2022, 05:09:48 AM »
Part 2.

To make a long boring story a short boring story, I made an offer on the house.  i didn’t low ball them, but offered less than asking price.  They wouldn’t budge on price; the only concession was they would cover closing costs.  We shook hands and agreed on it.  Assuming the inspection and appraisal came back ok, I had just bought a house.  The appraisal came back slightly above the asking price, and the inspection was clean.  About a month later I was sitting in an office with a broker, agent, and notary signing a mountain of paperwork.  I had keys to my own home.  It took me about two weeks longer to get moved in.  I did it by myself, in the evenings and on the weekends. It was about a 3 hour round trip from my apartment to my house, so even having borrowed a small enclosed trailer from a friend it still took me more trips and more time than I wanted.  But I finally finished.  I cleaned up my old apartment and handed them the keys.  I did get my security deposit back, which I immediately spent on the way home on a new large flat screen TV.  And I was broke.  My bank account had shrunk from around $40k to just a few thousand with the stroke of a pen.  But I was now a homeowner.

Once I got settled in, I went and introduced myself to my new neighbors.  I already knew, or knew of at least, one of my “backdoor” neighbors, they were one of my best friends inlaws.  My other “backdoor” neighbor was an older middle-aged couple.  Their kids were both grown and lived away, but they visited often so they said don’t be alarmed if you see some unusual vehicles in the cul de sac from time to time.  They were nice; I liked them and they seemed to like me.  Over the next couple of year’s I would find out he had a source for some fine moonshine.  And after his dog got bitten by a snake, he went on a crusade against them; if I heard a .22 shot from out back it was just one more dead snake, nothing to worry about.

My neighbor across the street was a retired professor and his wife.  In his retirement, he had started making pottery, and sold a good bit of it.  Unfortunately both of our mailboxes are directly across the street from his driveway, and some of his customers aren’t good at backing up.  The good news is I have gotten really good at putting up new mailboxes.  I have a spare post and mailbox in the garage now. 

My “side” neighbor, the owner of the McMansion, didn’t live there anymore.  He had a lake mansion about an hour away and he kept the house beside me, I think, just so he could send his grown kids there when they wanted to have a weekend pool party and not bother him.  I had met him at a banquet before I had even realized we would one day be neighbors.  He owned a string of fast food restaurants and had done very well financially.  Well enough that he owned the largest house in the neighborhood and kept it just so he could get his kids out of his hair some weekends.

My other neighbor was a lawyer in town when I moved in.  A few years later he was elected judge.  He was nice enough, but we weren’t buddies.  I had only been to his house once, when I went to introduce myself.  We would say hello to each other in passing from time to time.  But he did have a basement and a storm cellar.  And that is where this story really starts. 

Several years after I had been in my home, there was forecasted to be a massive line of destructive storms moving through the next day.  The torcon index was incredibly high, starting early in the week at a 7.  By the morning of the storms they had elevated it to a 10/10.  It was the first time in history that the weather channel had ever done that; and still now years later they have only done it one other time.  It was not a question of whether there would be tornadoes.  And unfortunately they would turn out to be right.  It was a question of where and how destructive they would be, not if they were coming.

The morning of the storms, I woke up to thunder and lightning at daylight.  But it was fast moving and was gone by the time I had gotten dressed and ready.  This was just the first line though, the bad stuff was supposed to be arriving in the afternoon.  I had an appointment at an account about an hour away, so I jumped in my truck and headed that way.  As I pulled into town, I had already noticed several interstate signs down, and after I made it into downtown I noticed treelimbs and powerlines down.  The thunderstorm that had gone over me had turned into a small brief F1 tornado.  I pulled up to my account and briefly met with the owner.  The power was out, we would have to do this another day.  I had one more appointment later in the day, about another hour down the road.  As I got into my truck a voice in the back of my head was screaming “don’t go, go home!”.  Normally I would ignore such a voice, work won’t do itself.  But this voice was loud and insistent.  So I picked up my phone and called the account and asked if they minded, on account of the weather, if we rescheduled.  They said that would be fine, they were watching the weather too and were considering sending their employees home.  So I got in my truck and headed home.  I stopped on the way home and picked up some steaks and a case of beer.  If I was going to blow away I might as well blow away happy.  As soon as I got home I turned on the TV and found the local channel with the best weatherman.  They were showing the doppler radar of a large powerful storm approaching the town I had just cancelled my appointment at.  If I hadn’t listened to the voice in my head, I would have arrived just before the storm got there.  As it got even closer, they switched to a tower cam that showed the big, black angry cone approaching from the SW.  It was terrifying to watch it get closer and closer, and then it went black as the storm knocked it out.  My mouth was hanging wide open.   It was only noon.  This was going to be a long day.  And night.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #14 on: 11. March 2022, 05:57:16 AM »
Note: I have changed names, but they are actually real places.  And much of this story is true.

Part 3.

For the next several hours I was glued to the TV.  All channels were all weather all the time.  The bad storms were starting to fire up in the state west of us.  And they were heading our way at 40-50 miles per hour.  I text a friend in town who was a firefighter and located adjacent to the EMS office.  I asked him what he was doing.  He said he was off officially, but they were all on call just in case.  And he was next door to me.  He had his wife and two kids with him.  If it got bad he would have to go respond, but he knew my judge neighbor, and he invited them over just in case.  They had a storm cellar and a basement.  He told me to come on up the hill.  For the next hour we hung out.  I drank a couple of beers.  We shot the basketball some.  We had a weather radio and TV outside. 

Around 4 oclock a storm fired up on the state line.  It wasn’t headed for us, but it was headed for the city an hour south of us.  Westal is the largest city in this part of the state, where I am originally from, and a number of people in my adopted little town work there or have friends and family that live there.  One of those people was my neighbor’s daughter.  They frantically called her and told her to get out of there; get in her car right then and come home.  Less than an hour later her Camry pulled into their driveway.  Her parents rushed over to her and hugged her. 

Over the past hour it became clear that this storm was on a collision course with a lot of people.  And it was big and powerful and getting stronger.  Despite all that was going on, I couldn’t help but notice her.  She was blond and while short had an athletic build and appeared to be maybe just a few years younger than me.  She was adorable.  I had gathered that she was done with school and lived and worked in Westal.  As we all huddled around the TV watching radar, I slid over beside her.  I told her “if you are wondering why there is a stranger standing in your parent’s carport, I’m your parents next door neighbor.  I am Robert, and it is a pleasure to meet you, even if under such horrible circumstances”.  She turned to me and stuck out her hand and said “I’m Brittany!  Nice to meet you” and smiled.  She had an adorable smile, covered in metal braces with pink powerchains and a pink elastic in each corner of her mouth.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #15 on: 11. March 2022, 07:58:40 AM »
Part 4.

Everyone was in shock.  It had been 30 years or more since there had been an outbreak of deadly storms like this.  And there had not been live cameras, wall to wall media and internet to follow it all.  It was overwhelming.  There were so many storms, all marching from the SW.  And several were monsters, F4 and F5 storms.  The one we were watching live on TV was one such monster.  It was just minutes outside of town and was going to march straight through it.  Ironically, it never rained a drop where we were, and the sun was out a good bit of the time.  But others weren’t so lucky.  Just as the storm was slamming Westal, my buddy that had invited me up the hill got called out.  Two different smaller storms where in our county.  While they largely avoided the most populated areas, there were residential structures severely damaged, people trapped and hurt, and both of the two main highways coming through town were blocked by downed trees; both north and south of town.  It was all hands on deck for everyone.  I asked if he wanted me to come with him, and he said he couldn’t bring me along.  I was pacing around, feeling like I needed to do something.  The initial images coming in were heartbreaking.  It was devastation.  After it looked like the worst had passed, I thanked my neighbors for their hospitality and said I was headed to Westal.  I didn’t know what to do, but I was going to do something.  I went back home and started loading my truck.  It was no longer the old beat up $6k truck; but a new fullsize crew cab 4 wheel drive.  I threw my chainsaw, an axe and sledge hammer, a tank of gas, and a couple of tow chains and straps in the bed along with a pair of broken in work gloves.  In addition, I had a number of sleeping bags, blankets, a box of old cloths I had been meaning to take to Goodwill, flashlights and batteries in my garage.  Like more then any one person should ever have.  But I now had a use for them.   I put them all in the truck. I had a few cases of bottled water and threw those in the truck too.  Finally I grabbed the first aid kit I kept inside the house as well as the one I kept in my boat and put them into the truck as well.  I filled my truck with everything I could think that might could help and managed to get the cover closed.  I ran inside to change into some jeans and boots and came back out through my garage door.  I found Brittany standing by my truck.

She said “I know we just met, but I have a huge favor to ask.  I left home with literally the cloths I have on.  I really would like to check on my apartment, but I don’t know if I can get there in my car.  Again it is a huge favor, but could I ride with you and could we try to see if we can get to my apartment and hopefully get some cloths?”  “Of course” I answered “but I am going to go ahead and apologize for my truck being so messy.  If I had known a pretty girl was going to be riding with me I would have cleaned it up some”.  She said “thank you so much”.  Being a gentlemen I opened the passenger door and she managed to crawl up into the seat, though it was a stretch for her.

As we pulled out it had become dark.  I looked over at her and said “I hope we don’t regret this”:  On the ride we chatted in between phone calls. About 10 minutes out of town we found where one of the tornados had crossed the highway.  Someone had cut the trees enough to get one vehicle through at a time, but there were still limbs and debris in the road we had to drive over or through.  This was my first new truck, and hearing tree limbs scraping down each side of the truck made me pucker up.  What the heck I thought, there are a whole lot of people that are having much bigger problems than a few scratches on a truck.  There were a couple of houses that the storm had damaged, but they looked largely intact and there were people milling about in the glow of headlights so we pushed on. 

As we talked, I found out she was a dental assistant at a large practice in town that did both general dentistry and orthodontics.  That is where and why she had braces.  I found out she was 26.  I found out where she lived, and I crossed my fingers that she still had an apartment.  I knew it would be close.  And I found out she had a boyfriend who was in the military and currently deployed.  From my phone I found out where EMS had set up their main command post.  It was at a large park that also had a large public rec center.  This was where they were taking many of the people that were uninjured but now homeless.  The problem was it was on the south side of town, and I was coming from the north side.  And there was a path of destruction that separated us.  I came in on one of the main highways, a divided 4 lane.  Police had the road closed and were diverting traffic.  I pulled over and got out.  I talked to one of the cops and told him what I was doing and where I was trying to get.  Having grown up there I knew most all the little back roads.  He told me all the main roads were blocked or closed.  But if I knew my way around I could get there.  As I thanked him and wished him good luck, I headed to my truck.  Something seemed really odd, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.  As I got back in the truck I realized what it was.  Other than headlights, flashlights, and flashing emergency lights, it was black.  I told Brittany to look out the front window and asked her what she saw.  She asked me what I was talking about.  I said “it’s pitch black as far as you can see.  There is no power.  There may be no lights to power though.”

After almost an hour I made it to my first stop, the rec center.  It should have taken 10 minutes.  But I was forced to be very creative in my route and felt like I had been around the world to get there.  It was mass pandemonium.  Flashing lights everywhere, police, fire, emts, red cross, dirty shell shocked people huddled in a basketball gym.  There was no cell service.  There was no power.  They did at least have some generators up and running and they had food for the victims.  I found someone that looked official and told them I had something to drop off.  I hauled several large boxes of sleeping bags over, followed by the cloths and blankets, then the cases of water and finally a box of a dozen or more flashlights and hundreds of batteries.  I didn’t know if I had really helped, but I was trying.  I got back in the truck.  Off to stop two, Brittany’s apartment.

I made another big loop taking surface streets and pig trails,  and approached her apartment complex.  The closer we got to the storm’s path, the more destruction could be seen.  And the more people that were just milling around outside.  Luckily her apartment had not been in the main path.  There were limbs down, a few signs leaning crooked, some trash cans, deck and patio furniture blown here and there, and I am sure a lot of missing shingles and a few broken windows.  But it was pitch black other than the glow from a few other vehicles and a few flashlights so it was really hard to tell.  But her building was here.  She directed me to her building and told me she was on the second floor.  She pointed out the corner of the building where her stairs were.  I didn’t bother looking for a parking spot.  i just drove over the curb and drove through the yard, stopping 20 or 30’ from the stairs.  As I turned off the truck, I handed her a headlamp and a flashlight.  I slipped a headlamp onto my head, pulled a flashlight off the charger and stuck it in my left pocket and then opened the console.  I pulled out a little .380 pistol and stuck it in my front right pocket.  Brittany had seen me do this and her eyes got a little big.  I told her “just in case, and I have a pistol permit “

We climbed the stairs and arrived at her door.  She took her keys out of her pocket.  When she went to unlock the door she found it was already unlocked.  She said “I must have forgotten to lock the door, I was in a panic.”  I told her just to be safe, let me take a look just to make sure.  I had a pretty bright Streamlight that lit up most of the living room.  Nobody here.  I asked Brittany just to hang here for a second. I did not pull the gun out of my pocket because I didn’t want to freak her out.  And I knew the odds of someone being in here were astronomically low.  Nonetheless I stuck my right hand in my pocket and around the grip of the pistol as I was walking away from her.  I checked kitchen and dining nook.  Nobody there.  I opened the first door in the hall and found a treadmill and some workout stuff.  But nobody.  I checked the closet just in case.  The christmas tree made my pulse jump a little when I opened the door, but no people. I saw the door to the bathroom was open and shined in there and didn’t see anything so I went to the last door, it was open too.  I found no one in her bedroom or closet.  And then my brain clicked and I thought about every horror movie.  The killer is always hiding behind the shower curtain.  I went back to the bathroom and threw back the shower curtain.  All that was there was a shower head.  I hollered out to her that it was clear.  As I turned around towards the door my light reflected off of something metallic beside the sink.  I looked at it in the light.  It was a facebow with a blue highpull headgear strap attached to one side of it.  I was looking at it when she came through the bathroom door.  She saw me looking at the headgear and screeched “Oh my God, you weren’t supposed to see that” and grabbed it up trying to hide it from view.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #16 on: 11. March 2022, 09:25:19 AM »
Part 5.

I looked at her and thought she was truly embarrassed so I changed the subject.  “So, I make a pretty decent pack mule.  What all do you want to get?  Get me a load together and I will take it to the truck and you can get the next load ready”.  We went into her bedroom, where she laid the headgear on the dresser.  She pulled a suitcase out of the closest and laid it on her bed.  She started packing it with underwear and socks.  I asked her what hanging stuff she wanted to take, and I could go ahead and make a trip downstairs with it.  She came over and flipped through her cloths.  She grabbed over half the things in there and handed them to me.  I told her I would be right back.  When I got back, she had finished with the suitcase and was now working on a duffle bag, stuffing shoes in there.  I asked her if the suitcase was ready.  She said not quite yet.  She had to get some things out of the bathroom and put a toiletries bag in there too.  She said to hold on, she was almost done with the duffle.  She shoved one more pair of shoes in there, zipped it up, and handed it to me.  I hauled it downstairs and came back a minute or two later.  She was zipping up the suitcase when I came back in.  I looked over at the dresser and noticed the headgear was gone.  I suspected she had waited for me to leave and then hidden it in her suitcase.  I took the suitcase and asked her if she needed anything else?  Paperwork, documents, etc.  She went into the kitchen and opened a drawer, withdrew a couple folders and a an envelope.  She looked at me and said she thought this was everything she needed for a few days.  She said she would be staying with her parents until they got the power back on.

Once we were back in the truck, I had to snake around again to get back north of the storm path.  We didn’t talk much.  We were both looking at the damage we could see in the glow of the lights.  It was somber.  Having been through a hurricane before, I knew that the damage would look even worse in the morning when daylight came.  We made our way around town and across the river where power was on and there was no damage.  I was down to about a 1/4 tank of gas so I pulled into a gas station.  Brittany sat in the truck while I pumped gas.  Once I was done, I opened the door and asked Brittany if she needed anything.  She said she didn’t.  I told her I would be right back.  I came back with a bag and handed it to Brittany as I climbed in.  I said “I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I got a few drinks if you want one.  I don’t really know what you like but there is water, Gatorade and a coke in there.”  She looked over and said “that is sweet, thank you.  And thank you for helping me.  You are a lifesaver.  I owe you for sure”.  I replied “no, thank you.  I appreciate you coming with me.  And I apologize if I embarrassed you in your apartment.”  She shook her head and said “no, you didn’t do anything.  It is just so embarrassing, I am 26 years old and have headgear”.  I asked her “how much do you have to wear it”.  She answered I am supposed to wear it 12 hours a day, but it is hard.” She looked at the clocked which read 11:17 and said “I am definitely not getting it tonight.”  I told her “why don’t you put it on now?  We have an hour till we get home; nobody will see you, and I already have seen it”.  She said “i might die of embarrassment.”  I pulled over and looked at her “if you need to put it on, will you please do it?  You said you owed me.  Put it on; maybe it will keep you from getting in trouble with your orthodontist.”  She looked at me and said “I can’t believe I am about to do this.  Please don’t be mean, and please don’t tell anyone”.  I swore an oath to secrecy. 

She got out of the truck and opened the back door where her suitcase was, unzipped it, and pulled out a plastic pouch.  She kept it in her hand, zipped her suitcase back up and closed the back door.  With only one hand, she had a little trouble getting in the truck.  I stuck my hand out and asked her to hand it to me.  She did, and was able to climb up into the passenger seat.  Once she was back in the seat and had her seatbelt buckled I handed it back to her.  She took it and said “i can’t believe I am about to do this” for the second time in the last few moments. She unzipped the pouch and pulled the facebow out.  She placed the prongs in her mouth and by feel she managed to get them into the bucal tubes on her molar bands.  She then placed the blue straps over her head and hooked the facebow to the next to last hole on the white plastic modules.  I looked at her and thought she might be the sexiest thing I had ever seen.  I then said “nope, headgear doesn’t do it.  You are still absolutely gorgeous”. She smiled and said “thank you, but you are just saying that”.  I assured her I was not, and pulled back out onto the highway.

Offline bracessd

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #17 on: 11. March 2022, 17:30:37 PM »
Great job so far!

Offline ortho218

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #18 on: 11. March 2022, 17:31:29 PM »
great story, I'm loving this :) good job!

And I'd be interested to know which bits are true or based on truth...!

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #19 on: 12. March 2022, 00:30:12 AM »
What a wonderful story - you have me on the edge of my seat!

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #20 on: 12. March 2022, 05:12:30 AM »
Gweat thtowy, vewy entewtaining! Can’t wait fow mowe!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #21 on: 12. March 2022, 07:24:39 AM »
Part 6.

As we drove back home both of our phones lit up with phone calls and texts.  People all over were checking on their friends and family to see if they were safe.  I had coworkers and colleagues from all over the country checking on me.  The national news was covering this historic event, and even people that usually ignored the weather knew something was going on.  I assured everyone that I was ok; but that it was bad, very bad.  There were already reports of multiple deaths and numerous injuries all through the region.  I was preoccupied with driving and with my own texts and calls, but I was aware that Brittany was dealing with the same in the seat beside me. 

Between Westal and home there was a dead area that lasted about 15 minutes.  For once, it was a relief to not have cell service.  Neither one of us had spoken to each other since I had pulled back onto the highway.  We had both been too inundated with messages and texts once we had gotten back into service.  The whole time we had been in the storm zone, neither of us had service, cell towers were gone, and people were worried about us.  We answered texts and voicemails until we hit the dead zone.  Once the phones went quiet I just stared through the windshield and tried to process everything that had happened.  I was already planning on returning in the morning; my friend had organized a crew to clear downed trees and of course I had agreed.  That was one of the calls I had returned.  He was going to bring a trailer to haul off off tree trunks, and another guy in the hastily assembled crew had a winch.   There were little self assembled groups like this forming all over the area that night I would find out in the coming days.  As I thought about what I had seen, and what I thought I would see in the daylight the following morning I heard Brittany say “It’s bad isn’t it?”  I had been self absorbed in my thoughts and what was to come; this broke me out of my daze.  I looked at her with sadness and said “yes, it is bad”.  No one knows how to react in a state of shock; and I didn’t even really think about it, but I reached over and grabbed her hand.  Maybe it was to try to provide her with a little reassurance, maybe it was to provide me with a little reassurance. 

After a few minutes I asked her if everyone she knew was ok.  She said so far everyone she had heard from was ok, but she was still worried about a few people.  I instinctively squeezed her hand and told her I was sure they were ok.  I thought about all the people I had grown up with, the people you knew but didn’t keep in contact with, and hoped they were all safe as well.

As we reached the outskirts of our little town, I asked her about her job and if she had to go to work in the morning.  I already knew the answer, we were in a war zone of sorts, but it just seemed like a safe question to ask.  Even if it was stupid and I knew the answer.  She said she didn’t know.  I told her if she had to go in to let me know and I could take her to work.  Maybe I subconsciously was using this as a pretext to get her number, because then I suggested we exchange phone numbers.  She asked me my phone number, punched it into her phone, and hit ‘dial’.  My phone sounded off, and I shut it off.  As I drove, I went ahead and saved her as a contact.

Once I got back in my neighborhood I drove past my driveway and instead I pulled into her parent’s driveway.  I pulled my truck up as close to their carport door as I could and turned the truck off.  It was not far from midnight.  I looked over at Brittany and again realized how incredibly pretty she was.  And she was wearing headgear.  I told her I would help her get her stuff inside.  I hoped she wouldn’t notice what was going on at the front of my pants; I also hoped she would.

However her parents where waiting up and came out the carport door not much longer after I thought this.  I definitely didn’t want them to notice my situation.  I tried to think of naked Betty White and Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.  I got out of my truck as Brittany’s parents came around the front bumper and both gave her a hug.  They were asking her if she was ok, if her apartment was ok, if everyone she knew was ok.  She was doing her best to answer their questions.  I was just kicking rocks, waiting for them to be done.  After they were sure that their daughter was ok, her dad came over and thanked me for what I had done.  I told him it was my pleasure; and I asked where I needed to unload the cloths in the back seat of my truck.  He said just to place them inside the door.  I grabbed the hanging cloths, her dad grabbed the duffle bag, and Brittany grabbed her suitcase.  After depositing it all in the mudroom inside the door, dad thanked me again.  Brittany came over to me and gave me a hug.  She said “again, thank you. Will you text me in the morning before you leave?”  I assured her I would, and got back in the truck.  I backed my truck down their driveway, into the street; and pulled back into my drive.

When I got inside I turned on the weather channel.  I needed to sleep.  It was midnight and I had set my phone alarm for 6 am.  But I couldn’t sleep.  The images on the weather channel were captivating and horrifying at the same time.  As I sat down on the couch and watched the TV most of my brain thought about what a horrible evening and night it had been.  But another smaller part of my brain thought about Brittany.  She was so pretty, and it was so adorable how she had gotten embarrassed about me seeing her headgear, and how hot she had been when she had put it on.  I also thought how, in a normal situation, I would have crawled through broken glass to get a closer look at her.  But tonight, even as adorable as she had been, my focus was definitely elsewhere.  And with that thought, the weather channel sucked me back in.  I did not want to see what was on the screen, but neither could I turn away.  Finally around 3 am I knew I had to go to sleep; my 6 am alarm was going to be coming very soon.

Offline m1090y

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #22 on: 13. March 2022, 11:12:49 AM »
This is quite the adventure.  I'm really enjoying it.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #23 on: 15. March 2022, 07:53:48 AM »
Part 7.

I reached over and slapped the buzzing noise. The alarm had come completely too soon.  And normally I would have hit the snooze button.  But upon waking I realized what the situation was.  I walked down my hall and grabbed a red bull from the fridge.  With a little caffeine in me, I put on some fresh socks and the same jeans from the evening before.  I threw a stained shirt on and headed to my truck.  Before I pulled out of the driveway, I text Brittany “i am about to head to Westal, let me know if you need me to check on anything for you”.  I looked at my phone for a few minutes, hoping I got a reply. When I didn’t, I pulled out of the drive.

When I got back into service I had several texts pop up.  One was from Brian, which confirmed which apartment complex we were meeting at.  Another was from Brittany; “I am sorry I overslept, thank you for everything”.  I sent her back a short reply while I drove “no thank you, I will be back sometime tonight”.

Once I got to the rendezvous spot we got a game plan.  We split time between running the chainsaws, and loading logs on the trailer.  Once we had a load, we would pull it over and dump all the logs in a pile clear of everything.  We spent the next several hours cutting and hauling trees that had fallen in and around this apartment complex.  We didn’t attempt to cut the trees that were laying on or across the building.  We just were trying to clear the parking lot out.  There were so many trees.  And so many wrecked vehicles flattened by trees.  At one point we noticed a big scene in a field across the street from us.  There were multiple police and fire vehicles that converged.  I did not know it at the time, but they had found a body.  There were so many incongruent sights and emotions in this new waste land.  People that were glad to be alive.  People that were angry that so much had been destroyed and wanted to take it out on whoever was in front of them.  One man was just grateful that, as bad as things were, his baby tomato plants that he had in pots on his back patio had weathered the storm.

Around noon it had already been a long day.  I had to take a break.  Everyone in our little band was tired emotionally and physically.  I told the rest of them I was going to take a break and go look at a subdivision that I knew had been hammered by the storm.  I had already seen images on the TV.  And I knew it was bad.  But this was a subdivision where I had friends growing up and they had a lake where I had grown up fishing.

As I walked down the street with a chainsaw in my hand and sorrow in my heart, I saw the destruction was overwhelming.  Trees were snapped off like twigs.  The trunks that were left were devoid of bark, scraped clean by the wind.  It was so overwhelming, there was a feeling of helplessness.  Where do you even start?  I thought to myself something that had been told to me long again.  How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

Most houses were empty wrecks.  But as I approached one heavily damaged house there were about 20 college aged guys going through the debris. I stopped and asked if I could help.  I now, 10 years later, wish I had not stopped.  The guy I spoke with said they were looking for a dress.  I cocked my head and looked at him like he was from mars.  He said they were looking for a dress.  He then explained the girl living in the house, a college sophomore, had been killed.  She had been the girlfriend of one of the guys on the baseball team.  That was who was digging through the wreckage.  In the parents grief that had asked him to please find her favorite dress so she could be buried in it.

In normal times, like now as I sit here typing with tears on my face, it would have seemed bizarre.  But at the time, the shock and magnitude of what was happening seemed to mute emotional reactions.  After about an hour, I found out someone had found the dress.   Despite being numb, this was about all I could handle.  I lugged myself and my chainsaw back to my truck and cried.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #24 on: 19. March 2022, 04:30:33 AM »
Part 8.

After I composed myself I drove back over to the apartment complex where we had been working earlier.  Cell phone service was still nonexistent in much of the city so you couldn’t just call or text someone to find out where they were.  I got back over there just to find “my crew” gone.  I was exhausted physically and emotionally and ready to go home. 

As soon as I walked in the door I went straight to the kitchen.  I dumped my keys, wallet, phone and pocket knife on the counter and opened the cabinet above the stove.  Normally I did not drink straight liquor.  But this was not normal.  I got a tervis tumbler and filled it half full with ice.  I filled the rest with dewar’s scotch.  I took my drink into the living room.   I just sat there and drank, trying to decompress.  I polished off that first glass alarmingly fast.  I decided I needed a refill.  When I walked into the kitchen, out of habit, I checked my phone for messages.  I saw Brittany had sent me one about 15 minutes earlier.

B:  I saw you pull in; can I please bring you a plate of food for supper?  I don’t know what you like, but I have meatloaf, green beans and mashed potatoes.

Me: Sorry, I laid my phone down in the kitchen.  I would love a plate of food.  Thank you, it is really sweet of you.

B:  Wonderful.  And I have a friend that came up here to stay with me.  I hate to invite us over, but would you mind if we both come? 

Me: Of course not.  The more the merrier.  Do you want me to come and pick you up?

B: No silly, we can walk.  We will be over in a minute.

I poured myself another drink and then I realized what a wreck I was.  I was nasty; covered in mud, grime, sweat, saw dust and even a little blood from assorted knicks and scrapes.  I really wished I had taken a shower, but I didn’t have time.  They would be here in a minute, so I figured I would just go with it.  The door bell rang.  I sat my drink down on the coffee table and went to great my guests.  As I opened the door the first thing I noticed was the headgear.  Brittany was wearing her headgear.  She was so hot.  She was wearing short grey workout shorts that showed off her muscular tanned legs and a pink tank top that accentuated how fit she was. I welcomed them to my home and invited them in.  I showed them into the kitchen.  After Brittany sat the food down, she introduced me to her friend, Haley.  Haley was really attractive too.  A little taller and slimmer than Brittany, she had sandy blond hair a little darker than Brittany’s and really pretty blue eyes.  She was wearing short pink shorts and a grey form fitting long sleeve grey top.   She looked very familiar, but I couldn’t place her.  One thing I did notice, to my disappointment, was that she had pearly white teeth.  No sign of any orthodontic accessories in her mouth.  After we had made our introductions, I asked them if they wanted a drink.  I showed them the options; beer and soft drinks, lemonade and punch, a decent selection of liquors, and a couple of racks of wine in the cabinet above the microwave.  I then told them to help themselves and make themselves at home.  I needed a quick shower, explaining I was feeling a little self conscious being such a dirty wreck in front of them.

I took one of the quickest showers of my life and returned wearing shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops.  As I came into the kitchen I found that the girls had each made themselves a drink.  And to my disappointment Brittany had removed her headgear.  I asked if they would think me a neanderthal if I ate in the den.

After I sat down I again thanked the girls, it looked delish and I was famished.  Before I dug in I flipped on the TV and handed the remote to Haley.  I told them they could drive, and I began eating.  Actually I devoured the plate in record time.  It was the first food I had eaten that day.  As I ate, the girls chatted.  Just as I was getting close to finishing my plate, Haley asked me about my day, about what I’d seen.  I politely told her I would tell them all about it once I finished eating; but I might need another drink.  And then I thought about the girl and her dress and tears welled up in my eyes.  I excused myself before I embarrassed myself in front of them.

Haley was right behind me.  She grabbed my hand and stopped me.  She apologized, she said shouldn’t have asked that.  I turned towards her.  It is funny how the brain works.  It was at that moment I realized why she looked familiar.

I turned and asked “Haley Peters?  You went to Central?”  She said “yep, that was me.  I wondered if you recognized me, or even remembered me”. I replied “of course, I am just a little slow on the uptake sometimes.  It is great to see you again”.  I noticed Brittany was standing off to the side and I looked at her “I went to County and was a senior when Haley was a sophomore at Central.  I guess you could say we ran in different circles, but they overlapped a lot socially.  So we kind of know each other”.  Haley looked at me and smiled “I guess that is a way to explain it.  You certainly overlapped with a few of the older girls in my circle..: Stacy, Joni, Joanne, you took Lindsey to spring formal.”  I was not sure whether to feel proud or ashamed.  I simply held up my hands and said “what can I say, I was young and in love… everyday”.  i was glad they both laughed, it seemed we had broken the ice.  When Brittany laughed I couldn’t help but notice the pink elastics in each corner of her mouth.  I suggested we refill our drinks and go out on the back deck.  It was a very nice spring evening, and the deck was one of my happy places.  My mood had changed since the girls had arrived.  Instead of another quadruple scotch, I got a budlight.  The girls each refreshed their drinks.  I noticed that Haley was very generous with her pour, there was more vodka than tropical punch in her glass.  We went out on the deck.  All along the rail of the deck I had a bench type seat and angled backrest integrated into it.  I sat near where the two sides cornered, and the girls sat on the opposite corner.

I told them “First, thank you again for supper.  And second, thank you for coming over.  You don’t know how much it has brightened my day.”  Haley responded “thank you for having us.  And if you don’t want to talk about today I understand”. Brit added “and I want to thank you for getting me out of my house; it has only been one day and I am afraid me and my parents may be at each others throats soon.  I have been an independent woman for years, and they still treat me like I am in high school”.

I realized that for the last few minutes I had focused most of my attention on Haley.  But I certainly had not forgotten about Brittany and her adorable smile.  While trying not to be obvious or creepy, I was sneaking glances, hoping to get another look.  So I looked at her and said “first though, why don’t you tell me about your day”. They explained they were both off work for the foreseeable future, at least until they got power back on at their office.  Haley explained that her parents had retired and moved to the beach, and she didn’t want to stay in her apartment in the dark, so Brittany had invited her to stay with her.  I told them that was great, that friends needed to look out for each other, especially right now.  I explained that I had two guests bedrooms upstairs.  And while the furnishings were spartan, one bedroom had a bed, the other had a fold out futon.  I told them that if they had any friends needing a place to stay they were available.  I looked at Brittany and added that if she needed to get away from her parents for a night or two she was obviously welcome to stay up there too.  I extended the same offer to Haley.  I also thought they would be very welcome in the bed in the master bedroom, with me, but I knew that was better left unsaid.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #25 on: 19. March 2022, 21:38:55 PM »
Haha- yeth indeed, thome thingth awe bettew left unthaid - ain’t that the twuth! Love thith thtowy, looking fowawd fow mowe!

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #26 on: 20. March 2022, 03:12:31 AM »
I like how you have a different storyline than a lot of what has been posted in the past. It is also different than the way your other stories have been written. Keep going.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #27 on: 20. March 2022, 05:48:46 AM »
This one is pretty personal.  It seemed like a good idea, and I regret now I started it.  It has been very hard to write.  But it is a good story.  I had planned to post this link after I finished the story.  I thought about her today when I responded to a private message.  I remembered her name as Lauren in my mind, but I had the spelling wrong. I googled this afterwards, though I don’t know why.  It still makes me cry.  And this will out my location though I have put it in the story (West AL).

This is the girl in the field; though at the time I didn’t know it was a girl.  This is the body the first responders converged on early the next morning in my story.

I shouldn’t post this now.  But I am.  And I will continue this story.  I like how this story goes.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #28 on: 20. March 2022, 14:45:44 PM »
After my accident, one of the things the therapists recommended was to write stories.

As writers, we do find that we put ourselves into our stories to some extent, whether it is as a character or something that we have done or would like to do. Sometimes writing about it helps to get beyond what has happened.

No matter why you are writing the story, It is well written and I know that I have been enjoying your stories.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #29 on: 20. March 2022, 20:56:13 PM »
Yeth, I altho enjoy youw’e thtowies. Thank you tho much fow thhawing them with uth!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #30 on: 21. March 2022, 04:08:22 AM »
Hopefully this isn’t over the line.

Part 9.

I took a big gulp of my beer and told the girls about my day.  I thought I would be able to get through it just fine. I told them about all the downed trees, all the damaged and demolished structures, all the work that was still to be done.  I explained that for the first half of the day we had just tried to clear areas so people could get around.  There were people all over the city and the state doing the same.  I then told them how around lunch we took a little break and I went wandering around.  I told them how I went to Forest Lake.  But as I got to the part about the girl and the dress I felt the tears coming.  Despite willing myself not to, I starting bawling like a baby for the second time that day.

Haley was almost immediately by my side, hugging me and telling me it was ok.  She was rubbing her hand on my chest, and despite my little meltdown I realized how good it felt.  As I got myself under control Brittany returned with some tissue and sat down on my other side of me, embracing me as well.  After a few minutes I had regained my composure.  I told them how sorry I was.  And how embarrassed I was.  Brittany told me to quit that, it was completely understandable.  Haley told me it was sweet.  Brittany moved back to where she had been sitting.  But Haley stayed by my side, holding my hand.  Then she asked a question that knocked me sideways.

Haley looked at me and asked “so, what do you think about braces?”  Oh shit.  I asked her “what do you mean?”  She replied “I have seen you looking at Brittany’s mouth all night.  Do you find them that hideous?”  Oh shit.  I thought for a moment about how to extricate myself from this situation.  I looked at her, then to Brittany, and then back at Haley and told her “no, they are not hideous at all.  They are adorable”.  I hoped one of them would steer the conversation elsewhere, but the silence was deafening.  Maybe it was the alcohol, but I decided I would try to explain it a little better.  “I don’t really understand it, but I think braces accentuate how pretty a girl is.  Maybe it is because I know they are a pain and I want to hold them and tell them it will be ok.  Maybe it is because they are just a little unusual on adults.  Maybe it is because while they are generally considered “ugly”, it shows that the person wearing them is improving themselves, despite the pain and inconvenience.  And to me that is sexy.  Or maybe it is something else I don’t even understand.  And I know it is weird.  But no, I don’t think they are hideous.  Not at all”.  There was still silence, so I tried some further explanation.  “You know how some guys like blondes, some have an extra attraction to big boobs, some like a ghetto booty while others don’t?  Well it is kinda like that.  Or do you know how some girls like a guy with a beard?  That seems strange to me, it is just some whiskers.  But nonetheless some find a beard an added attraction.”  Haley looked at me and rubbed the whiskers on my chin “I kind of understand what you are saying.”  I mentally exhaled; maybe I hadn’t completely butchered this.  Haley then surprised me with her second question.

She looked at me and asked “what would you think if I had braces?”  I looked at her and answered honestly “you would be beautiful.  You are beautiful now.  If you had braces you would be beautiful with braces”.  Then I thought back to high school and asked her “didn’t you have braces in high school?  And your smile now is gorgeous”.  Her reply surprised me.  She told me “yes, I had braces from 8th grade to the summer between 10th and 11th grade.  I even had headgear like Britt.  And it fixed my teeth and gave me a pretty smile.  But they didn’t address my narrow arches.  And they pulled everything back so far, that now I have a little trouble breathing through my nose.  I am getting braces sometime in the future.  And I am so nervous and scared.  I am worried what people will think and how I will look.  The idea of navigating my 30s in braces scares me.  Which is ridiculous since I work in a dentist and orthodontic office.  But it doesn’t change how I feel.  Britt makes fun of me, telling me I’m a chicken and how it isn’t that big a deal”.  Brittany chimed in “it isn’t that bad.  Now the headgear, the headgear sucks and is embarrassing.  But braces are not the end of the world”.  I looked at Brittany, who was smiling and displaying her braces to Haley.  And to me.  This was not going at all how I had feared things would go.

Haley stood up and looked at Britt.  She asked “Britt, would you walk with me back to your house.  I need to get something.”  I asked her, despite the fact I could see her parents back door from where I sat, if they needed an escort.  Just in case they encountered a bear or something.  She laughed, and said no.  Just stay here.  She promised they would be back in a minute.  As I watched them walk down the steps of the deck and across the lawn, I replayed what had just happened.  Did I screw up?  Did I chase them away?  I didn’t think so, even if it did seem a little strange that they both had just gotten up and left.  I went inside to get another beer. As I walked to the fridge, I saw Brittany’s headgear laying on the counter beside the bottle of vodka.  I thought that whether I scared them off or not, she would surely need that back.  I got my beer and went back out on the deck.  After a few minutes, I saw the pair emerge from the house next door.  I breathed a little sigh of relief.  They were coming back. 

Once they got back, Haley asked if we could go inside.  She wanted to show me something.  We went back in the kitchen.  Once there, Brittany topped off both the girls drinks.  She took a couple of straws out of her pocket and put one in each drink.  She then put her headgear on.  Oh my, I thought, how could the worst day ever become the best day ever so quickly?  Haley was observant and I knew she couldn’t miss that my attention was riveted on Brittany.  But I just could not help myself, it was like the pull of gravity.  Once Brittany got her headgear on, Haley grabbed me and physically turned me around towards her.  She said she wanted to show me something.   She cautioned that it was embarrassing and she felt self conscious by it.  She then pulled a plastic retainer case out of her purse.  Haley said “you know how I told you I was getting braces?  I actually am in treatment now.  I am supposed to be wearing these 24/7 except when I eat.  But my lisp is so bad, I was embarrassed to wear them over here.  You probably didn’t even realize it, but I had a crush on you in high school.  I didn’t want to see you for the first time in 15 years lisping like Daffy Duck.”  She then took two acrylic and metal expanders out of the box.   “I am supposed to wear these all the time.  If I don’t, and I have not done a good job since I got them, I will have to get bonded expanders.”  And with that she clicked the lower appliance in place, and then the top.  As she had been talking earlier, I had been examining them the best I could.  They looked very similar to retainers, but each had a screw in the middle that could be expanded.  I noticed the the bottom also had a little bit of built up acrylic along the molars, she wouldn’t be able to completely close her jaw.  And finally I had noticed the hooks on the upper appliance.  Did she have to wear a face mask too?

She looked at me and earnestly said “pleash be nish.  I feel sho embarrashed how I talk with them in.  I have had them for three monthsh, and thish ish as good as I think it will get.  I obvioushly wear them at work, I have to.  And I wear them every night at home.  But I am very bad about wearing them the resht of the time.  Brittany staysh on me, but it ish jusht sho embarrashing”.  I looked at her and told her “you look gorgeous.  And the way you speak is adorable.”  She looked at me and asked “so it ishn’t a huge turn off?”  I simply shook my head no.  She continued “I wonder what it feels like to kiss someone with these in?” as she looked me in the eyes.  I took this as an invitation.  However, I did not want her to think I was trying to go too fast, so I kept my tongue in my mouth.  After what I felt like was too brief a time, she pulled back.  She looked at me, I think sizing up my reaction, and then initiated another kiss.  She took the lead this time, and snaked her tongue into my mouth.  I reciprocated.  The feel of the expander was almost too much for me to take. 

She pulled back and said “I always wanted to kish you in high school.  I sure never thought it would happen like thish.”  She took a few steps over towards Brittany and picked up her drink.  She looked back at me and said “you shcertainly don’t sheem to be running away in horror.  I do have to wear shomething elsh though, and it might make you run”.  She came back over beside me and dug into her purse.  She pulled out a pink Petit facemask and bag of elastics.  She said “I am alsho shupposed to wear thish 14 hoursh a day” and looked me in the eye.  I asked her to please put it on.  She cautioned she didn’t think she wouldn’t be able to kiss me.  I told her I didn’t want to stand in the way of her orthodontic treatment.  She put an elastic on each hook in her mouth, then held the mask up to her face.  With her other hand, she took each elastic and crossed it over to the horizontal bar in front of her delectable mouth.  It was spectacular.  She looked up at me pouting and said “i know I look sho shtupid”.  I told her “no, you are gorgeous.  Absolutely stunning”.  Still pouting, she said “and I can’t kish you wearing thish”.  I had been so absorbed in Haley I had not noticed Brittany move over beside me.  She rubbed her hand down my arm and said “I wonder if it is possible to kiss someone wearing headgear?”  She had a pleading look in her eyes.  I leaned over and maneuvered my lips around her facebow.  As we kissed I could feel Haley hugging up on both of us.

The next morning I woke up in a bit of a hangover fog.  As I got my eyes to work I saw Haley, wearing her pink facemask, snuggled up against me to my right.  I thought she might be the most incredibly beautiful creature I had ever seen.  But it would be a close race.  I could see Brittany’s arm slung over me from my other side.  She had her face resting against my left shoulder, and I could feel her facebow digging into me slightly.  I relaxed, just enjoying the moment.  How could something so horrible turn into something so wonderful?

Offline eddiestobbart

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #31 on: 21. March 2022, 16:59:07 PM »
Well I’m loving this story, and I’m so grateful you have had the courage to dig back into painful memories to write it. The story stands out because of the maturity of your experience and the gravity of the situation; I find myself checking most nights to see if there’s a new addition! And I don’t think this chapter goes too far at all.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #32 on: 28. March 2022, 05:43:59 AM »
Part 10.

It was about 30 minutes before Haley woke. I looked at her and smiled, “good morning.  You look beautiful”.  She looked back at me and said “good morning.  Oh my head”.  I leaned over and kissed her on the head, right above the forehead pad of her facemask.  I pulled back and told her “if that doesn’t do the trick I have some Excedrin in the bathroom”.  The commotion must have awoken Brittany; I felt her move and pull her arm off of me.  I turned towards her “and good morning to you too.  You look gorgeous as well” I told her.

After we had gotten up, I started a pot of coffee.  I offered to make breakfast, but Britt said she needed to get back home.  She seemed a little distant; I hoped it was just the hangover.  Haley was a little more bubbly.  Before the girls left Haley took off her facemask and gave me a kiss.  She said “lasht night was fun.” 

I ran late that morning, but I met the guys again.  It was more of the same, but without quite as much heartbreak.  The second day was easier.  I won’t say that I could ever get used to what I was seeing, but it wasn’t as much of a shock as the first day.  I knocked off early; despite everything that happened I had to go out of town for work the next day.  I needed to get back home and do some laundry and pack. As I had pulled out of the drive that morning, I had sent Britt and Haley each texts telling them I hoped they had a great day.  Once I got back into service, I had several texts and messages pop up.  The first I read was from Haley, it said “I had fun last night, I hope we can do it again”.  Well yeah, I thought, I do too.  The second text I read was from Britt.  It said “we need to talk”.  Uh oh.  I shot her a reply.

Me:  I will be back home in an hour or so if you want to talk.  Also, I would like to fix dinner for you and Haley tonight.

B: That would be nice.  And I’m sure Haley will want to.  That is really what I wanted to talk to you about.  I don’t feel bad about what happened last night, but I don’t think I can do that again.  Haley really likes you and I am afraid things might get complicated with the three of us.

Me:  I understand.  What about you two come by around 7?

B: I will see you around 7.

I next sent a reply to Haley.

Me:  I had a wonderful time last night too.  Would you want to come over around 7?  I would like to fix you and Britt dinner.

H:  That would great.  But please don’t let me drink as much as I did last night.  I felt a little rough today.

Me:  How about we make a deal, I won’t let you drink as much if you will do the same for me :)

H:  That is a deal.  I will see you around 7. :)

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #33 on: 28. March 2022, 06:28:17 AM »
Ooooh thith ith gonna be good! Pleathe don’t leave uth hanging!

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #34 on: 30. March 2022, 06:53:06 AM »
This story is really hard.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #35 on: 30. March 2022, 15:57:00 PM »
Maybe take a bweak fwom thith thtowy, you can alwayth wethume it at a latew date. Youw othew thtowy, ‘Jennifew’, ith altho gweat! Thank you fow wwighting, I love youw thtowieth!

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #36 on: 30. March 2022, 16:21:07 PM »
Dear " Lithpkith" can you please STOP with your stupid lisp-writing? When you have to say something tell it clear. Nobody is interested in that kind auf conversation. it's a pain in "Normal" post already, but especially in this Story it's totally inappropriate as its not a "easy going" of mr_90proof.. I Believe this is NOT only My Sensation.. THANK YOU.

Offline bugbathe43

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #37 on: 30. March 2022, 16:59:05 PM »
Thank you

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #38 on: 30. March 2022, 17:15:07 PM »
Take your time writing it.

I have been enjoying all of your stories.

Offline MikeB

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #39 on: 30. March 2022, 18:16:32 PM »
Dear " Lithpkith" can you please STOP with your stupid lisp-writing? When you have to say something tell it clear. Nobody is interested in that kind auf conversation. it's a pain in "Normal" post already, but especially in this Story it's totally inappropriate as its not a "easy going" of mr_90proof.. I Believe this is NOT only My Sensation.. THANK YOU.

Hear, hear!

This "lisp writing" is not only incredibly clumsy to read and difficult to decipher, it's also ridiculously juvenile. You're presumably a grown man, since you claim you have a wife. Please stop clogging up stories with this childish role play.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #40 on: 30. March 2022, 19:28:33 PM »
I wondered if I was being intolerant in my irritation at posts by Lipthkith. Glad to hear that it is not just me.....

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #41 on: 30. March 2022, 20:36:34 PM »
You aren't the only people who have felt that way.

Offline silver-moon-2000

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #42 on: 31. March 2022, 20:36:30 PM »
I wondered if I was being intolerant in my irritation at posts by Lipthkith. Glad to hear that it is not just me.....

Sorry for clogging up your very captivating story by weighing in on this topic, but...

guys, gals, everyone: Please calm down a little bit.

If writing with a "lisp" is his/her/their thing, please just let Lithpkith do continue.

Does it really matter if they write in a clear an concise matter or with a lisp, even if that is sometimes a bit hard to read?
If it is Lithpkith's spiel, shouldn't we just accept that? We are after all a community - the community of braces-lovers.

And in a community, where everyone shares the same interest, some that that a bit further than others:
Lithpkith prefers to write "with a lisp", I prefer to wear my headgear to work and think about "upping the ante" there.

And I'm sure, several of you go further as well than what is thought to be the "normal behaviour" of braces-wearers.
Or if you do not go beyond that, maybe you dream of it?
I see it that way, that Lithpkith made their dream of a complex treatment come true. If that involves writing with a lisp, then so be it.
We - above all people - should be the ones who understand that passion.

In my honest opinion: If you are annoyed by Lithpkith's posts, just ignore them. You are not forced to read them.
Just my 2 cents

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #43 on: 01. April 2022, 02:54:39 AM »
..... If you are annoyed by Lithpkith's posts, just ignore them. You are not forced to read them.

Funnily enough, that's what I've been doing for a bit now.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #44 on: 01. April 2022, 21:30:02 PM »
I'm enjoying the story so far. I can't wait to see which one of the pretty girls finally gets him to come in and get braces.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #45 on: 05. April 2022, 06:31:58 AM »
Well this thread has certainly gotten all assed up.

Part 11.

On the way home, I stopped by the grocery store.  I really didn’t know what they liked, and I obviously wanted to try to impress them with my culinary prowess.  So I bought way more than I normally would have for a single meal.  I had some grouper at home that I had pulled out of the freezer that morning.  I picked up some shrimp and petit filets.  For sides I grabbed some salad, zucchini squash and asparagus, and was also planning to cook some rice i had in the pantry.

Once I got home and got everything inside it was almost 5:30.  First I gathered up some dirty laundry and started a load. Once I got that task finished, I started working on dinner.  I got a little marinade on the steaks, got the fish trimmed and cut up, and the shrimp peeled.  I was making them bacon wrapped grilled shrimp, which is a complete pain to make, but is so good.  As I sautéed the jalapeño slices in garlic butter, I went ahead and sent both girls a text that if they wanted they were certainly welcome to come over earlier than 7. I added that I might be out on the deck and unable to hear the doorbell, so if they would please just come around to the back. A minute later, Haley sent a reply that they would be over soon; they were still getting ready.  While I was not planning on drinking; I had to get up around 4 am and had enough of a hangover that day to last me awhile, I had gotten a few options for my guests.  I didn’t know if they wanted anything, but I certainly wanted to be a gracious host.

After a good bit of work, I finally had a couple of skewers of large shrimp, each stuffed with a jalepeno slice and strip of cheese, and wrapped in half cooked bacon that I had nuked in the microwave.  With the hard part done, I went ahead and lit the grill.  It would take 20 or 30 minutes to get the coals right, so I went back inside and continued working on dinner and transferred the cloths from the washer to the dryer.  Around 6:30, I went out to check on the grill.  It was ready, so I went ahead and put the fish on along with the asparagus.  As I kept one eye on the grill, I kept the other on the neighbors’, hoping I would see the girls.

Around 6:40 they came out the door.  Even from across the yard, I could tell the two apart.  Britt was dressed casually, wearing shorts, a t shirt and tennis shoes. And she was wearing her headgear.  But Haley, she was dressed like she was going out, or maybe on a date.  She had on a yellow dress, sexy heeled sandals and a purse slung over her shoulder.  As they came up the steps, I also noticed she had done her hair and makeup, and had worn some jewelry that really complimented her and her outfit.  To put it simply, she looked incredible.  I greeted both my guests, thanking them for coming and told  them they looked great.  Haley came over and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek.  She said “thank you for having ush”. I noticed how good she smelled.  And that she was wearing her expanders.

I offered the girls a drink.  Haley declined, but Britt said she would like one.  I asked her if she would like for me to fix her one or if she would like to make it herself?  She said she would fix it and disappeared inside.  Alone with Haley, I looked at her and told her “you really do look incredible”.  She smiled, the thin wire of her top expander framing her teeth.  She then came over and gave me a kiss, a real kiss this time.  She stepped back and said “I hoped you’d like it”.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #46 on: 05. April 2022, 10:58:57 AM »
Sorry for disturbing your writing but it had to be said..
Now hopefully we can enjoy your great story again without offtopic discussion  :)
I can tell it's not that easy for you to write this, but keep up - it's really very good!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #47 on: 18. April 2022, 16:50:58 PM »
Just a heads up, but I am going to take a little hiatus from writing here.  I am going to put my creative energy towards a little songwriting.  I have to; the words are there to be taken.  They are coming out even if I don’t want them to. And that is something I struggled with for a long time; I tried to make my brain do it.  And it said “nah bro, nobody wants to hear anything you have to say”.  I had become perfectly happy being miserable for a long time.  I had deadbolted the doors on my heart, and then managed to lose the keys.  But, and I don’t know why and I don’t know how,  I met a real, pretty little brown haired girl that for some reason had a key that fit.  And it might be because my heart is a little defective and doesn’t have the bandwidth to do two jobs at once, but I don’t have it in me to think about these gals when there is a real one that I need to cover up.  But I thank you all for reading,

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #48 on: 18. April 2022, 21:10:03 PM »
I'm glad that we were able to help you. I have very much enjoyed your stories and hope that you will keep working on them when you find a little spare time.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #49 on: 19. April 2022, 08:27:51 AM »
I know I'm enjoying the story. But taking time off to get your creative juices back and to just step away for your mental health is more important than writing a story. Take the time you need.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #50 on: 29. April 2023, 16:37:35 PM »
Part 12.

Several days later I was half a country away.  As I sat there in my hotel, I thought about dinner the night before I had left.  Dinner that night had been wonderful.  I thought both girls had enjoyed it; and I know I had.  The food turned out well, we ate and had good conversation.  I kept my alcohol consumption down to two drinks, and the girls were also only sipping on drinks that night.  Before we sat down for dinner, Britt had removed her headgear and Haley had taken out her expanders.  It was so sensual watching the both of them.  After eating, Britt had excused herself to the bathroom to clean her braces.  Haley had joined her.

They came back into the kitchen as I was cleaning up.  I had to do a double take as they reentered the kitchen.  They looked absolutely breathtaking. Britt was once again wearing her headgear and Haley was wearing her expanders and facemask.  They volunteered to pitch in and help clean up and soon we had everything spic and span.  Afterwards, we watched a movie.  It was very G-rated that night, both the movie and how we behaved.  They both excused themselves early, they said they knew I had to get up very early.  When they left, Haley had hugged me and whispered "be shafe on your trip, I can't wait to shee you when you get back."

As I relived that night in my head, I had done so often the past few days, I had the desire to call Haley.  I wavered back and forth.  I had not talked with her since that night.  Yes, it is stupid the games men and women play.  But we play them.  You have to, I think it is written into our DNA code.  We had text back and forth several times.  But we had not talked.  I did not want to seem too eager; that I was desperate, clingy or needy.  Although in my heart, I WAS desperate to hear her voice.  And I DID want to cling to her; both literally and figuratively.  And I DID need to see her again.

As the TV played in the background, ignored by me as I overanalyzed all the thoughts in my head, my phone rang.  I looked at the screen and saw it was her.  Trying to appear funny and charming I answered "Dick's Pool Hall, this is Dick speaking."  I heard a laugh on the other end and then Haley's voice said "you are funny.  And you are shweet.  How are you doing?"  I immediately noticed her cute little lisp; she was being a good girl and wearing her expanders.  I also bet she was wearing her facemask. And I got hard. 

I responded "I was doing fine; I am doing a lot better now" as a smile broke out on my face.  We spent the next 30 minutes talking.  At the end of the conversation I told her "I am really glad you called.  I have been wanting to hear your voice."  She answered "aww, that feeling ish mushual.  You should have called."  I didn't respond immediately, trying to figure out a good response.  Thankfully she continued "I want more than jusht to hear your voicsh though. I alsho want to shee you again.  You get back on Sunday night right?  Why don't you pick me up on Monday evening and take me out to dinner.  You can pick me up at my parentsh, I am shtill shtaying with them, I shtill don't have power.  You can go ahead and meet them, I feel like you are going to have to eventually anyway."  I told her I would love that.  We worked out the time and she gave me the address to pick her up.

It was after I hung up that I realized what had just happened.  She had just asked ME out on a date.  And she ALREADY wanted me to meet her parents.  I took a big gulp.  This seemed to be moving pretty fast, maybe too fast.  I honestly felt a little fear, I had always managed to extricate myself from any relationship before it got too serious.  I had always hated the idea of giving up my independence.  Of being tied down to one person.  But then an epiphany hit me like a bolt of lightning.  Maybe I did want to be tied down?  Tied down to Haley?  Yes indeed, this was moving very fast.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #51 on: 29. April 2023, 21:25:06 PM »
Just a heads up, but I am going to take a little hiatus from writing here.  I am going to put my creative energy towards a little songwriting. 

Well, that was quite a hiatus... a few days over the year! But it's great to have you back!

How did the song writing go?

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #52 on: 29. April 2023, 22:27:12 PM »
I wrote three, learned quite a few others’.  Added 20 or 25 total songs to my list.  I try to on average add one a week; but life gets in the way or I get lazy.  I run in spurts too.  Just like these stories, I have more that I had planned to work on, but didn’t get around to, or messed around with some and didn’t finish.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #53 on: 30. April 2023, 14:42:18 PM »
I'm gonna guess you play guitar... The closest I get to playing music is a CD player, or more likely these days, You Tube! And writing stories about people who can write music! I can't draw either... so you have my respect!

What sort of music is it that you write? Do you perform at all (eg open mic nights / around friends)?

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #54 on: 30. April 2023, 15:13:10 PM »
Yes, guitar.  A mix of country/southern rock/grunge/classic rock.  Just average bar room drinking music.  I used to play a little more.  Was in a little band, we played a few shows here and there.  Even had t-shirts.  And then the real talent in the band died of a heart attack in a motel in Monroe, LA.  I will still play once in a blue moon at a little bar and grill in Birmingham.  But more so I have exiled myself to little local things; parties, crawfish boils, etc.; things that are close, easy and convenient.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #55 on: 30. April 2023, 20:48:07 PM »
Part 13.

I was very nervous as I walked up to the front door.  I knew it was irrational, that everything would go fine.  But knowing this did not calm the butterflies in my stomach.  I rang the door bell and waited. 

The door opened and I was face to face with Haley’s father.  I politely introduced myself and told him I was there to pick up Haley.  After he introduced himself, he welcomed me to his home and invited me inside.  He said Haley was still getting ready.  Once inside, I met Haley’s mother.  She was a very striking woman I guessed was in her 50’s.  I don’t know if it is really true that you can tell how a woman will age by looking at her mother, but if so I felt heartened.  She was a beauty.  I also met Haley’s younger sister Madison.  She told me to call her Maddie, everyone else did.  She told me Haley had told her all about me.  After about 10 minutes of chatting; I felt like her father was interviewing me; Haley appeared.  She looked stunning.  She had her hair up, and despite the fact I thought she looked gorgeous without any makeup on, it was clear she had spent some time and effort on it that night.  She was wearing a dress that was the perfect mix of modest and sexy, and on her feet she had on heels.  I knew she had told me she hated wearing heels, but it was obvious that she was going to make that sacrifice tonight.

She walked up and hugged me.  The first thing I noticed was how wonderful she smelled.  She then gave me a peck on the cheek.  She said “hey you!  Hash my dad been waterboarding you too hard?”  I laughed and answered “no not at all, we have just been chatting.”  She said “well good.  How about we make a run for it before he breaksh out the truth serum?” She was wearing her expanders.  She turned to her parents and said “mom, dad, I will be home later thish evening.”  Her father Dan shook my hand and said “take care of my little girl.”

Pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant, Haley removed her expanders and stored them in their plastic case in her purse.  Dinner was wonderful.  Since this was our first real date, I had chosen a somewhat upscale, romantic restaurant on the other side of the river.  The area had not been impacted by the storm. It felt a little strange eating an incredible meal overlooking the river, knowing how much destruction was just a few miles away.  Despite this, I quickly lost myself in Haley.  After dinner Haley excused herself to the ladies room.  When she returned she was wearing her appliances.

After leaving the restaurant, we walked along the riverwalk.  At one point we took a break and took advantage of a bench.  We held hands as we talked.  After a few minutes, she looked at me and said “this evening has been perfect.  Except for one thing.”  She leaned her head towards mine, and I accepted her invitation.  We kissed.  Actually it was a little more than a simple kiss.  It would be fair to say we made out.  Normally I would have felt some embarrassment, feeling the looks of passerby’s staring and thinking ‘get a room you two’.  But not there, not that evening.  I was alone in the world, just Haley and me.

Back at my truck I said “I guess I need to get you home.  I don’t want your dad putting out a contract on me after our first date.”  She laughed and said “I guess this is our first official date.  But it really isn’t.  It doesn’t feel like it is.”  She leaned in and kissed me again.

As we drove I brought up her expanders.  I told her it seemed like she was doing a great job wearing them.  She answered “yesh, I have been doing a better job.  I am trying to wear them all the time like I am shupposed to.  To be honest, you being ok with them hash made it a lot easier.  Thank you for putting up with my lishp.”  I squeezed her hand and said “I love your little lishp” and smiled at her.  I then asked “how goes the facemask?  I know you hate it.  When we were chatting the other night, I was wondering if you were wearing it.”  She looked at me and said “you are so weird.”  Noticing the look that came over my face she squeezed my hand and said “But I like your weird.”  The smile that came to my face was instinctive, I didn’t even realize I was doing it.

She continued “the facemask is still my nemesis.  But I have been getting in a lot of time with it.  Since we are still off work, I have been wearing it pretty much all the time around the house and while I sleep.  And yesh, I wash wearing it the other night.  Maddie teases me about it.  And so does my dad.  But I know they are just giving me a hard time.  I am really trying to catch up on it, I have my checkup this Friday.  They are going to take some imaging and see how things are progressing.  That is assuming we have power.  They have told us this Wednesday we should be back up and running, and I will be back at the grindstone. But that is ok, I kind of miss it.” 

Back at her parents I walked her to the door.  I told her how wonderful the evening had been.  I smiled and told her I hoped we could do it again some time.  She looked back at me and said “of course silly.  You better take me on another date.  Many dates.  Or I will get Brittany to beat you up.”  She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss and opened the door.  She said “and you better call me when you get home tonight.”

I did call her that night.  And everyday that week.  On Friday I picked her up again.  We were going to a painting class.  It seemed like it would be a fun date.  Different and a little quirky.  Haley loved the idea.  Afterwards, as we looked on at our masterpiece, she looked at me and said “and now is when you take me home.  Your home. Just the two of us.”

Afterwords we lay in bed snuggling; hot, sweaty, and happy..  Haley had put her facemask on.  As we talked she said “so, do you remember I told you I had my orthodontic appointment today?  I have some good news and some bad news.  What do you want first?”  I told her to start with the good.

“Well” she started “the good newsh is in a week I won’t have to wear theesh huge, bulky removable expandersh anymore. That ish the good newsh.”  “And the bad?” I asked her.

“The bad” she said “is that I am going to get bonded expanders installed.  I’m just not getting the results I need with these.  They won’t be quite as bulky as these, but I won’t be able to take them out.  I will still have to wear the facemask.  But the worst news is that they noticed I have developed a tongue thrust.  I am going to have a tongue crib integrated into my top expander.  It is going to be pretty noticeable.  And my lisp will probably be even worse.”  I hugged her and said “I am so sorry baby.  But you will get through it.  It is just temporary right?  And you will still be just as sexy as ever.” 

She hugged me back and said “thank you.  Actually, it is something we will both have to get through.  It is really going to limit me on what foods I can put in my mouth.  And other things.  So I am going to have to try to get my fill over the next week.  Because I will have it for at least 6 months.”  She bit her lip as she looked at me.  She removed her facemask and then her expanders.  She then slid down the bed and pulled the covers back.  She smiled at me one last time before taking me to heaven.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #56 on: 01. May 2023, 03:20:19 AM »
Part 14. 

Haley and I spent the whole weekend together.  It flew by much too quickly. The only negative was that Haley’s mouth was bothering her some.  The spacers she had gotten on Friday were making her teeth ache.  She said they would probably bother her all week.  I told her that I had heard that a lot of times, spacers were the worst part.  I told her this was probably the case here too.  She told me she would like to think that, but that the tongue crib would probably prove that false in her case.

It was strange how comfortable we were together.  It was true that we had only been seeing each other for not even three weeks.  But it seemed like much longer.  Sure, there were still the fun moments when we learned things about each other.  Little things like Haley doesn’t really like mayonnaise.  And I leave my underwear on the bathroom floor like a caveman.  Or at least I always have, I am trying to be more domesticated.  There were many of these little moments.  But none of them were awkward, like seems to be so common in most new relationships.  We laughed a lot.  I enjoyed just being with her, and I believed she enjoyed just being with me.  She did try to get her fill of all the things she would have to miss out on starting Friday, when she would get her new expanders installed.

That Thursday night I took her out.  I let her choose where we went, it was after all her last supper of sorts. We went to a sawdust on the floor barbecue joint and ordered ribs.  Those would be off limits soon.  Afterwards I took her for ice cream. She got the caramel praline, another item that would soon be a no-no.  Even though she worked in orthodontics, she was nervous.  I promised her it would be ok.  Later that night at home I took my time with her, showing her how much I cared about her.  The next morning I snuck out of bed and started breakfast.

She entered the kitchen wearing just her bra, panties, glasses and her facemask.  She came over and gave me a hug and asked “whatcha working on?”  I turned and looked at her.  She was so gorgeous in the morning. I moved a strand of her messy hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.  I gestured towards the stove and said “your breakfast.” 

As we ate we made small talk.  Finally, she brought up her appointment.  She looked over at me and said “I know it is silly, but I am scared.  That it will hurt.  But more than that I am scared of the lisp I know I will have.  It is going to be so embarrassing.  At least with these removable ones, I can take them out if I need to speak clearly. I won’t be able to with these new ones.” I assured her it would be ok.  And I had something up my sleeve to try to make it easier for her, or at least distract her.

After breakfast we both got cleaned up and dressed to face the day.  Have I mentioned how cute she looks in scrubs?  Well, if not, she does. So, so cute.  Since it was Friday, she was wearing pink ones. I walked her out to her car.  Before she got in she stopped me.  She turned around and told me “kiss me.  And do it right.  Next time you see me I am going to have a fence in my mouth and I might have to relearn how to kiss.”  After a long, long french kiss we pulled back.  I looked her in the eyes and said “you are going to do great.  And if you need to practice, I humbly offer my services.”  She started a nervous laugh, but I interrupted her with another kiss.  Once done I told her “you are going to do just fine.  It will be a piece of cake.  I already told Britt to take extra special care of you.”

Around 9 am I saw a text pop up from Haley.  They must have been delivered I thought to myself.  I read her text “THANK YOU!!!  They are beautiful.  I am still blushing.  And the other girls are so jealous! Haha.  I have to run, but again THANK YOU!!!.  I will call at lunch. XOXO”. Well, phase one seemed to be a success.  I had ordered the flowers earlier in the week, with delivery scheduled for this morning.  From the text, it seemed like it was $100 well spent.

At lunch she did call.  We spoke for about 5 minutes.  Britt was treating her to lunch, they were in the car now headed to a deli 5 minutes away.  I could tell Haley was a bundle of nerves.  I again did my best to calm her.  Unbeknownst to her, I was already at the deli where her and Britt were headed.  I saw them pull in, and moved over to the corner with my back to the door so she wouldn’t see me.  Once she and Britt were in line looking up at the menu on the wall behind the counter I silently slipped in behind her.  I jostled her as I asked “so, what is good here?”

She turned around with a surprised look on her face  and squeeled “what are you doing here!”  I joked “I heard this was a great place to meet cute girls.  And they were right, just look at you!”  She hugged me, then reached up and gave me a peck on the lips.  She said “well I am so glad you are here, this is such a happy surprise.”  The girls had an hour lunch break, so lunch ended too soon.  Out at Britt’s car I held Haley, looking down into her eyes.  I told her “this afternoon is going to be a breeze.  You are going to do just great.”  I leaned in and gave her a long, slow kiss.  As she got in the passenger seat I repeated “you are going to do just great.”  With a forced smile on her face she softly responded “I hope you are right” and closed the door.  Well, I thought to myself, phase two went well.  I just wished I had been able to ease her nerves a little more.

For phase three, I had again recruited Britt’s help.  I asked her to give me a heads up before Haley got in the chair.  I wanted to be there for Haley’s appointment, to hold her hand and if need be serve as her punching bag.  I was hanging out around the corner from their office working on emails and a sales report when I got a text from Britt “she is about to get in the chair and start.”  I text her back that I was on the way.  I text Britt as I was walking in the door.  She met me at registration and brought me right on back.  When I walked in the treatment area Haley’s mouth dropped open.  As I slid the rolling stool Britt had provided over beside Haley I told her “you didn’t think I was going to let you go through this alone did you?”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #57 on: 01. May 2023, 15:01:37 PM »
Part 15.

Haley looked at me and said "Thank you for being here.  And you have had impeccable timing all day long."  As she turned and looked at Britt, who was sitting nearby to apparently help assist, she continued "I wonder how you knew I was about to have my fitting appointment?  And where I was going to lunch?"  I laughed and said "I will never reveal my sources" while at the same time I motioned with my head towards Britt.  I noticed that Britt had absently reached up to touch the mask she was wearing several times, but I didn't think anything about it.  I thought it must be a pain in the rear wearing a mask like they had to all day every day; especially after having been off work for over a week.  I just figured that Britt was getting back used to wearing one.

Haley was looking at Britt, and it looked like she was thinking of something to say when we were interrupted by a brunette woman in a white coat.  She exuberantly exclaimed as she approached "Haley, thish ish exciting.  Your big day!  You ready to get shtarted?'  As she sat down, I noticed her coat had 'Dr. Sanders' embroidered on her chest.  Also, did I detect a lisp from her?  She was wearing a blue medical mask over her face, just like Britt, so it was impossible to see her mouth.

After she had seated herself beside Haley, Dr. Sanders looked over at me.  She asked "and who do I have the pleasure of meeting" as she stuck out her hand.  Haley answered for me "this is my boyfriend Rob.  He surprised me."  I looked at Dr. Sanders and said "it is a pleasure to meet you.  Please take good care of this gorgeous, sweet thing; she is pretty special."  Dr. Sanders answered "well Rob, it is a pleasure to meet you.  I am Krishtin Shanders.  Oh wait, are you the one responsible for the flowersh?  They caushed quite a shtir this morning.".  I looked back sheepishly and admitted "guilty as charged." She said "well, you certainly put some other boyfriends and husbands on notice I would say."

Dr. Sanders turned her attention back to Haley.  She asked her "ready?"  Haley let out a sigh and said "ready or not, here we go."  In the brief time I had been sitting across from Dr. Sanders I noticed two things.  One, she was fairly young. She couldn't have been much older than Haley, or I for that matter.  Second, I definitely did notice a lisp on some words when she spoke.  I had really noticed it when she had said her own name.  I was curious what the story was with that.  Did she have braces or an appliance too?

Dr. Sander's picked up a tooth model.  It was one of Haley's lower teeth.  On it was a stainless metal expander.  She explained to the both of us "I am going to start with your lower expander.  I will get those pesky spacers out first."  She leaned Haley back.  Britt inserted a cheek retractor into Britt's mouth.  With a pick, Dr. Sander's leaned in and quickly had the spacers removed from Haley's mouth, placing them one by one on the table adjacent her.  Once the spacers were removed, she said "I bet that is a relief, I know I was so glad when I got mine taken out."  Britt stuck a suction hose in the corner of Haley's mouth.  Dr. Sanders leaned back in and said "let's check the fit, open up for me."  Dr. Sander's quickly inserted the expander into my girlfriend's mouth.  She seated it partially on her molars, then had her bite down on what to me looked like a square stick.  Once she had the expander seated, she examined it closely.  She exclaimed "it fitsh like a glove.  Feel any dishcomfort or poking Haley?"  Haley answered the best she could with a "Nah feelsh ah kay." Dr. Sander's exclaimed "Great!  Let's get this little sucker bonded."  I noticed Dr. Sanders sure was upbeat and excited about this, much more so than my poor Haley.  She pried the expander up off of Haley's teeth.  She then took some cement that Britt had mixed and liberally coated the inside of the molar bands.  She then repeated the process of seating it on Haley's lower molars.  As she was seating the expander, Haley squeezed my hand.  I squeezed back and placed my other hand on top of hers.  I noticed she had her eyes cut in my direction looking me in the eyes.  I softly said "you are doing great sweety".  Once done bonding the expander, Dr. Sanders quickly dabbed away the excess cement that had run out from under the expander.  She looked at Haley and triumphantly exclaimed "we are half way there.  And you ARE doing great!"

She next picked up a model of Haley's top teeth.  On it was seated a gargantuan, complicated looking piece of metal.  Dr. Sanders held it over in front of me as she explained "so thish is Haley's upper expander.  You notish it hash four bandsh inshtead of two, it will be sheated on Haley's molarsh and pre molarsh.  Becaush of her tongue thrusht, we have integrated thish tongue crib.  Thish will help her break her habit.  There ish no easy fix, it juhst takesh time, but we need shomething that will break her of it.  Or all of thish will be for want.  Finally, you see these little hooksh on the outside?  These are what she will attach the elasticsh to for her facemask.  They will rest in front of her canines and will be fairly visible when she smilesh.  But it will be so much more comfortable than having the hooksh back beside her molars.  I actually had my hooksh extended not long after I got my expander.  The elasticsh were rubbing unbearably in the cornersh of my mouth.  The extra little visibility hash been so worth the additional comfort.  It will take Haley a few daysh to get used to all of this, but I know she will. She will have a lisp, but it will improve with time.  I did, and so shall she."

I was a little blown away by all of this.  By how big and obtrusive the appliance was.  And also by what Dr. Sander's had said about her own expander.  Did she have an expander too?  And did she wear a facemask?  Wait, what?  I didn't have much time to think about it, my attention turned back towards Haley.  There was fear on her face.  I stroked her hand and said "it is going to be a piece of cake baby."

Dr. Sander's repeated the process of the lower expander, placing and checking the fit of the upper device.  Happy with what she saw, she removed it. And like before, she applied the cement and had Haley bite down several times to get it seated.  Once done, she again dabbed away the excess cement.  She looked at Haley and said "almost done!"  She said "I am going to put some bite pads back on your back molars.  I will make them as low as I can, but you still won't be able to fully close your mouth.  It will make biting a little tricky at first as you know."  She took some blue composite and quickly applied it, a little bump to each of Haley's lower back molars. After everything was installed, Dr. Sanders cured the cement with a blue light.   Once done with that she removed the cheek retractor and said "you did great.  Let those pads cure for a few more minutes before you bite down, and I will go get your protraction appliances."  Wait, protraction appliances?  As in plural?

She was gone a minute or two before she returned.  In one hand she was holding a Petit face mask.  In her other hand she had two ziplock bags.  One was elastics.  The other was a clear baggy with a u-shaped metal bar in it.  She sat back down and said "I know you shtill have your other mashk.  And you can wear it if you want.  But since we are getting all new applianshez, we might as well get you a new mashk too.  We just got thesh new designsh in.  They are sho cute. They aren't just the boring bland solid colorsh we had before.  I think this cheetah print fitsh your pershonality perfectly.  Rawr! If you don't like it though, you can shwap it out for one of the othersh.  We alsho got in some flowersh, a flag, and even a camo one."

She placed the mask on Haley's face.  Using an allen wrench she adjusted the chincup and forehead pad to fit Haley's beautiful face.  Next, she adjusted the vertical protraction bar.  She looked at Haley from the front, then from the profile.  She exclaimed "that looks about right.  I know you are an old pro at it, but I will go ahead and show you how to fit the elastics on.  It is pretty self explanatory."  She had Britt hold the mirror up as she held the mask to Haley's face and attached an elastic from one of the hooks in her mouth to the face mask.  She had not been kidding, the hooks were very visible.  And while Haley probably would disagree at the moment, I thought they looked adorable on her. And the cheetah print facemask.  Oh boy, it was so sexy.  I could already picture her in my mind wearing it.  Wearing it and nothing else.  Dr. Sanders repeated the process on the other side.  She then said "shee, eashy peashy.  Now, that is your fashmask.  I need you to wear it 12-14 hoursh per day, obvioushly every night when you shleep. like you were before.  Now, I want to show you the tandem bow I need you to wear while here in the offish" as she removed the elastics and facemask from Haley's face.

Haley's eyes got big.  She said "wah? ey dey offish?"  Oh wow, her lisp was severe.  Dr. Sanders said "yes silly, we wear masksh every day here.  No one will even shee it.  I have been wanting shome company” and laughed.  “Plus, you and Britt can commiserate”. I didn’t even pick up on this last comment, or what it meant. She pulled down her mask and turned her head towards me.  Protruding from her mouth was a stainless metal rod that looped around in front of her mouth.  She was wearing one herself.  It did in fact look like a bow of sorts.  On it I saw several down turned hooks.  On two of these there were taut elastics that stretched back into Dr. Sander's mouth.  She said "shee, Rob here didn't even realizsh I was wearing one until I pulled my mashk down."  Turning back towards Haley and pulling her mask back up she reassured her "I promish you it will be ok.  In a week you will forget you are even wearing it."

She had Haley open her mouth while Britt again held a mirror in front of her.  Dr. Sanders said "sho, you have sheen how thesh work before.  But let me show you any way."  As she inserted the bow into her mouth she explained "it is simple, simply slide the tandem bow into the two molar tubes on your bottom molar bands.  Like that" as she removed her hand from Haley's mouth, leaving the metal bow sticking out of her mouth.  She continued "that ish the only part that could be conshidered tricky.  Like your facemashk, you shimply apply a elastic to each hook on your upper expander, and then attach it to the bow.  It ish important to go over the top of the bow and loop it over the hook that way.  Otherwish it might pop off and sting you."  She quickly attached a elastic to each of Haley's hooks.  She then looped them over the bow.  She said "to shtart, I want you to use the shecond hook on each shide, just like I have it now.  Now, you try it."  Haley quickly removed the elastics and  then the bow.  It took her a couple of tries to fit the tandem bow in the molar tubes, but she finally got it.  She then stretched the elastics from her hooks and looped them over the bow.  Dr. Sander's gave a little clap and said "you are already a pro at it.  You are an exspert at hygiene, at leasht you better be!" and laughed. "Sho I don't think we need to go over hygiene.  Ash for the expandersh, you need to turn each oncsh a day for the next two weeksh.  Then we will shee how things look.  I know you know how to do it but let me show Rob here in cash you ever want a helping hand." 

Haley opened back up, as wide as her poor, abused mouth would allow.  Looking over at me Dr. Sanders picked up a blue plastic device with a little metal rod at the end.  She said "sho, thish ish the key to turn Haley's expandersh.  It doeshn't really matter which one you turn firsht; I prefer to turn my lower firsht and then my upper; but it doeshn't really matter.  Just turn them together at the shame time.  Morning or evening, it doeshn't matter. Whatever is most comfortable for Haley. Now, you insert this little metal key into the hole in the expander like this. Then, push the handle back towards her throat like this.  The key will rotate in the handle.  Make sure you get a complete turn.  Next, carefully pull the key out of the expander.  If you look closely, you can see the next hole in the middle of the expander, this is where the key will go next time, tomorrow."  As she had been explaining the process, she had also been demonstrating it on Haley's poor mouth.  I had leaned in close to get a better look, and also examine what all my baby had just had cemented into her mouth.  It really was a lot.  It looked more intimidating than I had imagined.  Looking into Haley’s face, I felt like she needed a hug.  The look on her face said she did at least.  Dr. Sanders continued "so, the process is the same for the upper."  She quickly demonstrated by making a turn on Haley's upper expander.  She then said "and that is it, that is all there is to it." 

She looked over at Haley and said "Yay! And we are all done.  Put that tandem bow back in for me, and we can finish up around here for the day.  One hour till the weekend!."  Haley inserted the tandem bow; it only took her one try this time as Britt held the mirror for her again, then attached the elastics as she had been prescribed.  As she stood from the chair she was opening and closing her mouth.  And awkwardly feeling around her teeth with her lips.  And I could see she was using her tongue to feel around her new tongue crib.  She seemed as if she was trying to snake her tongue around it, to possibly lick her lips or explore the new hooks in her mouth.  She was not having any luck, her tongue securely trapped by the large obtrusive tongue crib that hung down below her upper teeth.  My poor baby, I wanted to kiss it and make it all better.  But I knew I couldn’t.  She quickly put a medical mask on; I think trying to hide the tandem bow she was wearing.  Once she was standing, I went to her and hugged her.  I whispered "you did SO good sweety.  You look SO beautiful."  She said "I dah fee veey beaful.  Ah Gah what a lishp."  I squeezed her tighter "I told you I love your little lisp, there is just a little more of it to love now."

Dr. Sanders looked over at her two employees and said "thank you Haley.   You will be sho glad you are doing thish.  And Britt, how goes it with the headgear?  Are you going to get in the hoursh you need?"  Britt sheepishly averted her eyes towards the floor and said "I will do my best.  I promise.  It is just hard."  Dr. Sanders said "well, you know you need to do better.  I can't make you; I think the American Association of Orthodontics frowns on us wiring headgear on now days.  Please, get your 18 hours in like you need.  We have to make up for some lost time."  Wait, did she just say 18 hours?  As I looked over at Britt I noticed the mask she was wearing.  She had been wearing it the whole time since I had gotten here, even when she met me up front at the reception and waiting area.  As I studied her face her embarrassment was evident even with a mask on.  I then noticed the strange horizontal ridge that ran across the middle of her mask.  As I looked at her, I then noticed the straps over the top of her head.  I had been so laser focused on Haley earlier, I had not really paid close attention to Britt.  She was wearing her headgear here in the office, right now.  As I continued to study her, her face still downturned to the floor, I noticed something new.  She also had a strap protruding out from under the bottom of her mask.  It ran below her ear and wrapped around her neck. I could barely see the pad on her neck, she had her hair down like she was trying to hide it.  I realized Britt was now wearing combination headgear.  And she was supposed to wear it for 18 hours a day.

Haley was my girl, of that there was no question.  And I knew she would need some extra attention this weekend with all the new parts and pieces in her mouth and on her face.  But as I looked at the embarrassment etched on Britt's face, I realized she might need a little extra attention too.  Yes, this weekend was going to be interesting.

Dr. Sanders then had an idea.  She said "oh my, I don't get an opportunity like thish very often."  She looked at Haley and said "would you be a dear for me and put your facemask back on please?  And ya'll wait here just a second, I will be right back."  Dr. Sanders hurried off.  When you returned a minute later she was wearing a facemask herself.  Her's had a purple floral design on the forehead pad and chincup.  Trailing along behind her was another woman dressed in scrubs with the name of the office embroidered above the pocket.  She was a short, cute petite woman who looked around thirty.  Her name tag said 'Emily".  And she, like Britt, was wearing combination headgear.

Dr. Sanders smiled broadly at us as she strided back into the treatment area.  She said "it ishn't very often we get a chance to take a photo op that ish thish cool.  Thish will get so many responshes on Facshbook I bet."  She looked at Britt and said " take your mask off please.   We sho need to document thish."  She handed her iPhone to me and said "you look like a natural born photographer.  Would you take a few picturesh of the four of ush please?"  Dr. Sanders lined up the four of them, her and Haley in the middle being the two tallest, with Britt and Emily on each end. I took a few steps back and held the phone in landscape mode.  I said "CHEESE!".  The four ladies smiled.  Dr. Sanders was beaming.  The other three were forcing smiles the best they could.  They all looked amazing.  There was a slight blush on Haley's face that just added to her charm, and my attraction to her.  I snapped several pictures, adjusting the angle and zoom to try to get the perfect photo.  I then moved in a little closer and said "hold on, let me get a few close ups."  I was in heaven.  I took several more photos, these showed just the ladies from the shoulders up.  Once done, I pulled out my own phone. I said "Hold on just a second longer.  Let me take a couple with mine in case something happens to your phone Dr. Sanders."  Once done, the three employees of Dr. Sander's quickly put there masks back on, trying their best to hide their extraoral appliances.  Dr. Sanders did not seem embarrassed at all by her facemask.  She continued to beam.  She took her phone from me and excitedly said "Thank You!" as she reviewed the photos on her phone.  She looked at me and said "thesesh are great, they are going to make such a convershation piece.  And they will show the world how mucsch we believe in our own work.  I have to go get these posted right now!".

After she had left the three women remaining huddled together.  Emily said "oh God, I can't believe she made us do that." Britt agreed saying "I know, at least you have had your headgear a little longer than I have and are more used to it.  I felt like I was trying to smile with a bridle in my mouth. And she is going to put them on Facebook!"  Haley added "ah leash ya don hah a gaudy cheeta prin fahmashk ah ya facsh.  Ah ya can speak."  I moved in behind Haley and wrapped my arms around her.  I told her "you look incredible sweety.  Good enough to eat."  I then looked at the other two and added "you all look incredible.  Seriously."  As I stood there I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed.  Heck, that I had gotten to be a part of.  Can life get better than this I thought?  Later that night I was to find out that yes, somehow it could.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #58 on: 01. May 2023, 16:16:08 PM »
Sorry, that last part is pretty long. But there was a lot to get done in that chapter.  And it probably has a few typos and/or grammatical errors, it was a lot to proof.  Despite that, I hope ya'll are enjoying our journey.  Part 16 will just be a little teaser.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #59 on: 01. May 2023, 17:06:53 PM »
Part 16.

That evening, I sat on the couch watching a movie.  It was a psychological horror movie and I will admit it was scary.  And it seemed to have been the perfect choice.   Because on either side of me were Britt and Haley.  They were each being exemplary patients and both were wearing their headgear.  The movie had been a good choice, both girls were tightly clinging to me.  One jump scare had actually made Haley jump.  She leaned into me even harder.

After the movie was over, I picked up my phone and opened the Facebook app.  I went to the City Orthodontics Facebook page.  I didn't know if either of the girls had investigated it yet, but I had not.  I was very curious.  I wanted to see if Dr. Sanders had really posted any of the pictures from earlier in the day.  After the page loaded, I scrolled down past the header.  And sure enough, there they were.  There were several pictures of the four of them.  The caption said:

"Here at City Orthodontics, we understand that orthodontic treatment can be a big commitment and an adjustment.  We understand well because we don't just work here, but we are patients too!  Here is Dr. Sanders and 3 of our beautiful staff; Haley, Brittany and Emily; proudly wearing their extra oral appliances.  If extraoral appliances have been indicated in your treatment, it is important that you wear them the prescribed amount of time.  As you can see in these pictures, they aren't something to feel embarrassed about.  Instead, feel proud that you are improving your health and well-being.  And getting a dazzling smile in the process!  We would love if our patients would share their big, proud smiling faces while wearing their own appliances in the comments here."

Just as I had when it happened, I couldn't get over how amazing they looked.  Haley and Britt had both been looking over my shoulder as I looked at the post.  Britt buried her facebow in my shoulder and said "oh my gosh, how embarrassing. Oh shit Haley, Dr. Sanders even tagged all of us.  This is going to be popping up on everyones’ feeds.  Shit.  I am mortified."  Haley was still having enormous trouble with her pronunciation and simply added "sa bah".  I turned and looked at her and said "no, it is not so bad.  You both look incredible there.  Just like you look incredible here, right now."  I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.  Britt said "I can't believe anyone would willingly share a picture of themselves wearing their 'extraoral appliances'."  I clicked on the comments and said "let's see."  The first post was from 'Maria Andrews, DMD'.  There was a picture of a pretty 40 something year old woman wearing a bright red petit facemask. Beside her was a man around her age, probably her husband I thought. He too had a Petit facemask on, his was white in color. They each had their fingers in the corners of their mouths, pulling their mouths open, their metal braces gleaming for the whole world to see.  Each was sticking their tongue out at the camera.  Her comment was 'Right back at you Dr. Sanders and crew.  Here are Mark and me this evening!  Both improving our health!  And working on our Hollywood smiles in the process!'

Below that was a photo of an older lady, a silver haired beaut even at her age, probably in her mid to late 50s.   She was wearing cervical pull headgear.  Her comment was funny.  It read "Hey Dr. Sanders, if I post this photo will you tell me I don't have to wear it anymore?"  There was a third photo in the comments as well.  This was a pretty young blonde, who appeared to be in her early 20s.  She was wearing combination headgear.  Her comment read "I certainly never dreamed I would be wearing headgear in college.  But my smile is SO much better.  Thank you Dr. Sanders!".

Scattered in amongst the photos were other comments.  They were all positive, saying things like "you ladies look fab", and "HOW CUTE!!!"

I looked over at Britt and said "you were wrong, what do I win?"

Haley leaned in and said "axshul, me and Bri hah bee talkin.  Will ya tell him Britt, he mah nah unershan me."  I squeezed Haley's thigh and said "I understand you just fine."  Looking at Britt I raised my eyebrows.  Britt fumbled a little as she started.  Then she said "um, Haley and I have been talking.  And um, we want to go to bed.  The three of us.  And not just to pass out drunk like our first night together."

The shock on my face would have been visible from space.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #60 on: 02. May 2023, 08:41:58 AM »
Wow! What a story!

And Haleys lisp is so impressive!

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #61 on: 02. May 2023, 16:38:47 PM »
From here on, because 1) I am lazy and typing phonetically is difficult and time consuming, and 2) it may be easier for readers; I am going to dispense with typing Haley’s lisp except when it directly impacts the dialog and/or story.  But rest assured my poor Haley still has her amazing lisp.

Part 17.

I sat there in stunned silence, unsure of how to respond.  I had a ton of thoughts racing through my head, probably over analyzing things as I tend to do.  On one hand this was a dream come true.  On the other I didn’t want to ruin what I felt Haley and I had, and what we could have, for one night of sin.  As I sat there looking into Haley’s eyes, her hand rubbing the inside of my thigh working progressively closer to my body, I thought I could feel Britt’s eyes boring into me from behind.  Haley cocked her head and asked “well?”.

I broke my silence “of course I want this, part of me wants this as badly as anything I have ever want… check that, I want this as badly as anyone in the history of mankind has ever wanted anything.  Haley you are gorgeous.”  Turning to Britt I said “and Britt, you are gorgeous too.  Any red blooded man would be crazy or dead not to want this.”

I turned back to Haley when she said “then don’t over think things like you do.  Go with it.”

Looking into Haley’s eyes I continued “I can’t believe I am going to say this.  Maybe I shouldn’t.  But I am.  I have never believed in that old adage about love at first sight.  Or at least I never did until you.  Because, from the moment I laid eyes on you out on that back deck, I think I felt a twinge of it.  And it has done nothing but grow every moment since.  I know it is too soon.  And I have never told a woman this.  But I love you Haley.  And I don’t want to do anything that would complicate or jeopardize that.  I am scared this might.”

I could feel Britt melt on my back.  The words had not been meant for her, but she had heard them.  And promptly melted.  As I looked into Haley’s eyes, it was her who now was left speechless.  I reached down and grabbed her hand.  She finally spoke “I love you too.  And this won’t jeopardize us at all.  I think it will do the opposite.”

I replied “Haley, I am sure you are right.  But it isn’t just us this will impact.  You and Britt are best friends.  I don’t want to do anything that would complicate or jeopardize that either.” 

Britt chimed in “it won’t.  It won’t jeopardize our friendship.  We do everything together.  We want to do this too.  Together.  The three of us.”  I threw out another concern “but what about you and your boyfriend?  I don’t want to be ‘that guy’, the home wrecker.”  Britt surprised me when she said “we broke up last week.  Actually he broke up with me.  But I am not sad.  It was best for both of us.  Our lives have diverged so much.  And he was never around.  He told me he met someone in Germany.  I am happy for him.  So you won’t be that guy.  Hang on, there is something I want to do tonight anyway.”  She got up and headed into the kitchen. 

I looked at Haley and asked “are you really sure?”  She replied “yes, absolutely.  Now quit thinking and playing so hard to get. Let your little head do the thinking on this one” as she cracked a big wide smile, the first smile I had seen from her since her appointment that afternoon.  Looking at her, and seeing the molar bands, hooks and tongue crib in her slightly open mouth, forced that way I knew by her bite pads, made me weak.  I softly replied “ok.”

It was at this time that Britt sat back down on the couch.  She placed a coffee cup on the table in front of us.  She laid her purse down on the couch beside her.  Haley looked at Britt and said “he agreed.”  Britt leaned in and hugged me, then briefly nibbled on my ear.  The feeling of her cold, hard facebow contrasted so much from the feeling of her warm, wet lips.  She whispered “I hope you took your vitamins this morning”.

She leaned back and said “but first…” as she pulled a joint and lighter out of her purse.  Looking at me she said “this will relax you a little bit Mr. Uptight.  And it will make me so much more tingly.  Can we smoke in here?”  I finally relaxed a little and made the wise crack “at this point, I don’t think I would notice if you lit the couch on fire.”  This drew a laugh from each of the girls.  Britt said “just seeing it has already relaxed you.  Just wait till you smoke a little of it.”

I watched as she stuck the joint between her lips and lit it.  As I watched her one half of my brain thought about what a nasty, noxious habit smoking is.  But the other half thought how sexy it is to see a beautiful woman smoking.  I had always been conflicted by this, and still don’t understand it.  But I didn’t have long to dwell on it.  As soon as Britt had taken a long drag from it, she passed it to me.  I inhaled.  And immediately I coughed the smoke back out.  Haley laughed.  Feeling a little embarrassment at being such a light weight I said “ooofff, I haven’t done that since college”.  Haley said “you’re SO cute.  Let me show you how to do it.”  She took the joint from me.  I had expected her to remove her facemask.  But she didn’t. As she inhaled I thought it looked like she had done it before, smoking in her facemask.  She didn’t pass the joint back to me.  Instead she exhaled, and then with her free hand did remove her facemask.  She looked at me and said “let me help you.”  She took a long drag and leaned over, locking her mouth to mine, and exhaled.  She stayed locked to me, gently kissing me as my eyes watered a bit and I fought off a cough.  And I thought to myself ‘this might be the sexiest thing I have ever experienced’.  Haley pulled back and I exhaled.  She looked at me and said “good boy.”  She handed the joint to Britt.  She took a long drag.  After exhaling she took another.  She scooted across my lap and locked her lips to Haley’s.  I could see a little smoke escape from her mouth; she couldn’t get a perfect seal with the facebow protruding from her mouth; as she exhaled into Haley.  In just a matter of seconds I already had a new number one on my list of ‘sexiest things ever’.  The joint was quickly consumed.  And I was feeling relaxed, but still so aroused.  Maybe more than I had ever been. 

Haley stood up from the couch.  She was tightly gripping my hand so I had no choice but to do the same.  Looking me in the eyes she said “come on lover, we aren’t done yet.”

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #62 on: 03. May 2023, 06:28:43 AM »
Part 18.

Later that evening we lay spent and exhausted.  Haley was curled up against me to my right, her right hand laying on my chest lazily making circles on it with her index finger.  We weren’t talking. Britt had gone into my master bathroom to use the facilities and freshen up.  When the door opened she shouted excitedly “DUDE!  You have a jacuzzi in here!  Why did I not know this!” She came and leaped into bed and asked “and why is it empty?”  I explained what a pain it was to keep it clean and maintained, much like a pool.  I told her I had tried to keep it full the first year I had the house, but it felt like a full time job keeping it clean, so I finally gave up.  Then I added that at that time I didn’t have anyone to share it with, and I had no desire to sit around in my own warm bath water and watch my own farts pop to the top.  Britt slapped me softly and said “you are nasty.  But you are going to fill that jacuzzi up.  And WE are going to soak in it.  And you can watch my farts pop up.”  She started laughing.  I did too.  I like a little dirty humor; and her saying that contrasted so much with what I saw of her apparently prim and proper exterior.  Haley responded to both of our comments with “you two are both nasty!”

Britt leaned in beside me and asked “so, are you going to fill it up?”  I answered “what, like right now?  No.”  She looked at me pouting.  Her pout was so insanely cute with her facebow sticking out of her mouth.  So cute.  And she had not taken it off all night.  Even earlier.

I looked at her and said “for two reasons.  One, it is midnight, I am in my boxers, and I have to go under the house in the crawl space to turn the valve on to fill it.  But I would do that for you.  Right now.  But the main reason is by the time it fills up and heats up, we will probably be asleep.  I will make a deal with you.  I will do it in the morning and it will be ready for tomorrow evening. Is that good with you?”   

She looked back at me coldly and said “you take a lot for granted thinking there will be a tomorrow evening.”  Her demeanor seemed to have changed in an instant.  She continued to look at me coldly and I began to think she was serious.  The expression on my face changed to one of concern.  There are some things I am good at.  A poker face is not one of them.  My emotions are usually on full display.

After a minute she couldn’t stand it.  A smile broke out on her face and she started laughing.  She jumped on top of me and said “got ya!  Of course that is good.  I didn’t know it was so much work; or took so long.”  I put my hand on the back of her head, resting it over the straps of her headgear.  I told her “you are such a turd.”  This made her laugh harder.  I was in love with Haley, who was now tracing hearts instead of circles on my chest.  But Britt’s quirky and sometimes off color humor was right up my alley.

Britt looked up at me and asked “so, I asked you earlier if I could smoke in the den.  Can I smoke in here?”  I replied “sure, the bed didn’t catch on fire earlier.  It must not be flammable.”  She laughed and said “I will be back in a sec.”. I assumed when she said smoke she meant a little more weed.  I was going to owe her some because I was going to smoke some more of her’s when she got back.  As she went to leave Haley said “would you grab my facemask and my elastics?  I guess I need to put that damn thing back on.”  Britt answered “no problem Haleybug.”

After Britt had left I asked Haley “is everything ok?  You are awfully quiet.  Please don’t tell me you regret this or I won’t be able to live with myself.”  She shifted so she was looking me in the face and said “everything is perfect.  I am happy.  Pretty high.  But the main thing is my mouth is hurting.  And my lisp is so bad I am embarrassed to talk.”  I reached over and hugged her and said “I am so sorry.  The last thing I want is for you to be miserable. I promise you if there was some way for me to take some of your pain I would.  Gladly and without hesitation.  But I can’t.   Is there anything I CAN do?” 

She replied “you are doing it.  I am with the two people I care most about in the whole world.  I can’t ask for more.  I am just sore.  And embarrassed.  Plee ja may me fee pri e.  Wa thi horble lisph I fee sa ug e.”

I squeezed her.  I then shifted her head around and very gently kissed her.  I looked her in the eyes, just inches from her face and said “baby, there is no one else in the world that compares to how beautiful you are.  You are SO pretty I can’t even put it into words. You couldn’t be ugly if you took lessons on it.   And the lisp will get better.  It will.  You just need a little time.  And I will be beside you all that time; doing whatever I can for you.  I don’t know that I can make it go away.  But i will do everything I can to make you forget about it.  I don’t know what else to do.  But if you tell me, I will do it.”  She hugged me back and said simply “tha ya, juh hol me.”  I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.  Covering her up, trying to protect her.  From the world and the insecure thoughts in her head.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #63 on: 03. May 2023, 06:52:37 AM »
Just a FYI for anyone looking for houses or looking to build.  I do have a jacuzzi in my master bath.  And it is a power move.  Girls do freak out over it.  But even with that it is not worth the damn upkeep and maintenance.  And when $@)$????????‍⬛????‍⬛&@ isn’t worth it you know it is a pain in the ???? (never realized there isn’t an emoji for an ass (jackass/donkey); just a horse, it will have to do.)

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #64 on: 03. May 2023, 07:04:44 AM »
I really liked that chapter. It captures exactly the feeling which I would think getting all of those appliances would do to you. Continue writing, you are doing great!

Ummm… I don’t think the emojis came through, I became very confused with the amounts of confused emojis I saw and the comment at the end.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #65 on: 03. May 2023, 07:25:31 AM »
You are correct.  Apple emojis and Bracesforum do not like each other.  I knew that in the back of my head from long ago, but forgot, and now remember.

I know I am walking a fine line.  Getting close to the edge without going over.  The first few emojis were all the kitty cat emojis on my phone.  The last bunch were the horsey emojis on my phone.  You can read between the lines from there. 

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #66 on: 03. May 2023, 07:31:11 AM »
And thank you for the kind words!  Just like my Haley, I too sometimes; every once in a while; even if it isn’t very manly to admit; like to be told I am pretty too.  :) :) :D ;)  (hey, emojis that do work)

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #67 on: 03. May 2023, 17:31:02 PM »
Part 19.

I was turned facing the door to the hall as I held my poor Haley, so I saw Britt as she reentered the bedroom.  She had her hands full.  In her right hand was Haley’s new cheetah print mask and a bag of elastics. In her left hand she held the coffee cup, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.  She laid the facemask and elastics down on the nightstand on Haley’s side of the bed.  She then crawled into bed on the other side, sitting up against the headboard.  She shook out a cigarette, put it in her mouth and lit it.  I looked at her incredulously and asked “you smoke?”  Exhaling a plume of smoke she said “it is my dirty little secret.  I try to hide it.  But there is no use hiding it from you.  You have seen all the rest of me tonight.  Does it bother you?”

As I sat there thinking of my answer, Haley rolled away from me and grabbed her mask and packet of rubberbands from the table.  She pulled a couple of elastics out of the bag and dropped it back on the nightstand.  Rolling back over towards me she asked me “will yah puh it on fah me?”  I completely lost my train of thought about Britt’s question.  I replied “yes baby, if you are ok with it.”  She answered “yesh, mah expanersh an facshmask ah gah be a big part of our life together for the foreseeable future.”

Having been at her appointment earlier I had gotten a good look at how Dr. Sanders had attached it.  And even if I hadn’t, I already knew, just from my ‘interest’ in orthodontics.  Haley handed me the elastics and bared her teeth.  I held the mask up to her soft skin and gently attached one of the elastics from one of her hooks to the mask.  I repeated the process on the other side.  She softly said “thank you.  I feel so ridiculous having to wear this, especially now with my lisp.”  I squeezed her and said “I am sorry kitten.  But it is only temporary.  Like Dr. Sanders said, you will be glad you did it once it is over.”  She nuzzled up against me and said “thank you.”

I now remembered Britt’s question from earlier.  I didn’t put much thought into my answer, I was still so consumed by the beautiful but wounded woman nestled in my side.  I looked over at Britt and said “no, it doesn’t bother me.”  She took another drag and said “I don’t believe you.”

I responded “well, it is complicated.  I guess complicated is my specialty.  Since we are all being honest, it is a turnoff.  It stinks. It is bad for you.  And I hate when people leave their butts littering up the world.  But here is where it gets complicated.  It is also a turn on.  Watching you smoke is so sexy.  I don’t know why I feel that, but I do.  So there is your answer.”

She looked at me seriously and said “great, so you have a braces kink AND a smoking kink.”  The look on her face was judgmental.  I stammered “well, I um… yeah I guess so.”  My cheeks turned a little red from embarrassment.  She continued to glower at me.  ‘Shit’ I thought to myself ‘I have royally screwed this up.’  Then another big smile came across Britt’s face.  She squeeled “you are SO easy!”  She leaned into me and said “Haley told me you were weird, but that she liked it.  I kinda like it too”.

I heaved a huge internal sigh of relief.  I felt like I had just dodged a bullet.  At this time, Haley reached across my body towards Britt.  Britt handed her the cigarette.  Avoiding her facemask, Haley took a drag.  I looked on and asked “you too?”

Haley exhaled the smoke and handed the cigarette back to Britt.  She looked up and said “no, just when I am with Britt.  She is my favorite bad influence, well I guess now number two” as she pinched me.  It hurt.  And I loved it.  Britt became animated at Haley’s accusation.

Britt exclaimed “ME?  A bad influence on you?  Ok Tequila Princess.” I cocked my eyebrow at Britt.  She answered “oh, so you haven’t met Tequila Princess yet?  Set her up with enough Patron shots and you will meet Tequila Princess.  She will be dancing on the table.  And she will come home without half her cloths, missing a contact, and there will be several liquids of questionable origin coating what cloths are left.”  I laughed.  I then held my hand up flat and with my other pantomimed I was jotting down a note.  I said aloud “grocery list; Patron tequila.  The big bottle.”  Haley made a muffled laugh.  I was glad, with her sore mouth she had not smiled or laughed much that night.

Britt continued “but you have to be careful with Tequila Princess.  At midnight, or whenever the bottle is empty, she turns into a pumpkin.  And when I say pumpkin, I mean the Tequila Monster.  Have you ever met anyone that has gotten kicked out of the Flora-bama?  During spring break?  Legend has it that it is impossible to do.  But that is not true.  Because that little angel curled up beside you actually managed to do it one night.  And drug me along for the ride.  It is amazing we didn’t wake up in jail.  So ME a bad influence?”  This brought another laugh from Haley.  I was glad she seemed more upbeat, the story and memories had obviously taken her focus off her orthodontic woes.

The next morning I woke up.  As I opened my eyes, I immediately saw Haley’s face staring into mine, the shiny verticle bar of her facemask just inches from my nose.  I said “good morning beautiful.  How did you sleep?”  She grumpily said “I slept like shit.  My mouth was killing me.  And this stupid facemask is still a pain to sleep in; even after 3 months; I may never get used to it.  And you were snoring.  With Britt up against you I couldn’t nudge you over like the other night and get you to quit.  So I slept like shit.  Actually it would be more accurate to say I lay here awake in misery all night… like shit”

Uh oh, this is not how I wanted the morning to start.  Were we about to have our first fight?  Over of all things the noise I sometimes make when I sleep?  Oh boy.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #68 on: 04. May 2023, 20:25:30 PM »
Part 20.

As I looked at Haley, I felt terrible.  Terrible that she was suffering.  And terrible that, unintentionally of course, I had made it worse.  I looked into her eyes and apologized "I am sooo, sooo sorry sweetie.  I didn't know.  I feel horrible.  You should have woken my sorry ass up and made me go to the couch. I would have gladly.  Again, I am so sorry."  She looked back icily and said "you didn't mean to" then rolled over away from me. 

I put my hand on her upper arm and said "I don't know what I can do to make it right, but I promise I will try."  Then I had a thought hit me.  I had not seen Haley eat anything since lunch the day before.  I asked her "baby, when is the last time you ate anything?"  Still facing away from me she replied "yesterday at lunch. I haven't felt like even trying."  I scooted over closer to her and wrapped my arm around her.  I told her "let me fix you something.  You need to eat.  I can't change last night, but I can try to make today better.  Please stay here and let me bring you some breakfast." 

At this point there was some rumbling from the other side of the bed.  Britt raised her head up, rubbing her eyes, and asked "what are ya'll making so much noise over there for?"  I answered "I am going to get up and fix Haley, no, both of you breakfast.  You can stay here if you want and have breakfast in bed."  Britt cleared the cobwebs and said "no, I am ready to get up.  How about I help?"  I looked over at her.  I couldn't help but notice her headgear of course.  I answered "I would love some help."  As I followed Britt down the hall to the kitchen, I could not help but fixate on her headgear.  Then a thought ran through my head and I did a little math.  I had seen her at 4 pm the day before, and she had been wearing it.  It was now 7 am the next day.  And unless she took it off sometime between 5 and 7 pm, that meant she had been wearing it for 15 hours straight.  I couldn't help but marvel at this, and decided I had a few questions for her about it when the time seemed right.

In the kitchen, I looked at Britt and asked "you are the orthodontic pro.  Haley's mouth is really bothering her.  I was thinking scrambled eggs, grits, and I will blend her a smoothie.  Does that sound like a good menu for her?  Do you think she will be able to handle it?"  Britt said "that sounds good.  I know she will be able to handle a smoothie at least.  I don't have the expanders like she does, but I remember the pain the first few days after I got my braces.  Soft foods were about all I could choke down.  Speaking of choking down, I had fun last night."  She turned and smiled at me, giving me a dazzling smile.  "And also speaking of choking down" she continued "do you have any bacon?  I am feeling pretty carnivorous this morning."

As we cooked, we chatted.  I asked her "so, how long will Haley's mouth hurt?  And what can I do to make it better?  And what does she need to do about her lisp?  It REALLY bothers her."  Haley replied "like I said, I don't have expanders.   But from what I have seen from patients, it is rough the first 3-5 days, then their mouth gets more accustomed to their new guests.  There isn't really much you can do for her.  Cooking her breakfast like this, maybe running little errands, you know just good boyfriend things; that is about it.  Oh, and stock up on some pain relievers, she will need them.  She probably needs it now, she hasn't had any since last night.  As far as getting used to everything it will just take her a little time.  And I am not even going to give her a hard time about her lisp.  Yet.  I can tell it really bothers her.  I know she doesn't want to speak, but that is exactly what she needs to do.  She needs to practice speaking; relearning how to with everything new in her mouth.  She will have a lisp the whole time she has that tongue crib though.  I HATE having to put them in any patient's mouth.  I know it is going to be so hard for them.  It may be about the worst appliance there is, even worse than stupid headgear and facemasks.  At least you can take headgear off.  The tongue crib is there.  Always there.  I give Haley hell; we give each other hell actually; and we love to do it.  But I am going to use kid gloves with her this week.  And just be patient.  She may take it out on me.  She may take it out on you.  But that is ok.  Just be patient with her.  Hug her and tell her how pretty she is, that kind of thing."

Britt had missed the little drama that had unfolded before she woke up.  I explained it to her, that I had kept Haley up snoring, and I knew she was mad at me.  Britt answered "well, for the record I didn't hear it.  But I was pretty dead to the world.  And in your defense, with her mouth hurting she might have been tossing and turning all night anyway.  But, I am sure that laying there hurting, unable to sleep, and hearing her boyfriend snore in her ear did not help her mood."  We worked in silence as I thought about what she had said.  Haley than asked "have you ever seen anyone about your snoring?  You know one of the things we do is sleep dentistry.  We have a lot of patients, predominantly men, that we see for snoring.  And it is usually because they want to keep their significant others happy at night.  Why don't you come in and see us?  I bet Dr. Sanders could fix you up with a nighttime appliance that would eliminate the snoring." 

She then came over and got in my face.  She used her hands to pull my lips apart and examined my teeth.  I was a little taken aback, but from what I had learned from Britt the night before, once she felt comfortable with someone there were few boundaries.  She said "and you need to get a cleaning anyway.  I will schedule you an appointment, let me know what works best for you."

Once the eggs, grit's and Britt's bacon were cooked and cooling, I started to work on a smoothie.  I am far from a smoothie expert, and I had limited options, so a strawberry/banana smoothie it was going to be.  As I cut up the banana and strawberries, I asked Britt "so, what is the story with your headgear?  Did you just get that extra strap yesterday?  Are you really going to wear it for 18 hours a day?"

Britt answered "well, I said Haley and I do everything together.  I was jealous of her tongue crib, so I demanded Dr. Sanders make my headgear even worse.  Haha!  Actually, we have our ortho appointments together too, at least back to back.  We don't schedule patients after 2 pm on Fridays.  We wrap up the week, get things tidied and prepped for the next week, and staff that are in treatment have their appointments.  Since Emily started first, she goes ahead of me. And then I go since I started before Haley.  Then Haley brings up the rear.  There is another girl in the office, Lauren our receptionist, who is going to start soon, so Haley will get bumped up a slot.  But anyway, I had my appointment before Haley, and Dr. Sanders could tell I was slacking.  So she told me 18 hours, no exceptions.  And she added the cervical strap.  I am going to do my best.  It isn't out of the realm of possibilities for her to prescribe 24/7 wear.  She has done it before with patients.  So, I will do my best.  But I can tell you I am not thrilled about it.  I do not plan to take my mask off at work at all, not one second.  I mean I know it is just braces, but it is still embarrassing to me.  Having my picture plastered on Facebook was horrifying. Is horrifying.  Speaking of which, I haven't even checked Facebook since I looked over your shoulder.  I am sure it has gotten ugly."

As I dropped the fruit in the blender and added the milk and ice I looked at her and said "well, you are off to a great start.  Unless you took it off for a little while yesterday afternoon, you are at 15 hours."  She said "actually, I did take it off for an hour when I was getting ready to come up here.  Dr. Sanders put it on me at 3:30, so I am actually at 14.5 hours.  I want to try to get it all in before I take it off.  Only 3.5 more hours and I will get a little reprieve and get to actually go outside on a Saturday afternoon.  But I know it is going to be so hard.  This is only the first day.  And I had better come up with some inside hobbies, because I will be locked away inside as long as I am wearing this." 

As Britt ate at the kitchen island, I fixed Haley a plate.  Thinking of what Britt had said about pain relievers, I asked her "can Haley take Oxy?  I have some left over from when I got my wisdom teeth removed. What if I give her a half of one?"  Britt answered "as far as I know.  Take it to her and ask.  It may zonk her out for a little while though."  I replied "I think being zonked out may be what she needs."

I had my hands full as I carried the plate, smoothie, pain pill and a glass of water down the hall.  I managed to make it to the bedroom without spilling or dropping anything.  There I found Haley laying on her side in the fetal position, softly crying.  I quickly put everything down and rushed to the bed.  I lifted her off the bed and wrapped her in a hug.  I asked her "what is it baby?  Are you ok?"  She sniffled and softly cooed "ey i jus so muh, all a tha stuff in mah mout, and the fahmasck, and it hurts, and I think I made a huge mistake."  I took my hand and stroked the back of her head as I gently rocked her.  I told her "I am so sorry baby. I brought you a pain pill, it may help.  Will you take it for me?  And will you at least try to eat.  I know your mouth is killing you, but you need to eat.  And I know you are mad at me.  I deserve it.  But will you do it for me anyway?  It should help." 

As I continued to rock her, the crying stopped.  She made one last sniffle and pushed herself away from me.  She said "yes, I will.  I am sorry, I am not really mad at you.  I am just mad.  At all of this."  I placed my hand on hers and said "I am your punching bag, punch away.  But first, let's get that facemask off of you.  You are doing so good, it is time for your break anyway."  I gently removed the elastics and facemask from her face and put them on the nightstand.  I then handed her the the pill and glass of water.  She put the pill in her mouth. It took her two tries to get the pill down.  She said "ey so ha to swallah."  I told her "I can only imagine baby, but it will get better.  Britt told me it will.  And please try to eat." 

I watched as Haley attempted to eat.  I felt so bad for her.  It was such a challenge for her.  She had to go incredibly slow, taking small bites even though everything was super soft.  Swallowing was so hard for her too.  But she was a trooper and managed to get most of the food down and finished most of the smoothie.  She had finally had enough of the struggle and handed the plate to me.  She said "thah you, you ah so schweet.  Ah I am sorry I wah a bitch earlier."  I put the plate down and hugged her, telling her "you weren't the b word, you could never be.  I won't even use that word in a sentence with you, because they don't go together at all."  She hugged me and said "I nee to brush."

I went with her into the master bath.  After helping Haley clean all around the metal in her mouth, I led her back to bed.  Once there, I fluffed up the pillow for her and told her "why don't you try to take a nap.  I will be quiet as a church mouse.  See if you can get some sleep with that pain pill and without me snoring in your ear. I will come check on you around lunch."  She said "thah ya".  She reached over and picked up her facemask.  I quickly put my hand on hers and said "even though you look ravishing in that stylish mask of yours, you have gotten in enough time for now.  Leave it off, try to get some rest.  Please, for me."  She looked over at me and said "ok".  Once I got her tucked into bed I leaned in and gave her a gentle peck on the lips.  I told her "sweet dreams".  I picked up the plate and smoothie glass; leaving the water beside the bed; turned off the light, and closed the door behind me.

When I got back into the kitchen, Britt was finished eating and had cleaned up.  She was sitting on a bar stool at the kitchen island looking at her phone.  When she noticed me walk in she looked up and said "you will not believe the response Dr. Sander's post on Facebook has gotten.  It has blown up.  It is crazy."

After putting the plate and glass in the sink I went over to see what in the world she was talking about.  She said "look at this."  As she scrolled through, I couldn't believe how many people had responded.  Or how many in our area wore some type of extraoral orthodontic appliance.  There were at least a dozen new pictures posted.  One was of three woman of different ages; one appeared in her 60s, one in her 40s, and one in her 20s.  All three were wearing pink reverse pull Petit facemasks.  The caption stated 'We made it a family affair.  Here are three generations of the Packard family all wearing their facemasks as prescribed."  Most of the posters I noticed were women, though there were two guys that had responded. 

Near the bottom of the comments section there was a picture of a gorgeous woman that was about my age wearing an interlandi headgear and two facebows.  I was blown away by the intimidating appliance she wore.  It certainly dominated her appearance.  Then I noticed the rest of the picture.  She was sitting at a table on a dock, the lake in the background, and there were 7 other people crowded in around her.  It looked like they were having some type of get together and had decided to take a group photo.  From the joyful expression and the big smile on her face, she appeared unfazed by the complicated looking straps, elastics and facebows that were bound to her face.  I then realized she looked familiar.  And it clicked.  I exclaimed to Britt "I know her.  Or I used to know her.  That is Heather Morris.  Or at least she used to be a Morris.  I went to school with her; last I heard she was married to a doctor and living up on the lake."  Then I read the caption and was further blown away.  The caption read "I thought life was over when Dr. Sanders told me last year I had to wear my headgear 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  But it wasn't.  Here I am still living my best life, headgear and all.  Headgear is only as big a deal as you make it.  And Dr. Sanders obviously made mine as big as she could.  Hahaha!  But I still love you Dr. Sanders, thank you for fixing my smile!."  I was amazed.  I couldn't imagine the former prom queen and trophy wife living her life, every minute of every day, wearing such a huge conspicuous contraption on her head.  But it appeared she was.  I looked over at Britt and noticed her looking at me.  She said "you like that don't you?"  My cheeks turned red.  She patted me on the arm and said "it is ok.  I know your little secret; just like you know mine.  Maybe I can do something to indulge yours, since you did indulge mine."

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #69 on: 05. May 2023, 04:20:37 AM »
Part 21.

Britt said “before I get you all flustered, and I think you will get flustered, how was Bug?”  With a confused look on my face I asked “bug?”  Britt replied “yeah, Haleybug, Bug.  How was she when you took her breakfast?”

I answered honestly “I hope telling you doesn’t make her mad; but she was crying.  She is really struggling with this.  I want to wrap her in my arms, kiss it, and make it all better.  If she could somehow transfer her pain to me I would soak it in.  It hurts me so much to see her hurting.”  Britt answered “Oh my poor Bug.  I was afraid when I saw how aggressive they made her tongue crib she was going to hate life for a little while.  And by the way, for the record, I completely believe you.”  I asked “believe what?”  Britt said “that you would take her pain if you could.  I think you are a good guy. Don’t let that go to your head.  Bug has needed a good guy in her life for a while.  It is crazy how it happened.  And I hate you two are just really starting to click and boom, she has to deal with the expanders and crib.  But maybe that is the way it was supposed to work out.  She needs somebody, or somebodies plural, for the next week or two.  I am going to go and poke my head in the door and check on her.”  I said “not without me.” 

As Britt slowly opened the bedroom door, I sent a little thank you upstairs that I had actually oiled the hinges just a few months ago.  I never before in my life had oiled a door hinge until then, it had been squeaking but I have ignored many a squeaky door in my life.  But something had compelled me to do it.  I thought back to Britt’s comment, about how sometimes things work out.  But there was still the nagging question of why this door.  I told myself to just stop.  It was probably just coincidence, not some master plan from the Big Guy.

Britt cracked the door enough for both of us to lean our heads in.  Haley was sleeping peacefully.  Britt silently shut the door back.  We both tiptoed back up the hall to the kitchen.  Once there Britt said “I am so glad she is sleeping.  Now, are you ready for my second secret?”  I asked “what second secret.”  Britt replied “well, it’s a secret big dummy.”

She continued “I saw how you were looking at Heather Fortner’s headgear; her last name is Fortner now by the way.  You were so focused on her headgear, you didn’t even notice her name.  And it was posted right there. It is truly impressive I guess, her headgear, in a way.  I assisted Dr. Sanders last year when she got fitted; I thought she was going to first die of shock, and then of embarrassment.  But after that initial shock and first few weeks she has done great.  And by the way, she married an oral surgeon.  I guess that technically is a doctor”.  She looked at me and asked “is that a doctor?  I guess so, close enough.  Anyway. I forget sometimes about your ‘interest’.  You almost seem normal otherwise” and gave me a huge smile; she was really milking this.  “So earlier when you asked about my headgear, and whether I had gotten a new strap yesterday, I told you yes.  And that is true. But that isn’t the whole truth.”  She went silent for a second and thought.  “You know what, just do this.  Go out to Haley’s car.  In the backseat, passenger side, there is a red zippered pouch.  It has City Orthodontics on it.  Go get it and bring it here.  But promise me you WILL NOT look inside it.  Do you promise?”  I said “yes ma’am, I promise.”

I grabbed Haley’s keys off the counter and  quickly retrieved the pouch.  I had promised I would not look inside.  And I didn’t.  But I did not say I wouldn’t feel it.  As I walked back to the house I felt around.  I felt a big squishy elastic blob on one side of the pouch.  In the middle of the pouch I could swear that I felt a facebow.  Wait, make that two facebows.  And are those straps?  And what are those two C-shaped things I feel?

As I carried it across the courtyard towards my front door I got hard.  I didn’t know for sure, but based on what I felt I was pretty certain I was holding an interlandi headgear.  And based on her comments, I was pretty sure it was Britt’s interlandi headgear.  And she was about to show it to me.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #70 on: 05. May 2023, 06:06:59 AM »
These damn mini cliff hangers at the end and easter eggs I leave in the middle of each chapter don’t work well posting so frequently.

I am probably just presumptuous and vane thinking anyone is reading this bullshit.  But it is still fun.  And yes I am drunk.  That is how I started writing here; drunk, horny and bored. Probably how I will go out of this world. Life is a circle.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #71 on: 05. May 2023, 06:31:19 AM »
I m perfectly fine with you posting so frequently… in fact I check multiple times a day when I need something to not fall asleep at work when I stayed up late completing a project or something or the day is particularly bad or boring. I really enjoy this story. Please, keep posting it, and posting frequently.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #72 on: 05. May 2023, 07:39:47 AM »
Keeping someone awake at work is all the motivation I need. ;D.

Offline m1090y

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #73 on: 05. May 2023, 12:19:13 PM »
But it is still fun.  And yes I am drunk.  That is how I started writing here; drunk, horny and bored.
Might need to figure out how to ship you a gallon of moonshine...  Maybe more or less than 90 proof...
I need something to not fall asleep at work.
I need something to fall asleep at night.  That's when I write.  The problem with the sometimes drinking and writing is the proofreading the next day before posting.  It is particularly necessary on those occasions.

But whatever it takes them, I enjoy everyone's writings.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #74 on: 05. May 2023, 19:23:29 PM »
Part 22.

Britt took the zippered pouch from me.  She unzipped it and looked inside, holding it so I couldn't see in.  She then zipped it back close.  She looked at me "So, you didn't look did you?"  I answer truthfully "No, I am a man of my word."  Britt replied "well, I am a woman of my word.  But first, I want you to promise me four things.  One, you won't back out of coming to see us.  Two, you will get that hottub filled up and ready to go today.  Three, you will take care of Haley.  If you hurt her I WILL hurt you.  And four, don't point and laugh at me."  I quickly replied "I promise.  I was planning on three of them for sure.  I may or may not have been trying to figure out how to weasel out of going to the dentist.  But I promise I will.  You are quite persuasive you know."  I smiled back at her as she said "good, then it is a deal."

She took off her cervical strap and said "so, this isn't all I got at my appointment. This was actually a compromise Dr. Sanders made for me."  She removed the highpull strap from her facebow and pulled it off her head.  She then slid the facebow out of her mouth and laid everything on the counter.  She continued "You saw Mrs. Fortner's headgear, the double facebow interlandi headgear?  Well, Dr. Sanders fit me with the same yesterday.  She told me 18 hours a day, no exceptions.  And I had a breakdown.  Haley isn't the only one that has cried in the past day because of her orthodontic treatment.  Dr. Sanders is stern about appliance wear.  But she also has a streak of empathy.  And obviously as you saw, she is incredibly enthusiastic and upbeat about it all.  I think that combination is why our patients tend to be compliant.  Not all, but most."

"Anyway" she said "when I saw what it looked like on ME, I freaked out.  Especially when I spoke.  I started crying.  I told Dr. Sanders I didn't think I would be able to do my job wearing it.  That I didn't know how long it would take me to get acclimated to it, or if I ever would.  I told her I was afraid it would negatively impact my job performance.  She offered me a compromise.  She asked me if I was relatively comfortable with my current highpull headgear.  I told her I didn't love it, but I could live with it.  She told me that she would only ask me to wear it, with one facebow and the addition of the cervical strap, at work.  She said I would get in at least 8 hours on average each weekday with it.  Then, she told me to wear this for the remaining time on the weekday nights, at home and while I slept.  And then to wear it for the full 18 hours on the weekends.  So, this is what I have to wear tonight.  I was supposed to last night.  But we were, well, preoccupied.  And I didn't want you too distracted.  You had a big job to do; which by the way you did exceedingly well at."  She winked at me.  She added " I guess the only good news is that since I started wearing my headgear so much when we were off work, and now even MORE after this appointment, Dr. Sanders isn't making me wear elastics.  So, I guess that is a small win."

She pulled out two facebows.  Then she pulled out a tangled mass of blue straps with two white plastic C-shaped plates, each with numerous posts sticking up, attached to it.  Finally, she pulled out a big bag of elastics.  She looked up at me and said "it is complicated.  I have placed a couple on patients.  But this will be my first time to put it on myself.  Can we go to the bathroom?  I might need a mirror.  And I might need your help."  Holding all the pieces of her new headgear, leaving the pouch on the counter, she turned and headed towards the bathroom off the hall.

Once in the bathroom I stood behind her watching her in the mirror.  She untangled the straps, pored an inordinate number of elastics out on the vanity, and she explained "so, you have seen me in my other headgear.  I slide the top facebow in just the same.  I also have tubes on my bottom molar bands.  I slide the second facebow in those."  She leaned into the mirror and quickly slid the upper facebow in without trouble.  As easily as she made it look, I thought to myself that she must have had lots of practice with it.  The second one gave her a little more trouble.  Once she had it attached she echoed my thought with "that top one is easy, I could do it blindfolded.  This bottom one is going to take some practice."  I was riveted to her mouth, watching the bottom facebow move up and down as she spoke.  She then picked up the strap and placed it over her head, being careful not to dislodge the facebows.  The C-shaped plates went in front of her ears.  There were two straps that went over the top and around the back of her head, with a third verticle strap in the middle connecting them.  And there was another strap that went around her neck.  It was similar to the combination headgear she had been wearing, except with the interlandi the straps were all one piece.  The straps all ultimately made their way to the very conspicuous and uncomfortable looking plates on the sides of her face.  I noticed that at least they were on top of the fabric straps; she wouldn't have two huge pieces of plastic rubbing directly against her face.  She looked at me and said "we only offer two color options with interlandi headgear, blue or black.  I went with blue.  But I never expect anyone to see me in it.  Well, other than you and Bug.  And my parents." 

She next fussed with her hair.  First she pulled her blond hair up and through the gap between the top and bottom strap.  She got most of it the first try, but there were still some stray hairs trapped under the neck strap.  I told her "hang on, let me give you a hand."  I gently pulled the remaining hair through, and let it fall.  It covered much of the neck strap, but the rest of the huge device still stood out like a beacon on her head.  She said "headgears, especially this monster, are not very conducive to good hair days."

She continued "and now comes the complicated part.  Interlandi headgear patients keep the rubberband companies in business.  Will you help me?  I need four elastics on each side on the top bow, and four elastics on each side on the bottom.  The top bow attaches to the four top posts, one elastic on each.  And the bottom bow attaches to the four bottom posts, one on each. There are six posts, so on the middle two you will attach two elastics, one to each bow. I will show you how."  She picked up an elastic and started at the top post.  Then alternating on each side of her head, she went down from there on the top four posts.  Once she had the top bow connected with 8 elastics she asked "will you do the bottom ones?  My fingers are tired.  And you might just enjoy it huh?"  My heart had been pounding earlier just watching her.  As I reached for an elastic my hand was actually shaking some.  She noticed this and said "yes, I think you might enjoy it."

I carefully attached the 8 elastics to her bottom facebow.  Once completed, she turned her head side to side and up and down in the mirror, examining the massive and complicated appliance.  Seemingly satisfied, she nodded her head slightly and turned towards me.  She said "and that is it.  Pretty gruesome huh?"  I could barely talk, blown away by what I saw.  It was amazing.  There was so much going on.  She had used natural colored rubberbands, it looked like that was all she had been given.  And they looked incredible on her.  But, I thought how amazing it would be if she used hot pink elastics, the same color that she had in her mouth the first night I met her.  I planned to offer that suggestion sometime, but not right now.  I stammered out "no, not gruesome in the least.  Very complicated.  And very unusual.  But not gruesome at all.  Just the opposite."

She said "well, at least there is one person in the world that won't run away at the sight of me wearing this; or even worse point, laugh and take pictures.  And kissing is out of the question with this.  Or much of anything.  Poor Bug got a tongue crib chastity belt in her mouth yesterday.  And I got this interlandi headgear chastity belt.  Don't we make a pair."  I softly answered "yes, you do make a pair.  The most amazing pair I have ever met."  Afraid I might say or do something I shouldn't, I poured a metaphorical bucket of cold water on myself.  I looked at her and said "it looks amazing.  You look amazing.  But I need to crawl under the house and start working on your hot tub."  She jumped up and down and squealed "YAY!" and gave me a big hug.  She asked "do you need any help?"  I told her "no, and you don't want to go down there anyway.  It is kind of yucky."

She responded "aww, I'm sorry. But thank you for doing it.  If you don't need me, I am going to go next door and see my parents.  They have to love me don't they?  Even wearing this.  And for the record, Bug and I came up here this morning.  Got it?  If it ever comes up, we DID NOT stay here last night.  Got it?"  I answered "of course, Haley drove up this morning.  Her mouth was hurting, and I wanted to try to nurse her a little today.  And you being such a good friend rode with her to keep her company, crack jokes, and take her mind off how bad her mouth was hurting."  She said "exactly, that is exactly what happened."  She smiled at me and gave me a big hug.  She said "I am going to slip out the back door, maybe none of the neighbors are out. I really don't want anyone to see me.  If they do, they might fall over from a heart attack."  I answered "yes, they might.  But only because you are so beautiful."  She said "awww, aren't you the charmer.  Ok, I will be back around lunch. To check on Bug.  Take care of my girl.  And fix her something easy to eat for lunch, maybe some soup or something.  And in between then and now, figure out where you are going to take your little harem this afternoon. Bug needs to get out of the house; so do I."

I looked at her and asked "well, what do you two want to do?  I can ask Haley when she wakes up."  Britt said "no, do not ask her.  You decide and tell us.  You are sometimes too nice.  You ask her what she wants about EVERYTHING.  Just a little piece of advice for you.  Bug likes it when the man takes control.  In the past it has always been an as**ole doing it, and it never worked out for her.  But, I think you are different.  I don't think you are an as**ole.  Not at all, the complete opposite.  And I am usually a pretty good judge of character.  Much better than Haley... Sorry, no offense."  I laughed and said "none taken."  She offered more advice "Now, don't be ugly to her.  And still solicit her opinion about some things.  But sometimes, just tell her how things are going to be.  I think you will be surprised how well things work out for you; for the both of you."

Britt opened the back door and stopped.  She took a huge breath and turned her head over her shoulder towards me.  I wondered if the neck strap chafed her neck when she turned her head, it looked like it might, but she didn't seem to react to it.  She said "here goes nothing, into the big wide world wearing my interlandi headgear" and walked out closing the door behind her.  After she left, I thought about what she had said about Haley; and about me; and our relationship dynamic.  Hmm, this is an interesting turn of events I thought to myself.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #75 on: 06. May 2023, 00:57:46 AM »
Part 23.

With some time to kill, I decided to try to be productive.  But I also knew I needed to be quiet for Haley.  I went out and began trimming the shrubs that line two sides of my house.  At one point I went inside to grab a glass of ice water.  I slipped into the bedroom to check on Haley.  She was still sleeping peacefully. 

I was almost done with my project when I heard a voice yelling at me.  I looked over and saw Britt marching down the slope between her parent’s home and mine.  She yelled “hey, are you screening your phone now?  Are we not friends anymore?”  I reached down and patted my front jean pockets and realized I didn’t have my phone with me; I had left it inside charging.  As Britt marched up into my face she was barking “so, you won’t take my calls now?”  I couldn’t take my eyes off her bottom face bow bouncing up and down.  Standing inside what would be considered polite personal space, she glared at me, her hands balled into fists on her hips.  But I was not falling for it a third time.  I screwed my face up into a scowl and answered “absolutely, that cute little blonde woman next door is crazy”.  I locked eyes with her and we engaged in a Mexican standoff.  I couldn’t keep up the act for long though, and slowly my face broke into a big grin.  This caused Britt to laugh.  I apologized “sorry, I left my phone inside.  But, at least give me credit, you didn’t get me AGAIN.”  She laughed again and said “fair enough.  But I did text you and called twice.  How is she?”  I told her she was still sleeping.  Britt said “well, you are at a good stopping point looks like.  I am going to go wake sleeping beauty up.  It is too pretty a day to sleep it away.”  She locked her arm in mine and headed towards the back door.  I didn’t have much choice but to follow along beside her.

We leaned into the bedroom and saw Haley still sleeping.  She hadn’t moved since I had last checked in on her.  The only change was that it was her who was now snoring very, very softly.  Britt tiptoed into the room.  She got a two step running start and jumped into the bed on top of Haley.  Haley woke with a start. Turning her head she muttered “whaaa?” Britt leaned her face down right into Haley’s, her facebows only inches from her face.  Britt said “wake up Princess!  We have a Saturday afternoon to go attack!”  Sleepily Haley looked up into Britt’s face and said “ya ah suh a dork.”  Britt’s face took on a wounded look.  She said flatly and dejectedly “well good morning to you too” and crawled off of Haley.  Haley noted the change in her best friends demeanor and immediately regretted her words. She knew Britt was sensitive about her new headgear; in her groggy state she hadn’t even thought about that when she called her a dork.  She rolled over and out of bed and caught Britt from behind and stopped her.  She said “schtop.  I wa only kiddin.  Ya ah nah a dork because of your headgear.  You were a dork long before that!”  Britt said “and you are turd”, a smile coming back on her face.  She hugged Haley and asked “how you feeling Bug?”  Haley said “mush betta than I was.  I am a lil hugry tho”.

Haley sat in the kitchen slowly and methodically spooning cream of chicken soup into her mouth.  I sat beside her, eating the same.  There was no way I was going to eat something she couldn’t, at least for now.  Britt told us she had eaten lunch with her parents, or at least tried to, as she had worn her headgear the whole time.  She was in the den with the TV on.  As we ate Britt came through the kitchen headed towards the bedroom.  When she came back she had her pack of cigarettes.  She opened the back door adjacent to the kitchen and said “and now, for your viewing pleasure, it will be girl trying to smoke a cigarette with two facebows.” 

Britt awkwardly tried to put the cigarette in her mouth.  She was accustomed to smoking with a single facebow.  But it was a different world with the introduction of the second lower facebow.  When she tried to close her mouth, the two facebows clamped together like a trap.  And with her mouth open she couldn’t get her lips together.  I watched her make several attempts.  I thought it was adorable.  She obviously did not, because after the fourth try she let out a loud curse word.  She looked over and said “well crap, so much for that.”  She headed back down the hall to the bathroom.  A few minutes later she returned, minus her headgear.  She went back to the doorway and finally lit her cigarette.  She looked over at me and asked “so, what are we doing?”

Remembering Britt’s comments from earlier about taking charge, I stated “I am taking you two shopping.  I have been wanting to buy something pretty, and I doubt you have swimsuits with you.  And you will need swimsuits, because we are going to a pool party this afternoon.”  Britt exhaled a plume of smoke out the door and asked “who’s pool party?”  I had the sense she was vetting me, making sure I had come up with a good idea.  One that was fun, but also safe for her and Haley.

I told her who’s house we would be going to; plus who all I expected to be there, and then a list of who might be there.  They were all friends of mine to some degree or another.  And all quality people. Most were married couples.  Many would have their children with them.  I explained it would be a pretty family friendly type of party.  Well, at least until they put the kids to bed.  Once I was done, Britt listed off who she knew that I had mentioned.  It was more than half.  I then said “I keep forgetting you are from here.  You probably know more people here than I do.”  Britt said “probably.  But I also bet I have more enemies too.  Kidding not kidding.  But none of those people you listed are on that list.  It sounds fun.  And Bug, for what it is worth, he has a pretty high class group of friends.  Not too high class to have a little fun and get wild.  But high class enough we won't probably end up in jail.  That's another check in the plus column for him."  She let out a laugh and Haley joined her.  I was happy to see Haley smiling and laughing again.  She seemed much better than she had before her nap.  Britt continued "But remember, Bug and I can’t stay out all night, we have to get back and put on our headgears.  Good thing we have a hot tub of our own here for the after party."  She made eye contact with me. With her next comment she repayed Haley for her earlier 'dork' comment AND toyed with me at the same time.  She coyly said "Maybe you won't be too turned off by two women in bikinis, even if they have braces and have to wear dorky headgear."

Britt stubbed out her cigarette.  She did not just throw it on the ground.  Instead she dropped it in the trash.  She looked at me and said “see, I am a thoughtful smoker.”  She walked over and pinched Haley and said “finish up that soup Bug, we all need to get showered up and ready to go spend his money.”  Haley responded “I am full.  I will go jump in the shower.”  Britt said “good girl, I will jump in the other”. Haley headed down the hall towards the master bath.  Britt lingered in the kitchen until Haley was out of sight.

As I got up to clean the bowls in the sink, Britt slid in beside me.  She said “good job.  You DO listen.  And don’t forget what I said about Patron tequila.  You might want to stop and pick up a bottle while we are out. I will make sure the Tequila Monster does not awaken.   But you will like Tequila Princess. No, you will LOVE Tequila Princess.”

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #76 on: 06. May 2023, 08:02:41 AM »
Part 24.

With Haley and Britt occupying both the downstairs showers, I went to the one upstairs.  I had soap, shampoo, and towels up there.  When I got out of the shower to dry off, I realized what I did not have was a change of clothes.  Those were down stairs.  I had been so preoccupied thinking about the girls I hadn’t even thought about cloths.  I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed down the stairs and towards my bedroom. 

I was walking across my bedroom to my walk in closet when the bathroom door opened.  Haley stepped out.  She too was wrapped only in a towel.  We startled each other.  She regained her wits a hair faster than I did and said “heh you.”  I walked over towards her.  She was tugging on her towel.  Suddenly she dropped it as I approached.  I couldn’t tell if it was an accident or intentional, and I didn’t really care.  Standing in front of her I let my towel drop.  I leaned into her and said “fancy meeting you here” and kissed her.  I forgot all about getting dressed.

Forty minutes later Haley and I walked into the den dressed and ready to leave.  Britt was sitting on the couch.  She said “you two must have had trouble finding your clothes.  It sounded like you had to look under the bed several times to find them.  But it looks like you did.” I looked her in the eyes and replied “yeah, I couldn’t find one of my shoes.”  Britt responded “well, I am glad you found it. Because you owe us a shopping trip.”

Earlier I mentioned all of my neighbors.  And all but one I described who they were and what they did.  All but my buddy’s in-laws, the ones that lived behind me.  They own a little chain of boutique clothing stores.  As I drove the girls to their store in town, I couldn’t help but think about what a coincidence it was.  That I was taking my girls to a store owned by my best friend’s father in law; to buy swim suits; to go to a party at the same best friend’s house.  It seemed like such a coincidence.  Or maybe like fate was intervening.  Or that there was some plan that I didn’t know about.

I had seen and experienced a few amazing marvels in my life prior to taking Britt and Haley shopping for swim suits.  I had seen the Hoover Dam, the Las Vegas strip, New York City and all the Washington monuments among others.  Been to Chicago’s lake front, seen the plains of Wyoming and the buffalo in Montana.  Climbed the steps of ruins in the Yucatán, gotten robbed in Nassau, gotten in a screaming match with a monkey in Costa Rica.  I had experienced sky diving, scuba diving, snowboarding, white water rafting, being caught in a big storm in a small boat 100 miles from land, and had caught multiple blue marlin and other big, mean fish.  I even once punched a 10’ shark in the snout while diving when it started getting too bold, like it wanted a taste test.  But as I watched the girls try on swim suits and model them, I thought this might top all those.  Early on I tapped out of offering my opinion.  I thought they all looked incredible.  Eventually each of the girls settled on one; each the choice of the other.  Like I just said they ALL looked incredible to me. I was conflicted when they each settled on one.  I was happy they each found one they liked.  I was disappointed they were not still trying them on.  I could have sat there forever watching them.

As we walked back to my truck, the girls carrying their bags, I said “one more stop to make.  I need to buy something for me.”  Haley asked me “wah we goin nah?”  I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked and told her it was a secret. 

Pulling into the only liquor store in town, I said “I need to get something for later.”  I darted inside and quickly found what I was looking for.  I walked out with a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag.  Before I got in the truck, I opened the back door and handed it to Britt.  I told her “take care of this until we get back home” and winked at her.  As I got back in the driver’s seat Britt said “Patron tequila.  However did you know?  But did it come with a free set of handcuffs?”  I laughed and answered “no, they just ran out of the free handcuffs.  I bet you would love a pair.” 

My response was aimed at Britt.  But she didn’t respond.  Haley however did.  Looking down towards the floorboard she softly said, barely audible, “I would, I would like that.”   I turned towards her, my attention suddenly and completely focused on her.  I noticed the slight blush on her cheeks.  Oh shit….

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #77 on: 06. May 2023, 16:47:40 PM »
Just caught up on this story from the start - absolutely brilliant stuff. Can’t wait for more!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #78 on: 07. May 2023, 06:47:02 AM »
Part 25.

As I turned into my neighborhood Haley asked “I tha we wah goin to a pahtee?”  I assured her we were, but I needed to grab a few things.  I backed down my drive and opened one of my garage doors.  Once to a stop, I told the girls “I need to load up a few things.  Would ya’ll stick that tequila in the fridge?”  They asked if they needed to go ahead and change.  I told them no, there was a changing room where we were heading.  But I added, if they wanted to, I certainly would not object to seeing them in their new suits again.  They disappeared inside.  I first loaded a plastic tote with electronics, cables, cords, mics, etc.  I then threw in a couple mic stands, speaker stand, and a guitar stand.  Finally I loaded one of my PA speakers in the bed.  I used it a lot for parties and events.  Not just to play through.  I could also use my ipad to do karaoke with it and it was also bluetooth enabled so I could link my phone to it and use it as a house stereo system.  I loaded a cooler in the back too.  I was going to stop and get some beer and ice on the way over.

I closed the garage door and went inside the house.   First I went into the master bath to check on the hot tub.  Everything looked good.  I felt the water temp and felt confident it would be ready by that evening.  I went down the hall, looking for the girls.  They weren’t in the kitchen, but I could see the back of their heads sticking up above the back of the couch.  As I walked in I asked “what do you girls want to drink this afternoon?  Is beer ok, or do you want to mix up something fruity?”  Haley stood up and turned towards me.  She was wearing her new bikini.  My heart fluttered and I stopped in my tracks.  She looked amazing.  As Britt stood I saw she too was also only wearing her bikini.  They were gorgeous.

Haley walked up to me and said “we decided to go ahead and change.  We will throw sundresses on over the top.”  I was a little bit speechless; I guess I get that way sometimes.  I simply told her “you look incredible.  You both do”.  I leaned in and gave Haley a quick kiss on the lips.  They hadn’t answered my question on drinks, so I told Haley “I will make ya’ll a jug of margaritas for the road.  That will be a good warmup for the tequila shots later tonight.”  I winked at her as I turned and headed for the kitchen. 

A few minutes later, Haley and Britt stood in the den, each having thrown a dress over their suits, and each wearing sandals and sunglasses perched on top of their heads.  They were very appropriate poolside outfits.  Haley was holding the jug of margaritas, and a towel.  Britt had a couple of tumblers and a towel as well.  I had one last thing to do.  I grabbed my Taylor guitar and zipped it up in a gig bag.  I looked at my girls and said “let’s hit it.”

As we pulled up my drive Britt was looking at the guitar case in the backseat beside her.  She asked “so you play?  I saw the guitars, but thought they might just be for decoration.  I mean, I see a lot of people with guitars that have no idea what to do with them.”  I answered honestly “well, i kinda play.  At least I try really hard.  You will hear later and can draw your own conclusion.”  She asked “wait, so you are going to play at the party?  In front of everyone?  I would say that qualifies as playing.”  After a second of silence she continued “so, let me get this straight.  You have a hot tub, and you don’t mention it?  You play guitar, and you don’t mention it?  You know, you really aren’t very good at the whole ‘impressing girls thing’.  What else do you do that you haven’t told us about?  Design Saturn rockets on the weekend?”

I laughed and answered “no, no weekend rockets.  And look, I am not trying to impress you.  No, that is not true.  I am trying to impress you, both of you.  But I am not trying to do it with magic tricks and false illusions.  I am not big on trying to trick someone.  I am what I am, and am who I am.”  Haley responded with “that is pretty different.  And actually pretty refreshing.  You seem almost too good to be true.  Please tell me you don’t have bodies buried down in that crawl space.”  I laughed again.

I told her, both of them, “no, no bodies.  I promise.  And as far as the whole impressing girls thing.  I have never used it much.  And when I did, it didn’t work.  I am better off just being honest and myself.”  I then got a little cocky and said “and so far it has worked ok.  I have the two prettiest, sexiest girls I have ever seen riding in the truck with me.  And I didn’t even have to tie them up like usual.”  I looked in the rearview mirror with a big smile on my face , made eye contact with Britt and winked.

As I stood in line at the convenience store waiting to pay for my beer and ice, I sent a group text to some of the guys I knew that would be there.  A couple of them knew about Haley, for some it would be news.  But none had met her yet.  I told them I was bringing my new girlfriend Haley, and her friend Britt over.  I typed that Haley had gotten some orthodontic appliances the day before and was having a little trouble speaking.  I told them to be nice to her.  That everyone had better be nice to her.  They could give me hell I typed. But if anyone was mean or demeaning to Haley there would be hell to pay.  And not long after I hit send, I started to get replies.  And yes, most of them were giving me hell.  I smiled.  If you can’t be mean to your friends, who can you be mean to? 

As we pulled up the long gravel drive I counted 6 trucks and SUVs already there in addition to our host and his wife’s vehicles.  I pulled into the grass, parked and shut the truck off. I saw the crowd, all of whom I recognized, around the pool.  A few waved in our direction.  There was smoke coming out of the grill, and several of the kids were in the pool splashing and playing around.

I hopped out and bellowed “Hey!” in the crowds direction.  I then opened the door for Britt.  As she got out I walked around the back of the truck, dropping the tailgate as I went.  I then opened the door for Haley.  She didn’t get out.  She just sat there looking at all the people inside the fenced in pool area.  I asked her “what is it babe?  See someone you don’t like?”  She said “na, I am ja scared.  Wha ah they gah say abou my lischp?  It is sho ehbarashin.”  I leaned in and hugged her.  And as I held her I assured her “I promise it will be ok.  I bet a bunch won’t even notice it. And if they do they won’t think anything about it.”  I knew this was a white lie, you couldn’t not notice her lisp. “Come on, we will have fun.  All anyone is going to think is ‘damn, she is gorgeous’.”  I released Haley.  She slid out of the passenger seat.  I could still sense her nervousness.  I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and said “come on let me introduce you to some of my friends.”  I dropped my arm from around her shoulder and grabbed her hand and asked “what do you say?”  She looked at me and said “plea jus protec me.”  I wrapped her in a hug “that is all I want to do, as long as you will have me.”  She tried to put a smile on her face, and hand in hand I walked with her towards the gate.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #79 on: 07. May 2023, 18:44:01 PM »
Part 26.

As I walked with Haley towards the pool I quietly told her "you don't have to say much.  And Britt and I will be with you.  This will be fun."  Britt added "that's right Bug, I will be here too.  I know a bunch of these people. They are good people.  They will love you".

Once inside the pool area I stopped.  I yelled out "hey everybody!  I want to introduce you to a couple folks.  This is Brittany."  I motioned in her direction.  I continued "some of ya'll know her already I think. And this is Haley."  I motioned towards Haley.  We got several 'hello's and 'nice to meet you's in response.

I have noticed at social gatherings, at least most that I attend, once couples arrive they tend to split up.  The men congregate in little clusters; talking about guns, hunting, fishing, sports and those type things.  The women form their own little cliques; talking about kids, school, their kid's sports, the latest gossip of who is doing who wrong, and those type things.  It was the same here.  There was a group of my friends, the guys, all standing around the grill.  Most had a beer either in hand or sitting very close by.  I walked up and said "hey, I want ya'll to meet Britt and Haley."  Introductions were made, starting with the host Matt.  I explained this was his house, and we needed to thank him for the hospitality. A couple of them knew Britt, or used to know her.  Small talk was made, 'how ya doin, what ya doin now?' type questions.  I then introduced Haley.   She was shy, but she did say "Hi!" to everyone.  That was safe for her, there was no noticeable lisp.  Everyone was as nice as they could be to her.  I noticed several did look her up and down discreetly.  It was natural, she was beautiful.

Once introductions were made I said towards the guys "why don't a couple of ya'll actually do something for once and help me get a few things from my truck?"  I asked Britt "would you mind introducing Haley to the ladies?  I think you already know Cori and Heather.  Cori was Matt's wife; her name was Corinne but everyone called her Cori.  Heather was another of my buddy's wife.  Britt had mentioned earlier she had gone to school with them.  Britt replied "of course not, come on Bug!".  I watched as they walked over towards the cluster of women.  I was going to keep a close eye on Haley, but I felt Britt would make sure things went smoothly.

A few minutes later, with the help of a few others, I was finished hooking everything up.  And we now had music.  I had made a few glances over in Britt and Haley's direction while I had been busy tinkering with everything.  It looked like everything was going smoothly.  One of the ladies had gotten each of them a drink of some kind or another.  I was certain there was some kind of alcohol in it.  Britt was doing most of the talking.  But Haley was smiling and laughing here and there. 

I grabbed a beer and walked over to the women.  I said my hellos and then said "I hope you aren't talking too bad about all us over there."  Cori responded "no, we were talking about high school, way back when.  I haven't seen Britt in forever.  It is good to catch up."  I answered "good!  If any of ya'll want, I brought some margaritas, there is a big jug in the fridge. Help yourself."  I then walked back over to the guys.  As I walked up Casey asked "what is it like dating a blind girl? Cause there is no way she is with you if she can see."  I told him to F-off, and asked if he had looked in the mirror lately.  For the next 30 minutes we drank, talked, and monitored the grill.  I had realized that everything on the grill was going to be difficult for Haley.  And I hadn't even thought of bringing something braces friendly.  I asked Matt if he had any fish, and explained I wanted something easy for Haley.  Luckily he did; and it wasn't even frozen. He ran inside and got it.  He also explained the ladies had brought side dishes, he had seen a bowl of mashed potatoes too.  I felt relief, I didn't want Haley to feel left out.  And I made a note to myself to plan better in the future.

I felt like I had abandoned Haley. And that is the last thing I wanted her to think.  I went over and walked up behind her.  I wrapped my arm around her and asked “are ya’ll behaving?  Are these hyenas acting right?”  I got a few glances and glares from the others.  She said “yesh, we are fine.  You go have fun with your friends.”  I leaned over and kissed her on top of the head and said “if you need anything just holler.  Ladies..” I bowed and walked away.

After everyone had eaten, and the libations had started to take effect, several of the women had shed their coverups and were in their bathing suits.  It was the week before Memorial Day, the time of year when spring is transitioning to summer.  Today definitely felt more like summer.  It was warm and clear, just a beautiful day. A couple of the ladies had left the cluster of women and were laying out, sunning and working on their tans. So far no one but the kids had the courage to venture into the cold water of the pool. But I knew that would likely change.  I had checked in with Haley and Britt several times, to make sure they were all good and to refill glasses.  They had settled into conversation with some of the other women.

At one point, I looked over and noticed that Britt was showing a couple of the women her mouth and gesturing around her head with her hand.  She then had Haley smile, and pointed out some things in her mouth, then gestured in front of her face.  I could swear that Britt was explaining their braces, and even the headgear and facemask they had to wear.  I had to get in on this.  I filled a couple of solo cups with margaritas as my pretext for butting in their conversation and made my way over to them.  As I approached I could hear they were in fact discussing braces and orthodontics.  I walked up and said "sorry to intrude, but it looked like you might need refills.  And you still aren't talking bad about us are you?"  April replied "no, I was just asking them about their braces.  I have been thinking about it myself."  I answered "well, they are the experts for sure.  And they can hook you up with some."  April said "I don't know if I am brave enough."  Britt jumped in "it is no big deal, really.  Over a quarter of our patients are adults.  You should come see us!  Rob is, isn't that right?" as she looked at me.  I answered "um, yeah.  But not for braces."  I decided that maybe I shouldn't have joined in the conversation afterall, and I decided that this was a good time for me to start playing.

As I got my guitar unzipped and out of the case, I continued to look over at the girls.  It looked like they were still talking about their mouths and braces.  At one point, Britt had April open up and she peered inside her mouth.  Several of the other women were looking on, occasionally adding something or asking a question.  At that time, I didn't think about avalanches much.  Who does?  But if you do think about it, it is interesting to realize that sometimes a single pebble falling can cause a chain reaction that unleashes thousands of tons of mountain side.  I didn't realize it as a looked on, but I was witnessing the pebble that would cause an avalanche.  An avalanche of orthodontics in my group of friends and even beyond in my little adopted hometown.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #80 on: 07. May 2023, 20:40:03 PM »
So, I have had an idea for a while.  Probably a really stupid idea.  But, the idea is a sort of multimedia story.  I don't know how to embed videos in a post, or if you even can here.  So, these imgur links will have to suffice.  And imgur seems to cut videos off at the 1 minute mark.  So this is far from perfect.  And this may completely jack the flow of the story up, I don't know.  Let me know if it is horrible or not.  You will need to click on the link and open it in a tab; click on the little speaker icon up in the top right; and hit play.  And yes, it is a black video, so not really a video at all.  I'm not really comfortable showing myself on here.  And for the record, I know the only thing weaker than my playing is my singing. So TRY to enjoy, but I make no promises.

Part 27.

I shut the music off and turned the volume all the way down on the PA.  I slipped my guitar strap over my head; I prefer to play standing up; and plugged in my guitar.  I turned the microphone on, then turned the master volume back up on the PA.  I tinkered with knobs on the back of the speaker, and my guitar, trying to get volume and the mix right.  I said "check, check" into the mic; played a chord; then asked the guys over by the grill what it sounded like.  They said a little more mic.  I finally got a thumbs up.  Everyone here had heard me play except Haley and Britt.  Some turned their attention towards me; some just kept on doing whatever they were doing; tanning, talking, drinking, splashing in the pool.  That is ok, I have played many times when I was just background noise.  At least then, the nerves aren't as bad.  Heck, as long as you don't really butcher it, nobody even realizes when you get a chord progression or lyric wrong.

Since it was just me playing, there was no set list.  I was going to make it up on the fly.  And since I was only going to play an hour, maybe two, I did not need a ton of songs, 20 or 25 would be more than enough.  I did know that today's list of songs was going to lean hard into love song territory.  And I was going to avoid any of my long list of songs about killing someone over a woman or having to kill your woman.  No, today was going to be good ol' sawdust on the floor country songs, love songs and ballads.  This was a decidedly country music listening crowd I knew.  I would also throw in a couple of comedy parody songs, those were always fun and popular.

I started off with a few staples; Long Haired Country Boy, The Ride, and Holy Water.

By the end of the third song, there was a little crowd listening in.  Haley and Britt had both broken off their conversation and had moved chairs over to listen.  So had Holly and Donna.  People that don't play guitar but want to, especially guys, think that a guitar is a magic elixir that will make every woman in the world instantly get naked.  I have found this is far from the truth.  But it does make some of them.  It is much like my interest in braces.  Braces won't make someone instantly attractive to me.  For instance, I give not one care about a guy in braces.  None, regardless of how complex the orthodontics are.  Because I would never be attracted to the guy to start with.  But it does increase the attractiveness of a woman I would be interested in anyway.  It is the same with guitar.  A girl is not going to throw herself at a man because he picks up a guitar.  But for some, like me and braces, it does increase their interest

I don't have many groupies, but Holly and Donna were two of them.  The problem was that they were both married.  I did have a feeling, just from past experience, that I could have had Holly.  But as I said earlier, she was married and I didn't want to be that guy.  Even though I knew her husband had cheated on her in the past.  They had worked it out and stayed together for their kids' sake.  But she had let it be known she would be glad to pay him pack for that past transgression.  With me.  But no matter how lonely I might have been, I had managed to resist.  Now, with Haley in my life, it would be easy.  But I hoped that things wouldn't get awkward, especially as there was a good bit of alcohol flowing this evening.  I tried to put this out of my mind and concentrate.  I need all the concentration I can get when playing.

I do have a bit of stage fright or performance anxiety.  No, it isn't bad in front of a small group I know like this.  But, just like public speaking, it sometimes helps to just focus on one or two people until you get into the groove.  This was easy with Haley sitting in front of me. I might have been playing for everyone, but I was singing to her.  I was planning on taking a little break, so I ended with a little up beat love song, Deeper Than the Holler.  As I sang I maintained eye contact with Haley the whole time.

Finishing the song, 45 minutes and 11 songs in, I told everyone I was going to take a little 5 or 10 minute break.  I unslung my guitar and set it on the stand behind me.  I then hooked the music back up to the speaker so we still had music. I then walked over to get a beer.  Britt and Haley stood and joined me.  Britt was animated as she usually is "DUDE!  You are good!  I can't believe you have hidden this from both of us."  Haley rubbed up against me and said "cah we tah a walk and tah?"  My first thought was 'uh oh, what did I do wrong'.  But I answered "sure babe!"  She took my hand and led me out the gate and toward's my friends house.  I had no idea what was going on.  I asked her "what's up?  Is everything ok?"  She answered "yesh" and then went silent again.  I was still confused as she led me around the backside of the house.  Once out of sight of the pool she stopped.  And she then pinned me against the wall and started kissing me.  As she did she slipped one of her hands up my shirt and rubbed my chest.  We made out for several minutes.  She finally released me.  Then without a word, she turned and walked back towards the pool.  I stood there just a second trying to process what happened.  No, I thought, I don't think I messed up.  And I knew right then what songs I was going to finish up with.

I hurried to catch up with her.  I reached down to take her hand.  She let me grab hold of it and we walked back through the gate hand in hand. 

Once by the pool, Haley disengaged from me and went to Britt.  Britt started animatedly talking, gesturing with her hands, but I couldn't tell what she was saying.  I went and picked up my beer and continued to work on it.  I was thirsty after 45 minutes of singing.  I polished it off quickly and grabbed a second.  As I popped the top one of my married buddy's slid in and said "she is hot.  And sexy.  And she likes you.  What is wrong with her?"  I laughed and said "I don't know.  But I hope I don't screw it up." I took another big gulp and told him "I really like her.  And we seem to click."  As I turned to head back to play he hollered "good luck with that!" and let out a laugh.

As I walked back to my guitar I polished off the beer and tossed it in the trash.  Once I was ready to go again, I launched into a song that always gets a reaction.  Everyone thinks they are about to hear "Amarillo By Morning", but it is so much better than that.  Because who doesn't love to hate armadillos?

I followed that up with Baby Shark.  I LOVE playing that song.  It is mean to do though, because so often it gets stuck in peoples' heads.  And that is why I do it.  But it always gets lots of laughs.  As I played on, I kept a watch on Haley.  She was riveted to me.  And I was riveted to her.  After 7 more songs, I thought it was time to wrap this thing up.  It was getting late, I knew the girls needed to get home to their headgears. 

For my next to last song I played her "A Life Where We Work" out.  Originally it had been a song about two people who's lives didn't work out, the singer contemplating how things would have been different if they had.  But I had changed the lyrics around some so it actually was a song about two people who did spend their lives together, growing old and watching their kids grow up.  It was bold, but I felt it was appropriate.  It matched what I was feeling inside my heart.

My final song was one that I don't sing particularly well.  But the words and story it tells are amazing.  "If We Were Vampires" contemplates love and mortality; of spending the rest of your life with someone; a sad song but one of eternal love.  I sang it to Haley.

Once I finished I saw a tear roll down her face.  Yes, I think it is time to go home.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #81 on: 07. May 2023, 20:42:41 PM »
Please let me know if you like it.  Or hate it.  Or if the links even worked. 

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #82 on: 08. May 2023, 04:00:26 AM »
I actually like the new additions of the audio. I read it all and then listened to it all and enjoyed it. When I did it that way, I felt it added too much. I then ended listening it as I came across it and it was less enjoyable, purely because it slowed down the scene.

PS: is that you? The voice sounded similar in all of them. Because if it is, you’ve got a damn good voice, and play the guitar well too. I also liked the changes to that one song.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #83 on: 08. May 2023, 04:15:50 AM »
Thank you.  That is me.  My no talent asshack self.

This is a “based on a true story”; with a LOT of additional orthodontics.

I will try to get it back on track with braces content soon.  And you might like it; there might even be a guy that gets in the chair.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #84 on: 08. May 2023, 05:08:50 AM »
This is the real “If We Were Vampires”.  My little butchering of it was to keep it under 1 minute.

Incredible lyrics.  Written to his wife, who is the woman singing with him.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #85 on: 08. May 2023, 22:40:40 PM »
I feel like I have driven this thing off the rails.  Going to try to get it back on track.

Part 28. 

As I pulled into the parking lot of City Orthodontics and Family Dental Care I could feel vultures in my stomach.  Or maybe they were eagles?  I wasn’t sure but I knew they were much bigger than butterflies.  I hate going to the dentist or doctor.  I knew in my head it was irrational.  After all I was just going to have a check up, cleaning, and discuss getting a mouthguard or something for my occasional snoring.  It was not a big deal I knew.  People did it every day.  But I was puckered up with nerves.  But I had to do it.  As I shut the truck off I reflected on why.

The last nine days had been a whirlwind.  A wonderful whirlwind.  That night after the party had been magical.  Once we had arrived home, Britt smoked what she said would be her last cigarette of the night; she had to put her headgear on.  Haley and I kissed on the couch while she smoked.  Once done she came to interrupt us.  She said “why don’t we move this to the hot tub?”  That did sound like a good idea.  Britt led the way down the hall, stopping at the bathroom.  She asked me “want to help me with my headgear?  And Bug needs to turn her expanders.  Maybe you could offer some assistance with that too?”  Of course I couldn’t turn down two ladies in need.

As I attached the elastics to Britt’s facebows; it actually was a complex and time consuming process; Haley had retrieved the key to her expander.  After I had finished getting Britt all geared up, Haley handed me the key.  She asked “do ya remember wha Dr. Shanders showed you?”  I answered “I sure do”.  And how could I have forgotten.  That memory was burned into my brain. 

Turning the lower expander was fairly straight forward.  It had taken a couple of tries to find the hole, but once I did it was easy.  I did feel conflicted.  It was so intimate.  But I also couldn’t help but feel horrified I was hurting Haley.  As I had turned it I had noticed her wince.  I immediately asked her if it hurt.  She assured me it didn’t, it just felt strange.  She asked me to turn the upper.  As she leaned her head back with her mouth open I still couldn’t get over how big and obtrusive her tongue crib was.  My poor baby.  And it made getting the key in her expander more difficult.  But eventually I found the hole and turned it.  Once again she winced.  Once I had the key removed from her mouth I hugged her and apologized “I am so sorry baby, the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”  She replied. “it doesn really hurt, jus a lot of pressure. It hash to be done.  But than ya”. To show me her appreciation she stood up on her tippy toes and gave me a kiss.

The rest of the evening was one I will never forget.  Britt had excused herself around 10 pm.  She said since her parents knew she was in town, she needed to sleep at home.  She said it wouldn’t be good for either of us if her dad knew she was shacking up next door.  Plus she said, she needed to give us some privacy.  She stopped and turned back when she got to the door.  She said “I told you that you would love Tequila Princess” and laughed.  Haley was preoccupied, me and her were locked together making out.  But Haley did take her hand and flip Britt her middle finger.  This made Britt laugh louder.  Her final words were “you two kids have fun.  And Bug, try not to get pregnant!”  That night Haley and I learned a lot about each other, and grew much closer.

The rest of the time between then and now had also been special.  Maybe not as amorous as that night, which might have been a good thing as I don’t know if my body would held up to it. We spent several evenings together during the week as well as most of the following weekend.  Haley’s lisp had gotten slightly better.  And like Dr. Sander’s had said, by the end of the first week wearing her tandem bow at work had become not so big a deal.  It still took my breathe away to see her in her facemask.  And Haley was great about wearing it.  If she was at home, she had it on.  She didn’t even seem to mind it that much.  She said the worst part is she couldn’t kiss when she had it on.  I told her that was ok; it just made it more special when we did.  Now, Britt?  She still hated her headgear with a passion.  Both the combination gear she had to wear at work; and the double facebow monstrosity she had to wear at home.  But she dealt with it and got her time in. 

As I sat there steeling my nerves I realized I had not seen Britt since the previous Sunday.  It had been over a week so I was looking forward to seeing her.  We had kept in touch via text during that time.  She had complained in a group text with me and Haley about her headgear most nights.  But, she said, she had figured out how to smoke while wearing the Interlandi.  I hated it for her lungs, but I also couldn’t wait to see it in person.  A text is also how she told me they didn’t have any slots available last week.  But she had booked me for 10 am on the following Monday. Which was now here.  I took a deep breathe and got out of the truck.  As I walked towards the entrance I had the urge to turn and run.  But I knew I was stuck.  The love of my life and her quirky sarcastic bestie, both inside, would never let me live it down.

I went to the front desk and was greeted by a big metallic smile.  Yay!  Lauren had gotten her braces.  And from how much trouble she was having getting her lips to work properly I deduced she must have just gotten them a few days earlier, on Friday.  Once she had all of my information set up in the system; I was a new patient; she said I could take a seat and they would call me.  Before I left I told her “I like your braces!  They really suit you.  By the way, I am Haley’s boyfriend, she mentioned you were getting them soon.  Congratulations!”  She replied “thank you.  I am pretty exshited to finally get them.  Thish herbsht appliancsh ish an adjushtment though.”  With her fingers she pulled back her cheeks, showing me the rods running from her upper molars to her lower canines.  She added “and I have an exshander up top and lingual arch on bottom.  But hopefully it keepsh me from needing headgear.”  I replied “I hope so!  And I couldn’t even see it before you pulled your cheeks back.  But if you do have to get headgear, it isn’t the end of the world.  Britt is rocking hers.”  As another patient stepped in behind me to sign in Lauren agreed “yeash she ish.  But just the same I’d rather not get headgear.”  Not wanting to hold up the patient behind me, I thanked her for the help and told her what a pleasure it was to meet her.  As I turned I couldn’t help but think how cute she would be manning the reception desk in headgear. 

That idea was quickly chased out of my head.  Because speaking of headgear, there in the corner sat Heather Fortner wearing her double facebow Interlandi headgear.  It had been years since I had spoken with her, it would be rude not to at least say hello.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #86 on: 09. May 2023, 09:04:18 AM »
Your stories are great and interesting to read. It just takes me longer, because I have to translate everything into German first, so that I understand it better.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #87 on: 09. May 2023, 10:15:43 AM »
Yes, an enjoyable story.  I like the group of main characters and how they get along so well.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #88 on: 10. May 2023, 21:47:29 PM »
Part 29.

I walked across the room and said “Hello!  Heather?”  She looked up smiling around her facebows.  She asked “yes, may I help you?”  I said “Rob Dawson.  We went to high school together.  It’s been over 10 years.  Good to see you!  How have you been?”  For the next few minutes we caught up.  She told me about her husband and that she was now a stay at home mom caring for their two children, aged 4 and 6.  She then rubbed her belly and said “and number three will be here before we know it.”  I had not noticed early, but she was just starting to show.  She then asked “so, I assume you are a patient here?  You getting orthodontic care?”  I explained no, I was just here for a cleaning and checkup, and to see about getting an appliance for my snoring.  I told her it was actually my first time here.  As we spoke Heather seemed completely at ease and used to her headgear.  She said “well, I am sure they can fix you right up.  They have done wonders for me.  I didn’t wear my retainers and my teeth shifted.  Obviously I have braces.  And this super snazzy headgear.  I am hoping I get some good news today.”  She had just started to open her mouth to say something else when Emily stuck her head out into reception and announced “Mrs. Fortner?  Dr. Sanders is ready for you.”  Emily had her hair up and I noticed she was wearing hot pink headgear straps.  They looked really cute, much less boring than the black straps she had on when I had previously seen her.  Heather got up, saying to me as she left “it was great to see you!  And good luck with your appointment.  And wish me luck!  Maybe I can get this off” as she gestured to the Interlandi headgear encircling her head. 

I didn’t have to wait long myself.    Just a minute or two later Britt stuck her head out and said “Mr. Dawson, please come with me.”  I got up and walked over to her.  I asked “what is this Mr. Dawson business?”  She replied “hey I am the utmost professional here at work.  And yelling out ‘Hey Goober, get your butt back here’ might leave a bad impression with other patients.  So come on Goober, get your butt back here” and laughed.  As I followed her I asked “so, how you been?  And hows the whole headgear at work thing treating you?  Can Haley and I expect the complaining to lessen any?”  She lightly punched me in the arm and said “why don’t you try wearing it for 18 hours a day.  Then we will see how much YOU complain.”  I said “fair enough.  But you know some have it tougher.  I ran into Heather Fortner out in the waiting room.”  Britt replied “yeah, I saw her come by and I said hello.  She is having her adjustment now; Emily is actually assisting her.”

After Britt had taken my x-rays she led me to the treatment area.  It was a large area, with a dozen chairs aligned in a row; facing out towards a large window that ran across the room.  It appeared the facility used the same common treatment area for orthodontic and general dentistry treatment.   I drew that conclusion because 5 other chairs were occupied.  Britt had seated me in the first chair in the row.  In the furthest chair from me, Heather Fortner was reclined back while Dr. Sanders made some type of adjustments to her headgear.  Based on the grimace on her face it did not look like it was comfortable.  One other thing I immediately noticed was what was on Dr. Sander’s face.  While she was wearing a face covering her facemask was very visible; the silver bar emerging from behind her mask, anchored to the purple floral pad that rested on her forehead.  It trapped her thick lensed black frame glasses to her face; I wondered if she was able to take them off without removing the mask.

One chair closer to me sat another patient.  Hovering over her was my Haley.  She was intently working, applying a teal powerchain to the middle aged ladies upper arch.  Haley had not noticed me yet, and I did not want to interrupt here.  I was simply enjoying watching her work when Britt snapped me back to attention.  She said “Dr. Palmer will be with you in a minute” and walked over towards the sink and started mixing some kind of goop.  In other chairs between me and Haley were three other patients.  Two appeared to be having an orthodontic adjustment, the fifth appeared to simply be undergoing a scalling as I could hear the pick scraping across the man’s teeth.

I watched Haley as she finished up the powerchain.  Next she picked up a silver facebow and showed it to the patient.  She inserted the facebow into the woman’s mouth, checking the fit.  She pulled it out, made a few adjustments with her pliers, and reinserted it.  She left it installed in her mouth this time.  She next held up a selection of cervical headgear straps; pink, blue, red, white and black.  The woman picked black; it matched the color of her hair.  As Haley attached the strap, I noticed it blended in well, though the white perforated plastic strips coming off the release modules were very visible.  As I watched I thought ‘maybe going to the dentist isn’t that bad’.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #89 on: 11. May 2023, 01:38:27 AM »
Part 30.

I watched on as Haley continued to work with her patient.  After marking the holes to be used on the strap, Haley removed it from the patient’s neck and trimmed off the excess, leaving just one extra hole per side.  The patient would not be able to cheat much and wear it looser than prescribed.  She then had the patient practice putting on the headgear and then removing it.  Once satisfied with that, Haley showed the woman what her elastic configuration would be.  Haley placed a heavy looking elastic in a class two configuration on each side of her mouth, running from the upper canines to lower premolars.  Once she had the patient demonstrate she knew how they were to be worn, she had the woman put her headgear back on.  Haley gave one more look at everything, seemed to be satisfied, and rose to her feet.  The patient stood as well, and Haley escorted her, headgear and all, out of sight around the corner towards the reception desk.  As I had watched her leave, I thought how brave all these women were for wearing headgear in public.  Between the two patients and three staff members, there had been 5 women in the room at one time, all wearing some form of extraoral appliance.

I was jolted out of my trance by a  short 30 something year old brunette in a white coat embroidered with ‘Dr. Palmer DDS’.  She greeted me with “Mishter Dawshon, how are you today?”  She stuck out her hand and we shook.  She sat down on a stool and said “sho, I undershtand that you are a little pasht due for an exam and cleaning?  And you need to shee Dr. Shanders about a possible oral appliansh to remedy some shnoring?”  I was so focused on her lisp and wondering what she had in her mouth I was a bit delayed in my response.  But I quickly got my feet under me and replied “yes, that is all correct”.  Dr. Palmer responded “wonderful!  We will get shtarted just as soon as… oh, there she is.”  I felt two arms wrap around me from behind.  I craned my head to see Haley standing there.  Haley said “hey boo, thank you for coming in.  I know you didn’t really want to.”  Dr. Palmer continued “Haley mentioned you have a little dental anxiety; it’s not unusual at all; so I will have her assist me and she will handle the cleaning.  Ready?”  As she reclined me back I answered “as ready as I ever will be.”  Haley rubbed my shoulder and said “we will take good care of you.”

Once she was done with the initial intake exam, Dr. Palmer said “well the good news is you don’t have any cavities.  But you do have some popping in both your temporal mandibular joints.  Have you noticed it?  Does it cause you any pain or discomfort?”  I answered honestly “yes, I notice the popping sometimes, but it doesn’t hurt.  I pretty much just ignore it.”  Dr. Palmer said “since you don’t have any cavities I can fill, I will leave you with Haley to perform your cleaning.  And Dr. Sanders will meet with you afterwards.”  As Haley started in on me with her pick, she said “I will try to be gentle.”  As she scraped the plaque and tartar off my teeth, I thought it was horrible.  Like nails on a chalkboard.  But while I hated it, I also loved it.  I can’t really explain it.  It had been too long since I had last had a cleaning, so Haley really had to work.  As she finished my upper arch and moved to my lower she said “I am going to start making you come in every 6 months.”  Once she was done she had me rinse, and said “I will let Dr. Sanders know we are ready for her.”

I sat there for a few minutes, nervously tapping my foot up and down.  I was looking at my phone, trying to ignore the fact I was in a dental chair when Haley returned.  She took my hand in hers.  Even with her literally holding my hand, my nerves were still on edge.  I looked up when I heard “if it ishm’t my favorite photographer!”.  As she sat down, Dr. Sanders said “thosh picturesj really blew up our Fashbook page.  We had far more reshponshesh and interactionsh from that one posht than any ever before.  Sho thank you.  It hash given me a new idea.  We are going to shtart filming a seriesh of videosh on bracesh care, different applianshesh, tipsh and tricksh, all sortsh of thingsh.  We have shtunning modelsh and actresshes right here in the offish, so why not.  Haley and I are going to do one on protraction devicesh.  We both have lovely facemasksh.  Emily and Britt have the headgear covered.  Lauren up front can handle the Herbst appliansh.  Dr. Palmer can be the star for one on forsush shprings.  And her and Haley here can do one on tongue cribs.  I am exshited, and it is all becaush of your wonderful photgraphy skillsh. But enough about my big plansh.  Let’sh talk about what we need to do for you.  I huddled with Dr. Palmer and have reviewed your x-rays.  I want to do a little investigating to see what we are dealing with.”

After Dr. Sanders had finished with her exam, she leaned back and said “I understand you came in just for a cleaning and to discuss an anti-snoring device; but we really need to address your TMJ. From what I see, hear and feel; I need to get you in a splint immediately.  You mentioned it was not hurting.  But if we don’t address it now, it will be soon.  And the longer it goes untreated, the more damage there will be and the more complex it will be to fix.  I would like to make you a couple of temporary splints to put your jaw in a neutral position and take pressure off those joints. It will be a small one for daytime wear, it shouldn’t be too intrusive and you should be able to get used to speaking with it fairly quickly.  And another for night time wear.  It will be bigger and bulkier, but it will do the heavy lifting.  And it will also serve to eliminate your snoring.  Two birds with one stone.  I will send off to have the lab make you a more durable set of long term splints.   If you agree we can get those done today.  And if your schedule allows, I would love if you could come back in at 5 this afternoon.  We can make sure they fit; and it will give me a chance to put together a treatment plan for you. What do you say?”

I must have looked like I had seen a ghost.  I certainly felt like I had seen a ghost.  What was all this talk about TMJ, and splints, and treatment plans?  I was trying to gather my thoughts when Haley began rubbing my hand.  She said “come on baby.  It Dr. Shandersh says you need to, you need to.  And I will be right beside you, jusht like you have been there for me.”  I felt I really had no choice.  I quietly responded “ok, I will.”  Dr. Sanders exclaimed “Wonderful!  Haley will get those impressions done for you.  And take some more detailed imaging. And will you be able to make it back at 5?  We are booked up solid till then.  But it is important we jump right on this.  I certainly don’t mind staying late.  And I bet Haley won’t either.  So 5 pm?”  I again answered softly “ok.”

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #90 on: 11. May 2023, 07:28:34 AM »
Part 31.

After Haley had taken the impressions of my upper and lower teeth she took more images, these focused on my joints.  She then walked me out to my truck.  As she walked she pulled her mask down, revealing her tandem bow and elastics.  Once at my truck she said “I know you are nervous.  But I promise you it will be ok.  Thank you for doing this.  It means so much to me.  And Dr. Sanders is right, the sooner we can fix this, the easier the fix will be.”  I asked her “what all is this going to entail?  What have I gotten myself into?”  Haley wrapped her arms around me and said “I don’t know exactly; Dr. Sanders will figure that out.  It may be as simple as a splint.  We will both find out this afternoon.  But whatever it is, it will be ok.  I love you.  You doing this makes me love you even more.  I promise you that whatever the treatment plan is, I will be by your side.”  She reached up and removed the elastics from her appliance and slid it out of her mouth.  She leaned in and kissed me.  She still couldn’t get her tongue around her large tongue crib.  But I slipped mine into her mouth and pressed it up against the tongue crib.  We could at least feel each other’s tongues.  It was a pretty sorry excuse for a French kiss, but it was the best we could manage until Haley was able to get rid of the tongue crib.  However long that might be.   Once finished she said again “I love you. And all of this is going to be fine.”  She slipped the tandem bow back into her mouth, and quickly attached the elastics to it and the hooks in her mouth.  She said “I have to get back in there.  But please try not to stress over it too much.  Can I treat you to lunch in 30 minutes?  Please?  Can you hang out for about 30 minutes?  You can wait inside if you want.  And I want you to stay with me tonight; it will be my turn to baby you.”  I responded “of course, I would love that.  I should have asked you, but this appointment has me a little bit flustered I guess.”  She said “poor baby”.  She took my hand and said “come on in, I will try to slip out a few minutes early.”

Lunch was nice, but I was definitely preoccupied with worry about my appointment.  And while I didn’t have much of an appetite, I did eat.  I wasn’t sure what all I might have in my mouth in just a few hours, so I figured I better.  The rest of the afternoon crept.  I found it hard to concentrate; all I could think about is what Dr. Sanders ‘treatment plan’ might entail.  I knew she appeared to not be shy about prescribing very obtrusive appliances. 

At 4:45 I found myself back in the office.  I walked up to Lauren and said “I had so much fun this morning, I decided to come back for round 2.”   Lauren laughed, it gave me an opportunity to see the stainless rods in her mouth.  She said “Haley mentioned you would be back, so I put you on the calendar.  Even if we officially close at 5.  You must be getting the VIP treatment.  I have you signed in; somebody will call for you shortly.”

Five minutes later Haley entered the reception area.  I was the only patient there.  She didn’t call me; instead she walked over and took my hand.  She looked me in the eyes and instructed “come on sweetie.  Dr. Sanders is ready.”  I followed Haley through the treatment area and down a short hallway.  We entered Dr. Sanders office; she was seated behind the desk still wearing her Petit facemask.  She had removed her medical mask, and I could see she actually was wearing 4 elastics on her flowery Petit mask.  Two came straight out of her mouth, and two crossed in front her mouth to the opposite side.  I couldn’t help but wonder how much pressure that applied.  Surely it couldn’t be comfortable.  Once in the office she welcomed us, thanked me for coming back in, and asked me to sit.  She said she had devised a treatment plan and wanted to discuss it with me.

As I sat I noticed a few models of teeth on her desk.  Were they my teeth?  I couldn’t tell.  Because on all of them were various splints and appliances.  And to the side of her desk was a huge curved contraption.  It was a large curved bow, with padded plates on each end and straps galore hanging off each end.  It looked somewhat like the petit mask she was wearing but on steroids.  She noticed me studying it intently.  She said “that ish a Forwardonticsh protraction bow.  I will discussh it in time.  But first, let’s go over what I recommend at a high level.”  At this time, Britt came into the office.  She had removed her mask and her headgear was on full display.  She leaned over and gave me a hug and asked “how you doing stud?  I’m here to block the door in case you try to make a break for it.”  I knew it was a joke.  But that is exactly what I felt like doing.  Running for the hills.  But I couldn’t, not with Haley beside me. 

After Britt had stepped out of the way, Dr. Sanders went through her recommended treatment plan.  When she got to the end, she asked what I thought.  I was honest with her.  I said “it sounds pretty daunting.  And I just don’t know.  I don’t know if I can.  I am willing to try the splints.  And I will even try to wear that thing” motioning to the bow.  “Splints, a transpalatal arch with hooks for that huge bow, and then SARPE surgery, an expander, and braces?  I mean, I just don’t know if that would be possible with my job and all.  I am in sales, in a pretty rough and tumble male dominated industry.  And I just don’t know if it would all work, facing customers with a whole mouth full of metal.”

Dr. Sander’s replied “you boys are so funny.  My husband Pete was the same way.  He is a fire fighter, so he is a manly man too.  And he was horrified by the idea of getting braces.  But after a month, it was no big deal to him.  He doesn’t appreciate them like I do, and he will be glad to get them off.  But it is no big deal now for him.  And that is the way it is with many, maybe even most patients.  Some even come to love their braces.  I think you would find after the initial period of adjustment you too would be fine.  But, there is no need to make a decision on braces right this minute.  I anticipate you will need to wear splints for at least 6 months to let your joints heal and find the equilibrium point.  So, how about I offer you a compromise.  How about we go try out these splints and see what you think about everything else in a few months?”

Once in the chair, Haley fit my temporary daytime splint in my mouth.  It fit over my lower teeth.  And while clear, as I looked in the mirror it was still noticeable.  Dr. Sanders explained that I needed to wear this splint during the day, even when eating or drinking.  As she examined it she said “the fit looks good.  We will have a more durable model for you next week.  But for the next week, wear this anytime you don’t have the night time splint in.  It will take a few days to get used to it.  And your bite may feel a little wonky as your joints get used to being in the right position.  But that means it is doing it’s job.” 

Haley removed the daytime splint from my mouth, snapping it shut in a plastic retainer case.  She then picked up a huge monstrosity of plastic and metal.  She had to stretch my mouth to get it seated on my upper and lower arches.  It felt huge.  It was huge.  And it left me effectively mute.  There was just enough room for my tongue, which was trapped between the top and bottom plates.  As Dr. Sanders examined it she explained “and this is your night time appliance.  I am sure it feels huge.  But you will get more used to it.  It has top and bottom components connected by herbst style rods.  I can adjust these as needed to advance your lower jaw.  And you notice there is very little room for your tongue.  This will ensure it will not fall back into your throat at night while you sleep.  With the appliance advancing your lower jaw, and the appliance securing your tongue, it will eliminate your snoring.  However, because the advancement of your lower jaw puts an opposite force on your upper maxilla, we need something to keep your upper maxilla from becoming retruded.  But I don’t want to put any pressure on your mandible; this will cause stress on your joints and defeat the whole purpose of this.  So, I can not use a simple facemask like Haley and I wear.  Thus we need the protraction bow.

Your temporary splint has hooks integrated into her for now.  But we will install spacers for you today, and next week we will install a transpalatal arch with protraction hooks. That will be much better to anchor to.  But until that appliance is fabricated we will just use your splint.   We will attach the forwardontics bow, and then attach powerful elastics from it to your splint.  You only have to wear it at night while you sleep.  Ladies?”  Haley held the chest plate against my upper chest while Britt adjusted the straps to fit. I noticed that the curved bow was attached to the chest plate with a ball joint, so it was able to move in any direction.   To secure it there were three straps.   One wrapped around my chest under my armpits.  Two more wrapped over my collarbones and looped around and under my armpits, connecting back to the chest plate.  Britt clicked the straps into place.  Dr. Sanders said “that is how you attach the chest plate.  They will now attached the head component.”  Haley held the padded forehead part against my head.  Again Britt adjusted the straps.  I closed my eyes and tried to wish this all away.  As Britt worked on the straps, i thought it felt similar in design to the Interlandi that Britt had to wear, minus the plastic plates.  There was a strap around the back of my head, another that ran around the base of my cranium, and one vertical strap that ran down the middle of the back of my head connecting them.  Once Britt had all the straps adjusted, she snapped it on to the large forehead plate.  I opened my eyes. 

Dr. Sanders said “that looks good.  And sorry we didn’t offer you any color options. This is the only option.  The bow and plates are white plastic, and the straps are black.  But, if you will move your head you will see it moves with you.  The curved bow will slide in and out if you look up or down.  And because the bow is attached to the chest plate with a ball joint you can move your head side to side, up and down, whatever you want.  The only drawback is that sleeping on your stomach is out.  Now, they will attach the elastics.”

When Haley hooked up the large, thick elastics; they were much bigger and thicker than the elastics she wore with her facemask and tandem bow; I immediately felt pressure being exerted on my upper jaw.  Dr. Sanders said “and that is it.  You may feel some discomfort as you get used to it.  I do recommend taking a Tylenol PM each night until your appointment next week.”  She held up a mirror and said “here, take a look at how everything is hooked up.  You just need to repeat the process each evening.”  When I looked in the mirror my eyes went wide.  I looked ridiculous.  The bow was so big.  It made Dr. Sander’s and Haley’s facemasks look like dainty toys.  It even made Britt and Heather Fortner’s Interlandi headgears pale in comparison.  This thing was massive.  How was I going to sleep wearing this?  Dr. Sanders read my mind.  She said “it will take a few nights to adjust to everything.  I recommend you wear it in the evenings for a few hours before bedtime for the first month.  And that just about wraps us up.  Britt and Haley will go over care and hygiene of your appliances.  And they will install your spacers. They can wrap that up, and then you are free.  Any questions?”  I mumbled out “nnn”. She said “wonderful.  If you do have any questions you can always text me.  Or, I think you may know how to contact these two” and laughed.  “Thank you for starting treatment!  This is really exciting!  And now I will leave Britt and Haley to wrap up and I will see you next week.”  Dr. Sanders stood and headed back towards her office.

Haley noticed the dejected look on my face.  She hugged me, somehow managing to avoid the huge bow that dominated my upper body, and whispered “baby, you make that thing sexy.  I am so proud of you.  And I promise I will take your mind off it this evening.  Britt is going to come over too.   Now let me get this off of you and get that splint out of your mouth.  I will get your spacers installed so I can take you home.  You have earned yourself a treat.”

Offline Cassandra

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #91 on: 11. May 2023, 17:28:45 PM »
Wow, this story has really taken a turn from how it started! Really enjoying things so far.

Also, thank you for sharing the little bits of music, I always like to hear people’s own interpretations of songs. Didn’t expect to find something like that on this forum so it was a welcome little treat!

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #92 on: 12. May 2023, 01:07:57 AM »
Part 32.

I sat on the couch in Haley’s living room while Haley and Britt worked on dinner.  Once we had arrived at Haley’s the girls told me to relax, they were going to pamper me for a change.  I had been sitting there for about 20 minutes.  I had the TV on, but I was not paying it much attention.  Instead, I was replaying the events of the day in my head and trying to process everything that Dr. Sanders had said.  How could a simple cleaning and check up have gone so sideways?

The small splint didn’t hurt, but I was definitely aware it was there. It held my bite in a position I was not used to.  It felt very strange.  The spacers that were in my mouth were starting to hurt however.  It felt like I had food stuck between my teeth and the pressure was building.  I only had 4, all on my upper teeth between my molars and premolars, two on each side.  I felt for people that needed more; four were bad enough.  I looked over towards the dining room table and saw the big bag I had carried out of the office.  In it was my huge night time splint, a variety of brushes and oral hygiene products, a big bag of elastics, and my monstrous protraction bow.  I realized that soon I was going to have to put it on.  Dreading that eventuality, I decided I needed a drink.  I stood and entered the kitchen.

I stood in the entrance to the kitchen for a few moments watching Britt and Haley work side by side.  Haley was wearing her face mask and Britt had on her Interlandi headgear.  They looked gorgeous in the shorts and t-shirts they had changed into.  I walked up behind Haley and put my arms around her.  I asked “what you workin on?”  She turned and hugged me and said “we are fixshing some meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  Do you remember?  That was what we brought over that firsht night.  When my life changed.  It hash a pretty shentimental place in my heart.  And it is shoft and eashy to eat.  How are you feeling?”  I answered “honeshtly a little overwhelmed.  And a little shore.  And a little embarrasshed.  I need a drink.”  As I spoke I cringed hearing my new lisp.  Several letters gave me real problems now, especially S’s. Haley said “I am shorry baby.  What do you want?  Go back and relaxsh.  I will bring it to you.”  I told her I didn’t really care, as long as it was strong.  She patted me on the rear end and said “get back in there, let mama handle it.”

A minute or two later Haley brought me a 32 oz Yeti tumbler.  She sat down beside me and handed it to me.  She said “I made you a whishkey and ginger ale.  Light on the ginger ale.”  I put the cup up to my mouth.  When I tried to drink with my new splint some dribbled down my chin onto my shirt.  My face turned red and I muttered “shit” as I put the cup down on the table.  Haley jumped up and said “don’t move” as she ran into the kitchen.  She quickly returned with a paper towel and began blotting the wet spot.   She then lay herself across me chest, resting her cheek on my chest.  She squeezed me and said “I am sho shorry about thish.  But know how much it means to me.”  As she held me Britt came over and stuck a straw into the cup.  She sat down on my other side and she wrapped her arms around me as well.  Britt said “you will get the hang of it in no time.”  The girls held me for several minutes.  I felt ridiculous and embarrassed about all of this.  Haley seemed to read my mind.

She said “this isn’t anything to be embarrassed about.  Not at all.  It is just adults having to do adult things.  It is admirable and brave.  And I have never wanted anything as much as I want you right now.  But first, we need to eat.  You will need your energy and stamina tonight.”

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #93 on: 12. May 2023, 06:37:47 AM »
Part 33.

Seated at the dining room table, Haley and Britt served me dinner.  They then each sat down behind their own plates.  Haley removed her facemask and placed it to the side.  To my surprise Britt did not remove her headgear.

I told them “it looksh and smellsh delishuz.  Thank you for thish.”  I tentatively cut a small piece of the meatloaf and put it in my mouth.  My mouth felt foreign.  As I tried to chew I noticed how different my bite was with the plastic orthotic covering most of my bottom teeth.  I noticed both Haley and Britt watching me intently.  I struggled mightily with the first bite.  I finally gave up chewing and choked it down.  I said “you might should have made me a milkshake or shmoothie.”  Haley reached over and put her hand on mine.  She said “you did just fine.  It will get easier.”  Britt chimed in “come on Mr. Drama King.  Haley figured out how to eat with her expanders and tongue crib.  And I have figured it out with these facebows.  Before you know it, that little splint of yours will feel completely normal.  You will forget it is even there.”  She speared a piece of the meatloaf and stuck it in her mouth between her two facebows and started chewing.  After she swallowed she said “see, piece of cake.  It just took me several messy meals to get the hang of it.  You will too.”

I took my time, taking small bites.  It took a lot more work and concentration to eat than I was used to.  I realized I had taken eating for granted.  Up until now that is. I didn’t say much during dinner, still feeling self conscious about my speech.  Haley and Britt filled in the dead air with conversation back and forth.  After finishing about 2/3 of my plate I said “that was delishuz.  But I am full.”  The truth is I was just tired of eating. It was a chore.  I had much more admiration for both the girls. I told them as much “Haley, Britt, I knew that ya’ll’sh bracesh and appliancesh made thingsh more complicated for you, especially eating.  But it jusht seemed theoretical to me then.  I don’t know if I really undershtood it.  I do now.  I hope I have alwaysh been sympathetic enough.  To both of you.  And Britt, I apologizsh for giving you grief about complaining about your headgear.”

Britt answered “serves you right.  But seriously, you have always been wonderful.  To both of us.”  Haley echoed her thoughts “shweetie, you have been the BEST.  You have nothing to apologize for.  And while I am so shorry you are struggling with this, it makes me feel so much closer to you that we are going through thish together.  All three of ush now.  Shpeaking of going through thish together, Britt would you clear the table?”  Haley stood and picked up the bag with my appliances.  “Shweetie, would you come to the bathroom with me?  You need to put in your night splint, it ish time.”  I looked at her with puppy dog eyes and replied “do I have to?”

In the bathroom Haley gently took out my small splint and rinsed it off in the sink.  She then placed it in it’s case.  She opened the medicine cabinet and shook two Tylenol out of the bottle.  After placing them in my mouth, I took a swig of water and washed them down.  Haley said “Dr. Shandersh recommended the PM version.  But I don’t want you falling asleep on me, at leasht tonight.”  She then gave me a devilish grin and pinched my nipple.  “But before that, let’s get your cute little splint in.”

Haley took the huge night splint from it’s case.  I obediently opened my mouth.  With gentle care she placed it in my mouth, then made sure it was seated correctly.  It felt anything but little or cute.  I felt my lips bulging out.  My lower jaw felt too far forward.  And speaking was out of the question.  Once done she said “you did great baby.”  She then gently kissed me.  She said “will you help me turn my expandersh?  It doesn’t seem as bad when you do it.”

She opened the vanity drawer and handed me the key.  I had gotten better at it since I had been doing it regularly.  It took me only one try to get the key in the holes of each, and I gave each one turn.  Once done she said “would you make one more turn on each?  Dr. Sanders said it might speed things up if it doesn’t bother me too much.”  After making the additional turns she said “that ish some pressure.  But thank you.”  I couldn’t speak, and didn’t feel comfortable trying to initiate a kiss, so I was left with a hug as my only option to show her I cared.  As I hugged her she said “you are so shweet.  Now we need to put on your bow.”  I realized I had been so focused on her mouth while turning the expanders, I had actually forgotten about the huge device in my mouth, at least for a short time.  Now I was once again all too aware of it.

She was so gentle as she hooked up the giant bow.  Once she had all the straps connected she removed two of the elastics from the bag.  I opened my mouth, and she attached the bands.  My mouth immediately protested against the pressure.  She took a step back and said “why aren’t you sexy and handsome.”  Looking at my reflections in the mirror I felt embarrassment.  Haley was so perceptive, especially of me and my thoughts as of late.  She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.  She said “don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed.  I think you are the sexiesht man I have ever seen.  Come on, letsh see if Britt needsh a hand.  Or maybe she can give ush one.”

When we got back to the living room, we found Britt was done clearing the table and was out on Haley’s little back deck.  She was smoking a cigarette.  I stayed inside the apartment, just at the thresh hold of the sliding glass door.  I didn’t want to risk having a neighbor or passerby see me in my contraption.  Britt said “well don’t you look striking in your new bow”. I tried to speak “I ee li a duk”.  She answered “you are the furthest thing from a dork.”   I was amazed she could translate what I had said.  But I thought, since she worked in an orthodontic office, she probably had lots of practice deciphering garbled speech. 

I watched her as she placed her cigarette between her two facebows and took a drag.  She expelled the smoke and stubbed out her butt.  She dropped it in a little sand filled bucket that Haley kept on the deck for just that purpose.  Coming back inside she led me back to the couch.

Once seated Haley began kissing me on my neck and nibbling on my ear..  Britt got down on the floor in front of me.  She looked into my eyes and said “you are not a dork.  Just someone going through orthodontic treatment.  Bettering themselves.  Improving their health.  And that is sexy.  Does that sound familiar?  Like maybe something you told us?  Well I am now telling it to you.”  With Haley kissing on me it was hard to concentrate. Britt continued “no, you are not a dork.”  As she unzipped my pants she said “do you think I would do this is you were a dork?   While Haley’s mouth may be temporarily out of order, mine is not.”

Online sertia

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #94 on: 12. May 2023, 09:14:31 AM »
Hi mr_90proof, you write so fast, I can't even translate this at this pace as I don't have the time. That's why I'm only on part 24, but keep up the good work. :)

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #95 on: 12. May 2023, 22:03:08 PM »
Part 34.

I had slept poorly, the bow and it’s plethora of straps weren’t exactly uncomfortable.  But it felt so foreign, especially on my head.  However, the elastics pulling on my upper jaw were uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.  They downright hurt, a deep aching type of pain.  And the spacers continued to be annoying.  I was afraid they would be that way for the next 9 days, until my appointment the following Wednesday.  Finally at 5:44 am I decided I was tired of fighting it, I was going to get up and take the stupid thing off.  But I was trapped by Britt and Haley on either side of me.  I awkwardly tried to get out of bed by crawling over Haley without waking her.

As I crawled over her I felt her move.  I stopped, hoping she would fall back asleep.  It didn’t work.  She opened her eyes and looked at me.  She asked “what time ish it?  Did I mish my alarm?”  In her groggy state she had forgotten I couldn’t easily respond.  I pointed at my mouth, and then held my finger up.  I was trying to tell her to wait just a minute while I headed to the bathroom.  It didn’t work.  She got up and followed me into the bathroom.  As I removed the elastics from my mouth she asked “ish everything ok?”  I said “yeee”. She then remembered the splint in my mouth and said “oh baby, I forgot.  Here, let me help get that off of you.”  Like the evening before, she was very gentle unsnapping the straps of the bow.  Once removed she placed it on the counter.  She then reached up into my mouth and gently popped the splint off my teeth and guided it out of my mouth.  I let out a sigh of relief. 

With a concerned tone she asked me “are you ok?”  I answered “yes.  I am a lot better now.  I am sorry I woke you.  I tried not to.  But I had to take that off.  It was killing me.”  She wrapped her arms around me and said “I am sorry.  It will get easier.  I promise.”  She released me and picked up my daytime splint.  She washed it in the sink, shaking it dry, and said “open up, see if this helps.”  I obeyed her and opened my mouth.  She popped the lower orthotic over my teeth.  She asked “better?”  I didn’t want to disappoint her, so I told her a white lie “yesh, it ish.”  She hugged me again, resting her facemask on my chest.  As she did I asked “how long did it take you to get useshd to wearing the mask? Having the elastics trying to pull your teeth out of your head?  Or does yoursh not feel like that?”

She said “no, it did hurt at first.   And it is still annoying.  But you get used to it.  But I guess it was about two weeks, maybe a little less, before it actually quit hurting and I was able to sleep through the night.”  I said sarcastlcly “wonderful, only 13 nightsh to go…”. She leaned back and quickly removed her facemask and said “maybe I can kiss it and make it better.”  After a long kiss she grabbed my hand and said “come on, let’sh go back to bed.  There may be shome other thingsh I can kissh and make better.”

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #96 on: 13. May 2023, 00:54:35 AM »
Part 35.

I sat in the waiting room of City Orthodontics, my bow and night splint hidden in a backpack that was in the chair beside me.  I had already checked in and briefly spoken with Lauren.  Over the past week her speech had gotten much better.  She had asked me how I was doing with my treatment and I told her the verdict was still out.  There were several other patients in the waiting room, including a couple in their 30’s.  They were dressed professionally; he in slacks and a sport coat and she in a dress and heels.  They also wore matching wedding rings, so I assumed they were married.  I didn’t stare, but as they talked amongst themselves I had noticed they both had metal braces.  It looked like they were in treatment together.  This reminded me of Haley’s comment the previous week, about how special it made her feel that her and I were going through this together. 

To be honest, if it hadn’t been for Haley I would have already made my way back here and thanked Dr. Sanders for her time, but told her that this was not working for me.  It wasn’t the day time splint.  I had gotten pretty used to it.  Eating was still strange with it in.  And at times I did remove it to eat something chewy, sticky, or crunchy that would have otherwise been off limits.  I knew today I was getting my TPA with protraction hooks permanently banded on, and these things would be off limits now.  But overall the day time splint wasn’t too bad.  My lisp was gone, and most people seemed to not even notice it.  And those that had noticed it had been polite and quickly moved on after I explained it was for my TMJ.  Actually, one of my buyers had offered his sympathy.  He had explained that his wife had battled TMJ for years; that she herself was currently in braces and awaiting a joint replacement.  He said it had been tough on her; and he said he wished he had gotten her to start treatment earlier, before it got to the point they were at now.  But that was it.  The day time splint had not been as bad as I thought. 

But the night time splint and bow?  What a nightmare it continued to be.  My thoughts were broken by Emily’s voice; and then the sight of her.  Once again she had her hair up and again she was wearing the pink headgear straps.   She had entered the waiting room and announced “Paul, Lori, you can come on back.”  As the couple stood the woman stumbled, tripping over a chair leg.  Her husband caught her, but she dropped her purse.  When it hit the floor a bright red petit face mask tumbled out of the purse.  She quickly scooped it up and stuffed it back in her bag.  She looked around with an embarrassed rosy hue on her face to see if anyone had noticed.  I averted my eyes in time I thought. But I wondered to myself whether she was embarrassed about tripping, or about the facemask that must be part of her treatment.

Once they were gone, I looked down at my phone.  I had just received a Facebook message from Heather Fortner.  The day after I had run into her here last week she had sent me a friend request on Facebook.  I had accepted it.  Shortly afterwards she sent me a simple, short private message; ‘It was good to catch up!  How did your appointment go?’  Since then, we had kept in touch via messenger.  I had told Haley about it; explaining that we were just complaining to each other about our appliances and extraoral devices.  She gave me her blessing; she said it was good to talk about it; and she said “baby, I trust you.  I am not one of those girls that is going to manage your friends.  I truly believe you love me, and I know I love you.  So you don’t have to ask my permission.  But thanks for doing it.”  I had replied simply “I am madly in love with you.  Completely and totally.  But I don’t want to chase you away because I complain about my mouth so much.  No, I am going to spread my complaining around and make everybody miserable.”

And I guess that is why I did it, but after Heather’s initial message I laid out my sob story about the splints and bow, about how miserable I was at night, and how I didn’t think I could do it.  She had been nothing but supportive.  She told me how hard the headgear had beaten down her self esteem at first; but that she had eventually come to terms with it.  She did say she still had her moments of self pity.  The last bout had been last week.  She explained she had hoped that Dr. Sanders would tell her she only had to wear the headgear at night.  Instead, Dr. Sanders had tightened it and told her she needed to keep wearing it full time.  She wouldn’t even give her an estimate on how long; just that it was harder to predict in adults.  As a further indignity Dr. Sanders had fit her with two triangle rubberbands in the front of her mouth that she had to wear all the time except when eating.  So, she said, now she not only had two facebows, but it looked like she had two vampire fangs.  But she said her husband was supportive of her, he had been from the beginning.  And her kids actually thought her new ‘vampire fangs’ were cool.  She concluded by saying those opinions; the opinions of her husbands and kids; were really all that mattered.  She told me not to worry about what random strangers thought.  Instead she told me to take care of myself and only worry about those that I cared about and those that cared about me.  Over the past week my opinion of Heather had changed.  Initially I had thought of her as the ditzy blond from high school.  But I realized she was not that at all.  I was lost in thought when I heard my name. 

I looked up to see Haley standing in the doorway leading to the treatment area.  The first thing I noticed was that she was wearing her pink Petit facemask.  The one that had made such an impact on me when we first met.  I got up and went to her.  I said “hey babe! Don’t tell me Dr. Sanders is making you wear your facemask at work now.”  She answered “no, she isn’t.  I did it for you.  I know how nervous you are about the TPA.  And I know how much you hate your bow.  But I know you like seeing me in mine.  So, I am wearing it for you.  Maybe it will take your mind off things today.  Speaking of which, aren’t you forgetting something?”  It took a second until I realized I had left my backpack of shame in the chair.  I hurried over and got it.  When I returned I told her “you sometimes make my brain malfunction.”  She hugged me and said “you do the same to me.  Now, please come with me.  We will get those horrible spacers out.”  As I followed her I thought ‘yeah, to be replaced by an even more intrusive appliance.’

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #97 on: 13. May 2023, 07:07:55 AM »
I overthink the shit out of things, all kinds of things. especially after many beers.  I am overthinking writing now.  But do you like this style of writing? It isn’t exactly “stream of consciousness” writing .  But it isn’t far off from there.  Do you like it?  Should I be a little more structured?  What changes should I make?  This stuff is already in my head; and it will never be anything commercial; so I would like to make it enjoyable for readers.  Or do I just let it rip; the ol’ shooters shoot mentality.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #98 on: 13. May 2023, 10:08:27 AM »
I am really enjoying the direction the story is going in. I wondered when he'd be getting orthodontic treatment.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #99 on: 13. May 2023, 18:02:10 PM »
I'm 10 or more chapters behind in reading your story, but I always say 'write what you feel, not what you think other people want'. It is impossible to please everyone.

Don't overthink it, you'll just become frustrated. If you aren't enjoying your story, there is a good chance other people will feel the same way. Direct your nervous energy into doing your research and just let the story flow wherever it goes.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #100 on: 13. May 2023, 19:02:09 PM »
That happens to me too, after sharing a burst of creative content directly after the fact (and then drinking!) and my solution is to just let what I’ve made breathe for at least a little while before I share. But I have to say I’m really loving this story so far and I definitely appreciate how fast you are updating! In the beginning the story was a bit “heavy,” no criticism at all, it’s just that as someone who’s been a little too close for comfort to more than one natural disaster, it did stir things up for me. The braces were a nice bright spot though, just like they were for your main character. And now that your characters are starting to put the storm behind them, the story has suddenly veered into that magical territory where now everyone has braces and yet it’s so real and believable… it’s a pleasure to read. Truly. Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #101 on: 13. May 2023, 19:17:04 PM »
I couldn’t agree more, Cassandra.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #102 on: 13. May 2023, 20:08:05 PM »
Part 36.

Haley led me over to the sink where I removed my splint and brushed my teeth.  I popped the little splint back in and followed her over to a chair.  She seated me and told me to relax for a few minutes.  She told me she was going to get my new appliances and that Dr. Sanders would be over shortly.

I looked two chairs over to see Dr. Sanders leaned over the woman from the waiting room.  I remembered that Emily had called her Lori.  Her husband Paul was sitting beside her.  Lori was wearing the red face mask that I had seen earlier.  Dr. Sanders had her back to me and I couldn’t hear what she had told the woman.  But I certainly heard Lori’s response.  She frantically said “NO!  Absolutely not.  There is no way I can wear this all the time!  There is no way I can show houses; hold open houses; handle closings looking like this! It is different for you Dr. Sanders.  You work in a dental office.  But I don’t!  My appearance is part of my job.  I CAN NOT wear this 22 hours a day!  No!  NO!” 

I saw her husband Paul grab her hand and look her in the eyes.  He told her “come on honey, it will be ok.  You are beautiful.  No piece of orthodontia can change that.  And you can take it off for really important meetings.”  He looked at Dr. Sanders and asked “isn’t that right Dr. Sanders?”  He had phrased that last statement as a question, but I could tell from his tone it was actually a statement of fact.  He continued “honey, just try it.  Please.  We are so close to the finish line now.  You can make it four more months.  What do you say?”  Her husband’s words had calmed Lori.  She looked up at Paul and said “ok, ok, I will do my best.”  She looked at Dr. Sanders and told her “I will do my best.”  Dr. Sanders had turned her body and slid back a little while Lori had her outburst.  I was able to hear her now as she responded “that is all I ask of you.  Do your best.  But try to get the 22 hours in.  The more you wear it the sooner you can ditch it and we can get those braces off of you.  So do we have a deal?”  Lori replied “ok. Yes, I will do my best.”  Her tone sounded resigned and deflated.  Dr. Sanders was not, as always she was upbeat and enthusiastic when she said “Yay!  Wonderful!  You will do great, I know you will.  And quite possibly in just four months I think we can get those braces off you!  As long as you wear the face mask as prescribed.  I know you are ready to be braces free.  Let’s make it happen!.”  She then said “we are done!  But remember, you are so close to the finish line!”  Looking at Paul she asked “do you need an escort up to the reception desk to schedule your next appointment?”  Paul said “no, after 36 months of coming here I think we can find it.  Thank you Dr. Sanders.”  He looked down at his wife and said “come on babe, I am going to take you to Cozy’s for lunch before your teeth start aching.  I know it is your favorite.”  After Lori had stood up from the chair, her husband Paul wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided her towards the reception desk.  I noticed as she walked Lori had her head down, trying to hide the face mask she wore from the world.  It didn’t work, the bright red mask was a beacon that dominated her pretty face.

I was watching them intently so I had not noticed Dr. Sanders walk over.  She startled me when she asked exuberantly “so, how did your first week go?  How are those joints feeling?”  I looked up and said “well, it was hit or miss.  The daytime splint is actually pretty easy.  But we need to talk about the night time splint and bow.  There has to be a better option.”  Dr. Sanders sat down and said “well, lets take a look at things and see what we can come up with.”  Haley arrived as Dr. Sanders reclined me back and placed several boxes on the tray beside me. 

Dr. Sanders had me open my mouth and removed my temporary splint.  She looked in my mouth and felt my TMJ joints.  She said “well, things look better and it has only been a week.  I think we are on the right track.  Let me check the fit of your new daytime splint.  I think you will like it.  The temporary splints are a little bulkier than the permanent splints the lab makes for us.”  Haley handed her this new splint and Dr. Sanders fit it in my mouth.  I noticed it did feel a little smaller.  She held up a mirror and asked “how does it feel?”  I answered “it feels fine.  And it is smaller!”  As I spoke I was studying my mouth in the mirror.  The splint was a lot less visible.  I said “this is much better!”  She removed it from my mouth and handed it to Haley, who snapped it shut in a new retainer case.

Dr. Sanders said “Wonderful!  I am glad you like it.  Now let’s get those pesky spacers out and get you fixed up with your TPA.”  Haley leaned in with a pick and quickly and efficiently removed the spacers from between my teeth.  Once done she said “I bet that is a relief isn’t it!”  I looked up into her face and said “like heaven.”  Dr. Sanders then said “Wonderful! Now let’s check the fit of your TPA.”  Haley opened the box it was in and handed it to Dr. Sanders.  As soon as I saw it the blood drained from my face.  ‘What the hell is that thing?’ I thought.  It looked nothing like the discrete TPA appliances I had looked up online.  No, this thing was a lot bigger and more complicated.  It’s ok I thought to myself.  Surely the lab had mixed things up and sent me some other patient’s appliance.  Because this thing could not be mine.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #103 on: 13. May 2023, 22:26:30 PM »
Another attempt at a multimedia story.  No videos or songs this time, just a few pictures to accompany the story.

Part 37.

As Dr. Sanders removed the appliance from the model it was on I asked “what is that?”

Dr. Sanders replied “this is your TPA appliance.”  There was trepidation in my voice as I said “I thought it would just be a wire that ran across my palate, from molar to molar.  That is what all the pictures I found online looked like.”  Dr. Sanders responded “yes, most transpalatal arches are designed like that.  But that design would only keep your teeth from shifting laterally.  We need to also keep individual teeth from shifting anteriorly.  This TPA has a nance button integrated into it for that.  I don’t want your molars to move independently.  That would mess your bite up, and that is exactly what we are trying to fix.  No, this will stabilize all of your upper teeth so they move as a group.”

I said “it is just a lot bigger than I expected.”  Haley said “you will get ushed to it.  I promish.  And just remember, it is a lot shmaller than what I have in my mouth.  And you love that.”  I reddened a little, I didn’t think that Dr. Sanders was aware of my “interest” in orthodontics.  And I didn’t want her to know.  I replied “yes, just because I know it is helping you.”  Haley placed her hand on my shoulder and said “and this will help you.”  I gave up.  This WAS apparently my appliance.  And it was going in my mouth right now.

Dr. Sanders placed the appliance in the roof of my mouth and seated the bands around my molars.  She then had me bite down on a block several times.  Once it was seated she peered at it intently from several angles.  Satisfied she leaned back and said “it looks like it fits like a glove.  How does it feel?  Is it digging in anywhere?”  I answered “no, I don’t think sho.”  Oh crap, this thing was really going to impact my soeech. I continued “it feelsh like I have a big wad of gum shtuck in my mouth.”  As I had said this I also noticed the arch cutting into my tongue and the hooks rubbing on my lips.  I said “the wire ish cutting my tongue, and the hooksh are scratching my lipsh.”  She leaned in and took another look.  She said “unfortunately, that is normal with this appliance.  Your tongue will become accustomed to the arch, but it will likely leave an indention in your tongue the whole time you have it.  And your lips will get calloused up around the hooks after a week or so.  But it will be sore until then.  At first you can try to put wax over them during the day, and you can put a cotton ball around them at night after you have attached the elastics to your bow.  But it looks good.  Haley, will you go ahead and bond it please?”

Once Haley was done bonding it and curing the glue, she handed Dr. Sanders my night time splint.  As she fit it in my mouth Dr. Sanders said “and like the daytime appliance, this one is a tad smaller than your previous one.  And it is designed to be compatible with your TPA.  It still has the adjustable rods that I will use to manage your bite.  But it lacks the hooks of the previous one.  You will now hook the elastics to the TPA hooks.  Speaking of which…”. Haley took my bow and strapped me into it.  Just like I had gotten quicker at turning her expanders, she had become quicker at hooking me into my bow.  Once it was secured she attached the elastics.  And as always, my mouth protested against the pressure. 

Dr. Sanders took a look at everything and said “it looks good.  But, you said you were having trouble with the bow.  What kind of trouble?”  I answered “well for one, it is keeping me from snoring.  Because I can’t sleep in it.  It is awkward.  It hurts.  And the headpiece seems to slip off my head most nights.  I will wake up and it will have slid around to my ear, or down on the bridge of my nose, or off my head completely.  I will fix it, and an hour later when it wakes me up again it will be all jacked up again.  And it is so cumbersome, I can’t really do anything in the evenings while wearing it other than just sit there and stare straight ahead.  If I do move around it gets all messed up, just like when I sleep.”

Dr. Sanders answered “I was afraid you were going to say that.  It happens to a lot of patients.  I was hoping this would work for you.  But it sounds like it isn’t. We don’t have many other options.  But there is one.”  She pulled out her phone and scrolled on it till she found what she was looking for.  She held her phone up to me and showed me something that looked like it came out of a SAW horror movie.

Dr. Sanders said “here I am in mine.  It is an improvement we have made on another existing protraction device, the CRANE.  It is effectively a neck brace with a protraction arm.  To ensure a consistent pull, you can see that we have integrated a headcap.  It looks intimidating.  But it is actually comfortable once you get used to it.  I wear mine two or three nights a week just to give my chin a break.”  She leaned in and took a cloth tape measure and made a few measurements of my neck, jotting down notes as she went.  Once done she said “I will have the lab fabricate one for you.  In the meantime, I am going to prescribe a Petit facemask until it is ready.  It won’t move your mandible too much over a week.  But because the elastics of the Petit aren’t as strong as the bow, I will need you to wear it 12 hours a day.  In the evenings and overnight while you sleep.  What color or design do you want?”

I answered “do you have an invishible one?  A completely invishible one?”  Haley playfully swatted me and said “you are shilly.  What color do you want?  Maybe a pink one sho we can match?”  She gave me a big smile behind the pink Petit mask she currently wore.  I looked at her and said “baby, why don’t you pick.  You are the one that is going to have to look at me in it.  And I hope it doesn’t make you sick.”  She said “you are way overthinking this.  You will look adorable.  And I know just which one you need.”  She got up and went over to an overhead cabinet and started digging through it.

Dr. Sanders said “really, it isn’t a big deal.  Haley loves you.  You do know that right?  She will be perfectly fine with you, facemask and all.  I promise.  You know how I mentioned Pete, my husband, has braces?  He wears one at night too.  And guess what, I still jump his bones all the time.  That might not be the most professional thing to tell a patient; so don’t repeat it please; but it is true for me and him.  I know it will be the same for you and Haley.”

When Haley came back she was beaming as she proudly showed me her selection.  It was a black Petit face mask with red flames on it.  In her other hand she had a purple floral one like Dr. Sanders was wearing.

Haley looked at me and said “you don’t even realize how hot you are.  So it has to be the flames.  And Dr. Sanders, your flowers are so cute, I think we should match if I am going to wear my mask here at work.” 

As Haley adjusted the mask on my face Britt came over.  She looked down at me smiling through her headgear and said “oh, that IS hot!” She then winked at me.  Well, the girls seemed to like that I was in such an uncomfortable position.  Maybe, just maybe I thought, this will be worth it.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #104 on: 14. May 2023, 16:16:14 PM »
Part 38.

Once Haley had finished fitting the mask to my face, Dr. Sanders held up a mirror while Haley attached my elastics.  As she did, Dr. Sanders narrated “you can do it two ways.  You can attach a rubberband to each hook first, then place the mask to your face and attach each elastic to the bar.  Or, the way I prefer and the way Haley is showing you, you place the mask to your face and while holding it attach each rubberband.  It is pretty self explanatory, and you will get the hang of it in no time.  You may want to use a mirror at first, but after a few days you will be able to do it by feel.  Now, you try it.  Remove the elastics, and reattach your facemask.”

Britt continued standing there.  With all three ladies watching, I felt pressure to do it correctly.  I also felt mortified.  I could not believe I was about to put on this ridiculous contraption in front of them.  As I did though, I thought about Heather and the fact she wore her Interlandi all the time.  In public; at the grocery store, picking her kids up from school, everywhere.  And I thought about Lori; the pretty realtor who I had seen today for the first time; and her wearing her’s while meeting clients, showing houses, and I guessed while her husband took her to lunch at this very moment.  I don’t know if the saying ‘misery loves company’ is true, but it did make me feel a little better about my plight.  And then there was my Haley.  She was so good about wearing hers.  She did it with grace and dignity, with no complaints, and she was so sexy and cute in hers.  But all three of them were women.  I mean, men just didn’t do this type of thing.  But then I thought of what Dr. Sanders said about her husband Pete wearing one.  And I thought of that Facebook picture, the one of the dentist AND her husband wearing facemasks, acting silly and sticking their tongues out at the camera.  So I guess I wasn’t alone.

Once I had the elastics on and the mask centered on my forehead and chin Dr. Sanders exclaimed “you look like a pro already!”  All I could concentrate on was my mouth.  It felt like so much was going on in there with the new TPA, nance, hooks, night time splint, and facemask.  I realized there WAS a lot going on in there. She raised my chair so I was back in a sitting position and continued “Haley choose wisely with the mask design.  It looks great!”  I thought that had to be a lie.

She said “so as far as wear time.  As before wear the day time splint all the time except for when you get ready for bed.  Then wear the night time appliance during sleep.  As for the face mask, as I said 12 hours a day.  Now with the TPA, you can wear the mask with your day time splint.  Wear it in the evenings, or anytime you have some free time.  If you fall short on your time, catch up with it the next day.  Weekends are a great time to rack up a lot of extra time.  Go ahead and take the night splint out, put your day splint in, and hook your mask up for me please.”  I did as I was told. 

And then I thought ‘I’m supposed to be the one with the braces fetish here; but these three sure seem to really be getting off on this.’  Maybe it was just because they all worked in ortho.  Dr. Sanders snapped me out of my thoughts when she asked “do you mind if I take a picture of you and Haley?  You two just look adorable together.”  I noticed Haley was still beaming, she had been the whole time.

I asked Dr. Sanders “um, why do you want a picshure of ush?”.  I thought I knew the answer already.  She responded “I want to document this.  It is SO exciting when couples go through treatment together.  Years from now, you will look back on it and cherish this picture.  And the memory of having done it together.  I would also love to put it on our Facebook page.  People will LOVE it.”

And that is what I had been afraid of.  I replied “i don’t know about that.  I don’t think I am ready to show the world my new accsheshory.”  Haley pouted and said “come on sweetie.  Please???  You do look so cute.  We look so cute.”  Britt added “come on you big wimp.  You are always encouraging us to wear our headgears, telling us how cute we look in them.”  Well shit, I guess this was about to happen. 

Dr. Sanders said “it will be fun!  Let’s get you two to stand over there against the wall in front of our logo.”  Defeated by the girls once again I followed Haley over and stood in front of the logo.  Dr. Sanders got us positioned like she wanted, and Haley reached her arm around my waist.  She whispered in my ear “I am so hot for you right now.”  She then turned towards the camera.  Dr. Sanders said “CHEESE!”  I smiled, even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.  Once she had taken a few snaps of me and Haley, she said “hold on!” and skipped away. 

She returned with Emily, Dr. Palmer, and an assistant I had seen in the office but not yet met.  Emily was in her pink combination headgear, and Dr. Palmer was wearing a simple cervical headgear I had not seen her in the previous week.  The new assistant was the only one without some kind of apparent metal work in her mouth.  But then she smiled widely towards me and said “Hi!  I am Bri.  Haley talks about you all the time.  Nice to meet you!”  As she spoke I thought I had noticed something in her mouth.  Yes, I was pretty sure she had a number of blue spacers in her mouth.  I tried to stay focused on being a polite, normal human and said “It isha pleashure to meet you.  Even if I can’t talk and am wearing thish crazhee thing.”  She responded “it looks good on you.  And they are pretty contagious right now.  It seems like everyone is coming down with a case of the headgears.”  When she laughed it confirmed my suspicion.  Those WERE spacers.  A lot of them.  Dr. Sanders handed her the phone she had in her hand. 

Dr. Sanders aligned everyone like she wanted and Bri took several photos.  Dr. Sanders excitedly took her phone back and flipped through the photos.  She said “aww, how sweet.  Oh this is good”. She then looked at me and said “thank you! 

She continued “As for care and hygiene, I kind of skipped over that.  But from what Haley has told me, you have your own personal hygienist to help you.  But if you want, we can sit back down and I can go over it.”  Haley answered for us “no, you are right.  He will have me to help him every night this week.”  Looking up into my eyes she said “I will take extra special care of our new patient here.”  Dr. Sanders said “Wonderful!  I will see you next week to get you fixed up with your protraction brace.  And as always, if you have any issues or questions, my phone is on.” 

Haley went over and grabbed my back pack.  She put my night splint and a big bag of elastics in it.  She came back and handed it to me.  She then took my hand and said “‘let’s go see Lauren and make your followup appointment.”  I reached up to take my facemask off.  She put her hand over mine and said “leave it on, for me.”  I gave her an incredulous look but lowered my hand.  She said “come on lover.”  Now I knew what Lori had felt.  At the front desk, Lauren said “OH MY GOSH!  Aren’t you two just the cutest.”  Haley gave her a huge smile and said “I am so lucky to have such a cute boyfriend!”  I felt anything but cute but replied “babe, I promish you that you are the pretty one in thish equation.  I way outkicked my coverage with you.”  Lauren said “well, I think you two are just perfect together!  I have you down for next Friday at 4.”  I replied “I thought you didn’t see patients on Friday afternoon?  Just staff?”  Lauren replied “Haley has her appointment at 3:30.  So I am putting you directly after her.   Is that ok?”  I said “yes, of course.”  I made a note to get to my appointment early.  I hoped they would let me back to sit with her.  I felt sure Dr. Sanders would.  And maybe Emily and Britt would have adjustments beforehand that I could observe. 

With my appointment scheduled Haley said “let me walk you to your truck.”  I asked “wearing this?”  She said “yes wearing that. I will be right beside you with mine.”  At the truck she hugged me and said “I guess we really are going to have to plan our make out sessions now.  But you know, there are other things we can do while wearing our facemasks.”  She gave me a devilish grin.   “And I am staying at your place tonight.  I have a couple of presents to give you.”

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #105 on: 14. May 2023, 22:53:42 PM »
I reread the rules before posting this latest chapter; and specifically the last paragraph.  I think it falls within the rules (no direct sexuality, everything consensual, adults, etc).  And it is important as to the relationship dynamic between the two main characters.  But if I need to change it I can.

Part 39.

I stood beside my truck as I watched Haley return to the office.  As soon as the door closed behind her, I took the facemask off my face.  I was going to try to make this work.  But I was going to draw the line some places.  This was one of them.  Once in the truck I headed home.  I had intentionally left my calendar blank.  There was no way I wanted to show up in front of customers lisping and slobbering like a cartoon character.  I really hoped I didn’t get many phone calls for a few days.

Back home I had worked for several hours.  Emails exclusively, my typing was still lisp free after all.  I looked at the clock and saw it was 5, Haley should be getting off about now.  I shot her a text to be careful, and don’t eat.  I had it handled.  It would take her an hour or so to get here.  I wanted to have dinner ready by the time she got here.  Before I started though, I went into my bathroom and eyed my back pack.  I didn’t really want to put on the facemask.  But I knew I was supposed to.  And i wanted to be wearing it when Haley got home.

I bared my teeth in the mirror again to look at my new appliance.  The hooks in my mouth were very visible when I smiled.  I knew I would need to figure out how to explain them.  I didn’t want to volunteer to everyone that I had to wear reverse pull headgear.  I decided I would just be vague, telling them it was part of my TMJ treatment.  I didn’t think too many people would pry, but if they did I would tell them I had to wear rubberbands at night.  That wasn’t a lie, just not the whole truth.  I then opened my mouth and leaned my head back, cutting my eyes down to see the arch and nance pad that occupied much of my pallet.  It wasn’t nearly as extreme as what my poor Haley had to deal with every second of every day.  But it was still a lot, at least to me.  But I knew I better get used to it.  It sounded like I would have it for at least 6 months.  I had resigned myself to this; though I was still leaning against surgery and expander.  I was leaning against it very hard.  Accepting that this was my new normal, I put my facemask on and headed to the kitchen. 

As I pulled things out of the fridge and pantry I thought about how ridiculous I must look.  A full grown man wearing an orthodontic facemask.  Until the past few months I had no idea it was even a thing.  I had thought it was something relegated to pre-teens twenties years ago.  And yet here I was.  Wearing a facemask.  With a girl friend that wore one as well.  Who’s bestie wore the most extreme headgear I had ever seen.  I tried to shake those thoughts from my head. 

It seemed to make Haley happy though.  And if this made Haley happy I would do it.  As I brought the water to a boil, I was cooking pasta, my phone rang.  Crap, I would shoot back a text like I had on the previous calls and ask them if we could text; I had used the excuse that I had a dentist appointment earlier and speaking hurt.  I had not specified that what speaking hurt was my pride.  When I got to my phone I saw it was Britt.  Well I thought, she had already seen me at my worst, so I accepted the call.

I answered “Hey Britt, what’sh up.  Did you have fun at work today?”  Britt said “yes, I did.  There was a handsome new patient today getting a TPA and facemask.  He was so self conscious.  And it was so adorable to watch.  Not only that, his girlfriend was there to see his humiliation.  To add further to his indignation, Dr. Sanders cajoled him into letting her take his picture to put it on Facebook.   It was a great day!”  She started laughing.  She continued “but seriously, you did good today.  You handled it all with maturity.   And I have never seen Haley as happy as she has been this afternoon.  That is why I called you.  To warn you.”  I was confused.  I asked “warn me of what?”

Britt answered “let’s go back to that first time when Haley came over to your house.  I am sure you remember when Haley asked you about braces?  I could see you dying inside as you tried to explain it.  Your poker face sucks by the way.  I could see the shame you felt.  Which was silly.  Because both Haley and I have a little thing for orthodontics; just in a little different way than you do.  But anyway, do you remember that shame?  Well, I am not going to let the cat out of the bag.  But Haley has a little kink of her own.  She has been too scared to tell you about it, or even ask you about.  She has alluded to it a few times, but you never picked up on it.  She is going to give you something tonight.  A present.  And you will know what her kink is without her having to say a word.  PLEASE, PLEASE just keep an open mind.  And DO NOT tell her I called you.  She would be mortified.  Just remember how willing she has been to indulge you.  That is it.  That is why I called.”

I said “aw hell Britt, you can’t do me like that.  What are you talking about?”  She said “you will find out tonight.  It is nothing bad though.  Just the opposite.  Fitting you with your facemask today gave Haley the motivation, maybe the courage, to tell you tonight.  Go with it.  Be nice to my best friend.  Hey, speaking of your facemask, are you wearing it?  You better be.”  I answered “yes, I am.  It is underneath the paperbag I am wearing over my head.  But don’t worry, I cut two eye holes so I can still see.”  Britt responded “you are so, so silly.  Have you not seen the monstrosities most of us have to wear at the office.  Haley is even wearing her facemask right now, driving home in 5 oclock traffic, as she heads to you.  And do you know why?  So she can prove to you it isn’t a big deal.  But I don’t believe you, that you are wearing your facemask.  Prove it.  Hang up right now, take a selfie, and text it to me.  Right now.  And you and Haley have fun tonight.  Tonight will be a night you will both remember forever.  Bye!”

And then she was gone.  I stood there stunned.  What the hell was that all about.  Then my phone dinged at me.  I looked down to see a text from Britt.  It said ‘Selfie.  NOW!’.  Crap, she was actually serious about that.  I couldn’t believe I was doing it.  But I took a selfie of myself and sent it to Britt.  She responded right back ‘Good Boy!  Haley is going to love it.  I don’t know if she can get any happier than she already is, but if so, that will do it.”

I continued to work on dinner.  The noodles were done, and the sauce was simmering.  All that was really required was an occasional stir to keep it from sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning.  But all I could think about was Britt’s call.  I racked my brain, trying to remember all the hours I had been with Haley and Britt, and all the things that had been said.  My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Haley yell out “Hey Babe!  I’m home.”  I responded “Kitten, I’m in the kitchen.” 

Haley entered the kitchen wearing her scrubs from earlier in the day.  And the purple floral facemask.  When she saw me she squeeled “Yay!  You are wearing yours!” as she ran over and literally leaped into my arms.  I caught her and held her tight.  She said “I was afraid I was going to have to twist your arm.  I even wore mine on the ride home to prove to you it isn’t a big deal.  And here you are!  You are the best patient!  And boyfriend!  And I got you a present.  Let me go get it”.  I sat her down and she disappeared.

She returned a minute later with a wrapped box with a big bow on it.  She handed it to me with a big smile on her face.  She said “here!  This is for you!  Go ahead and open it!”  I removed the bow.  Then I  carefully unwrapped it to find a waterpik.  Wait, is this what Britt had made such a big deal over?  A waterpik?  I mean, I was already aware that my ortho treatment was doing something to Haley, I didn’t need to see a waterpik to know that.  As I looked at it she asked “do you not like it?”  She had misread the confused look on my face as one of disappointment.  I quickly put a smile on my face and looked at her “I absolutely love it!”  I hugged her and said “you are so thoughtful.  I both love it and need it.  Maybe you can show me how to use it later tonight.”  She answered “of course silly.”  We sat there holding each other for a moment.  I released her and said “dinner’s ready if you are.”  Haley looked at me and said “I’m not too hungry right now.  Too many butterflies.  Can we talk?  But first let me get something else.” 

She came back with another box, also wrapped with a bow on top.  Holding it under her arm she flipped the knob on the stove to off.  She grabbed my hand and stood there in awkward silence.  I could tell she was nervous.  I asked her “what is it babe?”  She said nothing but led me to the couch and had me sit.  She paced nervously back and forth before she started talking.

She said “I have not been honest with you, not completely honest with you, so far during our relationship.  You have.  You have opened yourself up like a book.  To let me see all of you. The good, the weird, all of it.  I have not.  I have a little secret.  And I have to tell you about it.  To be honest to you.  And to myself.

Baby, fitting your appliance and facemask today made me feel things I have never felt.  No, my interest in orthodontics is different than yours.  Mine is completely clinical.  No, what made me feel that is that you were giving me a part of yourself.  You gave me your mouth today.  To do what needed to be done.  I knew you didn’t want to.  But you did.  You gave it to me, to do as Dr. Sanders and I saw fit.  You trusted us with it.  You gave me the keys to it.  And I have never felt the things I have felt since then.  I am rambling.  I have another present for you.”  She handed me the box:  it was heavier than the previous one.  Again I removed the bow and wrapping paper.  I found a generic brown cardboard box taped shut.  I had my knife and carefully cut it open.  There was tissue paper on top.  I removed it.  And my eyes grew huge.

I knew they existed, I had seen pictures of them, of people wearing them.  And I knew what they represented.  But I had never seen one in person.  And certainly never handled one.  I picked it up out of the box.  The stainless steel collar was heavier than it looked. Haley began talking and I shifted my attention back to her.  She was kneeling on the floor in front of me, her hands laying palm up on her quads while her head was bowed down to the floor.  She said “you gave me the keys to your mouth today.  This gift symbolizes the keys to my heart, my body, my soul.  All of me.  I hope you will accept them.  I know you will take the greatest of care with them.”

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #106 on: 15. May 2023, 01:02:57 AM »
I gave the end of the chapter a quick read. I didn't see anything that violated any of the rules. You should be fine.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #107 on: 15. May 2023, 17:03:58 PM »
I am not typing either Haley's or my lisp out in this, but they are still there.

Part 40.

As I looked down at Haley, who remained kneeling and unmoving, thoughts raced in my head.  I thought of our time together over the past months, replaying moments in my head.  Some of the things that both Haley and Britt had said during that time made more sense to me now.  And like Britt had said earlier, this had been in front of me to see the entire time, I had just been too dense to see it.  As I looked at Haley, I realized how much courage it must have taken for her to tell me about her secret.  For her to do what she was doing now.  And to ask me to be a part of it.  I also couldn't ignore how vulnerable she was making herself.  She had completely laid herself bare to me.  But, underlying this vulnerability was strength and confidence.  And to think I had always considered myself the complicated one in our relationship.

Haley continued to bow in front of me.  I knew it couldn't be comfortable, yet here she was continuing to do it.  I told her "stand up baby."  She stood in place, head still bowed, responding "yes, sir". I said "of course I accept your gift.  I have never received a gift that means so much.  Not this actual piece of metal.  But what it represents.  You, your heart, your love.  I promise you I WILL take the greatest of care with them.  Please, look at me."  She obeyed, raising her head and answering "yes, sir." 

I continued "Haley, I love you.  I love you more than I thought it was possible to love anything or anyone.  So of course I accept this gift.  But, under a few conditions.  Please, come and sit beside me."  Haley said again only "yes, sir" and came and sat beside me.  I reached my arm around her and pulled her in close.

I reached my other hand up under her chin and turned her head towards me so that we were looking into each other's eyes.  I told her "baby, I will gladly put this beautiful new 'necklace' on you, but only under some conditions."  I could sense the nervousness in Haley radiating out of her.  I said "first, I want you to understand that I too am giving you my heart.  As you wear this, let it be a reminder of how much I care for you.  My feelings for you go even beyond love.  Two, I love your spontaneity, your humor, your wit. When you reach down and grab my hand, or lean in and give me a kiss, or reach over and straighten my collar. The little jokes you make, sometimes at my expense.  I love all of those things about you.  And I can't live without them.  So you have to promise me that you will not lose that.  You are still your own person.  Do you promise?"  She responded "yes, sir."  I continued "third, I realize what an enormous responsibility this entails for me.  I promise every morning to wake up with the goal of being the man you deserve.  I am not sure I, or anyone, could ever really be all you deserve.  But I promise to try.  But, I want you to promise that you will help me.  If I am not living up to this, goad me to improve.  If I am doing something you just can't stand, tell me to change.  If I fall short, implore me to do better.  This cannot disrupt our communication.  I think that is what makes us work out so beautifully.  So, promise me you will still be honest with me; about me and about us."  She said "yes, sir."  I continued "and finally, number four, at least for now, please do not call me 'sir' in front of others. Maybe someday, or maybe just in front of some people, but not now.  I love that you trust me enough to do it here, between just the two of us.  But I don't want to ever have you put in a situation that could be awkward or demeaning for you.  Some people may be judgmental; no, some people will be judgmental.  So, do you agree not to call me sir in front of others?  At least for now."  She looked back at me and said simply "yes."  She had left the 'sir' off at the end this time.  That is the one thing I loved about her the most.  She had a gorgeous body no doubt.  But I loved her nimble mind; her quick wit, her personality, her charm; even more.  I leaned over and hugged her.  I whispered "I love you so much.  Thank you for your gift.  I promise to protect and cherish it always." 

Releasing her from my grasp, I turned her so that her back was to me.  I took the key in the box and fit it in the screw that held the collar together.  It was a unique screw head that could only be turned by the key.  It wasn't some hex or philips head design one could find in my garage; or at a hardware store for that matter.  It could only be removed with the key, or with some power tools. 

I backed the screw out until the collar opened.  I held up Haley's hair and gently fit the collar around her neck.  Once it was closed, there would be no simple way that she could remove it herself without the key.  As I closed it around her neck I couldn't help but notice the fine hairs on her neck were standing up.  I told her before I locked it shut "Haley, my love, this collar does not just represent you giving yourself to me.  It also represents me giving myself to you.  Wholey and completely."  As I screwed it close, locking it onto her, I thought to myself 'I am going to marry this woman.  Not right this second, but when the time is right.  And we will exchange similar vows to what we just did.  Only it will be in a church, in front of all of our friends and family and before the Lord.'  Once I had the collar secured I turned her around.  I told her "I have never seen anything look so beautiful as that looks on you.  Please come with me."  She smiled and said "yes, sir."

The next morning I awoke.  Before I even opened my eyes my brain asked 'what is on my face, and what the heck is in my mouth?  There is something huge there; holding my lower jaw forward and holding my tongue against the roof of my mouth against some uncomfortable foreign invaders that are on my palate'.  I involuntarily put my hand up to my forehead to wipe my face and felt the Petit facemask resting on my forehead.  I then remembered this was my new normal.  I had gotten an orthodontic appliance and facemask the day before.  As I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was the metal bar running down the center of my face, just clearing my nose.  Oh, yeah, I have to wear this now.  Then I thought of Haley and turned my head in her direction.  She was curled up beside me on her side.  When I turned to see her, I saw her eyes open staring back at me.  Oh crap, was I snoring?  I asked her the best I could "wah ey norin?" She replied "no, you weren't.  I haven't heard you snore since you got your splint.  I was just watching you sleep peacefully.  It makes me happy."  I let out an "awww..." I then told her "shtay."

I got up and went into the bathroom.  I removed my facemask, setting it aside.  Then I removed the giant splint from my mouth.  I rinsed it off and snapped it shut in the case.  I then brushed my teeth, being extra diligent to clean around the hooks that extended from my molars to my canines, to get the gross film that accumulated in my mouth every night wearing my appliance.  Once I was done rinsing, I popped my day splint in.  I then looked over at the facemask. I picked it back up and put it back on, for Haley.  Plus, I needed to catch up some.  Neither Haley nor I had gotten in our prescribed time the night before.

As I reentered the bedroom I again, probably for the ten thousandth time, thought how beautiful Haley was and how lucky I was.  She was laying there in bed with her cheetah print mask on watching me.  I had told her to put the cheetah on versus her other ones the night before because she was SO sexy in it.  I got back in bed and curled up beside her.  As we cuddled we talked about the night before.  After about twenty minutes, it was time to get up and get ready for the day.  My final statement to her was "last night was so special baby.  I will never forget it."  She hugged me and said "I won't either."

I was dressed, sitting on a stool drinking coffee in the kitchen.  I was going to venture out and see a customer today.  I knew I had to eventually face the world with my new appliance; and it's too visible hooks and accompanying lisp.  I figured I would just bite the bullet and start today.  Haley entered the kitchen dressed in her customary scrubs, but this morning she had a lightweight sweater covering her top.  The last few mornings had been unseasonably cool.  And Haley was one of those people that was always cold.  It also covered up her collar.  I wondered if she was a little nervous about showing up to work with it on.  I thought she probably was; but I also knew she loved it.  I did not mention anything about it as I didn't want her to dwell on it.  Plus, I was not taking it off of her.  I also couldn't help but notice she was wearing her purple floral facemask.  She walked over and rubbed up against me.  She said "well, I better hit the road.  I have a bunch of patients to go torture today" and giggled.  I said "baby, patients should consider themselves lucky to be tortured by you.  I know I do."  I looked up at her and smiled. 

I then asked "are you going to wear your facemask to work?"  She said "yes, it isn't anymore uncomfortable than the tandem bow. Actually it is more comfortable.  The elastics don't chap my lips as bad as the metal bars.  It is just more visible.  But I realized yesterday it isn't too big a deal, at least when driving.  And plus, Britt has been giving me a hard time about having to wear her headgear at work, while I get away without having to wear my facemask.  So yes, I am."  I looked at her with love in my eyes and told her "you are so incredible.  I love you so much.  Let me escort you to your car."  Once at her car I stopped her.  I hugged her and told her "have a great day at work.  And know I will be thinking of you."  I leaned in, maneuvered around her facemask, and kissed her on the cheek.  As she got in the car I told her "I love you.  Be safe."  She looked back up at me from the driver's seat and replied "yes, sir", a smile on her face.

As I walked back to the house I realized that Britt was right.  Last night was a memory that I would never forget.

Back inside, I grabbed a few documents I would need, and unhooked my laptop and stuck it in my shoulder bag.  I took one last look at myself in the mirror.  I smiled and thought the hooks in my mouth might be visible from space.  But, I knew I couldn't hide inside for the next 6 months.  I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and headed to the truck.  I stowed my bag in the passenger seat.  I then got into the driver's seat and I hooked my phone up to the charger.  As I did I noticed I had missed a text from Haley.  I opened it up and read:

"Sir, I am thinking of you!  And here is a little something so you can think of me!"

I was blown away.  By her beauty.  By the way the morning sun glowed on her skin.  And by the facemask she was so bravely and boldly wearing on her face in public.  I didn't think it was possible, but I fell even more deeply in love with her at that moment.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #108 on: 15. May 2023, 23:14:05 PM »
Part 41.

Once I regained my breath, I sent the beating heart emoji to her in reply.  I then added:  ‘AND DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE!’

It was thirty minutes later before I got a reply.  It said: ‘Yes, sir.  I am at the office now.  I love you.’

It was now I who was driving.  And I broke the admonishment I had given Haley.  I replied back: ‘I love you too!’

As I drove I realized what a tough day today was going to be.  I already knew my mind would be distracted with the new orthodontics in my mouth.  I now knew that I would also be distracted thinking about Haley.  But then I had an epiphany.  Haley was all that mattered to me.  I knew I shouldn’t be worried about what others thought about what was going on in my mouth.

But knowing something and feeling something are often two different animals.  I realized this as I readied myself to walk into my customer’s office.  What were they going to think about the hardware in my mouth?  And my newly discovered speech impediment?  I tried to push worry away as I walked across the parking lot.  I was unsuccessful.

Inside at the front desk I checked in with their receptionist Carol, giving her my name and who my appointment was with.  As I was signing the guest log, she said “I don’t mean to pry.  But do you by chance go to City Orthodontics?”  I blushed a little and said “um, yesh, why do you ashk?”  She responded “actually three reasons.  My oldest daughter is a patient there, and she had hooks like you do prior to getting her braces.  They were for her facemask.  She is an adult patient too.  They seem to have a lot of them.  Second, I thought I recognized you.  I was looking on their Facebook page first thing this morning.  And I swore it was you in the pictures they posted yesterday.  You and your girlfriend are adorable by the way.  And third, and the whole reason I was on their page to begin with, is that Dr. Sanders has strongly encouraged me to start treatment.  But I feel a lot of uncertainty.  I am 54 years old, and I question if it is worth it at my age.  And I am worried about the pain and discomfort of treatment.  And I worry…”

We were interrupted by my buyer; he stuck his head out and called my name and told me to come on back to his office.  Before I did I grabbed one of my cards and handed it to Carol.  I told her “I will stop back by on the way out.  But here is my card with my cell and email.”  With that I followed my buyer back.  The meeting was completely normal. He didn’t even seem to notice there was anything different about me; about my smile or about my speech.  And I managed to write a couple of orders.  So it was a successful day.  Once done, I stopped on my way out to talk with Carol again.

I waited patiently at the front desk until she hung up the phone.  I then said “I am far, far from an expert on thish.  I literally jusht shtarted.  And I am super self conschious of it all.  But I would be glad to try to anshwer any questions.  And I know Haley would ash well.  Give me a call this evening if you would like.”  She said “no; really, I don’t want to impose.  And I am sorry if my questions earlier made you feel self conscious.  I just wanted an unbiased third party opinion.  I have spoken with Lori at length about it.  And she said to do it.  But I wonder if she just wants to see her mom suffer alongside her.  And Dr. Sanders says to do it.  But I wonder if she just wants another patient.  If it really isn’t an imposition, I would take you up on your offer.”  I responded “no, it isn’t an imposition.  And your apology is accepted.  Your questions did make me feel self conscious.  But that is on me, nothing you did.  It is just something I have to come to terms with.  You won’t be the first one to notice and have questions.  And by the way, you mentioned your daughter’s name is Lori.  She isn’t by chance a realtor or broker is she?”  With a surprised look on her face Carol answered “yes, she is.  Both a licensed real estate agent and broker.  Her and her husband Paul own their own real estate firm.  How did you know?”  I said “I guess it is a small world, she had her appointment yesterday directly proceeding mine.  She was in the chair beside me and I couldn’t help but hear her mentioning some things related to real estate.”  I didn’t mention that she had been on the edge of a full blown melt down.  Carol responded “well that sounds like my Lori, she is the talker.  Maybe this is an omen.  Maybe I should start treatment.”  I replied “I am not going to try to sway you either way.  But call this evening and I will tell you about my limited experience so far.”  She said “thank you SO much. I will take you up on your offer.  I know you are busy and need to go.  But thank you for your time and openness.  And again I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable.  Now get going young man!” and laughed.  As I walked away she half shouted “and for the record, your facemask IS hot!”  I turned around horrified and said “um, let’s keep that to ourselves.”  She laughed and said “I promise, but it is true.”  As I walked out I asked myself what in the world that last comment was all about.

Back in my truck I pulled my phone out.  With everything that had happened in the past 24 hours, I had forgotten all about the pictures that Dr. Sanders took.  And obviously posted online.  I now had to see how bad it was.  But before I could investigate that, I saw I had a text from Britt.  I opened it up and read: ‘Congratulations!  Haley is so proud.  And she is floating around the office today, not walking.  I don’t know exactly what happened last night, she is being coy.  But whatever you did you did well.  Again; congratulations; to the both of you.’  I decided not to respond immediately.  I wanted to think about my response first.  So instead I opened up the Facebook app.  I went to the City Orthodontics page.  The first thing I did was click on “Like”. I may have not liked my treatment.  But I did like the office.  In fact I loved the office.  At least one of them.  I then scrolled down past a post from this morning that said something about a contest to yesterday afternoon’s post.

And there I was.  Awkwardly smiling beside Haley, both of us wearing Petit facemasks.  I had planned to never, ever let anyone know about my protraction mask of shame.  But I hadn’t made it one hour before it was plastered on the internet.  I read the caption: “Here at City Orthodontics we are one big family!  And we make treatment a family affair.  In the first pic is our assistant hygienist Haley and her beau with his new appliance and facemask.  They are going through the process together!  Aren’t they so adorable!  In the second pic is the rest of the City Orthodontics office fam that are currently in treatment using extraoral appliances.  We are all so excited to be on the road to improved health and stunning smiles.  In honor of all the families in treatment together we will be kicking off a contest in the morning.  Be sure to check back for details and to participate!”

I was so embarrassed.  But I also did recognize how sweet the post was.  I just couldn’t believe my shameful secret was on display for the world to see.  I had to check out the comments.  I was certain that everyone had taken out their knives and cut me to shreds.  But that wasn’t the case.  It was nothing but positive comments.  “OH MY GOSH!  How sweet”.  “They are adorable together.”  “That is one good looking bunch!”  “I love it!  You don’t just talk the talk, you walk the walk.”  One comment was just a long string of hearts.  And finally the last comment was from Carol Sullivan, the receptionist inside, posted a few hours earlier.   It said “He looks hot in his facemask; and Haley looks gorgeous in hers.  This is what true love looks like”.  Now the comment she made as I departed made sense.

I didn’t know what to make of all of this.  Why was nobody being mean, making fun of me?  I scrolled back up to the new post that I had skipped over.  It had been posted at 7:48 this morning.  There was a picture of Dr. Sanders and her husband Pete, both wearing matching blue Petit facemasks.  Dr. Sanders was holding a gift bag up, and her husband was holding up two Visa gift cards.  The caption read: “In honor of all the families in treatment together we are holding a contest!  Post up a picture of your family proudly showing off all their City Orthodontic appliances and win a gift bag!  And whoever receives the most likes will also receive a $100 Visa gift card!  And second place will receive a $50 gift card!  And remember, there are NO losers.  Everyone that posts a pic will receive a gift bag for every member of the family included in the picture!  This contest will run for one week. And if you aren’t in treatment with a family member, we aren’t forgetting about you.  We will be announcing another new contest soon for you!  NOW POST AWAY!  And get those votes coming!”  I did a double take back at the picture of Dr. Sanders and her husband Pete.  As I looked at it I realized I recognized him.  I had gone to high school with him.  Pete Sanders had been an incredible athlete back in the day.  He had gotten drafted by the Cardinals in high school and gone to the minors straight out of high school.  I hadn’t seen or heard from him since then.  But I couldn’t help but wonder about the route he took to get back to his hometown, now married to an orthodontist that seemed to be as strict with his treatment as she was with all her other patients. But as I looked at the picture, I realized how relaxed and happy he looked; smiling broadly for the camera showing off his metal braces and blue facemask.  I noticed that Dr. Sanders had this same look of confident and contented happiness on her face.  And I thought of Haley.  And the journey we were on together.  Maybe these awful, horrible appliances we had to wear weren’t really that horrible.  After all, they had drawn Haley and I much closer together.  Maybe, just maybe, this all was just part of some plan I didn’t yet understand.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #109 on: 16. May 2023, 05:53:00 AM »
Part 42.

I arrived at Haley's apartment at 6:45 that evening.  I had texted her earlier in the afternoon that I was taking her out to celebrate us.  When she opened the door she was stunning; dressed in a pink dress and matching heels.  She had lightly curled her hair and had on silver jewelry that accentuated the beautiful stainless collar around her neck.  And she was wearing her pink facemask.  I hugged her and told her "you look ravishing, good enough to eat, maybe we should just stay in" and smiled.  She said "there will be time for that later.  You still owe me from last night.  We didn't eat a thing."  I pulled back with a smile and said "THAT was not my fault.  I did make dinner.  We just got sidetracked and didn't eat it. Just the same, let me make it up to you."  I expected her to remove her facemask before we made the walk to my truck.  She surprised me when she didn't.  Instead she locked her door, took my hand, and began walking.

I opened the door for her and told her "your chariot awaits mi' lady."  Once we were both in the vehicle, I turned to her.  I lifted my hand and with my index finger traced along the curve of her collar.  I said "it looks so beautiful on you.  And what it represents is even more beautiful.  And you even color coordinated your facemask with your dress.  You look so beautiful."  She replied "thank you sir, I hoped you would like it."

Once we were parked at the restaurant I looked over at her.  It appeared she was planning to wear her facemask into the restaurant.  I told her "kitten, take your facemask off before we go inside."  She looked at me with a hurt look on her face and asked "are you embarrassed to be seen with me in it?"  This caught me off guard, that had not been my intention at all.  I looked over at her as she reached up to remove an elastic.  I took her hand and stopped her.  I looked her in the eyes and told her "absolutely not.  You are breathtaking in it. The most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.  Seeing you wearing it does things to me, that, well you know what it does to me.  I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable."  She said "I know it makes you happy.  And I want to make you happy.  I am scared of wearing it in there.  But I know you will protect me.  May I wear it for you sir?"  I looked at her and said "of course, it would mean so much to me."  I also thought that this new dynamic was going to take some getting used to.

As we walked towards the restaurant Haley snuggled up against me.  I knew she was nervous, she had told me as much.  But her body language told the story as well.  I put my arm around her and said "I've got you baby."

As we entered the restaurant and walked to the hostess to check in for our reservation I noticed a man blatantly staring at Haley.  She pretended not to notice, but it was obvious.  I turned my head and locked eyes with him.  As Britt has admonished me repeatedly I have a horrible poker face.  Seeing the look on my face, and the simmering rage that lay underneath it for staring at my girl and making her feel uncomfortable, he quickly averted his eyes.  The hostess did a double take at seeing such a beautiful woman wearing such an obtrusive orthodontic appliance on her face.  But she quickly and politely recovered and asked if we had a reservation.  After telling her my name and the time of the reservation, she looked down at her podium and said "please, follow me, your table is ready."

As we followed the hostess I held Haley's hand.  We had to walk by quite a few occupied tables to get to our table, which seemed to be located in the back corner of the restaurant.  As we walked several people stopped their conversations mid-sentence to stare at Haley.  I knew she could see it and feel it.  I felt a slight tremble in her; I squeezed her hand tightly and softly said "they are only looking at you because you are so beautiful."

Once we arrived at our table I pulled out a chair for Haley.  I pulled the one out that would position her so that her back was to the restaurant floor, away from the prying, rude eyes of other diners.  As I took my seat I noticed several people were still staring in our direction.  Again, I made eye contact with them.  The look on my face was not a friendly one.  They all quickly averted their gaze.  I wondered what I would do if someone ever did not do so.  I didn't want to find out.

I reached over and took Haley's hand, changing the look on my face quickly to a welcoming, loving smile.  She looked at me and said "that was so scary.  So, so scary.  Everyone was staring."  I told her "you did great baby.  And guess what, they would have been staring at you whether you were wearing that facemask or not.  The men because they want you, the women because they are jealous of you."  She said "thank you sir."  I nodded my head and said "remember baby, don't call me sir."  She said "sorry, sir" and laughed.  She then said "I will do better, I promise."

We made small talk for a few minutes before our server arrived and introduced herself.  Emily said she was delighted to be serving us tonight.  She appeared to be in her early 20s. As we would find out during the night, she was very attentive and good at her job.  But as she introduced herself the thing that jumped out were her teeth. Literally. They were a mess.  She had a very severe overbite and her smile was very narrow.  Her canines on top protruded out awkwardly; and her bottom teeth were a crowded mess.  She was a very pretty girl, but she would have been even prettier if she fixed her smile.  And I could tell she was self-conscious of it by the way she seemed to try to hide it with her lips. 

After she had taken our drink orders, I continued to chat with Haley.  I asked her what looked good.  She told me it all did.  She then told me "but I want you to order for me.  I trust you."  Again I realized our new relationship was going to put a lot of responsibility on my shoulders.  And while I was nervous if I was up to the task; I certainly did not want to screw it up; I also welcomed it.

When the server came back to the table with our drinks, she asked if we were ready to order.  I told her we were and ordered for the both of us.  Service was quick and our food arrived soon.  It looked delicious.   Haley removed her facemask and elastics and placed them in her purse.  Emily watched Haley intently as she did this.  But I sensed in Emily's look it was a genuine interest in her treatment, and not a leering, hurtful look like some we had encountered entering the restaurant.  Once Haley had put away her facemask Emily looked at the both of us and asked if there was anything else we needed.  I told her no, that everything looked delicious.  She lingered by the table, it looked to me that she wanted to say something more, but after a few seconds said only "enjoy your meal, I will be back to check on you regularly" and departed.

The food was as good as it looked.  But after all Cozy's always was incredible.  As we ate I said "I think our server wants to ask you about your orthodontics.  And I don't think it is in a hurtful or shameful way.  I have seen the way she tries to cover her mouth, and the way she looks at yours."  Haley cocked her head and asked "really, why do you think that."  I told her "I don't really know, I just do."  I then took the conversation in a different direction and asked "so, how did the girls at the office respond to your new necklace?"  Haley's eyes lit up.  She said "Britt was so excited.  So, so excited.  Some of the other girls don't realize what it represents I don't think, but several of them did comment on how pretty it was.  I told them it was a gift from my amazing boyfriend.   Lauren was jealous, and she started googling to see about getting one herself.  And then she realized what this is."  Haley reached up and placed her hand on her collar and continued "and when she realized what it was, and what it symbolizes, she was even more jealous.  I am sure at some time in the future someone will be weird about it.  But I don't care.  I love it!  And I love you!"  I looked back at her and said seriously "but not as much as I love you, because such a thing is just not possible."  My phone then rang.

As I silenced the ringer I looked down and saw a local number I did not recognize.  I was about to just let it go, but then I remembered my conversation with Carol earlier in the day.  I bet this was her.  I was not going to take the call in the restaurant.  But I did text back a response on the assumption it was: 'Carol, Haley and I are at dinner.  Thank you for calling.  But can I call you back at this number when we are done."  I quickly got a response stating "I am so sorry for interrupting your dinner.  Yes, of course, please call when it is convenient.  Just remember I am an old lady and always go to bed before 10."  I shot her back "first of all, you are NOT an old lady.  And second, we will call you back as soon as we leave here."

I looked over at Haley and asked "so, do you mind talking about City Orthodontics with a prospective patient after dinner?"  I then explained my day.  Once I was done Haley said "of course not, I would be happy to.  And I am so glad your first day with your appliance went so well.  I knew it would."  At this time Emily our server arrived back at the table.  Haley and I had each finished our meal.  Emily asked how it was, and if she could tempt us with desert.  I answered that it was delicious, and I told her I wanted to order a piece of the strawberry cheesecake for the beautiful woman sitting across from me.  Emily said she would get that right out.  As she turned to leave I said "there is one more thing."  Emily turned her attention back to me and asked "yes, sir?"  I said "earlier when Haley was removing her facemask it looked like you wanted to ask about it.  I sensed you were interested in her treatment.  Haley would be glad to answer any questions you have, isn't that right baby."  Haley answered "of course."  Emily stammered a bit as she said "well... actually I do.  I have always wanted to fix my smile.  It is a wreck.  But my parents could never afford braces for me.  I can now.  But I don't really know anything about them, or even where to start."  I couldn't believe I was about to do this to myself but I jumped in first.

I said "well, a good place to start would be City Orthodontics.  My lovely Haley here works there and is in treatment there.  As am I."  I smiled widely, showing her the hooks along my upper arch.  I then tilted my head down and opened my mouth so that my day splint was visible.  I just started a week ago, and got this bad boy yesterday."  I leaned my head back and opened my mouth wide, showing the steel and acrylic that covered much of my palate.  I continued "Haley has several months on me.  But I am trying to catch up.  A good place to start would be to go to City Orthodontics' Facebook page.  All their contact info is there.  And then call them and schedule a consultation.  Just don't let any of the pictures on their page scare you.  Especially the one with the dorky guy wearing a facemask."  I winked at Haley. She turned her attention from Emily to me and said "again, you are the furthest thing from dorky.  You are sexy in it.  Look what it has done to me."  Emily had a confused look on her face from this last statement but still said "so you two are going through this together?  That is so cool."

Haley turned back to Emily and said "we are going through this together.  And it is so cool.  So cool" as she looked over at me and gave me the most seductive, sultry look I have ever seen.  Haley then turned back to Emily and said "we do offer free consultations.  At the very least, you should schedule an appointment and come see us."  Emily asked "really?   I just don't know."  Haley asked "so, what don't you know?"  Emily said "well, what's it like having braces as an adult?  And does everyone have to wear a facemask like that?  You are the second person in as many days that has worn one of those in here." 

This made me think back to my appointment the day before, and Lori's husband telling her he was taking her to lunch.  I hadn't even thought about that when I had made the reservation here.  But maybe my subconscious did.  Or maybe it was just because I knew this was an incredible and romantic restaurant.  Either way, it did answer a question I had bouncing around in my brain the day before.  Lori HAD worn her mask out in public.  She was trying to do her best.  Haley interrupted my thoughts when she replied "well, I don't have my braces yet, just expanders and a tongue crib.  And the facemask."  She opened her mouth up and showed Emily the appliances in her mouth.  She continued "braces will be a piece of cake compared to this.  And as for the facemask, a lot of patients do require it during treatment.  But, typically only in the privacy of their home. But there are exceptions of course.  And it isn't actually as bad as it looks."  Looking at me she said "isn't that right babe?"

I sheepishly answered "I think the jury is still out on that."  Looking into Haley's eyes I told her "but as long as it makes you happy I will do it.  I will do whatever it takes to make you happy."  Haley let out a soft "awww.." 

Emily was perceptive and realized this was her time to exit stage right.  She said "thank you so, so much.  I have taken way too much of your time.  I will get that piece of cheesecake for you.  It is to die for."

And she was right, Haley had fed me several bites of it with her fork and it was incredible.  After we finished, Emily arrived back with the check and placed it on the table.  I picked it up to see what the damage was.  But it didn't really matter how much it was, it was worth every penny.  I placed my card in the restaurant bill folder and handed it back to Emily.  She attempted to take it from me and I held on firmly.  I said "I will give you this under one condition. Please call and book a consultation.  My girls will take the best care of you.  I promise you will be happy you did."  I then released my hold on it. 

Emily quickly returned with the folder and handed it to me.  She was about to walk away but I told her "hold on, I will give this right back to you."  I quickly filled in the tip portion.  I wrote down $200.  It was almost double what the meal had been.  Then under it wrote a little note "Make the call!  You will be so glad you did!  And I hope you will put this towards your treatment!"  Emily took the folder back and discreetly looked at the check.  When she saw the tip her eyes got a little big.  For a party of two it was a lot.  She looked at me and said "THANK YOU!  I promise I will make the call."  She smiled broadly, then quickly covered her mouth.  I could tell her smile really did bother her.  I hoped she would get it straightened out.  I looked over at Haley.  She asked "what was that about?"  I told her "I think I just recruited City Orthodontics a new patient.  Let's go out to the truck and call Carol back and I will get you number two.  Maybe Dr. Sanders will let us visit the beach condo I am financing for her."

Haley said "aren't you forgetting something?"  I cocked my head at her.  She said "we need to go brush.  The joys of orthodontics.  I bet you didn't even bring a brush.  But I've got you covered."

Standing in the hallway where the bathrooms were located, Haley pulled a proxy brush out and handed it to me.  She said "just hit the high spots for now; be sure to check your TPA for anything caught there, and of course the hooks.  You have a piece of spinach stuck there."  I said "wait, I had a piece of spinach stuck in my teeth the whole time I was talking?  And you didn't stop me?"  She said "yes, you did.  Still do. But it was so cute, you were so cute, I couldn't bring myself to say anything."  Before I could respond she disappeared into the ladies room.  As I went into the mens room I thought "these ortho girls may be weirder about braces than I am" and smiled.  I walked up in front of the mirror and pursed my lips.  And I saw I did in fact have a huge piece of spinach stuck in one of my hooks.  I thought to myself "this is going to take some getting used to".  I gave my appliance a once over and got all that I could see dislodged.  I was thinking about what a pain in the ass eating out was going to be from now on as I exited the restroom.  But that thought was quickly pushed from my mind when I saw Haley.  She was again wearing her pink facemask.  She walked up and put her arm in mine.  She seductively asked "would you care to escort a lady to her vehicle?"  I said "not at all, but if you aren't careful with that thing I may escort you somewhere else."  She nuzzled her facemask against my neck and said "I hope you do.  And I hope you take your time doing it."

Offline anton08

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #110 on: 16. May 2023, 12:29:17 PM »
Part 42 in mho is a tiny bit too small... ;D

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #111 on: 16. May 2023, 22:24:32 PM »
When I wrote my comment, there was no text at all. Sorry.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #112 on: 16. May 2023, 23:02:38 PM »
No problem, I picked up you were joking.  And it WAS very short previously.  But I fixed it.  Hopefully everyone is still enjoying things and I haven’t gotten too far over into the weeds.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #113 on: 17. May 2023, 02:59:45 AM »
Part 43.

Upon Haley and I getting back in my truck and pulling out of the parking lot I dialed Carol Sullivan.  She answered on the third ring.  I said “Mrs. Sullivan, Hi!  This is Rob calling you back.  I apologize for not being able to talk earlier.  I have you on speaker with Haley.  We’d love to answer any questions you have.  I am driving in case I seem distracted at times.  But Haley is the one you need to talk to anyway.”  She replied “first things first, call me Carol.  And if you need to call me back you can.”  I said “no, this is perfect. This way you have both of us.”  She said “ok, but if you need to let me go then go.  And I apologize for interrupting your dinner.  I hope it was nice.”  Haley responded “It was incredible.  Great food, great company, just perfect!  So Rob told me you were thinking about seeing us but had some reservations.  Please tell me what those are and I will try to address them.”

I spoke very little on the drive home, this was definitely the Haley show.  They were still talking when I pulled into Haley’s complex.  I parked and whispered to Haley “you two keep going, I will keep the truck running.”  I thought I had said it quietly enough, but Carol had obviously heard me.  She asked “are you home?  I won’t keep you any longer.  Haley thank you SO much for your time.  I won’t make any commitments to treatment.  But I will schedule a consultation with you.  Again, thank you both.  And for the record, you two seem perfect for each other.  And it is so incredible you are doing this together.  Maybe I will try to talk my husband John into joining me.”  She laughed and finished the call by saying “again, thank you.  And you have a wonderful rest of your evening.”  Haley and I both said goodbye and I hung up.  I looked over at Haley and told her “and there is new patient number two.  Dr. Sanders is going to have to put me on commission.”  Haley arched her eyebrows at me and said “if I can talk you into coming inside I will make the first payment tonight.”  I thought that sounded like a fine idea.

I held her hand as we walked to the door.  As she unlocked the door I realized something.  I exclaimed “Shit!”  Haley spun around startled and asked “What?  What is it?”  I looked at her and said “I left my facemask at home.  I am a bad patient.  My hygienist is going to be so mad at me.”  Haley wrapped her arms around me and said “no, she isn’t.  Because she is thoughtful.  And she knows this is all new to her favorite patient.  So she brought an extra one home with her yesterday, just for him, in case the need ever arose.  She didn’t want to give him an excuse to leave.  So no, she isn’t mad at all.  She may even be looking forward to fitting it on him.  And unlike yesterday, he doesn’t have to keep his clothes on while she does it.  And neither does she.  Come inside and I will demonstrate.”  As I followed her in I realized again that me being in treatment definitely did something for Haley; and it wasn’t purely clinical.  Unless her idea of clinical was playing doctor/patient in bed.

Over the next week my appliance became easier for me.  My speech improved significantly.  All the additional hygiene and brushing that accompanied it became more of a habit than a burden.  I still was less than enthused about wearing the facemask 12 hours a day.  But I did it.  Haley made it a lot easier.  I still didn’t understand why seeing me in it excited her the way it did.  But I realized she probably felt the same thing with me initially.  But whatever the psychology was behind it, this weird thing we had was working out perfectly.

As I pulled into the parking lot of City Orthodontics at 2:30 pm the following Friday I realized I was actually excited to go in.  How bizarre I thought.  I used to have to be dragged to the dentist.  And now here I was showing up early and eager.  Now, part of that, no I told myself most of that, was because I wanted to watch Britt’s and Haley’s appointments.  But I realized I wasn’t dreading mine.  Even though I knew I would be getting a medieval looking neckbrace and headcap strapped on today. 

As they were done seeing patients for the week, the parking lot was empty.  I picked up my phone and called Haley and told her I was here.  They locked the front door at 2, so she would have to let me in.  As I grabbed my backpack I decided to do something that blew my own mind.  I took my facemask and two elastics out of the bag and put my facemask on.  I stepped out of my truck with my bag.  I realized I didn’t need it to hide my facemask, it was already on my face.  So, I grabbed the case with my night splint and tossed the bag back in the truck.  I then made the walk across the parking lot head up, my first venture into public wearing my mask.  Screw what any passerby might think.  I thought whatever embarrassment I might feel would be more than made up for by Haley’s reaction.

That would turn out to be true.  As soon as Haley saw me through the glass she slung the door open wildly.  She ran into my arms, knocking her own facemask askew, and exclaimed “I am so proud of you! And so happy! Dr. Sanders will be too!  Come on, I have to show her what an incredible patient you are.”  She drug me inside.  I asked “aren’t you forgetting something.”  She looked at me blankly.  I continued “the door.  Don’t you need to lock it back?”  She said embarrassedly “oh, yes.  You have me a little flustered.”  After locking the door she turned back towards me.  I reached over and straightened the facemask on her face.  I said “I understand.  You still take my breath away every time I see you.”  Haley blushed and said “thank you… sir” and smiled back at me.  I knew she had said that last bit just to bait me into chastising her for it.  I knew that is what she wanted.  And I knew that I shouldn’t. But I couldn’t help myself.  I slid in beside her and softly said “if you don’t do better about that, I will have to spank you when we get home.”  With a gleam in her eye she replied “do you promise?”

I chuckled, shaking my head, and said “what am I going to do with you woman?”  She was quick to respond “anything you want…”. Well this was certainly becoming too heated for the lobby of her employer.  I tried to dial it back a notch.  I looked at her and said “seriously, don’t make me pick you up and carry you home right now.  That would make me miss my appointment.  And I have been looking forward to it all week.  Take me back there and show off your science experiment.”  This relieved the tension some.  Haley took my hand.  She said “ok then, come on.  And you aren’t a science experiment.  But if you were you would be my favorite.”  With that she led me back towards the treatment area.

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #114 on: 17. May 2023, 08:22:25 AM »
LOVING this story! A lot of us know first hand how difficult it can be keeping up with writing and continuing stories, even the really good ones we feel the most pride in. Props for trucking along and keeping up the great work!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #115 on: 17. May 2023, 16:14:03 PM »
Part 44.

Haley was beaming as she led me into the treatment room.  Despite the fact that Dr. Sanders was leaned over intently working on Emily who was reclined in the chair, Haley shouted out excitedly "Dr. Sanders!  Look who I found outside!  And look what he was wearing when he came to the door!"  Dr. Sanders looked up and said "Yay!  Rob, Haley has told me how compliant you have been.  What a good patient you have been.  And it looks like she was telling the truth.  Congratulations.  And thank you for making my job easier.  And thank you for coming in on a Friday."  Looking over at Haley; I thought Drs. Sanders was looking at the 'necklace' around her neck; she turned to me and asked "are Friday appointments good for you from now on?  It looks like you are pretty much family now."  I answered "yes, Fridays are great as long as I am not out of town for work.  I do have to work too many weekends out of town."  Dr. Sanders "I completely understand, life waits for no one.  We will work with you to accommodate your schedule.   Now, please, take a seat.  I am just finishing up with Em here.  Then it is Britt's turn."

I obediently took a seat, one where I had a clear view of everything that was going on.  It was a few more minutes before Dr. Sander's leaned the chair back up.  She told Emily there were no changes for now, but she did have new teal ligatures.  She said wear time was still the same, and that things looked like they were right on track.  She ended by saying she might get her in powerchains at her next appointment, they would see what things looked like then.  Emily stood from the chair and picked up her headgear.  She was inserting the facebow in her mouth as Britt took her place in the chair.  Dr. Sanders reclined Britt back, and Haley went and had a seat on the stool beside her. 

Dr. Sander's deftly removed Britt's facebow and headgear straps and placed them to the side beside Britt's Interlandi headcap and other facebow.  She then inserted a lip retractor in Britt's mouth.  After her evaluation of Britt's mouth, Dr. Sanders said "well, I let you out of elastics.  And that looks like it was a mistake.  And I was really hoping fitting you with the two facebows would get you to quit smoking.  But it looks like it hasn't.  I will try something else to help you quit."  Britt opened her mouth to protest but Dr. Sanders cut her off before she could start.  Dr. Sanders said "don't even try.  You may be sneaky and discreet.  But your teeth don't lie.  I have known you smoked since your initial consult.  I was really hoping you would quit on your own.  You know you need to.  And I know it is hard.  I started smoking in high school and did so all the way through undergrad.  I knew I had to quit when I went to dental school, and I remember how hard it was.  Since I know first hand how hard it is, I am going to help you.  You will be so glad."  She listed off several items for Haley to get, down to the sizes and strengths.  As she did I saw Britt's eyes get moist and noticed her lip quivering.  Haley got up and went over to one of the cabinets.  She returned with several items and laid them on the tray.

Dr. Sander's picked up one of the two springs.  She quickly installed the first one and then the second. They ran from hooks, which were now bent over, on her upper canines to her lower premolars, which had the same bent hooks.  Dr. Sanders explained "so, these springs will be much more efficient than the elastics you previously were wearing.  And it will be more convenient for you.  You don't have to remember to change them out."  As she was speaking, I could see Britt opening and closing her mouth.  I could only imagine what it felt like for her, feeling the springs pulling against her as she opened her mouth.  Dr. Sanders then said "it is a good thing I installed molar bands with the double bucal tubes on them in the beginning.  I am now going to install your lip bumpers.  You will have one top and one bottom.  You won't be able to remove them, but that is the point."  She quickly inserted the first one.  She said "Wonderful!  Perfect fit."  Once it was in Britt's mouth, she went in after it with a pair of pliers.  She had to bend the second one a little to get the fit right, but she got it installed as well.  Once again she went in after it with a set of pliers.  Dr. Sanders looked at Britt and said "we won't do a wire change or ligature change this week.  Maybe next week.  All I have left is to get your headgear put back on."  Dr. Sanders slid Britt's top facebow in, then followed with the second on bottom.  My heart raced as I saw her insert the pliers back into Britt's mouth again.  I was afraid I knew what she was doing and I felt so bad for Britt.  Dr. Sanders confirmed my fears seconds after removing the pliers from Britt's mouth.  She said "so, to help you, I have fixed your facebows.  You can't remove them now.  I am hoping that the combination of the fixed lip bumpers and facebows will serve as a gentle mental reminder that you need to quit.  And it will also be much, much more difficult for you to actually physically smoke, even if you do try.  I hope this combination will work to get you to put down the cigarettes for good.  And since you are going to be wearing both facebows fulltime for a while, you will need to wear your Interlandi strap with them fulltime as well."  I thought 'gentle, that looks anything but gentle.  My poor Britt.'  Even though Haley held my heart, I wanted to go and wrap Britt in a tight embrace and tell her it would be okay.

Dr. Sanders placed the Interlandi head cap over Britt's head, threading her hair through the straps, and then began installing the plethora of elastics that connected the facebows to the C-plates.  Once she was done she removed the lip retractor from Britt's mouth and leaned her back up.  I could see the horror on Britt's face as she felt the lip bumpers in her mouth.  And realized she couldn't completely close her lips together.  Dr. Sanders continued "If you can kick your habit right now, we can remove the lip bumpers and make the facebows removable again in two or three weeks.  Until then though, this is going to be your treatment plan.  But you are a big girl, and I think you will do the right thing".  As Britt stood up I noticed a tear run down her face.  That was all I could take.  I got up and wrapped my arms around her.  I whispered in her ear "it is going to be ok.  And you are going to come spend the weekend with Haley and me.  You know we love you.  We will take care of you."

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #116 on: 17. May 2023, 19:34:33 PM »
Part 45.

I held Britt in a tight embrace until she squirmed away from me. I reached up and wiped the tear from her face.  Dr. Sanders said “Britt, I know it seems like a lot.  But the next couple of weeks will fly by.  And you will be so glad once you quit.  I know we are all scheduled to fly to that continuing ed class weekend after next, two weeks away.  If you are good and don’t smoke between now and then, I promise I will take it off in time for that.  I doubt you want to fly to California wearing all that.  So do we have a deal?”  Britt responded meekly “yes.”  Dr. Sanders responded “Wonderful!  Are you ok to assist Haley, or do you want me to get Bri to help?”  I could see Britt mentally composing herself.  She said “No, I can assist.”  I knew Britt was strong. This was just further proof.  If I had been in her shoes I would have probably been hiding in a broom closet wailing and vowing to never come out again.  As I watched her I saw how awkward it was for her not being able to get her lips to meet.  While I loved seeing braces on women, I wouldn’t have wished this on anyone.  Especially not my…  what is Britt?  We were friends.  But we were more than that.  We had been intimate, all with Haley’s blessing and participation of course.  And I loved Britt.  Not in the same way I felt towards Haley.  But it was still love.  I realized how complicated but special our relationship was, regardless of how it was defined.  I vowed to do whatever I could for Britt over the next two weeks to try to make things as easy as I could for her, short of removing all the appliances she now had in her mouth.

As I had been pondering all of this, Haley had gotten in the chair.  Dr. Sanders said “your appointment will be quick.  I just need to take a look at everything.”  It only took about 5 minutes.  When she sat Haley back up Dr. Sanders said “you keep doing what you are doing.  You are doing a good job.  I am a little worried I am not seeing more expansion, except for some tipping.  But we both knew this was a possibility.  I am going to keep a very close eye on it. The good news is  it looks like your tongue is learning to stay away from the front of your mouth.  Good job tongue, keep it up!” and laughed.  She then looked at me with a big smile and said “Next!”

As I took a seat Haley swapped places with Britt.  Britt headed over to the sink and the big mirror above it.  I watched her as she examined all the new pieces of metal in her mouth.  She looked sad.  I wanted to hold her again and protect her.

But I couldn’t, not right this second. After I was seated Dr. Sanders leaned me back and removed my facemask.  She took a look at my bonded appliance and day splint.  She gave me a clean bill of health and complimented me on my hygiene.  I told her to thank Haley.  She next checked my night time splint.  She said everything looked good with it as well.  She removed it from my mouth and replaced my day splint.  She then picked up the ungainly looking protraction brace that Haley had brought over while Dr. Sanders was checking my splint and returned me to a sitting position.

She held the brace up in front of me and said “this is your new night time protraction device.  Have you ever worn a neck brace?”  I told her I had not.  She continued “well, this is essentially a neck brace.  Here, this is how it goes on” as she unfastened the velcro straps that connected the two halves.  She placed the front half up under my chin, and then wrapped the back half around the back of my neck.  As she attached the two velcro straps she said “and that is all there is to that.”  As she fiddled with the straps, loosening one and then retightening it she said “you want it snug, so your head won’t move.  But not too tight.  This is about right.”  I realized immediately that my head was in fact held immobile.  She next held up a black head cap.  As she showed it to me she said “this is the front.  These two little elastic straps on either side go in front of your ears.  If they are behind your ears, you put it on backwards.  Now, once you have the cap on hook these straps to the two protraction arms like this.”  I watched her in the mirror that Haley was holding up for me.  Dr. Sanders said “the elastic straps are a little improvement we made; the one I was wearing in the picture I showed you still used elastics.  This new one doesn’t need those, we have integrated it into the cap.  So now you can see the brace is attached and the protraction arms are connected to the headcap.  We now can get a consistent angle and force of pull since your face can’t move and neither can the device.  All that is left is to attach elastics from your TPA hooks to the two hooks on the protraction arm.  Like this.  And Voila!  So each evening place your night splint in and then this. You are ready for bed.”

I cut my eyes, turning my head was out of the question, and made eye contact with Haley.  I was certain I looked like a complete loser.  I just knew that Haley had to be embarrassed.  But what I saw in her eyes was not embarrassment, but hunger.  My girl is weird as hell I thought.  And I love it.  Haley held my gaze, I wondered exactly what she was thinking.  But I thought I understood the gist of it.  She was once again ready to play naked doctor with me.  My thoughts were interrupted by Dr. Sanders who undoubtedly observed us.  She said “so, like the bow, wear this every night when you go to bed.  Again, I would recommend you wear it a few hours each evening before bed the next week just to become accustomed to it.  Are you going to leave right this second?”  I answered “not unless you run me out, I was planning to stay until Haley is finished.”  Dr. Sanders replied “you ARE sweet.  In that case I am going to leave this on you so you can start getting used to it.  Obviously take it off before you leave.  And don’t operate machinery or participate in contact sports while wearing it.  But I probably didn’t have to tell you that.”  I wondered if Dr. Sanders considered what Haley and I would undoubtedly be doing later in the evening a “contact sport”. 

Before standing from the chair I asked her “what about the facemask?”  Dr. Sanders said “you are done! Yay!”  I was elated.  Until I saw the look on Haley’s face.  She looked crushed.  I asked Dr. Sanders “well, would it help my treatment if I continued to wear it a few hours in the evenings or around the house on the weekends?”  Dr. Sanders cocked her head and said “well this is a first.  A patient asking if they can wear an extraoral appliance.”  She turned and looked at Haley and then back at me.  I couldn’t help but wonder if she understood what was going on in front of her.  After a few seconds of thought she said “no, by all means, it won’t hurt to wear it some.  Just don’t wear it more than 4 hours a day on average. I don’t want it pushing on your mandible too much.”  She said “I wish all my patients were as enthusiastic as you.”  She looked over at Haley smiling and finished with “regardless of what their real motivation is.”  And I knew then that she did see what was going on.  Uh oh, did things just get awkward?

Dr. Sanders stood up and went over to Britt and said “would you go get Lauren and let her know we are ready for her.  And get Bri while you are at it.  You have had a rough day.  And I know it is my fault.  Once you get them, go home a little early, please.  Relax.  Maybe have a glass of wine.  Just DO NOT have a cigarette.  Thank you for doing this.  And know I did this because I love you.  You are too lovely a woman to spend one more minute of it smoking.  Are we still friends?”  Britt actually cracked a bit of a smile and said “yes, I think so.  But check back with me on Monday.”  Dr. Sanders laughed and gave Britt a hug.  She told her “now go get those other two rascals so you can start the weekend a couple of hours early.” 

Dr. Sanders then turned and looked sternly at me and Haley and said “would you two please come with me to my office?”  Oh hell I thought, did I get Haley in trouble with her boss?  If so, I was prepared to fall on the sword.  As Dr. Sanders started walking Haley and I each shot the other a nervous look and fell in behind her.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #117 on: 18. May 2023, 01:36:35 AM »
Part 46.

As we entered Dr. Sander’s office she said “close the door behind you please and take a seat.”  We complied.  I knew I had gotten Haley in trouble and I felt horrible.  I reached over and grabbed her hand.  Dr. Sanders sat down in her chair behind her desk and just looked at us.  I said “Dr. Sanders, whatever happened out there, it was all my fault. Haley did not..”. Dr. Sanders held her hand up and said “please, let me think.”  I shut my mouth.  SHIT!  I have really screwed up.

After a few more seconds Dr. Sanders said “you two look nervous.  Don’t be.  All I will say about THAT, the way you look at each other in the office, is to keep it professional here.  Personally, as a romantic, it melts my heart to see you two.  I remember when my Pete first got braces.  And how much seeing my big, strapping stud in braces; that first night he had to wear his facemask…”.  She stopped speaking and went silent for a few moments.  She looked at Haley and said “I get it.  Just keep it professional in the office.  You two are not in trouble.  And based on that pretty necklace”, Dr. Sanders held up her hands and made air quotes with her fingers, “it looks like you two are very serious.   And that is why I asked you back here.  Both of you.

So, as Haley knows, I have gone down this rabbit hole of holistic and airway orthodontics.  It is a new thing.  But it makes sense to me.  That is why we are going to Cali in two weeks.  But I have realized if I am going to go down this path, I need an orafacial myologist in the office.  She needs to be an RDH or a dentist.  Dr. Palmer has told me she has enough on her plate.  Wanda is on the verge of retirement, heck she is only working two days a week now.  Haley, I want you to be my myofunctional therapist.  It will require a little work to become certified, but you will get a commensurate increase in salary to reflect this.  Is this something you would be interested in?”

I could see Haley relax.  I did as well.  Haley said “of course I am interested.  What all would it involve?”

Dr. Sanders continued “well you first need to do an approved training course.  Either a 28 hour in person or a 31 hour virtual online course.  Once you have this you will need to actually start some cases, and complete at least two, and then a board certifier will come here to the office and evaluate your work.  And then, because I know your work will be exemplary, they will license you as a registered orafacial myologist.  You are lucky too, I am going to be your first client.  And I am sure Britt, Em, Bri, and Lauren will as well.  We WILL get you certified.  So, you still in?”

Haley said “yes, what do I need to do?”

Dr. Sanders said “and this is why I asked you both back here.  There is a course in Fort Worth, TX in 5 weeks. It runs Thursday-Saturday.  They are long days, 28 hours of instruction in 3 days.  But I would prefer you attend an in person course instead of virtual.  The practice will cover all course expenses and all travel expenses. And obviously you will get paid while you are there.  But I hate for you to have to go alone.  That is why I asked you back here Rob.  Can you accompany Haley there?  I know how mentally drained Haley may be after the course.  So I would like her to stay an extra couple of nights to unwind.  Maybe you could take her to the stockyards one night?  Either H3 or Cattlemens for dinner, take her by the White Elephant, and then take her line dancing at Billy Bob’s?  Del Frisco’s and Sundance Square the other?  Just an idea.  Is this something that you could do?  Again, this is all on City Orthodontics tab.”

I responded immediately, with out even looking at my calendar, “it sounds horrible. Just horrible.  But I want to be a good partner, so yes, I will make it work.” 

Dr. Sanders laughed.  She then said “Wonderful!  Then we are going to make this happen.  Thank you both.  Now let me get out of here and get back to work.  I know Lauren is eager for her new powerchain.  I do have a few more things to ask of you both.  Rob, please take off your protraction brace.  And Haley, please take off your facemask.”  As we both complied Dr. Sanders said “I am going to leave my office.  I told you two to keep it professional in the office.  But I don’t think you two kissing in the privacy of my office is unprofessional.  But just kissing.  And please close the door behind you.”  Dr. Sanders winked at me as she walked by and out the door, closing it behind her.


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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #118 on: 18. May 2023, 02:20:48 AM »
I am going to probably slow down on the updates.  But I do plan to keep working on it.  It isn’t a matter of where the story is going, but of having the time to type it all out.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #119 on: 18. May 2023, 06:50:21 AM »
But in the mean time know that Rob and Haley don’t die in a car accident like poor Jen and Mel.  That was just horrible.  The other people in their lives, especially Christy, are still absolutely crushed.  Eventually we will check back in on them though just to see how they are doing.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #120 on: 18. May 2023, 08:32:58 AM »
I am sure I will delete this, because I always delete the personal stuff I post here.  But I ran into my ex at Walmart this evening.  We just happened to park across from each other.  She saw me before I saw her, and my eyes got big when I saw her walking towards my truck.  I was like “aw hell, here we go.”   But we got along wonderfully.  After talking in the parking lot a long time; I blathered like an idiot of course; I walked her inside.  We then spent at least 10 minutes talking at the carts.   Then we just happened to bump into each other multiple times in that huge ass retail monstrosity.  It was uncanny.  And I feel like a complete as**ole.  I learned she is no longer a dental assistant; she is now managing a mortgage office.  I am glad for her on that, she was burned out on dentistry even “then”.  But she had the shittiest of shitty years last year.  In 5 weeks she 1) got covid and almost died, 2) lost her mom, 3) and her “new husband” died of a heart attack.  I feel horrible for her.  I am trying to figure out what I should do.  I feel like a complete ass that I didn’t know all this till today.  And I feel I need to do something.  She brought up a lot of “remember when we” and “you remember that” today.  I don’t have feelings for her like that anymore, but I could tell she is still hurting and I do have a heart.  And I do still care about her.  My thoughts are on the real ‘Haley’ right now.   I may take a few days off from writing.  Anyway, I will delete this soon I’m sure.

ETA: We have been chatting for over an hour.  I am taking her out to the nicest restaurant in an hours drive next Tuesday.  Gosh rest my soul.  The last year long sabbatical I took was because of a girl.  I hope not to repeat that.  But no promises.

Don't feel bad. Today, I bumped into my ex who I had a two year relationship with. We had a less than amicable breakup about 12 years ago when she cheated on me. I had no real serious relationships between my ex and the girl I'm dating now. I actually bumped into my ex at Trader Joes...where they have the absolute best peanut butter on the planet.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #121 on: 19. May 2023, 17:27:58 PM »
But in the mean time know that Rob and Haley don’t die in a car accident like poor Jen and Mel.  That was just horrible.  The other people in their lives, especially Christy, are still absolutely crushed.  Eventually we will check back in on them though just to see how they are doing.

I'm glad it's not just me occasionally trying to kill off their characters.... :-)

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #122 on: 19. May 2023, 21:38:17 PM »
Part 47.

As I pulled up to pick Haley and Britt up, I thought about the previous ten days since my last appointment.  At that appointment Haley and I had briefly made out in her bosses office, all with Dr. Sanders blessing.  As we had come out Bri was in the chair getting her braces installed.  It was fascinating to watch and also a little horrifying.  Dr. Sanders had explained something about the dental work Bri had previously had on her lower teeth meant bonding brackets would be problematic.  So she fitted full bands on Bri’s lower arch.  Just watching the process was grueling.  I couldn’t imagine being the one undergoing it.  Once she was done, Bri’s lower teeth were completely silver.  There was almost no white to be seen.  I felt bad for her, but I noted that when she smiled her lower teeth weren’t very visible at least.  Dr. Sanders explained she would be in a lot of pain that weekend.  Due to the bands she had to install and the cleats located on some of them, both her lips and her tongue would be pretty beat up.  She said because of this she was going to give her a few weeks before she installed the remainder of her appliances. 

Since then I had adapted to my appliance.  I barely noticed it was there anymore.  Which seemed amazing to me.  I still wasn’t crazy about it.  But it was so worth it to see how happy it made Haley.  And I noticed that my jaw didn’t click anymore.  It took a few nights to get used to sleeping with the protraction brace, but it was so much better than the bow I had tried at first.  I did wear my facemask here and there, just for Haley’s amusement.  And she wore her’s for me.  Even in public on occasion.  She loved seeing what it did to me.  But what really blew me away was how Britt had handled her headgear.

That first weekend I had picked her up and driven her to my place.  She hid inside that weekend, afraid to be seen in public.  She was miserable.  And boy was she grumpy.  Between the headgear, the lip bumpers that didn’t allow her to close her lips completely, and the nicotine withdrawals she was not the most fun person to he around.  Haley and I still showered her with nothing but love and affection.  But by the middle of that first week, things were better for her.  She had gotten over the worst of her nicotine withdrawal.  And she had worked up the courage to live life, even wearing headgear.  That Thursday I had picked them up and treated them to lunch.  It was amazing.  Haley wore her facemask as a show of solidarity for Britt.

Since then Britt did her best to just completely ignore the headgear, though many others did not. The lingering stares and shocked looks on other’s faces proved this.  But Britt ignored them.  And why shouldn’t she?  She was gorgeous, headgear or no headgear.

That weekend I cooked dinner and had two other couples over.  It was not purely to eat and drink.  It had come about because one of my friends had sent me a text.  He said his wife Heather had a few questions about adult orthodontics.  I thought back to the pool party when Haley had first gotten her expanders and remembered that Heather had seemed very, very interested in Haley and Britt’s treatment.  So I asked the girls if they minded having dinner and talking about orthodontics.  I was really asking Britt.  I wanted to make sure she felt comfortable since she was still in her headgear 24/7.  I knew Haley would.  Britt said that sounded wonderful, but she said she would probably scare anyone considering treatment away with her headgear.  I told her that might be true.  But that Heather sure wouldn’t be caught off guard by what might be in store for her.  Britt had laughed and agreed with that.

That Saturday I got a text from John asking if I had room for two more guests.  It seems Heather had been talking with Jenny.  And Jenny had been considering getting braces again too.  I told him no problem, the more the merrier.  Dinner that night had been good.  Not my best work but good.  After dinner, just like at the pool party, us guys had retreated to the deck to drink a few beers and tell lies while the four women stayed in the den talking about adult orthodontics.  After the party had broken up and the other couples had left, I asked Haley and Britt how it had gone.  I asked them if seeing their headgear and facemasks had scared off Jenny and Heather. Britt said to her surprise no, that in fact both women said they were going to call Monday and book consultations.  She said both of them were really wanting to address a few things with their smiles, and they had said if they were going to do it, they might as well do it together like we are.  I looked at Haley and said “so, that is new patients number three and four.  I mean, Carol and Emily both booked their consults already and are starting treatment soon.  I am sure Jenny and Heather will too.  I think I am due another commission” and winked at Haley.  She replied “of course… sir” and smiled back at me from behind her adorable facemask.

I realized I had been sitting in my truck several minutes just replaying all of this.  The heck with memories I thought, my girls are just a short walk away.  As I walked to the door I thought about how much I was going to miss them.  They were leaving for the continuing education course in California in the morning and would be gone for four days.  This would be the longest I had gone without seeing Haley since we had started dating.

I knocked on her door.  The door opened and there was Britt.  And she was not wearing her headgear.  My eyes lit up and I yelled “Yay!  Dr. Sanders kept her end of the deal!”  Britt smiled as widely as she could and said “yes!  She removed it all!  The facebows, the lip bumpers, the springs.  I am free!  I still have to wear the headgear, but not until we get back from California.  Dr. Sanders said she obviously wants us to learn while we are out there.  But she also wants us to have fun!  She said since Haley and I have done so good we are getting a little headgear vacation.”  I went and hugged Britt and told her “I am so, so happy for you!  Now, speaking of Haley, where is she hiding.”  Britt answered “she is in the kitchen.”

I entered the kitchen to find Haley standing there.  She smiled at me and asked notice anything different?”  I answered “you aren’t wearing your facemask.  Britt already told me you are getting a little break from it.  That makes me a little sad though that I won’t see your cute ass in it tonight.  But I am much happier that you get a break.  You have earned it.”  She step over in front of me and said “what about now?” right before she locked her lips to mine.  My eyes flew open when I felt her tongue enter my mouth.  I pulled back out of instinct and exclaimed “YOU GOT YOUR TONGUE CRIB OUT!!!!”  She opened her mouth wide showing it to me.  She said “I got it all out, the expanders, the tongue crib, the hooks.  I am free!  At least until next week.”  I said “oh, we are going to take advantage of this tonight” as I leaned back in and kissed her.  It was so nice to feel her tongue in my mouth.  It had been so long since I had felt it I had almost forgotten what it felt like.  As we kissed I thought about the other things that tongue could be used for.  But first I owed these two dinner.   Now it was not just a going away dinner but a celebratory dinner as well. 

Back in Haley’s small living room I wrapped my arms around both girls.  I said “we have to go celebrate.  But I am a little sad.  I guess this means I am the only one left wearing headgear.”  Britt replied “that’s right nerd!”  Haley leaned over and said “well, I guess I must be partial to nerds” and kissed me, once again putting her new found tongue to good use.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #123 on: 20. May 2023, 18:05:13 PM »
Part 48.

Once we were in my truck I looked over at Haley, then craned my neck to look at Britt in the back seat, and said "ok, I was planning on taking you two to Bob's, it is pretty swanky.  But, things have changed.  Since you gals are free to eat anything you want, you pick."  The girls thought for a second and almost in unison they both said "TACOS!".  I smiled and said "your wish is my command."

As we drove we chatted.  I asked Britt about her change in treatment, about why Dr. Sanders had taken everything out of her mouth, even the braces.  I asked her if she was done; I didn't think so since she had mentioned headgear when she got back.  She explained "well, Dr. Sanders is not happy with the direction my treatment is going.  Not the mechanics of it, but the theory behind it.  She has been applying traditional orthodontic theory on me.  You know, straightening my teeth, pulling everything back with the headgear, what they traditionally have taught orthodontists in school.  Since she has jumped off into the abyss of holistic orthodontics she has had a bit of a paradigm shift in her thinking.  She told me she is worried she might be giving me an incredible smile, but at the expense of my overall health.  I started treatment before Haley and before she really had this change of philosophy.  Because of all of this, she took everything off while she reconsiders a new treatment plan for me.  You know Haley is in treatment to expand her mouth and bring everything forward.  Pretty much the opposite of what she was doing with me.  Haley will end up with a beautiful smile.  But Dr. Sanders primary goal is to improve her airway and increase her nasal breathing.  And I think she is going to do the same with me."  I looked at Haley and asked "what about you then?  If she already has you heading down the path she wants, why change?"

Haley responded "you remember at our last appointment together?  When Dr. Sanders said she was worried I was not getting real expansion, just tipping my teeth out?  Well, it has gotten worse.  It is easy to expand a kid's palate when they are growing.  But once we grow up, and everything fuses, it is a lot harder.  She tried the removable expanders with me and they didn't work.  She then tried traditional fixed expanders, and they didn't work either.  The traditional RPE I had was just tipping my teeth out.  If we had kept going, it could have tipped them all the way out of the bone. And that is obviously a bad thing.  Remember how Dr. Sanders recommended SARPE surgery for you?  Well, that would traditionally be the next step for me."

I reached over and grabbed her hand and said "oh baby, I am so sorry.  But at least you get a little break.  Are you going to get the surgery?  You know I am a big chicken, but I know you aren't.  And I would be there every second to hold your hand during recovery."

Haley said "maybe, but I may not have to.  That is the whole reason we are going to southern California in the morning.  There is a doctor out there who has developed a new expander.  It uses screws to anchor the expander in the palate.  And he is getting successful expansion in adults without surgery.  Dr. Sanders thinks I may be a candidate for it.  But first she wants to try it on herself."

My eyes got big and I asked "so, she it having it done herself?  And you said this thing will be screwed into her mouth.  Yikes!"

Haley responded "yes, she is going to be her own Guinea pig.  She doesn't want to start using this new technology until it is a little more tested, so she decided to be the one to test it.  This ortho has been experimenting with this for about 10 years and just released a scientific paper on it last year.  He had a number of cases, all successful.  There was a fair amount of interest in it within the orthodontic community.  So he has been teaching these courses for the last year or so; teaching others how to do it.  And as part of the course they always have a live demo of the actual installation on a new patient.  Dr. Sanders volunteered, along with another general dentist from Michigan that is attending, to be the patients.  It is all pretty cutting edge stuff and interesting.  Dr. Sanders had me remove her expanders last week so she could do all of the necessary impressions and overnighted them out there.  These expanders are custom made to fit each individual patient's mouth.  So, on the second day we will actually get to see a couple installed.  One in Dr. Sanders' mouth.  She said depending on how her experience goes, she might start using these in our practice.  And on me.  But don't worry, protraction is still a big part of it so I will still have to wear my facemask if I go that route."  She squeezed my hand and winked at me.  She continued "I will show you some pictures of it once we get to the restaurant and you aren't driving."

As we waited on the margaritas I had ordered for the girls to celebrate their parole from orthodontic hell, Haley pulled out her phone.  She held it up to me and said "this is what one of the expanders looks like.  At first glance it looks similar to the expander I had.  But notice those screws?  They go through the expander and anchor in the bone of the palate.  That is what makes it different and what makes it work.  The actual name of it is a maxillary skeletal expander, or MSE for short.  Hold on, there is a video of it on Youtube."  She found the video and opened it.  Once it was playing she handed her phone to me.  While I was watching the installation of one in a patient's mouth the waitress had brought the drinks.  The girls where sipping on them while I watched.  Once done I shook my head and handed the phone back to Haley.  She asked "what do you think?"  I answered "I think it looks scary.  And intense.  And that it would hurt a LOT."  Haley said "well, it is a little scary.  But it isn't nearly as intense or painful as surgery would be."

I was amazed at how many crunchy tacos the girls packed away.  I guess they really had been missing them.  I was a good orthodontic patient and settled for a soft burrito.  Both girls complimented me for this.  Once they had waved the white flag I said "well, we have a super early day tomorrow.  That 4 a.m. alarm is going to be here too soon.  Britt, how are we doing this?  I am staying at Haley's tonight, do I need to pick you up in the morning?"  Britt answered "nope, my suitcase is sitting at Haley's right now.  I will sleep on the couch.  That will make it a lot easier on all of us."  I told her "that is a great idea.  You know, you are smarter than you look" and gave her a big smile.  She looked back at me and said "and you are a bigger as**ole than you look" and smiled back at me.

The next morning's alarm did arrive very early.  We had stayed up until almost midnight the night before.  I rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I was removing my facemask and splint when Haley stumbled into the bathroom.  She hugged me and said "it felt SO weird to wake up this morning without my facemask on.  I almost miss it."  I hugged her back and said "I do miss it.  You are so cute in it.  But I have also missed that tongue of yours, so I guess it is a fair trade."  She reached up and kissed me, letting me enjoy that tongue once again.  I pulled away and said "you do that too much and we will miss our flight.  But speaking of flights, I am afraid security might be a pain wearing your collar.  I am going to remove it, just for your trip.  I will keep it safe and sound here with me, like I keep your heart with me."  She cooed "awww... you are so sweet and thoughtful.  I hadn't even thought about security.  I will hate it not being there, always reminding me of you.  But you are probably right."  After I had unlocked her collar and removed it from her, I kissed the tan line on the back of her neck where it had been.  I told her "it and I will be waiting here for you when you get back."

Once we were all dressed I carried the girls bags out to the truck.  It was still dark outside.  The good news was this meant traffic would not be too bad.  Despite it being an almost hour drive to the airport, we didn't talk too much.  I think everyone was tired.  I know I was.  As I pulled up to the drop off area in front of their terminal I said "well, I guess I have to let you two out."  I looked at Haley and said "I am going to miss you so, so much."  Looking over my shoulder at Britt I said "and I am going to miss you too my little munchkin."  She extended her middle finger to me.  I laughed and exclaimed "I love you too!"

After I had gotten their bags out Britt gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek.  She said "thanks for the ride.  And dinner last night.  That was fun."  I hugged her back and said "I promise it was my pleasure."  Once I released her Haley slid up against me.  She said "I am going to miss you too.  But I will be back in four days.  And I will bring you a present."  She arched her eyebrows at me.  "But in the meantime, just remember this".  She leaned in and kissed me.  We played twister with our tongues.  Finally Britt said "get a room you two!"  Haley and I finished our kiss and Haley squeezed my butt.  As they walked away I yelled out "I love you! You two have fun!  And try to learn something."  Haley turned and blew me a kiss.  Britt turned and extended her middle finger to me again, a big smile on her face as she did.  As I watched them walk through the automatic sliding glass door into the terminal I thought about how lucky I was. 

As I climbed back into the driver's seat, my thoughts drifted from Haley and Britt to Dr. Sanders.  I thought about the video of that expander that Haley had shown me the night before, and the fact that in just a couple of days Dr. Sanders was going to have one literally drilled and screwed into her head.  Just the thought of such a thing sent a chill through me.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #124 on: 22. May 2023, 20:26:24 PM »
Part 49.

It felt strange to have the weekend to myself.  I did some yard work and went fishing.  I had vowed to myself not to pester Haley.  We had talked Thursday night.  She called to let me know that they had arrived with no major travel issues and had gotten checked into their hotel. They were about to go out to a welcome dinner with all the other event attendees.  I told her to have fun!  We had continued this routine Friday and Saturday night, Haley calling and filling me in on her day each evening.  She had also text me several pictures of her, Britt, and Dr. Sanders over the weekend; in front of a pier, standing on the beach, at some type of open air market.  And of course a couple from the office where the event was being held.  It seemed strange seeing all of them without their braces or appliances.  On Saturday she sent me several pictures of Dr. Sanders in the chair having her expander installed.  I couldn’t tell too much, and it didn’t look like she was in pain or under duress.  In the picture that Haley had sent of the three of them post installation, the metal bands of the expander and accompanying protraction hooks were visible in her mouth.  But she didn’t look to be in pain.  Haley had also sent me a picture of Dr. Sanders and the other dentist, Dr. White, who had received her own MSE.  They were each smiling broadly and holding their thumbs up.  On Dr. White’s face was a green facemask and on Dr. Sanders’ face was a blue facemask.  They both looked happy.  Haley said that Dr. Sanders would be uploading a bunch of photos and videos of her expander installation on Facebook if I were interested.

That Sunday afternoon I pulled into the cell phone waiting lot of the airport twenty minutes before the girls where scheduled to land.  To kill the time I was looking on my phone.  I went to the City Orthodontics facebook to page to see if it had been updated.  I saw Dr. Sanders had in fact made a new post.  It outlined that they had attended a continuing education course about a new type of expander.  And that she was going to be the first City Orthodontics patient to get one.  There were a bunch of pictures of her during various phases of the procedure.  There were also a couple of videos.  One was a 3 minute video showing the installation of one of the six screws in her mouth.  The other was of the orthodontist who was hosting the course making two turns on her expander.  I noticed that unlike the little blue key with the pin at the end that I had used to turn Haley’s old expanders, this expander used something that looked like an actual wrench.  I thought it looked just brutal.  All of it.  The installation, the screws that went into her bones, the huge expansion screw in the middle of her mouth, the turning of it, just all of it.  At the end of the post Dr. Sanders had assured everyone that the installation had not really hurt.  It had just been a lot of very strange pressure.  She said she had been in some discomfort since the local anesthesia had worn off the night before and was very sore today.  She said she would update her progress in the weeks and months to come. As I had been looking at the post I had noticed a truck pull in beside me. Once I was finished with Dr. Sander’s post I looked over.  In the driver’s seat was a man around my age that looked very familiar.  And then the lightbulb went off in my head.  That was Pete Sanders, Dr. Sander’s husband.

I got out of my truck and lightly knocked on his passenger side window.  He looked up from his own phone and warily appraised the man who was knocking on his window.  Then I saw the expression on his face change as he recognized who I was.  He rolled the window down and said “Rob Dawson?  Is that you?  It has been what?  Twelve years?”  I responded “yep, I believe so.  And I was just about to say the same.  I guess you are here to pick up Dr. Sanders?  I am here to pick up Britt and Haley.”  He answered “yeah, I am here to pick up Leslie, excuse me, Dr. Sanders.  She is one hurting unit today.  She got some kind of new expander installed yesterday and she is miserable today.  My poor baby.  And you are dating Haley aren’t you?  That’s why I recognized you, Leslie’s facebook post.  So you started treatment with her too.  But I guess that is the occupational hazard of dating or marrying these dental chicks.”  He laughed and then smiled at me, showing a mouth full of metal braces.  He then asked “so what is next for you?  You gonna get braces?”  I answered “I don’t really know.  I am not too keen about that idea.  Not at all.”  He responded “dude, I get it.  I absolutely hated these things the first few weeks.  But I got used to them.  I certainly don’t love them.  But I don’t hate them now either.  It isn’t that bad.  Not that good.  But not that bad.  And Leslie loves them.  So that makes it better.”  Just then I noticed him look down at his phone.  He said “they just just landed and are almost at their gate.”  I realized I had left my phone in my truck.  I said “hey man, it was good to see you.  I better check my phone, I don’t want Haley thinking I am ignoring them.”  Before I stepped away, Pete said “good to see you man.  And good luck with your treatment.  And with Haley.  She is a doll.”  I looked at him and said “yes she is, the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

Back in the truck the first thing I did was look at my phone. And sure enough Haley had text me a few minutes earlier.  I replied “sorry babe, I was NOT ignoring you.  I got sidetracked talking with Dr. Sander’s husband Pete.  He pulled in beside me and we were catching up.  Small world I guess.  Text me back when you and Britt get your bags and your chariot will arrive.  And welcome home!  I have missed you! And can’t wait to see you!”

I got back out of the truck and said to Pete “well, I guess we have a few more minutes.  Tell me, how did you end up back here and married to an orthodontist?”  He told me “it is kind of a weird and long story.  But the short story is I met Leslie out in Colorado when I was playing.  We dated for almost two years.  I was always terrified I would be traded or moved up.  That I would be the one that messed things up.  And while I had at one time wanted nothing more than to make the show, there at the end I was very torn about it.  I loved Leslie and didn’t want to leave her.  Well, the joke was on me.  Because she left me when she went off to dental school.  But she went to the one just as hour up the road.  She did that for me.  To be closer to me in the offseason.  Once she was gone I realized how much I missed her.  And I realized what a grind being a minor league ball player really is.  It is not at all a glamorous life.  So, I hung up my cleats and moved back home.  Went back to college, got my degree, got a job I like, and married the love of my life.  Who then promptly put me in braces.”  He laughed and continued “that is the short version.  What about you?” 

I said “well, I met Haley because of the tornado.  Haley stayed a few days with Britt at Britt’s parent’s house.  Who happen to be my neighbors.  The day I met her was one of the worst days of my life.  That ended up being one of the best days of my life.”  Pete said “hey, we need to catch up.  But Leslie just got her bag. She said Haley has her’s too, Britt is still waiting but should be just a minute or two.  Good to see you.  Now let me go pick up my girl and see if I can make her feel better.”

I got back in my truck and saw the text pop up “we have our bags!  We are at door 2.  I can’t wait to see YOU ;)”. I cranked up my truck and pulled around.  I actually pulled in behind Pete Sander’s truck.  He was loading Dr. Sander’s bag in the back seat.  I put the truck in park and got out.  I didn’t see Haley or Britt yet.  I exclaimed “welcome home Dr. Sanders!  You had quite an eventful weekend.  And congrats on your new expander.  It looks like quite the engineering marvel!”  She said “thank you.  It shertainly doeshn’t feel like a marvel right now.  But it will get better.  It better get better.”  Pete went up to her and wrapped his arms around her and said “I am sorry baby.  Let me get you home and you can kick your feet up.” 

I had been so focused on Dr. Sanders I hadn’t noticed Haley and Britt until I felt someone wrap their slim arms around me.  I recognized the feel of Haley before she even spoke.  I turned in her arms and kissed her.  Once done I said “it is so good to see you, both of you.  I am glad you had a great time.  But you were missed.”  Before Haley or Britt could answer I heard Dr. Sanders.  She came over and said “girlsh, thank you for going with me.  And I will apologish in advansch if you have to do a little extra work tomorrow; or if I am a little cranky.  I am afraid thish mouth of mine is shtill gonna be a problem tomorrow.”

Haley and Britt both hugged their boss.  Haley said “thank you for the opportunity to go with you. I learned so much.  We all learned so much.  And absolutely, you just tell us what you need us to do.”  Britt added “you are such a trooper Dr. Sanders.  You will get to feeling like yourself in no time.  I know it.  And like Haley said, what ever you need from us…”

Dr. Sanders pulled away and said “I have the besht shtaff.  And friendsh.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.  I hope sho.  You all be shafe getting home and I will she you in the morning.”  As Pete opened the passenger door and helped her in the vehicle, the three of us watched her with pity.  Haley came back up to me and wrapped her arm around me.  She softly said “I feel so bad for her.  Her whole head has been killing her.  She has been in so much pain.  Especially on the plane ride.  I can’t imagine all the changes in pressure helped on top of all the pressure she was already feeling from the expander and screws.  I so hope she gets to feeling a little better tonight and can manage some sleep.  And I hope she doesn’t try and wear her facemask, but I am sure she will.”  I hugged Haley back and said “well, I don’t think I will be letting you get one.  I don’t know if I could handle seeing you in that kind of pain again.”  She hugged me back and said “thank you.  But Britt and I have already decided.  We are each going to get one.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #125 on: 23. May 2023, 18:55:29 PM »
Part 50.

It was after dark by the time I dropped Britt off at her apartment.  The girls had been hungry after travelling all day, so I had treated them to dinner on the way home.  They were still excited about being braces and appliance free and being able to eat anything they wanted.  And they were taking advantage of it.  On the ride home and at dinner, the girls had done most of the talking.  After all, they had a lot to talk about.  They had really had a good time on their little workcation.  They had eaten well, learned a lot, seen some sites, and connected with other dental professionals.  They talked a lot about how exciting this new technology was. 

I tried to talk them out of it, just based on how miserable Dr. Sanders had looked, but they seemed to have made up their minds.  Haley told me "look, I have spent over 6 months trying to get expansion.  And I have failed.  I need this.  And this seems like such a better option that surgery."  I couldn't argue with that.  Britt had chimed in "and I told you way back when, we do everything together.  I am not super excited about it, and I am not the poster case for needing it.  But from what we learned out there, almost everyone, well over 90% of people, could benefit from this.  So, Haley and I are going to do it together.  Not tomorrow, not next week.  But when Dr. Sanders begins to offer this treatment option, we are going to be patients numbers one and two.  Or maybe number two and three; Dr. Sanders might be number one already."  I gave up the fight, they seemed determined.  I promised them I would do whatever I could when the time came.

Once at Britt's, I carried her bag to the door and gave her a hug.  I told her how happy I was they had such a wonderful and eventful time.  But I was glad they were back home safe and sound.  Back in the truck, Haley rubbed her hand down my arm and said "I hope you brought your night splint with you.  Because you need to take me home, and I don't plan on letting you leave until tomorrow morning."  I smiled at her and said "I am a good Boy Scout.  I brought it and my facemask."

As soon as I had dropped her bag inside her bedroom she kissed me.  We made out for several minutes.  Once she pulled back she said "you need to put on your facemask.  I bet you haven't gotten your time in this weekend without me here to stay on top of you."  I sheepishly answered "I tried.  I really did.  But I still feel like such a goober wearing it."  She rubbed up against me and said "you are the furthest thing from a goober.  Maybe it will help if I put it on for you."  I told her "I am not the only one that needs to put something on."  I walked over and opened the night stand drawer and pulled her collar out.  I said "I kept it here so I could be close to it as I slept. It wasn't nearly as much fun to snuggle with as you are though" and gave her a big smile.  She obediently walked over to me and turned her back to me.  I quickly fastened it and locked it around her neck.  She turned and kissed me.  She then had me lay down on the bed.  She picked up my facemask and two elastics from the night stand and said "just lay back, I will take good care of you tonight."

The next morning I woke to find Haley gone from bed.  I went into the bathroom and found it empty.  I went into the kitchen and found her cooking breakfast.  She smiled at me and said "you have cooked me breakfast so many mornings, I have a lot of catching up to do."  I walked over to her and gave her a hug.  I then went to remove the elastics from my facemask.  She put her hand over mine and stopped me.  She said "you are so cute in that.  Leave it on till we are ready to eat."  She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

As I left her apartment I thought about what a wonderful way this was to start a week.  I had a pretty smooth week.  Work was fine, and Haley was back.  She made sure that I got my time in with my facemask.  I hated it but loved to see her happy.  She had given me updates on Dr. Sanders during the course of the week.  Haley told me that Monday and Tuesday had been very rough for her.  But Wednesday and Thursday were each better than the day before.  As I walked into the office at 3 p.m. on Friday I would find out for myself how she was doing today.  I didn't have an appointment.  But Haley was getting a removable Hawley retainer fitted today with an integrated tongue crib.  It had arrived that morning.  I told her I wanted to be there for her, even though I knew it would be a super simple and quick appointment.  But the honest truth is I had missed seeing all the girls in the office. 

I was not wearing my facemask as I knocked on the door.  Haley opened it for me and pouted.  She said "I was hoping you were wearing your facemask so I could show you off again."  I hugged her and said "and it is wonderful to see you too!"  She laughed and said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."  I squeezed her rear end and said "that's ok, you can make it up to me later."  She led me back into the treatment area where Bri was reclined in the chair with Dr. Sanders leaning in over her and Britt assisting.  Dr. Sanders was wearing her purple facemask and had seen me enter.  She nodded in my direction and held up her hand for a quick wave.  I sat down out of the way and watched.

Bri had a set of lip retractors in.  Wow I thought, those fully banded braces on her lower teeth were so visible.  Poor girl.  Once Dr. Sanders had replaced her wires and ligatures, she chose light pink, Britt went over to the cabinet and returned with several baggies and a pink Petit facemask.  Dr. Sanders explained to Bri "I am going to check the fit of your sagittal expander.  You will need to wear it all the time, only remove it for brushing and cleaning.  The removeable expander didn't work for Haley, but you are still young enough it might.  And if it doesn't, we can go to plan B."  She quickly fit the appliance in her mouth.  She looked at it from several angles and then nodded her head.  I realized how much clearer Dr. Sanders speech was.  I hardly noticed any lisp.  It had really improved since Sunday.

Dr. Sanders looked down at Bri and asked "so, how does that feel.  Poking or digging in anywhere?"  Bri replied "nah, ish jush fees sho beeg n bulky."  Dr. Sanders said "it will feel that way for a couple of weeks but eventually it will feel completely natural.  Now, I am going to install your forsus springs, lower lip bumper, and finally fit you for your facemask."  Once Dr. Sanders was done installing the springs and then the lip bumper, she removed the lip retractors from Bri's mouth.  She held up a mirror in front of Bri.  Dr. Sanders asked "so what do you think?"  Bri smiled.  I noticed as she did that the forsus springs protruded out of her mouth.  She quickly put her hand up over her mouth, covering it.  She said "ish sho musch metal.  What ish my fiancshay going to think?"  Dr. Sanders reached over and pulled her hand away from her mouth.  She said "it all looks wonderful.  You look wonderful Bri.  And if Tommy is the right guy for you, and I think he is, he will be just fine with it."  She then looked over at me.

She exclaimed "isn't that right Rob.  You had no problems with Haley having expanders and having to wear a facemask did you?"  I answered truthfully "no, not at all."  Dr. Sanders turned her attention back to Bri and said "and my Pete has no problems with all of the crazy things I have had to wear in my mouth and on my face.  Tommy won't either.  And it will all feel normal in no time.  Now, let's get you fitted for your facemask. You need to wear it 12-14 hours a day.  I'm not going to make you wear it in the office; I mean I don't make any of you do anything; but if you do it will leave you a lot more time to not wear it outside the office." 

Britt quickly adjusted the mask so that the forehead and chip cup fit Bri's face, then adjusted the horizontal bar on the mask where the elastics would go.  Once she was finished she held it on Bri's face while Dr. Sanders examined it.  She said "looks perfect Britt."  Britt quickly attached a pair of elastics to hooks on Bri's top molar bands and then stretched them and placed them on the mask.  Then to my surprise she attached a second set to hooks on Bri's lower molar bands and attached them to the mask as well.  Dr. Sanders took a look at everything and said "and you are done Bri.  You understand all about hygiene.  The only thing that is a little different with your current plan is having the protraction elastics top and bottom.  Remember one set up top, one set on bottom.  Good job, and they look great.  Now Haley, if you would?" gesturing to the chair.

As Bri got up she had a dazed look on her face.  She went over to the mirror and examined everything in her mouth.  After a few seconds she began crying.  Dr. Sanders got up and went and wrapped her arm around her.  Britt brought her a handful of tissues.  Dr. Sanders tried to console her "come on, it isn't the end of the world.  You look great.  And Tommy is going to be totally fine with it.  I promise you."  Bri sniffled and said "I dah think I can do thish.  Can you tah any of it off?"  Dr. Sanders tightened her arm around Bri's shoulders and said "I will make a deal with you.  Please try it this weekend.  Remember, you can take your facemask off.  I certainly won't ride you if it takes you a few weeks to work up to 14 hours.  Get through the weekend, and on Monday we can talk about it.  Is that ok?"  Bri took a final look in the mirror and turned.  I had the feeling it was just so she wouldn't have to see her reflection in the mirror.  She said weakly "I will tra."  Dr. Sanders hugged her and said "good girl.  Do this, you go on home now.  We can handle it here."

As Bri gathered up her things I stood and walked over to her.  I said "Bri, they look great.  That color really suits you."  She said "thah you" without a smile on her face.  I then considered whether I should say what I was about to.  I probably shouldn't, but I did anyway.  I added "and you might be surprised.  Tommy might chase you all around the bedroom tonight.  It has that effect on some people."  Then I looked over at Haley, who had her mouth open as Dr. Sanders fitted the new retainer on her.  I turned my head back towards Bri and noticed she had a slight smile on her face.  She said "thah you.  I dah believe you buh thank you."  I told her "I promise you it will be ok.  And look, those two girls over there are pros at having all kinds of metal in their mouths.  They will be more than glad to give you pointers I am certain."  Bri said "I hate to be a bother to them.  They hah been sho nicsh to me shince I shtarted, showed me sho musch."  I said "you won't be a bother to them.  Do they have your cell number?"  She said they did.  I concluded with "I know them pretty well.  And I am betting they are going to be the ones bothering you."  I offered her a hug, which she accepted.  It was a very "friend zone" hug.  I released her and said "and I totally get being a little freaked out about the facemask.  I still feel it.  But I bet the weekend goes better than you expect.  Now, take that facemask off, stow it in your purse, and get on home."  She went over to the mirror and did just that.  She returned and said "thank you."  I then said "let me walk you to the front, I will lock the door behind you."  After she had stepped through the door I shouted to her "they look great.  Congratulations!"  She turned and gave me a meek smile.  I locked the door back and went to check on Haley.

As I entered the treatment room, it looked like Dr. Sanders was finishing up with Haley and Britt was over in the corner working on some machine.  Dr. Sanders was going over her final instructions with Haley.  She said "so, all the time except when eating."  She looked at me and said "and maybe a few other things." then winked at me.  I had already realized that the personal side and professional side of Dr. Sanders were two vastly different animals, this was just further confirmation.  She continued "you will get the hang of talking in no time. The crib is smaller than the fixed one you had.  And once you start with your myofunctional training and get that stubborn tongue of yours trained, we can get rid of it completely.  And maybe by then you will have had your own expander installed anyway."  Haley said "thank you Dr. Shanders.  Thank you for making it removable.  Rob thanksh you too" and laughed.  I blurted out "what am I going to do with you woman?"  Looking over at Dr. Sanders I added "the both of you.  By the way Dr. Sanders, how is your mouth feeling?"

She said "well, you can call me Dr. Sanders.  Or, you can call me Leslie.  How about Leslie?  Anyway, thank you for asking.  To be honest, Sunday through Tuesday were very tough sledding. I had lots of pain.  Maybe not 10/10, but not far from it.  But it has gotten better every day since then.  And I am not back to 100% yet, but I feel like I am well on my way.  Other than the screws in my palate; they give my tongue heck; this expander is actually a little less bulky than the two I had previously.  I can talk so much better with it.  You know, this would be a very good option for you."  I said "well, I would like to talk to you about it.  And what it is like.  But not for me.  But for what Haley and Britt have in store for them.  I tried to talk them out of it on Sunday.  But they are awfully hardheaded."

She looked at me and asked "well, what plans do you and Haley have this weekend?  If you don't have anything, why don't you two come over to the house tomorrow evening for dinner?  Pete mentioned on the ride home Sunday how you two hadn't really had time to thoroughly catch up.  And I can tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly of the alien in my mouth.  What do you say?"  I looked at Haley and then answered for us both "sure, that sounds great.  Do I need to bring anything?"  Leslie looked at me and said "bring your facemask if you want to score bonus points with your orthodontist."  This cracked her up and she laughed so hard she knocked her own facemask askew.  As she straightened it up she then said "no, just bring the two of you. And an appetite.  This will be fun."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #126 on: 24. May 2023, 21:06:46 PM »
Part 51.

I was just finishing up the crab and cheese stuffed bacon wrapped jalepenos when Haley came into the kitchen.  She said “you know Dr. Sandersh shaid we don’t need to bring anything?”  I replied “I know, but I hate to show up empty handed.  Plus these things for SO good.  Does Dr. Sanders drink do you know?  Haley answered “yes, she doesh.” I said “I said in that case, let’s bring a bottle of wine too.  Why don’t you pick one?”  Haley opened the cabinet and picked a Kendal Jackson.  She brought it over to me and asked “will thish work?”  I looked at her and said “that is perfect.  And so are you!” as I winked at her.  She said “you are sho shweet.  And you are being such a good patient.”  She kissed me on the cheek.  Since I was wearing my facemask I couldn’t repay the favor.  I said “of all the crappy things about having to wear this; the discomfort, the awkwardness, the embarrassment; the worst is not being able to kiss you.”  She hugged me and said “aww, my poor baby.”  She then reached up and removed the facemask from my face and kissed me.  As I kissed her I ran my tongue into her mouth, feeling her new retainer and tongue crib that hung down from it.  I noticed that unlike her earlier fixed crib, she was able to get her tongue around this one.  The feeling of her warm, wet tongue combined with the unyielding presence of the tongue crib felt so erotic.

As I pulled into the driveway of the Sanders’ home I looked over at Haley and said “have you been here before?  They have a nice place!”  Haley answered “yesh, Dr. Sandersh hosts a Christmash party for the office every year.  She is a great host.  And their back pool patio is nice.  You’ll see.”

Haley rung the doorbell as I had my hands full with the platter of peppers.  In Haley’s free hand she held the bottle of wine.  The door opened and we were met by the smiling face of Dr. Sanders.  She was wearing her purple floral facemask.  With a big smile on her face she said “yay!  Welcome!  Come on in!  And I told you that you didn’t have to bring anything!  But thank you! Follow me!”

We followed her through the house onto the back patio.  Pete Sanders was standing by the grill.  On his face was a smile and a blue Petit facemask.  He welcomed us “hello!  What you got there?”  I said “I have some stuffed peppers if you have room.”  He said “sure thing.  Bring ‘em on. And Haley, just sit that wine down on the table.  Leslie has already gotten into the seabreezes though.”  Dr. Sanders giggled and said “and they are so good.  Can I get you one? Or something else to drink?”  I answered “I better not, I have to drive.  But I bet Haley would love one”. Dr. Sanders answered “BS, if you want a drink, or many drinks, have at it.  You can stay here.  We have plenty of room.  And as many patients as you have referred to us lately you have earned it.”  I said “in that case, sure, I will take one.”

Dinner was great.  Pete had grilled thick ribeyes.  He had cooked mine to a medium rare perfection.  The peppers were devine, the Sanders both complimented them.  And Dr. Sanders had baked some potatoes and fixed a salad.  We sat at their dining room table and ate, drank, swapped stories and had good conversation.  Once dinner was done, everyone pitched in to help clean up.  Once done, Dr. Sanders suggested we move things back outside.

As we sat around the table outside she looked at me and said “so, you said you wanted to know more about this expander of mine.  Before I put my facemask back on let me tell you about it.  And show it to you.”  Before she started though she looked at Pete and asked “baby, aren’t you forgetting something?”  Pete sighed and said “ugh, the trials and tribulations of living with your orthodontist.”  Dr. Sanders laughed and said “I only make you do it because I love you babe!”  He stood and headed back towards the house.  Haley stood and followed behind him.  I didn’t think much of it, I thought maybe Haley needed a refill.  With the two of them gone Dr. Sanders scooted her seat over beside mine.  She said “here, take a look” as she leaned her head back and opened her mouth wide.  She used her fingers to hold her cheeks back.  I could see the molar bands wrapped around her back molars.  From each band there was a hook that ran along her outside gum line, terminating just behind her canine teeth.  I knew these were for elastics to hook to her protraction mask. There were two stainless steel wires that ran from each molar band to the big mass sitting square in the middle of her palate.  There was a large hex screw running horizontally across her mouth, and there were six small screws drilled into her mouth.  It was a lot.  And it looked like it had to hurt. 

After she had given me a good look she straightened back up and said “there it is.  It is anchored into my palate with those six screws you see.  There are three on each side of my suture.  As I turn the expander; I turn it twice per day; those screws expand outward.  The goal is to get that suture to split.  Once it does I will get a nice diastema between my front teeth and I will reduce my turns to one a day.  As I continue to expand that lovely gap with get bigger.  It will be impressive by the time everything is said and done.  Once I am done expanding, that will take around six weeks, I will get braces.  The expander will stay in for another 6-12 months while the suture fills in with bone.  But, once I get the braces on, I will be able to remove those arms that are in my palate running to the molar bands.  I will wear the facemask for probably a year, depending on my progress.”

I was about to ask her a question when I noticed Pete come out the back door.  On his face he was wearing his blue facemask.  In his hand he carried Dr. Sanders’ purple mask and a bag of elastics.  Behind him was Haley.  I noticed she was carrying something as well, my facemask.  Pete walked up to Dr. Sanders and handed her the facemask and elastics.  He said “here you go baby.”  She quickly donned the facemask.  Haley walked up to me.  With a pleading voice she asked “baby, will you put yoursh on too.”  I told her “no, but I will let you put it on me.”  She was beaming as she hooked the elastics to the hooks in my mouth and attached them to the mask.  She said “hmmph, I feel out of place without a facshmask of my own.” 

Dr. Sanders replied “you haven’t really taken a good look at your retainer have you?  Take it out and let me show you something.”  Haley popped the retainer out of her mouth and placed it on a paper towel.  Dr. Sanders pointed at the labial bow on the retainer and said “did you not notice these little hooks here?  And if you did, did you not wonder what they were for?  Let me show you.”  She got up and went inside.  She returned a few minutes later with a purple floral Petit facemask identical to the one she wore.  She told Haley to put her retainer back in.  Once Haley had placed it back in her mouth, Dr. Sanders held the mask up to Haley’s face and used an allen wrench to make adjustments so it fit Haley.  As she did she explained “this is my spare mask, but you can keep it.  I will get another from the office.  And there, it is now yours.”  She then picked up an elastic and ran it from the small discreet hook on the retainer to the mask.  She repeated with a second on the other side.  She said “now, you won’t feel out of place.”  I looked at Leslie and said “thank you Dr. Sanders, I know that Haley was feeling really jealous she couldn’t wear her's anymore.  And why wouldn’t she, look how adorable she is.”  Dr. Sanders winked at me and said “you are most welcome.  But you know what we are missing?  A picture of the four of us!”  As we crowded together, I knew that this was going to end up on Facebook.  But I realized I didn’t even care.  And even if I had it would have been worth it just to see Haley and a slightly tipsy Dr. Sanders in their facemasks.  It was so sexy watching Haley go about life while wearing hers.  And now here was Dr. Sanders doing the same.  There was just something different about her out of the office versus in it.  I wondered where the rest of this night would lead?

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #127 on: 25. May 2023, 17:06:48 PM »
Part 52.

I looked over at Dr. Sanders, or was it Leslie, or was it Kristin?  She had just arrived with another round of drinks.  I looked over at her and said "so, I have some questions for you about that expander in your mouth.  But first, what is your name?"  She looked at me with a confused look on her face and replied "what do you mean?"  I responded "well, you are obviously Dr. Sanders.  But when we first met you introduced yourself as Dr. Kristin Sanders.  But Pete calls you Leslie.  And you asked me to call you Leslie.  Just curious about that."

She said "oh, that.  All my friends and family call me Leslie, that is my middle name.  But all of my legal documents, professional listings and associations and such, show me as 'Dr. Kristin Sanders' or 'Dr. Kristin L. Sanders'.  It is confusing, but in a professional setting I will introduce myself as my "professional" name; Kristin.  But among friends I am Leslie or Les.  So, you can call me Leslie.  Both of you.  Haley, maybe just in the office in front of patients call me Dr. Sanders.  But I consider the whole office as one big family, so you should call me Leslie outside of the office.  Deal?  Both of you?"

I looked at her and said "it is a deal Leslie.  And that makes sense."  Haley said "it ish going to be a hard habit to break Dr. Sandersh.  I mean Leslie.  But I will try."  Leslie said "good, thank you.  So, what questions do you have about this impressive contraption in my mouth?"

I replied "first, that thing just looks brutal.  How bad did it hurt when you got it?  And how bad does it hurt now?"

She said "well, the installation was not bad really.  The spacers and the injections to numb my palate hurt worse than the actual installation.  Getting it installed wasn't fun, but I would not call it painful.  It was just a LOT of pressure.  And the noise!  Oh, you can hear and feel the screws going in.  That was a bit like nails on a chalk board.  When I start offering this treatment, I am going to provide headphones for patients.  That way it least it will mute some of the noise.  Now, the pain after the anesthesia wore off was pretty severe.  I was sore that Saturday night after getting it.  But Sunday was just hell.  I woke up hurting, and it got worse during the day.  But, I think a lot of that had to do with having to take off and land four times.  I have sinus issues anyway; that is one of the reasons I am undergoing expansion among others; and it is often hard for me to equalize the pressure in my head when flying.  With this new device screwed in; with the mini-screws sticking through into my sinus cavity and the expander pushing my palate apart laterally, it was excruciating.  It got a little better Sunday night once I got home."   She looked over and patted Pete's hand and said "I had a good nurse though" and continued.  "So, Monday was still very painful.  I was able to work, but barely.  Tuesday was a little better.  But that whole time I was popping Tylenol and Ibuprofen like candy.  I probably should have taken a prescription pain pill, but that would have meant I had to miss work.  And I didn't want to do that.  Every day since then has gotten better.  I am feeling pretty good now.  I still notice it is there all the time.  And eating is still a chore.  And the screws are rough on my tongue.  But I can live with it.  Speaking of tongues, stick your's out."

I looked at her with a scrunched-up face, unsure where this was going.  But I complied and stuck my tongue out.  Leslie leaned over and examined it.  She said "so, I am sure you have noticed it all too well, but your TPA leaves an indention on your tongue all the time.  It will go away when it is gone, but not until then.  And I am sure for the first week or two it really bothered you.  But I bet by now you are used to it.  Don't even notice it most of the time.  Am I right?"  I affirmed that all this was true.  She stuck her tongue out at me, and I looked at it.  She then pulled it back into her mouth and said "so, did you see that?  You can see the imprint of the expander on my tongue, the screws and the metal arms.  I too hope that I will just completely be used to it in another week or two.  But, I am not there yet.  At least my lisp is largely gone."

I said "so, it is bad, but gets better.  I am worried about my Haley here.  She seems dead set on doing this.  But you looked so miserable on Sunday, I don't want her to go through that."

Leslie responded "it is too early to say for certain, but I feel like it will be worth it.  Haley has tried so hard to get the expansion she needs.  But her mouth is being stubborn.  I think this will be the right thing for her.  And she will be glad she did it.  You know that whole "short term pain for long term gain".  It is a little of an axiom in the world of orthodontics.  But it is especially true with this."

I asked her "what's it like to turn it?  Does it hurt?  Or is it just pressure like Haley described with her old expanders."

Leslie responded "well, these expanders are a little more aggressive than a traditional Hyrax expander.  Each turn expands a little more than a turn with the Hyrax.  So, there is definitely more pressure.  I wouldn't call it pain.  But I wouldn't call it fun either.  Pete baby, do you want to turn Mama's expander now?"  Pete hopped up and headed inside.  As we waited Leslie continued "I think the best way to describe it is to show you.  And also, every patient is different.  From what I have seen and heard researching this, some patients hardly notice the turns.  Others experience real pain each and every turn.  For the vast majority of patients, including me so far only a week in, it is somewhere in the middle."

Pete arrived back and stood in front of Leslie.  She said "I think Pete enjoys turning my expander.  Maybe he feels like he is getting a little payback for me putting him in braces and making him wear that facemask."  He smiled and said "I am going to plead the fifth on that one."  Leslie removed her facemask and placed it on the table.

She then leaned her head back and Pete inserted the wrench into her mouth.  It took him two tries to get the wrench seated on the expander.  He then turned the wrench downwards, from under her nose toward her chin until the wrench was stopped by her lower teeth.  As he made the turn I could see her face tense up, especially around the eyes.  He pulled the wrench out of her mouth, seated it back on the expander, and made a second turn.  Once he was done Leslie closed her eyes and exhaled deeply.  For several seconds she sat there with her eyes closed taking long, controlled breaths.  She opened her eyes and said "that will wake you up in the morning.  It isn't really pain.  But you can feel the pressure radiating all the way up through the face.   Speaking of which, one thing I have noticed in patients in research papers is an increase in wrinkles.  You can see it in their progress photos.  Especially around the eyes.  It seems like, especially in women, this causes crow's feet around the eyes.  I think that is simply because of how much clenching of the face this whole process causes.  One thing I have integrated into my own treatment is using moisturizer religiously during the day and a retinol cream every night.  This is something else I am going to dive into a little deeper before I start offering this in the office."

I replied "that is good to know.  Any idea on when you might put her in one?  I want to have a heads up so I can take her out to eat all the crunchy, sticky, and chewy food."  As I was talking she picked her facemask up and quickly put it back on.

Leslie replied "well, I want to see how my process goes.  I never like to use any appliance or technique on a patient that isn't proven.  This is new, so I want to feel comfortable I am offering a proven method.  I actually like to have experienced what our patients are going through.  I think it makes me a better doctor.  And I also like it for all the girls to do the same.  It think it helps build empathy towards our patients.  I think a few of the girls think I just like to see them suffer.  And that is not the case at all.  There is a method to my madness.  I don't shy away from using the most effective treatment tools I have in my toolbox, regardless of the appliance.  And I extend that same philosophy to my employees' treatment as well.  I mean, how can we ask a patient to wear headgear, or a tongue crib, or a facemask if we aren't willing to ourselves?  That is another reason I wear my extraoral appliance in the office, and strongly encourage everyone else to do the same.  I just don't understand why there is such a social stigma about it.  I mean, tons of people every day wear glasses and no one bats an eye.  I look at that as an extraoral appliance for the eyes.  But someone wearing an orthodontic headgear or facemask?  The whole world turns to look.  I just don't get it.  Maybe I hope to normalize it.  At least around here.  Speaking of which, has anyone talked to Bri today?  I talked with her last night and gave her a little pep talk, she sounded like she was still down in the dumps."

Haley said "actually, Britt took her out shopping today.  To try to take her mind off of it.  And Tommy was taking her out to dinner tonight.  Let me shoot Britt a text."

We continued to chat, largely it consisted of Pete talking about his time playing ball.  And of stories of him and Leslie from back in that time in Colorado.  It was sweet.  And it made me reflect on a thought that had repeatedly run through my head about Haley and I.  Sometimes, it just seems like fate intervenes to make sure that two people run into each other in life.  Then Haley's phone dinged.

She looked down and said "well, Britt said that Bri was a lot better today than yesterday.  Britt said she seemed to be coming to terms with her braces.  She said the facemask was still an albatross, but we can work on that."  Leslie said "wonderful! I knew she would come around. I know it was a shock to her system.  But she will be fine.  Speaking of Britt, what is she doing this evening?"  Haley texted her back and quickly got a response.  Haley said "she is just sitting at her apartment watching TV."  Leslie said "awww.  We have got to find her a boyfriend.  She is just too incredible to be sitting at home on a Saturday night.  Tell her to get her butt up here, but that she has some catching up to do on the drinks.  And in the meantime, let's put our heads together and try to find her someone." 

And then it hit me.  I didn't know why I hadn't thought of him before.  Maybe it was because I wanted to keep Haley AND Britt all to myself.  But that wasn't fair to Britt.  She WAS special.  And I didn't need to try to hide her light under a bushel.  I thought about a friend from grad school.  He was probably my best grad school friend until we had both graduated and gone our separate ways; each moving away for jobs.  We had been very similar back then.  Only he was a MUCH better basketball player.  It was always fun to play pickup ball at the rec center and see the opponents' jaws dropped when he, the 6' 3" white kid, jumped through the roof to dunk on them.  I had only messaged him a few times over the past ten years.  But from Facebook I knew he had moved back to town and started his own business.  And I knew he was unmarried, though I wasn't sure about the girlfriend status.  One thing I did know, or at least suspected, was that he might share the same affliction I have.  He had never said it outright, but neither had I.  And I hadn't asked him about it.  But I did remember back in the day when we would be out at bars that he would always notice the girls with braces, often making a comment like "she is really cute with those braces".  And I remembered if there was a group of girls, if one had braces, she was the one he wanted.  As did I.  Maybe that is one reason we had gravitated towards each other.  Regardless, I knew he was a good guy.  I knew he was successful.  I knew he was in town and unmarried.  And I knew he needed to meet Britt.  And I kicked myself for not thinking of this when Britt was in her headgear.  If I were right about Chris, and I felt pretty confident I was, he would have chased her around the world while she was wearing that monstrous Interlandi headgear.  But, even without braces Britt was incredible.  And I bet the idea of her upcoming treatment would be enough to get his complete and undivided attention.  I didn't have his cell number.  But we were friends on Facebook.  So, I pulled out my phone and sent him a Facebook messenger.  I simply put "hey dude, how you doing?  We need to catch up."  I then gave him my cell number and told him to give me a shout when he could.  I then looked up and said to the girls "before you two start playing match maker, I might have just the right guy for her."

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #128 on: 26. May 2023, 07:12:18 AM »
I've finally caught up with this -- by using Balabolka to generate an "audiobook" for binge-listening.

It's a great story, told well.  You manage to ride the knife-edge of plausible devoteeism.

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #129 on: 26. May 2023, 08:41:03 AM »
So, I have had an idea for a while.  Probably a really stupid idea. 

It's not at all a stupid idea.  Quite the contrary.  My sense is to use whatever is available to you to add atmosphere to the story.  I applaud your efforts.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #130 on: 27. May 2023, 20:37:19 PM »
Part 53.

Over the past 3 months, not much of any significance had happened with me and Haley.  We were still madly in love and very happy.  If anything we had only grown closer during that time.  However, the same could not be said for Britt.  I had introduced her and Chris.  And they had hit it off.  They were now a thing.  And while I had not come right out and asked him if he had a thing for braces, just being around the two of them gave me my answer.  I could see his eyes light up when Haley and Britt would talk about their upcoming expander installation.  And that day was today, a blazing hot August Friday afternoon.

I pulled into the parking lot a few minutes before 2 p.m., I knew that Dr. Sanders wanted to start the procedures as soon as possible.  I walked into the waiting area and saw there was only one other person there, Chris.  I looked over and said "so, you are here to hold Britt's hand?"  He replied "yes, of course, I wouldn't miss this for the world."  I wasn't sure if I needed to check in with Lauren or not, so I walked up to the reception desk.  She had her back to me sorting some papers.  I cleared my throat to get her attention.  When she turned, the first thing I noticed was she was wearing a pink Petit facemask.  I said "Hey!  You couldn't resist could you?  They are all the style this season."  She said "I promise you that is not why I am wearing it.  I just got it last Friday and gosh it is a pain."  I assured her "I promise you it does get better.  A little better.  Do I need to check in or anything?"  She said "no, they are just finishing up with their last patient of the day.  They know Chris is already here.  They will come get you here shortly when they finish up."

I walked over and sat down beside Chris.  We chatted.  He filled me in on his and Britt's relationship.  It sounded like they were made for each other.  Our conversation was broken by Dr. Sanders' voice.  She trailed a tall, striking 40ish year old blond.  She had her head down, but even so the facebow coming out of her mouth and the black straps over the top of her head were very visible.  Dr. Sanders was saying "I promise you Meredith it will be worth it.  And time will fly, we are only talking two to three months.  And it will shave at least that much time off your total treatment time.  So, don't you think that is worth it?"

As she walked over to the reception desk the woman said "but did you have to make it permanent so I can't take it out at all?  I promised you I would wear it as instructed this time."  Dr. Sanders answered "I am afraid so Meredith, you know I have a three strikes policy.  I gave you two chances to wear it as required and that didn't work out.  This will make it so much easier for you.  You won't be able to forget to put it in."  Defeated the woman weakly said "ok, I know it is my fault."  With a sunny smile on her face, Lauren said "Mrs. Thompson, I have you all set for your next appointment in 6 weeks.  Here is your appointment card.  And for what it is worth, I think it looks good on you!".  The woman said softly "thank you."  Then, with her head down, she walked out the front door wearing her now permanent highpull headgear that would be her constant companion for at least the next few months.

Dr. Sanders had spotted the two of us in the corner and exclaimed "hey you two, come on back with me!"  As I followed her I said "so Doc, looks like you got a new facemask."  She turned and said "ah, you are observant.  I actually got the idea from a colleague of mine, another dentist that is also undergoing expansion and protraction like I am.  I noticed on her practice's Facebook page recently that her facemask always matched her clothing.  If she had a yellow dress on, she was wearing a yellow mask.  A green dress, a green mask.  Blue scrubs, a blue mask.  And so on.  I realized that she is actually color coordinating her facemask.  And why not?  We do it with shoes, purses and the like.  So, I am color coordinating too.  It is fun.  Today is pink scrub day, so that means it is pink mask day.  Look, even I admit this whole process isn't the most fun.  So, why not try to make the best of it.  Right?"

I answered "you are a nut Doc.  But you are right.  And it is so cool you set such a good example for your patients. Speaking of which, how are you doing?  Did those TADS you got in your gums to level your smile finally calm down?"  She said "yes, I finally got that little infection to go away.  I will admit that at first they might have hurt worse than the expander and braces though.  But at least since I got the braces on 6 weeks ago my gaps have almost closed.  I was feeling a little self-conscious there for a while.  You could have driven a truck through that gap."  I told her "well, I thought it was cute.  And I am sure Haley's will be too.  She is pretty worried about that aspect of it."

As we entered the treatment area I noticed that Haley and Britt were sitting in the corner quietly talking.  They were very fidgety and looked nervous.  Bri was assembling all the tools and appliances on trays.  She was being a good patient and wearing her facemask.  After her initial shock of getting everything installed had worn off, she had actually adapted quickly to all of her appliances.  And no, Tommy wasn't chasing her around the bedroom because of her braces.  But he was still chasing her around the bedroom in spite of them she had told me.  Dr. Sanders turned and approached Bri to check in on her, so I turned and walked over to the girls.

I gently patted Haley on the shoulder and said "so, today is the big day.  You are going to do just fine.  And look who I found outside" motioning to Chris.  He looked at Britt and said "how you doing babe?"  Britt looked at him and said "nervous.  But thank you for coming."  He replied "of course babe".

Dr. Sanders said "ok ya'll, come on over.  The show is about to start."  After Haley stood I wrapped my arm around her and led her over to the treatment chair where Dr. Sanders and Bri were seated.  Chris grabbed Britt's hand and they followed along behind us.  Dr. Sanders asked "so, I am going to go ahead and start by numbing you all up before we start.  Just be forewarned there will be a little discomfort. I really need to get in there with the needle to make sure you don't feel the screw insertion.  I just want to warn you.  So, who wants to go first?" 

Haley and Britt looked at each other, then at the trays of metal that Bri had assembled and laid out side by side.  They looked back at each other still in silence.  Then Britt said "hey, wait, why are there three trays and three expanders?"  I took this as my que.  I said "well, since you girls can't make up your mind I guess I will volunteer to go first."

Haley and Britt's jaws both hit the floor.  After a few seconds Haley said "wait, what?"  I looked at her and said "I couldn't let you two have all the fun.  Plus, Dr. Sanders assured me this would fix my snoring once and for all.  And I am in this for the long haul when it comes to the two of us.  I plan on sleeping beside you; while not snoring; for a long, long time." Haley let out a soft "awwww."  Britt said "but how? How did we not know about this?" as she looked at Dr. Sanders.  Dr. Sanders responded "he wanted to surprise you both.  And I admit I was an accomplice.  We did all the impressions two Saturdays ago."  Haley said "so that is where you went.  Baby, are you sure you want to do this?"  I said "absolutely not.  But I need to do it, for you."  She hugged me tightly.  She then craned her head up and kissed me.  She said "I will take care of you."  Looking in her eyes I replied "and I will take care of you."  I unwrapped myself from her and sat down in the chair.  Dr. Sanders first removed my TPA.  Once it was gone, my mouth felt so big.  I said “ah, that feels so good.  Too bad I don’t have but a few seconds to enjoy it.”  As I steeled myself for what was to come Haley grabbed my hand.  Dr. Sanders looked down at me and said "it will be over with before you know it".  She raised the shockingly long needle in her hand and moved it in front of my mouth as I opened wide.  I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feel of Haley's hand in mine.  As I felt the fiery burn of the needle going into my palate I concentrated on my breathing.  After Dr. Sanders had finished with the three injections I opened my eyes.  I looked into Haley's face and lied.  I told her "piece of cake, you don't have anything to worry about."  I got up from the chair and Haley took my place.

As Dr. Sanders administered the first injection Haley's hand clamped down on mine like a vice.  She did not have her eyes closed. Instead they were wide open, a look of terror in them.  With my free hand I stroked her arm and softly said "It is ok kitten.  You are doing great.  Just a few more seconds."  Dr. Sanders finally finished and said "you did good Haley.  Now Britt, it is your turn."  Britt stepped back and said shakily "I don't know if I can do it."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #131 on: 28. May 2023, 21:17:41 PM »
Part 54.

Haley got out of the chair and approached Britt and said “come on now.”  Haley, Britt, and Chris walked away to the corner of the office.  I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Britt appeared animated, doing much of her talking with her hands.  After a few minutes it looked like she calmed some.  Dr. Sanders asked me “do you think I should go talk to her?”  I thought on that for a few moments and said “I don’t know.  Give them a few minutes.  If Haley can’t calm her down, nobody probably can.”  We watched as Britt went silent.  She stood statue still for several seconds.  She then marched over towards us and without a word sat down in the chair.  Chris sat down on the stool beside her and took her hand.  Britt cut her eyes towards Dr. Sanders and said “please just get this over with.”  As Dr. Sanders administered the injections I could see Britt’s lip quivering and her eyes watering.  Once Dr. Sanders was finished Britt said “holy shit.  I hope that was the worst of it.  I don’t think I can take any worse.”  Dr. Sanders patted her on the arm and said “I promise, it is downhill from here.”

As Britt got up from the chair I asked “so Doc, now what?”  She said “now we wait.  Let’s give it about 30 minutes for the anesthesia to be fully effective.”  As we waited we chatted. And as we chatted I could feel my palate going completely numb.  It was a strange sensation.

Much of the conversation revolved around Haley’s trip out to Dallas for her orafacial myology training class, and how she was progressing with the course work.  We also talked about everything Haley and I had gotten into afterwards; we had taken Dr. Sanders offer and stayed a couple of extra days.  For the upteenth time, I thanked Dr. Sanders for being so generous.  She said “it is my pleasure.  I am so happy everything went so well.  It doesn’t sound like it could have gone better.”  She looked at Haley and asked “so, when do you think you will be ready for your first case?  I want to be patient zero.” She then looked over at the clock on the wall, and then at me.  She asked “you ready?”  I answered “as ready as I ever will be.  Just be gentle with me, I’m a big baby.”  She laughed and said “I promise.”

After I was reclined in the chair Bri handed Dr. Sanders my expander.  Dr. Sanders narrated what she was doing as she did it.  She said “first, I am going to check the fit.”  She placed it in my mouth, pushing the bands around my molars.  She then had me bite down to seat it.  After examining it she said “looks good.  How does it feel?”  I felt around in my mouth with my tongue and answered “it feelsh huge.”  She responded “it will at first, but over time you will get used to it.  Anything poking you?”  I felt around again and answered “na.”  She replied “Good!  I will now cement it in place.”  She removed it and handed it to Bri, who applied a liberal amount of cement to the bands.  She repeated the process of seating it over my molars, the expander flush against the roof of my mouth.  She then took the UV light and cured the cement.  Once done she said “ok, now we just need to insert the tads.  Go ahead and put these headphones on.”  Haley took the headphones from Dr. Sanders.  She stroked my arm and said “you are doing good baby.  And thank you for this.”  I noticed the look in her eyes, it was the same hungry look I had seen in them before when I was in the chair.  As she gently placed the headphones on my head I thought that tonight would be very interesting.  That is if we both weren’t too sore and miserable.

I couldn’t hear Dr. Sanders over the music, but she held up the first screw and said something to the others assembled around me.  I couldn’t see what she was doing inside my mouth, but I certainly felt it as the first screw went in.  As she used something that resembled a miniature ratchet to screw it in, I felt it.  It didn’t hurt, but it was so much pressure.  When the tip of the screw popped through into my sinus cavity I thought I felt a pop.  Once she was done, she held her thumb up to me and arched her eyebrows.  I answered her with a thumbs up of my own.  She picked up the next screw.

It took her about 15 minutes to insert the remaining 5 screws.  Once she was done she raised me back up and removed the headphones from my head.  She looked at me and said “you handled that like a rockstar.  Go and rinse over at the sink.  I will wait to start on Haley until you get back.”

At the sink the first thing I did was open up my mouth and tilt my head to see what it looked like.  I tasted blood in my mouth and wanted to see how bad it was.  While the expander looked huge, I noticed there was actually very little blood.  I filled a cup with water and sloshed it around in my mouth.  When I spit it out into the sink I noticed it was pink.  My next rinse came out clear.  I turned and walked back over.  As I did my mind was consumed by how strange this invader felt in my mouth.  The hooks along my gumlines didn’t bother me, I was used to them from my TPA.  But this new appliance felt huge.  As I felt around it with my tongue I realized Dr. Sanders was right, these screws sticking out were going to take some getting used to.  I sat down beside Haley.  She turned her head towards me and asked “how are you feeling baby?  Does it hurt?”  I answered “no, it doeshn’t hurt.  It jusht feelsh sho weird.  And wow, what a lishp.”  She said “it is cute.  And soon we will match.”

I held her hand as Dr. Sanders reclined her back.  It took about 25 minutes for Dr. Sanders to bond and screw the expander into her mouth.  While I would never want to see her in pain, it was a huge turn on.  Not only was the expander cemented into my loves’ mouth, it was physically screwed in as well.  I tried to wrap my head around that, and how crazy that seemed.  Just the mental aspect that a piece of metal was screwed into her mouth, and would be for quite a while.  Once Dr. Sanders was finished, Haley stood up.  Before I would let her walk to the sink, I hugged her tight.  I whispered “you are so brave baby.”

I followed her to the sink and watched her rinse.  She hadn’t said anything yet, and I was a little worried about her.  Once she was done rinsing I gently placed my hand on her cheek.  I asked “ish everything ok kitten?”  She looked at me and replied “yesh, it is jusht a lot.  My brain is freaking out a little bit knowing thish thing ish shscrewed into me.”  I looked at her and tried to reassure her. I told her “I know baby.  It ish a lot.  And it feelsh so weird.  But it will get better.  And I will be right here by your shide.”  She looked at me and said “again, thank you for doing thish with me.  It will make it eashier.”  She then leaned in and kissed me.  She pulled back and said “let’s go sit with Britt.  She needsh all the moral support she can get.”

We watched as Britt underwent her installation.  Chris was at her side, holding her hand.  Several times during the installation, her face contorted in a pained look.  Finally she was finished and Dr. Sanders raised her back up to a sitting position.  Before Dr. Sanders could say anything Britt exclaimed “Holy Shit!  That wash intensh!”  Dr. Sanders looked at her and said “and you did great.  I knew you would.  Anyone that can handle that horrible headgear though can handle anything.”  As she stood Dr. Sanders hugged her.  She then said “I am sorry I had to put you through that.  But it worked didn’t it?  And this will too.  I promise.”

After Britt rinsed; Chris had been right beside her the whole time; Dr. Sanders said “now, let me demonstrate how to make turns.”  She looked at me, and I took that as my cue.  I sat back down in the seat and opened wide.  She showed everyone the wrench and said “so, today I am going to make turns until I feel a little resistance in the expander.  But after today, take a week off to let your mouth heal.  Then in a week, each of you need to make two turns per day.  And when you start these turns, you will need to start wearing protraction gear at least 14 hours a day.  Haley and Rob, you two are already old hands at it.  But Britt, it will be new for you.  I will go ahead and fit your facemask today.  Go ahead and start wearing it this week to get used to it.  Ok, so now for some turns!”

I felt the wrench as she placed it on the expander in my mouth.  On the first turn I felt the pressure extend through my nose.  By the fourth turn I felt the pressure exploding all through my face. I didn’t know if I could take another when she said “ok, that feels good for today.”  She then repeated the process for both Haley and Britt, but only made three turns for each of them.  When she was done she said “males are harder headed then women, but we all knew that already didn’t we girls” and giggled.  She continued “so Rob, that may mean that you need a few extra turns along the journey.  Do any of ya’ll have any questions?”  I looked at the girls who didn’t say anything.  I answered for us all “no, I think you have done a great job exshplaining it all.  Actually, no, I do have a queshtion.  Are you going to get mad if the three of ush are cusshing you tomorrow for installing these monstersh in our mouthsh?”  Dr. Sanders laughed and said “no, I will completely understand.   Don’t forget, I understand it all first hand.”  She pulled her face covering down, titled her head back and opened wide.  She pointed towards her own mouth and said “when you are cussing me, just remember I totally get it!”

She said “actually, you know what, you should all come over to the house tomorrow.  You three probably won’t feel like eating much of anything for a few days.  But a frozen margarita by the pool might be the perfect remedy.  My treat for inflicting all this on you.  What do you say?  Please?”

I looked at Haley, she shrugged her shoulders.  I said “sure Doc, that shounds great.  Chris, Britt?”  Chris said “that sounds like a wonderful idea.”  Dr. Sanders said “yay!  Then it is settled.   So, all we have left to do is get you fitted for your facemask Britt.  What color do you want?”  Bri returned with 9 facemasks of different colors and held them out.  Britt said “I don’t care, you all will be the oncesh that have to look at it.”  She looked at Chris and said “why don’t you just pick the one that will look the least hideous on me.”  He looked at her and said “baby, nothing could look hideous on you.”  He looked at Dr. Sanders and asked “can she have a couple?  Maybe to kind of color coordinate like you are doing?”  Dr. Sanders said “of course!”  Chris then put his finger on the pink one, then the bright red one, and finally the cheetah print one.  As he did I thought about Haley, and how sexy she looked when she had worn her cheetah print mask.  The mask and nothing else.

Dr. Sanders said “excellent choices!  Bri, will you fit them for Britt?”  After Bri had fit the final of the three masks, the cheetah print, she looked at Dr. Sanders and asked “do you want me to go ahead and attach her elastics?”  Dr. Sanders said “sure, might as well start the break in period now.”  Once she had attached the mask onto her face, I noticed the way Chris was looking at Britt.  I could tell he wanted her;  right here right now.  He said “baby, you look incredible.” 

Dr. Sanders said “she does indeed.  And we are done!  You all did incredible.  Remember to stay on top of the pain this evening with pain killers.  And take a sleep aid tonight.  And Britt, go ahead and start wearing your mask at night and around the house to get used to it.  Chris, maybe you can help her with it?”  He didn’t answer immediately, he seemed to be consumed by the image of Britt in front of him, her with her new expander in her pretty mouth and her new facemask on her pretty face.  He snapped out of it finally and said “absolutely Dr. Sanders, I will do my best.”  He grabbed Britt’s hand and looked her in the eyes.  He said “come on baby, let’s get you home.  You have had a long day.”  She looked at him and said “yes, that would be nice.”  As they walked out, I realized that Britt had left her facemask on.  Maybe she realized that, like me, her boyfriend had an appreciation for pretty girls undergoing orthodontic treatment.  If she didn’t, she would find out tonight.

I looked at Haley and said “and I think I need to get you home too.”  Before we left I looked at Dr. Sanders and said “thank you Doc.”  She said “don’t thank me quite yet.  When that anesthesia wears off later tonight you might change your tune.”

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #132 on: 29. May 2023, 19:04:21 PM »
Part 55.

Unfortunately, Dr. Sanders had been correct.  As the local anesthesia wore off in of our mouths, both Haley and I began to feel it.  We sat cuddling on the couch watching a movie.  While I had thought we might be in for a bit of a tussle tonight, the fact is neither of us really felt like it.  Haley seemed to read my mind and said "I'm shorry. I don't want to be that girl that hash a headache.  But, I do in fact have a headache tonight."  I squeezed her close to me and responded "no need to apologizshe, I am right there with you.  Though for you, I would find a way to power through it" and winked at her.  She nuzzled up closer against me and asked "I wonder how Britt ish doing?"  She picked up her phone and started typing.

A few minutes later her phone dinged.  She looked down at the message that said "WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTEN ME INTO!!!  This is so bad!  How did you survive with an expander in your mouth!  And this facemask!  It is worse than the headgear!"  Haley showed me the message and said "well, Britt seemsh to be having a nice evening."  I laughed, the first time I had done so since our appointment.  I replied "that ish the Britt I know and love."  I picked up my phone and text Chris.  My message said "give that woman a sleeping pill, take her to bed, cuddle with her and tell her how pretty she is until she falls asleep.  And even as hard as I know it will be for you; with the expander and facemask she is wearing; don't try to be romantic with her unless she initiates it.  Just telling you from experience."

He sent me a message back "I am trying, but she is so wound up.  And what do you mean with the "expander and facemask" comment?"

I text him back a message "come on man, it is pretty obvious to see.  I take it you haven't told Britt about your little "thing"?  I will go ahead and tell you something, she is sharp as a tack.  She already realizes it I'm sure.  But, if it makes you feel better, you aren't the first person she has had in her life that has the same odd attraction.  And she is ok with it.  Maybe talk to her about it sometime.  Not tonight, but sometime.  And don't be weird about it.  I bet it brings you two closer together."

It was several minutes before he sent back a response.  It said "so, who was this other person?"  I typed back "you are texting with him.  We can talk about it later.  But not tonight.  Take care of Britt."

The next morning we were all still in pain.  It was manageable, but it couldn't be ignored.  Haley and I lay in bed for a long time just holding each other.  I asked her "sho, do you feel up to going to the Shandersh?"  She said "might ash well, my mouth ish going to be hurting regardlessh of where I am.  Might as well do it by her pool drinking her tequila."  I looked at her and said "that'sh my girl."  I got up out of bed.  I looked at her and asked "would you join me?  I sometimes have trouble washing my back."  She smiled at me and said "don't throw me in the brier patch."  I was glad to see a smile on her face.  It was the first one I had seen on her since the previous morning when she had left for work.

Later that afternoon we all were laying in loungers around the Sanders' pool.  Neither Leslie nor Pete were wearing their facemasks. Leslie had warned us that you had to be careful wearing a facemask outside during the day.  She said she knew from experience that the tan lines from the facemask were quite possibly even more embarrassing and awkward than actually just wearing the mask.  She had just brought us another round of frozen margaritas.  Like she had said the day before, they were a wonderful remedy.  They didn't make the pain go away, but it made me not really care as much about it.  Haley and Britt seemed to be having the same reaction.  Dr. Sanders had been asking us how our first night and day were going, and if we had any questions.  Britt chimed in "Dr. Shandersh, there hash to be a better option than the facemashk.  I woke up thish morning and my chin was absholutely killing me."  Dr. Sanders said "call me Leslie.  And actually, I learned a little trick from another ortho just the other day.  Since you are staying here tonight, you did bring your mask with you didn't you?" Britt reached over for her purse and pulled out the pink one.  Leslie said "Good girl!  I will go get a couple of things and make it better."

We were all sitting up, watching as Leslie returned a few minutes later with her hands full.  In one hand she held a pair of scissors and a couple of socks.  As I looked at her other hand I thought to myself "are those maxi pads?  Surely they aren't." 

She sat down and said "first off, don't laugh.  This works.  Hand me your mask Britt."  Once she had Britt's mask, she opened the package to one of the pads.  She said "so, first thing is stick one of these to the forehead piece.  Then peel off the plastic and wrap the wings around.  Like this".  She demonstrated.  She then said "now take your scissors and trim the pad off so it is flush.  Now you have some padding.  Finally, cut the end off of a sock; these are clean, new socks by the way; that is how much you mean to me Britt" and laughed.  She continued "slip it over the forehead pad.  And now, you have padding."  She quickly repeated the process on the chipcup of the mask.  She handed it back to Britt and said "try it on, see what it feels like."  Britt took two elastics and attached the mask to her face.  She looked at Leslie and her eyes lit up.  She said excitedly "OH WOW!  This is better!"  Leslie said "for the next few weeks, use that little trick while sleeping, then try weaning yourself off it.  Eventually your chin will get used to it.  Now, take it off and enjoy that drink.  But later tonight, you will appreciate it."  Haley said "Leslie, you were holding out on me.  Me and Rob, we just had to shuffer  through it till we got ushed to it."  Leslie said "I'm sorry you two.  I just picked it up a couple of weeks ago.  I don't know why I hadn't thought of it myself, but I didn't."  With a smile on my face I said "Leslie, don't beat yourself up.  I think I would be more worried if you HAD thought about wearing two maxi pads on your face instead of the opposite."  Everyone laughed.  Leslie gave me a faux glare and said "I told you not to laugh!", then gave me a big smile showing her metal braces.  It was wide enough to see the tads in her upper gums.  A question popped into my head.

I asked her "so Leslie, thoshe tadsh look pretty rough.  Doesh everyone need them?  Will we need them?"

She said "well, every case is different.  But yes, they are pretty common protocol in these cases.  I would say over half of patients do need them, maybe even 75 or 80%.  I will go ahead and tell you that Haley will definitely need them.  Britt may.  And you will need a couple in your lower jaw.  Sorry to be a party pooper, but I won't lie to you.  But, we will cross that bridge when we get there.  They aren't fun, but they are an important part of your treatment.  And if you don't get an infection like I did, they are pretty manageable.  Here, let me show you."  She leaned over and pulled her lips back.  She had three inserted high in her gums on each side of her mouth.  Attached to each one was a chain that was attached to her archwire.  She said "the good news is, we won't need to worry about them until expansion is complete and we cut the arms off your expanders.  So, it is a trade off.  I add a little metal, I take a little away."  She laughed.  No one else did, everyone was thinking about the idea of having more screws inserted into our bone.  She said "really, you will all do fine.  And hey, if the whole orthodontic thing doesn't work out, we can all go in together and open up a hardware store."  This brought a couple of laughs.  She finished with "enough about orthodontics, what do you say we see how that water in the pool feels?".

The next morning, we all stumbled down the stairs.  Leslie and Pete had fixed a big breakfast spread.  When Britt sat down she was still wearing her facemask, as were Leslie and Pete. Britt looked over at Leslie and said "thank you for the trick on the mask.  It really helped."  Dr. Sanders said "Wonderful!  I imagine that those margaritas helped as well.  And having someone there to help take your mind off it.  It sounded like you two had quite an intense game of hopscotch."  Britt's face turned red, and Chris looked down and studied the floor.  Pete interjected and said "you have to forgive my wife.  She sometimes doesn't have a filter.  And she is a huge fan of hopscotch.  Isn't that right babe?  We played a game last night."  It was Leslie's face who now turned red as she turned and slapped his arm.  She said "our hopscotch games are not to be discussed in front of company!"  Pete just sat there smiling back at her.  Leslie said "anyway, sorry about that.  Let's eat.  I know it will be hard for you three, but we made oatmeal, grits, and scrambled eggs.  Those should be manageable."  I felt so embarrassed trying to eat in front of the others.  It was so awkward.  But as I looked around the table, I realized I was not the only one having to go slow and take tiny bites.  Even Leslie was taking her time.  She noticed me looking around the table and said "it is a change for sure.  But it does get easier."  After we were done, I thanked the Sanders.  As I walked to the truck hand in hand with Haley I said "you know, if you feel up to it, I might be up for a game of hopscotch.  I have misshed it the lasht few evenings."  Haley squeezed my hand and said "I think that soundsh like a wonderful idea."

The rest of the week was one of adjustment for Haley, Britt and me.  My lisp improved, all of our lisps had, but I still felt subconscious about having so much metal in my mouth and calling on customers.  I tried not to let it show.  There had been a few conversations about it with customers, but none had gone badly or seemed to negatively impact my job.  In fact, I thought maybe just the opposite.  I felt like a couple of the orders I had written that week had been sympathy orders.  But whatever, they pay just the same.  Haley seemed to have adapted the best out of the three of us.  But she also had previous experience with an expander in her mouth.  Britt was still being herself, complaining about the expander and the facemask all the time.  But, at least after a few days, there seemed to be a more playful edge to it; like back when she had to wear her headgear.  And she said she couldn't keep Chris away from her, he was being so sweet.  She also text me that he had come clean with her about his "interest".  But that he had assured her that was not the reason he was so into her, not at all.  She said she believed him.  And she told me that she now thought that the both of us, Chris and me, were both super weird.  But she was ok with it.  And he was making it so much easier for her.

As I pulled into the parking lot of City Orthodontics, I thought "maybe this will be quick.  Afterall, I think Dr. Sanders just wants to examine the expander and see that we know how to do turns, since today is the day we all start turning."  As I walked towards the front door though, there was a nagging fear in the back of my mind that maybe she had a little bit more in store for the three of us.  I hoped that her comment from the previous weekend about "adding a little metal" wasn't foreshadowing for this appointment.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #133 on: 29. May 2023, 23:57:38 PM »
Part 56. 

I entered the office at 1:45 to find an empty waiting room.  I walked up to the reception desk.  Lauren greeted me with a big smile from behind her facemask.  She said “Hi!  How are you?”  I answered “I am good!  I have almost gotten over this lishp.  Well… I guess I still can’t say lishp.”   Lauren laughed then stopped herself.  She said “I’m sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you.  I promise.”  I smiled back at her and replied “no need for an apology.  It is funny that if you have a lishp, you won’t be able to say lishp.”  She smiled and said “I know, right?”  I changed the subject and asked “so how are you doing?  Have you gotten more used to wearing that mask?  And don’t take this wrong, but you seem awfully bubbly today.”  She smiled back and said “well, I have gotten more used to it.  And it is Friday.  And I have a pretty special date tonight.  My boyfriend is taking me out to celebrate our one year anniversary!”  I exclaimed “that is AWESOME!  Congratulations.  Where is he taking you?”  She said “I don’t know, he is surprising me.  He has been acting coy all week.”  I said “well, it sounds like he has something pretty special planned for you.”  She said “I hope so.”  She changed the subject back to business when she said “I have you signed in.  They are just finishing up with a patient.”  I took that as my cue and turned to walk away.

She said “hey, I’m not running you off.  I was just letting you know.  I have a couple questions for you!”  I turned back around and said “ask away, I am a pretty open book.”  She asked “well, what is the expander like?  Dr. Sander’s has mentioned a couple times this week I would also be a candidate for one.  How bad is it?  I have asked Britt and Haley, but I want an unbiased 3rd party opinion.”

I replied “well, I am not so sure how unbiased I am.  But it hasn’t been horrible.  The first half of the week was rough, but it has gotten better.  Eating still sucks.  And my tongue stays sore.  But it is ok.  I am hoping that turning isn’t too bad.  I will let you know, we all start turning today.  And I am not looking forward to having to wear the protraction gear again.  It has been so nice not having to deal with that.  It is going to be a shock to get back in THAT routine.  But I guess it is worth it.  I hope it is worth it.  But I will be honest, if it weren’t for Haley I would not be doing this.”  Lauren looked at me and asked “so you are doing this for Haley?  That is so sweet.  I wish my boyfriend would consider it.  I love him as he is.  But his teeth could use a little work.  And I think it would be fun to do it together.”  She stopped and said “well, maybe not fun.  But..”. I said “I get it.  It is hard to explain.  It hate all this” gesturing towards my mouth “but I am so glad Haley and I are doing it together.  It has brought us closer.” 

At that moment the door opened and a teenage girl stepped out in the waiting area.  She approached the reception desk so I stepped back out of the way.  As Lauren worked on her appointment card Dr. Sanders told her “Abby, you have done SO great.  If you will just wear those elastics like I ask I promise you I will have you out of braces before yearbook pictures.”  The girl turned and smiled at Dr. Sanders.  She asked “do you promise?”  As she spoke it looked like her mouth was a giant rubberband.  There had to be at least a half dozen stretching from her upper arch to her lower.  There were several sets on each side of her mouth, but the crowning indignity was a box elastic square in the middle of her mouth.  Dr. Sanders looked at her and said “I promise.  Wear those finishing elastics all the time except when eating.  If you do, we might be able to take those braces off at your next appointment.  And if not that one, I promise the one after.  Do we have a deal?”  She stuck her hand out.  The girl shook her hand and said “we have a deal.  It is going to be so weird being the captain of the cheerleading squad with all this”, she bared her teeth to Dr. Sanders, “our first game is only two weeks away”.  Dr. Sanders said “oh goodness, why didn’t I think of that.  Your school colors are blue and white aren’t they?”  Abby affirmed they were.  Dr. Sanders said “hold on!”  She disappeared back in the treatment area.  She returned with a couple of bags of elastics.  She pulled an elastic out, it was a bright blue, and held it up beside one of the bows in the girl’s hair.  Dr. Sander’s said “it is almost a perfect match.  If you have to wear the elastics, you might as well match right?  I mean, I am doing it with my facemask.  At least you don’t have to wear one of these while cheering.  Right?”  The girl took the elastics and said “thank you Dr. Sanders.  Thank you for not making me wear my headgear except at night.  And thank you for not making me wear one of those” gesturing towards her facemask.  She continued “Wait, I didn’t mean it like that.  I know all of ya’ll have to wear them.  Crap… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”. Dr. Sanders cut her off by saying “stop Abby, I get it.  A facemask is VERY conspicuous.  But it is the most effective tool to fix certain bite issues.”  Dr. Sanders looked at me and said “isn’t that right Rob?”  I was a little caught off guard but affirmed “absolutely, they are effective.  And you ladies make them look cute.”  I noticed out of the corner of my eye this made Lauren smile. 

Abby continued “well, I am sorry, that came out wrong.  By the way, how in the world did you convince Mrs. Thompson to wear her headgear full time?  She is pretty embarrassed to have braces at her age.  I didn’t even know she had headgear.  And now suddenly for the last week she has been wearing it at school and at cheer practice.  I don’t know what seems crazier, that the principal of my high school wears headgear to school, or that our cheer coach wears it to school AND to practice.”  Dr. Sanders said “well Meredith; excuse me Mrs. Thompson; is a very dedicated patient.  As is Mrs. Parker.  Both really want the best outcomes in their treatment.  And I can be pretty persuasive when I need to be.”  As they talked, I put two and two together and realized the cheer coach they were talking about was the woman I had seen the week before, Mrs. Meredith Thompson, the tall blond woman who now had wired in high pull headgear.  She was a high school teacher AND the cheer coach.  Wow, she WAS brave.  But wait, she wasn’t the only one at her school?  The principal wore it as well?  I wondered if this was because Dr. Sanders had wired it on?  Or if she wore it because she knew if she didn’t Dr. Sanders would not give her a choice in the matter.  I noticed that Dr. Sanders had not mentioned that one of the methods she would use to persuade a patient to wear their headgear was to wire their facebow in.

Lauren handed Abby her appointment card.  Abby thanked her then said “so, you promised you would take these off at my next appointment, right?”  Dr. Sanders laughed and said “I promised to try by your next appointment.  But I do promise if not that one, the very next one.  So worst case, we are talking 3 more months.”  Abby said “I would love it if you could make it the next one.  That way I could at least cheer at the last few football games without braces.  I’m a senior, and no one has ever seen me cheer without braces.”  Dr. Sanders stood there in silence for several moments.  She looked at Abby and said “ok, I promise you I will take them off at the next appointment.  You might have to wear a couple of functional appliances for a few months, but you will be able to take them out.”  Abby jumped against Dr. Sanders giving her a huge hug.  She screeched “THANK YOU DR. SANDERS!  THANK YOU!”  As she hugged Dr. Sanders she was jumping up and down.  She finally let go of Dr. Sanders and stepped back.  Dr. Sanders continued “I promise to take them off at your next appointment IF you wear those elastics like I ask.”  Abby said “I promise!  I promise I will keep them in my mouth all the time!”  Dr. Sanders said “and remember to change them out every morning, after lunch, and after dinner.  Three new sets per day.”  Abby said “I promise!  Thank you so much, I am so happy!”  She turned and skipped towards the door.  Dr. Sanders stopped her by saying “Abby, since your next appointment isn’t for six weeks, good luck with cheer.  And tell Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Parker that they are doing great.  Tell Mrs Thompson for me.  But also do me a favor and tell her yourself.  I bet she would appreciate it.”  Abby turned with a huge smile on her face and said “sure thing Dr. Sanders.  And again thank you so much.”  She then headed out through the door, seeming to be floating as much as she was walking.

As Dr. Sanders walked over to lock the door I said “wow, you made her day.  Maybe her week, maybe her year.”  Dr. Sanders looked at me seriously and said “and that is what makes this worth it for me.  To see the excitement on patients faces when they get their braces off and see their new smiles.  And it is also why I am so strict at times.  I want them to be over the moon happy when they see their new smile.  Despite the road it takes to get there, I have yet to have a patient tell me it wasn’t worth it once it is all done.  Speaking of which, come on and follow me.  We have a few things we need to do.  And by the way, where is your facemask and protraction brace?” 

I looked at her and said “I didn’t bring them.  I thought you just wanted to take a look at my expander and have me show you that I know how to turn it.”  She looked at me coldly and said “no, we have a few other things to do today.  And even so, you ALWAYS need to bring ALL your appliances with you to every appointment.  I thought you knew that.  Normally this would be strike one.  But it is my fault.  I just assumed you knew.  So, I won’t count this one against you.  Come on, follow me.”  As I followed along behind her I couldn’t get over how serious she had turned and how suddenly it had happened.  As I followed behind her I pleaded “Dr. Sanders, I am really sorry.  Honestly, I didn’t know.”  She stopped and looked at me.  She said “no need to apologize.  This is my fault.  I have probably been too lax in your treatment on account of your relationship with Haley.  We will rectify that today.  Come with me to my office and we will go over some ground rules before today’s appointment.”

As I followed along behind her my stomach was churning.  What did Dr. Sanders mean by “too lax”?  And what were these ground rules she spoke of?  Regardless, I felt like I had really messed up and that I was being marched to the principal’s office.  And that made me think of Dr. Sanders’ three strikes policy.  And the fact that there was a high school principal right this very minute sitting behind her desk wearing headgear.  I don’t know if I had ever felt more nervous than I did as I sat down in Dr. Sanders’ office.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #134 on: 30. May 2023, 17:30:38 PM »
Part 57.

Dr. Sanders sat down behind her desk.  She sat there in silence steepling her hands.  I couldn't take the silence and again apologized "Dr. Sanders, again I am sorry.  I really didn't know.  I hope you aren't upset."

She looked at me and said "I am upset.  But I am upset at myself, not you.  I feel I have not been professional with your treatment.  I haven't explained my rules.  I haven't had you sign a treatment contract.  None of my normal protocol.  It is almost like boom, you were just in treatment one day.  But, in my defense, you are the first case I have had like this; a husband, well significant other, of an employee starting treatment.  So this is new territory for me.  No, I am not mad at you.  But let's get you started with a real treatment plan."   She got up and walked over to a filing cabinet.  She opened it and removed a stapled packet and laid it down on her desk in front of me.  She sat in the chair beside me. 

She said "this is my standard treatment contract.  Please read through it.  I do want you to sign one."  As I read through it she explained some of the high points.  Dr. Sanders said "so, this explains the financials.  If you fall behind on payment, treatment will be suspended until payment is made current.  It also outlines the expectations you can expect from this office.  We will provide you with the best treatment plan to achieve your treatment goals.  In the office I will offer a professional doctor/patient relationship.  That doesn't mean we can't be friends outside the office.  But in here, I am the doctor and you are the patient.  It also outlines what is expected of you, the patient.  You will be on time for your appointments.  You will bring all your appliances with you to all appointments.  Even better is if you just wear them.  You will agree to follow the treatment plan and instructions of the doctors and staff.  It outlines my three strike policy.  This really revolves around removable appliances.  If you do not wear them as prescribed, on the third strike the appliance will be made fixed through the duration of treatment or until the appliance is no longer needed.  It also explains my wear tracking system, I have a website set up so patients have their own log in.  This site allows patients, or parents in the case of our younger patients, to track their wear time.  This is a tool for patients to track their time to make sure they are getting in their required time.  And it is a way for me to monitor patients.  And yes, patients can lie.  But, if I catch a patient lying to me, that is automatically three strikes.  Period, no questions asked.  I am honest and upfront with patients, and I expect them to return the same courtesy to me.  I promise it is much better to be honest and say "sorry, I just haven't been wearing it" than to lie about it.  I have not been having employees use the system.  But, thanks to you, I am now.  Including myself.  It is just the right thing to do.  Like I have said before, I can't expect patients to do something that we ourselves are not willing to do."

Dr. Sanders went silent as I finished scanning through the contract.  Once done I lifted my head.  She looked at me and asked "are you ok with this?  If not, we can stop treatment now and I will hold no ill will. Again, it is all my fault that I did not go over this with you at the beginning."  I said "if you will hand me a pen, I will sign this.  I did not bring one.  I must have left it with my facemask and protraction brace."  Dr. Sanders laughed.  She said "Wonderful!  And you are a funny and charming guy.  I am so happy we can continue on this journey together.  And thank you.  Are we still friends?"  I smiled at her and said "of course we are."  She looked at me and stuck her hand out.  I shook it.  She said "I will give you a hug outside.  But remember, in here I have to keep it strictly professional."  I looked at her smiling and said "yes ma'am Dr. Sanders."  She said "thank you.  Also, and this is not because you have been a bad patient, I want to start scheduling your appointments during our standard operating hours.  This is mainly just because now that everyone in the office is in treatment, it is a struggle to get all of our appointments administered in three hours each Friday.  I hope that isn't a problem."  I looked at her and said "nope, not a problem at all.  Though I hope you will still let me sit with Haley during her appointments."  She said "absolutely!  What, do you think I am some kind of monster" and laughed.  I let out a sigh of relief.  I was not really in trouble.

Dr. Sanders looked at me and said "again, thank you.  Now, let's go get you, Haley and Britt fixed up!"  I followed behind her into the treatment area.  Haley and Britt were over at the sink sorting through tools and organizing a big slotted tray full of brackets.  I walked up behind Haley without her noticing and wrapped my arms around her.  As I did I said "they were right, all the pretty girls hang out here."  She turned in my arms and said "hey babe, fancy meeting you here" and hugged me back.  Dr. Sanders said "hey you lovebirds, let's get this show started.  I am ready to go home."

The three of us gathered around the chair, and Dr. Sanders one by one examined each of our mouths and our expanders.  She gave us all a clean bill of health, and said it looked like our hygiene was good.  She then had us begin turning our expanders.  She had each of us turn them ourselves.  It took me the longest to get the wrench positioned on the expander.  After I did, I noticed that Haley and Britt already had theirs in position.  I noticed they were watching me, waiting on me to catch up.  We made our first turn in unison.  I thought this appropriate as we were all in this together.  As I turned mine, I couldn't get over how strange it felt.  It wasn't pain, though it bordered on the edge.  Instead it was just a feeling of pressure through my face I had never experienced before getting the expander.  After the first turn, we all made a second turn.  This one resulted in even more pressure.  Once we were done Dr. Sander's said "Yay!" as she clapped her hands together.  She continued "and now you are on your way.  It will get easier the more you do it.  Now, let's get on with the rest of it.  Britt, would you get back in the chair please."

Once she was in the chair Dr. Sanders said "so Britt, we need to make sure we keep that lower jaw of yours in sync with your upper maxila as we bring it forward. We could do that with a herbst.  But I think a better, more discreet method will be the use of a Mara appliance.  Those upper molar bands already have the bucal tubes I need.  We just need to get the lower bands with stops installed on you, and then place the elbows on the upper. I think I can manage even though you haven't had spacers on bottom." 

Dr. Sanders got up and went over to the cabinet and pulled out a tray.  She removed a couple of silver bands with large metal stoppers on them and a couple of stainless bent elbows.  I then realized that Bri was not here.  I asked Dr. Sanders "where's Bri, is she ok?"  Dr. Sanders looked over and said "yes, she is great.  She has an eye doctor appointment this afternoon.  But she is good.  But that leaves me as the orthodontist and assistant today." 

Once she returned she dabbed some cement on the bands and placed the bands over Britt's teeth.  Without spacers, Dr. Sanders had to really force them down over Britt's teeth.  As she did I noticed Britt was wincing.  Once done, she quickly cured the cement with the UV light.  She said "almost done".  She then inserted the bent elbows through the bucal tubes on Britt's upper molars, and bent them with a pair of pliers.  She said "and now we will keep your lower jaw forward Britt.  Be careful at first when you bite down so you don't bash the elbows against the stoppers. It won't hurt the appliance, but it won't feel good. At first, you will want to consciously make an effort to keep your lower mandible forward when you bite down.  But after a while your jaw will get used to it's new position and it will naturally close without hitting."  I watched as Britt opened and closed her mouth.  She looked at Dr. Sanders and said "yeah, this will take some getting used to."  Dr. Sanders replied "I bet you get used to it by Monday, the body is quick to adapt."  She looked at me and said "Rob, now it is your turn.  We need to do the same for you."  Oh shit I thought.  My premonition of getting more metal was correct.

I obediently sat in the chair without complaint.  Afterall, I had just signed a contract saying I would do exactly that.  Dr. Sanders repeated the process on me.  As she forced those molar bands on, it straight hurt.  She noticed my face and said "your teeth will ache for a few days, but it will go away."  After she had installed the metal elbows, I tentatively bit down.  And wow, did this thing keep my lower jaw forward.  There was no way for it to slide back.  I knew I just had to look like a bulldog.  As soon as Dr. Sanders proclaimed she was done, I got up and went and looked at myself in the mirror.  I did not look like a bulldog, but I did have a more defined jaw line with my mouth closed.  I opened my mouth to see how visible it was.  I saw that I couldn't really notice anything else in there, it blended in with all the other metal already there.  As I opened and closed my mouth I thought "this should be manageable."  Then I thought to myself "it better be, I don't have any other option other than quitting."  And I wasn't going to do that.  Because of Haley.

I returned to the chair.  Dr. Sanders looked at me and asked "you ok?"  I said "yes, I just wasn't expecting it."  She said "just remember what I told you earlier.  I have yet to have a patient tell me it wasn't all worth it in the end.  We are almost done!  Tonight, I need you all to start wearing your protraction devices for at least 14 hours a day.  Rob, now that you have that Mara you can just wear the facemask if you want.  Or you can wear the protraction brace.  It is completely up to you.  And girls, I made the decision just a bit earlier, we are all going to start using the wear tracking system we use with our patients.  I will get you all your log in and passwords now.  Let me go get them from my office."  As Dr. Sanders stood Britt objected "Dr. Sanders!  Doesn't Haley get any new accessories today?  Come on, this isn't fair!"  Dr. Sanders said "I said we were almost done, not that we are done.  I am saving the best for last.  Let me go get those logins and passwords first.  Then I will come back and get Haley all set up with her new gear."

As she walked away, I saw Haley's face turn white.  I walked over and wrapped my arm around her and said "I am sure it won't be bad baby!"  She gulped and leaned herself into me, like she was trying to hide.  I wrapped my other arm around her and stroked the back of her head and said "whatever it is, we will get through it."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #135 on: 30. May 2023, 23:34:41 PM »
Part 58.

Dr. Sanders came back with a big smile on her face.  She handed us each a card that had our username and password handwritten on it.  As she did she said “this is exciting!  We can all track our wear time now!  Maybe we can make a competition of it since everybody in the office now has extraoral appliances of our own.  Who ever gets the most hours in each month gets a prize.”  She seemed to be talking to herself as she continued “maybe we could do it for all patients.  That would be fun.  And we are overdue for another Facebook contest.”  She seemed to catch herself and said “anyway, I will think about it over the weekend.  So, Haley and Britt, you both know how it works.  Rob, just log in there every day and put your wear time, your true and honest wear time, round to the nearest half hour.  And yes, you can round up the half hour.  Just don’t round up from 3 hours to 10 hours.”  She found this funny and laughed then continued “it only takes a minute or two, and you can do it on your computer or phone.  And if you forget a day or two you can fill in the time afterwards.  Just don’t fall behind more than a few days.  Then you will be in trouble.  And you don’t want that do you?”  I shook my head back and forth and responded “no ma’am.”  She responded “wonderful!  If you have any questions or issues, let me know.  But you are a smart guy and will figure it out.  So now, let’s get you fixed up Haley!”

Haley nervously sat down in the chair.  I sat on the stool beside her to offer moral support.  Dr. Sanders sat down on her stool and said “so Haley, you still have a tongue thrust.  Because of upper expansion, I can’t use a tongue crib like you had before.  I am sure that breaks your heart.  But, we can use some tongue spurs.  I am going to install a spur, some people call them spikes, on each of your top front six teeth.  They will serve as a reminder if you push your tongue against them.  And I know your tongue is already beat up from the six screws.  And this will beat it up more.  But we have to correct your habit.  So, I am going to go ahead and bond those on now.  And I am going to have the lab fabricate you a rake for your lowers.  I will install spacers for that now too.  And when the rake comes in we can install it as well.  Ok?”  Seeing how sad Haley’s facial expression had become while Dr. Sanders had been explaining this I had already taken her hand.  Dr. Sanders looked expectantly at Haley.  Haley weakly uttered “ok”.  I squeezed her hand, I didn’t know what else to do.

When Dr. Sanders returned she held up one of the spurs.  She explained “so Rob, you may not have seen one of these before.  They look like brackets, but instead of a slot for an archwire they each have these two little spikes on them.  I will bond them on the backside of Haley’s teeth.  They will serve as a reminder for her not to push on her teeth.  Even at night when she sleeps.”

I asked “won’t they hurt her?”  Dr. Sanders replied “not unless she pushes on them with her tongue.  And that is the whole point of them.”  I said “Dr. Sanders, I don’t even care if you hurt me.  But seeing Haley hurting rips me apart.  Is there any other option?”  Dr. Sanders replied “you are sweet.  And if I could stop Haley’s tongue thrusting by installing these in your mouth I would.  But Haley is the one who has to do it.  The myofunctional exercises she is working on will eventually break the habit.  But until then we still need an appliance.  So, until then she will need these spurs and the rake.  She will still be able to do her exercises with them.”

Haley must have noticed the pained look on my face.  She turned her head towards me and said “it will be ok baby.  I will be ok.”  I looked at her and felt horrible.  I knew how much she had hated the tongue crib and how tough it had been on her.  I told her “honey, you are so strong.”  And then, whether Dr. Sanders liked it or not, I bent over and gently kissed her on the lips.  Once I was finished Dr. Sanders said “that was sweet.  And I wish there were a better option.  But there isn’t.  So let me go ahead and gets these and her spacers installed and then we have just one more appliance to fit.”

As I watched Dr. Sanders work in Haley’s mouth I felt horrible.  Sick to my stomach.  Because I knew that this was going to hurt my baby.  And we weren’t even done.  What other appliance could Dr. Sanders possibly fit in her mouth?  I didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Dr. Sanders finished the installation of the spurs and spacers and said “so Haley, we need to intrude your top teeth.  Just like I am doing.  But I don’t want to use TADS if possible.  I have had a really tough time with mine.  And I don’t want you to have to go through the same.  There is another orthodontist that is using a different method successfully.  I would like to try that with you.  It might seem and look like a lot, but I promise you it is much more comfortable than these screws.”  She stood and walked over to the cabinets.

I couldn’t see what she was getting, her body blocked my view.  But finally she had what she wanted and closed the door.  When she turned I immediately identified a shiny facebow and black highpull headgear strap in one hand, and a blue Petit facemask in the other.  She sat down and said “instead of using screws, I am going to use a combination of headgear and a facemask.  The highpull headgear will produce a force that is up and back.  We want the up, we don’t want the back.  So to counter this we will use four elastics instead of two.  Let me get you all fixed up.” 

In just a few minutes she had the facebow fitted and the strap over her head connected to it.  It took her just a few more minutes to attach her facemask.  I noticed that Haley appeared to be on the edge of tears.  Dr. Sanders squeeled “this is sooo cool.  If this works as well as I think it is, I may ditch these screws myself.  Haley, will you be a dear, sit up and smile please?”  Before I knew what was happening Dr. Sanders took a picture of her.

I then realized that Dr. Sanders was planning to plaster this on facebook.  And I was not going to let that happen regardless of the consequences, or what Dr. Sanders had just earlier told me in her office, or whatever that paper I had signed said.  Hurt me? Fine.  Embarrass me?  Fine.  But Haley?  No, not fine.

I said forcefully “Dr. Sanders, DO NOT post that on Facebook.”  She looked up at me sharply.  I couldn’t read her eyes.  But if a fight is what she wanted, then this was the hill I was prepared to die on.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #136 on: 31. May 2023, 06:46:08 AM »
Part 59

Dr. Sanders looked at me and asked “really?”  My heels were dug in.  I responded “absolutely.  Haley has had a hell of an appointment.  She has new tongue spikes, spacers, facemask again but now with twice as many elastics, AND highpull headgear.  I am not objecting to the treatment.  I trust you that it is correct.  I am objecting to you blasting her picture out there five minutes after she got it all.  I don’t know if you can see the hurt in her face.  But I can.  She needs to be taken home and pampered.  She needs to be brought a glass of wine, have her feet rubbed, be given a massage.  She doesn’t need to be put on display.  Especially not right now.  And especially without asking.”

Dr. Sanders stared back at me for an uncomfortable amount of time.  She finally responded “you are right.  So, I think we are done.  All of you need to get 14 hours in with the protraction gear.  Haley, just wear the headgear at night while you sleep and an hour or two at home when it is convenient.  Let’s say eight hours a day with it, always worn in conjunction with your facemask.”  Dr. Sanders looked at Britt and asked “Britt, would you finish up organizing everything for Monday please?”  She then looked at me and Haley and asked “would you two follow me to my office please?”  I took Haley’s hand as we followed along behind her.  For the second time today I felt like I was being called to the principal’s office.  Only this time I feared I had gotten Haley in trouble as well.

We entered Dr. Sanders office and she shut the door behind us.  We did not sit.  As soon as the door closed I said “Dr. Sanders, you can be mad at me for what happened out there.  You can yell and scream at me.  But I am going to protect her, cover her up, try to be her shield.  If you are mad, be mad at me.  But please do not take it out on her.”  Dr. Sanders looked at me and asked “you really feel that way?”  I responded “absolutely”.  She said “you really love her don’t you?”  I answered “with all my heart.”

Dr. Sanders went behind her desk and pulled open a drawer.  I couldn’t see what she was doing, but she pulled something out and walked up to me.  She handed me a card and said “here is a gift card to Aria Day Spa.  They are wonderful.  Take this as a token of apology from me.  And give it to Haley as a token of your love for her.” 

I was caught off guard, I had been preparing myself to receive a tongue lashing.  I was at a loss for words, but I finally said “thank you.”  Dr. Sanders said “you are very welcome.  I called you back her not because either of you are in trouble.  I asked you back here to give you that.  And to apologize.  I was out of line out there.  Right after giving Rob my ‘professional’ speech I pull that stunt.  Now, I am upset.  But once again, I am upset at myself.  Haley, I apologize for that.  It was thoughtless of me.  I was excited, but that is no excuse.  Rob, I apologize for putting you in a position where you felt you had to protect her.  But I will say it was very commendable and selfless of you.  Again, both of you, please accept my sincere and heartfelt apology.”

Haley and I both did.  She smiled and said “I won’t promise that I won’t ever ask you to be the Facebook stars of City Orthodontics.  But I do promise I will always ask from now on.  By the way Rob, do you realize that post with the picture of you and Haley still has the most likes of any post of ours?  Ever.”

Before I could answer she stuck her hand out and said “so; and I can’t believe I am having to say this again in the span of two hours; are we still friends?”  I laughed and said “you are hard on the nerves Dr. Sanders, but yes, of course.”  I reached out and shook her hand.  As I did she said “I promise, I have never had a day like this in my office.”  I answered “I promise I have never had a day like this in ANY office.”  Dr. Sanders broke off the handshake when she laughed.  She said “touche.  Rob, you have really got me on tilt today.”

Haley stepped over beside me.  She wrapped her arm around my waist and lay her head on my shoulder.  I could feel her facebow on my bicep.  She said “Dr. Shandersh, it ish undershtandable, he hash had me on tilt since the night we met.”  I knew at that moment it is not physically possible for a heart to spontaneously burst from one’s chest, or else mine would have at that moment.  She then lifted her head up and said “ouch.  And where did thish lishp come from?”

Dr. Sanders said “it is those tongue spurs.  See?  You are still tongue thrusting and you didn’t even realize it.  This weekend, practice by reading out loud.  But in the meantime, you two go.  Britt and I can finish up.”  She looked at me and said “I believe you owe the lady a glass of wine, a foot rub, and a massage”.  I leaned over and kissed Haley on the top of her head.  With her new facebow even her cheeks were off limits now.  I turned back towards Dr. Sanders and said “I owe her so much more than that.  But that is where I will start.”

As we walked down the hall, Dr. Sanders started singing the old Sonny James song ‘Young Love’. I stopped and turned my head towards her.  She stopped singing and gave me a big metallic smile, using her hand to motion us along.  I looked over at Haley and saw despite everything her poor mouth had just endured, she had a smile on her face.

At the door I stopped her.  I asked “do you want to take that off?”  She said “no, I want to leave my car here.  It will be fine.  And I want you to take me home right now.  And there, I want to wear this for you.  This and nothing else.  I think you will know what to do from there.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #137 on: 31. May 2023, 18:26:13 PM »
I will go ahead and apologize for any typos or grammatical errors in the last few chapters, and the next couple.  Thousand mile road trips are great for thinking.  And singing to the radio.  But they aren’t as good for actually typing and editing a story on a phone.

Part 60

The next morning found the two of us on her couch.  I had Sportscenter on, but to be honest most of my attention was on the head that was laying in my lap.  The beautiful head wearing highpull headgear and a Petit facemask.  Except for a brief break when she had brushed and flossed that morning, she had been wearing it since her appointment the previous day.  I had asked her several times if it hurt.  She said it did not, it was just a shock to see.  Now the tongue spurs where a different matter.  She said they did bother her.  Especially when she spoke.  So she was being even quieter than usual.  And she said they would make it an even bigger challenge to eat, something neither of us had even tried since our appointments due to our aching mouths.

Haley’s mouth wasn’t the only one that was hurting.  I was too.  Without having had spacers, my new lower bands were spacing my teeth out which was not pleasant.  In addition to that, the inside of my cheeks were struggling to come to terms with the big metal stops on them, as well as the new elbows on my upper molars.  And several times already I had accidentally bitten down and hit the elbows on the stops.  This was agony for my already sore teeth.  In addition, when my mouth was closed, as it usually was, the appliance held my lower jaw forward in what felt like an unnatural position.  It didn’t really hurt, but it felt like the muscles in my face and jaw were straining as they became acclimated to their new home.

But that wasn’t all.  I had been a good boy and had been wearing my facemask since the night before.  Haley had actually put it on me.  I had been powerless to stop her.  I didn’t understand why, but seeing me in it did something for her.  So it was almost a fair trade off for the discomfort it was now causing me.  So while my eyes may have been on the TV, my attention was on my mouth and the beautiful woman laying in my lap looking at her phone.

Sportscenter was on their number six play of the day when I was startled by Haley shrieking “OH MY GOSH!”.  Concerned, I looked down at her and asked “what is it baby!”  She shifted her head so she was looking at me and said “Lauren got engaged last night!”  Before I could respond she said “I hope they have a big wedding!  And they invite us.  I love weddings.  They are SO romantic.”  She reached up and ran her finger along my cheek.  She asked “speaking of romantic, are you in the mood?”  Looking down into her joyful face I answered “I am always in the mood with you.”

Since it appeared that both of us were going to be restricted to a liquid day for a few days, instead of dinner I took Haley to a movie that evening.  Before they dimmed the lights, Haley excused herself to go to the ladies room.  To pass time while she was gone, I pulled out my phone. I was looking at Lauren’s facebook post where she had announced her engagement.  I posted “Congratulations Lauren!  I am so happy for the both of you!”  After posting I scrolled through the comments.  I came to one from Haley posted earlier in the day.  It said “I am SO happy for you!  And SO jealous”. She had ended it with an alternating line of smiley face and heart emojis. 

That crystalized a thought that had already run through my mind several times.  I was going to ask Haley to marry me.  I just had to figure out how.  I was thinking about different scenarios when I was jostled back to reality.  As Haley sat back down beside me she said “you look losht in thought.  What ‘ya thinkin ‘bout?”.  I turned and answered honestly “I was thinking about you.”  She layed her head on my shoulder and cooed “awww.”  She reached over and started caressing my arm, cocking her face towards me.  I took her invitation and leaned over and kissed her.  I could sense eyes boring into the back of my head.  I finished the kiss and turned my head to find the older couple behind us both staring at us intently.  I smiled sheepishly and mouthed “sorry.”

The lights dimmed, the previews played, and then the movie started.  It was a corny romantic comedy.  It was the type of movie I would never have watched by myself.  But it was perfect for a movie date night.  As we sat there holding on to one another I wanted to kiss Haley more.  But I didn’t want to offend those around us.  I discreetly turned my head to look behind me.  To my surprise I saw the couple that was staring earlier was now oblivious to the world.  Their lips were locked together, his hand wrapped behind her head.  I took this as a sign and leaned in towards Haley.

We walked out of the theater hand in hand.  If anyone had asked us how the movie was, we would have been unable to honestly tell them.  We had been too busy working on our own real life romantic comedy.  Before helping Haley into my truck I kissed her and said “I love you.”  I so wanted to add “and will you marry me.”  But I didn’t.  I wanted everything to be perfect.  And while I personally thought the night WAS perfect, I still needed a ring.  And some advice and help.  I had recruited Leslie Sanders’ help to surprise Haley with my treatment.  I was now going to recruit her husband Pete to help me with this surprise, the biggest of my life.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #138 on: 31. May 2023, 20:24:49 PM »
Part 61

The next week went smoothly until Thursday.  While we each still had our own separate places, Haley and I were effectively living together.  We just split our time between my place and hers.  After a few days we were able to eat, though our diet was still largely limited to softer foods.  It was with this in mind that I had chosen an Italian restaurant for dinner.  We were about half way through our main course when Haley suddenly exclaimed “OH!” and covered her mouth with her hand.  I looked up from my plate and asked “what is it kitten?”  She said “something just popped in my mouth.  I hope I didn’t break anything.”  I slid over in the seat beside her and said “let me take a look.”  As soon as she opened her mouth I realized what had popped.  I hugged her and said “congratulations!”  Confused she asked “why?”  I smiled at her and said “you have the cutest little gap between your two front teeth!  You only have to turn your expander once a day now!”  She pulled a compact out of her purse and examined her smile.  She said “wow, it did happen.  Oh gosh.  How big is it going to get?”  I looked at her and said “I don’t care, because I love you AND your gap more than words can describe.”

Over the next ten days her gap got progressively wider.  I thought it was the most adorable thing I had ever seen.  She hated it and felt mortified by it.  But my palate remained stubborn.  The following Friday evening Haley and I were in the bathroom together.  I had just completed the turn of her expander.  I turned towards her, tilted my head back and opened wide.  Haley suddenly wrapped me in a hug and said “BABY!  You have a little gap of your own!”  I leaned into the mirror smiling.  And I saw an almost imperceptible gap between my top two front teeth.  As I turned she said “yay!  I only have to inflict one turn on you.”  I responded “just to make sure though, please go ahead and do two.”  She asked “are you sure?”  I said “yes.  And I will come clean with you.  I have already asked Dr. Sanders about it.  But I am going to keep doing two.  I am jealous of your sexy gap and want to catch up.”  She said “baby, you don’t have to do that.”  I smiled at her and said “I know.  But I want to.”  She hugged me and said “you are the best boyfriend.”

What Haley didn’t realize when she said that last bit is that, if my plan worked, she would only be calling me her boyfriend for another month or so.  Haley didn’t realize that the office retreat that Dr. Sanders had invited everyone on earlier in the week was going to be more than just a retreat, at least for the two of us.

It had actually been Pete Sanders’ idea, and his and Leslie’s planning, that would be responsible for it.  I had talked with him at length about it soon after the movie date.  He had at first cautioned me against jumping into anything too quickly.  I told him I was scared to death.  But that I had never felt more sure about anything in my life.  Satisfied that I was sure, he had set the wheels in motion.

A month later, all the gals from Dr. Sanders’ office and their significant others were lined up in the first row right behind the first base dugout.  It was the final Saturday home game for the Braves.  I was seated in the first seat, along the aisle.  Beside me was Haley and beside her was Pete.  As we approached the seventh inning stretch Pete yelled over at me “hey, let’s go get a beer.”  He climbed over Haley and we headed up the aisle.  After we got out of sight he stopped and said “it’s gonna work”.  I said “I sure hope so.”  I took a gulp and slipped back down the concrete steps.

When I got there Haley had the back of her head towards me looking at the Jumbotron screen like the PA had asked everyone to do.  When the screen cut to a closeup view of her, her face took on a startled, confused look until the camera zoomed out to show me kneeling behind her holding up a ring.  She quickly turned throwing her hands up over her mouth.

I looked her in the eyes and said “Haley, I have loved you since the minute I saw you.  I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  Will you marry me?”  She burst into tears and launched herself against me.  She exclaimed “YES!  YES!  Of course I will”.  The crowd cheered.

I held her while she cried, then I lifted her head and kissed her passionately. Once done I turned us both around so we were facing the camera.  They zoomed in on us.  Haley was still crying, but they were tears of joy.  On each of our faces was a huge smile.  Some in the crowd might have wondered about the huge matching gap toothed smiles they saw.  But that didn’t matter.  Because up on the screen, the image of the two of us had been replaced with a message.  It read simply “SHE SAID YES!”

The End.

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #139 on: 31. May 2023, 20:53:55 PM »
Well done!  I'll miss these characters.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #140 on: 31. May 2023, 21:17:29 PM »
There may be a sequel.  I mean, what about the wedding?

Offline xxxforce

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #141 on: 01. June 2023, 11:57:41 AM »
Congratulations for this amazing story!
There must be sequel ;)

As you told at beginning that it is partially based on true events i wonder how much % of this happened real? :)

Offline duncombec

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #142 on: 01. June 2023, 13:42:21 PM »
Nicely done. Nobody can claim any skimping on appliances here - and nice to see weaving in some newer treatment methods along with the traditional!

Offline m1090y

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #143 on: 02. June 2023, 12:47:20 PM »
Great story.  I think this is one that I will go through again soon to get it all at once.

Offline blueblur1997

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #144 on: 02. June 2023, 17:27:28 PM »
Loved the story. I really hope for a sequel where Rob, Haley, and Britt get braces and maybe Britt can convince her new beau to get treatment as well.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #145 on: 04. June 2023, 19:40:26 PM »
There may be a sequel.  I mean, what about the wedding?

I reckon they should bump into "The Story Wanderer"....

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #146 on: 05. April 2024, 05:26:15 AM »

Offline Braces1234

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #147 on: 08. April 2024, 07:33:36 AM »
Wow, i really enjoyed this story. I really liked the emphasis on the palatal expander