
Author Topic: Story: Carol  (Read 27121 times)

Offline Sparky

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #90 on: 27. June 2023, 21:17:43 PM »
Chapter 59 - Everland

"So, how long is it going to take for us to get there?" asked Carol.

"Oh, about 40 minutes, I guess. It's about 30km away..."

It is Saturday morning, and several of the JY bands, some that had already debuted, and a couple of others making their debut today, were going to the Everland Resort in Yongin, to perform to the visitors. CJDL were invited to go along and perform too (both alone and with Jelly Fish) and given where it was, they were quick to accept!

Everland is a 'theme park' with 5 roller coasters - the most well known one being 'T Express', a wooden roller coaster - as well as many other rides. Of course, once they had performed, they would be able to visit the park.

The bus that usually took them around had plenty of spare seats, so two other bands joined them for the ride, along with their managers, and the security team. In total, seven bands were going to Everland to perform. Knowing what it's like to open a show, the four CJDL girls offered to do it: of them all, they were probably the most experienced at performing, and it didn't REALLY matter how bad their performance was today! They would sing 3 of their songs, all to backing tracks, dancing to two of them, and improvising for the third, then Jelly Fish would join them for 'Roller Skates'. After Jelly Fish finished their own set, they would all get changed (to be much less recognisable!) and would be able go on the rides... and they wouldn't need to queue either, as they had VIP passes.

Of course, Paige would be filming them throughout the day. Yes, filming the performance would be pretty boring, but she was looking forward to using their 4 GoPro's on the T Express ride, to film the girls reactions: she had no doubt there would be plenty of screaming!. During the week, Callum had managed to speak to someone at Everland, and discovered that they were ok about them taking video, but suggested using their Phones and GoPro's on the 'more vigorous' rides.

While Jelly Fish were performing, Callum and Paige met up with the park's team that dealt with the media.

"We have no problems with cameras on the rides, although we won't be able to retrieve any cameras or phones if they get dropped." explained the guy would would be with them as they went around the park.

"Is there anywhere on the rides we can clip these?" asked Callum, showing them some good quality 'clip-on mounts'.

"Yes, many of the rides have bars at the front, you'll be able to use those no problems! When the rides come in, we can only pause them for a couple of minutes, so you'll need to fit and remove the cameras pretty quickly."

"Will they be able to ride a second time, if we need them to?" asked Paige.

"I don't see any problem with doing it twice, if it helps with your filming. Also, you might want to go on the rides first yourself, so you can understand what it's like....". It seemed that the park team were willing to be quite helpful. Of course, had this been a large filming operation, then they would have needed to do the filming out-of-hours, but they didn't have that luxury, so were doing it all in a 'light-weight' fashion.

They decided to start off on a very simple ride, the Dragon Coaster. This was really a young kid's ride, a gentle roller coaster, but it allowed them to check out the kit. With their two 'good' cameras on tripods, they fitted the two Go-Pros to the ride, and gave the girls the other two to just hold.

"Well, that was a bit tame" commented Carol to camera after the ride. "I think we need to try a PROPER ride now..."

Over the next couple of hours, they rode on the Amazon Express... a ride down the 'river'. It had 10 people in a circle, so all 8 girls were on the ride, with Paige and Callum filming them. It was fun watching the girls tring to avaoiud the splashing water. Next was Double Rock Spin, a spinning ride. The ride was sufficiently rough, and there was a lack of places to mount cameras, so they just filmed that from the ground. Then it was onto the Thunder Falls: a water flume ride. They mounted the cameras, and the four girls, along with Ben and Mike, went on it - it goes without saying that they got slightly wet.

Finally they got to 'the big one', T Express, the large wooden roller coaster. With Ben and Mike manning the big cameras, Paige and Callum quickly clipped the Go Pros on, and jumped in to take a test ride - with other paying customers at the back. Paige really enjoyed the ride, but Callum felt a bit 'green' when he got off at the end of the ride. As they checked the video, and decided it was fine, all 8 girls got in. The 4 CJDL girls were at the front, Jelly Fish at the back.

"Yeah" shouted Carol as they got back. "We HAVE to do it again!".

"Ok, well how about Jenny with Ben, and Dianne with Mike at the front?" suggested Paige. Jelly Fish gave up after 2 rides, Dianne and Linda after 3, but Jenny and Carol decided to do a fourth one. "No hands this time!" said Carol. WHen they reviewed the footage later on, it was clear the girls had thoroughly enjoyed the ride, screaming and shouting most of the way.

The girls felt a bit guilty, partly because they had been 'jumping the queues', but also because they went on the ride so many times, so decided to go and chat with a few of the people waiting in the queue, and even did a rendition of 'Roller Skates' with Jelly Fish, much to the pleasure of the crowd.

They still had some time left, so decided to try out the bumper cars, then went for a gentle ride on the Big Wheel, which gave Paige the chance to film some great views of the park.

"Ok, last thing" said Ben.

"Oh, what's that then?" asked Jenny.

"We need to go visit the pandas!"

"Pandas? As in big cuddly bears?"

"Big bears, yes... not sure I'd want to try cuddling one though!"


Offline Sparky

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #91 on: 28. June 2023, 18:42:28 PM »
Chapter 60 - Time to party! And go home....

FY Entertainment put on a party in the evening: part of the reason was to simply thank everyone who had performed at Everland, part was to celebrate the two bands who had debuted today, and part was to say 'farewell' to the girls from CJDL. Several members of other FY's bands also came along to join in the fun of the evening.

The evening was fun, there was lots of talking and telling stories. Lots of drinking. And a whole load of impromptu singing by pretty much everyone.

Everyone woke up late on the Sunday: it had been decided that nothing would be arranged for the day, allowing everyone to relax, pack up ready for their flight the following morning, and do whatever they fancied doing. In the end, they decided to go as a group for lunch, then they split up and did various things: Jenny, Ben, Dianne, Mike and Jenny's parents went off for a walk (and sit down!) in one of the parks. Linda, Carol, Taeyang and Yun Hee all went off to another of the local markets: Linda and Carol wanted to buy a few 'silly bits' to take back home. Callum, Paige, Ahnjong and Min Jee went off to have a proper look at one of the many palaces. Callum and Paige were having a 'day off' from their filming duties: instead, everyone was encouraged to do a bit of filming on their phones.

The evening was a strangely quiet one: both the CJDL girls and the Jelly Fish girls were a bit sad that they would be leaving. Over the last three weeks, the eight girls, along with the rest of 'the team', had built some close friendships. Yes, they would be able to keep in touch online, but things would probably never be the same for any of them.

With their flight due to leave minutes before 11am on the following morning, they needed to be at the airport well before 8am, as they needed to get their guitars and so on 'booked in' for the flight home... all of which meant they would need to be up stupidly early. And that meant that noone really wanted to be up too late.

Carol took a selfie with everyone in it. 'Our last evening here in Korea... lots of sad faces :-)' she added as she posted it online. 'On a brighter note, we WILL be back home tomorrow!' she added in a second post.


With their final packing done, and everyone checking BOTH apartments to make sure they hadn't left something behind, they finally got onto the bus to go to the airport. Brian and Lisa had arrived over half an hour before, as they wanted to be sure the girls (and guys) were all ready to go.

Ahnjong, Min Jee, Taeyang and Yun Hee came along with them all, along with Hon Su. At the airport, Taeyang had messaged online, telling any fans that, if they were already at the airport and they wanted to meet them, then come to the meeting point between check-ins A and B at Terminal 2... but don't bother coming if they weren't nearby, as they wouldn't be staying all that long. By the time they got there, there were already 4 people waiting, and another 6 came along within a few minutes. While the others went and organised checking all their suitcases and guitars in, Paige and Callum stayed with the eight pop-stars, to film them with the fans. With such a small number of fans, they all felt very relaxed.

"Hey, why don't we all just go and sit and have a tea or coffee?" suggested Carol. "Our treat, of course!". Callum let Brian and Lisa know what they were doing, and they all went to one of the several cafe's on the 'land side' of the terminal: as they still had over 3 hours until their flight, they didn't need to rush. Having got themselves drinks, they sat together and chatted, answering questions, and posing for selfies.

Hon Su, Brian, Lisa and Ben joined them about 15 minutes later.

"Everything checked in ok, dad?" asked Callum.

"Yup, no problems at all, just had to take the guitars to the 'oversize' drop-off point."

Having spent about 30 minutes with their fans, Hon Su came over to them. "I'm afraid we need to leave you now, our bus needs to take us back, as he needs to do something else." There were many tearful hugs as the 10 visitors went through to security, and the four members of Jelly Fish departed to catch their bus.

"Thank you ALL for coming to see us off!" said Carol.


Offline Sparky

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #92 on: 29. June 2023, 15:55:17 PM »
Chapter 61 - At the airport

The 'team of ten' went through security and went and found the lounge. Whilst there were some queues in security, being in Prestige class let them use the 'fast lane', so it wasn't long before they got to their lounge. Jenny looked at her watch.

"We've still got over two and a half hours before the flight..." she complained. "And this place isn't anywhere near as nice a place to chill out as the lounge in London." She was right, the place was both busy and full, and there was quite a lot of noise around the place. Jenny went over to one of the lounge 'hosts'. "Excuse me.." she asked, "I know that a lot of  airports have pianos, is there one here?"

It turned out that there was, so leaving Brian and Lisa in the lounge, Jenny led the others to find the piano. It wasn't that far away, and unlike many of the 'cheaper' pianos that just sit in the middle of the passenger areas, almost 'asking' to be played, this one was in a small area off to the side, and on a small stage. Most normal people would have said to themselves 'this isn't a piano for us normal people to play, is it?'.

However, Jenny was 'no normal person', so walked onto the stage, and sat down at the piano. Paige hadn't brought the cameras with her - they were with Brian and Lisa in the lounge - so she quickly got her phone out, and started filming - she knew something was about to happen.

"Jennifer, you sure you should really be doing that?" asked Ben.

"Why not? It's a piano. And I'm a professional piano player!". Well, there was no way anyone could actually argue with that. Jenny lifted the keyboard lid, and started to play a few notes, then ran her fingers along the keys. "Mmmm, nice sound..." she said. Jenny started to play something. It was gentle and rather nice, and Linda quickly recognised it as being 'Fur Elise', a piano piece by Beethoven.

"One of the first pieces I learnt when I learnt piano..." she commented as she played. Her playing was good, and had been heard by several passing passengers, who had stopped to listen: like the CJDL group, they too probably needed to 'waste some time'.

Carol noticed that a member of airport staff was also there, standing to the side. She went over to him. "Is there a problem?" she asked pleasantly.

"No, no problem. Just want to be sure nothing bad happens. She plays nicely."

"Yes, it is nice, isn't it... although I have a feeling that the niceness might change in a moment!" Carol went back to the others, and listened as Jenny finished playing the piece. The crowd around all clapped.

"Thank you. I must say, I've never played such a nice piano before, it does sound rather nice. I wonder what it sounds like if I play something a bit different?".

'Daa Daa, Dum Dum.....' she played. Then 'Daa Daa, Dum Dum.....' once more. Her fingers danced over the notes, pressing down hard, aggressively: the music was completly the opposite of the previous song.

Linda quickly realised what she was playing. "Yay, love it," she said, "Nut Rocker!!!". As the song continued, Jenny's left hand played a strong bass-line, while her right hand played the even stronger melody. Suddenly Jenny started to sing some words: "My name is Jenny, and I'm going home......... My name is Jenny, and I'm going home.....". While she continued playing, Linda jumped up on the stage, and looked at Jenny. "Ready?" asked Jenny?

As she repeated the 'chorus', Linda sang: "My name is Linda, and I'm going home......... My name is Linda, and I'm going home.....". Linda had recognised what was happening: Scott Mills had used this a few years ago for his Friday afternoon radio show, where he got listener's bosses to let them go home a bit early. "Come on Carol, your turn!" called out Jenny. As Carol walked to the stage, she sang her version.... "My name is Carol.....". Dianne was by now also on the stage, and sang her "My name is Dianne...." bit.

As Jenny ended the song, she could see even more people had been attracted by the playing, and they all started clapping.

"You know, Jenny, we ought to learn that and play it together on stage sometime." suggested Linda.

Jenny smiled. "So, you all liked that... hmm, here's a song that my dad has in his collection... anyone remember a guy called Jerry Lee Lewis?". Jenny hit the keyboard, and soon after started to sing: "You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain..... Too much love drives a man insane..... You broke my will, but what a thrill..... Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!!!". A few of the onlookers knew the song, and sang along too.

By this time, even more passengers had come along to watch, as well as a couple more staff... none of whome seemed to be worried about what was happening (the reality was that Callum had spoken to one of them, and had explained who the girls were - and because of all the publicity over the last 3 weeks, she recognised the name). And while this was all happening, Paige, Callum, Ben and Mike all had their phones out (so did a lot of the other passengers too) and were filming what was happening.

Carol, Dianne and Linda were still all on the stage, and were VERY impressed at what Jenny was playing. "Now you know what I do when I get bored at home!" said Jenny when she finished the song. "Hey, why don't we sing all these lovely people a few of OUR songs?" she suggested. The other three thought that was actually a good idea, and spent the next 15 to 20 minutes entertaining the many onlookers.

Jenny finally got up from the piano, and joined the other 3 girls, and had a quick word with them, then turned to the crowd.

"Hi everyone, if you haven't worked out who we actually are, then maybe we should introduce ourselves..."

"I'm Carol...." started Carol (and you know how this bit goes!)

"So, you probably heard that we're been here in Seoul for a few weeks, and we're had a really great time: all you local people have been so kind to us. We love performing our music, and we'd like to sing you one last song. This is a song given to me by my God - actually on the plane on the way here, three weeks ago - so I apologise if our religion is a problem for you... but it IS a rather nice song. There's only one problem though: we can't actually sing it! Well, not without asking for a bit of help, so come on ladies, hold hands..."

"Shall I?" suggested Dianne.

"Why not...."

"Dear God, thank you for bringing us to a great place for the last 3 weeks, it's been such fun, so we'd like to thank you by singing this amazing song you've given us. But we need your help, so please be with us as we try to relieve everyone's boredom here at the airport!"

"Amen to that!" said Jenny. They stood in a line, holding hands, and Jenny started to sing. Their earlier singing had nicely warmed up their voices, and they sang a lovely rendition, resulting in a lot of applause.

"I hope we've helped pass the time a bit for you all, it's certainly done so for us!" said Carol.


Offline Sparky

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #93 on: 29. June 2023, 15:55:51 PM »
Chapter 62 - Finally back in England!

They still had a LOT of time before their flight, so sat and talked with several of the other passengers: they were mainly very normal people, and it was nice for the girls to have a bit of that 'normality' again.

So, their flight was at just before 11am, and they would arrive back in London at about 5:30 pm. Unlike their last flight, they would be experiencing a VERY long day. Jenny had spoken with Sarah, their friendly photographer, before they had left the apartment, to confirm their flight, and Sarah had told her to expect a LOT of people to be waiting for them at Heathrow. Jenny had explained that their record company had been in touch with the airport, and 'suitable arrangements' were being made.

The end result of this was that today would be a rather long and tiring day for them, so sleeping on the plane would be essential. Jenny had already said a simple prayer: "Please let me sleep on the flight, I can't pull another all-nighter like I did on the way out!"

Finally, after several cups of tea or coffee, and a lot of window-shopping in the duty-free shops, their flight was called. They all went onto the plane, where, once again, they had very nice seats... and even nicer food. The flight itself was fairly uneventful, and they all DID manage to get some sleep. They arrived in London almost 30 minutes early, at about 5pm. Being in Prestige Class meant that they were first off the plane, along with the First Class Passengers.

"Are you the CJDL party" asked a gentleman dressed in the airline uniform.

"Yes, we are" replied Brian.

"In that case, please follow me: I'm Samuel, and I'm here to make your journey through passport control, baggage collection and customs as easy as possible..."

"Oh, that will be helpful!" said Brian. "Hopefully you'll be able to organise us a large trolley, not only do we have a load of suitcases, there's also some guitars..."

Mike and Ben carried Paige's shoulder bag, leaving her to be able to film the girls on their way through arrivals. Yes, she appreciated that there would be a few places where she wouldn't be able to film, but the rest might be interesting.

For passport control rather than having to join the very long queues that we 'normal' people would have to use, they were taken to the side, where they were seen within minutes. It didn't take long for the staff to confirm who they all were, and they were then lead to collect their bags: once again, being in Prestige class meant that their bags came to a more private area, and were actually waiting for them when they got there: the guitars arrived a few minutes later. After a walk through the 'green channel', they were almost about to go out to the public area.

"Ok," said Brian. "Just had a call from one of the guys that the record company has sent along: you have three main TV crews out there, a load of photographers, and a whole shed-load of fans! Our bus is nearby, it can be with us in five to ten minutes, but I'm guessing you will need to spend time with the TV and with your fans....."

"Hey, thanks for organising everything, dad!" said Jenny.

"Oh, that's why you pay me so much, to be your manager!" he replied with a lovely smile.

Jenny called Sarah, to tell here that they were on the way out, and she confirmed everything that Brian had just said.


After several interviews, lots of posing for pictures and a pleasant time chatting with their fans, they were finally on the bus, going back to 'the house'. From there, they would all be having dinner together, but then going back to their own homes.


"So, when you get back to your places, you should find everything nice and tidy, and your fridges stocked with essentials.." said Lisa over dinner.

"Don't tell me, all part of the service you provide as our manager" said Jenny smiling, remembering her dad's earlier comment.

"Look, whilst you girls have had a fun three weeks, I know that you've all been working VERY hard. FY have been VERY complimentary about how things went while you were there, which means they made more than enough out of the visit. And we haven't done too badly either! So sorting out someone to go and get your flats ready for you is the least I can do..."


Finally, Carol walked through the door of her flat. It was pleasantly tidy, especially the kitchen. And yes, the fridge was full of supplies, including a couple of packs of her favourite beer! She took one, and sat down. The place was quiet: in one way, that was nice, but in another... well, she had enjoyed spending so much time with her band mates.

Tomorrow, she would sleep late, then there was one person that she needed to go and see: she had an important question to ask him.

Offline Sparky

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #94 on: 29. June 2023, 15:59:55 PM »
I will admit, I *WAS* getting a bit bored of the girls being in Korea, which is why the last three chapters have been quite short, and why I just posted 2 chapters... for example, I could have done a load about their arrival back at Heathrow airport, but much of that would have duplicated their arrival in Korea, so why bother.

So, they are back in England, and we can, once again, start to concentrate more on Carol. I get the feeling that she needs to sort out her love life, what do you guys think?

Offline xxxforce

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #95 on: 29. June 2023, 17:13:08 PM »
Ben is waiting for her I'd say ;-) why not him surprising her when she comes home? Maybe one of the other girls had her fingers in a bit ;)

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #96 on: 29. June 2023, 21:02:17 PM »
I really hope that BEN is not waiting for her... he's going out with Jennifer!!! :-) I suspect you mean Tom...

I can say that we will be straight into the Carol /  Tom saga in the next chapter...

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #97 on: 30. June 2023, 01:05:32 AM »
Whoops no I meant Tom :D

Offline Sparky

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #98 on: 30. June 2023, 15:15:03 PM »
Chapter 63 - Carol goes back to the CJDL house

"Hi Lisa..." said Carol. (Lisa is, of course, Jenny's mum, and co-manager of the band). Carol wasn't her normal positive self.

"Oh, hi there, Carol, wasn't expecting to hear from you again quite so soon....

"Hey, I know it's a bit cheeky, but could I come over and stay a couple of days?"

"Of course you can, you know you're welcome here any time, it's almost as much your house as it is ours!" replied Lisa, jokingly. "When you thinking of coming over?"

"Well, I was thinking of just packing a few bits and coming straight over, if that's ok?"

"Sure, that's fine!"

It was about 6:30pm on the Tuesday evening, the day after they arrived back in England. "Hey, is Callum there?"

"No, he's gone out to meet a friend, but he said he wasn't planning on being out for long."

"Ah, ok. Well, I guess I'll see you soon...". They said their goodbye's, and Carol went to pack a few clothes, enough for maybe 3 or even 4 days... just in case. Then she made sure she had her guitars, along with the folder of notes she had made over the last few weeks, and her laptop, her tablet, her recorder, and all those other important bits.


Carol made good time to Jenny's parent's house, and after saying hello to both Brian and Lisa (Callum was still out), she headed straight to the music room: this was actually one of the main reasons she'd come here. There were two drum kits in the music room: an acoustic kit and an electronic one. Carol sat at the acoustic drum kit: the electronic one would not be loud enough for what she needed to do. She started by angrily kicking the bass drum (using the pedal: yes, she was in a bit of a mood, but not THAT bad a mood!!). Next, she grabbed the pair of drumsticks that Dianne must have left wedged in the side of the bass drum, and started to beat a rhythm on the snare drum. It had been a while since Carol had actually played the drums: early on in her music career, like Jenny and Dianne, she tried to play a variety of instruments, but in the last year or so, they had settled more on playing 'their own' instruments. For Carol that was mainly guitar, typically a mix of rhythm and lead, depending on the song, although sometimes she'd swap with Linda, and play the bass. Dianne was the one that played the drums for about 95% of their songs. (And while Carol could play the keyboard, that was usually just when writing a song, she didn't often play it now on stage.)

Having got a bit of a beat going on the snare drum, she started to use the tom-toms, along with the high-hat cymbal, and finally the other two cymbals. Her muscle reflex was slowly starting to return, as she remembered the many hours - several years ago now - she had spent learning to play the drums.

Carol was feeling angry, and she was letting the drums take her anger. The drumming became 'harsher' and more 'metal'... the sort of stuff that they had played on many occasions with 'Three Play' for a bit of fun. Yes, it had been a while since she had played with them, although she knew that Dianne (who was, of course, dating Three Play's drummer, Mike) sometimes still went and rehearsed with them.

She closed her eyes as she continued to play: yes, this was JUST what she needed right now. She had thought about just playing her guitar really loud, but no, this was much, MUCH better. It was physical, it took much more effort than playing the guitar. In fact, at times like this, she had a great respect for Dianne, who would typically play the drums for their whole set, and come off covered in sweat... and all without complaining... well, yes, occasionally she did, but you know what I mean.

She had been playing for maybe ten, fifteen minutes - certainly enough to start perspiring a bit - when she stopped to take a break. She looked up to see Callum standing by the door.

"Someone sounds a bit angry! You been watching 'Aggretsuko' or something?" asked Callum.

"Aggretsuko? What's that?"

"An anime about a girl who works in accounts, and gets rid of all of her anger by singing 'death metal' at a karaoke bar! That wasn't far off the sort of stuff they play in the anime!"

"Death metal at a karaoke bar? Yeah, that would probably work for me too!"

Callum walked over to Carol, and sat down. "That was some pretty good drumming: not heard you on the drums for a while. So what's wrong, sis?". Whilst not his actual sister, Callum often considered all four of the girls in CJDL to be his sisters, they had got to know each other so well.

Carol did a bit of a 'hmmmph'!

"Tom problems? Come on, what's eating you?" he asked gently. Callum went over to the guitar amp, switched it on, and picked up the guitar. Whilst Callum was nowhere near as good a guitar player as any of the four girls, he sometimes played along with them when they were messing around. He started to play the melody of one of the CJDL songs, and Carol joined in on the drums, plus sang the vocals.

"Tell you what," said Callum, "it's always fun playing along with you guys... Want to do another?". Carol suggested a song, and the two of them played it.

Carol was feeling a lot less angry now: the physical work of drumming had helped a lot, then playing with Callum, well, that had been something pleasantly different.

"Yes, Tom problems.... I went to see him after his show earlier on, and we went for a coffee. I told him how I feel about him...". Callum nodded. It had become very clear while they had been out in Korea that Carol had feelings for Tom, and he had guessed that Tom also had feelings for Carol. Callum said nothing: Carol would share her anger when she was ready.

"I told him that I wanted to get to know him more, and would he.....". She took a breath, clearly trying to not cry. "... and would he like to be my boyfriend.". There was a pause.

"Go on..." prompted Callum, taking her hand to comfort her.

"Yes, he likes me, he even enjoys being with me, but.....". Another pause, this time a tear or two came out of Carol's eyes. "... but he feels he wouldn't be able to 'manage the life of going out with a pop star'. Same f***ing problem as I had with John!" said Carol, sounding very dejected, as well as very annoyed. John was her ex-boyfriend, who split up with Carol when they started to make it big... 'couldn't cope with the lifestyle'. "F***! F***! and triple F***!" screamed Carol, hitting the drums hard with the drumsticks, and then starting to cry.

Callum moved closer to Carol, and put his arms around her, trying to comfort her. They sat quietly like that for a few minutes. "Hey, fancy a coffee? Or tea? Or maybe a beer?" offered Callum.

"Yeah, a tea would be nice... thanks...." replied a sad Carol.

"Ok, I'll go make us both one. In the meantime, I'll leave you here to bash the sh*t out of that poor innocent drum kit!". Carol smiled a small smile at that last comment. Carol had a lot of time for Callum: he was dependable - always there with them when they performed - and somehow, to the best of her memory, he had never taken out his anger on any of the four of them. Carol played the drums a bit more, each hit taking away a bit more of her anger.

With a lot of her anger finally having been dissipated by the drumkit, Carol went over and switched the keyboard on: this was an old keyboard that Jenny used to use, before she got her new one, a bit under 2 years ago. She started to play random chords on it, just letting the discordant sounds fill her ears. She didn't care that the piano sound was currently set to be more like a honkey-tonk piano, her brain just enjoyed the noise. It stopped her thinking about other things.

Slowly, the sound mellowed, and Carol was playing a rather more pleasant set of chords. Still pretty random, but slightly more pleasant. Sometimes you just needed to do something different to stimulate the creative parts of your brain.

By the time Callum came back, her hands were playing chords that made some sort of a tune. She knew that she should get out her recorder, 'just in case', but for the moment it didn't REALLY matter.

"Sounds like you're slowly getting over your anger..." he said, putting the tray - with 2 mugs of tea and the biscuit tin on it - down on the desk.

"Yeah. To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm more angry with Tom, myself, or the rest of the world! I guess I just can't have everything I want in life: I've been given the ability to do great music, so maybe I just have to accept that love is going to be a lot more difficult for me."

"What about Jenny? She's got her music AND she has love..." said Callum, sipping his tea.

"Yeah, but she's Jenny!" replied Carol, also taking a sip of the hot, wet tea.

"And? So what? You're Carol!"

"Yeah, but.....". Carol put her cup down and turned back to the keyboard, and started playing something, something soft and sad... Callum said nothing, and let Carol play.


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #99 on: 01. July 2023, 14:51:08 PM »
Chapter 64 - Dianne comes over

"Good morning" said Dianne, cheerily. "How you feeling this morning?" she added, giving Carol a big hug.

Carol had called Dianne late the previous evening, they had a quite long chat, and Carol had asked her to come over this morning. The truth was that Carol had quite enjoyed playing the drums yesterday: in their earlier days, they all tried to play all of the instruments, and Carol and Jenny often jumped onto the drums for a song or two. But more recently, really since their music style had changed, and Linda had joined them (albeit initially as a session musician), they tended to stick with their own instruments, and that meant that Dianne now played the drums almost exclusively. So Carol had asked if she fancied coming over today, and give her some drumming tuition.

Dianne had arrived a few minutes ago, and had joined Carol, who was in the kitchen having some breakfast.

"A night's sleep has helped a lot. That plus a nice chat with Callum, and another nice chat with you last night." Dianne went over and made herself a coffee, then joined Carol at the breakfast bar: she had stayed over at the house enough time to know what to do! "By the way, thanks for coming over today. Hey, is your brain back on UK time yet?"

"Getting there. Having a VERY lazy day yesterday helped! So, what do you fancy doing this morning - you said you wanted a refresher on the drums?"

"Yeah, it's been a while since I really played them. Yesterday it was mainly 'anger playing' - Callum reckoned it was close to death metal!"

"Ah, yes, I've played the drums like that too - and I bet you felt better afterwards, didn't you? But yeah, no problems. In return, maybe you can give me a few pointers on the guitar - yeah, I play acoustic a fair bit, but it's been a while since I did anything serious on an electric. Hey, don't suppose you brought your pedals with you, did you, I could do with some tips in using those."

For the next couple of hours, Carol played the acoustic drum kit, with Dianne giving her a few tips, and Dianne played on Carol's guitar. Mid morning, they stopped for a break, and went and sat with Callum.

"You two sounded to be playing well together!" commented Callum.

"Yeah, it's actually nice to be playing the guitar again. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really like playing drums, but.. well you know what I mean. I'm kinda hoping after we finished this cuppa that Carol can walk me though her pedals, I never really used pedals..."

"I just think of the pedals of being some sort of fancy 'tone controls', but controls that *I* can play with, and not the guy running the desk!" said Carol.

"You know, I think that's the reason I prefer my electronic drum kit, I have so much more control of what I sound like."

"And whilst we sound-techs love e-drums coz we don't have to struggle with lots of mics, we just HATE the fact that we can no longer control the relative levels of each of your drums! Although, Dianne, you're pretty good, you don't mess with the levels once we've 'tuned it up'."

"Oh, c'mon Callum, that's no worse than those guitarists who insist on adjusting their volume, so they can be loudest!". All of this was being said in jest... All the girls appreciated that, on stage, they had no REAL idea what the 'front-of-house' sound was like, that's why they placed so much trust in the guy doing the mixing. In their earlier days, Callum had run the desk on many occasions, and he had a very good idea of how the band needed to sound, and he had explained why they shouldn't mess around with their kit if they wanted their sound to continue to sound good.

As they sat there, Carol took a sly look at Dianne's teeth.... specifically her lower ones. She was remembering back to when they all got their teeth checked out in Seoul, about a week or two ago. Yes, her lower front teeth were a little out of alignment, which was a bit of a shame, because not only did her actual teeth look nice, her upper teeth were almost perfect. She spent a moment deciding whether to say anything about it, but decided that maybe now wasn't the time.

"Tell you what, it's been good to see Linda start to write some stuff, hasn't it?" commented Dianne. "You know, she fits in really well with us, has done since the first day she joined us. She seems to be on our wavelength. I know you've been encouraging her, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I have. And I think our trip to Korea has done her the world of good too, she seems to be getting a lot more confident in writing stuff."

"I loved the way she quickly picked up on, and developed, 'Braces Buddies', it's a good silly song!"

They chatted a bit more. "Hey, Dianne, would I be out of line if I called a band meeting this afternoon?" asked Carol.

"Well, it HAS been a while since we had one, and now is probably a good time. I guess it depends what Linda and Jenny are up to. I'm not doing anything this afternoon. Callum, what about you?"

"No, I'm kinda 'chilling out', getting my brain back to UK time... so I'm available."

Carol had a word with Brian and Lisa: Lisa suggested everyone just come over for lunch, and have the meeting afterwards... so she then called both Jenny and Linda, and they were both ok with coming over too.

"Right, lets talk guitar pedals then" suggested Carol.


Offline Bracetee11

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #100 on: 02. July 2023, 19:29:27 PM »
Great story!

Offline Sparky

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #101 on: 02. July 2023, 22:19:44 PM »
Chapter 65 - band meeting

They had decided to sit around the table in the dining room for the 'meeting': Dianne was already there of course, and Carol had called both Linda and Jenny, pretty much demanding they also needed to be there after lunch. Also at the meeting were Brian and Lisa - the band's managers, also Callum and Paige... so the complete 'CJDL working team'.

"Hi guys, thanks for coming along... it's just that... well, we've not really had a sort of 'review meeting' for ages, and, for a heap of reasons, I thought it was time we sat down and chatted about a few things." In front of Carol was a piece of paper with a list of things she wanted to talk about.

"No problems here..." said Jenny, "it's actually been a while, hasn't it? In fact, Linda, you've never officially joined us at one of our meetings, have you?"

"No, I wasn't actually a band member back then..."

"So, Brian, you want to lead the meeting?" suggested Carol.

"I was thinking that, as you seem to be the most prepared, maybe you could lead things. I'll definitely be taking notes though!"

"Ok, that's fine by me. So, yes, I have a bit of a list, most of them it doesn't matter what order we do them in, except for the first one."

"What's that one then?" asked Callum.

"Linda!" replied Carol.

"Linda? What about Linda?" asked Lisa, worried that Carol had some pent-up issues with Linda.

"So yeah, maybe not put the best way, was it? Linda's contract."

"Linda's contract? You have a problem with it? It's the same one as the rest of you have...." said Brian.

"Ah, no, not her current contract. The previous one. The one that she never actually had...". There were several very confused looking faces around the table. "Look, when we set things up, several years ago, apart from you guys and Callum, who get a percentage off the 'top line', we agreed that we should split the 'bottom line' evenly between the three of us. We all felt that, whilst one person may have come up with the original music or the original words, the final result, the final performance, was actually because we'd ALL worked on things at some point, so a three-way split only seemed fair."

"Ok, so what's the problem? When Linda joined us, we made it into a four-way split, for the same reason." commented Dianne.

"Yeah, except that's NOT what happened..."

"I'm confused!" said Linda, "I'm definitely getting 25%!"

"You are NOW, but not when you joined us. When you joined us, about a year ago now, we paid you a flat salary."

"Yeah, that's right, you paid me what I asked you for."

"It may well have been what you asked us for, but it's NOT what you deserved. Pretty much from the first day you joined us, you were working with us, helping us to develop our new songs, getting them into shape, making them sound a lot better. That's a lot more than a session musician would normally be doing. It's what band members do."

"So, what are you suggesting then?" asked Linda.

"I'd like to cut you in for 25%, backdated to the day you actually joined us. Think of the salary we paid you as an advance on that. But there's no question in my mind that, without all of your input, we wouldn't be where we are today. Ok, so it's gonna cost me 8% for the last year, but I think you deserve it! Every penny of it!"

Linda sat there silently: to be honest, she was a bit stunned. She had never thought her inputs to the band had been THAT important, but clearly Carol thought they were.

"You know, I'd never thought about things like that," said Dianne after a bit of a pause, "but you're absolutely spot on! Very happy to give Linda my 8% too, she's more than earned it! Jenny?"

Jenny was gently nodding her head: like Dianne, it was something she'd never really considered, but Carol was quite right: ever since that first day, Linda had been acting like a proper band member, and not just a session musician. And, to be honest, Linda could probably use that extra money... "Absolutely fine with me!" she said, "although, thank goodness, it's not actually going to cost us 8%, we already paid her some of that... But still worth every penny!"

"I'm not really sure what to say. Thank you! Thank you all very much!" said a very happy Linda. A Linda who suddenly felt so much more an integral part of CJDL.

"Dad, you going to be able to get that sorted out?" asked Jenny.

"I'm sure I can. Legally, we probably can't restropectively rewrite Linda's contract, but we can work out something that gives Linda the same amount. You all gonna be ok with that?"

"Sure. Linda: don't worry, you've earned every penny that you're going to get, and probably a bit more, but 25% is enough!" said Carol with a big smile.

Carol felt really glad that everyone felt the same as her about Linda, it just felt it was the 'right' thing to do.

"So, next on your list?" asked Brian.

"Ok... number 2 on the list is 'fans'. Look, we're all very aware how important our fans are, and we really do try and make an effort to meet them. I mean, over in Korea, we showed Jelly Fish how important they are. But I just think our fans deserve more..."

"What do you mean?" asked Jenny.

"Well, I feel like we just pay them 'lip service', but not a lot more. Especially the fans who've been with us since the start. I mean, do any of us actually KNOW how many fans are signed up to our fan club, and how many of them are active?"

The was a silence.

"Yes, I thought as much. We should KNOW that sort of stuff! I'd love to find out how many long-term fans we have. And then DO something for them."

"Do what, specifically?" asked Linda. As Linda spoke, Callum slipped off quietly.

"I have no idea. Maybe something like when you're a VIP member at a hotel, and you get special 'perks'? Personally signed birthday cards maybe? I bet they'd LOVE that!"

"Like it!!" said Dianne. "I see where you're going with this now....". The girls bounced a few ideas around, until Callum returned a couple of minutes later, holding an old shoe box.

"Oh, wow, I never realised we still actually HAD that!" said Jenny.

"Yeah, I hid it away a bit ago, came across it by chance earlier in the week..." replied Callum.

"Erm, what *IS* it?" asked Linda.

Callum passed the box over to her. "Go on, take a look!". Linda carefully removed the lid: the box contained a load of old papers and stuff in envelopes. Linda took the top one, opened it, and read it. Then looked more carefully at the date.

"This is what, 4 years old?". She passed it over to Jenny, who looked at it, then smiled.

"OMG! It's from Vivian, remember her? I wonder what happened to her?" asked Jenny. Linda took another couple of letters and looked at them, one of them was even older. "You still have your old fan letters?".

"So it seems.... I thought these got lost when we moved here," said Jenny: she was referring to the fact that her mum and dad used to live in a much smaller house, and a couple of years ago, they had decided to use some of the band's money to buy a bigger house, where they could all stay, and work together when needed. The house where they were now. Brian and Lisa owned 40% of the house, each of the three girls owned 20%. And Jenny had thought their fan letters had been lost when they moved.

"I found them just before we went to Korea, I was going through some of the boxes that we put up in the loft, and it was in it...." explained Callum

"These are exactly the people I mean. I'm sure a load of these guys are still our fans, and still supporting us, we should be doing something special for these guys!"

"I have a suggestion," said Paige, "would you like me to speak to Eleanor, our fan club secretary, and get an up to date copy of the database, then I could go through and see if any of these guys are still active. And if not, maybe still get in contact with them, and if they are interested, give them a 'VIP Membership'?"

"Yes, Paige, like your thinking!" said Carol, "I say go for it! Tell you what, it would be interested to work out some simple demographics, like how old they are, and where in the country they live."

"Hey, I have an idea..." said Dianne, "How about we put on some sort of 'VIP, invitation-only' event for a room-full of our longest-serving fans? Spend a load of money of them, treating them. Spend an afternoon or evening with them. And I have no doubt that Jenny could come up with some crazy ideas to make it as much fun for us as it would be for them?"

"It would probably take some time to organise it all - a lot depends on what you'd want to do - but I guess there's no real rush, is there?" asked Callum. They all chatted and brainstormed about what they could do, and Brian took a load of notes.

"Ok," said Brian, "I have a shed load of notes here, and I'm loving your ideas! And I would certainly have no problems with you guy spending some money on it - these sort of crazy things tend to pay us back handsomely. I think there's loads we can talk about offline, can I suggest you park it for now, and move on...."

"Ok by me!" said Linda. "So, what's next on your list, Carol?"

"Spending more money....." replied Carol, with a smile. "Charity.... yes, I know that some of us are involved with some charities - Jenny, you still an ambassador for that wigs charity?"

"Yes, I am, I really ought to offer to do some more for them... what you thinking of specifically?"

"Not sure, I'm just wondering if we, as a group, should put our names to a good charity. It would do THEM a load of good, and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt us in any way."

"Who you thinking of?" asked Lisa.

"No idea, not really had time to think about it." replied Carol, "Probably a charity that works with younger people. Maybe related to music or the arts... A charity that we can make a real difference to. I'm not thinking about us simply giving them money, I'm thinking there must be LOADS of things we could do to help hem raise money.... or awareness... To be honest, I don't think it's something we can do much about today, I think we all need to go away, think about it, come up with ideas. I guess my big question for everyone is: is this something we should be doing?"

"Yes, but we'll need to be VERY careful who we get involved with, don't want to be involved with some dodgy charity!" said Dianne.

"Maybe we can combine this with what we were just talking about, our fan-base?" suggested Linda.

They talked for a bit, but all agreed that it was something they should seriously look at.

"Ok, Carol, I'm actually liking your list," said Jenny. "What's next?"

"Well, there's three things, more related to us, but they all interact.... I've written down: 'us time', 'house time', and 'playing each others instruments'. Let me try and explain... first of all, over the last weeks we've spent a lot of time together, relaxing, not at all stressed, playing and singing, coming up with some basic ideas... it's what we used to do a couple of years ago: just chilling out, throwing ideas around. We wrote some good stuff back then. I'm not saying our current stuff is bad in any way, it's just that we've been writing it in a different way, and I'm just thinking that we four need some 'us time' together. Then the 'house time': we bought this place to spend more time together, but we're not really using it. This morning I spent some time with Dianne, kinda messing around, no real agenda, and that nicely brings in the last thing too: before we 'changed our music' we used to be proud of the fact that we would regularly move around playing different instruments, but we just don't really do that now. For example, Dianne is almost always playing the drums...."

"I'm sure Dianne is happy playing the drums" said Jenny.

"I'd say it's actually a bit more than that!" said Linda.

"What do you mean? I thought she did it... well, because of the four of us, she was best..." replied Carol.

"I think at the beginning of the last tour you would have been right, but I noticed a change in her as the tour progressed. And didn't you see her playing at the Park concert the other week?" asked Linda. She turned to Dianne. "Come on, Dianne, we're talking about you!"

"Well, yes, Linda's actually right." replied Dianne. "Something sort-of clicked on our tour, I think partly its because of our change in music style, and I'm really enjoying playing drums now, so much so that I've been looking at maybe getting a better kit. But if Carol, or anyone else, wants to play them for a song or two, I'm ok with that!"

"Ok, fair enough, but my point is that we seem to be getting a bit 'stuck in our ways'. Look, yesterday, I had good reason to bash the sh*t out of the drumkit - it made me feel a lot better, but it also brought back memories, and I realised that I actually quite enjoyed sometimes playing the drums... in fact, that's why I asked Dianne to come over this morning. Parly to help me, partly to play with me... she was on the guitar, I was on the drums..."

"I will admit that it WAS good this morning." said Dianne. "But is change really that big a thing? Yes, after a big set, I'm usually quite drained... but I don't REALLY mind, and as Carol has discovered, it does relieve any stress you might have had! Ok, let me turn it around: Jenny, you play keyboards and guitar, do you feel 'settled' about that, or do you want to play bass or drums occasionally?"

"It's a difficult question... yes, I do feel settled, but at the same time I can understand where Carol is coming from."

"Look," continued Carol, "we just spent 2 weeks doing some basic dance stuff, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Well, OK, maybe not EVERY minute, but you get my gist. Jenny, what about your Sax, you should do some more with that, have some more lessons! We need to spend more time on US! Not Ben, or Mike, or any other guys. US! The four of us!"

Jenny smiled: a bit over a year ago, Jenny had started to learn to play Sax, an instrument she'd always wanted to be able to play. She'd played a simple Sax piece as a challenge at the College Concert, where they had helped loads of the students. And she had completly enjoyed learning to play it. "Carol, you're right. This last year we've almost become a 'music machine'... turn the handle, out comes music. But yeah, it's not the same, is it? Linda, I know we took you on mainly to play bass and guitar, but I know you can play keyboard: fancy doing that a bit more? Maybe have some lessons?"

"I actually really enjoyed the last few weeks, we were so relaxed, and I felt I could say pretty much anything to you guys. And yeah, I WOULD like to learn to play keyboards a bit better. And Dianne, I think it could do me a lot of good, in so many ways, to learn a bit more about the drums: fancy teaching me?"

"Sounds to me like you girls all need a 'bit more free space' around you, so you can reinvigorate your creativity. Want me to buy you some time from the record company?" suggested Brian.

"Sounds like it could be useful, dad, although I can think of at least one song that we could knock off quickly..."

"You thinking about 'Braces Buddies'?" asked Paige.

Jenny smiled. "No. But yeah, I think we need to see what that sounds like with the full band, but I wonder what the label would think about that? Also, I've been thinking about Nut Rocker: I have a fun idea, which I now suspect Carol might like! Although I'm thinking it would work better on-stage, rather than as a recording. And we shouldn't forget that the record company pretty much got 'Roller Skates' as a freebie bonus. But yeah, if you can get them to back of a bit, I think it would help."

"What's our actual contract?" asked Linda.

"If I remember right, we have one single and one album left, both needed by Christmas, and I don't think that's going be a problem for you. But if you guys feel you need a bit more 'you time' right now, then I can work with them on that."

"Yeah, I think you're right Carol, we've been pushing fairly hard recently, we really do need to have some quality time together, and yeah, without the guys!"


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #102 on: 03. July 2023, 13:42:28 PM »
Chapter 66 - Ding dong?

Thursday: Carol was feeling a lot better this morning. playing with Dianne yesterday before lunch had been good fun, and whilst Carol had felt a bit guilty about calling the band meeting in the afternoon, everyone had agreed that they should have sat down like that several weeks ago, and it was definitely time well spent. Even better was the session the four of them had after the meeting, doing nothing more than 'playing around', and allowing ideas to start coming to them.

Carol had breakfast with Callum, and was now dressed, and in the music room. Yes, she could work on 'making music' back at her own place, but sometimes it did get a bit lonely there: especially after 3 weeks of being with the others in Korea, it felt very quiet: in a way, she rather hoped that one - or more - of the other three might come back over and join her. But being there, knowing that Brian, Lisa and Callum were around if she wanted a chat was nice. In fact, Paige was probably also there, doing something or other. And anyway, a change of surroundings were always good. She knew that Jenny was working on several ideas that had been inspired by their Korean trip, and Linda also had been suitably inspired.

So, she was in the music room, switching between playing her guitar and the piano, working on some words for something Jenny had come up with.


Elsewhere in the house, the doorbell went, and Callum answered the door.

"Hi, I'm guessing you're Tom... I'm Callum! Come on in!"

"Hello Callum, nice to put a face to the voice, although I think I probably saw you in the background of one of the videos..."

"So, how was last night? I hope I didn't do something I shouldn't have?"

"No, last night was actually a very pleasant evening, helped me understand a lot about the four girls, and about Carol too."

"Well, Carol is out in the music room, working on some new stuff, why don't I take you there..."

"Thanks!". Tom had called up Callum earlier on, to check that Carol was still there, and to get the address, so Callum was expecting him. "So, how's she feeling this morning? I hope she's not going to bite my head off?"

"No, she's pretty chilled today. I hope things go ok for you...."

As they got closer, they could hear Carol playing the piano through the slightly open door. "You might want to just wait here, and have a listen for a moment, see what she's doing, before you go in..." said Callum quietly, before walking off, leaving Tom alone, listening. Even for a 'work in progress', it sounded good. Finally the music and singing stopped, so Tom opened the door a bit more.

"Knock, knock... anyone home?" he asked as he went in.

"Tom? What you doing here? I guess you'd better come in...". A whole load of different thoughts and emotions hit Carol as he walked into the room. Some good. Some bad. Some rather undecided.

"After what I said the other day... well, a lot has happened, and I think we need to talk... Well, I don't know about you, but I certainly need to..." He took a look around the room as he walked in. "I guess this is where you all rehearse then?"

"Yes, we do. That's why I came here actually, I wanted to 'use' some of the kit here. Come on, sit down....".

"Carol, you are an amazing lady, you're surrounded by some very good, caring and loyal friends... Actually, no, they are far more than just friends!". Carol looked at Tom, blissfully unaware of what he was talking about.

"Yes, I guess I am...." replied Carol

"And I have a feeling you have no idea what happened last night, do you?"

"No... what DID happen?".

"Well, I had just got home, thinking about dinner, when one of your loyal friends called me, suggesting - actually, no, it was a bit more than a simple suggestion - that I should meet up with him for dinner."

"Oh, who was that then? Can't have been Callum, he was here all evening."

"It was Ben, actually. Callum had called him, and asked him to talk with me...."


"So, I met up with him, Mike was there too. And we all had a really nice evening together, eating, drinking and talking. They are both really nice guys, you know."

"Yes, they are. So, talking... what about?"

"Well, you, of course. And the band. And him and Jenny. And Mike and Dianne. And how you guys seem to have worked out a sort of unspoken agreement with the paparazzi that they will leave them guys alone a bit, and in return, you give them suitable 'opportunities'."

"Oh, ok...."

"Ben not only explained how the press had been told, in no uncertain terms on one occasion, that he, and Mike, were off-limits if they weren't with Jenny or Dianne. In fact, later on, we saw a photographer, who was about to take a picture, then realised it was Ben, so didn't: Ben recognised him, and even said hello to him!"

Carol started to get a feeling where this might be going. It was a good feeling. Actually, a VERY good feeling.

"So the other day, when you asked me.... if I'd go out with you... well, I had a feeling something like that might happen sometime, especially after some of those messages you sent when you were in Korea. But I was scared. Look, I'm a presenter at a small radio station: if anything happens in my life that generates any negative publicity, then I could be out of a job in an instant. I didn't for a moment think that you might actually be able to 'protect' me...".

Tom smiled, allowing Carol to see the metal brackets on his teeth, which sent a strange yet nice chill down her spine.

"Look, can I change my answer to the question you asked me?" Tom asked Carol. By now, Carol fully understood what this was about.

"Let me ask you the question again then," said Carol, "but I'll ask it in a better way. Tom: would you be my boyfriend? I know it will be hard for you, but I promise to do my best to protect you from the press interest that I KNOW will happen, but you'll need to trust me, and others, on that. So what do you think?"

"If you're willing to help protect me, then yes!". He leaned over, and gave Carol a gentle kiss on her lips: their first kiss.

"Don't worry, you'll be ok." She paused, leaning over to kiss Tom back. As she kissed him, her brain was working overtime. "So, I hope you're not doing anything tonight?"

"No, I'm not. What are you planning for me?" Another kiss.

"I was thinking of taking you out for dinner... and then introducing you to the press!" And another...

"You kidding me? So soon?"

"Nope. The more proactive we are, the better it is, that way we're not open to nasty rumours."

"So, how do you get the press there?"

"Oh, that's the easy bit! I just need to call Sarah!"


"Yes, a very friendly photographer who we've given several exclusives to. In return she does us favours. For example, last year, when Jenny got her hair cut, she filmed the whole thing. Got exclusive pictures, and let the wig charity have a load of the footage and pics for free. Plus she was there to meet us yesterday at the airport. I'm thinking that we let her get some early pictures, before we have dinner, then let the masses catch us as we leave the restaurant!"

"God, Ben was so right, you're so calculating, you guys know exactly what to do, don't you?" commented Tom with a big smile, giving Carol another chance to admire the silver shiny braces on his teeth. Ok, so there was nothing special about the braces, they were medium-sized brackets, with fairly mute dark blue ligatures on them, but they gave Tom a certain 'look'. And gave Carol the tingles.

"I promised I'd protect you, and that's what I'm doing! Come here...".

Carol leaned over to Tom once more, gently putting her lips to his, giving him a simple kiss on his lips. She did it a second time, then a third. The next time she didn't pull away, leaving her lips softly on his. She opened her lips a little, pushing her tongue between them, running it along Tom's lips, and gently pushing between his lips. Tom realised what she was doing, and relaxed his lips, allowing her tongue to go between his lips. Her tongue pushed in a little more until it found Tom's teeth. Well, not actually his teeth but his braces, and his archwire. The braces on his top front teeth. What felt like a bolt of electricity shot through Carol as she realised what her tongue was touching. She slowly moved her tongue to the left, and then to the right, along the archwire of Tom's braces, feeling both the hard metal brackets, as well as the tiny ligatures that held the wire into the slot of the brackets.

Carol had seen braces reasonably close up on many occasions, most recently when Yun Hee got her braces, then again when Jenny had her broken bracket replaced. And yes, several years ago she had her own braces, and had looked at them hundreds of times in the mirror, and run her tongue over them just as many times. But this was different: she was being intimate with someone ELSE's braces.

And it felt good!

Before ending the kiss, she let her tongue explore a little lower, touching his lower braces: they felt just as exciting as Tom's upper ones. Carol decided that, perhaps, that was enough for a first proper kiss... any more, and Tom might starts asking questions. Besides, if, as it seemed, they were now in some form of relationship, she would have plenty of chances to expore his braces further.

Carol pulled her tongue back into her mouth, letting her lips linger a second or two more, then finally ended the kiss.

"Tom, I love you! Mind you, I didn't feel that way a couple of days ago, just ask that drum kit over there!"

"I'm sorry. That bad was it?"

"Yes, it was. Come on, let's go get a coffee. Besides, I need to thank Callum. And maybe you should meet Brian and Lisa too."


"Hello Sarah!"

"Oh, hi Carol, not spoken to you for at least a couple of days! I'm guessing you need a favour - that seems to be the only time you guys call me!"

"Depends if you'd like the chance of an exclusive?"

"Ah, someone who's speaking my language. I'm definitely listening!"

"You free this evening?". There was a pause of a couple of seconds.

"I probably will be, after a phone call, why?"

Carol took a big breath: she was about to tell the first person, outside of her immediate circle of friends, about Tom. "I have a new boyfriend! And we need to go public about it before we're found out."

"In that case, I'm DEFINITELY free tonight! Who is it? And what's your plan?"

"His name is Tom, Tom Sharpe. He's a presenter at Croydon Radio.."

"Ah, ok...."

"So I was thinking about taking him somewhere suitably nice for dinner. You can meet us beforehand and get some pics, then maybe get some sly shots through the restaurant window. After you send off your exclusive pics, call your friends, and meet us outside the restaurant afterwards."

Carol heard a giggle on the phone. "You've got this off to a tee, haven't you! Jenny been giving you lessons? So what you gonna tell me about this guy then?"

"The funny thing is that I don't know a huge amount about him, but he knows a huge amount about me." She went on to explain about the 3-hour 'interview' on his show. And the several cups of coffee since...


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #103 on: 04. July 2023, 14:25:16 PM »
Chapter 67 - Dinner

Carol got into the taxi, explaining to the Uber driver where they would be going, but that they needed to collect someone else first, but it was on the way.

To most, going out on an 'official first date" would be 100% pleasure, but for Carol tonight it would be a mix of business and pleasure. Carol sent Sarah a text: "on the way to collect Tom...". Tom was waiting exactly where he said he would be: the taxi stopped, and he got in, giving Carol a kiss. Given that not only was this a first date, but an important 'photo opportunity' too, they were both dressed up quite smartly. Carol had managed to get a table at a very acceptable restaurant, very suitable for a lady like Carol to take her new boyfriend to.

The plan was to let the taxi drop them off a couple of minutes walk from where they needed to be, and that Sarah would be nearby, waiting to take some pictures.

The taxi arrived, and Carol paid the driver, but didn't get out immediately. She looked around, and quickly spotted Sarah. Good, she was alone. "Ok, this is it. Don't worry about Sarah, she's going to get some good pictures, but won't get in our way. Just try and be normal...."

"That's easy for you to say, I'm as nervous as...". Carol leaned over and kissed Tom.

Tom opened the door, and got out: he heard a very quiet 'click'. Then Carol got out, walking around to Tom: several more 'clicks'. They started walking, straight towards Sarah, who managed to get some great pictures. "Give her a nice smile" whispered Carol. Tom smiled, revealing the metal on his teeth. 'click' 'click'.

"Hi Sarah! Get what you need so far? This is Tom, by the way."

"I guessed that bit. Hi Tom, nice to meet you! I'm Sarah." 'click', 'click. "Now, you two go have a great evening together! I'll see you both afterwards!"

Carol and Tom walked the short distance to the restaurant, with Sarah grabbing a couple more pics as they went inside, and a couple more through the window. While Tom and Sarah had their dinner, Sarah went into a cafe not too far away, and sent off some of the pictures and associated copy to several agencies and newspapers: with luck, one or two of them would use her pictures in the morning, and Sarah would be able to pay a few more of the bills. After that, she made a couple of phone calls, to 'tip off' a couple of other photographers she knew.

Carol and Tom had a very pleasant, and undisturbed, dinner together. "Hey, just turn around slowly, and look at the front window...." said Carol to Tom. She had just discretely texted Sarah to let her know they'd be leaving soon, and had spotted a couple of faces, no doubt with cameras, at the window. Earlier on, she'd had a discrete word with the maitre d' of the restaurant, so he wouldn't panic when he saw them.

Tom, like many guys, was used to looking after himself, as well as being protective of any lady he might be with. Tonight, the tables were turned, and he needed to let someone else protect him, and guide him. It felt strange, but he was starting to know Carol enough to realise that she could help protect him, at least from the press.

"Thank you for a lovely evening," said Tom with a smile, "The food was lovely, the company even better!". As Carol saw that lovely smile, which by now had a bit of food stuck in it, she felt very happy. The last couple of days had been very BAD days. Today was a very GOOD day! "I need to go to the gents, sort out my smile...." said Tom.

"Yes, you wouldn't want food in your braces when you see yourself on the front page of the 'Mail', now would you?" joked Carol. "I guess I need to rinse my mouth out too, and put my retainer back in too."

"Most people wouldn't bother..." commented Tom.

"Well, you should know by now I'm not 'most people'. Besides, if both you and Jenny can flaunt your metal smiles in public, why can't I?". While Tom went to the gents to brush his teeth, Carol went to the ladies. She remembered back to her teens, when she had metal brackets like Tom had now: any time she ate something, she needed to at least rinse her mouth, to get rid of anything stuck in her braces. And after every meal, she needed to properly brush and floss her teeth to get rid of all the bits. She also remembered the day she got her braces off: it was SOOO easy to brush her teeth!

Carol looked in the mirror at her teeth, running her tongue over the naughty canine that had slightly moved: it felt like it was back where it should be, meaning the retainer had done its job nicely, but she knew that, if she didn't keep wearing it, the tooth could easily move back again. But she didn't mind: it no longer affected her speech, and she had proven the other week that she could actually sing ok with it in too. Besides, there was still a slight excitement knowing that others would see that she 'had to wear braces'. Then she thought back to Tom's braces, which also gave her a bit of a thrill, especially when she ran her tongue over those lovely metal brackets of his.

Having rinsed her mouth out, she got the retainer box out of her small bag, took her retainers out, and looked at them: made of clear pink plastic, the plastic on the top one stopped a bit before her teeth, and there was a plastic covered spring, pressing on the back of her teeth, matched by the spring at the front. It had more clasps than normal retainers, to make sure it stayed in place whilst slightly moving her wayward canine back into its proper place. She put her top plate into her mouth, and pushed it into place with a quiet 'click', then did the same with the lower one. It still amazed her how quickly she had got used to wearing retainers again.

Several minutes later, Carol took Tom's hand. "You ready? Don't worry, I'll do most of the talking!". They went to the door, which one of the staff opened for them, to be greeted by four photographers, one of them Sarah of course. Carol took Tom out from the restaurant, and to the left, where they stopped.

"Hello everyone! I'm guessing you know who I am, but let me introduce you to my new boyfriend. This is Tom, Tom Sharpe, he's a presenter at Croydon Radio." Carol quickly looked around. "Why don't we go over there, and you can take some proper pictures of us...". They were in a pedestrian area, and went over to where there was a tree and a few bushes, and the two of them stood together in front, giving a nice background. "Hey, is that Chris behind the camera there? Hi Chris!"

"Hello Carol. And Tom, you said?"

"That's right. Go on, Tom, say hello.."

"Hi everyone!" said Tom, a little nervously.

"Ok, cameras ready?" asked Carol, as she leaned over and gave Tom a gentle kiss on his lips, and held the pose for a couple of seconds. "So, if you need any more details, have a word with Sarah. We're going to go get a taxi, but do feel free to follow us at a suitable distance, I'm sure you'd like some pics of us getting onto the taxi! By the way, same rules apply for Tom as for Ben and Mike: he has a private life, and he doesn't want to be disturbed if I'm not with him. Understood?".

Carol also knew that Sarah would have had a discrete word with them too, so hopefully word would quickly get around.


"I really don't know how you did that," said Tom as they were being driven home. "You had them eating out of the palms of your hands!"

"Yeah, we have a pretty good symbiosis with them. We always try to take a few extra moments to be nice to them and give them what they need, and they respect us in return. They know that Sarah will have got some pictures earlier on, but they understand that without her, they wouldn't have even been there tonight. So, we all win." Carol paused for a moment. "Were you ok with all that?"

"Yes, it was surprisingly pleasant. Thank you, I now understand what you said earlier about 'protecting' me."

"Ok, so that was part one...."

"Part one?"

"Yeah, the press. Part two is next: I need to do some social media now. Need to melt the internet. It's usually Jenny that does that!" Carol took her phone in her hand. "Now, give me a nice sexy smile....". <click>.

"I have a new boyfriend, his name is Tom, he's a presenter on Croydon Radio. Please be nice to him!" said her first post.

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #104 on: 05. July 2023, 16:07:05 PM »
Chapter 68 - Carol needs to be somewhere else!

"Half a moment," said Carol, "it's Thursday today, isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's right!" replied Tom.

Carol turned to the taxi driver. "Sorry to be a pain, but we need to go somewhere else, it's about another 10 to 15 minutes, you going to be ok with that?"

"Sure, no problem, where do you want to go?" asked the driver. To be honest, a fare is a fare to a taxi, and a longer drive equals more money!

"The Crown pub....". Carol described where it was.

"Yeah, that's fine...."

"The Crown?" asked Tom.

"Yeah, it's Open Mic night! I can't miss it!"

"What, dressed up like THIS?"

"Why not?". She put her arm around Tom and pulled him towards her, giving him a quick kiss on his lips. Just under 15 minutes later they arrived at the Crown. Carol gave the driver a nice tip.

Tom opened the front door of the pub, and Carol went in, then straight through to the door to where the Open Mic was going on. A couple of people sat near the door turned, and saw her, then cheered and started clapping. The rest of the audience were watching Kevin, who was on stage in the middle of a song, but they turned and saw who it was, and also started cheering and clapping.

Kevin stopped playing. "Well, I clearly can't compete with THAT, can I?" and he too clapped, welcoming Carol. "Hey, welcome home!" he commented. Then, in a highly sarcastic voice added "But what sort of time do you call this? You're a bit late....", and he smiled.

Carol took Tom's hand and pretty much dragged him to the front, then up on to the stage, and stood behind the second (currently spare) microphone. "Umm, sorry I'm a bit late, I had a rather important personal issue I needed to take care of!" she said, both pointing to and looking straight at Tom. "This is Tom, he's my new boyfriend!". Of course, everyone there knew who Carol was, and understood that a new boyfriend for a pop star was a pretty big thing. Besides, Carol was their 'friend', and they felt good for her... so everyone clapped, and cheered.

"Hi Tom!" said Kevin when the noise died down. "Hey, do you play or sing?"

"I'm afraid not, but I CAN play the CD player!"

"He works ar Croydon Radio" explained Carol.

"Oh, right, THAT Tom!! Well, Tom, welcome to our little gathering. Is your... errr... girlfriend planning on playing for us tonight? I mean, she's not dressed like I'd expect her to be..."

"I'm kinda assuming that's why we diverted into here..." replied Tom.

"I took Tom out for dinner this evening - I'm sure you'll see the pictures in the paper tomorrow morning - and on the way back I suddenly realised what day it was. And there's no WAY I was going to miss out!". There were more cheers from the crowd.

"Look, you two go and get a drink and sort yourselves out, I'm sure Simon will squeeze you in the program somewhere!" said Kevin, who then continued his song.


"Hey, Kevin, mind if I borrow your guitar? I didn't remember to pack mine, I was rather distracted!"

"Sure.." he said, passing it to her. Carol then went up onto the stage, and sat on the stool, strumming the guitar so Simon could set the levels.

"Well, life has been so busy the last few weeks. Hey, I hope you enjoyed the video from Korea I sent you?". The crowd cheered. "That was such fun to do... getting everyone involved." Carol started to strum the guitar... "Baby shark, doo de doo doo...." she sang briefly. "Hmm, maybe not!". The audience appreciated Carols humour, with many of them laughing.

"So, about 4 weeks ago, we were asked at short notice to go over to Seoul, to perform one of our old songs on TV with a Korean K-pop girl band. Which we did, but we also stayed a couple of extra weeks to do some dance training. And quite a bit of eating and drinking... and visiting amazing places too. The girl-band is called 'Jelly Fish' and they were lovely girls, we spent a lot of time with them. And yes, we were all inspired by being over in Korea, and I'm sure we're going to have a few new songs come out of it, but here's a silly one that ... well, I'm not quite sure who came up with the idea originally, but Linda took it and ran with it. You see, one of the 'Jelly Fish' girls got braces while we were there, and we persuaded her to get multi-coloured ligs - ah, yeah, they're the tiny coloured rubber band things that go onto braces," explained Carol, pointing at her own mouth. "The next day, one of Jenny's brackets broke off, so we all went to the same ortho to get it fixed, and we made HER get the same multi-coloured ligs as Yun Hee... So they became braces buddies. Paige reckons we should release it as our next single! It's called... 'Braces Buddies'!"

Carol started to strum Kevin's guitar. "Braces Buddies, they are braces buddies... Yun Hee and Jenny are braces buddies... with matching metal braces.... and matching neon colours... they are a pair of braces buddies". Luckily they had all been playing it yesterday, so the words were fresh in her mind.

As everyone clapped at the end of the song, Carol looked out at the audience, and at Tom, who was smiling. "I get a feeling that some of you understand that song better than others!" commented Carol, laughing. "So, as I suspect you've realised by now, I'm completely unprepared for tonight. Anyone got a favourite they'd like me to play? Hey, Kevin, come and join me!".

"I would, but someone stole my guitar."

"Oh, you can have it back and play it, I'll just sing along with you..."


Carol came back and sat with Tom, who put his hand gently on hers. "Your music is really important to you, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is." she replied, looking at him. In her mind she was trying to work out which was MORE important: her music or a relationship with Tom. Somehow she would have to fit them both into her life. Tom was having similar thoughts: for many reasons, he knew that going out with Carol would be unlike any other relationship he had ever had before.
