
Author Topic: Calling all writers....  (Read 11066 times)

Offline Sparky

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Calling all writers....
« on: 20. May 2023, 21:58:43 PM »
So, my local amateur theatre is running a writing competition, for people to write a play no longer than 10 minutes long. So, I was wondering if that could be adapted for here: write a short story ... but how short is short? I just looked at one of my own very short stories, and it was around 2600 words.

So, the task: write a short story in 2500 words or less. It will, I am sure, include braces.

The theme (although NOT the title!) will be the same as for that 10 minute play: "Snakes and ladders". Interpret it how you like.

Offline xxxforce

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #1 on: 21. May 2023, 00:04:44 AM »
"Brace Pride Journey"

Sarah stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, frowning at the metallic glint that adorned her teeth. Orthodontic braces. They were supposed to straighten her teeth and give her a perfect smile, but right now, they felt like a burden. She sighed, adjusting the wire on one of the brackets, then ran her tongue along the rough surface.

It had been a month since Sarah's braces were fitted, and she still hadn't gotten used to them. Her friends teased her, calling her "Metal Mouth" and "Brace Face." The jokes stung, and Sarah often found herself avoiding social situations, fearing the unkind remarks.

One afternoon, Sarah's mom suggested a trip to the local park. It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining brightly overhead. Sarah hesitated, unsure about facing the outside world with her braces on full display. But something within her pushed her to give it a try.

As they strolled through the park, Sarah noticed a group of children playing a game of Snakes and Ladders on a picnic table. Curiosity piqued, she watched as they rolled the dice and moved their tokens along the colorful board. It reminded her of her own journey with braces—a game of chance, filled with ups and downs.

Sarah's eyes fell on a girl around her age, Lily, who had the most radiant smile. It was as if her braces were just an accessory, enhancing her charm rather than detracting from it. Intrigued, Sarah mustered the courage to approach her.

"Hi, I'm Sarah," she said, smiling nervously.

Lily returned the smile, her braces shining. "Hey, Sarah! Nice to meet you. Do you want to play?"

Sarah nodded, joining the game. As they rolled the dice and moved their tokens, Sarah realized that the game mirrored her own experiences. The ladders represented the moments of progress—the adjustments that brought her closer to her desired smile. The snakes, on the other hand, symbolized the setbacks—the painful tightening and occasional discomfort.

Throughout the game, Sarah and Lily shared stories about their orthodontic journeys. Lily spoke of the initial discomfort and how she had gradually grown accustomed to it. She shared tips and tricks, like using dental wax to soothe irritated gums and embracing colorful rubber bands to make the braces more fun.

As Sarah listened, she began to see her braces in a different light. They were not a hindrance but a stepping stone to the smile she had always wanted. Inspired by Lily's confidence, she felt a renewed sense of determination.

Days turned into weeks, and Sarah's perspective shifted. She no longer saw her braces as an obstacle but as a reminder of her commitment to self-improvement. The teasing from her friends bothered her less, and she even started to embrace her "Metal Mouth" nickname, owning it with a sense of humor.

With each visit to the orthodontist, Sarah felt a sense of progress. Her teeth were shifting, slowly but surely, into alignment. The discomfort and occasional pain became more manageable, and she became adept at caring for her braces. She even started experimenting with different colored bands, turning her braces into a fashion statement.

As Sarah's treatment progressed, her confidence soared. She no longer shied away from social gatherings or smiled timidly to hide her braces. Instead, she beamed with pride, knowing that her braces were a testament to her resilience and commitment to personal growth.

One sunny afternoon, Sarah found herself back at the park where she had first met Lily. They sat on a bench, chatting and laughing, their braces glistening in the sunlight. Sarah reflected on her journey—the highs and lows, the moments of doubt and the newfound self-assurance.

"You know, Lily," Sarah said,

 her voice filled with gratitude, "I used to see braces as a burden. But now, they feel like a badge of honor—a symbol of my strength and determination."

Lily smiled, her braces gleaming. "I'm glad I could help you see that, Sarah. Embracing our journey and the obstacles we face is what makes us stronger."

As Sarah looked at her reflection in the park's pond, she saw not just the braces but a reflection of resilience and growth. The game of Snakes and Ladders had taught her that life was a series of ups and downs, but it was how she navigated those challenges that defined her.

With newfound confidence, Sarah stood up, ready to face the world. She no longer saw her braces as a burden but as a reminder of her own strength and the beautiful smile that awaited her at the end of this journey.


Written by xxxforce ChatGPT (Sorry i cheated  ;) ) But it's still incredible what this tool could generate within seconds... 

Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #2 on: 21. May 2023, 00:32:52 AM »
I don't consider what AI programs can do as writing. It is just taking what real writers have done and copying it with a few tweaks to make it seem different. If you actually take what the AI gave you and turn it into a real story, I would enjoy seeing what you come up with.

I'll be honest, I can't write short stories that are worth reading.

Offline Sparky

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #3 on: 21. May 2023, 03:04:36 AM »
Once I saw that it was chat gpt, I coukd feel thst style ... chat gpt has a very distinct style to it's stories...

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #4 on: 21. May 2023, 05:06:48 AM »
I could tell before they said it was by chat gpt. They are all about resilience and growth and it has metaphors that no human would actually use. They hate it, and then they love it by the end, purely because the characters are so optimistic and see the bright side of things when times get bad.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #5 on: 21. May 2023, 05:27:07 AM »
I have an idea for, what I think, would be a good “snakes and ladder” short story.  I worked it out in my head on the drive home.  But no orthodontia is involved.  Would I be wasting my time to type it out here?

Offline anton08

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #6 on: 21. May 2023, 09:04:04 AM »
ChatGPT adds a lot of rubbish and fake to our times, so it matches them. So sad!  :(

Offline xxxforce

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #7 on: 21. May 2023, 11:21:33 AM »
I personally never used ChatGPT before, this was just an opportunity to test it for me.
I prefer myself human-written storys, because they're absolutely more lively.
There are many Pro's And cons to it, but still it's quite interesting what this tool could do.

Offline Sparky

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #8 on: 21. May 2023, 16:16:39 PM »
I have an idea for, what I think, would be a good “snakes and ladder” short story.  I worked it out in my head on the drive home.  But no orthodontia is involved.  Would I be wasting my time to type it out here?

It's only a short story, so yeah, go for it!!!! I don't remember a rule that all postings / stories must include braces!!! :-)

Offline Cassandra

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #9 on: 21. May 2023, 17:01:04 PM »
Short stories do not come easily to me! They take longer to plan and work out than the long ones, at least when I do it!

Snakes and ladders… I guess this is the same as chutes and ladders? So, it’s a race, but the winner wins purely by chance. I can see finding a way to make this about braces :) I’d love to read what others come up with, though. I’ve been fairly short on creative energy more recently but I’d be happy to cheer everyone else on <3

Offline Sparky

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #10 on: 21. May 2023, 18:15:34 PM »
Yup, it seems so:


"The most widely known edition of snakes and ladders in the United States is Chutes and Ladders, released by Milton Bradley in 1943. The playground setting replaced the snakes, which were disliked by children at the time."

(and you thought that sort of thing was a 2020's thing?)

Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....Snakes And Ladders #1
« Reply #11 on: 22. May 2023, 18:50:36 PM »
Okay, here is my attempt to write a short story using Sparky's rules.

It's around 1000 words and has snakes and ladders as part of the story. Let me know what you think.

Snakes And Ladders

By Braceface2015

My girlfriend sets the box in front of me and says, “Let’s play a game.”

I’ve seen this box or one like it since we were old enough to play board games. This particular box is heavy cardboard and was printed before I was born or at least it seems like it. The box has been sitting in the cupboard along with all the other games at my Grandparent's cabin since it was built.

We’ve known each other since she moved into the house next door before we started school. She’s always had a competitive attitude and we’ve had fun almost every day competing in some way, whether it was who could eat the most crackers without drinking something or who could stare without blinking the longest. This is just another example of the competition.

It’s just a simple game of ‘snakes and ladders’, but we always find ways to make our competitions more fun. I say, “Okay, what do I get when I win?”

She grins, her braces flashing in the dim light from the lamps. “You get to ask me one question, and no matter what it is, I have to answer completely honestly.”

I smile at her, and my lips slide over my new braces. The braces are the result of another bet we made. The look of her teeth has bothered her all her life and she has finally been able to do something about them. We both work for the same company and the health insurance plan has an orthodontic clause which reduces the total cost of the treatment, but it only covers the cheapest style of braces and only at a few clinics.

I won’t say she cheated when we made the bet, but I found out she heavily stacked the odds in her favour without telling me. She won and I had to get braces at the same time she did, and I have to keep mine as long as she has hers. It hasn’t been as bad as I expected it to be. She did reward me for going through with getting the braces by kissing me, repeatedly and with enthusiasm, as soon as we could find a secluded spot after getting them on.

As she sets up the board for the game, she adds an interesting twist. “Every time you land on a snake, you have to put one set of elastics on. If you land on a ladder, you can take one set off. The game doesn’t just end when one of us lands on the ‘finish’, if they have elastics on, they have to go back ten spaces for each elastic and continue.”

I’m not sure how she is stacking the odds in her favour, but there has to be a way she is doing it. Just like all the games in the cupboard, pieces have been lost and replaced by others, and the dice are no exception. She hands me one set and takes the other. We even have to compete to see who goes first, and a best-of-three game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ decides she is first.

I’m the first one to land on a snake and she hands me a bright orange pair of elastics to connect between my canines. We stay pretty even for a while, and she ends up with purple, pink, green and yellow elastics scattered throughout her mouth. I have her run them across the front of her teeth in an X pattern to stop her from opening her mouth. She retaliates by having me do a box shape on both sides, effectively doubling the force of the elastics and stopping me from moving my jaws apart.

She’s the first one to land on the finish and removes one set of elastics. It takes her back to a snake and she has to put them back on. It takes me a while to get the right combination of dice to land on the finish and I remove two sets of elastics and land on a ladder, so I can remove another set of elastics.

She lands on a ladder, and she does something I didn’t know she can do. She uses her tongue to remove the elastics instead of her fingers. My mouth would drop open if it could, but I have a set of elastics holding my teeth together. She’s not done just yet. She rolls her dice and lands on the ‘finish’ square again. She only has one set of elastics left, and that means she is going to land on the snake again, so she runs her tongue over the elastics and moves her piece to the bottom of the snake.

I land on a ladder, which means I can remove my last set of elastics. On the next roll, I have the right combination and land on the ‘finish’ square. It’s nice to win the game, but my girlfriend isn’t ready to concede defeat just yet. She moves beside me and pulls my face to hers, then kisses me. Her tongue snakes into mine and I get lost in the kiss. Her hands go behind my head and she gets vigorous with her tongue, snaking back and forth between our mouths.

I laugh as she pulls back slightly. I have one set of elastics on my canines, and there is another set connecting us together. The opportunity is too good to miss, and I pull her onto my lap and kiss her back. She won’t let me get my fingers between us to remove the elastics joining us, so I have to wait until her magic tongue disconnects us.

She moves my piece back to the snake and hands me the elastics she removed.

I get a chance to say, “That’s cheating you know, I removed all my elastics before you did and finished the game.”

She smiles at me, her braces sparkling in the lamplight and the elastics across her mouth glistening with the moisture left from our kiss. “Is that the question you want me to answer?”

I return her smile, my lips catching on the edges of the brackets I so recently received. “Actually, no. I have a better question for you. Will you marry me?”

Her smile gets bigger and her eyes begin to sparkle as tears form in the corners of her eyes. Instead of answering me with words, she puts her face against mine again and uses her tongue to connect our mouths together with the elastics remaining on our teeth.

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #12 on: 22. May 2023, 21:28:56 PM »
Takiing up Sparky's challenge, I offer version 1.0 of a story entitled "Melissa":


Myths develop like pearls.  A story becomes embellished with each retelling, until it no longer resembles the speck of grit that started it all.  So it is with my myth too.  Perhaps more so because mine had already matured, and even fragmented into different versions, many generations ago.

My childhood could hardly have been happier or more fortunate.
As the youngest of three sisters, and something of a late lamb, my every whim was more than satisfied.  That's what everyone said, anyway, and I have no reason to doubt it.  I was certainly doted on.

Dad ran a shipping company.  Literally -- Gordon Shipping.  His wharfside office provided endless opportunities for a pretty little girl with a mop of unruly red hair to play hide-and-seek, to splash paint onto crates, or to help fishermen mend their nets and baskets whenever I wasn't in school.  We had a house with a garden not far away from the docs, but I loved being fussed over by his many clerks and assistants too much to spend much time at home.

I was twelve when Mr Novotny first strode into the office as though he owned the business.  Finely tailored clothes advertised his wealth, and that he hadn't inherited it.  Arms like thighs waved hands like paddles that flexed fingers that looked like wrinkle sausages from working hard for every penny.  More than a few of those pennies had been traded for the gold hoops that weighed down his earlobes and the chains tangled in the the coarse hair that sprouted from somewhere below his collar.  The rest of his hair, with one exception, would have dripped pomade if he'd spent too long under a hot sun.  Inky eyes noticed nobody between him and the stairs leading to the mezzanine balcony.  Two leaps and as many hauls brought him to the top, to Dad's desk, onto which he flung a banker's note as if it were a sack of gold coin.  Everyone downstairs suddenly had work to do.

It was the same every time he darkened the doorway to do business with Dad.  Until I was thirteen.  Those black pits of eyes spotted me, reading in a coil of hawsers.  Those boots tacked away from the office.  Those terrifying hand plucked me out of my nest while making it clear that I wasn't being asked to comply.

I stopped feeling pretty after that.  That's the first gritty grain of truth in the tale.  I resisted becoming a young lady.  I resisted the well-intentioned ministrations of my sisters who were themselves perfecting those arts.  My hair resisted their efforts to brush out the tangles until it was clear that my curls could never be restored to their former glory.  My braids were left to mat.  My skin sallowed until even my pimples had pimples.  My smile vanished as my eyes darkened and my teeth grew ever more crooked.  Despite their and Mom's best efforts, if I absolutely had to attend my first ball, would be in a frock of mousy velvet and leathery wings rather than in a froth of white lace.
I looked cadaverous, and I preferred it that way.

Percival was the last person to whom my family would have turned in search of a miracle.  I'd been lectured, blessed, incanted and prayed over, bled, prodded and poked.  I'd seen shamans, druids, herbalists, apothecaries, surgeons, physicians witches and even a priest to exorcise my demons.  Vile potions, acrid smoke, icy water, leeches.  Mom baulked at the idea of trephination, but nothing else had achieved the results they all prayed for.  I'd turned into a fang-toothed hobgoblin, and it seemed that nothing and nobody could turn me into their beautiful daughter and sister again.

I actually burst out laughing when he rapped on the door.  He looked barely older than I was, twice my height, half my weight and clinging to his ornate walking staff to avoid being blown away by the breeze flapping his trouser legs.  He looked ridiculously adorable with his skew-whiff hat, skew-whiff glasses and skew-whiff tie at his collar that looked several sizes too big.  We got on immediately.  He was as antithetical to machismo as I was to femininity.  I was wrong about that, but it was the only reason I gave him the time of day.

He liked Dad.  Not only in the way that one likes a wealthy prospective customer.  It was that Dad pronounced his surname correctly immediately after seeing it printed on his calling card.  Asklepiades.  Probably only because Dad had several Greek clients.  But, as sceptical and even cynical as everyone had become this time, and in light of my appearing less resistant than usual, Percy accompanied me and Mom upstairs for an examination.

"Helping you to regain your confidence will take time," he said when we'd all reconvened downstairs again to hear what he had to say.  This was generally a source of entertainment for the family and anyone else who happened to be visiting at the time, but Percy was the first healer who had ever addressed me rather than the person he'd hoped would pay him.  "If you'll allow me, there are several things I can do, but it will mostly be time that will do the work while we're busy."
"What will it cost?" Dad asked.
"A dance, but only when we've finished," Percy responded as I thrilled at the idea.  "Do you have a scarf, or maybe a wig?  We'll have to start by cutting those elflocks of yours.  Your hair is such a pretty colour.  And you have such a lovely smile."
"With teeth like that?" Mom said.  "I"m sorry, honey."  It was true, though.  On a scale of one to vampire, my fangs were well beyond werewolf.
"They don't have to look like that forever, Mrs Gordon.  It's not as though they're set in stone.  We know that bone is alive because it can heal after being broken.  Perhaps it can be moulded as well."

It did take time.  Lots of time.  My skin healed first, most likely as a result of long walks with Percy.  They'd started out chaperoned by one or other of my sisters, but they soon had better things to do.  I looked rather unappealing anyway, with a knitted hat over my bum-fluff and the bronze framework in my mouth that was gradually pushing and pulling my teeth into position.  Kissing would certainly be awkward, but everyone was sure I'd be able to shout if I needed to.  I was the only one who was sure I wouldn't need to.  It did take a long time, and it was painful, but eventually it was apparent that the metalwork he'd so painstakingly fashioned and then repeated refashioned was doing its job.  He'd been correct in his assumptions, and my teeth were looking better.  At least whenever he removed the framework to make some adjustment.

Percy earned far more than a dance.  He's the love of my life, and afterlife.  And we both laugh at the myth.  There never was a bronze mirror.  Unlike most men, and despite my best efforts, he was never afraid to look at me, and to see the vulnerable young girl behind the mask she'd created.  My head remained firmly on my neck.  All he took to show others were sketches as he brought my fangs into alignment with the rest of my teeth.  By then, my snake-like elflocks had long-since been consigned to the fire.  I never did regain the spectacular fiery curls of my youth, but I did have a lovely strawberry-blonde mane until it faded into whiteness as we aged.  Percy never minded that.  By then, he'd begun to rely on his staff to get around.  We'd had a similar one made for me, although the spiral on mine was never as clearly defined as the snake that climbed his.

Oh, and as for my name -- it's Melissa, although the myth probably does fairly reflect my mumbling through pursed lips and crooked teeth before Percy saved me.  Yes, he killed Medusa, but we still live happily ever after.

Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #13 on: 23. May 2023, 01:48:14 AM »
I like the ancient setting of the story. Having the braces handmade and adjusted by someone not specifically trained is a nice touch.

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #14 on: 23. May 2023, 11:11:42 AM »
I like the ancient setting of the story. Having the braces handmade and adjusted by someone not specifically trained is a nice touch.

Thank you.  I had to try long and hard to come up with something that would come close to Sparky's wonderfully quirky storytelling.

I like the detail in your story too, and I'm a sucker for a squishy ending.

Offline Sparky

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #15 on: 23. May 2023, 12:08:14 PM »
Thank you.  I had to try long and hard to come up with something that would come close to Sparky's wonderfully quirky storytelling.

I work on the principle that there's quite a few "mainstream braces" stories on here... boy or girl has bad teeth / needs braces / wants braces / gets extreme mouthwear etc. So it's nice to have a bit of fun. As BF2015 has commented many times: whilst my early stories were 'braces stories', these days I tend to 'write stories that contain braces'.... which allows me to do silly things.... like kill off my 4 main characters.... (or have I?)

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #16 on: 25. May 2023, 11:10:32 AM »
I hope you'll all indulge my reposting my story in revised form:


Myths develop like pearls.  They become embellished with retelling until they no longer resemble the grains of truth that started them.  It's certainly so with my story.  Perhaps more so than with some, because mine had already matured and fragmented into different versions many generations ago.

My childhood could hardly have been happier or more fortunate.
As the youngest of three sisters and something of a late lamb, I always had someone attending to my every whim.  That's what everyone said, anyway, and I have no reason to doubt it.  I was doted upon.

Dad ran a shipping company when that still implied vessels crossing oceans with cargo.  His wharfside office provided endless opportunities for a pretty little girl with a mop of unruly red hair to play hide-and-seek, splash paint onto crates, or learn to knot and splice.  We had a house with a garden not far from the docks, but I preferred being fussed over by his clerks and their assistants and by the fishermen with whom I shared tea while we mended their nets and baskets.

I was not quite eleven when Mr Nepton first strode into the office as though he owned it.  Finely tailored clothes advertised his wealth and fit over a frame that showed he hadn't inherited it.  Arms like thighs waved hands like paddles.  His sausage fingers were soft and wrinkly, but had obviously once worked hard for every penny.  More than a few of those pennies had been traded for the gold hoops that weighed down his earlobes and the chains tangled in the coarse hair that sprouted from his collar.  His silvering queue and beard were fastened with more gold.  Inky eyes acknowledged nobody between him and the stairs leading to the mezzanine balcony.  Two leaps and as many hauls brought him to the top, to Dad's desk, onto which he flung a banker's note as if it were a sack of gold coin.  Everyone downstairs suddenly had work to do.

It was the same on each of the many times he darkened the doorway to conduct his business.  Until I was twelve.  He may have intended to see Dad again, but those black pits of eyes had spotted me first, lounging in a coil of hawsers.  Those boots had tacked away from the office.  One terrifying hand had plucked me out of my nest.  The other that flung my doll aside had made it clear I wasn't being asked to comply.

I didn't feel pretty after that.  That's the first speck of grit in the tale.  I resisted becoming a young lady.  I avoided the well-intentioned ministrations of my sisters who'd begun practising the feminine arts.  Unlike theirs, my hair defied all efforts to brush out the tangles until it was clear that my curls could never be restored to their former glory.  I left my braids to mat, and my skin to sallow until even my pimples had pimples.  My smile vanished too as my eyes darkened and my teeth came in crooked.  Despite their and Mom's best efforts, if I couldn't avoid attending my first ball, it would be in mousy grey gunny, not bright satin and lace.
I looked cadaverous.  I preferred it that way.

I actually burst out laughing seeing Percy trying to look dignified the first time he rapped on our door.  He seemed the last person my family would have turned to in their quest for a miracle.  I'd been lectured, blessed, incanted and prayed over.  Bled, prodded and poked.  I'd been subjected to the best efforts of herbalists, apothecaries, surgeons, physicians, and even a priest to exorcise my demons.  Vile potions, acrid smoke, holy water or leeches -- nothing delivered what they all prayed for.  Their little girl had been replaced by a fang-toothed goblin, and it seemed that nothing and nobody could return their daughter and sister to them again.

He looked barely older than I was, twice my height, half my weight and clinging to his ornate walking staff to avoid being blown away by the breeze that teased his trouser legs.  He looked ridiculously adorable in his battered hat, threadbare topcoat and shirt that looked several sizes too big.  He seemed as antithetical to masculinity as I was to femininity.  I was wrong, as it happens, but that immediate impression led to my agreeing to one more pointless examination before Mom resorted to trephination.

Dad had no trouble with his surname, and pronounced it correctly the first time he said it.  It might have been because Dad had several Greek clients.  It might also have been that he'd treated Dad with the respect of equals rather than as a wealthy prospective customer.  Dad had no hesitation sending Percival Asclepiades upstairs with Mom and me.

"Helping you regain your confidence will take time," he said when we'd reconvened downstairs again to hear what he had to say.  This was when the family and anyone else who happened to be visiting usually gathered for a bit of light entertainment.  Nobody sniggered at Percy.  He was the first healer who'd ever addressed me rather than the person he'd hoped would pay him.  "If you allow me, there are several things I can do, but it will mostly be time that will do the work while we're busy."
"What will it cost?" Dad asked.
"A dance with the most beautiful young lady in the land."  He'd turned to address me again.  "... but only when she feels ready."  I already felt ready.  "Do you have a veil or maybe a wig?  We'll have to start by shaving off those ropes.  Your hair is such a pretty colour.  And you have such a beautiful smile."
"... just a pity she never uses it," Mom said.  It was true that my natural expression had settled into a scowl that hid my teeth from view.  On a scale of nought to vampire, they were around werewolf.
"She will, Missus George.  All in good time.  We know bone's alive because it knits after being broken.  It can be reshaped as well.  Cleopatra's beauty didn't come easily either."

My skin healed quickly, most likely from our walks around the village.  One or other of my sisters would chaperone us at first, but they soon had better things to do and we never went beyond earshot anyway.  I knew I wouldn't need to call out, or even want to.  Everything else took time.  Lots of time.  When we weren't walking, I wrote countless letters that he burned without reading them.  I sang to his accompaniment on the flute and I read him poems as best I could while wearing the ivory splint he'd so painstakingly fashioned and then repeatedly refashioned and refastened again to my teeth with catgut.  I pinched my teeth whenever he removed it until they and my fingers and thumbs ached equally, then scrubbed them with his powders before he tied it in again.  It did take a long time, it was painful, and the results were imperfect apart from learning the worth of my smile.

Percy earned far more than a dance.  He's the love of my life.  And afterlife.  And we both laugh at the myth.  The only bronze mirror was the one he had me use.  Unlike other men, he was never afraid to look at me.  My head remains firmly on my neck.  Of his hundreds of sketches, the only one that had showed my snake-like elflocks had been consigned to the fire with them.  I never did regain the fiery curls of my youth, but I did grow a strawberry-blonde mane.  Percy never minded its fading into dawn clouds as we aged.  By then, he really had begun to rely on his staff, and we'd had a similar one made for me.  The spiral on mine wasn't as clearly defined as the snake that climbed his.

Oh, and as for my name -- it's Melissa.  Melissa George, although my name in the myth does reflect well the way I must have mumbled through his remarkable contraption.


Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #17 on: 25. May 2023, 17:24:38 PM »
The second version is more polished. The way you changed it makes it clearer what you want to say. In my opinion, you should have waited to post the story until you had it in the final form, the one you were happiest with.

For me, I think the treatment in the first version is better.

I've enjoyed both versions of your story.

Offline bracessd

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #18 on: 25. May 2023, 17:56:03 PM »
Great job

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #19 on: 25. May 2023, 18:32:08 PM »
In my opinion, you should have waited to post the story until you had it in the final form, the one you were happiest with.

Thank you, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I wish I knew when I was happy.  I generally wake up in the wee hours with crystal clarity about some improvement on whatever I'm busy writing.  Which is not to say that the inspiration still makes sense by lunchtime.

How do other writers handle this?

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #20 on: 25. May 2023, 19:59:22 PM »
I don't know how much this will help other writers.

I use Google Docs when I write and have the Grammarly add-on installed and running.

I write my stories in chapters and make any changes I need to make as I am writing. When the chapter is how I want it to be, I load it into Grammarly and edit it.

If I feel I can improve it, I do it at this point, but I only make minor changes to make it clearer what I want to say.

Once I post it, I leave it alone, other than to go back if I need to verify something I have written.

I have never written a story I am 100 percent satisfied with. I know I can do better and try to get better with each story I write. I don't write to satisfy the people who read my stories, I write stories I want to read myself.

I don't try and write the perfect story, I just try to write a better story than the last one I wrote.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #21 on: 25. May 2023, 21:04:03 PM »
Thank you for this advice.

On the technical side, I use an amazing bit of software called yWriter7 -- .  It's overkill for short stories of a thousand words or two, but fantastic for longer pieces.  Best of all, it's free to use (without restrictions, nag screens, time-bombs and the like).  The single feature (of many) I like best is that it uses Microsoft's text-to-speech engine to read the piece back.  That catches a multitude of problems that my eyes miss.  It also means I can stay productive while doing things like cooking.  All the author asks is to pay the fee to register it if it proves useful.  From there, it's into Grammarly as you do.  I also like Hemingway.

It's clear I have a bigger problem on the discipline side.  In my defence, I'm finding that writing creative fiction is a very different thing from technical writing, and I find that I learn something new almost every time I rework a piece.

Offline duncombec

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #22 on: 26. May 2023, 13:39:53 PM »
I have to be honest... I've fallen out of love with writing stories for here in particular, although I still turn my hand elsewhere. I write for fun, for pleasure, to de-stress, and sometimes, writing for here now feels like you're putting yourself up to the editing panel of HarperCollins. Without singling out anyone in particular, some of the feedback above just reinforces that for me.

Like others, I struggle to write a short story because I like adjectives - I want the reader to be able to imagine the same scene that I am. I'm also writing a story for a specific interest - I like braces forward, and I like the story complete -redactions for explicit content (explicit erotica doesn't do it for me of any sort) leaving a Swiss cheese story, yet jumping on anyone who dares put in a strict stepparent. And thats before we get to the fact your work gets edited and put somewhere else. Writing for here has just become... Too much hassle?

But hey, that's just me and my opinion. I may well be an outlier, and good old braces forward, shove in the metal and deal with it stories are up there with video recorders and leaded petrol as old hat. So tempted though I was... I'll pass.

Offline MikeB

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #23 on: 26. May 2023, 19:50:22 PM »
I have to be honest... I've fallen out of love with writing stories for here in particular...I write for fun, for pleasure...

Man, do I feel you there. I've written dozens and dozens of unpublished braces stories. They're short and mid-length, explicit and not, but I just keep them to myself at this point. Writing them is really just a pleasant personal distraction from my series of adventure novels.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #24 on: 29. May 2023, 12:11:40 PM »
I'm usually drawn to these little exercises where lots of people create a story from the same original idea or theme.  I remember once I went to an amateur writer's gathering where they had us write a scene according to a theme they gave and then they had two professional actors read the lines from your scene.  Gosh would that ever be cool if it was braces themed and they somehow came up with real props for the scenes.

Snakes and Ladders by m1090y

At Sigma Ampersand Lambda, the sorority house near the University campus, the occupants would normally play a game of Snakes and Ladders on a Thursday evening as they were waiting for the party to get going but for the pretty girl Surpendia the game would seem to be a model for her life that semester.  One particular evening, even before the first move, Surpendia declared to the group, "My Dad just got insurance through his work and it will cover a treatment for my jaw pain!  I get a device next week."

Gary looked at her pretty smile as he made the first move and thought how unfortunate it was that a girl with a naturally beautiful smile had jaw pain.  Now she would have to wear something to treat her jaw just like a person with crooked teeth might have to wear braces to straighten them, except her smile did not look like it had to be repaired.  Surpendia's glee continued as she landed on a fairly long ladder and seemed to be reaching quite high on the board, only to lose even more ground with the next move which brought her all the way back to the bottom.

The following Thursday as the group commenced play again, the other guy in the sorority, Laddermer, made the first move while asking the quiet and pensive-looking Surpendia how her jaw treatment was doing.  As she made her first move she said, "I had hoped it would be an injection or even a minor operation, but I have to wear this thing in my mouth for the whole semester!"  The group could see a silver bar across her teeth as she talked and could hear a different sound in her voice.  She pulled a clear piece of acrylic from her mouth and held it out.

Gary said, "Oh gosh, that's like retainers we got in middle school after our braces came off.  Is that all it's going to take to tackle your jaw pain?  No surgery or wiring the jaw shut or anything?  Wow, did you ever get it easy!"  Surpendia had only seen the downside of the solution:  She'd have to talk a bit funny, keep taking it out to eat, spend as long cleaning it as she did her teeth, and show an embarrassing wire across her pretty smile to everyone she talked to.

Laddermer added, "And it makes your smile kind of cute in the process of curing that jaw pain.  The nice thing about that thing is that you can take it out for photos and stuff."  One of the other girls around the coffee table agreed and assured Surpendia that she had gotten off quite easy.  Surpendia's mood improved and she started smiling more during the game, even when she landed on a snake several times and finally lost the game.

With her pain seeming a little easier, she spent the next couple of weeks feeling optimistic – at least until at an appointment to review the treatment.  The technician explained to her that the progress so far was great in opening her bite as she was wearing the appliance all the time so she was ready to get to the next step already.  He inserted some bits between her back teeth on the Friday and she would have to go back the following Monday for more.  That weekend the pain from the bits was more than her original jaw pain.  It was subsiding by her appointment Monday where they put some silver things on her back teeth which she could not take out.  She was thankful they did not show but disappointed that they still wanted her wearing the silver bar across her front teeth.  As she was leaving, she was asked to come back Thursday for the last bit, which she had not been able to fully understand previously due to the doctor's strong accent.  She was prepared to miss the Snakes and Ladders game that week when she went to that Thursday appointment, especially when she found the waiting room crowded and it was so late in the afternoon.  She soon realized that the couple of patients with appointments had families along and so the room soon emptied and it was her turn.

She sat back in the chair, watching the national Snakes and Ladders championships on the little TV mounted in the ceiling above her.  When the doctor came in, she did not bother to ask what he would be doing that day, as she always had so much trouble with his accent.  He noticed her attention to the TV and did not say any more than when to open and close.  He seemed to be messing with some instruments, sometimes in her mouth and sometimes out of it, then finally he instructed her as he left one in her mouth and put something behind her neck, under her hair, handing her a mirror to hold, that she still needed to wear the acrylic part all the time.  She froze as she looked at herself in the little mirror.  She was wearing orthodontic headgear!  This would be way too embarrassing to wear around campus!  It would almost be easier just suffering with jaw pain than being seen in this.  He went on to tell her that she would have to wear it for short periods for the first few days and then she must wear it every night, all night in bed.  Her heart lifted a lot upon understanding that:  She would not be wearing this dreadful device around campus, in fact not even around Sigma Ampersand Lambda.  This good news allowed her to pay attention as the doctor showed her how to remove it and then put it back in again, and how to attach the strap around the back of her neck.

A pamphlet she took home with her new headgear suggested she should wear the headgear at first only an hour at a time, working up to more until she could wear it all night.  She understood it to be telling her that she could not just start by putting it in at bed time and waking up to remove it when it hurt.  Apparently she had to wear it while awake and out of bed and then after she could tolerate it for long enough periods, she could get used to sleeping in it.  But as Surpendia ran through her evening in her mind, she realized the only time she could wear it that evening was during the Snakes and Ladders game.  She certainly did not want to wear it later when they had their party and all the students swarmed their sorority house.  But wearing it in front of the others in the sorority was going to be demeaning enough!

Surpendia actually got home fifteen minutes before the game was to start, so was grateful to fate that she did not have to miss that week's game, although on the flip side, she was still terrified of revealing the fate of her appointments that week to her sorority sisters and brothers.  She went to her room to change into something comfortable and also to get that damn headgear put in.  She found it fairly easy to put in using the bathroom mirror; however she realized that having to use a mirror in the bathroom and then walk back to her bedroom, would mean that frequently one of the others in the house would see her walking back.  She spent a few minutes and soon found she could feel the ends of the thing into the tubes without using the mirror.  She did, in this case, leave it in as she was about to go down to the Snakes and Ladders game.  She brushed her hair into a casual, loose style.  She felt this would at least hide much of the strap, even if it left two giant bars running up her cheeks.  Jada, one of the others in the house, was just approaching the top of the stairs as Surpendia came out of the bathroom.  Jada stopped and took in a big breath and said, "My god!  What did they do to you?  You need *THAT* to treat your pain in your jaw?  It looks like the treatment is worse than the malady."

Surpendia let out a huff and dipped her head, saying, "Should I maybe just skip the game this week?  I'm feeling really stupid in this contraption."

Jada smiled and said, "I'm sorry.  My bad.  I reacted before thinking.  You must feel really awful.  Um, no.  I think you should get used to that in front of a small group that you are comfortable around, rather than people you are not this close to."

They walked down the stairs to the place the game was to be played and the rest of the house watched up the stairs in wonder as a house-mate strapped up in headgear followed the second last contestant.  After she sat down it was Laddermer that spoke.  He said, "Surpendia, I admire you for taking control of your pain problem.  That headgear looks pretty cool on you, compared to how all the others in middle school looked.  Maybe they would have done better to wait until they were adults to get them."  Surpendia thanked him for his consideration of her feelings.  He continued, "I really like the way the front hugs your lower lip and lets it touch the upper, rather than going between them, and it is almost stylish the way the whiskers slant up your cheeks towards your ears.  That must be what makes it look cool on you.  And you still have that cute bar along your top teeth.  It's all pretty flashy if you ask me."  She had been turning a little red, but after he turned to start the game, she realized it was a relief to have someone mention it and to do so as considerately as he had done.  The others had taken a good look at her and then turned their attention to the game as it started.  After a few moves Laddermer brought up the subject of her headgear again.  "You know, Surpendia, these recent events in your jaw pain problem are a lot like this game.  Your Dad suddenly got insurance and you were at the top of the board with the finish line in sight; then you got the first stage of the treatment and it was not a simple injection or minor surgery and you slid half way back down a snake; but then you mentioned last week that the pain was actually reducing, running you back up a ladder to near the top row; after which they slap *THAT* on you and you slide down so far you aren't even at the starting point anymore."  He looked at the others and suggested, "Guys, I think we have to work together to try to make a very long ladder for Surpendia.  Look, thinking back to middle school, does anyone remember how one drinks a cocktail in one of those?  How about slow dancing or making out.  She *HAS* to enjoy the party tonight, despite how she feels wearing it around others."

Surpendia laughed and corrected him, "I will only have to wear it when I sleep, but for a week, I will be getting used to it in short spurts during the day.  I won't be able to wear it any longer than this game tonight without dying of the pain from it."  Laddermer seemed to be studying her but said nothing.

The Snakes and Ladders game that night went rather the way Laddermer described her treatment for her jaw, however once Surpendia had climbed back out of last big snake slide, she progressed relatively smoothly towards the finish line and although not the winner that week, she felt like she had accomplished something in wearing her headgear throughout the entire game.  Just before the people would start arriving for the party, she excused herself to go up to her room for a minute.  Her headgear was not only hurting her but would have to come off anyway and be stored in her locked room before anyone arrived.  As she was getting up from the couch, Laddermer got up also and seemed to be following her up the stairs as if going to his own room.  When she got to her door, he stopped and did not pass her to go on to his own.  He seemed to be searching for what he wanted to say and finally came out with, "So you will be wearing it all night by next week's game and won't have to wear it to play."

She looked at him in surprise and said, "Yeah, but why do you say that in such a disappointed way?"

He cleared his throat and said, "I guess I used to try hard to find the girls wearing them in middle school to be attractive as I was just developing into a man, but now all these stupid feelings from back then are flooding back.  Now I'm seeing a girl who really, really rocks headgear and I only get to see it for one evening."

Surpendia had kind of fancied Laddermer but never tried to entice him because they shared the house, but now it appeared she was enticing him without trying.  Perhaps it was the building pain resulting in her eagerness to get into her room and get the headgear off her face and into her drawer, but she threw out, "Well, maybe we need to study together tomorrow after school.  Are you around this weekend?"  He suddenly cleared his throat and confirmed that he was now and that he would tell his parents he was not coming home that weekend.  Surpendia, it seemed, now had a funny kind of date the next night.

And while he did talk to her a lot during the party, she did manage to chat with some of the other party-goers that night.  That evening, she realized she would get less studying done than usual, but she was okay with that.  The two of them studied until it was time to go to bed and Surpendia was rather impressed how she could keep the headgear in longer when a guy was distracting her.  But it was Saturday afternoon when she tried to do a four hour period of wear with a break before the same for the evening, that Laddermer made it clear he was looking to get closer than just study-buddies.

"Surpen," he shortened her name, "After tonight you'll maybe be able to wear it all night tomorrow night.  So will that be the end of any daytime wear?"  She got him to clarify what he was talking about and then agreed, after which he begged, "I know this is only kind of a second date, but I want so badly to kiss you with headgear."

And no joking, 2500 words put me exactly to that point in the story, even at the end of a sentence!

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #25 on: 29. May 2023, 14:04:01 PM »
The bit that made me laugh was the concept of there being a National Snakes and Ladders Championship!

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #26 on: 29. May 2023, 20:06:41 PM »
Charlie, I appreciate you sharing both versions. I always like to see the process when it comes to writing. Thanks for sharing about the program you use, it looks so useful but it seems it’s only for Windows as of right now :( those features seem so helpful for a longer piece! So the snakes are her hair, and the ladders… are her climbing up out of her awkward adolescence? Maybe? Anyway, it’s a really nice short story, much better than I could do, so thank you very much for sharing.

Duncombec, I also struggle to write short stories. It’s not something that comes naturally to me. But I actually thought of something you’d written when I saw this prompt! If the definition of snakes and ladders is “a race to the top where the winner is determined by chance” it makes me think of your Halloween story where all the contestants won different ortho treatments and was hoping you would take this prompt and run with it, because it seemed like it would be your cup of tea

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #27 on: 30. May 2023, 01:16:54 AM »
I too enjoyed both versions. It shows the process he went through to get to the final story. The second version was more polished, and there was enough difference between both versions to make it interesting.

Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #28 on: 30. May 2023, 05:23:31 AM »
After reading the other stories that have been written for Sparky's challenge, particularly m1090y's, I got to thinking about a different version of Snakes and Ladders. 2444 words, close to the limit Sparky set.

Snakes And Ladders #2

By Braceface2015

It was just another one of those silly gameshows where people competed to win prizes by making it through a maze. I’d worked on quite a few sets in a variety of positions, working my way up from the bottom to the job I had just been hired to do as an assistant to the assistant of something-or-other.

The pay was okay and the person I was assisting had been where I was and wanted to help me learn what I needed to do. He didn’t mind when I asked questions, and most of the time I attended the meetings with him, staying in the background with the other assistants to the assistants of this-and-that.

I”d flirted with him a little and he’d been gentle with me when he told me I wasn’t his type. At first I’d thought it was because of my looks. I’d been blessed with her mother's tropical beauty and figure, and cursed with her father's British empire teeth. I’d seen the pictures of him when he was growing up before he was ‘blessed’ with NHS braces in school, so I knew where my teeth came from. My mother’s teeth weren’t straight either, which didn’t help.

I’d been a bit offended when he’d told me in a roundabout way that I needed to do something about my teeth if I wanted to move up the ladder any more, because I was at the point where my image was important. He’d eased the sting a little by saying I had a natural kind of beauty most of the other women were jealous of and tried so hard to match by using makeup. The one thing I didn’t have was the smile to go with my beauty, and I wouldn’t until my teeth were fixed.

The reason I wasn’t his type was rather simple, he was gay and it was obvious when I looked at the way he was always flirting with the new guys working on the set of the new game show. He simply wasn’t interested in the women throwing themselves at him.

The guys building the set were interested, and they were blatant with the looks they gave the other women around the set. I got my share of the looks, until I smiled at them. Then they were suddenly busy working.

The set they were working on was a life-size version of the game 'Snakes and Ladders' and had two levels. The lower level held the 'board' and the upper level had the bypass catwalks. Land on a ladder and the contestant avoided a pitfall challenge. Land on a snake and the contestant ran the risk of being eliminated from the game.

As more of the set came together, the staff began to challenge each other to try out each new section. The first few sections were easy. The ladders were made of wood and metal and were easy to climb. The snakes were ropes easy to grip and swing or hang from to cross a water or sand pit.

Each section became a little more complex. The ladders were made from rope and chain and became straight up and down. The snakes were harder to grasp and had sections with substances to interfere with the contestant's grip, such as soap, grease and baby oil.

The competition among the crew fell into two categories, the guys seeing who was masculine enough to make it through, and the women doing it to get the attention of the guys watching.

My dad was in the military and I grew up on a succession of military bases around the world, and the training courses on the bases put this to shame. I didn't look like it, but I had more training and muscles as a result of it. I was an army brat and spent far too much time on the obstacle courses as punishment.

The ladies I worked with weren't kind with the comments they made about the freak working with them, and it didn't take long for the snide remarks about me being afraid to break a nail or mess up my hair to begin.

I let them have their fun, falling off the ropes into the water so the guys could come to rescue them. I took it slow at the beginning of the course, not showing how easy it was for me. After spending the day in my office clothes, it was nice to get into my shorts and t-shirt and get a little exercise.

The ladies hated how much attention I was taking away from them, and the freak comments increased. I noticed there was one guy who always seemed to be around when I was on the set, and he didn't seem to mind my smile. It just made the ladies try harder to get his attention when I was around.

The final few obstacles were just about finished and the guys got into a competition to see who could do all of the snake challenges without failing any of them. The ladies all gathered around to cheer their favourite muscle-bound hunk on.

I figured it was time to do something about all the comments about how I must work so hard to look as good as I did and still scared away the guys. I waited until all the guys had tried the course at least once, then came out in my shortest shorts and barely-there, looks-like-it’s-painted-on t-shirt.

It really got the attention of the ladies when all the guys lined up to watch what the ladies thought would be a feeble attempt by me to make it through the course. For the first time, I didn't hold back and flew through the first half of the course, only slowing down slightly on the second half of the course when the ‘snakes’ became more challenging.

One of the ladies had started the clock running when I started, to try and embarrass me, and much to the ladies' dismay, my time was better than the fastest of the guys. A few of the ladies stomped away when the guys gathered around me and congratulated me on my time.

The producers of the show heard about my time and approached me with an offer. It turned out the guy who always hung out when I was on the course was related to one of them and he told them about me beating all the guys. They sent him to talk to me before they made the offer, to see if I was interested.

He had seen how the ladies treated me and wanted to set them in their place, so rather than just talk to me in my office, he waited until several of them were around to ask me to have lunch with him. It didn’t take long for the rumours to start flying. Before long, they had it sounding as if he was asking me out on a pity date.

While they were all gossiping, he sent me a note asking me to dress up for the lunch and said to wait for a surprise when he picked me up. Everyone had seen him driving around in an older slightly beat-up truck, definitely not something a person with money would drive. The look on the ladies' faces was priceless when he drove up in a high-end foreign sportscar and stepped out to open my door for me, wearing designer clothes.

The lunch didn’t go the way I expected. Maybe I had been listening to too many rumours. He took me to a nice upper-market place and didn’t just dive right into the offer they had for me. We had a nice meal first and talked about other things not directly connected to the new gameshow, but stuff we both had an interest in.

The dessert cart came around before he finally put the written offer on the table for me to read. Most of it was in legal language, spelling out who was offered what and for how long and at what price. He waited until I had a glazed look on my face to tell me to get a lawyer to go over it before I signed it.

He’d been looking at me as we ate and not just at my teeth, though he did seem to be interested in how they looked. He told me to set the contract aside for the time being and let him summarize what it said. As he began explaining it, it got interesting.

The original plan for the gameshow was to have people compete for prizes and money. After my thrashing of all the guys, they decided to alter the game a little to make it more interesting. They wanted me to compete in the game as a guest champion. Anyone who made it through the course successfully would have to beat me to win the grand prize.

They didn’t want to just have me show up if someone made it through successfully, they wanted me to do a quick walk-through of the game at the beginning of each episode. They would provide me with clothes for the entire season and uniforms for when I would compete with the winner. And the amount of money they were offering was quite generous, and there were bonus clauses if a variety of things happened.

There was one clause that the whole contract hinged on, I had to get braces to fix my teeth. They could use camera angles to hide my teeth some of the time, and I didn’t have to say anything where the camera could capture my mouth, but there was a limit to how much they could hide my teeth. I was supposed to be the face of the show, and my looks mattered to them.

I wasn’t as upset as he expected me to be. My teeth had been something I had lived with all my life and I knew how I looked. He was just barely into apologizing for having to bring my teeth up, when I smiled at him and told him not to worry. We had talked a little bit about our lives before the show and he knew why I was so good at the course. I explained how moving so often created a problem with anything beyond basic dental care. I also told him how my parents put more effort into getting us the best education possible, with the understanding we would be in a better position to fix our teeth with a well-paying job.

All through the conversation, he didn’t take his eyes off my face. He flinched a little as he asked the question he was dreading. “Are you willing to get braces to meet the conditions of the contract?”

When I didn’t walk away from the table, and smiled instead, he looked relieved. I told him to get out his pen, because I was about to make a few changes to the contract. My changes were fairly simple. I would agree to get the braces if they paid for them and I was the one to choose what I got after consulting with the orthodontist of my choice. It would be on company time and I would be paid a bonus if I followed through on getting the braces.

He looked relieved I hadn’t turned down the offer, and said he was sure they would accept the changes to the contract. Then he said he had one more thing to ask me, and it wasn’t part of the contract and I didn’t have to agree to it. He asked if he could help me find an orthodontist and take me to my appointments when I went to them.

I didn’t turn down his offer and asked to have time to think about it. What I really meant was I didn’t want to seem too eager to accept his offer to have him around me more. My mother didn’t raise a fool, I had a good-looking guy with money asking me if he could spend time with me. If it meant I was being paid for something I knew I needed, I was going to jump at the chance. It also meant I would have something the women at the show wanted and didn’t have.

I had a lawyer look over the contract with the changes I made, before I told him I would sign it. He took me out to dinner to celebrate and I signed both copies of the contract at the table with him watching. I also told him he would be driving me to all my orthodontist appointments, with a heavy emphasis on ALL.

He kept his side of the agreement. I signed in at the front gate before each appointment and then he drove me to the orthodontist's office. He never objected when I told the orthodontist I wanted my ‘driver’ in the room, and he told the orthodontist where to shove his objections when he started recording me getting my braces on.

He was pleased when I kissed him on the cheek after my appointment to get them on and 'accidentally' rubbed my brackets against his skin. When my teeth were sore after an appointment, there were always meals easy for me to eat, delivered to my office. The nice things didn't all come from him. After the first couple of appointments, he received a kiss, first on the cheek, and then a few appointments later, on the lips as well.

The show never did as well in the ratings as they hoped. I still got my bonuses as listed in the contract. I also got revenge on the ladies who were so mean. One by one, they were replaced and black-listed in the industry by my boyfriend. The show only lasted for one year, and then was cancelled.

My orthodontic treatment was fully paid for by the company, and my boyfriend got to enjoy seeing me wearing the face-bow, Herbst, and at my request, the older-style non-self-ligating braces. I figured if I was wearing braces, I might as well do it with pride and show them off. In each episode of the show, I had my ligatures matching the outfits I was wearing.

I wasn’t bothered when we decided to break up. He had found another girl with teeth as bad as mine used to be, and I had offers from other networks to work for them. Some even asked if I would be willing to keep the braces longer if they paid me. All I did was space out my appointments and let my orthodontist bill them for doing it.

Online silver-moon-2000

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #29 on: 30. May 2023, 21:12:20 PM »
I feel like I must throw in my try as well. With 2493 words I'm cutting it very close

Snakes and ladders

Alecia chuckles in glee as she puts the dice and game pieces back into the box. "Oh, dad, don't make such a face! One could almost think that you're not enjoying it anymore."

"Yes, I do", I shake my head. "It's just that losing five out of five games, THAT'S..."

She shrugs nonchalantly. "Is it MY fault that you're having such bad luck?" She grins broadly at me. Her silver smile reflects the light of the low sun.

I take one of the dice in my hand: "Are you sure that they are not tampered with?"

She puffs out her cheeks. "These are YOUR games. Besides, we use the same dice! How am I supposed to..."

"I wasn't being serious," I fend her off with a smile.

Then her grin turns sly. "So? Aren't you going to honor your betting debt?"

I sigh, "I should never have accepted. It was so clear I was going to lose."

"Then why did you agree?"

I don't answer directly. "Do you play with Susanne that much, too?"

Alecia nods. "Yes, I do. But mom wins about half. I don't have as an easy time with her as I do with you."

And really: Today my luck is worse than usual. But I take it sportsmanlike. After all, I don't see my daughter as often as I would like to anyway. So, every moment is precious. That's why I'm definitely not going to get upset over a lost board game!

"Okay, what did we bet on again?"

"You wanted to chop me a plate of fruit."

"And you shall have it," I make my way to the kitchen.

"But please cut the apple into small pieces, dad!"

"Are you always this demanding?"

"Ha, ha!", I can almost hear her 'pout'. "I went to the orthodontist today, didn't I tell you? My teeth are pretty sensitive by now. I can't bite anything hard at the moment."

"Should I skip the apples completely then?"

"No, as long as you cut them into small pieces, I'll be fine!"

A minute later, she appears in the doorway. "You know what I'd really like to do again sometime..."

"What?", I ask as I peel an orange.

Alecia hums and haws, not wanting to spill the beans at first. "That... that we might do something together again sometime. You know... like now... just with the three of us. Me and the BOTH of you..."

I lower the orange. "That's... »complicated«..."

She waves it off. "I know..." She regrets even bringing up the subject.

Three years ago, Susanne - my ex-wife - and I filed for divorce. 'Grown apart' is probably the term used for such situations. No 'bad blood', just different views.

As long as she was not yet of age, we both had custody of Alecia. But as the girl had decided to spend more time with her mother, we slowly drift further and further apart.

The fact that she continues to try to get us back together is.... well... 'bittersweet'. And she knows that herself. But at the same time, Alecia hasn't given up hope yet. And so it happens that soon after a grin appears on her features again.

She leans in the doorway with her arms crossed: "I told you that I'm looking for an apartment. I want my own place when university starts."

I nod; during her last visit she had complained about how expensive an apartment of her own would be. For now, I still want to keep it a secret, that she will receive a 'subsidy' from me.

Her grin widens: "As soon as I have my own four walls, I'll invite you BOTH to the housewarming. Then you MUST come and then... then we can do something together again!" Before I can reply, she turns around and disappears.

A short time later I enter the living room with the plate. Alecia takes a slice of apple and carefully bites into it. "Yes, that's OK. I can chew that."

"Did your orthodontist do anything special today that your teeth are so sensitive now?"

"Not really," she shakes her head. "It's just that..." She doesn't complete the sentence and instead shrugs.

"I confess I was quite surprised when you suddenly had braces half a year ago. After all, as a child you had fought tooth and nail to avoid them."

"Well yes," Alecia blushes slightly. "You know: I've since come to the realization that it's pretty stupid to be the only one to still have crooked teeth. But when I finally understood that, I was about to graduate. And then I wanted to wait that out." She shrugs. "Now school is done with, but in the mean-time I've become an adult. And the stupid thing is that I now have to pay for the treatment myself. I hadn't thought of that at all, otherwise I wouldn't have waited so long."

"But doesn't that have the [/i]'advantage'[/i] that you will now cooperate much better? If you let the treatment slide now, it's YOUR money you're throwing away..."

It goes without saying that Susanne will probably cover most of her daughter's treatment costs.

Alecia rolls her eyes. "Woah, you're always so 'reasonable'!" Then she shrugs. "But you're kind of right."

"So, are you happy with the results? Did you invest your money well?"

"What's that supposed to be when it's done?" she replies. Her voice sounds surprisingly sharp. "Why are you questioning me like this?"

"Can't I just be curious?", I return, surprised. "I only see you once every few weeks. I just want to stay in the loop. But if you don't want to talk about it..."

I half expected her to actually change the subject, but she brushes it off, "No, it's fine." Then she cocks her head. "Yeah, on the whole, I'm happy I guess."

"That sounds to me like there's a huge »BUT« to follow?"

"That's one way to put it." She sighs emphatically.

"So, what happened? Care to tell me?"

Alecia hesitates, but then gives in, "Did mom tell you what 'great idea' the orthodontist had in stock for me last time?"

"No, it's been a few weeks since we talked..."

"Headgear, dad!", she almost spits out that word. "Last time, the idiot actually had the glorious idea that I should wear one of those stupid silver bridles from now on!"

I nod understandingly, "NOW I understand where your [/i]'good mood'[/i] comes from. And why your teeth hurt more than usual."

She rolls her eyes. "Oh, stop it!"

"I didn't even know braces like that were still used. I thought they were relics of the '80s."

"You wish!" she exclaims. "During the last appointment, he suddenly had that metal bow in his hands and had succinctly said, »I guess this will come to you as a surprise...« How very funny!! I was dumbfounded when he strapped that thing around me."

"I can very well believe that. You didn't know beforehand that something like this was coming?"

"I knew NOTHING." Alecia shakes her head vehemently. "That's why I'm so upset.... He then only mentioned that he had already feared that my treatment might develop in that direction. And that I - now that this had come to pass - practically only have the choice between jaw-surgery and that effin' headgear..."

I grimace with pity, "Both alternatives sound less than desirable."

"You can say that out loud. But if he had already suspected that, why couldn't he have told me? Woah, that sucks. If I had known beforehand..."

"... then you would have at least had time to prepare for it," I suggest.

"... then I would have looked for another doctor," Alecia contradicts, smiling awkwardly.

"Do you think the results would have been different with another orthodontist?"

After a few seconds, she shakes her head.

"Is this new development so horrible to you?"

She stares at me as if she can't believe what she's hearing: "Dad! That's headgear! A darn bridle! First of all, that thing is incredibly uncomfortable. And second, it makes me look completely ridiculous!"

"I don't think so," I disagree.

It's clear she doesn't believe a word I say.

"But - if you don't mind me asking - how did you decide?"

"How? I already told you: I've been wearing this thing for a month now!" She scowls at me. "How am I supposed to decide when the doctor says there's no alternative? Because I don't want surgery."

"At least that warrants some serious thought!"

My daughter nods and lets a slice of apple wander through her fingers. "When Mom then took his side, it became completely hopeless."

"I'll have to come to Susanne's defense on that one," I remark. "If your orthodontist uses such a device on you, he will have good reasons for doing so. If I were you, I would at least try to..."

I can't complete the sentence.

"Woah, DAD! You too?" Alecia looks at me accusingly.

I shrug. "You said it yourself, kid: you don't want to be the only one with crooked teeth."

"Yeah, I don't... But... Woah, if the treatment hadn't been so expensive..." the girl begins.

I interrupt her: "You'd better put THAT thought out of your mind right away. You will definitely not stop your treatment just because..."

"»...just because I have to wear stupid headgear?«", she completes the sentence for me.

"... your treatment isn't going quite as smoothly as you had hoped," I correct.

"Woah, Dad, you have no idea how much that thing sucks. Let me tell you something: It really - REALLY! - sucks!"

Then she suddenly grins widely. "But I'll tell you something else: You and Mom: You're still alike. After all, she said the same thing as you: »Don't even thing about...« and so on."

A melancholy smile on my face. "Does it help, then, if we both say the same thing?"

Alecia rolls her eyes. "You mean: »Do I have even the slightest chance if...« Woah, that's going to suck SO bad!"

"Did the doctor say how long you have to wear that brace?"

"He can't tell yet. That was SO clear!" Alecia snorts. "Could be over in a matter of three months. But I may end up walking around with that thing still wrapped around me a year and a half from now."

"That's quite a long time-frame," I remark in astonishment. "But I imagine it also depends on your cooperation?"

She rolls her eyes. "Thanks, dad, for reminding me," her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Did you bring the thing with you?"

She nods "I had to wear it to the orthodontist earlier. Why do you ask?"

I smile, "Well, I just thought: If your cooperation really is that important, you might as well put the headgear back on now."

Alecia chokes on a piece of banana. "*cough*... No way... *cough* ... definit... *cough* definitely not... *cough* Where did you *cough* get THAT stupid *cough* idea?"

I try to look innocent. I don't know if I succeeded: "If it's so important for your treatment, it makes sense to actually wear your headgear. And the more you wear it, the faster you'll get used to it..."

I'm afraid my daughter's eyeballs are going to pop out of their sockets: "Whoa, dad. You're already just as bad as mom!"

I'm about to retort when she cuts me off, "This topic sucks. I don't want to talk about it anymore." She points to the stack of board games. "Come on, let's play another game instead."

"All right," I concede. After all, I don't want to annoy her any more than I absolutely have to. "How long do you actually plan to stay today?"

"You want to get rid of me already?" retorts Alecia, half amused and half nervous. Has her 'bad mood' perhaps caused me to have enough for today?

"Not at all. I just want to know if you're staying for dinner. Because I haven't got anything here. We'd have to order pizza."

"Sounds good. I'm in."

"Do you still like Hawaiian pizza? Then I'll order for later and you can pick a game in the meantime?"
That's the board game I'm talking of. I had this game as a child

When I return, she has already set up the playing field. "I don't even know THAT game."

"That's no surprise," I laugh. "You picked the oldest game in my collection. I've been playing that when I was a kid."

"Then it's ancient," she grins.

"Cheeky monkey!"

"Care to explain the rules?"

"You don't know »snakes and ladders«? It's actually quite simple," I begin. But then I get an idea: "What do you think, should we bet on the outcome again?"

"Really? YOU want to bet? After you've lost so many times?"

"I'll win sooner or later", I shrug.

"If you insist..." Alecia grins. "Let's see... If I win... then you have to look at apartments with me next weekend. Mom doesn't have time and I don't want to go alone."

"That's a big ask!" I protest. Not that I would ever refuse. And Alecia suspects as much.

She grins cheekily, "Don't chicken out Dad!"

"All right, then. And if I win, you put your headgear back on after the game and wear it until you leave."

My daughter's eyes get big. "Really now?"

"Didn't you see that coming?", I smile.

Sullenly, she shakes her head. "Won't do."

I smile, "Whatever happened to »Don't chicken out!« ?"

"Whoa, Dad!" she hisses at me angrily. A second later, she shrugs resignedly, "Whatever. You're not going to win anyway. So it doesn't matter!"

"I'm almost at the finish line," she triumphs fifteen minutes later. "A »2« or more and I've won."

"Or you'll crash down by thirty points if you roll a »1«...," I note.

"Fat chance," she laughs. And then scowls at the dice a second later, »1«. With an annoyed face, she pushes her figure down the ladder. "Don't you dare winning now, Dad!"

I roll the dice and... jump over the ladder to the goal with a mighty leap, laughing.

"Whoa! Really now? You can't be serious..."

"You think I cheated?"

"Of course not. But... But did you have to win NOW of all times?"

"You mean NOW of all times when the wager is uncomfortable for you for the first time?"

She just rolls her eyes in response.

I shamelessly savor my win, "What did you say earlier, kid? »Aren't you going to honor your betting debt?«"

For a moment, I'm afraid she's going to throw the game board at me. "Whoa, that sucks."

"Let me suggest something to calm things down: Even if you lost just now: If Susanne agrees, we can still meet up some time. What do you think?"

Alecia's mood improves abruptly. She rummages in her backpack and pulls out a flat pouch. "Now I can ALMOST forgive you for making me put on that stupid headgear!"

"Too kind!"


Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #30 on: 31. May 2023, 00:24:53 AM »
It's nice to see writers taking up Sparky's challenge and the different ways each of us has been using it.

Another well-written story.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #31 on: 31. May 2023, 02:20:00 AM »
I feel like I must throw in my try as well. With 2493 words I'm cutting it very close

And what an excellent set of 2493 words they were!!

And yes, it's interesting to see how  different people have joined together Snakes and Ladders with braces.

Now, you're probably asking yourself "when is Sparky going to post a story?"... well, In have a file ready, "snakes&ladders.txt". It's got the (c)opyright line in it, and the title...... but my mind is STILL blank! So, let me get finished with Serena's battle, then maybe my brain will come up with something.....

And the rest of you: keep writing, these are some fun short stories!

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #32 on: 31. May 2023, 13:38:53 PM »
Charlie, I appreciate you sharing both versions. I always like to see the process when it comes to writing.

Thank you.  No matter my sense of the story when I start writing, mine seem almost to have a life of their own and keep taunting me to do a better job of transcribing them.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #33 on: 31. May 2023, 13:42:36 PM »
Alecia chuckles in glee

I love the atypical setting, and that you do such a great job of making the characters come alive.

Online silver-moon-2000

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #34 on: 31. May 2023, 18:23:11 PM »
I love the atypical setting, and that you do such a great job of making the characters come alive.

 I'm sorry, but YOU calling ME out for writing an 'atypical' setting is... well... quite steep I'd say.  >:D After all, you'd took the 'snake'-aspect far more literal than me. In my story are no snakes at all.

Thank you.  No matter my sense of the story when I start writing, mine seem almost to have a life of their own and keep taunting me to do a better job of transcribing them.

Yes, that is - at least to me - the most complicated and fugitive aspect of story-writing. Getting all those beautiful picturesqe, incredibly detailed and outright fantastic thoughts we all have in a written from that does those ideas even remotely justice.
Several of my stories do not develop past the "coarse bullet-point list"-state, because I know for certain, that I won't like the result after I stopped writing. And I do not want to spoil that story by doing a mediocre job putting those thoughts on paper.
The downside of course is, that over time thoughts are lost. That once sublime story dwindles away and - maybe a decade later - there is nothing there anymore than said coarse bullet-points.

I haven't found a solution to this problem yet. But tell me folks, am I alone in this plight? Or are all-over-the-world brilliant ideas lost at an astonishing rate? Ideas that deserve to be remembered and written down?

Sorry for me rambling  ;D

Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #35 on: 31. May 2023, 19:15:01 PM »
If I understand Sparky's challenge, it has two parts to it. The first is to write a story less than 2500 words long. The second is to have the theme of snakes and ladders as part of the story.

Some of us have done stories focused heavily on the snakes and ladders part, while others have been writing stories to meet the word limit with less concern about the snakes and ladders portion.

Either way, having stories is very nice to see.

Offline duncombec

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #36 on: 03. June 2023, 02:09:44 AM »
Despite what I said above (which I generally still stand by), and at least partially buoyed by Cassandra's very nice comments on past scribbles, I decided I couldn't leave this one alone after all. It wasn't the story I had in mind when I first declined, but like all things you shouldn't pick at, I couldn't help it. So, here's something. Its 2439 words have arrived purely from brain to page to here. If it floats your boat, change it in your mind from soon-to-be high school graduates on their way to college to soon-to-be college graduates on their way to the working world. It has not been proofread or run through any overhyped program to give me ideas for improvement. It may NOT be posted to the Archive. But here it is.

Snakes and Ladders Meets Truth or Dare

“Snakes and Ladders? What is this?”

Graduation was but a week away, and I couldn’t think of anyone of our age who played, what was in essence, a kids’ game. Even more correct than that, it was my kids’ game: it had been dumped in the corner of the basement room that served as the storage room/my teenage hangout about 7 or 8 years ago when I last played it and had been left decaying in the sun ever since. One of the more ‘worldly’ of our group of soon-to-be graduates corrected me of that notion by smiling like Batman’s Joker and asked if I’d ever played it according to the rules of truth or dare. I looked around at a sea of equally blank faces, and nobody had the first clue what he was on about.

The rules, he explained, were simple. It was a very normal game of Snakes and Ladders, but with a twist. You could only take a ladder, or avoid falling victim to a snake, if you accepted a truth or dare question. If you failed to answer, then you couldn’t, or were obliged to take it just as if you’d declined. Therefore, someone who was very open to doing anything could take maximum advantage, whilst someone who was coy and shy would probably still be fighting their way out of the twenties whilst the rest of us were towards the top.
“Well, go on then,” I said, bravado getting the better of me.
It took seconds for us all to agree. It may have been ‘childish’, and borderline offensive to our Senior egos, but it had the advantage it was something we could all do at once. Games consoles were a fine thing, but there were only so many controllers and a lot of boredom whilst you waited for it to be your turn. There were seven of us but only six counters, so someone raided the Monopoly box for an extra counter, and the first dice rolled. My game, me first, apparently.

Picture the scene. Seven teenage boys, ready for the wide world of college or employment, sitting there with our drinks and snacks playing snakes and ladders. It was almost the story of an idyllic harking back to the past… were it not for the fact my parents had supplied us with a beer each (with parental permission, of course), because at least whilst we were drinking it in the basement we weren’t hanging around outside buying the self-same beer with the fake IDs that at least some of us had, but our parents pretended they didn’t know about and we lied about having. It was only a single beer, so probably less than we’d drink otherwise, but it was still “better” – and in a way, we couldn’t really argue with their thought process.

The game started well. Having decided to play according to these newly-discovered Truth or Dare rules we were a little… timid… in our first questions. All the usual stuff that you could imagine: first kiss, teacher you had a crush on, first wet dream… at any other time we’d be embarrassed to even think that’s what we wanted to know about, but it just fitted the moment. The dares weren’t too terrible either, and equally fitted our age: doing a silly dance and (maybe) posting it on our social media platform of choice, eating crackers with no water, taking chilli sauce on the lips without licking it off… you know the drill.

Luck must have been on my side, because I was actually doing rather well. I’d progressed solidly through some lucky dice rolls, somehow avoiding the worst of the snakes and being prepared to take a risk for the ladders. My truths and dares hadn’t been too bad, although I did blush the colour of a tomato when asked to reveal who I had a crush on, especially considering it was one of the technicians at my orthodontist. By the time I’d finished being able to cook an egg on my cheeks, the other couple of guys with braces in the room could see my point of view. I determined to go nicely on them if I got to choose their dare after they said that.

Hang on a moment, I hear you ask. At least three guys, of a bunch of seven high school seniors about to graduate, with braces? Uh huh, you heard me correctly. It’s a long and complicated story, but basically, one of two orthodontists previously in town had to retire early for medical reasons, and the other was not particularly well-liked. He seemed to be a bit of a cosmetician, so he was fine if you wanted a quick fix, or were a girl, but he didn’t seem to get that boys… men, as we were about to become, of our age, would rather have something that would allow us to eat different things and stand up to the rigours of sport. After a year or so, I forget how long, this new guy came along from a nearby town and set up shop, so quite a few people have started later than they usually would have done. In my case, I had braces back when I was at the wrong end of junior high, like we used to, but my lower jaw grew more than expected, so I have a bit of an underbite. I was meant to go back just before the medical problems, so here I am, aged 18 and wearing not only braces, but I have a dirty little secret to go with it. Headgear.

Not just any normal headgear either. Not like the headgear that Marcus is literally wearing across the room from me now, because this new orthodontist is a bit bonkers, in his own way, and has encouraged some of us that the best way to ensure compliance is to have the headgear wired to your braces so you can’t take it off. At least that just looks like a horse bridle, and there are a few of those around. No, mine is this chunky bar that sits down the middle of my face, with a great plastic block on my forehead and around my chin, and which I have to hold on with elastics. That can’t be wired on, thankfully (or at least he says not), but I don’t see nearly as many of those, and I’m a bit embarrassed. Very embarrassed, in fact. I’ve been pretty good about wearing it at night, when I should, but there’s no doubting I’m not really making the wear time regularly, and I don’t wear it as much as I should earlier in the evening. Stupid really, given I have an ortho check-up next week and there is literally a guy with his headgear wired to his face sitting opposite me, but I just can’t. I’m hoping mom doesn’t come in and ‘remind me’ in front of my friends… I’d be mortified.

Anyway, the game. I’m doing well, and if my luck continues to be in, there’s a chance I might win in the next couple of goes, provided I don’t land on the snake, or get an awkward dare if I do. Damn. I land on it.
“OK, who’s turn to set the dare… Charlie?”

Charlie looks at me, and smiles. He’s had braces, and frankly needs them again, the way his teeth bend inwards at the bottom to avoid something like… headgear.
“Wear your headgear to graduation.”

The room goes silent. Everybody looks at me, and once again I go the colour of a tomato.
“How do you…?”
“Dude, you’ve been seen. Taking the garbage out a few nights ago.”
I stop myself, because I hear my mom walk down the corridor outside, and she hates swearing. But the noise from the rest of the room encourages her anyway. Almost everyone bar Charlie thinks that’s a pretty massive increase in the dare stakes compared to what we’ve done so far. OK, he might not like me that much (enough to come to my house and eat my food, but we’re not best buddies or anything), so there’s a fair bit of talking.

“Everything OK in here boys? Need those bowls or glasses refilled?”
In fairness, she wasn’t the sort to hang around. We’d been down here for more than an hour before she popped by, and it was easier on her than for us to keep tramping up and down.
She asked what the deal was, and she got the brief explanation. To my surprise, she thought it sounded like a good idea, and maybe she should play it with her friends sometime, get them to reveal some things! I hoped that would be it, but no, someone had to say something.
“Hey, Mrs Langley. As Eli is your son, perhaps you can help. Charlie has just dared him to wear his headgear to graduation... but that sounds like a pretty big ask, for something he’ll only do once. What do you think, as his mom and all?”

My mother took a sharp breath in.
“Well, if so far you’ve been asking about first dates, and I haven’t exactly heard any of you singing embarrassing songs in the corridor, that does sound like a bit of a push… but Eli, you know you have been slacking a bit recently. Why don’t you put it on now?”
My embarrassment showed itself again.
“I… hang on… in front of…”
She only had to look at Marcus and I knew I was cornered. She promised to make sure nobody cheated whilst I went and got it from upstairs.

I returned a few minutes later with the navy-blue contraption clamped to my face. Four elastics, “two straight, two crossover” held it into my mouth, with the lower part cupping my cheek and the upper part resting smack on the middle of my rather large forehead (high hairline, not receding, I keep telling myself). I smiled weakly, and although a couple of the guys were surprised, nobody really seemed to laugh, or make fun of me.
“Perhaps that could be his dare? Wearing it in front of you for the rest of the evening?”
“Wait… I know…”
I groaned. It wasn’t Charlie, thankfully, or Marcus, but the other guy with braces.
“You know Dr Ben has that wall in his office of people wearing their braces doing normal things… looks like he also does it on his socials. What if we got Eli, and Marcus, to post a picture wearing their headgears?”

Marcus objected to that immediately, but softened when he was given a free pass on his next snake or ladder if he did so. He just shrugged. He’d been wearing it for a few months, almost everyone had seen it, it was old news now. I was going to take it, but then Charlie suggested to make it a proper dare, Marcus or someone else should take it, so that I couldn’t delete it. My mom, who thought this was hilarious and ever keener to play it with her friends (I was going to have to stop her on that, or at least make sure I was out… I didn’t want to overhear anything embarrassing) offered to take the picture. In less than a minute, Marcus had the picture uploaded to Dr Ben’s pages – the cheeky git put it on more than one site – and had us both tagged. Now the whole town, and a couple of other towns where he had offices, would know about my facemask.

I spent most of the rest of the evening feeling my cheeks glowing with embarrassment. Firstly because of the facemask, headgear, whatever it was called, and then secondly about how ridiculous I was being about it. There was literally another headgear in the room that couldn’t be removed. At least I could take mine off!

Going to bed that night, I couldn’t help but look at the comments. There were a few laughter emojis, but mostly the comments were pretty decent. For all his faults, Dr Ben was actually pretty nice. He’d even commented himself, saying he wasn’t aware I was entering the competition. I had no idea what he was on about, but I knew I’d find out.

Turns out it was to my advantage. He’d bulk bought tickets to the local water park, some free, some 25% discounts, and was giving them out to people who posted their “summer socials” in headgears, or other appliances. If you lucked out and just had basic braces, you had to find a way of making them visible. I soon found out why Charlie had said graduation as his opener. If you wore your headgear in a group picture at graduation, you all got a free ticket to the waterpark. There were then 25% off discounts for an individual picture at graduation, one for any picture at the after party, and up to two other summer activities. If you completed a set of four, there was another freebie. Basically, for five embarrassing moments, I could get myself two free trips to the waterpark and four discounted entries, and I’ll be honest… a week without a trip to the waterpark in high summer would be like Thanksgiving without a Turkey. Dr Ben knew exactly where to get us on the bribery stakes.

I couldn’t quite bring myself to put it on for the run through of the big day, but as we lined up in the sports centre for our big walk down the aisle, I pulled the facemask out of my bag, followed by the little bag of elastics. I handed the facemask to an astonished Marcus whilst I put the elastics onto the hooks in my mouth. Just like Marcus’ headgear straps, the plastic bits of my facemask had been changed from their navy-blue colour to perfectly match the school’s shade of green. Goodness knows where he got them from, and I don’t want to know. It was just my luck that the part of the cap that held onto my head ended just above the facemask, almost seamlessly moulding into one. At least it was a shade of dark green, and unlike the normal mid-blue, Marcus’ straps nearly blended in with his dark hair. It seemed like half the school had swapped strap colours. How very Dr Ben.

Let’s just say, I don’t think I paid full price entry for any of my trips to the water park that summer. It wasn’t the last time we played Snakes and Ladders meets Truth or Dare either.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #37 on: 03. June 2023, 15:17:42 PM »
Despite what I said above (which I generally still stand by)[...]

Well, I, for my part, am glad, you did not stand by your principle in this instance  ;D
I enjoyed reading and I hope you don't mind me "borrowing" some ideas

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #38 on: 04. June 2023, 21:17:36 PM »
While searching online for "Snakes and Ladders", I came across this "snakes & ladders rug" - that would be a fun talking point to have in your lounge.... and young kids would love it!

Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #39 on: 07. June 2023, 23:41:58 PM »
I wish Sparky would stop giving me ideas for stories.

I have been spending quite a bit of time outside working in my garden, and I take my tablet outside for when I take breaks. My mind keeps coming up with things to add to the stories I am working on and it is convenient to use my tablet to write.

It's all Sparky's fault that I have written another story about snakes and ladders. He posted the picture of the rug and this is what happened as a result. I went past the word count limit by a little but I couldn't cut out any of the story to make it fit.

Enjoy, and if you like it, a brief comment is always appreciated.

Snakes And Ladders #3 - The Rug

By Braceface2015

The rug had been sitting in front of the fireplace for as long as I could remember. My great-grandparents had built the farmhouse when they moved from Europe to North America. My great-grandfather and his brothers bought the land and gradually cleared it to farm on. They pooled their resources and bought horses and oxen to farm the land with, each owning a few of the animals and pieces of machinery. With all of them working together, they bought more land and expanded their farms. Some grew grain, some raised dairy cows, and some, beef until they became the largest farming family in the area. The land they didn't farm, they rented out to other farmers.

They all had large families and some of the kids took over running the farms when the older generation retired. My grandfather added onto the farmhouse, until it became the place everyone else gathered at for special occasions, which my grandmother seemed to have frequently. Birthdays were always celebrated at their place, and with so many relatives, it seemed like someone was having a birthday every couple of weeks.

All of this happened when it was expensive to take pictures, so the photos were well taken care of and preserved carefully. Braces weren't something people had back then and the few pictures of people smiling showed how messed up their teeth were in that generation. The original pictures had all been scanned and copies made of them, and there is a bookcase full of albums of the copies. The originals are all carefully stored where they won't get damaged.

Growing up, my cousins and I would pour through the albums, looking at and laughing at some of the pictures. Many times, one or more of the people in the pictures would be around and tell us stories to go with the pictures. Some of the stories have been passed down from the original storytellers and other stories are from the people who were there when the pictures were taken.

All of the younger people gather around and sit on the rug or on cushions and chairs around the edge of the rug while we listen to the stories. Each generation has a few people who have the gift of storytelling and are given the honour of the chairs beside the story chair. The story chair is only used when stories are being told, and it is an honour to be asked by one of the older members of the family to tell them a story from our generation.

There has always been a rug in front of the fireplace and it is where everyone gathers to play games. There is no tv or internet in the room and someone placed a table beside the door for our cell phones, so nobody has contact with the modern world other than to tell stories. The rugs have changed as the old ones wore out and have been replaced by a new one. The latest one is a favourite of almost everyone in the family.

Nobody will admit to being the one to buy the rug, it just seemed to appear between one gathering and the next. The pattern on the rug is from the game 'Snakes And Ladders', and when we play, everyone gets involved. The youngest members of the family take turns being the game pieces and everyone else gets a chance to play, many times being chosen by a random draw. It's quite normal to have five generations playing at the same time, and for someone from the younger members of the family to be in the story chair telling a story.

As technology has changed over the years, so has the look of the aids everyone uses. Canes, walkers and crutches have become lighter and made from new materials. The wheelchairs have become easier to store when not in use and powered chairs are more common. And probably the most noticeable is the considerable increase in the number of family members with braces.

With a family as large as ours, it's no surprise that many of them are no longer involved in farming. We have doctors, lawyers, store owners, and just about every other profession, including banking. Nobody has a high-interest student loan, our family pays for their education, and is paid back when the student goes to work for the family, even if it isn't directly connected to the farm.

That's how so many of us ended up wearing braces. One of my cousins decided she wanted to be an orthodontist. When she graduated, she moved into the building in town, built for her by the family, using the professions they paid for, on land they bought. She had the same options everyone had. She could pay off her tuition anytime she wanted and work for the family as a contractor to provide braces for the family, or she could buy the building for herself and do whatever she wanted with the building.

Judging by the number of family members with braces gathered around the rug, she has been quite busy taking care of our family, as well as the other people in town. She designed her office to accommodate a variety of ages, with one treatment room for school-age patients, one for high school and college-age patients, and the last one for more mature adults. She's hired several relatives to work for her as a way to pay off her debt sooner.

Word travels fast in our family and it doesn’t take long for everybody to hear when someone else gets braces. With so many of the younger people going through treatment, their parents began to feel the pressure to do something about their teeth too, and some of them became patients. The age of the oldest patient keeps gradually edging up.

It was a bit of a surprise when my grand-aunt decided to get braces to fix a problem she has had for as long as anyone can remember. At the next family gathering, she was told she had to take her place in the story chair and tell everyone her story about her braces. She’s one of the better storytellers from her generation and everyone was fascinated as she spun her tale. She didn’t hesitate to embellish it in places and had everyone laughing at some of the things she said happened, but may not have been quite as she said they were. She stopped several times to show us what had been done and how her teeth had already moved. She even put in her face-bow for part of the time to show the younger people it wasn’t a big deal to be seen wearing it and how little it affected her speech.

She’s in her mid-fifties, which in our family, is not uncommon to have relatives of a wide variety of ages. I have a nephew who is ten years older than me, and an aunt who is one year younger than me, both currently in treatment.

My grand-aunt has always been a rebel. She chose to have the older-style braces with ligatures securing the archwires in place and picked what she felt was the most noticeable colour she could. She’s not the only one of the older generation to dye her hair, but she is the only one to dye her hair to match her ligatures.

The distinction of being the oldest member with braces goes to my grandmother, though there is some disagreement about whether she should be considered. For Halloween, she had braces glued to an old set of dentures she no longer wears. Her costume was the talk of the town for a while after Halloween. Rumours are common and the rumour is she did it for her husband. Nobody has been able to confirm the rumour, but they both just smile and stay silent when asked about it.

Another rumour is that not everyone has braces to fix an orthodontic issue. There is some truth to the rumour if we consider my grandmother's dentures as having braces for other than treatment. Not everyone who is at our gatherings are family members, some are the girlfriends and boyfriends of my relatives. Some are just casual dates and others are more long-term and have ended up as marriages. It's no surprise when one of them has braces that have been put on by my cousin.

We don't just gather in the house. When the weather is nice, many of us go to the creek and swim, and it isn't always the younger people who go there. At one time, the creek was the main source of water for the farms and a small dam was built below a waterfall to create a holding pond. Over the years, more rocks have been removed from the fields and dumped below the dam, creating a larger swimming area. Sand has been added to form a beach area perfect for relaxing. It's the perfect place to watch the opposite gender running around in their bathing suits, and sometimes sneak off for a little kissing or a little more with the person you are with. More than one member has been added to the family at the beach, especially when a bonfire has been lit in the evening.

Another favourite place to go is the fruit grove. My grandparents' farm isn't the only one with a fruit grove, but it is the largest and most diverse. Everyone helps out to maintain it and share in the harvest when the various fruits are ripe. When it's time to pick the fruit, everyone who is at the farm goes out to pick the fruit and sometimes more fruit gets eaten than is left at the end of the day. Fruit-covered braces are a common sight.

Even with all the modern upgrades that have been made to the farms, my grandparents' farm still has an old-fashioned feel to it. There are still outhouses around the farm, and they get either moved or replaced when they need to be. For the more squeamish, there are bathrooms with running water, though they aren't always convenient to get to fast.

There are still horses on the farm and even though they aren't used to pull machinery anymore, they still get used to give wagon rides in the summer and sleigh rides in the winter, both of which have led to additional members being added to the family, and not all of them through marriage.

The Halloween wagon ride into town is always a favourite of the family. My grandfather used to hitch the horses to the wagons and stack bales on the wagons for everyone to sit on. The younger kids have a wagon with loose hay in the middle to play in. My grandfather has given up the duty of the Halloween wagon ride to one of my uncles and the horses have been replaced by an old tractor, but my grandparents still ride on the lead wagon in their costumes.

My grandmother takes pride in the costumes she has made for her husband and herself, and she updates them every year. He still dresses as a German plowboy and she is dressed as a young Dutch farm girl. The dentures with braces are the touch everyone gets a kick out of. Seeing my grandparents snuggling together on the ride is fun to see, especially when he takes her in his arms and kisses her and her braces sparkle when she smiles at him.

They aren’t the only couple kissing on the Halloween hayride. There are plenty of adults along for the ride to town and lots of them are in costume. They go along to keep an eye on the younger kids when they are going door-to-door trick or treating. The wagon train drops off small groups all around town and picks them up later.

It's been quite a while since I was young enough to trick or treat, but I still go along to keep an eye on the kids. I usually have a girlfriend and she rides with me, and we are usually one of the couples smooching. I’ve known my current girlfriend for most of my life. We’re related, but not by blood. She’s the sister-in-law of one of my cousins.

She’s also a patient at the orthodontic clinic. I've always thought she has the most beautiful smile, with a small gap between her top front teeth. This is her second time wearing braces. The first time she got them was right before she went to college. She started dating a real jerk and he convinced her to have them removed before she was done with her treatment, and he didn’t want her wearing her retainers. They broke up before she graduated, and by then her teeth had already shifted out of position again.

We reconnected at one of the family gatherings and started casually dating, and it became steady dating fairly fast. We never discussed her getting braces to fix her smile, but I knew she didn't like the way her smile looked. Her experience with her former boyfriend left her with some bad memories and it took her a while to get up the courage to get them again. She kept it a secret and didn't tell me she was getting braces again. My cousin was the one who mistakenly let it slip she was getting them.

On the day of her appointment, I picked up a bouquet of flowers and waited outside the clinic until she came out. She had a confused and uncertain look on her face, until I took her in my arms and kissed her. I didn't let her go until I had explored every part of her braces I could reach with my tongue. Her smile when I let go of her was so big and sparkly that I had to kiss her again.

Any time she felt embarrassed or was having a hard time after an appointment, all I had to do was wrap my arms around her and press my lips against hers, and she felt better soon afterwards. It took her a while to understand it didn't matter to me that she had braces, and several sessions in the back of the hayloft to convince her I liked how she looked with them.

It was during one of our family games of snakes and ladders that the bet was made. I've always had healthy teeth and my cousin, the orthodontist, said there was no need for me to get braces as there was almost nothing to fix. The gap between my girlfriend's front teeth opened up again when she had her braces taken off early and she didn't wear her retainers. I liked to run my tongue over the gap and she detested that it was still there and enjoyed it when I did it. I've told her many times how sexy I think the gap looks and how much I'd miss it when it was gone.

We were in the middle of a game when she made me a bet I couldn't refuse. If I won, she would keep the gap until close to the end of her treatment. If she won, I had to get braces and keep them until she got hers off. I saw it as a win for me no matter who won the game. We were more interested in distracting each other than we were in winning the game. She kept running her tongue over her braces every chance she had and I kept trying to slip my tongue between my front teeth. In the end, one of the other players beat us both to the finish.

As new players took our places beside the rug, we headed to the barn to discuss the terms of our bet. The discussion only lasted long enough for her to climb the ladder and for me to lay the red rag over the step to notify anyone else the hayloft was in use. She ran her tongue over my top teeth a few times, then it was my turn to enjoy the gap between her front teeth.

A few weeks later, she was there when my braces went on. She picked the colour of my ligatures, and picked them at every appointment I had. We still had the braces on when we got married, and my ligatures matched the colour of the tux I wore. Hers matched the colour of her bridesmaid's dresses.

Our kids have had their turns with braces, and every one of them has asked the same question. "Why do you still have a gap between your front teeth if you had braces?"

We just smile as my wife answers, "It's all the rug's fault."

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #40 on: 08. June 2023, 01:58:55 AM »
Well, I'm not going to apologise for giving you ideas...Nice fun story!

Offline bracessd

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #41 on: 09. June 2023, 17:40:35 PM »
Nice job @braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #42 on: 09. June 2023, 19:45:46 PM »
Looks like I need to think, at some point in the future, another topic for story-writing... unless anyone else has an idea?

The thing I like about the "Snakes and Ladders" idea (which 100% came from an external source) is that there is no obvious link to braces...

(And I'm STILL trying to come up with a suitable idea!)

Online Braceface2015

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #43 on: 09. June 2023, 21:45:46 PM »
How can someone who has written so many stories not have an idea for a short story?

I've come up with three already. You need to stop giving away the things you come up with and start writing your stories.

Online silver-moon-2000

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #44 on: 09. June 2023, 22:03:25 PM »
The thing I like about the "Snakes and Ladders" idea (which 100% came from an external source) is that there is no obvious link to braces...

and yet we managed to creae that connection.  Unless you are not happy with how much or how little "snakes and ladders" and braces were intertwined in our stories, I wouldn't bother too much about an idea having a strong ties to braces.

How can someone who has written so many stories not have an idea for a short story?

Or... sparky has loads of ideas but none held up to his scrutiny as of yet. If that's the case, I would LOVE to hear those story-stubs and rejected ideas. as this would be the perfect glimpse into another persons story-writing process.  ;D

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #45 on: 10. June 2023, 02:56:14 AM »
and yet we managed to create that connection.  Unless you are not happy with how much or how little "snakes and ladders" and braces were intertwined in our stories, I wouldn't bother too much about an idea having a strong ties to braces.

No, I didn't care how tenuous the link to s&l was! As I said at the start, it was something a local theatre group put out, for 10 minute plays, and I just wondered if.....

Or... sparky has loads of ideas but none held up to his scrutiny as of yet. If that's the case, I would LOVE to hear those story-stubs and rejected ideas. as this would be the perfect glimpse into another persons story-writing process.  ;D

I'll often let my mind wander as I go to sleep, or when I wake up (and am not in a rush to get out of bed). Or having a shower. But while I've been thinking about the four girls in the girl-band, I've still not come up with a snakes & ladders idea.

Maybe I need to think whether my fairies might want to play s&l?

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #46 on: 10. June 2023, 03:54:09 AM »
Here are a couple of ideas I came up with.

1) The main character volunteers at a care home. One of the residents is a retired orthodontist. Around a game of snakes and ladders, several residents flashback to their time in braces.

2) the main character may or may not have braces and goes to a game store looking for games to play. The clerk and possibly one or more customers had or has braces. Use your imagination for the rest.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #47 on: 16. June 2023, 11:17:46 AM »
Snakes And Ladders #3 - The Rug
...story chair telling a story.
I really enjoyed this story.  Part of it reminded me of a book in my vintage collection from 1898, Grandfather's Chair.  Here is a 2010 reprint:  Here it is to read online:  It's not about braces but the chair is similar in the roll it plays.

You created a rather fun extended family here.

1) The main character volunteers at a care home. One of the residents is a retired orthodontist. Around a game of snakes and ladders, several residents flashback to their time in braces.

And it's funny you came up with this idea because at the same time I was struck by an idea set in a care home.  I guess now I will have to work on it.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #48 on: 17. June 2023, 12:25:15 PM »
Snakes and Ladders in the Care Home

I could not imagine a worse person to set me up with a girl than Grandma, but somehow I would look back on that week and realize she had accidentally done just that, and it was a pretty good setup.  I guess maybe I was not visiting Grandma as frequently as I should have been.  Since last visit, I could see the change in mental capability.  She was losing her nouns, as many do in their senior years, and this sometimes made her descriptions of things she wanted to talk about rather mysterious and sometimes hard to fathom.  And having her repeating hearsay from others in the home meant it was also second or third hand information.  It shouldn't have done much harm.  All I had to do was listen to her ramblings and then change the subject.  She did so enjoy recounting the things she repeated to me.  I guess with little else to occupy her, she spent a lot of time letting other residents do the same thing to her.

And this is why she was talking about girls my age to me.  She was telling me about the granddaughter of Missis Hawthorne, with great concern about all kinds of seemingly unimportant things, "Snake," she used what she thought was my preferred nickname, when in actual fact it was 'Snook', "We have been so worried about Constance.  She was always such a pretty little girl, and fairly smart, but last year apparently she had more brains grow in."  I questioned what she meant and she explained, "Well, dear, in middle school all your baby teeth get replaced as adults grow in.  But the... oh, there's another name for them, but I can't recall it... 'Brains' is all I can think of.  They come in quite late in some kids.  Constance would be almost twenty now.  They pushed her teeth forward and now they look... oh what is it Missus Hawthorne called them... but they have become bigger at the front."  I pictured a pretty girl having teeth grow at the back and the front ones growing, too.  Something like a vampire with fangs?  She continued as I held this vision in my mind, "But the girl was taken to the office... uh, what 'a they call them kind of dentist, them that harness the front teeth.  Anyway, she was here last week and there are now ladders all over that pretty smile she used to have.  And it's now a lot bigger than when she was in school.  And she's got them snakes as well, to haul them big front teeth back again."  My vision was now fangs sticking right out of the mouth and onto the chin, with strings of saliva hanging off them.  Grandma now just hummed in thought as she seemed to be preparing to give me more unfathomable descriptions of someone else's problems.

I tried to change the subject, "Grandma, do you remember I told you about my upcoming date last time I visited you?"  It was more pleasant talking about my love life than listening to hearsay about other residents' families.

She said, "Oh yes, Snake.  You were to go out with girl with the tracks."

I'd confided in Grandma last time that I had met a really great girl, that I so wanted to date a girl in braces, but Grandma could not remember that noun now.  She seemed to be using part of the slang from her youth for braces, 'train tracks'.  In fact, the 'ladders' that she referred to on Constance might also be braces, considering the enlarging front teeth she was describing.  I recounted the evening quickly and then summarized, "But Grandma, she got her braces off earlier that day.  She was so proud of her smile, but frankly, it was pretty boring without the braces.  We didn't hit it off."

Grandma thought for a bit and then reassured me, "Never mind that, Snake, within a day she'll get a thick kind of ladder and crab to keep it."  'Crab' was probably her word for a retainer and she was back to ladders for braces.  She continued, "And if you still find it boring, I bet Constance will be pretty again later this year as the ladders and snakes fix her ivories.  She used to be so pretty in school.  Maybe she would take her scaffolding off for a date."  That last comment worried me.  If 'ladders' were braces, then what was 'scaffolding'.

We had lunch and then I had to get going to get home for dinner in time.  It was a pity Grandma lived so far away from me.  I was trying, during my drive home, to understand what Grandma had been trying to tell me about the Hawthorne granddaughter.  She thought I might find her smile to be less boring than the date I told her about.  But what about the vision I got of vampire tusks and snakes of saliva?  The long drive allowed my head to clear and I was back to thinking about the job we were starting the next day at work.  We would need to use ladders for that one because it was not possible to use scaffolding, as there was no suitable base to set it up on around the house.

Later that week, I tried telephoning grandma.  With her aging mind, I might soon not be able to have a conversation with even the confusion in her recent recounts of hearsay from last visit.  After I identified myself she said, "Oh, Snake, my dear boy, you really should come and visit me soon.  I haven't been able to chat with you in ever so long.  Missus Hawthorne's granddaughter comes every week to visit her.  She's coming next Monday.  I'll just have to sit and watch her get all the attention in the common lounge that day."  Grandma had her nouns that day, but apparently not her memory.  I said I would try to come again.  Her mind seemed to be much more erratic than in the past and I was afraid maybe she would soon degrade quickly, so made arrangements to make that visit.  I would make the trip right after rush hour Monday, but we usually started work at seven in the morning, so asked my boss if I could get off early that day:  nine o'clock.  He agreed but on the condition I worked long days the rest of the week.

Monday morning I almost lost track of the time.  My boss called over to me at five past nine and asked if I had cancelled my thing that day.  I panicked and just about slid down the ladder, jumped into my car and tried to make up time by snaking through the traffic by making frequent lane changes.  I asked myself after fifteen minutes what the rush was.  Grandma would likely have forgotten I said I would come that day and had no idea what time I would show.  Was I trying to compete with the Hawthorne granddaughter, Constance, whom Grandma praised for her frequent visits?  After mulling it over, I figured it out.  My sub-conscience was urging me to check out the ladders on her enlarging front teeth, which I suspected was Grandma's efforts to tell me she wore braces.  That fact alone would pique my interest in meeting this girl.  But how reliable was my information that she would be there that day?  Grandma might be confusing her days, or maybe she was just recounting what the daughter told Missis Hawthorne and it was all hearsay.

Arriving at the residence, I checked in at the front desk and they had one of the staff locate Grandma and get her to the common lounge for our visit.  Upon seeing me, Grandma exclaimed, "Snake!  What a surprise!"  She greeted me with a stroke on the arm as she was not able to get up quickly to give me a hug.  She turned to the lady on the couch across from her and then to me and said, "I don't think I've told you about this nice lady I have become friends with recently.  This is Missis Hawthorne."  She turned to the lady and said, "Well, today it is my turn to have a visitor."  I cringed slightly in shock: Was her granddaughter not visiting that day?  While Grandma was important to me, I had been anticipating seeing ladders and snakes and maybe even scaffolding that visit.  Grandma launched into a story about a supposed infestation in the care home.  There were apparently nests of snakes in the mechanical room in the basement and the workmen had to run ladders up to the top of the chimney outside to drag them all out.

Missis Hawthorne interrupted the story to correct her, "It was caulking my dear.  They were making sure this winter that the ice and snow does not all snake down the chimney.  That's why they were up the ladders."

Grandma changed the subject then.  "Say, speaking of ladders, when will I get a chance to introduce Snake, here to Constance?"  I took in a breath.  Was Grandma telling her friend that I was excited to see the braces on the friend's granddaughter?

The other resident twisted her face in confusion, gave me a nod and a crocked smile to indicate she had disregarded the craziness in Grandma's statement, and then replied, "Actually I'm expecting her here before lunch, so if Snake is hanging around that long, maybe he will run into her."  I was glad that the other resident had not decoded Grandma's twisted terminology.  She added, "She could not get here first thing because of her appointment.  She's not faring well with her treatment for her wisdom teeth."  I immediately thought 'orthodontist' and 'broken bracket' or 'adjustment', but for all I knew it was a TMJ specialist or maybe the appointment was not related to dentistry at all.

The first half of my visit that day went quite well, as Missis Hawthorne was able to supply about fourteen nouns to help in Grandma's recounts of things going on in the care home as well as things told to her by Missis Hawthorne that she needed to relay to me.  In fact twice, her friend took over the story to clarify and it made much more sense.  At one point the other lady got up and excused herself to go to the bathroom and to check the mail for that day.  Soon after that a girl came up to the couch.  She had her mouth closed and lips together.  I tended to notice such things for some reason when a pretty girl I didn't know approached.  Grandma made an exclamation and it drew my eyes from the girl just as she started to say, "Oh, Nana's not here?"

Grandma was lean on nouns that day but clarified that her Nana was just in the W.C. after forgetting the noun 'bathroom' and grasping at a replacement noun.  I looked back at the girl, jumping to the conclusion that she was the infamous granddaughter.  As I looked back at her, I noticed two front teeth peaking between lips, the lower of which seemed quite full and stretched forward a bit.  Grandma elbowed me and said, "Snake, this is Missis Hawthorne's granddaughter, uh, Conn... um, K..."

And the pretty girl saved Grandma's lost noun by introducing herself, "Constance."  And then she smiled.  Ladders so beautiful that time seemed to stop so I could study all the rungs all the way around.  But actually what she had was protruding teeth with fixed metal braces across the arch with a slightly thickened arch wire but then there was another, thicker bar, going around her arch, mostly above the braces, but coming down at the front to where it was tied with ligature wire to the canines and then passed in front of the bottoms of the brackets right at the front.  I could see all the way to the back of her arch that moment she smiled big and could see the molar bands that the big arch wire was anchored to.  It was not quite clear, but I thought I caught tubes on the molar bands below where the big bar was anchored.  I had already supposed perhaps Grandma's reference to Scaffolding was headgear so maybe that was it.  And attached to that bar at the canines were also elastics which stretched down to the molars on the bottom jaw.  I told her I was pleased to meet her.  She had relaxed her mouth after the smile and her lower lip nestled below the front teeth and the bottoms of the braces and the big arch wire showed below her upper lip.

Grandma then asked her, "They removed the scaffolding at the appointment this morning?"

Constance blushed momentarily and glanced at me, and then answered Grandma maturely, "No, it was to put a thicker wire through the braces.  And they secured the bar lower down on the braces.  I was getting used to the headgear last visit but now I only have to wear it at home."  Missus Hawthorne rejoined us a moment later and it broke into two conversations.  When we had lunch, Grandma had me as her guest at the table, which she shared with Missis Hawthorne who had a guest of her own.  I got to eat lunch with the beautiful girl who had brains growing into her teeth to push them out so that ladders and snakes had to be used to harness them.

After lunch we had tea as a group and then Grandma saw they were arranging something in the card-room at one end.  We all strolled down there and found a table set up so the residents could play a board game.  Grandma remarked, "Oh, look:  Snakes and Ladders!"  It's the one game I can still play without getting confused."

Missis Hawthorne said to her granddaughter, "I'm sure you won't want to play this game with us.  I can duck out of the first session if you can stay longer."  Constance looked at her watch preparing to say how long she could stay and then squealed that she had missed her bus.  I asked her where she was going and to my surprise it was about a quarter hour from where I lived.

Grandma jumped in, "Oh, Snake, you simply must give the poor girl a... a... uh... a slide."  I overlooked the lame substitution for a forgotten noun, but was going to jump at the opportunity to give this beautifully snaked and laddered girl a 'slide' back to my place, or at least to hers.  After some claims from her I was going out of my way too much and a four way argument, I had secured the girl for the drive home.

So when the word count drew the story to a close, I felt I was just about to enter the good part, so maybe I will have to flesh this out into a longer story sometime.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #49 on: 17. June 2023, 18:23:35 PM »
I like how you substituted words for the normal terms used for orthodontic parts. I've experienced older people doing the same thing when I've been talking to them and they can't think of the word they are thinking of.

It's so nice to see one of my ideas get used.

Writing a short story isn't as easy as it seems. I find it takes more planning on my part and I can't build the story the way I usually do. I have a couple of ideas for more stories that would be spinoffs of what I wrote. And I skimmed over a lot of the details I would normally put into my stories.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #50 on: 17. June 2023, 22:09:36 PM »
Lovely story there!

I remember when I was younger, I used to enjoy reading short sci-fi stories. Their brevity meant that it had to be very much more to the point.... sometimes long stories can lose the point because the story IS long, and needs to be filled.... TV series are frequently like that!

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #51 on: 18. June 2023, 11:01:31 AM »
I guess the story did exactly what it was supposed to, following the plot I planned for it, however it left me wanting to know what happened when the two grand-kids left the care home.

I wanted to thank sparky for starting this challenge.  Not that I don't have dozens of ideas in queue, but I like it when a bunch of us all address the same idea and to see the different ways it progresses.  Out of interest I scanned back trough the general and club sections of the forum and found sparky initiated challenges or exercises, or just threw out an idea to everyone about once a year and now two to four times a year, so I look forward to another by the end of the summer.  This one was particularly successful in the responses it drew.  Thanks, sparky.

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #52 on: 19. June 2023, 02:41:55 AM »
Yes, it has been good to see so many writers take up the challenge this time. I'm sure I'll come up with something else in the future.

In the meantime, I finally got some inspiration, here's my "Snakes and Ladders" story:


Whilst I lived in Reading, I was currently in Basingstoke doing some shopping. I was there for a couple of reasons: first of all, there were a couple of specific shops I wanted to visit, and second, that's where mum and dad lived, so I planned in popping in to see them on my way home.

I was feeling dry, and was passing a nice independent café that I knew was rather nice, so went in for a coffee. Having got the drink, I was looking for a seat when I spotted a face... in fact several faces... that I recognised.

"Hey, Zac, not seen you for a while! Hello Bill, Anne, and...." I looked at the fourth face, and it took me a moment to realise that it was actually Zac's sister, Caitlin. A rather different Caitlin from the one I remembered. "... Caitlin!

Ok, a bit of history: Zac and I had been in the same class all the way through secondary school, and had become best friends. He was a tiny bit older than me: he was one of the eldest in the year, whilst I was one of the youngest, so about 9 or 10 months between us. Caitlin was about 9 months younger than me, and was in the year below us.

The Caitlin I remembered was... well, about 17, a bit chubby. Long messy hair. And a load of zits. And I'm sure she used to wear glasses too. Despite that, we used to get on really well. Ah, yes, she'd had braces as a kid, hadn't she? Yeah, and a headgear she wore at home! In fact, if I were to think about it, her braces were probably the trigger to my later love of braces. The Caitlin in front of me now was a very different girl: much slimmer, shorter well-kempt hair. Lovely complexion.

Whilst Zac and I were very close at school, our ways had parted when we went to different universities. We had got together in the first couple of holidays, but our paths had hardly crossed since. Ah, almost forgot, I had gone to his wedding, must be about seven or eight years ago now.

"Hi Nick! It's been a while." replied Zac.

"Hello Nick," said Zac's dad. "Hey, why don't you grab a chair and join us?" I found a chair at a nearby table, and parked myself at the end of their table.

"So, what you doing here? And don't you have a wife?" I asked Zac.

"Well, it's Father’s Day tomorrow, and we're going to Dana's parents tomorrow, so I came here today. She's with the kids, they have a school fete today, so couldn't come with me. I guess you're back to visit your parents too?"

"Yeah, although I only live over in Reading, so I do come over quite a bit."

"You married yet? I'm assuming not, coz I've never had an invitation!"

"Not yet, no. There was one girl I got serious with, but it never quite got that far!". I looked over at Caitlin. "So, Caitlin, how are you? You look so... 'grown up' since I last saw you. And are you married yet?". Caitlin smiled, revealing a set of metal braces on her teeth. Not big ones like she had as a kid, but much smaller and more discrete. 

"A bit of a sore point: I was engaged up until last year, but after we started the actual planning for 'the big day' he got cold feet. But looking back, I think it was maybe for the best...." I decided not to push any further.

"So, what you up to now?" I asked her.

"Oh, I work in the offices over at the 'big banana shop'" she said, referring to the massive banana ripening warehouse over at Houndmills.

"You still living at home then?"

"No way! No, I moved out when...." she took a breath, "... when I moved in together with... Darius... Anyway, he left and I stayed in the flat." I assumed that Darius was her ex-fiancé. "So, what you doing now?"

"Oh, I work in IT, designing and building servers out in 'the cloud', for a variety of clients." I explained.

For the next 20 minutes, as I slowly drank my coffee, we all chatted, exchanging information about what we're been up to for the last 10 years. Yes, whilst I'd met Zac and Dana at their wedding, we never really got a chance to chat properly. Same with Caitlin, she was with some guy whose name I forget, but definitely not Darius. And the same with Bill and Anne, they were busy being 'parents of the groom'.

Finally, we all got up to go. "Hey, fancy meeting up for a drink sometime?" asked Caitlin as we left the café. "Reading's not THAT far away!"

"No, it's not, is it... and it would be great to catch up properly with you!" We exchanged phone numbers, and went on our ways.


It was only lunchtime on the Monday that my phone rang. "Hi Nick, it's Caitlin."

"Oh, hiya, great to hear from you". It actually was: I'd had a nice time chatting with her whole family the other day.

"You doing anything tomorrow, after work?"


"In that case, would you like to come around and have dinner with me?". I remembered back to when I used to go around to visit Zac: sometimes I'd stay for tea, and on many occasions, Caitlin had actually cooked most of the food - she was a pretty reasonable cook.

"That sounds like a great idea, I'd love to!" She gave me her address, and I agreed to go there after work: given the fact that I would need to drive from Reading, that would give her time to get home and at least start doing the dinner.


The traffic out of Reading during rush hour was bad, and it took me almost an hour to get to her place, not helped by the fact that I worked on the 'wrong side' of Reading: going home would be a lot quicker. She lived in a fairly modern block of flats, and the car park even had a couple of 'visitors' spaces.

"Hey, Nick, nice to see you again, come on in!" she said. The flat was clearly not a big one, but for one person, or a couple, it was very adequate: whilst I didn't see it, there was a separate bedroom, a reasonably sized bathroom, and a large kitchen / diner / lounge. On one side was the kitchen area, with a kitchen bar separating it from the other part of the room, where there was a small table with 4 chairs, then a 2-seater sofa and 2 armchairs. Over the far side was what looked like an empty fish tank, but as I got closer, I realised it was actually a vivarium, although I couldn't see the animal in it. Next to the vivarium was a trendy set of shelves, looking a bit like a ladder with 5 shelves on it.

"So, what's in the tank then?" I asked.

"A small snake. Go take a look, see if you can spot him..." The tank was most of a metre wide, and had rough 'gravel' over much of the bottom, with several small plants growing through it. A small log at the back, a couple of bent branches arching upwards, with some large stones (small rocks?) in one corner. Finally, I spotted the snake, hiding in the corner: light brown with darker brown markings on the back, and maybe half a metre or so long.

"Oh, yes, very nice. So, what sort of snake is it?" I asked.

"It’s a 'Children's Python'" she replied. "Want to hold him? Don't worry, I fed him at the weekend, so he won't bite you!" she said with a bit of a smile, letting me see a bit of the metal in her mouth. She opened the front of the tank, then reached in and gently picked up the snake, who seemed to be quite ok with her handling him. "Hello beautiful!" she said to him. "Ok, hold your hands out like mine..." I did so, and she placed the snake gently into my hands. "So, don't grip him, just support him, and don't worry, he won't fall....". Knowing that snakes are cold-blooded, I expected him to feel cold and slimy, but he wasn't, he was quite dry and smooth, and slightly warm. It felt strange as he slowly slithered slightly up my arm.

"Does he have a name?"

"Yes, Monty, of course.". It took me a couple of moments to get the joke. I'd never been quite this close to a snake before, and thought I'd be a bit scared, but I felt strangely comfortable with holding Monty in my hands. "My ex introduced me to snakes, and whilst he took his snakes with him when he left, he left me Monty. They are so much easier to look after than things like rabbits or gerbils!". It was interesting to watch a snake so close: he was looking at me, and I'm sure he was sizing me up for his dinner next week! "Want me to put him back?" she asked me a couple of minutes later. I gently passed Monty back to her, and she in turn put him back into the vivarium.

"It's a nice place you have here..." I commented.

"Yes, I don't own it, I just rent it, but it's nice and new, doesn't cost much to heat, and it's a decent size too. Come on and let me show you the kitchen...." she said, half-jokingly. "Fancy a coffee? Dinner just went in the oven moments before you arrived, and should be ready in about 20 to 30 minutes: it's a beef and mushroom pie, and the veg is all ready to go into the microwave".

"Yes please!" I replied, all the time trying to get a decent look at her braces. With cups of fresh coffee in our hands, we went and sat in the lounge area, me on the settee, her in one of the chairs.

"I'm glad you bumped into us at the weekend... I'd only been thinking about you a few weeks ago, wondering where you were, and what you were up to. I really used to enjoy it when you came around to see Zac: you never ignored me, you were always willing to talk to me and include me in stuff you did."

"Well, you are almost the same age as me, and besides, you got on well with Zac too: I guess your close age helped a lot. But you've... well… you've 'grown up' a lot since back then."

"What you really mean is that I'm not as chubby as I used to be!"

"Yes, I guess I do. And I seem to remember you had bad problems with your skin." I wondered whether to say the next bit, but decided to do so. "And your braces were a bit more 'extreme' back then. How come you have them again?"

"So, a lot changed when I went off to Uni. When I was at school I got badly teased about my braces, and my acne, so I tended to be a bit of a 'loner', and ate badly. I started eating less, and better, which helped my skin, and I lost weight. That plus the lack of braces, and meeting new people made me a lot more self-confident."

"So why do you have braces again?"

"Ah, well, I guess I should have worn my retainers more. I was supposed to wear them all the time for the first few months, but hardly ever did, and after that, when I was supposed to wear them at night but never did. By the time I left Uni, they were starting to go crooked again. After I split up with Darius last year, I decided to do something for myself, and got the braces. This time I'll be wearing my retainers!"

"They definitely look less obvious than the ones you had the first time."

"Yes, they are. I could have had ceramic brackets, or even those 'invisible' ones, but they would have cost more, and what with having to pay for this place by myself, I needed to keep the costs down a bit. And this time I don't have to have that horrible headgear: you know, outside the family, you were the only person who ever saw me in my headgear." I started trying to remember what she used to look like in her headgear, so many years ago now: sadly, back then I didn't have the same sort of feelings about braces as I do now.

In the kitchen, a timer pinged. Caitlin went and checked on the pie, and put the veg in to cook. Five minutes later she was serving it up.

"Oh, nice, it's home-made!" I commented. As we sat at the table and ate it, I imagined the food getting stuck in her braces, so tried hard to make her smile, and was treated to a couple of nice smiles where I could indeed see food in her braces! After dinner, she excused herself, to brush her teeth.

After dinner, we watched the news together, and chatted.

"Nick, it has been so good to see you again, I really enjoyed this evening!"

"Yeah, me too! Would you like to get together again sometime? I could cook for you - although it won't be anywhere near as good as what you did tonight. Or I could take you out for a meal!"

Caitlin looked at me with a lovely smile that let me see her braces nicely. "Yes, I'd like that - very much!".


Back home, and in bed, I was having some very naughty thoughts, that involved Caitlin and myself, and her braces, and my tongue.... and I think I'll stop there, lest I break the rules of this forum!

The End

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Re: Calling all writers....
« Reply #53 on: 06. February 2024, 22:33:13 PM »
So, my local amateur theatre is running a writing competition, for people to write a play no longer than 10 minutes long.
The theme (although NOT the title!) will be the same as for that 10 minute play: "Snakes and ladders". Interpret it how you like.

So, my local amateur theatre ran the competition, and in a couple of weeks time they are actually performing 10 of the 10 minute plays! I'm very tempted to go and watch. The play topics cover a whole range of things, including AI, dementia and dating...