
Author Topic: CJDL on tour  (Read 22174 times)

Offline xxxforce

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #30 on: 14. September 2024, 19:11:49 PM »
Hm i think if ist necessary she'll be ready to move "south" so the location shouldn't be the problem..

Sure at first she'll do the job for Linda very good :)

Crew Karaoke is a good thing for all the other's to see that's she has a damn good voice, and music is her element..

There should be other opportunities for her to glance maybe rehearsing togethe..
  maybe she also gets the Chance to sing with the girls on the big stage..

I don't think she's getting the Z of CJDL but she should get under contract :)

Maybe a small love story with a crew member/dancer? Or Erin of northern girls already found her a "cutie"

I bet you'll have the right Inputs to "integrate" Ziggy ????

Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #31 on: 14. September 2024, 21:25:20 PM »
Chapter 27

The girls were chatting with their fans, when Paige came over to them. "Just had a call from Brian, he wanted to remind you that the Press Conference is in just under 30 minutes."

Whilst Linda had briefly met the press earlier in the day, Brian had suggested they held a more formal press conference, allowing them to not only describe what had happened last night, but more importantly to reassure their fans that the tour was still continuing, albeit with a few minor tweaks.


Ben, Andre, Paige and Carol walked into the meeting room in the hotel, where the press conference would soon be happening.

"Hi everyone! I'm Paige, this is Ben - CJDL's assistant manager - and Andre - Northern Girls manager - and Carol, who is, of course, a member of CJDL. We thought we'd run things today in 3 sections: the first will be a simple statement by Ben, summarising what's happened in the last 24 hours, plus how this affects the tour, which will probably what the main channels need. For the second bit, we thought you'd probably like to hear from both Dianne and Linda, who were involved in the accident yesterday, and Carol has offered to be the interviewer - so from your perspective, a neutral person. The final bit will be for the local press and TV to do short interviews for the local news tonight. In terms of questions for Carol to ask... clearly she'll try and cover most aspects, but if you have anything specific to ask, then just write them on one of the pads, and pass them to me. After the main bit of the interview, we can add in any extra questions that come up. How does that sound to you all?"

There were a few 'housekeeping' questions, including one about access to Dianne's pictures, but between them, they answered them, and a couple of the reporters had a short word with Carol.

"Well, if you're all ready, let's bring everyone in!" said Paige. Ben had already gone out, to get the others. First in was Linda, pushed in her wheelchair by Ziggy, followed by all the others, who sat in the chairs around her.

"Good afternoon everyone!" started Ben. "As has been reported in the news already, as Dianne and Linda were on their way back here from a visit to Aberdeen town centre, they were involved in a substantial accident, when a large van crashed into the side of their taxi. Dianne was able to quickly call the emergency services, who were all onsite fairly quickly. Both Dianne and the taxi driver were, in principle, unhurt, but Linda has suffered a fractured lower leg."

He paused for a moment.

"Whilst Dianne was able to join us back here for last night's slightly delayed performance, the girls had to play without Linda, who was being treated at the hospital... although she did manage to return in the last minutes of the show, and sing 'Friends' with the girls - much to the joy of the fans. To be honest, the idea of cancelling last night's show hardly entered our heads, and I am very happy to announce that the tour will continue as planned, although there will be a few changes made to the show to accommodate Linda's clear lack of mobility."

Another short pause.

"The girls are all looking forward to entertaining their fans again tonight, here in Aberdeen!"

Another tiny pause. "Any questions?" There were a few questions, which Ben was able to answer. "Thank you all, I'll hand over to Paige and Carol now..."

Paige went to the front. "So, 'Eight Girls with Braces' are currently in the middle of their 'Orthodontics Tour', and currently we are here in Aberdeen. The tour will continue with performances in Glasgow, Manchester and Liverpool, before we cross the Irish Sea for performances in Dublin and Belfast. After that, the tour will move to France, and will cover much of Europe. 'Eight Girls with Braces' is made up from two bands who have joined together for this tour: CJDL and Northern Girls... so let's meet them..."

Linda started: "Hi, I'm Linda, I'm the one with my leg in plaster!" The other seven introduced themselves too.

"So, I'm now going to hand over to Carol: she's going to chat with Dianne and Linda about what happened."

The various reporters had written down a load of fairly obvious questions, which Carol had expected, but there were a couple she'd not thought of.

"So, Dianne, what had you two been doing in town yesterday?" she started. Over the next few minutes, Dianne explained that they had been in town shopping, chatted with some fans, then got some dinner, then went on to explain a few of the details of the accident itself.

"Now, Linda, Dianne said you were in pain...."

"Yes, a LOT of pain, and I really do need to thank Dianne for staying with me: just having her there next to me helped so much!"

"No problem!" interrupted Dianne, "That's what friends are for!"

Linda continued explaining about what had happened to her, and how she was given the 'happy gas' and so on.

"Of course, back here at the arena, it was past 7pm, and we were wondering where Linda and Dianne were... after all, we were due to start at 7:30! Jenny, you called Linda..."

"Yes, I did, and was a bit surprised to answered by a police lady, who used words like 'accident' and 'ambulance', but then passed me to Dianne, who explained to everyone what had happened. After that it was 'all hands to the pumps' to work out how we could perform without Linda... and big thanks to Kate, from Northern Girls, who was promoted to be an honary member of CJDL for the evening!"

"I should add," said Taylor, "that I think I heard the phrase 'cancel the show' only once, and then very briefly, before it was quickly dismissed."

Dianne explained how she had spoken to the waiting fans moments after getting back to the arena. "In the end, we started a bit over half an hour late."

"So, the show went on, sadly without Linda. Our tech team came up with an amazing start for the show - Linda is the one who normally starts the show. Plus we had to leave out a couple of songs that needed Linda. But just before the end, we got a lovely surprise..."

"Didn't we just? The stage crew had rigged up a trolley with a chair for Linda - who had just got back from the hospital - and pushed her onstage! Suddenly a not-so-good evening got one hundred times better!" explained Dianne.

"Tell you what," said Linda, "it felt so good hearing all our fans cheering for me!"

"So, you're in a wheelchair - crutches not good enough for you then?" asked Carol, smiling.

"Oh, I have crutches, but have you seen how big this hotel and the Arena next door are? I'd like to get to the stage before the end of the evening! And we now have a new member of the team... this is Ziggy, she's here to help me by pushing me around in this wheelchair, and with other stuff."


"Yeah, it's kinda hard to just 'get up and grab a coffee' in this chair. Plus she's here to help with more important things, like... like getting to bed and things."

"How does your leg feel now? Are you in any pain?"

"It's as annoying as hell having my leg out straight like this, unable to bend my knee, but I guess my leg needs to be immobilised to let it heal... apparently, I'm in this for six weeks! Arghhh! I need to keep it up like this... or at least not put any weight on it... for a week or two, then I've this sort of boot thing I can use to hobble around on. Ummm... You asked about pain: I guess having it in plaster... although it's not actually plaster, it's more like fibreglass... but I think it helps the pain. But I'm also on a load of drugs - legal painkillers I should add - that seem to be keeping the pain away. Just no booze for a while!"

"Ok, so the tour goes on. Linda, how do you plan on opening the show: normally you're the first one on stage?"

"We have an amazing team of dancers, so tonight, the plan is that Ziggy will wheel me on in this wheelchair, then our dancers will 'pluck' me from it, and lift me up and support me. Then throughout the show, they will help me get around, and help me into my sofa."


"Yeah, a sofa... but if they want to know more, they'll have to come along to the show and see for themselves!"

"So what about your costumes? I mean, you can't wear them with your leg like that..."

"Our two wardrobe ladies have been working very hard, cutting off legs, and making them so I can get into them. In fact, I believe they have had to use so much velcro on my costumes that they have officially declared a velcro shortage here in Aberdeen!"

"So, we've talked about what has just happened, but let's spend a few minutes asking how the tour came about in the first place..." Carol had decided to include this specifically to get the four Northern Girls involved.

Finally, Carol paused. "Any more question for me to ask, Paige?"

"Yup, got three... take them in order, but no looking ahead... I want to see you reaction to the last one!" she passed Carol the three pieces of paper. The first two questions were fairly simple and straightforward, but when she got to the third one, she smiled, then smiled a lot more, then started to laugh quite loudly.

"You know, I'm surprised we didn't have this one earlier!" Carol turned to the other seven girls: "So, one last question for you all: 'What IS it with the braces?'"

The girls also laughed, and before answering the question, they gathered around Linda, and all gave the cameras big smiles, showing off their shiny metal braces and multi-coloured ligatures.

After the girls answered the last question, Paige came forward again. "I suspect you've all got some editing to do, but was that good for you all?" She saw many thumbs-ups. "Ok, so whilst the 'big boys' pack up, why doesn't the local press come and chat, then when things are quiet again, you guys from the local TV can have a chat too."


A guy from a local newspaper want over to the girls, and introduced himself. "You know, I can't believe how relaxed you guys are about us. Most performers just want to get away!"

"I guess we appreciate you guys, without you and our fans, what would we do?" said Linda.

"So I saw your show last night: initially people were starting to get annoyed about the delay, but when you came out Dianne, and showed those pictures, well, everyone was on your side! How did it feel not having Linda there with you?" He asked a few more relevant questions.

"Did you actually enjoy the show then?" Jenny asked him.

He smiled. "I did, actually, although I had been hoping to see you do 'Gimme Chocolate'."

"Yes, that's fun for us all, so it's sad to have to drop it!" said Taylor.

"Don't worry," said Linda, "it's something I'm hoping we can work on in the next couple of days!"

With the room finally quieter, they all did a short TV interview, that the local news would show that evening in the local news program.

"Well, that all went well." said Ben. "Thanks Carol for doing the interviewing again: it sounded good to me! And thank you ALL for your time: I'm sure it was very worthwhile."


Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #32 on: 16. September 2024, 18:11:05 PM »
Chapter 28

"Dear Lord, thank you for being with me yesterday evening. Thank you for everyone around me, who have been helping me. Thank you so much for making me well enough to perform tonight, I did miss last night! Lord, please keep me safe as I perform tonight. And send out your love to our stage crew as well as everyone in tonight's audience! Amen!"

Linda could hear the 'Amen' from the crowd, and smiled. She felt good about tonight!

The house lights went off. The stage was dark, except for the bit in the middle. A girl in a wheelchair, her leg in a 'plaster' cast and sticking out in front of her, was pushed on to the middle of the stage by a girl with bright red / pink hair. They stopped just before getting to the front.

Six dancers came onto the stage, and like a group of ants managed to pluck Linda out of her wheelchair, and supported her as she now stood at the front: her left leg - the one in plaster - was in front of her, in the lap of one of the dancers. Two others were at the sides, supporting her and helping her balance on her right leg, and a fourth was behind her, arms gently on Linda's shoulders, to help her balance.

Beneath all the dancers, Linda felt very secure: she knew that any one of them would catch her and hold her if she stumbled at all, and she had four of them! Aa she paused a moment, she closed her eyes briefly, and she felt a large pair of arms around her. "Come on Linda, trust your mount... you can do this in your sleep!" said a comforting voice in her head...


Following the opening song, the dancers had elegantly moved Linda onto the sofa, and had made a fun thing of passing Linda her guitar. The eight girls played a couple of joint songs, then it was over to CJDL. After CJDL's first solo song, Linda started to sing the lyrics of a well known song:

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want..."

"So tell me what you want, what you really, really want" replied Jenny.

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really, really want" repeated Linda.

"So tell me what you want, what you really, really, really want" sang Carol.

"I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna...." sang Linda.

"Look, Linda, just cut the crap will you... do you wanna can of orange or a can of blackcurrant?" asked Dianne, holding up two cans of drink.


"Ok!" said Linda to the crowd later in the show, "before I do 'Linda's Bass Riffs', let me tell you about this afternoon. We met up with a few of you guys outside. I was obviously there, and so was the rest of the band, but so were our dancers. So, take about 25 fans, 7 members of Eight Girls with Braces, 6 dancers, and a few others.... sprinkle in a bit of fun, and this is what you get....!" The video Linda had taken was shown on the screens, to the delight of the audience. "So thank you all for that, it made the afternoon so much more fun!" The crowd cheered. "Ok, onto my Bass Riffs... and tonight you get two riffs for the price of one... so will you please welcome Kate, from Northern Girls, back onto the stage."

Kate joined Linda on stage, passed Linda her guitar, then took her own. Kate was smiling, because she enjoyed playing the bassline of this song with Linda.

"You know, before we do this, I need you all to give a big cheer for Kate: she stood in for me last night with Jenny, Carol and Dianne, when I wasn't able to be here. Thanks Kate!"

The crowd gave a big cheer.

"So back in the 1970's, a guy called Lou Reed released an album called Transformer. There's one track from it that I'm sure you know: 'Perfect Day'... the BBC used a version of it for a while. Anyway, there's another song on the album, 'Take a walk in the Wild Side', that has an interesting bass-line.... because it's actually a DOUBLE  bass-line, both dubbed by Herbie Flowers. He played one on his traditional double-bass, and the other on his fretless Fender Jazz bass guitar. In fact, Herbie was quite a canny guy: because he played TWO instruments, he got paid twice! Herbie earned the massive amount of £17 for his work on the song! If you're interested, Herbie also set up Blue Mink, plus played with David Bowie and T Rex... Herbie Flowers sadly died last weekend ago, aged 86, so tonight, I'm dedicating this song to his memory!"

There was a ripple from the crowd.

"So, Kate is going to play the double-bass part, and I'm gonna use my Fender fretless bass to play... well, the Fender fretless bass part! Ready, Kate?"

The two of them started to play the two basslines together, then Linda started to sing:

"Holly came from Miami, FLA
Hitch-hiked her way across the USA
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her legs and then he was a she

She says, 'Hey, babe
Take a walk on the wild side'
I said, 'Hey, honey
Take a walk on the wild side'..."

A short break, then she sang the second verse and chorus, followed by the

"Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo" bit.

At that point, five of the other six band members came on as backing singers, and sang the "Doo's" too. Another 3 verses, and more "Doo's" by Linda and then the others. Finally, Jenny came onto the stage, and played her sax to end the song, to great applause from the audience.

(if you've never heard this song, then do, it's a great song!)


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #33 on: 21. September 2024, 17:31:52 PM »
Chapter 29

Ziggy was helping Linda to shower and get ready for bed. Yes, Linda's leg was well wrapped in plastic bags to keep it dry.

"Um, this bus we'll be on tomorrow, to go down to Glasgow..." said Ziggy.

"Yeah, the tour bus, what about it?" replied Linda.

"What happens if you need to go to the loo?"

"Well, there's a loo on the bus....". Linda paused a moment. "Ah, right, yeah, I'm with you... no, I'm gonna have big problems if I need to use it, aren't I?... I guess I'd just need to get the bus to stop..."

"Well, there is another option, and I'm not quite sure if you'll like it, but...."


"Well I could get you some diapers, or probably easier, 'pull-ups'...."

Linda stopped in her tracks. Diapers, or nappies as they are often called, was a thing worn by babies... and old people... and she was neither of those. But as she thought a bit more, it kinda made sense. Yes, it was an obvious solution. Just please don't let the press find out about it, they would have a field day!

"Umm, yeah... you say YOU could get me some? I mean, it's not something I'd like to be made public..."

"Don't worry, there's a chemist near me that sells them, I'll pick some up for you, I can probably put them in my bag. As you probably worked out by now, I've helped people with them many times, you can just put them on in the loo, just before we leave."

The more she got to know Ziggy, the more she liked her: not only did she seem to fit in well, she wasn't stupid. "OK, I'm probably about the same size as you, so get what you think is best. Let me know how much, and I'll pay you back..."

With Linda all showered, dried, and in bed, Ziggy turned to leave to get Paige, who would be staying with Linda again. "Hey, Ziggy... thanks... for everything... you've been really good to me today!"

Ziggy smiled: it wasn't that often that her 'clients' were so pleasant and thankful. "That's ok... You know, I think I'm gonna enjoy working with you guys!".

After a rather long, but not over-tiring, day, Ziggy was finally able to go home: tomorrow morning she'd need to get packed to join the bands for the next couple of weeks.


As they weren't performing the following evening, they weren't in a major rush to get to Glasgow, so they left after lunch.

A couple of the stage crew had worked with the coach driver, and had removed a couple of the seats, to give Linda some leg-room, letting her sit quite comfortably for the journey down to Glasgow, which took around three and a half hours.

They actually used 2 coaches, one primarily for the girls and people like Ben and Paige, and their various assistants, whilst most of the crew used the second one... which often left at a different time, as they would have been taking down the lights and PA. But they had decided that sometimes, if the times worked out, they would invite some of the stage crew to travel with them. However, that wasn't the case today: the crew had left early this morning, as they were hoping to get the stage rigged in Glasgow a bit earlir than normal, to give Linda and the dancers as much stage time as possible to work out how to change the performance of 'Give me Cereals': the crew liked that song as much as the bands and their fans.

The journey was over 3 hours, and needless to say, there was occasional singing and playing of guitars, plus they got Ziggy to play them a bit of her type of music: a bit rockier than what Northern Girls played, but not quite as heavy as Darkest Knights!

"Hey, Ziggy, know any Bowie songs?" Linda asked.

"A few. Got something in mind?"

"Yes, I do actually..." and she told her which one. (The details of the song are being withheld from you readers, to make the story a bit more fun in a couple of chapters time!)

"Well, yes, of COURSE I know THAT one!". Linda got the words up on her tablet, and sang along as Ziggy played.

"So, Ziggy, fancy earning yourself some 'bonus cash'?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when anyone plays on stage with us - things like the Crew Karaoke - we pay them a bonus. Now, I know we have the Solo Spots for Glasgow all lined up, but how would you like to play that song with me in Manchester?"

It took a moment for the realisation of what Linda had just suggested to sink in: She would be PLAYING... ONSTAGE.... at their concert. Then she remembered that the concert wasn't at a normal arena, but at the Old Trafford football stadium, which she was sure they said would be a very large crowd.... forty thousand wasn't it?

"You messing with me, Linda. I mean, that place is huge! The biggest I ever played was something like 300 or 400!"

"Yeah, it's gonna be a bit daunting for us too, but Taylor reckons that size doesn't really matter that much. Hey, go and have a think about it, but I think it could be fun..."


They were getting closer to Glasgow, when Ben went and called the 8 girls together, along with Liam, their lead dancer and choreographer.

"Just had a call from our stage crew, in Glasgow: stage teardown went really well last night, and they finished loading early... so today they went to Glasgow early. The good news is that they are well ahead on putting the stage up: the audio side is almost done, they are now working on the lighting. So, they have a suggestion: if we go straight to the arena, they'll pause the rigging to let you do your soundcheck TODAY. They can finish the rigging while you go back to the hotel and have dinner... after which you could all return and spend some time this evening working on your new dance routines. Plus they'll make sure there's enough crew as well through tomorrow, so you can have plenty of stage time for whatever you need to do."

"Oh, that's amazing!" said Linda.

"Yeah, we chatted last night, and they said they were willing to do whatever they could to give you the time you needed. I think the fact that you even went on stage after getting back from the hospital impressed them, plus the fact you did a pretty much full set last night!" said Ben. "Liam, you ok with doing a bit extra tonight and tomorrow?"

"Sure... if we can do a few hours tonight, I think we'll have worked out what we can do for 'Give me Cereals'. Then a nights sleep should make us ready to do a few runs through tomorrow, as well as working on a few other bits, like your 'advert'."

"Ladies, you up for it?"

"I'll be honest, we've not done very much today, so a good workout on stage would feel good!" replied Jenny.

Taylor looked around at her band members: their job would be far less physical. "Fine by us! It'll be good to get 'Give me Cereals' back into the set list, we like playing it, and I think the fans enjoy it too. We also need to tweak the Big Red Button, and get that back in again!"


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #34 on: 23. September 2024, 15:11:13 PM »
Chapter 30

The extra stage time they had for rehearsals in Glasgow enabled them to get 'Give me Cereals' back into the show, to the delight of everyone. Rather than Linda running around the stage with Jenny and Carol, they did a mix of using the wheelchair and the dancers carying Linda. It was quite tiring for both Linda and the dancers, but they didn't mind, as it was such fun to do.

So, with two performances done at the Ovo Hydro in Glasgow, and another 28,000 fans entertained over the 2 nights, the team have now moved to Manchester, where they are playing 2 nights at the much larger football ground. Whilst the total rigging time was longer, they had organised a local team to prepare a lot of what needed doing, including setting up the larger stage, the extra screens and PA speakers.... All was ready for them to do their final soundcheck as planned, mid-afternoon.


"Dear Lord" said Carol, "please bless us as we entertain everyone tonight! Amen!" Sometimes their opening prayer was longer, but sometimes something short was just as good.

As Ziggy pushed the wheelchair onto the stage, Linda looked out at the crowd: there was a lot of people out there, and she felt a bit nervous. The dancers once again plucked Linda from the wheelchair, and helped her to stand. As they finished, she closed her eyes for a moment: like so many times before, she felt a large pair of trusting and comforting hands around her. 'There's no reason to rush to start today' said the voice in her head, 'so take a look around and savour what you see...'. Linda opened her eyes slowly, and looked around, initially at the 40,000 crowd out there - which no longer worried her - then looked up, and saw the bright blue sky with a few fluffy clouds. A big smile came to Linda's face, seen by all the fans on the big screens beside the stage.

Side-stage, Taylor, who would join Linda on the stage in a moment was starting to worry that Linda hadn't yet started to sing: had she frozen?

"Dear Lord," said Linda, "normally when I look up when I'm here on the stage, all I see is the dark ceiling of the indoor arena... but today I see a beautiful blue sky, and I'm reminded that, despite being in the middle of a big city, your trees and grass and flowers are all around us too, made even more beautiful by the amazing weather you have given us today. Thank you....". She took a breath, then started to sing: "Bless the Lord, oh my soul....."

Side-stage, Taylor relaxed, and also smiled. 'That was just beautiful' she thought as she prepared to join Linda.


"So..." said Taylor as the applause from the crowd in Manchester died down, "It's time for the 'Solo Spot', and tonight Linda has something slightly different for you all..."

The crowd cheered as, once again, Ziggy pushed Linda onto the stage, then helped her onto the settee. With her leg safely at the back, Linda patted the settee to invite Ziggy to sit down. Linda could tell Ziggy was a bit nervous - who wouldn't be, when there's 40,000 fans looking at you!

"So, those of you who have been reading your social media, you'll know that this is Ziggy: she joined us up in Aberdeen - which is where she's from - to help me. But, Ziggy, you're a musician too, aren't you?"

"I was..." replied Ziggy, nervously.

"No, no, no....once a musician, always a musician! Can't you feel the music flowing in your veins? Tell me your history..."

"I used to play in a rock band at school then college, but the band kinda broke up when people moved away..."

"Rock?... Northern Girls sort of rock, or maybe a bit heavier, like Darkest Knights?"

"Somewhere in between, I guess. But I play other stuff too."

"What sort of stuff?"

"Often the rockier charts stuff, but also stuff that mum and dad used to listen to, you know, stuff from the 70s and 80s."

"So how many in the band?"

"Three guys and me: I played guitar." replied Ziggy, with a smile.

"You enjoyed it, I can tell. Not wanted to get involved in another band, maybe?"

"Work seems to get in the way too much.."

"Sounds like you need a new job! So, what sort of sized crowd did your band play to?"

"Oh, maybe as big as 300 or 400 hundred..."

"Hmmm" said Linda looking at the 40,000 strong crowd at the football stadium. "In that case, you'd better not look any further than the third or fourth row then! Hey, know any David Bowie stuff?"

"Yeah, dad likes him, and when your parents like a song, as a kid you get to know those songs far too well!"

"Ok, so go grab that guitar, you play, and I'll sing...". By now, Linda could see that Ziggy was starting to relax.

Ziggy got up, picked up the guitar and started to strum it. "Come on everyone, give Ziggy a big hand!". As the cheering subsided, Ziggy started to play the tune, as Linda started to sing:

"Oh, yeah.... Ziggy played guitar.... Jamming good with Weird and Gilly, And the Spiders from Mars, She played it left hand, But made it too far, Became the special girl, Then we were Ziggy's band...." Finally, the last lines: "Oh, yeah... Ooh... Ziggy played guitar!"

The crowd applauded enthusiastically.

"Go on, go to the front of the stage and take a big bow!" said Linda. "Miss Ziggy Starr, everyone!!" She could tell from the massive smile on Ziggy's face that she had enjoyed the experience.

In fact, while in Glasgow, then today in Manchester, they had persuaded Ziggy to jam with them after their sound-check, and they had discovered that whilst maybe not yet at the 'professional' level, she knew how to play guitar pretty well.


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #35 on: 23. September 2024, 16:31:20 PM »
and the next step is hopefully to let Ziggy sing  :)
I think her Voice might be even better than her guitar skills  ;)

Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #36 on: 24. September 2024, 18:15:37 PM »
and the next step is hopefully to let Ziggy sing  :)
I think her Voice might be even better than her guitar skills  ;)

I was thinking that maybe she can join their "Kami Band" to play "gimme cereals".... I guess she could sing by doing a "crew karaoke"... any song suggestions for her to sing?

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #37 on: 24. September 2024, 18:51:47 PM »
I'll let the choice by you.. Crew Karaoke is a good opportunity to impress all members :) i think it should be a difficult one which is not so easy to sing for a untalented.. should chosen from the karaoke computer by coincidence not to be unfair :)

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #38 on: 25. September 2024, 18:25:40 PM »
Chapter 31

Manchester went well, so they are now in Liverpool, a city with a very big pop music history, where they are playing 3 nights.

"Right..." said Taylor as the applause from the crowd in Liverpool died down, "It's time for the 'Solo Spot', and tonight I believe Carol has something special lined up for us tonight...."

Carol was already walking onto the stage. A voice in her ear said "Tom is ready for you in London".

"Thanks there Taylor, and yes, I do have something a bit special lined up. So, tonight is Thursday... so anyone know what's so special about Thursdays?" A few people in the crowd shouted out. "No to all of those, I'm afraid! Hmm, maybe my lovely boyfriend, Tom, knows... Tom, you there?" Tom appeared on the video screens to a round of applause.

"Hello Carol!"

"It's so nice to see you, I'm missing you so much! So, Tom, what's so special about Thursday?"

"Well, at a certain pub here in South London, it's Open Mic Night, and you usually play here... and everyone here is missing you!" The camera in London panned around, showing the audience in the pub, who waved and cheered. "Loads of people have commented about you not being here, they love it when they can play with you. So where ARE you?"

"Well, tonight we're in Liverpool, and as I can't actually be with you tonight, I thought it would be fun to play you all a couple of songs from here, at the Liverpool Arena." As she said that, the on-stage camera panned around, allowing the pub crowd in London to see the huge audience in Liverpool. "I get a feeling that my audience is a bit bigger than yours..."

"Oh, we're not going to play THAT game again, are we? It's a 'no contest', you guys win hands down!" said Tom. There was a bit of cheering and laughter.

"Anyway, I'm thinking that, before we go any further, everyone should say 'hello' to each other... so Tom, you get the guys there to say 'hello Liverpool', and then my audience here can say 'hello London' back to you. We all up for that?" There was a gentle cheer. "Oh, come on, you can do better than that... are we all up for that?" This time the cheer was a lot louder.

"OK, Tom, you guys start..."

"Come on everyone, on the count of three... 1... 2... 3...". "Hello Liverpool!"

"Hello London!" replied the crowd in Liverpool.

"Nicely done, everyone" said Carol, happy with the way things were going.

"So, Carol, what you going to sing for us tonight?" asked Tom.

"Well, there's a load of great musicians that come from Liverpool, so I thought I should sing something from a couple of them. Got any ideas?"

"Well, didn't 'Jerry and the Pacemakers' come from there? You could play one of theirs!"

"Mmmm, yes, they did! Great suggestion! And I can think of JUST the song to start with, however.... in the tradition of 'open mic', I'm going to want you ALL to sing along with me, both in London and here in Liverpool. Don't worry, you should all know the words, you sing it enough at Anfield! Are you all ready?"

Most of the crowd had worked out what she was about to sing, so gave a big cheer. Carol started to strum the acoustic guitar she was holding.

"When you walk through a storm, Hold your head up high, And don't be afraid of the dark....." she sang. Already, many of the crowd were singing along, but moments later, when she was at the well-known bit, even more joined in: "Walk on, walk on, With hope in your heart, And you'll never walk alone, You'll never walk alone...."

"One more time!" shouted Carol after finishing the chorus, and she repeated the song, followed by lots of applause from the audience. All the while, the Liverpool audience could see the crowd at the pub also singing along.

"Wow, Carol, excellent choice!" said Tom. "So, who you gonna sing next then? Billy Fury? Frankie Goes To Hollywood? The Merseybeats? How about Cilla Black?"

"All great suggestions, Tom, but I think we might be missing someone... Someone big..."

"The Swinging Blue Jeans maybe?

"No, much bigger than that..." Of course, by now the crowd was shouting 'The Beatles'. "Ah, I just heard someone in the crowd say something". She stopped talking, to let the croud shout out again. "Ah, right... 'The Beatles'!"

"Ah, yes, of course, they're from Liverpool too, aren't they?... I don't think you can go wrong with them, can you? You know a good 'sing-a-long' Beatles song?"

"I sure do! Let's have you all singing along!". Carol started strumming, then started to sing: "Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace, Molly is the singer in a band, Desmond says to Molly, "Girl, I like your face", And Molly says this as she takes him by the hand.."

Without any prompting, the crowds all joined in the chorus: "Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, Life goes on...". As Carol played, she watched the crowd at her local pub singing along. As the crowd applauded at the end of the song, Carol smiled: things had gone a lot better than she had hoped.

"Carol, that was great, everyone here loved it, so thank you!"

Carol looked straight into the camera, smiling: "Hey, Tom.... I love you...." and she blew him a kiss.

"And I love you too! Bye for now!" and he blew her a kiss back and waved.

Carol was joined onstage by Jenny, Dianne and Linda. "Hey, nice one, there, Carol! Come on everyone, I reckon she deserves another big cheer!" said Jenny. As the crowd cheered, Ziggy and the dancers helped Linda on to her settee, and CJDL started to play.


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #39 on: 03. October 2024, 17:30:45 PM »
Chapter 32

In Glasgow, Manchester and Liverpool, they had managed to get Linda a disabled room, with not only a wetroom for the bathroom, but there was also an adjoining room, where Ziggy stayed, giving her privacy, but close enough to help Linda if she needed to go to the loo in the middle of the night. Linda had discovered that Ziggy's previous work in care homes gave her the skills to help Linda in the ways she needed, but in a nice and gentle way. Clearly, they spent quite a bit of time together, and seemed to get on well.


They were backstage on their second night in Liverpool.

"Hey, Ziggy, can you bring Linda and come with me a moment?" asked Bryan.

"Sure...". Ziggy followed Brian into the room next door, where Lisa, Ben and Paige were all standing. "Errr, what's going on?" she asked.

"Well," explained Brian, "we initially asked you to work with Linda up until the end of the UK bit of the tour, and that's only a week away. Now, we've all had a chat, and I know the girls are enjoying you being around... so, if we were to ask you to stay with us for the next bit of the tour... well, until Linda gets her cast off at least... would you be interested? I guess we're talking roughly another 4 weeks."

Ziggy was smiling widely, showing off her silver smile. Ziggy has been very much enjoying the job: the girls were fun to be with, plus they were both encouraging her to play with them, as well as giving her hints and tips. Not only that, the crew respected her too, making the whole job so good.

"Oh, yeah, definitely!"

"Yay!" shouted Linda.

"In that case, you'll want to go back home... can you work with Paige to organise you flights from Belfast back to Aberdeen, then from there back down to London?"

Ziggy knew the tour itinery: there was a few days break after the last concert in Belfast, before they caught the ferry to France, so she'd have a couple of days back home before heading south, time to try and 'sort her life out' a bit. Luckily, she lived in a shared house, so unlike the CJDL girls, she wasn't worried about her house being empty. Her housemates had been happy when she had told them what she was doing, and were even more excited when she told them she was staying with the tour a bit longer.


So, over to the first day in Dublin. Northern Girls had done their soundchecks, and they were now having a bit of a jam session.

"Come on, Ziggy, grab a guitar and join us!". Ziggy got the spare mic and in-ears from Callum, came on stage, and pointed at Carol's guitar.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead!" said Carol from over the side. Ziggy picked it up, and started to strum it, and adjusted the settings of a couple of the pedals: in fact, the reason she had chosen Carol's guitar was because it went through the pedals. Finally, she got roughly the sound she wanted, then started to play the opening riffs of a song... something quite rocky. In fact something distinctly heavy.

"No way... oh yeah!!" shouted Erin, who had recognised the song after the first bar, and joined in on the drums. It took Kate, Meg and Taylor a moment longer to recognise it, and they too joined in. Linda sat side stage: she would have run onto the stage and joined in, as this was one of her favourite bass riffs, but one she'd not played on the tour, feeling it was maybe not their fans sort of thing. Sadly, she was in her wheelchair, and her crutches were down in their 'green room'. It took them a few more bars to 'sync-up', then it took the girl on the PA a moment to set the balance (it had just been set up for just Northern Girls, and she needed to add in Carol's guitar. Same for the guy on the monitor mix).

"Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind... People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time" sang Ziggy in quite a rough voice that matched the lyrics. At the end, there was a round of applause from everyone who was standing around.

"Sorry, couple of bum notes there, not played it for a while...but that was AMAZING!" said Ziggy with an absolutely massive smile on her face, "How come you guys know it?"

"Oh, come on, any self-respecting rock-musician knows THAT one!" said Erin.

"Ok, know any Kaiser Chiefs?"

"What you thinking?"

"Never miss a beat?"

It goes without saying that Ziggy had a great time that afternoon, jamming with the four Northern Girls.


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #40 on: 10. October 2024, 12:31:54 PM »
Chapter 33

So let's fast forward a bit: the performances in Dublin and Belfast went very well. Linda is now allowed to apply gentle pressure on her leg, so has a sort of boot strapped on: it's main purpose is to provide a surface to walk on so the foot of her cast doesn't get damaged. She has both sticks and crutches, and prefers the latter. And whilst they are fine for shorter distances, she still uses the wheelchair for anything longer.

Having the 'shoe', and being allowed to stand on it means that the show opening has changed a tiny bit, no longer needing one of the dancers to support her casted leg, but she still has the others to steady her.

So, whilst Ziggy has flown back to Scotland, plus Ben, Jenny, Callum and her parents flew back to London (along with all four Northern girls, and several of their team), Linda took the slower option of their coach: being brutally realistic, flying with a leg in plaster (especially like hers, which went from her thigh down to her toes, and was straight) just wasn't going to happen! But Linda didn't mind: Carol, Dianne and Paige were with her, keeping her company, along with many others.

They left Belfast on the tour coach mid morning, and arrived in Dublin with plenty of time to catch their 2:30pm ferry to Liverpool, which would arrive there at around 6pm. "We won't be loading for at least an hour" their driver had told them.

"Hey, Linda, do you need to go to the loo to, errr, 'change'?" asked Paige very discretely.

"I don't need to change, but a visit to the loo would be good." replied Linda. "We can get a coffee while we're there too!"

It wasn't far to the terminal building, where everything was, so Linda decided to get a bit of exercise, and used her crutches to get there. "Hey, I wonder if any of our fans will be on the ferry?" asked Linda as they slowly walked over.

"I think I know where you're going with this... maybe we need to get a few other members of the team involved too? I mean, there's not a lot to do on the ferry... "

"Looks like we're on the 'James Joyce'... " said Paige, bringing up a deck plan on her phone. "So, whilst WE could go to the Club Lounge, I'm guessing any fans won't... there's a cafe, as well as an 'additional seating' area we could use."

"Well, as long as we make sure we buy our fans enough coffees, no reason we can't use the cafe..." replied Linda. "Tell you what, let's see what response we get.... Someone want to post something, I don't seem to have a hand free right now!". Dianne got her phone out: 'We're travelling back to Liverpool today on the 2:30 sailing on the James Joyce - anyone else on that ferry, and would like to join us?' she posted online.

Two minutes later she had a response: 'OMG, we are, and I think I can see your coach across the car park!' said someone called 'Jules'. Dianne read out the response, then replied: 'we're not gonna be loading up onto the ferry for a bit. We just got into the terminal, so come over and say hello, bring family too!'

'You sure?'

'Of course! See you in a few minutes!'.

Paige and Linda made a beeline for the disabled loo: Ziggy had given Paige a few tips to allow her to help Linda better, and they were back in the cafe just a few minutes later. Linda sat on a chair, with her leg on a second chair.

Their hairdresser, make-up lady and the two wardrobe people, along with two of the dancers were with them. Paige and Dianne were just making a list of teas, coffees etc, when a family of four walked in the door: one of the teens looked around, then pointed straight at them: Carol went over to them.

"Hello there!" said Carol, "I'm guessing one one of you is Jules? Do come and join us!"

"You sure we're not imposing?" asked their mum.

"Not in the least. These journeys can get a bit long and boring, so it's always nice to meet some fans on the way. So who is everyone?"

"That's Jules, she's the one that saw your message... this is Sammy, I'm Mel, and this is my husband, Jimmy."

"Nice to meet you, Mel, I'm Carol, come and meet everyone!". The two girls were being a bit shy, a bit like rabbits caught in the headlights, and were being very quiet.

"Hiya! So which of you is Jules then?" asked Linda.

"That's me! said the taller, and presumably older of the teens.

"Well, I'm Linda, but that's probably easy to work out. You've met Carol, that's Dianne, both band members. And this is Paige, works with us as a personal assistant as well as doing many other things. Eleanor, where are you?"

"Behind you!"

"Ah, right, stop hiding from me! Eleanor runs the fan club, and has pretty much taken over managing the merch too." She went on to introduce the rest of them.

"Hey, we're getting drinks for everyone, you guys want something?" asked Dianne. Mel seemed to be a bit hesitant. "It's no big deal, honest. So far we're at about six coffees, three teas and a couple of fizzy drinks..."

"Oh, ok, then a black coffee for me. Jimmy?"

"White tea please. Girls?"

"Umm, what they got?" asked Sammy.

"Tell you what, why don't you just come over and see what there is?". Two smiling teenagers went with Paige and Dianne, while Jimmy and Mel sat down.

"So, were you here to see us perform, or just on holiday?" asked Linda.

"Just on holiday, over to the west. The traffic was so light, we got here ages ago... of course, Sammy and Jules were both getting bored, then Jules saw your message!"

"Well, so far you're the only ones to have responded!"

"Something tells me you've done this sort of thing before: you seem pretty relaxed about it."

"Yeah, we really enjoy meeting our fans."

"Don't they... well.... overwhelm you at times?"

"We try and do it when there's not too many, but there have been a few times when it got big. But we always try and make enough time for everyone. Paige usually goes and meets them first, sets the 'ground rules', although most fans have now realised that if they stay calm, we'll spend more time with them."

"I was assuming you would be more like... well, 'pop stars', all dressed up and that." commented Jimmy.

"Who wants to be all dressed up for travelling, especially on a long day like today? Look, at the end of a day, we're probably not all THAT different from you: I have a skill, and I use it for my work, to earn money to stay alive. Along the way I'd like to enjoy it, both inside and outside of work. It's just that I suspect what we do is a bit more publicly visible than what you do... hey, what DO you do?"

"Oh, I'm a manager for an advertising agency. Mel works in sales. I don't think either is as 'exciting' as what you do?"

"Well, the three to four hours when we perform are exciting, I won't deny that, but to be honest, there's a LOT of sitting around waiting, and then there's the travelling, like this... probably about as exciting as you travelling today!"

Jules and Sammy returned with Paige and Dianne. "So, it seems that Jules is our big fan, Sammy is more into Charlie XCX and Sabrina Carpenter."

"Ah yes, Sabrina: she was the one that knocked Northern Girls off their number one spot! Mind you, Northern Girls knocked us off the top spot!"

They sat and chatted for a while. Jules asked them a few questions, which they answered.

Paige's phone rang. "It's our driver, asks if we can get back to the coach fairly soon, the ferry has finished unloading, so they'll start loading soon..."

"Ok then, Jules. We'll see you up in the cafe on the boat soon...." said Carol.

"Hey, thanks for helping relieve the boredom!" said Mel.


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #41 on: 10. October 2024, 14:59:19 PM »
So, as part of writing the CJDL story, I need to have some vague understanding of what's in the charts.

Currently, Sabrina Carpenter is #1 with 'Taste'... it's a song about 2 girls who are dating the same man. Then I watched the video, which starts with a "Parental advisory & viewer warning"... ".. depicts graphic violence...". Such a sweet song with such a gory video! Had me laughing though!

Please heed the advisory if you are 'of a weak constitution' or a 'snowflake'!

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #42 on: 12. October 2024, 12:40:01 PM »
How about a chapter with a bit of braces content for a change?

Chapter 34

Loading seemed to take forever, but eventually their coach was on the ferry, and they were able to go to the cafe. Carol had taken 2 guitars, and Dianne took a tambourine and some shakers: yes, they intended to have some fun!

They started by getting some sandwiches for lunch, during which time their 'guests' arrived, joining them for a bit of food too.

"Hey, Dianne, looks like we've been recognised!" said Linda, pointing across the room. "You might as well invite them over..."

As Dianne approached the family, she could see that their two teen kids, a boy and a girl, had big smiles on their faces. "Excuse me," said Dianne, "but something tells me that your two here have recognised us..."

The kids might have recognised them, but their parents had no idea. "Umm, I'm sorry, but who ARE you?" said the dad.

"Oh, dad, how can you not recognise Dianne?" said one of the teens.

"Hello, yes, I'm Dianne Fox, I'm one of the girls in CJDL, we've just been playing a few nights in Dublin and Belfast." The dad still looked confused. "CJDL's a pop group!" Dianne explained.

"Oh, right..."

"So, your two spotted us, and seeing as things are pretty quiet, they... and you, of course, are very welcome to come over and join us. We already have another family with us, that we met in the terminal, and I'm sure these two want to come over. Your choice of course! But I have a feeling we might be able make the journey a bit more fun for them! Just come over if and when you're ready!"

Dianne retreated, but could see the two kids talking with their parents. A few minutes later, the two teens joined them, introducing themselves as Chloe and Tyler. Everyone else introduced themselves.

"So why isn't Jenny here?" asked Chloe.

"Oh, Jenny, Ben, and Jenny's family... and the Northern Girls jumped onto a plane to get back to London" explained Carol.

"Oh, ok, so why didn't you get a plane too?"

"Not so easy when you have one of these on your leg!" replied Linda tapping her cast loudly.

"Ah yeah, of course. Hey, doesn't it get itchy at all?"

"Sometimes, yeah! The other night, right in the middle of our performance, it got itchy down just below my knee... aaarghh!"

After talking about her cast, Sammy asked "Dianne... can I ask you something about your braces?"

"Course you can!"

"Well... I heard that when you first got your braces, you were feeling rather apprehensive about getting them... so how do you feel about them now?"

"Oh, wow, now that is a really good question!". Whilst Dianne had been wearing her headgear and lip bumper on the coach, when they had gone into the terminal, she'd removed her headgear and her elastics.

"Well, as we're not in a rush, why don't I give you a slightly longer answer. So, back when I was only 12, so I'm guessing a little younger than you, my top teeth used to stick out, and I don't mean by a tiny bit either. They gave me a chunky plastic appliance called a twin-block, along..."

"Oh, a friend of mine had one of those - she hated it!" interrupted Tyler.

"Yeah, me too! Plus they gave me a headgear to go with it..." Dianne spent a moment describing a headgear. "Luckily I didn't have to wear the headgear to school - just all the rest of the time - but that twin-block gave me a bad lisp, and you know what kids at school can be like! I had to wear that twin-block for a year. That was not a good year."

"Surely other kids at school had braces as well?" said Tyler.

"Year seven and eight... not really. I guess some were getting them by the end of year eight... anyway, then I had 'train-tracks' for the rest of year eight and part of year nine. They weren't quite so bad, at least I didn't have a lisp. Mind you, when I got my retainer, I got a lisp again for a while to go with it. So, my experiences of having braces at school weren't all that good. So, a couple of years ago, when my teeth started to move, the idea of having braces again didn't feel too good either."

"So what made you change your mind then?"

"Well, Jenny had braces, and a headgear too, which she flaunted a bit... but she's Jenny, things like that don't seem to worry her. It was when we were all over in Korea, one of Jenny's brackets came lose, so we all went to see an ortho on the way home, and the ortho - a lovely lady - commented that I really should get my teeth fixed. No surprise, I ducked the question again, then these two here said they would get braces too, to support me."

"So Linda and Carol both got braces, but don't actually need them?" asked Sammy.

"Well, I actually needed braces too," explained Linda, I mean, my issue was minor, and I would have been ok not having them, but I wanted to support Dianne, so clearly I'm getting my minor problem fixed." she smiled widely, letting them see the small screw in her gum, and the tiny elastics connecting it to her two teeth.

"The funny thing," said Carol, is that I also had braces as a teen - nowhere near as bad a problem as Dianne, and Id worn my retainers for a few years, and my teeth had been stable... but last year, I noticed one tooth was a tiny bit out of line, so the ortho had made me a new removable retainer with a spring to move it back into place, which it did nicely. I would have kept wearing that retainer, but I wanted to support Dianne too: so these braces are acting as my retainers..."

"So, knowing that they would be supporting me - and Jenny already had braces anyway - I bit the bullet. I got my wisdom teeth out - they had caused most of my issues, and got braces again."

"So what's that thing in the bottom of your mouth, that makes your lip stick out?"

"That's called a 'Lip Bumper', my lower lip is pushing my lower molars backwards. Also, when I'm in private, I wear a headgear and some elastics." Whilst Dianne didn't shout about wearing a headgear, like Jenny used to, she had mentioned it a few times, so many knew she had it. "So, to finally ask the question you actually asked, Sammy, I'm pretty ok with them know. To be honest, knowing Jenny, Carol and Linda have them too helps a lot. Also, meeting Meg, who's very like me as far as being a bit apprehensive about brace helps a lot. Plus, I've already seen that my teeth have moved, so that all helps. So, you ever had braces?"

"Not yet, but I'm supposed to be getting them soon." said Sammy. "I mean, I know quite a few kids at school have them but...."

"You'll be ok!" said Dianne, "Just don't let anyone bully you for having them: as you just said, having braces at your age is pretty normal these days!"


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #43 on: 13. October 2024, 18:35:29 PM »
Chapter 35

"Can I ask a question about writing your music?" asked Jules. "I was wondering a couple of things... when you start to write a song, do you sort-of get the song in one go, or does it take days or weeks to happen? And what sort of things give you inspiration. Oh, and is it words first then music, or music first?"

"Nice question, Jules" replied Linda, "and I'm gonna let Dianne and Carol answer first, 'coz they've been doing it longer than me!"

"Ok, so before Linda joined us, Jenny wrote pretty much all the music, but left the words to us two!" said Dianne. "She just doesn't do words! Maybe three-quarters the time, she'd write something, and tell us 'it's about a boy who fancies this girl' sort of thing, so usually one of us would work on the words, and typically, after having something rough, we'd all then work on it. The other quarter of the time, one of us would come up with the lyrics, maybe with an idea of how the tune should go, then work with Jenny on it. I've written the music for a couple of our songs, so has Carol... but again, we'd all work on it together to make it work." She took a breath. "How long does it take? Well, I know that when Jenny gets a new tune in her head, she just has to work on it, she generally hates to leave it. So, sometimes it's just hours, sometimes a few days. I guess it's the same for the lyrics too, depends how inspired we are. Then there's usually several days where we play it, make tiny tweaks, maybe adjust the pace of it. Carol - anything to add?"

"Agreeing with you so far. Mind you, some songs just 'develop'... I'm thinking of 'Braces Buddies' - that started off as someone just strumming the guitar and saying 'braces buddies...'. Linda did a load of the words, but it wasn't until we got back home - we'd been over in Korea - that it became the final several weeks for that one. Jules, you also asked what inspires us? Well, usually it's just stuff around us, or things that happen to us - I'm sure Linda will tell you all about how she wrote 'Friends' in a moment. I sometimes get inspired by something I've seen on TV or online. Maybe we can see if we can get inspired by today's ferry trip? But first, I think you need to hear Linda's stories..."

"So, whilst Carol, Dianne and Jenny started to play together as a group back in college, I never really settled into a group. When I finished, I became a session musician: luckily I got an amazing agent who got me some really good work, and I quickly got a pretty good reputation. I'm lucky that I can sight-read, so playing other people's music was quite easy for me. Wilst I enjoyed the recording sessions - we did music for adverts, TV, all sorts - but the bit I liked was being in the backing band for an artist who was on tour... that's how I met Fiona Lewis."

"But I wasn't in a position where I needed to, or even really wanted to write, I was happy playing any sort of guitar, or doing backing vocals." Linda paused a moment to think. "It wasn't until I started working for CJD that I got to see music being created from nothing. I helped them effectively produce their previous album, helping them tweak things. Jenny pushed me hard to try writing something by myself: it wasn't great at first, but I quickly worked out what to do... and unlike the others, I seem to be able to write both music and lyrics. Often I'll have an idea, and work with the others on it, but a couple of times I've pretty much worked it out by myself, like with 'Friends'". Linda went on to explain the story about how 'Friends got written.

"So, yes, why don't we have a bit of a 'brainstorm' for ideas now. Can someone pass me my bag so I can get my notebook and recorder out. So the idea is simple: we'll start the ball rolling, then if you have an idea - so a word, a short phrase - then shout it out. The recorder is just for us, I can promise that what you say will never be made public! Now, don't worry if it sounds a bit silly, sometimes those are the best ideas! Ok, so let me start with a few... 'on the ferry', 'on the coach', going back home', '..back to London', umm.. 'it's fairly sunny'....". She paused th let others come up with ideas."

"Seeing my boyfriend again" suggested Carol. "Back in my own bed".

"Oh yes, looking forward to THAT!" said Dianne. "No milk in the fridge though!". Several of the 'guests' laughed. "Oh, don't forget 'drinking too much coffee'!"

"'Queuing in the car for the ferry'" suggested Mel. "'Kids getting bored'. Hey, how about 'are we nearly there yet?'". A few giggles.

"'Seagulls'..." said Chloe, "'following the ship'?"

"'Splashing waves!'" added Tyler.

"All good stuff!" said Linda, "Keep them coming!"

"You might have a copyright problem with it, but what about '2-4-6-8 Motorway'" suggested dad Jimmy.

"Don't worry about the copyright, I like that idea!" replied Linda. "And just for Dianne, I'm gonna write down 'taking off my headgear'".

"In that case, 'biscuits stuck in my braces'!" retorted Dianne.

Over the next 10 to 15 minutes, Linda filled several pages in her notebook with ideas. She had circled the '2-4-6-8 Motorway' - she needed to check its words, but the idea of the song's chorus suddenly popping up in the middle of their song appealed to her.

"So, we gonna write the song now?" asked Sammy quite innocently.

"That would be nice, but I think we need to let our brains think about everything first.  Tell you what though, Jimmy, I'm already having ideas about that '2-4-6-8 Motorway' punching in in the middle of the song!"

"How about we grab the guitars and sing something?" suggested Carol a few minutes later. She passed one of the guitars to Linda, while Dianne got her tambourine and shakers out of her bag.

Linda started strumming. "Hey, Paige, get your tablet out and look up the words for '2-4-6-8 Motorway' will you? Actually, search for 'chords' will you? I know there's probably only 3 or 4, but it would be good to see how they go. And if the rest of you get the words up on your phones, you can join in!"

Paige got her tablet out, and quickly found a site with the words and chords on it. "That what you're looking for?" she asked.

"Spot on!" Linda replied, and started to strum. "Ok, Dianne, Carol, how about we do the verses, and everyone else join in for the choruses? Ok, one two three four.... 'Drive my truck midway to the motorway station'...."

"All together now.... 'And it's 2-4-6-8, ain't never too late....'"

By the end of the song, several others in the ship's cafe had joined in too, and gave them a big round of applause at the end.

"Sure breaks the boredom, doesn't it?" said Dianne. "So, how about we sing a few of OUR songs, but we'll be expecting you all to join in too.... Any requests?"

"Can you do 'Friends'?" asked Chloe.

"Braces buddies too!" added Jules, smiling.

"Absolutely!" replied Carol. "Tell you what though," she said after they sang those two songs, "it doesn't half feel odd singing without Jenny!"

"Yeah, it does, doesn't it! Shame there's no internet, or we could call her." said Dianne.

"Call me weird, but I'm actually enjoying there being no internet!" said Linda. "No calls, no emails, no X, no insta, it's strangely nice!"

By the time they finished singing, quite a crowd had gathered: clearly word had got around about what was happening. After the singing, they did a load of selfies with lots of people: they didn't mind, as there wasn't really much else they could do.

"Ok, let's record a vid, we can upload it once we're back online!" suggested Carol.


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #44 on: 16. October 2024, 13:41:16 PM »
Chapter 36

Jenny and Ben (with several others) had caught the 10:55 flight from Belfast into London City airport, arriving at 12:20. Being such a small airport, they were in a taxi by 1pm, and home by 2.

"Oh, it's so nice to be home again" said Jenny to Ben as they walked through the front door of her house. Before going upstairs, she quickly checked her office was ok - it was.

[For those who have either forgotten, or never read the earlier 'Jenny' stories, Jenny owns and lives in an old terraced house in South London. It is still split into 2 small flats: originally Jenny just rented the upstairs flat, but when the tenant downstairs left, she actually bought the house from her landlord. The downstairs flat is now an 'office' where Jenny writes her music. There's a couple of settees there for when others visit to work with her, and a small kitchen at the back. Jenny still lives upstairs: it's not especially big, but she likes how cosy it feels.]

Upstairs they opened some windows: the place was pretty stuffy. Luckily her 'cleaning lady' had been, and there was milk and a couple of other bits in the fridge.

"Hey, the others will just about be on the ferry by now, I wonder what they are up to?" said Jenny. She checked online, to see some pics of them with a family having coffee in the ferry terminal. "Yeah, they are ok, having fun meeting some fans!" Ben came over and put his arms around Jenny, holding her, looking at her. Jenny smiled, allowing Ben to see her braces... and we all know how much Ben likes Jenny's braces!

"I'm gonna miss your braces when they get removed!" he commented, kissing her, and slowly running his tongue over her brackets. "I guess we'll just have to buy you some fake braces, like mine!" They kissed for a few minutes.

"Half a moment..." said Jenny, popping into the bedroom: she returned wearing a facebow and an interlandi headgear.

"Nice!" said Ben, "It's been a few weeks since I've seen you in that!". Whilst Jenny could have taken her various 'accessories' with her on tour, they had decided that it could be awkward for them both if someone had seen them, even just sat on the bedside cabinet. For the same reason, Ben had left his fake braces at home too: that could have been even more embarrassing to have to explain! Having said that, Jenny had a feeling that Linda and Carol did know... well, about SOME of it... but were good enough friends to not say anything.

Jenny stopped and thought about that last bit: she had known Carol and Dianne long enough that they were definitely friends, but yes, Linda, whom she had known for a lot less, was also most definitely on that list. Linda got on really well with them all, and had really fitted so well into the group... in fact, the group would probably not be musically as strong as they were now if not for Linda, and her many abilities.

Ben joined Jenny once again, and put his lips around Jenny's facebow. Certain feelings stirred inside him as he attempted to kiss her around the facebow: something they had done many times before, but after a period of abstinence, it did feel nice!

"Tea or coffee?" asked Ben several minutes later.

"I fancy a tea, please. I wonder if Karen got us some biscuits?" Karen was the 'cleaning lady', although, in reality she did a lot more: when they were away, or at 'the mansion' for a period, she went to all their flats, kept them tidy, but also made sure everything was safe and secure, no dripping taps and that sort of thing. Then, when they were due back, she'd do a quick shopping run too, for those 'essentials' like milk and biscuits. Just the simple fact that someone was going to their flats regularly might help deter potential thieves.

"Chocolate digestives, no less!"

"Mmm, yummy!"

"And they look good in your braces too!" added Ben with a wry smile, as he filled the kettle and put it on. "So, what we doing between now and continuing the tour?"

"Well, we have a visit to the ortho on Thursday afternoon, but I also need to go shopping... three weeks on the road has shown me that I need some more basics. Which reminds me, we need to get the washing on...". When Jenny said 'basics' that's pretty much what she meant: underwear, t-shirts, maybe some more jeans... this was stuff she wore when not being 'CJDL Jenny', the sort of stuff she'd wear when shopping, or when hanging around back-stage. For on-stage, she obviously had her stage clothes, and for those occasions when she needed to be in public and on show, maybe on TV, then she had a set of much smarter 'CJDL Jenny' clothes. She was fine for the latter, it was the former she needed.

"And don't forget there's the possibility of being on TV on Wednesday evening." commented Ben.

"We not had confirmation on that yet?"

"No, still waiting."   

"I'd like to tell them where to go, clearly we're 'not important enough' to them, but a TV appearance right now would do us a lot of good, and let us promote the upcoming live joint album. Any news on how that's going?"

"They've narrowed it down to 2 takes of each song, but they wanted to listen to the Belfast recordings, just in case. So next, the record company will need to listen to those versions, and decide which to go for."

"We're out of contract, so I hope you and dad have got us a good deal for this extra album!"

"Almost agreed, I think you'll all be happy with what we get..." Ben briefly outlined the proposed deal to Jenny.

"Mmm, sounds pretty fair for everyone. Any progress on our new contract?"

"In progress: we have the advantage, of course, that we know several other labels would be very happy to take use. To be honest, from our perspective, if we can wait a bit and see how the tour affects sales - and we're hoping very positively - we might be able to get a better deal for us. In any case, the record company are very happy with how things are going, even though they won't actually say so out loud!"

Now, you might be thinking 'money-grabbers', but the reality is that their first few years were a struggle, and they had worked hard (lots of unsociable hous, long days, away from home a lot...) to get to where they were. Plus they needed to build money for their future: who knew how long they would continue to be popular for.

The kettle boiled, and Ben made the tea, then the two of them sat down on the settee together and relaxed. Mmm, yes, a few 'days off'...
