
Author Topic: CJDL on tour  (Read 22121 times)

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #45 on: 16. October 2024, 19:57:14 PM »
I think the last chapter should be 36, not 35.

Keep going, I'm enjoying your story.

Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #46 on: 17. October 2024, 00:00:45 AM »
Chapter number updated...

I've been working on another story the last few days, called "An older Linda", it's about Linda in about 20 years time... It will get posted when this story is done (so in about 2027 at the current rate!) ????

Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #47 on: 24. October 2024, 00:16:38 AM »
Chapter 37

"And a good afternoon to you all... I'm Tom, and I'll be with you for The Afternoon Show. Got a couple of special guests for you too..."

So, our girls are about 30% the way through their tour, and have a few days break in London, before they go over to mainland Europe later on tomorrow evening. Ziggy flew back home to Aberdeen to sort her life out, and will fly down to join the rest of the team tomorrow morning, while Linda is being looked after (well, 'spoiled' is probably a better description!) by her parents and another paid helper. Originally, the plan was for the bands to fly back to London, but Linda decided that, whilst it would take longer, she'd be more comfortable on the bus than getting special stuff done so she could fly.

Last night, Carol and Tom had gone to the mansion, and spent the evening with Jenny's family, which is where the idea for todays interview had come up.

"So, my first guest is Carol! It's always good to have you on the show, Carol! She is, of course, in the middle of a European tour with both CJDL and Northern Girls. So, Carol, what's it like to have a couple of 'days off'? I know it's been pretty full-on with your tour."

"Yes, nice to sleep in my own bed! And have more than just one day off. But the tour isn't quite as full-on as you might think, we have a day's break between venues, so it's not quite so bad."

"I guess the first thing I need to ask about is... how is Linda? Maybe you can explain what actually happened?"

"Linda is doing well, she's currently being looked after by her mum and dad. So yeah, we were up in Aberdeen, and Linda and Dianne had gone into town to do some shopping and have an early dinner. They were on their way back to the Arena in a taxi when a big van smashed into them..." Carol went on to briefly relate the rest of the story.

"You decided not to cancel the tour then?"

"No way! That would be a sure-fire way to upset our fans. We've had to make a few changes, but our fans have been amazingly supportive."

"So what has been the response to you tour so far?"

"Well, everything I've seen is pretty positive. We've been quite surprised how positive our fans have been about the 'extras' in the show."


"We have a few 'fun bits'. Crew Karaoke, where one of us sings with one of the crew. Then there's 'Linda's bass riffs', where Linda, and maybe some others take a song with a strong and well known bassline. The most popular has been 'Walk on the Wildside'. I mean, the stuff she plays is nothing like ours or Northern Girls music, but our fans seem to like it. We also have a 'solo spot', and when Jenny played the Tequila Song on her sax, they loved it!"

"The Tequila Song? You mean THIS one?" asked Tom, and he played the original track.

"Yup, that's the one. Now imagine a tropical backdrop, and we all come on with silly cocktails and that sort of thing. I will admit, we all enjoy doping the 'extras', because it so different."

"So are you playing 'Give Me Cereals' again? That is is a song based on the Baby Metal 'Give Me Chocolate, it's lead by Linda, and involves a bit of running around the stage.. which is a problem right now!"

"Yeah, Linda was gutted about that: clearly, with her leg in plaster, she can't run around! We dropped it for a few nights while we worked out what to do... So now we have our dancers moving Linda around... so not quite as boisterous as it was, but at least we're playing it. By the way, I have to give a big thanks to our dancers, they are doing some excellent stuff.

"When we talk about you guys being on tour, I think people forget the huge army of people you need to make things work..."

"Yeah... whilst you might think 'surely the four of you can put your own clothes on?', when you have to do it fairly quickly, and make sure you're putting on the right bits of clothing, you need someone to help. Same with our hair, make-up and so on. And all made more fun by Linda having her leg in plaster! Also, we need people to keep an eye on the time, to make sure we're back on stage at the right time. And that's before you think of all the stage crew, who make the actual performance happen."

"Which nicely brings us to our second guest on the show today. Why don't I just let you introduce yourself?"

"Hi there Tom, I'm Callum Stevens, I'm Jenny's little brother, and part of that tech team."

"So what is it you actually do?"

"I'm the sort-of liaison between the bands and the various members of stage crew..." replied Callum.

"For us, it's nice having someone we know well, who understands us, to sort out any issues... things like an in-ear monitor playing up, or a guitar string breaking.... we just go to Callum, he then organises getting it fixed." added Carol.

"So you're very much a techie person then?"

"Yup. Back at 'the CJDL mansion', I look after all the kit, sort out any issues, do recordings and that sort of stuff."

"Ok, and it sounds like you're happy to 'stay in the shadows' whilst the girls are out there centre-stage!"

"Absolutely! I mean, I can play a bit of guitar, sometimes play along with the girls, but I'm not a musician in any way!"

"So, last night, Carol and I joined you all for the evening and I spotted the way you and Jenny interacted... little looks, comments, leg-pulling. It's very clear you two are very close, and I thought it would be interesting to find out a bit about you, Jenny, and the relationship between you. Plus, of course, it would be interesting to find out more about what it's like working with eight lady musicians. Anyway, lets play a record, then we can start to chat..."

Tom had built up a good relationship with the members of CJDL, and had chatted with them on air many times. He'd also interviewed the Northern Girls, as well as met them on several occasions now. He'd had less involvement with Brian, Lisa and Callum, Jenny's family, so he was looking forward to learning more about Callum.

"So, Callum, you are Jenny's younger brother... two years, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's right, I'm the little baby of the family, Jenny is two years older than me, and Mike is four years older than Jenny."

"So, I get the feeling that you and Jenny are very close, how does that compare with your relationship with Mike?"

"Oh, that's a very different sort of relationship."

"Any idea why?"

"I think it's a different sort of relationship between an older brother and younger sister, compared to an older sister and younger brother. Then add in the wider age gap - 4 years - plus Mike is quite a different personality to both Jenny and me."

"In what way?"

"Well, he's a lot more serious, a much better 'scholar'. He went to Uni, got a degree, now has a 'proper' job." Callum laughed quietly when he said that: he know that Jenny earned FAR more than Mike did, in his 'proper' job. Mind you, HE probably earned more than Mike too!

"So I'm guessing you didn't 'interact' with him in the way you did with Jenny?"

"Well, put it like this, when I started primary school, he started at secondary. When I started secondary, he was already at college. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Mike, but with a six year age gap, it's just a very different sort of relationship."

"Ok, so back to you and Jenny... I guess, when you were very young, Jenny was always there: what's your first memories of Jenny?"

Callum smiled as he remembered. "Playing with me. Singing to me."


"Yeah, mum would sing us silly songs, and while mum was busy, Jenny would repeat the songs, which kept me happy and quiet. I'm talking kids songs."

"So how old would you have been then?"

"Maybe two or three."

"So, a four or five year old Jenny singing... was she a good singer at that age?" Callum smiled.

"I don't really remember, but she certainly wasn't bad. We both used to love listening to music on the radio too."

"So I guess when you were three, she went off to school?"

"Yes, which let mum have a bit of on-to-one with me for a few hours, but Jenny would play with me when she got home."

"Did things change a lot when she went to school? I'm thinking that she must have made friends, so she maybe didn't have as much time for you?"

"Sometimes she'd play with someone else after school... I guess she was probably six or seven then, but when her friends came around, they always tried to include me."

"Do you remember how musical Jenny was at school?"

"Oh, she loved singing, always had a solo in the school concert."

"What about musical instruments? Did she learn to play anything at primary school?"

"Not at school, but she found Mike's recorder, and once mum showed her the basics, she loved to play it."

"I'm guessing Mike isn't as musical?"

Callum chuckled. "Chalk and cheese! Just like dad. I don't think either of them have a musical bone in their bodies!"

"So, she started on the recorder... what was next?"

"Hmmm... so when she was... must be about 9, I remember visiting Uncle John: he'd given our cousin, Trevor, a small guitar. She was playing it within the hour. Needless to say she got one for Christmas!"

Callum paused, and a lovely smile appeared on his face.

"Callum has a huge smile on his face right now... what you remembering?"

"Well, not only did she sing 'normal songs', I remember her making up silly songs too... more the tunes than the words. Words never were Jenny's strong point!"

"Ok, lets have a short music break, we'll be back chatting with Callum soon..."


"So, you were just telling me that Jenny got her first guitar aged about 9. Did she play anything at school?"

"No, not till secondary school."

"So was that when she started playing keyboards?"

Callum giggled. "No, that was a few years later.  At school she learnt the trumpet."

"The trumpet? I never knew that... Does she still have it? And was she any good?"

"Yeah, she still has it somewhere. She was ok, but I don't think she liked it as much... the problem is that, at school, if you want to play music, then it's the school orchestra.... and the orchestra doesn't do guitars! So she played trumpet in the school orchestra for a year or two."

"I always think of Jenny's main instrument as being the keyboard, so when did that start?"

"About year 10, you got to learn things like keyboards in the music lessons, so that's when she started. And she was good, she just seemed to 'understand' what keyboard music was about."

"No doubt she got a keyboard that Christmas?"

"Birthday, actually!"

"So, Carol, I know you first met Jenny at secondary school: how old were you?"

"It was probably in year 10, so was about 15. We were both studying for music GCSE, but we were in different classes, so we never met in class, just at lunchtime."

"You got on well?"

"Well, to be honest, we were in different social groups, so whilst we were aware of each other, we never got to know each other all that well: that was later, when we both went to college."

"Ok, well we'll come back to that in a moment. So, Callum, was Jenny composing songs at that point?"

"She mainly just played stuff from the charts, singing along. I remember she did a solo in the end-of-year concert. But she used to 'play around' on the keyboard, experimenting, working out for herself what sounded good. So not really songs. Besides, by year 11 she was busy doing exams."

"Ah, the dreaded GCSE's! How did she do?"

"Well, an A+ in music, of course, but she did well in most of her other subjects too."

"So, she then went to college, and studied... what?"

"First year it was Music - of course, plus Music Tech, Drama, Computer Sciences and Media Studies. She dropped the Music Tech and Computer Sciences for the second year."

"Carol, you said you met Jenny at college: what did you study?"

"Music, but of course, Drama, Media studies, History and Computer Sciences"

"Computer Sciences... an interesting mix with music..."

"Not as crazy as you might think: we use computers a lot when creating music, Callum can probably tell you more."

"Yeah, I did Computer Sciences and Music Tech all the way to A-Level, but the girls use computers - and often tablets now - to compose, to play back what they compose, create multi- part arrangements and all sorts of things. Diane's new electronic drum kit effectively contains a computer, which she can use program up , and save settings for dynamic recall. Jenny's keyboard can also work with her laptop, same sort of thing. So having a good working knowledge of computers helps them all a lot."

"Ok, so I'm guessing Jenny met Carol and Dianne fairly early on at college?"

"Yes, they did. All three of them enjoyed music, they started playing and singing together, so would usually end up at one of their places after college, and mess around together."

"Mess around?"

"Yeah," replied Carol, "music, games, girl-stuff, TV, just hanging around. At college, the teachers realised how close we were, and tried hard to keep us apart, but after a few months, they realised - at least as far as music was concerned - that we three seemed to know what we were doing, so started to encourage us, as a trio."

"What was it like for you, Callum, seeing these three girls together?"

"I helped them set up some drums, guitars, keyboards, and computer in our garage, so they could play together. Which let me spend time with them all too. It was fun to watch them: they were all determined to try and be able to play all of the instruments, and play them well."

"Yes, Carol told me about that, how they'd be on different instruments for different songs. But, Carol, you don't do that so much now."

"No, we kinda settled down on our favourite instruments... but it's helpful to have a good knowledge of each others instruments.."

"So, Callum, I guess you were around, making sure their tech stuff worked?"

"Yes, and once they started to actually perform, I ran the mixer for them." Callum laughed. "I remember once, we had a bit of a... 'disagreement'. I walked off, so someone else had to do the sound for them. I believe they were rather unhappy with how they sounded that night. They now all respect their sound team."

"You were at secondary school together for... three years. How did that work out?"

"I was 'Jenny's brother' for the first couple of years, but I didn't mind."

"Was she popular at school?"

"Reasonably so, yes. Whilst we never sought each other out, if we did meet, there was never any issues: she was always big sister, I was her little brother!"

"So, Jenny is at college, you're still at school: you still got on ok?"

"Yeah. In fact, because we saw less of each other, I think we appreciated our time together more. She was spending a lot of time with Carol and Dianne, but I always felt welcome."

"I think we all liked having Callum around. He was 'one of the gang', I think we all just treated him like a brother." commented Carol.

"Carol told me about their final concert at college. Were you there?"

"Oh, yeah, I did their sound. They called themselves 'Just Three Girls', and they opened the show, which is never an easy thing. But they didn't let their nerves get in the way: good training for the future. I guess I don't need to say that they pretty much stole the show!"

"I guess you were both doing exams at the same time? Must have been hard."

"Yeah, that was hard for us both, and I think we were all glad when it was over. But the concert was a month or so before exams."

"So, they all then went on to spend a year at Music School: at this early stage, did you think they really had it in them to 'make the big time'?"

"I would say a bit of yes and no. They all had determination that they wanted to become musical performers, but back then, they were still a bit... how do I say this... 'rough around the edges'."

"Yes, I think Callum is right: we wanted to make it, but we still hadn't finished our training."

"Was it easy for your parents, being asked by their teen daughters, to support them in their dream?"

"From what I've heard since, Mum and Dad, and Carol's parents were both in a financial position to back them, but I think Dianne's were a bit more worried - still - that it's not easy to make a living from music."

"So, they all went to Music School: what happens there, Carol?"

"At college they teach you about how to play music, all fairly simple stuff. But what they don't - and probably can't - teach you is how to actually perform. There's been a few TV shows about how K-Pop stars are trained... they spend several years learning singing, dancing, acting, performing... we got less than a year."

"So Callum, you're watching the girls through that year...?"

"Yes, and it was interesting watching them develop. Through the year they did small gigs, which I of course mixed, and I could see their actual performance skills getting better, they were playing and singing together better, 'tighter'..."


"Yeah, they were consistently improving their timing: so the piano and drums in better sync, ending the song crisply and all together, that sort of thing."

"So, a year later, the same question: did you think they really had it in them to 'make the big time'?"

"Hmmm. Certainly much more so. I think at that point they just needed to 'do their apprenticeship'... go out and get used to performing, writing together, and so on."

"Were they earning enough to survive at that point?"

"Definitely not, but our three lots of parents got together, and agreed to fund them for a maximum of two years. And that's when dad offered to be their manager, he didn't want to see them get ripped off."

Tom took another break, and played a record.

"So the girls were starting their 'work life'... what were you doing at this time?"

"Well, immediately they left Music School I was in my A-levels year, but still making time to look after their needs. The year after, I did various things: I was able to 'roadie' for a few local gigs - paid for! - but also did temporary work. And of course do the sound for the band."

"You must have had faith in their abilities to invest so much time with them?"

"Jenny was... and is... my sister, and I so wanted her to succeed. I would have done anything I could to help her, along with Carol and Dianne, to make her dream come true."

"What about your dreams?"

"Oh, I wanted to work with a band, so whilst I wasn't earning anything, I was starting to fulfil my dreams too."

"I can feel a lot of love there between the two of you..."

"Yes, there was, and still is."

"So then what happened to the band. When did they become CJD by the way?"

"Oh, that was when they were at music school: it was felt that 'just three girls' had a bit of a negative feel to it, and were told to think of a new name. They came up with all sorts of stupid ideas, I think it was Jenny who came up with 'CJD'"

"If she invented the name, how come it isn't JCD.... oh yeah, ok.... maybe not so clever!"

"And I think there was a certain amount of ironic humour in the final choice, a sort-of in-joke."

Callum went on to describe how the girls worked at a 'Holiday Camp' for a season.

"Oh, yeah, that was just soul-destroying, but it gave us a regular income!" added Carol.

"Then they stepped in at last moment to work on a cruise ship for a couple of months. I wasn't with them, for obvious reasons, which let me earn some money, but when they returned, I could feel that they had 'finished their apprenticeship'. Soon after, dad, got them a record contract, which helped a bit with the cash-flow, their first song was one written by someone else, but they didn't have an instant hit, which knocked them back a bit. But at the same time, made them more determined to do better. Jenny spent a lot of time working on her music writing, Carol and Dianne on the lyrics. Sadly there wasn't a lot I could do to help..."

"Oh, come on, Callum," interrupted Carol, "you were always there for us, making sure our tech worked, even just doing things like making coffees... just 'being there'!"

"So how long was it before they had that first 'hit'?" asked Tom.

"Amazingly close to the two-year mark. I hate to think what would have happened if that one had also bombed. Ok, it didn't make the top ten, but it WAS in the top twenty, and that started to give them the exposure they needed."

"At what point did you start working for them? Paid I mean!"

"They did a tour, and I ran the PA system, and got paid for it! Pretty small venues, nowhere near what we're doing now. But it was such a joy to sit there and watch them doing what they were good at: performing their songs to an audience!"

"Well, I just heard that we have a phone call... hello, who's there?"

"Hi Tom, it's Jenny... Jenny Stevens..." Her voice sounded fairly soft, maybe a bit emotional.

"Hi there, Jenny, what can I do for you?"

"Well, I'd just like to say something to Callum..."

"Go ahead..."

"Callum, I've been listening to what you've been saying, and just want to tell you that I love you so, so much! I'm so lucky to have such a caring brother!" By now, Callum could hear some tears in her voice.

"Hey sis, thanks, I love you loads and loads too." At this point Carol whispered into Tom's ear.

"Tell you what, lets take a bit of a break there..." said Tom, and went to an advert break and a song. By the time he got back to the phone, just moments later, Jenny had hung up.


Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #48 on: 04. November 2024, 01:56:03 AM »
Chapter 38

Ziggy got up relatively early on the Friday: she had a flight at 9:05 down to London. She had packed her 2 suitcases the night before, and luckily it was a quick journey to the airport. As with her flight from Belfast, she had a ticket for Business class, which made everyting happen so smoothly: first on the plane, first off the plane, luggage through quickly, not to mention the decent sized seat, and the in-flight breakfast. When she got off the flight 90 minutes later (a tail wind gave then a quick flight!) she was quite relaxed.

"Hey, Ziggy" called out Callum: he had driven to the airport to collect her. "How was the flight?"

"Oh, I think I could get to enjoy travelling business class!" she replied.

"Well, you ARE on business, and we have a fairly busy day ahead of us. Anyway, nice to see you again!"

"So, what's the plans for today then?" she asked as they walked to the car.

"Go pick up Linda, then to the mansion for lunch, and off to the ortho at 2pm."

"Yeah, I need to sort out my ortho treatment sometime..."

"Well, piggy-back the girl's sessions, it's not a problem: we have another visit lined up in 4 or 5 weeks time... over in Poland, I think it is." At the car, Callum put Ziggy's bags into the boot. "What you got in here?" asked Callum as he realised how heavy one of them was.

"Oh, that one has my guitar pedals in.."

"Shame they don't do folding guitars! Sounds like we need to find you a guitar, there's a couple going spare in the music room, you can use of of those if you want."

"Oh, yes please! I'm looking forward to seeing this posh 'mansion' of yours."

"It's probably not quite as posh as you imagine. The main reason we have it is that it's got 7 bedrooms, and a lovely music room, exactly what's needed for the girls to rehearse in together."

"Garden? Tennis courts? Croquet lawn?"

Callum giggled. "Yes to the garden, but not too large. And no to the other two!"

"So, where are we off to, to collect Linda?"

"She's stay with her parents, they moved to Leatherhead a few years ago, it seems, so it's around the M25 for about half an hour, then another 15 minutes getting lost in and around Leatherhead!". As they drove, they chatted and listened to the radio.


The door opened. "Ah, hello Callum, do come in!"

"Good morning Mr Jacobson! This is Ziggy..."

"Yay, Ziggy!" shouted Linda from the living room. "How was your trip home?" she asked Linda when they had come in to the lounge.

"Very nice, tidied up a load of stuff, I told my housemates they can use my room if they have any friends over. It was strangely nice to be back for a few nights. My housemates are sooo envious of me because of who I'm working with! I did tell them it wasn't THAT exciting..."

"Oh, come on, Ziggy, yes it IS exciting!"

"And hello Zac, nice to see you again!" Zac had gone to visit Linda when she was in Manchester, so had met Ziggy there. "So, I guess your mum and dad have been looking after you?"

"Yeah, they've been spoiling me rotten, but they aren't anywhere near as good as you in terms of helping me shower and all that stuff. Dad took me to see a specialist: they did x-rays, and have said that I'm healing nicely...". Linda's dad got them all cuppas, and they chatted for a short while.

"So, looks like 'playtime' is over, mum, I have to get back to work! Orthodontist this afternoon, then we're on stage in Paris tomorrow! It's been lovely to spend some time with you, and thank you both for looking after me: next time I'm here, I should be walking again!" Linda hugged both her parents.

"No wheelchair then?" asked Ziggy as she helped Linda, on crutches, to the car.

"Nah, left it on the coach, I've managed fine with my crutches and sticks.". Like Ziggy, Linda had two suitcases, whilst Zac, who was going to be with them in Paris while they were there, just had a small rucksack.

Callum had to move things around in the car: he dropped the middle row of seats (they folded nicely into the floor), and let Linda and Zac sat on the back row, putting Linda's suitcases on front of her: she was able to sit straight in the car, with her leg up on her suitcase.


"So welcome to the CJDL house" said Callum as he drove into the driveway.

"The way everyone called it 'the mansion', I was expecting it to be bigger!" commented Ziggy.

"You mean with ghosts and a butler sort of thing?" suggested Linda.

"Well, maybe not the ghosts, but yes to the butler..."

"I wish!" said Callum. "I mean, we do get people in to help keep the place tidy, and I'm guessing with so many for lunch, we'll have someone in for that too... talking of which, looks like The Northern Girls are here already. So is Jenny and Ben, but not seeing Carol or Dianne's cars."

Ziggy helped Linda out of the car, and in to the house. "Hello Mrs S!" said Linda, "Lounge or dining room?"

"Everyone is in the lounge right now..."

"Ok, to the left then Ziggy!" There were hugs and kisses as they entered the lounge. Ziggy helped Linda to sit down on one of the settees.

"Tell you what," said Meg, "I'm so glad I'm not back home right now, from what I've seen, the TV is wall to wall Trump and Harris, and it's not even our election!"

"Pretty bad here too!" said Jenny, "I'm kinda hoping that we can avoid it all when we get over to France tonight. My only comment is that I just hope that Harris wins!"

"It amazes me how so many people support Trump..." said Linda. "Hey, is he still promising to build that wall between the US and Mexico? He didn't seem to manage much of it five years ago!"

"I still think you guys should have built that wall between Canada and the US!" said Ben, joking.

"It was a popular idea, but luckily Biden got in!" said Taylor.

"Hey, Callum, why don't you give Ziggy a quick tour of 'The Mansion'" said Linda, emphasising 'The Mansion'.

It wasn't long before Carol and Dianne arrived, and then Lisa came in. "So, Suzi and Graham are here: they've set up a buffet in the kitchen, so go grab food, sit wherever you like."

Whilst it had been good for everyone to have a few days break, they were clearly looking forward to getting back on the road again. There was just one more thing they needed to do first: go get their ligs changed!


Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #49 on: 13. November 2024, 13:42:45 PM »
Chapter 39

Eight girls with braces, another extra girl with braces too, three car / minibus drivers, and a couple of others.... all arrived at the Orthodontist's office. Could be the start of a good joke, but it isn't, it's just describing the large group that turned up at Archway Orthodontics.

They had a two hour and a half appointment between them. Luckily private orthos not only have large waiting rooms, the surgeries are big too!

"OMG, you brought half your fans with you too!" exclaimed Angela. "Come on through, David is ready for you..."

"Half our fans?" said Carol. "I thought we had at least thirty fans now...." she added, smiling.

"Hello there, everyone, I'm sure you'll all fit in. So who IS everyone?" asked David.

"Well, you know us four, and you met Taylor, Meg, Kate and Erin last time. So, this is my brother, Callum. And my fiancé, Ben - although I think you met him before. Paige here works with us as a... well, she does all sorts of important stuff, today she's driving the minibus. Then we have Zac, Linda's other half. And this is Ziggy, she's helping to look after Linda!"

"Yes, Linda, what HAVE you done to yourself?" asked David. "You didn't fall off the stage like that guy from Coldplay did you?"

"No, I was in a taxi that got hit my a big van. Fractured my leg. Ziggy here is helping me do stuff!"

"Ouch! And hello there Ziggy..."

"Hi!" she replied in her lovely Scottish accent.

"We were hoping that you could do Ziggy's ligs too, today."

"In principle, not a problem. Ziggy, I don't suppose you remember who your ortho is?"

"No problem, I put his card in my purse."

"Oh, that makes it a lot simpler: I'll get Angela to call them, just check if there's any issues, although I don't expect there will be. So, I'm thinkingwe set up a sort of production line: I'll get all of your ligs off, so you'll have plenty of time to give them a really good cleaning and flossing... then we'll check you all out and fit you with fresh ligs. Which does, of course, raise a question: what colours do you all want this time?"

"Well, we've enjoyed the rainbows, but were thinking this time that each of us will just have one or two colours. Northern girls have decided to be bluish and purplish, we're going for oranges and yellows. Sort of corporate branding."

"Ok, well Angela has put all the ligs over near the sink, so take a look as you brush."

By this time, Ziggy had given David her Ortho's card, and Angela had gone to call them.

"So, aren't all our archwires gonna get mixed up, if you do us all together?"

"Oh, ahead of you on that: Angela has prepared a load of trays, with bits of paper with your names on.... Right, who wants to be first?"

"Go on, Linda..." suggested Carol. With some help from Ziggy, Linda lay back in the big chair.

"That's quite a plaster there, Linda!" said David, "so where's the actual fracture?"

"Oh, a couple of inches above my ankle. Luckily, I've not felt much pain apart from the first 2 or 3 days, which has been nice."

David started by removing the elastics that Linda had to her TADs, then removed her ligs. It wasn't long before David had removed her archwires too. In the background, Angela was on the phone to Ziggy's ortho: it seems that Ziggy's ortho was with a patient, but would call back when he was free, which would probably be only a few minutes.

One by one - apart from Ziggy - David removed their ligs, and they went and brushed their teeth. The phone rang, and Angela answered it: it was Ziggy's ortho calling back.

"David, it's Ziggy's ortho, John Smith.."

"Hello John, David Bright here. I have one of your patients here with me, Ziggy Starr."

"Ah, ok, let me just bring her details up. What's happened? Bracket de-bonded?"

"No, she'd like her ligatures changed." David went on to explain that Ziggy was working with the band, that the band was about to go over to Europe on tour...
"Did you say 'Eight girls with braces? Weren't they here in Aberdeen a couple of weeks ago?"

"That's right. One of the girls fractured her leg, and Ziggy is helping her."

"Oh, I bet she's enjoying that! So, there's nothing special about her treatment, so I have no problems with her having her ligs changed. Hey, I don't suppose you have a scanner? It would be useful to have an up to date scan of her teeth, see how she's getting on..."

"Yes I do... I'll email them over to you, let me just confirm your email...". He scribbled on a small pad. "Ok, John, nice talking... I'd better go, I have a room full of pop stars who need new ligs fitting!"

"Oh, that feels so good!" said Linda as she got back in the chair, "my mouth feels really clean!". David fitted a lip retractor, and looked at Linda's teeth. If you remember, Linda's treatment was quite minor, compared to Dianne's.

"So, how have you found the little screws? Any problems?"

"No, not really. most the time I forget they are there."

"Well, you've been very good with changing those elastics... how would you like to be rid of them?"

"What, my teeth rotated already?"

"Not fully, but your archwire should be able to do the rest of the job. Let me give you a bit of numbing cream, and I'll do a scan of your teeth while it takes effect." David applied some numbing cream, then did a scan of Linda's teeth: he knew her next appointment with him wouldn't be for over 2 months, so it was useful to have the scan. "Ok, shall we get those babies out?"

Linda felt nothing as David carefully removed the two tiny screws: they looked tiny, but felt a lot bigger in her mouth!

"How does that feel?"

"Weird, I'm so used to them being there! Hey, can I take a pic?"

"Of course! You have to update your fans! So, what colour ligs?"

"I'm going bold, I'll have those neon yellow ones! I want to be noticed!"

"They'll be able to see them from the back row!" said Taylor.

"Sounds good to me!"

"Ok, so who's next?" asked David about 5 minutes later. "Dianne, you'll probably take a little longer, so why don't I do you next. So, how you getting on with the lip bumper and headgear? Managing to wear it much?"

"Yeah, wasn't over keen on it to start with, but I wear it quite a bit when we're alone. A bit less on the tour."

"She's actually been surprisingly good!" commented Jenny, who understood from personal experience about headgear.

David looked at Dianne's mouth, and took a scan. "Yes, things are progressing nicely, and the lip bumpers and headgear are definitely doing their job... so keep on wearing them, and the elastics too. You obviously want to know the timescales: I would say we're nicely on track, and maybe a bit ahead... so well done! And your colour is?"

"Ah, right, my ligs: I fancy the red ones..."

Jenny was next. "Any problems, Jenny?"

"No, not at all. I reckon I must be getting close to finishing by now..."

"Yes, I think there's a few minor tweaks we'll need to do to finish the job, but we'll start those when you're back from Europe. In the meantime, I'm going to make a couple of very minor adjustments to your archwire - I hope you took some pain killers, you may be a bit sore the next couple of days."

"Oh, come on David, I'm a braces professional, of COURSE I took some painkillers!"

"I wish more of my patients were like you! So, what colour you going for?". Jenny chose neon pink, unsurprisingly.

Carol was next: as she wasn't actually having any treatment, after a quick check, all David had to do was fit her with some bright orange ligatures.

"Ok, Ziggy, why don't I get your ligatures removed, then you can have a good brush while I look at the others...". David quickly removed her ligs. Meg was next.

"So, Meg isn't it? How you getting on with your expander?"

"Yeah, it's not a big issue, I'm used to it."

"By the look of it, you'll be done with it soon..."

"Yeah, I stop actively turning the screw in a couple of weeks, but then I know I need to keep it for a bit longer."

"Well, I'm guessing that, when you get back to Amer... sorry, CANADA... you'll be ready to have it removed. But it seems to be doing its job just fine!"

It wasn't long before Ziggy was in the chair again. David scanned her teeth, as John had requested. "You had any issues with your braces?"

"No, I'm pretty used to them by now, my lips and cheeks are used to them now."

"Ok, so what colour you going for today?"

"Well, I'm not bound by their corporate colour scheme, so I fancy light and dark blue, alternating, top and bottom. Hopefully won't show the staining so much."

Finally, everything was done. Along the way, Paula (video camera lady) had been filming them, getting some fun shots of them cleaning their teeth, and smiling for the camera 'naked'.. without their ligs or archwires. Paige had also been taking a few pictures, which they could use on their social media.

As for Ben, he just watched quietly from a distance, thoroughly enjoying the view!


Offline jxox

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #50 on: 13. November 2024, 15:49:10 PM »
It is always nice to see an update of this story. And even more, if there are updates to their braces.

Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #51 on: 14. November 2024, 13:03:52 PM »
It is always nice to see an update of this story. And even more, if there are updates to their braces.

Well, the girls are about to start the second, and longer, part of their tour, around europe. There's not going to be details for each place, so instead there will be different things happening in different places.

After Europe, they return to England, where they will play at a festival, and then have their last 3 performances in London, one of which will be special.

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #52 on: 25. November 2024, 00:53:02 AM »
Chapter 40

Their coach arrived at the "mansion" at 4pm: several others were already on the coach, but there were a lot of new passengers to collect. Then it was down to Folkestone to go onto "Le Shuttle".

Having a few days off had done everyone a lot of good, let them 'recharge their batteries', and they were in a good mood as they drove down to Folkestone. Paula and Sanjay had set up several Go-Pros, and she had a small camera too: she had decided that trying to use her bigger camera on the moving bus might not be a good idea.

"Hey, Callum, did you manage to speak to the stage crew about tomorrow morning?" asked Jenny.

"Yes: they probably won't be ready on the stage till late morning or early afternoon, so they said they'll set up your backup synth keyboard with a small combo amp in a room somewhere -  that do you? If you need your other keyboards, they can do that, but if you don't actually need them, it just means they can set them up on stage, ready for later."

"No, that works ok for me just fine, I can do the other bits when we get stage access." she replied.

"What you up to then?" asked Carol.

"Oh, I need to do some programming of my synth keyboard to set up the sounds we need for the upcoming 'Crew Karaoke' songs, plus set up a few sequences."

"Oh, right, you need us?"

"Nah, not till we start rehearsing after lunch."

"The team reckon they'll be ready for a sound check straight after lunch, then you will have the rest of the afternoon to rehearse."

Shortly after, Taylor and the others from Northern Girls Joined them. "You got a few minutes? We have a few things we just need to go through with you..."

"Sure, go ahead..."

"Ok, so I heard you mention Crew Karaoke: I know we said we'd no longer do the 'draw', just have one person for each night: how many do we have lined up so far? I'm just thinking we need to do some rehearsals with them." said Taylor.

"Well, tomorrow Tim is doing it..." said Carol, and she told them the song they'd be singing.

"That's why I need to work on my synth setup tomorrow morning!" added Jenny.

"Yeah, I can appreciate that one: you need any of us for that?"

"No, but next night Trisha is doing Joan Jett: you guys ready for that?"

"Yes, we are. What about rehearsing with them?"


"Heard back from both of them, and they will both be there tomorrow afternoon to work with you." Callum then listed the next 5 crew members to sing. "All enthusiastic, and all preferring that they KNOW when they'll be singing, a lot less stress for them!"

"Hey, can I sing something too?" asked Ziggy.

"Sure, why not, you're crew! What you fancy? Something tells me it's gonna be pretty rocky!"

"I'll have to have a think, but yeah, it probably will be."

"Ok, next thing," said Taylor, "just want to confirm you guys are 100% happy for us to take the lead in Paris?"

"Well, unless we suddenly get the gift of speaking fluent French, then absolutely!" The plan was that the four Northern girls would do the majority of the 'chatting' in French: not only would the audience understand what was going on, but they might 'accept' them a lot better. Being a big and well­ known band didn't mean you didn't have worries like that!

"Good, we've been chatting about what to do, we have some notes, we'll share them with you. Meg's going to do the prayer tomorrow, in French of course!"

"I'm really looking forward to the next few days: I've heard that the French are often a bit 'frosty' to you English, coz you don't usually speak French, it should be fun to see what they make of us!" said Erin. "Plus, I've always wanted to see Paris."

"It's gonna be a bit odd," commented Meg, "on the first leg of the tour, you're the ones everyone knew, so you were leading things, but now it's our turn. We get to lead simply because we speak French. Then after, we're going to be pretty much on an even footing!"

"Sorry," said Linda, "I hadn't really thought about it like that: was it a problem?"

"Nah, not really. To be honest, I'm really enjoying this tour... it's REALLY good working with you guys, and I'm not quite sure how you do it, but all the stage crew and so on are really pleasant and helpful. If we'd been by ourselves, I don't think it would have been half as good. And in England, being on stage wit you guys... well, I think people have accepted us much better." said Kate.

"Yeah, that's probably something to do with to occasional crates of beer we put in their rest room!" said Linda, smiling.

"You're joking?"

"Not at all. Especially if it's someone's birthday, or they've had a really hard day... like up in Manchester, they had a lot of work to do."

"I wonder how things will be from now on," said Erin, "I mean, yes, we have a slight advantage here in France, but I get a feeling that the rest of this tour is gonna be a LOT harder for all of us."

"I think you'll be ok over in eastern Europe, music sales over there for both of you have been pretty good, so I hear." said Callum. "And the nordics are all very pro the Brits!

"One good thing about not being as well known over in Europe: it should be a lot easier to go out in public without having to worry about the fans. Do we have anything planned?"

"We have a 'Tour de Paris' lined up for you all the day after tomorrow: we guessed you'd all be busy tomorrow, 'first day back at school' and all that," said Ben. "Paula and Sanjay plan to be filming you!"

"Ok, last thing on my list: Linda, what you doing for your Bass Riffs tomorrow?"

"Kate and I are going to do Lou Reed again. By the way, been chatting with Dianne, thinking maybe she can and Erin take the spot over, and do something like 'Dianne and Erin's Drum Fills'"

"Yeah, Erin and I have been chatting, we have some fun ideas. Things like 'Wipeout'."

"Oh, yeah, that could be fun..."

The girls spent a while discussing other performance related things, if only to make sure that no one had forgotten anything.


They arrived at the UK terminus for the Channel Tunnel a little bit early, and were 'fast-tracked' straight onto a waiting train.

"You know, there's got to be song here, travelling under the English channel on a train..." suggested Carol. She sat down and started thinking about suitable lyrics.

"Are you guys always like this?" asked Zac. "As in getting sudden inspiration?"

"It's pretty normal, yes. So how do you get your inspiration for your artwork?"

"Ok, yeah, fair comment: yes, I get inspiration from things happening around me too!"

"Had any inspiration the last few days, while you've been with me?"

"A few tiny ideas that will go into my 'mixing pot'..." replied Zac.

While they were in the tunnel, they had their 'dinner': they had eaten well at lunchtime, so it was only sandwiches, and some nice cakes. To be honest, this was pretty normal when on the road, it was a matter of grabbing what food you could on some days. Usually, they would get to a hotel early enough, but they would be arriving fairly late this evening.


Once in France, and through customs and passport control, they took the A16 to Paris, a journey of around 3 hours or so.

"Hey, our hotel is next to a Westfields! We can do some shopping!" said Linda, checking up online.

"Now that could actually be useful!" replied Jenny, "There's a few things I could do with getting."

"And we're not THAT far from the venue. Hmm, the venue is next to a huge cemetery not something I would have expected" added Linda.

Initially, they had sung a few songs on the last leg of the journey, but as the evening came in, they quietened down, relaxing. It was after 10pm when they finally got to the hotel.

Finally the coach stopped, and they looked out of the window: to one side they could see are large sculpture of a thumb, to the other they could see the huge 'Grande Arch de la Defense', and all around them were glass buildings: for an old city, this was very modern. On the right side of the building in front of them was the hotel entrance.

So, from the hotel staff perspective, they were expecting a load of English pop-stars to arrive, confirmed when their 'Orthodontics Tour' branded coach pulled in. Eyes rolled, as they were all thinking (in French, of course!) 'bloomin' English, they won't even TRY to speak French, will they', and other such things: yes, there is still a certain dislike of us Brits by the French.

However, they got a big shock when Andre, the Northern Girls manager, went up to the check-in, and said in perfect French: "Bonsoir, nous sommes le groupe britannique et canadien, prêt à nous enregistrer" ("Good evening, we are the British and Canadian party, ready to check in").

Things got even better when The Northern Girls, and others in their team, came and spoke with the staff. "Nous nous excusons pour le reste de notre groupe, ils ne parlent pas français" raised a few smiles, but the ice had been broken, and they were all treated like VIPs... which I guess they were! Staff helped the driver to unload the suitcases from the coach, as well as unload Linda!

"So, who fancies a quick drink in the bar after we've found our rooms?" asked Linda.

Jenny looked at the time. "Yeak, ok, just one though, I've got an early-ish start tomorrow!"


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #53 on: 25. November 2024, 13:42:52 PM »
Now, if you have your wits about you, you might have already spotted a MAJOR pot hole in the story. I'm just going to skirt around the hole, pretend it simply isn't there, but if you HAVE worked it out, give yourself ten bonus points!!!

Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #54 on: 28. November 2024, 14:23:37 PM »
Chapter 41

The dining room where they had breakfast was very stylish, and spacious, not too surprising for a modern 4 star hotel in Paris. The food was rather good, but then again, this is France we're talking about. Unlike in England, the croissants and other pastries were all fresh and delicious. So was the bread. Lovely choice of cold meats and cheeses too! And the coffee was... well, this IS France!

[Yes, there are probably 'even better' (so more upmarket, more stars) hotels in the area, but the girls were quite realistic about things: first of all, they didn't normally spend a HUGE amount of time at the hotel; but more importantly, at the end of the day, THEY were paying, so why pay stupid amounts if you don't get to enjoy it. Better to have the money in their pockets, and go on holiday to a really nice hotel!]

Jenny and Ben were down early, along with Callum, Eleanor and Paige: they all needed to get over to the venue. The others would join them a bit later. Ben looked outside: the weather looked good.

"I think we should walk, it's a nice day, plus we'll get to see a lot more..." suggested Ben.

"How long a walk is it?" asked Jenny.

"Well, Google Maps reckoned about 15 minutes, but then it will be another three hours to find the right entrance! But probably just as quick as a taxi... "

They walked out of the hotel: behind them was a huge glass structure, containing part of the huge shopping centre, the hotel, and goodness knows what else. In front of them was the 'Cube with a big hole in the middle': The Grande Arche de la Defense. They walked over to it and they all just paused for a few moments, to take in the sheer size of it: it is pretty big! Then on through the arch, and on the opposite side they saw 'The Jetty': a large elevated walkway that goes over the adjacent road, giving views of the large elegant, cemetery and small park: sadly, it was closed, so they followed the path to the left, where a friendly finger board pointed them in the right direction.

They all enjoyed the walk: not only was it a change from being stuck in the coach - or a taxi - it was good to get a bit of exercise too. Plus they spotted loads of places they could have a drink or a coffee...

"Ok, so we need to go around the back...." said Ben, as they arrived at the front of the rather impressive Arena. "This is the general punter's way in!" It took them another 5 to 10 minutes to get there.

"This place is BIG!" said Jenny as they walked around the building. They found what appeared to be the 'stage entrance'.

"Excusez-moi, pouvez-vous nous aider s'il vous plaît?" asked Paige, using the small amount of French she had learned at school.

"Comment puis-je vous aider?"

"Parlez-vous anglais peut etre?" Paige knew that, if she at least tried to speak a bit of French, the security guard might be more willing to help them.

"How can I help you?" he asked.

"We're with the band for tonight, are we in the right place?"

"Yes, you are, do you have some identification, please?". This was a normal question for them: today they not only had their generic 'Band ID', they also had their passports. The good news is that, when the security guy typed in thir names, the computer recognised them all, and displayed their matching pictures.

"Ah yes, here you are, let me print your security passes...". With their passes around their necks, another security guard came to take them through.

"Where do you need to go to?" he asked.

"Probably easiest to go to the stage first, the crew should be there..."


Jenny and Ben walked out onto the large stage. "F*** me, the place is bloody HUGE!" said Jenny.

"Apparently the biggest indoor arena in Europe. 40,000 capacity." replied Ben.

"That's more than when we were at the Man United ground!"

"Yup... and all 3 nights are sold out! Jennifer, you guys are in the big league now!"

For their last tour, the biggest place they had played was the NEC in Birmingham, at a bit over 15,000 capacity, but most were in the 3,000 to 6,000 range. This tour they were playing more large venues: most of the venues so far had been 5,000 to 15,000 capacity. The O2 is a bit bigger at around 20,000. The football ground in Manchester was a bit of an anomaly, as they didn't want to risk that the new Arena wasn't opened.

But 40,000 fans was a massive number. And yes, the place was HUGE! They played rugby in there in the winter!

"Eleanor's gonna be busy selling our merch!" said Jenny, smiling! The reality was that they would have brought in quite a few locals to work for them, this was normal at the larger venues.

Jenny took out her phone, and took a picture, and posted it online: 'Just arrived at our first venue in Europe, in Paris: the place is MASSIVE!'. "Hey, Ben, didn't Swiftie play here on her Eras tour?" asked Jenny.

"Yeah, last month I think..."

"Oh cool! I'm walking the same stage as her!". She a look around at the stage: it looked to be almost all set up. They walked over to a face they knew well, the guy in charge! "Hi Tony, how's it going?"

"To be honest, we're almost done: the stage, screens and PA system were all ready for us, and the site engineers have been really helpful, so we've been able to get on with setting up our stuff. We didn't even bother setting up your spare keyboard, you can just use your stuff up here!"

"Oh, nice...." said Jenny, walking over to her keyboards, leaving Ben to chat with Tony. A couple of minutes later, one of the crew came over. "You might want to have these..." he said, passing her a set of in-ears and a headset mic. He helped her to put them on, then made sure she was switched on.

"Hi Jenny!" said a friendly voice in her ears. "I believe you need to spend some time setting up your synth for the next few nights?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Ok, want to quickly sound check your kit? Then we can pump the audio to your in-ears, and when you're ready, we can try it on the front-of-house."

"You guys done the line-check already then?"

"On your stuff, yes, plus some of the other stuff."

"Ok, tell me what you want!". Jenny realised that, by spending maybe 5 minutes now, she'd be able to do what she needed to a lot quicker: whilst she could get the general sound she wanted through her monitors, the acid test would be to see how it sounded through the actual PA system.

"Ok, let's start with your mic, it seems pretty ok, want to sing me something?". Jenny did as asked.

"Ok, main synth next....". Jenny had 3 keyboards in total: one was her relatively new keyboard, actually a quite powerful synthesizer... that was her main instrument, and the one they had a spare for: on a UK tour, it wouldn't be a big deal (they could probably get onec within hours), but on a tour like this, they couldn't risk Jenny not having it working. The next one was an electric piano that Jenny had had for several years, one she liked the sound of; the third keyboard was an older and simpler synth: if either of those failed, she could manage by using the main synth instead (or even using the backup synth).

(By comparison, the guitars were easy: the girls each had several, so if one failed, they had backups, or could just borrow one from one of the others. Maybe the sole exception was Linda's fretless bass, which was used for a very limited number of songs, so not such a big deal. And they had Dianne's old e-drums with them, 'just in case'. So far, everything had been 100% reliable.)

"Ok, they are all sounding good, we can do a final balance when you're all here, later on. Want to to hear it through front-of-house?"

Jenny had a big smile on her face: she had already seen how many speakers there were in the place, and she wanted to hear them. She took one of her in-ears out.

"I'll give you your mic and the synth..."

"Yo! One... two..." then she started to play the synth: it sounded good! And fairly loud too! (and yes, she knew that the sound would change a bit when the 40,000 people were there!)

"Ok, enough playing, I need to program this sucker up....". Jenny picked up a wireless pack, and plugged it into her phone. "Can we set the levels of this to my in-ears?". The idea was that Jenny would be playing the original music for what they would be singing, then would adjust her synth to match. For tonight, she would be not only splitting the keyboard on her main synth, she'd be using the second synth too.... so it might take a bit to get the sound perfect and balanced. She was so looking forward to Tim's karaoke song tonight!


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #55 on: 01. December 2024, 19:20:31 PM »
Chapter 42

Ben, along with Paige and Elaine, had been checking other important bits out, to make sure that everything was ready for the evening. Being a fairly new place, it was well designed and laid out, so they had a good amount of space backstage.

Ben returned to the stage, to take Jenny a bottle of water. He came up behind her: with her in-ears in, she didn't hear a thing. Ben gently put his arms around her, and leaned forward, giving her a gentle kiss on her neck. He gently removed her left in-ear. "How's it going?" he asked.

"A lot quicker than I thought it would!" said Jenny, turning around and kissing Ben.

Ben was smiling. "I do like your new ligs, they look sexy!" said Ben quietly. "So, you gonna let me her what you've been up to?"

"Yeah, ok, why not... hang on, just need to save things..." Having saved the settings on two memory sticks, she picked up one of the whistles from the small boz of 'bits' that was next to her keyboards, and blew it hard. The hub-bub quietened.

"Hi everyone!" said Jenny, coming through the PA, so everyone could hear. "First of all, big big big thanks for getting all this ready for tonight, there's absolutely no doubt we couldn't perform without you guys doing all this!" She stopped and applauded: Jenny, like the others, knew that them performing was a big team event, but that many people never thought of it this way, so she was always willing to take an opportunity to remind the team of their importance. "Ok, this is the basis of what Tim is singing tonight, so just want to see what this sounds like, compared to the original. So pin your ears back for a moment! John, can you route my phone out to the PA first, so we can hear the original..."

Jenny pressed play on the phone, and the original song played out: she stopped it after 20 seconds.. "Ok, this is what I'll be playing tonight. Don't worry about the vocals, it will be Carol and Tim tonight, not me!" She put her in-ear back in, and started to play, and sang the vocals. It was a powerful song, and it needed to sound good.

It did! There were several thumbs-up from around the stage.


"Sounds good to me too!" said Ben.

"In that case, I reckon I've done enough for the moment, so let's..." she looked at the time on her phone. "... let's go grab a coffee, it's still a bit early for lunch! Hey, mind if I put out an invite? I don't imagine there will be many fans on the forum right now who can join us..."

Ben smiled: he knew how much Jennifer enjoyed meeting with her fans. "Yeah, go on..."

Jenny took a picture of herself with her keyboards. "Just finished getting things ready for tonight. Are any of you here at La Défense already?"

It was morning, so the chat was pretty quiet, but one did come up: "Yes, I'm here with my BF..."

"Ben and I are about to go find a coffee, want to join us?" she replied in a PM.

"You kidding? Would LOVE to! Where?" asked a user called 'Tracey27'

"Got any ideas? We're still at the Arena, so have no idea..."

"There's several places just outside the Arena, near that raised walkway: we can be there in 10 minutes..."

"That's the bit we passed, just before we went down the road beside this place" said Ben to Jennifer.

"Ok, it's just Ben and me... give us 10 to 15 mins"

"Don't worry, we'll find you!"


Ben and Jennifer turned the corner to be in front of the set of café / restaurants, and started to walk down past them: they saw someone waving, so they walked towards them.

"Hello Jenny! And Ben too! Nice to meet you again! Anyone else coming?"

"No, just us... " said Jennifer.

"Oh, cool! You look kinda different." said Tracey27. "I'm Tracey by the way, this is my boyfriend, Frank!" Tracey was very excited to be meeting Jenny - again apparently.

"Hello Tracey... yeah, I'm not dressed up like I would be on stage, or when I normally go out to meet our fans. You said 'again'... so when have we met before?"

"Oh, ages ago, on your last tour, when you were up in Leeds. A load of us met you all in Hyde Park..."

"OMG, I remember that, lovely place, but didn't it started to rain..."

"Yeah, that's normal for Leeds!" said Tracey with a smile. "Where do we want to go then?" she asked. "To be honest, not been in any of them, but I'm sure any will be ok!"

They chose one of the places, went in and sat down. Having worked out what they wanted, Tracey ordered for them, in French. "We've been here a few days, so I'm getting pretty used to ordering coffees in French!"

"So, I assume you're here for one of our concerts?" asked Jenny.

"Yeah, coming tonight, really looking forward to it! It'll be interesting to see if you've done anything to the show since Leeds."

"You saw us at Leeds too?"

"Tracey is a bit of a fan!" explained Frank. "We saw your opening night at the O2, then Leeds - that's where we're from - and now here. We make a short break of it, as Tracey said, we've been here 4 days, wandering around Paris, seeing the sights. Did the same when we went to London"

"I guess it's no worse than people who go somewhere to watch the F1 racing, or football matches." replied Jenny with a smile. "I'm amazed you managed to get the tickets!"

"Yeah, I think I got lucky, especially the O2 opening night, that was quite a show, no-one knew what to expect."

"Yeah, the O2 was good. Ok, so here's an open question: what do you think about the show? I mean, you've seen it twice now!"

"I must admit, I like the way you guys and Northern Girls work together: your joint music is... well, familiar, yet different at the same time, and I like that!"

"What's your take on our new stuff then?"

"Like anything different, it takes a bit to get used to something new, just like your last tour and album. Hey, didn't I hear that Ben was the cause of that?""

"Guilty as charged, I'm afraid," replied Ben. "Jennifer started listening to my sort of music, and it seemed to adjust her musical thinking."

"Ok, a question: back then, was it the right thing to do? I mean, a lot of fans were expecting us to do another album like the one before..."

"No, I think you took the right decision... it would have been a bit boring to just have the same sort of stuff again and again. And your new stuff, that's Linda, isn't it? Hey... how do I ask this without sounding nasty.... umm, has having Linda writing stuff affected you? I mean, you were the main music writer in CJD, weren't you?"

"Getting Linda to start writing for us has been amazing. If I'm honest, it's been nice to have some of the pressure taken off me. And she's taking us in a slightly different direction again. And her stuff has really inspired me. I mean, Linda and I wrote several of our joint songs with Northern Girls, I wouldn't have been able to do that without her, in so many ways. So you're ok with our new stuff then?"

"Absolutely. 'Friends' is good... quite different, but I think that's what makes it good."

"That was 100% Linda. I'll be honest, took me singing it quite a few times before I was really happy with it... So what about the 'other bits' in the show then?"

"You mean like the 'red button' thing: yeah, that was fun!"

"What about the Crew Karaoke?"

"I was very impressed with their singing, but I guess you'd not want to embarrass them if they weren't good enough. Hey, there was Linda's Bass riffs too... not quite me, but still good, and they all helped break up the show a bit. I mean, without them, it could have been a bit... erm... not boring, but 'samey', if you get what I mean."

"So, what's your most favourite bit of the show then?"

"Got to be your Baby Metal song, Gimme Cereals! Amazing! And the advert, that was clever, saw it on TV too!"
"Well, we dropped Gimme Cereals for a few days after Linda got injured, but it's back again, just without Linda running around!"

Tracey smiled. "Hey, any of you been inspired by the tour enough to write something new?"

"Carol was doing something while we were on the train, going under the channel. No idea if anything will come of it. But yeah, I think we're all having a few ideas. But I doubt if you'll hear any results for a while though."

They continued chatting. Jenny enjoyed something like this, when there was just a small group of fans, it meant that she could get to know them a bit. Plus the fans tended to be a lot more relaxed.

"Your smile is looking good!" said Tracey. "Can't be long before you get to see your teeth again!"

"Funnily enough, that's what my ortho said yesterday, when he changed our ligs!"

"You were at your ortho yesterday? Nice colour by the way... So when did you get here?"

"Late last night."

"You going to be able to do any 'touristy stuff' while you're here in Paris" asked Tracey.

"We've lined up a coach tour for the girls tomorrow afternoon, and maybe Jennifer and I can do a bit of sightseeing together the day after." replied Ben.

"The reality of it is" added Jenny, "that we get to go to loads of places, but hardly ever see them, we just don't have the time... although we're taking things slightly less hectically this time, and I think everyone is appreciating that.  In a way, I think that's part the reason we like to meet up with our fans, like you... reminds us that there's still a world outside, even if we don't have enough time to see it properly!"

Now that they were sat down in a café, drinking the nice French coffee, Tracey had completely relaxed. She was with one of her 'heros', almost alone: she could ask Jenny pretty much anything she wanted. Kinda the icing on the cake to visiting Paris, and seeing CJDL perform again tonight.

"Hey, how's Linda doing? She must be getting a bit frustrated, what with that cast on her leg."

"She's actually coping amazingly well. And not only does she have Ziggy to help her, her boyfriend came over and is with her for a few days."

"Yeah, I heard she had a boyfriend, I hope he's being nice to her..."

"He's ok, is Zac. He was at the same college that we were at, couple of years below us..."

"Ah, of course, you met at college, didn't you?"

"Carol, Dianne and I did. Linda was in the year below us, so we never knew her back then... but she knew about us!"

"So, did you have to make many changes to the show because of Linda's injury?"

"Well, we've tweaked Gimme Chocolate. The other big change is that we're not doing the fun stuff when we do Nut Rocker... you know Ben, that's something we need to do something about."

Right then, Ben's phone rang. "Oh, hi Lisa!.... No, no plans....... oh, ok, that sounds good...... no, we're having a coffee, I guess he's still at the Arena.....ok, see you later!"

"Mum?" asked Jennifer

"Yes, she suggested that we, as in family, meet up for lunch."

"Oh, that sounds nice..."

"We agreed to meet just outside the hotel at 12:15, so no rush...."

"Your mum is here with you too? That's so cool!" said Tracy

"Well, mum and dad are our managers..."

"Oh, yes, of course they are! So, how big IS the team you have, to tour with?"

"Depends how far you go, I guess. My brother, Callum, is a sort of 'technical band liaison' with the stage crew when we're playing, and Ben here is our assistant manager. Then we have Paige, she's our PA, and I don't know how we'd manage without her... and Eleanor looks after the fan club, and has pretty much taken over managing all our merch. Then we have three lovely ladies who between them do our hair, makeup, and look after our costumes... we share them with Northern Girls. They have their own manager and PA and so on. Then we get to the 'tour staff', mainly various stage crew, but also show managers and assistants..."

"Wow, lots of people!"

"We're very lucky, everyone seems to be so good, work well together."

"So, you must have been at the Arena early, what were you doing?"

"I needed to get my synth programmed up with some new stuff, for the next few Crew Karaoke's. The stuff for all our normal music got programmed during rehearsals, ages ago, so just needed an hour or so. Tonight's one sounds really good, and no, you can wait till tonight to find out what is is! Then this afternoon it'll be soundchecks, and rehearsing with Tim for tonight, and then Trisha needs to rehearse with Northern Girls for tomorrow. And we need to work on Nut Rocker..."

"Sounds like it gets hectic on a tour."

"At times, yeah, and that's why I appreciate little 'time-outs' like this. Lunch with mum and dad will be nice too..." Jennifer paused a moment. "Hey Tracey, is there one of those big French supermarkets in the shopping centre?"

"Yeah, there's actually two of them. What do YOU need from a supermarket?"

"Oh, I was thinking we should get some beers and stuff for the crew, that's all, they'll appreciate it."

"Buying your way to their hearts with booze? Sounds good to me!"


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #56 on: 02. December 2024, 14:22:50 PM »
Chapter 43

"Final sound check, please, ladies.."

"Carol" "Jenny" "Dianne" "Linda" "Taylor" "Kate" "Meg" "and Erin!" said the eight girls, just as they did every evening. Twice it had paid off, when they found Kate's mic switched off in one case, and Dianne's in-ears off on another, but tonight they were all good to go!

"Have a great evening, Ladies!"

The girls all held hands at the side of the stage, and Meg said the prayer....

"Seigneur, merci pour cette courte pause qui nous a tous revigorés et nous a préparés à partager une fois de plus les talents musicaux que tu nous as transmis ici ce soir. Merci également de nous avoir amenés dans la merveilleuse ville de Paris : quelle merveilleuse façon de commencer la partie européenne de la tournée. Je te remercie pour toutes les personnes extraordinaires qui travaillent avec nous pour rendre ce spectacle possible. S'il te plaît, remplis cet endroit de ton amour ce soir et prends soin de chaque personne présente dans le public. Et sois avec Linda alors qu'elle nous dirige dans notre chanson d'ouverture, que nous chantons pour t'adorer. Au nom de Jésus... Amen"

(Google Translate is your friend!)

There was a very audible 'Amen' from tonight's crowd. Meg had added the last bit to explain to their audience that the opening song was indeed a worship song, but one they were probably not familiar with.

Linda used her crutches to 'walk' onto the stage... their dancers followed her: one took her crutches, the others supported her. Linda looked around: the place was so big, but that didn't seem to worry her: already she could feel a certain presence there with her, hugging her, taking away any stress. "Don't worry, I'm here Linda, and they will love you!" said that warm and familiar voice. Linda took a big breath, smiled, and started to sing.

After their opening song, and making their introductions, Taylor spoke to the crowd in French, which went down very well.


"Et maintenant, il est temps de faire quelque chose que nous appelons « Crew Karaoke »!" said Taylor several songs later. "Bienvenue sur scène à Tim, l'un des membres de l'équipe de scène..."

Tim walked on, greeted by Taylor. "So, Tim, you are part of the stage crew: what do you do?"

"Well, I help to put together all of this stuff..." he said, pointing at the lighting rig. "And help to install all the cables, set up the large displays.."

"All of which we need to be able to put on a show... so thank you Tim, and the rest of the team too!" Taylor paused to let the audience applaud. "So, I guess you like singing...."

"Yes, I was in a small band at school, and I love a bit of Karaoke at the pub..."

"I heard you singing in rehearsals, I think our audience tonight are going to love this. What are we singing tonight, and who you singing it with?"

"I'm going to sing one of Lady Gaga's songs, Poker Face! And I'm hoping Carol is here somewhere to sing with me!"

"Nice choice there, Tim!"

Jenny started to play the opening chords on her synth - the ones that she had set up that morning - as Linda, Erin and Meg sang the backing vocals: "Mum-mum-mum-mah, Mum-mum-mum-mah....". Dianne then added in the synthed bass drum: it was times like this that she was so glad she had an electronic drum kit! Just to add to the fun, 2 of the dancers came out, and started to dance to the song too.

Carol had already joined Tim at the front of the stage, and they started to sing together: "I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas, please..." they sang together. "Fold 'em, let 'em hit me, raise it, baby, stay with me...." And yes, they sang the rude words too!

The crowd cheered loudly as they recognised the song, and at the end gave a large round of applause.

"Come on, Tim, take a bow!!! That was amazing!" said Carol.


"Right" said Jenny a bit later on, "I had the pleasure of meeting Tracey and Frank earlier, we drank coffee together... they are out there somewhere!" said Jenny motioning to the large crowd. "She said that she liked our latest single, so Tracey and Frank, this one is specially for you!"


And whilst they had started to work on a more 'active' version of Nut Rocker, it wasn't ready for public performance just yet, but their audience still enjoyed it.


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #57 on: 02. December 2024, 19:37:29 PM »
And we still enjoy your Story  ;D

Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #58 on: 03. December 2024, 19:50:32 PM »
Chapter 44

The three nights in Paris went well, and from what the Northern Girls translated for them, they seemed to get good reviews too: clearly having the Northern Gers talking in French helped them! On the second day they had a long tour of Paris, with several stops: it wasn't that often that they could do this sort of thing, but this time around, they had decided to squeeze in a bit of sight-seeing. And by 'they' I should add that they also took a load of others with them too.

They worked on a modified version of Nut Rocker, where Linda stayed sat on the sofa, but as the others rushed around, they occasionally swapped guitars with Linda too. The first time they did it live, a few days later, they screwed up, but the audience still loved it.

So, from Paris, they went to Madrid and then Milan: Dianne was doing a rehearsal of 'WipeOut' for her first 'Dianne's Drum Licks'.

"Hey, I need someone to do the first bit..." she said, looking at the stage crew. "You know, the bit where someone goes 'Hahaha.. Wipeout' at the beginning. Hey, Will, want to give it a go?" Will smiled and nodded, then went off to find a handheld mic.

"You wanna hear it?" She jacked her phone into the 'wandering wireless transmitter' they used to plug into their phones to play music and stuff, and played it a couple of times. Tim gave it a go, it sounded terrible the first time, but after a few attempts, was able to do a passable version.

"Don't worry, it doesn't need to be perfect. Ok, so I'll be already at the drums, I'll need you to just come on the stage, a bit like a mad-man, do that intro, and go off again, then it's over to us. Want to give it a go?".

They did a couple of runs through, and it went pretty well.

"You going to be up for doing it tomorrow night?" asked Dianne.


From Milan, they continued through central Europe, before moving on to eastern Europe.

They were in Geneva, in the large room (with big seating area etc) adjoining their bedroom, (that, for this stop, Jenny and Ben were in) when Jenny's phone rang: it was Amanda, the band's copyright lawyer, and a good friend of Jenny's.

"Hey, Amanda, how you doing?"

"Generally, fine, but today I was hoping you could help me."

"Me help you, isn't that the wrong way around?" replied Jenny with a slight laugh. So what's the issue?"

Amanda laughed. "Let me put you on speaker... Well, I'm with someone who, it seems, has allegedly used a bit of someone else's song. The problem is they they are pretty much insisting on going to court..."

"Used a bit of someone else's song, eh? Been there, done that, have a couple of T-shirts too! Clearly a lot richer than us then if they want to go to court! So I'm guessing you'd like me to coach them in the art of the 'win-win solution'?"

"Yes, something like that. Maybe I should introduce you: Jenny, say hello to Faith Mitchell." (You won't recognise the name 'Faith Mitchell', because I just made it up, but in the CJDL story-verse, Faith is an up-and coming solo artist. Jenny instantly recognised her name: hell, she had a number 1 in the charts just a couple of weeks after CJDL's 'Friends'.)

"Hi there, Faith!"

"Hi Jenny. Look, I'm almost innocent, it was a complete accident, and I just want to be able to explain it..."

"Hey... Faith, did Amanda tell you quite how much it will cost to go to court. And that's before you have to cough up damages. Plus the press will have a field day! I know you just had a number one, but you'll end up with nothing if you go to court. Look, there's only one defence to copying someone's lyrics or music, and that's when you wrote the song, by chance, independently: I managed to prove that once, but only just. So, who did you copy?"

"A few lines from something by Nanny Cherry..."

"Well, that option's out the window then, she predates you by a year or ten! So it'll need to be plan B then..."

"Plan B?"

"Yeah, that's the one where you prostrate yourself on the floor in front of her, and beg for forgiveness... oops, sorry, that's plan C..". Jenny could hear Faith giggle. "No, plan B is where you phone her, speak to her - not her manager, but her - and start by apologising unreservedly for stealing some of the lyrics from a great song..."

"You're joking?"

"Not at all. Worked for us."

"What do you mean?"

"Amanda not told you about our run-in with Fiona Lewis?"

"No... I thought you guys are on good terms with her, she guested with you at the O2..."

"That was part of the win-win," explained Jenny, and she went on to explain the story of Dianne accidentally stealing a verse of Fiona's lyrics, how they reached a good settlement, went on TV together to admit to what happened, and ended up getting a load of good press.

"Fiona will be joining us for our last 3 shows too, in Wembley. Hey, want to earn a bit of extra cash, help pay your lawyer's bills? Come and do a spot at Wembley with us...."

They chatted briefly about the current tour.

"So, Nanny's hardly in the public view these days, so have a think what you can do for her that money can't buy: Fiona's popularity has sky-rocketed since she was at the O2 with us... kerching, kerching!! Oh, and make sure it's fun for both of you."

"You really think it's worth doing?"

"Worst case is you end up in court, which where this all started. Best case is you end up with an almost free win-win. Hey, let me tell you another story: about three years ago, a small up-and-coming band accidentally stole the music from one of my songs."

"I bet that annoyed you!"

"At first, yes. But then I realised how close I'd come on a couple of occasions to doing it myself, so I paused and thought about it. If I had hit them hard, I might have bankrupted them, and completely put them off from ever writing or playing music again. So, wanna take a guess at my settlement with them?"

"Well, I assume you claimed your rightful copyright, that bit goes without saying. I dunno... ten thousand, that's being pretty lenient." Jenny could hear Amanda chuckling in the background. "What, you hit them for MORE than ten grand?"

"On my wall at home, I have the settlement cheque, framed. Signed by the whole band. But I never actually cashed it. It was for the massive sum of... one whole pound! Might be worth a lot of money in a few years time, if they make it big! But more importantly, they gave me an apology to my face: that was much more important than money."

"What, so you let them off scott free?"

"Oh, no, I made a reasonable amount from copyright, the song did pretty well. I then gave them another song I'd written the music for - obviously got money for that too. Finally I spent some time working with them, and helped them produce their next album. Wanna know what the BEST bit was?"

"There's more?"

"Yeah, on one of their larger gigs, we - CJD that is - we gate-crashed, blue lights flashing, sirens going off... We were dressed up as the 'Copyright Police', used nerf guns to arrest them, and then played OUR version of the song. All pre-planned and rehearsed, of course. That was such fun, plus got us all a load of good positive publicity!"

"You guys are crazy!"

"Yup, but a lot more fun than going to court, and a LOT cheaper too! So call Nanny, see what SHE would like that you can give her. If you need help getting her number, I'm sure my brother, Callum, can pull a few strings."

There was several seconds silence.

"Hey Jenny, you've just given me a lot to think about, so thanks - I mean that! Yeah, you're probably right, I need to own my mistake, don't I? Just accept I screwed up. Tell you what, it was good to get that advice from someone who's been there... on both sides of the problem."

"Something tells me that's why Amanda called me. Hey, Amanda, do let me know what their final settlement is."

"I will ask my client if she'll let me share any such information!"

"Hey, you get the tickets for our gig at Wembley?"

"Yeah, thanks... but I'm intrigued, why for the matinee on the Saturday? Surely the last night would be more fun."

"Amanda, I can promise you, you want to be there on the Saturday, just trust me on that! And keep the evening clear too!"

"Hey, you're not going to...."

"Let me stop you right there, Amanda. I will neither confirm nor deny any suggestions you might care to make! And no use quoting Client - Attorney priviledge, coz you got Faith there with you!"


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #59 on: 05. December 2024, 22:30:50 PM »
Chapter 45

The girls (and many others too, of course!) were now in Poland, Warsaw specifically. A few days ago they had appeared at a festival in Budapest (that's Hungary), then they played a couple of nights in Bratislava (Slovakia). They had considered playing some dates in Ukraine - to be honest, they would have LOVED to have played there, to show their support - but it was decided, from a simple safety perspective, that it would be better not to.

Brian, Ben and Andre walked into the dressing room at tonight's venue.

"Hey everyone, just had a call from the organisers of the Vixen festival..." said Brian

"Oh, yes, back to England and playing at Vixen... what's that, two, three weeks time?"

"Three and a half. So, I come bearing bad news and good news: the bad news is that Cold Turkey, who are supposed to be headlining at Vixen have had to pull out, some sort of health issues."

"Oh, that's a shame, I was hoping to see them!" said Meg.

"So that was the bad news, what's the good news?"

"How would you guys like to headline at Vixen? Pole spot on the Saturday?" Eight smiles suddenly appeared, revealing eight lots of shiny metal on teeth, along with a variety of coloured ligs. "Apparently they have heard how well the tour has been going, so decided to go with you guys to headline. Oh, almost forgot, you'll be up to 2 hours!"

"Oh, that'll let us do a better show: 90 minutes was going to be tight." commented Carol.

"I'm guessing from your smiles that you'll do it?"

"Stupid question, of course we will..."


About half an hour later, the four girls were still in the room, as was Ben, Paige and Eleanor, but specifically Ziggy wasn't.

"Hey, guys, there's something important we need to discuss..." said Carol.

"Oh, what's that then? Whether to complain about the coffee?" suggested Dianne, smiling.

"No, Ziggy..."

"Ziggy: what about her?"

"Well, next week Linda gets her leg off... well, her cast off, that is... which means that we only have her for a week more after that. And I don't know about you, but I actually like having her around. Plus, she's actually been helping us out quite a bit generally, especially in the last week or two, with Linda being a bit more mobile on her leg. Paige, any thoughts?"

"You're right, she's made herself quite useful: she often helps out the stage crew, and I also know they appreciate her doing 'drinks rounds' when they get busy, and that's on top of the many bits she does for us. It would be a shame to have to send her back home."

"And she's helped me with the merch too..." added Eleanor

"So, Ben, can we afford to pay her ourselves?" asked Jenny

"Given the amount of money involved, I don't think it would be a big deal. It might be worth having a word with her agency: it would make sense to employ her directly, like everyone else."

"Ok, anyone against the idea? Linda, you've been quiet - your thoughts?"

"Yeah, she's been really great to me, and as you said, she does fit in well, and doesn't mind a bit of extra work. I'd love her to stay. Besides, I'd love to see her do some more karaoke..."

"Ok, sounds like we need to have a word with her, see what she thinks..."

As luck would have it, Ziggy walked in only a few minutes later.

"Hey, Ziggy, what you been up to?"

"Getting a few teas and coffee's for the crew. Was that a problem?"

"Of course not. However, we need to have a chat with you... grab a drink, and take a seat!" said Carol.

Ziggy looked a bit nervous as she sat down: she was wondering if she was maybe in trouble.

"So, as you know, Linda gets her cast off soon, and that means that the insurance company will only pay for you for a further week..." started Carol

"Yeah, I was going to ask about that sometime. I assume you'll be paying my flight back home?"

"Do you WANT to go home?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, would you like to remain on the tour, with us? Ben suggested we take you on directly, rather than through your agency... so you'll be paid like everyone else is, by us. Are you interested?"

Ziggy smiled, letting everyone see her discrete braces, along with the bright pink ligatures she got on in London: they matched her hair, which was by now an even brighter pink than it was when she started with them.

"Um... yes... definitely! But what would I be doing?"

"Well, pretty much what you do now, except by then Linda should be able to get her own coffees and peeled grapes!"

"Oy, watch it! I've never asked Ziggy to peel me a grape. Bananas yes, but never grapes!" said Linda, smiling. "but yeah, we've all got to like you, and we're hoping you'll stay. However, you might need to 'sing for your supper'".


"Do a couple more Crew Karaoke's: you were good last time!"
