
Author Topic: dream orthodontic treatment  (Read 87120 times)


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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #15 on: 02. July 2011, 01:11:36 AM »
I'd like to date a girl with everything already mentioned plus a pair of safety goggles she'd have to wear whenever she had on her headgear & all (which would hopefully be 24/7).

Offline libtech

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #16 on: 02. September 2011, 23:55:25 PM »
Top rapid palatal expander with full set of braces top and bottom. Possibly a lower expander as well, thus making talking and eating very complicated. Elastics going from top back molars to lower front brackets while wearing reverse pull facemask on heavy force elastics 16 to 18 hrs a day. Facemaks treatment will be for 1 year, expanders for same amount of time and full braces and elastics for about 3 years. Then finally facebow with built in biteplate wired into the headgear tubes on back molarbands for 6 months with plastic neckstrap and regular headstrap. : )    I can only dream

Offline andys

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #17 on: 22. February 2012, 02:36:58 AM »
It would start with some sort of appliance, like an activator, herbst, or upper and lower retainers. I would have to wear it all the time (except for eating and sports) and it would give me a really noticeable lisp.

After about 16 months, I would get full upper and lower braces with a fixed tongue crib. 2 months later, I'll have to start wearing combo headgear 23 hours a day (all the time... except for eating, sports, and showering). This would last for about a year and then a lip bumper would be added to my bottom braces. Another year later, the high-pull portion of my headgear would be removed and I'd only have to wear it 16 hours a day.

After having the fixed braces for 3.5 years, I'll be done with the headgear and lip bumper. I'll still have the tongue crib (with a lisp) and will get four elastics. This will last for another year or so, when everything is removed and I get upper and lower hawley retainers.

I'd probably want to fit a bit plate, but I'm not sure how it would fit in with the tongue crib ???

Offline timari valley

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #18 on: 29. February 2012, 14:53:01 PM »
I'd start with an activator which would cause lisp, for 6 months.
Then I'd have common braces and combination headgear, for 2 years, 14 hours per day. Afther this, I would stop wearing headgear, but keep my braces for another 1 year.

For 6 months, crossbite and overbite elastics. For the last 6 months, zigzag elastics at the back teeth.
After the treatment, upper and lower hawley retainers.

Offline DemBones

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #19 on: 02. March 2012, 15:42:45 PM »
I guess I do have the dream orthodontic treatment.   Its not extreme, but its real.  I have a Hawley retainer, which is a necessary piece of equipment, which just keeps my teeth from moving about – standard retainer purpose. 

But I have, somehow, don’t ask me how, convinced my ortho to give me a headgear with it.  Which means that in normal day-to-day life I can go metal free, live my normal life.  When I’m in the mood for a bit of metallic “kink” I can wear my retainer with all that wonderful plastic and the lisp that goes along with it, and when I really want to lay down and boogie, I can strap myself up in my interlandi headgear. 

It’s a best-of-all-worlds situation.  As stated elsewhere, I have a few friends that know about my braces and ‘gear, and one friend in particular who insists that I am geared during her visits.  It’s quite fun.  Had quite a few braces adventures in my time.  (only did the public headgear thing twice though, both time at fairly deserted places, not had the guts to go full out with that just yet)

The best part of all – when the fun is over and the day gets long, I can take it all off and kick back and just be “normal”.  24/7 kink is fun only in the mind, in real life, it really does gets old.   Wearing your headgear on a Friday night with a friend having drinks is awesome.  Doing the same on a Monday afternoon when deadlines are looming is just plain awful. 

Yes, I have the dream orthodontic treatment! 

Offline timari valley

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #20 on: 13. March 2012, 22:32:32 PM »
I agree 24/7 is impossible and inconvenient. For a real orthodontic treatment, the ideal would be less, for me 14hrs is a good number.

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #21 on: 04. April 2012, 04:28:16 AM »
Between the ages of 12 and 17 (right when puberty hit!) I had to wear a cervical headgear for 12 hours per day.  It gets long. REALLY long. 

Today i'm a grown man and I get to choose how and when I wear my braces.  Bear in mind that this is a fetish for me and I WANT to wear this thing, and yet, even WANTING to be in headgear I've never managed more than 12 hours in a 24 hour period, and just wearing it 4 hours per day, every day, for a week, is a heck of a chore, and come friday morning, the mere thought of ahving to sit through 4 more hours of this thing turns your bowels loose.

Real life very seldom goes hand in hand with what is expected in the realms of fantasy. 

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #22 on: 04. April 2012, 17:40:47 PM »
Yes, DemBones, i agree with you. I also had a cervical headgear which I had to wear for 14 hours. After a night in this, my teeth hurt in the mornings and it was on 7 or 8 hours only. And when i was awake and had it on in the afternoons it hurt after 3 or 4 hours. So 14 hours can be a very long time for a guy wearing headgear and i never could imagine how one could stand a 24/7 wearing time.

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #23 on: 16. May 2012, 17:40:48 PM »
i would like to have big metal brackets only on 4 front teeth, all the rest metal bands, fixed twinblock braces with expanders in both jaws and at least 8 elastics (24\7) to change after every meal or 6 hours, for finish a facemask with 6 elastics or a interlandi hg (24\7)...and have to go to the ortho for an adjustament 3 times a week...

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #24 on: 09. December 2013, 17:19:57 PM »
My dream treatment would start like this. Imagine i am going out with a girl who has removable braces and one evening when she has taken them out she leaves them on the bathroom sink i walk in and being kinky like i am i pick up the plastic brace and sniff it and give it a little lick. I can still smell her braces breath scent wonderful. Unknown to me her mother who is an orthodontist sees me and soon has me in the chair being fitted with bands on  both jaws headgear and a rubber headcap to make sure i cant remove it

Offline lemonlyman89

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #25 on: 21. December 2013, 08:25:30 AM »
Upper and lower braces with upper and lower expanders. Herbst wired in.

Then a strong showing of "finishing" elastics, before having to wear a positioner. Then upper and lower hawleys (one with tongue crib) 24/7.

Offline Joni

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #26 on: 09. March 2014, 20:36:04 PM »
My dream treatment would be fixed metal brackets top and bottom, fixed expamder top and bottom, herbst and douple headgear with j.hooks. And i want them in long period, more than 5 years


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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #27 on: 27. June 2014, 00:28:00 AM »
My bracedream would be fixed brackets (metal) on upper and lower jaw,  a lot of elastics, powerchains on the fronts and a head gear with highpull. and to wear it for some years. (3 to 6 or something like this)  :)

Offline Cassandra

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #28 on: 25. May 2016, 01:41:01 AM »
My dream treatment would have to involve braces that cannot be hidden, and a plan that could not be backed out of. I'd have the whole thing explained to me upfront, and it would sound exciting and totally reasonable to me. I'd start with fixed braces up and down and I'd need a habit crib, upper and lower, as well. A few months into treatment I'd get upper and lower expanders that are turned once every two weeks at my appointment. At the same time, I'd get upper and lower lip bumpers and a thick bite plate that would sit behind my front teeth just in front of the habit crib that would show about a millimeter below the edge of my front teeth so that I can't completely close my mouth or lips and cannot pronounce my sibilants or glottals or plosives.

The orthodontist would have made all this sound very simple at the beginning but with everything piling on at once I would get very frustrated, so when it's time to add the cervical headgear, even though I have previously agreed to eight hours of wear (easy!) I don't do it. It's too much and I can't take it. At this point I'm about six months in to my treatment and I go on for another six months with extremely minimal headgear wear. At the end of one year of treatment, my orthodontist explains to me that the reason he had me agree ahead of time to the headgear is because the treatment is designed to work only with headgear, so if I don't wear it, my teeth will actually get WORSE. Now they are so bad that he must wire it in until he gets everything else in place.

Eventually I get used to it. Probably right around when it's time to stop turning the expander screws, because after that the treatment is much more comfortable and I am more confident about having such a strong lisp and wearing headgear in public. I am fine with being the headgear girl. But I am not sorry to see it go when I am done with it! I get to lose the headgear and expanders and lip bumpers all at the same time, but then I start on my elastics, which I wear in various configurations for another year, including some time spent with one or two going crossways across the front of my mouth. They are always very noticeable because the bite plate keeps my mouth propped open and I have to work hard to close my lips. But eventually I am done! The braces come off, and I graduate to retainers. My retainers still have habit cribs, and the top retainer has exactly the same kind of bite plate, but I am now very used to speaking with a lisp and actually have trouble talking without them in as well. After four years of total treatment time, I am finally given the go ahead to wear the retainers only at night.

But sometimes I still put my headgear on just for fun!

(I know this is an old topic. I hope it is ok to resurrect it since it's so much fun to speculate. I also have a "nightmare" treatment that maybe I'll share later)

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #29 on: 25. May 2016, 16:58:39 PM »
I just finished up my treatment of 3.5 years, which include 2 years of headgear wear 20+ hours a day and 7 months of tongue crib wear.  The only way to make it better would have been having full bands and a double facebow.