
Author Topic: First Time Home Buyer  (Read 53456 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #75 on: 06. May 2023, 00:57:46 AM »
Part 23.

With some time to kill, I decided to try to be productive.  But I also knew I needed to be quiet for Haley.  I went out and began trimming the shrubs that line two sides of my house.  At one point I went inside to grab a glass of ice water.  I slipped into the bedroom to check on Haley.  She was still sleeping peacefully. 

I was almost done with my project when I heard a voice yelling at me.  I looked over and saw Britt marching down the slope between her parent’s home and mine.  She yelled “hey, are you screening your phone now?  Are we not friends anymore?”  I reached down and patted my front jean pockets and realized I didn’t have my phone with me; I had left it inside charging.  As Britt marched up into my face she was barking “so, you won’t take my calls now?”  I couldn’t take my eyes off her bottom face bow bouncing up and down.  Standing inside what would be considered polite personal space, she glared at me, her hands balled into fists on her hips.  But I was not falling for it a third time.  I screwed my face up into a scowl and answered “absolutely, that cute little blonde woman next door is crazy”.  I locked eyes with her and we engaged in a Mexican standoff.  I couldn’t keep up the act for long though, and slowly my face broke into a big grin.  This caused Britt to laugh.  I apologized “sorry, I left my phone inside.  But, at least give me credit, you didn’t get me AGAIN.”  She laughed again and said “fair enough.  But I did text you and called twice.  How is she?”  I told her she was still sleeping.  Britt said “well, you are at a good stopping point looks like.  I am going to go wake sleeping beauty up.  It is too pretty a day to sleep it away.”  She locked her arm in mine and headed towards the back door.  I didn’t have much choice but to follow along beside her.

We leaned into the bedroom and saw Haley still sleeping.  She hadn’t moved since I had last checked in on her.  The only change was that it was her who was now snoring very, very softly.  Britt tiptoed into the room.  She got a two step running start and jumped into the bed on top of Haley.  Haley woke with a start. Turning her head she muttered “whaaa?” Britt leaned her face down right into Haley’s, her facebows only inches from her face.  Britt said “wake up Princess!  We have a Saturday afternoon to go attack!”  Sleepily Haley looked up into Britt’s face and said “ya ah suh a dork.”  Britt’s face took on a wounded look.  She said flatly and dejectedly “well good morning to you too” and crawled off of Haley.  Haley noted the change in her best friends demeanor and immediately regretted her words. She knew Britt was sensitive about her new headgear; in her groggy state she hadn’t even thought about that when she called her a dork.  She rolled over and out of bed and caught Britt from behind and stopped her.  She said “schtop.  I wa only kiddin.  Ya ah nah a dork because of your headgear.  You were a dork long before that!”  Britt said “and you are turd”, a smile coming back on her face.  She hugged Haley and asked “how you feeling Bug?”  Haley said “mush betta than I was.  I am a lil hugry tho”.

Haley sat in the kitchen slowly and methodically spooning cream of chicken soup into her mouth.  I sat beside her, eating the same.  There was no way I was going to eat something she couldn’t, at least for now.  Britt told us she had eaten lunch with her parents, or at least tried to, as she had worn her headgear the whole time.  She was in the den with the TV on.  As we ate Britt came through the kitchen headed towards the bedroom.  When she came back she had her pack of cigarettes.  She opened the back door adjacent to the kitchen and said “and now, for your viewing pleasure, it will be girl trying to smoke a cigarette with two facebows.” 

Britt awkwardly tried to put the cigarette in her mouth.  She was accustomed to smoking with a single facebow.  But it was a different world with the introduction of the second lower facebow.  When she tried to close her mouth, the two facebows clamped together like a trap.  And with her mouth open she couldn’t get her lips together.  I watched her make several attempts.  I thought it was adorable.  She obviously did not, because after the fourth try she let out a loud curse word.  She looked over and said “well crap, so much for that.”  She headed back down the hall to the bathroom.  A few minutes later she returned, minus her headgear.  She went back to the doorway and finally lit her cigarette.  She looked over at me and asked “so, what are we doing?”

Remembering Britt’s comments from earlier about taking charge, I stated “I am taking you two shopping.  I have been wanting to buy something pretty, and I doubt you have swimsuits with you.  And you will need swimsuits, because we are going to a pool party this afternoon.”  Britt exhaled a plume of smoke out the door and asked “who’s pool party?”  I had the sense she was vetting me, making sure I had come up with a good idea.  One that was fun, but also safe for her and Haley.

I told her who’s house we would be going to; plus who all I expected to be there, and then a list of who might be there.  They were all friends of mine to some degree or another.  And all quality people. Most were married couples.  Many would have their children with them.  I explained it would be a pretty family friendly type of party.  Well, at least until they put the kids to bed.  Once I was done, Britt listed off who she knew that I had mentioned.  It was more than half.  I then said “I keep forgetting you are from here.  You probably know more people here than I do.”  Britt said “probably.  But I also bet I have more enemies too.  Kidding not kidding.  But none of those people you listed are on that list.  It sounds fun.  And Bug, for what it is worth, he has a pretty high class group of friends.  Not too high class to have a little fun and get wild.  But high class enough we won't probably end up in jail.  That's another check in the plus column for him."  She let out a laugh and Haley joined her.  I was happy to see Haley smiling and laughing again.  She seemed much better than she had before her nap.  Britt continued "But remember, Bug and I can’t stay out all night, we have to get back and put on our headgears.  Good thing we have a hot tub of our own here for the after party."  She made eye contact with me. With her next comment she repayed Haley for her earlier 'dork' comment AND toyed with me at the same time.  She coyly said "Maybe you won't be too turned off by two women in bikinis, even if they have braces and have to wear dorky headgear."

Britt stubbed out her cigarette.  She did not just throw it on the ground.  Instead she dropped it in the trash.  She looked at me and said “see, I am a thoughtful smoker.”  She walked over and pinched Haley and said “finish up that soup Bug, we all need to get showered up and ready to go spend his money.”  Haley responded “I am full.  I will go jump in the shower.”  Britt said “good girl, I will jump in the other”. Haley headed down the hall towards the master bath.  Britt lingered in the kitchen until Haley was out of sight.

As I got up to clean the bowls in the sink, Britt slid in beside me.  She said “good job.  You DO listen.  And don’t forget what I said about Patron tequila.  You might want to stop and pick up a bottle while we are out. I will make sure the Tequila Monster does not awaken.   But you will like Tequila Princess. No, you will LOVE Tequila Princess.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #76 on: 06. May 2023, 08:02:41 AM »
Part 24.

With Haley and Britt occupying both the downstairs showers, I went to the one upstairs.  I had soap, shampoo, and towels up there.  When I got out of the shower to dry off, I realized what I did not have was a change of clothes.  Those were down stairs.  I had been so preoccupied thinking about the girls I hadn’t even thought about cloths.  I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed down the stairs and towards my bedroom. 

I was walking across my bedroom to my walk in closet when the bathroom door opened.  Haley stepped out.  She too was wrapped only in a towel.  We startled each other.  She regained her wits a hair faster than I did and said “heh you.”  I walked over towards her.  She was tugging on her towel.  Suddenly she dropped it as I approached.  I couldn’t tell if it was an accident or intentional, and I didn’t really care.  Standing in front of her I let my towel drop.  I leaned into her and said “fancy meeting you here” and kissed her.  I forgot all about getting dressed.

Forty minutes later Haley and I walked into the den dressed and ready to leave.  Britt was sitting on the couch.  She said “you two must have had trouble finding your clothes.  It sounded like you had to look under the bed several times to find them.  But it looks like you did.” I looked her in the eyes and replied “yeah, I couldn’t find one of my shoes.”  Britt responded “well, I am glad you found it. Because you owe us a shopping trip.”

Earlier I mentioned all of my neighbors.  And all but one I described who they were and what they did.  All but my buddy’s in-laws, the ones that lived behind me.  They own a little chain of boutique clothing stores.  As I drove the girls to their store in town, I couldn’t help but think about what a coincidence it was.  That I was taking my girls to a store owned by my best friend’s father in law; to buy swim suits; to go to a party at the same best friend’s house.  It seemed like such a coincidence.  Or maybe like fate was intervening.  Or that there was some plan that I didn’t know about.

I had seen and experienced a few amazing marvels in my life prior to taking Britt and Haley shopping for swim suits.  I had seen the Hoover Dam, the Las Vegas strip, New York City and all the Washington monuments among others.  Been to Chicago’s lake front, seen the plains of Wyoming and the buffalo in Montana.  Climbed the steps of ruins in the Yucatán, gotten robbed in Nassau, gotten in a screaming match with a monkey in Costa Rica.  I had experienced sky diving, scuba diving, snowboarding, white water rafting, being caught in a big storm in a small boat 100 miles from land, and had caught multiple blue marlin and other big, mean fish.  I even once punched a 10’ shark in the snout while diving when it started getting too bold, like it wanted a taste test.  But as I watched the girls try on swim suits and model them, I thought this might top all those.  Early on I tapped out of offering my opinion.  I thought they all looked incredible.  Eventually each of the girls settled on one; each the choice of the other.  Like I just said they ALL looked incredible to me. I was conflicted when they each settled on one.  I was happy they each found one they liked.  I was disappointed they were not still trying them on.  I could have sat there forever watching them.

As we walked back to my truck, the girls carrying their bags, I said “one more stop to make.  I need to buy something for me.”  Haley asked me “wah we goin nah?”  I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked and told her it was a secret. 

Pulling into the only liquor store in town, I said “I need to get something for later.”  I darted inside and quickly found what I was looking for.  I walked out with a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag.  Before I got in the truck, I opened the back door and handed it to Britt.  I told her “take care of this until we get back home” and winked at her.  As I got back in the driver’s seat Britt said “Patron tequila.  However did you know?  But did it come with a free set of handcuffs?”  I laughed and answered “no, they just ran out of the free handcuffs.  I bet you would love a pair.” 

My response was aimed at Britt.  But she didn’t respond.  Haley however did.  Looking down towards the floorboard she softly said, barely audible, “I would, I would like that.”   I turned towards her, my attention suddenly and completely focused on her.  I noticed the slight blush on her cheeks.  Oh shit….

Offline chrisbrace

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #77 on: 06. May 2023, 16:47:40 PM »
Just caught up on this story from the start - absolutely brilliant stuff. Can’t wait for more!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #78 on: 07. May 2023, 06:47:02 AM »
Part 25.

As I turned into my neighborhood Haley asked “I tha we wah goin to a pahtee?”  I assured her we were, but I needed to grab a few things.  I backed down my drive and opened one of my garage doors.  Once to a stop, I told the girls “I need to load up a few things.  Would ya’ll stick that tequila in the fridge?”  They asked if they needed to go ahead and change.  I told them no, there was a changing room where we were heading.  But I added, if they wanted to, I certainly would not object to seeing them in their new suits again.  They disappeared inside.  I first loaded a plastic tote with electronics, cables, cords, mics, etc.  I then threw in a couple mic stands, speaker stand, and a guitar stand.  Finally I loaded one of my PA speakers in the bed.  I used it a lot for parties and events.  Not just to play through.  I could also use my ipad to do karaoke with it and it was also bluetooth enabled so I could link my phone to it and use it as a house stereo system.  I loaded a cooler in the back too.  I was going to stop and get some beer and ice on the way over.

I closed the garage door and went inside the house.   First I went into the master bath to check on the hot tub.  Everything looked good.  I felt the water temp and felt confident it would be ready by that evening.  I went down the hall, looking for the girls.  They weren’t in the kitchen, but I could see the back of their heads sticking up above the back of the couch.  As I walked in I asked “what do you girls want to drink this afternoon?  Is beer ok, or do you want to mix up something fruity?”  Haley stood up and turned towards me.  She was wearing her new bikini.  My heart fluttered and I stopped in my tracks.  She looked amazing.  As Britt stood I saw she too was also only wearing her bikini.  They were gorgeous.

Haley walked up to me and said “we decided to go ahead and change.  We will throw sundresses on over the top.”  I was a little bit speechless; I guess I get that way sometimes.  I simply told her “you look incredible.  You both do”.  I leaned in and gave Haley a quick kiss on the lips.  They hadn’t answered my question on drinks, so I told Haley “I will make ya’ll a jug of margaritas for the road.  That will be a good warmup for the tequila shots later tonight.”  I winked at her as I turned and headed for the kitchen. 

A few minutes later, Haley and Britt stood in the den, each having thrown a dress over their suits, and each wearing sandals and sunglasses perched on top of their heads.  They were very appropriate poolside outfits.  Haley was holding the jug of margaritas, and a towel.  Britt had a couple of tumblers and a towel as well.  I had one last thing to do.  I grabbed my Taylor guitar and zipped it up in a gig bag.  I looked at my girls and said “let’s hit it.”

As we pulled up my drive Britt was looking at the guitar case in the backseat beside her.  She asked “so you play?  I saw the guitars, but thought they might just be for decoration.  I mean, I see a lot of people with guitars that have no idea what to do with them.”  I answered honestly “well, i kinda play.  At least I try really hard.  You will hear later and can draw your own conclusion.”  She asked “wait, so you are going to play at the party?  In front of everyone?  I would say that qualifies as playing.”  After a second of silence she continued “so, let me get this straight.  You have a hot tub, and you don’t mention it?  You play guitar, and you don’t mention it?  You know, you really aren’t very good at the whole ‘impressing girls thing’.  What else do you do that you haven’t told us about?  Design Saturn rockets on the weekend?”

I laughed and answered “no, no weekend rockets.  And look, I am not trying to impress you.  No, that is not true.  I am trying to impress you, both of you.  But I am not trying to do it with magic tricks and false illusions.  I am not big on trying to trick someone.  I am what I am, and am who I am.”  Haley responded with “that is pretty different.  And actually pretty refreshing.  You seem almost too good to be true.  Please tell me you don’t have bodies buried down in that crawl space.”  I laughed again.

I told her, both of them, “no, no bodies.  I promise.  And as far as the whole impressing girls thing.  I have never used it much.  And when I did, it didn’t work.  I am better off just being honest and myself.”  I then got a little cocky and said “and so far it has worked ok.  I have the two prettiest, sexiest girls I have ever seen riding in the truck with me.  And I didn’t even have to tie them up like usual.”  I looked in the rearview mirror with a big smile on my face , made eye contact with Britt and winked.

As I stood in line at the convenience store waiting to pay for my beer and ice, I sent a group text to some of the guys I knew that would be there.  A couple of them knew about Haley, for some it would be news.  But none had met her yet.  I told them I was bringing my new girlfriend Haley, and her friend Britt over.  I typed that Haley had gotten some orthodontic appliances the day before and was having a little trouble speaking.  I told them to be nice to her.  That everyone had better be nice to her.  They could give me hell I typed. But if anyone was mean or demeaning to Haley there would be hell to pay.  And not long after I hit send, I started to get replies.  And yes, most of them were giving me hell.  I smiled.  If you can’t be mean to your friends, who can you be mean to? 

As we pulled up the long gravel drive I counted 6 trucks and SUVs already there in addition to our host and his wife’s vehicles.  I pulled into the grass, parked and shut the truck off. I saw the crowd, all of whom I recognized, around the pool.  A few waved in our direction.  There was smoke coming out of the grill, and several of the kids were in the pool splashing and playing around.

I hopped out and bellowed “Hey!” in the crowds direction.  I then opened the door for Britt.  As she got out I walked around the back of the truck, dropping the tailgate as I went.  I then opened the door for Haley.  She didn’t get out.  She just sat there looking at all the people inside the fenced in pool area.  I asked her “what is it babe?  See someone you don’t like?”  She said “na, I am ja scared.  Wha ah they gah say abou my lischp?  It is sho ehbarashin.”  I leaned in and hugged her.  And as I held her I assured her “I promise it will be ok.  I bet a bunch won’t even notice it. And if they do they won’t think anything about it.”  I knew this was a white lie, you couldn’t not notice her lisp. “Come on, we will have fun.  All anyone is going to think is ‘damn, she is gorgeous’.”  I released Haley.  She slid out of the passenger seat.  I could still sense her nervousness.  I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and said “come on let me introduce you to some of my friends.”  I dropped my arm from around her shoulder and grabbed her hand and asked “what do you say?”  She looked at me and said “plea jus protec me.”  I wrapped her in a hug “that is all I want to do, as long as you will have me.”  She tried to put a smile on her face, and hand in hand I walked with her towards the gate.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #79 on: 07. May 2023, 18:44:01 PM »
Part 26.

As I walked with Haley towards the pool I quietly told her "you don't have to say much.  And Britt and I will be with you.  This will be fun."  Britt added "that's right Bug, I will be here too.  I know a bunch of these people. They are good people.  They will love you".

Once inside the pool area I stopped.  I yelled out "hey everybody!  I want to introduce you to a couple folks.  This is Brittany."  I motioned in her direction.  I continued "some of ya'll know her already I think. And this is Haley."  I motioned towards Haley.  We got several 'hello's and 'nice to meet you's in response.

I have noticed at social gatherings, at least most that I attend, once couples arrive they tend to split up.  The men congregate in little clusters; talking about guns, hunting, fishing, sports and those type things.  The women form their own little cliques; talking about kids, school, their kid's sports, the latest gossip of who is doing who wrong, and those type things.  It was the same here.  There was a group of my friends, the guys, all standing around the grill.  Most had a beer either in hand or sitting very close by.  I walked up and said "hey, I want ya'll to meet Britt and Haley."  Introductions were made, starting with the host Matt.  I explained this was his house, and we needed to thank him for the hospitality. A couple of them knew Britt, or used to know her.  Small talk was made, 'how ya doin, what ya doin now?' type questions.  I then introduced Haley.   She was shy, but she did say "Hi!" to everyone.  That was safe for her, there was no noticeable lisp.  Everyone was as nice as they could be to her.  I noticed several did look her up and down discreetly.  It was natural, she was beautiful.

Once introductions were made I said towards the guys "why don't a couple of ya'll actually do something for once and help me get a few things from my truck?"  I asked Britt "would you mind introducing Haley to the ladies?  I think you already know Cori and Heather.  Cori was Matt's wife; her name was Corinne but everyone called her Cori.  Heather was another of my buddy's wife.  Britt had mentioned earlier she had gone to school with them.  Britt replied "of course not, come on Bug!".  I watched as they walked over towards the cluster of women.  I was going to keep a close eye on Haley, but I felt Britt would make sure things went smoothly.

A few minutes later, with the help of a few others, I was finished hooking everything up.  And we now had music.  I had made a few glances over in Britt and Haley's direction while I had been busy tinkering with everything.  It looked like everything was going smoothly.  One of the ladies had gotten each of them a drink of some kind or another.  I was certain there was some kind of alcohol in it.  Britt was doing most of the talking.  But Haley was smiling and laughing here and there. 

I grabbed a beer and walked over to the women.  I said my hellos and then said "I hope you aren't talking too bad about all us over there."  Cori responded "no, we were talking about high school, way back when.  I haven't seen Britt in forever.  It is good to catch up."  I answered "good!  If any of ya'll want, I brought some margaritas, there is a big jug in the fridge. Help yourself."  I then walked back over to the guys.  As I walked up Casey asked "what is it like dating a blind girl? Cause there is no way she is with you if she can see."  I told him to F-off, and asked if he had looked in the mirror lately.  For the next 30 minutes we drank, talked, and monitored the grill.  I had realized that everything on the grill was going to be difficult for Haley.  And I hadn't even thought of bringing something braces friendly.  I asked Matt if he had any fish, and explained I wanted something easy for Haley.  Luckily he did; and it wasn't even frozen. He ran inside and got it.  He also explained the ladies had brought side dishes, he had seen a bowl of mashed potatoes too.  I felt relief, I didn't want Haley to feel left out.  And I made a note to myself to plan better in the future.

I felt like I had abandoned Haley. And that is the last thing I wanted her to think.  I went over and walked up behind her.  I wrapped my arm around her and asked “are ya’ll behaving?  Are these hyenas acting right?”  I got a few glances and glares from the others.  She said “yesh, we are fine.  You go have fun with your friends.”  I leaned over and kissed her on top of the head and said “if you need anything just holler.  Ladies..” I bowed and walked away.

After everyone had eaten, and the libations had started to take effect, several of the women had shed their coverups and were in their bathing suits.  It was the week before Memorial Day, the time of year when spring is transitioning to summer.  Today definitely felt more like summer.  It was warm and clear, just a beautiful day. A couple of the ladies had left the cluster of women and were laying out, sunning and working on their tans. So far no one but the kids had the courage to venture into the cold water of the pool. But I knew that would likely change.  I had checked in with Haley and Britt several times, to make sure they were all good and to refill glasses.  They had settled into conversation with some of the other women.

At one point, I looked over and noticed that Britt was showing a couple of the women her mouth and gesturing around her head with her hand.  She then had Haley smile, and pointed out some things in her mouth, then gestured in front of her face.  I could swear that Britt was explaining their braces, and even the headgear and facemask they had to wear.  I had to get in on this.  I filled a couple of solo cups with margaritas as my pretext for butting in their conversation and made my way over to them.  As I approached I could hear they were in fact discussing braces and orthodontics.  I walked up and said "sorry to intrude, but it looked like you might need refills.  And you still aren't talking bad about us are you?"  April replied "no, I was just asking them about their braces.  I have been thinking about it myself."  I answered "well, they are the experts for sure.  And they can hook you up with some."  April said "I don't know if I am brave enough."  Britt jumped in "it is no big deal, really.  Over a quarter of our patients are adults.  You should come see us!  Rob is, isn't that right?" as she looked at me.  I answered "um, yeah.  But not for braces."  I decided that maybe I shouldn't have joined in the conversation afterall, and I decided that this was a good time for me to start playing.

As I got my guitar unzipped and out of the case, I continued to look over at the girls.  It looked like they were still talking about their mouths and braces.  At one point, Britt had April open up and she peered inside her mouth.  Several of the other women were looking on, occasionally adding something or asking a question.  At that time, I didn't think about avalanches much.  Who does?  But if you do think about it, it is interesting to realize that sometimes a single pebble falling can cause a chain reaction that unleashes thousands of tons of mountain side.  I didn't realize it as a looked on, but I was witnessing the pebble that would cause an avalanche.  An avalanche of orthodontics in my group of friends and even beyond in my little adopted hometown.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #80 on: 07. May 2023, 20:40:03 PM »
So, I have had an idea for a while.  Probably a really stupid idea.  But, the idea is a sort of multimedia story.  I don't know how to embed videos in a post, or if you even can here.  So, these imgur links will have to suffice.  And imgur seems to cut videos off at the 1 minute mark.  So this is far from perfect.  And this may completely jack the flow of the story up, I don't know.  Let me know if it is horrible or not.  You will need to click on the link and open it in a tab; click on the little speaker icon up in the top right; and hit play.  And yes, it is a black video, so not really a video at all.  I'm not really comfortable showing myself on here.  And for the record, I know the only thing weaker than my playing is my singing. So TRY to enjoy, but I make no promises.

Part 27.

I shut the music off and turned the volume all the way down on the PA.  I slipped my guitar strap over my head; I prefer to play standing up; and plugged in my guitar.  I turned the microphone on, then turned the master volume back up on the PA.  I tinkered with knobs on the back of the speaker, and my guitar, trying to get volume and the mix right.  I said "check, check" into the mic; played a chord; then asked the guys over by the grill what it sounded like.  They said a little more mic.  I finally got a thumbs up.  Everyone here had heard me play except Haley and Britt.  Some turned their attention towards me; some just kept on doing whatever they were doing; tanning, talking, drinking, splashing in the pool.  That is ok, I have played many times when I was just background noise.  At least then, the nerves aren't as bad.  Heck, as long as you don't really butcher it, nobody even realizes when you get a chord progression or lyric wrong.

Since it was just me playing, there was no set list.  I was going to make it up on the fly.  And since I was only going to play an hour, maybe two, I did not need a ton of songs, 20 or 25 would be more than enough.  I did know that today's list of songs was going to lean hard into love song territory.  And I was going to avoid any of my long list of songs about killing someone over a woman or having to kill your woman.  No, today was going to be good ol' sawdust on the floor country songs, love songs and ballads.  This was a decidedly country music listening crowd I knew.  I would also throw in a couple of comedy parody songs, those were always fun and popular.

I started off with a few staples; Long Haired Country Boy, The Ride, and Holy Water.

By the end of the third song, there was a little crowd listening in.  Haley and Britt had both broken off their conversation and had moved chairs over to listen.  So had Holly and Donna.  People that don't play guitar but want to, especially guys, think that a guitar is a magic elixir that will make every woman in the world instantly get naked.  I have found this is far from the truth.  But it does make some of them.  It is much like my interest in braces.  Braces won't make someone instantly attractive to me.  For instance, I give not one care about a guy in braces.  None, regardless of how complex the orthodontics are.  Because I would never be attracted to the guy to start with.  But it does increase the attractiveness of a woman I would be interested in anyway.  It is the same with guitar.  A girl is not going to throw herself at a man because he picks up a guitar.  But for some, like me and braces, it does increase their interest

I don't have many groupies, but Holly and Donna were two of them.  The problem was that they were both married.  I did have a feeling, just from past experience, that I could have had Holly.  But as I said earlier, she was married and I didn't want to be that guy.  Even though I knew her husband had cheated on her in the past.  They had worked it out and stayed together for their kids' sake.  But she had let it be known she would be glad to pay him pack for that past transgression.  With me.  But no matter how lonely I might have been, I had managed to resist.  Now, with Haley in my life, it would be easy.  But I hoped that things wouldn't get awkward, especially as there was a good bit of alcohol flowing this evening.  I tried to put this out of my mind and concentrate.  I need all the concentration I can get when playing.

I do have a bit of stage fright or performance anxiety.  No, it isn't bad in front of a small group I know like this.  But, just like public speaking, it sometimes helps to just focus on one or two people until you get into the groove.  This was easy with Haley sitting in front of me. I might have been playing for everyone, but I was singing to her.  I was planning on taking a little break, so I ended with a little up beat love song, Deeper Than the Holler.  As I sang I maintained eye contact with Haley the whole time.

Finishing the song, 45 minutes and 11 songs in, I told everyone I was going to take a little 5 or 10 minute break.  I unslung my guitar and set it on the stand behind me.  I then hooked the music back up to the speaker so we still had music. I then walked over to get a beer.  Britt and Haley stood and joined me.  Britt was animated as she usually is "DUDE!  You are good!  I can't believe you have hidden this from both of us."  Haley rubbed up against me and said "cah we tah a walk and tah?"  My first thought was 'uh oh, what did I do wrong'.  But I answered "sure babe!"  She took my hand and led me out the gate and toward's my friends house.  I had no idea what was going on.  I asked her "what's up?  Is everything ok?"  She answered "yesh" and then went silent again.  I was still confused as she led me around the backside of the house.  Once out of sight of the pool she stopped.  And she then pinned me against the wall and started kissing me.  As she did she slipped one of her hands up my shirt and rubbed my chest.  We made out for several minutes.  She finally released me.  Then without a word, she turned and walked back towards the pool.  I stood there just a second trying to process what happened.  No, I thought, I don't think I messed up.  And I knew right then what songs I was going to finish up with.

I hurried to catch up with her.  I reached down to take her hand.  She let me grab hold of it and we walked back through the gate hand in hand. 

Once by the pool, Haley disengaged from me and went to Britt.  Britt started animatedly talking, gesturing with her hands, but I couldn't tell what she was saying.  I went and picked up my beer and continued to work on it.  I was thirsty after 45 minutes of singing.  I polished it off quickly and grabbed a second.  As I popped the top one of my married buddy's slid in and said "she is hot.  And sexy.  And she likes you.  What is wrong with her?"  I laughed and said "I don't know.  But I hope I don't screw it up." I took another big gulp and told him "I really like her.  And we seem to click."  As I turned to head back to play he hollered "good luck with that!" and let out a laugh.

As I walked back to my guitar I polished off the beer and tossed it in the trash.  Once I was ready to go again, I launched into a song that always gets a reaction.  Everyone thinks they are about to hear "Amarillo By Morning", but it is so much better than that.  Because who doesn't love to hate armadillos?

I followed that up with Baby Shark.  I LOVE playing that song.  It is mean to do though, because so often it gets stuck in peoples' heads.  And that is why I do it.  But it always gets lots of laughs.  As I played on, I kept a watch on Haley.  She was riveted to me.  And I was riveted to her.  After 7 more songs, I thought it was time to wrap this thing up.  It was getting late, I knew the girls needed to get home to their headgears. 

For my next to last song I played her "A Life Where We Work" out.  Originally it had been a song about two people who's lives didn't work out, the singer contemplating how things would have been different if they had.  But I had changed the lyrics around some so it actually was a song about two people who did spend their lives together, growing old and watching their kids grow up.  It was bold, but I felt it was appropriate.  It matched what I was feeling inside my heart.

My final song was one that I don't sing particularly well.  But the words and story it tells are amazing.  "If We Were Vampires" contemplates love and mortality; of spending the rest of your life with someone; a sad song but one of eternal love.  I sang it to Haley.

Once I finished I saw a tear roll down her face.  Yes, I think it is time to go home.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #81 on: 07. May 2023, 20:42:41 PM »
Please let me know if you like it.  Or hate it.  Or if the links even worked. 

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #82 on: 08. May 2023, 04:00:26 AM »
I actually like the new additions of the audio. I read it all and then listened to it all and enjoyed it. When I did it that way, I felt it added too much. I then ended listening it as I came across it and it was less enjoyable, purely because it slowed down the scene.

PS: is that you? The voice sounded similar in all of them. Because if it is, you’ve got a damn good voice, and play the guitar well too. I also liked the changes to that one song.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #83 on: 08. May 2023, 04:15:50 AM »
Thank you.  That is me.  My no talent asshack self.

This is a “based on a true story”; with a LOT of additional orthodontics.

I will try to get it back on track with braces content soon.  And you might like it; there might even be a guy that gets in the chair.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #84 on: 08. May 2023, 05:08:50 AM »
This is the real “If We Were Vampires”.  My little butchering of it was to keep it under 1 minute.

Incredible lyrics.  Written to his wife, who is the woman singing with him.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #85 on: 08. May 2023, 22:40:40 PM »
I feel like I have driven this thing off the rails.  Going to try to get it back on track.

Part 28. 

As I pulled into the parking lot of City Orthodontics and Family Dental Care I could feel vultures in my stomach.  Or maybe they were eagles?  I wasn’t sure but I knew they were much bigger than butterflies.  I hate going to the dentist or doctor.  I knew in my head it was irrational.  After all I was just going to have a check up, cleaning, and discuss getting a mouthguard or something for my occasional snoring.  It was not a big deal I knew.  People did it every day.  But I was puckered up with nerves.  But I had to do it.  As I shut the truck off I reflected on why.

The last nine days had been a whirlwind.  A wonderful whirlwind.  That night after the party had been magical.  Once we had arrived home, Britt smoked what she said would be her last cigarette of the night; she had to put her headgear on.  Haley and I kissed on the couch while she smoked.  Once done she came to interrupt us.  She said “why don’t we move this to the hot tub?”  That did sound like a good idea.  Britt led the way down the hall, stopping at the bathroom.  She asked me “want to help me with my headgear?  And Bug needs to turn her expanders.  Maybe you could offer some assistance with that too?”  Of course I couldn’t turn down two ladies in need.

As I attached the elastics to Britt’s facebows; it actually was a complex and time consuming process; Haley had retrieved the key to her expander.  After I had finished getting Britt all geared up, Haley handed me the key.  She asked “do ya remember wha Dr. Shanders showed you?”  I answered “I sure do”.  And how could I have forgotten.  That memory was burned into my brain. 

Turning the lower expander was fairly straight forward.  It had taken a couple of tries to find the hole, but once I did it was easy.  I did feel conflicted.  It was so intimate.  But I also couldn’t help but feel horrified I was hurting Haley.  As I had turned it I had noticed her wince.  I immediately asked her if it hurt.  She assured me it didn’t, it just felt strange.  She asked me to turn the upper.  As she leaned her head back with her mouth open I still couldn’t get over how big and obtrusive her tongue crib was.  My poor baby.  And it made getting the key in her expander more difficult.  But eventually I found the hole and turned it.  Once again she winced.  Once I had the key removed from her mouth I hugged her and apologized “I am so sorry baby, the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”  She replied. “it doesn really hurt, jus a lot of pressure. It hash to be done.  But than ya”. To show me her appreciation she stood up on her tippy toes and gave me a kiss.

The rest of the evening was one I will never forget.  Britt had excused herself around 10 pm.  She said since her parents knew she was in town, she needed to sleep at home.  She said it wouldn’t be good for either of us if her dad knew she was shacking up next door.  Plus she said, she needed to give us some privacy.  She stopped and turned back when she got to the door.  She said “I told you that you would love Tequila Princess” and laughed.  Haley was preoccupied, me and her were locked together making out.  But Haley did take her hand and flip Britt her middle finger.  This made Britt laugh louder.  Her final words were “you two kids have fun.  And Bug, try not to get pregnant!”  That night Haley and I learned a lot about each other, and grew much closer.

The rest of the time between then and now had also been special.  Maybe not as amorous as that night, which might have been a good thing as I don’t know if my body would held up to it. We spent several evenings together during the week as well as most of the following weekend.  Haley’s lisp had gotten slightly better.  And like Dr. Sander’s had said, by the end of the first week wearing her tandem bow at work had become not so big a deal.  It still took my breathe away to see her in her facemask.  And Haley was great about wearing it.  If she was at home, she had it on.  She didn’t even seem to mind it that much.  She said the worst part is she couldn’t kiss when she had it on.  I told her that was ok; it just made it more special when we did.  Now, Britt?  She still hated her headgear with a passion.  Both the combination gear she had to wear at work; and the double facebow monstrosity she had to wear at home.  But she dealt with it and got her time in. 

As I sat there steeling my nerves I realized I had not seen Britt since the previous Sunday.  It had been over a week so I was looking forward to seeing her.  We had kept in touch via text during that time.  She had complained in a group text with me and Haley about her headgear most nights.  But, she said, she had figured out how to smoke while wearing the Interlandi.  I hated it for her lungs, but I also couldn’t wait to see it in person.  A text is also how she told me they didn’t have any slots available last week.  But she had booked me for 10 am on the following Monday. Which was now here.  I took a deep breathe and got out of the truck.  As I walked towards the entrance I had the urge to turn and run.  But I knew I was stuck.  The love of my life and her quirky sarcastic bestie, both inside, would never let me live it down.

I went to the front desk and was greeted by a big metallic smile.  Yay!  Lauren had gotten her braces.  And from how much trouble she was having getting her lips to work properly I deduced she must have just gotten them a few days earlier, on Friday.  Once she had all of my information set up in the system; I was a new patient; she said I could take a seat and they would call me.  Before I left I told her “I like your braces!  They really suit you.  By the way, I am Haley’s boyfriend, she mentioned you were getting them soon.  Congratulations!”  She replied “thank you.  I am pretty exshited to finally get them.  Thish herbsht appliancsh ish an adjushtment though.”  With her fingers she pulled back her cheeks, showing me the rods running from her upper molars to her lower canines.  She added “and I have an exshander up top and lingual arch on bottom.  But hopefully it keepsh me from needing headgear.”  I replied “I hope so!  And I couldn’t even see it before you pulled your cheeks back.  But if you do have to get headgear, it isn’t the end of the world.  Britt is rocking hers.”  As another patient stepped in behind me to sign in Lauren agreed “yeash she ish.  But just the same I’d rather not get headgear.”  Not wanting to hold up the patient behind me, I thanked her for the help and told her what a pleasure it was to meet her.  As I turned I couldn’t help but think how cute she would be manning the reception desk in headgear. 

That idea was quickly chased out of my head.  Because speaking of headgear, there in the corner sat Heather Fortner wearing her double facebow Interlandi headgear.  It had been years since I had spoken with her, it would be rude not to at least say hello.

Offline sertia

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #86 on: 09. May 2023, 09:04:18 AM »
Your stories are great and interesting to read. It just takes me longer, because I have to translate everything into German first, so that I understand it better.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #87 on: 09. May 2023, 10:15:43 AM »
Yes, an enjoyable story.  I like the group of main characters and how they get along so well.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #88 on: 10. May 2023, 21:47:29 PM »
Part 29.

I walked across the room and said “Hello!  Heather?”  She looked up smiling around her facebows.  She asked “yes, may I help you?”  I said “Rob Dawson.  We went to high school together.  It’s been over 10 years.  Good to see you!  How have you been?”  For the next few minutes we caught up.  She told me about her husband and that she was now a stay at home mom caring for their two children, aged 4 and 6.  She then rubbed her belly and said “and number three will be here before we know it.”  I had not noticed early, but she was just starting to show.  She then asked “so, I assume you are a patient here?  You getting orthodontic care?”  I explained no, I was just here for a cleaning and checkup, and to see about getting an appliance for my snoring.  I told her it was actually my first time here.  As we spoke Heather seemed completely at ease and used to her headgear.  She said “well, I am sure they can fix you right up.  They have done wonders for me.  I didn’t wear my retainers and my teeth shifted.  Obviously I have braces.  And this super snazzy headgear.  I am hoping I get some good news today.”  She had just started to open her mouth to say something else when Emily stuck her head out into reception and announced “Mrs. Fortner?  Dr. Sanders is ready for you.”  Emily had her hair up and I noticed she was wearing hot pink headgear straps.  They looked really cute, much less boring than the black straps she had on when I had previously seen her.  Heather got up, saying to me as she left “it was great to see you!  And good luck with your appointment.  And wish me luck!  Maybe I can get this off” as she gestured to the Interlandi headgear encircling her head. 

I didn’t have to wait long myself.    Just a minute or two later Britt stuck her head out and said “Mr. Dawson, please come with me.”  I got up and walked over to her.  I asked “what is this Mr. Dawson business?”  She replied “hey I am the utmost professional here at work.  And yelling out ‘Hey Goober, get your butt back here’ might leave a bad impression with other patients.  So come on Goober, get your butt back here” and laughed.  As I followed her I asked “so, how you been?  And hows the whole headgear at work thing treating you?  Can Haley and I expect the complaining to lessen any?”  She lightly punched me in the arm and said “why don’t you try wearing it for 18 hours a day.  Then we will see how much YOU complain.”  I said “fair enough.  But you know some have it tougher.  I ran into Heather Fortner out in the waiting room.”  Britt replied “yeah, I saw her come by and I said hello.  She is having her adjustment now; Emily is actually assisting her.”

After Britt had taken my x-rays she led me to the treatment area.  It was a large area, with a dozen chairs aligned in a row; facing out towards a large window that ran across the room.  It appeared the facility used the same common treatment area for orthodontic and general dentistry treatment.   I drew that conclusion because 5 other chairs were occupied.  Britt had seated me in the first chair in the row.  In the furthest chair from me, Heather Fortner was reclined back while Dr. Sanders made some type of adjustments to her headgear.  Based on the grimace on her face it did not look like it was comfortable.  One other thing I immediately noticed was what was on Dr. Sander’s face.  While she was wearing a face covering her facemask was very visible; the silver bar emerging from behind her mask, anchored to the purple floral pad that rested on her forehead.  It trapped her thick lensed black frame glasses to her face; I wondered if she was able to take them off without removing the mask.

One chair closer to me sat another patient.  Hovering over her was my Haley.  She was intently working, applying a teal powerchain to the middle aged ladies upper arch.  Haley had not noticed me yet, and I did not want to interrupt here.  I was simply enjoying watching her work when Britt snapped me back to attention.  She said “Dr. Palmer will be with you in a minute” and walked over towards the sink and started mixing some kind of goop.  In other chairs between me and Haley were three other patients.  Two appeared to be having an orthodontic adjustment, the fifth appeared to simply be undergoing a scalling as I could hear the pick scraping across the man’s teeth.

I watched Haley as she finished up the powerchain.  Next she picked up a silver facebow and showed it to the patient.  She inserted the facebow into the woman’s mouth, checking the fit.  She pulled it out, made a few adjustments with her pliers, and reinserted it.  She left it installed in her mouth this time.  She next held up a selection of cervical headgear straps; pink, blue, red, white and black.  The woman picked black; it matched the color of her hair.  As Haley attached the strap, I noticed it blended in well, though the white perforated plastic strips coming off the release modules were very visible.  As I watched I thought ‘maybe going to the dentist isn’t that bad’.

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Re: First Time Home Buyer
« Reply #89 on: 11. May 2023, 01:38:27 AM »
Part 30.

I watched on as Haley continued to work with her patient.  After marking the holes to be used on the strap, Haley removed it from the patient’s neck and trimmed off the excess, leaving just one extra hole per side.  The patient would not be able to cheat much and wear it looser than prescribed.  She then had the patient practice putting on the headgear and then removing it.  Once satisfied with that, Haley showed the woman what her elastic configuration would be.  Haley placed a heavy looking elastic in a class two configuration on each side of her mouth, running from the upper canines to lower premolars.  Once she had the patient demonstrate she knew how they were to be worn, she had the woman put her headgear back on.  Haley gave one more look at everything, seemed to be satisfied, and rose to her feet.  The patient stood as well, and Haley escorted her, headgear and all, out of sight around the corner towards the reception desk.  As I had watched her leave, I thought how brave all these women were for wearing headgear in public.  Between the two patients and three staff members, there had been 5 women in the room at one time, all wearing some form of extraoral appliance.

I was jolted out of my trance by a  short 30 something year old brunette in a white coat embroidered with ‘Dr. Palmer DDS’.  She greeted me with “Mishter Dawshon, how are you today?”  She stuck out her hand and we shook.  She sat down on a stool and said “sho, I undershtand that you are a little pasht due for an exam and cleaning?  And you need to shee Dr. Shanders about a possible oral appliansh to remedy some shnoring?”  I was so focused on her lisp and wondering what she had in her mouth I was a bit delayed in my response.  But I quickly got my feet under me and replied “yes, that is all correct”.  Dr. Palmer responded “wonderful!  We will get shtarted just as soon as… oh, there she is.”  I felt two arms wrap around me from behind.  I craned my head to see Haley standing there.  Haley said “hey boo, thank you for coming in.  I know you didn’t really want to.”  Dr. Palmer continued “Haley mentioned you have a little dental anxiety; it’s not unusual at all; so I will have her assist me and she will handle the cleaning.  Ready?”  As she reclined me back I answered “as ready as I ever will be.”  Haley rubbed my shoulder and said “we will take good care of you.”

Once she was done with the initial intake exam, Dr. Palmer said “well the good news is you don’t have any cavities.  But you do have some popping in both your temporal mandibular joints.  Have you noticed it?  Does it cause you any pain or discomfort?”  I answered honestly “yes, I notice the popping sometimes, but it doesn’t hurt.  I pretty much just ignore it.”  Dr. Palmer said “since you don’t have any cavities I can fill, I will leave you with Haley to perform your cleaning.  And Dr. Sanders will meet with you afterwards.”  As Haley started in on me with her pick, she said “I will try to be gentle.”  As she scraped the plaque and tartar off my teeth, I thought it was horrible.  Like nails on a chalkboard.  But while I hated it, I also loved it.  I can’t really explain it.  It had been too long since I had last had a cleaning, so Haley really had to work.  As she finished my upper arch and moved to my lower she said “I am going to start making you come in every 6 months.”  Once she was done she had me rinse, and said “I will let Dr. Sanders know we are ready for her.”

I sat there for a few minutes, nervously tapping my foot up and down.  I was looking at my phone, trying to ignore the fact I was in a dental chair when Haley returned.  She took my hand in hers.  Even with her literally holding my hand, my nerves were still on edge.  I looked up when I heard “if it ishm’t my favorite photographer!”.  As she sat down, Dr. Sanders said “thosh picturesj really blew up our Fashbook page.  We had far more reshponshesh and interactionsh from that one posht than any ever before.  Sho thank you.  It hash given me a new idea.  We are going to shtart filming a seriesh of videosh on bracesh care, different applianshesh, tipsh and tricksh, all sortsh of thingsh.  We have shtunning modelsh and actresshes right here in the offish, so why not.  Haley and I are going to do one on protraction devicesh.  We both have lovely facemasksh.  Emily and Britt have the headgear covered.  Lauren up front can handle the Herbst appliansh.  Dr. Palmer can be the star for one on forsush shprings.  And her and Haley here can do one on tongue cribs.  I am exshited, and it is all becaush of your wonderful photgraphy skillsh. But enough about my big plansh.  Let’sh talk about what we need to do for you.  I huddled with Dr. Palmer and have reviewed your x-rays.  I want to do a little investigating to see what we are dealing with.”

After Dr. Sanders had finished with her exam, she leaned back and said “I understand you came in just for a cleaning and to discuss an anti-snoring device; but we really need to address your TMJ. From what I see, hear and feel; I need to get you in a splint immediately.  You mentioned it was not hurting.  But if we don’t address it now, it will be soon.  And the longer it goes untreated, the more damage there will be and the more complex it will be to fix.  I would like to make you a couple of temporary splints to put your jaw in a neutral position and take pressure off those joints. It will be a small one for daytime wear, it shouldn’t be too intrusive and you should be able to get used to speaking with it fairly quickly.  And another for night time wear.  It will be bigger and bulkier, but it will do the heavy lifting.  And it will also serve to eliminate your snoring.  Two birds with one stone.  I will send off to have the lab make you a more durable set of long term splints.   If you agree we can get those done today.  And if your schedule allows, I would love if you could come back in at 5 this afternoon.  We can make sure they fit; and it will give me a chance to put together a treatment plan for you. What do you say?”

I must have looked like I had seen a ghost.  I certainly felt like I had seen a ghost.  What was all this talk about TMJ, and splints, and treatment plans?  I was trying to gather my thoughts when Haley began rubbing my hand.  She said “come on baby.  It Dr. Shandersh says you need to, you need to.  And I will be right beside you, jusht like you have been there for me.”  I felt I really had no choice.  I quietly responded “ok, I will.”  Dr. Sanders exclaimed “Wonderful!  Haley will get those impressions done for you.  And take some more detailed imaging. And will you be able to make it back at 5?  We are booked up solid till then.  But it is important we jump right on this.  I certainly don’t mind staying late.  And I bet Haley won’t either.  So 5 pm?”  I again answered softly “ok.”