
Author Topic: Braces on in five minutes!!!  (Read 11754 times)

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #45 on: 25. May 2023, 19:22:07 PM »
Thank you for the update!  And screw that girl; even if she was joking.

thanks, yeah. I think she was just surprised I showed up with braces out of the blue, like it was really unexpected. But yeah, idc about that too much.

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #46 on: 25. May 2023, 20:13:59 PM »
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles, and if it makes you feel better I can relate so much to your post. I got braces about a year ago and I’m an adult with a life outside of the kink / fantasy land.

On the kink side, getting braces and having tightening appointments and new wires has all been amazing. It has truly been an amazing year and I love my braces and how they feel on my teeth. But the reality is I still have a life where I see friends, go to events, things like that and I do still feel a bit self conscious even after a year.

I went to a friend’s birthday party where I saw a bunch of people I knew and I felt very embarrassed having a bunch of people looking at my braces and asking me about them. To be honest, I think it’s BECAUSE of my kink that I feel more embarrassed about the braces when people notice them, if that makes sense. Objectively a lot of adults are getting braces nowadays and it’s not actually a big deal. It’s just some metal on your teeth.

I think what makes me feel better is that to most people, braces are just like any other accessory. It’s just like getting glasses, or a tattoo, or a new haircut. So to everyone else, they’re not gonna care too much about it and they’ll forget about it in like a few minutes. Even though to us it’s a huge kink and kind of embarrassing, everyone else literally won’t care. And that helps a bit.

The other thing is that even if we have to deal with some self consciousness, the pros outweigh the cons, like being able to stare at them in the mirror and feel them throughout the day. And enjoying the whole tightening process where you get new shiny wires and maybe even things like a power chain or elastics  :D

I would just try to focus on the kinky positives and even if we feel self conscious sometimes, we make it a much bigger deal to ourselves. Other people won’t care much.

Hope this helps! Good luck with your bottom braces. On a side note when I got braces as a kid (the first time), they put on just the top braces in my first appointment and then my bottom braces on my second appointment. My teeth hurt way more once I got my bottom braces on for some reason. So just be mentally prepared for the soreness (it goes away in like 5 days though). It is very nice getting brackets on every tooth though, it’s a huge turn on knowing that every single tooth is braced  :)

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #47 on: 26. May 2023, 03:13:07 AM »
So glad they're not too big a hindrance to you so far! Of course a lot of us like for them to at least have some impact, it's no fun if it kills your confidence entirely. From what I've seen, I hope I'm not out of line in saying you look lovely with braces. While I completely get being self conscious with a foreign presence in your mouth, you shouldn't need to worry about them looking bad.

I really hope you'll get to experience some genuine thrills once you get your bottoms! In terms of colors, I've found the go-to most noticeable is usually navy blue. The contrast between your teeth and the visually appealing darker tone draws a LOT of attention to your mouth! If you're wanting to steer a little more towards the seasonal route, a mix of pink, purple, and light green or blue would work very nicely. You cant go wrong with pastel colors. The colors are definitely one of the most fun parts of having braces, so deep free to experiment with all manner of color combos!

Hope all is well!

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #48 on: 25. September 2023, 21:14:20 PM »
Hello ineedbraces25, how is your treatment coming along? Have you had any appointments or new appliances / rubber bands / power chains or anything like that?

Would be interested in seeing any update photos if you’re comfortable sharing!

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #49 on: 14. October 2023, 03:47:20 AM »
It's going good! No rubber bands or power chains, but I'm at my thickest wire I will get now. Been doing lighter silver bands which I like, but I have bought ligs so I might do a fun color myself at some point.

I suppose in daily life I do get a tad embarrassed or shy to show them to others still. And they can be painful cutting up my cheeks at times. But I still get excited seeing the look of all that metal in my mouth , love the feel of them and playing with them (like with my fingers, running a pen across the brackets). Still get turned on thinking about them sometimes.

I really want to have someone tease me about them and kiss me in them...hoping that happens while I have them on haha.

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #50 on: 16. October 2023, 23:44:26 PM »
Thanks for the update!! Glad to hear from you.

Offline radian

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #51 on: 17. October 2023, 13:44:53 PM »
It's going good! No rubber bands or power chains, but I'm at my thickest wire I will get now. Been doing lighter silver bands which I like, but I have bought ligs so I might do a fun color myself at some point.

I suppose in daily life I do get a tad embarrassed or shy to show them to others still. And they can be painful cutting up my cheeks at times. But I still get excited seeing the look of all that metal in my mouth , love the feel of them and playing with them (like with my fingers, running a pen across the brackets). Still get turned on thinking about them sometimes.

I really want to have someone tease me about them and kiss me in them...hoping that happens while I have them on haha.

Happy to hear from you and to know that your treatment is going fine ! I'm sure you can enjoy a lot each day by viewing, feeling and touching your metal equipment !

I really hope you can experiment more in the near future (such a shame you're too far ^^). How many months are remaining till the end ?

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #52 on: 05. December 2023, 16:47:59 PM »
good luck